IrrilE "OMAHA DAILY BEE: THUKSOAY.' OCTOnKH l.'.irx n. The Groat : : Radiant Home in Base Burners have never bera equalled. TVy uve re cmI Ihfy give stronger, ate al irr Wit they last longer thai any torn oa the Market . PRICES $29 UP Stoves and Ranget Sold on Payments MILTON ROGERS ft SONS CO. 14th and Farnam St. PI.ESTY OP COIRSfNO AT SPRINGS Three II a era Completed In the Hil nesriay orlii " I HOT SPRINGS. 8. D., Oct. 17-(Speelal Telegram.) Knr the fourth day of the na tional coursing mrot the wr-ath-r wan conl. Waterloo purse. second round: Consignor bent Right Right. to 2: Ruby Athlete beat Majolica, S to 0: Wild On beat Klne Eyes. 12 to 0; Fine Kdge neat Dewar, 4 to 0; Richard Anton beat Affection, 4 to 2; I.a Garcia beat Lady Brake. to 0; Grade 13. beat Fortunate Effort, t to . Third round: Consignor beat Ruby Ath lete. 13 to 2; Wild On bent Fine Bdge, ( to I; Oracle R. beat Richard Anton; I.n Garcia beat Affection. 4 to 1. Waterloo plate, wvnnd round: Dave Reese heat Fourpaw, 5 to 2: Rucked Asleep beat I to ; 1a Mascot beat Far Kcho, 6 to 0; Lord Brake beat Lord Berry, 7 to 3. .-. . . Third round: Rocked Asleep beat Dave IReese. i to 0; La Mascot bent Ixird Brake, 4 to 1. Waterloo -cup, fourth round: 'Agile Spurt heat Celtlr, II lr ; Mr. Hrlnille won a bye, to 1; Mr. Blue beat Lady Athlete, 6 to 4: Ruly Aurora won a bye, H to 4. Fifth round: Mr. Brlndlc heat Agile Spurt. 3 to 2; Mr. Blue beat Ruby Aurora, 6 to 0. Final: Mr. Blue beat Sir. Brindle. 6 to 0. winning the cup and proving himself one f the bent dogs In the country. Waterloo fitirse, fourth round: Wild Qua. heat Convenor. 10 to 1; ' Oracle B. beat La Garcia. 7 to 2; I,ord Brake beat Rocked Asleep. 4 to l; .Lord Brake won tho Water loo plate. , ' Waterloo purse, , final: Wild Gus beat Grade B., 6 to 1. ,. with the rowi.kri. Cochran and Anderson turnrd tlu- tablen on HuntinRton and Ojcrde last night al the Association alloys.- winning tlic. kecond match of their series by 125 pins. The win ners put up a 8 Li on a gaum througliuul. lacking only eleven pins in 'their total of averaging 2W Ton the five" games. Scores: ' '' 1 2 S 4 5 Total. Cochran j... 1H7-545 SIX ml 1Sn .! Anderson '. ... 17J ' ISO 237 204 194 oj .;.'. 431 '4.V1 5 374 1.S8S 1 2 S 4 6 Total. ... 2i in "J29 179 is7 : ... 17!) 132 215 158 1!4 k7IS 'Totala . OJerde' Huntington Totala.... ;.:!SO-322 444 337 3S1 . l,t4 Tonight's leaKue teams are the Hamlltons and 8lor Blue Ribbons.- Carman's , Colts won. two out of three Tames from the Kl ('a million on the M.-iro-poiltnn alleya. llinricks of the-KI Caudillns waa high on single mn wltli 2t;, also high on totals with 5W. Caiman of the Polls waa high on hla team With no". Tomorrow night .the Life Malts against the Black Kats. Scores: CARMAN'S COLTS. ,. 1st. 21. ,".. Total. Hull 167 Hi. IV 613 Voas k 1KI 173 17t Sill Johnson n yi p;7 Hartknph HA 114 lal 41 Carman lm j.m lna 557 Totals : S: Caiigiilan liatnlilct ., KaufTman Hlnrlcka '. Crooks ... Totala ' 7S1 KL CAUD1LLOR 1st. 2d. .... TIO hi 15 147 .,...132 17!l ...,2a" .... J.'M 173 ' . ... . 7;) ' S73 !r!l 2.521'. 3.1. Total. I4o 4t M , 40 IS! 7 la7 ."rfki 1'iti IW 7-7 . 2,:K) GLOOM PREVAILS AT I. OF N. Cornhnkri 10 Bad fctane and Worrjiar Over Game with Ames. DEFEAT SEEMS UKllY ON SATURUAY Foster's l.laht Men In I ncerlalai t mn dillon. lint Hope t till t rushlnar Rloir from llr) Ion a as. LINCOLN, Net.., Oct. 17. -(Special.) Hpeculatlon an to the outcome of next Saturday's conflict with the Ames Agri culturists is the absorbing topic this week In the camp of the cornhuskcri. There Is no concealment of the fear that Nebraska is gravely In danger of encountering a de feat. In recent seasons the Ames aggre gation has Ix-en fairly easy for the Coin hunkers, but this year the lowans have a heavier team, mid one which also contains more veteran players. Neither la Amt-a bumpered by the ami-freshmen rule, all of which la u decidtd advantage, for Infor