THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEH: tHJl)KIl 14, IDOfi. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES . 711-J2 N. T. LIFE BLDG. I 6505123 N. l?th St., 100x150 ft., 4 -room house, well and cit tern; a big tnap. Ml, 500 Near 32d and R St., South Omah, two 6-rooiu houses and one of 6 rooms, with well; rent $20 per month; or will include 2 vacant Iota ad joining, all for $2,000. 11,360 6-room cottage, near Lake street car ahops, with sewer, water, gas In kitchen, perma nent walk; lot 60x127 feet; a bargain $1,600 294 4 Arbor St., 6-room cot tage, porcelain bath, sewer, water and permanent walk; 60x12 8 foot lot; only three blocks from Hanscom Park car. Cheap. , $8,000 On 24th St., near Fort pt., ft 1 block from car, 66x12.) feet, ' with 2-storjr 6-room thor oughly modern up-to-date house; first-class repulr lota' of fruit and very well WuilQ splendid bargain. $2,600 On33d, near Webster St., on car line, 8 rooms on tone floor, modern except furnace, with 40x96 'feet of ground, on corner. $3,2603515 Sherman Ave., nearly new, modern, full 2-story dwelling, six large rooms, first class condition, porcelain, bath, furnace, and a splendid home for the money. Owner ,' will ahow; see It. ! $8,600 Nearly new 6-room all mod ern east front on 35th Ave., near Howard; natural wood finish, nlckle plumbing, full cemented cellar. Carton fur nace; very complete and cheap. $3,750 Bemls Tark, on Lafayette, near 35th, 2-story 8-rooui modern house, natural wood finish, mantel, porcelain bath, furnace, high and sightly lot, 40x162 feet $5,500 2656 Douglas St., corner, COx 98 feet, south and east front, 9-room thoroughly modern up-to-date house; built less than six years ago; splendid condition; rent $45 per month. The best inside resi dence on the market for the price; cost nearly this to build the house. $8,00047x125 feet, with nearly new 8-room modern up-to-date house hard wood finish, best nlckle finished plumbing, porcelain bath, combination gas and electric fixtures, on 40th, or Lowe Ave., between California and Burt Sta.; very choice home. HANDSOME HOME We offer the Evans' home, at 33d and Farnam Sta., built less than flva years ago, of light pressed brick, Bed ford stone trimmings, slate roof, cop per gutters, down spouts, with large ground, 136x198 feet, surrounded with brick wall and stone coplns to match the architecture of the house, fine - brick barn, same material as house; the . Interior of the house is handsomely finished throughout In every particular; very best of plumbing, - hot water . heat ele gant mantels; handsome book case built in. The house and barn TRACKAGE Ten lots on Belt Line, nearly two acres; cheap. Alo other trackage- Bee BEMIS, Pajctoa Block. RB The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Douglas 297. 212 S. 14th Bt. H,li0-22 Charles St., is a good 6 roora cottage in good repair, only 60 feet to car and paved street; a good investment, too; preient tenant haa been m house for t years. We want to sell this bouse this week. Make an offer on it. 11,900-2714 Decatur 8t., a good 4 room cottage, with city water and gas. $1.800 2102 Mandereon St., t rooms; city water, gas, bath, aewer and closet; corner lot; easy payments. $ WOO A new 6-room cottage, On 19th St., just south of Vinton St.; large pleasant rooms, best of plumbing, cellar under whole houee; a very good home. $3,000 On California St., near Slat St., a good (-room houee, mod ern cacept furnace; south front lot. $5,5oO A new S-room all modern house ntar Fluid club on 16th St.; ' oak finish downstairs, maple floor in kitchen. 4 bed rooms and bath; line eaat front lot; cement steps and walk. INVESTMENTS 13,000 Four houses, cluae in, that would rent for $38 per month. $4.260 Four houaca, on corner lot, close In, now renting for $42.60 er mouth. flS.OoO-The property on the north west corner of 19th and Web ster is a good buy; 4 good houses, large lot; property In good condition. FOR EXCHANGE ' The property on the 8. W. Cor. 24th and H Bte., South Omaha, conalatlng of good 7 room all modern house finished In oak and a good l-itory store . building with rooms above, can be traded for a good farm In Nebraska. Present rental $900 per year, Price, $10, OW. RE- EASY TERMS-CHEAP ' PRICES S lots Hiwtsn isiuajia, siui ouum umioi, less than t blocks from car line; $2S down, balance monthly. This Is Inside property and nothing like It can be had for the price or ttruis. J. II. DUMONT & SON, - N. T. LIFE BUXJ. 