Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1906, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
United 8tatas Saprsme Court Refuses
Third Trial to Former Kansas Saiator.
. eateooe is Six Months in Jail and Fiae f
Verdict on Second Trial is Identical
the First
Attnraer (or Dttrnlmit Base Hf la
Ready Renin Ilia Term-
Mr. Harton Declines tn
WASHINGTON, Oct. la.-The supreme
court ot the United States today denied the
petition of Former United States Senator
Burton of Kansas fur a rehearing in the
case In which he Ik unde" sentence of im
prisonment and fine of - charge of ao
ceptlng an allorney's f ' 'e In which
the government was . V, ' ,y while, he
was serving as senator, 't
The effect Vif the derision '
lils mediate imprisonment of Buiv
attorneys devise some other me.
ponlug the execution of the sent
There waa no formal announcer.
the decision in the Burton case in '
court, the chief justice merely handing.
brief memorandum to the clerk of thvf
court just before closing.
The ease of Senator Burton has !een lie
fore the court since 19u3, when he was In
dicted In St. lunula on the charge of ac
cepting a fee for representing the Kialio
drain company of that city In an effort to
debar it from use of the United State
mailt. He was found guilty and sentenced
to serve six months In Jail and pay a fine
of 12.500.
On appeal o the supreme court the ver
dict was reversed on a technicality and a
second trial was ordered. The second ver
diet waa Identical with the tlrst and it was
affirmed by the supreme court. The af
firmation waa announced Just before the
dose of the term of court In May last.
The motion for rehearing was then filed.
It was claimed In Burton's behalf that the
court had not had the real facts before it
In considering the rase.
Barton Refuses to Talk.
ABILENE, Kan.. Oct. 13.-Joseph Ralph
Burton, former United States senator
from Kansas, when seen at his home here
today by an Associated Press representa
tive regarding the action of the United
States ' supreme court In refusing him a
hearing, said: - '
"This is not my time to talk."
Mr. Burton absolutely declined to talk
of the case. However, it is stated from an
authoritative source that he has already
communicated with his attorneys asking
that his terra of imprisonment be arranged
to begin at the earliest, possible moment.
- lme'tnTVe'as'Mf. Burton" caused an
official statement to be made by, his at
torneys that If the Supreme court denied
him a rehearing he would neither apply
for a pardon nor accept one if it were ten
dered. Mr. Burton today waa found in his home
here. He received news of the court's
action in the same manner that he luul dis
played in each step in his case. Mr. Bur
ton hag remained at home here practically
all summer with the exception of one or
two small trips. The last trip he made
wak to Chicago two weeks ago.
TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. IB. Senator Joseph
It. Burton today notified his attorneys to
arrange for the beginning of his term of
imprisonment as soon as possible, lie has
as yet received no information regarding
the carrying out of the sentence imposed
by Federal Judge Van Devanter.
Head? tv serve Time.
ATCHISON, Kan., Oct. lS.-Balley Wag
goner of thla city, one of Mr. Burton's
attorneys, said ut noon today that be had
not up to that time received any com
munication from the former senator re
garding his wishes In the matter, but said
that Mr. Burton hud previously expressed
to him tho wish to begin serving his sen
tence Immediately It the supremo court
should finally decide against him, as it did
today. , .,, ,
Mr. Waggoner expressed It as Ills opinion
that the mandate of the court will be sent
. by the supreme court immediately to tho
' district court at St. Louis, in which case It
would be possible for Mr. Burton to begin
serving his sentence some time this week.
fs Jersey Physician Charged with
Wife Msrdrr Denies All Allraa
tloas af the Praaeratlon.
TOM 8 RIVER, N. J., Oct. 15.-Dr Frank
K Brotiwcr, on trial for the murder of
his wife, took the witness stand today
and broke down and sobbed while testify
ing. Later lie recovered himself and was
closely examined. Ho denied that he had
told his sister-in-law, Elisabeth Hver, that
he intended to divoice his wife. He also
denied that he had struck his wife or that
h had said to Miss Hyer that he had no
respect tor Mrs. Brouwer.
Tho doctor went Into detail as to his
wife's fatal illnerf and his medical treat
ment of her at times. Asked whether his
wlfs had ever shown Jealousy. IT
Brouwer said that as f ir as he knew -lis i
was not Jealous, although she often showed
curiosity about women who came to hm
lr. Brouwer said his wife was aome
Unies Irritable as the jXfiilt of nervousness
and thU they hud gusrrelcd. hut their dif
ference weTe rot of a s Minus character.