mation from lowu Is that Coach Rlstlne, In addition to his tried foot iiall warriors, has at least two or three young players, who are putting up a sensational game. Practice began at Amea two weeks earlier than al Nebraska, and the husky farmers have already played four games in which they plied up no less than 1!! points. No college eleven in the country has n record equalling this, and it can be said truly that the Ames scoring machine, considering the handicap of the new rules, is a formidable proposition. The Nebraska squad this year la by far the lightest in the history of the Institu tions. Coach Foster has tabulated the weights of bis regulars and finds that the average Is only lifi pounds, a ligure nearly fifteen pounds below the Nebraska rule. Several of the players are practically Inex- perlenced and, to add to Foster's woes, the I s.tiad now contains three or four rripples and It Is doubtful If any of them will be able to participate next Saturday. Captain Mason, fullback, Is one of the invalids, hla chief ailment being an attack of rheum atism, and It is even poaslble that the cap tain la out of the game for the remainder of the season. One rternn Rack. A measure of hope has been Insplied by the addition of Johnson, the' veteran colored end, to the 'varsity squad. The Nebraska athletic board haa ruled that the colored hoy, who ranks with the best ends In the west, is eligible for another year In a Cornhusker suit and his return to the moleskins I a decided boost. , Foster nlso was hot after Fdgar Cotton, a veteran tackle, but the board barred him out by declaring him ' ineligible. Taylor. the husky guard and also 11 colored boy, has not yet completed his examination, a re quirement demanded by the faculty, but Taylor hopes to square his dellclences and get Into action on the 'varsity eleven be fore the end if another week. Weller, tackle and halfback for two seasons, has been absent from the practice squad because of a condition, but Weller is cramming Industriously and haa been given until the end of next week to don his foot bull suit. Neither Taylor nor Weller are possibilities for the Ames game, but their addition to CoaVh Foster's classes would help Im mensely in the preparations for Minnesota, Kausas and Chicago. Koater is taking, no chances of Amea getting wise to the pew tactics hla pupils arc to use next Saturday, and the athletic field, al the university has been deserted for practice purposes this week, the coach taking his 'varsity squad to tho state farm, four miles from town, where the men are .working In secret.. The Cotnhuskers did not attempt a single forward paas or on-' slde kick last Saturday in the, Drake game, as Rlstlne, thf Ames conch, -was on hand, getting his eyes full of Nchraska'a style of play, and whatsoever the Cornhusker uae next Saturday in the forward pass line will be entirely new to the Ames. Instructor. Scrimmaging has been altnost . entirely eliminated from the practice, as substi tutes are scarce and Foster does not care to run any rinks of adding new names to the' hospital roll. New formations, in which forward pat-sea. double passes and onside kicks are frequently called into action, are claiming chief attention. After an hour's workout the squad races back on foot for a 'cross-country run as a wind developer. Antra Haa linutl ( hnnrr. There Is no gainsaying, however. Just now that Aines has a good chance to take Nebraska's measure and to accomplish the Cornhuskers' defeat at home the ttrst time since the memorable clash with Minne sota In-man, when the Gophers were vic torious by a score of 2" to U. The decision of the Nebraska board In the Johnson and Cotton cases has been a topic of decided Interest. In discussing the decision In favor of Johnson, Dr. Lees, a member of the board, said: "The decree of the board that Johnson Use Dr-Graves' Tooth Powder and nole the delicious after taste. Even if you have good