Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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ir."hi.f.' tKnicte (1 S.
n, - 'fan. aaer
ucioDer-nie Momn 01 ine ureal uorse snow.
Tlu njtDarol ; neetls Hrising from this grand occasion will be many. This store was never
in letter shape for thi glad senson. An hour or two epent in our store viewing all the retty
'thiiiK4 will reveal to you how wonderfully ready we ore to supply your needs. -
-. -. nmajh.l's ln'odern dry good store welcomes you gto a notel showing of worthy inerchan-
.. . ' . . . .
Smart Gloves. for Women.
Moet every kind nf.jrlove fur everv m-ea-Ihi
to be fnutwl lniii grc;it glovk stock.
XVhetlnif Jt be, for ordfn.iry street or tr
aesr, you are sure to find Just t he w,-n '.ed
tye here. ' Vo-i will Ifo !nd nttr pt'"
ri alwiit the lowest for hlah-gradi gloves,
Horse nhow- week WIU tnon he here; don't,
wslt till :t)ir s I' minute to b'rt Vuf
glove, "b'jt Wwne trow and Pn on nf cur
espert glove fitter select anfl fit the pro-ws ' UF' ",c-. ' " '"' r prepared Tor the
glove for you. , coining society event, the horac allow?
Valuer's Stainless Black Huede. guararl!"ur Men' Dwarltnent la safe place
teed to be ttersolratl oroof and alairilesyT h?'' n" w Wn J"' wht 10 '""f
will tiot atalh the hand, nor dre, will
not bardn tbroticli pereplratlon nor bun
Ita oolor; por pMf..S.0. 1
Valller'a Waajinlile .,Uvea. mad by p.
nl proreai,"th of 'auprrlor ilurablilty, re-
lata prrapirntlnn'lirid a'booltitelr'retalna Its
?olor and oftnes' after waehtnjf, white
ind tan; per'par,' l.'.'JO. ' ' "
Valller'a Pliie, rTj( Tieaver, brown, red.
rreen. navy. anr and blnok; per pair; J2..
Main noor ;'... ..
Beautiful Silk Hosiery,
I.overs nf '1ne''tolen' ".boubl 'not (ill t.
ee our beautiful Urn- of l!lk. Holrr .
There are no finer gradr. prettier pttina
or colorings pmduceil tliat.can aui-pe.a
Plain Hlack Silk IToae roin l.f to MOO
tier pair. -
looked aquarely at Mr. Cromwell and
again said with emphasis: "I will never
cast -a single, vote for Mr. HeFnst." "
f'l did. not know," rejoined Mr. Crom
well, "that you, had changed your mind
a you 'dtdbn the oti,tgulng , dlrecf'ofa.,
Tou eali 'wlien I talked with you ttils
morning that you did not know whether
jou fvvuld vote for them or not."
Fish Contrarilrts ( rnnnrrll.
"I am going to correct you, Mr. Crom
well," answered Mr. Fish, rising. ' -"I
never 'said any such thing. What- I did
ay was .that I refused to discuss the
matter with you In any manner."
At this point Henry W. teinan, a stock
holder, who had seconded most of the
routine motions during the meeting, pre
cipitated a aha-rp exchange between him
self "and Air.-"1 fVomWell by . referring to
the latter as "notlitng put a paid attor
ney." '. '
"And who are'you?" retorted Mr. Crom
well,' faring Mr. Lrnian. , "'Aren't you an
attorney? ' What Jijapl(it?1ty ,lu,r- yon ht'iv
"I am not here'aa a paid -'attorney.'" I
am here as a stockholder. Can you show
aa clean hands?" '
"You are a mighty convenient stock
holder, bobbing up every time Mr. Flab
pulls a string, seconding motions and
Inking questions," rejoined Mr. Cromwell.
"I tried to treat , you with courtesy,"
aid Mr. I,min, and Mr. Cromwell re
torted that courtesy was ' wasted - on Mr.
Asrt.rvfO n v
Send for booklet.
Judging Fur
Lanpher rurx
are sold by the
leading dealer (
in every town
Dave O'Brien!
One of Omaha's foreiuot busi
nrsk men, proiuiuent politician, silver-tongued
after-dinner fcpeaker.
Foremost among Omaha tailors
are we. Particularly pleasing to
the eye are the dress suits and
bu; lresd suits that daily leave our
atoif, soroetiniea on the backs of
Omaha's most promineut men. Al
most bilver-tengtted are tbe beau
tiful patterns of One worsteds and
cheviots. In plaids and atrlpes. that
we have ou display.
Remember, we.bave two expert
cut iois, two expert salesmen and
bluy expert sewing tailors.
We are Omaha's largest jailor
ten store.
Sulfa to Ort'crt U to S50.
