Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Rpblioki Gasdidatei Lead tod 8ociliiU
Brisf Up the Eir.
Senatorial Nominations Are First f
CaaaJgatea, Brian; Followed fcr
Governor an Other la
tke t'annl Order.
(From a Staff; Correspondent
LINCOLN. Oot. l.-8peolal.) Deputy
Secretary of State Fred Miller has pr-fni-A
the copy for the sample ballots to
h sent out to' the various county clerks as
a guide for the publication of the ballots
o be used In the coming election. The bal
lot, as usual, has the names of the parties
at the top with circles for voter to .use In
voting straight tickets. The parties appear
lit the following order: Republican, demo
cratic, people's Independent, prohibition,
stsMallst. At the head t the ballot Is the
resolution on the constitutional amendment
In the following form:
Joint resolution of the legislature relating
to the election of a State Railway commis
sion, consisting of three members, who shall
first be elix-.ted at the general election in
9"&, whose , terms of office, except those
chosen a five. Brst election under this pro
vision, shall be at years, and whose com
pensation shall be Hyed by the legislature.
(Vote "For" or "Against.")
"For constitutional amendment with ref
erence to fttate Railway commission"
Republican ,
J'eople's Independent
"Against constitutional amendment with
reference to Plate Hallway commis
sion" Republican
People's Independent
Following la a lint of the candidates ar
ranged on the ballot In the same order an
the parties which appear at the top of the
ballot, candidates marked fusion being des
ignated on the tiellot as democratic and
people's Independent candidates:
Preference for Vnlted States Senator
Norrla Brown, republican
William H. Thompson, fusion
J. P. Roe. Socialist
For Governor
Oeorge 1- SheMon. Republican
Ashton C, Shallenherger, Fusion
Harry Trumbnll Sutton, Prohibition.
Eltsha Taylor, Socialist
Lieutenant Governor
M. R. Hopewell, Republican
William II. (Ireen. Fusion
- J. I. Forsythe, Prohibition
C W. Howe, Socialist
Secretary of State
Oeorge C. Junkln, Republican
Carl Umicher.' Fusion
J. M. ReJI, Prohibition
J. H. Knowles, Socialist
Edwin M; Hearle. Jr., republican
J. S. Canaday, Fusion
W. E. Nlchol. Prohibition
B. M. AlcClure,, Socialist
State Treasurer .
Q, Rrlan, Republican
Frank O. Babcock, Fiulon
W. H." Maddn. Prohibition
R. A.. Hawthorne. Socialist..
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Jasper l,. McBrlen. Republican
R- H. Watson, Fusion,
Rett Wilson, Prohibition
Mrs, Ada K. Bchell, Socialist
Attorney General
William T. Thompson, Republican...
Ijrsle I. Abbott. Fusion
J. tt. Graves. Prohibition
Oeorire C. Porter, Socialist
, Commissioner of Publlo Landa and Build
ings .
it. M. Katon, Republican
Jaoob'V. Wolfe, Fusion
Oscar Kent, Prohibition
Thomas P. IJpplncott, Socialist
State Railway Commissioners
H. J. Wlnnett, Republican
Robert Co well. Fusion
J. Williams, Republican
Pr, A; P. Fltiglmmons, Fusion
George Horst. Fusion
John pavla. Fusion ,
3. 8. HcCleary. Prohibition.
T. A,r Gerard. Prohibition
Ramne! IJchty, Prohibition
A. psA. Si-hWrTTwryer.-'BociaUst;....-.. '
John Siemens. Socialist
J. T. Ream, Socialist .
(Cor Congressman ( CongreastonaJ Dis
trict) :
fudge of Tlstrlct Court. First' Judicial Dis
trict, for the TTnerplred Term
For Senator ( Seaatorlal District)
For Rertresentatlve v. Representative
Makes Tronble tor Brown.
As war to have been expected, the State
pburnal', support of Norrla Brown, repub
lican nominee for, United States senator,
la proving a- serious handicap and la caus
ing considerable embarrassment to Mr.
frown's campaign managers. Thin embar
rassment In- brought about over the M,fOO
Hamege suit filed by the state against the
fake reform sheet, alleging the Journal
had sold supreme court reports to that
kmount, on which the state owned the eory
I right. The fusion press Is advertising this
1 suit In an effort to show the Journal la
v supporting Brown, in the expectation that
he would fall to prosecute vigorously the
arnlt against the paper.
But as a matter of fact the record of
Sir. Brown Is dear, on this suit, and Inar-
much as his brief, on tils In the supreme
court, can be seen at any time, the fusion-
Jsts can only get consolation out of the
story by appealing to the people on ths
record of ths Journal The suit was first
filed by Attorney General. Prout. A hear.
"g waa had and the Journal company won.
Bout tns Una N orris Brown waa elected
attorney general the decision waa handed
owhe .H at once filed a motion for a
reheaxtna and H waa granted. The case
was egauX argued, and ft Is now In the
hands of the supreme conrt, with the de
cision due at any time. Mr. Brown's argu
ment Is on ilia In- -the supreme court and
has baeai for months and la public properly.
