Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY REE: Tl .'KSOA V, HjnmfcK in, l'.HHi.
Wo Can Curo Some Dis
eases of Men for
Under-Certain Conditions
We Will Treat Other
Diseases of Men for
85 A Month
10 Days' Treatment
For Chronic Diseases
We will treat ali curable diseases
Of men upon our.
Guaranteed Cure Plan
at the smalieM. cost possible for good
ervlre, and under this plan yon do not
csey us our fe until you are cured.
We. have Been the need of a sliding
scale, of prices for treating special
diseases of men for a long time. We
feei that Bimple, uncomplicated dis
eases run and should be cured for a
price ''that would .correspond with the
natiire of the ruse, and the amount of
work and time It would take to make
a cure: ' 1
A disease that could easily be cured
for $6.00 should not be made to pay
ten times that amount.
Equil Justice and a Square Deal
for All is Our Motto
Your Railroad Fare Paid
to and From Omaha.
To'all those out lot the city who
'coram' to our- offlee aad take treatment
on our iaaranteed (Hire l'lan while
at the plllce, . we wil) deduct the cost
of theiii railroad ticket, from the price
of the treatment.' This gives every
'one needing treatment a. chance to
come to our office .for a free consulta
tion before beginning treatment. We
believe ''this will-orgve far, more sat 1s
' factorx' Aad.Vti'Pbsf4l than the old
way or treating entirely by niall, with
out .personal Interview with the
physician who",? to treat yonr case.
We want to bee all our patients and
we want thenr to see-us.
A Few Moments
, spent at our office might be of price
less value to you. We could tell you
of your mistakes" and- how to right
them. It's all free and confidential.
i i . .
For More Than 30
Years Dr. McGrew
has -been one of the most successful
specialists in the treatment of all
forms of dUeaaus ut men. No specialist
la better "known or has a cleaner
record .for fair dealing with men.
Over Thirty Thousand .' liuve
been ('urvd.
More' than 3(1 years' experience and
ever UO years in Omaha.
If you cannot come to Omuha on our
offer to pay jour railroad fare both
waya. then write- to us for our
symptpm blank for home treatment.
Dr. -YJcGrew
.,, CU or Write, Iktx 7fl.
OFFICE. 215 So. 14th Street
IjiVKRT drop of water
-4 used In brewing
Ston I Jeer la drawn
from 'our Artesian well
(1.400 feet deep). This
watar la Ideal for brew
ing purposes, bain g pure
and sparkling, and po
aeaalng In ltaalf health
giving properties. The
absolute purity of our
water supply ii one es
sential feature In add
ing to Mora ueur a
sparkling clearness and
healthful Duality, that
Is found only In our
beer. i .Ask for Rtort
Beer down town. Order
a cae,f or .ypurlKunt
loaay. .
" " BtorsBreuinffOo
' 'Oinaluu' B
Dm Sl tl foraasataral
irmau.aa ar aicraiioaa
at waaaat mtm ar.n.
Piii.m. r Bat Mlria.
rwCvaXlCaiVeitCl nt ar huhmi.
IWItf ky OrKsghata,
or aacl ia lni wrsppar.
ai,i4. araaael. lot
1 1 as. url aotli.aSX 7.
fr. , i'lalLaalia' iiff
CttVMlMa j
I a If SL a tf r.
r m lVMM Istladrslsl
"" eitoiouii,)
Lir.uua; SMI fttltail
Bidi fsr Hew City Hill Bccairtd by tbt
City Couaeil.
DrlrtulM tn Odd Frllowa Grand
I. mIbp Are Arrlrlns; and Loral
Committers ' Kest Raur
Caring for Them.
Tlic most iniiHirtiiut bistness of the city
council Wst night tm the consideration
of bills for th city hall. Two legal bids
were received. The first. h.v McDon-
.1.1 r it i. ........... . rue ,l,n tiittlft-
Kl a limn, uiirii-u in iuiibuuh " i
inn aocordln. t.. the nh.ns of the city
engineer for H::770. The second bid
was submitted liv Johnsor & Arm-
- -... . ., . .... .tun.. :
imni ror ei..n.. j nere is .f..-.- e., .......... .
II 18 11 Keiy. T lure : nr., mm lie- . ..u n -v .
w ill he awt'ibd M Donald & Bock. On
other bid was s.ihmlttcd. but ns It was
not reoinfi!,i:ii tl by a certifl-d check was
Hneelal online tin No. 1ST. being an or
dinance levying uteolnl t:'x lo cover tll-3
cost of paving Twenty-fourth streM.
put on Its final pnasape.
The. final estimates for the gradinv: of
Twenty-second street from S to Y wer al
lowed. The first estimate for the paving
and guttering of Twenty-third strct,
$328 35. waa allowed. Parks & Co.. rtlunih
ets, wera allowed 2"i.; for the construc
tion of a sanitary sewer lu district No 113.
