!THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: (KTONKK 14. 1!Kir. CREIGI1T0N BEATS CORNELL !(iTnm G I own Under the Ltctl Rush by 15 to 0. MUCH KICKING AND F I'M BUNG IS GAME e Rales loaely Adhered and I'anla Karhanged n, (.rent 1 Kresjfaenejr Darin Bath Halves. The foot ball Imiti, from Crcighlon uni- """) ou a splendid victory over the -trong Cornell (la.) team at Vinton street park Saturday afternoon in a game which gave a good Idea of what the nrw rules will do. Crelghton started with a rush after the first kickolt and it looked ui though the blue and white boys would sweep Cornell off its feet, but t'i. Iowa lada braced when their goal was In danger and kicked the ball out of danger mid It neuaawrd bock and forth in the renter of the field until time waa called for the first half. Crelghton won tlic toss ami choose tlie downhill Hide Instead of taking advantage i me wino, and this counted onsld' rably against them, aa the punter of llic Cornell team doubled the distance of C'relgliton'a punts every time. Crelghton got the ball , on the first kickoff and Brume made a ' forty.yard run to Corneli a forty-yard line. i and then by consistent plunges tarried the ball to the three-yard line, where it Waa loat. Cornell punted to Brome, who thn . tried for a drop kick from the twenty-Bve-yard line, but failed. The ball waa punted to the middle of tha Held and Crelghton , tried to work a trick play by meana of a forward paaa. but failed. The half ended with the ball In the middle of the field. Cre-lsrkton Scares. Maglrl took Lnmphler'a place in the sec ond half. Crelghton kicked off and the bull waa fumbled on Cornell'! ten-yard Hoe. Aylesworth carried It to the three-yard line and on the next play put It oyer In tho. corner of the Deld au Brome missed the goal. Score, t to 0. Cornell kicked forty yarda to Brome. who waa tackled hard and dropped the ball after a hard run, giving the bail to Cornell on the forty-yard line. Cornell could not gain. In fact made the distance on downs not more than twice in the game, and waa forced to try a quarter back kick. It worked successfully, for a Cornell man got the ball In the mlxup. Crelghton lout Ave yards by an offside play and fumbled, giving the ball to Cornell on the twenty three yard Una. Cornell could not gain and was forced to kick and after an ex change of kicks Cornell got possession of the ball on Its own fifteen-yard line. Cor nell fooaled the kick, and It was Crelghton' ball on the twenty-yard line. Many kicks were exchanged, until finally McCormick broke through and blocked a kick from Cornell. The ball waa picked up and carried over by Maglrl and Brome nlsstd the goal. Score 10 to 0. Broaac Mlsaea Third Goal. After a good start Cornell was again forced to Its own goal, where another kick waa blocked and Crelghton got possession of the ball on the three-yard line. Rooney carried It over and Brome mlseed the goal. Score IS to 0. The game waa noted for the numer ous times the ball was kicked. West kicked for Cornell and excelled the Crelghton kicker. Crelghton also had considerable difficulty :n handling the punts, which were twisters. The team showed speed at drat, but alackened after the first rush to Cor nell's goal- The line-up: CRKIOHTON RE H.T.. PlafUmnuth amateurs here tndsv. Pern won hy a seme of 44 tu . Officials: Howie ami I'ptrg-rois. rOMMTlUN 41 F OW t TK M Tai Tackle and l.narn1 la Donbl IOWA CITY, la , o. t. 1 : i Spc. lnl 1 Th feature of the week s work during the tmst two Hays hits been the discover' that Bobby Miller, the crack SIntlx City sprin ter, can run the team at unarterbai a. Hlnce the disqualification of Remls. Brn Rerman has been the onlv quarterhai k on the reg'ilar snuad From the av In which Miller has he n working It is be. Ileced be will give the pavenpn,' o. hard run for first honors. Both men ar playing an excellent gume, getting the plays off nulcltlv. paastns the ball well and tackling hard and sure In the hack field. On the whole, the followers of the game here are better sntlsfled with the way In which the men are performing now. The opening mme of the season Is mill two weeks In the future, and tn fourteen days it la believed here thit John Chalmers can teaoh the men a lot of the fine points of the grent game. Purlng the rtrsi 1 of the week practice was hindered by the fact that there were not enough men on the field to line up two teams. Since a number of attidcnta have been Induced to report, that difficulty haa been overcome and the men are developing rapidly. The tackle and guard positions are the most unsettled on the team. Klllot has been moved back to hla old position