The Omaha Sunday Bee HALFTONE SECTION Pages 1 to 10. Advertise In THE OMAHA DEC Best & West 1 VOL. XXXVI-XO. 17. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER. 14, 11XK5. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. AROUND THE WORLD WITH WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN JL I. ( r Ancestral Halls of England, Rich in Historical and Personal Association and Full . of Suggestions for Even the Casual Visitor, Will Repay the Time Spent in Examining Them . INCOLN, Sept, 10. (Special Correspondence of The Bee.). He who tees only the cities and Tillages of Great Britain misses one of the most interesting features of English life. Land tenure is so different here from tenure in the United States that the reader will pardon a sketch of the old fashioned manor. In, England the right of primogeniture still re mains, and the family home descends to the oldest son. It not only descends to him, but it continues its descent through him to his son end his son's son, and Is not subject to alienation. R was our good fortune to be invited to several of these homes, some of them rich In family heirlooms and of historic Interest. Our ambassador, Mr. Reid, Is occupying one of the most famous estates In England; It Is known as Wrest Park and is about forty miles from London. During the London season many spend the "week's end" at their country homes, and after a fortnight's experi ence in London we could appreciate the necessity for It, for the din ner hour Is 8 or 8:15, while receptions and balls begin at any hour from 10 to 12. The House of Commons does not convene until 3 o'clock In the afternoon, and generally sits until midnight. Little wonder that there is an exodus on Saturday morning. We spent our first week's end at Wrest Park and were shown through Its spacious grounds. The house Itself Is only about seventy years old, but the land has been in the hands of the family for sev eral centuries. The estate consists of about 7,000 acres, most of it In cultivation, but enough is left adjoining the house for woods, parks, lawns and gardens, and these have been laid out and orna mented by landscape gardeners. There are walks lined with stat uary, green stretches of velvet turf, miles of well kept hedges of holly and box and cedar, stately oaks, summer houses, tea houses, greenhouses and everything In the way of ornament that taste could dictate and money supply. The gardens are especially attractive. They were shut in by high walls and against these walls fruit trees, vines and flowers are trained with artistic efTect. In the' hothouse peaches are ripening before their season, and huge bunches of grapes are growing purple. Cucumbers, tomatoes and many other vegetables, as well as fruits,' which we grow out of doors are in England raised and ripened under glass. The strawberries are of enormous size and the goose berries are as large as pigeon eggs. Within the house arc spacious rooms hung with pictures of the nobility that have occupied the estate, and of members of the royal family who have visited there. The library contains several thou sand books accumulated through many generations. , Not far from the house stands the manor church, supported by tithes, the owner of the estate usually selecting the minister. In many places the "living." as it Is called, has ceased to be of great value. history of the castle, was given on the banks of the stream and at- The inheritance tax is quite a heavy burden upon the owners of tended by Bome 20.000 visitors. , these estates, and many of the landholders are so impoverished that So much for tne great eBtate" of England. They are still maln- they are obliged to rent their estates In order to raise the money to u,ned and the ByBtem 18 8tnl defended by many English statesmen meet the tax. a9 tn0 one best calculated to preserve the family and the present social structure. There does not seem to be as much opposition Visit tO- Historic Knole nere as an American would suppose to this system under which priority of birth carries with it so great an advantage over those Mr. Moreton Frewen, who contributed many articles to the born afterward. The younge children, reared to expect little except silver literature in 1896. and whose wife is of American birth, took ,n ctlse of tbe death ot those 0idei.( Beem t0 accept the situation as us down to his place. Brede, which is within sight of the battlefield n matter of course? and tenants descended from generations of ten- of Hastings. It is a fine old house with a splendid view, and the antB seem to acquiesce without protest in a tenure which deprives oak doors ahd woodwork, although 500 or 600 years old, are as good them! of tBe prospect 0f ownership. as new. On the way to Brede we stopped for luncheon at Knole, an- 'whne one can appreclate the beauty of the manors and admit other famous country place, owned by the West family. The pre. nt .occupant, Lord Sack vl lie West, was once ambassador to America. It is a historic place and has seven courts, fifty-two stairways and $65 windows. . The earliest record shows, that the earl of Albemarle., rave the estate to his daughter when she was married to the earl ot Pembroke.. Afterward it came Into the possession of Lord Say and Sele, and he conveyed it to the archbishop of Canterbury, who at his death bequeathed It to the See of Canterbury. Cranmer occu' pled the place in the sixteenth century