Department Mill Hor-vutmend tv Coa
greae a General litres la
j the terms of the settlement. last September In Justice court, Anna
NBW TORK, Oct. li-An Importaut sn-I it was learned, however, that the terms ! Stuben asks the district court to appoint
iiounceroent waa made in this city tonight i include I'.ie publication in the next number ! a receiver for the Omaha & Southern Rail
by Flrat Asslsant Postmaster General j of the London Magaxlne t a full with- way company and empower him to collect
iTana n. xiicmc. amen win nrlng Juy drawal or the statements complained of ; unpaid stock subscriptions from the stock
o the lulled States thousands of postal and an apology and. probably a statement 1 holdera. The petition says the officers
employes. It was to the effect that in
tlw postal estimates ror the next fiscal
year, to be submitted by the Poslofflce de
partment to the Treasury department, a
radical change will bs made In the recom.
iiiandatiuns affecting aalartes. Betterment
In pay Involving the entire postal aystcm
of the inlted States will be advised, Mf
Hitchcock said. The statement followed a
piuojiiru imuu. uvr ui) uviaeeu Air.
Hitchcock and Postmaster U'Ullata B, Will-
cox ot New"Srk.
COS oi few iota.
Bertha Krapp I nlted In Gernmn
l.lentenant la Presence of
the Kmperor.
ERflEN. Prussia. Oct. 15. In the prcs
eneo of Rmpcror William and 1 guests
Frauleln Bertha Krupp and Lieutenant
Oustav von Bohlen und Halbach. were mar
ried today In a little Improvised chapel ad
Joining the bride's hirthplacc, the Villa
Ruegela. The ceremony was performed by
the pastor of the neighboring church,
where the Krupp family has long wor
shipped. B'Ttha Krurp an. I Lieutenant von Boh
len. before the wedding, announced that
their Joint gift r.f SiVi.oim to the workmen's
Invalid fund, and Mrs. Krupp gave notice
that she had donated nnotlier Si'Sn.fKn to the
PA me fund and K'5 acre or land on which
to build economical model dwellings fur the
workmen. The bridegroom accompanli d
hlf portion f the gifts by the assurance
that he would perpetuate the personal rela- ,
Hons with the working people maintained J
by Alfred and Friedrich Krupp.
The emperor sat with the. family while
the simple Lutheran marriage service was
performed, and then stepped forward and
congratulated the biide and bridegroom.
The bride wore a princess robe and heavy.
Ivor -tinted crepe le chine, with panels
of point de Venice, and had a four-yard
train. The veil was of Brussels luce and j
tulle. The bride wore myrtle blossoms on j
her head nnd had u few sprays of tliesp
flowers at her waist. Arthur Krupp. father
of her cousin, gave away the bride, whr.
was attended by her sister. Balarn. Lieu
tenant von Border's brother acted as his
Inst man.
At the wedding breakfast, which aJ
-iervi at tne conclusion oi inc in y,
emperor drank the hH1i of the bride.
' . , t , I
"""'" ""''"' I
-or fvrupp casiie ai itnrmecK. on no- Aium,
when- the honeymoon will be passed. The
bride's traveling dress wus a severely sim
ple gray cloth costume
The wedding guests included six fore
men and fourteen members of the Krupp
works, but the workmen generally were
not given a holiday In honor of the wed
ding. The emperor after tho wedding started for
Twenty-Five Men Killed and Two
Hundred Temporarily Kutcmbrd
In Colliery.
DURHAM, England, Oct. U. As a result
of an explosion In the Wlngate colliery near
here at about midnight last night, twenty
five miners were killed and are tem
porarily entombed. it is fortunate that
only a small portion of the thousand men
employed In the mine were down when the
explosion took place. The cause Is pup
posed to have been fire damp. The explo
sion waa one of terrific force and In Wln
gate town many windows were broken.
Soon after the news of the disaster became
known crowds of half-clad people were
rushing toward the mine and there were
heartrending scenes. The first report rep
resented the disaster to be worse than
subsequently was found to be the case.
By daylight signals had been exchanged
with the bottom seam, whore a majority of
the men were entombed to- the effect that
they were safe, and with ' this message
cams a sense of great relief. As the morn
ing advanced the bodies of dead men were
Jowly brought up. The first deud to up
poar were mostly old men who had been
employed as shifters and Btone men. Eighty
men were brought out alive. Many of these,
however, were In a condition, being
unconscious. Later supplies of coffee and
sandwichs were passed in to those stilt en
tombed. At a late hour tonight, to the Joy
of their relatives, four men were brought
up from the lower ream, where the deaths
had occurred. These men had been reck
oned among the dead. Although they were
much exhausted, they probably will re
cover. The shaft is still blocked with wreckage.
but the ventilation Is good and it Is hoped
that all the entombed men will be rescued
during the night.
the Smallest Airship In Ger
in Rare, Wtaa the First
BERLIN, fk-t. In. Fourteen of the seveu
tetn balloons which started from Tags!,
near here yesterday, in the rrce for Em
peror William's cup, have lieun reported
landed. Only the Kellos, Vienna Aero
club. Dr. Schlem aeronaut: the Saeky,
Munich Air club. Dr. Emden, and the
Frankln, Frankish Airship club, Carl Hoch
stetter, not having been heard from. It
appears to be certain at this moment that
the Ernest, the smallest of the balloons,
6S0 cubic meters, Berlin Air Navigation
.society, Dr. Rroekelmann. has won tho
contest, us it landed at Brleg, Austria, -''O
niilca away.
