I OR SALE REAL ESTATE )TWO GOOD HOMES Each a Bargain! Good comfortable house 7 rooms, partly modern; full lot; on 2?th Street, adjoining Kountze Place. Price $2,000, & 8-room house, modern, full lot, paved street, permanent walks, etc., at 4012 Farnam St. Price $3,000. REED BROS. 1710 FARNAM BARGAIN THREE-ROOM house and two full corner lots, on car line; water In house, sewer and gas In street; lot are worth $700, but It must sell, aee It, 25th Ave. and Fort St. BEMIS, Pax ton Block. RE Omaha is growing rcpidly and now is the time to buy. t-room cot tare, furnace, porcelain bath, I gas. 627 South E5tb Ave., 13.000. Will sell on payments. T-room brick house, all modern, at 4G23 Douglas St. SNAP at $3,000. VACANT Finest site In town for an apnrtment house or double houses; ground 18xli"4; northeast corner 24th and Howard; $.0,00'). Two lots on 33d, near Gold, only 1375 each. Two lota on Belt Line and 28th Ave., $k'0 for both; trackage. Beautiful lot on 22d, jurt south of Laird, only 1500. FARM LAND One Of the best equipped farms for stock raising and feeding In eastern Nebraska; 20 miles from Omaha; about 1,300 acre; three houses, running water, 1S6 acres al- I udvu iv uu. corn tu me acio 11110 year; young orchard, walnut grove, etc. Will show property at any time. Detailed Information upon application. L. D. SPATJLDINO, Yhon Douglas 230. 210 South 13th St. RE-79 14 Home Bargains 11 rooms, modern, close In, good home or investment 58.600. 11 rooms, good Investment, on south side of street cheup at f-'.lOO. It rooms, beautiful cast front, large lot, walking distance, I2,fl0. 10 rooms. W feet front, paved ttreet, beau tiful home 13.8u0. 10 rooms, one ot the tintst homes In Kountse Place. $5.5;i0. I rooms, beautiful lot, overlooking park, fruit, shade, barn $3,100. rooms, near llanst-om Park, large lot, very c.:enp at $-.060. rooms, I minutes' walk from postoffice, splendid Investment $3. GOO. rooms, beautiful home in Park Place, laundry In basement $4,000. National Investment Co. Douglas Blk. 16th & Dodge TELE. DOUGLAS 661 RE 798 14 CHEAPEST 6-ROOM V HUUbfc UN I I FOR THE PRICE My home, 4010 Nicholas St., good reason for selling. You can buy it on reasonable terms and have a home in the most desirable part of the city at iniall cost. A. B. Carpenter. KB- 2 Per Cent Investm't 'Three T-room houses at northeast corner 26th and Patrick Ave., renting for $6$ per month. Two are new; all are strictly modern, extent furnace. Lot 60x120, perma nent sidewalks. Owner wants .16,000, but might take less. First Floor N. T. Life Bldg. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. TeL Douglas 1711. RE M546 It In Hanscom Place One block from car line, east front, fine surroundings, , special taxes all paid. Ask us about It. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1781. RE 613 IT WILL PAY 14 a the Investment; good flat on 20th St., aloe to Grate St.; $fi.5u; terms. C. T. Peterson, N. Itth SU TeL Ioug. 1039. Ki. 10 14 CALIFORNIA. Live longer and happier, better opportunU ties. V III exchango homes or ranches for your Omaha property. Edwin Aldersoa, L g, f4w. Loa Angeles. K FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RK 8-Room House ALL modi rn, Including furnace; good re pair; full lot; near 27th and Pratt Bis. $2,000. t BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE N. P. DODGE & CO. PARKLAND PLACE Beautiful, level lots. Just north of Fort ft. and west of 24th. Why go a mile farther away, when we ran sell you these lots, only one block from car, at loiw prices and easy terms T $10.00 DOWN, $3.00 PER MONTH. Take 24th at. car and walk north from Fort 8t. one block. Our sales man will be on the ground every afternoon from 3 to 6 p. in., and Saturday afternoon. Only ten lots left. Others have all been sold, and buyers have built homes. See these lots today, and start your payments at one. DON'T MISS THIS Eastern owner wants us to sell his double front lot on Lake and Erakine 8ts., near 25th, before he has to pay the taxes. The lot Is 60x135, with north end n little below grade. Room for two nice homes or four cottages to rent. This lot Is surely worth $700 or $SmO and we believe the owner will take $500, on easy terms. Don't miss this. GOOD HOMES $3,000 Nine-room house and barn, lot 45x130, furnace, gas, water and sewer In yard, on 24th St., Just north of Cuming; splendid place for fihyslclan: great bargain, consider ng location and sise of lot. $2,100 Five-room cottage on 19th St. boulevard, close to Lake St. school: lot 52x130. ACRES NEAR y OMAHA I acres and (t-room house, new, near Benson, tl.SiX). 6 acres near Benson, $1,2V. 10 acres near Benson. 12.. 'SO. 6 acre nmr South Omaha, $1,300. 