Ordinance No. 1510 to grade S afreet (mm
Eighteenth to Twenty-fifth was given its
first reading.
Tho building Inspector rave notice that
he whs about to close up the building of
Mrs. Plvonka. on the alloy b"tween Twer.ty
llt'th and Twenty-sixth on N, it being In an
unsafe condition.
The city treasuter gave noilx tint J3,.:i7:.7
waa due at the lineal gnc.y In
vw i
York November 1. the same being minus I M ,.,.,. ,,. 00nferritiB grand lodge de
Intereat on bonds and matured obligations j gree.
of the city ' Wnrnina; lo Itrarlstrara.
A petition was received for the ctmr.g
of grade in the alley to block 81, South
Omaha. Another asked the extension of
the water main on Twenty-second street
from 1 to W and for a hydrant at V.'
street. Forty-fourth street was closed for
travel a.1 the point where the Union Pa
cific cut-off crosses It. A new viaduct Is
to lie built there Immediately.
Hydrants were ordered 4 and feet
west of Thirteenth on Polk street and on"
SOU feet west of Forty-second street on ,
F. The cltr attorney was Instructed lo
draft an ordinance for the grading of I
Thirly-ninth street from Q to Y.
Another electric are light was ordered
at Twenty-sixth and Monroe streets.
The council then adjourned to meet
Wednesday evening to take up the bids
on the city hall.
Switchman Killed.
1 humus J. Jroup oi council tuuns, h. j huilUinK to the new will take place about
switchman for the Chicago Great Western j Xovcmber 'X. When the hospital Is eatab
rallroad, was almost Instantly killed in I iiFhed in the new quarters there will be
South Omaha yesterday afternoon: Troup I room for about four new nurses to serve
was standing on the top of a freight car nj apprentices or students. .The usual
which was being backed In upon the le- I irctre courses for this work will not begiu
livery tracks from the main lirte.' The train j until the new quarters are ready for oc-
wuu' brought lo a rather sudden halt and
the slack of the string came out with a
sudden Jerk which threw him over the
back end of the car. He dropped head
foremost upon tlia knuckle of the coupler.
The blow stunned him and his body fell
across the rail. The cars were still moving
slowly backward and before the engineer
could stop tne string. rue nisi trucK naa,on tnr 8trcetll. The yUUng man's excuse
passed over, Troup's body. One of the j waB tnat llP nought tlirt Woman was an
whef liU'tit his legs oft Just below the hips, i acquaintance of his and for that reason he
w blch were also shattered. 4 The other wheel j,,po)).e to. Iter. The Judge, in- piacUigutue
passed oyer lilin below the knees. Thet blow . flnc, declHre,, u waN high, time -thai sojivj
on the head waa sufficient , to have caused w(.rf. tnkn ro vheck 'the 'bra gen fa-
drath. A doctor was "hastily summoned and j mjal.v of a rfTtal 1,, of yoUnB
als. the ambulance. The man was taken The chl(.f of (.e haa proR,ej his sen
aboard and started for the hospital, but he , (ment aIs) thlll th Omaha depart-
died en route. He was then taken to Brew- mPnt wa8 ,K.Ulled to be exceedingly sr
efs undertaking parlors. . vere .lga1)tlt ,lilt t.taaa of offfciiders. . "Of
Troup leuves a wue ano uuee ciiunien
who live at Avenue A and Twenty-third
street. Council Bluffs. He has been In
the service of the Chicago GreAt Western
for about five years. Before that time he
had served for some time with the Union
Pacific. He had been a railroad man all
his life. He was a man of S9 yeara, of ac
tive build.
Odd Fellow are Arriving.
The advance guards of the grand lodge
delegates of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows arrived on the evening trains last
night. Throughout the day the reception
committees were at the depots directing
the arrivals. Most of the officers arrived
and took up their headquarters at the
New Commercial hotel. The hotel has
been given over to the principal members
of the order for the week. The nrst fune-
tlon of the sessions took place last evening
at Odd Fellows' hall. This was the lJeeo-
' ration of Chivalry conferred by the de-
partuient commander and Patriarch's Mili
i taut. Tho ceremony, also Included th
Rat. Qiit-a 4-- r.ot- TXrVio-
You Ask For.
THERE is a Reason
Why the Good People of Amer
ica buy Cascarets as Fast as the
Clock. Ticks.
Every second soma one, somewhere. Is
Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cascarets.
1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 660 times to the Minute,
60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxes an
an Hour, 36.000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours,
1,080.000 Boxes a Month, and then some.
Think of it 220.000 People take a Cas-
caret Ubiat each day. Millions use Cas- i
carets when necessary. j
The Judgment of Millions of Bright j
Americans is Infallible. They have been j
Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rat
for over Six years. !
Over Five Millions of Dollars have been '
Spent t o make the merits of Cascarets '
known, and every cent of it would be lost, '
did not sound merit claim and hold the 1
constant, continued friendship. Patronage !
and Endorsement of well-pleased people year j
I Slier year.
