Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
...i i'aofiV"' TUT OMAHA" DAILY BEE! rijlHAY. (HTOBKl? in. Tel. Douglas 618 Children's Knitted Underwear. : In ' ttlJ1fijt-'?rtr grout - loVk'f fromen V iiml i nun's under '.wear, wo havq jiot, forgotten the children's end of it. You will find hero a complete ftock, most: any- wanted style or size, all of the reliable. sorts at economical pi-ices.' It pays to buy your un- . denvear at a store wliere you can depend upon what they tell I you. Thompson, Belden & Company is that particular safe; r store. v' ' . - . j ' Beys' t'nlon Bulls, heavy weight, natural t Roys' heavy. Nutuial wool Nhirts. high wool, high neck, lung sleeves, ankle length, ne-ck. long sleeves. Drawers to match, in- 'all sizes. fs."c each. ' kle length, all sizes, rV each. Misses' I'r.lon Suits, heavy fleeced cotton, j Mlrsea Richelieu Rllibfrt W ool Vests, f Mgh neclc, long sleeves, cream color, snklet i heavy weight, high neck. Ions sleeves, length, mail with drop neat, "Ire 1, ?, S, I Pants to match. 4."- tn io each, according . 4, I, . 7, , i, at Uc ach. to size Mnin Floor ". Open Saturday Evenings. T7S . Howard Cor. '';uhs that mattef- with the governor on 'another occasion. . ' Mahoaey Get Pacetloaa. ; At 4 o'clock T. J. Mahoney took the Moor rand began with a facetious reference to the . range of Judge McHugh's remarks. "When Judge McHugh and others Int . pugn the motives of the Protestants we . rise to remark that we notice they ure not .'above- reproach." began Attorney Mahoney. "You are In the same position," sharply retorted Commissioner Thomas. ;. "We'll come to that alf," rejoined Mr. Mahoney. Attorney Muhoney lhn alluded to re ported opinions said to be entertained by .the commissioners regarding public senti ment on the Sunday closing mutter, and an alleged:' predcllctlon on the part of the commissioners to maintain a "liberal Inter-, pretation of the 1hw," to which Commis sioner Bpratlen said the commissioner might entertain those opinions privately and yet not consider them as a police board. - ' "I have made no charges that the com missioners "have been servile tools for any Interests," quoth Mahoney, "but I contend they have 'acted' with perverted notion of their duties and I will not charge the cotn mlsaloners with any tiling more serious than I think them guilty of. The worst of the motives of the boa.r8 has been that the members. have docmod It unwise atrictly to enforce the Slocumb .law, because they thought tha people wanted a lax enforce ment of that law and .they have followed that policy." 'rt'- Dr. Miller rose to remark he admitted the members entertained sunh Ideas person ally, but hot pfficlnlly. realizing they had no power to' act in the premises If they wanted to. Admitting the police board "has discre tionary powers Mr. Mahoney contended It had power to. Issue' orders to the police de partment and showed by the board's, own records, which were oil exhibit, that on June vs. 19"?, : the a commissioners . ordered the chief of pollt-e to suppress prostitutes tii cerlaln quarters and on the streets, re move, various features from' Saloons and jT-ur-e. utiirr leioriim,: wmcn were Hccoril- pflshed.' Sir Mahoney. said the board's own books had many such orders, showing the board had gnd knew It had complete con trol over the poftc department n the mat tc.r of law' enforcement.' , 1 . v .: Merely a Het. Mri Hiittch My,re.eolte,ctlon is Vi mij) ly VequesVed the chief oi' p&iice to lo those things. ' " 1 "- ' " " '...'. . Mr. Thomas While we . did those things we j-enllxcd we. had no" reul authority to back u up should the 'matter ever, be called In . question, but .'e Issued ' those or.lers as expediencies. . Governor Mickey When Judge McIIugH was appointed a coinmlssloiier he and I had a c6nference and ho told me the uc tlou of .the board in. those matters was to aMRMUpllah certain ends and not as a slund M t What powers the board had. Mr. Mahoney Thoie if- a slmpl- ui:.l l:nntmoii.niK!. view of- ths matter. Hup pose the board knew that a gang of thieves was operating In. a. (tUnin pan of pmalia and that the police were not making ar rests, - would not then the coni'iilHl.;noi take yrcmpi. action nd dlMcliHr.: those of ficers?. Of course they would. Tli n. on that Reasoning, there 's no ililf.