Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Cao.M for Crims tad Disorder CiicuHtd
from ths Fnlpit
Rrr. I.arln o. Bairn linrars Hy'
Ctrrallrr with Trnnsrendlna; Hi
tnlhorltf In Pardoning Vrl
oirri After t'niiTlctlon.
Mayor Pullman's whol'mle pardon of
' criminals srlio hnve hem rpauliirly cnn
vlrtsd In thr courts;- con
lnitined by r.ev. l,nrlii O. Uniid in Ills
Harmon on "Omaha's Humiliation.'' deliv
er!! lit Bl. Mary's Avonu' Outer oatlnnal
rliur- h j MtirJi.y morning;. Rev. Mr.
Balrd rierlarod thr acts of thf cMpI -(ctitlvs
constituted an murrntlon of the
functions of the Jnrtlrlary. wrrr- "lawWs"
and rontrihtited to the humiliation of the
city. He referrert'ln tho sermon to the re
cent murder nnd hnldupK. lie took a his
trxt a portion of the fourth rhapter of
i;enr."lf: "Tf llinu dcteM well, phnlt thou
not he ai'i rpted, mid if thou doet not well,
slil. 1W-t at thy door. And unto thee Khali
hi desire and thou ehall rule over him."'
In part be ewid:
'The.e words were Kpolien to Cain, hut
prrh.-ip-i 'hey could he spoken to u
well, for we have lurn raising Oln Ions:
motion. We are flooded with hooks In
lie luxe editions which appoal to lire baaer
I aslons. Our Ftaac K given over largely
to" pluys with u double meaning, and ws
bav stnrli-a In which conjugal Infidelity
Is the has I p. Thu nplrit of fain Is Indlrated
lit the lynching of the south. In the stock
inurket jobbery in the . east and In the
murders ami holdups In our own city.
The Cain that Is In na Is the anarchy
that Is In our hearts and ahrOad In the
country. The most alarming- thins l our
thought pswncs as to those around vis. The
time has come when the Abel In us must
co'-nperate with the authorities and In ap
Iieala to a higher rower to bring back
conditions of safety.
Kaay to t rltlclse Officials.
,!lt Is easy to lay the blame on this or
that officer. It is easy to alt In our studies
and rail at thin or that weaknesj. Public
officers get more knocks and less apprecia
tion than any oiln-r class of people. Let
us appreciate the difficult les that beset
Thief Oonabuc hi trying to police the city
with llfty-four officers and five of these on
sick leave. When I arrived In the city I
was. told that certain classes' of criminals
were allowed to remain In the city on con
dition that they woyld not prey on our own
elllsen. I oould not believe It. ' But It was
noticeable that the criminals who were
here tlurlng the carnival did not operate
lif the residence districts, but remained
down town with the crowd. I Just read In
a newspaper that there la a definite policy
to allow criminals to remain here on condi
tion that they behave themselves here,
the theory being that they, commit their
crimes elsewhere.' If this be true, there
ought to be a change. It is the system that
ought to be probed.
"I am humiliated at the lawlessness of
the chief executive of our city, who has
taken to himself . legislative and judicial
functions. He has no right to reverse
the decision of the court and pardon WO
criminals who have been convicted in court.
fav these men who have been pardoned
reformed? How can the policeman keep
Ms respect when the man he. arrests for
raua today, tomorrow can laugh at him
and poke a pardon under his nose? It is
the business of the prosecuting attorneys to
enforce the law. In case they will not do
It the dtigens must help.
' ' Proposes to lean the fit?.
Wi are educating criminals. Of course,
fwnl murders ore committed elsewliere, but
Sum A??Zsi,mi-
1 h M' " "
the degenerate Is a pnwsrd. "weep eat the
rnbblsli from the city and the degenerate
will go too. I am told that permits for
dnnce halls are being granted Indiacrlml
netely and eoitie of these halls are being
allowed to remain oiien until 3 o'clock In
the morning selling liquor all the time."
Rev. Mr. Balrd also condemned the atti
tude of respectable people at the proscribed
district. He swjil he did not raJl at condi
tions as they exist, but he thought the
people generally do not study the question
deeply enough. He also deplored the greed
for money which leads business men to vio
late rncral and physical lnwt for Increased
Her. T V. Moore rinses rastorate wit
Rnrnest Statement.
