Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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, !cphori nortt1a 618." ' " ' ' X.T
Baby's Fall and Winter
y v Wardrobe.
Case after case of prettynew tilings for the little ones Hre now
on display avaitmg yonr view
Proud . mamas ivlio are planning the
winter wardrobe for the little ones will
find our assortment splendidly ready.
Yuu cas) chooM economically from a splc
nd span new gathering. Never bofora
at Thompson, Belden & Company has
there been such an array of Infants' wear.
The display; wefoomes you If only for a
look. ( - .
Bootees of the most varied character
--some -pretty effect a In Imported ma
chine knit goods, the stitch being espec
ially attractive and the finished bootees
very soft and light. Priced from 50n to
11. to per pair.
Dainty liand-cmhroidered pique slippers
Howard Cor.
! fined 1 cent a bushel fcr. every bushel
sold. You can fee thHt the grain dealers
ure being discriminated n gainst ly the
farmers... The farmers arc closely Milled
and they diaerlmlnate against others more
tlian they are discriminated r.gainrt.''
B. K. Hoschhauni, son of the iimn whs
had Just testified. supplemented liln
father's testimony with mire d"t tl. und
the session waa adjourned nt tlmt xiiit.
A number of proinlnrnt ChiCngo Hoard
of Trada members have Ikmiii sithpueined
to the witness stand for lomarrmv
Kev. K. M. Buatrell.
UKATRICK, Neb., Oct. 13. ( Tele
gram.) Rev. K. M. Buswell. one of the
most prominent Christian Scientists of the
United (States, a student of Mury Knker
Q. Eddy of Boston and the head of the
Christian Science church of Beatrice, died
uddnly ' to lay. Years ago he established
a church In this city and since that time
has held annual meetings of Christian
Scientists, which have been attended by
followers oif this doctrine throughout the
west and different pHrt of th Cnlted
State. Ue. served In the civil war. was 62
yars of age, a pioneer of this section and
leaves a widow. Funeral In this- city at 2
i 'cluck Wednesday afternoon.
Memorial to Dtst Inaulshed l:lk.
HARRIS Rl'RO. Pa.. Oct. 13.-A marble
shaft and fountain erected by the Order of
Klks throughout the Cnlted State In
memory of Meade D. Detwetler of H,i nti
burg, twice grand exalted ruler of the or
der, was unveiled In Reservoir park here
today, the anniversary cf Mr. Dctwellr's
WATCHES -Krenaer, 16th and Dodgs.
Fair amd Warmer In Nebraska Today,
Fair TomorrowShorn era In
Iotth Today.
WASHINGTON, Oc-Vi l-Focecaat of the
weather for Tuesday .and Wednesday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair and
warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, fair.
For Iowa and , Missouri Showers Tues
day;; Wednesday, fair and warmer.-
For Wyoming and- Cblrfrado Fair and
warmer Tusday:v,.TeOmesfl'T. fain and
For South ' Dakota Fair, 'and warmer
Tuesday; Wednesday, fnir, ecepl showers
and cooler In west portion. ' '
Local Record.
O.MAHA. Oct. 15. Official record of temper
aturo and precipitation compared with the
corresponding day of the last three venrs:
19m i;nt. iwh. iy.t
Maximum temperature.. ni M 72 ,V,
Minimum temperature.... 55 4n jn 47
Mean temperature......... HO 47 HI M
t'reclpltatinn T .04 .00 .07
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal nt Oiniiha since March l
and comparison with the last two veurr;
Normal temperature ,..' 61
Excess for the day 7
Total -excess since March 1 6
Normal precipitation .Winch
Jrfteleney for the d.iy Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 22.94 Inches
Deficiency since March 1.., 4.0! Inches
TVflclency for cor. period. 1i5.... 4.7! Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904 3.(7 Inches
Reports from station nt T I'. M.
Station and Stats . Temp. Max. Rnln
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp, fall
Rlsrnsrck. clear M K4 .ol
Cheyenne, i.lear 52 K2 .on
Chicago, part cloudy ;.. 62 M .i
Davenport, cloudy K4 70 .
Denver, clear .Hi ii4 .un
Havre, cloudy f-4 K4 Oi
Helena, clear ;, 5ti .in
Huron, cloudy 1 K4 T
Kansaa City, cloudy ........ bi 62 id
North Platte, cloudy 64 W .(rt
Omaha, cloudy S3 4 T
Rapid City, clear ,.54 tit n
St. Dnnls, cloudy ..' 4 t .in)
St. Paul.' cloudy Ml (A .ft)
Salt I.k City, part cloudy W 70
Valentine, clear hi 4 .