at guard and MacFaddcn Is being tried out for right tackle. Washburn seems to be a fixture at left tackle, where he has greatly improved his game over last year. Heck and Nolte are the other candidates for the guard positions, but the eventual selection is still a matter of speculation. For ends Knowlton and Carberry seem to be the first choice at this stage of the game. Cresco White la still on the hos pital list, but be Is expected to report shortly. The back field, with the exception of the quarterback, seems to be pretty well settled, with Kirk at full and Allen and Kent the two halfbacks. These th-"C men make the fastest triumvirate of ground, gainers Iowa has had in those positions In three years past. Substitutes for these positions are lacking and Coach Chalmers will turn hla attention to this problem next week. KI.LEYIB SMOTHER T.tHKIO TEAM Ynang Preaba terlans Prove Terrora n Foot Ball Field. By the score of it to 0 Bellevue defeated Tarklo college yesterday afternoon on the Hellevue gridiron. The game was watched by a large crowd and was full of sensa tional end runs and gains on fakes. The ball was kicked off by Tarkio and was carried back Into Tarklo territory, where it was kept during the first ten minutes of play. Bellevue made good gains on end runs and forced the ball twice to tho one-yard line, where Tarklo both times braced and held them for downs. O. Hen son tried a drop kick once from the twenty-five-yard line, but failed. lister in the half be made two more attempts, both of them being successful. One waa made from the thirty rive and ' the other from ihe forty-yard line. The feature of the first half was tha end runs or Tulles, B. Benson and Marvel. The half ended with the score 8 to 0, In favor of Hellevue. In the second half the two Benscns, Mar vel and Tolles tore around the ends for gains of from fifteen to forty and fifty yarda each. Bellevue also gained eaelly on fakes and a forward pass from B. Hen son to Marvel netted the first touchdown, after an exciting sprint of forty yards. O. Benson kicked goal, making the score 14 to 0. With eight minutes to play, Tarklo kicked off to B. Beiuion. returned ninety yarda to the Tarklo one-yard line. The next play Harte was pushed over for a touchdown. Rice made the last touchdown on a twenty-five-yard run and O. Benson kicked goal, sending the score to 2. Rice of the Bel levue team was In every play and did some phenomenal work In breaking up Tarklo's interference. The lineup: BELLIVir TARKIO DRARELOSESTHROCCBTRICl Cornbcskers Fcr Ones si Rfio.it f BmsotB Fiere of Plsj. TACTICS OF NEW RULES ARC OVERLOOKED or lrfe Kick Penalties Heavy McDonald Makes Forty lard Sprint. (FTom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special Tele gram.) The Nebraska Cornhuskers . won from Ih-nke on the gridiron today, but the tnwana threw a scare Into the Comhnsker camp, for Nebraska victory was by ths slender score of t to 0. Drake marshaled I an eleven slightly heavier than the Corn- hnskrre and played a stiff game, both on the offense and In resisting Nebraska's charges, but the Ilawkeyes muffed punts and lnt the ball so persistently on their fumbles that they were never able to get within hailing distance of the opposing I goal. The work of the Nebraska backs In handltrg punts was much ciesner. the Cornhuskers exhibiting strong Improvement compared With their weakness In this de partment a week ago. Nebraska excelled In ground gaining, carrying the ball a total of 170 yards, com pared with eighty for Drake. McDonald. Nebraska's left end. once sprinted forty yards with the ball for the only brilliant gain of the day. Penalties were heavy against both teams. Nebraska forfeiting sixty yards snd Drake thirty. Both elevens displayed a persistent ten dency to play the new game under the tactics of the old. Not a forward pass or one side kick was attempted by either side, and both found It Impossible to retain the ball on downs by the usual resort to line charges. The first half was scoreless. Nebraska once captured the ball bn Drake's twelve yard line, but surrendered Its possession on futile efforts to pierce the Drake line. The Cornhuskers changed quarterbacks in the recond half. Cook succeeding Drain, and st once took a brace. A trick play was responsible for the touchdown. With the ball only two yards from the side line, Cooke bluffed at a plAy around the middle of the field, but McDonald took the oval to the other side and raced forty yard, being downed within three yards of the Drake goal. Drake braced desper ately and the Cornhuskers took all three downs to force the ball over the goal on line bucks. Denslow