Rev. T. V. Moore preached Ms last ser
mon at Westminster Presbyter an church
last evening. Today Mr. and Mrs. Moore
go to San Anselmo. Oat., where Mr Moc-re
has taken a position as professor In the
Ban PYanclsco Theological seminary- The
church has no one In view as a successor
to Tr. Moore, but services will continue
as usual and will be In charge of supply
ministers until another pastor Is chosen.
Sunday morning Dr. Moore discoursed on
"The Message of tTirlst." "What tt e prime
mesage of the Savior was Is a question
that cause a dispute among theologlsts.
since Christ never definitely stated which
of His utterances' was His most Important
message,"' said Dr. Moore. The speaker
preferred to take for the messnge of Jesus
these words: "Come unto Me all ye that
labor and are heavy laden and I will give
you rest."
"Some ministers say it was -love one
another,' but that was not distinctively
Christ's message, for others have brought
that. When I asked myself the question,
the text beginning- Tome unto Me' In
stantly flashed Into my mind, and the more
I study the matter the clearer I see that
this was His real message. The burden
of It was Christ Himself, not any rule of
morals, not any system of theology, not
any scheme of a coming kingdom.
Prophets before and after Him talked to
men n fellow workers, and none ever
ventured to prsent himself as perfection.
But Jesus had nothing to attain; He was
all there is to attain, and when men saw
Him they saw the height of perfection.
Christ could say without the slightest Im
pression of egotism. 'Come unto Me,' be
cause what He said was so absolutely true.
The Invitation came from the perfection
and deity in Him.
"This messnxe conies to all classes of
men under some circumstances. It doesn't
Anoeal to all men. ' It doesn't appeal to
the Pharisee, the rationalist, the sensual
ist, but It reaches them all sooner or
later. When? It reaches them when their
hearts begin to feel a great need that
cannot be satisfied. Paul was a Pharisee
and felt self-sufficient, but one day when
he was humbled In the dust the message
of Christ reached htm.
"Tou can't find real rest In anything
short of a personality. Study the philoso
phers and you will see that they never
found rest In system. Rest is found In Him
and not In His doctrines; the conscience
finds rest in a perfect Ideal and a perfect
redemption. We find In Him our Ideal
$3.5044.00 Shoe
peels so easy across the Bali of the
Foot. No matter in what Position
the Foot may be, or how much it
nay be bent, it is always comfor
table. This comes from perfect
-Lasting" for which the "ATLAN
T1C Shoe is justly famous. The
"Upper is polled smooth, the Lin
ling; is stretched tight, and the Last
ds right That's all there, is to it.
Il you want to eliminate all tbe Tils that
'Feet are Heir to start to-riavwrtha Pair
f "ATLANTIC" Shoes ami you'll "cote
tag-in." If there is no "ATLANTIC"
gent, have your own Dealer order from
tit just what you want.
M a (our ljiw o vm rVULLjr
Mot Springs
Is easily and comfortably reached by
leaving Nebraska and Iowa points In
the forenoon, arriving Kansas City In
time to lonnect with tbe Southeastern
Limited of th
War fee Christians to Accomplish
Good l the World.
Rev. John E. Hummon of Kountie Memo
rial church spoke Sunday morning from
Psalms li.. ia-13. "I hope the service of
this day shall add some momentum to the
cause of Jeaua Christ in our church.'1 said
the speaker. "With David, we can well
plead with God to restore unto us the joy
of His salvation, that we may be upheld
with His free spirit, that we may teach
transgressors His ways and that sinners
may be converted unto Him. Have we done
our part in the past? It appears to me
that from the lack of earnest Christian
serf! among some of our church that we
are doing far from our best. W do not
exert the power and Influence we should In
the hearts of men. Success in Clod's cause
depends upon certain principles of good
and direct activity, and when the are ab
sent our efforts are failures. It the church
carelessly seeks to carry on Us mission,
neglecting its duty and responsibility, in
evitable disaster will follow. Our church
does not realise its full responsibility to
Its duty In God's cause. The secret of suc
cess is work. Work should control every
energy of the spiritual power within us in
the prosecution of our God-given mission.