There is also a Reason
Whv there are Parasites who attach
i themselves to ths Healthy Body of Cascar-
; et's success Imitators. Counterfeiters. Sub-
, .
! inesro i raos i niavea wno wouia roo
t Cascarets of the "Good Will" of the people.
) and sneak unearned profits, earned and
paid for by Cascarets,
A DUhouest Purpose means a Dishonest
Product aqd a Disregard of the Purchasers'
Health or Welfare.
Beware of the Slick Salesman aqd his
ancient "Just as Good" story that common
sense refutes. -
Cascarets are made only by the Sterling
Femdy CoP'OX: "4 Pt up in metal bos
with the " long-tailed, C " on the cover.
j They are never sold in bulk,
i Every tablet marked ;,CCC."
J Be sure you get ths genuine
Dr- Graves
Tooth Powder
you have a perfect dentifrice and
antiseptic. It insures mouth purity
and beauty becomes a part of
one's life in its twice-a-day use.
Just ask your dentist about it. ,
la handy aaatal rami or bottlea. SSo.
Dr Graics' Tooth Powder Co.
Grand Decniattou of Chivalry. The Re
bekahs also meet In conjunction with the
Odd Fellows. The women of tin- order
. . . , . . , ,
nne . l" . "!!uh ?" '! trouble
to ninke the halls which Hie to be lined
for the convention beautiful. The ileco-
miiuiiB in me lower nans ui me .incieiii
Qrjor nf j
'nlleil Workmen temple are In the
national colors, tint the halls uboYe are
more cosmoo!it:iu. Long ropes of bunting
anil tbsuo divide the lodge l-ooms Into
many triangles, (in each wall are appio
pilntcly emblazoned oh shields tin- three
links of the bund of Odd Fellowship.
("Friendship. I.ovc, Truth." Miniature li.ui
' ners of Mil nation and orders were hung
I the entire dlslunee around the room Tho
: program for todiiy is as follows:
i Tuesday. October IS lu a. in.: Oram! en
campment will convene in regular session
in Independent order of odd fellows' hall.
Twenty-fourth end M streets.
p. m.: Special sohsIoii of t'rusader
encampment No. :t7 In Independent Order
of Odd Fellows' hall. Twenty-fourth and
M streets, for purpose of conferring nil
encampment degrees; patriarchal, by JKs
lierian eiieninpmeut No. U of Omaha; golden
rule, by officers of grand encampment;
roynl purple, by encainpuient No. UT
of Jtluir.
i:"a p. i,i.: Kehekah a"semtily in special
session hi Ancient Order of I'nited Work
men auditorium. Twenty-llfth and M
streets, lor purpowr of conierring asst mbly
S p. in.: Grand lodge convenes in Me-
clal session in Anc;.-iu Order of I'nited
lrrL,n.n 'e...Ki.. 1...II '.n ill I. .....I
The eity clerk thinks It advlsnbe that
there he a public warning Issued to those
who were appointed by the mayor and
council as registrars for the duties of the
autumn registrations. Many of them do
not know. It appears, that if they fail to
qualify for the offices to which they have
been appointed, and are not legally ex-
i cused from the necessity of qualifying,
I l hey are subject to a fine of from J50 to
i 7- and may lie committed to Jail until
the line Is satisfied. As yet only eighteen
have apiwared before the clerk and not
more than eleven have qualified. The date
of registration is drawing near and If the
registrars do not appear soon they will lie
under the ban of the law.
Hospital rarliiK Completion.
The South Omaha hospital has been com
pleted to the plastering, which is also pro-
j greasing. The transfer from the present
Fined for Annoying; Women.
Hurry U'Amslead waa fined yesterday
morning In police court for accosting a
woman on the streets. He was arrested at
the instigation of Mrs. Bell, toward whom
be made the undesirtd advances: She said
he not only spoke to her, but followed her.
.. thf , W' ..ti,.re nre womon
on tho streets at times who are Willing to
receive these unconventional advances, but
there Is a safe rule for all men to follow,
and that ia not to make an. advance until
Invited." The frequent insults mentioned
so often of late, he says, come perhaps
from the bablta which sprout at carnival
time and are carried from the grounds to
the streets. All women who have any pre
tentions to character should at once appeal
to the police rather thnn submit to humili
ations. Tho chief ia at ull limes ready to
assist them.
Magic Cltr (ivsalt.
Eleven eases of diphtheria and live of
scarlet fever are. still under quarantine.
I . H Tt. KlehHrtv went to llrelnu veHterriav
; to attend a political rally which 'waa hel l
inero last nigtu.
The Iithuanians are building a new
church at Thirty-second and 8 streets. It
will cost In the neighborhood of JS.iM).
Mrs. F Reade and lltth son have re
turned to England after a summer spent
with her fat.ter and mother, Mr. uud Mrs.
J. W. Hogg.
Mr. and Mrs. W.' A. McCllntock have
gone to F.xeeltior Pprings, where Mr. Mc
Cllntock will undergo treatment lor Ills
delicate health.
C O. Spencer goes to Kansas City to
take up the government Inspection al the
packing houses. He has been on the forci
here for some time.
Plans are being drafted by Architect
John Klewit lor a parsonage to Kt.
Bridget's church. Twenty-sixth and F
streets. It will cost Ss..
The city treasurer reports that the peo
ple are beginning to pay their assess
ments. The lax receipts have greatly in
creased over previous weeks.
The following births were reported yes
terday : C. H. Moore, sn; North Thirty
third, a girl; John Ileksa. 'Thirtieth anil
H, a girl; Jov Machacek, Twenty. third and
W, a ghl; John, Krepski. North Thirty
sccoud street, u girl; William Rubrfii. be -enticiith
and J. a boy.
Little t her nb I u Before brand Jury
for Mnhnrnatlun of
I'au Cupid is tlie latest culprit to he
dragged before the grand Jury. The kpeclix
offense charged up against the little cherub
ia subornation of perjury. Truant Officer
Parker is the complainant and he chaises
that Cupid Induced Domenick Pestello to
make affidavit before the marriage license
clerk that Anlonina Puiedlna. his bnde-
to-lie, was IK years old. whesi alie Is only 11.
The license was secured Saturday and the
marriage performed Monday morning. !
-- - -
I 'truant omcer Parker got Into the cae-
j because he was after the bride for not
j goinjr to school. He has a caixl niude out
i by Miss Paledina September S. !9n and at-'l
j cording to the statistics on the card she
j ' y"r." "m ,'UH' "nd would 11 on !
November :7 following. Mr. Parker hasjjj,,)
; figured that this would make her 15 years
oM Mxt November. As the laws of s.
braska prohibit marriages where the bride
I under 1. the case will be taken before
the grand Jury. It is said twu nuar girls
of school age In the aame nelghborhcod are
about to marry. Miss Paledtiiu 'lives at
Twenty-fourth and Plarce.
Many Kntrlea far tonrain Meet.
ARAPAHOE. Neb., Oct. 15-(Sneclal Tel
esrum.) Aa expected, the additions to en
tries to tho coursing meet beginning here
tomorrow were doubled by arrivals this
evening, and while those coining In this
evenli.g will not ba lu shape to compete
in preliminaries for the Futurity stake,
they can enter for the Derby all age sink.
The rapis of Saturday and Sunday have put
the course in fine condition and clear
weather is now piouils d.
1 aUoguia Co., LETTS aWKCIAUffTB
farmers Hone t Have Knr Work al
IOWA CITY. la.. Oct. 15 (Special.) AH
of the college te;mis In the state, with the
exception nl Coach Cbaln eis' Hawkeycs.
h ive playml their inald n usm" of the I
foot ball mil?' in, and Moinlnnside ami
Ames have both followed I he ball aiToss
the checkered field four limes, l'rake w;is
i tile new accession I!, is wt'i k to tin1 cm:hs
with records, and lirake record Willi Its
stpirlo context ia nol the worst In ttie
i state. The State universltv "till n m. litis
I the stumbling block in nil tate champion
I slitn cumulations. HtH.i jted rumors of
pl.iyers disqualified by injuries and condi
tions in studies have o befogged the sit
uation that the outsider at least and n
larse monitor of the men who have lK"en
following the game here arc unable to read
the answer.-
The Cno-1s Moines college game was
perhaps the most Interesting coniet In the
stale. The preceding Week Cue had held
Ames to thirty-six points and IVs Moines
hiiil held Ames lo fortj'-flve points. Cue
was believed lo haw the game In a oocket.
though It was bc -ed that the gam would
not be won until the last half. Th game
showed, .however that the team were
very .evenly matched, the higher total
rolled up against les Moines colleie being
Recounted lor by the fuct that the Hap.
lists were' afraid of the bit Ames team
and did not play the game they were
callable of. Aston, left end on the Coo
team. Is ci.m tainly one of the hest of the
minor school players. He Is by rights a
halfback, and behind a food line ought
to prove a ,jg ground gainr. Rogers,
left end for lies Moines college, proved
a strong defensive player.
Knouch has been shown io far this year
to make Ams men confident they will
defeat Nebraska 'In their game at Lincoln
next Saturday. The Agriculturists should
be in excellent form for the contest, with
four victories to their rredit. In which they
have scored n total of 1W points to their
opponents' nothing. '
lilinnell college will meet Cue college
in Cedar Haplds the last of this week. and.
while Hamilton's men base not shown any
particular ability this year, it Is believed
that they will win the game. Coe has nm
men like Valarlous and Jaque, and where
both teams are suffering from a lack of
material, two such men as these should
be sufficient lo turn the tide of anv gum".