missed the klckout and Nebraska forfeited Its chance for a try at goal. The rest of the play was in Drake territory. Benedict once missing a drop kick by only a yard. The lineup: . NEBRASKA. DRAKE. It's Simply Wonderful The business we have been doing the past three weeks has broken all pre vious records more new accounts opened than any three weeks In our bus iness history Look over this list of tempting bargains, there's surely some thing you need in the homefurnlshlng line. You can save money on any item you may select. Don t forget HOME Of tfiQ OUTFIT ifev mtnr rnrrf n r r rrr rrr ?SYoiir Credit Is Good(&g?2 1 IV, s if $2.50 Cash and 50c Per Week Secures this bed davenport (exactly like cut, constructed of solid oas. of ft selected grain, patent automatic cVening. makes a beautiful davenport during the day and a soft, comfortnble bod at nluht. covered with specially Qa? flO selected velours, upholstered over guaranteed springs Our fjpeolal ,M llll Fries Is amw v Th Ps a pie's S(r Special Morris Chair Frames are of solid oak and highly polished, coverings are selected velours, upholstered over soft and comfortable springs on sale f g g tomorrow, y.uU Terms i 1 Cash, BOo Far Week Miller b.E Morvaothslsr L.T. Wsfner . J. MrCormlcK Hloedsra , Martin ... Suchs M route Ruooey . . Ayleaworth l-afnphlr . Referee linesman L.O R.U. R.T. RE. CORNELL. Blsecisr Cole lp Smith Leash? Lou BdU Cnlsmaa . Ptsrsea , Wt Mtrrlth It U I L.C., L.T LI U 6 ...LH. R H R.H.I L H K.B. r.B Ellison. I'molre: Kllick. Head V. A. Duhrldge: linesmen: Dr. M. N. Loonils and Q. A. Stephens. Timers: Art. Coud snd 11. N. Twogood. Time of lutlves: and 20. Scores: Crelghton: three touchdowns. Crelghton's rooters were so enthusiastic after the game they got permission from Coach Cavanatish to aive the memhera nf the team a little spread at the Henahaw j ""wlce'' H.tturaay nign: and a large number joined In. Many of the alumni of Crelghton were presi nt and considerable entkusiusm was moused, enthusiasm which will help the team durin? the week In its preparation for the Hellevue game next Saturday. 0 Besses (( apt) Mart B. Beaaoa Marrsl Kearns eatiBdara Aasataoa Rice Jonea Carajr Toll L'mpire: Ball. 20 minutes. .L-H-lR.H. ..F.H ..KB .MB C. .HO . .R.T. ..R.B. ..L.Q. ..L.T. ..UI. KB. LH... Q B... C 1.0... L.T.. L.E... R O... IT... It g... Morrow ... Murrr RlarkaiMn McMillan .. Kaokla ... Henry . . Turner nenalow Rice. Von. Chalnupka Wllkla ... Rwins. Harv. R K L F. ....R.T.IL.T R.O. L.0 CJc .UO.lR.O. Hirv.r. Matters L.T.IR.T... McDonald. Benedict. .L.R.l It.E... Drain. Cook QB. IQB... trail R.H.IL.H... Little L.H.IR H Ma.on. captain ll.ir.B Kaanar Hoffman Jonas Palaa Nalaon Frailer .. Krana, Pinch .Taylor, captain W nMrow Lovareln Ken) on Touchdowns: Mason: I niplre: A. Ora ham of Oritinell. Referee: F. D. Cornell of IJncoln. Head linesman: C. W. Krvin of Lincoln. Time of halvno: Twenty minutes. 1. B. Murla II apt I Han4rfln B. S. Mori Time of halves: X and PKISrETON DEFEAT" MIDUIKa Cadet Team la Much l.lhter, hat Only Oas ToscMsniTi Made. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 13. Princeton this afternoon' manager to score one touchdown against the much lighter and plucky foot ball eleven of the naval academy mid lo keep their own goal line from being crossed. The game was played before nearly 8.(-)0 persona From the start Princeton played hard, line bucking foot hall. This con tinued through the half with neither fide able to score. From viirht under the Koal pi. His. where Dillon received the kickoff in the second i Illinois Kails to Score. CHAMPAIGN, III., Oct. IS.-The foot bkll teamn of the Walmsh college and the 1'iilverHltv of Illinois ooened the season Porta' ! ,l,,re t,K,y aM played a tie game, neither ru ri-tiiiK. ii waa iiie nr&i lesi or the new rules on the Illinois field. The visitors outpluyed Illinois in (he first half, stopping end runs and piling up plavs Into the line. In the second half Wabash threatened several titties and once forced Illinois to punt from buck of the goal line. Tltn forward pasa was tiled several times, but with Indifferent results. Harvard Win from Farmers. CAMBRIDOK. Mass., Oct. IS The Har vard foot bull team defeated the Masga cltunetta Agricultural college eleven todav, 7i to 0. After playing malnlv on the de fensive In the first half. Harvard clianred tactics in the second and made their last two tomhilow-ns hy rushing tho ball. Har vard made more than ten yard each time. The visitors did not make a tint down during tht forty minutes of plav. They o-eu an niegai rorwiirtt pass, witn which tney guinea inirty varna twice KOI Til OMAHA HKiH SCHOOL WIWKR