THE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: OCT0BET1 14, 100C. r r-v n MTU cv U Inl o o) i, i a, 1 ii ii! S i TRAG7C AND ROMANTIC EXPLOITS OF A GANG OF WESTERN TRAIN ROBBERS IN SOUTH AMERICA V-'V , . ..: .. .Yvv1 "! V; I . . -' 1 ,JV irlrVtr A f t-vvti 3 -If f?v 1 Vior.f.i'Sjl 9. V tiff i f FOUR leisurely horsemen Just afur ten o'clock om morning early In last March appeared In the public equare of Villa Mercedes, In the province of San Luis, which occupies a central lMitlon In the Artfwniim. ltjuWio. Three of the men, it was noticed by thoss members of the population who were not too sleapy t notlc anything at all, were of about medium height, well knit, bronzed and athletic. The fourth won Bhortnr stid of slender physique, with deli cate hands and feet, and wtlh Wia flush of youth upon cheek and brow. The horsemen unconcernedly pulled up In front of the small hotel that ooruples one side of the square and ordered drinks' from the waiter, who emerged laiily In answer to their bidding. Having disposed of their refreshment and handed buck their empty glasses to the dull wltted ser vitor, ttia strangers deliberately dis mounted and led their horses across the square, where they stopped again In front of the bank. Which bears the imposing title Bank ol the Nacton Argentina and Is a branch of the IJaak ol Terra poca of Rio Oallegos. The thre stalwart mem bers of the party tossed their bridle reins to their smaller companion and entered the bank. At that hour of the day In Villa Mer cedes, as in most other Inland towns of the Argentine Republic, there Is very little doing In the way of business activity, and upon tks particular occasion In question a solitary olerk was In charge. This Indi vidual, casually glanolng up front the ledger spread out before him, was In tensely surprised to Sad himself gaalng with rapt concentration Into the frowning muisle of a large revolver pointed directly at him by one of his visitors, who accom panied the operation with a sharp re minder that death would Instantly follow any outcry or attempt at resistance. Mean while, the two comrade at the man be ' hind the gun had vaulted over the coun ter and were rapidly but systematically gathering up all the cash and securities ex posed to their view. They had not com' pleted their task when the manager of ths bank, having perceived from the outside an apparent access of business) to the In stitution of which he. was the Villa Mer cedes head, stepped In to tak personal charge of whatever transaction anight be In progress. Ho was promptly shot In ths head by one of the Intruders, all three of whom, with drawn weapons, baeked out through the open door and sprang upon their horses, the whole quartet galloping out of town before the residents had fairly awakened from their accustomeJ state of somnolence. In a few moments the entire township was ablaze with excitement, but the marauders had made good their es cape and all efforts to overtake them were futile. , 20,000 IN ONE HAUL. During the few preceding months there had been two or three similar attacks In various sections of the Argentine, and this final assault, obviously manoeuvred by the aarao baad that had taken part In the pre vious outrages, served to stir the authori ties of the Southern republlo. They found among the document In their noo"lnn and which had been In their possession for a long time back a notification from the pinkerton National lelectlve Agency, through a representative visiting the Ar gentine, that In the year 1801 band of North American train and bank robbers had landed in Buenos Ayrts and had taken up a permanent residence In the remote In terior. This gang ctwslsted of Harry Long baugh. alias "Uie tundanoe Kid," Mrs. Marry LongbaagU and Oaorge Parker, alias "Butch" Casilily, who were Subsequently Joined by Harvey Iogan, alias "Kid" Curry. These were the four persons en gaged In the Villa Mercedes affair, which netted them between tlfi.OOv and tto.Qud. It was LUta Loogbaugh. wife of Harry Ljonghaugh, who, dressed In masculine attire, held the horse of herself and her oompankwa la front of the Villa Mercedes branch of he bank of Tarrapac-a. while tt was being robbed by her tiusband aad his mates. Just at she haJ held tnvlr burses upon other ooraaiiuis when similar raids were mad in th Argentina. Mr. aad Mr. Lngbaugh and Oaorge r-araer aaiiea iron tnl country directly ror Buenos Ay If fi4 0 f -4 : - 1 W4) cell door, to look out of the window, While the guard was at the window Logan stealthily laesoed him with a wire he -hevd unwound frm an old broom, and which he fastened In a noose to the end of the broomstick. Casting the noose over the guard's head, Logan pulled him off bis feet and. drew him to