The results hnve been comparatively dis
appointing, the balloons made good progress
until they reached Bohemia, wiiere they
struck a region of high barometric pres
sure. The atmosphere was almost without
notion and the balloons drifted about in
various directions, some of them crossing
lack Into Germany. The airships which
did this include the Brandt-bourg. Linde
bouig Aeronautic observatory. Dr. Weg
ener aeronaut, which landed near 01b"rhau,
in the Kri mountains after a journey last
ing twenty-two hours.
Publishers of London Magaslne Make
Amende Honorable In Matter
if Ameriean.
LONDON, Oct. IS. The lawyers repre
senting the Amalgamated PrcKs. publishers
of the London Muguxine. against which
Richard Croker brought suit ror damages,
on the ground of defamatory statena nil
t made in an srtlcle headed "Tammany In
England," in which Mr. Croker was
charged with having used his office as
chief of Tammany ha" for purposes of j
financial profit, informed the Associated
Press today that the case has been i
amicably settled out of court. It was added i
I that counsel Is not at liberty to announce
thut the series ot offending articles will have ubandoned the business of the corpo
be discontinued, as the defendants have ' ration and are not trying to collect the
undertaken to make no further personal j ass is that are available,
references to Mr. Crocker therein. The de-
feudants also will puy Mr. Cmker'a c,ts. I Eleetrle Lie lacsrssratrU,
Meilraaa at M. I.ouis.
ST. UM'IS. Oct. I".. Senor M. P
1 menial, mayor of the I'itv of Mexico,
i KfirnnanlMl liv Uninii' Tilun CKu .... .
I aun a Stan oi rcieiarie ant Interpreters.
I arrived here in a private car and sient
;i!aj sightseeing in St. fnls The r-ny
,mlr(nr ,lC I 'ntteg Stales.
Judce Banker Excludes Et. dates Belatire
to Bebates Paid Betail Dealers.
Hackeie Pipe I. Inc. Manhattaa Oil
(umptnr and Ohio OH Company
Owned li- Standard at
New Jersey.
FINDLAY. U.. Jct. 15 The end of the
trial of the Standnrd Oil company of
Ohio, for alleged conspiracy against trade,
came suddenly In sight at the conclusion
of the session of the court today. The
state was prtcluded by the ruling of
Judge Banker from offering a line of evi
dence Intended to show that tne Stand
nrd Oil company gave secret rebates to
retail dealers in oil. Mr. Phelps for the
prosecution admilted the state hud no
means of showing that the. Standard Oil
company authorised Its agents to offer or
give rebates. The court said that It was
a fundamental rule of evidence that the
authority of the agents must be shown.
"Thcti the state will close its case In
ten minutes tomorrow," remarked Attor
ney Phelps, nnd tne jury which had been
, Xcocd tor this argument of counsel, was
,.aied in and court adjourned. A few
witnesses for the defense will be called,
but It Is slated that the testimony will
be ail in on both sides before the court
adjourns tomorrow; that the argument of
counsel to the jury can be completed
Wednesdpy, perhaps in time for Judge
Banker to make his charge to the Jury
and p,ucc ca,e , t( ,,,,
mi... r- ... -.
Rockefeller Case Postponed
An agreement was reached
An agreement was reached between
Prosecutor David and the attorneys for
the Standard Oil company today whereby
the case against John 1. Rockefeller will
not be set for trial until after the present
case has been finally disposed of, whether
this is In the probate court, now conduct
ing the trial, or before the supreme court
of the slate after all appeals have been
taken. Until today's agreement, the
Rockefeller case had simply been post
poned until after the present trial of the
company in the probate court.
John O'Brien, superintendent ot the
Buckeye Pipe Line company, and E. R.
Curtain, superintendent of the Manhattan
OH company, both took the immunity
bath" before testifying in the case today.
With the exception of the last witness,
the evidence put in by the state was from
officers of the alleged constituent companies
of the Standard, including the Buckeye
Pipe Line, the Manhattan Oil company,
the Ohio Oil company and the Solar Re
fining company. It was testified to by
officers of the Buckeye Pipe Line and Ohio
Oil company that the Standard Oil com
pany of New Jersey owned practically all
of the stock of these companies.
Rebates Paid to Grower. :
The last witness. Willis B. Ulsli, a local
grocer, was procetding to tell" the jury
that when he first went into business sev
eral years ago he purchased oil from the
National Refining company, a local Inde
pendent concern, but that two or three
years ago he was visited by an agent of
tho Standard. Blnce which time he had
bought oil of that company. He had no
means of knowing that the supposed sgvnt
of the Standard was such agent, and while
Attorney Phelps stated that he wished to
show that this agent had offered and paid
a secret rebate to the witness since his
visit and that the witness had bought all
his oil of the Standard since that time, he
said the state could not prove that the
Standard had given the agent authority
to offer the rebate, and that the evidence
was thereby cut short.