40 acres nar South Omaha, $s.0O0. 10 acres near S'iuth Omaha, $4,000. Acre lots, $J50, $275, $3U0. n; p. dodge & co. 1714 Farnam St. RE-S04 14 1,760 ACRES AT $J AN ACRE In western Nebraska, soil Is ' black loam with clay sub-soil. Is very rich and easily worked. Chance to speculate. It It Is worth anything It Is worth double the money. Land ad- ' Joining has Immense crops of all kinds of small grains. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. lt Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781 II I FIVE hrnd new modern homes, with full u.w, u.vw , J UUI cuoice; first buytr gets a discount; see these be fore buyirg; terms It desired. H. R. Stringer, 227 Neville block.. Cor. 16th and Harney. Phone Doug. 7564. RE MM2 It I TWO modern 8-room houses. 5ft ft. front, j very close to business center; bring 10 per ccm in, pine, (t,wv. Aauress, owner. T 33, care The Bee. RE MJ92 Ux C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and Insur ance. U N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red-7497. RE MITt $10 00 down and $10 00 per month buys a .$.'10.00 corner lot at 34th and Sprague; no Interest. Telephone Douglas tel. Owner RE 6a3 14 TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erly and merchandise; try us for deal. RE-M241 Nov.ix OWNERS I have 14 customers for homes of 5 to I rooms; sell now while price Is right. H. R. Stringer. 227 Neville Blk. Dg. 7554. Rffi FOR 8ALB 6-room cottage, Just finished. Inquire at 4310 North 28th Ave., or at 3uii Mamlersun St. RE M758 15x FOR SALE Two lots In Benson. t blocks frcm car line, 1125 each; terma reasonable. Inquire of F. Linder, Telephone exchange, Benson. RE 777 Ux LAND AGENTS, ATTENTION! Remark able bomeaeekers' proposition. Agents wanted to haruile deal; Ju.OiO acres Texus Pan Handle sublrrigaied alfalfa land 410 to $15 per acre way terma Lots of ltto acres up. Write Immediately for agents' terms to Coidren Land Co., New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. RE TU 14x SILAS ROBBLNS 4-room new cottsge, full lot, 27th south of Ames Ave., $1..J. T-room house, full lot, close to Dodge street car line, house in excellent shape. $1.muu. Easy terms. I-room house, nearly modern, full lot. on 2uth street Boulevard. $2,6uu, lJuO cash, balance monthly. 30 acres on paved street, two miles west of Omaha, $110 per acre. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Block. RE kit 14 6-ROOM house with lot 10x130; city water, gas. nice neighborhood; will sell on rea sonable teriu address owner. 4234 Pat rick Ave. UU-7 Us. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. Peters & Co. 1 1600 We hare a t-room cottage and sum mer kitchen on Grant 8t, west of 14th 8t. ; has city water, sewer, gas, newly shlnjtlod and guttered and placed In excellent condition with repair. t 2,500 On 8outh 21st St., near Vinton, we have a new t-room house, with good furnace; open, nlckle-plated plumbing, and modern in every re spect. t 2,750-IN DUNDEE, in a choice neighbor hood, an 8-room, all modern except heat; close to car line. t 1,650 IN DUNDEE, t-room, modern, one half block to car line. The Interior Is oak finish, new nlckle-plated plumbing and good furnace; good stable In rear. INVESTMENTS $13.000-On thf 8. W. Cor. of 24th and Hamilton, we offer the brick build ing on 24th, 2 store rooms and 8 flats above, and the double brick residence In the rear on Hamilton St. This investment will pay you 10 per cent net, and should be seen and considered to be appreciated. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 South Seventeenth George & Co. 1601 Farnam St. Phone Douglas TM 811,000 for 10-room modern house on N. 4oth St. near Jos lyn mansion, built only a few years. 2 lots, east front, large hade trees. $10,000 for 11-room modern bouse. In nrst-claae condition, near 22d and Howard Sts. Cost owner over $18.ooo; lot tjux 177 ft- $9,000 for t-room modern house, new and close in. Im mediate possession. $7,000 for t-room modern house, on Slst avenue near Farnam, east front on Turner park. Will consider reasonable offer for Quick sale. $4,500 for 6O10 Underwood Ave. (Dundee), new 8-room modern house, oak finish, only $1,760 cash, balance monthly. Very desirable. $3,000 for 2809 Ohio St., good 8 room house, all modern exoept heat. In first-class condition throughout. Owner leaving city reason for selling. Inves tigate. $2.S50 for 2fi38 Capitol Ave., 7- room house, modern except furnace, nearly new. $2,700 for 3124 California St.. t-room, 2-story house, all mod ern except heat, piped for fur nace, nearly new, well built and worth more money. Spe cial price for Quick aale. , $2,650 for 6-room house, mod ern except heat, on 25th St. near Crelghton college. Would rent for $30 per mo. $2,600 for T-room, 2-story mod ern house, with mantel and grate, on corner lot Just south . of Kountse Place, near 2oth St. One-third cash, bal., 6 per cent. $2,300 for new t-room house and barn and about I acree 43d and Fort Sts. $2,000 for T-room house and barn, about 1 acre, with bear ing fruit, plenty ot garden land. No 4940 Pierce street, only 6 blocks from end of Leavenworth street car Una. 81.850 for 1704 N. 36th St.. good 8- room house, all modem ex cept heat, with barn. Imme diate possession. Small cash payment down, baL monthly.. 