bis cell door, at the stuns time threatening to choke Irwin to death If he made an outcry. The guard submitted. With the same broomstick and another wire hook Logan pulled the guard's two revolvers la to hlra and then oalled Jailer Bell to give him some medicine. Logan having bean under the doctor's care. Bell responded, and as he entered the corridor the bandit covered him with the pistols, demanding his own release. To this the Jailer consented, and Logan walked out of tihe) Jail, defying every on in his path. went to a stable in the rear of to bvlMlng, mounted on of the Sheriff's horse and rod away across the Tannea River, to be lost sight of In the mountains by poss wjloh pursued him. By all odd Logan was th moat daapsr at of the Wild Bunch band of "hold-wps." a LOSAKfff 1416 WOK CLcrrm become a legitimate rancher, together wHh th man bad woman who accom panied him. The ranch upou whJoa the little UartV settlxl nramnl,, & iUK taMu. and In th ladtan count rv at the Suuth. and from its 111"? ILaafl t hsM la aa fkhpf aTt view of the country for twenty mlk-s or; -" in ,Ytf T a FMnnn i ii ,rui I in. ocsssibl In the extreme, and 11 any at- mutii war mad to dlalodjt or caature the Amarlcanos' It mluihf MnuiM tk ..irvi,. Of a full rufflment nf mldknr ind wmitH undoubtedly nd In much loss of hf. ow Ji.' to natwrs4ly defensive quality of Even then it la extremely doubtful If thlr capture migiht be effected, for there U reason to beltev that the northern nandUa nave acquired a very thorough knowlodgo of the eountrv fh.v onosen to honor with the.V nnn,., ti,. bMfaa operation upon their elevated laWwUnd by erecting living quarters, and proeeedeJ In du course to stock the ranoh with sheep, horse a-nd oattl. Ac ouodlng to such tDformatiun as may te gleaaed from th Jadlan (fur whit man . J: it ( . V V7 TO PN3HT 14APW LCLNQTOUGM, 6VH - hajce. Kip . mu, Crwro AEEUwmi ku, - BUTCH CA6?DV. vHorro -v- wt After re.ehutsiihav not oonslder.i i m ajjrk.i BueiviM Ayr they took passase on i!ta to in vale the ,mt,,-.-vT-i.. Logan lerrrtury). there are tiwet flv niuuirva asHi on head of dosnaa tt aalinala new tkpon the raaoh. It la woyosed that LMk-oau?h and tils f rlebda uWcalculated In the .matter t how far thtdr rusjda wsiIJ g and fu4 they oould not swiaaj th ranching propathion upoit their orlmai apllaL la this omorgenoy they went back to Arm princi ple aad took up Uw series of sxploiu th ntoat roeent of Vhsoh to b rscorded took pl4 In VUla Meroedee, Th stuff of which the three men and their woman cttnaurl Is made may be gathered frvsn th fact that aa th crow Mr th Villa Mercedes Is approximately four hundred miles from the ranch -which they make their home. The actual Journey must ihave been fully half again aa long, owing to the rough and circuitous route nwteasarily followed, both lota- and eom- tng. But the members of the band had coast wis steamer to the port of Bahla Blaaca. still further south. From this place rhey Shipped upon a seml-anoaihly river steamboat to aa Inland polat called Rawson, these atrlklng out serves coun try mounted on aulea. They had ah-aajy purchased extensive pasture land a the southward wnw sevesty-hve enlle from the small vlllag of Cholulo, whrr tholr nearest Whit neighbors were situated. When they reached their destination th party had travatleJ in all aom awvanty four days front New Yos thlrty-anne dsya to lluenos Ayr, twenty days more to Rawson and fifteen days from that In terior hamlet to their ranch, which Is In the province of Chibute. or Chubut. ra th Department of th Sixteenth el October. The capital required for this investment, together with th no tnonaaUerab' amount demanded for travelling expense on th Jouravy ef twelve thousand rail. . had been derived from sundry train and bank robberies In the Wes.em part of the United State, th bold and daring char, actar of which will be described later. j It I apparent that Loncbaugh, ' th leader of what la left of on of the mo In the co urea of conversation they leaxueu that their fellow voyager had with hint a trunk containing & larit sum of money In gold. At a convenient piuce where the ouar-h vji tmi-oi-utmr 4 edue of aAleep ravine the two Auierkuan pitched the driver in) nauMmr tteoulontl Into Ui abyss below, rnUd the trunk of It gulden HintriLti and ro.U off UUUB 'Ml betcks Of rim AiuLch horst-a. cmUillK unmoltrted to thir distant plateau. At though theU Identity was more than nuepeoted and their ktcation nad beam mad knoww to the aufhorttteia through th rrion, bo visible attempt was vr snad to overt ani niinlnh the oatenaible ranchers. A certain romantic Interest U thrown about this lltti oularl 6f desperadoes by reason of the presence anvong l hem of fc.Ua Lungbaugh. the Intrepid wife