-von.-e fcr policeman to refuse to, nnvt ,u. man for packing .fc .man a pocket than for nl:n to refuse to arrest u man violating the Slocuttib law, . 'Che, duty of, the polU:i t.n and tjje commissioners tn both Instances is Meuthial. ...The ver- authority ; which glvesCJhe board power to discharc? tlio ,io llccmn for refusing to arrest jhj-t.lclt-pockej, eoromaods the board to dUrhar.-re the foliceman who refuses ti ane it. violator of the Slqcumb law... 'Jjie hJntd knowa that nearly every saloon nan in Omah4 In violating rt.e, Slooumi) CapUIn Broatch then lntrolu.od th- t r gumeftt a boot enforcing every lnw t the - lettersucb as the Sunday lah r law. Snsdar Saloons the Isaae. GovVirnor " MlckejVl'he tiuestlou i whctUtr Omaha shall have open saloons i n Sunday and we tfisy ut i I. picet tac lwiuJ Mr.' Mahon y -1 he ' Sl 'unili li ik u inattfii of t,te regulation ami io one had owato nullify it In, Omaha. V con clusively proved to the board a'yosr fgn that J10 aalopukerpers had viola'cd Hint Isw and yet "I would not sy the t card was bribed In turning down our protests at that time. - Then' e .SpiiLlU'i. Or. George U Her. October IV 1 0. Sixteenth Street. Miller, W. J. nroatch and J. W. Thomas, constituting the Hoard of Fire and Police commissioners, severally made personal 1 statements to the governor regarding their sincerity In office and the beliefs they en tertained a to what they thought thlr duties as commissioners were. Mr. Mahoney then stated he and his as sociates hnd tried for three years In Omaha to secure an enforcement of the Blot imb law and would agree to dismiss the cluirges then and there If assurance would fce given that the law would bi enforced bv the commlHsloners henceforth, but that assuranoe was not forthcoming. The governor concluded the hearing by reading the opinion of the attorney Ken eral and stating the decision on the case would be rendered as soon lis he hnd taken the whole matter under mat-ire advistniert. Attorney (ienrrsl's Opinion. Toward the close of the hearing the gov ernor read an opinion received a few days ago from Attorney General Norrls Brown on the duties and powers of the Omaha fire and police commissioners. After quoting the law in the matter the attorney general wrote: From the foregoing It will be eeen that the duty of enforcing the law In cities e.f the metropolitan class Is lodged with the mayor and police board, of whlcii ;h mayor is ex-nirielo member. 8uch board appoints chief of police, who has the supervision and control of the police forca of the city, subject to the order of the mayor and Board of Fire and Police com missioners. Therefore, If the Isw against the sale of Intoxicating liquors on Bun. lav In such citv is not enforced the Board of Fire and Police commissioners, who are glvn the authority to direct and super vise the chief of police and police forre of the cltv. are re.tnnnsihl fluoh enforcement of the law on the part cf the ' noarn or r ire ana foitce com.-niHSIiers would. In my opinion, constitute 'neglect of duty," and would authorize you to re move them from office. That opinion, when read by the governor, had a visible effect on the police commis sioners. Member Thomas suggesting to the governor that he be not guided only by that opinion, but seek further legal en lightenment on the subject. Governor Mickey said he arranged for the hearing In Omaha for the convenience of the parties concermd. He left last even ing for Lincoln. Trom where he will an' I nottnee his decision. What the t ha rates Are. ' 1 Briefly, the charges brought by T. 31 Mahoney, A. B. Homers, O. a... Haywardi Isaae W. Carpenter. W.-T. t'Jramtm ami Warren Swltzler for the Clvlo Federation through Attorneys Elmer E. Thomas" and T.'