THE (ttfAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 14, 1906. Events in Field of Electricity ATtir of Eleetrle Loen4lr, . I I (team power for terminal work I - tUA X r-..- ail- Oil 1111 I Ul riiuai toad ) nrarlns; realisation. Trial trip of electric' locomotives on the New Tork City terminal were maI a f rw days ago, with satisfactory rnuli. competition, the National Telephone com pny' erstem hiving considerably more than double the number of telephone sta tlona imid by th municipal system. For Bom time past the latter system ha been at a standstill. It say, and lately It cus tomer have begun to decrease In number. A comparison of the actual result of the Brighton municipal system with the plan and estimate en, which the business waa founded ahnw that where the estimate pro- vlded for 2.(10 subscriber and public station The condition of the teat were not favnr abl owing to the vast amount of track reconstruction going on at that terminal. Neverthelee the - demonstration confirmed the opinions formed at the first trial at lines at a total cost, allowing for partly Syracuse two year ago. ' ; completed spore lines, of ai,oo, the actual Experienced operating official and engl- capital expenditure was, a noted above, neers regard thl test a the Jltls'. stp tn. and .the ayatem actually, contained 614 what 'will be, a revolution In Our method subscribers and public llnea. According to of travel and of transporting the country the estimate the present ayatem. Including commerce. In their opinion steam la al- all the extension station and other ex- ready passing a the motive power for trns and allowing for 600 "spare," should railroad, and It soon must be sup'riedrd have been built for about tlS5,0"0. In pro- by the newer, more energetic, more eco- portion to business done the estimate hat nomJcal and In every Way more desirable been exceeded by 40 per cent, power of electricity. A feature of the trial wa the ease with , Arlsl; by Electricity. whlrh tha lnrnmotlva nulled th cars. Tbere tw Tork I said to be the moat bril-Flg- con- were fight of the heavy Pullman used for Hantljr Illuminated city In the world. in i.inno. travel attached to the train. ' recently compiled show that It The engine worked a smoothly a If only aume four tlmea the amount of electric pulUng Its own weight. . There wu no noise current used by the greater city of London, whatever. A. passenger would stsrcely. and " f" outdistance all other cities of know, that the train wa In motion but for Europe of America. While thl Is due In the flitting panorama of rail fence and tel- a lrge part to th generou use of eleo- egraph poles. The running- was a amooth trlclty for treet and building Illumination, a totting through fresh cheeea with a Important factor also Is the tremendou knife until the train came to a "crossover" rrowth In the use of the current to talk south of Fifty-sixth street, where there business at night. The number of sign wa 1000 feet of "dead" or unctectrlned rail. ht make the night sky of New Tork Over this gap the train had to skate by Ita luminous haa Increased fully SO per cent, own momentum, and the loss- of traction According o the. lty authorltle. within waa Immediately perceptible. The Instant the last year. Over the twenty-two square the electric contact was resumed the stead- mile In Manhattan Island there are om Inesa of th motion and It eveness became 8.000 electric signs of all alsea and ds- apparent. . ' . ' ' -acriptlon. To make up their glaring talk Locomotive No. 8108. like, the other and, to voice with Illumination sign a and thirty-four which are to take the place wlntrow that formerly lay dark and dead, of the engine driven by steam, has no less than 100,000 light are et sparkling double the horse-pefwer of ther largest loco- each night, all over the laland. To supply motive on the road today. Bach of the with current the sign of New Tork the thirty-five ha been tested up to eighty- generating plant of a good sited town would nine mllea an hour, and the movement na rje continuously requirea. to make up tn i 'mz&v YxA . If I ml wmm wwBm China 1X75 largeat Illuminated algn In the world only 1,200 electrio lamp of four candlepower each' are used. When It I considered