Wllllston. clear 54 & .mi
"T" Indicates trace of preclpittitiiiu.
I,. A. WK1.SH.
Local Forecaster.
A Bold Step.
To overcome the well-grounded and
reasons bio ubjoctlons of tha moro Intel
ligent to the tise of secret, mexliclnal coru-
pounds. Dr. R. V. Herce, of Buffalo. N.
V., aome time ago, Uecided to make bold
departure from the ual course pursue
by tha makers of putrtip medicines for do-
nesuc use, ana.o ms published broad-
cast and o,
to the whole world, a full
and comp
aterlna It
list of all the Ingredients
position of his widely
ex. Thus be has taken
his nume
irons and patients into
kls full
nee. ihus too he has ro
od! el lies from among secret
doubtful merits, and made
U9 Of Known t omposttton.
sti-n Dr Pierce has shown
Lis lorinuTas fli -7Jrsti.-JercelIci,cn
lpni. iiy is nny u.i..i suu.ot yiiem V
liillcl. syrutipT, '
Vl" f"H t rlT"tlPTi .
V,1.'1 loeA tba v ripper ct ererjr bottle
oi ir. net uouien airotcw UlseoYery. the
Ysujous medicine for weak stomach, torpid
lijr orbillouMieaa aad all catarrhal dlkvaM-a
wbsrerer located, have printed upon it, n
fUU it!uA. a full and complete of all
lbs Ingredleuta cuDipulng It, but a small '
book lias been compiled from numerous
standard raodu-.l woik. of all the different
schools of practice, contstnlng Terr numer
ous extracU frno the writings of leading
prsciUioners of nieoicliie. enilomiiig tn tiis
ttruHttut poMtWe terms. eVch and esery tngie-AiL-at
runlained In Dr I'lerce s medic men.
One of tliuse little lxikwlll be mailed frea
to any one sending nUrtu on jxiktal card or
by Utter, to Dr. k. V. Vlerce. Buffalo. N. V..
aad requesting tba satna. Kroin this little
book it will bo learned that Dr. 1'lerce's med
l.'lnea contalu no alcohol, natvotlca. mineral
agents or other poisonous or Injurious agents
and that they are made from native, medici
nal roots of great raluei also that some of
tba most valuable lugredleias contained tn
Dr. Pierce's r asortta ProM-riplion for weak,
liersous, orer-wurked. srun-down," nervous
and debilitated women, were rmployed. long
ears by the litdiaua for slutlar ailmrnta
agactlug their aquswa. In fact, one of tba
Must valuable medicinal plants entering Into
tue eompusitioa of Ir. Pierce t'avorite Pre
aciiptioo was koowa to the Indiana aa
"Squaw-Weed. Our knowledge of tba uwi
of uot few of our must valuable native. ne
dlclBai plaota was gained from tba Indiana.
Aa made up by Improvad and exact pro-
reuses, U " Turti Preacrtpiton U iiukt
efficient remedy tor recalettn all the wura
auly functions, rorm-tliiar displacements, as
ixulapaua. anteTerkloa and retorerion.
frenrcoailnf painful periods, tooin aD ihs
sod brlngtnf alum nrrtn-t watauf
a l is Sold bj all dealers in medtclnna,
iiMha com
rrQs v&
""n ' "'"' ' Bh, October 15. 1906.
and choosing.
th straps, lure edge and rlhjon lus.
Priced from 60c to 12.23 per pair.
Pretty kid bootees, color pink, blue,
white, gray, brown and tan, daintily trim
med ;n nuhun. Prices, 50c and 73c per
Bibs, designed to protect, small, rouna
ha pea are most in demand, but fancy
shapes 'are always good, tiny trill of
lace, banda of Insertion to tlia most fairy
like spraya of liand-embroldery, acrva to
miike them moat attractive. Priced from
3ie to t'.R0 each.
Watch for display ft infants' wear In
our Howard street window.
Main floor.
Sixteenth Street.
entsst for Millions ef Lats William
Weiehtnso Inddesly Terminated.
Aa Soon aa Lawyers for (iraadeblldrrn
See It T!iey Ask for t'ontln
annce Contents Care
fully f.nnrded.
I'llllDKl-r-HIA. Oct. 1.-The fight be
tween two women over the distribution
of the SHn.0no.ftin est ute of the Inte William
Welghlnian, the chenUft. was abruptly
hnlted today by the production of a sm.ill
piece of note paper that had turned yellow
with age. What the piece of pMPT ci n
tuins wns not mnde public, and the few
persons who huve seen It have 'pladsed
themselves never to -reveal Its contents.