of the leader. She is but twenty-six years of age, wtut graceful, girlish figure, dark. Hashing yes, rerular features, brilliant white teeth and a muss of wavy dark hair, hh can shoot with the rapidity and precision of a proressioral marxsnian, naniuiag nne and revulver with equal deftness, bhe wears nia:tculiite attire almost Invariably hi long Journey to the Argentine. Th re la a belief that Etta In bar youth was a j western cowgirl known as Etta Place, and that Lungbaugh mat bar and Induced her to run away with hint during oue of his hold-up raids in this, country, some years ago. It U altogether probable that Longbaugb and th rapidly dimea'shlng remnant of hi Outlaw gang In America were induced to aiiirrat i southern climes by th ust cocniortabls prssrr of the net that th . logutker with the recuiar no- sherllTt and Uelted (Mates marshals Uce. or ths Western SUtea. had been drawing hlr quarry, slowly but aureiy, for lirht or ten year. Jt Is on of th special province of thl"7 " j . "rn"a r. f lndusky. Mont., aad June , i Pinkerton agency to Lfeguard th. Inter-x Tl"nito2 T,a Crk- C1- ests of express and railway oonni Th" wlV d sraduaUy i wiu Pursuing Log, of banking Institution that ar members torn), teni-eiTrrtntT rfn7.. V.TiTi other raiders for th robbery of th of the A rut r loan JJasikrs' AsaocAllun. In in-. mta vauou Dana w j f-cifl, uraln at WUoox. WXt this capacity thy ax constantly ta pursuit Knowing Ixtgan'a desperate character, of the various ctasaes of criminal whose, h Plnkcrtons recommended to th Oreat aim K is ta way or nnuther to rob ex-j Nurtitem Uxpress Company that a night press cars and banks. The most dan- : and duy watch be pluoad over th prison gerou. as well as the most dlmoult. to In the Kncx county Jail to prevent his es captur of all grades and conditions of cape until he was delivered to th CoMsm looters are the "stick-up'' g intra, com-: bus (Ohio) Stato Prison, to which Inaxltu poved of men fearless to the point of des-ition he had been sentenced, pe ration, to whom bloodshed is a matter; On haturday, June Zl, 10. Logan mad a of not th slightest consequence, while daring flight, through th groa cxl- mey isms mir vww " iimmm vi in )ai)er ana special guards. He stall. I ho1 been coruinexl In a separate corridor r or a nuinucrr vi y m wi ihti or uri ier irieee psuar is Wyoming known as Ch "Hcnl In the Wall ' 1 b r, Irwin, left bl was infested with men of tlits deacriptkin. 1 ket at one end of the corridor and went to Curry, killed at Dodson. Mo.. February 18, 1800. wthll resisting arrest, by a poss compoad of Pinkerton detective and officers of th Kansas City Police Department, for the robbery of the Union Pacific train at Wilcox, Wyo., June t, 1899. "Bob" Lee, alia "Bob" Curry, a ouunln of th Logna brothers, arrested st Cripple Creek. Cot, by Pinkerton detectives, nlcled by two SherllT officer, tried In the Unlt.d States Court, convicted and sentenced to ton years In th Stat (Fnoltantlary. Raw lins, Wyo., for Mi robbery of the Union Paoiflo express train, WUcox, Wyo. H was sentenced on 'May 29, 1900. "Sam'' Ketoham died Jun 24. 1900. In th Santa Ft (N. 3t.) Penitentiary, from a wound inflicted by a posse of officers d" k Ing tils arrest for th robbery of the Colo rado and Southern Raaroad Company, Cimarron, (N. M. TBen Kllpatrtck.alla John Arnold, alias the Tall Texan, wis arrested In St Louis November . 1901, In on of th night re sorts of that oity. Upon hi person was found a pare! of th nslTnd bills stolen In th Wagner csoiuit. and n received a sentence of fir teen year In th Columbus (Ohio) Penitentiary. Kllpatrlck ( picturs.i a natlv of Concho county, Texas, a man of On physique, who tt been a mur derer, high wyman, hold-wp, eattle rustler and outlaw for years. As In th case of LontrosAich. Kllpatrlck had a woman as sociate who has never faltered In her loy alty to him. WOMAN LOYAL TO HIM. When b vm taken Into custody the key to a room In the Lacteda Hotel was found In bit pockst, and laald that room the HL Louis polio discovered a roans woman, who was carrying In liar aatohot a bundl of rh express robbery note. This woman was Laura Bullion, allac Delia Hose, alia Laura Oarey. alias Clara Hayea, born In Knickerbocker, Texas, and sho was sen tenced to a terra In the Jefferson City (Mo.) Penitantlary upon a charge of hav ing stolen property In her possession. After shs had served her allotted time In prison urn Bullion went to Atlevta, Oa., la order that ahe mlefht be near her lover. who bad, while she was In Jefferson City prison, been transferred to the Atlanta Penitentiary. Bhe is a typical Wild West ern criminal, and th linos of her face, as shown in the polio photograph, denote courage, determination and extreme fixity