Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    'ilir; OMAHA NT.VMAT sM'i! uni)HM( 14. lwm.
. I
Catarrh Fifteen Vfr. I
Mri. B. A. Rhgers. tMnnrp. Cnl.. writes- I
"I had chronic catarrh of fifteen years'
staading, and death seemed to start- me I
In the face. !
"I tried several 'so-called' catarrh reme
dies, and without avail. I took fifteen
bottles of Parana and five bottle of Jlann
lln, and I am completely cored.
- "All the . catarrhal symptoms lire gone,
ttiy digestion Is good, niy appetite is Rood,
and I rest well at night. Ibm seventy
ri or a ana I liopo to live many
'nor years to praise Peruna to all my
'r1ends who Buffer from catarrh as I
Cough and ltnliK-at.ioii. .
irk, rtpckwlth. 11 Kltohell 8t., A
H. T.,' writes:
"1,'waa troubled with a oonrh and In
dlraatlon. Thanks to your advice and
Parana I am la food health now. I waq
alklng with an old friend last week.
lie told me he took Peruna last winter,
and he la In thn best of health working
very day and speaks highly of your
medicine. I ahall feel It my duty to
recommend Peruna to all my friends."
A great many testimonials from people
of high rank and people In the ordinary
V'aJka of life, are rocelved every month.
Catarrh In all lta phaaes, catarrh of the
different organa of the body; arute
X .'.' " - -V V. -
If' . . . e. . .v. .'. lit . , t
'i baffled
i ing to
1 endorac
catarrh, chronic catarrh, catarrh that has
pther remedies all these are glv
Poruna ynQuallfled and unsolicited
There Is not a single element of faulty construction
to covr up in the Buick.
We have never replaced a broken part on any one we
ever sold.
" We come to you witli a car with a spotless reputation.
If you are .interested in the most reliable and trust
worthy automobile on the market, you should not fail to
get in touch with us.
H. E. Fredricksoi
15th and Capitol Avenue
More Ramblers Sold, More Satisfied Purchasers,, More
Value (or Your Money Than Any Other Car
on the Market Can Show
New Models Now Being Received
j Few Second-Hand Machines Left. Which
WeWlll Closa Oat at Interesting Prices
IStb ad Capital Avcaae. One Block East ol rati Olticc
behind the unsurpassed home circulation of
The Omaha Bee
tllirtiinat ism of Old A(te.
Mrn. Caroline Trunk. 170i Jefferson
Ave., Peoria, III., writ-:
"I had a very painful trouble for sis
Aears. ronnieting- of rhtnmatlam 1n ths
batk and in thn thlfh. t used a great
dr-al of ni"dl ln, hut U did not help me.
Then 1 lined lr. JIartman's Faraaa, and
two tiottlra of thla antlraly fraad ma of
the rlH'titiintlam. 1 wluli to keep hoth
reruna and Mnnnlln always In the h"Ue.
Thla la the heat medicine that I can
recommend any one to take for rheu
matism." Catarrh All Tlirusl My Nysn-m.
Mr. Robert Matters. Murdock. Cass Co.,
Neb., Box 45, writes:
"I commenced to take Peruna the first
of laat February. 1 took It as nearly as
possible according to directtons. I also
Rot a Teruna almnnac and for the drat
time learned that my trouble was aXatamlo
catarrh. I had catarrh from my head all
throiiKh my system. I took Parana tint II
I was antlraly carad. I am eluhty-three
t half years old. and feel as younn
lid ten years ago.
" -tm.: jm-.i- , !....
- if r M I
xa n v per '..-
Trunk - ' & :
9 SJ-
7 j
"I visited recently among some old
friends, who said r looked as young as
I did twenty ycurs ago. I thank you for
your kindness to me, and hope you may
live long to benefit suffering humanity."
"I believe I'eruna Is the best medicine
In the world, for all catarrhal diseases."
Mr. J. W. Palmer. 1416 Tower Ave,
Superior, Wis.
x. ill y
Buiiaaia Ma Support Wtmia'i Call far
Libaral CoatriVtutiana,
lint a Worthr Oat mm4 Urnrtlsf
of Rapport at the Haada
f tbt Clttacaa mt
The Omaha Young Women Christian as
sociation worker are about to resume their
Interrupted campaign for a building fund,
and the following appeal la mude In their
To the Business Men of Omaha: As you
are aware, the Young Women's Christian
association of Omaha Is just now seeking
to raise the last third of the tl.nxi needed
to construct and equip a building for their
work. The undersigned take the liberty
of calling your attention to some features
of this effort.