Report Elevater Delayed. '
George BarJInghof. appointed by the
State Board ot Public Landa and Buildings
to Investigate the material to be used In
the construction of the food elevators at
the Hastings asylum and Jto report- whether
the staU Is going- to get what It Is paying
for, has returned to Lincoln, but Is not
yet ready to yeport. He desires to get
some prloes o material first. In the mean
time the peculiar spots in that contract
iav not yet been explained awav. and
Governor. Mickey will resist the drawing
of a waaraat to pay for the work under
tb present contract If that contract la
allowed ta.atand. He will also ask the
legislature to appoint a committee to In
vestigate not only this contract but to look
Into the work of this board during the last
TraasnH.alsalpnl Congress Delegates.
The following delegates have been ap
pointed by Governor JHekey to represent
Nebraska at the seventeenth annual ses
sion of the Transmlssisslppl Commercial
congress, which meets In Kansas City
November 20. 21. 2: and tl: '
t; Adalbert Abel. Hebron; Waiter Jack
Valentine; A. V. Anderson. Neliah
tatt White. North Platte; V. K. Ilardv
M.-vnuien. n. M. tJushnell, Lincoln1
V,'. J. HlBgtna, Kliuylar; C B. Dwuu.t.r
Ian Cook,- Bewtrk-e;. J. ft. Arends i., !
.use; CA,ka. Jfeard; C. B. Anderson
Crete;. K. Haixtrook. Geneva; K. L. Means
Orleans: C. V. father. Red Cloud: C d'
Marr. George Woia, -Fremont; J. E. bill"
Grand Island; A. B. Viui Decar. St. Paul:
M. IX vVillert. Tekamah; John F. Crocker'
Kearney; W. F. Harris, Ogallala.
Teaefcere' Wages laereased.
Bjuperintend4kt Avery of Pawnee county
.has written a letter to State Superintend
ent MrBrlea In which he said the wages
orl siheol teachers In his county has been
It retted over last year from IT to tl a
'nth. One school board, which last year
pJiJ It and tit, is this year paying U.
and a director aald that the district had
ths beat and cheapest school it had ever
F. W. Judson. J. M. Guild. Mark L. Fel
ber. Omaha; J., Clay Fox. Newport' C c
riCtiiXrKnV AvaK"Utv"- Tecumseh;
H. II. Uartltng. Nebraska City w v
Kinney. Shelby; H. I. Culver. Mtlford' J
V. Boweik Broken Bow; T. I.. Porter Alma:
Merl Mather, Aurora; C. C. Cobb y,?rk:
V. Q. l.yford. Falls Citv: .-?.
General Debility j
Ly In and day oat there Is that feeling
of weakness that mikes a burden of Itself,
Food does not strengthen,
Sleep does not refresh.
It Is hard to do, hard to bear, what
should be easy. vitality Is on the ebb, and
. the whole system suffer.
For this condition take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It the blood and gives vigor and
tons to all ths organs and functions.
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as garaataba. lOOdosetfl.
had. Superintendent Avery also said only
one teacher In the county Is working for
the same salary she received last year.
This teacher, he said, had failed to attend
a summer school and had not taken any
educational course at home. He failed to
speak of the teacher's ability, but left the
Impression she had been discriminated
against because she hsd failed to contri
bute to the summer school. In which are
employed numerous educators who other
wise would have to get other Jobs.
Kdnrators are (osilag
The annual meeting of the Superintend
ents and Principals' association of Ne
braska will begin In Lincoln Thursdsy
and most of the leading school men of the
state will be here to discuss educational
quest Ions.
The first evening will he spent at the
Btate university. State Superintendent Mc
Brlen and Chancellor Andrews being the
speaker1. The annual banquet will be held
at the Llndell hotel Friday evening. The
orhcers of the association are E. B. Sher
man, Columbus, president; E. L. Holf,
Humboldt, vice president; E. E. Magee,
Ashland, secretary.
Following la the program of the meet
ing: Thursday, October 1H. H P. M Chapel.
Memorial hall. Cnlverslty of Nebraska.
Address. "Salaries and Tenure of Public
School Tteachers In the Cnlted Statee."
State Superintendent J. L. McBrlen. Dis
cussion, "The Salary Question and the
Pension Question." Chancellnr E. Benjamin
Andrews, l'nl versify of Nebraska.
Frldav, October 1. 9 A. M. Art Gallery
building. Cnlverslty of Nebraska. "How
to Supervise Without Visitation." Superin
tendent W. A. Voder, Douglas county.
"How to Fix the Salary of Teachers (com
pared with other o-cupatlon." President
A. O. Thomas. Kearney State Normal.
"Grade as1 a Basis." Superintendent W. W.
Btoner. York. "Time of Service as a
Basis." Superintendent E. L. 'Rwtlse. Plstts
month. "Kfilclency as a Basis." Superin
tendent W, L. Stephens, Lincoln. General
Friday. October 1. t P. M.-Chapel. Me
morial hall, Cnlverslty of Nebraska. "The
Question of the Eighth Grade, the High
School or Departmental Solution," Inspec
tor T. M. Hodgman. Iiiverslty of Ne
braska; "The Elementary School Solution,"
Superintendent A. A. Reed. Superior. Gen
eral discussion. "The Examination Plan vs.
the Credit System in the Certification of
Teachers," Superintendent George H.
Thomas, McCook. Discussion. Superin
tendent A. V. Teed, Dixon county; Dr. H.
B. WHrd, Cnlverslty of Nebraska. Gen
eral discussion.
Saturday. October 20, ' A. M. Chapel,
Memorial hall, Cnlverslty of Nebraska.