Valarious ought to be able to run Coe oft
lis feet. The game will be a pretty one
lo watch at least and the score will net
lie very large. Morningside plavs Dakota
Wesloyan university ut Mitchell on Octo
ber Zl and ought to- win by a good mar
gin. The officials for the Iowa college games
are up against a hard proposition thlF
year on account of the fact that nearly
every player In the rtate. In games pluyed
thus far, can be convicted of illegal ue
of the hands and Jloldins. The men are
finding it especially .hard when Interfering
for the man running with the bull to
ward off the defensive end or halfback In
the way prescribed hv Hie rules. It Is
bard for the crowd to understand the new
penalties, and they, oh.lect to having the
new rules enforced in that particular. For
that reason the olfclals are up against
It, but thus far they have done a great
doal for the future of the game by the
strict enforcement cf the new rules.
Second Round Ron and Finals t iiuir
HOT SPRINGS.' S. IX. Oct. 15.-(8pcc-lal
Telegram, i First round Waterloo cup,
with l,0i' udded. . value uhoul $l,wi.
weather line and hares fast:
Keeley's Malu Koogh I-oftus, Chicago;
heat Master Klr, .Thomas Foley, Chicago,
nomination. :i to. I. Roman Actor. J. II.
Uosseter. Han Kranclsco; beat Right
Right, I,. F. Bartels, Otnver; lo 3.
Duve Ret se, John, ; Kecs", Butte. Mont.;
heat Consignor, N. "C. Williams, nomina
tion, 4 to 2. Cfltlr Blake, Tonkin &
Smith. Butte; b at Never Setile Girl, John
Ozmun, Enid. Okl.. t to 0. Agile Spurt,'
I.. F. Barti l; lpat ' Missle, Williams &
Champion, Central City, Colo.; 6 to- t.
Four Paw IILak.. Tonkin & Smith, beat
Ruby. Athlete. Jieogh Loftus; nomina
tion. 6 to 1. Id Sifton, p. K. Carter,
Cottonwood Kails.- Kan.: beat Majaalica,
Call tc Smith, i lipnii nation, a to 1. Mr.
Ha.i ton. W. -it. -Smith: nomination;
beat Lord Hrui. Uarry'Killkullen; 7 to 3.
Rocked AsleeisJ, -M. Kosseter; beat Fine
Eyes. Frank Jwishoiii.. Denver; 5 to 3. Mr.
Brl.uile, Tonkin A Knunders, Butte; beat
Miss Gollghtly. O." -OPtendortT. "K Rejio; T
to Z Lord WeVry.'l.. F. BartleS; beat
Happy Free. FrVhk F."sliom; 6 to 2. Bea
con Water, C. A,-.Lyons; nomination; beat
Wild Gus Blukev Tonkin & Smith; J to 0.
Merry Clair, ,. jiilin 0.tmin: beat Miss
Flora BJake. - Tonkin Hmith; 8 to
Dr. War. Mrs, L). Iv.. Carter; nomination;
htat Look At the Clock. Alien Ai Wilson.
Chicago; 5 to 0. -Harlagusa. IJ. K. Carter;
beat Fine Kdgo.i Frank Ksshom; 11 to o.
Miss Fair, Rows & Nonil, Butte; Beat
Rosaleta, . O. Oslendorff; IS to 0. Imp,
Hutched Cp, , D. K. Charter: beat tlie
Flight; H to S. Far Kcho. Frank Esshom;
beat Aff-ction. Alien & Wilson; 2 to 0.
Patched L'p Lady, John Ozmun; beat
Hudson's Rye. Allen & WUsim; t to 2.
Mr. Blue. Tonkin Saunders; beat Rich
ard Anton.. J. H. Rosseler; 4 to 0. Con
lender, Blake, Tonkin Smith; beat Lady
Brake; 6 to 0. . Mr. War. Rowe & Noall.
and Split a Bottle, Allen & Wilson, ran a
tie; Split a- Bottle druwn. Lord Brake,
L. F. Bartles; beat Cllftou. James Rob
ertson. Stronir City. Kan.; 10 to 2. Raby
Aurora. J. . II. Bosseter: heat Lagarcla,
D. K. Carter; Lady Athlete, T.
Mccarty. Chicago; beat Oracle R. ; C. to 0.
Lamaxcotte, J. J.-. Donegau. Whlling. Ind. ;
bent Fortunate Fjfort, F. Ksshom; 4 to :l.
Second round Kieley's Malt but Roman
Actor, It to 2: Celtic beat Dave Reese, 4
to 3: Agile Spurt ls-at Fourpaw. 6 to 1:
Mr. Harton bent ,Ird Seftou. to 0: Mr.
