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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
10 TIIE OMAHA MAILT BEK: THURSDAY, OCTOBER If. 100(5. n Window H ALL THE HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE FROM n v Mondaj j L. A 11 ISHELLEY'S stocki a HALF PRICE $ 17th and Douglas Streets m i N Phont Douglas 47. L 55 5 ft ra P a a n J All of Shelley's Suits, broad f cloth and novelty mixtures, Wthat he sold from $15 to $2., go in two lots in our suit de- n ftoro, at. . . U A P All of Shelley's $10 and $12.50 .1 long loose coats, in plain goods, M checks and plaids, C f on sale in our cloak dept., at Ladies' Cloaks-All of Khel g ley's $2.') cloaks, in a variety p of styles, on sale iTHQA a in cloak dept., Skirts We have divided She JH ley's stock of skirts in black? and grays that he sold up t( $15 each, in two lots in our I cloak dept Fl each g Petticoats J Black Satin and Mercerized Pettl-a-a coat, alto black and g Q fi; .white cheeks on 6aln In wff M .' uevr tor, aisle. 1. at W n P .-: $l.O0 IUllKn at 15c P Another lot of Shelley 'a plain, and bjj .woven wun norai design I ft 1. Our Ankola JAVA AND MOCHA Coffee 24 I- 1 H a iiilwiP Silk Waists ;N Hit Choice of any of Shelley auk waists 1 9 that he (told up to $7.50 tl98tJ li princrpully blacks, . X H ! 8 n n El ' ijj Is guaranteed to b the finest drink of 3$ ! HI i fl any three-pound-for-a-doJlRr coffee Ft H .. . ........ ... 8 v no a in umuii. a insi or mis wuu- E2 St! ful blend It solicited nd If not . . . , . ..... , . 9 -8 illy 0. refunded. Thursday's KU PRICI Teas SPECIAL, PRICES ON M 53 90r Fun Krled nd F.BBKet i-'irea jQg n . u 'nun n. M R;ir Ooloiign nd English Brsk- A IB Fl B fnmn at v k" " yA.rdrJ.T.? JSC (Three roundii for a Dollar.) Vegetable an Fruit Department (Free from dunt nnd dirt of th street.) Is replete with all the delicacies In that line that the markets afford. Wax and String; Beans, Ea-g Plant, Artichokes, Brussels Sprouts, Persimmons, Grape Fnilt, Paw-Paws, Delaware Graps, etc. Lunch Corner Two Big Ribbon Specials H n p p tn a n ra u u a u u u a u ribbon, in Dew store. aisle 3, at , 15c $10 aLnd I2.L0 HATS at $5 a a All of Shelley's Narrow Silk .Kib- Ej trans, Incliidlnf velvet ribbons, that he sold up to 10c per yard, U f Q on sale In Ilrii aisle, new store, per yard f3 n n n a n n a tx a a rt a a The greatest value ever offered in our millinery department. Choice of beautiful made velvet hats, also fur felt, In blacks, browns, blues and garnets, guaranteed this f fall's shapes, trimmed elaborately with A ostrich plumes, fancy feathers, wings and ornament choice In our milli nery dept. nay U For the convenience of shoppers U business) people .t entrance to Bran 8 5c dels' west arcade. Bun Sandwich, Coffee or ' Milk at. each Entrance through Brandtit New Store west arcade Icannnnnnnssp.nnnnnnnnnnccnnnnnnEu ,i , . . ; t , 1 1508 Douglas St. Headquarters for Popular . Priced Millinery Gigantic (ilillinery Sale We bought the entire stock of beautiful pattern hats from an eastern manufacturer for our Special Horse Show Display.' Grand Sales Thursday Come Early Gel First Selections Come Early 100 beautiful all black, pure white, London smoke, garnet, brown and green pattern hats, exquisitely trimmed with ostrich plumes, French roses, Blondioes, Taney wing, toque and grebe effects go on sale at $6.50, $8.75, $10 and $12.50 dozen new pretty tailored and street hats, go on sale V . . . .3.30 and $5.00 CET IT TROyi US-KERN-GET IT FROM US . "" f" spw s i r jjjjusww in 12 at A WATCH Is a nMesslty these days The thin model cents watch is a tasty awthe old etj Is bulky watrli la arone. Wo iwv" 1501,1 n,U(1 12 "l!,c- l- 0(. $15.60. up to $25.00. JVp alo have these nine atylrs in 14K gold. a0.00. JX.Ou and. around Spend a few minutes In our store. IoK For The Name. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 131 G Douglas Street. Omaha Uants IKIe.p Almost every large employer in Omaha will tell you that he is short of help Beo Want Ads will put you In touch with the employer. :: :: IP YOU WANT HELP IP YOU WANT WORK Use a Bee Want Ad. If" VOL i5 M J O V a cooU delicious, satisfying smok one that will banish your cares and oiaka life worth luing, be sure and rail for the old reliable aV.rft. Klc MercMtUlU Cigar Co alanulmutrwra. bt. Ixmls. 17th and Douglas St. Chil- dren's S ho e s X"'"""' Got some romping, healthy, real live children at your house? With big appetites and wonder ful power of "kicking out, shoesT They're the youngsters we're after. We want to prove to you that .... . . ... .i n our children snoes are muo ui the "stuff that wears." You'll notice the difference be tween our snoes ana me oiuer kind as soon as you give them a trial. We use nothing but the best of selected leather and the shoe- making Is the best that skilled labor can produce. Buy your next children's shoes of us and we'll satisfy you that our aaseruona iro wuo. Drexel Shoe 1419 Ft mam ioe Co. n St. J sssaaBBsss Smart Dressers THK man who is really lookin for something different something- out of th ordinary something; Individ ual will find among our fall and wlatsr fabrics the style to please his fancy. About 1,500 styles this lewiun. We want you to Inspect them. We desire you to form a comparison between Nlroll's showing and the average display about town. Tromrs $5 to $12. Sails $20 to 350 TAILOR W1LUAM .ERRCM8 SONS, 209-11 So. 15th St. R-W-S-D-C Is guaranteed to curs all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the stomach and bowels, chron ic constipation, biliousness, narvouaneas. bloating of the atomach. belching of gas, coated tongue, bad breath, etc. LEADiva rxTsxcxAaa ruioiiii rt t acta upon the stomach, bowels, liver und kidney.. It stimulates the appetite, purifies the blood, regulates and tones up the entire syatem. one box quickly proves Its Yitlue, price 6oc a box. (io to Krandela Store and ask for Ross A Wal ker's Sure-Dyspepsia-Curs. OMAHA. NEB. Telephone Harney 6a. DEPUTY 8TATK WI SKIN ARIA N, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S.' CITY VBTCtnAKIAX. OAs and IsBimsir. Bta aaal t-u axa. OMAHA WKATHKR fOHKCAST Thnnwlay, Fair. say. D 1 u) k vm w TOUR MONET'S WORTH OR TOUR MONET BACK. Great Bargain Skirl Sale Thursday Skirts of Highest Grade Materials and Latest Fashion Styles at Genuine Bargain Prices. .$5 A Medium Ciray Tanama Skirt Latest panel front, side and back, finished with dainty folds at bot tom, honestly worth $8.60 of your money Thursday, at.. $6 7.50 7.50 $10 NOTIONS Fancy Boxes, Ready-Made Garters, with bows and buckles, in worth 2 fie a pair, at 1UC Safety Plus, assorted sizes, f three papers for . . . . DC Hose Supporters, fancy frilled. In white, pink, light blue t( and black, worth 20c, at. . IUC Pearl Ituttons assorted sizes, f 1 doz. on card, 2 cards DC Light Weight Dreas Shields, f worth 10c pair, at DC THE LADIES' DOME JOURNAL PATTERNS Are superior patterns. It is on this account we sell them, and It's on this account their sales are booming. The LadleV Home Jour nal Patterns are better fitting, more stylish, simpler and easier to use and are more economical of material than any other pattern you can buy. PRICES, 10c AND lBc. November Style Book Free for the Taking. Three Times GREEN TRAD ING ' STAMPS Thursday on All BlanMs- Eilheri Cotton or Wool. Remember -Three Times Thursday in Silks Black Moire, an elegant heavy quality, espe