Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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    THF- OMAHA 1A1J,Y HKK: FIUDAV, .(KTOltKK 1'.). Ifon.
Office, 10 Pearl St. Tel. 43.
revls, drugs.- .,
Clark'. eoda. - ' -8t0CkrtsM;Ha
rarpeta. -.
Fin engravlrgs at Leflerl s.
at' Schmidt's.
Btxby & Son.
director,' 'phone W7.
company. Tel. H.
4ee fltcnhen Bros, for fire hrlrk and Are
?Ib)-, sewer pipr, .fitting and gsTden hone.
ALK TO, LEPKKRT about it.
Don Beno arrived home yesterday from a
visit to Ft. J'aul and other -Minnesota
I'd nar'(Tnjr Faust
;t tnoae.- pew pnotoe I
iumblng-ahd heating.
ri,eis Cutler, ftmoral
AVoodrlnr "Undertaking
Miit Ripka Said la Ee in Serioni Conditien
ai Result of f train.
Wnntrft CohirHnt cook and
housework girl, no . washing or
fiod ag. 7S Sl.iUt avenue.
Ijo you pant It. done right? It you do let
wnrm, vii. v .Mam.- -our papering,
Filming and Interior decorating.
'No ' sensible lumberman can do other
wise than? .send joir the. lumber you have
bought. C. Hafor, Counrll Bluffs.
Justice- fcM nerfprmfd the nmrrlngc
"i-einnny ycslefday fr t-'rank McDonald
and Jcanettn Mosteller, both of Omaha.
UiccptloiiHl piano bargains this work
si A. llospe. Ounpany, 2t South Main
street,' Council Ululti, la. Kasy payment.
Star chanter, Koyl Arch Masons, will
meet .this 'evening; In special convocation
for work lrl tie most excellent masters' de
gree, '
I paiU 'pr ton 'for cast Iron; mixed $10;
slove, to; tags,, l'c per lb.; rubber, lc;
topper, 14c per lb. J. Katciman, JM" Uain,
uotu "phonfcs 60.
Conrad Hive, Ladies of the Maccabees iif
the World, will meet In special session thin
afternoon a -the residence of Mrs. I,u
i how. to ballot, on candidates.
"Va have the finest line of sample monu
ments to select from In the west. Bhecley
L"a' Marble, and Granite, works, a7
East. Broadway, Council Bluff, la.
Th genuine Heckwlth Round Oak Heater
makes your' rooms warm and divert ul.
1 Nan fenulna without the "name on the leg.
I Bee them -"at "Bwalne & Mauer st
I Broadway. 7. ' I
1, At themirtl'tMf' of Council Bluffs lodge of ' tblli evening there will be an election '
rW fill tle --race of exalted ruler made va- '
cant by-the 'death of K H. Walters. A I
large attendance Is desired.
hav Voti - thought of that winter- suit'
and ovetceatT Uet them cleaned and made
Vlioa and new: Ut us clean Vnur I'liiuiii '
nd make- House cleaning easy for you.
Prices reasonable. council Blurts Cleaning
Co. and Bug- factory, $4 N. Main Bt. Botn
phones tig, '. .
WhllW1' t-Of. flrn'min's rlaaa .. hlvl.
'ohSol Was 'Vlsitlna- tin! "eAiinlv rnurt hr.ii..
yesterday hu-pecung the - metnods of work
dona there-s- cgjuple. W. E. Taylor and Nel
lie C. Tajnor, ootil from L4ncoln, sought
the services of Kev. Henry De Long to
"jarnr .them. ."""he class happened In Rev.
Mr. la ioag'a offlcw at the same time. The
fifteen students . wit nesevd the marriage,
and, attha request of the groom and bride,
actt attached -his or her. algnature to the
marriagw eertifloata.
The ; Couholl hmirn Rowing association
has laaued Invitations for Its annual smoker,
to be given W ednesdsy- .evening of -next
Wee at the. cluo House at Lake Manawa.
Special (ara wUl be run for the convenience
of the members and auests from Pearl
street and Broadway at 7:40 and o'clock
ana wib o neia
Body. of 1'iilla Mill at I sder
takers, Hflilltrn from Kast Not
Hstina Arrlert let
In Claim It.
j The Imdy of Frank Kcltli I'nlts. a1i.
