Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 18

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Advertisements for these rslasnns
1 will be tnkri asjtll 13 . far the
f eten I tig; edition ! til N . as. for
the nnraliK and 9an1ar adlllan.
Rti 1 3-2o a vrord llrst laarrtlna.
1 a word thereafter. nlhln( likra
far less than 20e for the llrst Inser
tion. These adrrrtlaf mrali maat tie
ran ennarent Ively .
Advertisers, br reqaeatlns; a nnm
berrd rhrrk, ran have answers ad
dreaaed tn n mhrrrd Irtlrr In rarr
nt Th Bee. Answers so addressed
will be delivered on prraentatian of
Trunks, suit cases and shopping bag. Old
trunks in exchunge. Repairing.
410 N. 16th Si. Phone Douglas 4;5.
R-496 Oct28
313 S. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 6ol
Omaha Safe and Iron Works make a sue
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, duora and
sates, u. Andreen, prop., lun a. 10th Bt.
H 6-9
SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas.
TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3S30.
K fell
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning; Co., 101 Farnam.
HEF1JN Locksmith, moved upstairs; er
trance, 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 2974.
R 636
"A Tree is Known by the Fruit
it Bears, ,r
Likewise, A Business College
We Judge tree by Its fruit; If not
Dalatablc. the tree ia detroye1. A busi
ness college la Judged by lta practical re
suits. If wanting in facilities, euu.pment
thorough course of study and competent
Instructors It is Impossible to produce sat
isfactory results, and In consequence loses
its prestige and patronage.
The Omaha Commercial college has been
running now for twenty-three years, and
aa an evidence ot lta acnievemenis h en
Joys not only the confidence of Omaha
business men, who employ its graduates by
trie score ana ry tne nunareu, out every
yesr has the largest enrollment of any
similar school In Iowa or Nebraska a flit
ting testimonial of practical results; nor
Is this all, lta courses of study, modern
methods and piogresslve policy Inspires
others to imitate and copy.
It Is not a cheap school with cheap
teachers. It has the finest college build
trig west of Chicago, and the best equip
ment money can buy: it provides Its siu
dents with superior tachers. superior
methods and Insures rapid progress and
business success.
)w you what we have,
are ready to sho
hii wn can do for vou. and how we pre
pare you for a splendid mercantile posi
tion, investigate, men compare wiui
others claiming equal facilities.
muni be some sood reason why we enroll
more High School graduates than all the
other business colleges in umana com
bined. We not only excell In numbers,
but the. class and quality of students la
another evidence of the tone and char-
i mniar .if the institution. It renulres the
best material we can get to supply the
high grade positions coming to us iroin
high grade business men, willing to pay
high salaries.
good achooL It Is the clioapest in tne ena.
If you will make a good student, we want
vnu hecause we can make a success out
of vou. We have no vacant seats . for
trlflars . , .
OUR CATALOGUE will Interest and In
antra vou. It Is free. Send for It today.
NIGHT SCHOOL The largest In the city,
Doing: sniendld work and achieving spien
did results. It might Interest you. Write
or call for particulars.
November 4.
19;h and Farnam Sta.
Omaha. Neb.
of character are invited to cor
respond with us regarding an
exceptional opportunity to rep
resent a leading conservative
company, with an established
business in Nebraska. Several
agencies open, one in Omaha.
Address T 40, The Bee.
i'ANTKD Five boys; good wages; perma
nent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. ISth St.
DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug
clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. U
CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to pre
pare. See Underbill. J3i0 N. 24th.
b-w;:4 02
WANTED By a large western mercantile
Mlnhllihmtnl vniinir men of ability and
experience as floor walkers; state experi
ence and salary expected. Address r -care
Bee. B MBj6 13
to prepare for firemen and Urakemen on
new roads and for fall ruh; experience
unnecessary: tinmen $100 proinr.ted to
engineers 1200: brakemm $75, promoted to
conductors $150; positions now opeiv na
tional Training association, XI axton
Blk., Omaha. Neb. M-Mis o
sack coatr, $o.iiu and up.
'Lad the Tailor,
feioux iaus, 0. it.
B MJM is
HUSTLERS out of employment can do well
to cail on us: Day weekly. C. r. Adams
Cc., Jl Howard. R M139 Nov
WANTED By a large western mercantile
establishment, a young man of exper.
ence and ability as window trimmer ; gtve
experience and salary expected. Address
T a, care oee. u-a
t uivk frrtv-iv men who are clearing
nmiallv 15 000 to $7,000. and handle
their own money. So cun you, if y
are clean and no b.oser or cord shark.