The halt In the proceedings was made at
the suggestion of counsel for Mrs. Joner
Wister. who is acting as guardian for her
daughter, Martha, the contestant.
William In 1S4 made a .will
leaving his vast estate equally among Anne
M. Weightinan Walker, his daughter, ami
two sons, William and John., Ten years
later he made a new will, leaving hia. en
tire estate to the daughter, the two sons
having died, leaving eight children. The
widow of William Welghtmaii. tho mother
of five of the children, married Jone Wis.
ter. and when Mr. Weightinan, her fpther-In-law,
died, she contested the will- on be
half of her minor daughter. Martha, op
the ground that he left a Codicil,' In whl"!i
he rrovlded for the. grandchildren. Mrs.
Walker denied that her father hnd niHde
a codicil. The contest was begurt nertriv
two years ago and wns called for flel
before Judge Ashman hi the orphan's court
' Myaterlona Pieces 'of Paper..
Xtne of the .witnesses tv1y was ' Mrs
Walker, another waa Edward T. Davis, for
many " yenrs private ancretary to Mr.
Welghtmni), who was ft witness to tho
signing of the last wllL Counsel for Mrs.
Wlater asked him If he remembered M".
Welghtman'a subsequent . codlcfl fo draw
ing, up hi wit), hiu-lng written something
on a piece of note-paper and plaolng It In
his desk. He said he hurt, but ' did not
know what Mr. Welghtman had written.
Thereupon Alexander Simpson. Jr., of coun
sel for Mrs. Wister. demanded the pro
duction of the paper. It was produced
and read by Mrs. Winter's attorneys. The
witness said It looked like the paper he
had seen Mr. Weightinan write. The ex
amination of Mrs. Walker followed,, no
further attention being paid to the piece
of paper.
After recess Mr .Simpson announced that
counsel for both sides had held a confer
ence and at the request of Mrs. Wlster'a
lawyers, the-opposing side had consented
to a continuance of the case. This sud
den halt in the proceedings caused a 'sen
sation, and rumors were put in circula
tion that the case had been compromise!.
All attorneys denied that a compromise had
been agreed to and none would give a rea
aon for the postponement. Finally It
waa admitted that the piece of paper was
the cause of the sudden turn of affairs.
Mrs. Walker was not aware that the cuse
had been contlnufd ,untll she arrived at
the. court room in the afternoon. There
was a general shaking of hands and every
oth r Indication that Mrs; Walker waa
satisfied with the arrangement
Lawyers Decline to TalL..
The lawyers for Mra. Wlstir declined to
discuss the case and all that the attor
neya for Mrs. Walker will say la that
the paper waa neither a will nor a codicil.
It Is iH'llcvcd that attorneys for Mrs. Wla
ter thought that the paper placed In the
desk waa the codicil which Mrs. Wister
saya Mr. Weightmau executed and that
when the paper was produced and found
not to be what Ihey thought It was, they
asked for a continuance.
One of the attorneya was asked what the
paper contained, and said:
"I will not t'll; It is beyond human pos
sibility for thJt paper to be made public."
Richard W. Melis. son-in-law of Mrs.
Wister and nepln w of Mrs. Walker, aald
he hoped It would never aee the light of
day. '! would lather have my tongue cut
out than reveal what was. In that p:per."
he said. ' "Cp to today when it was pil
vately shown In court only four person
In the world had seen It. The paper Is in
the possession of my aunt's topnsel dnd
its contents' will not lie made public."
While the lawyers will' not express an
opinion as to whether the case will ever
aglUn be called In court, tluy intimate that
the Wisters-will take no further at'tlmi.
1 " Cnre a Cole n One Day,
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money If 1t fails to cure.
E. YV. Grove's signature is on each box. Ssc.
t nlons Object to skirt Factory.
SIOCX F AL1.8. 8. D.. Oct. lo.-tSpeelal.)
A feature of the annual meeting of the
members of the Sioux Falls Labor le-iguc
was the action taken in reference to the
shin factory whl. h la lelng operated
with convict IuImji- at the Sioux Falls pen
Ituntiary. U was decided to consult with
the upnitnees for the legislature from this
(Minnehaha) county and endeavor to se
cure promises from them that they would
support ths passage of a bill for tha re
peal of the law under which the shirt fac
lory is being operated at the in-mujiiiay.
