JL THE OMAHA DAILY T.EE: TUESDAY. OCTOIU.H ALDEN IS ENTITLED TO PAYjri SHELDON IS DRAWING CARD AUotbsj Gsosral Asiwtrt th Query of Board of Fnblie Lasdi and finildinti. BRYAN DODGES SPEAKING FOR HEARST Dairta CooM f trmtrt Ton Cut in U Bain to Hear Him. GIVES FIGURES ON RAILROAD RATES asMBSjaajmsss Repahllraaa Taalaat Practical Way to irr-omvllaa Hemelklat, While Op fT Dates All Made IP I Klfftlun Tlaie Vkn latlmatloa ( oim He U Wasted te Speslt la tht . Empire State. ponent as tsasl sheot Is lata the Air. 22 II B M SJBBfSI m i .j (Tram a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 16. (Special.) At i and Buildings this' afternoon an opinion ;1 was aeceived from the attorney serin. n . relative to the claim of Dr. Aldcti for liny j 1 an superintendent of the Norfolk asylum I subsequent to the appointment of Dr. Voung ss his- successor.' No final action vti take by the board, however. It txi- Ing thought beat to obtain a written ' waiver from Dr. Young before allowing the salary to Dr. Allien. The opinion bold that Dr. Tonne having performed . no services nor presented a claim for j pay, Dr. Aldcn la entitled to the money. 1 The matter of the contract for food , elevators at the Hatting asylum wan I also to be considered, it being understood : that Architect Qeorge Rerllngbof, who I was appointed to Investigate, wan, ready to report. Mr. Berllnghof was unable to .be present, however, bo the matter went over, Bryaa Dodges Hearst. William J. Bryan or his political man agers have adopted an 'adroit and clover method by which -the possibility of the Nebraska gentleman entcredlng New York stats to take to the hunting In support of the gubernatorial aspirations of bailor W. R. Hearst is rather effectually pre cluded. Mr. Hearst, according to infor mation leaking from exclusive circle In the democratic camp, lias been anxious for some time to Induce Bryan to go to the Empire state and turn loose his oratory la the editor's behalf. No formal re quest from the editor campaign man agers has reached Bryan for obvious rea sons. Hearst hss ambitions higher thsn ths New York governorship and as Brysn Is on ths same track the editor evidently has not cared to Invite a refusal on Bryan's part by asking the latter to enter i New York. The multi-millionaire pub 1 Usher has, felt,' howevet, that Bryan, In y asmuch as he a-ea marked out a prolonged tour of ths.. central states, should step over Into New York to lend his aid to the democratic ticket. But f Bryan Is not going to New York. This Is quite! evident. His msnagers have gons ahead persistently for the past two weeks booking him for speeches In the 1 1 central states, and it Is now apparent that 1 1 thsas da. is are to take all of his time, thus shutting out any such thing as a swing around the circle In New York stats. ' Today if 'was announced at the Bryan headquarters that he Is to jump to ths east after his trip to Colorado next Saturday and devote a full week to In diana, and Ohio, speaking three days in each state. The four days Immediately preceding election day will find Mr. Bryan eratlng to the voters of his horns state, Nebraska. This ' program leaves only three days open October 29. 30 and SI, and with so brief a time at his disposal it Is a polltlrs,! absurdity to predict that they will be, devoted to is. tour of New York !n support of Hearst.' The likely solu tion will be the booking of two more days In Ohio, Indiana or Illinois, while on the third day he will be .hiking for that dear Id Lincoln to -prepare for his four days' tour of hia horns state. Missionary 'funeers Rlected. Ths most important matter' to come be f ore;thS OBSuotrvtJoev of, Like -.Woman's Home Missionary society of ths Methodist church today' was the annual election of officers. All of the old offlorwere re-elected and are as follows: President, . Mrs. Clinton B. Fisk. New York; vice presidents. Mrs. Jans Bancroft Robinson, Detroit;' Mrs. H. C. MoCabe, Delaware, O.; Mrs. .William Christie Her ron. Cincinnati; Mrs. John M. Walden, Cin cinnati; Mrs. Charles H. Fowler. New "York; corresponding secretary, Mrs, Delia Iathrop Williams, Delaware; recording secretary. Mrs. F. " A. Aiken. Cincinnati: treasurer, Mrs. George H. Thompson, Cin- nnnaii: managers. Miss Henrietta A. Bun croft, Detroit; Mrs. William A. Goodman. Jr., Tlnclnnstl; Mrs. E. L. Albright. Dela ware, mrm. j. , w . uosnng, Cincinnati; Mrs. O. P. McCarty.