Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Bean Still Pmail ' Om Bnlli in tta
Wheat Pit
fonBlHlsa Honors Good Sellers
Caane Staadetlll Cora
Stagaaat and Ekiri
OMAHA. October Id !!!.
Sentiment continued bearish In the wheat
: t this moinliigv prices being off at the
' rt and deciinirg atill further. The close
V rent below yesleruay. Commission
i .uses were sellers early, but later trane
ame to a complete atandatlll. Liverpool
and the continental marketa were lower,
i. ebles from Argentina reported rain and
good crop prospects. Hecelpta were In
creased and were about the same aa last
year. .
(.'ash demand was fair In all marketa, A
fair Increase for the week was? shown by
Hraristreet a world's visible report.
The mm market continue stagnant. De
cember was nit a fraction and May un
changed. Cash demand was slow and
prices lower, though receipts were about
a estimated. Export bids are out of
line and foreign demand very light. Th
markrt Is so narrow and so little Interest
la taken that no one would be surprise!
to see prices drag to a lower basis.
Primary wheat receipts were 1. 268.(01
bushels and shipments RM.000 bushels,,
against receipts last year of L.ViO.Cno bush
e and shipments of l.on) bushels. Corn
receipts were 637.0O0 bushels and shlpmenia
439,Oifl bushels, aaginst receipts last year of
443,000 bushels and shipments of 524.00)
bushels. Clearances were L'SIOuO bushel"
wheat, 163,000 bushels corn and flour and
wheat equal to 2flfUim bushels.
The Northwestern Miller's) Argentina cor
respondent said the crop was estimated at
4.ttn0.fti0 tons, equal to 179.U"0.(0( bushels,
which would be a bin crop for Argentina.
The Argentina minister nf agriculture gave
last year's crop as 135.000.0(10 s. and
the largest crop In the lust five years at
130,744,0110 bushels.
The flKiiret given out by Washington on
the Russian grain crops, though compiled
before the damage In southern Russia from
eiteeeslve rains. Indicate a very deficient
harvest for all cereals excepting corn.
Wheat will be IJO.OMVflnO bushels less than
Inst year, rye 14d.0U0.W0 bushels below the
average production of the live years end
ing in 1904. The oats crops Is the smallest
since I9UJ.
JwOfaJ image nf options-.
choice. l.p,e; New. Turk full creams, lair
to good. l.'Vfisa.
of the Day aa
Cossasodl t lea.
NEW TORK. Oct. 14 -FTHR-Recelpts.
35.146 bbls.; capon. 6,5i hbls.; snles. .'
packages. Market slow but slow;
Minnesota patents, 14 1M34 4U; Minne
sota bakers.!v winter patents, 31.7;
474 10: winter straights. 93. Vsti3.Ab; winter
extras, 12 3 .25- winter low srnrtes. I? 75
tl3 20. Rye flour, firm; fair 'o good. 13
J SO: choice to fancy, 3 S.Vu-4 15. Hurkwheat
flour, utendv. I2..1MI2. to, 4ot and to arrive.
CfjRNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel
low, fl.2iHQ.z5; coarse, i.tOjl.ll; kiln dried,
RYE Firm; No. S western, ajMAc. c. I. f..
New York
HARUEY Steady;, 424c c. I f.. Buffalo
maltinor, snorts-, c. I. f., Puffslo.
WH BAT Receipts. 1F.1.WO bu.; expo-.ts.
J17,8T9 bu.; snles. l.l'iO.fin bu. futures, "pot
market tmrely steady; No. 1 red, isc, ele
vator; No. 1 red, "c, f. o."- b., artoat; No. 1
northern Duluth, 87c, f. o. b.. afloat; No.
2 hard winter. 82c, f. o. b.. afloat. Wheat
opened dull and unchanged, declined under
favorable foreign und American crop news,
liberal receipts and tardy demand. It re
acted partially on speculative covering nnd
small spot offerings. Exporters' bids
rather letter. Closed steady at a net de
cline of HfrSo. May, M 1-l(VffilHc. closed
at K4c; December, 81 9-164W2c, cloeed at
81 e.
CORN Rece4pts, 52.675 bu.; exports, 112.
847 bu.; anles, SO.tmo. bu. future. Spot
market steady; No., i, MVtc, "levator, and
54-fO. f. o. b., afloat! No. 1 vellow. 55o; No.
2 white. f4c. Option market opened dull
and eased off with wheal, becoming steady
later on small country offerlnps and closed
barely steady nf n net decline of VMc;
Jnnimrv closd at 60c: May closed nt 49H";
December, 51,H ..14c close! at SlViO.
OAT8 Receipts. 1.W ' bit.: exports. 2
bu. Spot nisrket steady; mixed oats, sr to
Room Trader. Haa if ark at U Ihenmlvu
and Movement Art 1 path t o.
Rim.r that Stork la to Be Placed aa
Klbt Per teat Dlvldead Thers-
day Falla to Adttict It
NEW YORK, Oct. 16. Operations In
stums touuy were apathetic and lisiltss.
1 oe email cisss of twin traders had tne
market ainmsi entire, to tnemselvs.
ineir operations did nut give enotign mo
tive poeer tor any appreciable swing to
prices, inls fact rvaeieu sga.n upon senti
ment to discourage tne traders owing to
the small pronts on scalping operations.
Complaints of the liKSomeness nt the state
stiica transltr tax, wmch have been sig
nificantly lacking during the period of
wide pnee movements, and corresponding
speculative profits were revived.
The public showed no Interest in the nut
lot and the alieence of any large oruers
such aa Indicate the activity of powerful
speculative leadership In the maraet con
firmed a conviction which Is growing In the
minds of professional operators tnat at
tempts to attract public Interest have been
abandoned tor the present. Borne of the
large commission houses under heavy run
nitiK expenses complain of an entire a ri
se rue ot orders to execute today. The
sluggish movement and the dull trading In
Ammganiat'd Copper were regarded as
typ cal nf the w nolo market. It la rare
I.. -. . .1 l..l nulAn, nt ,1,1a faunHI Iniutllim
22 pounds. mc; natural white, to S3 , o speculation on the eve of a dividend
pounns. ai-ai4c: clipped wnne, 3f to w i tneetma-. The directors are scheduled to
pounds. SuMae. I meet on Thursday to decide the amount
reserve, shows: Avail. ble cash balance.
.l!'.7.t.x; gold coin and bullion. 111",
M2,tl; gold certificates. IJS.LX.ulO.
Seer Yark Biaaey Market.
NKW YORK. Dec, l.-MONKY-On call,
steady at 'n4 per cent; ruling rale. ,1 pr
cent; closing bid. S pr cent; oneied at J4j
per rent; time loans, dull and steady; sixty
days, &v per cent; ninety days. per Ce.t:
six months, UfiS per cent; prime mercan
tile paper. per rent.
tual business in bankers' bills at t4i409
14 for demand and at S4 5nfi4& or
sixty day bills; posted rates, fl.MVt and
M.s&U: commercial bills.
SILVER Bar, Mc; Mexican
HOND8 CJovernmcnl steady; railroad lr
(Quotations on bonds today, wars as fcl
V. a. ret. Is. rg... .!, J.r.n is,' M erl.7'
,l-4. do M dr.
do t. etn ..
.14' In Id serlM...
Wan. r. I
.! 'Met. renml 4.
.1J", In let Ino
.1"H Minn, a St. U W
Caul Tally Steady, and
Cuei rironser.
is fome
t'oatlaa -d Large Receipts of Stieew
aad Lara ha, with All Klada at
"heegl Active and Steady
aad Umhi Slot.
SOfTH OMAHA, Oct. 11. lfc.
lo eeoDos
r. a. i. rt
le coupon
V. S. o.l 4s, ref.
4o coupon
I', g. n. t. rog.
lo ronroa
Am. Tnbarce 4.....
do M
Atrhlaon fen. 4,
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Atlantle C. U 4..
tel. A Ohio 4.....
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CCC. (It. L 4a.. 12
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5 Ornrtsl Mnnt.,
J'jOmcial Tuesday ;il0i)
. 4H
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.101 M. R. R. ef II e. 4. Mi
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.101 iNo. PelB 4a....
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. 11 lo. a. L.. rfde. 4a
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.toSH'st. L. I. M. e. aa..1ll
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Seatar1 A. U 4a. . M
tRo. PaelSr 4
do 4a rtfa r
Ho. R.llwiv ta 11?
T-iaa A P. la
Cattle, flogs, bueep.
8.i:x i:V
Two days this week. . .IS.7B2 i-1
Same days la.t week....KI 7.1H 4"i.4.4
Same two weeks ago....l.i:tl .(' td..73
Same three weeks ago. ..14.647 s.ltio M.f7
8ame four wcks ao....U,2 i.7f7
Same days last year 17.827 a7,4aS
the fonowiiiai labia Shows the ivcelpts ot
rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year:
' J I Cattle tm.XX 7T3.372
S ;"0
i hi
S 90
Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.l Tes'y.