I met a tragic deatli Monday night. If Mil!
! at UndfTtnkcr Cutler's rooms. Mr. CiUbr
, waa advlocd VedneI;iy thiit a relative of
j the dead man wns oh his wny here to take
charge of the body, but up to a lute hour
Inst night had not arrived.
There were no new developments in the
case yesterday. Kmnm Ripke. thj young
I woman under arrest on suspicion of hav
ing shot Totts. mas In a serious condition.
H Is feared that her mind may give way
under the strain which she has and is un
dergoing. If she Is in a rondltln to stand
, the ordeal she given a preliminary
I hearing Monday.
' E. P. Woodrlng, the undertaker, met and
. talked with Potta shortly after 9 o'clock
the night of the tragedy. Potts, with iin
acquaintance of Mr. Woodrlng-, pnwed the
latter as he was standing at the door of
his place on Broadway. Potts wns Intro
duced to Mr. Woodrlng. and In the course
of a Hhort conversation said, laughingly:
I "When we die, Mr. 'Woodrlng. we want yn'i
' to bury us." The two men, Mr. Woodrlng
says, had evidently been drinking, and th'f
one he wan acquainted with asked the loan
of a dollar to buy more liquid refresh
ments with. Mr. Woodrlng compromised
with a' quarter.
pfek up and f-inl l y m i f nvn Irom M lis
cotinl y, win. villi two i irjM'ti iiv w
thrown out of -t inu,v m i nniv-y '
tid'iit In front of the f'lum.r t!.'". , 1 w
yung man died f'oin I in injur. mill it
la said, this. Ineldeiit hnn s ree rr;''. on
PhHefer's n.ind tin'll he h;i Ik-c. !. e
rsnged. Phiie'er is f il l to I Mitui n I
Is about .10 y.nis ,f :ii.
Pictures for wedding girts. C. E. Alex
ander. K'i Rroudway.
I '"'"'tT' ' weiia imsmew
i ' . . .
ww an ,01
Mppeil for tenllna nlt t se.
.lames nuse under arrent t the eltv
Jail charged with the theft of two suit
cases, the property of I.lnn Ruby, a stick
man front I'endleton. Ore. Ruby and Rus
sell met in a train from the west and
Were together In Pouth Oinnhn, whese
Ruby wns buylna stork. Ruby left his suit
rases In the otflre of a commission flrni
and during his alwnce Rufsell, it Is Said,
walked off with them. Ruby came to the
Bluffs lust evening and recovered the suit
Runaell, It is charged, slmi attempted to
p:tss two forged or worthless checks In this
city esteri1ay. and this is what ted to his
arrest. One of the checks he attempted
to puss In payment for a piimo nt Hospe's
stor on Main Mteethut failed. This check
wns for a Inrge amount. He Is said to
have attempted to pass another for a
smaller amount.
As the theft of the suit oases was com
mitted In Kouth Omaha it is exacted h
will lie taken there.
FT nv a
v sre sr v
m mm m im
i i wi m "i. ji' 91 ii r r tri vi
CENTRAL FLOUR-ll.tb. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Mot Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24.
Fpr Imported wines, liquors and Bud
welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 619 South Main atreet.
. Matters In District Conrt.
Lucille De Never Egholni began suit In
the district court yesterday for divorce
from Stephen M. Egholm, to whom she
was married In this city March o, 1903.
Bhe alleges that her husband not only
failed to provide for the household, but
treated her In a cruel and inhuman manner,
even gnina- so far sometimes as to strike
her. In addition to the divorce she asks
that her maiden name of Lucille De Never
Norman be restored ttf her.
Solomon M. Hattery seeks a divorce from
Flora .' Ellen Hattery. to, whom he was
married In September. 1895. He claims his
wife dcBcrted him five years ago and has
at the lake for the re- since refused to return to him.
urn of the party at- ihelr convenience. A
featttrof aha entertainment will be the
presentation of the Sailing and golf tro
pnievto the winners of me. several con-
v " wwa Slay aaw WV awmjva, ' -
you want a good ' position, flnlsa a
course at the Weatern Iowa college. Day
and -evening aehool. Enrol) at any tiina,
'Phona for Information.