The organised labor element of Sioux
Fslls cont?nds that the employment of
convict labor In the making of shirts
keeps employment away from union labor.
Hose Case UiamUaed.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 15In the case of
Mayor Koa of Kanaas Ciiy. Kan., against
the atute of KanaaK. Mr state today en
tered a moilon to dlemisa. The ce is on
appi-al fr-n the decision of the supreme
court t Kaunas lining SLua for tak
ing the oitti-e. it ,-n.tyor .a. second time In
th face of. the . i.uri'a Lijum tlon. Tim
case grew i.f .i rharge that Kose i.
fused to nf J v H.e Khiisaa liquor iawa.
Haaj Delegates with Wires Arrirs te
Attend Amsricaa Association Meetinr.
Annnnt Convention Opens Tuesday
and Will End Friday Largest
Convention , for Town
Since World's Fnlr.
ST. DOCIS. rw;. I5.-Hundreds of dele
gates, many of tbm accompanied by their
wlvfs. have arrived to attend the thirty
second annual convention of the American
Bankers' association, which brains here to
morrow and will conclude on Friday.
The meeting is expected to be the largest
convention that the city has entertained
since the World's fair.
Among the prominent visiting financiers
are Veijlro Ono, superintendent of agencies
of the Runk of Japan, and K O. Vaughan,
president of the Fifth National Bank of
Cuba at Havana. Mr. Vauirhaii Is an ac
credited delegate, representing Cuba.
Mr. Ono is Investigating American y.
tems of banking. Others here nre O. S.
Whitson, vice president of the Nat!o:iul
City bank, New York, and also first vice
president of the association; Colonel
James R. Rranch of New York, secretary
of the association, and William CJ. VHs
willlam of New York, acslstant secretary
of the Columbia Trust company.
In conjunction with the-convention pro
gram a program of entertainment has been
formulated for the delegates and It is an
ticipated that convention matters will not
entirely ubsorb all the allotted tlin".
(Continued from First rage )
annex, which after today should be called
St. John's ball; hut his heart was most
drawn to the parent of them all, Creightnn
Kdward Creightnn and Ills wife were of
one mind In desiring to establish a free
college, where those bereft of fortune, f
well as the more favored could acquliv.
without money and without price, a
thorougli and romplete Christian educa
tion, such as would tit them to enter with
honor any walk of life. In Us infancy
this college waa sufficiently provided for
by the endowment left by Its founderT but
as Ita work and Importance grew It be
came evident to Mr. Crelghton that It
needed larger resources; and. therefore,
for a number of years he lias tilled the
gap by continual donations, without which
It could ml have lived. I ain glad here
publicly to make tills acknowledgement of
an immense debt that Cliristinn education
owes to him. But tills day and this hour
have increased this debt, for he saw the
need of providing for the extension and
perpetuity of a work whose, result) have
Satisfied him. This is why he signalizes
his seventy-fifth birthdav, his diamond
Jubilee, by a princely gift whose magni
tude will place the Crelghton free college
beyond the reach of uncertainty, and se
cure for It a bright future. I bold In my
hand the deed for two pieces of property
whose value approximates $4n(l,il00. These
are given for the specific purpoae of sup
porting and maintaining Crelghton college
as a free Institution of .learning for all
I accept this gift from our co-founder
on behalf of the hoard of trustees of
Crelghton university, in the name of the
faculty and students, gnd in the name of
the unborn generations which will profit
hv this beacon light of Xnowledge erected
and maintained by the munificence of the
Crelghton familv. May tills institution
live, may It flourish, may it endure; and
mav the author of Its prosperity long sur
vive, to nee the fruition of his many bene
factiona and the fulfillment of his Jiopes.
as well as to enloy the reward )t his
charitable deeds, for the uplifting of man
kind. - . . - . "
Born In Ohio, lie Conies West In F.nrly
Count Crelghton wns born in Licking
county. Ohio. October 15. 1KI1. 1'ntil the
age of T lie remained with his parents on
the Ohio farm and attended St. Joseph's
college at Somerset. O. At 20 he was work
ing for hi brother Kdward constructing
telegraph lines from Toledo to Cleveland,
and later took charge of his brother's
grading contracts In Toledo, where he was
erriployed until Vf. Later he worked on
Hie construction of the North Missouri
railroad near Mexico. Mo.; from there he
went to Keokuk, la., where he disposed of
all but three of 3 head of horses for his
brother Kdward. He traded one of the
three animals for a carriage and harness
and hitched up the other two to the ve
hicle thus obtained and drove to Omaha,
arriving here July 1. lWi.