"How to Help Teachers of different
Types:" !'The Know-lt-All Teacher," Su
perintendent J. Arnntt McLean, South
Omaha; "The Tactless Teacher," Superin
tendent George Burgert. Kearney; "The
Poorly Paid Teacher," Superintendent A.
I Caviness, Falrbury: "The Specialising
Teacher," Superintendent H. H. Hahn.
Blair: "The Lasy Teacher," Superintendent
Nell Sinclair, Nebraska City. General dis
cussion. Huatnesa seneion.
Governor Goes to Kansas City.
Governor Mickey left st 10 o'clock laat
evening for Kansas City to attend a meet
ing of the directors for the Union Port
land Cement company, of which he la
president and chairman of the executive
board Before leaving, the governor as
slated In the reception given from t to 10
at the executive mansion for the mem
bers of the Methodist Women's Horns
Missionary "society. L
Governor Hears Cehn Case.
Governor Mickey today heard the argu
ments In the Max Cohn case, from Ne
braska City. Cohn Is making an effort
to retain his notarial commission. He Is
accused of officially witnessing a sealed
document which was alleged to have been
signed under duress, and the prosecution
declares his commission Is therefore for
feited. The complainant Is C. D. Butter
field, a banker of Hiunburg. Ia., who as
serts that he was threatened with great
bodily harm in the office of Attorney John
C. Watson of Nebraska City, thereby
forcing him into signing a paper dlamles
Ing a suit he had Instituted against Mr.
Catron of Nebraska City.
Attorney F. T. Ransom of Omaha is
Conn's lawyer and Attorneys Hayward and
Livingston act as prosecutors.
Governor Entertains Mission Workers
Almost the entire session today of the
Woman's Home Missionary society of ths
Methodist Episcopal church was devoted
to the finance committee, and pledges ot
funds were secured for the Frances De
Pau Industrial home at Los Angeles, Chi. ;
for ths Indian and Mexican work, for
Alaska; for Immigrant work, for the
Chinese, Japanese and Corean work and
for the children's homes.
The program for ths afternoon session
was devoted mainly to ths work smoog ths
This evening a reception was tendered to
the visitors at ths horns ot Governor and
Mrs. Mickey. ' .
Sapreme Cenrt Call..
Following Is the assignment In ths su
preme court of ths stats of Nebraska for
October M. The following cases were as
signed for argument before the court:
Cnlon Pacific Railroad company against
Flckenacher 113197 end 12692) Meargument);
I'nlon Pacific Railroad company against
Westlund treargument); Union Pacific
Railroad company against Kosberg; Mcln
tyre asatnat Mole.
The following cases were assigned for
argument before commission No. 1:
I'nlon Pacific Railroad company against
Edmondson; Lincoln Transfer company
against Board of Equalisation; Begear
against Weetcott; Inagh against Com
mercial Vnlon Assurance company; Mc
Millan against Diamond; Bahr against
Manke; McCague agalnat Eller.
The following caxeae were aaalgned for
argument before commission No. t:
Commonwealth Real Estate company
sgalnvt City of South Omaha; Fox against
Fox: Nicholson against City of South
Omaha; Robertson agalnat Epperson;
Farmers' Slate Bank against Sutton Mer
cantile company; First National bank
against . Sutton Mercantile company;
Urnthe against Lane.
The following esses were marked for
submission on briefs:
Merriman against Grand Lodge of De
gree of Honor; Battles agalnat Tyson;
Alberta agalnat llusenetter; Carmack
against Erdenoerger: Burson against
Percy: inomiwra agHJiisr marHnau; nrst
National Bank against Webater county;
Dawea county against Sioux county; Led
wii h against Einbree; Cordson against
The following cases were dismissed:
Beck against Sherman; Edghlll against
Farewell Her pi lea to Prleet.
DAVID CITT, Neb., Oct. 16. (Special.)
About sixty members of the Catholic par
iah of this city tendered Father Hlgglns a
farewell reception Monday evening a. the
home of J. F. Albln. Father Higgina came
here about three months ago. taking Father
Carahera place during his absence, and
haa made a host of friends. He will leave
here in a few days for Wymore. Neb.,
where he hss been given a charge, la a
few well spoken ' words John Hllger pre
sented Father Hlgglns with a gold watch
and fob and a fountain pen. Father Hig
gina responded In a touching manner.
Father Caralier arrived home Monday
evening from his visit In Europe and gave
a talk on his trip across ths waters. Lunch
waa served by Mrs. J. F. Albln.
WATCHto-Freoser. lath and Dod.
Georre L (beldon Telli Third District'
Voters Whera He Stands.
Jndge Boyd, Republican Candidate tor
Cenarrss. and Hon. M. L. Hopewell
Also Help Beest for Bepnb
llrnn Principles.
HAKTINGTON, Neb., Oct. !. iSpecia!
Telegram.) All Hartlngton and farmers' for
miles around turned out tonight to hear
Hon. George L. Sheldon, Judge Boyd and
Hon. M. It. Hopewell In their addresses
on campaign Issues In the court house.
The court room was crowded and It was
without doubt the beat campaign meeting
held here in years.
Mr. Sheldon occupied the greater part ot
the evening In a discussion of state af
fairs, which held the close attention of his
hearers, and his telling points were fre
quently applauded. He declared he would
not take the office of governor of thla
state unless he could be in a position to
carry out his promises. He quoted rates
and showed the discriminations that are
practiced by the transportation companies;
promised that the republican legislature
next winter is going to abolish the pass
system and reduce passenger rates snd
other legislation In accordance with the
pledges of the republican platform.