-Cincinnati; Mrs. I. D. Jones, Cincinnati; Mrs. Anna Kent, East Orange, N. J.; Mrs. W. L. Boswell, Phila- eieipnia; airs. w. M. Ampt, Cincinnati; Mrs. W.. F. Robertson, Norwood. O.; Mrs. D. D. Thompson, Kvanston, 111.; Mrs. P. D. Perchment, Pittsburg; associate managers, Mrs. John - Neff. Baltimore; Mrs. J. p. Negus, Biouz City. la.: Mrs. D. B. Street. Washington, D. C.j Mrs. W. T. Brown, In- nianspotw; Mrs. j. M. fattison. Milfoid, 0.;.Mrs, W, B. Mellsh, Cincinnati; Mr?. W. J-. . tnirKieia, wasnington, L. c. A committee consisting of Mrs. M. K. Roberts of Lincoln, Mrs. M. C. Hickman of Iowa and Mrs. "Winston of California was appointed to' attend' the funeral of Mrs. I sa belle Bpurlock, which occurs at York tomorrow, and to secure a suitable floral offering. Ths report af ths enrolling committee showed tflaT here are 20t delegates In attendance. 'During Jhe day reports were heard from a large numWr of conference corresponding secretaries uiul almost with out exception they showed the work to be In a most flourishing condition. At ths afternoon session temperance and Immigration work occupied the greater portion of the time, while at the evening session hospital work was considered. Maay Edaeaters Cosalasi, Stats Superintendent McBrlen is receiv ing assurances from , large numbers of educators that they will be present at the annual meeting of . ths Superintendents and Principals' ' association, which occurs in this city October IS. 19 and SO. The annual banquet will be held at the Lindell hotel Friday evening at 8 o'clock. the toaetmaster will be rluperinteudont C. A. Fullmer of Beatrice. tkasft la Aaaesssseat Bleaks. There will be a number of changes in the blank schedules furnished assessors in the future. Secretary Bennet made up thu copy for the new schedules today and fourteen, Items which were on the old schedules . have beeu eliminated. These are things which properly belong under ths heads of merchandise or household goods and which, while they, occupied. jxf(U)Bffl(BDd y: All of this can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this jjreat liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at $i.oo per bottle. Our little book, telling all about ( this liniment, will be sent free. Dji Brisfssli tictltttf Ci, AtUitt, Ba. There b a McKibbin glove made lor every known fjove need. Attention is called lo trie dress or stteet glove because it is a sample MeKlbbln value; made of Imported Cape. Outtesm, or Imported Kid. P. K. sewed. $1.50 RepreseutJtirs Dealers, room on the old blanks, seldom had any thing listed after them. A number of Items have been added to take the places of those which were cut out. For in stance, automobiles, whjch have heretofore been listed with bicycles, have been given a separate line. There Is also a line for cream separators and one for saddles and harness. Fresh mum President Ducked. Student circles at Nebraska university were wrought up today over one of the liveliest 'class scraps In the history of the Institution. The turmoil resulted from the annual election of a president of the freshmen class. In which P. J. Heskett of Lincoln was the victor over George Wal lace of Omaha. It hss been the custom for years at the university for the sopohO' mores to either break up the freshmen election or to heap some indignity upon the "freshios" In order that the latter may" not put on patrician airs. Chsncellor Andrews heard of the im pending row and made a personal appeal to Samuel RlnaJcer, president of the "sophs," to urge his classmates to lot the freshmen proceed In peace. Rinaker gave the de sired pledge, but It was without avail, for the freshmen had no sooner adjourned their meeting when the sophomores captured Heskett and loaded him Into a delivery wagon. A mad drive followed through the streets to the Thompson fountain, eight blocks south of the campus, where a mock court decreed that Heskett should be given a ducking. A squad of freshmen appeared upon the scene at that Juncture, but they were routed and four of their party taken captive. The ceremony of immersion fol lowed in due form. Heskett and his four classmates emerging from the ice bath with the water streaming from their clothes. The police had sought to prevent sny demonstration, three uniformed men being dispatched to the university to stand guard, but the sophomores outwitted the officers and proceeded with the ducking while the guardians of the law were patrolling the university grounds and hsd lulled them selves Into the belief that they had the situation well in hand. nssband and Wife Drag; Fiends. After once procuring his relesse on habeas corpus from the Lincoln stse hnnpKaJ. where he was confined ss a dipso maniac patient, Leroy Craig of Mitchell, Scott's Bluff county, has been returned to the Institution on a charge similar to the first one. His wife has been brought here