. J. Mahoney. accuse the members of the Board of Fire and Police Commission' era with misconduct of office, the more specific charges being neglect and refusal to enforce the law of Nebraska regaiiilug the sale of Intoxicating liquor on gun day, encouraging brewers and saloon keep ers for three years to break the laws apd failure to discipline Chief of Police Dona- 1 huse and members of the police depart ment for failure to enforce the law. The entire defense of those charges centered around the e-ontentlon of "the commission cm that tltey hRd no power to enforce the laws, but merely bael Jurisdiction of th" Internal affairs of the police and fire de partments. .. ., , The hearing was fraught with .several drumatic (eatures. not the leas,t being h" remarks of Judge MHugh, who, by In ference, brought Into eiuestlewi the mo tives which prompted the charges filed against the commissioners and placed a cloud over the sincerity pf the. Civic Fed eration representatlvea filing the charge. Judge. McHugh took his ea,v Immediately sfter presenting bis side of tne. citfcc. His reference to the motives and sin cerity of thn plaintiffs received a sharp lejolnder .from T. J. Mahoney, who sal 1 the defendants were not above, reproach, to which jjally. Commissioner Thomas said he (Mahoney; was In the same position. Dr. Miller fffloa The hearing was Intensified by the vener able Vr George 1. Miller, who utatr'd with much .fervor that It .touched him to the quick. In his seventy -sixth year of life and Hftr-necond in the city, to be charged with misconduct of office and a violation of his oath.- Hla voice faltered 'as he made thj statement to the governor. He said there nvr. had been a blot before on his good name, and the present -charge grieved him muci. The doctor was visibly affected. The governor enduayored .to piclfy him by say ing he: had been appointed to the- off! e. of commissioner on account of the court- deuce the governor had in him, and further Girls'Coats Second Saturday Morning Sale. Saturday Morning at 8. Coats for the wee girls, tho Kchool girl and the girl just escaped from Bchool. Natry, jaunty, snappy, styles t'oats that seem to have the dash and go the very' dare of youth woven right into them. Don't come 'till Sat unlay. Then come earlv. - l'rics for sizes :s..8.90't.$20 10 to 16 Prices for zes C to;8 Vv: . . . . $5 $15 BENSON &TH0RNE3 OrZAllA.MEB: !tpllr.4 1v th't'ni"r I'vtt wliole r -feeding w.s ii tiM'tNiTi cr!ttqr S'lviit-, inent for fhniilm ii r-eii't nr tu'w. with no prnn;il Imputiifcm on Xft. Miller's i 6n duct Mi ufflce. -' .Another dr imniic i i !! i r contained In a littl speoh m ide fry l:'ntnmiKsioncr Hroateh, who said wl'h cmislrtcriirilo flri.'"l am hire to (Wend my reputntlon HKaMt all hazards, and if dys of dueling were atiil In vogue I would b;ite mv iirm and meet Hny or those fellow" 1 Mrrctlng hi riant arm to the plaintiffs t One of the niot sweeping t:iiriiiPiit!! tn.-tde by the plulutiffft was tlu-t hy Attorney Muhoney, who ' offered to11 withdraw I i liaises within fifteen minutes If assurance wag given that the commissioners, would strictly enforce the Slocumb lnw in Onmlm. Governor Mickey stated upon leaving; the aesslon room that th whole thing was merely a question of la w with him. CURRENCY FlCIIf POSTPONED (Continued from First Fnijc.) afternoon matinee p rfoiniunce. There was considerable confusion momentarily, those clamoring for the question to Jus brought up Immediately being met by counter clamors from thoso dele gates who desired the matter to go over and not be taken tip In the limited time permitted. Mr. Greer Heish of Maryland.' a member .f the executive council, made a motion that the whole subject of currency be made 'a special order of busi ness for 10 o'clock tomorrow which was carried. Mr. t'hurles J. Haden of Atlanta, Ua., an attorney was then introduced and made an address on the topic, "A plea for the Cotton Fields." Mill Match Express Inmiinnlet, Following Mr. lladon's address, K. D. Durham of Onnrga. III., Introduced tho fol lowing resolution,, w'hlch was adopted: 'That the' executive council of tho Amer ican Bankers' afsociuUon appoint a com mittee with power to act whise duty it' aimii no to gainer evidence or tne breaking of the Interstate commerce law by the ex press companies In doing banking bu?.lnesi and place same lief ore the Interstate Com merce commission with the avowed Inten tion of compelling snld express companies to discontinue the banking business: Mirth irmore, that the executive council of the American Bankers' association be au thorized to place such funds n they may deem advisable lit the-haneb nT rile 'afore' naid coinmltlte for the purpose of collect ing such evidence. The convention then adjourned Until 9:30 I o'clock tomorrow morning. PYTHIAN SISTERS ARE UNITED Ispreme Lodge Arrange Mrrirr of Women's Orsanlsatlona anil Klerta Officers. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. M. The feature of today's Pythian convention was the de cision to consolidate the Pythian Sister hood, having a membership of 7,000, and the Rathbone Sisters, which has IJo.OiW members'. Jt was announced that a new name, that of Pythian Sisters, will prob ably be adopted by the consolidation. The organizations will merge their rituals. The supreme lodge. Knights of Pythias, spent the entire day In election of officers. They adjourned untif tomorrow without having elected a president of the board of control or major general of the Endowment Bank. These officers will not be elected 1 until settlement Is made of proposed change in the constitution, making them appointive Instead of elective. In the cewnpetltivc drllla the following companies appeared today: Kansas City company No. 3, Foit Dearborn company No. 1' of Illinois, Tcrre Ilaute- coinpany No. 3 ami Kokomo ' comnmiy No. H, berth -of In diana; 'fae- Seattle conrptiny-isf r.:Seattle, WatUi., .and the pike Peak OJj4pay No. J of Denver. -.. : . -. The supreme lodge. Knights ot Pythias, toilay elected the following o dicers: Supreme chanellor. Charles A. -Barnes, Jacksonville. III. Supreme vice chancellor, Henry ' P. Brcwn, Cleburne. Tex. Supretnw prelate, I.eo A. Caro, Grand Rapids, Mich. Supreme 'eeepcr of records and seals, R. L. White. Nashville. Tenn. Supreme master of e,-hequer, Thomas D. M pares. Wilmington. N. C. Supreme master at arms, Noble Binns, Trail. B. C. Supreme Inner gutird, S. H. Davis, Davis. I. T. . Supreme outer guurd. Joseph H. Lyon, Leavenworth, Kan., ri'-elected. The following officers vvt-re elected by the National Grand Keeper of Records and Seil r.ssociaticn: 1'. fl. Burns. Milwaukee, president. Alonzo Bedell. New York, lirst vice presi-de-u. -J. D. McLean, New Orleans, second .vice piesldent. H. D. Walker. Iowa, third vice president H. W. Bartlett, Little Rock, Ark., Veere tary. . ... H. M. Qiilnii. Jackson, Mi.. treasurer. - DEATH RECORD. . Mrs. Harriet Onriiot. Mrs. Harriet Durnot. ated M. died Thurs day at ll:t a. m. ut the home, of lier grand laughter, Mrs. C. G. I lays; '3.143 Har ney street, of old age, after a lingering Ill ness. Her funeral will be held at 2:30 p. m. Friday at the home of Jier granddaughter, Mrs. A. K. Parmelee, 39.W North Twen tieth street. Mrs. Dumnt had resided In Onalif for About twenty-five years. Funeral of John MeCaakry. OXAWA. la., Oct. IS. (Special. I T 1 10 body of John McCuskey, who died aml denly at Snoholftsh. Wash., arrived In Onawa last night und the funeral services were held this afternoon from the family home on West Broadway, in charge of the Odd Fellows. with interment In the Onawa cemetery. John MoCaslet-y una an Onawa boy, who went west a few years so. . , , Shoes, Shoes Watch the Shoe Dept. Grow. Try our foot-form and natural last shoes and know reul shoe satisfaction. Here are shoes that cost more at fac tory in large orders than others adver tise at retail. Shoes sold on close margin are the shoes you want. Here Are Two of Our Specials: Boys' heavy box calf shoes with heavy double vlacallzed soles constructed on the famous "Educator" 1 jn lasta, slies 1 to 5H .3U SUes 9 to YiVi $2.00 Girls' Dongola kid shoes, made on the orthopedic last, good heavy soles and made especially for school ) )p wear, alies im to 2 . . . Sizes 84 toll .'. . . ;. .$1.85 Sizes 5 to 8 ,$1.50' Write for illustrated catalogue. ODD FELLOWrSESSlOS ENDS Elfc'iin af, Officer Ocoupie Greater Pr tii of tht'Caj. ' fRINCIPAL CONTEST OVtR GRAND WARDEN j Klrr llrimrtinent l.llfi 'n t mnale of j F.xMliltlona for the Brnril of t lattors Omaha C.rta ,Ne -MeetlnaT. Officers of the grand lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows elected at the forty ninth annual convention:' Grand Master J. E. Morrison, Oandy. ivputy Grand Master Clark O Haiilou, Blair. Grand yorden R. H. Miller. Aurora. ' Grand Secretary I. P. Gage, Fremont. Grand Treasurer Frank P. Bryaut, Omalto. . Grand Representative; F. J. Corrlck, Cozad. rand Representative (term unexpired Wnlter B. Lees?. 1. Grand Instructor G.