Bis Attendance at Poses.
I'ONCA, Neb., Oct. 16. (Special.) in spite
of the threatening weattur, the republicans
held the largest meeting last night that
has been held hre In years. The opera
house waa crowded to the doors and over
flowed Into the lobby.
Hon. J. J. McCarthy presided. Judge M.
R. Hopewell, candidate for lieutenant gov
ernor, was the first speaker. He referred
to the work of the republican party, con
trasting the prosperous condition of the
country under republican rule with the
stagnation that followed a democratic ad
ministration. He called attention espe
cially to the necessity of voting for the
amendment to the constitution providing
for a railway commission; otherwise the
commission, even If elected, would be use
less. In Introducing Judge J. F. Boyd, candi
date for congress from the Third district,
Mr. McCarthy said: "I will now Introduce
to you a man with whom you are already
familiar, a man who kindly consented to
relieve me of my Job on the 4th of next
March. I'm sure he will be elected and I
hope you'll keep him there twenty years.
A man asked me the other day what my
politics were now. I told him I was still
a republican. He said, 'I thought you had
turned over.' I said, 'No, I got a beautiful
turning over down at Fremont, but I'm
the same on both sides.' "
Judge Boyd made a stirring address on
national Issues, urging the election of the
republics n candidates for the legislature
In order that the reforms advocated by the
republicans might be carried out, and also
that a republican United States senator
might be elected.
G. W. .Wlltse, candidate for stats sen
ator, mads a very humorous speech In
which he stated that be was not a pol
itician, but his friends had forced him to
believe he was a political messlah, and
hence It waa his duty to savs the country.
Senator George L. Sheldon, candidate for
governor, was the fourth speaker. He
first took up rste legislation In Nebraska,
saying that In the laat legislature ths re
publicans were the ones who Introduced
bills and fought for rate regulation. He
spoka of the republican platform's con
demnation of the attitude of the Burling
ton and Union Paclflo railroads in refusing
to pay their taxes, and defied anyone to
And anything 11 ke It In ths democratic
platform. He compared the effectiveness
Heavy Cost of Dnpald Pnstaga.
One of the moat curious contests ever
before the public waa conducted by many
thousands of persons under the offer of the
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., of Battle Creek,
Mich., for prises of 31 boxes of gold and
300 greenbacks to those making the most
words out of the letters T-I-O Grape
Nuts. The contest was started In February, 108,
and It was arranged to have the prises
awarded on April . 190.
When the public announcement appeared
many persons began to form ths words
from these letters, sometimes the whole
family being occupied evenings, a combina
tion of amusement and education. , .
After a while the lists began to corns In
to the Postum office, and before long the
volume grew until It required wagons to
carry the mall. Many of the contestants
were thoughtless enough to sand their lists
with Insufficient postage, and for a period
It cost the company from twenty-five to
fifty-eight and sixty-dollars a day to pay
ths unpaid postage.
Young ladies, generally those who had
graduated from the high school, were em.
ployed to examine these lists and count
the correct words Webster's dictionary
was ths standard, and each list waa very
carefully correct sd, except thoas who fell
below 1,000. for tt soon became clear that
nothing below that could win. Some of
the lists required the work of a young
lady for a solid week on each Individual
list. Ths work was dons very carefully
and accurately, but the company had no
Idea at the time the offer was made that
ths people would respond so generally, and
they were compelled to fill every available
space In the offices with these young lady
examiners. and, notwithstanding they
worked steadily, it was) Impossible to com
plate the examination until Sept. 29, over
six months sfter the prizes should have
been awarded.
This delay caused a great many Inquiries
and naturally created some dissatisfaction.
It haa been thought beat to make this re
port in practically all of ths newspapers
In ths United States and many of the
magaalnes. In order to make clear to the
people the condition of the contest.
Many lists contained enormous numbers
of words which, under the rules, had to be
eliminated. "Pegger" would count, "Peg
gers" would not. Some lists contained
over 60,000 words, ths greet majority of
which were cut out. The largest Hats
were checked over two and In some cases
three times to Insurs a curacy.
The tlOO.OO gold prise was won by L. D.
Reese, VSt 16th St., Denver, Colo., with
.M1 correct words. Ths highest 110 00 gold
prise went to S. K. Freser, Lincoln, Pa,,
with .21 correct words.
A complete list of the 331 winners, with
their home addresses, will be sent to any
contestant Inquiring on a postal card.
Be sure and give your name and address
This contest has cost ths company many
thousand dollars snd probably has not
been a profitable advertisement; neverthe
less, perhaps some who hsd never before
tried Orsps-Nuts food havs been Interested
In the contest, and from trial of ths food
have been shown I's wonderful rebuilding
It teaches In s practical maimer that
scientifically gathered food elements can be
selected from the field grains which ha.
ture will use for rebulding the nerve cen
ters and brain In a way that is unmis
takable to users of Grape-Nuts.
"Theie's a reason."
Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd., BaiUs Creek,
Honest Statements concerning
Honest Goods
Never a question as to ths Purity
of our products
Costliest and choicest materials
used exclusively
Uniform excellence always
Everywhere high in favor ( who
ever tastes the Lowney products
becomes a permanent customer
Makers et Cecea aad Chocolates
of the railway commission In Iowa with the
lack of it In Nebraska.
Senator Rnrkelt at Tecnmseh.