His first four years here were spent , on
a farm near the city, then he clerked for
J. J. and It. A. Brown and later resumed
telegraph construction with his brother.
Most of his time from Hl to 1SW was spent
In the west with his brother and a cousin.
With James Crelghton. a cousin, he took
a tralnload of supplies to Virginia City,
Mont., where he remained Ave years. In
J he went Into business In Omaha as
member of the firm of Crelghton Mor
gan. 1'pon the death of Kdward Crelghton. one
of the wealthiest men of the west, the
count was made administrator of the es
tate, and from that time has been one of
the chief commercial and financial main
stays of the city.
The count is ldntifled with such enter
prises as the First National bank. Cnlon
stock yards of South Omaha, Intemate
Bridge and Street Hallway company and
others. In accordance with a wish of his
brother Kdward, John A. Creighton estab
lished a free college for the education of
youth, regardless of color or creed. His
munificent gifta have lieen In such monu
ments aa Creighton Medical college gt.
Joseph's hospital. Convent of Poor Clares,
Creighton College of ljiw and oilier. i:i-
j The title of count was conferred upon
I John A. Crelghton by Pope Leo XIII and
the University of Notre Dame selected him
as recipient of Its Lntacre medal.
Though Mr. Crelghton la 75 years of age
he still takes an active Interest In his
large business affairs, and It has been said
that no man In the city If more widely
known or more generally esteemed.
Says Count's Action Is Heault of Plan
Of IfJM.
President Dowiing was seen last evening
a tid said:
"Yes, It is true tliut two eurs aa Count
John A. Crelghton gave to the college
properties to tha amount of $2t).uou, namely,
tha Crelghton block and the Arlington
block. Our work is continually broadening
nut. Since that time the Kdward Creigh
ton institute, which contains the law, den
tal and pharmacy colleges, his been built
by the count snd was opened a year ago.
The three colleges In this building are In
Good Food
si irritable salad.
"There. & Renson." for
most successful operation at the present
time. . ;-, :
"With regard to Creightftn-college and
Count Crelghton'a latest donation. I may
say that he has never removed his kindly
hand or failed to foster the Institution
which has been founded by his family. I
know for S certainty that Cunt Creightnn
has long considered this great step, which
now places the Institution beyond a mere
precarious existence. For years the count
has watched the work done St the college,
and the present donation la an evidence of
the snlieifactlon he has felt In seeing his
lamented brother's and hit" owri Ideas car
ried out. In making this gift he is but
carrying out a steady purpose held In view
for many years. Desiring to see the col
lege endure, he has by this splendid bene
faction given It strength and tn measure
perpetuity. His aim has always been di
rected toward the permanent good nf the
college. The members of the Cretghton
family may be Justly proinl of this latest
act of beneficence, as of other countless,
good deeds which have added luster to the
Creightnn name and made It known and
honored in all qunrters of the world."
College Mint Be on Honnil financial
Rnala. nya Count.
During the day Count Crelghton -'sKred
a few minutes from the duties of hospital
ity for tin Interview with a reporter for
The TW. His kindly face beamed with
good nature as he rtcelved th" congratula
tions of his numberless friends. He said:
"For some time 1 have been fhinkinti
of putting Crelghton college on' a solid
financial basis. The work there 'by the
Jesuits Is expanding year by year. ' There
Is nearly double the numlvr of professors
at the college, now than there wns tin
vtars ago- and a large lw.dy of b-vntd
men ennnot live on or promises. These
men nre doing an linni'nsc work for the
weKt. nnd ns long as they are willing to
devote themselves to the good of others. I.
for one, am pleased to h ahlo to -see they
hall not Want a decent sustenance. I feel
that I could not give to a beltr- cause
than to education of the youth of the
'i have every confidence in Father Dow
ling and bis staff of profsors thit the
revenue from the p,'-e.,pnt gift will be bene,
ficlally used for the young men of the
west, for whom they ni'v devoting their
lives and labors Men who work without
flnv kind of Salary and fur their ioth"s
and necessary food make me wisli that
I bad double the amount to give them
"I have one child, and that Is Crelghton
university, and I think that since the
early 8)'s. when it was founded by my
brother, Kdward, and his. wife, It hus
grown Into pretty lusty manhood. I be
lieve the college, under ti e present Man
agement, has. it magnificent career before
It. I take the keenest Interest in tt, find
I know that In scholarship it la as good
as any of the Catholic-colleges of the land.