of purpose. The remainder of the band, under the leadership of Harvey Logan, are Harry LonerbaueTh, alia Sun Dance Kid; Oeorg Casaldy, alias Ryan, and Etta Place. This association of criminals acquiied th title of th Wild Bunch, by reason of th utter recklessness of Its members, in dividually aad collectively, and th start Hag audaolty with Which Its deeds of pil lage and violence were aoeompltohed. Th dlsbandment and extermination of this of desperadoes hav neen On to in long, unrelenting and ex tremely costly pursuit by th Union Pa- Rallnevd aad th Paoiflo Express He murdered or ParUclpated In the murder of not less than ten persons, moot of whom were killed In pursuit of him for train' robberies. In aom Instance th killing oompante. I he Oreat Northern Railroad was out of pur revenge for attempt to na Express Company, th American aptur him. shooting his associate for Hankers" Association, the Pinkerton th giving Information as to hi whereabouts. looaj pdto force, heiiffs. United State July W. 19U1, Logan travelled rnor than jmarafaal and railroad and special police two hundred mile out of hat way to kill msa operating la th entire West and Junes Winters, a well to do oalU man, UouiiiwMt. whom Logan suspected f having givol Bul tn nd Is not yu Th Pinkertons some IntoriaaUoa to omeer In regatd ' representing the railronds. express com hlm. It 1 also alleged that! after Ueorg pajtia and the bank robbed tiy th exiled Curry, th aeoand loader, on of th Wild members of Ui Wild Bunch, ar patlent Bunoh, was klUed by n po f or par Uclpat- ,y waiting their return to th United lng In th holding up ef a Union PaoiAo, gtete. when they wtil vntuallv be rain at Wllcog, Wyo.. Logan and Tom'broU4k o JuMloa. Cpehat murdered ShwrtS John Tyler and a long time similarity In handiwork on of bat deputies, both of Moab, Utah,waa about th only clew that could b member of th pua that bad attempted j followed. Tit outrages perpetrated by to arrant th raag fat th Wlloex hold-up the Wild Bunch occurred at points so and who Logan bUvd had killed "flat widely separated that but for th same Nose" Oeorg Curry. Th other aturder iMa which characterised M their doinns lw accustomed to much sterner feats' an J ride astride of her horse quite as well of borsenatashlp and enduraac la North and with Lilly as much fortitude as her America, and they oult probably looked i mal associates. Where she originally upen 01 Villa Mercedes undertaking as a found Longbaugh, or wher he found her, mex Incident of ordinary lire. not an stem of police history, but th Ones before two of the men. In playful J pinkertons would probably pay any one mooa. presumaoiy Latgsa na rerker.iwho could identify and furnish her pedt- iu uuiua vi iuuuo. m urn loumry, in.i w)re in the mountains in altrree tjnoeo.wnn laming up in trip to iuth .tag coach, the only other occupant of It 1 known, however, that she went with t"rt"h u abandon th IK f outiawf 1 whtah war th driver and on i nrtr.LoaJbaujh. when hs left Uus oxt vpoo he Is allegod to have been oonoarned In are: December Bt, ltiitt, P(k Landusky, lifi. Bheriff Wo., Logan and Union Pacln train ai w uoox, wye. After Logan' arrest th leadershlo f rhe WDd Bunch Was aaaume ny Harrv night' Longbaugh. Other member of tbla band hung, killed restating arrest, serving king terms tn prison or exiles to foreign coun tries are: Elsa Lay, alias W. H. McGlnnl. partner of "Huth" Cassldy and other members of the Wild Bunch, arrested September 14. Itfbv, and sow serving a life aenteaos la the itanta Tt CN. M.) pentltentlary, for Dartlcipaxlon In the Cimarron (N. u i m of their tiiim. train robbery, in July. 1W. by the Black revolvers in a ha, i J.ta uuiiu, w wujc:i am i meiiiuer. Loony Logan, alias brother nf liarmr Curry, alias Lee, slid It would have been oonatdered exceedingly ImprobaMe mat cne crime were executed by a single gang- The men, too, were ao euetomed to oonoeai their Identities whll at work wy tying ruioeo oautoana hand kerahlef across their face xtrotly un derneath thatr , o that t was utterly Imposathi to glv A tntesttgent descrlp. tlun of their lineament. An odd fact noted by th detectives who hav been working for a decade upon this line of investigation and extermination Is that by far the greater number of "stick up robbers and murderer oome from Missouri and Texas. The cause of this ituatton Is unknown, unleea. Indeed, It 1 to ba found In Ui example yecvrs ago set before th rising generation by the Jamejp and tn Younger brothers, of Missouri, by all odds ths moot dlatlnrolshed criminal of their time, although certainly Dy no means more craiiy, oeprate and fatigabi ahaa th WU4 Austalt, From ho tbisvlng, calU rustliac and jth other ns dsrusty ta stent mt Zasna'sjh )