'Jhne lioug fO.
N'txt I't' -f ..5Ke
r-V 8 16th St.
h Ti- kn f?W
k m
r .o t. i- m
r a n
..... ,
- w . i
Thread Pllk llnw, In plain rhnd- of h - i
j emlrr. white, pink, blue and'allver, $2 fin I
i per pair. '"
Kmbroldered Silk Hone, in uioM feti hltu;
: design, from 12.73 to IS no per pair.
Main floor. ' .
l Tr 1 T-
iucu s uvemug ureas i
! PiaoTiti'ala . 'I
uaocutuwa. t
Have you look! over j-eur shirt, gloves,
ajid yon ran depend upon It being correct.
The proper shirt Is a "Mae Hwrdle." Tt
ia the only full dress ahlrt made that will
Itlve comnlcte satisfaction. The hoaoin Is
runruntecd not to btilire. and will retnln Ita
shape, no matter what post lire the wearer
may. take. The fit Is perfect. It is sightly,
i comfortable and always pese Be sue
you get the "Mac Hurdle." u rosta no
more than inferior imlt.itiona. . .
EACH. ( . t . , i
II. 7i EACH. , (. . .
White Olacc' Kid C.loes. buttons, with
one clnsp' at wrist. j.V per pair.
Light Weight Oray foch Olovee. very
soft and pliable, closes at wrist with on,
pearl button, $2 per pair.
Full Dreas- Neckwear, many different
Open Saturday Evenings
Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth-
Irf-tnan. After several more exchanges o.
this kind Mr. Fish railed both gentlemen
to order. . .
: TJre. business of the meeting having
been transacted,, ll was . declared nd-
jounieii.i . ' '...' . - '
Mr. Fish left for New York this even
ing. , statement ty (rmairrll.
Brfora leaving .for New York tunight
Mr.. Cromwell,-who represented Mr. tlar
rlhian jn the meeting. Issued a statement
giving In detail the history of the agree
ment of July 17 last between President
Fish and Messrs. Itarrlman and Feabody
providing for the re-election of the. out
going directors, and the appointment of a
successor to the late Mr. fJi'lnnell, who
should "not represent any single Interest.
Mr. -Cromwell charged that, although :Mj'.
Harrtman fulfilled his part of th ob
ligation by turning over all the proxies
he tind obtained. President Fish had acted
In bad faith by practically repudiating h
agieement In - the refislto' vote his
proxies for Mr. DeForest and voting them
for a nominee of his own selection, al
though "at the last moment he fulfilled
hla agreement In part by the election bi"
Messrs. Vabderbllt,, Harahan and Reach.
Mr. Cromwell says in conclusion:
The suggestion of Vnion PttolnV being
In control Is a farce and a bugaboo.
1 be board of directors are thirteen In
number, with the governor of the stato
of Illinois- at their -head. It ta a board
composed of gentlemen of strong individ
uality and it It ridiculous to suppose that
three tir four of their number would con
trot rh destinies of the Illinois Central.
The .preaenr- ejection- la not contest for
control. The Issue is one of honor. It.
concerns the fulfillment -of ' Mr. Fish's
pledge to secure the supposed- advuntago
of -another member of the board to sup
port his fulling powers. -. He chosev to
break his written contract made for the
peace and well being of the -corporation.
(Continued from First' Page.) "
1905 11.87 per member; total decrease, $U.
lfios 12.22 per membtr; total decrease, llS,-
During the fiscal year there have been
1,790 arrests made for criminal liTgulurl-ti-s
in banking circles, of which J 16 havs
been continued and thlrty-flve are awaiting
The committee on education lias organ
ised forty-two chapters, an addition of live
during the past year. The. total member
ship nf the chapters is now (,700.
The cipher code adopted by the associa
tion has been placed In the hands of every
member and Is becoming mose and more
generally used.
During the fiscal jer 3S7 members were
dropped from the aaeoriatlon through fail
ure, liquidation, consolidation and wl'li
driwal. The total paid membership at the
close of the fiscal y-r, Auguxt .11. 1A".
whs 8.383. The aggregate capital, surplus
and deposits of the membership Is J12.jH.
WH.572. The annual report of Treasurer Ralph
Van Vechten. vice president of the Com
mercial National bank, Chicago showed a
balance on hand at the close of the fiscal
year of $lS.201.t. The expense of the last
annual, convention, held at , "Washington. I
... ,
u. i ., mnm o,vii. . .. . I
The report of the committee on uniform j
iegotlable instrument law was presented
by Chairman E. D. Keues. cashier of tit
Farmers' National bank, Springfield, 'ill.,
Nursing Mothers and
Over-burdened Women
In all stations of life, whbsa rigor and
vitality may have 'been undermined and
broken-down' by oer-work, exactirg
social duties, the too frequent bearing of
children, or oilier causes, will find In Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription the most
potent, invigorating restorative strength
giver ever devised for their special bene
fit. Nuringmothere wtHJInd it especial
ly valuable iK. sustaining vbelr strength
and promotlngn ataindant nqurishinent
for the child. xpVctaniotura too
will And it a prlcelessSajatlTpKPH0 the
svitem for baby's coming and reWKint
l no oraeai comparatively painieM. I
r n do nil hnrm In f nyjtn
yl tlieTt'inle vsiem.