7Vi B7HI 6m tr, TP4
TITil 71' 7iai 71H! 71
SH! i'4
37 37H 374 !74 7V
sml sis
J2HI 2
Omaha Cash Sales.
WHEAT-No. 4 hard, 1 car. IRiAc.
OAT&-NO. white, 1 car, )c.
A Omabk Cwsh Prteea.
WHEAT No, t . hard, 66H'??"7,4c : No.
hard, rafr7o; Na. hard, 6oVic; No. 1
spring, 4ifr7o.
GJJRN No.' 8, mc; No. 3 yellow, 39
3Vc; No. 3 white, 40,c.
OATS No. S mixed. 30c; No. 3 white, SOtt
Ole: No: 4 white.- bXUWte.
RYR No. 3, tftoi No, 3. B7Hc."
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats,
Chicago 114 Zfn. 311
Kansas City 373 62 35
M4aneapolia ....u.u...,.,.u6 , ...
Omaha ....'.'.'.....'..... 4rt 84 93
Duluth 612
St. IrOulS , 100 123 134
f, ' . "i v v
Features of '(he Tradlaa; aad Closing;
Prices ok Board of Trade.
of wheat In the northwest and a liberal In
crease In the world's supply caused weak
ness today In the local wheat market, the
December delivery closing at a net decline
of .Ji. Corn was a shade lower. Onts
were oft c. Provisions were down 64fl"0.
Sentiment In the wheat pit was bearish
all day and longs sold steady. The demand
came chiefly from shorts. The news of
the day was largely In favor of the beara.
Receipts In the northwest have increased
'- materially during the last few. days ' nnd
weather In the wheat territory was fa -rorable
for the movement of the crop. Thcsj
things were all factors for lower prices.
Receipts at thla city were much larger nnd
""the price of cash wheat here was reported
He lower. An increase of 4.ft00,000 bushels
In the world's visible suddIv. which was
almost twice the increase for the corre
sponding week one year ago. was another
motor una weakened ine local marker.
The close waa weak. December opened
HUO to 10 lower, at T4o to 74Sr74'4iC. aold
at 74HO ana men aeennen in km iw.
Final quotatlona ware at 7Si373!e. Clear
ances of wheat and flour were equal to
266.000 buahels. Primary receipts were
1. 268,000 bushels, against l.Sno.OOu bushels for
the corresponding day one year ago. Minne
apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 1,00 cars, against 1,045 cars Inst
week and 1,098 cars a year ago.
The corn market waa steady early In
the day on active buying- of December by
a leading abort. lister, however, the mar
lut weakened along with wheat, but prices
Mowed only alight loaaes. 8everal proml-
rit houses were free sellers of Afsy late
the session. The weather waa generally
, favorable for the new crop, but this was
Offset by the fact that local stocks are
very email. December opened a shads
higher at 12o, sold at 42.ftn:i4c and then
reacted to 42Vc, The close was at 42V4c.
IwaJ receipts were t&l oars, with 273 cars
of ooctraot grade, .
Oats were weak all day. Weather In tha
northwest waa favorable for the market.
, Ina; of grain, and receipts at Minneapolis
'and Duluth showed a considerable In
crease. Country offerings were liberal. The
cloee waa weak. December opened a shade
lower at 33 He, aold oft to 33' ao and cloeed
at HS&tUitkO. Looal receipts were 311 care.
An unexpected Increase In the receipts
of live hogs weakened the provisions map
' ket. Pit traders were free sellers and there
was also selling for foreign account. The
buying- waa mainly by eastern speculators.
At the close January pork was off inc.
at 1S.T7A. Lard was down 7Hc. at $119.
Ribs were So lower, at 7 .46i7.47V4.
Betlmsbted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
Tl cars; corn, 236 cars: oats. 270 cars; hogs,
30 ojjo head.
The leading futures ranged aa follows!
PEKn-firm unrlns- hran 371.10 for Oc
tober shipment: mlddllnr". 321.10 for Oc
tober shipment; cltv, 20.5?r?o.60.
HAY Firm: whipping, SOfiMc; good to
choice. t ,
HOPS Steady ; state, common to choice,
1906 cron 21fi24c; 1W6 cron, 10ftl6c: Pacific
coast, 1! crop. lnfaUc: 1WS crop, 124rlc.
II1DKS; Omve.ton. W to 25 lbs..
?0c: California. 21 to 2S lbs.. 21c; Texas flry,
24 to o lbs., inc.
I.KATHKR-Qul.t; acid, 2Hi7rc.
PROVISIONS P.eef. steHclv; family. 31?'
iJ12.50; mess,, tt.OO'oS V- beef bum., 321"0p
2J.b'i; packet. tin.UKS 10.60: city extra India
nieas. xiti.T'di'ii .. tut mcais. j, !
IihI bellies. JlOffiti 12. ri0: nlckled shoulders,
nominal; pickled hams. $12 o Lnrd, barely
steady; western prime. 9.62i4i9 76; refl"l.
quiet i conUnent. 110.20; . South Amtrtcn.
$10.26; compound. $7.7R.oo. Pork, barely
steady; family, llHOofllSO; short clear.
$16 M$'l.26: mess. $18.16t 18 ST..
TAI.IAJW Hteaoy ; cnv i per --,
country fnkgs, free), S1iiHc.
RICH Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 3HW
6Vc: Japan, nominal.
Rt'TTER Firm; street price, extra
creamery. 27c. umciai prices: cream
ery, common to extra, wiainci ne;a, sec
onds to extra. 21(r2Kc; state dairy, common
to fancy, 18fi25c; renovated, common to
extra, 15H922c; western factory, common
to flrsta, ltiVtfflSHc; western Imitation
creamery, firsts. 19Hc.
CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, small
fancy, 13Vc; fair to good, 12iigl2,c: state,
large fancy, 13V4c; state, fair to good, 12
Que: state. Inferior, 104 ft 1144c.
BOOS Strong; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby, fancy selected white, 32ft33c: state,
choice, !KK(31e; state, mixed extra. 2a29c:
western firsts, 3625V4c; official prices, 24V4
25c; western seconds, 22324c.
POl.'LTRT Creased. quiet; western
spring chlckena. llfJlo; spring turkeys, 16
20c; fowls, 12S14J.
St. Loots Geaeral Market.
ST. 1-OTIS, Oct. IS. WHEAT Lower;
track. No. 2 red caoh, Tri-arpc; No. 2 hard,
7Mi December. 72VSi72,4iC: May. 77a77HC.
CORN Weak; track. No. 8 cash. 44tp
44o; December, 4040toh,o; May, iHiVr.c;
No. 2 white, 4646Hs. . w M .
OATS Lowr; track, No. 2 cash, 33Vjc;
December, M333c; May,. 34V434Hc; No.
2 white. 35?iWic.
FLOUR Firm; red winter patents $3. 25
03.70; extra fancy and straight, 33.00Q)
3.26; clear. 2.203.90.
SEEDS Timothy, steady: 33.3094.00.
OORSMEAL Steady: $2.60.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 87f
HAT Steady: timothy, $12.00 13.00;
prairie, $10.00f 12.60.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, Trd. hlaher: prime ateam, $8.9o.
r n main, steady; boxed , extra
shorts, $9 26; clear ribs. $9.82 Vi ; short
clears, $9 87. Bacon, ateady; boxed ex
tra aborts. $10.30; clear ribs. $10.62 H;
short clears, $10.87.
POULTRY Dull; chickens, 9Hc; springs,
9Uc; turkeys. lc; ducks. Wtc: geese 9c
BT'TTER Steady; creamery, ZKSWic;
dairy. 180220.
IX3G8 Steady at 19c. 8hlornMltll.
pi.,,, bbls 10,000 m.uuu
K?- 100 000 143, OUO
a" k.. 1 22.000
Oata, bu ..,wv
of the next ouarterly disbursement. As
sertions are very continent or tne inten
tion to nut the stock on an eight per cent
dividend basis, but every attempt to ad
vance the stock brings out frte onerings.
Even with the doubt thus suggested of
the dividend action, It Is unusual for the
stock to be quiescent as at present. Re
cent pressure against Union Pacific, al
thuugn unexplained by any news. Is re
garded as equally significant of the disin
clination of tlnanclal Interests which con
trol the market at times to lesd a spec
ulative movement. Current gossip desig
nates the oeriod of leotion uncertainty
as the probable duration of the quietness
of the market. The day s trading was
singularly devoid of Incident and there was
no notable change in existing conditions.
The lxindon munty market was anout
stcudv, but the Bank of England gave up
another $j.tM In gold for Egypt and ster-
ng exchange at Berlin continueo to ae-
cline. In Paris, however, there waa some
recovery In the sterling exchange rate.
The swift decline In the local exchange
market waa arrested short of the return
to the gold Import point. It was reported,
however, that a shipment of $1,600,000 In
gold had aturtfd from Australlu to San
Francisco. The movement of gold to
Canada, prompted by the flurry In the
Toronto banking situation, waa not con
tinued beyond the $3,000,iiW said to have
been shipped yesterday, although It Is sug
gested that gold certificates by mall may
nave Deen snippea to mat acBiiimiiini.
local money market was not disturbed.