teeth they need regular atten tion twice-a-day. Watch the efiect on your friends. In handy metal cans or bottles, tSe- D' Graves' Teeth Powder Cc. was eligible means that Nebraska Insists upon passing upon the eligibility of Its own players. The conference rules were adopted at Nebraska two years ago and are being enforced to the letter, but to have barred Johnson this season would have been to make the conference rules retroactive nt Nebraska a proceeding net enforced by the conference Itself. It Is undisputed tint Johnson played In l'.'l and l'.2 In about five minutes of one minor game each year. The old rules at Nebraska did not make this participation nt that time ar.d the board refused to count it as participation now." RIDS THE SYSTEM o OF MALARIA The healthy color of the skin is given to it by the millions of little rci corpuscles in the blood. These are the carriers of nourishment, health ami strength to all parts of the body in other words the very life of the blood. When the genus of Malaria get into this vital fluid they destroy these corpuscles and rob the blood of its rich, life-sustaining qualities ren dering it thin, weak and watery and unable to supply the system with the needed: strength to resist disease. Then the symptoms of Malaria such as pale, sallow complexions, weak vitality, poor appetite, deranged digestion r frtneraj "let down" condition of the system, and perhaps chills and slijrht fever, show that this insidious disease is gradually affecting the entire health Malaria must be removed from the ystein through the circulation and the medicine to accomplish this is S. S. S. It not only cleanses the blood of all impure, unhealthy matter, but rids the system of Malaria, and restores the blood to a Strong, healthy condition. S. S. S., besides removing the germs of Malaria, builds up and gives tone and vigor to the entire system by its lae tonic effects. Malaria is a blood disease, and S. S. S. cures it because it is a perfect blood purifier. Book on the blood and any medical advice nthout charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. . atMwaHBMi a aiMW PC! M V'ho need special medical attention should exercise judftrtient to tbe extent they value their future happiness and success In life. Don't make u mistake in the beginning. READ the announcement in next Sun (Ihv's lce of the (IIHBKIT AMI H'liOlKIO Kit AW Mahtrrelahla Fisht Wis Bloody Ronnda In I'bllndelithla. PHILAnrci.FHtA. Pa., Oct. IT. Terry McGovern and Young Corbet t fought a hard six-round bout at the National Ath letic club tonight. When the gong an nounced the close of the battle there was little to chnoso between the (lghtrs. The fight was one of the bloodiest ever wit nessed In this city. In the opening round there was not a blow which did any damage. Mctrovem, profiting by his two previous battles with Corbett, took no chances and simply danced around tbe ring cr-rushed to a clinch. At the opening ol the second round rusheu and caught McOovern with a tci riliee right on the chin, which forced the latter to lake the count of nine. When McGovern got to his feet he rushed to u clinch and in so doing he butted Corbetl 1 ov r the l"ft eve. opening a gash from which the blood flowed In a at ream. From this round to the hnish the lighters eic covered with blood troni h'.id lo foot. Mat ters grew worse In the third round. Alter Corbett had missed three right swings for McOovern's Jnw. he finally landed a light hook over .Terry's eye, opening a deep gash. The fourth round was In McGovern a favor. Time nnd again he would counter on the wind as Crtett ran In, and an occasional Jab to the damaged eye, the blood from which partially blinded Corbetl. The fifth and sixth rounds were uhoul even, but there was never a s-cond that the men were Idle. It was rush, clinch and swing from gong to gong, each fighter using hla best endeavors lo get In a knock out blow. Al the way the nun were going