ottlv tn half. Princeton began agnlit to hanmer the I Imve the ball recalletl. line, playing sirt'igni ttmi ball. Twice they literally bucked their o score in Army-Colgate Game. way UP the field to within reaching Ols- , WEST POINT. N. Y Oct. 1.1 Neither tance of the navy gotil. but tl- liiiclwliip- able scored in the West Polnt-( 'oluate men saved themselves by breaking P a i game todiy. The tlrst half consisted of trick formation and once by holding the freiiucnt exchanges of punts, with aiiutll Princetons. alternate gains for either side. In the sec- After eight minutes of play Spencer re- j nd hm( hy m,rt.,sve line bticking. Col i..kl lull, in a mint on the navy s n'e-yaid ui . ,. r-.i.t n, t..n , ,i. .....'. Mine. Spencer kicked the ball out of danger , va,.(1 nn(1' and ost ,, 0, west , to Dillon, who heeled for a flee kick cm . t.o1nt rn1(1j , nn r.,.v ,,.v f , f ine navy a iuii-inyi .'"i" .i "Pln lime was called with the lull In fumbled Cooney s kick and downed the ; w(1, Holm s possi ssion on Colgate's IMntlsnittMlh Outclassed r Beta from ball ror a toucnaown. ini r twenty-yard tie. miiimwaiN an iRn.ru " ' raiail i - vn r1 line SlillCf'r racking Town. , ,,. wa(l received hy McCormick In mid- Hngb, t.a.ne at Stanford. The South Omaha High school won Its Held. Front here Princeton began to buck . FORD Pal fw i n ti,. nr.r ,t 111 st game yesterday front the Plattsmouth its way toward a score. McCormick started . f "7P' J.Vihv VJ? TTm L Hisli arhm. by the decisive score of 79 to ). off with twelve yards and Sutever and K. "l' f "r rur' t ' P' ' on l'M :tMi...uth played a plucky gume hrntigh. ; A. Dillon alternated w ith him in gains. ..''V,'" " Ti i T V ,1 J Ti.1 out. but wai outclassed by the superior which placed the ball on the navy s lh s,ed and science of South Omaha The -yard line, where two rushes, by M',p- J "'v' game was distinguishes! by sensational long Inlck put it over. Dillon felled to kick a , '"r",0' rdr',olf 'H,n,"r, penal lied end runs and open plavlng all made by difficult goal. Time was called shortly ; rreouen,y 8Ild California s score was dl- South Omaha, however. Plattsmouth pin v. . after. 'Jt "i"v ,h't Penalties In atrnlirht foot ball throughout. An even 1 """ b the ref. iee. fioseti long runs' ranging from fifteen lo 1 KVI.V AM l"SBI.K TO 'OKF. fortv yards were mule by South Ornahu j. ' The fiUs't "hlif" started w.ll for Plaits- iwartkmore Win b M-klnat Toneh- mouth, but Its opponents steailled on their down la Jleconrl llal Beatrice Ontplaya Pawnee. PKATRKT:. Neb.. Oct. U. (Special Telegram.) The Beatrice Hlirh a. hool i foot ball team defeated the Pawnee eleven orteen-rnrd line, and there securing the i" piflL.VDF.1 PHIA Oct IS. The fi.i- today at the Driving park In an niterest ball tore down the Held for a touchdown. I p'ennsvlcanln foot hall te-un wns ; lug and exciting game by the score of (1 In r.errlj- all of the rest of the half tho ', .Ti rbv Sw'arthmore today. 4 to 11. ; w II, Beatrice's Hue waa Impregnable and ball w:s !n south onisit:i s posscssinti. p,,mavlvanla eleven lost the game in- the visitors were outplayed at every After Plattsinoutli secured the ball !t was I " ' of ,,er,ii,tent holding and fumbling point. forced acroka Its own goal line for a safety. J J" (h nril hfHi,d the further fact that . The third touchdown was made bv Munaer j j,, no drop kl'-ker. i Fatality at Morrlitews, . J. after a senSattonMl thlrty-vard run The; i.', ,h. r,t half Pennsvlvanla workeil the : MORRIRTOWN. N. J.. Oct. 13 -Charles ball insiiie nwaruintoie "''T ,, three tiniest but because of penalties could not carry it over. Sw:uihiiiore's score came in the second half. Captain Uteene of Pennsvlviinia i." i.ti l.n hi. own fifieen-vnrd line. pwarthinore was penalised liriecn yanls for i.oldiinr lint O'lartertwck O'Brien dinptie,! You will find all the goods adver Used here, on our floors ex actly as rep resented. These goods are for sale We hav ) ample quan titles or them. i u n mmmmmm Every arti cle marked In plain fig ures. Every thing we sell we guarantee. We furnish 3 rooms complete for $74.60. Terms, $7.50 cash, $5 a month. I N II 9 The Peoples Store Special Buffet Ksactty genuine like cut. Marie of ousrter sawed OHk. has piano finish, three top draw-era, one (inner la plnah lined for silverware, lower compart men' s have glasa fronts and ornamentei w-oon- work, on rale st Terms I $3 Cash, BOo Per Week. 19.75 The Peoples Store Special Kitchen Cabinet Kxactly like cut. Hase lias large bins for Hour and other meals, large drawers, bread board and meat board. The top lui four drawers and two f tZ large compartments. Occupies the spHie of