that the initial letter of thl algn I sixty feet high and a corresponding width, while the other letter stand fully fifty feet high, one marvels at the power that enable a little over 100 tiny bulbs to outline a letter several hundred feet In air and visible a core of mile away. The maintenance of the great array of electrio algn that have sprung up all over New Tork within the last few year ha created' a new employ mentthat of the "slgnjack." These men, trained to climb and swing at startling ele . vattnna, man the cornice of the metro politan skyscraper, In bad wind and bad weather, and pursue the constant work of replacing the electric bulb that are grow ing dim. .Charm of Golden Rod Tn the night, a the aging but still splendid moon sailed among the lightly floating cloudlet, turning their whlto simplicity to luxurious violaceous hues, which vanished from one cloud to an other even as one looked when the north wind that had been chilling earth met and retreated slowly before lae returning southwest when warnings of rain, tn gray fields of thin vapor, spread over the eastern sky when an ominous spirit been so steady and even that a brimming glass of water could be carried in the cab without spilling a drop,, Bo perfect I the control that a train running a mile a min ute ean be stopped a little more than it own length and get under full speed In th same apace. It can attain the maximum speed In lea than one-third the time of the steam locomotive. " There Is no gear ing a In the'-ordlnary electric car. Th power 1 transmitted directly from the motor to the axle. This economy of power makes possible the high speed and Its maintenance Imme diately after starting. It Is never neces sary .to reverse to bring the train to a standstill. The motorman control a subsidiary current which puts the motor ourretit into operation, so that the con trol is prsctlcally automatic. The total normal hore-power of the electrio rolling stock,, when the Initial sona Is In working order . early In November will reach 129,400, and the total weight of the cars and locomotives will be U,0 tons. There will be twenty-three new passenger stations In -the entire electric sone; thirty three grade crossings will be eliminated, twenty-two mllea of territory will he In creased from two to four tracks, sixteen miles from three to four tracks and the reduction In the degrees of curvature by Improvements will be 345 degrees nearly a full circle an achievement which rail road engtnere regard as remarkable . In., seemed to possess the heavens and lay view- of the. fact that the regular trafflo claim to earth and care naught for man Of the road' has suffered 'only a slight In-1 tt was then' that one wandered as by a terforence and that thtre has been no sus- compelling urge abroad Jn th Selda. to pension of bualnesa whatever. . And there the deepening charm of fall. Th work of electrio Installation has been' stupendous. Three years have been consumed In It. In that time, In the work Of Initial excavation, 8,000,000 cublo yards of stone and earth have been , removed. An average, fore of 8,000, men, was kept constantly at work In the sons of clectrl- AmIIiih Thlrtv.thra araile crossings have been abolished, six new passenger. tn"' tht ""any a sound or scent un- alwaya most mysterious In night. For then It Is that subtler mode of the phy sical sense are stimulated; and while Imagination, soar th further, the le4 that, sight apprehends, and leads the mind beyond the ' clouds and moon and start 'with a rapt freedom such other effeote are a th Intensifying of hearing und stations have been built and the road has been shortened nearly a mile by improve ments In alignment. Eight power plants, said to be the most perfectly equipped In the country, will be used. The electrio engines which "Will haul tha new steel trains will have speed ranging from forty to eighty miles an hour. The portion of the road which has now been equipped with electrio ' power is known by the officials as , the "initial recognised by day mak themselves noc- turnally vivid; and one never knows how much touch tells hint until he treads beld paths and forest trails by night. Touch Is indeed - the one sense common to all the other senses. Something It Is that touches responsive nerves that makes sight and hearing and smelling and tast ing all may be resolved Into this one. The one brain receives and ruco.