-. L. Looini", F're mont. irnd Chaplain B. F. Mend. O'Xeil. Grand Jlarslial-W. J. Vosburg. Kear ney. Grnrtd Conductor)-R. M. Gillon. Auburn. Grand Guardian J. W. Kelley, Beaver City. Grand, Herald J. S. Gosney, South f iiiii hit i.iand Mesa-ngor G. Fnirchild. Colum- ! bus. Officers of the Rebrwahs elected yester day afternoon: Piesldent- Miss Katherlne Jackson, Lin coln. ..... Vice President Mrs. .Clara Davis, North Platte. Grand Warded Miss Melita Taylor. Blair. - Secretai-j- Mrs. Emma Talbot, South Omaha. TreaMirer Mrs. Mary Stute, Omaha. Contest for Grand Warden. The morning session of the Odd Fellows st South Omuhii was occupied with the election of officer ' "fhe nominations snd details of ballotiug required nearly the en tire day. The eijlef contest was between the candidates for grand warden. R. H. Miller, P. A. Edqulst and L. F. Etter were the three strongest candidates on the first baMot, Miller having IMS, Edqulst Ml and Etter 71. .tin the fourth ballot H. H. Mlll'T was declared lUnntiimously elected. Miller Is from f,,Auruia. This elecrron places . him in line of succession for the office of deputy grand master and grand master. The officers elected at the fore noon sesrton .wern J. EL-Morrison of Oandy, gr.ind master; Claris. O Hanlon of Blair, deputy grand master; R. II. Miller of Au rora, grand warden: I. P. Gage of Fremont, secretary; Frank P.. Bryant of Omaha, grand treasurer; F. P. Corrlck of Cozad. grand representative; .Walter B. Lcese of Lincoln, grand representative. The Rcbekahs spent all of the forenoon session. with the teporta of committees. Before the afternoon sessions convened the lodge members .witnessed a couple of races by the South Oiuaha fire companies. The first was, a tiulvand-hub race between hose companies No. 1 and No. 2. Tho run was from K street to'M. This was won by hose company No. J. The second was a coupling contest Against time". The wagons started at Twertry-diird ' and M streets, coupled two' lengths -of hose at Twenty fourth street an turtred on the water. This c-ontest was wofTT Wise company No. 1 In :tx. The time of the-' sectmd company was :53. The South Omaha pbllce had their Joke j by arresting AI 8amuelson on suspicion of carrying Concealedwfapons. Two big offi cers dragged hlingtitraugh the crowds and to the JalK -A big'gntw-was "found on him. He was: pnt-4n feell. A large crowd of curious. peopleiK.IirtiWedv the officers, - not knowing that rJiwiuMson - was bne' of the Omaha patroLltiws., v ' OraabsiMlelM .Vext I unventlou, 'The hardest conyietltlon of the election came. In tli fore'uoou. session, .When the grand lodge asirmbU-d at Z:30 p. pt. the rest of the officers were elected with dispatch. G. L. Loomis of.: Frniont wus elected grand Instructor; G. f , Mead, grand e-hap-laln; W. J. Vosburg. grand marshal; H. M. Glllon. grand conductor; J. W. Kelly, grand guardian; . J. S. Gosney. Bouth Omaha, grand heruld; G. Falrchild, grand messenger. . . After the contest for the honorary of fices was closed the lodge took up the se lection of a city for tho next annual. con ventlon. In this Omaha won by a close, vote. Two votes, woujd have changed thn resuU; The next session of the lodge be ing the fiftieth,, wi doubt be one cf f-peelal lmportauso. The Rebekuhs held .their -election In the afternoon with . 'the following results: Mlss-L. Sutherland, past president; Miss Katherlne Jackson, Lincoln, prealdent ef the assembly; Mrs. ' Clara Davie, Xortll Pluttey. yie-e presjjletil; Mis Melita Tay lor, B'.alr, grand warden; Mrs. Emma Tui bot. South Omaha, Sieeretary, and' Mm. 'Mary Stute, Omajia, treasurer. "The ap pointive ofllcera were:- Mrs. Kathorine Tucker, Auburn, uonductress; Mrs. Flor-e-nee Dew, Tecumteh, marshal; Mrs. par thene Tlionias,- Friend, ' chaplain; . .Miss Alice Stute, Sidney, Inside guuid, and Mrs. Mary Osborti. outside guard. ... The Ecsion of.ilio Odd Fellows did not adjourn sine die ynlll nearly 5 p. rq , und the Rebekuhs were over an hour later. From all the expressions heft id from the delegates the efforts of South Omaha In the matter of their entertainment has been highly appreciated.. In all Important I details everything worked smoothly. On the whole the convention was one of the most satisfactory-mnd harmonious ever hekl. BRYAN VISITS SIOUX FALLS pbraskan' Makes Two Kpnrhfi In the Mrtropolla of South Dakota. SlOfX FALLS, 8. D.. Oct. IS. Con trary to expectations, William J. Bryan's afternoon address was made In tha city Auditorium Instead of from a platform In the streets, Mr. Bryaq declining to speak in the open air, owjiix to -having a cold. About 4,000 ieions vrowded into ih Auditorium to he-ar.