'Phone Douglas Ni RE BAROAIN Modern residence, ta Kountse place; Tt foet front, large barn; hot water beat; cement cellar, laundry; slat COMPANY TEL. DOUGLAS 49. today could not possibly be duplicated for $40,000, and the ground is worth at least $12,000 to $16,000. It can be bought for $40,000, and is the best residence bargain yet placed on the market in Omaha. If you are think ing of building don't fail for a mo ment to investigate this property. Tic ture of house and grounds and com plete floor plans mailed on applica tion. ANOTHER We have another West Farnam res idence, costing $38,000, of 12 to 15 rooms, with hot water heat, three bath rooms, hard wood finish on first and nernid floors, nil wbIIb cnnvas'fd and handsomely decorated; nine ele gant mantels; corner 'lot, lid fed square. We can sell at the greatest bargain of anything that has been ot tered in Omaha for years. Don't spend your time building whea you can buy such properties as these al ready constructed and ready to move: Into. These properties will both be sold within a short time. VACANT $65.00 30x90 feet of ground on Pa cific St., between 26th and 27th. Above grade, but we don't ask anything for it. $2,000 63x121 feet, on Leaven worth, between 25th and 26th; the cheapest Inside lot we know of; Leavenworth St. property will be worth $100 per foot before you know It and this Is less than $40. $2,760 66 feet, eaat front on 26th, Just north of St. Mary's Ave., church with alley on the north; room for 3 flats; get after this. SHOLES SUB. On 16th, Just south of Vinton, 40x 120 foot lots for $600, are bargains. Look at them and see the new houses going up In this addition and take a look at the beautiful east view and you will certainly buy. $1,500 44x80 feet, S. E. Cor. 16th. and Vinton, with permaneut walk on both streets, stouo paving, bewer, water connec tion; the cheapest business lot in the south part of town. Will double In value just as sure as can be. Inside of the next year. HANDSCOM PARK FIELD CLUB On Wool worth Ave., corner 35th. we offer the biggest bargains In choice lesidence lots of anything on the mar ket. Lots facing on Woolworth Ave., free from paving taxes, has Bewer, water and gas and electric light, per manent walks, 52 and 53 foot fron tage each, $1,000 for inside lots, $1,100 for the coiner of 36th and Woolworth, diagonally across from the Field Club buildings. This la the coming addition and these lota are bargains. Don't fall to see them im mediately and select one. INVESTMENT $4,500 60x 210 feet, 1515 N. 17th, and 1516 Sherman Ave., both streets paved and paid for; 2 houses renting for $42 per month; room lor 3 more. This is actually a big bar gain. RE Business Site Twenty-two feet, right down town on car line and ' paved street, last week 11,800, today, $1,600. It must go. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RB J.H.Dumont&Son Investments 7 rooms and large hall, modern except fur nace: permanent walks, paved street cloae to car line: rented $25 per month. Price reduce! from 12.850 to $2,600. An offer of $2,4u0, It made at once, might buy ins. A double houee on Farnam Bt. hill; rented $70 per month; pays 10 per cent net $7,OuO. Another, rlose In, rented $71 per month $10,000. This Is a corner on Farnam Bt Lot worth $4,000. Room for two flats on side street. Inexpensive alteration in present building would Increase income ju per monin. 4 new flats on Georgia Ave., now ready for occupancy; will rent for $140 per month- US, 600. l-room house, rented $13 per month, H block from car $ibo. New l-rnom. modern house, St. Mary Ave. hill, one block from car line, runted to per montn .7tu. 10-room house on Harney, near S3th St. hard-wood finish, modern In every re apect. rented to May 1 at $60 per month - r.. . . ., " i ..BMu V - 1 - , . m tiiiw, ffj,iuv .maitt uia-IJt.v V jcail v per cent. (-room bouse, same etyle and location as above, rented to Bentemuer 1, 1907, at $50 per mnntn 7,(jo; iz.sod at 6 per cent, due in a years, Balance casn.. 1 houses, on corner lota, near hiirli school one block from car line. Inside property no. very cneap an, ivu. 1403 Douglna 8t. Particulars and price on application. J. H. Dumont & Son N. T. LIFE BUX1. 