Call or address. Wm. A. Soho'.l.. lot
South Kth Bt. N. P. Yandsen s Jewelry
itore. U-M-4 I
Toothache? "Free treatu-tfnt at Crelgluon
Denial college.
Crown or bridge work. No charge at
Crelghton Dental college except for ma
terial' B idiK! Novll
A GOOD harncssmaker; steady work;
mauled by V. Hampel, Talmage, Neb.
U-M:3 17
WANTED An experienced traveling sales
man who baa an established trade In the
liquor line In the stale of Nebraska; good
alary paid for a competent, energetlo
man. Samuel Westhduier Bon W. U
Co? Stfjoseph. Mo. B-M637 S3
WANTED Good saddle makers; stesdy
employment; tine hop facilities; plenty
of work Address Jake Scheme!, foieman
1 saddle department Los Ar.geUs Saddlery
Findlnn Co.. U, Angelas. M
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; you
can practically earn your tuition. tls
and board before completing: graduate
cald $12 to tM weekly; lutle expense;
khort Urn required; positions or locations
waiting Call or write Holer Barber Col
lege, 1114 Farnam St. JB-MvJ. l
Boyles College
Means to YOU1
Maybo you have had no chance.
Maybo you were compelled by circum
stances beyond your control to go to work
at an early age.
Now. the fact that you have no definite
trade that you "hold down" no Job that
could not be filled tomorrow by some man
mean enough to work at a lower wage than
you ask worries you.
Why not use your nights-4f you cannot
attend school In the daytime Uio time
when you do nothing to prepare yourself
for a position where you'll be SURE of a
good salary, SURE of steady work. SURE
of YOURSELF and your FUTURE?
offers you GREAT opportunities.
Why not become a Telegrapher? A
Telegrapher Is In DEMAND at from $15 to
$30 a week Is sure of ALWAYS getting a
Job is as INDEPENDENT as can be.
Why not be a skilled Stenographer,
KNOWING Shorthand Writing "like a
book" and the Typewriter like a piano?
You'll need never FEAR the lack of a
good position then, especially if you have
the great' PRESTIGE of being a BOYLES
Or, why not become an Expert Book
keeper, where you'll note the throbs of
the very heart of the business house In
which you are employed and where you'll
be Intrusted with Inside business Informa
tion that will be Invaluable to you when
later you decide to go Into the same line of
business for yourself?
Don't be discouraged.
TI'ro are great big opportunities waiting
for -you everywhere.
But you must be prepared to grasp them
whrn you meet them.
Lose no time In enrolling In our Day
School or our Night School, where you will
lose no time In preparing for a prosperous
Write for free catalogue today.
II. B. BOYLES, Tres.
Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
A position of the kind desired is hard to
nnd on short notice.
i nererore, it will pay you to employ a
reliable firm like ours to place you.
Let us know what position you can fill
and we will find It for you. We can use at
1 bookkeeper, JSO, $100.
3 ofllco clerks, fCO.
. 1 traveling salesman. $( and exp.
1 stenographer nnd bookkeeper, $40.
3 hotel clerks. $60 5.
Young man. wholesale house. 110
The above are a few of the positions we
must fill Monday.
If possible call or write for complete list
vi vacancies.
(Man Hunters),
Dept. B, 840-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
e m 14
SALESMAN SO to SO per cent commission
or salary; experience unnecessary; spe
cial terms to experienced man who has
iorce ot suD-agenta. Fall-view Nurseries,
nounester, w. X. B 716 14x
MEN to distribute samples, tack signs; $3
, dully; steady; no canvassing. Oliver,
aiug., wnicago. ti 7,0 14X
WAftTED- Flrst-olaas cabinet maker
must understand the business thoroughly,
niineim carpet to.
B-775 14
IN SIX weeks we educate vou In h!aq.
manship, secure you position as traveling
mitrBinuii wnn responsioie nrm. Adires
ino Braasireet tsystem, Rochester, N. Y,
B-774 14X
WANT government apponjtment? Prepare
Field's Civil Service Institute, Washing
ton, li. C; 36,0110 appointments made las
year; sample questions; positions guar
anieea. u 6X9 Hx
. i . 1
waaihu-a man as bookkeeper, office
mmi biki lureuiiani yara manager lor a
retail lumber yard In eastern Coolrado,
must nave a man that has had experience
in iraue. euiie age anu salary,
- , . 111 A.