-Us all by the mystery of touch. So in the night woods and fields on f one." Thl incite, the Park av enue tun., , tato th, characterising -pell o "-" ....-....- autumn. It la then found to bo reaotved is expected by the doing away of much ,nt0 atmosphere. The air. laden with all switching. When the eleotrtc train are that n,turd do,ns n prepiratton ,or used all switching onginss wlH be done th, wjnter siesta, bears the epitome of away wlthi .the year; and the marvel of scent makos Th plans, which will go into effect the the revelation thereof. Now it Is that for part of November, allow for the us one walks through wood roads and feels or ejecirio locomotives on an trams or me the narrow currents of warmth stream out from secret hoards of earth heuf. now the rich odor of wild grape over the bowery tangle of bushes exhilarates the night wanderer; now in the open the fragrances of the free flowers of the fields This loss of time . is jnore than in multitudinous wealth All the quick ol factory nerves and convey New Tork Central from Hlghbrldge and Wakefield to the Grand Central station. All la-comlng and out-going trains will 'stop at these points to. change englnea. The change - will be made In two min utes, mad up,' It ' I said, by the shortening of the road by the cut at Marble Hill, Where nearly a mile has been saved. Another feature which the official an nounced Is that th old system of having the trains run on the left track as far as Bpuyten Puyvll has been ended. The change was made a few days ago, and the trains now run on the right track as far Mott Haven. Within a month, It 1 expected, the signal will be fixed that th trains will not have to cross over at all to the left tracks and will run direct to the station on the usual 'right track. While the New York Central will op erate Ita trains by electricity tn Novum, ber, and do away with smoke and dust, it will be handicapped for about alx months, as Ut electrifying of the New York, New Haven & Hartford' ayatem la not com pleted, and will not be for about that', time. -; ' 1 'M -: 3 . MastleBta) 'telephone. Th Brighton .(England) municipality ha quickly followed the lead of Glasgow, Buy the Electrical -Kevlew, In selling to the pos t master '; geaeral th i telephone system established a few year ago. Th total capital expenditure to the. end of March last was 1363, bSO, and th purchase , price agreed on la 8143,000.' The postmaster gen eral originally offered $211,000, that offer , blnff,had. on an expert valuation of the plant.'- The postmaster general, however, was Induced to raise his offer, which let Off th' Brighton corporation with a rela tively small lbs In actual cash. Like that of Glasgow, th Electrical Review say, th eorporatlen of Brighton. has lost the Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povd GleaziMs, smd beautifies tha teeth aaa purines Lbs , breath. Used by people of refinement lot over quarter of century, Coarenlent for teurUta. fntAI0 if HARTMAN FEATHER YOUR NEST Our Manager wants to taJk with you about redit Service At some stores it's difficult to get nt the Manager especially when you do not make it known to a certainty that you intend to buy. Not bo at Hartman'e. Our Manager takes special delight In meeting people and we especially invite yog to interview hlnTand learn all about the different methods of giving dredit, before yon open an account anywhere. If you have had any experience elsewhere it will profit you greatly to learn from him what the Ilartman will take you into his private office and go over the proposition thoroughly with youwill explain every fea agree with him when he has finished that it has taken years of study, a keen sense of the needs of the people, pcrtect such a far reaching, generous and helpful plan. It Is such Credit Service as YOU need. This Service may be arranged and adjusted to suit your requirement provides that no payments shall be made when you are ill or out of work. Step in tomorrow and talk with our Manager All Qoods Like We Sell We Guarantee. Siwnr 1 075 Machine lO Fully guaranteed, Ave drawers, solid oak caae, complete with full set of attachments and accessories, new dtophead stylo, easy running. Buld on easy terms. 