Program of Suadar School 4 onveuttoa
The program for the annual conventUn.
oO-'lhas Pdttawattamla County Sunday
Pehoor, association, to' "be held next Mon
"(iHy and Tuesday in Neola, has been la
auetf. ' Tho- convention wtll be held In the
Methodist1 church Monday evening and
Tueaday- morning and Tuesday afternoon
and evening In the Presbyterian church.
The1sltlng delegates, will be entertained
by the local church people for lodging and
breakfast. : i
ihi U the. complete program;
onday evening. M. E. church
..Jo Praise service.
- -: Words . of welcome. Rev. Svuggen,
; " Neola. : '
UO-Address, ' , W. H. Kilpack. CouncU
Blnffai , . .
!:-Address. Rev. A.- . Griffith, D. D..
Tuesday' morning, M. H. church
1:00 Devotional.
Appointment of committees.
1.10 President address, Kev. W. B. Clvm-
10:'v Address. "Methods In Reaching and
Holding Boys and Young Men,' Rev. O.
. O. Smith, D. D., Council Bluffs.
- r : Discussion.' . ...
K:3o Tho home- department, : Mrs. E. M.
Hmlth, Council Bluffs. ,
11:00 "Teacher, Training," Piof W. K.
Manning, atate field worker, Dea Moines.
Tuesday "afternoon, Presbyterian church.
1 J0-rDevotional.
8:00Reports t ron schools, E. H. OUlen-
dorf,' leader. ' -
1 8i 'The Needs of Our County," L. D.
Cagr, Avoca,. county., tnissioaary.
' Discussion, ' Alex. ' ' Tipton, Council
. i. . Bluffs. -
-o-"B. H. Method and Methods," Prof, W.
K. Manning. . -I
46 "How May the , Associated Sunday
Bchool Work Help Us?" L. H. Kliine,
Council BJufltt.
4:14 Business, reports "of committees.
Election of officers. ,
Tuesday evening
f 4 Devotional. Rev.'- Clyde Copelaiid,
Council Bluffs.
tvO Address Kev. Marcus P. McClure,
Council Bluffs.
:30 Address. Prof. W. R. Manning
John C; 'Lindsay was married to Mary
E. Lindsay in Omaha October 7. 1897, and
now seeks a divorce because, as he alleges,
bis wife treated him cruelly and finally
deserted him and their four children, the
custody of which he asks the court to
award him.
The Casson will case Is expected to go
to the jury this morning, following which
Judge Maoy will take up the, criminal
docket,. .Tue- first casa assigned, for , trial
i that " against William Rolph, charged
with breaking and entering a drug store
on lower Broadway and stealing a number
of articles of Jewelry and other goods.
A. Metigsr A Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
616 Mynster Street. Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
Buy Cole's Original Hot Blast and save
one-third of your fuel. Holds fir thirty
six houra without attention. Price, J10 to
$30. Paddock-Handschey Hardware Co., 41
South Main.
Bridges Charred with Horse Steallna.
Claud Bridge, alias Otto Bell, who waa
arrested Wednesday evening by the Omaha
police on the charge , of stealing a horse
belonging to Mrs. Claussen of Cut-Off.
wag brought to Council Bluffs yesterday by
Deputy Sheriff Woolman and placed In the
county Jail pending his preliminary hearing
before Justice Field.
Bridges was in the employ of Mrs. Claus
sen. and during her absence from th farm
is said to have hitched the horse, which
cost Its owner 1120, to a wagon and driven
to Omaha, where he sold the outfit for Ik)
to I. Richards. Bridges received a check
from Richards In payment for the horse
and wagon, but experiencing difficulty In
getting the check cashed he returned to
Richards and asked that he be given cash
In Its place. Richards gave him 110 and
arranged to meet hint the next morning
and pay him the remaining 130. In the
meantime the police had been notified of
the theft of the horse and Bridges was ar
rested before he secured the balance of
the money. He consented to cross the rrver
without requisition papers. . .
Beat Estata Transfers.
These transfers were reported to Tiu Bca
October 1 by tho Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Frank 8. Powell and wife and IJnden
Powell to Louise M. Lowe, se' s '
-7a., w. ... I 3.IM)
Christian Ebcrhart aud wife to
Charlea T. Officer, lot !, Stahl'a ad
dition", w.- d
Walter Kilnoski and wife to Rosa
Mall, lot ana part ol lot I, uioca i.