a kitchen table and haa a7a9 V the room of a cupboard. Price complete TEBMS $1 CASK, 500 FSB WEEK. $1 Cash and 50c a Week Rivys this dresser (exactly like cut I, made of solid oak. real large roomy drawers, fln-t French beveled mirror of ob long shape, trimming are solid hraas, worRmansnip is or tne very lilghest order-lSpeoial price 8.50 Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Bedding AU Wool Intrnt in Carpets, cur regular "oC-grade special Tiger HrtiM'l Kuk, 9x12. special designs and pat- f "Tr terns sale price - TKKMS, $1.51) CASH, JJOe I'KIt WHKK. .otiiuKltnm Luce Curtains 00 inches wide, It 'a yards long, excellent quallly s)iftl at Comforts, extra heavy wejght, $1.50 values, on sale Monday 59c 1.89 89c Iff Vii I IT3 . W Our Spccia.1 Steel Range Made of cold rolled steel, asbestos lined, duple g.-atcs, nickel trimmed. We offf this ti hole special sim.I range. Incltnllnf; high wnrming closet, , with large !G-ii'ili oven (in l f eid.UU for Terms S3.50 Cask, 60o Psr Week JM' Sre- - 'i a Our Easy Credit Terms On bill of $2.5. &!.r0 rnsli. If 2 per month. On a bill of $.10, f.3 ush, $1 h month. On a bill or $75, $7.50 cn-di, $l a montli. On a bill of $1U(), $10 ciiuli, $N iter ' montli. Larger bills In like pronortion. 4- Special Divan Frames are made of birch maliogHnv with striped veneer effect, highly tlnisli-ii, ine criveriiigs are or imported vci'i.iim guaranteed snringi-, on sale Special rrlos of Terms: 91 Cash 50c Par Tfcck WEOFT.ES STOKE BFECIAIi rXTEWSION TABLH. 8.75 16.50 Iron Bed Outfits CV't.l-tlng of Vrt!ls S'Ht-tln Iron b.-d, (exactly like titt. ;t io ton top nnil bot tr.ni tn,(ifrss iut n (iod .-un i , , sriiK Bueclal Files for 4 n Mat SnTnV60 10.75 Terms t $1 and ,50c a Week. 3 CASK AKD 93 ?e taotrt Secures this Special Base Bur ner, one of tha most powerful heaters construct ed, g u a r s n t ee.l quality. heavy nick el trimmed, screw draft reg's tres, air tight ma ga sine Syecial price 30.50 t6IH & FAR'A .-TDFPT5-V omaha. llslf ended with the cn-e standing Is to 0. Vtattsniout n punted rrequentiy in tne sec. mid lialf. and so held Bouth Onvi'ia to two touchdowns. The final score vi.a to . All of the South Omaha ruavers put up .t Kood sum. McCnllmish. t'obn and Krug being especially worthy of mention while Leonard canity starred for Plattsmouth. The lineup: Pt.ATTSMOl'TH. SOI TH OMAHA M'Cullatilh Klddoe 1 Slrr-tiir ' l( (IHi. .... (Sraailtrli Horl Krus . Munfr Bar Ur fi.hB l A . ... Salntrs Plrkntan lt.nar R K I, E... Vurphr .t Tb T.... It ant 1 H Ob O... S-Mppaiaaa. ('" Hatea LOS O... Mor.aa 1. T S T... Iraila L Eft K... Kr.ca U By .. Smith R H K H B Van. (O r f 9... Ilc-al .. .. R H BR It B Touchdowns: Mct'ullougli. Munger. 8tln lerg. Krug, Pohn. G.ls: Cnhn 2i. 8fey: Kouih Umaha. Referee: Koas of fcViuth (maha. l'mpire: V'ates of PlttsmHh. Head linesman: Daly. Time of halves: Twenty minutes. MDHMM-'IPr) r'AII.S-" It I MIIRI" IV am from Sloas (llr Realea la saaay r.aaae at A airs. AMK8. la., th-l. 1.1 (Special Telegram.!--MorningiJde college of Bioux t'lty today Itild Iowa Stat rollege to the Inytest score It has mad.; thia year. The Moruingside players are snappy, and played a good gnriie. 'Oie. Ames players expected confi dently to pile up a big score. Inn Morning side h'ld them 10 a lower score. than eil'.ier lies .Moines college or C'oe of Cedar RapMs. 'ihe mini s'-ore was S: to v, with .the fol lowing lineup 1 AMfcn. litck 10 (he thirty-yard line h.h.1 sent the ball whirling beiween the uprights. AHK Al l. KKOM V MRI.KS (iraarf Islaad llefeala Hastings Ularb Mehool T ele o Sis. IIA8T1NOS. Xeb.. Oct. 13 .-(HMclal Tele gram -The C.rattd Island High school foot ball team defeated the llaflings High school tesni this afternoon, 12 to . No scores , 1.. 1,.. !, t,.lf The ueconft h7f ," with I.ll... -Hastings, scorlug tlinle. V of Carrier's reach. He also exhibited bet ter control than his opponent. As th? win ner of laat year's tournament Is not in school, he will not la? able to defend his title and the championship will go to Rip ley. KVBST!) TNK HUMMI TRICKS Btiydan, Is years of uge. was killed today In a fool ball game Itetw.eti the Morrlstowu . .i..i.i n.Hl- bigh school and the Morrlstown boarding "eshabllle las Hie Municipal llauoi school. Vcung Suydan. who was on the 1 rap at Bel moat Park, high school eleven, was accidenily tripped. 1 vnlH. ... i.Mi1bilie with lie fell heavily, breaking hi. neck. I .NJ-VV "- X. iJZ. V .n . . j WKitmyy lu in,- ...... ..... llama Defeats Pierre. riKRRK. 8. D.. Oct. 11 (Special Tele grams Huron High school defeated Pierre High school today. Score. IS to . Scores of Other Games. At Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell. 24; Uuck nell. . At Madison, Wis. Wisconsin, 5; iw fence. 