Rrindle beat Rocked Asleep. 4 to 3; Lord
Ri-rry beat Beacon Water, 5 to 4; Merry
Clair beat Look al the Clock. 3 to 0: Miss
Fair beat Barlegvis, 4 to 2; Imp Patched
l'p b'-at Far Kcho., 10 to 2: Mr. Blue last
Patched l'p 1-udy. to .1: Mr. War bear
Contender. (! to 2; Raby Aurora beat Lord
Brake, Hi to 3; ldy Athlete beat Lamas
colte, 8 to . KJuuls tomorrow.
The Krug ltirk won three games from
the olets Athletics on the Association al
leys ' lant- night.-?'-. The flrat and last gumes
were mil close, but in . the ,coinl the
Diets boys led. through'- Ihe llit eight
frumes and It looked as though the Brew
ers would lose-. Lack turned at the finish
and the Athkulcs, drew split, while the
Krugs wre striking John ."Brill" Bencele
-toppvd the el m.rk. but Ihe hove made him
btiv for being ihe low . man mi his team.
Game for tonight. Mela. Bros, againsi
O. l. . K. Scoi-e: ;
1.- :
' 544
Marble ...
Johnson ..
54.1 i
i 1 .4
1. 2.
Fatichir .
Brown . . ,
Nurene ..
Sheldon .
Patterson's lially News took two oui of
three gamea from the Omaha Blcjrle com
pany on ihe MelropoliUn alleys. Rice, the
old timer, is getting hack in his old form
and air": pulling a whole lot of ginger in
his men. Judy of til" Bicycles was high
on smiles with I', also nign on totals
3 Total.
175 170 6.' !
17i PI2 4.VI ,
hit i::7 44
12 l.'.l 4V
152 170 !
MS 7a ' 2.124
2. Total,
tun 151 444 i
114 175 ;sm
112 hill 41 ri
17s 1SI if..",
171 IV. t;2
745 f24 . 2.25 I
. niggins .,
j Polcar .....
j 14 t'"I""
I Bonnie
I Kevt
I Kivui t'lty lluasltalily.
j The Omaha goiters who went lo Sioux
1 City have returned UUii with tinphien m
i Ihe links and full oi ent biishisui for the
' treatment Ihey received it Sioux City. Al.
j though the main houoi wera r.ot won by
I Omaha players, still the members of the
party ay Ihal Dr. ouuiney was easily the
hero of the links by reason of his defeat of
Ferguson In the s mi-rtnals. Dr. Hnmiicy
aaa taken sick iind lost to Warren J Mi kin
son In the forenuon Saturday, but recov
ered in the afternoon, inaki'ig two lis. but
could not overcome the lea. I Dickinson hud
marie in the nioming;' . . Jonra of the
Field club brought back Ihe nlacf cup
and JuoKe gi.ii hl the consoUtiun cup. The
Fteld club itn. cianaiMiiiig of.tlarke,
Jones, Suniuey aial tliiields, also made a
cleanup ut live team con teat. Ths Bloux
It's Fuel that's Expensive Not the Stove
A Cheap, putty-jointed stove will waste more than Its Original
Cost In Fuel every winter.
As you know, fully one-half the carbon available for heat in soft coal is gas the entire ris
supply used for fuel and illumination in many cities and towns beinjr made from common soft coal.
The ordinary stove in burning soft coal allows this gas-half of the fuel to pass up the chimney
unburned, thus wasting; it as a heat producer.
Cole's Original Hot Blast Stove, by means of the patented Hot Blast draft and other
patented features, making air-tight joints without the use of stove
upper surface of the coal, utilizing it as a heat producer along with
It.-; ,:.i''1
I ife!
tOFftirs 5hows" Cole's isi3
I'o'lJ' Mot Bul Stv yTJV1!!
ul - Burning a)aW
Would You Lose $50.00 in Fuel to Save $1.00 on
That is what you do when you buy a cheaply constructed, putty jointed, showy made imitation stove. Like all
successful inventions, Cole's Original Hot Blast has many inferior imitations, avoid them. -
They all lack, the patented features and careful construction, which make the Original Hot Blast great success.
They do not stay tight, and soon open seams and cracks which render them worthless as fire keepers. See the name
Cole's Hot Blast from Chicago" on the feed door. None genuine without it.
For nale by Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 14th nnd Karoam; On-hard & Willicd Carpet Co., 41I-16-1K
South JOtli ; John HussJo Hardware Co., 210" Cuminm K. J,. June & Co., 2700 Leavenworth; i. F.
Heavers, 424-420 North . ht., South Omaha; Hoyden & Hro., Benson, Neb.; Paddodk & Huiidschy Hard
ware Co., 4t South Main St., Council Bluffs, Iown.
City golfers tried to rival the hospitality
of the Field club and provided a splendid
entertainment for each night the viailors
were in the cliy. The first night was j.
theater party, the next a amoker, the next
a banquet and then a box party to see
Walker Whiteside. The returning chain
pious have only words of praise for the
royal manner In which they were treated
and all came back wearing medals of the
Champion Byera and Many Former
Title Holders Take Part.