with him this time. It Is alleged that both have. become, addicted to the use of morphine and cocaine. Crnig' has been at Denver and taken the Keeley cure sine Ms former Incarceration, but It did not remove his craving for drugs. He Is a practicing physician. The couple have no children. After Omaha Mai. The presence of fifteen witnesses from Council Bluffs at the federal grand lury session in Lincoln this week hss given rise to a rumor that an Indictment Is pond ing against C T. Stewart, a wealthy resi dent of Council Bluffs, who Is a member of the wholesale grocery firm of Stewart Bros, at Omaha, In connection with al leged land frauds .In McPherson county, Neb. Stewart Is heavily Interested In cat tle raising, and In addition to a large ranch has for a number of years been pasturing herds on part of the -public domain which was fenced in for the purpose. The, wit nesses from Council Bluffs, It Is reported. sre men who went to McPherson county at Stewart's request, took up homestead within his grazing area and shortly after ward assigned their claims to him. The rumors of sn Indictment to be returned against Stewart have been so persistent that his lawyer from Council Bluffs, Km mett Ttnley, Is in Lincoln to Invellyate the matter. Besides the Stewart matter the grand jury Is also Investigating the oharge that Wellker, a Council Bluffs meat dealer, is under suspicion ef having acted ss Stew art's agent In the alleged fraudulent entries. The specific charge s that he secured claimants to go to McPherson county to settle on the land. Nearly flf teen cltlsens of Council Bluffs sre now In Lincoln to testify before the Jury. Most of them say they made the trip to Mc Pherson county, filed on government lend. and afterwards , sold their interests to Stewart. Dies sitting la Chair. 8lttlng In an upright position in a chair. a knife tlgwtly grasped In his right band and a pall of potatoes lying at his fet the lifeless body of John Lefferdliik . of 8prugue was found today. Foul play was at first suspeoted, but later developments convinced the investigators that the man had died of heart failure. Salt ta Oast lies t'esnnaar. The Lincoln city council tonight adopted the report of a committee declaring the Lincoln Gas company without a franchise, and instructed the city attorney to bsm suit of ouster. The gaa company is capital ised at U,:j0,000. It la owned by what Is known as the McMillan syndicate of New York. H. L. Doherty of Denver is the president. Every womti covet a shapely, pretty figure, and many of therrl deplore the loss of their girlish forma after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. DAKOTA CITY. Neb., Oct. IS. (Special Tcii t urn.) Notwiilismnuing that termers aie i.u:- hum-sung a high-priced and bountiltii crop of potatoes and a driszllng run suit uft in just btfore the commenc ing of the meeting, Uio afternoon repub lican rally ueld at the court house halt in this ptace today was will attended. The tntetlng was addressed by Edward O. Maggl oi Lincoln, Judge J. V. Boyd, ri publican congressional candidate; Judgo Melville It. Hnewell, candidate for lieu tenant governoi ; G ?orge. K. Wilts of Ran dolph, candidate for senator; Carl L. W( borg of Cuming county, candidate tor representative; Fred 8. Berry, candidate for county attorney, and George L. Shel don, candidate for governor, who deliv ered the principal address. Mr. Shel don's address was an able one, covering the state issues and standing for thu enactment of laws embodied in the state platform. Mr. felieldon called attention to the discrimination of freight rates against Dakota City. In this regard he said In part: The rate from Omaha to Minneapolis on wheat originating west of Omaha Is rents per hundred; tin- rate on whrai from Dakota City to Minneapolis, 10 miles shorter haul. Is 14' cents; the rate on wheal from Dakota City to Omaha Is H cents, the distance Is llii miles. In Iowa the rate for the same distance is RVfc cents. The rste on corn from Da kota City to Omaha Is II cents per hun dred, while In Iowa for the same dis tance It Is 7 1-1 cents. The rate on lum ber from Dakota City to Minneapolis, ITS miles, is 18 cents per hundred, while the rata from Omaha to Dakota City, IK mlls, is 13 cents. The rate on lumber In Iowa for 116 miles Is 6 63-100 cents. Party Demands Equality. "The reason these comparisons of Ne braska freight rates with those of Iowa and Minnesota were made." Mr. Bh!do said, "was because the republican party of Nebraska Is trying to secure railway legislation through an elective railway commission, such as Iowa and Minnesota have, and by this means secure lower