0. At Prlnceston. N. J. Princeton, . Pratt Institute. 0. At Terre Haute, Ind. Karlham, ; Rose MOR.VlS'ttWiK. ttihar Hriuiir 'Iha,rr I"r N Mll,a Fihtiinty lllllt-t .!. Mi;i!la .... llelltnaa ... Rlra .... Bona . . Palmt-r . grlrann Br.;a grvarater t'MllKt a'avlnta 1 1 ha I man H... b. . r r. n g ...n. i-.i . t. ..11. o. n. u. .... e'e ..1.L. U L. (!. ... U T 1 U T ... f. k I.. K .. H II H. II. ...I. II. I.. II. ,...K. u : '. B ...u 11. iq. a. hirar pliyers for Ames were McKliiliiney bines enil llri-gger. On (If Mm iilngi.d t-.Tin llciltcan and Kricaou ii. goml work. I hi day wat loeal for :i f. ball game. Tue crowd was large and line music w.i f.(rn'hej throughout b the college ban I. I he crowd from Hiou City was about fifty trong and twenty men camo as iihtyers. No cerluus injuries were receive J in tin rni and little time 'ai taken out. Tli Sioux City team arrived this morning at 14 o'clock and left th a evening ut o'clock (iir borne. ' a touchdown on Grand Iwianti luninie 01 a foraard pass. Both of Grand Island's touchdowns were made on fumbles of punts. Officials: Heartwell. Histlngs; Prof. Matthew, Urand island. Trelaktou Third Team 111". As an eveopener to the big game at Vin ton street' park Saturday afterntsm, Crelgh ton's third team played Boyles' college team ami won bv Ihe -nre ef 6 lo i. The f ame was (lie tlrst of the aeaeon for the ioyle team anil the superior work of the collegians won for them. Ttoth teams showed thev bad good material end should b heard from laie In the season. The lineup: Johnaon ciiaii I tlaa IMMlse Biest .lanria PMtnlsftsn Cotton Smith I, K. S.ait (Cast, niadiaaa At Cedar Rapids. Ia. Pes Moines. 0: foe. 0. At Hoboken. N. J. Trinity, 1; Stevens. 0. At Cincinnati Cincinnati. 0; Miami, . At St. Louts Hi. Louis university, JJ; 8t. Charles' Mllltsr- academy, 0. At Amherst Amherst. IS: Tufts. . At Hanover Part mouth, 4; Inlverslty hanrllcan at a mile and three ouarters H Belmont park today, defeating Ironsides by eight lengths, with Mlsa Crawtord third. The time, 2 ::;, ia a new truck record. Ironsides was always favoille at S to 1, while Deshabille was hacked from 0 to 1 down to 4 to 1. Red Krlar was strongly played, bis price dropping from 1 to I to 5 to 1. H was never Hanger otia. Sailor Boy went out to make the pace, followed by Ironsides ami Red Friar. This was the order into the back stretch, but at the fur turn Ironsides moved up to the leader and led Into'llie stretch. Meanwhile Knapp on Deahahiilc was gradually working his way up. and !.. .tr.ihiened for the run to the wire j - I .. .... aaallv Irmialitea VA'AS I orew . In Ve: Al.S r I 7,eCbat..,J;.TnvonV- steeplecnaae ai aoouv i..,eC ....... ... ' j N. IllitkemoreT blk. g. I Funic) Bitter Miss second, Zliiaugii third. Time: 1:14. Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles: Whipporwill won. Shining Star second. Oratorlan third. Time: 1:4. HARMOSS IIAtlNG IN I.KMX.KIX Talpa Wins Ihe Xioll Stake In (be Fourth If eat. LKXINOTON, Ky.. Oct. :i The tliirty fouith annual meeting of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders' association incit ing was brought to a close t tales aft. I noon with the Bioli stake as the feature of the program. Taluu, a representative uf the Oakland farm of Wellsvllle, N. Y., won the race. Talpa had no trouble aft-r losing tiie first beat to Pr. CIpihc. 1 11 the -other heats she never waa headed. The 2:fi class f..r .,n, -em went lo Kubv l.acv lu a fcatuie- Icsb race, a the mare ouiciusel the ft",. On account of scratches tne i::ji trot was declared off. It la a peculiar fact that accidents tuarroil the liiat and lant races of the meeting, in the Htoll stake Pavld Cnhlll. driving Bister Colleie. collided with Charles J.iml son. driving Kapnlnn. Until drivers were thrown out. but neither was seriously in- lin.l tteMiills: The' Rtoll Htake 2:19 trot, value H.'iOO, orsnal Wakra Hla ro PKH1". Neb.. Oct. M.-S,a-lal Tel. gr mi 1 .jiil iSvMinsl fuvl bail team pliad llie . 1. r. e ... . .I. T 1 R T .. ..L O ! R C... . . . C ' . R C.'MI... ..R T L.T... r r. l e ... . g B U B... ..k n p h .. .1. Mi K M... .R.H. L H... I RKIUHTON Mriiva, . . (a rej". I M:in tra m K enrily . ,. PtMiaharty .... M'Vaftajr Kearnaa MMfan Carrtcas Coail Knot Hall at llalou. Ian games oC foot hull will be played at Vinton stieet park Sunday afternoon. The Shamrock will play Missouri Valley and th. Superiors will plav the Podge Ulit Guards from Council Bluffs. falls WIm at Webster t in. WEBSTER CITY, Ia.. Oct. IS. (Spe cial Telegram ! The Webster City High school teat. 1 lost a ragge, game of foot ball to Iowa Falls this afternoon, 4 u. Usiaaa Niara Win. Ihe Freniera were smothered l.v the Omaha Siaj s at Twenty-second nnd W'eluter meets yesterday afternoon. Tbt inr tui :i to 0, In (avur of th btars. Conn. Wesleyan, 0; of Maine, n. At Middletown Rnwdnin, 0. At Audover Yale Freshmen, il; Phil, lips (Andoverl, 0. At Wllllamstown Williams. 