3pe la', at Bee cut. Made of finest quartered sawed oak, shelves grooved for rtanding plates, double thick bent glass ends, carved top, best of cabinet work throughout; eurlly a $21 value. 3 to th brutn the sumptuous glory of this culminating season of life. All the earth is now alive to feed the soul of men with an indefin able sense of th divinity that It in all it fruit and flower expresses, and is meant to express. If there be a word of the season, it Is abounding, ongoing life, tha glory of God. world without end. Amen I And this Is what Is so fortunately set forth In rhythmto 'beauty by Cai ruth's profoundly spiritual stansa: A hsse' on the far horlsoa, An Infinite tender sky, The ripe, rich tint of th cornfields, And the wild geese sailing high: And all ever upland and lowland The charm of the golden-rod Borne of us call It Autumu, And others calKlt Uod. The charm of the golden rod I That Is it yet this noble and splendid flowct, o profusely spent In our part of arth. but known all over th temperate sone nurlh, 1 but th conaplcuoua atanUard-oesrer of the glory of Uod In autumn. Tho poet Identifies thera because they are one. Vou cannot tap a atngl root of herb or tree pf the earth that doea not say tha came thing. If In the night there be that tin gular pervasion and penetration of the spell of autumn, yet in the sunlight the magnificence is present in the ovei power ing magio of sight. Our eyes receive, as an inner sight responds, the glory of the one spirit of life. Rich is the Hast of color and power to which we answer; th purple and lavender and whit asters, th. snske-hcads in th raarahes, ute suptrb bronxes and browna of ripening- turn, and the Intense tones of sumach and lomels and blackberry vine, all echo th royal supremacy of tha master bloom of U fields. It Is one great ton of worship of !I1m that hath been. Is, and snail bo, world without and, Amanli Sprltigfiuld (Mass.) Republican. : Reflections of a Bachelor A man has to b awful rich to b ablo to drss a all when hs wife does. Dying must seem absolutely painless to a man who has run for an office. Sleeping car ar line places to find out whst a sweet thing sleep could be if you had any chance to get it. A woman gets a good dial of comfort out of thinking how dangerous it would b to her children's morals if they had bra His. Women r pretty sure to like their new pastor if they can't disagree aa to whom he ahould marry because be Is already mar-Tied. Special Mapte 25 Kitchen Cabinet O Special, ii'i':1:' I mum 7 TfrU Elegant Iron Bed Thla masalva iron bed 1 mde of large seamless steel tub ing, it has extra large ornamental cast chills and is of an extremely handuome design, as above illustration shows. It is richly enameled and can be had In any of the popular colors or combination colors. These beds were purchased In large quantities for our 22 great stores and for that reason we are able to quote thla aensatlonal low figure on an ex tremely high grade article; or In full size. Ian of Credit Service is. He Mt'jtj re of the Service. You'll RMjflh! id a very generous spirit to Vijpiwi s at all times. It Vwj about it. 'vrk m ii 3!aH nun fnp in Combination Book f J7S sk i-s- Center Table Special Made of finest solid oak mahogany finished, finely rub bed and finished, quarter sawed, large top with carvings and fancy rim, sixe 24x24, fancy shslf beneath, turned legs. Chair, at "TTCe Exactly like out. Sad dle seat, new design, extra well made and flnlehed, braced arms, continuous poet. Easily a $2 value. -J r-raA'aVj. ATA 141! GKEAT YAIUEB nr BVOS Am Carpets, fbozaxi this Will. ' BIO Avoros. BBATZBXES, OBOOXEBT AJT9 XTC, BIO DISCO TOT wnx. rxcxAXj SAUU Pedestal Table ift. Extsntion ft i .- - ; I . 