The Influence of the reported high pres
sure of the railroad companies upon tne
railroad equipment companies to fill or
ders was confined to Pressed Steel Car
In the day's stock market. I'nlon Pacific
and Amalgamated Copper finally achieved
a gain of a point or more, but the num
ber 01 stocks OI nrsi importance mi
moved that much waa very small. The
sales for the day were the smallest for
any full day since early In July.
Bonds were irregular. i otai aaiee twr
value, $2,144,000. U. S. bonds were un
changed on call.
The following was tne range 01 pncee on
the New York Stock exchange:
Salsa, niga. now.
Artloleal Open. Hlrh. Low. Cloee.. Tes-y,
. Dec, 744T74H TH 7H 7314 C 744
Mar W. 7fc 7tfc 7Va 78!
. Oct. 44H . H 44
Deo. 4248i 42i 40 442441
Mar tttfW 42Vt 43 U&U 43W
3SH1N4 ' 13 88 SSHfJS 33IH
Mar 3443 $4 3434V5$4i$o
July W . US. 33 33Si US
Jan. 13 7T 18 T7 18 7 18 72 II (3
May It 86 13 86 13 87 18 82
Oot. 60 160 9 40 146 9 60
Nov. 192 3 92 180 8 84 3 i
Jan. 3i 826 8 17 8 20 3 i
Rl bo
Od. 136 136 136 160
Jan. 1 60 1 60 I 42 1 4 1 62
No, 3.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FUOL'R Steady: winter patents, S09
140; winter straights, $3.10fj.26; spring pat
ents, $3.8ou&90; sprlnc straights, 8i.3mui.6vi
baksrs $2.3uai90.
WHEAT No. 3 sprlnr, T6to; No. 8, TJt
To: do. m rea, iin'iisao.
.. CORN-NO, 1. 4o; No. I yellow, e5e.
no. 1 white, 3J36o
OATS No. . 32c;
Ho. I white. 32fie3a.
RTB No. 1 llo.
BARI-KT to choice malHaar. 44Ma.
8EED4-No. I tux. 3104: No. 1 north
western, $1.10. Timothy, prime. 14.07
IS. t iwsr, oumnwi graoes, 113.00.
PROVISION-Short rlba sides Moose!
9 (Will vi m. , j-b-t UUL, lO.QV. laSTO,
per 1U0 lb. $.4i Short clear sides (boxed),
PollowlnaT ware the receipts and shipments
OX nour auu grain lur ine aay:
Reoelpta Shipment.
Flour, bbls......... $3.7U 87,a4
Wheat, bta.,............ 193,000 ia.60
Corn. bu........ 94.0 .1'0
Oats, ba..... 6K.6110 471,100
Rye. DM 12.000 cio
Barley. 198,800 40.e
oa tM rroouce escnanga loaay the butter
raarket waa ateady; creamertea. I4j2&c;
dairies, IAS 23a. Eiggs. firm; at mark, rases
lncluaea. iwa a-c . nrsra, oe; prime nrats,
ljc; extras. 36c Cheeae, steady, 12riJ.
Philadelphia Predaee Market
Firm end o higher; extra western cream
ery. 37c: straw price. 3ac; extra nearby
prints. 30o.
iXW8 Firm; nearby fresh and western
treari. XM ax mark.
Cllfci-fR-FI rro: New Tork full rraima.
U6134Q -Kew fork fuU araaraat
Minneapolis Orala MarkeU
aurir nnard nf Trad quotatlona for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day
at CO., llu-m uoani oi iip "
Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.
Deo. ..
May ..
July ..
Oct. ..
Nov. ..
Dec. ..
May ..
77V878 .78 ,77
79 78 . 79 . 78a
1 11 I It 1 11
1 10 1 11 1 10
1 08 1 09 1 08
1 12 llita 1 12
1 11
1 11V
1 09
uinneannlls Cash Close Wheat: No
v.-r mx.r: No. 1 northern. 7c: to arrive.
75ic: No. 2 northern, 74c; to arrive, 78c;
ISO. S, l-'tylJC, I uiiu'Hp wv , .1 i.
63c; No. 1 aurum, ooic-, 10 arrive, wr-c,
Corn: No. 3 yellow, 42.e: No. 8, 42V.0.
-,.,.. ten 1 white. 11c: No. 3. tStitSOa. Bar.
ley: "85itH9c. Rye; 68i68c. Flag: $110.
Kansas City Grata and Provlaloaa,
vavnAM CITT. Oct. 16.-WHK 4T-De-
cember. W"ic; May,- is'ic. imin; 10. 1
hard, s(0'i i-c. ro. , mwu"i reu,
wrfTIn- No. I. 7i9c.
CORN December, 87c; May. SRHo; July,
38440. Casn: no. 1 muto, -j,-um(c; io.
.1.11. 42Un.
OATS No. t white, 33S34c ; No. S mixed.
HAY Btrong ana active; cnoice iiinoinr,
$11 764313 00; choice prairie, $9.60 10.00.
KqqB Firm; extras, J3c; firsts, t2o;
seconds, 14e.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, s, pscsing,
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 99.000 166,000
Pnrn. bn .....14,000 18,000
Colo. 80. 4a. ...... it., at 1. W 4a !!
t ubs a 10414 t nton raclnr 4a in4
v. a K. O. 4a MS t' Steel M M.
PiMlllera' Sec. .... M waha.h la
Brio p. I. 4a ion-! lo 4b- B
lo sen 4a It jWeslarn Ml. 4...
Hocklnt Val. 4V,a ... 1714 W'. I.. B. 4a...
JPii a 7 wis. rentral 4s...
LAN. SB. 4s 1(4 i
10. s
Boston Storks aad Hoods.
BOSTON. Oct. lfi. Call loans. 66 per
cent; time loans, 6Vfrtj per rent. Official
quotations on stocks and bonds were:
Alehlaoa all. 4s si (Amalgamatee
lo 4a 101 Atlamle
tin. Central 4a 71 lHlnh.m
Atchlaon l.-4t:ral. a Horls.
o prd IDIHiront.nnlal
Poaton Albany 344U
Bnatoa Main IM
Boaton Elevated .,
ntrhburg pfd ....
Meilun Central ..
N. v.. N. 11. a H
Par Mnrquotta .
vnlna PariQc
Anar. Arcs. Chora,
Amer. Pnou. Tuba.
Amor, giisar
ao sis is
Amor. T. T Ml
Amor. Woolen M
lo ofd '. ..lo-V
Pomlnlon I. A 8.,... tuv,
naiaon Kiott. me.
Man. Electric ...
do pfl
Maaa. Oai
I nlted Krult
Vnltod BtaM Maoh
lo eri
Orsono Con ......
V- 8. Stsal
ao sn
Adama Kiproas
Amalgamated Copper
American C. A v....
Amor. C. A P. ptd...
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd..
Am. Viproaa
Am. H. pro....
Am. Ice. eocurttlos..
Am. Llnaoed Oil
Am. Llnaoed Oil ptd.
Am. LiocomotlTO
71. 40 111 11414 lt
l.tOO 44 4A 4S14
400 10144 10144 101
1.000 3414 34
n Mi l44
l.toa 77 14 7114
Am. Loromutlra pfd 100 11I4 11JV4 m
Am. 8. R t 00 14 U 1M
Am. B. A K. Bid l.00 120 U7'4
Am. S.if.r Ronln .W0 7 . 1S4V4 1X1
Am. Tobacco ptd etfa...... 400 100' 104J4
Anaconda Mining Co....."... II m fl M
' MO 10tw 101 14
4,100 1U 1M lt.
1.400 744 n TfUj
1,100 1014 17114 1014
104 tM 1 tM
1.400 II II 41
, II
400 tlOUj 110 11
T.EOv 171 171 171
l.ino 17
400 44-,
1.4U0 44
"in Hi"
4"0 M14
100 1514
l 4
100 17414 174 174
I,om 11s 11 1744
1.400 114 in
- too
II -
Oats, bu.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frnlta.
APPLES Market, firmer: good to choice
are quoted at &Vync; prime, for Immediate
sfciment, at 6'5c; poor to fair, at 4(9
are In fair demand on spot snd the larger
sisea are firmly held; California fruit, 70a
to 30s, are quoted at trs'4c; iiregon.
to 3us, at 9 a 10c. Apricots are in light
demand owing to the comparatively higher
prtoes; choice are quoted at ISc; extra
choice. 17c; fancy. ltjl!uc. Peachee are
uncharged with choloe quoted at lo,fJllc;
extra choice. lli(Tllc; fancy, 114312c; extra
fancy, lU12c. Raisins are unchanged,
with loose Muscatels quoted at 697o;
seeded raisins, nQc; London layers, nom
inal. Mllwaakee Orala Market. ,
Steady; No. 1 northern, 7tjc; No. 3
northern, 76M3c; December. 73c, bid.