'Phone Douglas 890, RE AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1H miles from Calhoun, a mllea northwest of Florence, on the Ridge road; lots of fruit, plenty of fine shade trees; part in cultivation, high and algbtly, on main road. Price $76 per acre, which is cheap. rAYNE INVESTMENT CO 1st Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781 RB- Money to Loan on improved oity proper ty in Omaha and South Omaha. Loans for build ing purposes. Cash on hand. W, H, Thomas 503 First Natl Bank Bldg, Shinier & Chase Co. again call your attention to BOULEVARD PARK Iota, located be tween Sherman Ave. and 20th St. boulevard and between Laird and Sahler Sts. The finest, largest inside addition placed on the market In 20 years. Every lot from m to 2 feet above grade. Our prices cover an puduc im provements free of cost to purchasers, Including macadamised streets, ce ment walks, sewer, water, gas, electric lights, etc. Modern dwellings going p on every side, all sold to be occupied as Homes Dy owners, umer tots irearlv Hold to nartiea who will build In the near future. Prices on BOULE VARD PARK lots are lower than lots in and fewer improvements. BOULEVARD PARK lots are certain to double in value in tne near future, for the following reasons: Every lot Is uniformly good. Public improvements are uniformly good. It will be covered with new, up-to-date modern houses. It will be in a neighborhood of homes. Stop giving away money to landlords; put it Into a home of your own in BOULEVARD PARK. Prices. $550 up. IMPROVED PROPERTY $5,500 8-room all modern house on West Farnam. $3,600 8-roora all modern house, corner lot, block from Sherman Ave. car. $3,250 6-room, all modern, full lot, south front, good repair, one block from Farnam car. $1,800 Nearly new 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace, east front, near 24th St. car line. $1,600 5 rooms, all modern except heat, three blocks from car, near Hanscom park. $1,250 Nearly new four-room cottage, renting for $14.00; for home or Investment. 13 NET INVESTMENT $1,750 Six-room cottage and four-room cottage, on corner lot. on N. 8th St. Fine repair. Rents for $23.00. VACANT LOTS $160 Near 86th and Boulevard. $700 Two lots near 3 2d and Casa. $750 Near 30th and California. $1,300 Thirteen lots northwest of Dundee. ACRES $600 Four acres near Forest Lawn. $2.000 Five acres near Florence. $2,000 Ten acres near Elmwood park. $2,500 Ten acres in fruit farm. TRACKAGE $2,000 One entire half block on Belt Line. Shinier & Chase Co. Builders of Modern Houses. Open Monday Evenings Till 9:30. Ground Floor. C09 Farnam. KOME SAME AS RENT New 6-room house, south front; modern. except furnace; nenr Bemls park. Price, $2,250; only 1100 down to Rood party and only $31 monthly. Including Interest. Same as rent. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE $4,000 buys the pair of two-story 7-room irame uweiungs at 1810 and 1312 B. 2Mh m.; an mrxiern except furnace; now renting- at $40 per annum. $3,010 buys 9-room frame dwelling at 2S0J roppieion Ave.; itiiiy modern; now vacant: was rented for $384 ner Annum $7,ooo for 609 and 511 N. 18th Bt.. two s-room luny moaern irame dwellings, with 4 room cottage In the rear; rents for $N60 per annum. $1,200 for 2902 Charles St.; 6-room cottage; full lot on corner. Apply to W. B. MEIKIjK, 206 Ramge Building. RE M83J 14 Payne, Bostwick & Co. SIXTH FLOOR N. LIFE BLDO. DWELLING HOUSES $330 Seward St., lV4-story, practically new cottage, hard oil finish, with porcelain bath, toilet and lavatory, hot water heat, gas and eleotrlo light combination fixtures. An Ideal little home' with a large lot. 80x132. one-half block from Harney car; high and sightly. Price only $2,800. S221 PoDnleton Ave.. g.pnnm hnnu All- modem, on paved street, permanent walk. ,uu:u.iUriH UWIJVr WltlUUI lO Bell. JIC- dued price to $3,000. Will take small cash payment down; monthly payments. 