The work of securing the I1S.000 paid for
the Bite and the Jhl'.kj" subscribed toward
a building lias been a severe ord'al for
the wnmen of the association, most of
them unused to such wurk, many of them
not vigorous In health, and all of them
I burdened with oiher duties. These women.
the wives, mothers, slaters, daughters or
our homes, have bravely and persistently
pushed on. month after month, and year
after year, toward their aim.
Time after time they have felt obliged
to give way to other public enterprise,
the exposition, the Auditorium, the Yeung
Men's Christian association, etc., and when
finally they he.d pushed their fund up
within sight of success last spring, their
further progress was checked by the call
for aid for stricken San "Francisco. They
have had to fight for success at every
Ioes It not seem to you that In recog
nition of this heroic and self-sacrificing ef
fort we oughl to take the matter In hand
Hnd see to It that their task from now
on Is made easy? It would be a very sim
ple matter for the business men of
Omaha to bring this to pass. If each man
will call his stenographer, or take his pen
now not at his convenience but now and
Rend a letter to the association pledging
the most generous amount he can possibly
spare, the thing Is done. Are we doing
Justice to ourselves, to our sense of
chivalry, to the service these women are
rendering, If we do any less? Granted
that there are many other calls, as there
ought to be In an enterprising community,
they should not crowd out this great and
Imperative claim. All who have not given
can give something. Many of those who
have pledged can pledge more. Let us do
It and do It without subjecting these de
voted women to the wear of a protracted
The aim In view must appeal to us all.
The 10,000 wage-earning women of Omaha
certainly need an agency to care for their
physical, mental, moral and spiritual wel
fare. Such an agency cannot be effective
without a plnnt. In the building now
planned when completed the association
can carry on Its splendid work for per
haps half a century to come. We appeal
to you to come to the help of this move
ment after the Omaha fashion swiftly and
Very truly yours,
Pres. Commercial Club.
Fres. Conservative Savings
and Loan Association.
Sare for Karris and Sheldoa a ad
Rnt ( Ticket, Sara
Gearare Allca.
Geor Allen of Clay county, chairman of
the republican congressional committee of
the Fifth district, had business In Omaha
"We had a committee meeting- at Hol
dregre a few days ayo," said Mr. Allen, "and
every one of the eighteen counties In the
district was represented. Each committee
man reported everything all right and each
predicted republican success all along the
line. I don't know how strong George
Sheldon Is In the eastern part of the Mate,
but he will certainly sweep the west sec
tion. - It looks like he will get all the fusion
votes as well as the republican votes. Con
gre8sman Korris will be re-elected by a big
Federal Graad Jary at Lincoln Ei.
peeled to Last Only Vmw
Days Longer.
The United States court officials, who
have returned from Lincoln over Sunday
are of the opinion that the errand Jury will
pet through Its work the latter part of
next week. The Iwcoln term of the court
"will not last much longer than a week.
About thp only cases thus far looked Into
by tho grand Jury at Lincoln are a few
Indian reservation liquor cases and sev
fral minor post office Irregularity cases.
The land fencing and conspiracy cases. In
eluding the 'Faf King case from Chi
cago, will be looked Into neat week.
Railway Mall ote.
jeFnr moraine, sunstituie. nss been pro
""""J " k-smiui run on ine i'acine June
tlon and Denver division of the Burlinaioe
entering upon his new duties Si tin day
A committee appointed by the Postofhce
department, consisting of Superintendent
C. V. Vlckery of the thhd division of the
railway mail service at Washington
Charles Rsger, superintendent of the fifth
division of Cincinnati; Norman Perkins, su-
JHTiutendent of the tenth division of St
Jaul; J. W. Hollyday. chief clerk In th
office of the general superintendent of the
railway mall service st Washington, and
Messrs. Robinson, Wade and Andrews of
Chicago and 8t. Paul, will arrive In
Omaha Monday morning for the purpose of
ins-ctiiig the workings of a mall catcher
and delivery device for the use of postal
cars invented by Dr. 8. R. Patton of
Omaha. The committee will arrive here
from Atlantic. Is., ahere it made a test
of another device, tho patent of a resident
of that city, and will proceed from Omaha
to Denver, where It will examine and test
another device of a like character Invented
by a Denver num. None of theee devices
has yet been accepted by the Postofflce
department, this commutes being sent out
for the special purpose of testing them as
preseniea oy ineir inventors snd to recom
mend to the department the one
adapted to the needs of the service.
