Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Oplnim ti Wbat from Aeron
An BuUisk.
Prices tp Half real Over Fffiln
IHr OsTerlaae Mal la rn
aad Belli Make Bet
ef Ossertaaltr.
OMAHA. Oct. 1J. W:.
Europe eent bullish opinion on wheal
pVl tha northwest, on iiaht receipt, was
'ned to bur. In consequence lha
'at showed ood buying vt all monu.
,ly May. Irlces were H'"c aoov
'I . ... ...
,lonai operations, innuencra uv me
Rr In whnt, mit com up aharply.
nrf were lig-ht and tha bull mada the
of their opportunities. Weather coii-
n are Ideal fur the hanrillnK of tha
and there eaem to he nethinaT to lus-
buying. The movement In rather tree
lan.S"1 demand very moderate.
KecJtnta Here llhenl and nrtcea did not
fully sympathize with the movement In
.wheat. Early in the day there waa some
buying by scalpers, but the market did Dot
. take offering , very kindly. Kvontually
j some of the buyers of yesterday turne'l
i eellera.
Primary whe-it receipt were 1.06?.nno
bushels and shipments 4to,A bushels,
asjalnst receipts liist yosr tr 1.1,' bush
' ala and shipments of 44 ono bushela. Col t,
j-eceipts were 529,001) bushels and shipments
S'M.Kio bushels, against rcrelpt last year
f ITTi.Oxj huiheln and shipments of V3.X
bushels, flea ranees were M5,nu b'tshcls of
hfHt, 3".' barrels of flour. ISt.Hi) bushels
of corn and 2i.fJO bushela of Ms.
Liverpool closed VJfd higher on wheat
and unchanged to td higher on corn.
Uroomhatl estimates world wheat ship
ments, for Monday at io.4WU"J bushels.
Exporters say bids fov northern sprlntr
' wheat are food,' but" they can't compete
i with northweet millers. Ueinrunl for Maul-
tnba la good, at increased limits.
Local rang of options:
Article.) Open.) Hlh. Ixw. Close. Ya'ir.
Wheat I
Dec.... May...
....1 r.'
OBMka task Rales.
WHKAT-Nrt. I hard, 1 oar. tUc; No. 3
hard. 1 rnr, 67!ti No,- 4 hsJd, 1 car. 67c;
1 car. fic.
CORN No. I, 1 car, Wic
Omaha Caslt rrlees. .
. WHEAT No. I bard. ffTWaWic; No. 3
'hard. 637c; No. 4 hard, 6Jjj6c; No. 3
'prlTic, 67Vc.
, cjiRN-No. 1 38Vic: No. 3 yellom-, W9
: asMta", No. 3 white,
. t)J'Jft No. i mixed, ,i,iiftaO.ic: No. 3
h?.e. MSWAc: No. 4 white, SOVirtfaoajc
KIM NO. Z. 6SC; NO. 3. MVC.
Carlot Receipts
, Wheat. Corn. Oats
iCMlce 61 Hi W
IKananaClty 17 .49 44
rMlnneatolla 'JZi
Omaha 14 Si 60
rouluth LK4
'8U Louis
ttarca af h Tradlaar aad riaslaaT
Prleea om Rnani af Trade.
"H1CAOO. Vt? - '-IJa-ht receipts at the
Srlnclpal aram center . In the 1'nlted
tHten caused strength today In the local
wheat market. At the close wheat for
)Xecember delivery waa up Hp. Corn
fup ,c. Oat were off a shado. I'rovlslous
I were Sti'ihic. to loc higher, .
I Tb webat market was strong all day.
bullish sentiment increasing as trading
progressed. At the opening ehnrts and
commission houses were active blddera and
throughout tha entire day demand con
tinued urgent.' Firm cables- and continued
.ilsrht receipts In the northwest a era tha
chief strengthening factors early in the
Mftasion. jotai arrivals toaay at Minnean-
IaIIm anil
na uuiuin were duo cars, enmpareu
14 car on tha corresponding day
paat w4
week. -. This was deemed algnlncant
hn view of tbe extremely favorable weather
4r invvvinrnii I.' u ma mo law null wl v.itt
lay the market was further strengthened
ay the amallnesH of priinary reoelpis, total
arrivals today' being l,067,0i)o bushels, com
pared with 1.17J.CKO bushels the correspond
ing day cms ytar ago. The market closed
sarongs Uacembnr - opened,. W4YW higher
at 73Ho to 74SW74HC advanced to 75c and
glosed at 74Tc. Clearances of wheat and
Sour wera equal to 6fl,noo bushels. Minne
apolis, Iuhith nd Chleago reported re
ceipts of MS cars, against 834 curs last
week and 763 cars a year ago.
Fear of a car shortage which would
bam per tha frea -movement of the new
crop had a strengthening effect on tha
corn market. The market' Was also af
fected by tha strength of wheat. Local
receipts were lesa than had been estimated
and thla Inspired some demand, which cams
mostly from shorts. The close was firm.
December opened unchanged to 5 higher
at Wnc. advanced to. 42fJ!to and
closed at ilHc- Local receipts were 313
ban, with 19u cars of contract grade.
Moderate demand by shorts and cash In
terest held the oata market steady de
Spite considerable selling by local long.
The strength of wheat and corn waa a
Bullish influence. Xecember opened a shade
go Ho higher at 34C to 34734 Ho, sold be
Ifjon Maa4Hc and closed at 330. Lo
ta". reoelDta wera 347 cars.
Tovlelona Were firm throughout tha en-
lr seseHon. - October rlba wera especially
and ciosea at an advance or 36c coin
ed with yesterday's final Quotations. A
o advance In the price of live hogs waa
ne or the emer reasons lor tne nrmnesa.
t the close January Dork waa ur 10c.
t 3L3.77H- Lard ss up WW, at JS.17H.
tins were bdio nigner. at tt.i
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
S.B A. J w..
v Tre leading futures ranaed as follows:
tlrUa I rtnait I UUh I Taw I firm Y.-'v
T4' 74-' 744
7 45-41 79!7rcefl'T
7 ij4l i -V
' '44X; ' 44!
f '
I 14.. 14U
- I
44 .
A3 U'i CH-o4
4''Vi 4
4.141 ' 4
4S'4S 44
SeH'tJ'HI ",!36H14
13 70
13 7T4i U 7tJ
is u
25 j
3 .
S l.'V 1741 R 12
$ Is
' 7 424l
8 SO
t 4-"4
7 474
No. I.
Cssh nuolstlors were as follows:
FLOUR llrm; winter i.atents,
.: winter strajghta $H.0t ve; spring pat
ants, $3.8 90; kprinil strnifThts. $3 "Mff! 60;
bakers $2 30i?2 90.
WHEAT No.- t sprina. TT!.-: No. 2
aining. ?UX-c No. 3 red. t!ra72K,e.
CORN No. t 45flmjc: No. ? vellow, 4R4c.
OATS No. t. J'fo; No. 2 white, S44W
Bc; No. i White. 32tl41c.
RYF-No. 3. tie.
B A RLK Y Inod feeding. 304540c; fair to
choice malting. 44Wsc.
