.1 i. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17. l!Hrl. m mmwmmmmm i a, Jap Novelties ii Arcidi 5 5 Optical Dipt., Niw Ston . m m m M All of raw H Shellv's sl Ribbons 1 5 a iJI 1. & SKtttrnntt throvtjfi Urttntfoi jjj Yard " - 17th and D"8la Streets B a . Phona DausIss 47. A f OMAHA WKATHKR KOHFCAST WcdneMlsy. Fair Every yard of Shelley's $1.00 Silk Ribbons, up to six and nine inches in Persian pat terns, woven floral designs with satin stripes, in all colors of the rainbow, also plain ribbons a wonderful bargain in new store Tuesday, at, vard. U Specially adapted for millinery, work, belts, girdles and opera bags. 2 $ R lancv SELLS Table Wines ! In order to introduce our&i J L j A !H .H 8 i . new ueuitruneni we wiu sen n 8 for this week only, a fine . A. 1 i ! iwo-yeax-oia 5 CALIFORNIA CLARET g at yt:n per doz., or n y per bottle $Jk 5 A great opportunity to get (S w a fine ' inexpensive table a 1 V 3 YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK. m" " Shelley's 750 to I250 Hats Fim? felt Hats, trimmed with ostrich feath ers, fancy feathers, ribbons flCH Q C 5 and ornaments on sale in U "051 liri. I. .to uf Is? " " Z ftCTDTntT in m.. ... - wwwn x tiAiaijtiti As displayed in Shelley s win- m iow-hheley'.s prices were $1.00 tn OCn Cfln Ol $ Vp to$10.(KJ,oii8aleat I UCCDC-uUlg I The following prices ought A U l 4 . 1 Leading; brands of imported 3 Champagnes. $2.65 per quart. Hennessey XXX Imported Cog-t'j nac Brandy, $1.25. $ wine. S "off,- ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! We Bought for Spot Cash ta Immense SUck of and El K1 P 0 rt n u n p n n n n ri p n n ei II In All the History of Brandels Great Sales of Tapes U try Curtains and Couch Covers There Were P n n 1 P 3 King William Scotch. $1.85. r : : Portieres Couch Covers I At About One-Fourth Its Actual Value p 33 P P R P P H Never Such Grand Bargains as These 8 tl t Sale . n Begins a 1 Watch for Later Announcement of the Special Bargains H See the Elegant Goods Now Displayed in Window p p p p p p p 2 49 in N3j nnnnnoDDi Satiirday , Begins a Wonderful Sale of fMeas Suits An Entire Gigantic Stock Bought from a New York Wholesaler (Who Ham W Ag-rd to Withhold Spoolal rroTiilon of th On Sale at About he-Half Price l& Old Crow (hnttlprt In hnnH)., T 11.10. $ i -5 Coasset Punch, something new, i $1-25. 1 Old Fashioned Cock Talis, ready $ to drink, $1.25. . ' Si! ;s: Old Maryland Rye Whiskey (our $ own bottling), $3.00 per gallon; k full quarts, 90c. $ X Kentucky Bourbon (our own bot- Jij u uing), er gallon, $2.85; quarts, i . ' oc. p uiu aiiiuima run, iuki), Aiai- aga, Madeira, Angelica and Mus- 5! $ catel, for this week, 35c a bottle, $4.00 per dozen. Assorted If de- ft Omaha's Peerless Ensemble ol rppj Horse Show Millinery ilBli Be fair to yourself see onr-mperb RflO'inO UniUfore ymibmj. &'"& PARIS IMPORTATIONS AND CrOCkerV REPRODUCTIONS q , v There may be other like them, but .. OdlU Y they're not in town Five Dollars to Filty Dollars Still Oil See Our; Extraordinary tine of $5 Hats. I JlTan, Prettily , and Perfectly tailored, Simo. on voicing the best ideas of the reason. Z? on Second Floor S,e f $1 or Over. sired $ Entrance through