- the address. Tha c -rowel, whjfli greeted Mr. Bryan tonight was evwi greater thai) ihat of tha after noon. Harry tVentxy, chairman of tho democratic state committee, presided at tonight's meeting. Soon after the ron-clusion-.oX address Mr. Rryan departed fur Lincoln, Nib. HANBO HN, la.. Oct. IS. William Jennings ttryan stopred off here between trains while en route from Wisconsin o Sioux Falls and addressed an audience of 2.000 pe-ople this morning. Mr. Bryan spoke from the veranda of the hotel and r-'celved a great ovation. He gave the .democratic ticket In Iuwa Ills -o-d1al u durscinent and paid a' high tribute to Claude It. Porter. Mr. Bryan scored Gov ernor Cummins for his attitude on the tariff.-' He urged the democrats of Inwa to stand by their ticket, r From Ploui Falls Bryan goes to Omaha anil then to Colorado for a week. Tle l,i t week of the campaign he has been -i hduled to speak In- Nebraska., where the dempemts are making a hard fight to el.-i-t their state jtic-ke) and.ttje legisla ture'. . '. Charles A. Ilckson of Sioux City, the democratic candidate for congress In the Eleventh district. Is afso here today ait-1 Fhaid tl- jilatfr UU V- Jiryaij. . H-i spoke ut 'aiiothei Ue'Uw'iaai'u tally this tvsulugv, . rti"i"r 1 ' -r-"iT''T n " ""' r'"??riaiia TnV" TTlsaaS'" 1 i ' 1 t ii 7 AVAV' nJ 1 i&sFW 1 I 981 1 i6 th amp Howard" ! w Y" Friday,1 From the day of the opening of our "Daylight" store, we have planned a campaigner making one day in each week a day of extraordinary bargains Friday has been set apart as the day of unequaled selling. Goods in every department must be moved to make room for large consignments of new winter styles. and novelties which are arriving daily, and that is why we have put these remarkable prices on our goods. IN OUR LADIES WEAR DEPARTMENT Scott's Knffles, white, lace and em broidery trimming, prices O 25 11, Tie, 60c and 48o Ribbon Quills, very dainty, ut pink, white, blu-1 48 Scott'a Ventilated Bustles, white, pink, tdack, blue, prices B(lc, 25c an.d drab. 15 BARGAIN 7.4. 8.4, 9-4 and 10-4 Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting. In lengths from I ',4 to 13 yards these are the best, qualities and worth as much 17 as 35c a yard, Friday only IC .W-lncli Outing Flnnm-N 7t" Yard -All our 36-lnch Colored Outing Flannels, In lengths from m to 9 'a yards, regular prlee yard, "7' Friday only, yard I .C Maniifartnrer'g Knds of Napkins 5c 20-iuch Pleached Linen Napkins, free from dressing, with floral and neat patterns tnese come six. in worth $1.63 per dozen, Friday for Pillow Slips 10c Extra fine Pillow Slips, inch, made of a fine quality of bleached . muslin, special, Friday only Curtain Scrim 7Hv Yard The very best quality of 12'c Cumin Scrim. 36 and 40 inches wide these these have pretty floral patterns plain stripes, Friday only, yard YAHNS SPECIAL Our Sunbrisht Brand of Yarns are the best on the market and prices. Theso are on sale Friday partment, first floor. CJemiantown Per skein, 10c, per PROTECTION FORUNCIVILIZED Tempenuoe Women Urge Eeitriotion of fait of Liquor to Favtee Peoples. BUSY DAY FR WORLDS W. C. 1. U. Delrurntes Are Wrlroniril t Boston - . by liortrncir tin lid aael Mmvi. -KHue-rsM-Offlern lri. . i ' seat Reports. ' BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 18. Much business was cleared up at the first day's formal session of the triennial convention of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance union In this city. The delegates met In Tremont temple, which was crowded throughout the day. The welcome of state and city was extended by 'Governor Guild nncl Mayor Fitzgerald. Mrs. Lillian M. Bte vens of Portland, Me., vice-president at large of the World's union, presided. The remainder of the day was given over large ly to -the. presentation vf greetings from other organizations and to the introduction of the leading representatives of many countries at the convention. A resolution asking President