1910 Blnney St., t-room house, with bil liard room on third floor, first floor finished In oak, with solid oak paneling in hall and stairway, all-modern, south front, with porch leading around to side entrance, lot 60X124 to alley, asphalt paved street, per manent walks. -This is the beat street in Kountse Place, which is one of our best residence districts. Owner will accept some small cottages or good vacant around as part payment. Don't fall to see this prop erty at once, 608 S. SSth Ave., two-story, (-room house, strictly modern, with electrlo and gas light, well located, practically new, $3,500. x 3608 Burdette St., 6-room cottage, oil fin ish, piped for gas. bath and toilet. Price, $1,300; $150 to $-"00 down, balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick & Co. SIXTH FliOOR Thomas Brennan REAL ESTATE. 'PHONE DOUGLA8 1264. Right In the heart of the city, I have a full lot. 66x132 with large brick barn, rented for Man ath, and frame house, rented for $20 a month; 64 feet from 16th St. I want an offer on It. House and lot at $513 Farnam St.; house modern; lot 67x132; all paving tax paid. Before many years this will be business property; meantime you will get a good rental or have an elegant borne in which to live. Price, $9,000. Four modern houses on North 10th St., near Grace St. 'Will rent for $100 a month. Price, $$,000. Two modern bouses two blocks north of Hanscom Place; lot 76x150, east front; paved street; just the place to live in one and make the rent of the other pay for both only $8,000; easy terms and low rate of interest Send (or my list of real estate bargains In all parts of the city. Houses and lots from $00 to $15,000, on easy terms. Thomas Brennan ROOM 1 NEW YORK LIFE BLDO. RE poor localities among shabby houses Tel. Doug. 3 867. RE INVESTMENTS $16,C00-Nw flats. 10th and 8t. Marv'a Ave. Only few blocks from Howard and 1st n, near Omaha Club. $16,000 Row of brick flats on Douirlns St $16,000 Fine corner lot. south and east frontnge, with four houses renting for $160 per month, within few blocks or poBtomce. $7,500 Two-story brick block, good renter, BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE Three Small Homes Vinton St., nenr 20th; 4-room cottage, on paved street; 44ft. lot; very cheap at $1,1U0; eaay terms.. Fruliklln St., three blocks from car: good 6-room house; city water; gas; per manent wbiki; uarn; an in nrst-ciass COn dition; fine home: only $1,800. Ames Ave. and SSth St.; brand new 5-room cottage; enamel bath; water; gas; large lot; tine view; nothing better for the money; easy terms: $1,350. Many more in all parts of the city at Ask us about cheap lots. We have them. nniunr a IjAsu LHi, 608 S. 16th St. RE Mm 13 Four houses with double corner at 23th ana Dodge Sts, bringing a splendid Income win sen cneap. Good business block, well built, pressed" Brick front, lot 66x132, well located, bring ing in good income. Price, $15,000. VACANT PROPERTY Double corner In the Went Farnam dls trict, near Farnam. about 100x140; will dl vide Into three good, building lots. Three fine building lots in Walnut Hill district, east front, one block from car, on a nice terrace, for $2,500. Double corner on Dodge St. and 43d, fin place to build bouses for investment or homes. For sale cheap. A double corner on N. 24th St., 120 feet square, for just 50 per cent of what it onco sold lor. 70 feet on Sherman Ave., near the Sher man apartment house, covered with fin trees, elegant place to build fine homes or brick flats. For sale at a bargain. 20 lots In the south part of city for sale from $300 up. N. T. LIFE BLDG. he The Kerr-Shallcross Go. 1614 Farnam St. Offer the following for quick sale: $1,43 6-roem cottage near 35th and Charles. 4 $1,500 5-room cottage near 35th and Charles with barn and well; permanent aide walks. $2,100 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace, near 33d and Charles. $2,350 6-room house, all modern except fur nace, near 83d and Hamilton. Bemis Park Four fine residences In Bemls park, ranging In price from $3,750 to $4,0o0. West Farnam Six fine residence lota, two near 32d and Farnam. three near 35th and Dodge, and one on 3&th, Bt., at very reasonable fig urea. The Kerr-Shallcross Co. GOOD BARGAINS Double brick house on Parhe Ave., nine nmnn n each slile; modern tliroiiRh out, oak finish, mantels and grates; lacing Hiinnrum park; paving all r:d; rents for $0 ptr' month, l rke, $7,000. Bemls Park 7 rooms, nearly new; all modern In every renprct; south front; one block from car; 4 rimnis on firat floor, 3 on recond; lull basement; good ttl an excellent home for $4,010. 