It Is doubtful II' cither cnuld have lasted two more rounds. McGovern was weak ened by Corlietl's blows, and the hitter, who carried at least twenty pounds too much weight, was very weak from his own exertions. . , When the men appeared in the ring Slc inbuH ... .... it. the nlnk of con dition, but Corbett. while he looked well about the face, was several Inches too large In girth. It was almost 11 o clock iMtorc the men got into action. ","" McGovern cllmlied Into the ring he walked over to Corbett's corner and said: 'If you whip me tonight I II take off my hat to you. but 1 want you to act square and liht a fair fight." Corbett smiled anil said "All right. The referee announced that the tight would be straight Marquis of Queensbury, the inert to protect themselves on the breaks. Corbett endeavored to break clean from every clinch, but McGovern never missed an opportunity to awing his right to the lck of the head or his left to tor betts stomach. When the bout cl'.Kcd Corbett walked, over and grasped McOov ern a gloved hand and the two smiled and exchanged courtesies. EW WORLD'S HISSIXU RKCORD Yoorheee. SKI tt 1 Shot. oea Hl-ll Fnrlono-a In lilTl-5. NKW YORK, Oct. 17. Another world's record was broken at Uelmont park today when Voorheea. a to 1 shot, won the ... . -1 1 a Vi q 1 f fnrloiius straight- lawav. ln'l:lTH. which if three-fifths of a i second faster than Mandarin s time niade this year and mat or in ln3 Voorhees was played for it good thing. He' opened at Wl to 1 In the betting and immediately the money began to show and hla price dropped to 30 to 1 at the close. mr 1 rra,.l lird had the race A trill ll'T-O saiiu ...i... . between them all the way and in the final furlong and under a hard drive oor hees won by a head. Wes a :i to 1 shot, won the New Ro chelie stakes in the fast time of l';,js for a mile. This Is one-fifth of a second slower than the worlds record for a circular trVoodsman, a long fhot. broke the record for one and a half miles when he stepped the dlrtance in 2:33-H. The form players had the worst day of the year, as the six races were all won by long phots. Summaries: First race, six and a half furlongs, straight: Voorhee won. Frank Lord sec ond. Klamesha third. Time: l:im. . .1 1 Cr.H na won. Gtn- oecoim 1 i...,- . , , nette second. Lady Tarantella third, rime: ' i :w I Third race, the Champagne stakes, seven furlong.-, straight: Kentucky Beau won, V K. Daniel second. Ballot third. Time: Fourth race, the New Rochelle stakes, selling, mile: Wes won. Grapple second. Secuiity third. Time: 1 :.TrV Fifth race, selling seven furlongs, main course: Orphan Lad won. Gold second. Black Mate third. Time: 1:38. Sixth nice, mile and a half: woodsman won. Cairngorm second, Holscher third. Time: 2:33H. - I'l.AVKH OFF RESEKVATIOS 1.1 HT National Base Hall Commission Makes Xot Role. CINCINNATI. Oct. IT. The National Base Ball commission decided today that In the future the names of players who have violated their contracts with major .... ... It nr.. Ka inf.l..lA.l In t h ( league ciuo Biian nu. ,t - icservatlon lists suhmitted to the com- I : .....I nr.lUK.J thlf lh IlAnif Of tile following players be stricken from the res ervation list of National league clubs by the secretary of the commission: rvoin ur.Mai n. nnwrnift. ' " " . ling and Weigand; from Chicago, Scoring, m rt.!1n,lAl..Vitti Wurri ,r .... . l""-!. . - "'... ., , liereaiier lite u".r ..n..