Eubank s 1st add., w. a
Robert Bousrteld to Iena Pousfleltl,
his wife, part nwV, ne4 1-75-14. w. d.
Alice Rankin to Edward Cater, lots
20 and 21. block 1. Cmxon w . d
Ann Clark to EMsabeln Mcdweeuey,
lot i, block 1. Cnrson, w. d
Sheriff to Henry Sclineckloth, lot 17,
block S, Bentley, s. d
Edwin -B. Masll and wife, to Peter
Keljfor. lot )V block 11. McClelland.
Mildred' Marguetre .to FMwln B. Mu
gill, same, w. d ,
WlOlurd E. Wulton and wtfe and Wil
liam Arnd' and wife to J. O. Gulll,
part ' of tot 21. " block, Central
sutMllv., W. d.
C, . M. Afidetson "d wife to J. P.
Francisco, Jot 13. block II, Mullin's
suldiv., w. d
a n and wtfe to Clara V.
Whlttell. lot 4. block Central
aubdiv.. w.' d o
Council Bluffs Real Estate snd Im
provement company to Clara V.
Whlttell. lot fc, block 20. Central
aubdiv..-,., , i V
" Thirteen transfsrs. total..:.: IU.I21
Marrlaa Meeaaea.
Licensee to we wre i-su.d yrslida o
the following:
VaT.e and uevim.e
It will pay you to look over my stock
of phonograph, blcyclea and sewing ma
chines before you buy. I have some espe
cial bargains in bicycles. 1 rent sewing
machines. S. M. Williamson, 17 So. Main St.
Fir la Secoadhaud fttore.
Fire of an unknown origin did about
IS00 damage to the furniture and second
hand goods stock of E. Gillnksy at t)13
West Broadway about noou yesterday.
The fire is thought to have started in a
closet containing a lot of old goods, sueli
as mattresses, trunks, etc. When the fire
men reached the place the store was full
of smoke and It was difficult to locale the
blase. Most of the damage was from
smoke and water, but Is covered by Insur
ance. Persons occupying the rooms above be.
came frightened and prepared to make a
hasty exit, throwing their personal belong
ings out on the back' porch and some of
them onto the ground below.
The department was called about t
o'clock to the rear of Mayor. Macrae's
residence on Fifth avenue, wheru hurtl
ing rubbish In the alley threatened to
destroy the chief executive's barn. No
damage except the burning of a small
portion of the alley fence was done, how
ever. I
" Age.
Frank McDonald. Oruh Jt
Jeanelle M'""-'. O'B-iha ... 21
1 Katciman. Omana ..... K
i Rolman. Couacu uiart w
ml Peters, imnlit 2i
(race Ourbach. Omiiia 21
Halter Bushell; 'Jorhm. Kan . J'
i-oulsa Kleiner, ciorn-wn, Ktn . .. ., JC
Widiam K. Tayljr. Lincoln. Wb
Neille C. Taylor, Lincoln. Neb ,. . 3
live Want Ada Proauce Resulta.
' l.aok Uat far the t'hlaa t.lrl. -
Chtna-a-Lac demonstration. See Peterson
& Schoenlng windows next week for great
demonstrations. Chlua-a-Lac, wonder of
the age; makes everything old look like
new. Get wise. Peterson at Schoenlng Co.
PhlllsBla Wteraa lasaae.
L. Shaefr. a veteran of the Philippine
campaign, who has been working as a farm
hand for Thomas Pluroer of Keg t'r-ek
township, waa placed In St. Bemard'a hos
pital yesterday, pending an Investigation
aa to his sanity, : which will be held by the
rcmmlssloners toinorroa-. tnsefer Is i -tl
illy trlpphd as a re-r.l' of w. und r. -ci
ivrl in the P'iili!M.;. ' m "eiipt
f a pension ' the g ivfnn-nt.
About luui mia . j soul tit belptd
Kvery nrtielp in this hrnntl new stock of nicivlianili so r.nist 1 o sold, ami we arc tloine; it every tlay aiul
every minute without rpganl to former prices. If you are a .jiulge cf ilrice anl quality, this is the
place to come. All we ask is an opportunity of phowinir our goods. We have no fear of your decision.