RYB Steady; No. 1. M&6c.
B A RUBY Steady; No. 3. 860; earn pie,
KN Steady; No. t caih. 43 Vc; Deem-
bcr, 4-:c, asked.
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. Oct. 14. CORN Lower; No. 3
yellow and No. 8, 44e; No. 4, 43c; aa
grade, 43c; naw no grade, 40c.
OATS Easy; No. 3 white, 33e; No. I
Whit. St33c: NO. 4 white, 31p32c.
RYE Firm: No. t C436o.
IJveraool Grata aad Prevlaleaa.
quiet; No. 8 red western winter, 6s 10d.
Futures, steady; December, 8s6Ud; March,
CORN Spot, easy: American mixed. 4s
8d. Futures, quiet; October, nominal;
December, 4s4d; January, 4a d.
Dalalh Grata Market.
DULUTH. Oct. 10,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard,
on track, T7c; to arrive. No. I northern,
7to; No. 3 northern. 76c; on track. No.
1 northern. 7tc; No. s northern. 7&c;
December. 74o; May. 7e; July, 79c.
OAT8T0 arrive, fUt; Octubir. 33c
-RYir-ltHto. ;
Atchlaon pfd
Atlantle Coast Line .,
Raltlmon A Ohio
h.i. a Ohio pti.
Brooklyn Rapid Tmnalt....
Canadian Paclfle
Control of N. 1
Ch.aapaako at OHIO
Chlraxo Ot. W
Chlcaio A 14. W
Chloaxo, Mil. A St. r
ChloafO T. T
Chicago T. A T. pfd
C, C. C. A It. l
Colorado P. A I
Colo. A 80
Colo. A 80. 1st pfd........
Colo. Bo. Id pfd
Conaolldatod Qaa
Cora Products, rfg
Cora Product, pfd, rfg
Delawaro A Hudaon
Delaware. L. W
Denver R. O
D. R. O. pfl
Hint I Lit Bocnrttlas
Erie 1st pfd
Erie Id pfd
Oonarsl Rloeirle
Hocking V.ll.f
Illinois Control
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd...;
Iowa C antral
Iowa Central pfd
Kansas City Bo ,
K. C. So. pfd
Loul.Tllla At Nash
Mexican Control
Mlnnsopolla A St. L
m , at. p. a 8. a. m
M , at. p. a a. 8. m. pfd.
Mloaourt Pnclflo
M., K. A T
M-, K. A T. pfd
National Load
14. R. R. ot M. pfd
N. T. Central, a-rlnta...
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A W
Norfolk W. pfd
North Americas
PaclAe Mall
Poop lea Oaa
P., C, C. St. t,
Praaaod Btaol Cor
I Prwaaad B. C. pfd
runraaa raiaco
Reading lat pfd
Reading Id pfd
Kspubllo Stool
R.publle atesl pfd
Rock Island Co
Rock laland Co. pfd.,.,....
Kubbor Oooda pfd
Bt. la. 8. P. Id pM
8t. U 8. W
St. L. a. W. pfd
Bo. Pacific
Bo. PsclBo pfd
Bo. Railway
Bo. Rallwar pfd
Tonnaoaoa C St I
Texas A Pacific... r
Toledo, Bt. L. W
T . St. L. W. pfd
I'nlon Pacllo
t alon Pacln Bid
I'. B. Kipr-MS
V. B. R-oltr
V. B. Rubber
I' B Rubber pfd
v. a. atosi
I'. 8. Stool pfd
Vs. -Carol ina rhomlcal ...
V. -Carolina Ch.m. pfd...
Wabaah pfd ,
W'oll.-Fmrio Exprcsa ..,.
Vyatlnshouu Klactrle ...
Wootern I'nlon
Wk-allnf U
Wlacooaln Control
Wla. Lentrsl pfd
Northern Psclae
Csntral L-Mthor
Control laoothor pfd SUel
Oroot Northora pfd
Inter4orougti Metropolitan
Int. Mot. pfd 1
Total aaloa for the dor. Kit. too ahorse
1414 1414
4114 . 1
10 14714 14714 147
400 1244 XS4 IIS
4 44
4 M44
71 Tl
1444 Tl
4114 -ft!
1.104 1714
104 , 14
100 II
l.ioo K14
I sou itu
4.100 11444 I3I4 114
400 .. 4744 47 . 4744
100 M 44. 16 It
14.004 14414 14444 144
104 It 14 Km
..... 44
I 400 (714 4414 474
i-:;- -M
J"" r.. so.1-, 1.314
71.400 11,114 141 II244
iw eiii 0U14 "0
l.tH 14 1744
XM M14
1.400 U
414 441.
1614 4410
100 lilt. 1111. lllu.
1.400 44 li A14
44 i
44 lo
400 1144
104 17
101 1744
1414 .
17 14
B. 0 1
11.(0 144 V, irr4 ik
1. aw I ll4
Copper Ronto
Pal; Woot ...
Gran by
zlillc Royala ..
1 Mass. Mlnlnl
U iMlrhlgan
nv4 Mont. c. at c.
Unas 9 'i 1 4,-eVSW -rii.a-4
Sheep '.r.tM.143 1.4n7.1
Good to moles corn-lei oilers...
r alr to good corn-fed steers -rM,2'ii
Common to fair nrn.t..l otoora... 4.U0.24
Uood to choice range ateera 4-oOije.W
fair to good nnl. ateara ..
to good ranaa at ears
v-onntiou to fair range steer
Wood grass rows snd heifers....
alr to good cows snd heifers....
' OinniflU . ..liar.
good to choloe atockera and fdrai. 4.0044
fSIr tO Sonet alnb.M a n 1r. 1 r-ltfl 4
Common to rair .tiuk.ra J.75-68M
Bulls, stags, ete 1.7M1S.3S
Veal calves ". 4 (Wtf CO
Ihe following table ahows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
averal days, with comparisons;
4.00ui4 bO
3 0Mj3S
3.40413 00
Eate. ISO. jl3w.UlW4.iiaoS.il303.llS01.ll91
Old IknelnloB
United Copper .
V. 8. Mlnlns. ..
V. B. Oil
"WolTorlne ...
North Butto ...
Bull Coalition
Bids. eAsked.
,10744 N'OTod
:i4M'al. a Arliona..
. 44 iTocut&Mh
.. 11
.. 47-4
.. 114
.. 144,
.. 14)4
.. 14
.. 11
.. 41
.. 4014
.. II
.. 14
.. 4
.. lt
.. MS
.. 12
.. 14
Usdoa CleelatT Storks.
LONDON, Oct. 1ft. Closing auotattona on
the Stock exchange were:
Cenaola, mosey ..... MS M., K. T 17
so aooeaal a!4 N. T. Central 144!t
Anaconda MS Norfolk 4k W ....
Atchlaon .10SI do pfd 4JU
do pfd ,...loifc,Oourlo A W 4
Boltlmoro aV Ohio.. ..131 Pennsylvania 1444
Canadian Pacllo ...1M!4 R"4 Mines 4 '4
Reading 71
!44aouihern Railway ... 11
do pra mil.
Southern FactBo
Union Pacific IMS
do pfd 17
U. B. Steel 40
do pfd 11114
Wabuh 11
do pfd 47 s
Bpanlah 4a 44
Cbaa. A Ohio...
Chicago Ot. W
C, M. A gt. P
D. A R. O
do sfd
Brio .L
do lat pfd
10 id pfd .
. MS
. s
Illinois Contra! .....1!
Loularlllo Nah....l4is
SILVER Bar, steady, 32t per ounce.
si it t, 1 Kg' per cent.
Tha rate of discount In the open market
for short bills la 44 per cent; for three
months' bills, 434 per cent.
Kevr York Mlalnar Stoeks.
NEW TORK. OcU lC-Closina auoUUons
on mlnlns stocks 'were.
Adama Cos .."H .Ltttlo Chief
Oatatio ...
Branawlrk Con .
Comatock Tunnel
Cos. Cal. A Va.
Horn BtlTor ,
Iroa Bllw ,
landTllto Cos ...
.. 44
.. 44
.. Ill
.. 41
.. 3
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
Foreign. Flaaaelal.
LONDON. Oct. 1. In the market today
the supplies of money were restricted owing
to DHLs maturing at tne Hank of England
and the payment of 15.00n.000 In Irish land
stock. Discounts were quietly firm. Trad
ing on the Stock exchange was limited,
6 rices were steady and the changes In
rltlsh securities were slight In the ab
sence Of speculation and Investment pur
chases. Americans) developed a steadier
tendency In spite of the unsettling effect
of the electoral campaigns In the United
States. They started above parity and
hardened In the forenoon under the lead of
Canadian Pacific and Southern Pacific,
which waa followed later by Increased buy
ing of Union Pacific. During the after
noon session New York bid up the Cana
dian Paclfle snd other stocks hardened In
aympathy. The market closed quietly firm.
Hudson Bay touched a new record, 101V4.