V must first get right with God. Tha
church has become too sensualized. It U
becoming too much of 'a social club. In
which It lacks the momentum of the spirit
of God. Theni Is too much of a tendency
to get angry because every one cannot have
his or her own wsy. What we need It the
cry to God to restore to us. the Joy of HI
salvation. Our duty of th hou" Is a faith
ful consecration to the true work of the
church of Jesus Christ. We need the up
lirtlng power of the Holy Spirit, and with
out it we can accomplish nothing. Our re
sponse to this call should be, "I will try to
do my best." Pastors sometime become
discouraged that God does not use them
more completely In the conversion of men.
Let us stand before the throne of God and
ask lllin to restore the joy of His salva
tion. Let us do our very best to save one
more soul."
leaving Kansas City dally 6:30 p. m.,
. carrying Pullman Drawing Room
leeper through without change. Any
ticket agent iu Nebraska or Iowa will
cheerfully reserve berths in this
T lee per and sell through round trip
licksu at greatly reduced rates.
Hard Work aad DeTeIesaaeat t'yward
is Repaired.
"To be a Christian In the full sense of
the word is to recognise the divine rela
tionship with God and to endeavor to live
In and honor that relationship," said Rev.
Frank I- Ixjveland, pastor of the First
Methodist church, yesterday morning. The
preacher spoke of what it means to be a
Christian, apart from the mere theology of
The minister likened the relations of the
Heavenly l'Hilitr and His children to the
relations of father and son of earthly ties.
"The divine relationship is reciprocal, in
that father and son cannot get along with
out each ofher. We are all children of
God, and should recognise that relation
ship. The Bible teaches we cannot get
alone without the Father. The Father
longs fur ills ehlldren.
"There sometimes Is the distance of es
trangement between ton and father, which
distance ir.nv le groater than the mere
dleULe of ijn-:. The distance of sin
and Iniquity sNVittimes la hard to brook,
jut wii Ui m goes to tbe Father and
says, '1 era sorry,' then does Christianity
enter the son's heart.' God gave on Cal
vary a perpetual token of His heart-breaking
for the world and Is ever saying, -Come
home.' to His children.
"To be a Christian is a hard thing: all
great thing are hard to accomplish. Bun
yan's Idea of a Christian, who is trying
to escape the things of this world, does
not satisfy u; the cynic who says a
Christian is a man whose supreme hope
is to get his soul into heaven and gos
to church for that one purpose, iniKaes
the real meaning of the word."
The speaker spoke of the Christian's' Iif'!
as a growth, an upward struggle for those
things which are the reward of those who
recognike tha divine relationship and live
In it. We begin as a babe nestled In lis
mother's arms and gradually grow in
Christian strength and grace until we stand
on the hilltops of mature faith and knowledge.
Eenator Saturn to Omtba After Six
Vsothi Abieoce is East.
Talks of Malae'a F.lerllnn, Eastern
Prosperity aal Rryaa's Sew lark
Speech en Tablle Ownership
of Railroads.
General Charles F., general
solicitor for the Kurllngton railroad, who
hss been In the east for vome time, returned
to Omaha Sunday morning, very much Im
proved In health. In speaking of his stay
and other matters of Interest, he said: "I
have been absent since the beginning of
May, after a severe and trying Illness. My
six months' of rest have done me much
good, restoring my strength partially, and
now I look fur a complete restoration to
"I spent the late rpring on the Atlantic
coast and from there went by easy stages
to Poland Springs, Me., which Is a beautiful
place, with good water and pure air. U Is
by all odds the best summer resort 1 have
ever visited and has hcaltheiving properties.
"Althnqgh I did nut participate, on ac
count of my physical cundltlon, in the com
petition which involved t lie election of state
officers and congressmen In Maine, I was
much interested In the contest. Mr. (lomp
ers, claiming to represent the labor element
of the country, was very active in a
canvass, seeking to punish members of
congress who saw fit to vote what they be
lieved to be right rather than submit to
his dictation, as the self-crowned leader of
what he is pleased tc call the labor element
in America. He did. perhaps, succeed by
misrepresentation and arguments which ap
pealed to the passions and prejudices rather
than to reason, in cutting down majorities
that had been given in congressional dis
tricts in Maine but I am glad to say that
good sense prevailed and Mr. I.lltletield,
who voted as his mind and conscience dic
tated, was re-elected. '
Dae to Prohibition.
"The reason for the reduced republican
majorities In Maine was because of the
agitation on the liquor question. Maine has
for many years had a prohibitory law.
which has been more honored in the breech
than In the observance. Evasion and Ignor
ing of the law has caused much discontent
and led to' hypocrlcy and deceit. There
are no saloons in Maine, but liquor Is clan
destinely sold and, while I am free to ad
mit that there is not murh evidence of In
ebriety, the fact that the law Is quietly
disobeyed has led to much opposition to
It by those who believe that when a law
exists It should be enforced. There Is a
growing feeling in the state that a hlKh
license law. with careful safeguards, would
bo better than prohibition that pre.tches
but does not practice. 1 came from my
observation of the conflict well satisfied
that the high license law of Nebraska is
one of the best, and nil thnt Is needed here
Is a careful obxervance of the law which
practically operates for local option where
the sentiment of the locality is In favor
of it.
Rnstle In Kastern Cities
"Boston, New York ahd Philadelphia, in
all of which cities I stopped, for a few days
rest, were full of activity and bustle and
the people of these cities and. Indeed, of all
parts of the east, are rapidly realising the
Importance of the west ' and particularly
that section of the west that lies beyond
"Mr. Bryan's return was looked forward
to with great interest and there was bril
liant expectation of what might be his
views when he reached New York. Ills
New- York speech was a severe disappoint
ment to the wiser members of the demo
cratic tarty. Thin advocacy of government
ownership of railroads shocked every man
who had given thought or study to that
subject, and those who have given it care
ful consideration, after observance abroad
In the few countries where government
ownership obtains. Were particularly an
tagonlstlcal to Mr. Bryan's views. I cannot
imagine a more effective or a more danger
ous centralisation of power than that which
would come with the government ownership
of railroads, and It is Immaterial whether
that be ownership by the United States of
interstate lineq or the ownership by states
of Intrastate lines.
Reiterates Former Views.
"However, that is a subject I talked with
you particularly about a year ago on my
return from Kurope and It would be Inter
esting now, In view of the appearance of
the new convert, to rend 'what I said on
that occasion. Some of the results that I
spoke of have been mentioned In the public
presc of the east, but many other results
of great tltlt and moment do not seem to
have occurred to the Journalistic mind.
However, as the subject has been mooted
and obtained prominence because of Mr.
Bryan's speech, there will be much said
and written upon it. and when the people
come to realize the dangers and trouble
that would follow in the wake of the policy
that receives contenunce and support front
tills eminent Nebraska!!, they will rcpudiute
It and liliu alxo. If he continues wedded to
this strange Idol.
Glad to Get Home'.
"I am very glad to get home and the few
hours that I havo been in the city cheer
rne with the evidences of the growth and
prosperity of Omaha. The crops of the
state, as I understand, are great and win
ning ones. This is most cheering news, lor
the products of the soil of Nebraska, when
It yleulds an abundant harvest, are better
and of more value than gold and sliver
mines. The soil produces annual wealth and
instead of being exhausted is refreshed and
bettered by that which it annually pro
duces. We may consider ourselves fortun
ate our lot is cast In a great agricultural
state, the products of which aro w-ll as
sured and Increase annually In value by the
use of Intensive farming.
"It has done my heart gooi after this
1 long, enforced absence to receive the greet
ing of my neighbors and friends, among
whom I have spent the most of my man
hood life. The old sung has been running
through my head all dayi
'Mid pleasures and palaces, wherever we
Be It ever so humble, there's no ulacs
like home.' "
A Great Train.
If you have never read about It you
shuuld do so then ride on it. It Is the
ern Pacific railway. It has a great repu
tation Runs daily between St. Paul and
Minneapolis and Seattle and Tacoma,
Wash., and" Portland, Ore in both direc
tions, pssslng through Fargo, N. D., Butte
and Missoula, Mont., Spokane and North
Yakima, Wash., among many growing
cities. It traverses the grandest section of
the west the Great Northwest.