2Sth and Miami iMa., 7 rooms, city water. 4 rooms on first floor, 3 on second. Very conveniently arranged, coiner lot K.ixloS; houoe reels some repair, but will n:ako an excellent home euniiy $J.D0O. 1'rlca to clue. an es tate, $1,800. North Slat Bt., nar Ames, 6-room cottage, city water and gas, newly pnpered and painted. In excellent vendi tion; full rant rront lot, with shade and fruit titvs. 1'iice reduced from $1,LV) to $1,100. Good 6-room cottage on South 20th Ave., full size basement, gas and fixtures and is especially well built. Owner leaving city and must sell at once. Price $1,000. VACANT Eastern owner very anx ious to sell the northeiist corner of 4Mb and Hamil ton Sts., 60x140. This Is a very choice corner for four cottages. Owner held this corner St $1W, but think $Vio would be accepted. Same owner also wishes to sell the northwestern corner of 45th and Charles Sts., 81x140; think he would accept tM for this corner. Theae ate the biggest bargnlna in Wal nut Hill district. See us quick. Corner lot, 25th and Ames Ave., 4f)Xl25; paving, sewer and sidewalk nil paid. Good bargain at $700, but owner will take $r,0O to close this week. 42x87, corner 37th and Ma son his.; nicely terraced; $-V0. North front, on Fort St, near 24th Pit., wXtui, $iu0. Very easy terms. North front on Fort St., near 22d St., 60x122, $315; $j0 cash, balance easy terms. South front, Fowler Ave., west of Florence Blvd., all specials paid, $U50. SMITH'S STB. See our new addition at 26th Ave. and Spencer St.; 25th Ave. Just oened, with sewer, water and new cement walk all paid. Have nothing bet ter In the oity for the money. Price. $!!75 to $600 for Inside lot and $5o0 for corners. This Is only two blocks from car and very choice. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1W4. RE NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE Modern, except furnace, corner lot, one diock from car. A real noma and only sz.doo. reasonable terms. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE ONE! OF THE RARflATVa OF FERED IN MY LIST LAST WEKK HAS BEEN BOLD. THE BALANCE ARE DESCRIBED BLOW AND ARE WORTHY OF INVESTIGATION. $1,250 Cottage, four rooms below, space for iwu uuuvtf, cistern in Kitcnen, with sink, and two acres of excellent lmi.i northeast of Benson. Time pay- fiicuia. K un sure. $1,600 Full block. In Florence, with sightly uuiiaing spoi inoKing toward Uiuatia, and the hills west of Florence; two block from Florence car line and three blocks from Forest Lawn tar line; fenced, suitable for a countiy home or for a fruit farm or garden ing: spring Just west of west line coma do Drought into this block. ttiDO Ten acres near Center St. road, one , mile west or ttoser s; east si pe overlooking vulley of Little Pappio. Very desirable location and clieup at price. .asiern owner wants to sell. J $2,000 Corner 35th and Dodge, ono block rrom rarnum car line, fcjxijo feeu Improvements on this lot would ul ways rent. $2,660 For six-room, modern, two-story dwelling, with rurnaoe unci laundry, convenient to Farnam car lino: pa pered throughout, excellent condi tion. Purchaser can have immedliue possession. $$,000 Forty-four feet on Farnam St., near 22d street. On the line of march of Improvements westward on Farnuin St. $13,000 For a most desirable piece of track age on a Main thoroughfare, with some old buildings: area square teet, with frontuge on two streets; one frontage of til feet, suitable lor wholesale or retsll stores; private sidetrack on the property. 1'rcscnt annual rental, Jt.wi 130.000 The best nronosltlnn on North 16th street, feet on ltith street by 06 leet, Wlin a lull ioi in inn rear, oux :I2 feet, facing two streets and an alley. Could be improved to excel lent adwintnge. Jld Improvements not taken Into conKideration In ' llx Ing selling price; now bring an an nual rental ol h.vju. Henry F. Wyman . 