Foreigners hardened on Paris Support. Cop
per stocks were sctlve and dearer. Japa
nese Imperial 6s of 1H04 closed at 100.
PARIS, Oct. K-Oii the Bourse today
the firmness of yesterday was maintained
under the Influence of better news from
Russia and prices -closed strong. Russian
Imperial 4a closed at 72.06 and Russian
bonds ot 1904 at 488.
Bank t'learlags.
OMAHA, Oct. 14 Bank clcaiinga for
today were 31.M5.d22.61 and for the corre
sponding date last year 31.M5,M6.4.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Oct. 1.-WOOL-The wool mar.
ket Is In a satisfactory condition, with
prices ateady and trading active In spots.
Territories are In demand. Both large and
small consumers seek fine and fine medium,
aa well aa three-elghthe and half-blood.
In pulled -wools there le a call for a good
"A supers, but the supply Is limited.
Choice lots bring MvMc. Foreign wools,
especially cross-hreds. are In active de
mand. Leading domestic quotations follow:
Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 33
Oct ....
Oct. T....
Oot. I....
Oct. ....
Oct. 10...
Oct. 11...
Oct. 12...
Oct. 13...
Oct. 14...
Oct. IS...
Oct. 14...
I 03! 0 t HI 7 421 111
I 06i I 64 6 )l T 6 4l
I 64 I It T 281 34 i S
5 03, I ( 1 7 14! 4 141 t tu
6 0o S 63 o tl, 7 03; 6 14, 4 Vi
4 9v. 6 4 I i Hi 4 1
6 071 5 Ml 6 311 I 0 211 4 as
6 06 6 17 6 S7 7 06 I 4 33
6 lOi 6 Hi s 44 I lui 6 Xli
32 5 12; 6 48 ! 7 001 18 4 83
I 6 ll I 6 3& 8l 6 32 4 73
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha I2.00)-!.S3 36i"ti.35
Chicago I.fiw7.30 S.7ftyo-7ri
Sioux Cltv J.51H41.60 16ti..1G
Kansas City i.i.i-j.H6 .7.vail 4n
St. Louis rorttrf.OO 6.00u.66
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:.
can e. iioEs. hncco. u ses.
u., ai. at ot, r 18
Wabaah 3
Missouri PacHflc
Union Pacific 63
C. N. AV., east.... 1
C. A N. W., west. ...117
C St. P.. M. A O ... 13
C, B. A Q east
C, B. 00 U.. west 116
c, ru 1. A p., east... a
C. R. I. A P., west.. ..
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts 333
Ths disposition of the day's receipts was
ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
J. H Cuehlng, South Dakota.
40 steers. ...II at 4 4 tons )..
J. C. Mrmkln, South Dakota.
37 t'ers....l.47 4 HO
C. B. tlariiiicf. Smith Dakota.
3 steers . ..1.1s 3 Scows 10.4 110
Kent Russell Cattle Co. S D.
M steers... li17 4 t 7 .tei-ts. ...1;13 4SO
00 feeders., 4 iO 34 cows M 3 13
lluflmn AV Ltvmnrr. ."euris.
3 heifers... 348 3 60 43 heifers... 371 ! rtt
10 cows Wl 2 75 13 ca A hfra M
V. M. Rlffe. Nehrsaka.
37 rows W4 I V 1 J cows
7 calves... 12 6 16 14 calves...
W. P. While. Nebraska
30 steers.. ..Km 4 60
O Drake. Nebraska.
34 feeders.. . S16 11 cows
Coffee T., Nehrsska.
SJ feeders.. 1011 3 ( 4J steers ...ll.6
M. Rndcliffc. Nebraska.
43 calves... 3J4 3 t 63 Blockers. 343
i sto kers. 610 3 60
W. Hulls. Nebraska.
feeders.. 1T 3 00 1 feeders
66 feeders. .1013 3 R 7 cows...
J. Eldrldge. 1'tsh.
44 steers. ...lnaft 4 10 .13 steers..
HOGS The hog market was
to the liking of sellers this morning. In
the first place, receipts, although erpected
to be large, came stringing in during the
whole forenoon, so that no ono knew Just
what there would be or Just where they
were at. At the same time all other mar
kets were reporting lower prices. As a
result the market at this point was very
late In opening and the forenoon was weil
advanced before anything of consequence
waa done. When the trade did get under
way prices were all of StilOc lower. The
hoars sold largclj-at 3 30. as will be
noted from the sales below, whereas yes
terday the bulk brought 330fll.SS. Repre
sentative ssua:
4 CO
I shade 1orr, selling st $.K4j36; bulk el
t ! a, 3t.'-4.i'.-e.
OM4IIA WMtl.k..t,l,- el .4. R KET,
Ceadltloa of Traew aatl u --,.. as aa
Staple ana Mail Proo.r.
L'tiGS er uob., k-a.
ialVh, 1 uCtj-orti-riene, ' rocstera,
V; turkeys, loc. ducko, kaH'C, sprino
tuiiKt lis,
BUTTER I'acking attck. ltc; cnolca U
fain y iMiij, AWa.., cie-ii'iie. , 0-tv;.
HAY l iKii 4uoia oy om-.ns rd com
pany: C liuice upland. aS.', medium iv;
ton lie, lA.uias.a. Hy straw, la.evaj i.isa,
OHA.V fKt toil. lisl-A
'I't-y.ViA'l Oi3.e nun,. stwMii, 4' is.iet of
i 40
3 90
st all
per doa..
2 1
22 37
3 3..
32 46 4
14 43 4
1 1
81 113 3
Omaha Packing Co fW4 5Sti
Swift and company 1.1BT l.zxo
Cuduhy Packing Co 1,843 1.2.8
Armour A Co l.Ota 1,274
Vansant A Co 63 ....
Carey A Benton 86 ....
lobman A Co 186 ....
MoCreary A Carey 187 ....
W. I. Stephen S-JO
Hill A Son 236
F. P. Lewis 71
Huston A Co 80 ....
Hamilton A Rothschild... 294
L. F. Hues 231
Wolf 140
Sam Wert helmet 263 ....
Mike Haajgerty 2
J. B. Root A Co 107
Sullivan Broa 23 ' ....
V. A. Brltton 8
Iehmer Broa 9 ....
Hotchlsa ... 110
Bulla 61
Other buyers 676 .... 13.776
.. 7,988 4.470 18.210
CATTLE Recelnta of cattle were decid
edly larger than a week ago, though not
up to the record made on Tuesday of two
weeks ago. As Is the case practically every
day a large proportion of the receipts did
not arrive until late, the different trains
stringing In all the forenoon. The market
aa a whole waa In very satisfactory condi
tion. Among the receipts of beef steers were
some better csttle than have been received
of later there being corn-red steers good
enough to bring 3.35. There were also
some good range steers which sold up to
36.30; one bunch was sold late yesterday
at 36.K. The general market on all desir
able beef steers was at least atrong, with
other kinds steady.
The offerings of cows and heifers were
large, but the requirements of buyers was
the same, so thai the market started out
reasonably active, with prices generally
steady. The early arrivals for ths most
part changed handa In very fair season.
Good heavy feeders were very scarce and
there were plenty of buyers looking for
that kind. The few to be had aold very
readily at atrong price Owing to the
scarcity of the best kinds buyers In many
cases were forced to take others, so that
the medium grades sold If anything a little
more freely, but the common and undesir
able light cattle were aa hard to move aa
Representative sale:
634c: X. Biatac: No. 1. 4041c: No. 3. St
JHc; flue unwashed. 2b432tic: auarter-blood.
unwashed, SVtl'Mc; three-eighths blond, un
washed, Ma.itc; quarter-blood, unwashed,
32jli33c; delaine, washed, 3u37c; delaine,
unwashed, 3s1jr3Co. Michigan Fine un
washed, 334334o; quarter-blood, unwashed,
31632c; delaine, unwashed, 77Q28C Ken
tucky, Indiana and Missouri Combing,
three-eighths blood, 33t3tc ; combing, quarter-blood,
SOb31c. Texas (scoured basis)
Fine twelve months, 7243T3C: fine six to
eight months, 7Jcsc; fine fall, clean. 5&4?
60c. California tsooured basis) Northern
choice, tWdTDc; northern good, aofrOo; mid
dle counties, 4Tfrc; southern, Klic; falia
free, M7c. Oregon (scoured basls East
ern No. 1 staple. 724774c; eastern No. 1
clothing. 7tJc) valley No. L aniWlc. Ter-
. - . . a-al VA la-l . t -f .
1.000 to Mu. ,0k riiury ,io v""' -w .-.-. riii-f. lo,o--.
100 1044k lot in? 1 nn meaium, yvivc; nicuium, ootgnno. jer
41, 4o 4s 4i3 i 1 rltorial ordinary (scoured baslsi Fine. T4
72c; nne meaium, trro9c; meaium, nt-Tjvto.