-r .. allowed on any reservation list until appli cation has lieen nisde by the players for 1 . .. . . .. ,u uumr. lu . ' 1 n . (1 .IV' iriMVlH.r.iir... hum ,,- the National commission. t'oaralna; Judae In Disfavor. ARAPAHOIC. Neb.. Oct. IT. (Special Tel egram, l-nesplte the threatening weather the coursing meet at this place was well attended, the crowd being estimated at l.tuft, and would have lieen twice as many had not rain threatened, but it cleared up nl waa an Ideal afternoon for coursing. The rabbits were fine and contests tierce. In the finals in the national derby I'al Raven was declared the winner with Charley Russ. a litter brother, aa runner up. but how or why he won was with the Judge, aa Charley Rose- was regarded by spectators ss well as dog owners as the winm r. Another case was the decision that Coumeis Surprise lost out when she was not only the runner up. but made iwo of the three turnfl besides the kill. The all-age stake, first round, waa more satisfactory, as the dog owners and the public were better Mllatled with the decisions. BUILDERS CET. BIG WAGES Ifeohasici ofTbii tort fcaroa aid Faj Eik ia Omaha. BRICKLAYERS ARE THE TOP-NOTCHERS Journeymen Draw Mily-Twn and Half tents anil Foremen seiratr-Mte Cent for f tine Hoar's Work. Meu employed In the building trades in Omaha are all busy and they ' will have all the work they ran do this fall and winter, except whert freralng weather pre vents. In fact, the demand for men In most lines Is greater than the suprly and contractors are frequently much inconven ienced by ilelsy on this account. The condition Is the same all over the wintry. If it were otherwise Omaha would be overrun with bricklayers and car penters, for wages here are generally higher than In most of the cities of the Missouri and Mlsslsflppl valleys and con siderably hiKle: than In eastern cities. Only In some of the rapidly growing west ern cities., such ns Butti . Senttle, Tacomn and some of the California towns are nages very much Is iter than In Omaha, and In these places the cost of living Is said to be enough higher to balance the difference. The ordinary clerk or bookkeeper, glan cing at tho schedule of wages paid skilled labor, feels sick at heart and wonders what good, his brains do him anyway. While he works ten to twelve hours a, day and draws fc!0 a week, the good , bricklayer or plumber puts In but eight hours a day and draws each Saturday night. The hod carrier works eight hours a day and draws three-fourths as much as the poor clerk. Bricklaying In Omaha Is strictly union work and the regulation wage Is (CH cents nn hour. The foremen get To cents. This' Is considerably more than bricklayers re ceived three or four years ago. Carpenters are paid according ' to their ability and speed, from So to 45 cents an hour, and the foremen get 60 to 55 cents. They work In open shop. "tone Masons and ( utters. Stone masons are paid 6:'i cents and stone cutters 50 cents. The scarcity of labor in this line. In addition to the scarcity of stone, was one of the causes of so much delay In the construction of big buildings In Omaha this summer. Plasterers get 56 cents an hour; laborers and hod car riers, 25 to 3ft cents; lathers, 50 cents; sheet metal workers, 40 cents; structural and ornamental Iron setters, 40 cents; tile set ters, 50 cents: plumbers, steam fitters and gas fitters, from 5CH cents an hour to as high as $30 a week; painters, cents an hour. In general, these, '. wages have been gradually rising in the, last few years and the average wage Is several cents an hour higher than It waa three years ago and even very noticeably higher than a year and a half ago. Any man working 'in the building trades can save enough in a few years to build a comfortable home and have money left over for Investment. ' One of t,he local con tractors likes to tell of. a" bricklayer In his employ. This man has. worked steadily for several years and nf the tame time has been economical, lie 'Is now building a 15,000 home, a handsome house, entirely modern and finished 'In hard wood. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE PQT.O0?S for PJaEE or Call and Bo Examined Free. ( 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Kstabltkltrd In Omaha, Nebraska. IIOPPB AGAIN t PROVES TITLE Roy Rllllnrd Champion Defeats Jaroh - eflfer. NTTW YtmrC.' Ott.nl7;-Wnile Hoppe of this City again provf Ills right to the title of world's champion, iri etghteen-lnch balk line, one shot In. .The young lad was chal lenged by the veteran. Jake 8chaefer of , ' 1 , i n .. . . I K I .. 