and conveyed it to Henry VIH. (Cranmer will, be remembered as one of the three bishops wno were ournea at tne staKeo '. jt was once In the possession of Queen Mary and afterward of .Queen' Elizabeth, who conveyed it to Dudley, her favorite earl. . The house is a veritable museum and art gallery, and contains hundreds of pictures, many of them of kings and others prominent in English history. One of the rooms was fitted up by James I for himself when he paid a visit to Knole, and the room is kept as it was. The bed is said to have cost $40,000, and the curtains and bed cover are embroidered with gold and silver. The mattresses are of white satin and the walls are hung with Flemish tapestry representing scenes from the history of Nebuchad nezzar. . Dining Hall of Olden Days The great hall used as a dining room Is seventy-flve feet long .... w,r. - V -" .. . I ! I . ' Ij. ill SMfef-fill ilHi:a4 HAWARDEN CASTLE. THE3 HOME OF GLADSTONE. nron them. The owners of tlieso homos are potent In parliamentary elections, as are also the laboring men, although the House of Lords represent the landed proprietors, more than one-third of all the farm lands in England being owned by members of that body. We took occasion to visit some of the shrines of Great Britain. Of course no one place is so rich In historic memories as West minster Abbey, it being the burial place of most of the illustrious of England. One of the most frequented places outside of London Is Stratford-on-Avon, the birthplace and burial place of Shakespeare. The house in which he was born 'Is still standing and Is well pre served, considering the years that have passed over it; from its size and arrangement it is evident' that Shakespeare's father was a man of some means. The house is now public property and serves as a museum where numerous Shakespearean relics are exhlbVted. One oil painting of him, made when he was still a young man, would Indicate that even then he enjoyed some distinction among his fel lows, although succeeding generations have appreciated him vastly more than his own. Where Shakespeare Went to School The grammar school which Shakespeare attended Is still to be een and at the church they have the baptismal font used at hi? Christening and the parish register in which his baptism and burial tire entered. His grave is in the floor ot the church, and there is nothing to mark the stone slab that covers it but the familiar lines: Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbeare, To d!gg the dust enclosed heare. Bleste be ye man yt spares thes stones, And curst be he yt moves my bones. At Edinburgh we saw the home of John Knox and were im pressed anew with the tremendous influence whtch he exerted upon the religious life of Scotland. Seldom has It fallen to the lot of one man so to stamp his thought upon so many people. In Edin burgh also stands the little chapel, less known to tourists, in which the Covenanters met and in which the struggle began between them end the Church of England. It is hard to believe that so short a time ago there was a bloody war between two branches of the Protestant church In which thousands suffered martyrdom tor their religious convictions. We visited Loch Katrine and Loch Lomond, to which Scott has given a permanent place in literature, and after seeing them will not enter into a dispute with any Highlander, however extravagant bis praise of these beautiful lakes. And, if I may digress for a moment, we also visited the lakes of Klllarney, ot which Moore sang. They also are beautiful enough to move a poet's heart and Inspire a poet's pen, although, to be truthful, I must assert that that they could not be maintained under any other system than that Lake Tahoe, which shines. like a Jewel in the crown of the Sierras, which gives them entire to one member of the family and prevents on the boundary line between California and Nevada, need not fear alienation, still an American finds his admiration for American in- comparison with any of the lakes of Scotland or Ireland. In one stltutlons increasing while he travels, for to him the advantages thing, however, we cannot compare with England, Scotland and that flow from Individual ownership and the division of estates at Ireland, namely, the ivy-mantled ruin. It is picturesque and pleas death seem Infinitely greater than any that are to be derived from ing to the eye. and yet who would exchange a plain cottage, occu the English system. A ' hundred farmers stimulated by hope and pied by a happy family, for the crumbling vine-clad walls of a secure in their holdings contribute more than one country gentle- tenantless castle? man and ninety-nine tenants possibly can to the strength and vigor of a state. After all, the large estates are insignificant in number when compared with the homes of the middle classes In the various cities and villages, but these are so much like the homes in America, both In appearance and in management,' that. It is not necessary to dwell Y. M. C. A. Work on Olher Side Mr. Weidensall Arranges to Visit All Associations in Europe During the Winter I ARRIVED at Geneva, Switzerland, the headquarters of the world's committee of Young Men's Christian associations, July 17, 1906, and spent about sixteen days, from the 17th of July to the 3d ot August, in and about Geneva. This Included the time of a trip up into the Alps from July 28 to August 1. The reasons for