Brandeis' ' it) new aiore west Arcade f N i 58 17th and Douglas St. $ Greatest Clolhincr hmm nmti Fvpr a w VIIIUIIH Ml Ul VUII oaie uegins Saturday. October 20 nil n . - " I iKflrrra ni KE5tettusts ii u u i g u III I tj Number Two J PricfS5.75 wcwwwwwwwwt IE THIRD FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. LACE CURTAINS Mill Runs Some slightly damaged, others perfect one, two and three pairs of a kind, to close out in three lots Lot 1 Nottingham Curtains, sells up to $1.00 n pair, A to close, each, at .lC Lot 2 Nottingham Curtains, sells up to $2.00 a pair. 7Q to close, each, at JQ Lot 3--Cable Net and Nottingham Curtains, sold up Q to $4:00 a pair, to close at, each 0C CARPETS Special Sale Room Size Rugs, Ingrain Carpets, Oil Cloth ana jjinoieum. Granite Ingrain Carpet, the kind that sells for 35c, in this sale, if) a yard . JC Cotton Chain TngraJn Carpets, the kind that sells for 65c. In If this sale, a yard T JC Extra Heavy All Wool Park Mill Ingrain Carpets, that sell for 7 85c, In this ale, a yard OC Oil Cloth Squares for 1'ndrr Hloe, In all sizes, special, each, 1ft $1.50, 85c 65c and MjC Good Heavy Oil Cloths, In all widths, sells for 33c, in this sale, M a yard Z.4rO. fextra Henry, (tor rare Linoleum, made of cork and oil, 6 ft. wide, selja regularly for 65c, in this sale, a square yard. . . , 50c fVPITURE ?RJiJ!iE!t RY' Dent,st i",,m iu r ah nam, OMAHA 'Phone Oouclaa 175a Try the new roofleaa W 1 y t1Tk.V I T , L . .... . r 7i . : Teeth extracted with. nowX C A.,r out pain 6 different nuts with. t ' wava. W ... fw li nd oxygen. aJao Vi. mixed air. CeM rttliagt Crewrns Wark Caaraateefl II ycara. TERMS: SI Cash, SI Month stove steel it ) 4JT YTTV ' - 9 Evarjr 4y to October tl. 110. I ft California Oregon Washingt on Made of the best iron, With Wellsville body, double screw draft reg isters, handsome nickel mounting, nickel ring and large ash pan. THE RELIABLE STORE. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., 1209-1 1-13 Firnim St. Springs guaranteed for twenty years. Others at $21.00. S19.50. $19.00. S17.00. S14.50 and 1' nn Mattresses at $12.75, $10.75, $8.75, $8.25, $6.00, An $5.50, $4.00, $3.25, $2.75, $2.50 and aViUU Pillows a $3.50, $2.75, $2.15, $1.90, $1.40, $1.00 75c and 50 Bennett's Big Grocery Tt&liw 14at nf KBaalkla. Usui lntr- nttif barg-aiBS for tb conomlcl. Baakrt Fired Japan T. pound . . 68c And 60 Onion TradinK Stamps. Topper, pure, grouml. can 13o And 10 Urocn Tiadinir 8. ampn. 'I... tr.nl.. I V. a fin And 30 Green Trading - Stamp. Bed Cro Cream, 2 large cam. . . ,30c . .1 1 A n Trailing nl.imni Camp Fire Baked Beana, !are can.160 Bennett' Capitol Baking Powder, 6-pound can And 100 Green Trading etanips. Atkinson's Cocoa, can..... XOo Ana t ureen i rann nump, Bennett' Bargain Soap. 10 ban.. 26c Main Cora Spoelal Worl a. at least lao can, special price, can 10c lln 91-00 A splendid opportunity for large con .i Burner. Table Syrup, 1-pound can Hiit ' And 10 Green Trading Stamp. Diamond H Daniaon Plum. ca4i...85o And 60 Green Trading Stamp. Granulated Sugar Double Green '.fradlng Stamp. Specials in Hardware Wednesday Stoves Stoves Stoves 8.80 ratnular Oak Hcatar. epecial 16.50 $9.60 Fcniniolar Oak Xatr, pecial 17.50 Ffninanlar mange, special. .I34.'S0 Fenlnaolar Bae Burner, upedal 824.50 Sapollne Stove Pipe Enamel. special 15o And 10 Green Trading Stamp. Black Jack and Black KaKle Stove Polish lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamp. Komfort Plate Scraper 10c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Extra Good Metal Toaster 10c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Nicely Japanned Bread Boxes, 73. , 63c and 63o And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Sorer Egg Beater, best f25i (tiallty And 10 Green Trad Stamps. Coal Hods, all styles and prices, up from 35c And 20 Green Trading Stamp. - mm I Mai One-Way Colonist rate are in effect to San Fran clsco. Los Angelt and many other uuuurnis poiat. To Portland. Tacorua. Seattle ul many other Oregeu and Wash ington joints. VIA I I u4 many other Oregeu and Wash- I Q e Itil Ii uuuu si u - (Ljii u yiaf a i i i I B-i , j. . inquire t IB B r . ' 1SS4 rarmam an. I i! I J I boM SoagUa 334. I H 1 H ' L I Lf DRUGS Jfemeraber we are beadouar. .. . ters lor all drug wants. $1.00 Cooper Remedies. . .89 50c Cooper Remedies. ... .45 $1.00 Hyotnie Complete. . .89 . $1.00 De Mars AVine of Cod . Liver Oil and Hypophos-Phates 50c Electric Liniment 35 $1 Duffy Malt Whiskey. .89 BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam Homo of Omaha' Famoua Soda Fountain. Clothing Clothing w-h w m r a if rt.f ffmv RAIN COAT 1250 n Coaa Into th Horn a, . 1 1 nr. uiYlAMA ULE . Best West and $10 You'll Save Doctor's Bills mm m - Great Display of Horse Show Milliner; Handsome Gowns, Suits and Furs Specially Priced mm (y)ois THE RELIABLE STORE - .. . 1 , tun urns and Tuxedo Suits. Perfect . In tit, Lowest . ' n Price. For the Horse Sliow We rvteml a MN-rlal invilation to nil nilnilrors of Hue Jarrn. rtr.," to a lend our grrnt aprclal Horse Show Sale on Ural 1 hit-he, Point Vrnhe, Foil Itow, Irish Crochet, and PrtnreaN Lares, lncrtint, Unntls, liounrlngs, nobe Collar and Cuff Sets, Capes and IVrtl.s. During tliin (treat sale you can bu) KILL LKXUTII FlUNCKSS ItKIlTHAS Worth fully 5 to $12.60, at, from m;i ( j7,yu HKAVV IIROWN M:.h LACK HKHTMAS. worth f.ilh" 18 to $25. at- from S.1 to $l.l LACK IIAMtS, In this sale at, yard . . 91 up to '- LACK OOWXS, In black und cream, Spanish Laces, White Irish Crochet, Cram Duchess and Mack Guipure Laces. Wash Goods From 8:80 to 4:30 we will sell 60 pieces of Silk Dotted Mouaseltne . 1 1 all colors, regular 2Hc quality, at. a yard li&jC From 10 to If a. tn. we will sell 50 pieces of Ditrk and Unht Colored 1 ' Percales, regular 10c and 124c values, at, a yard - OC Linen Sale From :80 to 10:80 a. m. we will svll 22x45-lnch All Ltnen Huck " , Towels, six pairs to customer, at, each , . .Ja&C From 2 to I p. m. we will sell 85c Satin Damask, bleached, only ja six yaras to customer, at, a yard ; fsC Wool Dress Goods Sale : From 2 to 8 p. ni. we will sell Black Broadcloth, 46 inches wide, ' ' at, a yard , . . , . .V. . .' .'.& JC From 3 to 4 p. in. we will sell $1.00 Mohair and Silk Mixed Dress Goods. 4.