1 e. concert hall tonight.'; Jloppe beat Schaefer oj- a acore tit di io in tortv-seven In nings. Neither vlotofc nor loser did himself Justice, as each Is 'capable of making a ......... .kA..(d . i . . i. . . . . num . loua me. nonora after a hard and game struggle and the vi ikuu wan cougraiuiaiea at me nnisn. Tomorrow George Klosson of this city and George Button of Chicago will meet at the same place for the world's cham pionship at the 18.S balk line game,, ijoo points up. Score: Hoppe: 6. 1, 5. 9. 0, 2. 0. 0. 2. I. 3, 3, 4, 0, 2.-i. 1, 7. 58. 0. 1, 0, 4, 3. 0. 6, 8. 2. 35, 3. tS. 16, K 1. , 9n 6. 11. U. 12. .2. 1, 6. 12, 21, 30. 1, 300. Total: 500. Average: 10 3-47. High run: 96. , . Schax-fer: 0. 11, 80. 0, 22. 9, 0, 12. I. 0 4 0 . 4, 0, 0, 12, 3. 1, 1, 10. 18, 4. O, 6, . 32. 39. 1. 2, 0, 3, 10, 0. 5. 19. 10. 2, 33. 13, 33, 0. 0. 1.1. 2. 12. 10. Total: 472. Average: 10 2-47. High ruu; 42. Spraaoe and Gaines Trams. Captains Sprague ' and Gaines have chosen their teams for the golf match Sat urday at tho Country club and these pair ings have been made: K. H. 8prague, (captain), plays V. H. Gaines, - (captain.) ' VV. J. Foy plays W: T. Stuart, 2d. Frank Hamilton plays J. A. Mt Shane. K. F. Peck plays J. 8. Brady. Kd Creighton plays E. I. Cudahy. Joe Balurldge plays' W. J. C. Kenyon. A. B. Warren plays J. W. Thomas. C. B. Kellar plays J. H. Griffith. R. B. Bush playi C. N. Pleta. H. T. Cummings plays Victor Caldwell. A. J. Ixive plays C. N. Robinson. W. T. Hamilton plays Z. T. Lindsay. Joe Byrne plays Gaorge Prltchelt. . Phil Dodge plays Robert Wood. . J. R. Scobie plays fl. W. Wattles. Frank Colpetser plays C. 8. Montgomery. Samuel Miller plays William Doane. Fred Hamilton plays J. K. Chambers. W. H. McCord plays Luther Drake. W. G. Maul plays C. H. Gulou. J. E. Buckingham plays L. W. Wakeley. W. B. Roluris play K. 8. Westbrook. C. W. Hull plays Arthur Remington. Wilson Iiwe plays Charlea lcue!. Frank Haskell plays K. I. Cudahy. Harry Tukey plays E. A. Cope. T. A. Fry plays T. C. French. C. C. George plays L. F. Crofoot. H. II Baldrldge plays Harry McCormack. Joe Barker plays Oeorga Palmer. Jerry Mi gee plays Bprague Abbott. K. R. Kimball plays A. A. McClure. J. B. Rahni plays A. V. Kiiislei. T. R. Kimball playa Stockton Heth M. M. Fairfield playa W. D. Bancker. Tarn Davis plays J. H. Butler. K. V. i.ewls playa F. N. Connor. A. L. Reed plays H. T. Lemlst. W. K. Martin plays Ed Morsemau. William Burns plays William Redlck. M. C. Peters plays D. M. Vinsonhaler. Ward Rurgtes plays. Gorge Hammer. (i. M. Hitchcock plays T. J. Malioney. Frank Burklev nlua V. A '..,ii,v I R bert T. Burns plays I. A. .Coles. I Frank Wilhrlm playa Frank Morsemau. I E. M. Wllhelm plays Euclid Martin. I Sam Burns, Jr., plays George Prints. gaurriors Want tinmr. The Superior foot ball team Is looking for a game for next Sunday or any other Sunday, the Balnmuts or Tribunes pre ferred. Address Al. Powell, care Cudahy Packing company, Soutb Omaha. '.. "-I i.v W J l X tU Mtrk OriBimFDhinlaln' ufarMpwltftrllnuld psllbea. I Oltr a onUk. lM-l"l-.i.t lu..r.l and is.iM noi uili- "ir i FREE 8AMPLK Addr. r.,t. I lamoul t'orl.H a '.. lr Hann KOMfJ Yale Defeats Prlaeeton at Golf. GARDEN CITV. L. I., Oct. 17. Yale and Princeton fought It out again fur this years team chc.inpioiishlp honors of tha lnter-colleglate Golf association on thu Garden Cuy club links. today and Vale won. The total point scored were: Yale, KW; Prlnwton, 4. These flgurea were made up for one point for each winning match, six men lieing on each team, and one half of a point for each hole uo the winner has on hi opponent.. The final contest was at thirty-six holes. Four of the Yale men beat their Princeton opponents, while two Princeton players won their games. Equals WhitSKe &3 t Lf&&F) VL 5sesoAiliJlili 1 'iK Beer Wmw , mi a ! i. niiniia.nainiiliiiBiiVfflai,.,,j,,;i.alil.,,,.ll i n urn i.nn. n i. amBHa... 