Marrtacc Licenses.
The following marriage license has been
issued : '
Nmui and Residence. Age.
Joseph Pstseh, South Omaha 23
Annie Kainik, South Omaha I'i
Overdaa Steamer alsbtrd.
HONOLULU, Oct. 13-The Oceanic
Steamship company's steamer Sonoma,
which was a day overdue, has been
Tradltlaaal Kaeaty of Germaaf fteea
Attaek oa Moaareay la
Hook's Pabllratlaa.
PARIS. Oct. . Tha rerelatlona resulting
from the publication In Germany of the
late Chancellor von Hohenlohe's "Jtecollec
tions" continue to make a great stir In
F.'ince on account of the sidelight thrown
upon German policy toward the republic,
and today, In connection with the cen
tennary tomorrow of the battle of Jena,
which opened the gates of Merlin to the
victorious French army, the newspapers
here ate filled with articles on the subject.
The general verdict Is that Emperor Wil
liam's action In dismissing Prince Uls
marck for counselling Ipftdellty to Ger
many's ally. Austria, wa highly honorable
to the emperor, but nevertheless entailed
grave consequences. The Republlque Fran
calse points out that Bismarck's object
was to repair the bad effects of his policy
at the Berlin congress by Insisting on a
renewal of the secret "reinsurance" ar
rangement with Russia previously existing
despite the Austrian alliance.
Emperor William, the paper adds, threw
Rusrta. Into the arms of France, thus be
coming responsible for the diplomatic situa
tion of which he now complains and which
he vainly attempted to modify by his bold
stroke of policy nt Tangier.
The prevailing opinion here Is that there
Is some Important secret behind the publi
cation of Prince Ilohonlohe s "Recollec
tions," but there Is a disposition to at
tribute It les to court Intrigue than to a
maneuver to advance to antl-monarchtcal
movement by discrediting personal rule In
Wlaew of Money Lender, Wife of
Army O nicer Hies la
IX5NDON. Oct. 11 By the death today
of Mrs. "Sam" lywIs-Hill. widow of "Sam"
Lewis, the well known money lender, about
llo.Onn.OiX) will be distributed in charitable
In accordance with tho will of "Sam"
Lewis, who died In 1P01. his whole fortune
was left to his widow for life, besides
which sho was given outright $6,0i,0n0,
such of which persumably will go to her
second husband, Lieutenant Hill of the
Scots guards. Kings hospital fund conies
in for a large sum. Besides a specific
amount, t,2uO,000, the hospital gets about
I3,0tf out of the residue of tho estate. About
f'.OOO.OOO goes to establishing dwellings
for the poor, the sum of J750.0U) Is
devoted to the relief work of the
Jewish poor and Jewish hospitals and col
leges and )S75,0nn goes to other hospitals,
while a number of other charities get good
Lewis was the most famous man In Eng
land in his business. His transactions were
enormous and his clients were among the
highest personnges In the land. He was
shrewd and hard, but absolutely honest.
He used to say his motto was "I lend to
the Lord arid give to the poor," and It Is
now -claimed that his princely bequests
seem to prove the truth of his words.
Employes of Coart Mast Secare
Special Permission Before
They Rent Room.
ST. PKTERSBURO. Oot. 13.-The minis
ter of the imperial court has Issued an or
der forbidding officials 'and employes of the
court to rent rooms or to otherwise shel
ter any persons without the special per
mission of the minister. The order Is due
to the arrests of KlepnikoH and other ter
rorists at Petcrhof September 28 and the
discovery that many of the participants In
the conspiracy were living unsuspected In
the Immediate vicinity of the palace. The
police are searching for a second mysteri
ous automobile, supposed to belong to ter
rorists, which appeared In St. Petersburg
The commission which Is investigating
the conduct of the Russian officers who
took part In the battle of the sea of Japan
has taken up the case of Rear Admiral
Enqulst, commander of the light cruiser
squadron which escaped to Manila. En'
qulst will be heard on Tuesday In JuHtlfica
tlon of the withdrawal of his ships during
the battle.