1; Mld dlebury. 0. At !:elhlehem Ilaverford. B: lehigh. 0. At TieMefont. Pa. State college, 0; Oet tvsburr. (1. At ICsston. Pa. Lafayette, 14; Medico C'nirurgical college, 0. At C olumbus. O. Ohio Plate university, S3: WIttetiburg. . At Marietta. O. Marietta college, 46; Ruekhannon ('. Vs.). 6. At F.xeter. K. II Harvard Second, 4; Phillips 1 Exeter). . At I-awrence, Kan. Kansas, 17; Ar kansas. 5. At Manhattan. Ksa Kansas State Agri cultural college, lu: Haskell Indians. S. At Colorado SpringColorado college, C: I'tah university, . At Columbia. Mo. Missouri riversily, ti; Rulla ek hool of Mines. 0. Ida Klgper Wlaa Tesrsri. John Rippey. '07. won the high school tennis tournament, which closed Friday. The final contest was between Rippey and 8am Carrier, '(7. the former winning. 7-, 8-1 -4. D-. 8-4. The right for the honor was a hard one. reiu'r'ng live sets to settle it. Carrier played a tine same, winning niosi of bis points bv lobbing ami in!'- ,iwtmii on mppey s part. He also showed good Judgment In placing. Rippey placed a r.l iti'lvn W H. Panlel won the Nursery handicap, six furlongs straight, by a length from the "l-to-l shot. Turenne. Sewell. tn win ning the first race, equaled the track rec ord for seven furlongs by stepping it In 1:25 fiat. Results: First race, seven furlongs: Sewell won. Grapple second, Penrhyn third. Time: I:-. . Second race. Brook cup steeplechase, .Kami three miles: Alfar WOU. ColigtlV second. Jimmy Una third. Time: S;t)7. 1 KeI H, ci. g' (pilliigei 1 1 1 1 I i 5 t 4 2 a S i 7 a 1 4 -i liH ti ids Kthel 1. ch. 111. lUahagani 4 The Phantom, blk. h. (Walker) ... ti Klslfr Collette, b. ni. (Calilll) .... 5 k'Htinvna b. 11. iJiimlsotl) 7 Time: i:ll'4. 2:11. 2:-a- - '-'i- Class t JK pace, purse fl.tKAt, three in five: Ruby Lacy. b. m. (Tiilmadge) 1 Third race. Nursery handliap. six fur longs, straight: W. 11. panlel won. Tourenne second, Altuda third. Time: 1:11S. Fourth race, live and one-half furlongs, straight: Ben Strong won, Ace High sec ond. Royal Brceie third. Time: : 1:0(H. Fifth race. Municipal handicap, mile and three quarters: peshabille won. Ironsides second. Miss Crawford third. Time: S.57V Sixth race, one mile: Orollne won, Bivouac second, Cederstromo third. Time 1IIH LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Oct. IS. Results: First race, six furlongs: Alaono won. Airship second. Sorrell Top third. Time: 1:1J V Second race, one mile: Auditor won, Bellevtew second, Pudley third. Time: 1:41. Third race, six furlongs: Platoon won. Garret Wilson second, Lady Esther third. Time: 1:13. Fourth race. Traveling Passenger Agents' handicap, one mile: Hannibal 14. v Vim fretenalon Beeonil M i-l I e. im. the ret most of the time and In this way I third. Time: 1:40. a hla lu pUvu many ut the balls outf JIPu rave, sis, t urluugs Cb won, Perberthit.-th. 111. (Boucher) Moore, b. g. t.Murpnyi Itcprochless. blk. 111. (Dodge) j. el. itanion, OIK. K. IIU-HI 3 1 1 1 4 : 1 2 4:4 5 i 3 7 t 4 1) da ris Susie W, ch. 111. (lieindoni Iiitie K. b. 111. (I-rfing) Time: 2:11. i:r.4, 2:10'. 2:lu'. MISS I I RTIS IS GOI.F f lHWIMO Boatoat W amaa Wlai atloaal Title l.laka at West er toa. stymie for Mlsa Curtis. A two-foot cop bunker on the seventeenth green uccuiu pllxlKd the deleat for Mies Aduins. The seventeenth proved Miss Adaius" Wiiuiloo. Miss Adams sliced her bail into the woods, but an accommodating tree headed it into the fair green abort of Ihe bunker. She jUM (ailed to pilch over the lau-fnot cup and played two more from the trup heioie reaching the green. Her tlfth stroke struck the edge of the cup and .lumped nut. Miss Cm. is played sale und won the match uud the chiiiiipionsiiip. I lie curds were: f. 7 5 3 5 4 u 5-4; In 5liti467(i4 C'-W Ad. una Out 5767465 I -4K lu ti(i566446 -41-o9 OMIHI (.OI.FI'.m AT BIOl X 4'1'I'Y Dr. Kumaf) la Beaten lu Flaals b Warren Dickinson. SIOCX CITY. la.. Oct. 13 (Special Tel.- gram.) Pr. II. C. Humney nf the Ouuilut Field club was defeated here today In tne finals of the championship round of lh Interstate golf tournaint nt by Warren Plckli.011 of Pes Molnea. 2 up and 1 to play. pr. Sunuiey was not p!iiing as strong a game as Friday, when be nut II. H. Ferguson of Cedar Rapids, la., termer sjnte champion, nut. of tit running. 