HAMILTON. Mass.. Oct. 13. A picked
field of golfers. Including Eben M. Byers of
Pittsburg, the. prewnl national amateur
champion; Walter J. Truvia of Garden City,
a former national us well as British cham
pion; H. J. Whigham. the title holder in
PiW and 1M7; C. B. McDonald, the first
champion In this country, and many other
players of national reputation made tr.o
three days' invitation tournament which
began today ut the Myopia Hunt club one
of the musi interesting events in the soil
ing year.
J. B. Hylan of the Vesper Country rluh
of Ixiwell led the Held in the qualifying
round of the morning with an S2. while
Travis waa S3 and Byers Mn. Whigham did
the course in 91. Results, first round:
J. B. Hylan, Vesper, defeated T. G. Stev
enson, Myopia. 2 up. 1 to play.
W. P. Smith. Philadelphia, defeated H. J.
Whigham, Chicago, 3 up. 2 to play.
H. R. Johnotone, Myopia, deieated K. O.
Horstman. Philadelphia, 3 up. 1 to play.
K. M. Byers, Pittsburg, defeated Archie
Graham, New York, S up, 5 to play.
W. J. Travis. Garden City, defeated C. B.
McUonuld. Garden City, I up. 2 to play.
A. M. Bobbins. St. Andrew's, defeated
L. C. Fenno, Country club, 3 up. 2 lo play.
P. W. Wlttemore, Brae Burn, defeated
Fav llignlls. Country club. 3 up. 2 lo nlin .
W. C. Chick. Oakley, defeated G. F. Wil
lelt. Oakley, 1 up.
Aero linn llaLei Arranuements for
foulest at I'ittaflrld. lasa.
prn'SFIKLO. Mass., Oct. 13. Arrange
ments were started today for a balloon
race to be held ill Ibis city beuveeu cars
of the Aero club of America, ihe latter
part of this week, probably on Maluiduv.
Captain Holmcr W. lleii;e of New York,
president of the club, has written to Super
intendent Peebles of liic local gas coiiuiuuy
lo make arranuements lor tuo.ijuu or oni.trfio
cubic feet of gas fur the big bags. This
amount, which represents piacticully the
capacity of the gas company, will be tul
lirlenl to supply three of Ihe larger sixed
balloons or four of the smaller ones. Three
of Ihe cars expected to enter are l.'l rl"lit,
Cenlaur and Nirvana of the Aero club.
BASKIIVI I. Pl.WF.llS AV F 11 EV l.l I,
( blcaao lea i itteiid Theater In
Roily iind lllne Toarelher.
CH1CA (. "et. 1"i . IVfore separating
for the winter Ine meiiibera of the Chicago
Amnican base ball team and Ihe Nallonals
attended theater loiiisht In a hoily
ami appeared lo have forgotten all about
th'ir differences mi the diamond whi.'li
were setlled yesterday. The teams wt i e
the giusls of the management of the Tow
els theater, where Mr. Robert F.i'i son is
plavlng Strongheait." Afler Ihe play
the' base ball men attended a banquet al
Reiiois. nt which Mr. Kdeson waa th
guesl of honor.
VaoWtuH S-urra on 'Varsity.
VKRMILION. S D.. Oct. In. (Special
Telegram.) The State university dei'tuted
v.nlitnn i-olleae torlay. :3 to 4. Yankton
scored on Walerburv's place kick fi-oni the .
Ihlrtv-yard llnr. After scoring 24 In the
first half Whttlemore s men easeil lip ami
substitutes replaced a number of regular.-.
Hard Praetlee nt loa.
IOWA CITY. (t. 15. (Special Telegram. i
Couch Chalioers sent the men thiougli a
l...r i.raell.-e lulliKht. Couch Catllll playing
with the scrubs during the last five ruin- I
utes of play and luaKing a nice run oi
forty jards. The scilmuuigr was the hard
et so far this season.
asL. ka Caaraalaai a IStlM
Mlwi1MI4erl4sHl sal- t l U. Or f.
FHIii; hAMPU: A4dfM Dm.:
l.amoa' . Carilwa 4V l'ci.,Aii ,T Hnlm M. . N T
A.L MM awsi no.av in
iuus uuruing an inccoai. ou is wuy
Cole's Original.
riot iDiast
Saves the Dollars and makes a ton of common $3.00 soft coal
or lignite do the work of $9.00 worth of hard coal.
Your old stove and imitation Hot Blast are not air-tight, do not save
the escaping gases and do not give you a warm house at night, because
they are made with putty joints. You cannot afford to say to yourself,
"My old stove will have to do this winter." The old stove is eating up
the price of a new stove every year. Not only that, but cm top of the cost
is the unsatisfactory result it gives. It is always out the coldest morning.
Even Heat Day and Night Fire Never Out
Cole's Hot Blast is so perfect In construction that fire will keep all night,
and when the draft is opened in the morning will burn two or three hours
with the fuel put in the night before. No other stove does this.