Roosevelt' and Secretary Root to renew the suggestion formally made by the president and the late Secre tary Hay that Great Britain and the t'niteei States unite in presenting to other nations a treaty to forbid the sale of cfplum or intoxieatlrttf liquors to uncivilized nation -was unanimously adopted. Lute this afternoon the governor tendered them a tea at the Ford building This evening there was a publlo meeting In Tremont temple1. Mrs. Ulrvrni Presides. The actual business of the convention was begun todey. An early forenoon devotional ' service In the Park Street church was followed 'by the opening of the convention proper in Tremont temple, the deleirates being ealle-d tu order by Mrs. Lillian M. Stevens of Portland, Me., vice president at large of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance union. The presi dent, Ludy Henry Somerset, being detained at home by Illness, Mrs. Stevens will pre side throughout the convention. The pro gram provided that Governor Guild should extend the welcome of the state and Mayor Fitzgerald that of the citv. beforn the roll call of members. The remainder of tha day was to be taken up with organization and the re-ports of othcers, members and missionaries. . This evening there will be a public meeting In Tremont temple, at which addresses will be made by prominent foreign delegates. Mrs. Stevens culKd the convention to or der and, after brief devotional exercises and the roll call of official members, sev eral committees nere appointed. Mrs. Ste vens then read a letter of greeting from Lady Henry Somerset of Entdand, president of the World's Woman's Christian Tempter ance union, who was unablo to attend the convention. It was voted to send a cablegram of appreciation to Lady Somerset. Mis. tevena anounved that the representatives of the Womans' Christian Temperance unions of different countries had presented to I-ady Somerset a bell to be placed in the chapel at London, where she worships. The bell Is already In place. A cablegram from Lady Henry was read regarding this, as follows: "Gruteful, humble, loving thanks fur tha silver toned voice." Report of Secretary. Tile report of Miss Angea Slack, honorary secretary of the World's Women's Chris tian Temperance union, was presented. It showed that gains had been made nearly everywhere in number of members and in activity. Th greatest proportional gain has been made In Sweden, where a mem bership of 79S three years ago has been raised to 2.3g. . In India there are thirty, three local unions with a membership of VH. Scientific temperance Instruction has been introduced In ths schools. In South Africa, where Miss Slack spent several months last year, many new unions have bix-n organized. There are J.S5I branches In Great Britain, with a total membership of 109.SH8. The ' lin-milng act passed by Parliament in l ha" proved an obntael In the way eif the people by preventing Ibvtu from suppressing Lbs liquor wad lu I Our Bargain Day 890 Special for full figures, long blp, high bust, light weight Couitlle. ribbon and lace trimming. COBBXT SAX.ES FRIDAY ISc fine Coutllle Corsets, long hip, medium bust, perfect form, white and drab, 75 quality, -48 DAY IN OUR DOMESTIC ROOM a package ana are only, six 53c 42 and 45 10c yard as a leader Friday, on sale at, per yard and also ..71c YAHNH and Wools. These are at very popular at our Notion De shndes, worth a yard pound. SI. 50. their own localities. Much work has been done In the way of establishing temperance restaurants. There has been a larg.' Increase In mem bership In Ireland. The work Is proceeding slowly, but stead ily. In Germany. The WomHr.'s Christian Temperance union of that ce-untty sent a petition to (the War department to discon tinue the Issuance of wine and rum to th? troops In South Africa and received a fav.r. able reply. The department Is now Intt'j duciug nonalcoholic fruit juices as rapidly as possible In place of liquor, although It is not yet ready to discontinue the use of turn entirely. Treasurer's Report. The treasurer's report, covering the period from June 1, 19)6. to May 31, lfMl. showed net receipts of $4,585 and disburse ments of 13,843 and a balance on huiul of $;,378. The receipts from the United Stales were $.',804. Of the disbursements