, This week we arc inak inrjr a special sale en
Blankets and Comforts
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2w. Night. t'.3.
Major's Do( Causes Trnnlile.
Mayor Macrae's pet dog. which Is of
doubtful breed and small In stature, be
came Involved In a scrap with a big mas
tiff last evening nt the corner of Pearl
street and Broadway. The dims in their
struggles humped tip ngalnst Mrs. Scverin.N
an aged woman, who was waiting for a car.
and knocked her down. The woman was
badly shaken and bruised, but after being
attended by City Physician Rice was able
to continue her way to her home nt Sev
enth avenue and Nineteenth street with the
assistance of an officer. Mayor Macrae's
family dog Is the snme one which figured
prominently In a police court case in which
a man who objected to the canine invading
his premises and threw hot water on the
animal's back and was fined 1:5 and costs.
Our building at Broadway and Ninth
streets will be closed ' Friday. l!th Inst.,
on account of the funeral services of Mr.
;ocnl Time Cornea Hl-ch.
Frank Kenyon. the aged Irishman who
stated to the police Wednesday night that
he had been touched for a roll of over
2d by two women of the town and their
male companion while out driving, admitted
In poHy court yesterday morning that he
spent the money himself In having a good
time. H confessed to being over 70 years
of age. and this prompted Judge Scott to
read him a lecture on the folly of galli
vanting about after dark with companions
of doubtful character. The two women
and their escort, W. W. Crawford, all from
Omaha, were each fined 110 an,d costs for
disorderly conduct. As a lesson Judge
Scott assessed the old man a like amount.
Charred With Raisins; Time Check.
James Maglnnls, for whose arrest a
warrant waa Issued September 24 from
the court of Justice Gardiner, was ar
rested yesterday In Missouri Valley and
brought bai-k to Council Bluffs., Ed.
Sage, a contractor, charged Maglnnls with
forging a time check,' Maglnnls -luid boen
hauling dflrt for triage and II Is charged
ha changed an order on J. P. Oreenshlelds,
for whom the work waa being done, for
pay for alxteen hours' work to thirty-six
hours, receiving $3. GO more than he was
entitled to. In default of ball placed
at 1300 he was committed to the county
Jail and will have a preliminary hearing
Funeral mt Joha Huhoealceu,
The remains of John Schoentgaii, who
died Wednesday morning a,t Rochester,
Minn., arrived here yesterday accohipanld
by the members of his family, who were
with htm at the time of his death.
The funeral will be held this n'tcrnoon
at 2:30 o'clock from the f;inily residence,
703 South Sixth street. Purial will be 111
Walnut Hill cemetery n'vl will h p:!vale.
Rev. T. J. Mucks y, reeror nf All Slip a
Episcopal church. Onu'i i, a warm oersouHt
friend of the deconvd nd the faulty, will
conduct the iervics.
We do sell sheet music and books, pi
anos and organs, violins and atrlnga and all
kinds" of Instruments which will make
your home happy. Bouriclua Piano House.
Hi Broadway,. Council Bluffs, where the
organ stands upon the building.
Cotton Blankets
A very good quality and they are too
cheap to he without. Just think of Inly
ing a pair of blankets at from
37ic to $1.69 Per Pair
Woolen Blankets
(!ood woolen hlankets: something to
keep you warm, antl a very special bar
gain. (Jet them this week. They are
going fast.
$2.48 to $10 Per Pair
See the display of fancy and svrvioe
ahle comforts in our large Pearl street
window. Come ami buy one today; to
morrow may lie too late.
95c to $5.50 Knell
1 The Store A
I That Keeps nio
I So Busy ,
L Mooter Compny
33 and 35 Pearl 32 and 34 Main
Tfi3 Store I
That Treats 8
You Fair 8
Uflleer to Be Tried for Mnrilrr.
PORT DODOE. la., fk-t. 18. (Special.)