Oct Bid of All Your Face Troubles Iu
Few Days' Time With
the Wonderful , Stuart
Calcium Wafers.
You cannot have an attractive face or a
beautiful complexion when your blood is
In bad order and full of impbrltles. Im
pure blood means an impure face, always.
The most wonderful as well as the most
rapid blood cleanser la Stuart's Calcium
Wafers. You use them for a few days,
and the difference tells In your face right
Moat blood purifiers and skin treatments
are full of poison. Stuart's Calcium
wafers are guarantee a tree from any
poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. They
are as harmless as water, but the remilts
are astonishing.
The worst cases of skin diseases have
been cured in a week by this quick-acting
remedy. It contains the most effective
working power of any purifier ever dis
coveredcalcium aulphlde. Most blood
and skin treatments are terribly slow.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured bolls
in three days. Every particle of Impurity
Is driven out of your aystem completely,
never to return, and It is done without
deranging your system In the slightest
No matter what your trouble is, whether
pimples, blotchea, blackheads, rash, tetter,
ecxema, or scabby crusts, you can solemnly
depend upon Stuart's Calcium Wafers as
Don't be any longer humiliated by having
a blotchy face. Don't have strangers
stare at you, or allow your friends to be
ashamed of you because of your face.
Your blood makes you what you are.
The men and women who forge ahead
are those with pure blood and pure faces.
Did you ever stop to think of that?
Stuart's Calcium Wafers are absolutely
harmless, but the regjlis mighty satis
fying to you even at the end of a week.
They will make you happy because your
face will be a welcome sight not only to
yourself when you look in the glass, but
to everybody else who knows you snd
talks with you.
We want to prove to you that Stuart'f
Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best
and quickest blood and skin purifier In
the world so we will send you a free
sample as soon ss we get your name and
address. Bend for It today, and then when
you have tried the sample you will not
rest contented until you have bought a
(uc box at your druggist's.
teud us your name and address today
and we will at once send you by mall a
sample package, free. Address F. A.
Stuart Co., U Stuart Bid-, Marshal;
Free Music
To make room for our great holiday stock, which will be installed by November 1st,
we have conehuletl to sell every piano on our 3 floors nt factory cost plus freight and selling
expenses added. Over U00 instruments to select from, including the world's greatest pro
ductions, Ktcinvray & Sons, integer, Ilardinan, Emerson, A. 11. t'hnso, MoPhail, Kecd & Sons
and lo other celebrated makes. -This is the close buyer's opportunity and should not be
over-looked by economical and shrewd investors. Tho Reduction in Price in some cases
amounts to $150.00. There is a decided advantage in early selection. "Write nt once for
catalogue, prices and terms.
$700.00 upright pianos oriental casings, only $550
$(500.00 upright pianos Chippendale models, only $-150
$500 upright pianos, the artists' delight, only $340
$400.00 upright pianos, regular parlor size, only. $290
$.125.00 upright pianos, colonial mahogany cases, only.... $240
$275.00 upright pianos, cabinet grands, only $185
.Also ton slightly used Stein way, Chlckerins, Knnbo, Ivors & Pond, Vosc, Weber and Stock Pianos at $85,
fllo, 1138, $148 and up.
Our Terms on Inexpensive Pianos $10.00 CASH AND $5.00 PER MONTH.
Why not have one Bent up lo your home tomorrow? Iletnember we Rive absolutely free a term of music
lessons with each new piano bought. Your choice of 12 competent teachers from the Sehmoller & Mueller
We ship pianos everywhere. Money refunded If the instrument after careful examination Is not entirely
satisfactory to Its owner. ,
Sehmoller & Mueller Piaito Co.
Largest and Most Reliable Piano House in the West. 1311"13 FtirnfllH St.
Established 1859. Operating Five Stores and a Factory. omana. neb. '
Oonteit Between Church and State
Growing More Tense.
Heads of Five Dioceses Announce that
They Will t Ohfr Laws
Which Violate Re-Ha-loas
MADRID. Oot. 13. The contest between
church and state Is constantly growing
more tense. Minister of Justice Ronian
dones proposes thut the bishops, who by
virtue of their position are senators, Inter
pellate the government on the question of
civil marriages at the reassembling of Par
liament October 20.
The government has declined to acknowl.
edge the receipt of the communication from
tho five bishops who recently met at Burgos
and sent a message to the government, vio
lently protesting against the "nntl-Chrle-
Inn movement" and announcing that they
will not obey laws which violate the rights
of the church.