J.1V4 went for Women's C'htrstlan Teniepranee unloil mission work in many countries; $949 for exiienses of officers and th re mainder for mlse-ellaneoua expense. A contribution was made to the Japanese famine fund. Contributions were received from the I'nited States, Canada, Chile, Africa,' Asia, Australasia and a numb, r of European countries. - Protection for the I nel vlllsed. The-" following resolution. Introduced by Miss Anna A. Gordon, one of the hon orary secretaries of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion. was unan imously adopted: Resolved, That we appeal to the presi dent and the secretary of state, In view of the third conference of nations now In stsslon at Brussels for- their further re striction of the ale of intoxicants to un civilised nations, to renew the suggestion made by the president of the I'nited States and the late Secretary of State John Hay. that Great Britain shall unite with the I'liUed States In , presenting to the othei nation a treaty to forbid the sale t: opium and Intoxicating liquors tu unciv ilized pL-eiplct. It was voted to send a cablegram em bodying this resolution to Wilbur K. Crafts of ashlngton, D. C, head of the Intimations! reform bureau, who Is now in attendance on the Brussels conference. The convention then adjourned until to morrow. Theatrical Man Killed by I'ara. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Ot. U.-John C. Kane, supposed lo bt I vaudeville the atrical manager, was killed by the cars here today. Moderate Price VualumeR T Powder f -,. II HOOti will tw it... to S a u fu 1 liiuaV AMI tEMKHTt. THIRD ANNUAL m IHorse mm October 22, 23, Evenings at 8 Saturday Matinee af 2 POPULAR PRICES With l'roraenade Privilege. The World's Best Harness Horses, "i Kentucky '3 Best Saddle llo'r'ses. SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1906. Prompt Attention Given to All Mail Orders Ladies' Silk Pettlooats plain and cnangeaiii' shades, also black. w ntte and fancy, all guar anteed silk Si.95 KISSES' kSkluki , New Peter 1 nomp.son sty.e, nut salhM collar, emolnm shields ttl'Y t sges 12 to i'O eats.. . . ifdmJJ Ladles' New Qolf Jiovelty iwitUn roll front snd collar, lloue eflect. .Try.nobby: $4.50 Shetland Floss Per skein, 10c; per pound, !.!. Satony Wool Per skein, He; per box, $1.50. paulsh Wool The Best Per skein, 15c, lh,, $Ao. Standard Knitting Yarn Per skeiu, 8c; box, SI. 30. Cirnnd Bargains In Milk Ile-mnaiits 1,000 yard' In Fancy Silks, remnants from 4 up to 5-yard pieces, lots of pretty waiat lengths and fine for fancy work, worth from 60c to 75c per yard, Friday's ' 11 A price 1UC Magnificent Embroideries Cheap To thoae who ap preciate fine Embroideries we are offering Friday a special lot of wide Bands, wide Flouncing Edges and Corset Cover Embroideries, in the most exquisite patterns, sold everywhere at from 3c to 6 flu per 29c For Pretty Trimming Embroideries; we have about 5,000 yards of fine Matched Sets, 2 to 10-inch edges, pretty lot of embroidery appliques and festoons, sheer and nainsook, worth up to 3 5c. your lf choice, a yard, 15c and ...iUC Fr.ce Veilings ftc About 30 pieceB of plain and fancy mesh Veilings, fancy Chiffon Veilings, the best 25c a yard, Friday only, tar, 25o Advertise In TH OMAHA BEE Best & West AMISF.MEX1W. BOYD'S "S.rff.;"' Mgrs. Tonight, Tomorrow Matins and Might Walker Whiteside In the Artistic Success The Magic Melody BUXDAY Monarch of all Extravaganzas, Tha Wizard of Oz. BURWOOO tlGHT ia WKEK Tonight, Tomorrow M atlas - and Wight TKX WOOSWAXS STOCK CO. " In KSI.O BT THE KSCT. Prices Nights and Sun. Matinees, 10o and Zbc; Tues.. Thuis. 'And tiat. Matinees, 10c and 110c -. t . Next Week Mr. Smooth. -fitm" Capacity Business. osiiiarttog 'Phone Douglaa !.. Tonight and Saturday Matin aod, Might Three Slstars Oamara, Gardner Tlnoant, Six Provcanlss, Ida . O'Dsj, Moattano at 8tTns, Eckhoff as Ctoraou, Trljr and th Xinodrom. Prices l(ie iuc, IV'e. k. . Me Chesapeake - 1510 Howard St. The Only Popular-Priced Restaurant In the Citv Fresh Fish FRIDAY AT THE "' The Dodge St. Luncheon 15fw nolXlB STREET. REGl'LAR MEALS tb CENTS. . v.. 5c I Always Keracmber the FliII .Name axativo promo Qumino Cures a Cold tn One Da v. Crfou 3 Dam m vary Jl how v 24, 25, 26 and 271 ft lxn- to 1 I 1 J ', I V v