The trial ot Myron C, Tullar, chief of po
lice of tho city of Port podge, who is ac
cused of the murder of George Diignn of
Rockwell City. Ia.. will occur In Calhoun
counir October 2-. The case l a most
unusu'il one. Tullar engaged In a light
with I'M.: gun over a horse race and struck
him several blows In the face. The latter
walked .a short distance away and fell
dead. At . the coroner's Inquest It was
found thut Dugan came to his death from
h'art d. sense brought on by reason of the
attack upon him. Medical examination dis
closed the fact thut a gathering In an al
ien leading to the heart, which had prob
ably existed for years, bad been pushed
forward, plugging the outlet of blood from
the heart. Keeling against Tullar la very
bitter In Oslhonn county and a change of
venue will probably be asked by his attorneys.
Banker Pais Father's Creditors.
ATLANTIC, la., Oct. 18.-(SpecIal.)-James
tl. Whitney has filed his final re
port as executor of the estate of his
father. F. II. Whitney or the Atlantic bank,
aud has closed a chapter of honesty and
fidelity to trust seldom equalled in the
country,. Almost ten years ago the batik
which his father was Interested In failed
and his father died, leaving many of tha
depositors holding the sack. Mr. Whitney
took up the affairs of his father's estate,
started another bank and by careful at
tention to bu-! ue has been able to pay
the depuaitora of his father's bank every
dollar they had invested with Interest at
6 per cent for the time. His final report
as executor, both in the estate and receiver
ship affairs, have been tiled am bis bond
Iowa Odd Kellewe' Grand lidae,
DCBCQCE. Ia.. Oct IS (Special. )
Judge J. II. Henderson if lndlanola has
been elected by the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows grand master. He will be
Installed at the present grand lodge meet
ing in thia city. Other officers to be In
stalled are:
Grand Master J. H. Henderson -of ln
dlanola. Deputy Grand Master L. W. Smith Of
Dea Moines.
C.rand Warden I- W. White of Wood
bine. Giand 8crlbe R. I., Tilton of Doj
Grand Treasurer A. K. Hlndoiff of Newton,
If you have stiything to advertli
it in the lr F.xcliunge v.lunin t The
Ves Waal Ad lag. i
Commission Will Frocsed ti Eliminate the
F reshmen W ho Seek to Iteenk I p n
fcophomore Party Are Blocked by
the Action of a Determined
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Oct.- IS. (Special.) Rail
rond Commissioner N." S. Ketehum today
ansured State Food and Dairy Commis
sioner H. R. Wright h9 the question of
freight rates on cream, 'shipments would be
tsken up at the first -masting of the com
mission, It has been disclosed that the
shipment of a can "of.Vream weighing 100
pounds from Webster ,,'Clty to - Dubuque
rosts 4" cehta, while the shipment of the
same can through Dubuque to Chicago over
the Illinois efitra;ij o'fts bu)t 40- cents.
While the Iowa cpiymtsVon enn have
no supervision oyervrjtjejnterstate rate.
It does' have over -the atate rate, and oh
first thought ha an ,ljnl:tHa,t If 10 cents
Is enough from Wcbty,!ciYy 'to Chicago,
that two-thirds of that ought' to be a
sufficient rate from Webster City to Du
buque, which is but half the distance. It
is learned that since the discrepancies In
rates were discovered a few days ago all
the railroads except the . Illinois Central
have put the cream shipments on the -distance
tariff rate an4 th'!,ate 18 reasonable
and, Just according to" the'ereamery men.
Freshmen lavarte a Home.
Mrs. E. M. Ritchie ot 2932 Brattleboro
s venue defended her home and a big feed
for the sophqmore class 'of Drake uni
versity against an . assault, by the entire
freshman class last night.- Learning of a
party which Miss Opal C. Ritchie was to
give to her' sophomore 'tlusKmatcs, the
freshmen descended oif'the house at an
hour when the sophomores were away on
a hay ride and no one' hut Mrs. Ritchie
there to defend It. The; freshmen gained
entrance through . the ; second ory. but
were fought off and succeeded only In get
ting two Jugs of elder.
Cummins In- Indiana.
Governor Cummins spoke in Washington.
Is., last night and today is on his way to
Indiana, where he will speak at Danville
and Oresham. Friday' and Saturday. Ha
Will speak In IllinuJs.'.two "daya of next
week. v ...
Secretary Wilson's speeches.
It has been decided by the republican
state central committee to place Secretary
Wilson at Nichols, . In , the Second con
gressional district, and t Mt. Pleasant, in
the First. The dates were announced
yesterday. ; ,
Warden Discovers Nets.