TECt'MSEH. Neb., Oct. 16-(Speclal Tel
egramsNotwithstanding strong counter
attractions. United States Senator Elmer
J. Burkett was accorded a full house here
this evening. Senator Burkett. always a
favorite here, was at his best and delivered
a powerful address, most thoroughly en
tertaining his audiences. As many of tho
important questions as the speaker had
time to refer to were touched upon and In
no uncertain manner. The railway rate
bill, transportation and pass matters wore
considered. Senator Burkett's reman ks
were frequently Interrupted by applause,
for the audience was enthusiastic. A strong
appeal was made for the republican legis
lative ticket that the square deal platform
of the president might be carried out. As
a preliminary feature local candidates made
short speeches.
Large Increase In Membership Daring;
Pant Year.
WEST POINT. Neb., Oct. It. (Special.)
The twelfth biennial state council for
the state of Nebraska of the Catholi
Knights of America convened In this city
this morning with a large attendance of
delegates and visitors. A reception and
entertainment was extended to the visitors
at the parochial house last . evening. The
meeting was very harmonious and the
secretary's report showed an increase of
membership during the hlennlum of 110
per cent.
The following officers were elected:
State spiritual director, Right Rev. Rich
ard Scannell, bishop of.. Omaha; state
president. Very Rev. Joseph Ruoalng of
West Point; state vice president, E. M.
Nason of Elkhorn; secretary. Charles
Weiss of Hartlngton: treasurer, John H.
Llndale of West Point, Edward ; P.
Hlrschmann of Hartlngton was chosen ss
supreme delegate from the state of Ne
braska to the supreme , council, which
meets in Cincinnati next May..
Shalleaberaer Does Xot Attract Many
People at Wayne.
WATNE. Neb., Oct. 16. (Special Tele
gram.) The fusion forces held an open
sir meeting here this afternoon, though It
was not very largely attended, as there
seems to be a lack of Interest In politics.
After musio by the Wayne Commercial
club band, F. A. Berry Introduced the
speaker, A. C. Shall enberger, the fusion
nominee for governor. After presenting a
glowing tribute to the state of Nebraot.a.
he paid his respects to tho republican party
therein, dwelt at length on the 2-cent
passenger rate and lower freight rate
questions, announced that the present state
laws were sufficient If enforced, Including
the maximum freight rate bill, and charged
the republican party with its non-enforcement,
ignoring the decision of the supreme
court. The speaker stated thst the Al
mighty and the sun snd weather were re
sponsible for prosperity and that party
had nothing to do with It.
Dentists' Oflces Robbed.
FREMONT, Neb., Oct. It. (Special.)
Two dentiat's offices were robbed last
night and three others Visited, probably
by the same parties, but they did not sue
ceedtn getting in. Dr. Llttlechild's office
was entered by breaking the glass In the
door. About $60 In gold was taken and
everything rummaged. Dr. Murphy's
office was entered, probably by means of
a skeleton key, and about the same amount
of stuff tsken, besides a new coat and an
overcoat. At Murphy's the thief missed
a bottle containing an ounce of scraps.
He also took some other filings and a
couple of gold crowns just finished. Dr.
Balrd heard someone trying to open his
door during the night. Someone was also
heard at the door of tr. Crook's office
and the lock to Dr. King's office had been
tampered with. The thief la aupposed to
be the sams party who operated In Iowa
and he covered his tracks well.
Odd Fellows Lay Cornerstone.
GRAND-. ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 16. (Spe
cial.) The cornerstone of the new build
ing being erected by the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows' lodge of this city was
laid with Impressive ceremonies yester
day. Grand Master Corrlck, assisted by
Grand Chaplain Poucher and the officers
of the local lodge, performing the grand
lodge ritual, Mr. Poucher also giving an
address on the history of Odd Fellowship
The usual data, papers snd records, por
traying the conditions of the present times
and scenes from the city, were placed In
the stone.
Bravery Medal for Grand Island Man.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Oct. It. (Spe
cial ) County Clerk George Poell, who
saved the life of the child of Paul Uasary
on the St. Joe & Grand Island railroad
several years ago, yestarday received a
medal from the commission passing upon
deeds of heroism, under act ot congress
of February, 19o. Accompanying the same
there waa a button to be worn on the
coat lapel. The medal beara the inscrip
tion "For Bravery, Awarded to George
Poell, Act of Congress Feb. 3u, 19T6. United
States Medal for Life Saving on Rail
roads." Woman Attempts gnlelae.
WESTON, Neb., Oct. It. (Special Tele
gram.) Between T and I o'clock this
morning Mrs. L. A. Kucera, living about
firs miles northwest of here, took strych
nine with suicidal Intent, after which she
cut a gaah In her neck and also one on
her wrist, but failed to sever the artery.
Pr. J. W. Cordsr was summoned 'phons
OCTOBER 17, 1906.
and rea'tel there in time to save her
life. She attempted the ded sfter her
husband left early In the morning to h-lp
neighbors thresh.
Three Bnslneea thenars.
IING PINE, Neb., tvt. 1 (Special.)
Three business changes took place here In
one day. On Monday, October In. Jack K.
Ridley sold out his pool and billiard hall
to Fred Cox; Will Iaugherty sold his
livery snd feed stables to R. S. Snell
Sons, snd W. F. Thomas sold his livery
and feed stables to Mr. Putman.
DAVID CITT. Neb., Oct. Uk-tSpeclal.)-C.