(5 Inches wide, only one pattern to customer, at, ' T"T a J rd -J iCi Six Bargain Room Specials Only six of many, but an index to the bargain prices you may expect on every hand. 6J,e. lilenrhed .Muslin, 36 Inches ( wide, Wednesday at, yard. .... 5C iw rieece iiack I'lannelettes, big range of patterns, at, -lS r 71- yard ...V.. Y: DC m " Was lOc Indian Head Itrown Muslin, spe cial Wednesday at, i yard 02"C lOc Soft Finished Cambric, 36 Inches wiae, Wednesday at, yard , , , s . nnioNKcag apron Cheek (Jinn- f hams at, yard.". DC i I'ash Woods, alKklnds, in long rem nants, 3 big squares, at, per ' " yard, 4c. 3c and .4mC FJh Fruits, Vegetables j Groceries Hafden's the Great Universal Providers of Everything. Fancy Kelfer Pears for Canning Six- basket crates Fancy. Keifer Pears for canning, per crate $1.10 Single baskets, each 20c H-bu. basket Fancy Green Tomatoes for canning mc Fresh Spinach, per peck 10c 6 bunches fresh Kadishes Be 4 heads fresh Lettuce. Fancy Sweet Potatoes, pound. . . .lc Fresh Turnips, Carrots, Beets or Pumpkin, pound lHc 2 bunches fresh Parsley 5c Large heads new Cabbage 4c Large Hubbard Squash, each Be New Honey, per rack 15c -lb. pkg. California Figs Be Italian Blue Plums, per basket... 25c l . I FRENCH I Fancy Jonathan Apples, peck,...2,V Fancy Winesap Apples, peck 2- tancy Sweet Apples, peck.. 2 measures Fresh Roasted Peanu . GROCKRV SPKC1ALS 10-lb. sacks Pure Buckwheat v Flour i JS.V 10 bars best brand laundry Soap..25e Crosse & Blackwell'a Jama, jar. . . .28o Snyder'a or Blue Label Catsup, bottle 4 20c Lea & Perrln's Sauce, bottle 23c Peanut Butter, per Jar tc Fancy Cal. Itlpe Olives, per can..20o Walter Baker's Cocoa, per can. . . .20o Walter Baker's Chocolate, cake... 18c Anderson's Soups, per can. . ; . . .7 fee The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound '. . i , . . ttc 2c . .2.T?" ts.Gc THE WAY TO SAVE Bring us in your old garmeuts and we will show you wa can clean and dye them so that tbey will look like new and save you buying new ones. FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS. Tel. Dour, 4172. 1908 Farnam Straat z1 Q 2f- 1 I NEW SHOES FOR BTBEKT DRESS. $3.50 and $4.00 WALK-OVER FINEST SPKCIAL8 IN THE WOULD. KXTRA SERVirK FOR BUSINESS WEAR. STTT TOVmS AT TBS Walk-Over Shoe Store, 1521 Farnam St. Ed 8. Thompson, th Wal-Ovr Man. i SHftS Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you wait aometblng rail 'Phoaa 28S and maka it known throagn a Baa Waat Ad. Three Dollars Is always a popu lar price for Women's Sheea. Every Shoe Store In the land sells Women's Shoes at $300. But very few stores, if any, sell our $3 oV f; Women's Shoes for The leathers ara vi,.i irtA i... ent Colt and Gnn Metal Calf. i ney re handsome and atylinh. They were made to sell for more rti nnu !.. . , ... . uui our price win be JUST THREE DOLLARS! FRY SHOE CO. THK HHOERS , 16th and Douglas Streets FODfl fnr wak and nervou mm I UUU IUI who find thlr power Nftl VAt work und youthful vim, avs wv. goll. , ienult of crtsr or Indiscretion should take GRAY'H J itiuis rH)i FII.I.H, Thvy will inaaai II t l wtrp mikj !. m mull ku. 1 Boat a Boa taO by Mail. , WANT DESIRABLE TENANTS? riain t loor Tk Kamroign, A Gnarant)! Raineoal J 5herman H NcConneil Dru Co VV. sfl'S AMO B9DQM, I i