Delictus, LeAoul. lea
ate, or conqition
leak women, who
suffer from frequent headaches, back
.rh. Hr.irirlnffMinwn distress low down
I In the abdomen, or from painful or Irreg-
l ulur monthly periods, gnawing or- di-
l tressed sensation in stomach, Atif or
i faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots
j floating before eyes, have disagreeable,
pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapus, ant-
version or retro-version or other ditplace-
i menu. of womanly organs from weaKness
; of parts will, whether they experience
manv or on v a few of the above symp
toms, find relief and a permanenture by
vixig isikiiiiiuy inu lairiy (hibipwii.ii
I)r. Plorce's Favorite Prescription.
This world-famed specific for woman's
weaknesses and peculiar ailments la a
wire glyrerlc-extract of the choicest na
tive, uiediciual roots without a drop of
alcohol in it make-no. All its Ingredi
ents printed in plain Knglishoo its bottle-wrappt-r
and attested under oath. lr.
Pierce thus invites the fullest investiga
tion of his formula knowing that it will
be found to contain only the beet agents
known to the most advanced medical
science of all the different school ol prac
tice for the cure of woman's peculiar
weakneasea and ailments.
i , .. . L. ..... ., MnH& lvjui( ev m
X I j 1,11 wail, uj kiii.w uimv ww.' v-I
ronipoeltion and professional endorse- j
mcnt of the "Favorite fresrrtplion -postal
card request to Dr. R, V. Pierce,
Huttiilo, X. Y., for kis res booklet treat
ins of same
Vnu can't afford to accept as a substi
tute for this remedy 'fkMmMmmpfifi
a ,.-.,, ii-itrina o unkHetcti eewpoide
! ' lion. Dob t (Ui iU
- - w-ociow.r i.
... . . (
styles of bow or string Ilex, In plain or
fancy Weares, ewch. ' ! ' '
Pearl Links. Full Press Studs. Vest Butj
tons. Scarf Pins. Collar Buttons all ihesa
If 1 1 lo nerc.sltle are to be found In, our
Men's ' Department. ...
Main floor.
Ostrich Feather Boas.
Women who appreciate dainty thing
should see these beautiful boas, made fron
g nulne gitrich plume, goinl large fluffy
shapes. tlnst In stock, colors brown, gray;
natural, sky, also black and ' white. Bo
sure to ae them.
NeV Neck Dress for Women.
Thre'a a constHitt procession ot new
tilings passing In and out of this popular
department. Today it is fancy siarfa and
w!li!sor ties.
! . Fancy silk acarfs, beautiful assortment.,
i tun be worn In numerous diffirent ways,
j over the head, as a protector under tha
'Jacket, or as a shoulder wrap.
New Windsor ties'to be "whrh with the
dainty hand embroidered collar. Wear,
' them as n bfll to mitch your tie; hav.V
'something different, a decided novelty
when worn thl way; pretty plaid cITecta,;
' also' plain, red, navy. sky. brown, black
j and white-25c and 60c each.
Main floor.
'howing that the District of Columbia and
twenty-eight ntiur are now .Acting under
th negniiable Instrument law.
A nmtlon was made to take up considera
tion of the elaMIc currency question, but
before It could be seconded a motion to
recess until 5 o'clock was adopted and, a
recBS was declared. .
eveial Resolutions Presented. -
When the session wa resumed the execu
tive committee made report approving trie
plan formulated by J. B. Newman of New
York, which was reported bnek to the con
vention as a resolution and adopted, as fol
lows: To require all corporations listed on the
New York Stock exchange to Issue their
plocks In denominations of ion shares, fifty
shaiej, twenty-five nharea, ten. shares, five
shares nnd one share. Alsrt requiring the
number of shares to be made a part of the
engraving in the Mine manner in which
the I'nlted States currency I made and
to have the certificates made In different
tutors. In order that they may he easily
distinguished one from another, and In this
way eliminating the poslblllty of raising
the amount on certificates of stock.
The following resolutions adopted at the
Ohio Banker' association convention last
August after conaiderable discussion,, were
referred to the incoming executive council:
Resolved. That It Is the sense of tho
Ohio Bankers' association - that national
banks situated outside of reserve cities
should be permitted -to take real estate
mortgages to the extent of 26 per cent of
their assets, to loan to the extent that they
may properly buy, of municipal! county,
state and government bonds.