Disease Which Killed Napoleon III
Said to Affect the Raler.
of Turkey. .
CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 13.-(8peclal
Cablegram to The Bee.) It la learned from
an absolutely reliable source that the
sultan's malady Is stone in the bladder,
the same ailment to which Napoleon III
succumbed after an operation performed
on him in Chlslehurst. The operation to
which the sultan submitted was far less
dangerous, however, the disease not having
made such ravages as It had with Nnpoleon,
whose constitution was pretty nearly under
mined at the time of the operation. Abdul
Ilamtd has passed the forty days after
Noureddln Pasha's successful operation In
comparatively good health. Ills actual
condition, according to Prof, von Hcig
mann. Is quite satisfactory. He describes
the sultan as being pale and In need of
rest, hut showing gord spirits, and exhibit
ing distinct symptoms of recovery. ' The
greatest source of danger, the Gorman
specialist added, was not, so much the
possibility of a relapse, but the fact that
the sultan wants to attend to every detail
of state business personally, thereby over
taxing his strength. The sultan sometimes
refers Jocularly to the newspaper reports,
which describe him as being near death.
At other times, however, ho Is greatly Irri
tated at these reports, on account of their
political bearing.
"Leasrne of Catholics of France"
Said to Be Movement Aaalast
llol See.
PARIS, Oct. 13. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) M. Henri des Houx's remarkable
"League of Catholics of France," which
tends toward nothing short of an Inde
pendent Galilean Catholic church, under
state guaranty, has Issued a determined
proclamation, which declares boldly that
the Holy See "has been circumvented by
political faction, to which the care of
souls Is Indifferent." What are described
as "half-German, half-Roman Intrigues"
are denounced as being designed to "inter
rupt", If not to suppress, public worship
In France, to turn the secular clergy out
of French parishes, to reduce the ancient
Catholic land of France to the level of a
missionaries' country, In order to hand over
to ambitious and grasping religloni? orders
a monopoly of private worship, which alone
Rome will recognize henceforth, and finally
to convert the bishops of France into mere
apostolic vicars, such as are sent to profe
lytlxe savages." The league goes on to ad
vocate the immediate formation of associa
tions of worship under the law of 11HJ5,
which will claim possession of churches and
church property, und thereupon apply to
the bishops that priests !e appointed, whom
the associations will pay.
I nele of Bashful Lover Takes
Method of securing Ills
GENEVA, Oct. IS. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) An amusing abduction incurred
recently at Huningue, on the Swlss-Gerii:an
frontier, near Bale, where a wealthy re
tired merchant. Named Felix, was arrested
ou a charge of carrying off a girl, but was
liberated as soon as the facts of the case
became known to the police.
It appears that the old man's nephew,
a shy young man of 23 years, fell In love
with a girl while on a visit to Neuchatel,
and bis sentiments were reciprocated by
the girl. The girl's parents, hnwevt.', re
fused to allow their daughter to marry, on
the ground that .she was too young.
When th lovesick young man told his
troubles to his unci the old man 14 r
br ild' d him for his ;k of enterprise, and
promised to bring I girl to Huningue
"-"" (s(--V " Mirina 4 jiwwer-
Lessons All
ful motor-car, and taking a couple of men .
wlth him. Kcllx lift for Nembutal, ab
ducted the girl from near her home, and
returned within the allotted time. The
marriage took place mxt day.
The girl's parents have forgiven the
daughter, who was not In the plot, and
everything has ended well.
One start to Claim Sweetheart, lint
Marries Second on Way
PARIS, Oct. 13. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) A curious little romance was
wrapped up In a wedding ceremony which
took place at Havre the other day. Some
weeks ago a Savoyard emigrant In New
York received a letter from his fiancee at
home stating that she Intended to kill her
self because her parents wanted her to
marry another man.
The Savoyard, whose name is Cemen
atlnt, took the first available ship home,
declaring Ms Intention of shooting himself
on his sweetheart's grave should site have
curried out her threat.
On the voyage, however, he met a fcl-loy-countrywotnan,
who was returning
home with a comfortable little fortune.
They fell In love with each other, and on
arriving at Havre were promptly married.
Centenarlnl's happiness was unmixed with
remorse, for awaiting him at Havre he
found a letter stating that hlb fiancee, In
stead of carrying out her threat to kill
herself, had married the "other man,"
and wasvatlsfled that she had made the
right choice.