Going to California this winter? Then
have your return tickets read via Portland,
Puget Sound and the Northern Pacific and
travel on the "Norm Coast Limited." Read
our descriptive and artistic booklet of the
same name sent free to any address.
Write for It.
General Pssvenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
Trae Inwardness of the Alleged
Mrntal Aasanlt en F. I While
and Ossnaaton.
The story of the alleged nsrault on V. L
White of South Omaha and a young woman
companion at Twentieth and Vinton streets
Saturday night occasioned .considerable ex
citement Sunday and spurred the police
to greater efforts to capture the alleged
culprit. After several hours of strenuous
effort on the part of the detertlves Sunday
it wns discovered that the whole affair
was a huge Joke concocted by the fertile
Imagination of the woman In the case." who
successfully pulled the woor-nver the eyes
of White, the easy victim of her wiles.
White went to a dance Faturdny night
and there became Infatuated with the
charms of Louise Kuhns. who lives at
Twenty-ninth and Monroe streets. Miss
Kuhns had quarreled with her sweetheart,
with whom she had gone to the dance, and
the attentions of White, a callow youth of
tender age. proved very acceptable at that
stage of the game and she acqulesved when
he nrked her to be allowed to see her home.
TWy'left the dance hall together, but the
old sweetheart of the girl did not Intend
to submit for long to any such proceed
ings and followed White and the girl to
Twentieth and Vinton streets, where he at
tacked White, inflicting a slight scalp
wound. White fled from the scene, only
to return later. . But In the meantime Miss
Kuhns and her former sweetheart had set
tled their differences, and In order to de
ceive White as to-his standing In her af
fections, she told him the story of the
assault and that her assailant und his also
was a colored man.
White telephoned the girl's story to the
Omaha police station, and the affair has
been the subject of Investigation ever since.
Sunday afternoon the girl told the de
tectives the true story of the adventure
of the previous night, much to the chagrin
of White, who as yet failed to learn the
name of hia successful rival.
Msetiag Taiti Etepi for Erection of ai
Hebrew Institute,
aharrlittlona Taken at Meeting- Fnnt
In F.nennrnalns Total and Papers
Mill Be tlrenlated for
Chlenao I'rosecntor t nnhle to Convict
Him of Attempt to Bribe
a Jnror.
By the acquittal of Stephen A. Crowe by
a Chicago Jury, Omaha Is snored from the
lime' light and the Windy City takes Its
place. .These two were brothers, Patrick I
of Omaha, and Stephen of Chicago, and the !
caaea are similar in that the prosecutors of
Chicago are saying things about like the
people "of Omaha saTd when Patrick was
given the freedom of the earth.
Stephen A. . iCrowe was charged with
having attempted to bribe a Juror, Thomas
A. CVrr, while the latter' was staying at the
Revere house of which Crowe is the pro
prietor. While Carr was the only man
who said Crowe poked the money at him
Crowe had numerous witnesses who swore
he was playing cards at the time the little
Infraction of the law Is said to have oc
cured. Crowe limped Into the court room
on a crutch and a cane to hear the verdict,
and when the foreman announced "not.
guilty," he very properly thanked the Jurors
aud told the court and Jurors he was the
father of five children and It was for theni
he cared, more than It was for himself.
The Jury was- out three hours and four
ballots were, taken.
At a mass meeting of the Jewish people
of Omaha, held In the Patterson block
Sunday nlglit. It was practically decided
to erect a Hebrew Institute, the Idea being
to have a building costing between 20.noo
and IJB.onft. In which would be a gymnasium
for the young women and boys, plenty of
rooms In Which ail the Jewish societies of
the city might meet and also plenty of
room for schools and reading rooms and
for all such uses to which such a building
might be put.
A committee appointed from the Nebraska
H'Nnl B RIth and the McKlnley lodge of
the order, has been working on this plan
for some time, and the work of this com
mittee was finally centered in getting out
h large number Iset night to see Just what
the idea of the Jewish people of the city
was in regard tu such a building. The
promoters of the scheme were somewhat
dlrhearlened early in the evening, as It
looked as though the meeting would be
poorly attended, but later In the evening
more arrived until by the time the subscrip
tions were taken the room was well filled.
No effort was required to raise the $3,500.
and subscription lists will bo prepared to
use In the soliciting of the balance of the
Speakers Favor the Plan.
Prof. Nathan Bernstein presided at the
meeting and called upon Rabbi Colin. Dr.
Sher, L Harris and E. Fleishman, nil of
whom made rousing speeches In favor of
the undertaking. It was pointed out that
there are 6.0U0 Jews In Omaha, and with this
number It would be no more than right
that they should have some central place
for holding meetings, and a building which
could also be used for a school fur the
smaller children and for the use of all.
The list was started last night by A. B.
Alplrn, who gave $500 and from that on
the subscriptions came fast until the t-1,f"0
was raised. Those who pledged themselves
last night were:
A. B. Alplrn....! 5n0 , m. '-'5
A.J.Miller...... 2 f Lrn-osa '&
lo M. L. fiugarman 15
N. Bernstein.... 'Jft
H 0 A. Mavsky 15
' Mrs. B. Singer. ifi
MO Dr. Sher 60
M0; Max Irvine....
J. Gordon
H. Gross .
J. Ievlne
H. Marowltx...
Dr. Newman...
S. Robinson
J. Kattleman...
I. Ijevison
L. Blomenthal.
J. B. Robinson.
1). Blumenthal.
8. Kats
H. Simon
8. Ravltx
M. Ooldenhurg.
J. Corbu
K. Fleishman:.,
Minnie Golden
I. Kendis
H. Singer
T. Kneeter
Mrs. B. Robin
L. Harris........
A. Casselinan. . .
Ida Gorken
Sadie I'nger ...
Jennie Gordon..
Mrs. Marowltz..
Mary Hershow..
Junior Knights
of Zion
Morris tlordon..
Rabbi Cohn
Mrs. Sher
J. Slobldlnskl....
Total $3,500
Kaarles, Xoticrt
Members of Omaha aerie No. S8, Frater
nal Order 'of Eagles, are requested to meet
at . St. Patrick's church. Fourteenth and
Caetellar, at 9 a. m. Monday, October 15, to
attend the funeral of our late brother, John
Cederel. Burial -at Holy Sepulchre ceme
tery. H.-W, Dt'NN. W. President
D. W. CANON, Secretary. '
THE PARLOR i the room where coolness and repose
should prevail. Gobelin patterns in Artloom Tapestries
at doors and windows cannot be anything but refined
and tasteful. Their charm lies in the harmonious effects in
the softest sort of colors. There are delightful poswbilities also
in French, Louis XV and Empire styles.
Suppose the home contains a
living-room "instead tf parlor:
have it so cozy everyone will
make it a rendezvous for chat
and relaxation. Good taste
suggests that the hangings be
in restful, solid colors.
The very next time you
go shopping make it a point
to see the Artloom Tapestries
curtains, table and couch covers.
Their artistic beauty and wear
ing qualities are out of all pro
portion to their modest prices.
Curtains Solid colors. Mercer
ired, Duplex, Oriental, Silk,
Bagdad, Krorade snd Velour,
ti to tto. Wide divenity of
desigm snd coloring.
Couch Covers Bagdad, Oriental,
Turkish, Gobelin, Dagheitan,
figured Brocade and Velour.
1 and up. Each an actual
counterpart of the maaterpiecea
of foreign loom.
Table Covers Tapestry, Orien
tal and Gobelin, ft. to and up.
Remarkable for srtistic duali
ties and originality,
'-- l
Always look for the Artloom label ,.i
It is on every Piece
HSood F
WATCHES Frenxer. 16th and Dodge.
Accused of Rntlclnar Girls.
Accused by-4wo young girls of attempt
ing to entice them with offers of money
and candy. Albert Jackson, Ml South
Twelfth street, colored, who Is a well
known police character, was arrested Sun
day afternoon bv Patrolman Reidv near
Sixteenth and Chicago streets. The tjlrls
whom Jackson In shM to have approached
are Bonnie De. 419 North Fifteenth street,
and Irene Mullen, 1509 Dnvenport street.
Two More Kxploalon V let I ma Dead.
ROCHESTER. Pa.. Oct. 14. Two more of
those Injured by the explosion of the boil
ers of the government pumping bont Sluck.
water at Iock No. 4, on the Ohio river,
tit I-ealonviHe, Beaver county, on Satur
day afternoon, died today, increasing the
number to five deaths.