1003 NEW YORK LI FK BI-DG RU-673 14 320 A. IMPROVED CORN LAND FOR ONLY $20 PER ACRE Located at North Platte, Neb. The corn on this land this year Is equal to the best crop In Douglas county. Think of the price, only $C0 an acre. Write us about No. 2U1. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO 1st Floor N. V. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781 RE PRICE REDUCED TO $2,025 -room house, practically new, modern ex cent furnace; built tor a home; full lot, one block from Harney car; immediate possession, win rent for $-. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 9U6-S N. Y. LIFE bLXa. 'Phone Doug-las 6!0. RE Don't Read This I'nless you have property to sell. We have six customers for homes at tl.'wS to $4.oou; u,lao a few who want farms. Ll-t your proiiarty with us for quick sale WKlCiiiT LAflBl'RY. M S )4h Ht. - KE-Mj07 U Home Buyers Bear In Mind That We Build Good House Soli them at low prices and on easy Urnia. UP-TO-DATE 5, G AND 7 KOOM HOUSES, $1 ,fi50 TO $3,'J50 EACH NOW KEADY Or, if you prefer ( lot vs show you a lot, decide upon your plan nnd wn will build a houBe to your own likiug and have it ready In 90 days. We have four subdivisions to seleot from In the north pr.rt of the city, every one of which is rapidly filling up with new houses. We have built nearly 100 houses. If you are figuring on buying a home, don't make a mistake and buy some old house that has been built 20 years and pay as much as a new house vvljt cost you. Open Monday Evenings Until 9 P. M. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 FARNAM ST. Boulevard Lots 6flx"I0A nicely terraced east-front lot on Klorent'H boulevard, oilly a few blocks north of Ames Ave. $'J,500, or will divides. 1 1 4 x 1 corner lot fronting; east on th houlevard, near Manderson St.; a bargain n't Can be divided to suit. Twenty-five lots near 20th and Ames Ave., tvIo to $HW. BEMIS, Faxton Block. RB BRAND NEW 6-RM. HOUSE In Benson, 3 blocks from car line, city water and cistern, four sightly lots covered with orchard. Owner wants offer. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L Bldg Tel. Douf. 1781 RE- SUBURBAN HOME located six miles west of Dundee, on the West Dodgo road, comprising- 10 acres, 8 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and orchard. Good house, barn, chicken house, Krunary, etc. An Ideal garden spot. 1-Vce only J-'.iGO, for quick sale. W. S. FRANK, $21 Neville Block. Tel. Douglas 3,100. RE 7SZ 14 REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. Sole Agents for DURANT PLACE Durant Place is a replat of five acres located between 27th and -8th streets on Maple, Corby and Miami streets, two blocks north on Lake street car line and three blocks west of 24th street car line. The addition has water pipes, gas mains and sewers. These 20 lots offered for sale at $350 each. Easy terms. Look at the property and call at office for plat showing un sold lots. REED BROS. 1710 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 501 W. H. GATES 817 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. $1.3)0 4-room cottano end lot, 33xUO, on 8. IS. corner ISth and Grace. $1,Rno--room house. 2421 N. 27th Ave., water, sewer, closet, corner lot, 40x110. Cheap place. $1,600 6-room house-. 2rJS N. 19lli (boule vard), lot 1x14". Rent, $11. $l,87!v-7-rKm house, 2217 N. 19th, water and sewer, lot 3xl40. $2 loo New 5-room cottage, modern except furnace, 1S16 N. 22d, lot 33xl40$MH. $2,WO 7-rooin, 2-Story house and ground MxlIO, cherrv and plum trees and grapes. A nice home on cur line. $1,800 6-room cottage and ground 107x146, corner 37th and Ames Ave. $;,S50--room, l-story house on 20th St. tboulevurd). Some Cheap Homes In Kountze Place 8 rooms, modern, shade and shruhliery on lot 5"xl24; one of the bst heating plants -$i.7i0. $ rooms, modern, fronting the park, for $3,700. I rooms, modern, on corner, lot S4xl21, paved street $a.&'0. 9 rooms, modern, brick and slate roof, on Wirt Bt.-$0.lO. 10 rooms, modern, something fine, for $1,000. Rl WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE. MUST HEIX AT ONCE. 207 8. 