Helcluin's Xew Law Covering Cases
of Sickness Is Comprehensive
and Compulsory.
BRTSSKLS, Oct. 13. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) A bill providing for the com
pulsory assurance of workmen against
sickness has been brought into the Dutch
Second Chamber by M. Veegens. mliiHte.1
of labor. The chief clauses are as follows:
The workmen may Insure himself either
through the state or by nn assurance com
pany under state supervision. Should the
company fail, the atate will Intervene to
ensure the fulfillment of all obligations.
In cases of Illness of nt least two days'
duration the workman nhall receiv e medical
My New Obesity Food Quickly Reduces Your Weight
to Normal, Requires Ho Starvation Process
and is Absolutely Safe.
art -W"-
kt "'I -
3 -
I. ii , ft v
v- .-.vH ' Pit ?:?:,
The Ahove lllustratloa shows the Remarkable KnTeet of This M'oadrrfal
Obesity Food What It Has Doue for Others it Hill l)u for Voa.
My new Obesity Food, taken st meal
time, compels rfrct assimilation of Hie
food snd sends the food nutriment where
it belongs. It requires no starvation
process. You can eat ull you Mini. it
makes muscle, bone, sinew, ic rve and
lii.iln tissue nut of the cKeess fit. and
quits'- reduces your weight to normal. It
takes off the big stomach and lellevi tin
compressed condition and enable Hie henn
to net freely und the lungs to expuxl
naturally and the kidneys and liver to per
form their functions In a natural manner.
You will fed, belter the llr't iIhv oii
try this wonderful home food. Fill out
This Month
advice and medicines aratis for a period or
si months, ii ioihiiv iiicaroiciiKieti ior
work lor a given period, the workman
shall receive 7l per tent or his wages, and
If partially disabled, 3S per cent. Wonvn
receive the same Indemnities a month be
fore, and six weeks after, their conline
ment. The insurance premiums arc to bo
paid in the proportion of ntuMhlrd by the
employer. The, new bill does not apply to
soldiers or sailors, to those who earn mma
than t'm per annum, or those who hare
no Dxud employment.
Native' Appeal Calls Forth Response
from Drltlsh Newspaper
of Allahabad.
CALCUTTA, Oct. 13 (Special Cablegram
tr Tho Bee.) The Calcutta Kngllshimn
publishes a remarkable circular emanating
from a native secret society. Its tenor
rray be gathered from the following ex
tracts: Golden Bengal Fifty thousand people are
required to die; you all be ready. What
Is the good of crying any more? The only
thliiK is to give our blood from tho heart.
Whenever you aro assembled together, you
promise that you will break the nests of
tho KcrliiKhl Babul birds, tearing them Into
pieces and throwing them Into the water
if the Ganges. 'Until we do this we ahull
not see our Interests looked after.
Come, brothers, wherever you are Brah
min, Knyastha Stidra, Chundal, Mussulman,
Christian, who Is thinking It glory to style
himself "Son of Bengal." Come, brothers;
assemble together; let us forget all means
rclf interest.
Why aro we blind to see before us how
unfortunate we are? Ferlnghis ure msking
our mothers naked. Why does not blood
flow from our eyes? Who Is Insulting our
golden mother, Bengalis are not coward
or ungrateful. Brothers, Hindus and Mus
sulmans, gird your loins for the honor of
your mother. Since al) must one day die,
why fear? Make strong your hearts. You
will see that a crore of people will come
And aland by you: you will see that by tint
exeition of R crore of people the guns,
bullets and bayonets of the Keringhl people
will disappear.
Take these with you, assemble and give
loud cries, beat the sahibs of the city,
drive them away. We will govern our own
country. Do not care for the police, do
not fear guns or bayonets. Dcluy not, de
lay not; delay will ruin all. Raise all!
Now is the very moment.
The reply of tho Allahabad Pioneer to
thin outburst Is as follows:
Let no man, native or Kuropenn. labor
under any delusion. The British hold India,
and mean to continue their supremacy. If
thn Bengalis acted upon the advice that Is
given to them and did begin to cast "Fi r
Inghl people'' in to the Ganges, we would
descend upon them with nre and sword.
j snd we would shoot and hang as remorse
1 Ussly as In 1S57-pet Imps even more so.
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