It was understood to have been the in
tention of the prosecution to place before
the Jury considerable testimony of the same
nature. When Judge Banker excluded It.
the prosecution announced that W. L.
Flndley. state Inspector of refined oils,
would lie the only other witness, and that
his testimony would take but ten minutes
Saloon Mra will Organise to Resist
Proposed Legislation by Anti
galoon lragne.
An organisation of Douglas county saloon
men will be perfected Friday afternoon at
ISM o'clock at the Krug theater for the
purpose of resisting the efforts of the Anti
Saloon league, which is trying to work up
sentiment in favor of the county option
bill to be Introduced at the next legislature.
Knowing that all candidates for the legis
lature are being sounded by tho Anti
Saloon league as regards their opinions
on the option matter, the saloon men feel
It meet that they organise for mutual In
terests. The saloon men are strongly op
posed to allow the fate of any town or
city rest with the vote of the county on
the option matter. Throughout" the state
there is concerted action on the part of
the liquor dealers, who are organising by
Brldarrs' Street Car Fare Ordinance
El peeled to Pass the City
Connell Tonight.
Oae or the matters taken up yesterday
afternoon by the city council at Its meet
ing of the committee of the whole was an
ordinance Introduced two mouths ago by
Councilman Bridges providing for thirty
atreet car tickets for SI for all achool
children. Indications are now that the
ordinance will go through the council this
j evening.
i The ordinance provides that any street
car company operating in Omaha shall
furnish all school children, upon the pre.
sent at Ion ot duly accredited certificates
from teachers, thirty tickets for SI. tickets
to be honored between 7 snd v a. m. and i
and S p. m.
j Woman
a a not Culler! Jadameut
Aaalaat Omaha Hoathrrn
On the grounds that she is unable to
1 collect
Judgment tor S14i.31 Bhe secured
PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct. U.-(Speclal Tels-
gram.) Articles of incorporation were filed
today for the Sioux Falls ft Sioux City
Electric Railway company, with headquart-
ers at Sioux Falls and a capital ut ll.uo.
, OuOnlth a number of Sioux Falls mcu
, Incorporators.
Noted Toronto Marseman Makes Entry
to the
Otnaha Show This
I rail.
1114 to the Horse show head
nlflht in the shape of the
OoihI news ea
quarters last
entries of the liorses of Crow ft Murray,
the noted horsemen of Toronto. Can..
which assures Omaha of more cntrlrs and
better entries than the Kansas City horse
show, which is being held this week.
Murray Is well remembered In Omaha, as
he Is the life of the arena while he is show
ing his horses and always engages in any
fun going on. last yenr In the potato
race It was Murray who rode his pony
through the judges' stand, lie has pairs
and fours and hunters and Jumpers and
tandems afTd hunting tandems. In fact, has
entries for almost every class. Murray's
chief pride is his famous horse "Presi
dent," which as a green horse last year
w-on honors at the Omaha, show.
The ticket sale Will open Wednesday at
tho Auditorium.
Tho Horse show arena Is completed and
horses were worked out Saturday morning.
Although the show docs not begin until
Monday, W. A. Austin, superintendent of
the arena, has everything In readiness a
week ahead so the local owners might
have an opportunity to work out their
horses and have them become accustomed
to the- circular ring.
Tho last day for receiving entries from
abroad has passed and the show this year
has a list of entries which Is surprising
and which reflects great credit to Omaha
and to the director
of the Horse show as
ity, with the prestige
rs of experience at the
soclatlon. Kansas
of several more yej
Horse show business than Omaha, will not
have as many entH
es as the Omaha show.
Many of the sn
the city already
tiler show windows ot
re decorated for the
Hors show In the red nnd white and the
larger windows of the department stores
where tho strife for first honors will be
keen, are darkened and show signs of
large forces of men working trying for
the coveted prises.
Mets Bros, have made arrangements to
enter their large four-horse team In com
petition with the nrifce team of Swift and
Company which will be at the show. This
will make three entries In the heavy class,
as Htors will also show four and six.
Hotels Filled to Limit and Many
Delegates In Tents n
Race Track.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 15. Willi !,
tents pitched at City park race track and
thirty passengers trains which Is double
the usual the number, due to arrive In
New Orleans Ix fore midnight, the twenty
fourth convention Knights of Pythias and
biennial encampment uniform rank began
The encampment and convention will con
tinue all week, prizes for the drills, which
are the feature of the encampment, being
awarded Saturday afternoon. Although the
encampment waa not due to open formally
until 4 o'clock this afternoon, at daylight
about 3.O.I0 Knights in uniform were at the
tented city and hotels were tilled to the
limit, with Pythlans.and their friends here
to attend the ceremtmlea.
NASHVILLE, Tijiy., Oct. H.-Tlie
Knights "of Pythias special train en route
for New Orleans for the conclave, which
left here at " o'clock this afternoon, was
wrecked an hour later at White's Bluff,
Tenn.. twenty-five miles west of here, on
the Nashville, Chuttanooga & St. Louis
railroad. The special collided head-end
with the second section of a freight train.
