Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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ulli FtTrd 8tordaj, but. Boars How
EtT Tbtir Tgfii
rH'i Shlpaaeats Larger Titan Rt
peeled aad Argeatlna Crap Sew
Mar Favorable Cora Trade
Light III Price larhaaged.
OMAHA. Oct. 15. 1906.
i bullish sentiment of Saturday wse
snared to bearish today and under the
Pwnc of several adverse factors the
iJmrKet wn about a cent lower at the clo"e.
inly a alight response to Saturday a Anier-
sn strength wan awn In the morning
Liverpool cable. World's shipment r
larger than expected and crop reports from
radlctlon of an Increased movement wna
reaent and receipts were larger than last
week. '
Transaction In the local rash market
were a little heavier than usual and the
market u weak. Prices were generally
lower, especially eo at the southwestern
Prospect of wet weather In the corn belt
Mad a strengthening effect -on the nearby
inonlhe. Tho visible supply ahowed a
large decrease for the week and cash de
mand was stronger. Option trade waa
very light, however, and at the clone prices
were unchanged from Saturday.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.711.(101)
bushels and shipments TO.noO bushels,
sgalnst receipts Inst year of 1.8:3.000 miehels
and shipment of Mj.m - bushel. Corn
receipts were 6t0.nilo bushels and shipments
:a.ou bushels, against receipts last year
of 47.OOJ) bushels and shipments of 413.00
bushels. Clearances were 864,000 bushels
wheat, 2n6,00 bushels corn. 22,000 bushel
est, and wheat and flour equal to 4J7.0UO
Liverpool closed v,d lower on wheat and
unchanged to Vd higher on corn.
Wheat visible supply Increased 1 649,000
bushels; corn decreased BtJO.OtW bushels;
oats decreased 60.000 bushels. World's h!p
tnents wheat last week were 11.5W,ono
bushel and , corn . shlpmenta 8.784.000
bushels. 1 '
Hroomball cables: "According to an of
ficial report the area under wheat in the
Argentine this year Is placed at 13i.0ri0
acres sgalnst 14,017,000 aCr-s last year. The
crop sre In fine condition and the general
opinion is mat tney are safe from locusts.
Tu. ij . . ' . V
The old cry of .nothing doing- Is an ex- i
port way continues to be heard, but the
bulls merely point to Rrartstreet atate-
ment that since July 1. 48.000.000 bushels of
mneai ana nour hav nen shipped from
tbe eastern seaboard, as an argument to
hush the cry. The foreign markets have
had a fairly firm undertone, unfavorable
gossip from Argentina stirring up ron
fti'lerahle uneasiness among snorts across
tho water. It was said that locusts were
nong big damage to the south American
countries crop and that weather condition
liave not been propitious.
JxK-al range of options;
Artlclea. Open. H1gh.. Low. Close. Sat y.
Wheat I '
Iao... - t 68 67V, 67V41 68
May... 72 '; 724 71 71 72
Corn , . ... r ,
Dee . rt.. S6VJ !V4
May 7Vi n
tec ; S1 1
May 82HI S2V
Omaha Cash gales.
WHEAT No. I hard. 2 cars, 68c; No I
hard. 1 car. 6W4c; No. 4 hard, a cars. SR'fcc;
1 car, 664c; 3 cars, 66c.
COBN-No. yellow, 1 car, 40c.
OATS No, I whit. 1 car, 87ic: 1 car,
MVic; No. 4 white, 1 car, SOHc; Z cars, joajc;
1 car, 30c
Osnaha Cash Prteaa.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 67tTc; No. I hard,
WWfal No. t spring. 64b7Vc.
COBN-Ne. 8, 89rWtc; No. I yellow, Wi
t)40ct Not White, 40H4HIC.
OATS No. 8 mixed. 80t4eoe; No. I
white, 811T31V4c: No. 4 white, SOV.'tfalc
RYK No. 8,et Ko. 8. 87Vic
Carlot Reeelpta
1 -' " i.- '-M Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago ......,.,,.... S .- 129 .: 411
tfmwmmm fl,, . . OAQ ME C
. Minneapolis 671
Omaha 88 101 (7
Duluth 200
.: Bt. Louis lia ' 180
. Featarea at tha Tradlasi aasl Cloatac
Prleaa ts Board a Tea da.
CHICAGO, Oct. IB. The bearish weekly
' statistics and beneficial rains In Argentina
, caused weakness today In the local wheat
' market. At the close wheat for December
delivery waa off He. Corn waa down a
' shade". Oat showed a loss of fco to e.
Provisions were 3ttt?6c to 10c higher.
The wheat piarket was weak all day and
selling waa general. News of the day
was largely favorable to beara. Receipts In
. the northwest were larger and weather con
ditions in the spring; wheat territory were
favorable to the movement of the new
crop. In the southwest much needed rains
.. were reported. , Another factor that had
. considerable Influence was a-report that
' rain had fallen In Argentina, removing all
danger of damage by drouth. The world's
shipments of wheat for the week were
i ll.i60.000 bu., against 10,672.000 bu. the
corresponding week , laat year and the
amount of breadstuftt.on ocean passage In
creased 1. 086. 000 bu. An Increase of 1,
649.000 bu. In the visible supply waa a
bearish factor which developed later In
th; day. The market closed weak. De
,' ceniber opened unchanged to He lower at
: 74 e to 74To, sold off to 74c and closed
at 74'WiC. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 428.000 bu. Primary re
ceipts were 1.711.000 bu., against 1.829.000
bu. for the same day laat year. Mlnne
anolls. Duluth and Chicago reported ra-
celpta of 1.094 cars, against 1.138 cara
last week ana i.zxs care a year ago.
The corn market- allowed some lirmness
earlv In the day on buying Induced by
wet weather In aectlons of the corn belt
and firm cables. . Caeh Interests and com
mission houses were chief buyers. Later
the market became weak In sympathy
with wheat and the close was easy. De-
rmhr onened Vkc to W tp 4 c higher at
iUbtiUi' to 42 c. sold off to 42 Vic and
'.closed at 42'M24ie. Local receipts were
329 cars, with 184 or contract graue.
The oats market was weak nearly all
day. Favorable weather In the northwest
tnr the movement of the crop. Increased
local receipts and the weakness of wheat
were the chief factors. Helling was
. m,iniv hv lonas December opened
shade higher at 3STft8Sc, sold off to
iiuc and noaen at - v ni'.
....inn were 411 cara Provision
. firm, because of a 8c sdvance In the prlc;
of live hog. The greatest strength wal
i,..,h in lard, which was In good
. demand by shorts. Trading continued to
' hn a broadening tendency. At the close
i.n.t.rv nnrk waa ud 6c at 813.83. Lard
was toe nlaher at 38 .27. Rlba were up
" Recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, II cars;
corn. 408 ears; oats, 348 cars; hogs. 16,000
head. - - ,
The leading futures ranged as follows:
ArtlcW. Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Batjr.
'Wheat I
' i
May -Corn
Oct. ,
Dee. '
May .
, 44HI 44U!
48V. , .4av
' Jan.
I. ard
or t.
Jan. .
183 n 84'
3JH rtHifiS:33'ViI34
13 86
IS 77H
IS 834j! 13 77V4
8 87
9 5th: 9 rvl
3 M
C 26
8 90
8 (0
7 60
8 5
8 87H
3 r.Vtl 8 80
8 SJ4J 8 171
! w
8 W
9 60
8 60
7 1 47V! 7 62V
No. t.
Cnsh tiuotationa were av follows:
FIX) I' R Steady: winter patents. 83 80
8.40; winter straights. 81 1$3 J6; spring i'
rnta. 83 spring strslrhts. 84;
hnkers. 8Jlo4JJ.80.
WHEAT Ne - 8 spring. T780c; No. t,
71 v-? 7(c ; No. 3 red. 7JMi7Se.
CORN No. !. 46.'! No. 8 yellow.- 46ie.
OATSNo. 8. 33t)3SV,c: No. 3 white. 3449
v: No. 8 white, t'SrtiWko. -
RYE No. 1 To.
HA HI. ICY Fair to cheke malting, 44
SEEPS No. i v. 81 4: No. 1 nnh
western. 31.10H Timothy, prime. . 84 07Vt
Clover, eontratt grader 318.00.
1'nnVfHlONti Short riln. sides iloose.
8 (ffl 'S. Mesa pork, per bbl.. '! 5n t-.
r ICO' lbs , 89.60. Short clear side (boxed).