81.R50 for 2-story, 6-room house, modern except heat, nearly new, on Burt street near 24th St.; lot 8xl41 ft. $1,700 for 2026 Elm St., 6-room cottage, only $500 cash, and $100 every 6 months thereafter. $1,550 for 3402 Parker St., good (-room house, with barn, on corner lot, lays high and level, nice shade trees. Ownur leav ing city. Immediate possession. Terms, investigate. INVESTMENTS. $7,500 for new 2-story brick containing 12 rooms, all mod ern, hot water heat, and frame building In rear, on corner lot, close In. Investigate. 87.600 for 1530-24 N. 18th St., 2 well built large houses, each arranged for two families. In good condition, close in and al ways well rented. 85.500 for 2 modern T-room houses and barn, including I lots, well located near Kountae Place. Rental per year. $3,000 for store building at H3 S. 16th St. and cottage in rear. Rental per year. $1,750 for 2021-23 Pierce St., I frame houses of 4 and 8 rooms each with brick base- ments of 8 and 4 rooms In ad dition thereto. Rental $25 per month. Lot 60x1 ft. Investi gate. See us for desirable acre tracts near Omaha and choice building lots in all portions of the city. RE Cottage Home FIVE-ROOM cottage. 2th and Sprague, $1.0u0. $100 down and $16 per month. Be your own landlord. Now Is your chance. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RB $2,000 Two-story bouse, t rooms first floor, t unfinished second floor, east front, lot 6uxll0; nice home for the money. Go see it today. 4016 N. 25th Ave. KOUNTZE PLACE We offer for the first time a two-story house, la elegant condition, four rooms and reception hall first floor, four large bed rooms second floor, fully modern, barn; beautiful home for tht money and can give possession by the 1st. Owner glad to show you through.. The number Is 2103 Locust and price, if sold by the 1st, $3,&uu. F. C BEST, 821 N. Y. LIFE. RE-7W 14 Don't Read This Unless you have property to sell. We hare six customers for homes at $1,500 to 84.000; also a few who want farms. List your property with us for quick sale. WRIGHT LA8BURY, Kfc S. 16tb St. RE83S 14 FOR SALE Fine t-room and bath, modern home; splendid residence locality; large lot; In excellent repair; haa been occu pied by owner since erected; business changes necessitate leaving city; price, KaoO. Inquire 2515 8. tM Ave. RE M649 14x AM LEAVING the city and wUl sell my -room thoroughly modern house very reasonable. H. H. Churchill "ill tcln JUr-JaVfai THE OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 14, 1906. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I 1,850 IN DUNDF7T5, a brand new, 8-room house, all the mx!em conveniences, cement walks and a good-sued yard $ 2,500 A new T-room house, well and sub stantially built; fine hot water heat ing plant. Owner leaving town and must sell. Close to Dodge St. car line. I 2,000-Nesr 24th and Fort Sts., In the north part of the city, we have a new t-mom modern house, situated on a large lot, fxi;& feet. The price asked is less than the house will cost you to build new. t 4,250 In the Hanscom Park district, di rectly across from park, we have a T-room house, thoroughly modern, built but a year or so ago; perma nent walks and paved street. $14,000 The most costly constructed double hojse In the city, 3-story granite building; Interior of superior hard wood finish, with every modern con venience; no outlay for repairs. 413-15 N. 25th St. We might shave the price a Utile. Street, Bee Building. RE C G. Carlberg, tU New York Life. 'Phone Red 7497. IMPROVED 3,000 t rooms, modern, located in Kountse i'iace, on Plnckncy St., Just oppo site park; handy to two car lines: schools, churches, etc.; cost at least $4,000 to build; large lot; cheap, H casu, uamnce easy lerms. 81.260 rooms, lot t3 ft. tront, near Frank lin school; $J50 cash; balance easy terms. VACANT $1,100 lots, corner, very sightly, cement walka Clifton Hill. 11,1002 lots 100x130, paved streets, perma nent walks, near loth and Hamilton. $1,00060 ft. lot Burdens St., near Sherman Ave.; permanent walks, water, sewer ana gas. $ 800 Ui tett east front, on Sherman Ave., near Emmett, paved street, etc. $ 66050 feet south front, paved street, near 29th and Nicholas. 