Young men who have pissed through that
Institution are beginning to make their
mark and make their Influence felt wher
ever they nre.
"It bos always been tny ambition, as it
was my brother's, to afford a free education
to all young men whor were d serving of
It and unable to pay. for it. At Creightnn
college a boy may get hia education with
out costing him a cent except (or books,
and these will be supplied if he cannot
afford to buy them. All I expect Is that
the boys who go there will turn out to be
gentlemen a.nd good living Catholics. I
know for certain that If they tuk advan
tage of the opportunities offered them there
they will be good men." .
On Tbls Ground Wife of Topeka Man
(ets niTOree In I)ls-
t . i- .
trlct -Court.
.. . '
Professional base ball la responsible for
the domestic troubles, of Delia K. Henry
and John Cooper Henry, according to Mrs.
Henry's story, as .she told It in Judge
Troup's court Monday morning. She and
her husband were married July 4,- liX), and
she says they lived happily for a year or
two. Then her husband began to play
bayn ball, in 1901 as an amateur and the
following year aa a professional. From
the moment ho entered professional ranks
she says he beaan to neglect her and their
child and devote, considerable attention to
other women.
She last heard of him at Topeka. Kan.,
where he waa playing ball.. She declares
for two yeara he has paid no attention to
his family and has not contributed any
funds. She has been working In a laundry
for her. living. Judge -Troup granted her
prayer for divorce.
Equipment Is Heady for Shipment lo
Director I'entland of Physical
Cultnre Department.
j Director Pentlund of the physical tlepart
j ment of the Young Men's Christian associ
ation has received word that the apparatus
for the gymnasium In tie new building Is
ready for shipment and will lie loaded at
his order. The association has sold all its
old apparatus and has ordered a complete
"new duplicate equipment
Delay In getting material to finish the
new building has canned a postponement
of the removal of the assiKiatinn to Its new
home to November 1 at the earliest. On
that date or soon after the association will
move with all ' Its belongings from ita
present quarters in the Rolirbough building.
Offices, gymnasium, bath 'rooms and pluniie
baths will be completed about tout
though for a considerable. period after that
educational and other department work
will have to be carried ,on in temporary
quarters in gymnaKluiii and offices.
files Cored tn U to 14 I)aa.
Paso Ointment is guaranteed to cure suy
' cane of Itching. Blind. Rleedlng or Protrud
! Ii tt Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded.
' Ejc.
oiubrr This Yrnr Wo Far K.sreed
Total of All of Last
Year, ,
The records of the building inspector s
i i dice show the total number of permits
j issued this year up to Miaiday, Inclusive,
was one short of tho total Issued last year.
With two and a half mouths to run this
j year Inspector Withnell expects to tlnlhli
Ihe year with colora flying.
' Mr. Withnell has had this inscription
primed on all his envelopes: Omaha, "The
! Market Town;" Realm of King Ak-Sar-jDen;
?.(iit in I'M').
I Monday morning a permit was Issued
for the construction of a brick lire engine
I house at Twenty-fourth and Cuming
istreu. the cost to be l.noo.
Federal Court nt fclons Kalis.
BIOl'X FALLS, 8. D., Oct. 15.-Spe-clal.t
The regular October term of
I'nlted Slates court will convene In this
city tomorrow, with Judge John K. Car
land presiding. For the , first time In
many years a grand jury was not sum
moned, this doubtltsa being due largely
to the fact that there already are eiuugh
cafes ready for trial to occupy the atten
tion of the petit Jury and the court for
u week or two. Among the cases which
will be. culled for trial nre several In con
nect Ion with- alleged fraud ' in securing
tracts ut government Uud in South Dakota.
Omaha's Popular Daylight Store
You don't iuhmI places to sco the bargains wo are offering. We have the heM lighted store In the rlty
uo dark corners, but everything is where oti ran nee (I and npprecU e the value of our kkk1s at anth low
Elegant Embroideries at Extraordinary Prices
Our Tuesday Offering Over 10.000 yards' of Embroidery Kdges, Appliques nnd Insertions Ht one-half
their value. Divided Into three lots :
-loi 1 One to three-inch Edges,
Insertions and Appliques, all
good values at lie yard: our
price Tues- X
day. . JC
Beautiful Allover and Corset Cover
This ltd is extra fine quality, elegant
.mut -a iuc, iu una
ard; our price Tuesday.