UCtttk . ;'-
rniiuwina were Hie receipt iui ahlo. r
menls of nour and grain:
nceipts. oinpmnt.
Flour, bbls 19 '0 3 500
Wheat, bu u.0fJ M.f.sJ
Sr. bet , JH4 -t 17 t
OsUda - bJ.. .. ....e- "i.auO
Rye, bu ll.nfn 4.100
Barley, h i 13.4fln 12.7'
On the PmdiiCe exchange toriav the lt
tcr market was stesdv; creameries, lir:fiHc;
ile Ir Ice. lK'n22c. K.kk. seadr; at' mailt,
cares Included. IMiIhc; firsts. 21c; prime
firsts. 22V; extras, 26c. Cheese, steady;
tgaatatloaa of the Day aa tarlesa
NEW YORK. Oct. 15 FlyOCR Receipt.
27.449 bhls.; export. 8,022 bbls.; sales. .I.7'J
pkgs. M.irket steady, with light trade;
Mliinrsotn patents, 34 I544.4U, Minne
sota bakers, 83.4"i3.Sn: winter patents, i 71
4.10: winter straight a.50i&3.n: winter
extras, 12 (-fl.1.2; winter low grades, 8? 76
fc3 20. Rye flour. Arm: fair o good. .
J SO; choice to fancv. S3 H 10. Buckwheat
flour stesdv, Wi at.Vi. snot and to srrlvc.
CORXMEAI-8teadv: fine white nnd yel
low. 81 2ilS6; coarse; 81.104T112; kiln dried.
82.75'a2.. . .
RVB Firmer: No. I western. 89Hc, C. I. f .
New Tork. . ,
RARLKY-FIrm at 42Hc. c. I. f., Buffalo;
malting, 5t-fllic, c. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. IJO.UCX) bu.; export,
2S6 1K& bu.; sales. 1,10.0 bu. Spot market
easy; No. 2 red. 79c In elevator; No. 1
northern luluth, 87c. f. t. b., afloat; No.
2 hard winter, 82Ve. f. o. b.. afloat. Thera
was a alow and rather featurelesa decline
In wheat today. Influenced chleflr by bear
ish Argentina newa and a good Increase
in the visible. Under liquidation the mar
ket closed easy at Sr. net decline; sales
Included No. 2 red; May. MVV&5 l-ltc. clos
ing at MSe; December, 81 l6-lG4n2V. clos
ing at H2ic. . ,.
CORN Receipts, 18.000 bu.; exports, 68.168
bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. 64c In ele
vator and 64Vo f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 yel
low, 66c: No. 2 white. 55c. Option mai ket
waa without transactions, rinsing nominally
c net lower; January closed at 4!"c;
May closed at 49Sc. . .
O ATS Receipts, 14,ftno bu. Spot market
barely steady; mixed .oats, S-' toM lbs.,
86Hc; Clipped white, 3S to 40 lbs.. 3i44c.
FKKU Firm I spring bran. I'JI.10 for Oc
tober shipment; middlings, 121.10 for Oc
tober shipment; city. tO.aoe-SO.
HAY-Bfesdy; shipping, tVgnw, good to
Choice. fW. . . .
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
1U1 nn 1ft f mtl . 0ill6C'. PaClflC
coast 19o crop, 1762c 196 crop, l'0'
HIPES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs..
20c; California, tl to 28 lbs., 21c; Texas dry,
24 to .10 lbs., lc.
l.KATH KR Quiet ; acid. 26H'57ic.
PROVIHIONS-Beef. steady; family
i?12.50; mess. K.OOW.iO; beef hams. r-T.""1
22 50; packet. $10.iiwi0 60; city extra India
nr-s. l5lff17"0 rut meats steady; pick
led bellies, $10.2Mi 12.30: pickled shoulders,
nominal; pickled hams. 112.00. I-nrd. flrmer;
w.i.m nrim, t9cVTn9.76: refined, firm.
continent, 810.20; Botttn America, i
Z, r Jasti A) Pork, steady;
K"oW1wi- abort clear. $16.50ffi8.
Jill liW618.a.
continent, I10.2O; South America, $10.25; coin-
laimi.v ,
2R; mesi.
TAI,1 AiW niesny ; cur us i-" rmwi
country (pkgs. free).
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 3M.W
6Vic; Japan, nominal.
BITTER Firm; street price, extra
creamery. 26Vt4i27c. Offlclil prices: Cream
erv. common to extra, 1982tc: held, sec
onds to extra. 21ific; state dairy, common
to fancy, l.26c; renovated, common to
extra l&H'S"'; western factory, common
to firsts. ltiV(718vc; western Imitation
creamery.' firsts, lH620c.
CHEESE Steady; state": full cream, small
fancy, 13c; fair to good, 12i(812c; tate
largo fancy, 134c; state, fslr to good. 12
013c; state. Inferior, lOIIIHie.
FXRiB Htrong; siaie, x .....
nearby, fancy selected white, fUSTOc; state,
choice, 8ftfi31c; state, mixed extra. 282Pc;
western flrata, 2602&HC; offlcial prices. 24V,
W&c; western seconds, 22424c.
POULTRY' Dressrd, easier; western
spring chickens. U18c; spring turkeys, lti
20c; fowla, 12014c.
St. Loals Gesersl Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. lR.-WHBAT-Lower;
No I red cash, 75fi76c; No. 2 hard. THkW
76H'": Ixcember, 7S478V,c; May, 77H- .
CORN-Lower; track No. 2 cash, 4ii
46c; December. 40Sc; May, 41HC; No. 2
white, 46c. .
OATS Lower; track No. 8 cash. Ml,
riecemher. 33"ic: May. 84c: No. 2 white.
6fLOUR-Flrm; red winter patents. 13.25
J3.70; extra fancy ana straigni, .wo-,
clear. I B.20?.ft
BEBDn nmotny. siesay;
..CORN MEAL Steady, 8160.
BRAN Higher; aacked, east track, 87
89o. ,
HAT Steady; timotny, siz.wvui.w; prai
rie. $M.00812.80k .
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
816.66. Lard, higher; prime steam, .u.
rir mut m.sts. staadv:
Dosea. xua snuriv.
89.28; ,elear rlbs, 89.62; . short clears.
19 ST Bacon, steady; boxed, extra fchorts,
21000; clear rlba. 810.82V4; short clears.
POULTRY Weak; chickens, sprlnga,
9Hc; turkeys, 13c: duckir, lOVtr: -eese c.
UTTER-Steady; creamery. 2Ha27H;
dairy, lfoae.
EXiQ Firm. 190. : , , .
, Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls. ;.
Wheat, bu 16.0n0
Corn, bu 180.000
Oats. DU
: Mlaneapolls Grata Market.
(Superior Board of Traae quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day
& Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, waa:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.
Dec May
Flax '
. May
1 10T,
1 imi
1 11
1 HVi 1 10
1 11 1 10V
1 10,
1 094
1 12V
1 09 1 H
1 08
1 14 i U
1 U
MinneaDOlls Caah Close Wheat: No. 1
mriii,rn 7Kiw : to arrive. 76c: No. 1 north
ern, 74c, to arrive. 74c; No. 8. 71i672c;
No. 1 durum. 65c. to arrive. S3c; No. 2 du
rum. 62c, to arrive, 61 c. Corn: No. 3
yellow, 42e; No. 3. 42c. Oats: No. 3
white. 81c; No. 3. 2'&3uc. Barley: V
43c. Rye: 57rstsc. r iax: lasn, i.
Kaaaaa t'lty Grain nasi Provisions.
cemhnr. 6c: Mav. TMc: caah.. No. 2 hard
7tK2c; No. 8, 871c; No. 2 red. 7172c;
No. 3, 6770c.
CORN December, 37c: May, 88e; cash,
No. 3 mixed, 414i4lc; No. I wnue. nc.
OATS No. 3 white, 33c; No. 3 mixed,
EGOS Market, lc higher; extras, 23c;
HAY M'arket. 60c higher for prairie;
choice timotny, iu.7Pnix.uo; cnoice prairie,
89 MI'S 10.00.
RYK Steady; 67r60e.
BUTTER Creamery. 26c; packing, 16o.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 436,000 IK2.0W
Corn, bu 70,000 32.000
Oats, bu M.OiiO 20,000
talhle "apply ef Orela.
NEW YORK. Oct 15.-Tbe Isihle supply
of grain Saturday. October 13. as compiled
by th New Y'oik Produce exchange, waa
as follows:
Wheat, 86.301,000 bushels; Increase, 1,649,000
Corn, 3.6SO,n0O bushels: decrease, 660,000
Oats. 8.6u7.00O bushels; decrease, 1U.000
Rve. 1,650,000 bushels; decrease. 20,000
Barlev. S.26S.000 bushels; decrease 308,008
Liverpool Grata aad Prevlaloaa,
quirt; No. 2 red western winter, is 10c;
I rut ll res, quioi , iwrmiirri h-t.u, saivn,
;6s 6'd
COHN Spot, easy: American mixed, 4a
74; futures, dull; October, -nominal; De.
cember. 4a 4Sd; Janqary, 4a "Sd.
HOPS At London Paclfle coasl) steady.
4 tetfiCI 6.
Peoria Grata Market.
' PKORIA. Oct. 18.-CORS-Lower: No. 3
yellow and No. 3, 47c; No. 4. 44c; no grade.
! V4 4V; new no grade. 3Ri3lvvC.
I OATH tower; Ko. 1 white. lUHc; No. 3
white. 3Si;aWc; No. 4 while. l"v.a33Hc.
h k t bteady; No X ttorboc. '
WHISKY-On tho basis ot 81 28 for fin
ished goods.
Philadelphia Preetaee Market
F'lrm ; extra western crtaniery, official
price. iHc; street price, S7;e; extra nearby
prints, Soc.
Klrm: nearby fresb and western
fresh, too. at mark.
CHEEPB Firm; New Tork full cream,
fancv. 13?il!i.c; choice. Uc; fair to
good. j:40 13c. -i "
Dalatk Urala Market.
Dl'Ll'TH. f) t. IS, WHKAT-No. I hard,
on track. The; No. 1 iioithern. on track, 77c;
No. 3 northern. TVw: October,, tSc; De
'cember. 7&c; May.
Mnwr, Tbc; May. ,-"iC.
OATri To arrive and iTyiber. SIVc,
! Toledo See r.rkei..
' TOLEDO, Oct 15 -SEEnaWW.-r. cask
nnd October. 88-U, Dtcerober, (3 A'.k.
17 fr& .
kfarket Aotir Duriac Firrt Boor, JLfUr
Wbioo Tndiir Eecm8 Slotriab,
Most Noticeable elll Is ' la
Re.dl.g ill laloa Parlge
Moaey Coadltloaa Little
NEW TORK, Oct. IS. Today's Mock mar
ket was hut a dull affair. There waa a
conldrable number of shares sold during
the first hour, but after that the trading
became almost stagnant and the sluggish
movement of prlcea was almost Impercep
tible during the midday period. The selling
was most notlceaMe in Union Pacific and
Reading. Its source and Its motive were
not clearly understood. Revived assertions
that government measures were In contem
plation to contest some of the Union Pa
cific's holding of lands taken over from
the public domain were given as one ground
for the weaknesa.
Active selling was attributed to the so
called western party In the speculation,
who haa been credited with most of the
lars'e operations In the market for some
time, whether on the long or the short
side. The profound dullness wnicn over
took the trading when these operations
ceased Indicated strongly that they went
far to make up the whole marsei. ne
public attitude toward the market la ne
of entire neglect. The action of the market
siiKsests also that the large financial
Interests which have been credited with the
Intention to keep the market alive desisted
from the purpose.- Various views are held
as to the motive for this attitude. Po
lltcal uncertainty is a favorite explanation
with the professional stock operator.
The desirability of preserving the tran
oullltv of the monev market and croteet-
Itiv it from the extra strain of an active
stock market Is generally admitted to have
force. Conditions In the money market
were little changed, but the upward course
in sterling exchsngs whlcn waa so mar sea
a feature of last week's events was sharply
reversed and thera waa a considerable re
action. Sterling also fell at Paru and Ber
lin. The point of relaxation waa not In
London, for discounts there rose again.
The Rank of England secured all the gold
arriving In the market at a reduction
from the previous price, but the amount
thus scnulred. which reached only 31.840.OUO.
was offset by the withdrawal of another
3750.000 from the bank for shipment to
Kgvpt. This is a slow rate of recupera
tion for the depleted reserve Item shown
hv lest week'a statement of the bank. It
was rumored that Berlin bankers were dis
cussing measures of discrimination against
American finance bills, such as were em
ployed by the Bank of England before the
advance In Its official rate.
Aaricultural reports from this country
showed a falling off for September from the
fume month last year." the large decrease
In cotton exports serving more than to
overcome the increase in otner proaucis
The continued rise In price of cotton since
is against an expansion in its export, a
number of dividends were payable today
and ahinments were made of between
32,000,0110 and 33.onO.flOO to Toronto, said to
be for the protection of the position of a
recently merged bank. Money rates here
were not perceptibly flrmer, but laat week
receding tendency was no longer in evi
dence. Railroad traffic officials reported
increasing pressure for cars with the threat
of damaging freight blockades when lake
navigation closes or in ine event oi any
weather obstruction to the traffic. Most of
the earlv declines were recovered In the
alow hardening movement, but the closing
was si vhtlv lrresrular.
Bond were irregular. Total aaiea, par
value, ll.9J8.00. United States bonds were
unchanged on call
The following was the range or pncea on
the New York stock exchange:
Sals, hiik. m. cism.
Adami ExprsM
Amalgsmstee; Coppsr ....
American C. sc T
Am. C. P. pt
44.100 114'v 114 , 11444
0 4fH 41 4e
' 1M 101H lVlt. 101
700 tt - MH
...... 4
too rr x
io ah - oh
too i n i4
00 1 74
10 11! Ill 111
U.M4 M U 1M4
10 111 117 117
I. fie 1.W4 1 1M'
an 100
7.100 104 ri tMUj
t.MW ins lot
im iftiti 101 h 10114
100 140 in 1404
t.000 imt 12 St lt4
1I.00 7V4 7IH 7t
4.M4 171 V 1714
100 ix tit in
' l.SOO 41 41
loo u4 11 livi
l.ioo 111 3014 11
11.100 1774 17IV4 1744
. 4.S00 7I4 134 74
l.ono M U W4
40 M4 M t
3.100 14t4 141V4 14IV4
too 10V4 10 Kv,
300 76 76 T
100 1314 3W 121
00 41 414 41
300 U M M
00 71 704 714
l.00 4714 41
(00 M M (I
i.M 1714 177 1774
ioe it 11 11
00 47 44 44
o o4 WH M
In 41 II 41
MO 14714 141 144
"i'.ii "ii "tiii
00 484 M M
Am. Cotton 0" 'in
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
Am. fe.iprM
Am. H. A L. pM
Am. Ice. wrarltlai
Am. Llnnee Oil
Am. Llnxwd Oil pf4
Am. Locomotive
Am. Locomotive pfd
Am. B. at R
Am. B. R. pf4
Am. Bugsr funning
Am. Tobacco pM etf.....
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchlaos pf4
Atlantis Coast Line
Raltlmora Ohio
Bal. Ohio pfd
Brookl4j Rapid Transit..
Canadian Paclfle
Central of N JrMy....
Chaaapeasa A Ohio
Chicago Great Wsatara. . .
Chicago a Northwaaurn.
Chtoago, Mil. Bt. F....
Chicago T. T
Chicago T. T. pfd
C, C, P. Bt. L
Colorado F. I
Colorado t Bo
Colo. A to. 1st ptd
Colo. So. Id ptd
Conaolldated Osa
Corn Product., rfg
Cor. Product, pfd. rfg....
Dolawara 4k Hudson
Delaware. L. W
Danvar aV Rio Omnia...,
I). at R. o. pfd
blstlllar' Bocuiitlas
Kris 1st pfd
Brio Id pfd
Genaral Electric
Hocking Vallar
Illinois Central
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
International Pump
Int. Pump pfd
low. Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kanaaa City So
K. C. Bo. pfd
Loutsvllis ft Nashville..
Manhattan L
Mexican Central
Minneapolis ft St. Louts
M.. St. P. B. S. M...
M . Bt. P. ft 8. B. M. pfd.
Missouri Panda
Missouri, K. T
M . K. ft T. pfd
National Lead
National R. R. of M. pfd..
New Tork Central
H. Y.. O. W
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk A W. pld
North American ,.
Pat trie Mall
People'. Gaa
P.. C. C. Bt. L
Preaeed Bieel Car
Preeeee) 1. C. ptd
4.10 17
oo 71
1 100 71
1.40 II
4,10 140 140
00 47 47
l.KW N t4
'"ioi "i 'i
80,101 141 144
lo to to
M 14 14
n M4 t44 mi ill lie 1,1
Pullman Palace Car...
Reading let ptd
Reading id pfd
Rspublio Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Island Cs
Rork Island Co. pfd...
Rubber Uooda pfd
Bt. L. ft S P. Id ptd.
at. u a w
St. L. W. pfd
Be. Peel Be
Bo. Pacisc pfd
. H
' to
11. toe
Bo. Railway !.W 14
Bo. Railway pfd
Tennsaeee C. ft I....
Teaaa A Paclftc
Toledo, it. L. ft W.
T , 84. L ft W. pld
tTslon Paclfle
Valon PaclSe pfd....
V. 8. Iipr,sa ,
L B. Realty..,
t'. 8. Rubber
V. 8. Rubber, el-4lv
f. 8. Steel
I' , 8 Bteel sfd
loo Uf 117
!.K 114 ii
' 17 7
100 14 U
m.W 117 1M 117
100 II II
lo is to to
10 10 10 107
SI.MO 41 41 41.
1.100 101 107 lot
V..-(rolln. Chsmlc.l
Va -( arollna Cheat, pfd.
w sv ass,
Wabash 40 to
Wabash pfd 1u M
WeilsFargo Kipresa
W'rst.nghouae Klectilc
Western t'nlos is Id to
Wtaconsln Central in.
Vila Central pfd 1. 10
North, rn Paclfle
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Bloaa-EhelBs:d Btrel
Orat Nnriham ptd
Interborouj;h Metropolltaa
Int. Met pfd
14 114 114 114
l.o l 17
Total Hie. for the dev. 171.70 hai
Bsa Market.
Closing quotations on Boston copper mar
ket, reported by Logan Bryan. 3 Board
of Trade building. Omaha:
An venture T Mlchlgaa n
"" to Mohawk .. u
Atlantic 1444 Nevada s,u
"'"lO"" North Butt. ua
Bla.k Mou.ula .... I (M4 Demi n los n
Hoatoa Cooaolldatad.. llOeceol H7J
buue Coaiutos
raes. Service 14
117 Paea Service, pfd... to
el Quincy ..; ,17
to Khaoaea it
lTasiaraa ., a
i alamo A An loss
I'tlusa 4V Heel...
t oppar Hange
li.Hr Weet
is i nanv . .... a
t sued rmit '.'.mi
ll t olled Btatea, eoa.. so
I et Butte ........
Orewe Copper .....
Helvetia -..
isle Moral
I.. 8. rituburs..
8 I'nltad Btataa. aS
14 ttah rsaolid.te..
litaa rapper
. Ii Vlctorl.
I Wl.oo.
Treaeary Btateaseat.
WABHIVOTON. Oct. 15-Todiy's state-
. rutui ut Ui ueiiuiy balanei ,o th geu-
era! fund, exclusive of the 316A.oon.orM gold
reserve shows: Available cash balance,
82-V).81b.71: gold coin snci bullion, 3111. 13. Ml;
gold certificates, 837.7xb.4fO.
NEW VORK. Oct. 18-MONET-On call.
steady at IVt4 per cent; ruling rate,
per cent: closing bid. IP per cent; offeree
at 4 per rent. Time loans, dull
inane, dull ana
steady: sixty davs. 84 per rent: ninety
day". pr rent; six months, 8S? per cent.
per cent.
decline, with actual business In bankers'
hill, st 84.4epja4.M7n for demand and at
84 "oJ4.8(0 for slxty-dsy bills: posted rates,
34. MS, and 84 KH; commercial bills, t W9
4 (.
Bar, 94r; Mexican
i rellJoa
wsrsV as
BONDS Oovernment steady:
4 fr-
Quotation on bond today
0. . ret. te. r.... 114
e ceases 1014
Japan s. M esrlea . 74
do 4s ftrs l
to 4. etf
4e M evriee 4
t.. ft N. nl. 4 tot
Mas. . 8- 4s 10
se 1st Is H
Me.. Central
Minn ft t. L. 4e ...
M . K. ft T. 4. 10
de Is
V. I. la. rag lot
s eeupea w
V. B. 014 4a, ra....IM
is esupea !
U. 8. s. 4a. rag... lr
de mm Uo
Am. Tobacco 4a.
de 111
Atrhlm gea. 4a 101
adl. 4.
M4!4. R. 4t. of M c. 4a.
HIM. T. C. 8- H S
ii n. j r. g t. lit
At untie C. L. 4e...
Bal. ft Ohio 4
Mo. PanlBe 4 101
Brk. R. T. e. 4 Ma
Be to n
14. ft W. e. 4 MH
Central of Oa. ts Ill
do let tnr It
4o 14 Km. M
o. B. U rfdg. 4 n
Pees. av. ls lot
Rosdl.g gen. 4.1 M
do Id inc...
Cnea. ft Ohio 4a....laist. L. ft 1. M. . to.. Ill
Chicago ft A. I 714 1st. L. ft 8 f. fg 4 M
C, B. ft Q s. 4a.... to
St. U 8
u., a. i. p. 4e e
Beeboard A. U to.. 44
So. PsrtBa 4s M
a. eel. to t
CW. ft (H. L. g. .. .Id
do 1st to etf.
t-ois. ma. as, ear. A. 71
so. natiesr u -
Colorado Mid. to 7
Colo, ft Bo. to M
Cuba Se 4
Ualon Paclfle to 101
rt. ft R. o. to 4
8. Bteel id to ii
Distiller' Bee. to.... Wabash Is
.... M
.... n
.... r
Brie p.. I. to 1001 do deb. B
do gea. to 1 Westers Md. oa.
Hocking V.I. 4.....1S7U,W. ft I. R 4a .
Japes to B7,wis. central 4s.
Ex-Interest. Offered.
BOSTON. Oct, 16. Onll loans. VQ per
oent; time kiars, bHi,m per cent. Official
quotations on stocks and bond were:
Atchison adl. to.
M (Amalgamated
do 4a ion
ri. ft Reel...
Copper Rang ..
Pair West
Isle Rov.1
Maea. Mining ..
.. tt
.. II
.. 14
.. 14
.. l
.. H
.. 1
.. 47
.. I
.. 57
.. UH
.. It
.. 41
.. SO
.. 11
.. 17
.. 44
.. U
.. as
.. ii
.. 14
M Central 4a. 7
Atchison mi
do pfd 101
Boston ft Albanr 140
Boston ft Maine 14
Pnetoa Blevated 1(5
ritrhbsrg pfd 117
Meilcan Central 114
N. T.. H. H. ft H...1M
Per. Marquette .,
Colon Pacific
A mar. Arg.. Caem
. IKiMont. C. ft C...
. Ii01d Dominion ..
. 14Oereola
do pfd
Amer. Pneu. Tub.
Amor. Sugar
.134 Parrot
o pro
Amor. T. ft T
Amer. W onion
do pfd
Dominion 1. ft 8. .
Edlaon Rise. Ills..
Mass. Blertrlc ....
do pfd
Moan. Oa.
United Trait
United Rhos Mach.
(Juinry ...
Shannon ..
... H
Trtnltv ...
ts t'nlted Copper
V. 8. Mining....
r. s. on
... II
... to
... o
... 7
... M
... M
... 44
.... 74
North Butts
Butte Coalition .
C.I. ft Arlaona..
Arlion. Com ....
do pfd
Oreene Con .
V. 8. Bteel...
do pfd
Adventure ..
Bids. Asked
London Clestne: Blocks.
LONDON. Oct. IS. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
Consols, money ... 14 7-t4 M., K. ft T If
do account
M 1 11 N T. Central 141
.. 14 Norfolk ft W M
..104 do pfd 4
..los jonurlo ft W 41
,.lt;pannsrlvanl. 7
,..! iRsnd Mine. I
.. 45 Reading 71
.. !liBonhern Raltsy ... 17
,.1M do pfd lot
.. llSnthern Paclfle 7
.. 44,Ualoa Paclfle 1M
.. Ml 4o pfd T
.. tSIC. 8. Stasl M
.. 7l do pfd Ill
..71 I Wabash u
..10 4e pfd 47
..U7 Bpaatea to K
do pfd
Baltimore ft Okie.
Canadian Panic .
Chaa. ft Ohio
Chicago Ot. W....,
C . M. ft Bt. P...
De Beers
D. ft R. O ,
do pf
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central ..
Louisville Nash
SILVER Bar. firm, '824d per ounce.
M INKY 3.fi4H per cent.
Th rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 4T4 per cent; for three
months' bills, per cent.
New Terk Mlntaar Stoeka
NEW TORK. Oct. IS, Closing quoutlons
Adam. Coa
Little Chief .......... 3
Brunswick Cos ..
Coasetork Ta.nel
Coa. Cal. ft V...
Hera Silver
Ires Sliver
Leadvllle Coa ....
Oetarle IM
hnphlr 171
Potoal II
Bavsee 14
Bterra Nevada 44
Small Hopes M
Standard M
. 1
. 14
' Farelra Ptaaaelal.
LONDON. Oct. 1R -Money was in aulet
demand In the market today and supplle
were reatnetea. uiscounts were nrmer.
Trading on the Stock exchange was quiet,
but the undertone was steady. A slight
easing In the prices of flrst-clase securities
was attributed to heavy exports to Egypt
and the absence of Investment purchase,
but consols hardened at the end of the day
oh the Bank of England getting all of th
available gold. Americans were marked
down to below parity at the outset In
spite of the favorable bank statement, but
the lower level Induced moderate buying
and prices recovered In tb forenoon. Later
in isew I org anvice causea tne market
lo ease and stocks closed at the lowest
price of the day. International Securities
were dull, in sympathy with continental
advice, copper shares 'were trregulnr
Japanese Imperial Be of 1604 closed at 100U
PARIS. Oct. 16. Price on the Bourse
today opened heavy, but Improved and
closed Arm on a rumor that ex-Finance
Minister Bouvter Is going to Constantinople
to negotiate a continuation of the conree
slon of the tobacco monopoly, to which the
ultan ts said to be most favorable. Rus
sian Imperial 4 closed at Tl.tO and Russian
Ponds of iso at 44.
1 Maak Cleartagre.
OMAHA. Oct. 15. Bank clearings for to
day were 82.043.743.98. and for the corre
sponding aate la.i year ii.pdi.iw.m.
Metal Market.
waa another sharp advance in th Ixmdon
tin market today, -with spot closing at 185
las and futures at cm los. Locally the
market waa quiet but higher, In sympathy
with the advance abroad. Buyer wer
bidding 843.88, but holder asked fully
842.76. Copper was higher In the London
market, with spot quoted at 8 5 and fu
tures at !. Locally the market was very
strong, with lake quoted at 321. Soft "22 JJ.
electrolytic at 3J07fHa21.7i and casting at
82e.7o331.iO Lead 4 7s 8d lower at lt 10a
In the Ixmdon market. Locally the market
was quiet and unchanged, with spot quoted
at I&.7643&M. according to delivery. Spel.
ter waa 8s higher at 28 1 In London.
Locally the market waa rtrm at 38.20$4.2S.
Iron waa higher abroad, with standard
foundry quoted at bt M and Cleveland
warrants at Ms THd. Locally the market Is
firmer; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at
82J.Ofsp. 23.00, No. 3 foundry northern at
$L'1.iSr SO. No. 1 foundry southern at 321.50
tr22.00 and No. I foundry southern at 321.00
tr-1 60.
ST. LOriB. Oct. IS. METALS Lead,
firmer. 85.80436 82V; spelter, higher, 34.12Vt
, Oils aad Rosla.
NEW TORK. Oct. 15. OUJi Cottons. I
oil. easy; prime crude, f. o. b. mil e I7V,
28c; yellow, 41V842c Petroleum. Bteady;
refined. New Tork, 87SO; Philadelphia and
Baltimore, 87.46; Philadelphia and Balti
more, in bulk, 84.86. Turpentine, firm, 89
ROSIN Plrtn; strained, common to good.
OIL CITT. Oct 15.-OIL Credit balances,
31 &. Runs, 104.143 bbls.. ave-age 95.340 bl.l".;
shipment. 279.SS3 bbla.. average 151.977 bbls.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. 15.-The dry goods
msrket continued very strong today and
cambrics were advanced. Very large sales
of printed goods are being made. Colored
cottons and wide sheetings have been ad
vanced. The demand for goods Is very
much Id excess of present supply and large
orders are being booked for delivery In
1907 on domestics.
Mllwaakee Orala .Market.
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 15.-WHPAT-Mar-ket.
rteady; No. 1 northern. "sOhOHr; No.
2 northern. 7$478e.
iRTE Steady; No. 1. 4cji45c.
BARLEY-Bteady; No. .". 64c; stmple.
CORN Iwer: No. 3 cash. 4SMc; Da.
cember. Cc bid.
Waal Market.
tT. LOfIS, Oct. 16 WOOL Steady; nie.
rtlum grades, combing and clothing. 239
r4c: light fine. lr;ie; heavy fine. 16fll7c;
tub washed. 32t?37Vc-
Elcla Halter Marked.
ELOIK. 111.. Oct. 18.-Birmn Market
ruieo nrm niaa at 9 cents a und. To
t4 output for the week. 474.000 pound.
libwia.1 Beoeipti of Cattle witk PrioM
EUtdr X 8 tret t.
Liberal Reeelpta ( Baeea ss4 Lasab.
with rat Klads Tea . Ceate
Higher a ad Feeders
Steady te ttreag.
8-)UTH OMAHA. Oct. 18, 1808.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Official Monday i.sHO I.W0 ri.WA)
Bame day last week.... 1108 1. 11 "
Two weeks ago 10.447 X.Z2J 34.711
Three weeks ago 3,SW 3,aAi X.t4;
Four week ago M- 8.8 4.418
Sam day last year.. ..10,731 84 S4.U14
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for
U year to date, compared with laat year:
lu. 1806. lno.
Cattle , 788.37 7.4l 82.74S
Hogs 2.06O.8V3 1.868.474 l.l'
Sheep 1.631.878 1,433.303 lS6,6i
od to cboioe corn-ted steers....
air to good corn-fed steers 8.!Mrf. J
Common to fair corn-fed steers... 4.oo.4
CJood to choice range steers 4 -Kr-J
m gooa range steers e.y7-"r
Common to fair range steers 9 H
Uood inu w.irrs 8.00a84l
lr to good cows and heifer l4-i(.0
.uininon to fair oowb and better. . 1 " S ; 7T
good to choice Blockers and fdr.. 4JXf4 J
' ewa siocaere ana icvusie. ii
remmnn tn r.i. ...i.. I.TStiJ 20
C! 4.00.0
i loiiowing table snow me ti
ince ot nogs at south omana tor wi
several days, with comparleona:
Cage. 1808. Ur.i04.;i803.1803.1801.18o0.
Oct. I....
Oct. T....
Oct 8....
Oct. ....
Oct. ID...
Oct. 11...
Oct. 12...
Oct. 13...
Oct 14...
Oct. 16...
80S 08 I 08 i 86 7 43! I 6 11
I 6 081 3 6C 6 4-11 7 i 49
(3 I 6 64 I lBj T 28 8 34 I 88
4 I 6 06 6 19) 7 14 3 U 6 04
8 34HI 6 06 6 S3 6 28 7 03 8 14 4 93
lMl 4 99 I 4 3 861 8 lbi 4 91
8 20 S 07 6 61 8 31 U 4 93
1016 17 6 37 7 51 488
S 10 8 11 5 44 7 16 29 .
t 12 6 48 7 W 6 1S 4 S3
' Hogs.
84.01 fin. 40
6 Sony go
5.7V0 60
6 2 'u 70
Omaha $2.n0tu.i
Chicago 1.7Va7.80
Kansas City 1.76tri.7&
St. Lotila Kw&I.OO
Sloug City 1 .5004.60
The offlcial number of csrs of stock
brought In today by each road waa:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H r 8.
C., M. Bt. P 1
8 65
14 29
4 1
13 17
4 101 6
Missouri Pacific 15
U. P. System 51
C, N. W., eat.... 1
C. N. W., west.... 167
C, St P., M. O.... 8
C, B. A q. east 13
c, u. dt J., west.... a
Total receipts ...,322
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
follow, each buyer purchasing th
number of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Omsha Packing Co...... 638
Swift and Company 1,135
Cudahy Packing Co KO
Armour 4V Co 927
Armour A Co., Denver... lis
Vansant A Co 174
Carey Benton 221
Iyonman uo its
McCreary dt Carey 154
W. I. Stephen 216
Hill 4V Son 164
K. P. Lewi 4
Huston 4V Co 106
Hamilton Rothschild., m
L. . Husb 138
WolT 83 "
J. H. Bulla 13
Mike Haggerty 414
J. B. Root Co 309
T. B. Inghram 17
Sullivan Broa 12 ....
V. A. Brltton 6
Le rimer Bros 22
Wellsmlth 2M
Other buyer 648 10,736
Total .8.289 3.630 18.34S
CATTL.E Receipts of cattle were liberal
this morning, considerably over 800 cars
being reported, but still they were not as
large a during the last Hire Monday.
Stock train were very late In arriving, so
that when th market opened a - consider
able proportion of the stuff reported had
not yet put In an appearance. This, as
usual, delayed the trade and strung the
market out during the greater part of the
Beef steers were In good demand and
fully Bteady, In fact sellers who had de
sirable kinds thought they secured a little
stronger prices than laat week. The trade
sal at least steady and In a good healthy
condition. The bulk of the early arrivals
changed hands In very fair season.
Reoelpts of cows -were quite liberal In
tbe morning and buyera as a rule were
anticipating a good many among the late
arrivals. As some of the packers at leaat
had carried over quite a good many from
Friday they were not as eager for fresh
supplies a they might have been under
other conditions. Still the demand was
good and the market Bteady at least. In
some spots it may possibly have been a
little Vronger. At the time of closing this
report there were still oattle of that de
scription arriving at the yards, with th
prospect that the close would be no better.
Good feeder were in demand this morn
ing and the market was fairly active at
good strong prices. The offerings of me
dium to fair kinds of cattle were large, so
.that they were not so much sought after,
buyers being able to take their time In
making purchase of that kind. The mar
ket, however, waa fully steady on all
the early arrivals at least.
Represent stive sales:
Ko. . Pr. Me. . av. r.
1 liio I to ue 3 m
4 ! 3 7 -
to IM M 14 to. eg
t cows 1026 2 i 28 cs ot hfrs 822 2 70
36 feeders.. o9 3 30 1 feeder... 740 2 60
1 feeder... tat 2 76 3 feeders.. 980 3 26
6 feeder.. 882 3 26 3 feeders. .lObO 3 66
4 cows 987 3 90
Dan Clark. Wyoming.
4 bulls 1A7 2 40 10 cows. ..,.1088 3 35
34 cows 98 2 40 20 cows loll 2 75
28 heifers... 468 8 00 8 calves... lol 2 76
31 belfirs... SfA 3 45 22 stockers. 39 4 00
Ed McOraw-Wyo.
f cows Sf I 00 1 cow 870 3 Oft
3 cows 1035 2 80 , cows l?r6 3 80
12 feeder.. K I Hi, 4 feeder.. 420 8 8S
4 cow and holfer 7 .
16 cows and heifers 883 3 U0
11 feeder.. 616 4 00
Dan Clark Wyo.
8 feeder . 943 4 00 25 feeder. . 91 4 00
31 feeders.. 44 3 S3 4 feeders.. 726 2 83
g steers... .115 4 Oo 14 heifer... 712 3 V,
4 steers.. ..1060 4 00
W. W. Rifle. Wyoming. .
4 (ter....1120 4 00
William Bros., Wyoming.
3 feeders.. 11 10 4 00 8 feeders.. 997 4 00
13 feeders.. 1040 4 16 t
M. Elmore, Nebraska.
68 heifer... tM 2 96 2 cow 920 2 40
J. Robertson, Nebraska.
23 heifers... 830 2 86 6 cows 978 3 14
3 bulls 1175 i 86
St. George Cattle Co.. Nebraska.
28 heifer... toil 3 26 23 feeder.. 975 3 80
A. Mosley, Nebraska.
22 feeders.. 816 3 36 3 feeders.. 840 2 75
William Hill, Nebraska.
11 cows 1UM 2 66 9 bulls 123B 2 60
13 feeders .1103 4 16
H. E. Smith. Nebraska.
SS rows 91 2 76
J. E. Rice. Nebraska.
14 calves... 204 4 26 20 calves... 09 3 60
M. Elmore. Nebraska.
39 steers....!? 4 26
T. Ward. South Dskota.
gcows 978 3 00 2 cow...... 84 3 00
I cow 1100 2 60 1 buil....v.U9u 2 16
P Deeory. South Dakota.
34 feeder.. 9i8 3 80 4 feeders.. 940 3 86
7 cows 8-5 3 1 3 cow. 11J5
M. Kelltker-S. D.
108 steers. ..lrjl 4 30 143 steer.. l'S 4 M
3 rows 10W 3 20 10 cows KH4 3 20
HOGS Th market opened thla morning
with only a comparatively few hogs in
Ight ana wltb the usual uncertainty as
to the number of cara back, prices on
the early market were gem rally 6c higher
than the close of last week, th early re
ceipts changing hands at 84. Au v, with
the greater proportion at 86.SO-oo.3S. A car
of very choice 1J4-ID. pigs sold St 84 26.
Owing to the unctrtaiaty as to what the
total recelpta would be the trade was slow
si the advance and there was at no time
any great amount of life manifested.
Representative sales:
No As. as. Pr. tie.
I to ... 4 to U
. h. r
...iM m n
...r.i ... 4ii
...144 4 to
.. f 4 4 to to 4 M
...IW M 111 toe 4 h
.. in to m
...n ... ti
w.lto to K
...IM at ; u
.. 4
4 11 ... I to
.. to ... l
71 .
4 ...
I ...
..11 ... 8 to
..114 ... 4 SI -
..t4 it in
.114 ... ti
7-nt 4 m
..14 to 4 17
..rn ... to
. Hi toll
. Hi to to
. ! M I ie ,
II .
.. 4 to
4 to '
.. 4 17
to 4 17
.. 4 41
to I to
.. (4
.. 4 4
.171 IIS an
.1-1 to t It
.r7 v
4 to
m ... i ii
SHEEP Although there were ninrty-nlna
cars reported In the yards thl tanrnlng.
the trade opened very earlv and active on
desirable kinds of killer and the offerings
changed hand. ss fast as they could lie
aorted up. Packers all seemed to he In
need of both sheep snd lambs and the de
mand was so good that the trade waa not
only active, as noted above, but prices were
generally loc higher and In some rases
possibly more thsn that. In other Words,
the market on killer waa In exceedingly
good condition right from the start
The trade on feeders opened up lust as
soon ss sellers could siirt off the fst end
and sheep especially were In actrve de
mand; In fact, the msrket on sll drstrshl
feeding sheep waa both active and strong.
Iambi were more numerous and with the
supply larger, the trade wss not quite so
active, but prices were fully stesdv.
At the time of closing this report th big
end of the receipts, lr. spite of the fact
that they were so large, hnd changed
hands and the Indications were that every
thing would be cleaned up before th wind
up of the market. '
Quotation on killers: flood to ehole
lambs, 37.00e7.40; fair to good lambs,
34.76 ft 7.00; good to choice yearlings,
96.600 8 0; fair to good yearlings, 85 15
476.60; good to choice wethers, 36.000
5.40; good to choice ewe 84.304N .
Quotations on feeders: Lamb. 88.20
3 60; yearlings. 85 lrVffS (: wethers, 84.7Vfr
C615; ewes, 33 604J4.60; breeding? ewes,
94 76 6.00.
No. A. Pr.
19 Wyoming cnll ewes, feeder. 3 00
604 Wyoming ewes, feeders 9! 4 40
24 8. D. cull ewe, feeders 89 4 60
42 Wyoming ewes 10 5 10
13 8. I. wethers and yearling. 92 $ 28
50 Wyoming wethers 97 8 80
447 Wyoming yearlings 73 6 0
87 Wyoming vearllngs 74 6 80
SCO Wyoming lamb 62 86
Cattle steady ta Slroasr Hogs Five to
Tea Ceafs Hlaber.
CHICAOO. Oct. IS. CATTLE Receipts,
xiaxl harl- market, stesdv to strong: fanCV
steers, 8H.75f7.30: common to good, V0tir
6.76: cows. 32.704.75: hftlfens. 32 WitfS;
bulls. -32. 40fi4.60; calves, 33.WJ8.00; stockers
and feeders. 32 40 4 40.
HOOS-Recelpts. 15.000 hesd: msrket. 6
10c higher; good to prime hesvy. 3ti.7OitV80:
medium to good heavy. KSitrt.OS; butcher
weights, 8fi.f0Bi SO; good to choice mixed,
3t;.fKg.8K; packing. 8.2&f0: pigs, 36.75'$
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 28.000
head; market, strong to 10c higher; sheep,
ft 506.75; yearlings, 35.50n.00; lambs, 86.00
4J7.76.. .;
Xeer York Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 758 head. Extra beeves, steady: gen
eral market 13 15c off for steers; sales t f
medium and common 2025c lower than
Friday; calves, firm to 10c higher; cows,
steady; steers. S4.00G4.2S; bulls, S2.60ifM.00;
cows, 31.10ifi3.80. Liverpool and I,0ndon ca
bles quote live cattle selling at Hp:l2c
rcr lb., dressed weight; ranch cattle at
.Iverpool, Mi9o, dressed weight. Export
tomorrow, 910 cattle and 2,000 quarters of
CALVES Receipts, 2t8 head. Oood veals
firm to 5o higher, others slow; greaser
steady, westerns unchanged; veals, S6-00I
9.00; culls and throwouts, 84.00HN.60: grass
err. 33.0tKg3.6O; westerns, 3:.7Ty&M.6a Dressed
calve, steady; city dressed venls, StrtSftc
per lb.; country dressed. 8'S12'4e.
nous Receipts, 14.40Z neaa. Market was
steady; state and Pennsylvania hogs, SH.So
SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receipts. 9.829
head. Oood sheep firm, other steady;
choice lambs steady, other easy and the
undergrade-! l(615c lower: sheep, S3.S04S 60;
choice. 86.80: culls. S2.flOya.00; lambs, 3ftOd
8.26; culls. S4.0Oti6.60; Canada lamba, S1O0.
Kaaaaa City I.Itc Stork Market.
ceipts, 27,000 head: Including 1500 south
erns; market, steady to strong: top, quar
antine. 84.76; choice export and dressed
beef steers. S4.506.76; fair to good. 84.00-9
6.40; western steers, S3.50tn6.10; stockers and
feeders. 82. 754m. On ; southern steers, 82.75
4.76; southern cows, S2.OOQ3.0O; native cows,
S18MM7B: native heifers. 82.6544.76: bulls,
S2.omiiS.26: calves. S3 .0064 26.
HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head; market,
strong to 6c higher; top, Sfi.50; bulk of sales
St.40rf;.45; heavy. 88.8fM.46; packers, S6.36
6.50: Hire and light. 86.75.47tt.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt.- 16.000
head; market, strong to 10c higher; , top,
Utah lamba, 8766; lamba. 85.7647.66: ewes
snd yearlings, S4.60ifi6.60; western yearlings,
85.00tfi6.76; western sheep. 84.264j-6.25; stock
ers. and feeders. 83.50ti6.60.
St. Leal Lire Stoek Market.
ST. LOri& Oct. 16.-CATTLE-Reertpts.
8.500 head, Including 4.000 Texans: market,
steady; native shipping and export steers,
S5.O0i?j7.0O; dressed beef ano butcher steers.
S4.60t6.96; steers under 1.000 lbs., S3.50Q4.76;
stockers and feeder. 82.00tT4.50: cows and
heifer. S2.40i&6.60; runners. 31 003.10; bulls.
S2.26ff34.00; calves, 83.0(vf,7.50: Texas and In
dian steers, grootjg.26; cows and heifers.
HOOS Receipts. 4.000 head: market. 6c
higher; pigs and lights, S4.26S8.o5; pack
ers. v 4tqi.tx; Dutcners and best heavy
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.500
head; market, steady; native muttons, 88.00
Hismi; mm os, HWin.ho: culls and bucks,
S2.26C6.0O; stockers, 82.50(33.60.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market. '
ST. J08EPH. Oct. 15 -CATTLE Re
ceipts. 3.027 head; market, steady; natives,
S4.50ti4.40: cows and heifers, 81 60&4.75;
stockers and feeders. 33.2564.30.
HOOS Receipts. 1.837 head; msrket, 5c
hither; light, ..!. 46; bulk of sales, S4.3B
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt, S.910
head; market, steady. '
Sloas City Live Stock Market.
SIOi'X CITY. Oct. lS.-(Speelal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipt, 7.000 head;
market strong; stockers steady; beeves.
84. 264741.60: cows, bulls and mixed. S2.!6&
3.60; stockers and feeders, 83.0034.26; calve
and yearlings. 32.60ifY3.50.
HOOS Receipts. 2.000 heed: msrket a higher, selling at 88. 208. 30; bulk of
sales. 8.264i6.:7VI. . y
Stork In Slirht.
Receipt of live stock at the Big principal
western vriarseta yeteraay:
... 4
4 I X4
. . (to
I I Ml
... I I
to I to
Hogs. Sheep.
2.900 2.700
2. OlD
gODO 18.000
1.R.T7 ,910
4.01) 1.500
26.000 28.000
41,237 84,110
South Omaha
Kioux City ....
Kanas City ..
St. Joseph
St. Louis
. 7.HO0
. 7.000
. 3.0?7
. 8.500
Cottow Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15-COTTON-8pot
closed quiet. 10 point advance; middling
uplands. 11. c; - middling gulf, 11.80c; Mies.
300 bales.
moderate business done; prices, M point
higher; American middling fair, 7.07d; good
middling. .77d; iriddllng, S.6d; low mid
dling, fl.TTd; good Vdlnary, 6.03d; ordinary,
6.79d. The sale, of the day were 7.000 bales,
of which 600 were for speculation and ex
port and Included 8,400 American; receipts,
8.0KI bales, all American. v
Spot closed stesdy; sales. 6. ICO bale; low
ordinary. 8c, nominal; ordinary, 8Sc. nom
inal; good ordinary. 9 15-lfic; low middling,
loc; middling, llc; good middling, 111(,c.;
middling fair. K'c. nominal: fair. 12c;
receipts. 16. 697 bales; stock, 98,762 bales.
ST. IX1'I9. Oct. 16 COTTON (Julet ;
middling. lHc; sales, 24 bales; receipts,
none,. shipments, none; stock, 10,193 bale.
Coffee Market.
market for futures opened steady at an
advance of 61)10 points In response to bet
ter French tables than expected andoov
erlng on European support. There was no
special feature lo the news bevond the
European market advices and trading was
quiet during the middle session. The mar
ket closed steady, net unchanged to 6 points
higher, having lost part of the advince
tinder scattered realising. Sale wer re
ported of 28.760 bags. Including December
st 8.60c: January, 4 55c; March, 4 ia-iA6c-May.
175c; July. 6 90c; August. 6 t"jc; Bepl
tember, 7c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice
Hilar aad Molasses.
K'rw vnRk". fx-t i! si'ntnij.,.
steady; fair refining, Sc; centr fugal. S-ij 1
teat. 4c; moiasea sugar. 3c. Refine 1.
quiet; No. S. 4.4op; No 7. 4c; No. 3 4 3c;
No. 9. 4 i6e; No. 10. 4 Ke: No. 11. 4 l'e; No.
12. 4.0fr; No. 13. 4.(0 ; No. 14, 8!S-.; ro
fecliuncrs' A, 4 7V; mould A. 6.. 5c: cut laf,
S.fioc: crumbed, Stic: nowdered, S.otc; granu
lated. 4.90c; cubes. 6 15c.
Steady: creitrtfugal yellow, 4g4 7-'4c; rrc
onds, VtlXc-
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralte.
APPLES The market .how- no material
change. Prime, lor prompt hlpsaant. are
qtirted st Me snd pn'r to f-ilr st 4f5''e
are In good demand, ranging In price from
c to 8c for the California grsde recently
cnioted; Oreeyon ns to Stev, BSIMoc. Apricots
are ssnady at recent prices with ehne
quoted at' 14c. extra ch.sYe t 17c. faftcy
at lr?0c. Peaches are In light supply an'l
consequently held tip well to recent prlci
In spite of a light demand, t'hcli-e are .
quoted at 10)llc, fancy at llip13c and
extra fancy at Ii4il24c.'
EOOS l'er dog., SCO.
. LiVB 1'OL'Ll MY-Hena 8W- rooster a.
itoc; turkey, 10c; ducks, SfflOo; spring
cmoken, Pvte.
BUTTER Packing Mock. UVfcc; cholo to
fancy dairy, '.sujjvc; creamery, rfjilc,
HAT-l-rtce quoted by Omaha Feed com
pany: Choice upland, 88.80; medium, f.i
Coarse, S8.00tjg.84. Rye Straw,
BRAN-i er tqn, 316 0U. . f
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl., 83.31' .
TOMATO Ed Horn grow a, 4er lxut of
24) ItK , lf"oc
bu., 78c
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per do,
bead, inc.
CELERT Per doa. 364340c
CUCUMBERS Horn grown, per go..
ONIONg-Hom grown, Vo per bu.; Spaa
I h, 81 78 per crate.
NAVY BEAN'S Per buM 31 85; No. 3. 21. TS.
LIMA BKANH Per lta.. Hia
GREEN PKPPEKS-Per market baskit.
ARBI.fCY ItnrriAiioa Bee a.i a hanebea.
tOc. '
CABBAGE Horn grown, per Ik, It.
EGG PI.ANT-per basket Ioe.
POTA TO E9W Per bu.. 60C46O.
. ORANGES Valencia, according to uiw,
S4.tnrj00. i
LEMONS Llmonler. extra fancy. 18
else, 37.60; 800 sis. 8H.5W3.00; 800 stse, t-80O
3.00; other brand 81 lee.
BANANAR fer medltim-flsed- bunch,
1.7bij3.26: jumbos, 82 6tv4.00.
DATlkS Ver lb., 686.
PEACHES-Colorado, BOctJSlCO; Cali
fornia Balways, per bog. 81.00.
PLCMn ejiegon Italian runee, Sl.l
PEARS Do AngO, per box, 83.00; Krlfer.
APPLES Ben Paris, per bbl., 12.00; Jon-
tnans, nu; urimes' iKiinen. i7s.
ORAPES Home iirown. per -io basket.
17c; Toksy, per crate, 81.76; Nw Tork Con
cord, per basket, 23c.
VttANtiE.HMlh.H-1'ei- on I, sv
No. 1 rlba. 11a: No. 2 ribs. "c: No. 3 rib.
SVc: No. 1 loins. 14c: No. 3 loin. 13c; No.
3 loins, 8Vfcc; No. 1 chucks, 5e; No. 2 chucks.
4c; No. 3 chucks, sc; no. l rouna, sc; io. .
round. 7o; No. 3 roand. 6c; No. 1 plate, Sc;
No. 2 plate. 2Hc: No. 3 pla", Jo-
AHaca.L,tAXU B.UUB. ' i
SUGAR Granulated cane. In MCks. 88.41;
granulnted bt, In aacka, 85 11.
CHkEE Swum, new, 14c; Wisconsin
brick, 14H); Wi.conain llmburger, 18e;
twin. 14c; young American, liVpo.
COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, 861 per lb :
No. 30, 200 per lb.; o. 26, lBe par lb.;
No. 20, 16Hc per lb.; No, 31. 12Hc per lb.
BYRUP In bhl... 31o per gal.; In oa,
8 10-lb. can. 31 70; case, 11 6-1 b ran, L;
esse, 24 -lb. cans. 31-86.
HONEY Per 24 frames, 83.60.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
rn, tfrtfooc; Main, Sl-1. Tomato, 81b,
cans, 31.00; 2-lb., 97HciS1.00. Plnsapple.
grated. 3-lb., 82.0692.80; sliced. S1.9ti'u2.20;
gallon uppie. fancy, Si.S6; California apri
cot. II.W2 26; pears, S1.7592.60; peach,
fancy, 1.7frai.40; H. C. peachea, S2016O.
Alaska salmon, red, 31.26: fancy Chinook,
F 82.10: faocy aockeye. F., 31.98; aardln.a.
oil. 32.76; mustard. 83.09. Sweet pota
toee, 11.101.26; sauerkraut, 81.00; pump
kins, oOcdjgl.OO: wsx bean. 4-b., 86O0c;
lima beana, 2-lb., 75cftn 3b) spinach, 81-86;
chesp peas, S-lb. BOc; extra, 76790o; faocy.
CURED FISH-Famlly whlteflsh, per
quarter bbl.. 100 lbs 84.0'. Norway mack
eral. No. 1. 8.00: No. 3. 824.00; No. S. trtOO;
Irish, No. 2, 318.00; herring, in bbls., 300 lb
each. Norway, 4k. $lt00: Norway, 8k, SU .00;
Holland, mixed, 811.00; Holland herring, 1
kegs, milkers, 80c: kegs, mixed, 70o.
FI8H Buffalo, Urge dressed, kc; trout,
medium or large, dreased. 12c; pike, dressed.
He; bsirbut, An stock, lie, catfish. drsed
16c; bullheads, dressed and skinned. 12c.
whit parch, dreased, Sc; crapples, large,
Uc; aunflsn, pan sue, c: whit base, extra
choice, 13o; pickerel, Sc; salmon, Chinook,
lie; whit fish (froien), 12c; mackerel
(Spanish). 16c; Native, per fish, ISyftc;
codfish, freeh, fro son, lie; flounder, fresh,
frosen, 11c: blueAsh, fresh fro sen, Mo;
haddock, rresh rrosen, ioe; red inapp.r.
dressed, 12c: amelta, No. 1, per lb., 12o;
lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40e; gresn, I7c;
eel, per lb., 18c; frog legs. pr do.. 26c;
roe shad. 81 ach: shad roe. natr. 46a.
NUTS Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small,
Kr lb., Uc. Atroonds, soft shalla, per lb
j; hard shells, per lb. l'814o. CoctMt
nuts, 84.00 per Back of loo.
HIDES AND TALLOW -Oreen salted.
No. 1, 1S; No. J, IZHc: bull hide. 9
lOHc; green hide. No. 1. lOo; No. 3, 4)0;
horse, 81.60tf3.76; sheep pelt. 6oc31 26. Tal
low, No. 1. 440 : No. . So.
WOOL Per lb.. U9c,
Omaha Real Estate and Trust com
pany to Anton Jes person, lota 9 and
10, block 13, Sounders Jc Hlme
bnugh Highland park S TJ6
Mabel Colgrove and husband to Ira
L. Van Horn, tract In section 29-10-13
South Omaha Iand company to Anton
Borowsky, lot 8 and 7, block 293,
South Omaha SuO
Howard F. Morrleon arid wife to Sleg
burt Kahn, et al. south 70 fort lots
8 and 9. block 1, Pope Place 1
Jotin W. McDonald to Martha A. Bex
ten, lota 6 and g, block 4, Bogga 4V
Hill second 60S
Emll W. Qunther and wife to Mae O.
Leach, lot 16. block 2, Walnut Hill.. S.0U0
Patrick A. Sugrue to Thomas Stigma
and wife, enst 74 feet lot 2, block
2, Hammond Plaeei South Omaha .. 1
Oeorge E. Beam and wife to Thomas .
Sugrue and wife, lot 13, block 14),
South Omaha t. 1S0A
Edward W. Pendleton and wife to
Julius F. Wlchert. south 38 2-3 feet
lot 3. Winther's sub 1.800
Ezra D. DeLamater and wlf to Ed-
' ward W. Pendleton, same 1
Clarence M. Jones to August Beer,
mann, lot 4, block t. Comer 'AM
Patrick S. McOulr to James J. Mo
Cabe. lot 16. block 8. Omaha View... 733
Ellen Harriet Mann to Patrick 8. Mo
Gulre, lot 15, block 4, Omaha View.. Sli
John Power to Ellen Harriet Mann,
lot 16, block g, Omaha View St
Peter Heeeen, Jr., to Omer T. Adam,'
lot 34, block 18. Clifton Hill 1
Clayton O. Blandln and wife to AW
gust F. Hawklnson; tract sub. bjock
r,A," "Reservoir addition
Charles J. Kelrl and wire to jeni J.
Fox, lot 8, block 82. Florence
Florence company to Thomas McCoy
and wife, north 68 feet lot 30. Grif
fin A Isaac
Minnie Todd and husband to John
K. Roger, lot 8, block 1, Maxwell
second. South Omaha
Robert H. Landeryou to Maude
Mogge. weet 48 feet lot , block 2.
Myers, Richards A Tllden's
Hurrv A. Tukev to Marrsret' G-
Ritchie, Vote 13 snd 20, ilock ; a,"'
TUkey neignis , i j.,-r-
Fannie Wilson and huaband to Mary
E. Hayes, east lffi feet lot 11 block
6. Kountse ft Ruth' 8.600
William H. Blnna and wife-to Jame
J. Dahl, lot 1. block 1, Vandercook -
Terrace -. . ; . .-.-.-I ..-I,0
Thomas F. Lee to Jennie c. uee, i
et, lot 8, block 8. Sweesy' 1
John Dean to Jennie Dean. H 80 feet ,,
north 230 feet lot 1, block 2, Park
Plnce , i00
United) Real Estate and Trust com-l
pany to Lucy M Mack, lot 14, block
ll. Druid Hill .", 1.27S
George Forgan and wife to J.'R,,
Tremble and wife, lot 2, block 11, V
Cllflon Hill .-. 1.808
William K. Potter to Edward R. Mor-. '
rlson. south 113 feet lot 28. McCand-
lish Place v .10
Hcctric Railway Co.
, Ketllnj 5 .'
m m B r r