1 The Prohibition Theory on Beers Has been weighed In the balance and found warning. The ereat scientists of all Nations after careful analysis declare that beer brewed from pure biirlev nm:t and hops contains only about per cent of alcohol or task enough to mildly stimulate tbe body and promote bealtlir ion. l'r Mauei. the German analyst (whose fame Is international) says: "Heer has a number c.f pleasant and valuahlc nunlittes. No oiher beTerann contains such a combination of useful properties. The water of H quenches the thirst, the rarnnnlr acid refreshes, the rxirac'.s are nutritious, tbe alcohol furthers digestion, tha mineral aalta build up the buoes, and extracts ot hops act as a ton ic." Dr. Bauer's statement here giyen txactl) describes the qualities of ' Gund's Peerless Beer Its commanding superiority oyer all American brews was proren at tbe St. Louis World's Fair where In open competition with the best America can produce it won the Uold Medal. Peerless has been brewed for over M years from the best Malt inn Hurler and finest Bohemian Bops by tbe world-famous "Uiind Natural Process" and has won its high position solely on aerount ot unadulterated genuine honest merit. Sold at all p iure of public resort and generally found in toe bomea of our Terr beat people. Telephone, write or call; a rase will be delivered to your home al once. John Gund Brewing Co., La Crosse, Wisconsin. W. C. Hcydcn Mjrr.. lao-2a"ai l.t-avt-nwoith St., Omaha. Neb., Telephone iHiuglns 2311." Barnlinrt & Klein, Wholesale Distributer, 102 West Itronilvvay, Council Iiluffs, lutvn. aai. WW FAKE AND A THIRD for the round trip from Omaha to many points in In diana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and "West Virginia. Tickets on sale Friday, October 19th, good for return in thirty days via the CHICAGO, MILW & ST. PAUL Here are some of the round trip rates from Omaha: AUKEE RY. Toronto, Ont., . .$33-55 Buffalo, N. Y. '. ; .'.$33.00 Indianapolis, Ind $23-20 Muncie, Ind $23-90 Detroit, Mich .$25-35 Columbus, Ohio $28-15 Cleveland, Ohio $28.35 Cincinnati, Ohio.. . . .$27.35 Dayton, Ohio ; . . . . $26-70 Toledo, Ohio '.$25.70 Pittsburg, Pa. ............. . .$31-00 Wheeling, W. Va. ........... . $31.70 Louisville, Ky $26,00 Three fast trains from Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago, every day. Leave Omaha 7:55 a. in., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. For folders and in formation call at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St., Omaha, or 25 Pearl St., Coun cil Bluffs. ' F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. as 3E la Bcbeduled for Saturday afternoon at the Country club. Tim McGruth announced a few days ago that he had wagered on Yoiinar t'orla-tt in his coming battle with Terry McGovern. All the nuggets Hilly Nolan found in Gnldfield were on Buttling Nelson s head after the fight. Philadelphia North Ameri can. Jamea Sebrlng haa algned with the Chi cago Nationals and will play with that team in 19W. The Philadelphia National league club tried hard to land the player but Manager Chance of Chicago refused to consider any trade. Jimmy Yanger of Philadelphia has been in training for the last few weeks and now stales that he la ready to meet any bov in the world at hfi pounds. His man ager is ready to back him against any boy in the business al this weight. Should Stone play with the Omaha team In the game agalnnt the Pielz Athletic club next Sunday the Rrounds will not be large enough to bold the people who will turn out to welcome him. Htone. although rejected ns being a man who bats out of form, ended the season at the head of the Hat of batsmen of the American league. Ppaul.llng's official basket ball guide for I'Kift-; is out and contains tin- newly if vta'd rules and articles on the game fro r every section of the country. Sunuesiion for acoring and hints to official urn lu structive chapters and the records com prise the scores of every team of im portance throughout the country. The pic tures, as usual, uie a featuie of the Im.oU and Include the portraits of nearly -.'