my long stay in Geneva at this time were: First, my eyes needed examination and new spectacles fitted to them, since I could not use my old spectacles any more, and, second, I wanted to have a special and definite agreement and arrangement with the world's committee, concerning my visitation ot Young Men's Christian associations throughout the whole of Europe. Immediately after my arrival in Geneva I called upon the secretaries of the committees, Messrs. Charles Fermaud, Christian Phlldius and Waldemar von Starck, and gave them a verbal account of my world's trip up to that time. The secretaries received me Birthplace of Burns From Glasgow we went by automobile to Ayr, the birthplace ot Burns. Thirty-three miles out and thirty-three miles back, and it rained nearly the ntire way. We were sustained amid the discom forts of the trip by our Interest In Scotland's rustic bard, whose simple lays have endeared him to the universal heart, but our sym pathies went out to two kind friends, Mr. McKlllup, a member ot Parliament, and Mr. Henry Wright, a Glasgow barrister, who ac companied us. ' It was an humble cottage In which Burns first saw the light and In which he lived when he made the acquaintance ot those rollicking companions, Tarn O'Shanter and Souter Johnny. Near by is the famous bridge over the "bonnle Doon," of whose "banks and braes" he sang, and not far away are the old bridge and association grew so much upon him and took so much of his Ume th new OM n,ch h, 'ancy c,othed wlth llfe and together tht hA mniH no Hrt win t hi. man,.fnp.,pino. .nH .w hn-inoca In animated dialogue. After visiting the places and looking upon Interests and serve the association cause as he ought. The time the scenes enshrined In 'literature by his verse one reads with even came when he must give up one or the other as so prominent a reator zest the ame8Pun ballads th,a Impulsive apostle of democ fantor. th ...noLMnn r hi. ctiv hn-in Aftr f,,ii A. r&cy. I was glad to learn that Increasing thousands wend their way eration he gave up his business at a large pecuniary loss and re- to his birthplace each year and that among the visitors Americans malned in the association work. He is yet comparatively a young "re very nuiueruuB- man, in full vigor of life and can count upon a long service of Jesus Chrfat and Hla klmrrinm hpfnra nM mra will rnHai him InnnnfiKIa of performing the difficult task of the chief executive of the world's reached Hawarflen iu8t " r- Henry Gladstone arrived from, his We reserved for the conclusion ot oar tour of the British isles Hawarden castle, the home of Gladstone. With our usual luck we committee of the association in its work for young men. Mr. Sarasln and I climbed to the top of the mountain on whose side the hotel was located, 2,000 feet higher than the site of the hotel in full view of the great snowy roof range of the Alps. We were in the center of a magnificent cyclorama of Alpine scenery. home, eight miles away, and were taken through the house and grounds by him. The estate of several thousand acres which came into the family from Mrs. Gladstone's ancestors, .has just passed, according to the law of primogeniture,' into the hand of a grandson of the late Mr. Gladstone. . The new owner is a sober, studious young man who has already achieved distinction In college debates, and half as wide. At one end is a raised floor, where the table of mofjt cordlaHy and treated me most kindly. They responded to my At this magnificent view point we again turned our attention to the d " ho f preparlng blm9e ,or a publIc career. While the lord of the manor stood; below him sat the retainers and lower members of the household. A list of 126 names is preserved, that being the number , of those who regularly took their meals in the ball In 1624.' In this hall there Is a large collection of silver and pewter vessels, handed down from generation to generation. The grounds and gardens, I need hardly say, are In keeping with the Interior of the castle. We saw here one of the prettiest specimens of the skill of the horticulturist's art that has come under our ob servation. Grapevines are grown In large pots and trained, upon a request most heartily and afforded me the most intelligent and practical direction and co-operation. I called upon an occullst and had my eyes examined and secured a prescription for new spectacles, but was obliged to wait a longer time for them than I had expected, since the opticians had to send to Paris for the glasses required for such spectacles. Afterwards I had frequent Interviews or conferences with the secretaries together and alone about their own great and very difficult work and about my proposed visitation of 'all tbe nations we en joyed a drive through the woods and through the park where the elder Gladstone .was wont . to cut down trees for exercise, our in terest naturally centered In the big, roomy house, castle-like in its structure, and in the commodious library where England's Chris tian statesman labored far more than three-score years, for it must hT' Whea we wer.lhorethacIu.teri of ripened grapes of &nd tnelr prlnc,pal young Men chrl8tlan a880claUon.. language, government, religion, social customs and in many other matters. Accordingly my trip through the nations of Europe re quired Joint agreement and arrangement with the world's committee and tbe national committees la order that my visitation