A l ew Words to the Mother We want to call your attention to our Hosiery department, which Is one of the
most complete in the west. To convince you of the value of our Hoys' and Misses' Fine Ribbed Hose, we
are going to offer our leader at the remarkable price of two for 25c. These are money savers f"
and extra fine; Tuesday price. TWO 1'OH .' asCJG
In Our Ready-to-Wear Department-Second Floor
I.ADIKS' SI ITS We will make a three-days' special
sale of Ladies' New Suits, values $20.00, $22.50
and $2"i.00: for Tuesday, Wednesday Q rf
Hint Tliui-Mday 10t)U
14 years, novelty cloths in brown and navy, with
white flakes, full back, very neat trim- T C A
ming: $.".. "0 value, at D)
LADIES' DHESSINO SACOCES Slightly soiled In moving colors, pink, pale blue, green, tan and
lavender; formerly sold as high as $2.95 all offered Tuesday morning at
(ilULS' SCHOOL lK ESSES Ages C to 14 years, fancy plaids, checks, stripes good, serviceable
Dresses, only
Copies f Contracts for Division of Joint
Eatis Must Be Filed with Oommiuion.
Provisions for Rednced Rntes Do nt
Apply to Officials of Government,
Army, avy or Their
WASHINGTON. Oct. ,15. A series of or
ders wns issued today by the Interstate
Commerce commissioin relating chtelly to
to the construction of seitlon S, of the re
cently enacted railroad rate law. In sub
stance, the rulings follow:
A contract, agreement or arrangement
between efmrrrton 'carriers governing ft di
vUijn between them of Joint rates on In
terstate Business is a contract, agreement
or arrangement in relation to traffic, within
the meaning of section of the act to reg
ulate commerce, und a copy thereof must
be riled with the commission.
Where a Joint rate is In ifftct by a
given route which la higher btlwefn any
points than the sum of th" locals between
the same points, by the same or another
route, such higher Joint rate may. unt'l
Dccembir 31st, liMti. if changed by re
ducing the s;ime to the sum of such locals,
but not othi rwise, upon pontine one day in
ad.anCe a tariff of such reduced rate and
mulling a copy thereof lo the commission.
Hates for excursions.
Kates for a scries of dally excursions,
such se.-ies covering a period not exceed
ing thirty days, may be established upon
notice of three o.iya us to the entire scries,
and separate notice of the excursion on
eaclt clay covered by the series need not
be given.
Round trip tickets on the certificate plan
may be issued Ht reduced rates Htid their
use be confined to the dt legates of a pur
tlculn convention, or to the members of
a particular u:Hociation or society upon
th" condition that a certain nuniln-r oi
such tickets shall be presented for valida
tion for return trip before the reduced
iiite for return irlp will hi? granted to any.
The commlKSloin suggests that the rule
should provide that not less than lot)
tickets shall be presented for validation
for return trip before reduced rate will
lie grained to any. Hound trip tlcketa
on tertillcete plan may also be Issued to
government employes goinK huine lo vote
and returning lu their employment.
The provisions of the act relative to ti e
issuance of free tickets. fre passes, free
transportation or free carriage to employes
of curriers apply only to persons who are
aetuullv In the service of the carjiera and
who devote pulK'tantlally all of tielr tlnv
to the work or business .f such carriers.
Land und immigration ugents, unless they
are bona title and uctual employe, repre
sentatives of correspondence schools,
ilKents of accident or life InMiranie com
panies, agents of oil or lubricating com
panies, etc., are not within the classes to
w hich ' free "or reduced rale transportation
can be lawfully furnished.
Kinployea of Carriers.
Hut the committee does not construe the
law aa preventing a carrier from giving
neccsnnry free transportation to a person
ttaveilug over its lima solely for the pur
pose of unending to the business of or
performing a duty Impot-'cd on him by the
carrier, nor from giving free carriage over
Its lines to the household and personal ef
ftcts of an employe who Is reipilred to re
move from one place to another at the In
stance cf or in the lnterert of the carrier
bv which he Is employed. Nor dues the
commission construe the law as preventing
u carrier from giving free or reduced rate
of carriage over Its line to contractors for
material, supplies and men for use in con
struction, improvement or rem-wal work on
the line of that carrier: Provided, such ar
raignment for free or reducd currluue is
made a part of the specifications upon
which the contract Is based uud of the con
tract Itself.
The provisions of the act relative to the
issuance of free or reduced rate transporta
tion to ministers of religion do not apply to
or Include members of the families of min
isters of lellslon. Nelth.-r do th provisions
of the uct relative to the Usuance of free
or reduced rate transportation admit of in
cluding therein officers of t lie government,
the army or the navy, or members of ihelr
fumiHea, or other persons to whom such
consideration may have been emended in
the past, unless they are within the classea
specifically named In the act.
First of aeries of Winter Knler
talnweuta Mchedaled for
November si. .
The first dance to be given by uieiulers
of Company L. First Nehraska. will be on j
the evening of November K at Chambers'
hall. About 16lt invitations for the ocea- I
sion will bo Issued.
This dance will mark the beginning of a
series of entertainments of various kinds
arranged or the pleuaure of the soldiers
during the winter months. Stags, smokers,
parties and other events affording oppor
tunities for enjoyment are among the plan.
HUrn Jairlke iu I rniM-r
tmVTULM IITI IT" . .. ii,.t 1 Tin. I... !
i jilt l I r.rii t.ti. i n i'' ' . itti s--
ca! win king tuk4i twdy itit i a j
' fful mriK iVrutiHr if iii r fu.-al o;' tli
lh ano HOWARD
Lot 2 Beautiful medium and narrow
! Edges, with Insertions to match,
. nlsm fancy Appliques, good values
Ht 1 Oe yard; our juice C
Tuesday JC
Nainsook and Cambric Corset Cover
z.-incn Aiiovers, dainty patterns, wortn rr
Hosiery Special for Tuesday
new novelty
inlaid silk velvet
quality for
a weekly day of rest us provided for by the
law. The city authorities have appealed lo
the government officials for the nssitance
of military bakers in order to prevent a
bread famine.
W lilow of Head of the Confederacy
tnn live Hnt n Fevr
NEW VOKK. Oct. pi. Mrs. Jffeiscn
Davis, widow of the prrsidtnt of the Con
federate states, !s dying of pneumonia at
the Hotd Majestic here. It Is believed
she cannot survive more than a few hours,
ilrs. Davis has 'wen ill several days, but
it was believed she would recover until
last night, when a sudden change for lit"
worse was noticed.
TbsUsduuj solar In enfycans
Lanpher, Skinner & Co.
Fur Garment Makers
fife Chesapeake
1510 Howard St.
The Only Popular-Priced
Restaurant in the City
Princess Fruit Cake
mana iniorse
October 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27
Evenings at 8 Saturday Matinee at 2
AVitL l'rornenatle Privilege.
Tlie World's Hext Harness llorevn. .
rVPlitlirkv'R Hpsf RjlrMU Mnnaa
was wBeBOBBm
Prompt 1
Attention P
Given I
to All I
Mail 1
Orders 1
Lot :t Matched Sets of Edges and
Insertions, pretty Medallions und
Galloons, worth 12 Vic to 19c per
yard: our price Tues
Embroideries, flnihhed edge and is
m aoe to ic per XCs
Tuesday SaleFull length Coat, all
checks and plaids, body satin lined.
collar and t uffs; IRH.AO
Visit Our Corset Department Second Floor.
Visit Our Art Needle Work Ih-pl Second Floor.
Visit Our Muslin Cnderwear Dept. Second Floor,
What is Style?
MERE does style originate?
starts it?
Style is elusive and undeflusble: but
it is no less a reality. The msn who
wants to be well dressed Is subject to
its laws, just as much as if he could
tell exactly what thay are.
Better drop In at Xlcoll's today and
have a chat with one of our salesmen.
Trousers $5 to 512, Salts S20 to $50
200-11 8o. IBth Ht.
Office and Infirmary, 2Sth and Mason Hn.
OMAHA. NEB. Telephone Harney ixi. '
BOYD'S Wo.ur,Y.V'n- Mgrs.
peclal Matins Today, tso te fl.50.
Klaw and Krlanger Presents
With JOS. 0AWTH0RN in
Wednesday nbjht Only
Thars., Tri., Sit. WKITESISE.
mm axTEBirooir tovxqht
Prices Nights and Bun. Matinees,
10c and 25c; Tues.. Thura. and Hat.
Matinees, 10c and 10c.
Next Week Mr. Smooth.
Same Capacity Buainess.
'Phone Douglas OI.
BTsry Vlfht. Mats. Thars, Sat. aaa Sua.
Three Sisters C'ainaras, Gardner & Vin
cent, Six Proveanls, Ida O'Day, Roattino .Vt
Stevens, Kckhoff & Gordon, Terley and Ihn
rrlossi 10c, 15s aad Mo.
m iso-aso.aoe.7fo
tokxokt a no
J - - - - -J" iW4Wk4 H
If B i at
x- (I
II '