State Game and ' Fish Commissioner
George A. Lincoln of Cedar- Itaplds Is hi
Dea Moines and today .. die 'Qvered a dozen
trammel nets below the Cnitfr sirtel
dnm. In the heart of the city. The nils
were confiscated. It Is usserled that vio
lators of. the fWh laws are more numerous
now than at any time for years, und a
dozen new deputy guiniulsslcnel'a were
sworn In to asttlxt in the tight against
Dickinson (iets Bund.
Afur neveral days' delay, II. 11. Dickin
son secured boiidfiiieii today in the suin
of ti.(jrt and wai released from the county
Jail. He is under indictment for the mur
der of Irene Blydenburg of Kldora. The
bond was signed by Robert King and A. S.
Kirkhart, both of this city.
Indicted Man ia t.oar,
D. T. Blodgett, editor and publish) r of
the Secretary, under . indictment 1 r
criminal libel, hus evaded th eyes of the
sheriffs and cannot be found for sirvke
of the Indictment. The' news of the in
dictment was published " before the arrest
could be made and the man is how
4'ato Nells Takes Stump.
Dates were arranged today Ity the demo
cratic state committee for Hon. Can
Sells, who will speak In the interests of
the election of Porter and Harrison. Be
ginning October 3d. at Osage, he will speak
at Charles City October Webster Ci'y.
Octotier 17; Grundy Center, tvtobcr Jt;
Clarion, October '. and at Deuisou en
tlctober SI. Dates were also being airanu-d
today for Judge J. M. Pursuns and Hon.
Henry Sullivan.
raldrrnnod for Speaker
H. M. Calderwood of Scott county will
be a candidate for speaker of the
at the next seaeton of the legislature if
he is successful In being re-elected a mem
ber of the house. Soon after the adjourn
ment of the last seselon, Nate Kenddll
if Monroe, II. H. Hart fif Allamakee and
Chris Jepeon f Woedbury were arrive-y
in lh held. J-peon decided not t i ok
rciHi:itHtion and Hart was riVf.-1 el for
the rcuouilnation. Kt-iidail uuu Caidcr-
wood are now the only candidates In the
Covflrin's . Allison's llecntery.
Dell Huntooii returned today fi'-m Du
buque and he conllrms the r. port tlial
Senator Allium. is seen there dal y in the
streets and will ho able to return to
W'nshlngtnn in Decenilier when cngr
I '.in mil Klpke Here.
On request of the police of Council Bluffs,
the police h. re are Investigating tho career
here of Kmm.t Kipke, held In Council
Bluffs for the murder of Potts. Sh? ai
once here as a member of a female base
ball club and lived here for a lime.
Oscnr Bergrr Arqnltted.
IDA C.ROVK. la.. Oct. IS Oscar Bergi-r.
accused of fraudulent lunklnn. was ac
quitted today. . The Jury was out eighteen
Settlement of "ortliwest Territory"
Is Commemorated Tablet I
irllrd by Mrs. Longnorlli.
MARIETTA, O., Oct. 18 A toUet com
memorating the first permanent settlement
In the old "Northwest Territory".' was un
veiled" here" today on' the collegp campus
In the presence of a large and distinguished
gathering of prominent citizens from all
parts of the country. Whltelaw Reid Is
president of the Ohio company, which, al
though organised In 1TW. was not Incorpo
rated Until 1902, and the present memorial
w- prepared under the auspices of that
society and unveiled by Mrs.. Nicholas
Longworth, daughter of President Roose
velt. Governor Harris and Vice President
Fairbanks spoke and the historical address
on the occasion was by Prof; Albert Bush
nell Hart or Harvard. ' '
Homer Lee of New York spoke as fid
lows: It is nearly a cinlurv it ml a quert-M- since
those revolutionary ctflcers. under the lead
of General Rufus Putnam, met nt th.
Hunch of Grapes tavern in Boston on April
";.. 17yi. niul organised the Ohio Company
of Associate The direct fruit of that
meeting lias been of incalculable value to
this nation. The itr"l ordin inc.- of I7S7
for the government of the Noilhwcst Ter
ritory would not have been passed in its
final form had It not been for their nor-i-istence.