600 Corner on North 24th, near Fort. $ 3u050xl30, Leavenworth near 46th, city water and permanent walk. t 300 Full lot near 20th and Fort, one half cash, balance to suit. $ 276 Full lot, Ruggles near Julh. $ 25060x127, near 30th and Ames, high sightly. Terms to suit. t 226 Lot, Patrick Ave., ne&rMllltary, water and sewer. I 200 Full lot. Franklin St., near 40th. TRACKAGE $4,000 Full block, VI lots on Belt Line near 24th, perfectly level. $ 400 Large lot on Belt Line near Pat rick Ave. C. G. Carlberg, 811 N. T. Ufa. 'Phone Red 7497. RE Three Small Homes Vinton St., near 20th; 4-room cottage, on paved street; 44ft. lot; very cheap at $1,1U0; easy terma. Franklin St., three blocks from car; good 6-room house; city water; gas; per manent walks; barn; all In first-class con dition; fine home; only $1,300. Ames Ave. and 3&th St.; brand news-room cottage; enamel bath; water; gas: large lot; fine view; nothing better for the money; easy texms; $1,300. Many more In all parts of the city at bargain prices. Auk us about cheap lots. We have them. WRIGHT LA8BLRY, 506 S. 16th St. RE-27 14 BARGAINS. Brick stores and hoiuei, $1,440 rental, IU0O0. t brick flats, $1,440 rental, $12,000. Near High school, 8S40 rental, $7,000. 8 stores and flats, $900 rtntal, $6,500. Near P. O., 7-room house, $4,500. 8t30 Spring, 10-room house, $i;50. lo4 North 2oth St., B rooms, $l,iiO0. 2CJ0 Indiana Ave., 6 rooms, $l,2uo. West Farnam District lota, $1,500. 16th, near Cast liar, 66x140, $1.5oo. 19th, near Clark, 40x140 ft., $1,000. 50x144 near 33d and Webster, $!x0. 6 sightly acres, very choice, $1,500. 10 acres east of Benson. $2,500. 320 acres 11 miles out, $17,800. U0 acres 12 miles N. W $.6o0. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RB-779 14 OWNERS ATTENTION I Do you wish to sell, and sell quick, then see me, no matter if your property la vacant. Improved, acre age, trackage or business blocks. If your price Is reasonable I can sell It. No charges unless successful. C. G. Carlberg, til New York Life. 'Phone Red 74d7. RB $7,000 SPECIAL BARGAIN 1136-8-40 N. 18th St., a two-story brick bldg., In first-class shape, is rented fur $l,0b2 per year. Close In, walking distance. This Is a first-class Investment. You only need $2,fau0 cash, the rest at 6 per cent lor long time. The owner needs money. Call at once, as It will positively be sold this week. Robinson & Wolf. 423 Paxton Blk. RE 807 14 SEVEN acres; 6-room cottage; must be sold at once to settle estate; finest piece of acreage in Omaha; holding at $.1,0,0, but will make considerable reduction for cash. It costs nothing to enquire about this place. It's got to be sold soon and some one will get a snap. H. R. Stringer, 227 Nebille block, cor. 16th and Harney. Phone Doug. 7554. RE M 647 NICE HOME CHEAP t-room cottage in Al condition; Mon mouth park, $1.ZT6. C. T. PETERSON. 630 N. 16th St- Tel. Doug. 1039. RE-eut 14 $8,500. Frair flat of 4 apartments and 8 houses, all bring a rental of $l,5oo.0o per year, walk ing distance, always rented and in fir st ela as repair. On corner and good Invest ment. Robinson & Wolf. 423 Paxton Blk. RE 808 14 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of Hat and Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Make Ins an offer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE MSI 6 FOR SAIE OR RENT I-arge modern house, 13 rooms, besides laundry, coil, vegetable and furnace rooms; good barn and carriage house; permanent walke and driveway; paved street; near high school. W. H. Griffith, 2619 Chicago St. RE SSI 14x FOR BALE 75 of the most desirable lota In Florence; lots on the car line and sightly lots on the hillside. Dexter L. Thomas. 413 Bee bldg. RE-Wo lx ALVA SMITH COMPANY-Room T Everett block. Council Bluffs, la., property of all . ainos, anywnere. nought, sold and ex- ,han.u1 f lu 4 , k. .... . U - Mil (Hisr on Emmet St., Omaha. RE-e&O 14x TWO MODERN HOUSES Blnney St., west of 24th, t and T rooms each, south front, on lot 40x133 ft. Will ell this week. $1,260 and $!' respectively. HASTINGS & HEY DEN U04 Farnam St U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DUNDEE LOTS Two of the finest lots In Dundee, over looking Omaha, corner and Inside lots, fscee south snd esst, fine maple shade trees. Price for both, $1,500 cash. CIIAS. MARTIN, Tel. Doug l. RE-643 14 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN PROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and t per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W 667 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W 60S WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith U Co 1320 Farnam St. W- BUILDING loans on residence property; t per cent. W. B. Melkie, iiatnge Blk. W-70 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. W 671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W-672 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Breunan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-73 WANTED City loans, R. C Peters St Co. W 74 City at farm loans. O. F. Carton Co., N.T.L. W 675 LOANS on improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. W-67t LOW rates. Private money. $500 and up. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W FOR SALE FARMS YOUR OPPORTUNITY for a safe and profitable Investment. The Union Pacific R. R. Co. Is fast closing out its lands In western Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming at to $5 per acre Easy Terms This land consists of fine farm and ranch lands. For descriptions of lands and full Information regarding special excursions apply to LAND AGENCY U. P. R. R. Dept. R. 318 So. Sst OMAHA. NEB. H- TWO GREAT FARM GAINS. BAR- 1,285 acres strong, second bottom land, no overflow; all can be cultivated; fine Improvements; whole tract lays fine and the price la only $47.60 an acre.Half cash, balance to suit. 340 acres in Sioux county, Iowa, SVi miles from good town; good improvements. An ideal grain and stock farm, worth $75 an acre. Can sell at $54.50; half cash, balance to suit. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO, Neville Blk., Omaha. H BIG BARGAINS In coal, grass and farm land, almost ad Joining Colorado Springs. Colo.; T.OO0 seres, $6 per acre; and 11,000 acres at $7. Coal, 6 to 1$ feet thick; three-fourths ?ood wheat, oats and potato land, and all mproved; best irrigated land in the state, $16 to $20 per acre. R. M. CASH, COLO. SPRINGS, COLO. H-03 Ux CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of us. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy commissions. Finest, all-prp.lrie, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Easy terms. Others ask fifteen and more. We save you money. Write us quick. F. A. PARKER St. CO., Spencer, la. H-267 OI8 THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp bell, Litchfield. Neb. H 103 Nov. 1 DAIRY, stock, fruit and poultry farms in the Ozarks; mild climate, pure water and good health; bargains in farnn J. F. Kindrlck, Seymour, Mo. H M339 Ux A CHEAP FARM 100 acres, four miles from Cabool, 60 acres In cultivation, closs to school and churches, 2-room house and barn, 500 bearing apple trees, peach, pear and plum; price, $660. Other bargains Just as good in Texas county, Missouri., the land of the big red apple; fruit, dairy and stock farming are the principal in dustries and there Is no healthier climate on the face of the glrbe; write today for our list of farms. South Missouri Exchange, Cabool, Mo. H-M50T 16x $00 ACRES, well Improved, close to Wichita Kan., soil black, sandy loam; this Is all smooth, tillable land. In a high state of cultivation; price $50 per acre. Address Box No. 11. KechL Kan. H M625 15 FOR SALE Plantation, fruit or farm lands; large producing plantation In Texas peach belt; 23,000 (-year-old trees, berries, truck, grain, cotton; fine home, stock, Implements, buildings all comp ete; must sell at once. 2369 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. H 771 14x 55-ACRE FARM Close to Council Bluffs; all fine up-land; good 8-room brick house and large barn; line orchard, etc.; improvements worth at least $5,000; located about four miles from city, on main road; level all the way In. Price. $7,700. H. G. McGee, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. H 848 14x RANCH FOR SALE. 851 acres fenced In 7 lots, mile from Sturgls and Fort Meade, S D.; suitable for farming, dairying and stock; ten-room house, large barn, stables, sUieds. hen nery and other outbuildings; bearing or chard of 200 apples end pears, 76 acres oak and pine timber, 75 acres under cul tivation. 35 acres under Irrigation; plenty of good water from springs, wells, at house; alfalfa and native hay; farming tools; market always good for all farm products at Sturgls and Fort Meade. Price. $7,5y0. Address D. Hows Tllford. B. D. &-70114, 960 ACRE STOCK and GRAIN FARM 25 MILES FROM SO. OMAHA. This is one of the best stock and grain farms In Nebraska; 400 acre of fine farm land, b aJa.no meadow and pasture; all fenced and v cross-fenced; one good, large set of Improvement, two small tenement houses. You must see this farm to appre ciate it. For quick sale, $37,500; part cash, balance easy. Write or call for further particulars. ' THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Neville Blk., Omaha. H- Cheap Western Lands em men t homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal description and prices, also maps, pictures, etc.. free. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., 101 Front St.. Sterling, Colo. Is land for sale In Hssktll and Stevens counties, Kansas; no agents; no commis sion; no trade: principals only; 30.000 acres of the finest wheat land In the world, at $7.60 per acre; one-tbird cash, one-third one year and one-third In two yeans. Address, Will M. Dutton, Hastings, Neb. H 7ut 14 OREGON 80.000 acres in tracts suit pur- cnaaer; cooice iwiai, near rsuruan Stations; best of soil. $4 to $16 acre. SO miles southwest Portland. Maps, litera ture, etc., free on apUcaUon. H Mather, Cedu fUUA I. U-VM U FOR SALE-FARMS FOR SALE In the beautiful. healthy Oearks of South Missouri, 3X0 acres In Douglas county. 1 fenced, 80 cultiva ted, good orchard, ordinary Improve ments, living wsier, 6 miles to railroad town, lies well, best tract In locality, say ing nothing of grain, hay and fruit, the saw timber, ties or cordwood, or the grass In cattle, sheep or mules, of the mast In hogs, will give you (jack your money In three years; fine location for tavern, store, led lots, etc.; we are too old to dig for lead and sine, which might pay millions If developed; a little rocky, but big bargain at $.000. Inspec tion Invited: title good. Particulars, ad dress owners. J U, and W. J. McCon neU. Mountain Grove, Mo. H 472 14x FOR BALE sno acres deeded land and twenty-year lease on 640 acres school lsnd In western Nebraska; price. $JO.(0; 900 acres Irrigated; cuts 700 tons hay. part alfalfa; house, barn, sheds, natural soring: ten miles fence and one mile river front; near two towns. Don't write unleas you mesn business. For full de scription address, Box 6-i, Alllanoe, Neb. H-707 14x SOUTH DAKOTA bargnlns. t choice quarters In Spink Co., heavy black land $18 75 acre. $4 25 acre cash, $2 acre March 1st, balance 20 equal annual payments. Will divide. Choice section Codington county, $y) acre. $8 acre Cash, balance long time. R. Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. Commission to psrty finding buyer on any above, $1 per acre. 117.16 14 COME TO FURNAS COUNTY Great chances here. Lands $18 to $00. Let me describe them. Richest In state. D. S. Domer, Beaver City, Nebraska. H-806 14x The Stewart Leavenworth Co. tit N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. FARMS Cheap in Price Good in Value WESTERN NEBRASKA Deeded lands near large homesteads along Una of Burlington to northwest. DONT MISS TILE OPPORTUNITY. but See or write us. Next Burlington excursion Tuesday, Oct. 16. That's a good time. The Stewart Leavenworth Co. lit N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha. 11-808 14 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 166. Schmoller Ac Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. D-tt HOUSES lB irt of clty . UUUOLO c Peters 4k Co., Bee Bldg. D 647 f lOTTKKS ,n " P"1" of the city. The UUUOLfj 0 r Davis Co., Bee Bldg. D 4H HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk. D64t OMAHA Van St Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. Utb. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 10.9. D 660 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. H96. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-661 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO ,214 N. Sixteenth St. TeL Doug. 1196. D 653 FOR RENT t-room house, all modem: fur nace; $25. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D 323 FOR RENT. 135 N. Bst Ave., T rooms, modern. $35. 1124 PoDnleton Ave., t rooms, modern, $40. 812 N. 33d, I rooms, modern, hot water heat, $30. 8108 Marcy, 7 rooms, bath and gas, $22.50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Doug. 1781 CTYYR A flV TO LET Merchandise, DlUlVAUri furniture. Tel. Doug. 971 1211 Harney St. D-M827 014 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M247 FOR RENT Two first floor and on second floor flat, corner 2th and Douglas. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D MT18 CTnT? A nTT! Household goods. blUJAiVUIii chandlse. etc., Fre mer- Frad Rush Transfer Line, 1003-6 Farnam St. D M568 Nov. 10 APARTMENT Applications will be received for renting the up-to-date apartments of five and six rooms each In new building, 26th Ave. and Half Howard Sts.; will be ready for occu pancy about October 15; rent $46 and $40 per month. GEORGE CO., Tel. Douglas 756. 