HEKDS No. 1 tiax. $1 0C4,: No. 1 norfh
weatern. $1 U'4- Prlnie timoihy, $J.K. Clover,
contract grade. $8.0.
lenVISlONS flhort nbi. sides (loosed.
r-(.7S. Mess pork, per bb.. tltso; Ird,
per 1() lbs., $.. Hliort dear sides (boxed 1,
0?V$"- Y
Following were the receipt, and ship
mer.ia ot flour and grain:
Rorelpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls i;,i0 bd j-jO
wheat, bu V.4 r...Se0
frn, bu 2.',n0 130.U)
Oats, bu $70. 337,7"U
hye. bu .x 4x
barley, bu..... 13.KH 34.700
On the Produce exchange todar the butts-
market a steady; creameriea, 19 0 264c;
dairies. lei2- Eggs, eteady; at mark, cases
tnd.iried. &-i(lc; flru, ae: prime firsts,
fcHo; extras, tao. Cheese, strong, l34t!lJc.
3aaaaa 1T Orala aaa PmtIiUh,
AV8A8 CITY. Oct. 13.-WHKAT-De-hr,
4UHc; May. Tic. Caah: Mo 1 hard
ft;.; a3c; No, 3 red, 724j72Ho;
Wo. 3 ffu .
CtjRN-Deceiriber. $7Sf: May. ?Hc Cash:
ho. 1 mixed. i.4tc; No 3 white, 42c.
0ATS-N0. I wUiie, SStW31c; No. S mixed,
:.(iUP-Firm;' extras, 22c; first, 21o; sec
end. l4c.
HAY-Firm; choice timothy, $11.7601100;
Choice prairie, t9.2K09.ta
IIT e--rieauy, vmixw.
HUTTKR-Creamery. 2c: aacktr.g;. lc.
in. euipiiteiiTa
hrat. bu ...SI.'aVI .. 14X0u)
rt V- bu 2.w l.ox
D bu 23 17,000
Jilreraaa': Orafa aa PrTlslas.
lUl'IZRFOOT. O. t. 73 WTIEAT-Market
ralt, Kv. I red r. esters winter U 104U.
Dee. '34 434!
July 5ri''l4
Jan. 13 70
Oct. g,i V
Nov. I S s 74
Jan. SU'Vst'
Hlbs i
Oct, 15 6
Jan. T 4$4l !''
Future: Market steady; l"-enTbci, Sa
siarrn, i mi.
4. ORIS- Hpol: Market en" ; American i
mixed. 4h 7VI. t itiir': MurWet quiet; j
trtoter, nmnliini; lcinluT, 4e 4V.d; Jmiu- ,
er, 4e VI-
UW tliRK
M tltKIM !
Maatailons of the liar on tarlnas
NK1V TOIIIC. m-t. J:! Kt -Mielnls.
81. bblK.: expnns. 5. si I bhls.; sales. I
psa.; Hf'Hiiy i. jtrin. with n tmiderata n
pih'kI; M:nn s. s pt'ent. t4.iri 4 4; Min'i".
sntn bak'T. M.4"J: winter put' nls. 7j
44.10; winter Mr.imhn l-i VhS wlnfi-r
txirss, f;.vi3.r; winter Kw grd. I' 7S
S 3. It.vt flour. Pnn; f ilr o gix'd. IP. 'F'ft'
Jxi; chon e to fiincv. it I lo. Kuckwhert
flour, ssl-sdv, $J.3iiS. N. sp'il and to arrive.
HI f'KW liKAT-rl-ni. H d-Mlvereti at
New York.
t.r)RNMKAI-Strailv; line while ntirl yel
low. l.aii!).LT, kiiiisc, D l'; kiln drliil,
RT K Firm; No. 2 wroten. 6c c f-.
New Vork.
PARLKV-'tf :id ; ,'redinc. 4Jr. . I. f.,
Ruffs In; ninltitiK. 4MiKw. c. I. f.. Buffnlo.
XVHKAT Recelp's. i2 bu.; exports,
4""0 bu.; sm!-s. V.o' bu. futures. Spot,
firm; No. 2 red, 7V.C, elevator, and Wte,
f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, lluluth.
"n, f. o. b., afV.nt; No. 2 hard winter.
Kk, t. o. b.. ufi'..i.. There was a strong
and active market for wheat tndnv. in-
fluencerl by bullish tables, pronpects 'or
ighter world shipments and find bull .".
port. rlosins- i'i4e net higher. Mi'y.
M ll-llinr. 7-b"c, dosed at 5V-; 1 eceinl r.
KM-WoK'mc. closed at s?Sc
CORN Receipts. LVOV) bu ; nales. 10,'vi
b'l. futures. Spol, s'.eadv: No. 2, "ie.
elevator, and S4'4o. f. o h.. afloat: N". -yellow.
8.V; No. 2 white, RRc. The option
market was Mrmer. with wheat c!o-itiR kC
net higher. Januaiy dosed at 41'c: Ma.
4!,i'!i4!'c, closed lit 4")-c; December rinsed
at 6le.
OATH Receipt W.'Oo bu.: exports. ln.fifiC
bu. Spot, firm; mixed oats, L'H to 32 lh..
f.tiHc; nntnrsl wlille. .TO to SS Ihs., ni'n'4i':r
clinped white, 3S to 40 lbs.. 41?r44'4c.
FE1CD Firm; sprlnir bran. $-1.10 for Oc
tober shipment; mlditlliu's. 1 121.10 for Oc
tober shipment; cltv, XSt.VitHXi.wn.
HAT Btendy; shippiiiK, .fi7nc; good to
choice. 9ifi".i5c.
HOPS tjuift : state, common to choice.
IPes, crop. 20fi2lc: rmp, W-filSe; TnciflC
coast Vfl crop, WfilWc: J906 crop, 12ftl6c.
HinKR-Rteadv; Galveston. 20 to ' lbs..
30c- California. 21 to 28 lbs., 21c; Texas dry,
24 to lbs., lic.
T.KATHKR-Quiet; acid. 264T27c.
PROVISIONB Heef. stesdv; family.
413.Sl: mess, .KKj9.'4; beef hams. fJl.nrM
22 50; packet. $10. (jivfj 10.50; city extra India
megs. IM.S.tT.(A Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies. 3l0 2r.12V): pirkled shoilderi.
nominal; pirklod hom. ItiW. Iird. steadv;
western prime, J0.4TftO.tK: refined firm;
continent. to.K; South Amerira, $12.05: com-
foiiPd. $7.7S5iS.OO. fork, steady; famllv,
I0 0(V,i1M: short clear,. $1H..t01i 1S.2:; mess,
1S.0"'&18.oO. . , .
TALLOW Steady; city (2 per pkg.), oc;
country (vkga. free). SMiGSc.
RICR; rirm; domestic, fair to extra, 34?
Cic: Japan, nominal.
PREBSKD rOt'I.TRT Pull : western
springs. 10016c J spring turkey. 16S20c;
fowls. 12il4Hc.
Bl'TTKft Firm; street price, extra
creamery, 26'4'rt 27a Official prices: Cream
oiv. common to extra, ISffiSbWc; held, sec
onds to extra, 21 ft 2tit-: state dairy, common
to fnncv. 18i7 2c: renovated, common to
extra, l(VS22c; western factory, common to
firsts, KrWl9Vc; western imitation cream
ery, flrfts. 20c.