cially desirable for skirts or waists, sells for SBc. our price, lo Thursday, yard 48C Onr OoUsotlom of aw maids that arrived this week Is the most complete assortment, every color combination, in new shades of brown, wine, navy, green, black and white, prices ranging, a yard, from Thursday, 69c 87-inch Black Taffeta, special price, a yard i very heavy grade, T6o Taffeta Bilks, In all the latest fall shadings, about sixty different colors to choose from, every yard is perfect, clean and new, . ro per yard , JSC Double Green Trading Stamps with eVe'ry yard. X.arr Quantity Black Bonnet Taffsta, the famous silk for wear, every yard guaranteed, heavy and rr. lustrous, per yard 39C Double Green Trading Stamps.' B1i,.,ln?rI" -n- wide, the quality you always paid K60 for, the same quality, a yard 1 25 And Double Oreen Trading Stamps with every 'yard. Dress Goods THURSDAY The handsomest, newest aad latssrt styles cloth olalds or ombn effects. Bm thsm. " 66-tnch Suiting, in gray only, with overplaid effect This suiting sells regularly at $1.00, PA Thursday, a yard JjC 68-inch Grey Suiting, plain effects, in tweed weaves flue for coats or separate skirts, on sale ' a yard, at , 5JC 80-inch Broadcloths, In the new shades of brown creen wine and black, this quality sells for 11.26 AO ' usuany, on sale inursoay. at. a yard OC Wm. r, comes at Double Hrren Trulino- M , a m . :t;lnc''1 AU 'Wool Trtcot riannsls, in every conceivable thadc. on sale a ' Thursday, a yard IJC Double Green Trading Stamps with everv vard. '.ad lansdowas, the best fabric of its kind made, highly lustred i in all shades, a yard. . I I.Z3 Twenty-Five Green Trading Stamps with every yard. Eiderdowns, la all wanted oolors, prices a yard from 60c a a down to. . , yC Double Oreen Trading Stamps with every yard. a7-Uch Flsid Snitlngs, In beautiful new effects, all the new shades, especially good for children s dresses, T me per yard JC Double Green Trading Stamps' XUnea Oamkrlo, In every shads, per yard 3145 Double Green Trading Stamps 100 riaanalattea, all colors., on sale a yard, at &0 Double Green Trading Stamps ' 36-lacB Bleached Knalln, the c grade, per yard ail. Double Green Trading Stamps Mer cerized Tape Girdles In sizes 18 to 26 inclusive colors, white, blue and pink, 25c Main Floor, Bargain Counter, Thursday gBBAVsasaMsBsBl TRADE ON. A TRANSFER. SAVES TIME AND WORRY. Black Oak Picture Frames Sizes 7x9, 8x10. 10x12 and 11x14, fitted with Newts a.nd Glasses, values Z r up to SI, on sale Thurs. 8 a. m J DC Double Creeo Trading Stamps on Picture Framlna Art Scctloa-2nd Hoor. Green Trading Stamp Week m thi Crockery Specials in Japanese China, opeci&.is in uinnerware Special in Vases Aac Five Tiatcs Greea Traalng Staaips Every Sale la Crecktrv-AU Week AmiheV I Aoillnn C m.. . yVUIOlM 9 ajCaUiliy U I UCC1V The Npala r Slack for EveryMy. We Cater le All. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. ran.48o And thirty green trading stamp. Tens, all kinds ua Ana rorty green trading stamps. Diamond 8 Preserves large Jar juo And thirty green trading stamps. CORN SPECIAL, Maine corn, splendid value worth 15c raji, special, can 10c, doten $1 00 Shredded codtish three pkgs ;,0 And ten green trading stamps. Japan Rice. 2 pounds , ....Uc And ten green trading stamps. California Ripe Olives bottle 10c And ten green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extracts buttle c And twenty gteen trading stamps. Red Cross Cream. X large cans And ten green trading stamps. Fresh Herring, can And ten green trading stamps. Bayle'a Cyclone Relish, bottle And Ave green trading stamps. Bennett's Bargain Soap. 10 bars v .... Honey, pure, pint Mason jar , And thirty green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, pkg And five green trading stamps. Navy Beans, clean hand picked. EIGHT I.BH Strawberries. Three Star, can And ten green trading stamps. Egg-O-Ree Brakfat Food, pkg And twenty green trading stamps. BENNETTS CANDIES Chocolate Creams, ladles' Panama Skirts In blacks, browns and blues, prettily pleated, tastefully trimmed at bottom, uni que fold adornment, all sizes, per fect stitching and finish, worth and being sold In town at $7.50, Thursday, 2nd floor, at Pretty Black Panama Skirt Nicely trimmed with stitched bands of .black, a good skirt and perfect In every stitch, you would willingly pay $10.00 for it Thursday, at Light Gray Pleated Skirt Fine Panama, sheds dust and Is most serviceable, not matched under $10 In town Thursday. A Handsome Display of Skirts in Broadcloth Down-to-the-minute styles, pleated and trimmed with bands of broadcloth our prices are 'tn an average 20 por cent under anybody else, quality considered. These broadcloth skirts Itefore you In a splendid opKr t unity of choice Thursday, at. , 1 Headquarters for ladie Long Cloves (in Auy rarxni THI RELIABLK TE Visit Oar Busy Cfnc Department SPrXfAI, Ladies' Suits Each day has something new to' offer In our busy Cloak and Suit Department. Each express orings us something a little different than before; rich in stylo, harmonious in colorings, ,unuriw',l 'n hea,,'v finish, and you'll always find tmr prices fnost reason able. IVnn't miss these Thursday spvclal". JL S.10.00 Tailor Suits, nearly all of them sample tK ments, artistically designed, handsomely Q Cjf finished; your choice Thursday I" Tailor Suits, about 300 garments In this lotV select from, great variety of plain and fancy mF fabrics; choice Thursday ty Prlnre Chap Coat.n, one of the nobbiest new styles. In all colors and sixes, would sell regu larly at $25.00, choice Thursday. . . . Handsome Coats, In fine kerseys, broadcloths and Im ported fancies, all the most popular new H OA styles; splendid values at art!! Sin. OO Coats. 4S Inches long, all colors, over two- hundred garments from which to select. Thursday Samplo Coats, all stylos, ninde of good quality Mohe- gan coverts, worth up to $10.00, to close, choice Cravrnette Coats, In tans, olives and grays; special Thursday at SPKCUL HAliK OK FINK FI RS THI KMUAV. SALE ON KVKNINO CtkSTl MKS ANI WKAPH FOK THE HORSE SHOW. 18.50 9.90 Ly Mohe- .4.98 7.95 Children's Bear skin Coats, all colors, at. . . . 2.98 Children's Bull's-Eye Bearskin CoaJa. in red, blue or white, r CI 12 $7.50 values J, JO Children's Fine Kersey Coats, all col- 4.95 ors, worth up to $8.50, choice From 8 Till 0 A. M Women's $1.50 Sateen Underskirts r for G"C From 8:,10 Till :( A. M. Women's $1.50 Iong Flannelette CCl, Kimonos at DJC From 9 TIK 11 A. M. Women's $1.25 Fleece Lined Wrappers, choice 69c Thursday's Bargain Room Specials Compare these prices with those asked for like quality elsewhere, find them unmatched. lOc Hope Brand Bleached Muslin, 36 Inches wlie, limit of 20 yards 1 to a customer, at, yard UlC 50c Mexican Drawn Work Pillow Shams or Table Covers, 30x30 size, at 12,0 German Blue Calico, 32 Inches wide, extra heavy quality, at, yard f tC 12 He Baby Flannels, In pink, blue or dark patterns, extra heavy quality, at, yard 25c .lie Stylish Millinery Greatly Underpriced AT $4.08 we are showing the most splendid line of Trimmed Hats ever offered In the city at the price. All the nobby little felt shapes, trimmed with vel vets, ribbons, vulture sweeps, wings, quills, fancy feathers and ornaments about 200 styles to select from larger shapes trimmed with ostrich plumes and large roses all at one price, choice PRETTY READY-TO-WEAR HATS, marked