101 Cae and 1)3 Made of large flaked solid golden oak with hand rubbed polish. It la fitted with adjustable ehelvea. double strength, full glass door, large fancy French bevel mirror. rENINSULAt STOVES AND HEATHS -GET 0UK NICES Dr taking Tables Made of finest selected stock and targe round top and extends tn t feet; has massive pedestal, heavy legs and Isrge carved claw feet, titled with man's patent amooth running slides. elegantly finished. Has fitted with Hart- fine quar. .hog, rubl ii eled plate mirror. slaj. ent- In tered oak or manogany Anlah. finely extra large rrencn bev- Exactly like cut shown. Made of white maple, giving it a clean sani tary appearance, top haa convenient spice drawers as shown, base is extra well made, else 26x40, 2 bins, 2 drawers and 2 boards. Cublnet is easily a 110 value. Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back. ifiis e Ayr M rf .WL'i srn-.TSfn mm I" ;! ' . EVERYTHING JUST AS ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIBED I'.very Illustration here used is made from a photograph and is there fore a faithful picture of the article Itjclf. Bvery article Is accur. ately and honeatly described and is just as great a value as It Is represented to be. I'lenty for all. No catch methods tolerated here. nartman s New C5 Morrl Ctalr J an vrt aT - p-avS.rf.: trass fl I LalWP r ' ' HA Hot Blast C75 TheOreat Hartman Special Thre-Plece Par or Suit 168i Hartman Speci 6-Hol, 5pecln1 f Jf 75 I Guaranteed Ran ire I Elegant range, thoroughly guaranteed, six - hole, large oven and fire box, heaviest castings, duplex grate, nicely trimmed in nickel, gas con suming lids, all new Improve-, ments, heavy base, splendid cooker and baker. (High shelf ft extra.) H97l Exactly like cut. B slzer, up from $5.75; smoke consuming, no dust or dirt, burns any kind of fuel, elegantly nickeled trimmed. - Tn beautifully hand polished mahogany finish. All pieces extra large with broad seats and very roomy; of superior workmanship with new patent seat construction, best tempered spiral springa and upholstered In an extra fine quality of French volour. These suites are made according to our specific order for our great chain of iJ store. Terms: $1.60 Cash, ouc v truly. Rise Burner Most powerful double heaters made. Return flues, patent improved grate and shsker. gas consuming, large self feeding magazine, ele gantly , nickel trimmed; guaranteed. See cut. Klue solid oak frames, nicely polished, mas sive posts, full spring guar anteed seat and back, cov ered In good quality Imita tion leather. You can sea at a glance that thla chair Is easily a 19 value. Special at Hart man's. CREDIT TERMS $25 Worth $t.5t Cash, tt a Month $50 Worth IS Cash, 14 a Month 22 GREAT STORE THROUGHOUT THE U. 8, r ill I"3 1418 DOUGLAS STKfcET U CREDIT TERMS $100 Worth til Catb, tS a Month Larger Arnouols Proportionately New .pec'al Arm Rocker Exactly Ilk Illustration. Lau-ge size, elegantly fin ished la golden oak. saddle aeat, extra well made, fancy panel bach as shown, rurnnit pludles, new, T:ch exclu sive design. Easily worth tt, and you'd be asked that for it elsewhere. Special at Hartman'e. I Some Tersely Told Tales G Aa Awkward Thing to Do. OOn . humor was restored to a school room In one of the public schools of the city the other day by an Impatient speech ef the teacher. The young woman who had charge of the class had become exasperated to the lust degree by the mischievous tricks of some of the boys. She was at tha point where hysterics were to be safely pre dicted it soma relief did not come. Mil looked up from her book and aw one of the largest girls in the class crouched In aa ungainly attltuds over her desk. Her feet were stretched over into the aisle, and. woret of all, she was chew ing gum. It was the last straw. The teacher sprang to her feet and snapped out: "Maria, alt up. Take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet In." The shout of laughter from the pupils cleared the atmosphere, and the rest of the ses sion waa one of the pleasantest of th term. Philadelphia Tress. Their Bible Kasne. Senator Quay used to tell about riding through the mountains of Tennessee and stopping on evening to water hi horse heor a little cabin, outside of which at an old colored woman watching tha antic of a couple of pickaninnies playing near by. . 