CHEKSF Firm: state, full creams.
small fancy, J.ivc; jiiate, iair to kouu,
12W12c; state. large, fancy, 13We;
state, fair to good, 12k 13c; atate, in
terior. 10illHc.
KOrsSi fitronr: state. Pennsylvania snd
nearby fancy selected, white. :;533v, state.
choice, "amc; state, mura iancy. usa,
western firsts. 2Sfi2fiic; official price, 23'ia
!5c; seconds, 22Cd24e.
Kt. I.anla General Market.
RT T.nt-TH. Oct. 13. WHEAT Futures.
higher; cash low; trackL No. 2 red cash,
ittfyfl (tic ; rso. tiaru, ('.iiik, iwiiiuci,
7aHc: May. 777fi73c.
Vdn Higher: track No. 2 cash. 4u1i'!J
4BHc: December, 40-Siih 404)C ; May, WSc; No.
2 white. 4S'4c. ,
OATS iilKncr; iraea -. - i' on.
December, MTc; May, 33c; No. 2 white, Z5
irijrVfTR Firm: red winter patents, $3.23
S.70; extra fancy unu siraignt. j.waj.w;
clear, li.vnn.vo. . .
HAY Firm; tlmolity, i.'.wi.w; prairie,
$10.00j 12.60.
CORN MKAli-Bteaoy. -.o.
BRAN Kasler; racked, east track. 85!886c.
B;KD Timothy, steady, $J.u0jH.W.
BAOOINO 94c. . .
PROVISIONS Pork. hiches: lobbing.
tlt.flO. Lord, steady; prime steam, $8.80.
Drv aalt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts.
$9.26; clear ribs. $9,624: short clear, $9,874.
Hacon, steady; boxed extra, short.. ll&oO;
clear ribs. $10 624; short clear, $10,874-
POLLTRY Weak: chlcKens, svk'ujoc;
springs. 94r(il0c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 10c;
geese, 9c.
BUTTER Steady: creamery, SligSTHc;
dairy, 1822c. ,.
KG Go steady, 13c cose count.
i Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8.000 10.000
Wheat, bu tB.Oco 41,0iK
Corn, bu , fiO.nno
Oats, bu 114,000 . . 69,000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
firm; first patents. J4.aKB4.30; second pat.
ents, $4.1O4.20; first clears, $3.26(83.J5; seo
ond clears, J2.4Cko2.50, In Wood f. o. b., Mln
FLAX Fair demand; to arrive closed at
tl.OPS: closing price waa 91.094.
BRAN In bulk, $14.2514.60.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The
range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day
dt Co., 110-iu noara or mat, was:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Iw. Close.
Dec... May...
Oct..., Nov...
1 124
1 114
1 0D4
1 134
1 114
1 114
1 ll.l 1 11
1 11
1 09
1 0941
1 1341
1 (
1 12
1 Li
Minneapolis Caah Close Wheat: No. 1
hard. 774c; No. 1 northern. 774cr to ar
rive, 76c; no. 1 nonnern, ia,c; to arrive,
744c; No. t, 724fcWtc; No. 1 durum. ;
to arrive, 34c; No. 2 durum, 24ct to ar
rive. Tc. Corn; No. yellow, 43c; No. 3
'kc. Oats: No. t white, ;il4e: No. .
294'ii0!)4'.. Barley: 3649c. Rye: 674 W
6'1c Flax: tl.03.
Pbtladelpbia Pradara Market.
Finn, good demand; extra western cream
ery, ofliclal price, 264c; street price, 37
274c; extra, nearby prints, sac.
EGGS Steeply, fair demand; nearby fresh
and western fresh, 26c, at mark.
CHEBSRV-Flrm. fair demand. New York
full creams, .fancy, 13Hii.l34,c ; New York
full creams, choice, 134; New York full
creams, fair to good, l2A,(l.'ic. '
Pearla Grata Market.
PEORIA, Oct. J3.-CORN-8teady: No. 3
yellow and No. 3, 4G4c; No. 1, 444c; no
grade. 4Giti4S4c.
OATS Higher; No. I white. 3.1:(i'SS4c; No.
I white. S.4f84c; No. 4 white, 324c
RYE Firm; No. I. 44rtc.
WHISKY-On basie of tl.3 for finished
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
No. 1 northern, 79flfte; No. 2 north
ern. 75B794c: December. 747c. .
RYl--Steady; No. 1, t4H'ge.
BARLKY Steady ; No. 2. 65c; sample, 3
COKN Steady; No. t cash, 4c; Decem
ber. 424c.
Dalath Grata Market.
DULUTH. Oct. 13-WHEAT-On trscfc,
No. 1 hard. 7S4e: No. 1 northern, 77";
No. 3 northern. 764c; October. 774c; De
cember. 764c; May, 794e; July, 804c.
OATS To arrive, S24c.
Taleda Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Oct. IS SEEDS Clover, cash,
t-174: October, $8,174; December, ts.274;
Umothy, $1924; alslke, $7.25.
Oils aad Reals.
NEW YORK. Oct. 13. OII.3 Cot tonseed
oil, easy; prime crude, f. o. b., mills. 2V4
'rr; yellow. 41c. Petroleum, steadv; re
fill ed. New York. r.5: Philadelphia and
Baltimore, $7.4; Philadelphia and Balti
more, in bulk, $1.33. Turpentine, ateadr,
ROSIN Steady: strained, common to
good, $4 26.
Steady. t4e.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.877 bbls.: recelnM.
1 Kit bbls,; shipmenus. K bbls.; stock, tin. 777
bbls ; A, B and C. $4 06; D. $4 00; K. 4..i6;
F, $K: O, $4 4"' H. 14 46: I $4 6"; K. $4.73;
M. $3 20; N. t 50; W. U-. $3 "0; W. W.. $VM.
rasTaa Market.
for coffee futures opened steady at un
changed prices to an advance of t point,
which was a. shade better ihan due on
j qalct aud the market eatried uff slightly
during tlie morning. uiu!-r mniini.t of-'
terms, in n euwenc stippoii inc
close as btiely sfady, ml ui h itilitU to
i puima lower. Sm, e i reu-iied of
H.iVm ban, mi Imltna 1 -tuner st IV,
Mareh. Mnv. s l'r.,n Hnl Aiisusl,
.V: "iot Rio. steady; No. 7 ii, voice. 'o.
OM til t WIIOt,f;S sttltKET. j
t'onditlea at Trade and Uantatlnas ea
Staple asjrt rnary Predare.
i;; ;s-ivi' doi . jc
L1VK POL L I l-Hens. 54c- roetr,
J4'! turkejs, ltc; duck 9(fl0c; spring
clllcK' n, !'e.
Bl'TTKR Parking stcck. l4c; choice to
fancy . dan y, 'sik.-. creamM, j;"y.'c.
HAYi-l'in-fS quoted by UuiMha F. -tf com
pany: Choice uuland. $v 5"; rnedtcni. I? W
coarse, (.'.) y Rye straw, K.i.i.tW.