down for Thursday from $2.98 to 16-INCH OSTRICH PLUMES, black or white, special Thursday at You'll 12 He Outing Flannels, In light and white, special at, O yard OC 18c Teaseldown Flannels, for klmondM and wrappers, special at, f rt J yard IUC 10c Percales, extra wide, dark patterns, Thursday at, yard. Shadow Plaid Dress Fahrics, colors guaranteed, regular 10c val ues, at, yard . , 4.98 98c 1.98 5c ... fM nofial sfnio vaio in f lrir fJ o ixs Kf7ii4 lion kfWWIUI WltIW WUIb 111 S M 1 kIWV swpi Ad Elegant 6-IIole Steel Range, large 18-lnch oven, high warming closet, all asbestos lined, nicely nickel-plated, warranted a perfect baker, sells elsewhere for $33.00, our price 924.05 IR-lncb Airtight Oak Heater, sells elsewhere for $14.00, our price. .. .910.40 17-inch Airtight Oak Heater, regular $1.60, Our price 98.40 IR-inch Airtight Oak Heater, regular $9.50, our price 97.40 13-Inch Airtight Oak Heater, regular $8.50, our price 90.40 2-hoIe No. 8 Laundry, sells elsewhere for $4.50, our price '.92.03 The Universal Double-Heating Base Burners are the best on earth. We - sell them up from , .982.AO Two-Burner Gawoline Stoves , . . 92.1 0 A Regular 912.00 No. 8 Cook Stove for. . , ,98.0,1 Hayden's The Great Universal Providers Groceries, Crackers, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Butter and Cheese 10-lb. sacks Pure Buckwheat Flour.SSo 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap.25c 10-lb. sacks best Granulated Corn meal 12c 8 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal 23c 8 lbs. fancy hand picked Navy Beans 25c Jell-O, per pkg 7 He 14 -lb. cans Breakfast Cocoa.... 15c Peanut Butter, per Jar Oc Fancy Santos Coffee, lb 15c Fancy B. F. or Sun Dried Japan Tea, lb 25c Fancy Tea Sif tings, lb 12 He The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound 6c 4 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuits 15c Butter and Cheese Sale. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound 23c Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per pound 15c Fancy Full Cream Brick or Lira burger, per pound 15c Sap Sago Cheese, each. 7 He Omaha's Greatest ' leh . Fruit and Vegetable Department. ' Fancy Keifer Pears .lor Canning Six basket crates Fancy Keifer Pears for canning, per crate. . , , . . .$l.lcs Single baskets ............. .20c 1 -bu. baskets Fancj Green Tomatoea for canning .-. . . . . . Iftc Fresh Spinach, per pck.t t . ." 10c Six bunches Fresh Radishes 5c Four heads Fresh Lettuce )Jc Fancy Sweet Potatoes, pound. . . lH" Fresh Turnips, Carrots, Beets or Pumpkin, pound 1H Two bunches Fresh Parsley, 60 Large heads New Cabbage 4c L,arge nuuuuru oquasn, eacn m: New Honey, per rack. 15c t-lb. pkg. California Figs .-; Italian Blue Plums, per basket... 25u Fancy Jonathan Apples, peck ... .25c Fancy Wlnesap Apples, peck 20c Fancy Sweet Apples, peck 23c HAYDEN BC.OS I .2Bc itf .lie H " . lti 9 m lb... .10o n 'BsISBBxsbsp' 1 LOW ONE-WAY RATES To Many PolnU in California, Oregon, Washington EVERY DAY TO OCTOBER 81, 1006. AAA ff ( to Ogden and Salt Lake City. UaCUsUU i lo Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.50 $25.00 to Pendleton and Walla Walla. I to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San 1 Diego and many other California points Jto Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van- (couver, victoria and Astoria. Jto Ashland. Hoseburg, Eugene, Al- 'bany and HuU-m -via Portland. 1 to Portland or to Tacoiua and Seattle. VIA Union Pacific For full information inquire rt CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1:124 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE IMllGLAS 831. isBusBHsnonstt&nBBgKBjBK - Bee Want Ads Produce Resi'lt? 4