One trainman was killed and another badly
scalded. The passengers received a severe
shaking up.
Noted Georgia Evangelist Dies Sad
denly on Passenger Train
Near Little Roek.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. Oct. 15.-Rcv. Sam
P. Jones, the well known evangelist of
CartersvUle, Ga., died early today of heart
failure in a sleeping car on train No. 4 of
the Rock Island railroad near Perry, Ark.
Mr. Jones' had been conducting a most suc
cessful revival at Oklahoma City, I. T.,
and left there last night for his home in
Georgia. He desired to attend a family re
union tomorrow, it being the fifty-ninth
anniversary of his birth. Mra. Jones and
his daughters, Mrs. Annie Iyrnn and Mlas
Julia Jones were with him when he passd
Mr. Jonift arose from hla berth about i
o'clock this morning and complained of
sickness in his stomach. He drank a glass
of hot water nnd immediately afterward
collapsed. R"V. Walt Holcomb, who had
been associated with Mr. Jones for a num
ber of years, took the dying man In his
arms snd In a few minutes the evangelist
expired. The body will be embalmed and
will be sent to CartersvUle this evening,
where Interment will be had. The funeral
I services will be conducted by Rev. George
Stuart. Rev. J. A. Bowen of Mississippi
and Rev. Holcomb.
Eastern Coast of Central America Is
Visited H Disastrous
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 1"..- Damage of
fully".ii. including the partial demoli
tion of one town, was done by the hurri
cane on the coast of Central America which
was reported by a brief wireless message
received here last night. Wireless and
cable advices today to the United Fruit
company say that probably no litas of life
The hurricane apeured central near
IllueflcUla, on the east roast of Nicaragua.
It swept in from the sea. Its first fury
striking Little and Great Corn Islands,
which were swept bare or vegetation and
their topography even altered by the waves.
On the main land the storm dsniage was
confined mostly to a path alsiut thirty
miles wide. In which banana and rubber
crop were destroyed and plantations
blown down. Great demolition was re
ported from Arams, a town on the coast
about forty rillea trom Blucflelds. Port
IJmon. on Costa Rica, also suffered dam
ages. The United Fruit company estimates that
the storm will result In cutting down
hanana Imports about Co.On) bunches per
week, which Is a very sum II amount of
the regular weekly volume.
white Hlare T rattle lilseaasrd.
PARIS Oct. 15. The third international
congress af the suppression of traffic In
j women, over which runner Premier Bour
; gi oi m ill preside, will assemble here Oc
tober -ind remain in m saion until Oc
1 lober 2S. All the continental poaers and
Great Britain will be represented, but the
Untied Elates has not glen notice that
ill will tend del. gate.
John A. Crsicbtea Fresents Kearlj Ealf
Million Propertj to UaiTsrsitj.
Throagr of Frleada Gather at Maa
nlflreat Home to Pay neaperta
to Omaha's Grand Old
Count John A. Crelghton signalised the
celebration or his seventy-fifth birthday
anniversary by deeding to Crelghton uni
versity 4ju, worth of real estate. In
the presence of his relatives and friends and
of the faculty, students and rrlends of
Crelghton university, he delivered the
deeds to the property Into tho hands of
Father Dowling, president of the uni
versity. The endowment consists of two large
business blocks, the last two Count Crelgh
ton has built, one the building on Ninth
and Howard streets, of which the Byrne
Hammer Dry Goods company will soon
take possession, and the other the ware
house on Jones street, between Tenth and
Fleventh, occupied hy the John Deere
Plow company. The former Is eight sto
ries and basement In height and covers
ground 132 reel pquare. The site cost
Ho.nnn and the building and site are worth
nearly $2."i0,oH0.
The Deere building l iixl3J feet and six
stories In height. These two buildings
were erected under long time leases. They
will bring the university something over
12.000 in monthly rentals.
Two years ago Mr. Crelghton gave the
college SMn.ooi) worth or property, con
sisting of the Arlington blink, on Dodge
street, just west or the headquarters of
the Department of the Missouri, and the
Crelghton block, at Fifteenth and Douglas
streets. The Income from these two and
the two Included In the gift of yesterday
will yield the college an income of about
130. om n year.
Hlg Home geene of Festivity.
Count Creighton s big home at Twentieth
and Chicago streets was the scene of fes
tivity all afternoon nnd evening yesterday,
at 2 o'clock the Elk called In a body,
sixty In nunilwr, bringing a great bunch
or American Beauty roses. Judge Vlnson
haler. Robert Cowell. W. I. Kierstead and
W. B. Taylor offered birthday congratula
tions and Count Crelghton responded. Then
the Elks sang "He's a Jolly Good Fellow."
Later on the Crelghton College band came,
Its members appearing for the first time In
the new uniforms) Count Crelghton recently
gave them. The band played at Intervals
and In the interims Fathers Feld. Wise.