H. Conarro of Bralnard was placed on
the republican ticket as representative to
fill the vacancy caused by Joseph Maca,
resigned. Mr. Consrro Is a strong man
and haa many friends who will work hard
for his election.
Dentists Meet at Seward.
SEWARD. Neb., Oct. l.t Special.)
The State Dental association is holding a
two days' session here. The Commercial
club gsve a smoker for the members of the
association tonight.
ew of Nebraska.
BEATRICE Joseph Ellis, residing near
iRockford, Is putting In his fifth crop of
SEWARD Ml Alta Craig was operated
on for appendicitis at Dr. Morrison s hos
pital today.
BEATRICE Winter wheat and rye look
well In this locality, but a good soaking
rain Is badly needed.
PLATTSMOUTH Some of the farmers
commenced to husk their corn this week
and report good yields.
BEATRICE E. W. Huse of Wayne ar
rived In the city yesterday to take charge
of the Beatrice Daily Express is editor
and manager.
YORK On Friday evening the Chrls
tlnn church will give a reception to all
the student of York college and the York
Business college.
GENEVA Complaint Is made In certain
parts of the city that a man Is prowling
nronnd nights peeping Into windows and
scaring women and children.
BEATRICE The case of Newton Bur
roughs against Ills brother, "Deacon" Bur
roughs, charged with assault, was called
In the police court yesterday and con
tinued to October 30.
PLATTSMOUTH Fifty years ago today
Judge M. Archer crowed the Missouri
river and located in Cass county, but
there are very few persons In this city
now who were here at that lime. '
SEWARD Flossie PlAnnlgan. daughter
of Frank Flannlgan of Beaver Crossing,
was severely scalded by a tub of hot wafer
splashing over her as it was being emptied
by her mother. She was badly burned.
SEWARD At the supervisors' repub
lican convention held at Seward last Fri
day night W. S. Williams waa renominated
to succeed himself. He has been chair
man of the board for the last four years.
PLATT8MOCTII Mrs. Thomas Kemp
ster and her two daughtera departed to
day for Denver, where her husband Is now
atorekeeper for the Burlington, having
been transferred from a elm liar position In
this city.
BEATRICE John Fosler, sr.. a pioneer
resident of Gage county, died at his home
in Igan township Sunday after an illness
of two weeks of Bright' disease. He wan
68 years of age and leaves a widow and
seven grown children.
TJAVID CITY-A pelltion wasN circulated
Monday among the business men which
was readily sinned by all asking the general
manager of the Northwestern railway to
place George Runyon, who Is now agent
at Octavla. at this city, taking the place
of K. K. Hicks, as Mr. Hicks is about to
go to Fremont as agent.
NEBRASKA CITY-Sundav afternoon
Elm camp No. 29. Woodmen of the World,
unveiled a monument In Wyuka cemetery
in the memory of the late George Bur
bank. D. W. Livingston delivered the prln
c.ipul address. The Nebraska City band
participated in the ceremony and headed
the proceeoion to and from the cemetery.
GRAND ISLAND-Mrs. Young, admitted
to the Soldiers' home from Lincoln, paaeed
away at the Institution vesterriav. Inter
ment, It is expected, will be made In the
Soldiers' home burial grounds In this city.
COLUMBUS The republicans met In
mass convention yesterday afternoon to
nominate a candidate for supervisor. O. C.
Shannon of the Second ward was nomi
nated by acclamation.
FREMONT An Inquest was held this
morning on the body of Pleasant Rich
ardson, the man who Jumped off the
rear of a building to the sidewalk yester
day. The evidence showed that he was
probably Insane at the time, as Saturday
and Sunday he was not In his right mind
A brother living on a farm near Lincoln
arrived here last night and haa taken
charge of the body. Hie business affairs
were badly mixed and this fact, together
with heavy drinking, affected his mind.
GRAND ISLAND After a chase of three
blocks and the tiring of three shots In the
direction of the fleeing man. Officer Switzer
yesterday took In tow negro named Louis
Roberta, who la accused of stealing a gold
watch and chain, worth $K0, and $15 In
cash from a traveling man named Anderson
Roberts was suspected and about to leave
the city on a Burlington train when the
police caught the clue and traced the
man. The latter, while at the depot, kiw the
officer approaching and at once took to
his heela, a lively chawe, resulting. Rob
erta haa been bound over to the district
court to await his trial.
NEBRASKA CITY Arrangements . have
been completed for the first annual aale
and stock show of the Otoe Stock Breed
era' association, which is to be held In
this city Wednesday nd Thursday, Oc
tober 17 and 18. Entries have been made
In both the aale and stock show bv the
leading stock breeders of southeastern Ne
braska and southwestern Iowa. A novel
parade will be held on Central avenue
Wednesday morning in which all of the
atock orr exhibition and numerous decorated
vehicles will take pprt. A large number
of prizes have been offered by the mer
chants for the best display In the parade.
YORK Sheriff John Afferbach returned
this morning with Morris Dwlnger. who
Is accused by Keallher & Son of aecurlng
MO through fraud and misrepreeentatlon.
It seema that Dwlnger for a time repre
sented a Grand Island hide house and a
short time ago he came to York, called
upon Keallher ft Son, meat market pro
prietors here, but did not represent that
lie waa still traveling for the same house.
Thv striking beauty of
many noted actresses is largely due
to their lustrous, brilliant hair.