36th Ave., third house from Farnam. Look It over all modern then see ROBERT CI BCAlJEN, 1S13 Farnam Bt. - - - Owner. JtE-757 14 LOTS IN OUR y ADDITIONS ( XK A1JE SOLE AGENTS FOtt KOUNTZE PLACE IXTS On account of the growing demand tnr ftrnt-clrtsK property north, we know of nntn It g so tine . this addition. After a ercut deal of tlgiirlng we hnve now the sol agency to the unsold lots III Kountse I are. lus in the north rurt of this addition rai.g In price from $ to $ for Inside lots; corners a little higher. l ot on sneh beautiful streets as Bpcncer, Wirt and Blnney. $!'. to $1.KA Ths building limit of t2,bv0 for every house bntlt still stands. . For fct.iso to H. "00 voti can pny n mi hh u have houses built tiiat cannot he ciuali'l in nnv of Omaha for the iiinn-y. NULPHEK SPKIXGS AD. AD.10INS KOUNTZE PLACE ON THE EAST ' A few unsold lots In this addition o Spencer street, from 16th to loth. Your . . . .. .U .l.tA (.. crrioe 01 nny lot on ruuiii biuu o except cornets, tTV5. HullcllriR limit In tl Is addition $1.;fiO. Se the nt.-e homes that have ben built here In the lat venr. HASTINGS & HEY DEN'S ADD. On Fort. Camden Ave. and Brown St. A few !' J.-G0 to $too e:ich. HASTINGS & HEYDEN'S 2D At northwest corner 14th and Fort, wher nil the Hvi maple trees are; have several lots on i'dh Ave. at $1M each. Building limit In this addition. HASTINGS & HEYDEN'S 3D At Hth nnd Browne; Just staked out street to be graded; city water nnd per manent sidewalks to be ft In this week. Building limit $!,2."i0. Several already sold. Prices for Browne St. lots, ItLTi; Jth St. lots a trltle higher. This l a beautiful ad dition: ip tine to build modern cotttiKes on. Will sell these, lots on terms of $10 cash and lo a month. TIE- NEW HOTEL S KV'ENTKKN rooi KV'ENTKKN rooms, ull modern, only built lust yrtir, nenr new cur bnrn, i-lth and j Vinton Sts. No better locution In 'ow! it Is now puylng from $150 to $22T pFA month above all expenses. It Is only on nriomiot .,f K,l,l heultll ihllt illA nt'tlPf wlshert to sell. This Is a bargain, let us prove It to you by showing It to you. ITice, only $7,ou; part trade considered. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RB FINE HOME NEAR FARNAM STRET W'e have for aale twelve desirable homes on the Farnam Bt. hill, having from ( to 12 roms each and ranging In price from 12 rooms each and ranging in price from $6,500 to $18,000; nearly all built by the owners for home and most of them built within 6 years. Also a very comfortable homo on Lafayette Ave., near 41st 8U, for $4,&00. Full information on request. II. DUMONT & SON, 901-6 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. 'Phone Douglas 690. RE Two great bargains this week, one five room cottage at 17th and Oak Sts., $l,3o0 and one eight-room modern house near 17th, and Vinton Sts.. $.',730. Also a chlckon ranch at 13th and M fits.. So. Omaha worth twice the money we ak for It. J. P. JACKSON CO.. 1611 Frederick St. 'Phone Ash 48.133. RK 8'i2 III RE J. W. R0BBINS, HOUSES $1,350 6-room house, modern except fur nace, 21st and Manderson. $1,750 (-room house on iM. near Mason. A cheap house, close In. $2,400 7-room house and full east-front lot on 27th, near Hanscom 1'ark. $4.200 7-room. modern house, almost new, on Marcy Ht., west of ioth $7,250 S-room, modern house on 34th, near . Farnam. VERY CHOICE. VACANT LOTS $6,00O-5xl33. H. W. Cor. of 15th and Janes. Easy terms $3,0U0 75x132, east front, on .Tth, near Far. nam. VERY CHOICE. $1400-line lot on 38th Ave., near Dodge. $l,5uo Full lot on boulevard, Woolworth Ave., near 3.')d; no street tax. $1,150 Houth rront on Chicago, west of win. I'aveinenl nuid for. $ -ift 6o ft. on If.Hh, ner J.ickson. on Chuili s. near iMh. $ 4"io 60 ft. ACREAGE Fine Do-acre fruit farm on West Centet St., pavd road; good building", 10 a.res. of apples, 3 acres of grapes and 3o cl.errf trees and other fruits, all hearing. I'riui $'Jnw jht acre, on easy terms. BEK ME FOR OTHER RARDAIKg. FIRE 1NSI RANCE AND RENTALS. JOHN W. RORUINg, 1So2 FARNAM ST. " RE SUBURBAN A fine 10-room bouse, with S acres, mostly in bearing fruit; good barn, chkki n houses, etc. Owner will sell at coat, as , be wants to retire. Can sell more lajid with bouse If desired. If you want vacant ground ask us about the 10 acres near Florence and the four traeta which we have north of Krug park. J. II. DUMONT & SON, n. y. una itua. Thoue Douglas do. ruf, muat oe so 14 at ao. owner. 1614 Farnam 8U 'Phone Douglas MKT. Rl aio u RE -111-14