and equitable freight rates with our ad Joining states. The present plan pro posed by the republican party Is one which can be made effective and will not be de clared unconstitutional, as was the case with the maximum freight law." In the adjustment of passenger and freight rates, Mr. Sheldon said lie wanted lower freight rates and a 2-rent passen ger rate on all the roads In Nebraska If It could be secured, but In fixing these rates It should be home In mind that a road such ss the O'Neill Short Line, earn ing only $83 per mile per annum, could not be placed on the same basis as the Union Pacific system In Nebraska, earn ing over 17.000 per mile per annum. Mr. Sheldon urged his hearers to stand for the policies sdvocated by him by voting for the republican nominees for both branchs of the Nebraska legislature and for congressmen. Judge Boyd stood for President Roose velt and the principles enunciated by him. MVLLEN. Neb., Oct. 15. (Special Tele gram.) Congressman Klnkald addressed a large audience In thin city this afternoon In the Interest of his candidacy for re election. His warmest friends are resi dents of the territory affected by the 60 acre homestead bill and the vote here will be almost solid for him. Political Meetlagr at Kaotls. EUSTIS, Neb., Oct. 15. (Special.) At the republican meeting held here a large and appreciative audience listened to animated speeches made by L. H. Cheney, county attorney of Frontier county; A. Wllsey, eenatorial candidate for this dis trict, snd Congressman Norrls. L. H. Cheney spoke briefly of county affairs. Senator Wllsey then spoke of railroad regulation In the state, saying that ths fifty-ninth congress hsd set ths example, and that "It la up to us in the next session of the legislature to supplement tne na tional law." That a railroad rate commis. slon should be elected by the state to amend ths constitution for that purpose. Judge N orris, candidate for congressman of the Fifth district, the main speaker of the evening, was received enthusiastically. Hs said, in part: "The government that is most successful is ths one that brings most happiness to the people. In these political campaigns the only honorable thing to do Is to treat every one as you would have them treat you. The presi dent's message to the Fifty-eighth con gress, aa also to the Fifty-ninth, regarding Interstate commerce, was Just and fair. I voted for the bill with all Its provisions, which were also Just, and an elaboration Of the president's message. Congress' ac tion on the meat question was prompt and effective. The Panama canal, which has been the dream of the American people for so long, was made possible by the Fifty-ninth congress. This canal will do more good toward equalizing freight rates than anything else in our political sys tem. The republican party Is a party that does things. The democratic party Is a party that does people." JIMP IS FATAL TO M1C!IARD0 Vletlss Ssppesed ta Have Bees De mented 4t Tisse. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 16 (Special )- Pleasant Richardson, a renter living east of this city. Jumped off thw hack end of a lower Main street rooming house this morning and sustained Injuries which re sulted in his death a tew hours later. Just how the affair occurred is not known. He had not been quite right mentally for some time, and had been drlnkii g considerably. but not more than usual, and those whi saw him Juat before hs Jumped say that he acted as usual. A number of persons saw him coma out on the root and Jump to the ground, a distance of about twelve feet. He was unconscious when picked up and remained so until his death at the hospital Just before noon. Flaa Teaaa Stalea. !. Neb.. Oct. It. (Six i - gram.) Aoui o clock last night a team of fine black horses, a set of harness and an excellent rubber tired buggy- owned b R. Laumban' were stolen from a hitch rack on Third street In this city. At the sumo time a saddle was taken from a hors owned by B. E. Aucker near by, also u overcoat and a lap robe from a buggy of Ray Herdue. 'Phone nut sages wers sent In evt ry direction, but without results. This forenoon two blood hounds were brought here from t.'oncord and wtre enabled to get the scent b smelling nets thst hsd been on the horses snd placed on the ground where the team had been standing. They followed tbr trail about seventeen miles and then gave It up. Oulsea Weddlag Celekratlea. GOTHENBURG. Neb.. Oct. l.-(SpecU! Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Peck ham celebrated their .golden wedding st their beautiful country home sevn miles southwest of this city, fully m relatives, friends and neighbors being present st the reception. At L':3U a picnic dinner was strtsd and at I M the wedding ceremony LJ Ask for the Brewery Bottling. O Common beer is sometiines substituted for Schlitz. X To avoid being imposed uon, see that the cork or crown is branded That Made' Milwaukee fa was conducted by Rey,. Leedon of Kearney in the presenc of several hundred people. One of the features "of the occasion was an offer of $100 to any young couple who would get married with them upon this occasion. This proposition was accepted by Mr. William Howater, a prosperous farmer aouth of the river and a neighbor of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Peckham, who msr rled Miss Alice Kleeb, a resident of Colo rado, Just after the golden wedding cer emony was performed. SHALLESBEKUKR FAILS TO DRAW Democratic Leader Has a Small Crowd at Staaton. STANTON, Neb.. Oct. 15.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The much advertised Shaflonbergcr rally that was to have been held here to day simmered down to a meeting in the court house attended by thirty-one demo crats and a dozrn republicans. Candidates Shallenberger and Green put in an appear ance at noon and for an hour walked up and down the streets with a couple of local democrats, inviting business men and such others ss they could find to come to the speaking. Shallenberger's topics were taxes, passes and railroad ownership by the government, and his chief stork in trade was to take the money now being expended in constructing the Panama canal and build a transcontinental railroad. lie talked nbout an hour, but'avolded explain ing why he had heretofore used passes himself. He left the Impression that lie had no practical Ideas and made no con verts, t Maunders t'ooaty Democrats. WAHOO, Neh.. Oct. 13.-(Hpeclal Trie, gram,) The democrats htld their county convention here this afternoon and nom inated the following' ticket: Representa I L , m.. a. , zl ..j...... y. ... . .-.T!:rf --r'-'-rpi .-:JMMjjMmimm Is said of "green beer" not of Schlitz. Schlitz beer is aged in glass enameled steel tanks for months before it is marketed. Fer- mentation is finished long before you get it.. . . That is an apparent virtue. But the chief i distinction of Schlitz is its purity a virtue that you can't see. Yet the cost of that purity exceeds The B felsing; I t ; com-1 tives, Frank Vatolensky and Emll Helsii county attorney. Judge M. .Qalloway missloner, August Elghmeir of Ithaca. Swedish Lathers n Convention. OAKLAND, Neb.. Oct. 16. (Special.! The Omaha district meeting snd young people's convention of the Swedish Luth eran church was held her Friday even ing, Saturday and Sunday. On Pnturriay evening the new pipe nrgnn, which has Just been Installed In the church here, was dedicated, Rev. F. N. Swsnberg making the dedication speech. Several selections were rendered 'by Prof. A. O. Peterson of Walioo. and solos by Prof. F. W. Hudson of Wahoo and Axel Helgren of Oman.. Sunday afternoon the young people's pro gram was rendered, delegates from Omaha, South Omaha. Fremont and Oakland tak ing part. Sermons were delivered by Pas tors C. E. Elving, J. V. Carlson, P. M. Llndberg and Elaf Peterson, and the meet ing was well attended by delegates from the congregations of the Omaha district fm of Xrhraiku. SHELBT The Ancient Order of I nited Workmen buried D. L. Rinesmlth Sunday afternoon. BLOOM Ft ELD A series of revival imet Ings is in progress at the ('oiigreKatloual church, under the dl.ectlori of Rev. George 11. Williams, an evangelist. COLirMBl'rt The demnciats of Columbus met in supervisor convention Saturday. It was a lively crowd and there were H goodly number of candidates. The lucky man WkS IOUiS SwhiIj. HARVARD Thrre has been cloudy wejthtr and ccrasloiial light rains since Saturday, though hardly .enough to well lay the dusc that had ixrome of a very disagreeable nature. FREMONT Gregrea P. Johnson of this city died this morning at the nge of 7i years, lie was a native of Denmark and an old settler in Dodpe county, t'luilc Johnson of Elkhora township is his run. BLOO.MF1ELD - The Commercial hotel, Why 5yrup.of fis the- best family laxative It is pure. It is gentle. It Is pleasant. It Is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances It is used by millions of families tb.4 world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. all other costs of our brewing. Phone 918 Jos. SchilU Brewing Co. VI 9 So. 9th St., Om.