HAIR Tome (oWc)
is the cause.
It is used by
Emma Cahre,
Lillian Russell,
Anna Held,
Virginia Earl
and many other.
At your dealer's, or
let me tend you a trial bode
(or 1 0 cents to pay postage and packing.
Write to-day to
ed. pinaud, "rrYoei--
U- EJ. PtnmuJ'i lalal scrums. 'L GmV "
Gem Safety Razor for $1
We have just received a large ahlpment
of Gem Safety Raiors. which we are of
fering, with 7 extra bladea, for tl. When
the bladea are dull they may be ex
changed for 7 more bladea for 25 CENTS.
Olllett Safety Kasor 15. 00
10 bladea for Olllett Rasor U
Oeorge Woatenholm Kasora, . 60 to. 2.U9
Good Rasor Strops, i'oc lo 1.60
Colgate's Shaving Soap, round cake.. ."5
25e Williams' Shaving Stick 12
2&c 4711 White Rose Soap, for Friday
only 10
!5c Mistletoe Cream 10
11.00 linker s Barley-Malt Whiskey 76
Good 2-qt. Fountain Syringe 60
Warranted I-qt. Water Bottle 60
Fall Us Pr. Cseper's Meflciaeiit Cat friers.
Saturday Candy. Saturday only if
Hiliireih's Vehet Candy. lOr. 16c and.. .36
Fenway Chocolates, V, lb., tuc; 1 lb 60
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go.
The Rexall Druggists,
Car. lbth anal Dodge,
Oat AHA, NtB.
vet h olfl not denv It. snd afked them lo
endorse a sisht dtaft for If- thst he wn
making on the house st Grand Island. Thev
endorsed the same and Dwlnger cnhcri it
at one of tho banks In York, and tha:
was the livst seen of him.
YORK Henry ' Karent. who lis. la-en.
driving through W.-et Blue tnwnMv. In
this county, snd acting verv nueerlv until
fnrmers of thst township thought he might
do some harm. ns nrreetetl and tken b
fore the Board of Insanity of this rnuntr.
It seems that Saignt Is n recent arrtvnl
from England and nas recent v discharge,!
from the State Insane asylum st Lincoln.
He owns a horse snd huggv and msde a
pretension of enlarging pictures. The In
sanity commission here rlecideil thst inas
much as Sargent made the request that he
be si in wed to drive hack to Lincoln to
the Insane asylum that thev would let him
drive by himself snd not go to the expense
of sending an officer with him. and after
the hoard adjourned Ssrgrnt hitched up
his horse and started eat toward Lincoln.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere thanks
for the kindness and sympathy of our
neighbors and friends during the sickness
and death of our beloved daughter Glace,
and also to tender our thanks for the beau
tiful floral decorations.
Fair In F.aatern Nebraska Tola.
Western Portion.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 16-Fnrecast of the
weather for Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota-Show-ers
and cooler In western portion: fair In
eastern portion Wednesday; Thursday,
For Iowa. Kansas and Missouri Fair nml
warmer Wednesday; Thursday, showers
and cooler.
For Wyoming Fair Wednesday. ' pre
ceded by showers In early morning; much
cooler; Thursday fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. Oct. 1H. Official record of temper
ature and precipitation com pa nil with the
corresponding day of the IhfI throe years:
, 19V. 1H"5. W. l!s.
Maximum temperature 7 61 78 hti
Minimum temperaturt . . . . 82 4.1 w 3s
M-an tf-mpcrature t0 47 89 ii
Precipitation T l.ja .uo .oo
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March -1
and comparison with the laat two years;
Normal temperature 64
Excess for the day ti
Total excess since March 1 12
Normal precipitation 08 inch
Deficiency for the day m inch
Total rainfall since March 1 22.94 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.14 Inches
Ifflclency for cor. period. lfliW.... 4 Rf Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1!M.... 8.56 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Rain
of Weather. 7 p. in. Temp. fall.
Bismarck, clear t 74 .(
Cheyennne. clear no 74 .m
Chicago, clear M M .ml
Daventtort, clear 64 72 .00
Denver, clear 70 80 .(
Havre, part cloudy 64 82 T
Helena, clear 44 52 . 04
Huron, clear tt: 7u .on
Kansas City, cloudy 58 o T
North Platte, cliur 6i m .00
Omaha, cloudy fij 07 .
Rapid City, cltor 84 78 .(
St. Ixxils, part cloudy .... 84 70 .
St. Paul, clear Uti 74 .k
Salt Lake City, . clear...... 58 82 .(
Valentine, clear .. 60 8 ot,
Wllliston. cloudy 64 iW .00
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local .Forecaster.
The beautiful in art Is most de
lightfully diHplayed at the well
known, much-visited, greatly ap
preciated gallery of out fellow
tow-iiHtnan, Mr. Geo. V. Llninger.
The beautiful and artistic in
men's wearing apparel is in every
line of the elegant dress suite we
are daily delivering to some of
Omaha's most fastidious dressers.
There's style, comfort, good
looks and good wear in the busi
ness suits we are dally making at
$2 5 to $50. Remember, the pick
of Omaha's tailoring talent serves
you here.
Phone. Doug. 1806. 3M-S0A So. lbth 8t
Next door to Wabash Ticket Office.
To remind
That's it. Coal. Suitable coal.
1 r
ence. . .
Our customers know the difference. Do you?
No extra charge, but much extra value to you if your coal is automat
ically screened.