1601 Farnam. D 62 14 FOR RENT At 1611 South B)th St. New brick house, T rooms and large reception hall. Modern In every particular. Lo cated In the best part of the city. Will be ready for occupancy, about October 20. Inquire of the owner. J. R. Camp bell. Bee office, or 1341 South 27th St. TeL Douglas 6440. ' D T6J COUN8MAN-VAN BURGH CO., storage and transfer. Best storags house in the city. Immediate attention given. 162,-31-33 N. ltth St. Tel. Duuglas-4619. D-UT FOR RENT 431 x-room cottage, bath, closets, city water, sewer, gas, cistern and good barn. 3912 N. 20th St. Rents, $8. Tel. Taylor 4774. D-MJ63 FOR RENT Eight-room house, modern except furnace; desirable location, one block from 24th street car. Telephone Douglas 4837. L M648 14x FOR RENT t-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace. 2712 Decatur St., $30. Now modern t-room dwelling, 2710 Decatur St. D M554 13x FURNISHED cottage. 8016 Jackson St.; references. u aiw i FOR RENT Fine 10-room flat, all modern; good turnaoe; uc b. om Ave., wiinam K. Potter reoelver, 801 Brown Blk. D 618 MODERN t-room bouse In first-class con dition. 31Z3 Marcy at. u tin 14 FOR rent, October 16, to responsible ten ant, T-room nouse, zi t arnam m.; mod ern except furnace; $26.50. Apply at tOT N. Uth St. D MOM FOR Rent or Lease My t-room residence; modern except furnace; large lawn; barn; shads trees: Una neighborhood; all the furniture will be sold, together or sep arately; nice furniture, at very reason able prices. 4016 Hamilton St., on Walnut Hill car Una, Phone Harney 2604. D M645 ltx FOR RBMT-Modern except furnace; 6 rooms; zuss epencer bi., in u. r, Davis Co., 108 Bee Bldg. D 614 14 SIX-ROOM brick; modern; 1620 Maple St. - WW Ad A M CHARLES, t rooms, barn, $1X50. Iii09 Irard, t rooms. $17. JOHN N. FKENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D-T&l 14 FOR RENT t-room, modern house. 622 8. 34th Ave. Key next aoor. i msw isx COTTAGE. HOT Chicago, $18 per month. Frank Ciawrord, 'phone Douglas Kttfl. D-tOO ltx $4'2 BT'RT BT.-4 rooms, porcelain bath. sewer, e-aa. barn, $22 00. Other for rent. J. H. SHERWOOD, 107 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas tss. V-ta. 14 FOR RENT OR LEASE Large modem house, 13 rooms, besides laundry, coaL veyble and furnaoe rooms; good barn and carriage house ; permanent walks aud driveway; paved sleet; near high school. tili Chicago JM. Sh-mlU FOR RENT HOUSES For rent, fine brick. nixlern dwelilni, 4oth St., north of Dodge; will be ready for occui-ancy about tHtoor 1iib. 8 r. cottage, modern except furnace, 2uJ4 Capitol Ave.. I mi. JOHN W. ROliHlNS, 180$ FAR NAM ST. D bJO 11 A FEW GOOD HOUSES. 1M6 S. 27th. 7-r., all modern, $.. 81 test -r , all modern, barn. If. .50. 610 N. lst, t-r., stvlotly modorn, close In, will paper to stilt, $50. FAYNW, HOSTWICK CO . Sixth floor N. Y. Life Hid. DM4 14 6-ROOM cottage, modern, 634 8. 2-4th Ave, Inquire premises today. D M&13 15x HOUSES FOR RENT. $r8 irtR N. 21st Ave., I rooms modern, $-S 1 Charles. 18 rooms, bath, $.7. So s:i7 Pacific, T rooms, bath, $.e lT R th, T rooms, bath, $ih SNil Parker, 6 rooms, bath, $u'.5o-il 8. liith, 6-room flat. GARVIN BROS., 10o4 Farnam. D-667 14 R. 0.-PETERS & CO. $15.00 1?07 Paclfio St., alx-room, city wates and gas. $l.W-4vi5 Franklin 6L, six -room, city? water and gas. $22 50 20:0 Manderson St., T-room modern. $J0o0 610 South 30th, close in, k-room, mod' crn except furnace. $30.004X47 Burdette St., I rooms modern, new furnace. R. 0. FETERS & CO. 220 8. 17th BU Be Bldg. D FOR RJ-TNT-t-room cottage, 3321 Burt St itXJ15JPlr15nih'.- D W8 14 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE CLUB CIGAR STORE; best stand in So. Omaha: have other busi ness. J. W, Bouk, 60. Omaha. T-M426 FOR SALE Well equipped newspaper, In best one-paper town In northeast No. braska. Price and terms right. Address T 2 Pee. Y-M433 ltx Do You Wish to Make a Changa If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha Neb., or Sioux City, la. f-108 Nl No charge for treatment at Crelghton Dental college. Wanted Patients, at Dental col lego. Treatment free. Y M541 Novll FOR SALE Doctor's residence end office for price of property; want to retire. Ad dress T 87, care Bee. Y M600 23x FOR Sale Lumber yard and coal busi ness: only one in town of 500 people: tier man settlement; doing now a good busi ness; tlUrty miles Omaha. Phone or writs Cadwell 4k Salyers, Malvern, la. Y-MOCt 14 W OULD you Invest $460 for half Interest in an established business that will convince you earning $18 to $30 per weekT Call 34 Windsor hotel. Y MC10 13x CHOICE city property for sale or will trade for general merchandise or hard ware. C. H. Eckery, 23 Looust. Y M646 ltx WRITE for our market letter; sent free upon request; complete resume of Nevada mining