BRAN -Per ton,.:u.OO.
8WEET Pi.Vf ATOiiS Per bbl $..M.
TOM A IUKS-lion e ttosn, per u,"t of
Ihs . .bain:.
bu., 7..c.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa
heads. ?c.
t'KI.ERV-Per dos.. 2040c.
l.'l'ClBIiHi -Home grown, per dos..
ONIONS Hume crotrn, C6c per bu. ; Span
ish. $1.7.1 per crate.
NAVY MEANS-Ter Du.. $1 S3; No. 2, $1.7.
LIMA KEANH- P r lb.. 4c,
OR KEN PtPPERS-Per market basket.
PARSLEY Hothouse, per dJi. buiwhea
CABHAOn-Hoine grown. pr lb.. H4a
EfiJ PLANT ner liuslret Roe
POTATOES Per bu., 50'Sfi6c.
ORANnRM.-VaUnelu. . e..r.r,l In aire.
LEMONS l.lmonlers. ertrj fjnry. N
size, $7.30; 300 size, $S..Wft9.00; SiX) size.' t 5o
9.": other brands $1 less.
B A is ANA Pe 1 nu dim-slzed bunch,
$1.7j'&2."6; Jumbos, $2.303.00.
fAT Ea i er lb.. 6'un'6.
PEACH ES Colorado. KOeTill 00: Cali
fornia Falways, per box, $1.00.
1-1. i jih-oreyon lL.nian prur.
PEARS Dr Anno ner tiny t?. (ti): Kelfer.
APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. $2.00; Jon-
athana. $S.(); Grimes' Golden $2.75.
GRAPES Home grown, per S-!h basket.
17c; Tokay, per crate, $1.75; New York Con
cords, per basket, 2.1c.
CKA.NBEKKIES-Per "ml.. o5t
No. 1 lit.-, 11c; No. 1 ribs, 84c; No. t
ribs, 64c; No. 1 loin. 16c; No. 2 loins, 13c:
No. 3 loins, 84c; No. 1 chucks. 6c; No. 3
chucks, 4c; No. 3 chucks, 3c No. 1 rounds,
kc; No 2 rounds, 7c; No. 3 rounds, lie: No.
1 plate, 8c; No. 2 plate. 24c; No. t plate, to.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $5.41;
granulated beet. In sacks, t6.fl.
CHEESE Swiss, nev, lc; Wisconsin
bikk, 144?; Wisconsin Umburger, 13c;
twins, 144c; young Americana, 134c.
COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, 264c per lb :
No. 30, 20Vxu per lb.; No. 2a, l&Hc Pr lb.;
No. 20, 134o per lb.; No. 21, 124o per lb.
SYRUP In bbls.. Sic per gal.; in cases,
10-lb. csna, $1 70; cases, 11 t-lb cans, $!.;
cases, 24 24-lb. cans, $1.(6.
HONEY Per 24 trames, $3.60.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern, 64j40c; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb.
cans. tl.Oo; 2-lb., 974cfetl.0O. Pineapples,
grated, 3-lb., $2.0302.30; sliced, tl.tr2.20;
gallon apples, fancy, $2.66; California apri
cots, $1.9ua2.2; pears, tl.7&&2.60; peaches,
fancy, $l.7t-i2.40; 11. C. peaches, $2.OW2.30.
Alaska a!mon, red, $1.26; fancy Chinook,
F., 2.10; fancy eockeye, F., tl.96; sardines,
4 OIL $2.7b; mustard, $3.00. Sweet pota
toes, fl.KXal.2u; sauerkraut, 31.W; pump
kins, "e'a$1.00; wax beans, "-lb., 3ijp0c;
lima beans, 2-lb.,, spinach, ll. 33;
cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extra, 73&90c; fancy,
CURED FISH Family whilensh. per
quarter bbl., 100 lbs., $4.00; Norway mack
ral, No. 1, $28.00: No. 2, $21.00; No. 3, $20.00;
Irish, No. 2, $16.00; herring, in bbls., 200 lba
each, Norway, 4k, $12.00: Norway, 3k, $13.00;
Holland, mixed. $11.00; Holland herring. In
kegs, milkers, 80c: kegs, mixed, 70c.
FISH Buffalo, large dressed, c; trout,
medium or large, dressed, 12c; pike, dr eased,
11c; halibut, fine stock, 11c, catfish, dressed
15c; bullheads, dressed and skinned. 12c;
white perch, dressed, c; crappies, large,
12c: sunflsn, pan sise, fc: white baas, extra
choice. 12c; pickerel, 9e; aalmon, Chinook,
He; whlto fish (frosen), 12c: mackerel
(Spanish). 18c; Native, per fish, 18(3 26c;
codfish, fresh, frosen, lie; flounders, fresh,
frozen, lie; blueftsh. fresh frosen. 16c;
haddook, fresh frozen, 10c; red snapper,
dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1. per lb., 12c;
lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40e; green, $7o;
eel, per lb.. 18c; frog legs, per dos., 26c;
roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, pair, 46c.
NUTS Pecans, large, per lh., 12c; small,
per lb.. 11c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb.,
loo; hsrd shells, per lb., 134fl4c. Cocoa
nuts, $4.00 per sack of 100.
HIDES AND TALLOW -Green salted.
No. 1, I34n; No. 2, 124c; bull hide, ua
104e; green hides, No. 1, 10c: No. 2, 9c;
horse, $1.60(83.76; sheep pell, e0catl.2a. Tal
low, No. 1, 4c: No. 2, Sc.
WOOL-Per lb.. 1SS2&C
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Oct 13. WOOL The Com
mercial Bulletin of this city, basing Its
report upon statistics gathered for the
government, says: A steadv, moder
ate business is being accomplished in the
local wool market, aud all classes ot con
sumers sre purchasing requirements. Al
though Individual transactions are not as
large as tbose of a year ago, the aggre
gate of sales is substantial. The clotulng
and staple territory, fleeces, California,
Texas and Australian wools are selling,
merchants are, generally confident of a
maintenance ot values and If charges are
inaugurated they will be toward a Ugher
level. Tbe condition of all the foreign mar
keta is sufficiently strong to sympathetic
ally sustain the home market. Both large
and small consumers of worsted and clofti
ing wools are operating moderately, with
average purchases running from 75,000 to
KiO.OuO pounds. Fine and line medium,
three-eighths and half-blood territories are
In steady demand. Most of the transac
tions are in graded lots. Fine medium
Idaho and Utah are good sellers at 22423c,
respectively. Fine medium and half-blood
Montana is moving quite freely on a
scoured basis of 'ffrttc. Half and three
elirhths 1'tah realizes about 27c. Medium
Wyoming Is worth 28c. Three-eighths and
half-blood fleece are being moved steadily
and Ohio stock Is becoming sadly depleted.
Manufacturers are now giving more at
tention to Michigan wools. For three
eighths and half-blood Ohio the pi Ire Is
about 24c; Mlcnigan stock of like grades t
worth'- 33'ft3y4c The shipmen j of wool
from Boston to date from December 27,
lnt, according to the same s.utlioilty. Is
19,062.343 pounds, against 1S8.9 A. 7SS ponnds
last year. The receipts ts date sr 240,
471,274 pounds, against 297.9wO.74t pounds for
the same period last year.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 13. WOOL Steady;
medium grades, combing and clothing. 23
($2?4c; light fine. 19V21C; heavy fine;
16 17c; tub washed, 32 & 38c
Cettea Market.
NfJW YORK, Oct. 13 COTTON-Spot
closed cjtuel. 10 points higher; middling up
lands. 11 30c: middling gulf, 11.55c; no sales.
qulcr. price 1? points lower; American
nii'Kllhig fair. ld; good middllnr .5!d;
middling, .:M; low middling. Slid: good
ordinary, .77d: onlin.iry, 1.53d. The sales
of the dsy wee 5.k) bales, of which
were for speculation and eiport. and In
cluded S.9rt American. Receipts were 12.0U9
bale. Including 9.H00 American.
BP. LOCI. Oct. IT COTTON Steadv;
mlddllug. ll'c; sales, 50 bales; receipts, jis
bales; ehipments, 418 bales; stock, 10.193
closed firm; sales. 4.1 bales: lov ordinary,
7 16-le, nominal: ordinary, 7-lc. nominal;
good ordlnar'. 4o; low middling, 10 9-1-.;
middling, 11 t-lc; good middling, 11 t-u;
middling fair. 11 lS-lc. nominal; receipt.
6.233 bales; stock. 103.144 bales.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fratla.
APPLES Market continues quiet, but the
tone la a little steadier on the higher
grsdes. New crop, good to choice, are
quoted at b'VitiSc; poor to fair. 4'5u'.ac;
prime, for Immediate shipment. .'i4.
are in fair damand, with California AOs to
$0a quoted at 4'c and Oregon 40s to IDs
st vfloe. Apricots are unchanged, with
choice quoted at 10c; extra choice at 17c;
fancy, liir20r. Raisins, sre unchsng.vl.
with loose muscatels quoted st 6427c;
seeded ralslna at 'd1e; fancy London lay
ers, nominal. Peaches are quiet, with
choice quoted at lotillc; extra choice at
Ht)U4c; fancy. lialSc; extra fanry, lMilJi.o.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 13 M ETALS There
waa no change of im porta n. e In the me.titi
market today and trading was quiet In
the absence of cables. Spot tin was quoted
at t42-2o'je42.5e. Lake copper was quoted at
t21.X'9'Jt.2t: electrolytio and casting. S2O.50
i2) 5. Lead waa tlrm and quiet at $5 75
tji6.9a, according to delivery, etc. Spelter,
quiet and unchanged at 1 liihS.20. Iron was
quoted tlrm at recent pricea.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 11-Lead, firm. $5
spelter, tti. 10j 4 124.
Import sad Esrnarta.
NEW YORK. Oct. 13 The total Imports
of merchandise and dry goods at the r""t
of New York for the wek ending todav
were valued at tl5.6'").219. Total lm-irts ..'f
siKHic at tlie port of New York for the
week ending today were $44.57 silver and
IT.TJmX'hlA b. , 1 . 1 'C.tul . v . h - 1 -
1 vo hi ew link Mir tne -veea. riming
1 todiy were $354,715 ai:ver and $2.0u0 gold.
Ro Gre.t" Chan, in fettle' Valuei
.for. th W$k.
Liberal Herelnt of sheep nail I .ass be
All tbe Week', with Useelleat
Items ad .Prices far Week
Tnei).'lte Higher,
8OLTH OMAHA. Oct. 13. 19".
Receipts Were:
Official MmdlT
Cattle. Hogs. Slieep.
... .im 2.191 M.IW
Oltlclal Tuesday 10.173
t IPclal Wednesday 4..J4."
orteial T hursday 4.-ii
Ofll. lal Frid'ty .
Ollklal Halurday 4j
This week aJ.32 24.9ST 90..: I
Last week ,l,itl 11,125 120.1; '
1 wo weeks ago a. 3:0 2.i.!ra '.t.L.i
Three weeks as. 24.2:1m :;o,is
Pour weeks ago 22.7H) .14.i3
Same week last year... .28.071 27,437 5o.i3i
The following table shows the receipts of
tattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha fur
tlie year to date, compared with last year:
7S7.7 7i':
241 2Tail
Hogs 2.047.9X7 I,vii3.ri7 ISi.iCW
bheep i,tji4.:i:ii i.ia.M4 i.4,jsi
Rood to choice corn-ted steer.... vi.liw?
Fair to good corn-fed steers i.Jj'ua.i
Common to fair corn-led steers... t-Sivii
tlood to choice range steers 4.6ta.)
Fair to good range steers t.Otwat"0
Common to fair range steers J-sOfl 4.09
tiood grass cows and heifers 3.004?
Fair to good cows anS heifers 3.4Oi4ji.O0
t'oiiimon to fair cows ana heifers.. 1.6s.2.e
flood to choice stackers and fdrs.. 4.0(yif4.60
ralr to good stockers and feeJers.. 8 2iKa4
Common to ralr stockers 2.7V&3.20
Bulls, stags, etc,....., 1.73 til. to
Veal calves 4.00ci e
liie following table shows tbe average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1906. 19Ou.19O4.19O3.!1902.1901.l)0.
Sept. 29..
Sept. 10..
Oct. 1....
Oct. J....
Oct. t....
Oct. 4...
Oct. 6....
Oct. .....
Oct. 7....
Oct. t..
Oct. 9. . . .
Oct. ID...
Oct. 11...
Oct. 12...
Oct.- 13
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha tl.Kmfii.A0 $6.17i.32'i
Chicago l.tnlrt.SQ 5.75'ii.76
Kansaa City 2.CV(i.;5 5.7(Kqii.474
St. Louis , t.OO'ffl.OO i.Wat.lO
Sioux City 2.ati'd6.&0 S.2WP6.30
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each read was:
Cattle. Hogs. Slieen.H'r's.
C, M. ft St. P 6
Missouri Pacific 2 .. .. 1
Union Pacific 311 .. ..
C. A N. W. (east) 5 ,, .,
C. & N. W. twest)... 13 9 4 1
C, St. P., M. 0 5
C, . ft Q. (west) 12 7
C, R. 1. & P. twest).. 3 I
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Gt. West...,. 2
Total receipts 20 64 11 2
The disposition ot the dsy's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing th
number ot head indicated: r
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha racking Co 619 ....
Swift and Company 340 KM ....
Cudahy Packing Co 329 1.W6
Armour & Co 14 K7H 634
vansant A Co .-13 ,
F. P. Lewis ' t
Xlike Haggerty - 131 '
T. B. lnghram 1
Sullivan Bros tx
Lebmer Brothers t9
Halstead , lit
Other buyers te .... 620
Total 82) t.439 1,064
CATTLE There was no .ciianpe in the
market today, there not being enough of
any one kind of stock on "sale to maka
Drlcea or establish Quotations.
.. The receipts. ot .cattle -UaW week nave
oeen quite UDerai. snowing slight gains
over both last week and a year ago. The
supply has consisted almost entirely .of
raugo cattle, there being ' on;y a. small
sivrinkDog of ' natives aud hardly enough
oornfeds to talk about. ,
Beef steers have been In exceedlnrlv
good demand all the week, in fact,, it is a
question If there has ever been a seaxon
when beef steers have sold any more freely
than they have of late. It would seem
that the consuming demand for beef is
very' good. Desirable kinds of range cattle
and rornfeds have so Id at irood prices every
day and lor the week are, If anything, u
little stronger. The best oornfeds received
this week sold as high as with good
ransrers uu to $6.25. i
Cows aud heifers sold higher during the
first part of the week, but during the latter
half, especially yesterday, when receipts
were abnormally large, the advance was
wined out. so that at the close of tbe week
prices are not much different from what
tliev were tne latter part or last weca.
Good weighty dehorned feeders, well bred
have been In active demand every day this
week and have sold fully :t high as any
time; in fact, the country demand for that
kind of cattle hss been ntudy and the
market In good, healthv condition. Com
mon and medium grade of cattle have
been rather slow sale, but that has been
the case all the season, and hence there
ts nothing new. DUting the last few daya,
owing to the very good demand fur beef
catjle, it was noticed thBt -packers were
taking more of the fleshv kinds of cattle
that formerly had to sell a feeders. In
other words, the packers were outbidding
the feeders for cattle carryi-ig some flesh.
Should thla continue It wnuM undoubtedly
have a tendency to atrengthen the price
on the medium and lighter. gTadea of feed
ing and stock cattle.
at. iV. Ks. .. Pr.
....1344 I 73
....140(1 t 85 1 141 t II
....; 4 15
W E.STE R N f -N E B R A SK A .
24 cows 843 3 00 2 cow X2n 1 75
19 cows..... 916 ! 15 3 cows 1K; ISO
1 cow 1100
: 35
1 calf.
'V) 4 00
HOGS When it was time for the market
to open this morning there were hardly
enough hogs In night to really make a
market. There were, however, some verv
urgent orders in hand snl buyers were
out in good season picking tin the early
arrivals at prices fully 7c higher and In
Some cases fully 10c higher than yester
day. The advance did not how so murh
cn the, ton hogs as it did on the bottom
partly because there was nothing erpeclailv
choice in the way of light ' weights. As
might be expected on a Saturday, the late
arrivals did not sell -to as rood advantage
a the early, buyers not being si anxious
for the hogs after the first orders were
The present week opened on Monday with
hogs selling a shade lower, but dining the
three davs following prices gradually slid
down hill, touching tlie low point of the
week on Thursday, when the average of
all the sales was a strong hie lower than
the close of the previous week. Friday's
market was a trifle stronger, while the ad
vance noted todav makes tin must of he
decline, so that the wek closes with the
average market not far from where it was
nn last Saturday. It might be tinted in
thla connection, however, that while the
averse fs practically the. same, there has
he?n some change in tne p'i'is rsiid for
the different weights: thus light hogs are
not selling ss high ss a week ago. with
heavy hogs a little higher. In other words,
hogs of different weights are now selling
mueli doner together thrtn they were last
Representative sales:
A SS. Pr
...rt Hi 1:1,
...? in 4 17.
44. .
. 114
45. .
.. I IV,
... n't
.. 1 v
tso r o r;v,
:io s 10
... M
... I M
... U
ll t n
... w
4 .
... IS
M t l:.
1 jji
t:s i4 n
.tM lie Ji
i4 :io t u
SHEEP No one could ask for a lietter
market than has prevailed at this point all
tlie week. While the receipts have been
very liberal, showing heavy gains over a
year ago, they hive nevertheless fallen
hurt of the exreive run of last week.
The demand has kept right up to the sup
ply. Ery day's market has been falrlv
in-live at prices that have ben steadily
stiengthe ning. until at the rloae of the
week tlie market on both killers and feed
ers is right at Xe higher than It waa oa
week ago.
Commission men are urging their friends
to get their orders for teedtre Hied at the
21 t 191 6 66 6 12 7 31 - n
; U 6 5 7l 7 241 .
t26 1 5 74i 2i 7 111 C 75 tit
6 264 5 111 I I 1 7 50) t 69 111
27 7, lo; S 72! 5 651 7 So t 59 6 19
2 6 06 6 74 I 7 U i 68 6 to
t 29 6 06 6 7U 6 7 I 62 HI
804 6 03 1 6 09 5 65 7 42 6 11
6 06i 6 6" 5 4'" 7 39' I 49
12 I 6 54 6 19 7 21 t 341 6 08
6 30 6 OS. I 6 19 7 14 6 1.1; 6 02
344 6 OS 6 63 5 22 , 7 0;), 14; 4 92
it lui A to K 491 16 951 15i 4 91
& 07( i til 5 81 I 21 4 M
1 6 M 6 17 5 37 7 0 4 93
earliest possible moment, as the fsellnt la 1
gaining ground 'hat owing to the hesry
tttark.'tlnss at tha beginning, the Season
f r ranae stock la battle to close earlier
Ihsn usual. While erewHve receipts on
certain days may prodme wens spots nn
1 ne at the present time antlrlpatea any
matertsl decline from the present prevail
ing prices. In other words the gnnersl be.
Il-f seems to lie thst the msrket will con
tinue strong right up to the close of the
ranse sea sqn.
Juotstlons on klll-rs: Hood to ehnle
Iniul.s, $7 On (r 7 40; fsir la good lambs,
$.7." V 7 00; good to cholr yearlings,
$"S0rS9O; fair to good yearlings. $V2i
t VtO; good to choice wethers, $4.v0
i..f: good to choice ewes, $1 iiOi
Ottotations on reeders: UmNi, ttV'fi
Hot); yearlings, f Ti . 2 A j 6 50; wethers, 14.75
S.1S: ewes, t3 60(ll.60; breeding ewes,
$ 1.70 (J 6.00.
t attle steady Haas Fire 4 eat Higher
beep stress.
CIlICAflO. tVI. U-PATTI.E-Receipts,
400 head: market steady; beeves, 4 .
cows and heifers, $l.u.Vfn..V.: stockers snd
feeders. t2.Atai4.r4); Texan. $it. 7f'n 4 $5 ; weet
rrints. ti.smjf, 75; calves, tH.2Mi7.76.
- HO(, S Receipts, 7.") head; market .iC
higher; mixed anil butchers, tH.2tajrii.724;
giaid heavv. $rt 3iVfi.75; rough heavy, $
i.M: light, $: 2.v.m .734; pigs, $.i.7bVH.3); bulk
of titles, $.; .HHi.6.
S11EKP AND LA MBS Receipts. 3.0"0
head: market strong; sheep, $3.(xVU5.4ii:
lambs, $i.7dttil.00.
Kansns City Live Mock Market
ceipts. 41 v head. Including 60 southerns;
market unchanged; choice export ami
dressed beef steer, ta.5oti1.7t; fair to good,
ittio.tO; western slerrs. $3.SiS6.00; stock
ers and feeders. $2.75'h4.7i: southern steers.
t2.75fi4.20: southern cows, $2.0iB1.8: nsllve
cows, t-'.oofiTtin; native heifers. $2 50104 60.
bulls. 92.i6ti,T26; celves, 2.7Db.30. Receipts
for tlie week, head.
I It MIS Receipts, 2.000 head: marxet
truni to 5c hiaher: too. 16.46: bulk nf
sales, ti l"fi 424: heavy,; pack
ers, '1.45: pigs and lights. 18.00 . 40.
Receipts ror the Wfek. sx.sco hesd.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market, nominally steady; lamb. $.00(i
7.5n; ewes and yearlings, $4 5otit.50; west
ern yearlings, SS Owfift 00: western shtep.
$4.2sff6.15; stockers and feeders. $3.&0tT6.0.
Receipts for the week, 37,700 hesd.
er York Lire Stork Market.
ceipts, 8S1 head; no trading of any impor
tance, feeling steady: native sides. 7fi9,fe
rer lb.: Texas beef, 6W74c. Fxports were
(B cattle and 6.344 quarter of beef.
cAbl ts iteceipis, jim neaa; nine irnu
Ing: veals steady at 5j9c for common to
choice: grassera and westerns nominal;
dressed calves slow but steady at t'tflS'c
per lb. for city dressed veals, and t$124o
for country dressed.
SHEEP AND LAMRS-P.ecelpts. 3.0M
bead: sheep steadv: lambs slow, but not
lower; sheep, fi.jntfi 3.50; lambs, t7.76t.40;
choice Canada lambs sold at $8 50.
HOGS Receipts, 9:) head: nothing doing
In live hogs; nominally steady at $.75
7.U0 for state and Pennsylvania.
SI. Lools Lire Sloek Market.
ST. 75UIS. Oct. 13.-OATTLE-Recelpts.
fr) head, including 276 Texans; market
strong; native shipping and export ateera,
to.OfspT .00; dressed beef and butcher steers.
4.4it.96; steers under 1.000 lbs.,
stockers and feeders, $2.00tjP4.5o: cows and
heifers. l2.S64i6.tO; canners. $1.00112.10; bulls,
12.254.00; calves. f;4.'(7.6: Texss and In
dian steers, $2.35(36.26; cows and heifers,
12. 1i 3.50.
H TOS Receipts. 2.000 head: 5c higher;
pigs and lights, $6.004660: psckers,
6.R; butchers and best heavy, $6.606.70.
SITEEP AND LAMBS None on sale.
SI. Joseph Mr Flock Market.
PT. JOSEPH. Oct. 13. CATTLE Receipts.
1,133 head; market steady: natives, $
6.40; cows ana neners, siocaeiw
and Jeeders, $3.264 30.
ttrtos-Receints. 3.465 head: strong to 6c
higher; light, t.3vti.46; bulk of sales, $6.30
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, KH head;
market steady.
lost C'lly Lire Stock Market.
Rinux- CITY. Oct. 13. fSDeclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar
ket uncnangea; peeves,'so.ou; cows,
bulls and mixed, $2.264.60; stockers and
feeders, $3.0ogi4.30; calves and yearlings,
HOOS - Receipts, 3.000 head; market
strong, selling at H. 20; duik ex sates,
$6,254(6.274. . .
Slock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
cattle, nogs, oneep
South Omaha
Sioux City
Kansas Ity.......
St. Joseph
St. Louis
Total receipts..
... no
... 40
... .1,267 n,BS ' 7,S
New York Meaey Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. It. MONEY On call
nominal: no loans. Time loans, steady
aixty days, 64 per cent; ninety days, per
cent; six months, 64 per cent.
per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8470
4.S475 for demand and at $4.(li9u(4.lii for
sixty-oay 0111s; post en rates M-S- ana st-w;
commercial bills, $4,9044.904.
SILVER liar, 694c; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government and railroad, stesdy
Quotations on bonds today were as fol
V. a. raf. ta. .1134 Japan 4. !4 aerlaa.. 174
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do a 11H, M., k. A T. 4a loa'i
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do dj. 4a T iv r. a. ef M. c. 4s. 14
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"dTL r. 4a.."."!!! It
Wla. Contral 4a K't
Daiten Staeka and Boads.
POSTON. Oct. 13. -Call loans, 64B4 per
cent; time loana. ji4 per cent. Offlcl!
quoiaiiona on stoca and bond were:
Alcniao adj. 4a M lAtlantle
aa 101 H Bingham .....
Mai. ('antral 4a 7a Cal. Heels
Aii-hlson ...lOliS tantennlal
V ...lll't'Cotipar ItanfO
. 31
. 374
. M
ounnn ar Albany 40'a Daly Want
hiwton A Maine...
14 Franklin
I'iA luranby
13t 'Irla Rnvalo
Masa. Minis
"-. Mnkttas
M .. r.
l'H '3d opt. C. C
. J4H
. 14S6
' '4
. in,
Biiatou Eioratad .
Plirhbur pfd
Me.iian Canlral
S. Y.. N. H. H..
Pero Marquatt ....
. rt
t nloa Parlflr
A mar. Arga.
I'hata.... .. Old Dominion
. Mat
do pfd Oa.ola
- v
Aniar. Pnau. Tub.... l. Parrot ...
Aniar. Sugar -.1'..', ilulnry ,
"to pfd 11 shannon
Aniar. T. A T 134 Tamorsck
Amar. Wooloa M( TrlnlVy ..
do Dill .101 ,t nllad rmr af
iximinion 1. a s la f. s. Mininf ot
,.m,-uh r.ivr. jiiu !M 1. B. UU U
aaa. Kloctrlc lVt'lah 474
Viv ............. ii vii-iorta 14
w wnosa 121
Vnltad Fruit 10114 Wolverna 15
iniira enoe alar...,. I iKorth Butt lliu
do pfd
Butio ( Million 4t
V. S. Stool.
do pfd ...
Adantuo ...
CNavaao jj
ll'74 Mitchell s
i ral. ar Artwaa., IM4
Tacuuaeh 14.
4'ew Yerk Mlatasr ttocka
NEW YORK. Oct. U.-Cloalng quotations
on mining stocks were: ,
Adaraa Cos ...I to .l.liila Chlff (
Air tan Omaha s
Braaea 4" 'llphlr t,
Hrunaslrk Con 04 i Halo, I n
CouiatfH'k Tunual .... 1 'Kaaga pa
Cos. Cal. A V a- ISirrra Nevada a
Horn Sllvar la-) bniall Hiieea 10
Iron Stiver auO 'Siaudanl 114
Laadvlllc Con I
Pareiga Flaaarlal.
IiONDOK. Oct. 13.-Money mi In quiet
demand in th market today and supplies
si era plentif jl. Discounts were a ahad
easier. On th Slock exchange buaineaa
whs very light, but the undertone was Arm.
Oiil-edged securities hardened fractionally,
but home mils were depressed, owing to
fuars nf further lubor troubles. Foreigners
were In good demand, with Russians Im
proving. Amerli-ana ware Inactive early In
Hie day. but strengthened later en local aup
poit aud closed at aell over parity. Conner
hsrea were easier. Japanese imperial
Sties of 1904 closed st ll4.
PARIS. Oct. it Prir on the pours
today were weaker nn realisation, due to
fears of dearer money. Russian Imparts I
fours of 14 rinsed at 1 46 and Russian
bond nf 114 at 44.n '
BKRLTN, Oet. n-Trading on the B.wrse
today was qulel.