Fire, therefore, never goes out, and the rooms are kept at an even
temperature all the time. Burns hard coal, sort coal, slack,
lignite or wood.
I We guarantee saving of one-third lo fuel ever any lower draft stove of the
same site, with soft coat or slack,
t We guarantee Cole's Hot Blast to use less hard cost for heating a f Wen space than
anv lime burner made with same heating surface.
3 Wt guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to two tours each morning,
wuu mc son cui or nara crai put in wic stove ine evening neiore.
4 We guarantee that the stove will hold fire with soR coal jt hours without
5 We guarantee a uniform hest day and sight, with soft coat, hard coal or lignite.
6 We guarantee everv stove to remain absolutely air-tight as long as used.
7 We guarantee the feed door to be smoke and dust proof.
The above guarantee Is msde with the understanding that the store be
operated according to directions, and set op with a good flue.
For Hard Coal Saves Half
The extent of unburned eases in hard coal is shown by opening
the magazine cover of a base burner when the extra oxygen
supplied fills the entire stove with flaming gas.
The fact that no stove putty is used to make air-leaking joints,
gives you perfect control over the drafts on Cole's Hot Wast.
The slow, economical combustion, and the large, positive radiat
ing surface make 'it the greatest fuel-saving, hard coal stove made.
v .'w-i; I'm "iBswifaawaPwas
The Reliable Specialists
avoid approaching weakness
A disease or weakness that robs a man of his spirit, ambition and lores
ahould not be considered a trifling ailment. Segual or weaKnusaca of
rnen niay be primarily Induced from a variety of causes, such as debasing
habits, excesses, overwork, dissipation, etc. The victim of weakness gcuor.
ally knows the cause. Loss of power gradually develops. Occasion. il weak
ness Is usually the first sign of falling powers. The man who stops the cans.,
nnd begins treatment then Is restored so quickly by our method that he ,f n u
does not appreciate the calamity he ha avoided. Deferring an active. ,u o en
ergetic course of treatment means greater weakness, leading to Nervo-tSoxinl
lie illlty. Night Losses and I lay Drains, atrophied organs and eventually .a com
ph to luss of vitality. The evil results are botli physical and mental '
Private diseases or weaknesses, when neglected or Improperly treated
have been the means of blighting the moat rBiiiant hopes, rendering marriage
unhappy and business a failure. If you are afflli t"d with any of these baneful
body-destroying, soul-blighting diseases or we:ilraniacs - ao prevalent among
men. come to us and we will make a thorough, searching and scientific exam
ination of your aliments, an examination that will disclose Tour trim phvsicsl
cordition. without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark anil with
out a thorough understanding of which no physician or sieclalist should treat
The man who Iihs youth in his heart, pure blood in his veins, ambition
confidence and nervous energy In his makeup, and who is free from the con
taminating effects of private diseases or the depressing Influence of Ncfvo
Sexual Debility. Is worth more to himself, to his familv, his friends and the
world than is the broken-down millionaire with all his wealth lu the bank
We have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and iniddla-nged m.-ii
who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to specimens of physical
manhood, full of vim. vigor and vitality.
We cure safely and thoroughly;
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases snd weaknesses of men due to evil hs'Mts, self-abusw, excesses
or tho result of specific or private diseases.
Free Consultation anil Examination-?"'- ?ou & JVr
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
By the Old
.'.V r?
n hi
putty, distills this gas from the
the fixed carbon or coke in the
the Cost of Your Stove?
wiwMirwif limn 11111111,1 Z
Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles.
in Omaha for IS years The many tliouaaoJS
x -i .1
1ST . ",aj ' ' '..
oi casea curtw oy us mini ! ttio most experienced b,' -iajtsta
In the West, in all diseases and ailments of nun.
We know Just what will cure you and c ure oulrkly.
Ws make no misleading or false statements, or cjtTsr you ,
cheap, worthless treatment. Our reputation and name
ar too favorably known, every nil we treat, our rep ita. L
lion is at stske. Vour helh, life and happ.ness is too
s-rlnus a matter to place in the hsi.ds of a "XA.MS
I K89 ' DOCTOR. Honest doctors nt ab'lltv use tt.eir
OWN NAME IN TIIKIK Hf'Hl NF7SS. We . an effect f r
everyone a ll'e-'.ong CI'RK fcr Weak. Nervous Men.
Varicocele troubles. Nervous Debllliv. Hlood Prlsnn.
Proxstlr troubles. Kidrey. Bladder. WASTING WFAK
NES9. Hydrocele, c hroii e Dlaeases, Contraoird rls-a-a.
Stomach and Skin Dba-ise.
- Icf eaaniin l.on and ronaultatloii. Writ for
,x " Symptom BUnk for home treatment.
aud Douglas Streeds, Omaha, Nebraska.