operatlona. Patrick Elliott e Camp, bankers and brokers, Goldneld, Nev. Y643 13x $1;000 talww excellent newspaper. Address T 18. care Bee. yO u FOR SALE Complete butcher shop outfit, tools, Ice box, etc.; can give Immediate possesBlon; must be sold before November 1st; $600 will handle the deal. Write First National bank. Coon Rapids, Iu., or J. A. Dixon. Redlleld. S. D. Y-MC36 19 I HAVE $100,000 available now and shall have $300,000 available by January 1, which I desire to Invest In safe securities, stock or bond Issues of good corporations preferred; no small proposition consid ered; schemers and brokers need not sd ply. Address T-28, oar Bee. P Y 740 14x FOR SALE In the greatest mineral coun try known, copper mines and stocks: Verdy Chief. yn: O'l. Oold Losd, 25 8 8. Green Phoenix. Arlgona. Y 743 ltx " IF YOU want to muke money, or are seeking information regarding Nevada mining stocks, write us for our market vini !!'n "ee ,,a ,'iut. Patrick n1 1'jfi'i- jF"mP- Bul're nd Brokers. Qoldfield. Nevada, Y 766 14x HUSTLER with capital to loin a large transfer, storage and coal business and manage department, Lincoln, Neb., 1:10; N St- Y-M703 li WE ARE offering limited number shares at par. $5 each, guaranteed stock of Buf falo company; estimated will pay 7 to 10 P,er.centannUttJ,y- Particulars 12 E. Ihlffena St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Y 762 ltx FOR SALE Good meat market, in the best t?Z .a ,kaA ror -'-ow': caJl" " $3,000 a month. Reason, sickness. Ad dress F. J. Pahl. Grand Island. Neb YM768 20x FOR SALE Grocery and oueenawara stock; good location, best towS 7lu central Nebraska; good established' trade! stock fresh and clean. Good reason for selling. Address T-60, car Bee - Y-M7C2 17x Ti,?!,rn.fVi!r proflt b' "! chances unless you have some money; small sav" l!J!.r.tn? lo"nllon of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran deis Sons, Bsnkers, 16th and Douglas Sts. A suets over $400,000. Y ,of ,D.mye.r', wellet and best fitted .uiiuauing stores; 10th street lo cation; good trade; good lease; up-to-date fixtures; new stock. Good roaon for selling; take, about $17,000; S"enu?d chance for up-to-date man. Go. l. Marsh. 1371 Broadway, Denver, Colo. Y-T04 ltx W B WILL secure capital providing your enterprise meets our approval. Write us fully; references given and required. Bank BlUg.. Chicago. Y i96 14x SEND for "Successful Method' of trading ,Tal&,w',h ,n"111 cl'ivai: booklet and !farfceLIUw,"ent ,r: "'"ences. Cwu stock & Co.. Commerce Bldg., Chicago. YitH ltx WHEAT-llteo 'buys five urs and flv downs; good for one week; 8-cent advance or decline from price; gives Ju0 profit.. rile for particulars. Commerce Grain Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. - Y-Cffl 14x MhERiTOIVOUB,. enterprise financed; bond and stock Issues negotiated; ra!U road, IndJstrlal and power propositions a specialty; highest references g.Ven ad required. Banker, Nassau, N. Y. Y 748 14g 10 P,EIi,SENT ,or yur monsy. absolutely safe $100 and up; get aU your rnoswy "Jl earn; bank reference. W. C. Warrlna- ImsVl0-' 1M W- y0r,yta St., Ja'kson vtile, Fla. if 7a ltx WB WISH to dispose of paying hotel prop psltlon in one of the beat tSwns In Ni- Y,?00??"1 toT einf Writ us. Addrese T-ll, care Bee. Y 721 14 BUSINESS CHANCE-Oeneral sales man- -r -.in... wen snown Manufacturing company d'llng largest business of Its kind in the United 8tates. desire to con trsct for a term of years with capable, trustworthy man to tuke charge of branch office and manags salesmen in his own city and territory; liberal salary commission and allowance for office ex penses, manager must place on deposit ll.OuO during term of employment under contract to be mutually satlafactury must furnish good refernce as to integ rity; salary and commission should aver age lifi monthly, Increasing s business If established; permanent and growing busi ness is assured to the right party. Ad dress Manager Sales Department, lit Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y 7H ltx FOR TRA DB Stock general dry goods. In voiced at about fc'.Oui, big lines of staple dry goods, big line of fall and wlnte underwear; all classes of ladoles', nien'l snd children's furnishing goods, such al shirts, suspenders, hosiery, overalls, etc.i owner will trade for clear land or en' cumbered land and some cash: act quick If you want a liberal deal; have othai storks from $6,000 to $12,oo0. C. W. Hom ers, fc Manhattan Block, St. Paul. Minn. Y-7S ltx START a mall order business; we furnish everything neeesaery; only few dollar required; new plan; success certain: cost nothing to Invaetlsats. Mllburn-Hirks, ' M btartors Bt CUlcax. I-TSi It