Bastes psrr Market.
Closing quotation on Posfon coppar mr
kt. reported by Logan at Bryan, 2 Boarl
of Trade building. Omaha:
ssrenture Send, res 124) 114
Allsae WNtbsnk ! H't
tisntir 14Hf .4 OH Pemtalea ItS
mtkaia :4j St Orwli IK
Hi.- Moiuitala Pnsa. Serrtee I41j
Boatna I'n ttSe; M fries. Ssntr. fd.... 31
Hull CmlttleS t1'aul- !"
I'shimet 4V Artms. t shsnsos 1SN4I 1T
l alumet RMl 4S Tamsrsrk i
f l.noll rtTrlltf I'
( orssr Sstit IHtVnltH Fruit Wlw
lllr Wert 14 Vnltea S'.sien. eest .
nt Btte 1? t nttee sots, pr-i . . .
rrsnklls ItSllik Cossnllilstee ... 4
flreess rprr !'l i corrr nij
r.rsh I4irtnru '
HstiMW WlBOSS 1!'-
Rsrsl U'4 Welveris lis
b . 4 rtttsMirt IJ.rmie. bill !N
MimrliiiHUi ' Hbrlt HSJ 14
Mlrhlgas . .-. lis, 4 ...I t 14
Moktsk 14
l.endea losing Ataeka.
LONDON. Oct. 13. Closng quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
Ossnls. sinnST ... MT-14M.. K. a T.
oo aresunt
H s-is :. 1 . ( sstmi
.. 11-, Norfolk W
..I'd, dn f4 ....
. .Ida Ontario aV W
..t;i jPsnnn.vlvaa'a IManfl Mines .
4A pti
Malttnion Ohio.
Canadian Pafltlr .
Cnea. A Ohio .....
rsao Ot. W ....
I'.. M. A St. r...
Denrer 4t R. Q...,
in pt4
do liit fM ,
do rd pfd
44 '4
Smitharn Bailsar
. .iMv
.. IIS
.. 44S
.. MV,
.. 4S
.. TV
. . 71V
no pfd
9mithars Parlflo ..
t'nton Pacific
dn pM
V Steal
do pfd
do. p(d
llllnnla Cm ira I ..
Lnntaftlls at Nath
SILVER Bar. firni. 3S4d Pr ounce. I
MONEY Jits per cent.
Tha rata of discount in the open market
for short bills is 44 per cent; for thre
months" bills, fn per cent.
Trrasary Statement.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 Today s sts.te
lent of tbe bnlances In the general fund
exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve
shows: Avsllsble cssh balance. $220,314.-
Why Not Read
a Western Farm Magazine?
Is edited by western men wad cor-'
era the field of western agricultnr4A. 1
Special Feature Articles
Five whole pages of each issue are devoted to special aytldcsV
which cover a field so diversified aa to embrace during the yeilr All
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. . i ' . , .
tributors to reoent numbers:
JAMES WILSON, SeCTetary of Agriculture.
. ... N
F. D. 00BUBN, SecretAry Kanaa Board of Agrioultur.
QirrORD HN0H0T, Chief of Bure&u of Torestry.
A. B. STORMS, President Iowa Agricultural College.
F. H. NEWELL, Chief of Irrigation Service.
W. E. SKINNER, Oen'l Manager International Lire Stock Show
C. R. THOMAS, Oen'l Manager Royal Live Stock Show.
A. 0ARLET0N, Cerealist, Department of Agriculture, .
0E0. P. BELLOWS, Live Stock Auctioneer.
CHARLES E. BESSEY, Nebraska State Botanist - '
H. R. SMITH, Expert in Live Stock Feedlcc-
Regular Depart tti ents
No agricultural weekly maintains more regular departmental
conducted by editors of practical experience, who can tell intel
ligibly exactly what the farmer wants to know. ..
Feeds and Feeding. H. R. Smith , .
Live Stock. 0. W. Hervey
Veterinary H. L. Ramaociottl, D. V. S.
Weekly Markets A. 0. Davenport
Orchard and Garden. M. J. Wragg ' .'
Poultry Ida M. Shepler
Dairy and Creamery A. L. Haeoker
Legal Queries. D. M. Butler
Home and Household Isabel Riohey
We Want You to Take The
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The subscription price is one dollar the year, or b0 cuts for
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Could you nk for a more practical or interesting magatiM
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The Twentieth Century Farmer,
: rtnM coin ni bdi:cr; ti'l.l'vini; "
gold certlfli-strp. $;.;? lit-.
(learlag tteaae Stateraeal.
NEW YORK, Oet. 13 -The Statement flf
the ileniitig house h"ks rnr tbe. weee,
shows that th banks p.ld tt.rt?4e rre
ihsn the total rrv regulremenia This
is an inoreaa of tt)l.t7 as compared lts
last week. The statement fll"a;
.'.ans ,.tl on A6T.AW tit nv4
iieposits .....' 1 .. m 19.4;. na
Circulation 4s 14 4"
l.egsl tenders 7$ af7.i . ! 44. e
Specie MMl.toa l.4rl
Lesi-4 2T. 714.4" A4)s
Reserve required .... ."4.0M 1 nf Hit
Surplus t.4.of4 4n I.M.t.H
Ex-V. S. deposits ... 2.'l.7S t.MS.I:)
Raak I learlaa.
OMAHA. O-f. I1.-Rank tletlngs for
todav were tl.ttx. tiai.2 and for the Voire
ponding date Inst year It 4.f 111.11.
laxt. 1M
Monde v tM.'.H01 tl.?7.l7
TuesdsV 1.915.671 $9 l.Kl.sAiM .
Wednesday I.K.4.M l.ft.74t tl
Thursday I. F94.ll 37 t.c9.7 14
Prlda I.W2.477.W) 1.M,4.
8ttirhy I.M.t.40d.24J 1.4rt7.1H 11,
Totils $'.l.374.dAI t.04A'.t.sA
Inrress" over the rorrespondlnt weeel
Isst jear. 2..TI. r .
NEW tor:;. Oil. r.-sro R-Raw,
steady; ralr tertnlug. 14c- centrifugal. 94
test, 4i'. Molnsses susnr. 14c Refinedl,
((iiel; No. . 4 Oc; No. 7. 4.3V: No. .. ttoe!
No. 9. 4.25c; No 10. 4.16c: No. II, Al'fJ
No. 12, 4.ic; No. 13, 4. Hoc: No 14. t ),-; roti.
fectioners' A. 4.7 mould A. Iti'l cut Insf,
6.s-; .rtislted. p'wdred. t.0r; grsnu
inteil. 4.9V: cubes. 6.16c.
How They foalel I p.
Mayme sin admlrlnf Mses French
heeled shoes.
"Th'-y are beauties," she id. "Where
did you get 1 hem?"
"At tilopplngei 's. nrsweted Mse.
"How murh did they cost?"
"Nine dollars."
"He cheated you. I saw a pair exactly
like them the other day, marked only H.
"Tea; thsf what these cost In the met
place, but I have hsd W worth of cores
removed since I began to we.r them."
Chics go Tribune.