Colorado and New Mexico, spring, scoured,
X, ta70c; No. 1, tVtfciKe. Pulled wools,
(scoured basis) Extra, 2qHc, fine A, Wet
44V; A supers, W-j4c; 3 supers, 66fi66c.
8T. LOUIS, it. la. WOOL Steady; me
dium grsdes, combing and clothing. 'IZtt
37c; light fine. Ik 21c; heavy flne, UQ17c;
tub-waahed, 3i37c. -. '
4.40 107S lOi S 147
4X i MS 4S
704 ms
Uooo its
40 MS
404 II
. S
ieiioo 11744 iii'u jm,
1S 41 l?w
metA in., .a. ...
3D 74S S
I4O0 114 J1
44 US MS
1.100 Tl 7,s
44S .
Bestoa copper Market.
Closing quotatlona on Boston copper mar
k?tv"'Sortr,.,!.T' f" Br'n. Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
Alvaatare T Mokawk n
Allen.. s Nevada Conaolldaiaa.. t?S
A'lonllo US Worth Butto Ills
Bingham 41S Old Dominion u.
Block Movotal S Owooola u
Bootoa Coiuoiidaud.. US P... Sorvice .. " 1414
Butto Ceolltloa S Pn.a. Bonloa, sfd..." 40 1
Calumet a Anion... 1 4U Qulacv ;.. icu
Calumet a liocli
Coppor kaage ....
Ueilr Van
Cut Butt ,
Grooao Copper ,
lalo Heial
L. 8. a. Pltabarg.
Ml Btmnooa 1.-.
. MST.maracfc
. 11 Trinity nu
.. 14 t'oltod Pmlt iM
. US Tolled Biotas, asm... eS
.. Nsl'snod Si.l-a. pll ... 41
. M t'toh Caaooiidaud.... M
. 14S t'tak Copp-w r4
. 4 Victoria 14T
. 14 Insaa Z
.. 1' Volvwiaa iu
.. t Mlc.laa 17
Treaaary Staleaaeat.
WASHINGTON. Oct. la.-Today'a atate
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral (und. exclusive of, the 6JJO.uq,cjO gold
Visible Inpplr of Orala. . .
NEW YORK. Ocl.- 11 Special csble and
telegraphlo romtnuDlrations received by
Bradstreets' show the following changes In
available supplies, aa compared with pre
vious sccount :
Wheat, United States snd Canada, east
of Rockies. Increased 8.381.409 bu.; afloat
for and In Ktirope, Increased 1.100.0M) bu.;
total supply Increased 4.4A2.0U& bu.
Corn, United States and Canada, east
of Ruckle, decreased i-W.Ono bu.
Oata. United States snd Canada, east 'of
Rockies, decreesra iju.ww bu.
The leading Increases reported this week
sre lom.OOo bu. fcn Manitoba elevstors.
81.004 bu. at Omaha,' 76. bu. at Chatta
nooga, (B.uxiO bu. In Chicago private ele
vators and &o,iMU ou. s. iNasnvuie.
Tha leadlna decreases sre 41.000 bu. at
IJncoln. Neb., and Vicinity, 116.000 b-i. at
Fort Worth and , 37,000 bu. at Newport
Otla aad Rasia.
NEW YORK. Oct. I. OII Cottonseed
oil, eaay: prlnte crude, f. o. b. mills, 3-tt
8wc: yellow. 43c. Petroleum, steady: refined.
New Tork, 87 60; Philadelphia and Balti
more, 37.46; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In
bulk. 34.36. Turpentine. Arm. K4j.
ROSIN Firm; strsjned. common to good.
34 26.
OIL CITY. Oct. K-OIL-Credlt halances.
31.68. Runs. 13.4.4 4t,la. I re rage 8 4M bbls.;
hlpmenta, 14,4oJ bbl., avra UL61ll bbla.
. P
...1UI I H
...IM1 I li
...1144 IM
. 171 3 M
.1044 I
. 0I 1 10
v. If. No.
, 14 4 M M
110 I 4 1
127 I 4 44
1041 3 14
mi ta 1
m in
MO 3 4 14
IS I 14
141 4 4
140 1 M M M4 4 M
Ml I 44
32 feeders.. 1113 3 76 6 feeders.. 631 176
31 feders..H31 I 10
61 cows 4ti 2 80
6 rows 944 t 36
17 heifers. 3o 3 00
14 cows line) a 40
10 cows Nnl 1 V0
4 cows 10J0 8 76
16 cows pnO 2 86
4 feeders. .lltt 3 80
teeners.. Mis)
37 cows iw6 J 90
4 cow s 1017 3 60
4 str. civs. 337 4 00
32 steers. ...loiil 6 70
18 cows 104 i tu
..1040 I 60
..ll 4 40
..1176 4 46
.1134 3 00
feeders.. 3 76
16 cows 10K8 8 80
13 cows 872 t V)
I heifers... 687 3 60
6 calves... 1U ikl
I cows 914 t 86
( htlfers... 764 3 36
cows 10M) 2 86
100 feeders. 98 1 06
6 feeder.. MM) 3 16
cows 1000 2 70
16 cows 762 2 46
12 cs A hfrs 744 2 86
21 steers.. ..1199 I 70
18 cows vM 2 ftO
24 heifers. ..1000 t 36
L. A. Wolf. Wyoming.
U. feeders.. 986 1 96 33 feeders.. 763 3 86
16 C0W8 1033 I 60 10 cows 998 1 60
W. A. Speck. Wyoming.
Steers.. ..1601 6 30
J. Youngman Wyo.
41 cows 978 I 20 4 cows...
steers.. ..1219 4 60 17 steers..
I steers.... IM 1 70
W. F. Dent Wyo.
I cows Uo4 3 10 19 steers..
H. Summers Wyo,
IS steers.. ..12o7 4 80 Tcowa...
A, weaner wyo.
T cows 1066 3 10 13 steers.. ..107.5 4 10
steers.. ..1041 1 86
Chsrl-s Hltcher. Wyoming.
10 oows 1M0 I 30 14 cows 900 3 70
9 stsers....L'33 4 30 11 feeder.. 1U 4 60
31 feeders.. UW 4 60
A. Ia. Ripley, Wyoming.
40 feeders.. 1271 6 36 38 cows 1040 3
24 cow 1190 3 90 T con a 1071 60
U sters....1?M 4 60 6 steers.. ..ia 4 go
Spear Bros. Cattle Co., Wyoming.
86 cow s 1040 1 36 93 Tex. str. Hot) 4 60
L. Dunning, Wyoming.
14 cows 1087 4 60
Hobsrt Sheep Co.. Wyoming.
17 cow 980 3 00 30 rows 90 1 46
8. E. Cot t re I. South Dakota,
t steers... .1-60 4 70 10 steers. ...117 4(0
34 cows Itvi I 00
Henry Meytrs, South Dakota.
T ateera.. ..1440 4 30 I steers.. ..1191 4 30
I rows 1U8 I 46
Horton A B., Bnuth Dakota.
11 steers. .. 1039 4 20 14 steers. ...1072 4 26
J. M. Merman, South Dakota.
43 steers.. ..lfitt 6 (16 7 steers. ...1."3 40
11 steers... .i:io 40 ( steers. ...1161 4 60
7 sters....liU0 4 26
C. K. Howard, South Dakota.
30 cows 978 3 10 26 steers.. ..Hit 4 10
4i eows 972 1 10 60 cows 9o0 3 W
13 cows 874 I 76
F. Vol liner, South Dakota
14 st era. ...1X2 4 26 10 steers. ...1199 4-26
C. K. Howard. South Dekola.
14 steers.. ..IM I 06 10 steers. ...Hi 4 10
107 steers. ..HIS 8 t 76 cows 992 3 10
12 cows 1078 I 90
II. O. Wears, South Dakota. .
46 ateera.. ,.rt 4 40 36 heifers. ..poc, 376
U eea.....k47 go cows tM
4 ..
. .:4
. H
I Id
1 m
I 12
4 IV,
4 ti
4 th
4 ?4
4 !i
44 ...
, ,t:'4
. !77
v Pr.
4 !7S
4 1"
4 M
4 40
1 34
4 J"
4 ass
4 :IS
4 n
I lis
SHEEP Herelpts
Vfry large on paper, over H cars being
reporteo 111. out of this number, however,
there were twenty-two cars of litmlis which
were sold before arrival and were only
halted here to be dipped on their way lo
the feed lots. After allowing for them tho
actual number on sale waa h.irdlv as large
as yesterday. Outside the question of re
ceipts, the conditions were such as to point
toward easier prices. In the first place,
packets were getting Chicago Hvr
l"c lower on account of Ihe big run
at that point. Again, the fact that there
was a general feeling among buvers that
they pold very stiff prices here yesterday,
considering the quality of the stuff, made
them a little cautious this morning. While
the market yesterday was onfv quoted
about Kc higher, there wore sales that ac
tually looked ISc higher.