Hecretary banr at Plttsbarar.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 14. Secretary of the
Treasury Leslie M. Sliaw arrived in tills
city today, where he will speak at a re
publican mass meeting tonight. He will
also speuk at Scranton and Iancaster later
In tli week.
Netting n liood F.xample.
Considering how general is the use of
Hungarian bitter waters. It Is Interesting
that the proprietors of the Apenta water
give assurance that the working of the
Apenta springs, Budapest, Hungary, at
which it is bottled, is carried out not on
merely commercial lines, but under the sci
entific and hygienic supervision of Dr. Leo j
von LJebermann, professor at the Hyglr-n'c
Institute til the Royal university at Buda- ;
pest. The analyses of Apenta, as published
in the text-books on mineral water springs,
show that the sulphates of soda and of
magnesia, of which the latter is predomi
nant, are the chief constituents. Apenta
Is best known as a still or non-effervescent
water, but It can also be had carbonated. In
small bottles called splits. It is said that
the importation of this water has grown
very considerably in recent years, and it is
well known that Hungarian aperient waters
have been In world-wide use for many
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and
In combating tbe "King" of daagerous dls-eoses-mo
time should be lost, no experiment
ing should be done. ' Our treatment for
Specific Blood Poison is absolutely safe, rapid
and permanent, and leaves no Injurious atter
effects. Every external symptom soon disap
pears, while the blood, the tlasuss, the nerve
fibres and the system are cleansed, strength
ened and restored to health and purity.
By the latest and beat methods we treat
and cure to remain cured Nervo-VltaJ pebllltj.
Skin IMsemses, Soros, Ulcers, Swollen Glands,
Varicocele, Hrdrocrle, Nervous Decline, Plies,
Kuptore, Kidney and Bladder Dlseatses and
all dlseasea of men due to Inheritance, ex
haustion or the results of specific diseases.
Consultation Free, Confidential and Invited
IV. We Cor. 13Ui and F mm tan StM Omaha, Neb.
Sterling stiver Frensei. 16th dt Dodge sta
Boy Shot In Arms.
Frank Harris, aged 14. living with his
parents on the county road north of East
Omaha, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
Sunday with a badly lacerated arm, re
ceived from a gunshot while hunting. The
lad wan in a boat on the river, near F.ast
Omuha. and when he landed pulled tho
Bun toward him when he stepped out. The
hammer caught and the charsre of shot
waa sent Into the boy's arm. Dr. Bishop
dressed the wound and then had tha pfa
tlcnt removed to the hospital.
A. B. HuS-rinan. only direct Importer of
diaiuwU, la iU wuit, Uth ana loul.
spsnnwnna uiassviLMtsssjii! nnn ' ' " ijUMiu i ij f p. naaasasBaassBSBBBsasnsssBssw
Uargum Co.. t-ETVEK nftCIAUST
WANTED Two buys for the sod fountain,
beatou Drug Co., UtU aud Fanuun St.
Homesceker's Excursion
Many points in the South and South
east. Tickets on sale the 1st and 3d
Tuesday of October and November.
For tickets, rates and detailed infor
mation call at City Ticket office, 1402
Farnam St., or write,
S. NORTH, Dist. Pass. Agt.
(&REAT '
: 'Vtsrei.'
. Leaves Union Station, Omaha, 7:43 a. m.
. . Arrives Chicago, 10:00 p. m. the same day.
Observation End Parlor Car with Dining Room and First-class
Coaches. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper served in the Dining
Room of Parlor Car a la carte.
i, itil Farnam Btft,
-.'.' j$2 Omaha. ' ' .. ,.
fl o TP
Go Now for
'"TAKE advantage of
. ama9 ' I i: mti -A 1
JL llllb UUC way
onist rate from Omahai to
California any day to Oct. 31.
Go out and see this country. .
Go the quickest way. There
are fast trains carrying Pull
man tourist sleeping cars,,
via the
Union Pacific
Ask now about these rates and trains snd
about the country. Ask for tbe books on
C-ltfoenia. ' -
Inquire at'
'Phone Doatflas 384.
-' t-o.ri