'Good evening, aunty," he called. "Cut pair of boy you've gut there. Tour chil dren?" "Law a massy! Man chillunT 'Deed, dem's man daughteh's chllluns. Come hysh, you boys." she called, sharply, "an speak to de gen'leman!" As the boys obeyed the summons the Phllsdelphian Inquired their names. " 'Clah to goodness, sah, dem chllluns Is right smaht named!" said the old woman. "Tee see. mah daughteh done got 'llglon long ago. an' named dese hyah boys right out de Bible, sah. Dis hyah one's named Apostle Paul, an' ds uddah's called Epis tle Peter." $ - A Harrowing; Telegrasa. "There was a drummer." said the night optrator, "whose wife presented him with a son whll he wa out drumming up trade. The doctor got the roan' address, and, since bis wife was doing none too well, wrote out a message giving htm the news and telling him to return. "The doctor gave the measage to th cook, who couldn't read. the forgot to send It. and th next dsy th drummer, came home of his own accord. "Us stayed a day or two, found his wife doing all right, and set out on hla rounda again. Nothing, as It happened, was said about the forgotten telegram. "And at the end of the week this tele grain was remembered by the cook. With an exclamation of horror you know she couldn't read she hurried to the office, and sent to th drummer that delayed message. When he read the message that night at his hotel he waa terrifhd. He waa aghaat. What he read waa this: " 'Another addition, a son; your wife very 111; return at once." "He took the midnight train for home. He was liks a man in a trance. " 'Another?' he kept muttering In a dased voice. 'Impossible!' "Then he would read again tha ominous message, the strange and horrible mes sage. "On getting home he waa so relieved when everything was explained to him that be decided not to Are the oook after all." Reioraa's Theray Path. "Reforms ar always difficult to start with," said Governor Folk of Missouri. "New Tear's resolutions are no exception to the rule. "I know a young man who decided on New Tear's day that he waa giving too many of his evenlnga to the club. Ac cordingly he resolved that througuhout 1906 he would go to the club only twice a month. And that night he proceeded U put the resolution in force. " 'Amy,' he said to his wife at dinner, 'I know that since our marriage I have been too constant a frequenter of the club, and I am aware that this has caused you a deal of silent wretchedness. My dear, I am sorry. I am going to turn over a new leaf. And I will begin tonight.' "The young woman's eyes shone. Her face lighted with Joy. " "Oh. Harold.' ahs cried, -how happy you have made me! Uncle Jim wants me to go to the theater with him tonlsht, and you can stay home and mind the baby." "New York Tribune. A Ready Aaewer. An Irishman one met an Englishman who had an artificial leg. Using of a ympathetlo nature, Pat Inquired the csuse of the loss of the limb, whereupon the Eng lishman said: "A short time ago I dis covered that there was some Irish blood in my body and that it had aettled in this leg, so I had It cut off. TIs a pity it didn't settle In your head," came the quick retort. Troy Tlmea 3 Danceal Every Daaee. "That changes th question altogether," said Senator Foraker in a discussion of th Joint statehood bill "That fact puts a new light on the matter." He wa talking about a telegram he bad received. "It la Hk he young woman's experience , at the ball," he aald. "A couple of matrons wers discussing a certain young woman, and ths first said thnt she was very homely and very unpopular. " 'Can that be?" the second matron mur mured with a perplexed air. " 'Why, yes,' the first insisted. 'She is a perfect wallflower.' " 'But at last week's ball," said th other, 'I understood she danced every dance.' " 'Bo she did.' " 'Well, then ' " 'Ah,' Interrupted the first matron, 'hut It was a masked ball.' "New York Trib une. Twins. , The passenger agent of a Jersey road says that he chanced to be In the ticket office at Trenton one day, when a woman came Into the station for the puroose t buying half fare tickets for two rhll!rn she brought with her. "How old are your children, madam?" asked the ticket seller. "Only , sir." "notq of them?" "Yes. sir; they're twins." Th agent smiled. Then, sfter eyeing th youngsters with an expression of Incred ulity he observed: "Pretty lads. Where were they born?" "This one," replied th unwary mother "was born in Elisabeth and the other in Jersey Clty."-New York Times. Try Ths Be Want Ad for Results.--,