. players. Turner-Kllls-Cuscaden concert tonlKht ut Schmoller & Muller'a building. Trails Defeats Dyers. HAMILTON, Mass.. Oct. 17 Walter J. Travis of the Garden City Golf club, gave Kben M. Byers of Pittsburg, the present national title holder, one of the severest defeats that the latter has sustained In several years in a thirty-six hole contest at the Myopia Hunt club today. Travis led 'from the start and at the end of the first round waa five up. In the afternoon play Travis ended the contest on the thir teenth green seven uu and five to play. The match ended a three days' Invitation tournament. MlMtrtlaa; Hrcvllles. Secretary Navln of Detroit allege that Armour was too lenient with the players. Young Corbett Is training at Stratford. Conn., for his battle with Terry McGovern. Tbe Horse show will ha the renter of in terest all noxl week and other sport will be forgotten for a time. Captains tiprague and Guinea have their teams out in training vvery night now in aaiiclpaSHu of tha graat golf match which AN OLD and WELXeTRIEU HKMKOI. Foil OVM BlCTY YEARS mi, wnnowv bootxixo ior, Bu beta w tr nr SJXTf TCAKS bt MILLIONS TVoTHEH tor CHILDREN WHILIt TJIITH. UU WITH PtKFBCT bUCCLSb. IT SOOTHES ... cmLa bStknb th. oum. allay aii mu; LlAKJlHOkA. Sold by tiruulM. " oi lb. aarid. Bo an aS ut lor MRSu W1XSLOWS StXlTlUXG 8VKVP 4j4 uk s koA. u iwi bu. Tho.B PdAe.mK rrom weak oes.ea which u the pleasures of lite should uke Jutcii Pills. One box will tell a ttory of marveloua resulu. Tliis medicine has mors rejuvenating, vitalising force than baa ever 'before beea offered. Seat post-paiu in plain pact co ouly on receipt of ihn "t and II. Made by its origiuau.r. C. I. Hood J o., pro. r'stora Hood's bai-aauarilla. Lowell, laaa. MEM AND WOMtN. Cm Bia at for Bnn.tur.l d.o. bor.iofln.mut.iBf, irnimtiuu. wr ul.-er.iiofti of lancouo nituiorao.. . Piqi.. a4 am ulrm c.ot or p..i.oauBO. fMlol kiy braaslsta. or nut ib .itin wrapper. hf .l.r.M. r'.'O. l ft OS. or a Dotll.l - 75. Ctr.ulAi aoat .a iouum. 0wtku4 id I SB M Mi l. IUMWS. 41 rmw CmimIio. wTZtiu lurtCataiOAi O y"Vi)iiciiaii,i.ff,wl Thru Sleeping Car to Mexico Gity Dally After October 15 From Chicago and Kansas City, via El Paso, thru to Mexico City without change. Leaving Kansas City at 11: 10 p. m. A wlde-vesttbuled Pullman drawing-room imd smoking-roym (deeper of modern type. This car will be carriwd on the Cali fornia Kast Mall over the popular "El Paao Short Line" of the Hoi k Island. Apply to this office for tickets and reservation of space. F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1323 Farnam Street OMAHA. NED. m WB CURE MEN FO VK. By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles Eatabllaiiad in Omaha for it yeara Th. many thousand of caaea cured by ua make ua (ha moat experienced tlpe-t lallats in th west, in all dlseasce and aliments of man We know just what will cuts you and cure yuloWly. WE CUUJ VOL', THEN IOC PAV LH OL It F EE. V maka no misleading or false atatemanta, or offer yo . cheap, worthlraa treatment Our rtpuiatloa and nain ar too favorably known, every oiae we treat, our reputa tion la at ataka. Vuur health, Ufa and hupplnas la ''" eerinua a matter to place in the aaada of a "NAMiV 1.KH8 ' DOCTOR. Honast doctors of ability ua thau OWN NAUR IN THKIK HI BINKBB Wa oaa effect for everyone a Ufa-long Cl'ItXi for W.kk. Ksrveua Mu. Varlcooel. troubles, Narvoua THuiiliy, blood Pnlaun. pr .-tatlc traiblea. Kidney, Bladder, WASTING WK. NKBS. Hydraee'e. Chronto tMteasea. O.ntraote Plaara feton.aeh and Bkln Llsaaa. Ij; 13 eaamiimtioT. and eonaultation. Writs for Svnirtom Blank o koma tratatnt. SEAltl-Eh at mKARLEM. atb aa(i VouIm HlrU. OmuthM, XliTL