In spite of all drawbacks, the market on
fat sheep opened rsrly nnd active, Ihe
packers being In need of supplies. De
sirable kinds sold very rendu v nt good,
steady prices. Some of the same wethers
that brought 36.30 yesterday sold In the
same notch today. Othets that h:id ben
on feed for a time sold up to IV 40. The
same yearlings that sold to a feeder yes
terday at 36.00 went to :i packer today at
the same price. The market on sheep was.
In fact. In a good, healthy and entirely sat
isfactory condition.
The feeling on fnt lambs was a little
weak and the trade nnened slow, buyers
hot trying to do anything with the lambs
until they had secured what fat sheep were
to be had. It was. In fact, later than
before the lamb market was renllv under
way and It wits at no time verv active.
Feeder buyers were very much In evi
dence again this morning, there being a
good many representative feeders In from
out In the state, as well as some of the
large buyers from more distant points. The
market on all good kinds of feeders waa In
very fair con lltlon and prices as a rule
were Just about steady.
Quotations on kilhrs: Good to chol-e
lambs, 17.00 7.40; fair 1o good lambs,
. 76437. 00; good to choice yearling,
35. BO'S 6.90; fair to good yearlings, lfi. 23
tjf.60; good to choice wethers, 35.00 to
6.40; good to choice ewes. 84. 90.
Suotatlona on feeders: Lamba, 35.200
; yearlings, .VlfVfi6.60; wethers, 47Vff
5.15; ewea, 33.604.60; breeding ewes.
200 Wyoming ewes
63 Wyoming ewee
461 Wyoming wethers ;
616 Wyoming yearlings
849 Wyoming lambs, cull fdra.,..
137 Wyoming ewes, feeders.....
18 Wyoming lambs, feeders
43 Wyoming lambs, feeders......
348 Wyoming ewes, feeders.....
82 Wyoming ewes
t"l Wyoming wethers
in Wyoming lanins, run tars...
81 Wyoming lamba. feeders
358 Wyoming lambs, feeders
3:sa Wyoming lambs, feeders
Wyoming yearlings
M Idaho lambs, feeders
1(66 Wyoming lambs, feeders....
SrtO South Dakota lambs, feeders
752 Wyoming lambs, feeders
iira wvomlns lambs
637 Wyoming lambs, feeders
1!H3 W yoming ewes, feeners
650 Wyoming ewes, feeder
41 Idaho lambs, feeder
'97 Idaho ewes
267 Idaho lambs, feeders
ti" Idaho yearlings snd wethers
rSH Idaho lamba, frwlors
105 fed welhers
33.1 Idaho lambs, feeders
1S1 Idaho lambs, feeder
Idaho lambs, feeders
334 Idaho lamba, feeders
14) native lambs
1383 Idaho lambs
1000 Idaho lambs
24 western lambs
I western lambs
Av. Pr.
101 4 86
114 6 (0
127 5 26
102 6 40
, 45 6 45
, M 4 2."
44 4 16
,. S4 4 2i
,90 4 40
,1( 6 no
,118 S 30
,19 5 60
,47 5 75
,40 5 75
,47 6 76
,33 5 J)
,18 6 00
, 56 6 2')
,79 2
,32 4 35
,57 8 50
,61 10
,01 6 2$
.ao in
,38 4 30
, IS 5 00
. 48 6 46
.73 5 4"
,18 6 GO
. 119 5 10
, 61 I 14
,53 I 10
.61 I 10
. 56 I 75
. Tl 7 1
.84 7 2"
.89 7 H
.77 7 26
.68 7 26
1U.. ijC.
LEAF LEn UCfc.-Hothous.
heails, ,"fc.
CUl-KltY-rer dog- IfcSIOc.
C L'C L. BURS Hume grown.
OXIOXB Home grown, fi&c pep bu.; Span
ish, 11.75 per crate.
NAW iiKAAB-Per bu., II It. No. 3. II-..
LIMA HtfiANSPtr 11.. 6S-C.
OHI.KN PttPPKHS-Per market bakU
SiC. -a
PAR3LKY Hothouse, per Cos. bunches,
CARHAOR-tloms grown, per Ik.. !
KiiU I'l.ANT-per asket. lot.
POTATORS-Per bu., 6860.
ORANGLs-Vsltnvlus. according to alia,
44.jj'uu0. .
LEMONS t.lmnnlers evtra fjnev. 248
le, $7 50; jot) $s iOfll.iiO; 300 s4ae, l M4B
t.w; other brand 81 less.
BAN ANA lt?r up. iiliitn-slsed bunch,
ll.iofti -6; jumbos,' S2.Som3.00.
DATLS Per lb., 6j5S.
PKACHK8 Colorado, laVSl.OO; Cali
fornia Sain ays, per boa, 11.00,
Pi-lVib uil.u,. italic,, tuue, 12.10.
PKAHS-De Ango, per box, 63,00; Krlfct.
Appial-'.S Hen Davis, per bbl , 12.00; Jon
athans, 1300; Or Inns' Uoklcil, :.75.
OKAPKd .'loiiiv sivmii,..vI o-o bssket,
17c; Tokay, prr crate, 11.76; New York Con
cords, per basket, 380.
CKAis.liKKnii.s-f-r bbl. 14 6V
No. 1 ribs, lie; No. 2 rios. OV'i No. I ribs,
61c ; No. 1 loiiis, ISc; No. 2 loins, 18c; No.
1 loins. dVtc; No. 1 cIiucks. 5c; No. 2 cnucks,
4c; No. 3 cnucks, 3c; No. 1 round, sc; No. I
round, 7c; No. 3 round. 6c; Ne. 1 plate, 3c;
No. 2 plate, 2Hc; No. 3 plate, Ic.
SUQAR-Granulated cane. In Backs. 11.41;
granuluted beet, in sucks. 16.81.
CHb.EE bwiss, new, loc; Wisconsin
bi luk, H'c; v iscoiisin llinburgar. Uu;
twins. 14Vkc; young Americana, loc.
COFFEhc-Rouslud, No. Jo, wQ ler lb t
No. JO. 2Hc per lb.; No. 26, loo par lb.;
No. M. 16c ptr lb.; No. Q, 12Vau Per lb.
SYRUP In bbls., 2ic per gal.; in cases,
I lo-lt). cans, II u; esses, 11 6-10 saus,;
cases, m ts-lo. cans, II. So.
HON KY Per 24 1 rallies, 13.60.
CANNED HOODS Cum, standard rresf
arn, oojouc; Mains, Tomaioes, 3-lb.
cans, II.OO; 2-ib., 974jc4ll.0O. Pineapples,
grated, 3-Jb 12.0642 ; alicsd, ll.W'aJ .20;
gallon apples, lancy, U.6S; California apri
cots. Il isKiii 26, pears, 31.7t-4a.50; peach,
fancy, 1.764i3.40; H. C. peaches, !2.uu)J.6v.
Alaska salmon, red, ll.2s; fancy Chinook.
r, 12.10; fancy sockeya, F., 3196; aardlnov
oil, 32.76; 44 mustard, 13.09. Sweet pota
toes,; sauotkiaut. l.W; pump
kin, 80c4jllO0; wan beans, "-lb., tfoaoc;
lima leans, 2-lb., 16cOr.8e, spinach, 11.36;
cheap peaa, 21b., 4klo; extra, 764l9oc; fancy,
61.36a I. il.
CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, per
quarter bbl.. loo lbs., 84.00; Norway mack
rnl, No. 1, ri.OO: No. 2, 124.00; No. 3, S-'O.ou;
Irish, No. 1, 316 00; norring. in bbls., 200 lbs.
each, Norway. 4k, ll-.OO; Norway, 8k, I134ai;
Holland, mixed, 311.00; Holland herring, In
kegs, milkers, 80c: kegs, mixed, 70c.
FISH Buffalo, large dressed, so; trout,
medium or large, dreaaed, lac; pik. dressed,
11c; halibut, fins stock, lie, catfish, dressed
16c: bullheads, dressed and skinned. 11c,
whits perch, dressed, 4c; erapplea, large,
12c; auntlsh, pan sise, ac; white bass, extra
choice, 12c; pickerel, sc; salmon, Chinook,
lie; white, fish Cfroseh), 12c; mackerel
(Spsnlih). 16c; Native, per fish, lfcft.'oc;
codfish, fresh, frosen, lie; flound-rs, fresh,
frosen, 11c; blueflsh, fresh rosen, Uo;
haddock, fresh frosen, loc; red jnapper,
dressed, 12c: smelts. No. 1, per lb., Uo;
lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40c; green, 17c;
eel, per lb., 18c; frog legs, per do.. 2ie;
roe ehad. It each; shad roe, pair, 45c.
NUTS Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small,
per lb., lie. Almonds, soft shells, per lb..
16c; hard shells, per lb., 13V14C. Cocoa
nuts. 34.00 pr sack of 100.
HIDES AND TALLOVl-Oreen salted.
No. 1, ISSc; No. 2, 12V.c; bull hides, H9
10Hc; green hides, No. 1. 10c; No. t, o;
horse, 1.6i(tf3.76; sheep pelts, 60c4Sl 26. Tal
low, No. 1, 44e: N. 2. S4o.