The settli m nt at M.irtetla laid
the foundation for the commonwealth of
Ohio. The influence of these pioneers
shaped the developments ot this western
reaion. Their names and their deeds are
worthy of everlastlna rcnennlirance.
A small group of sons oX uhlo. desiring
to perpetuate the memory of their ichieve
ments, formed a new association tinder the
old name and finally became Incorporated
November ."!. under the l-iws of the
stale of New York as the Ohio Coninunv
of Associates. This company has under
taken to erect a chain of memorial tablets
commemorating the stirring events of his
tnric Interest from the period when Ohio
wus a "vacant territory" to the time when
It became a "new stale northwest of the
Ohio." In order thut the lesson of the lives
of these founders may become deeply hn-presse-d
upon' the minds rf the youth of the
present and fominn generations. These
tablets of Imperishable bronze will be
placed upon sites where perpetual preserva
tion and care will be assured.
It was planned to place the flrt tablet
upon the walls of the s ihtre isurv in New
Y'ork City, which stands upon the site of
the old federal hall.
The site for the second tablet was fixed
here at Marietta, the first settlement In
Ohio, the home tind final resting place of
Hut'us Putnam, the great leider, and his
comrades, whose bodies lie clustered about
yonder ancient conical mound.
1-adles and gentlemen, it Is mv pleasure.
In behalf of the Ohio Company of Asso.
elates of New York, to present to the city
of Marietta and to Marietta college, which
will ho Its custodian, this memorial to the
brave and true men who laid the founda
tions of this western empire. May It serve
its Intended rairiHise nnd quicken the pa
triotism and devotion to high Ideals of the
coming geuratlons of young people In this
The festivities at -Marietta .college
closed tonight with a banquet. All tlw
distinguished visitors who were In tha
city attended and many responded to
Ex-Comptroller of the Currency Charles
G. Dawes was master of ceremonies. Tha
program of toasts Included:
"The Northwest Territory," Vice Presi
dent Fatrhunka; "The Sister Hettlc-.teill,"
Hon. Nicholas Longworth.
Many of the distinguished guosta at
tended the foot ball game between West
Virginia university and Marietta college,
in which the visitors were defeated.
4 to :.
Marietta students are parading ths
streets tonight, bands of music are play
ing, campua bonhres burning and there
Is general Jollification.
Insurauce Agents Bna,
INDIANAPOLIS,lct. IS.-The National
Association of Fire Insurance Agents today
discussed commissions nnd the general re
ations of company and agent. The fe,i
uie this afternoon was the address by W.
M. Ramenl on the San Francisco disaster
n.d fire loss.
..,1 t
i.i-a'nA ".in
House Work
- y
7 ' J
Need Not
Wear Her Out
The drudgery of house work seems never
ending to tired-out, dispirited women who
suffer from female complaints or Irregularities. In
flammation and ulceration cause fearful bearing-down pains which
are aggravated by much standing on the feet, and lifting necessary In
house work.
But let no woman despair of relief from this torture. That famous
tonic reconstructor of diseased or disordered female organism,
has cured more than one million American Women, and It will cure
you. When troubled with painful irregularities, when back-
aches and headaches drive out all ambition, Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound will bring back health, strength, and happiness.
It GaLve Me New Life n.rd Vigor .
Detkt Mrs. Pinkham : Last gprlng, while va wera moving. I did considerable
more work than my gtrength permitted, and. having mental trouble at the game lime,
my health broke down completely and I found mysell unable to rest or eat. My nerv
ous system became shattered and I wa pale gnd emaciated and had to take to my bed.
My uter advised me to try Lydia E. Plnkham' Vegetable Compound, and,
although I had no (aith in patent medicines, I was so miserable that I would take any
thing for relief. I found that it made a complete change for the better, inducing appe
tite and reitful sleep and Imparting new life and vigor to my entire system.
. I gained nearly fourteen pounds, my complexion looked fresh and clear, gnd my
best friends were surprised and pleased at the change gnd could hardly credit the
fact that Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound had accomplished It.
Honor Lillian Henry,
1118 Ave.. South, Seattle, Wash. Director Seattle Dramatic Club.
Do net let disease make headway. Write at once to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.
Her advice Is free and will contain information of great value to you. Mrs. Plnkham U
foughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham. and for twenty-five, years under her direction
and since her decease, she has been advising sick women free of charge.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail