I It THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1D0G. FT 1 Big Sales in West Arcade 8 i TUESDAY IS CIIILira'S DAY Firry Child accompanied by grown r miii, who comes to Ilrandels' store Tuesday, jfcts a LARGE TOY BALLOON FREE I "mm :00 A. M. till 11 A. M., and from 2 MM) I M. till 3MH) 1'. M. 8 Entrance throwjh Itrandria' Snr Stortfrrnt amnlr ' 17th and Douglas Streets $ Phone Douglas MT. :8 i i i , i ! i 9! Children's Silk Bearskin Bonnets in thciie fancy 39c-50c Jockey 19c These balloons are of enormous size. specially Imported by us from Paris. Every g one with a large colored picture on it. Brandels' West Arcade will he devoted entirely to BIG SPECIAL SALES CHILDREN'S WEAR Children's Sailor Hats 25c 49c $i Our Model I Delicatessen $ Department j $ has become wonderfully 1 j popular. The daintiest of)!,; j;!, ready-cooked dishes are sold $ j at moderate prices. You $ i can send out for your whole &' 5 dinner, all ready cooked..,1 9! In basement, near Arcade. v: A special bargain In thciie fancy pig(i nna rinDon trimmed Children's Bonnets at .. Children' thlrty-nlne-cent Jockey caps, all colors, on sale in Wept Ar arte at ' each Children' ami Misses' Skirts, for ages from 8 to 14 years." on sale In West Arcade at til :: Our Meat Market Children's $1 Sailor Hats, trimmed with silk ribbon streamers in cardinals, navies, browns, on sale In West Arcade All of our tl Broadcloth Tarns nnd Caps, in West Arcade, will sell for v saves your meat bill every $ da 3. Many declare thev $ Children's Cloaks Children's Cloaks for children from 4 to 14 years of age an exceptional bargain In Long Cloaks, in zebillnes and nov- f AQ tlty Roods, go on sale in West l-?fj Arcade at Children's Dresses Wool Dresses for children from 2 to 14 years of age, on sale In West Arcade in two lots, 63c Hnd 98c. These are all this fnll styles, In plain colors, checks and m Q plaids, and are strictly ?CflC up-to-date garments M f vv Children's Outing Flannel Xight Gowns fbr children from 2 to 12 years of age, on sale in West Arcade MZJC K.Vj at iSj save nearlv one-third in$i L.; buving their meats here, i. xever were tenderer, jj . . . , , 58 I ? juicier, sweeter meats placed ! $ on any table. Everything l in this meat store is sani-U ! 9 tarr Tim lwiwr frdsli uinntu $ J ......... ...VUV., ; $ the best fish, the best poul- fouud & i 5 trjr and game always 1 at Courtney's. v at our entrance to Brandeis' k it . - j-- Try our convenient Lunch Counter '4 west arcade; & Bun Sandwich, Coffee or Milk, each DOLLS of every description all sizes a splendid new assortment, C 4 1 IU IJV at Jap Pencil Bjxes, Inlaid at Rc wood covers, New Drawing Slates, new Interesting I r subjects Children's Story Books, every one 60c JP values, at. ea....t,v School Pencil Hr" Tablets, each ,,.5W Milton Dradley Paints, for school at Four pieces nicely polished Doll Furniture, Q . set, at - Black, white and colored Doll Shoes, allfi- 1 5r stses. pair IUfiIOB Decorated Cud and Saucers. up to a5c values'. Q(J Webster's School Die- fr tlonarv. nicelv bound. vW lOcl Children's Ribbed Underwear Good heavy quality sizes running 2 to 13 years. In boys' m and girls a very superior Quality . A.O at ihia nrlco r Children's Sweaters and Buster Brown effect! worth up to $1.25, at I 5c I '49c Children's Crib Blankets and fur baby carriage robes, sam ple line, some slightly soiled, some strictly all wool, some hand crocheted actually worth up to $5 such excep tional bargains as these are rarely C j 25 seen West Arcade CjC 10 1 Children's Stockings Broncho Buster I; ribbed hose, worth as much as any hose I ; 1 1 i. 1 fl., : H' i. a m 2 nrjuun til x zi5 pftii, tsi m ML Arcade, at, pair Boys' and Girl's Shoes Guaranteed all solid leather, "West Arcade, QO usual $1.50 values, at OC Boys Russian Suits, ages 3 to 8 . 1 39 up to $2.5(), West Arcade, at. ... .1 Children's Knee Pants Sizrs 3 i to 15, worth to 75c , at pair 39c $1 and U POCKET KNIVES at 25c ,fHM) dozen American made pocket knives, 2, 3 and 4 blades, in walrus, bone, pearl and stag r- handles, including celebrated Yale knives, . worth up to $1.'J5, njj 1,000 dozen Table Knives and Forks, made by the Ameri can Cutlery Co.,cocobola handles, with nickel bolster, and fancy nickel ends, gwedge blades and finest quality of steel, made to retail at U5c. your, choice, each c Women's 1 Shoes You often henr It said,' "We sell the best $n.no women's shoe made," but it Is not so easy to back up the assertion. We know that WE can pro duce the shoe to provo OCR claim when we say that Drcxel sells the best 1300 women's shoe made. Hundreds of women who are wearing our Three Dollar Shoes will verify our claim. The leathers are all selected Block. The shiiemakliiK t he tiest that skilled labor can pro duce The styles the very latest. Don't fall to call and have a look at OCR $3.00 women's shoes. Drexel Shoe Co. OMAHA WKATHKK KOKKCAST Showers Tnestlsj 77 T7AT TTT TTTTT NWL1 a. TOUR MONET'S WORTH OR TOUR MOXET BACK. I I 3 Palms and Ferns Another Big Sale Tuesday Live, healthy plants all ticketed under $3 will be sold Tuesday at one-third off marked prices. Ferns 35c and up to $3 one-third off. Palms 75c and up to $3 one-third off. Tuesday in Shoe Section. Five Times Green Trading Stamps On Every Crockery Sale of $1.00 or Over-ALITRIS WEEK. '(im Great Dinncrvvarc Specials, Cut Glass Specials, Fancy China Specials and Lamn Snecials. CUT PRICESFIVE TIMES GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Omaha's Leading Grocery 28c i Coffees Roasted Fresh Daily Splendid values Always. ffiil Two thousand one-pound packages of cenneti b Kjapiwi uuncc And forty green trading stamps ruesday WiWp oniy. Jos. Tetley & Co's Ceylon and India Teas. Special Offer- Sunflower Brand, one-pound tin 75 And fifty green trading stamps. Half-pound tin 40 And twenty-five green trading stamps. Quarter-pound tin 20 And ten green trading stamps. Two-ounce tin .......... . '. 10 Expert Demonstrator Serving Tea to All. ' CORN CARNIVAL Five hundred dozen Maine Corn, special offer, can. . . . 10 Dozen J.:'!.. : .$1.10 i o - 1 An opjortunity for the large consumers to lay in their winter supply. Bennett's. Candies Five centpackage English Butter Scotch .2V2 ijjjye Sell the Ladies Home Journal Patterns They ihiave no style-killing "outlets", no puzzling er foraticms, no inartistic lines. They are the only patterns that can be relied upon always to give perfect fit in all sizes. The Ladies' Home Journal Style Book Free for the tak ing. Patterns, each 10 and 15. Pattern Booth Harney Entrance. a few minutea in our store, we will lie pleased to show you. Look for The Name. SPECIAL SALE OF ifiVE FURS SHORT SLEEVES n) culls for n Prncelet. We havo them Handsome Solid S Gold, :.oi, $7.50, I9.m. and up. Gold Filled. 3.o. rl T 13.50, 5.0o, W)li to Those are thoroughly up-to- jrf date pooGH, both in style, and irmllty. If you'll speml yf B . i S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1510 Douglas Street. Ladies' Sillc Waists $2.98 The greatest bargain in new, up. to-dale waists ever ollered iu our store comprising a lot of eight hundred Silk Waists, beautifully embroidered,- lace trimmei, iu all sizes, modtly blacks. Also plaid waiets. Not one waUt worth less : than ?j. go on i aN in old store on ' main floor at 2 kRRA g ; ; - " ' MHEIS.