Resolved. 'That all national -banks should
be permitted to rount national "currency as
reserve. . ; -
The report of the commit tee, on bureau
of education was made by ChHlrmgn J...W.
Flnlay. director of the L'nlon .'fi'Mut com
pany of Pittsburg. 'Pa. '-H told of the
growth of the American Institute of Bank
Clerks and said there are now forty-two
chapters of the Institute with a member
ship of ,700. ,'
Pending; Financial Legislation.
Hie regular business of the . convention
was then suspended and Hon. Charles N.
Fowler of New Jersey, chairman "of the'
committee on banking ami currency of the
house of representatives, was introduced.
Congresaman Fowler spoke as follows on
the topic. "Pending Financial Legislation:"
On behalf of the IIouhc of Represen
tatives, and especially on behalf of lia
coufnluee on banking and currency, over
which 1 happen for the time being to
piexlde. 1 desire to thank you tor Ihc
courtesy and honor of this invitation.
What a splendid Jury I have befoie me.
No man ever stood before a better Juiy.
No Jury ever fulfilled better the prere
quisllics of a Jury; thoroughly honest;
absolutely fair minded, of the hlghet de--gree
of average intelligence of any jury
that eve- sat in the I' tilted - State,' bar
none. Yet If you had met four years ago,
you would have possessed to a perfect de
gree the other essential to pass an at
torney challenge absolute iKtioram-e of
the .ae to be tried. Not so today, how''
ever, ami 1 tnanK Uod devoutly for tint 1.
The American banker has at least readied
a receptive frame of mind. Prejudice, the
child of object ignorance, has largely dla
apeared. A bill bus been favorably n-RiU-d by
the banking and eimejn-y committee, and
Ih now pending !efm--tlie House of Rip
IeH,,"tal'v" , Providing for the Isnuauce of
u i v iv, ft vi i vi rri iim air., .1 n t u ui iiir?
iirrkcut iltiiuimlniit lonv. The noi-nose nf
this bill is twu-fuU l"irt.
abl. the secretary Jif the m
It would -n-
ntnuit, tu nuu- I
l.lunl u,11 nf Him t-HI ikik I. ill nr . :
silver certificates with gold ccrtlllcutt-s of
the same denomination, and 'thus-inuke It
ponsiblu to Increase lurgely the $1 auJ $1'
silver certtneutf s, which are needed wo
much in the trade , of th cotimty.
Broaden Xtnlarl n alur. :
The second object of this measure is lo
broaden ine basis of the stanUuid of value,
increase the quantity of gold in the couu- i
; try, nuu muKe ii posHima lo uisinouiu u
among the mass of people, thereto gen- I
' eraiixing us uw, us well us strrngt iieiiiug
our leserven. Ihese objects justily Jour
ut'tlva ami liudftMul co-oiierallon. lon l
forget ii; will you?
t-ioui iiie . KtuDUsUiiiint of the first sub-'
treasury sixty years ago
sixty years ago the practice of
hoardlnsr or luckina un money lias been
disturbing factor und a curse lo buxluesit.
Now, jumping over all the past, ana Inking
up the situation precisely a It
itself today, what shall we do; go on us
before, or, like intelligent men, ireul tills
government s business just as you would
I neai it were ll your own, making only
such dietinctious us a one ream a tor tne
people a interest, iroin a naiionui iwrai oi
view, demands.
1 Lei tlie government U'-posit Us receipts
I from day lo dav precliw-ly as our mun.i-l-I
aplltles und great business inleresia do.
I It It had iiursued this policy from IHIii
down to the present time, and received, as
ll hud a rlgut to do, i per cent Interest
upon its balances, U wuuld have recrlved
IjO.wv.wiu in interest and not have lost a
single dolUr.
A bill lias been favorably reported by
the banking and currency committee and
la now pending before the house of repre
sentatives, providing for the dally current
deposit of all public moneys. It will de.
pend upon your active co-operation whethar
the government shull do its business as
tha bankers of the twentieth century do
llieirs. or whether it shall continue lo do
it as General Jackson. Inspired by passion.
In his supreme Ignorance, btgan lo do U
nearly a century ago.
What Is Wanted.
What we want, and tills is the crux of
the wlKile mutter, is this: Place our note
redemption so located in the I'nlted Slates
that no banker will be out of the usa ot
bis money for more than twenty-four
hours; and tba cost of transmission paid
bv the government. Then, bank nota
credits will be sent home when their mis
sion is .filled aa directly and swiftly aa
now are chukj and drafts, for the bankers
will want the proceeds of the nota credits
precisely aa they want tue proceeds of
their checks and draft.
Tha banking and currency committee has
favorably reported a currency bill lo the
house of representatives for an
issua of credit bank notes euuul to bv per
rnt of tha capital of tha national banks,
and tha method of guaranty makes such
so i!"Ue f beyond peradventura, .
Has Want Ads produce result's.
invv nnn rrr inwc niDinu
CbaractariMd aa Beit Thine f th X od ii
Hiitw; f tba Eute.
Ith Parade, Baalaeaa, Seaaloaa, llrllla
anil VelroMlaa ' Kirrrlaea 1)ar
' Via n ftaar On) far the
Mrmbera nf Order.
"The best parade In" the history of the
state." ' was the general expression on
rveryone's lips yesterday afternoon when
the long columns of the Odd Fellows had
paraded over the principal streets of South
Omalia and back to the halls. The display
of fraternal seal and' sentiment was so '
i much above" expefatlnn that everyone re
gretted the afternoon threatened mln, and '
the1 mreets were so thinly lined with pro- I
pie. Those "who did venfttre out found
plenty fei Interest them. The three public
functions 'of the convention were all!
brought forward to thr'( afternoon. The '
prixe drilling contest by the cantons of I
the Patriarchs Militant, which was to have .
been' held at lo a. in., was postponed b"- !
cause the drill teunis from Tckamnh, Lin- '
coin and Coxad did not arrive on account I
of late trains. Notwithstanding the delay i
a spirited Contest was pulled off nt 1 p. in. j
Five team were represented. Canton Burt j
No. 10 of Tekamah ws commanded by R. I
C. Lewis, Canton Ford" of Lincoln, cum- i
mnnded by Walter B. I.eese; Canton Ktra j
Millard of Omaha, commanded by J. H,
Cooper: a canton from Cozad, the home of
Grand Master F..J. Corrlrk, und the South
Omaha canton, .commanded by Elmer Howe.
The contest was Judged by Colonel C.
Haxlett and Lieutenant . Colonel V. II.
Boney of Lincoln, The prixe was awarded
to Canton Kara Millard of Omaha. This
prise is an elegant cup' which has born
displayed in the windows of Sandwall's
Jewelry tore; There .was also a prize of j
W elcomed to the t Mr.
While this contest was In progress and
the delegntes and, friends were preparing
for the grand parade, others attended the
grand assembly of all the Otld Fellows at
the lilgh school building. The program
there was hurried considerably, because It
was to have convened at 1 p. m. and the
session of the grand lodge during the fore
noon waa not dismissed until close to the
noon hour. Representing Mayor Hoctor
In the address of welcome. City Attorney
H. B. Flehorty briefly and cordially turned
over the keys of the city to the Odd Fel
lows and told them to do as they pleased.
The response was by Grand Master F. J.
Corrlek of Cogad. Rev. R. L. Wheeler
on behalf of the Odd Fellows of South
Omaha made a spirited fifteen minute
speech. In response r. W. Crawford,
grand president, spoke' of the fraternal ob
jects of the order and 'the great scope of
the field of action In the future. He looked
to the Odd Fellows fo' bring to Its coro
nation the relgrl of universal peace.
On behalf of the Rehekaha, Mrs. C. C.
Peck welcomed the delegations to the city
in fitting words. To this Miss L. Suther
land, president of the assembly of Re
bekahs, made the response. Her words,
bringing tile1 rensptfon to a close, the del
egates hurried out to join In the parade,
for which the military hand from Fort
Crook was playing l'0penlng marches.
Order of Parade.
Shortly after 2 o'c(6cRithe full strength
of the ofder. bedeckedvtn all the parapher
nalia of dress parade, took up the line of
march' at' Twen'tV-fn'uVth " and J streets.
The order In firrtceitslbrf' Was as follows:
Police ' YteVartment.'
' Fire fDnnartment. '- '
Fort Cr.wik MUitur.bund SOrh Infantryv
Colonel R. C. Haxlett and Starr, All
.Mounted- : ' .
The Patriarchs Militant.. ,
The OdJ Fellowship 'Boosters" of Omaha.
Delegates to the Urahd Lodge, Kn Mshho.
Officers of the -Grand Lodge and the Re
bekahs, in Carriages.
The police were all mounted and led by
Chief John Brlgga a,nd Captain Nels Turn
quist. The four .vehicles of the, fire de
partment of South, Omaha followed, deco
rated In the colors of the fraternity.
Colonel R. C. Hazlett's staff conrtsted of
Lieutenant Colonels W. H. Boney of Lin
coln and F. J. Eter of South Omaha,
Major John P. Arnold of Schujier. Captain
Walter B. Lcese of Lincoln, Captain II. M.
Cole of Crete, Major K. 8. Davis of North
Platte, Captain D. Hartvon of Omaha. Cap
tain J. C. Shaw of Tekamah. Major P. B.
Cummins of Fremont. All the staff were
elaborately uniformed and mounted. The
drill teams or cantons following Immedi
ately behind the staff were clad In the
full regalia. The "Omaha Boosters" fol
lowed next. They cannot be described by
a better term than "The Bunch." The
tiles of the delegates were the longent of
any fraternal parade in years. There wore !
fully 500 In line ana; not more than half held during the evening. All of the sca
the delegates participated. The carriages i sions. with the exception of the public as
filled by the grand officers and the women Humbly nt the l.lgh school, have been well
of the Rehekahs were ten In number In j attended. There seemed to be some mix
udditlon to the Mllitury band from Kort understanding us to Unit meeting and many
Crook, " IMnmikk's Oermun b-jnd. gotten i delegates did not e.ttend.
up after the style of the Ak-Sur-Ren just j The program for today Ih us follows:
nust. dispensed all decrees of Illustrated ran
tin i.'.
Line of March.
fho line of inarch' was down 'weirfy-
from J to N. down N sti-eet to !
Twenty-sixth, thence acrora the viaduct
to the Stock Exchange building; making a !
l I.. il ,.,l,l
circuit by way of Twenty-sixth and y
Twenty-fourth, north from the latter
""u to U tt,kKt- finishing at the Ancient
Order of I'nlted Workmen temple at
Twent.v-fifth and M stieets. On the return
,. .... ',.... r v-
tl,e "Bunch of Hoosteis fell out at N
street and marched up Tweiily-til'lli street
r,at the temple, meeting the parade aa It
. , . , , . ... . .n
came aouth from th last turn on I.. All
the uniformed men. formed a line-on each
idde of the street and ptood at "present"
while the grand officers passed between
them. By ' that time the "Bunch" had
"the hubit" and kept on until tired.
Tha whole function was carried out with 1
Hut Halt tn Gle Then. I i.
Any one who has eaten New England
pies knows how good they are.
Bat some things that taste good don't
always agree. A Muss, luif' had to ieava
off pie, but fuund something far better for
her stomach. She wrHes:
"Sis or eight years ago chronic liter
trouble was greatly exaggerated by eating
too much fat meal, pastry and particularly
ples, of which I was very fond.
"Severe 1 headaches, dlxsiness, nausea
followed, and food, even fruit, lay like lead
In my stomach. accompanied by a dull
heavy pain almost unbearable. 1 had pe
culiar 'spells' flashes of light before my
ight. 1 could read half a word and tha
rest would be Invisible.
"A feeling of lassitude and confusion of
Ideas made me even more miserable. I
Anally decide. K change .food altogether
and began on Grape-Nuts food, which
brought ma prompt relief removed the dls
alneaa, headache, confused feeling, and put
me on the road to health and happiness.
It claure- my head, strengthens both brain
and nerves.
"Whenever ! enter our grocer's store he
usually cells out 'sis packages of Grape
Nuts!' and he's nearly always right."
Name given by Poetum Co.. flattie Creek.
Mirb "There's a reason.". Read tha fa
BHOue booklet, . "The Road to Wellvllle," in
pkis. '
II 1 6 lh HOWARD
Thursday's Special Values at Extraordinary Prices
Don't think it is a mistake of the paper if our prices seem so small. Come in and see
the splendid values we are offering at such low prices.
Don't miss our Ladies' Tailor Made Suit Sale. A great opportunity to get a beautiful
Suit at almost half price. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Come early and get first
choice. We will mark our suits at nearly half price. Norfolk Suits, Pongee Coat Suits
and fitted Jacket Suits, all the very newest shades and materials. Suits worth from $15.00
to $25.00 will go Thursday in lots of $15.00. $12.50 and $9.90.
oxk or on; hk;ains ix taffkta silks.
aH-lntfi TalTtta ."Ik- Black nnd White Taffeta Silks
for linings nnd drop skirts', -every piece guaranteed
pure bilk, regular felling price Xoc per CO
yard, Thursday's price ..... JC
l.adiiV Skirts ju.l3 Klegont running, KTay mixtures,
rawy plaids nnd checks; .special A ( C
Thursday . .T D
Children's Touts ;.0.1 Children's
14 years, heavy, warm cloth, la plain and
faury colors, $5 qualities, Thursday
910 nnd $ Trimmed lints The hats we are offering;
at these prices are creating the greatest amount -of
gossip by those who have seen them on our second
floor. . Every one of these hats are copies of orlg
. inal Imported models; they have that dash,, style
and workmanship that gives them the same appear
ance as the original models. Over C flfl
300 to select from Thursday, at $10 and. . UU
Trimmed Hats nt $VI.H and $l.fN We also have a
wonderful gathering of hats at these prices, made
of velvets, silk braids and soft
ask double our price for less stylish hats.
Second floor Thursday, $2.9S and
$1.85 Blanket at 08c Pair We have over 200 pairs
extra heavy fleece Blankets, full 11-4 Blze, large
enough for the largest bed, worth hot less than
$1.33 per pair, Thursday s sale
price j . . .
no mishaps. The paraders were in Jolly
humor and .iollied the crowds on the streets.
One spirited horse seemed poswssed of
the Idea of walking on Its hind legs and
srvrrnl times en route stopped to give
illustrations of genuine hucklng. ' The rider
was not alarmed, though many women held
their breath from fear.
A fatal nccident was averted hy the
merest chance Just after the close of the
parades-. Four horses were turned over to
as many boys, who started-to take them to
the stahles. The horses began to run and
got beyond control of their riders. They
ran down Twenty-fifth street at a terrific
pace through the crowded streets. In turn
ing at O street one pony, ridden by Eddie
l'urt of Brown Park, fell on the pavement,
pitching the boy Into the gutter. A large
number of people who saw the chase and
the fall ran to tho place and the. boy was
picked up. Examination showed that his
fall had sprained his knee and knocked
off some, cuticle, . but no serious damage
was - done.-' ?.-..
-'-Routine Iluslnens Session.
The close of the porade finished the Inst
of the public functions. During the morn
ing the grand lodge nnd the Rebeknhr.
held regular sessions, beginning at 9 a. ni.
The grand lodge gave a number of de
grees during the morning and th grand
oftlcers made their annual reports and com
mltt"cs reported. One amendment to the
constitution, proposed a year ago by
A. Randall of Newman Grov, was unan
imously adopted. The politics of the ses
sion began to take some form. There arc
a number of candidates for the various
offices. The chief contests will be over
that of gmad master Hnd grand warden,
tt Is said that election to the office of
grand warden means the grand master
ship on the following election. So the hot
test fight Is for grand warden. South
Oninha has one candidate, upon whom the
local organization Ih secklim to concentrate
support. This is Assistant Postmaster Lew
Ktter. who aspires to the position of grand
warden. There are about seven candidates.
The Rtsbekahs held sessions of similar
i.iiture. Sessions of a slm'lar nature were
A. M Uiand lodge convenes ni reguiai
seHHlou in Ancient Order of I'nlted Work-
nutn 'I'ttm till liitll.
; ) A, M. RelK-knh aaxembly convenes in
I regular fi!im in lndi im n.l nt Order of
IIUU rc:iow linn.
These Sessions arc Important, ns there
will be the annual election of officers.
.im i. .,(.. a a.riit. ,n i.f t lie Retlekah
: llieie i.
i at I p. in.
For the liencflt of the unending delegates
' und friends the South Omaha fire depurt-
uieiii announces a htib-und-hub race be-
tween bpiMiKing lira teams from K to M
' street, on Twenty-fourth street. The time
of the rucc. is 1:13. There will nlso "be ti
hone laying contest, the first company to
get water being winners.
To Cure t
t old a One l)ar
Take Lxullve
Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Orimgisie ret una mone ii .i v"""
v.. w. Grove's hlgnature is on each bog. ilia
tConllnued from Fiivt 1'age )
I afternoon after the visit ot unicr t..n-
hu. The young woman, despite the fac(
that she Is In a stute of almost complete,
collupse from the nervous strain she bus
undergone, steadfastly adhered to her last
story, in which she asserted Foils snot
himself. When asked why she bad not
told this story at first she said she was
afraid she might be Implicated and sue
pec led of having killed hiin.
An luformatlon charging Fmnia Rlpkle
with murder has been tiled by County At-
ti rney Hesa In the court of Justice Gar
diner. V . I uaugnu "i uiiinii. hit
youtig woman's attorney. Informed Mr.
Hefs yesterday that he would demand a
preliminary hearing, but as Mr. Jless Is
engaged Jn the district court here snd In
Avoc-vfor several das with other crluilnui
cases,- the preliminary hearing wlll prob
ably mil be held uiftil tue latter part or
nt l week,.
Miss Ripkle yesterday .wrote to an uncle.,
who, she aays. Is well to do and wli llvee
In Seattle, apprising him of the pufortu-nate-position
she is placed in and she ex
pects he will come to her assistance.
. It has been learned that Fotts and the
young woman, before taking the rtom at
Ml Broadway, occupied apurtments for a
week at North Second street. Miss
Rlpkle during the two weeka preceding tha
tragedy secure-d employment for a f.-r
days at the'Ksgle inundvy an1 later at .-,
1 10 cent stoic on Brojdwa). Her fellow
for $2.00 ettch;
Coats, ages 6 to
fleeced lined. In
3 95
ally gocd grade at this price, all 'sixes.
Thursday's price, a suit
.colors, worth
felts. Most stoma
Are as much interested In Investments
these days as city folks. We offer tha
Ideal lnvestmnt. not only for farmers, but
for any one having money to invest.
Our stock Is Issued In certificates of
from $100 to 15.000, is paying s oer cent
per annum, payahle semi-annually; is se
cured by first mortgages on Improved real
estate and by a reserve and undivided
profit account of $65,000, and is with
drawahle on notice, as provided in our
state law.
We have been In business IS years,
have a membership of 6,600, are under
state control and offer our services to any
one having any amount of money to in
vest. . Resources, $l,9Ul,OtG.86.
80S South ajistaanth Strait, Omaha
alia IHorse
October 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27
Evenings at 8 Saturday Matinee at 2
With Promenade Privilege.
. The World '8 Best Harness Horses.
Democratic Meeting
Bijou Theater? 18th and Harney
8:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.
Hon. A. C. Shnlleiiberger
t'antlhlttte for Cititeriuir
Hon. G. M. Hitchcock
CaitUitlate for C.'uiiKrcMa
Will address the meeting.
employes at. both places say nlie siwke
repeatedly about Potts ah(1 from what she
Bind appeared to be greatly devoted to him.
I'TICA, Neb., Oct. 17. special. ) Kthel
Dally of this city and Dr. C. C. Metiler of
Harvard were married this evening at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. -and Mis.
M. J. Dally, Rev. Charles Hums of Clay
Center performing the ceremony.
.. Ntoroi Kill Mr r .
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 17. Nine lives
were lost in the hurricane which swept
the eastern coast of Nicaragua IhhI Baiur
day, according to advices received here to
duy. The loss of life was In the village of
Pearl lagoon, which Is reorted to have
been entirely destroyed. The hurricane
covered an area of several hundred .uure
A Skirv of Buty nt a Joy rofvr.
T. Follx Oouroud'o Orlontol
Crm,or Msgioal Butiflor.
frvckac. Hoik I'-ci.
4wm, tod bftia D w,
HQ ry v9Uitm
on kajmuiy. and a
ku fttuod Ia tw.
of 7 T'.
taVtlU iribciurtU
Is vroumlf
Accpt tocMiaia
felt af SilbuV
mimt. Pt. L. A
fc.ira su4 ta i
Ulf af tit. smut
ts ta Mi.iiii
"A you lsdi
Will SM tl.'B
I v.cusia.B4
'li.ara.i'i Tree a.' u tk. l-sat km(l of il um
Uoodt Or.lusls tk V.aM f uM.Csui IM asrapa
rRD.T.H3fK!S,rrr, 37 Cr ri J:n 8'rt IriM
to All
Sale of Hed Comforts HMm large, beautiful lat
tern Comforts, elegant quality' and well filled
with the best white cotton; these Sl.n everywhere
Thursday's sale price,
. . . .
Klne combed Egyptian cotton I'nion Suits, heavy
cream colors; thes nre exception
Taffeta Itihbons 5c 150 pieces of good quality Bril
liant Taffeta Ribbons at your own price. This lot
consists of 1 to 4-Inch ribbons, In a full range of
up to 15c yard; special
Trimming Braids 5c To convince you of ho quality
of our braids we have rut the price of our leader
6o you can't help but buy it. We have a large lot
of Fancy Persian Braids, Fancy Silk Braids; an
elegant varlely of colors, worth from 10c ' C
to 25c a yard; special Thursday ,.,.JC
Linen Handkerchiefs 5c Special notice Is hereby
given that we are going to give the public next Fri
day a 10c Irish linen hand embroidered initial tin
laundered Handkerchief at the remarkable ' C
price of OC
1 1 1 -
: Kentucky's Best Saddle," Horses, t
DOYD'8 wnt7;:.rf Mgrs.
I . I I I I n I -
Tonight, rri., Sat. Matinee aaa sTlgTit
Walker Whiteside '
The Magic Melody
' Coming Til WISABP or Q ,
Prices Nights and Hon. Uatlnees,
lue and Jr'.e, 'i'nes.. Thura, and ttaa
Matinees, 10c and JOc. ' ' .' -
Next Week Mr. Bmoota. (r
Uame Capacity Business. '
Phone Douglas 411.
TODAY of Heyg
Tonaai, ttis. .
Prices Joe, He. 6ue. -
m " w tae-8o-aoo-Te
, toviobt aaa.
The Bwedish-Anverlcan Citnady
Drama -
Gfe Chesapeake
1510 Howard St.
The Only Popular-Priced
Restaurant in the City