WOOL-Per lb.. lftfiJio.
Cattle Steady Hogs Five to Tea Teats
Lower Sheep Lower.
CHICAGO, Oct. 16. CATTLE Receipts,
12,000 head; market steady; fancy steers,
6.7nji7.80; common to good, H.(Wi&1.75; ro ,
..7i4i4.6; heifers. 2.60f6.36; bulls, .fa
4.60; calves, 3.003.o0; Blockers and feed
ers, 2 404.40.
HOOS Receipts, 19.C(10 head: market, td
15c lower; good to prime lifavy. IS.w.fg1
8.75; medium to good heavy. 6.40ii(tl.66;
butcher weights, IS.MKlio.'l; good to cliolce
mixed, 366t'l.80; packing, A.l ((. 40; pigs,
SHEEP AND I A MRS Receipts. 41.000
head: market, 10c lower; sheep. 4 508C.76;
yearling, &.6orr(.(s,; lambs, M.0i37.76.
Metal Marke4.
TORK. Oct. 1. M Err ALS-There
was an advance In price of 4.2 In tha Lon
don tin market, with spot closing at A 197
15s and futtirea at 197 6s. Locally the
market was firm In consequence, with, spot
cloelng at I43.0OiQ-43.36. Copper waa 12s 0.1
higher In 1-ondon, notwithstanding the re.
cent big advance. Spot waa quoted at 91
17s 8d and futures at 65 12a 6d. Locally
the market waa strong. I-ake wan quote 1
at I21.60ti'22.25. electrolytic at 21.0O4?7l.75
and casting at S'l.(infj'21.7u. Lead waa un
changed at tf..7fxU6 X In the local market.
In London It waa la (kl lower at l9 7s7d.
Spelter was unrhanged at 28fia In London.
Ixically the market was steady at IHJoJi
4.26. Iron waa higher In the English mar
kets, with standard foundry quoted at 64s
and Cleveland warrants at 67s. I-ocally
the market was firm at. the prices recently
quoted, or at 23oik23.(io for No. 1 totindrv
northern. 1:1.5022.60 for.. No.. 1 foundry
northern. I21.5ti22.00 for No. 1
southern and IZl.0oaCl.5O for No, 1
Kaaaaa City Live Stork Market.
ceipt s, 21.4) head. Including 1,8") south
erns; market steady to strong; top, 16.40;
choice export and dressed beef steers, 16.60
64.85: fair to good. 14.264)5.40: western
steers, I8.40ti6.2&; Blockers and feedtrs, 13 00
t)4.66; southern steers. l2.MVg4.26: southern
cows, 12.0ntr2.80; native cows, S2fltr!i3.76;
native heifers. 2.6f)'94.75; bulls, J.0tti3.6O;
calves. l3.0Olni.S6.
HOOS Recelpta, 11.400 head; market, 643
10c lower; lop, I6 42U; hulk of sal-a. W lili
456.40; heavy. Sn.274j'fi4.40; packers, 6.r:4
4.4'.'H: pigs snd lights. 3;.0ivri.i.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts. 8.6ft)
head; market for sheep, steady: lambs,
strong: lambs. 16.767.60; ewes snd year
lings, I4.26VU6.85; Western yearlings. 5.(yrr
6.66: western sherp, M. 262 5. 26; Blockers and
feeders, 3.7o'(i6.50.
St. I.oala Live Ntoek Market.
BT. LOUIS. Oct. 16. C A TTL E Recel pt s,
1.600 head. Including 1.600 Texana; market.
0c lower; native shipping and export
ateera. 64 9Q4i7(i0: dress d beef and butcher
I steers. M.6"1i6 86: steers under l.OuO pounds.
IS 6o04. 70: stockers and feeders. 2.(l(rh4.&il:
cows and heifers. 12.35456.60: ranners. Il.ryioj
110; bulla, I2.26ti4.0ii: calves. I3.00q7.60;
Texas snd Indian steers, S2.70iii.25; cows
snd heifers, 32.108.50.
HOOS Receipts. 7.000
lower: pigs snd lights.
I630&4V60; butchers snd
8HEEP AND LAMnS-Rece'nts. 1 300
head; market, steadv: native muttons. 1160
4i6 50: lambs. tl.5ixt7 60- rulls and bucks.
2.2&4ti6.00; slockers. 12.50433.60.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18 -COTTON-Spot
closed quiet, 16 points decline; middling u in
lands. 11.25c; middling gulf, 11. one.
Spot closed steady, Palea. 4.450 bnle. .ow
ordinary, 84c, nominal; ordinary, &c, nom
inal: good ordinary. 915-16c; low middling,
10c: inlddllnK. U4c; good middling, fl4.c;
middling fair, 12c; fair, 12c. Receipts,
15691 hales: stock. 10SO12 hales.
LIVERPCMH Oct. 16. tXVlTON Brint,
moderate business done, prices 6 points
lower; American middling fair. 7.(2d; good
middling. 6.72d; middling, 6.64d; low mid
dling, 6.82d; good ordinary, 6.98d; ordinavv,
5.74d. The salea of Ihe day were 7,(4 0 liales,
of which 700 were for speculation and ex
port and Included 5.400 American: receipts,
14.000 bales. Including 9 1(S American.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 16-COTTON-Steadv;
middling. Uc. Sales. 730 bales; receipt's.
63 bales; shipments, 202 bales; stock, 1,984
head: market. 6c
36 0n1.66: parkers.
best heavy. 36.4645
Coffee Market. '
NEW YORK. Oct. 16. COFFEE Ms rket
for futures opened steady, at unchanged
prices to an advance of 6 points In re
sponse to steady European cables snd buy.
Ing- orders for European account. There
was some local selling, however, and prices
sagged off toward the close In the absence
nf Important support. The close was
steady, net unchanged to 6 points town.
Sales were reported nf 241 600 bags. Includ
ing October at 6.40r; Ilevember, I6ncj
March. 4.n!)l.5c: May. 6.75c; July. 1 8-,o
September. 7c. Spot, steady; No. 7 Risk
Kaiar ana Molansea.
NEW YORK. Oct. 16. - SUGAR Raw.
steady; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 14
lest. 4c; mola'ses sugar, lc. Refined,
quiet; No. I. 4 40c: No 7. 4ftr: No 8 4c;
No. 9. 4.26c; No. 10. 4.1c: No. .11. 4 1f; No
12. 4.06c; No. 13. 4.00c; No. 14. 3.I8-: ron
fectloners' A. 4 70c; mduld A. 6 .5c; cut Uaf,
S.afic: crushed. 60c: powdered. 6.60c; granu
lated. 4.9c; cubes. 6 lie.
Steady: cntrlfugal yellow, 4ia4 7-10c; reo
onda, 21ti31c.
St. Joaenh Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 18-4'ATTI.E-Re-relpts.
3.290 head; market, nitlvs steadv;
natives, 4.604;ie.4P-, rows snd heifers 11.50
i4 75; Mockers and feeders. 11.3114 30.
HOOS R'cetpts, 7.001 head: warket, 643
10c lower; light, 1(301 4'.H. bulk of sales,
S6.ff4 0.
SHEEP" AND LAMBS Recelpta. 4 7'J
head; market, steady to weak; lambs, 37.60.
Stark In Slrhl.
Receipt of live stock st the six principal
western msrkels yeeterday:
Csttle. Hoes. Sheen.
Bnuth Omana i.i"
Sioux l'v , 1.0"0
Kansas City 21.K
St. Joseph 3.20
St. IaOUlS 9.6iO
Chicago I'
11 4
1 r.
1 Total
.63.ctO IT.X2
laas City l ive Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. la. Oct. 16.-8peelsl T .le
gram.) CATTLE Recelnta, I.OtO bead:
! market stssdy; stockers. strt-ng: beeves.
'SrkwtB oO; rows b'ill a" mivr-j, j
1 stm-kers and fee-jcrs. 13kfi3 7.
I HOU8-Receipts. I3u0 head, market a i
Timber Land
We will mail oa. request, complete
Information about per cent serial
first mortgage bonds, secured by tlxa
tf laads. These bonds sre secured
(at less than SO per cent of ettnal cask
market valu) Ly siiuidlng 'timber;
Issued by various large well rsteb
llahed lumber companies of.blghoat
credit and mercantile rating. rt-
' We have made a spe lallv fcf tim
ber loans and bonds for several yesrs.
No deiault lias ever occurred. There Is
110 better security, real or pereoiial,
than timber landa Their market val uo
has Increased evary year aa Itnih.-r
becomes more scarce. We nave Sold a
great many lasuea of tlmb-r bond,
aggregating several million dollar,
to banks and private Investors. It
msy pay you to Investigate tola form
of Invest meut. Also ItivesUgat us.
The bonds sre due from one year up
to fifteen years; 11.000 caili; yield
per otit No oilier bond as fooA
pay 6 per c-nt. '- -..
H. 0. BAER0LL & CO.,