4 up and 3 to play. The championship match wits for thirty-six holes, picking n took the lead at the very beginning mid held II throughout. Drorge W. Shields of the Omaha Field club won the championship in the solace event this morning, defeating Albeit Fullerton of Sioux City. 6 up und G to play. A. C. Jones, also of the Field club, won the champiogship In the consola tion event, defeating J. l Huminla uf Lemars, up and 6 to play. mou fly casting event, cast 14s-feet Inches, a new worlds record. Enrlght also set two other records. ST. MH IN AMKHIt t Fill HTH anal Second On me Veslerdar n TI. Onnble-lleader Todai. ST.' LOII8. Mo.. Oct. 13-The local Ann rienns won their fourth victory over the St. IxiiiIh Nationals by taking Ihe first game of a ilouhh --header, a lo I. -Parknesa endol the second gmne at the otel of the fifth, score u to o. 'Ihe series now stands Americans, won 4; .Nations la, won none lied, 2. A double-header la announced for tomor row : Score, flrat giime. r y4 Amcricnnf. u 0 1 ii n II ii j j j S'iitbuals Ii n 1 u o (I (i ol j 4 lotteries: Howell nnd Spencer; Karger and Aln r!tall. Score, keciuid game: R II E Americans o o u o 0 n 4 i Nationals 0 Duo 0-O 1 1 Batteries J'elty and Spencer; Beehe snd ..wi'lirn. (.oil at Cesstrr lab. Tlie warm game of the golf season has been arranged for next Saturday after noon between two felscted teams from the Oniahft Country club. One xf theae teams will be captained by E. H. Sprague and the oilier by F. II. Gaines. Theae two captains are probably about the two mrwt eiilhuMlasllc golfers In the city and have ! .e.'ercd Into the contest with a vim and a WEST NEWTON. Mass.. Oct. 13. lils ; .-itermination to win. The winners will Harriet S. Curtis of Boston, playing fro.il idine ntxl Saturday evening at the expense the Essex Country club today, son, the woman's national golf championship by de feating Mlsa Mary B. Adams, also of Bos ton, but playing from tlie Woilaata Uotf club. 2 up and I tu play, on the links of the Brae Burn Country club. Two thousand p-ople followed each stroke throughout the seventeen holes and were rewarded for their exertions by seeing some fine driving, good approach work and many sensational puta. Miss Curtis out placed her oplHiuetit, although Miss Aduui tut unfortunate In severnl of the lioics, notably tlie thil teentn. which happemd to be a critical stage of the game. Her lbO vaid dtlve fetched the ball oil a hanging ilne and on (he green she Just mlxked a half bv being compelled to lift the hall I (rum wbal wiia althiu half au lucu 01 a of the luscrs and the cuns snd trophies of the season will be presented to the win nets by the president, E. H. Sprague. Basket Ball at Alns ortn. AIN8WORTH. Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special Telegram.) A splendid game of basket ball wua played here this afternoon between Aln.worih and Johnstown. The score 'J to 11, In favor of Johnstown. New Fig tasting Herord. NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Fishermen from Europe and America competed for fly casting honors st Central park today in tlie first annual tournament of the Anglers' club of New York. John Kn ilgUl vt lislauu, lu Us iwu-baudvia ' Bi.a Ball at Dirts P, Tlie Omaha, Western lea aim f m' .in again meet tha, pjet, teams In a double, header Uiis afternoon at ptetg psrk.-."Ws-hoo" Sum " CnifcTord. the famous right fielder of the Ietrolt Americans, will per fotm In center field fr the Onmhas. "0.. Hull formerly with Omaha, lute of Sioux City will pitch the second game and George Clark of tho Daft pes Moines team will cavort in light field with Johnnv Gondlna guarding the initial sack the games are c.-rtaln to bn fast and Interesting through out. This contest will be professional against AmaLeur, every player with Omaha being a professional, and the Pleta teams a III endeavor to eecure revenge for their driest lust Sunday. These games will piohably be the last of the season and as the gala receipts go lo the players the management hopes tint a large representa tive audl.ncs of (ana mill I on hand at .: p. m. Following la the lineup, first game: Plets Athletics Position Wnhl First Ha" Second Platner Right npciiuuiil Left Goddaid Center Horan Short Latham ; Third , "trong Catch Rice Pitch i.n.eup, second game: Piets Assn. Position ""'I Second Hunter, Massman. Catcher 1 amp First Plainer Right nmgni Tracy Annerson A 1 1 McNeelev .arrerty Center Craw or I Young Pltci.er lull If you want to sell real estate quicklj savsrtu lu Tut B Waal Ad column Omi ha Gonding Tonnemsn .... Clark Hall Crawford Lawler .... Steen Tomnseud McNreley Omaha Tonnemsn Townsend . Gonding .... Clark '' , Jwier