-iha eer the leading hotel In this city, will change hands about December 1. N. P. Peterson. the present owner, has disposed of his Interests to J. H. Conley of Norfolk. Neb. STELLA J. C. Relmers has leased hla Interest in the firm of Relmers Brothers' meat market to C. U. Miller of Pawnee City, a traveling salesman, for the iust few years In this territory for Cudahy & Co. HARVARD Work on the building In which rvival meetings Is expected to be held early In November Is nbout to com mence und everything will be In readiness for the union meetings at the appointed time. STELLA Rev. G. H. Schleh of Omaha was present and conducted the ceremony of ur veiling the monument at Prairie I tilon cemetery of W. N. Hodge. A large dele gation of Falls City inemtwrs of the Wood men of the World were present. SHELBY The new Methodist church at this place was ddeicated yesteroay by Chai.cellor Huntington of Wesleyau uni versity. Although the amount to br raised to clear the debt was aliout Wh more than V were paid In at th forenoon meeting. GENEVA A barn belonging lo J. C. Frluk. south of town, burned yesterday morning with all its contents, also tour head of horses. No one was at home at the time. It contained a lot of new hay and this was supposed to have caused thu lire. The loss was about tl.ono. RX'LO Some person has been continually stealing from William Wallace. The thief recently stole twenty-five large spring chickens, stove wood, dug his sweet pota toes and even went Into his cellar and took some of his canned fruit. The old man. although near his sttth year, supports himself by day lahor. PAPILLION The coroner wua notilied this morning of a man lound dead nar Mcarhow, Sarpy county. He cliove out and brouKht in the remains, which were badly mangled. His nume is Frank McNaiaru and he was about 30 years old. From papers found be was a telegraph operator from Kerby. O. A telegram was s.nt to that place this morning. ALBION In the district court yesterday the Jury In the case of Jensen o fcwan against Pulatlre Insurance con. puny re turned a verdict for M.Onn, the full amount asked by the plaintiff, with interest from BecdMsc Its component parts sre all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. , It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste- All tire pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by (aufqrnia Ifd Syrvp(9 Sasa rraaclsco. Csvl. Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y. FOB SALE BY ALL LBAOIKQ DHUOGISTS. uifu I T date of fire, and costs of suit. ' Thin was a hotly contested case, the trial of which lasted for ther better part of three days. Court adjourned until ' December 11. Rl'LO The republicans of Rulo town ship met In the council room at 7:30 p. m. Saturday and placed the following candi dates in the field for Rulo township: L. B. Plumb, township treakurer; James Wlltse, ! township clerk; Ilarland Jones, road over seer, district No. 1; 11. S. Morehouse, road overseer, district No. '1; T. J. Asher, rond overser, district No. 3. The democrats met In the same room nt o'clock the same evening and placed a full ticket in nomina tion. Rt'LO The Burlington Railroad eomimny finished painting its Sl.otKi.tmn brldit" that crosses the river at this point today. It wns a Job entailing about S-.K expense and requiring fifteen or twenty men for several weeks. The gang will begin paint ing the bridge between here and Preston Monday, which will require several days' labor. Gust Johnson of Nebraska City has charge of the work. The company paints Us Iron bridges every five years. Rl'LO L..f M. Jones has about 100 acres of Missouri bottom land to corn that, ac cording to several estimates, will yield about seventy-five busnels to the acre. It is an Immense crop and many other bottom farms will equal this yield. Many ears are ten to twelve inches in length and contain twelve to eighteen rows of kernels; 1,1am tr 1,10' kernels lo a single ear Is not uncom mon. The upland corn Is very good ever on poor land. An experienced farmer said the other day that ' the extremely dry weather was the making of the Immense crop of ones, wheat, apples und corn. FREMONT An old two-story building on Fourth street, at he corner of Main, is causing the city officers considerable Iroublo today. It .'us formerly occupied by a saloon and wis moved to the present stke until a brick block could be erected Oh the corner. The brewing company which owned It sold It to Charles I'eiiglei, a Sixth street furniture dealer, who In tended to move It ,to the rear of his store for ue as a warehouse, but before he huil it moved the council extended the lire lim its and he had no use for the bulldlnK. Nelthr he nor the hi t wing company show any Intention of ir.nvino' It, and adjoining pioperty owners are kicking ubout the ob struction of the street. .