- stsj mm I: ! FOR OCTOBER nninrc This store Is ready, as we have taken special pains to select the new, the novel and beautiful in (iems and Jewelry many exclusive designs and rich Bettings. The values we offer are . not to be excelled. Drown & Dorsheim ; lJ JEWELERS ri2Z2 South I825treet,0mr m a Homescckcr's Excursion VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD -TO- Many points in the South and South east. Tickets on sale the 1st and -3d Tuesday of October and November. For tickets, rates and detailed infor mation call at City Ticket office, 1402 Farnam St., or write, S. NORTH. Dist. Pass. Agt. Sartcf tftOfl f sis I srfaa i Ww R-W-S-D-C Is aTuaraiiteed lo cure all stomaih and bowel troubles, Indigestion. dyKiepsla, catarrh of the stomach and bowela, ilnon-ii- conallputton, liilluutiin iirv ousnesa. bloblinK of the stomaih. belching- of gu.i. routed iohkuo, ItHfi breath eir z.SAsuro PBTsiciasra rtEioiui it It iun upon the stouiacli, bowela, liver and kidney. It stimulates the appetite. purinVa the blood, regulates and tuna up the in Ire system, on box quickly proves Its value, piioe 60c a box. Go to Urandeia Store and ask for Ross Wal. kri's Sure-Iypepata-Ciir. , flUHA. USA. TelepboM Uarac IZt. -FOLLOW THE riAC" EXCEEDINGLY LOW ROUND TRIP Home Visitors Excursion October 19th (only) To all point in Indiana and Ohio. Many points in Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ontario. Pennsyl vania and West Virginia. Be pleaded to give all information. Call at Wabasb City Ticket Office 1661 Farnam St., Telephone Doug. 355 or address, Harry J. Moo res, O. A. I. 1). WaJbaob R. li. Omaha, Neb. yhiyiiiis THE RELIABLE ETRB ' BtST LADIES' SLUT BARGAINS Interesting Tuesday Bargains Don't Miss the Hour Specials $1.59 Skinner Satins, 98c. For the one dsy, Tuesday, we will sell the best grsde of the famous Skinner Satin (fifty different shadow) at. per yard ', Remember this Is for Tuesday only. f I.OO Plain Color nnd ('liHiiffrahle Taffeta 27 inches wide. A new lot of those beautiful silks sold Mondav on bargain square Tuesday, at, yard " 98 f 37c wwviui i mi nulling viuuud uaiyaui? len's Shirts , and lrswe fleece lined, worth up to 75c garment, at Heavy 35c From Till lo A. M. Misses' and ! children's fleece lined vests C and pants, at, per garment . . . UC Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hose In fall weights, regular 10c C quality, at . JC ladles' '-in and Pant Fleece 1 fi 30c. at lC Brown ol Htlll 25c From in Till It A. M. Buster Brown Sweaters. with belt, fine wool and worth $1.T)0. limit 2 to a customer, at From It A. M. Till la M Mens madras shirts, In light and dark pat terns-worth up to $1 two JC to a customer, at. each Yarn Department Specials Our yarn department offers you advantages in variety and price unequaled elsewhere, goods are always fresh and you II find every variety represented. .Shetland t loss Regular loc vJ. quality, per skein 2 C (Jennantow ii Zephyrs Regular J I 15c quality, at'..' O3C KpanNh Knitting Vam Best Ia2v Saxony Best quality, at. per skein quality, at 74c Ladies' Knit Shoulder Shawls g Regular 50c Value, Tuesday. jC See our line of Ladies' Norfolks aud Blouses. High Grade Linens Drapery and Curtains From 2 to S P. M We will sell 68 inch bleached all linen Dnmask, extra fine made In Belfast and sells at $1.00 per yard one Trvir only, at From 3 to 4 P. M. We