might be best understood, receive the most cheerful practical co-operation and be most helpful to the association work in every way. Mr. C. Fer maud, senior secretary ot the world's committee, laid this whole matter before the chairman of his committee, Mr. R. Sarasln, who promptly and affirmatively responded to it. We spent one night at Broughton castle as the guests of Lord and Lady Lennox. The host and hostess have often visited the United States and are quite liberal in their political views. They are also Identified with the community, encouraging artistic industry such aa wood carving and the like by which the young people may add to their Income, as well as develop their taste. In this connec tion It should be explained that the owner ot an estate occupies a responsible position. While he draws rent from his tenants, he Is expected to be their patron and protector, as well as their general advisor. He provides the Christmas festivities, gives presents to the children and looks after the sick. The moral standards which he sets up have a large influence upon the religious and social life of the community, and the con scientious land owner is sole to do a great deal of good. Where Cromwell Held Councils Broughton castle is near Banbury the Banbury cross, lramor- Sarasln, I made a visit to him and his family at Forrest hotel. where they were spending the summer far up among the Alps in plain view of the Matterhorn and Mt. Blanc. I bad most Inter esting conferences with him relative to definite Christian work for tallzed in child rhymes by the women "who rode a white horse" young men. the most difficult work of the church, but a work that and was frequented by Cromwell and his chiefs. In fact, in one of affords the most valuable results for Jesus Christ and His church tbe rooms, as tradition goes, the death warrant of Charles I was vhe faithfully and intelligently accomplished. In these confer- slgned. The house is of stone and the roof is covered with stone eace we discussed the problems that confronted the Young Men's tiles and a good root It still is, though 600 years old. In some of Christian association work in the world and particularly in Europe, the rooms fine oak Danelin had been nalnted over, and in other The harmony ot our discussions and agreement in conclusions were Imperative need of definite Christian work for the young men of the world and how it might be made adequate for their need. Like David, we lifted up our eyes to the mountains, whence came our help to the Lord which made heaven and earth in behalf of all the Christian work for young men and young women in the world and particularly -for the definite work of the Young Men's and Young ha rfimfimhere(, that his nublio life extended over two relation. Women's Christian associations in this particular and wide open The wa,,8 are concealed by books, and shelves Jut out Into the room field for definite Christian effort. at rtght ang,e olad8tolle was a prodigious worker and, amidst Prfl.vM" fnr Wnrlrl fnnnnpat tae care8 of official life, found time to devote to the classics, to the rrayer lur worm vonquesi sciences and to religious discussion. Among the busts In the room Mr. Sarasln read distinctly in English out of my book of the Is one of Disraeli, his most conspicuous political antagonist , .The Testament and Psalms, the 121st Psalm, the first seven versos of the prominence thus given to his distinguished opponent may possibly 37th Psalm and the eighth verse of the first chapter of the Acts of be explained as Hercules explained the courtesy shown by him to the Apostles, after which I led in prayer for the most'complete and the goddess whose enmity compelled him to perform the labors widest extension of the kingdom of Christ in the earth and to that which made him lmniortaL end making special mention of the association work for young men , l ttt and young women in all parts of the world, for all the committees Gladstone 8 Methodical Ways and secretaries in charge of the work, tor the great and Increasing OpenlLg off from the library Is a fireproof vault In which Mr. army .of volunteer workers and for all who had contributed of their Gladstone kept his papers and valuable documents, and he was so . substance to help In the prosecution of this great work. The Lord methodical that Mr. John Morley, his biographer, found the ma was with us on that high mountain and we could say with Peter, terlala for his work In excellent order. Not far from the house Is "It was good for us to be there." But the working place was be- a iaree bulldlnr. erected as a memorial to Gladstone, whleho By request or tne cnairman or tne worm s committee, Mr. k. ' " we mrnea miucr. my noie visu wun wr. sarasin ana tains his religious library of several thousand , volumes. . The Visiting in the Alps rooms handsome stone walU had been disfigured with plaster, but the present occupant la restoring these. As in many ot the larger and older country places,' Broughton has a little chapel ot Us own, where the family assembled for divine service. The castle is sur- noteworthy. Mr. Sarasln is a wealthy capitalist and gives his time almost wholly to the association work. Like Mr. Cephas Bralnerd, first chairman of the International committee of North America, he Is rouvded by a shaded lawn, ornamented by hedge, evergreens, flower doing all he can, as chairman of the world's committee, to enable beds and rose-covered arbors, and around all these runs the moat, the association to do the best and most definite Christian work for fed from neighboring streams. The memory of feudal times Is young men in full accord with all the requirements of the Paris dec- Dreserved by the towers, drawbridge and masttlve gates, English laratlon: "The Young Men's Christian associations seek to unite his family was one of the most delightful occasions ot my whole family has built a dormitory adjoining the library to accommodate world tour. the students who come from all countries to study theological I returned to Geneva; attended one of the sessions of the 'questions. ' '.' ' " '. world's convention of the Christian Endeavor, which was then being We also visited the chapel near by. where the statesman at- held la Geneva. tended church and often read the service. His son-in-law, the I met again the secretaries of the world's committee' ot Young ' present rector, showed us the memorial, since unveiled, which will Men'a Christian associations who furnished me introductory letters draw multitudes to this historic edifice. It Is a marble group by to all the national councils of the Young Men's Christian assocla- the sculptor Richmond and represents the great commoner and Uons in Europe, to whom they had previously written and notified bis wife sleeping side by side, an angel guarding them with out- them of my proposed vlsltat'ons. They marked out in detail my stretched wings. It Is fitting that they should thus rest at the end first long trip that would consume the time until the meeting of of life, for they had together borne life's burdens and together the world's committee in Geneva, September 27, 1906. In included shared the many triumphs that crowned their efforts. While he Denmark, Sweden. Norway, Finland and Russia, and on my return was ' master of the ship of state, she was mistress of an Ideal to Geneva parts of Germany, Austria, Hungary and Switzerland home; while he was seeking to ameliorate the condition of the They furnished me names and addresses of the national councils whole people, she was conducting a private orphanage within and their traveling secretaries and also of the presidents and general a stone's throw of the castle, an institution still maintained In her secretaries of the principal associations that I might be able to memory. So happy was the long married life of this well-mated visit on this trip. This trip was to Include a visit to North Cape, pair that at the approach of death he requested the family not to history Is Illuminated bj these ancient country stats, and much tn those young men who. regarding Jesus Christ as their God and provided I reached Tromso or Hamerfest, Norway, before the steam- permit bis interment in Westminister Abbey, except on condition English home lite is explained that would otherwise be difficult to Savior according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be his disciples understand. ln tneir doctrine and In their lire and to associate their efforts for Warwick castle Is near Lemtngton and but a tew miles from the extension of His kingdom among men." Mr. Sarasln was a very Broughton. It Is probably the most visited of all the castles of successful manufacturer and thereby secured a fortune. At the same England, and is still ln the family of the earl of Warwick, the king time he was a devoted Christian and gave much time and other maker. It is built upon the banks of the Avon, and has a deep, help to Christian effort In his own church. He ws led Into the dark dungeon and lofty towers and all the accessories of an ancient association work for young men deeming it the most profitable work fortress. The great ball it filled with armor and heirlooms. The for Jesus Christ and His church. His time was almost equally bouse contains a valuable collection of paintings by old masters and divided between Christian work and business. When Professor the furniture ef the sleeping rooms is as remarkable for Its design Barde, chairman ot the world's committee, Young Men's Christian M for its antiquity. A few weeks ago a pageant. Illustrating tbe association, died Mr. Sarasia was chosen to take his place. Tbe ers stopped running to North Cape. This will be' tbe beginning of a that his wife be given a place beside him, and this unusual honor systematic visitation of all the national organizations of the Young was paid them. Men's Christian associations of Europe and more or less of their Although nations boast of material wealth and manufacturing principal local or college associations. Wherever there are Young plants, their most valuable assets are their men and women ot Women's Christian associations in the place I visit and when poa- merit, and their greatest factories are their institutions of learning, slble and desirable I shall call upon them, present them the which convert priceless raw material Into a finished product of greetings of their sister associations as well as of tbe Young Men's Inestimable worth. Gladstone, vigorous ln body, strong ln mind Christian associations and afford them all the assistance and en- and elevated in moral purpose, was an ornament to the age ln which courage ment I possibly can. be lived, and will be an Inspiration to succeeding generations. ROBERT WEIDENSXLL, ' W. J. BRYA& . fit Petersburg. Russia, Sept. 20, 1906. t ' r - - .i - ' '. (Copyright 106.) ' ' -