Our coal Is your coal if you but say the word. Forty big yell-n
wagona . . . ,
every time you think of Coal,
Sixteen Naught Eight Harney Street
To St. Paul and Minneapolis. Two Trains
Each Way Daily
THE LIMITED. Isaviatf Omaha Union Station at 8i30
vary venlog', arriving1 St. Paul 720, Mlaoeapo
lis StOO tb zt morals, la tha flaesl equipped Irala
oat of Omaha. Electric Lighted Throatfhoot, FuIImaa
Drawing! Boohs Slaeptarf Care, Frsa Rccliolnd Chair,
Cars aad that celebrated Club Car aaosl comfort
able car oa wkaela. Tha portara ara polite.
Tlekmtt at 1312
54,600 Meals Did
Him Ho Good
Htm Oih Man UaMtsl .V Vcara ot ltl
1 41c -i l.ounils Like Him.
"What the us.- of estln". anyhow?" sa4
the Kciany dyspeptic to hla rotund, pro,
rwroiis looking friend. "Here I've beef)
eatln" three times a day and soma,
times twice a day for fifty ear. and
look st inc. I'm raw-boned snd skinny,
still at the bottom of the ladder, sour on
the world and a pessimist. I know It and
I can't help It. If I bad it to do over
again, though, I would take care of my
stomach, for I don't believe I ever really
relished a mesl In my life, not even
mother's Christinas dinners, and I llimly
believe that my way ot cnttng. or what
ever it was, brought alonn with It darknesa
and Impossibility of success."
"You're right." nodded his companion
"Of course, that Isn't always the case.
But In this sue we niuet not only 'Trust
In the Lord and keep our powder dry." but
we must swallow sunshine with our food
Cheerfulness, especially while citing
which Is the most essential act of man. ii
as necessary to him as winshlne Is to tin
(lowers. Nothing normal can be rrodueeC
In darkness.
"But this Is what you haven't been do
ing. Mr. Dyspeptic. Your brain and yout
stomach, remember, are twina. snd ov
have lo treat them accordingly. Why not
start now and repair the damage ynu'v
dune. It Is never too late, you know."
"You mean at my age? And suppose yoi
enn't always get the jninshlne?",
"Absolutely, yes. Science has made It
possible to get the sunshine, the health
and the strength that your stomach needs,
all put together In little tablets. They, call
them Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, ths
mo.t effective tablets In the world fot
this very thing. One Ingredient in these
tablets digests S.Ooo grains of food with
out the help of the stomach. Two tsbleti
after each meal can do more Work,
quicker work and belter work In digesting
a heavy meal than ihe stomach can Itself.
The stomach need not work at all. Htuart 1
Dyspepsia Tablets does all the work, ane
gives your Jaded stomach a rest, the resl
it mcds. Meanwhile you cure jourself .
brash, Irritation, burning svnsatton, heart
burn, sour stomsch. acidity, ferments t Ion,
bloat, and. the wornt cases of dyspepsia
and lndlgeallon. You get rid of these
for all time. And then, besides, you can
eat all you want and whenever you want,
and you will also relish mother's Christ
mas dinners If you will take Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets after eating. That's the
sunshine I was talking about. Then your
face will reflect the Internal change going
on. you'll be more energetic, your mind
will be clearer, you will have more con
fidence In yourself, you'll be happier, and
you'll be yourself again.
"Tour heart will change and you'll feel
rosy. Tou'll enjoy your meals and live.
Let's walk down to the drug store and let
! me Introduce you to one little package of
, these Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. You can
get them at any drug store in the world
j for only 50c a package. It Is worth It, Mr.
Ritr ot your rvuffrlct and fttk for
rrti-oflrs-TrS K.nblish,
Jttw' rsfar'tal m lint. Hafcttt. Alesva
tlkUs. SM bv Driifrr eeanrwher
Students enter at any firae ,'
Send lor new, illustrated book, free
Sx Louis
riepsrt merit of WMngton fnlnMlty
with Art Miinenra snd ArtUlirsry.
Antique nd life itndr. rt-ntomy. per
P-tlv, oiraputltlon, time-work. Illus
trated leeturoai enmplete inatruotlnn.
Ceramlo atndant turn forma en the pot
ter,' wheel, burs ia tho kiln, decorate In re
lief snd color, under snd oar glaie. The
artlatlr bonhhladlngennraeia alao coajplatn.
tlrand Trim, tt. Louis F.ipoaltlon. for
tndanta' workl OolS Medal o Mraetor.
Students enter t anrtlme. bay snd nlh.
Illuatretrd booklet trM. Ki year opens
Sept. 14. IMS.
H A'iSKY O. 1VF.K, L L. D., Director
19th Locuat Ktre-ta. St. Unla
COLI.KOK Clanalral, lentlBc, philosophical couraea
ACADEMY An accredited Huh school prepares IM
Bl)evue or any other college or university.
NORMAL SCHOOL Elementary and advance.
CONSERVATORY Theory ol mualc, plans. TOR'S.
vlolia. elocution and art.
OMAHA CONNECTIONS Electric line and Burling
ton railway. Poor Modern Uormltotiea.
Addrea, President Vi'a4,wortta, Oellevue, Nek.
you of coal!
There'g a difference a big differ
SUM ll.ld nralllc fe-n-i. M.ltV
CX 'J -Ml MittRthboa. TlkMMMf V
an. m
Far nam St., Omaha