Wholen and Sherman sang In the parlors,
in the evening the Knights of Columbus
captured the house, congratulating the
count on his ago, his health and happiness
and receiving his thanks in return. Each
guest received a small souvenir bearing
the photograph of the count and a stanxsi
of verse.
All through the day refreshments were
In readiness on the sideboard and table of
tho Crelghton dining room and a bevy of
young women waited on the guerts. Birth
day presents were shown in the hall and
parlors. In .the most conspicuous places
were placed the girts of the Elks and the
Knights of Columbus.- the roaas from the
former and an eight-foot $30i) Swiss clock
from the latter.
At the time of the formal presentation of
the real estate to the university the front
porch, the hall of the house and the walk
In front of the porch were crowded with
guests, the president, deans and regents
of the university, Knights, Elks, students
and Mends.
Father O'Connor's Address.
Father M. J. O'Connor, vice president of
the university, acted n chairman on the
occasion. Introducing Count Crelghton, he
said :
The deans and regents of the Crelshton
university gathered at Count Creightons
residence to offer their comrratulaMons en
his Tnth birthday. Inspired by the best
Christian Impulses. Count Crelghton has
never failed to act up to the true ethlcnl
j ideals in the use of the riches which God
has allowed to come to him. Plain and
I simple In his ways snd life, lie has held
; his weilth in trust for the heln of those
les favored by Providence, and his mu
nificent endowments to the university that
I Is nroud to hear his name, as well as to tho
religious and charitable Institutions of our
city, tell how worthily he has fulfilled his
I trust. Little wonder that his genial, klnd'y
nature has won the respect and love of nil
about him, whose united prayer today will
I be that the years still to be Ms mav b
i crowned -with hanoiness In messiire rllltd
up. and presaed down, and running over.
Count's Cordial Words.
In his address Count Crelghton said, mak
ing the great donation:
Gentlemen: It was always the wish of
my dear departed brother, Edward, to
build up In this western country a free
educational lisiltuilon that would prove
a veritable boon for the youth of Omaha
and its vicinity. Thoush he left means to
begin the wors. these means In the rapid
growth and development of the institu
tien, were found to be Inadequate. It
was his one desire, the hope, aim and am
bition of his life to build up such a fres
institution. His wish was mine. To
make that flourishing center of moral and
mental developn ent secure against anv
financial reverse that might threaten Its
welfare, If not Its very existence, it was
ncessary to put It on a solid financial
basis. During these later years tins has
been a subject of deep thought to me.
nh the menus God has given me, I
think I have co-operated faithfully with
the project my dear brother had in mind.
I have seconded his efforts to the best of
my ability by putting the Institution, which
hears his name, on such a lusting basis,
thai it will without fear ot financial em
barrassment, continue to develop the west
ern youth Into a vigorous and sturdy
American manhood. For this reason and
to show my appreciation of the work ac
complished along these lines, I have
chosen todaymy Tith birthday when I
have passed considerably the scriptural
three score years and ten. to accomplish
with security during my lifetime the com
plete endowment needed by Teightoii
college, because I have always desired to
be In great part my own executor. I
hereby present to you. Father Dowling. as
bead of the institution the deeds for ths
buildings recently erected by me on Jones
street and on Howard street, aa this was
the purpose I had In view when building
Preside at Donllig Responds.
As Count Crelghton finished speaking
and handed to President Dowling the deeds
to the two buildings, a deafening cheer
went up. The happlneas of president
Dowllng's heart shone in his eycb as he
took the papers. He responded to Count
Crelghton in these words:
For many yeara It lias been niy privilege
1 to be associated with Mr. Creighton In the
i upbuilding and development of Crelghton
university. We have both seen the college
I grow from sn elementary school, started
' in a frontier town of ZO.UuO population,
into a university that is no discredit to a
- metropolitan city. During all thla time
Mr. Creighton has taken a keen, fatherly
i interest In all the Crelghton Institutions,
but his earliest and strongest affection
has been lavished on the college founded
by his brother. He has waiched lth
solicitude snd pride the growth of ths
John A. Crelghton M-dlral college, the
Crelghton Memorial hospital, built In
memory of bis wife; the piwr Clare con
vent, the Edward Crelghton Institute,
which affords a home for dentistry. lm
anil pharmacy; the Crelghton unlvernty
("Continued on Second Pags.)
Fair and "warmer Tnrsday. W eases,
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Jnda Hamilton. Who Killed Hamilton
Family at I. Irking, Mo., Attempts
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. Oct. la. Jnda
Hamilton, the confessed sl.iyrr of the five
members or the Parw ns ramlly, near Hous
ton, Texas county. Missouri, has leen
taken to Jail in southern Missouri, tho
name of which Is kept secret. Sheriff
Evsn Woods of Texas county says that
Hamilton Is a raving maniac and that he
made two attempts to kill himself In the
Houston Jail last night by thrusting a
knitting needle into his breast and neck
and by butting his head against the cell
Sheriff Woods, who arrlve.1 here early this
morning with Hamilton, says the talk of
lynching was so strong In Houston that
he thought It twst to take Hamilton away.
From Springfield Hamilton was sent to
safe' place nenr the Arkansas line, accord
ing tt the sheriff.
Sheriff Woods says that Hamilton time!
a roll confession to him. declaring that
he nwt Parsons and family In the road on
Friday; that Parsons threatened him with
a kntfo and Hamilton killed Parsons with
a shotgun in self-defense, and that tn
killed the others because they might tes
tify against hbu.
Clarence Venncr Tries to Ventilate
Deal In Burlington Mocks
In Court.
NEW YORK. Oct. 13. An action against
the Great Northern Railway company and
J. J. Hill, on charges of misconduct, arc
made against Mr. Hill as president and a
director of the railroad company and resti
tution In amount said to exceed $l),ono,iOU
Is asked, was begun by Clarence Venner
today in the United States court. Venner,
who claims to hold 3M shares of Great
Northern stock, alleges that In 1W1 Presi
dent Hill wrongfully nnd Illegally carried
out a plan to purchase Chicago, Burlington
ft gulncy railway stock In the open market
at a price said to be a little over S150 per
share, but which It is alleged became the
property of the Great Northern and North
ern Pacific Jointly at 1200 per share.
The amount paid is alleged to have ex
ceeded HS.Otli.OOU and President Hill Is
charged with making a profit of over ilii,- The complainant asks that restl
tution be msde to the stockholders of this
Session In Denver Expects to Keeom
,. mead Important Changes In Na
tional Mineral Laws.
DENVER, Oct. 15. Men knowfl in tlie
mining Industry throughout the world are
gathering in Denver to attend the conven
tion or the American Mining congress,
which opens tomorrow. It is expected tluit
nearly 1,500 delegates will be present.
J. H. Richards or Boise, Idaho, president
of the congress, said today:
This meeting Is to be one of the most
Important held in recent years. If some or
tho measures we hope to put through re
ceive the approval of the congress as a
wholn there Is likely to !e some national
legislation at Washington which will vitally
affect the mining industry in the United
! Arrangements Made to Celebrate Cen
tennial of "Herald of tiospel of
Liberty" In 190N.
HUNTINGTON. Ind., Oct. 15-The quad
rennial meeting of the American Christian
convention camo to a close tonight. A
i committee was named tn decide oi some
; form of celebration to observe the centeti
; nia) of the Herld of Gospel Liberty, which
j will tie lu) yearn old in VMX. Delegates
I were named to attend the Church Federa
tion congress to convene In New York. A
committee was named to devise ways and
means for a Christian university, to report
in 1H10. The executive board will decide on
the location of the next convention.
Nebraska Orator Given F.ntliaalastlc
Greeting by Friends and Former
JACKSONVILLE. 111., Oct. 15.-Wllllam
J. Bryan spent two hours In Jacksonville
today on his way through the state, this
being the home town of Mr. Bryan, where
he graduated from Illinois college, of which
institution he was chairman of the Imard
of trustees, and where ho first oenod a law
office. He was greeted by many personal
friends of all parties and at the city park,
where he spoke, Mr. Bryan was given an
enthusiastic greeting by a large crowd.
Omaha Physician Hareerda Dr. Yuuag
at lasaae Hospital at
LINCOLN. OcL 15 -(Speclal Telegram.)
Governor Mickey today announced the ap
pointment of Dr. H. A. Wlgton of Omaha
to be assistant superintendent of the Ne
braska Insane hospital, vice Dr. Young,
who has succaedrd to the superintendency
of the Norfolk asylum. Dr. Wlgton was
installed this morning.
laldealBd Parties Get Away with
Four Thonaaad Dollars at
iarly Hoar.
MoCOOK. Neb.. Oct. 16 tSiieuial Tele
gram.) The Bank of Maywood, at May.
wood, Frontier county, was opened with
dynamite at an early hojr this morning
by undentlfied parties, who secured ft.Uuu
of the bank's funds. The robbers escaped.
Mlsaoart Prisoners Break Jail.
SEDAL1A. Mo., Oct. 15. Henry Payne,
charged with grand larceny; Geoige
Graves, attempted assault with lutein to
kill, and Thomas burglury. escaped
trum the county Jail last night through a.
hole in one of the Jail walls made with u
raw. The nine o h.r prisoners In Jail sang
iwi iii.til lu deaden the liulsa of the saw.
harce Made by Farmers' ElsTator Aceats
in Cbicaeo H sarin tr.
Witaesses Bay Ken Who Buy from Co
operative OeaoetDs Ars Boycotts..
Iastauoes of Refusal to Furnish 9ars tr
Ifere Grain for Iudipendeats.
Illlaola Man Telia of Daalaees Rained
Reranse He Dealt with Farmers
Direct Secret Letters
CHICAGO. tct. 15 Testlmonv wis heard
today before members of tie Interstate
Commerce commission relative to the pos
sible existence of a Grain trust.
The first witness was A. T. Aygarn of
Pontlac. III., who told of his struggles
against the Illinois Grain Dealers' associa
tion. Mr. Aygarn broke Into tear on the
witness stand and it was necessary to ex
cuse him from giving further evidence. He
declared as he left the stand, tears stream.
Ing domn his faeo and his voice broken b
his grief, that he had been ruined bernuea
he had dared to deal with the farm and
with the track shovelers. He declared ths
discrimination against him had be.'t
doubled because the railroads had refused
to give him cars In which to transport hl
Secret Letters Shown.
Secret letters and circulars to members
of tho Iowa State Grain Driers' associa
tion and similar documents Issued to mem
bers of the Illinois association were read
to the commissioners and the statements
were considered so unusual by 'the com
missioners that the witnesses were rlrldly
J. E. Breiinnn and J. G. Dunn, grain so
licitors for a Chicago house, told ot the
struggle between the farmers and tho or
ganized commission men in Illinois ami
Iowa. Both men declared thnt their Dnn
had been blacklisted and boycotted because
It persists In buying grain from farmer
elevator companies and not alone from
members or the grain associations.
A number or letters were introduced In
which members of the Illinois association
protested njrainst the firm doing business
with men whom it termed Irregular.
Because the firm declined to obey the ex
pressed wishes or the Illinois association
all tin- members or that organisation, it
was ssld, had reruscd to do any business
with It.
Road Hefnaes to Mot Grain.
Witness Argarn. when ho had recovered
his composure, resumed the stand. Ho
said thut lie had S10.000 invested In his
business, but that has disappeared and li
Is many thousands of dollars behind, lis
has a crippled child and a wife to sup
port.' he declared, and all his troubles fol
lowed his attempt to at friand who was
a farmer, by purchasing his grain. . Jlu
said that ut one time the Illinois 'Conlrat
railroad left SW0 worth of his grain on
the tracks for j weeks without moving It,
this being, h declared, a part of the dis
crimination against lilm that brought about
his ruin.
H. H. Carr, an Independent dealer in
grain, also claimed that he had been ruined
by the grain combination and by the dis
crimination of the railroads. He declared
that time after time he hud called the
attention of the Interstate Oonimcrco com
mission, of President Roosevelt and of At
torney General Moody to the state of af
fairs, but nothing had ever come of It,
"Can you give an Instance of where a
man has been ruined by the conditions
which you describe." asked Commissioner
"I certainly can." replied the witness.
"I am an instance myself. I have becu
ruined by theM things."
Promises More Information.
The witness than bruku Into a thads
against the president, attorney general and
the members of the commission for having
paid no attention to statements which, ho
declared, had been submitted to them in
the past. At the request of Commissioner
Prouty he promised to furnish the commis
sion with further information.
Witness Dunn told of the refusal ot the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad to give
an independent dealer In grain a site for
an elevator along Its right-of-way until a
hill was presented to the legislature pro
viding for tho compulsory allowance ot
elevator sites by the railroads to anyona
who wished to build. He also declared that
five weeks ago the Illinois Central road re
fused farmers the right to build an ele
vator along Its right-of-way at Richards,
la. The matter was tsken Isst week be
fore the Iowa railroad commissioners,
where the secretary of the Iowa Grain
Dealers' association declared, according tn
the witness, that farmers should not ha
allowed to erect elevators because It com
pelled the payment to them ot too high
mici'B for their grain.
! Other witnesses told ot the efforts to
divert business away from F. M. Terry of
River Sioux, la., who waa said to be Ir
regular." Secretary Wells of the Iowa as
ao i.ilion was active in this work. It was
Farmers shut Oat of Memphis.
J. A. McGreery. manager of the Fanners'
Elevator company at Mason City, la., was
the first witness of the afternoon. He de
clared that it la difficult for the Farmers'
Elevator company to find a market ror its
grain and that when a commission man
bids ha must do so under cover. He said:
We have been shut out or Memphis,
Tenn., as a market by tvasnn of the boy
cott of the Illinois Grain Dealers' associa
tion. We have received letters from
brokers In Memphis saving that they were
afraid to buy ftom us Isrcause they reared
a boycott of the Illinois association If they
did so.
J. J. Stream, provident of the South Chi.
cago Elevator company, was questioned re
garding the manner In which the three
elevators formerly owned by Charles Coun
selman of this city, who tiled recently,
came Into the possession of the Rock Island
road. Ho declared thst J. C. Shaffer of
this city had charge of the matter, and
Mr. Shaffer was then culled lo the stand.
He asi'. that he purchased the elevators
from the Counselman estate und organised
the Chicago ft Rock Island Elevator com
pany, to which he transferred the eleva.
Charged with Discrimination.
"I wrtit to tell this commission soiuo.
thing about the fanners." said J. Rosen
I ban ni of the J. Rosenbaum Grain oom
j pany of Chlcugo, who was the next wlt
"The farmers who are organised refuse
U sell grain to any but their owa aisva.
tors. Part of their sgreemef.t Is that it
any ux-mber sells to anyone slat he sun: I