will sell 18x 40 all linen Huck Towels, worth 20c limit only 2 pair to a customer, at, each From 3:30 tur430 P. M. We will sell Cheney Bros silk drapery, the best maae, inu patterns to select from sells at 75c. and $1.00 per PQ yard, one hour only, yard . . DJC From 2:3(1 to 3:30 P. M We will sell 100 pairs of $1 curtains, full slzft. fine patterns, always sold at $1 per- pair (two pair to a customer only), at, a pair . , Goods Saler From 10 to II A. M. We will sell all Cravenettes, the genuine ar ticle (only one pattern to a customer), goods from $2.00 to $4.00 per yard will go at From 3 to 4 P. M. Two thousand yards of Broadcloth regular price from $1.00 to $3.00 per yard iu lengths from 2 4 l,f r 59c soil 18x rlh 20c 124c Wool Dress 59ci 98c to 7 yards, at, a yard In Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room t Vtc wnen f inish uieached Toweling, ' at, yard tve uresser scans, 4u inches ir i 12 ftc Pillow Case. 4 2x36 size. Q 1 long, each '. .IDC j ready-to-use, ut vOsC 17l6c fine Huckaback Towels 20 ! 18c Hemstitched Pillow Cases,-I ) Inches wide. 40 Inches long 1fn ' 42 and 46x36 size, at UC with fancy borders, each . . . 1UC All kinds of Cotton Wash Fabrics. In 35c Table Damask Slightly f 71 j remnants, on bargain square, f soiled, Tuesday, at, yard ..IS 2"C at, per yard 55c Seamless Sheets, bleached ready j Fleeeeback Flanneletts worth up to to use. 72x90 size, A". i 1Hc a,1 'n long remnants, T 1 special , A2C 1 at, per yard 43 10c All Linen Brown Toweling,, (Jl 4C 1 Extra heavy . quality, at, yard Hayden's for Groceries Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Butter, Cheese and Crackers Read These Prices. Why Pay More for the Same Article mm 10-lb. sacks pure Buckwheat Flour.... Sue 10-lb. sacks best white or yellow Corn meal 12c 10 bars best brauda Laundry Soap Jr H-lh. cans Hieakfum Cocoa i.liic Condensed Cream, "per can i'c 011 Sardines, per can 3c Fine Fruit Jelly, per glass 4c 1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon 9c Jello, per pkr 7V4o 1-lb. can assorted Soups ,.i 5c Potted Meats, iwr can 2v 1-lb pks; Corn Starch 4c Fancy Hantos Coffee, per lb ISc Fancy B. F. Japan or Sun Dried, lb. . . .'-oc Fancy Tea Sifting, per lb 12tc BUTTER AND CHKKSK SALE Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb ISc Fancy full cream Wisconsin Cheese. per lb 1.jc. Fancy full cream Brick or LImberger, per lb Durham Brand Keufchutel, each 3c Sup SHg-o Cheese. ca.h 7io FliKSIf FRl'IT AND VEGETABLES One-third baxket Cooklnr Apples loo (Jreen Tomatoes for IMckles, in one third bushel baskets l5o Pure Honey, per- rack.. Lie. One-third bushel baskets pirkling Onions at jtlr i Fancy Blue Plums, per-basket 15i- Six hunches fresh Ruillxhes jc j Four head freh t.ettuco .;.....' Fresh Spinach, per peck lc Two bunches Piivsley oc IHK" heads frexh ('1Ihk 4'' , I .a rue Huliliiird SmuhsIick, each ." , Fancy Jonathun or Wine Sap Apples, ! per barrel i.J mm id TO Portland Kvrr' Jay, to Octolier .'H, UMKi, you liave the jirivilt'p of this low one-way rate froin Omaha to Portland. Seattle, Taooma and other points in the Northwest, via the Union Pacific the short line to Portland. Inquire now for any further iufonnutiou and make hertli reservations at . CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET 'Phone Douglas 334. I IF VOf N J O V cool, delicious, satisfying snioka one that will banish your rare and make I . . I- II.-,... I... .. 4 n . 1 1 . t. . 1 M 1 I II lie wunu niiufti ixiiu .r iir- uiu rti molt V. It. Kiev ti'rcntilv Cigar Co., .M.'.i. A(utvt. ti. Louis.