MAKE money farming. Recent scientific
u..u in iruuuuo inn rrj 1 ia-ITi 11 1 1 1 Jj ,
ffKrdcnlnff. dairying and poultry raising
cany and prorttable. Bend for our free
jjiBisina nunKeis oi lioid.
Columbian Correspondence College, Wash
nrtnn T 1 c i , r. .
. . a i iv
WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to
uiaiiiuuia circulars, nav. matter, tack
signa, etc.; no canvatwlng. Address, Na
tional Distributing Bureau, 1U0 Oakland
Uunlr Vll.liv lK... in ' n . . .
hi, r iyo itx
ryxpenence unnecessary if honest, ain
blttuua and willing to learn the business
tiiorougniy py mull; splendid income as
sured. Write at once for full particulars.
Address either office, National Oo-Op-eratlve
Realty Co., 766 B. Athenaeum
Bldg., Chicago, or 766 B, Maryland Bldg.,
Washington, D. C. B 730 14x
WANTED Local men In every town In the
v uuru oiaiui w uisirioute advertising
matter; no canvassing; permanent, 13
daily. Harry Contrls, Chicago.
B 729 14x
YOUNG MEN Learn show card lettering
mm iicaiKuiiia, 11 m a money maker,
samples free. Thompson School. Pontlac,
Mich. B 728 14x
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora.
nun iiianuiaciuring nousenoia necessity
desires Nebraska manager; demonstra
tion In leading depurtment store; office
furnished; three years' contract; salary
$1i0 and commissions; gnod opening for
man of character and ability. Addre
Manager, 2M Ontario Bldg., Toledo, O.
WANTED Trustworthy roan to manage
branch office and distribuUog depot for
large manufacturer. Salary to Start with
H.&uO for first year, payable monthly, and
extra commissions and expenses. Applicant
must have good references and $1.0u0
cash, capital secured. Experience un
necessary. Address Manufacturer, P. O
box 711. Chicago, 111. B
SOMETHING NEW In health and accident
Insurance; a leading company, with large
profits, to a good Omaha agent, and also
for outside agents. Great Western Acci
dent, Des Moines. jj
ble men for profitable secret service to
act unccr oraers; no experience neces.
sry. vtrue . c. Webster, Inrtir.napolls,
Ind. B-780 14x
WANTED Office boy.
day. People's 8 tore.
Call 8 a. m. Mom-
B-4&4 II
WAniitu-laiiors, one coat maker and
one all-around man: good irlcee ami
steady work. C. iJJers, 132 8. 12th St.,
WANTED Brick handlers and laborer, at
Avery brick yard. 3 miles from end of
Albright car line; on Union Pacific rail.
road; good wages; hoarding; house at
Jiiain. H 821 It
WANTED Good team drivers; wage. $2.00
pr aay wirr m aays service: steady Job.
Sunderland Brothers Company, ttrh and
mcKory ois. B M31S 17
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere. $25 to $30
maae weeaiy, aiairiDuung circuit rs. pack
ages, overseeing outdoor advertising; ex
perlence not needed: new olan: r.i cn
vasslng. Address Merchants Outdoor Ad
vertising co., uearuam St.. Chicago.
B Mfils 14x
WANTED Competent toilet soap sales
man; only experienced lata need apply.
Address T 42. Bee. B-U&ji II
WANTED Three preasers at once nt The
Wardrobe. 2vit Farnam. B-421 13
WANTED Young man of education, and
with ambition, to solicit for a large
Omaha concern. Small salary but good
prospects for right person. Address T-4T
care of Bee. B 669 15x
ERRAND BOY, with some knowledge or
press feeding; steady work and chance to
advance. Mupawt pxtntai Co.. lsue How
ard bL fi 6kJ 14
WANTEP Clerk tn railroad office; god
salary to the right man. Address T 36.
Omaha Bee. B-M596 l?x
WANTED Several smart boys with
wheels for messenger sorvlre.
See Mr. Williams, order Dept. The
Bennett company. B 84 1
IN EIGHT weeks or less we prepare you
as a competent barber; secure you a
salaried position fn a responsible shop.
Address American Barber college. Cor.
12th and Douglas Sts., Omaha.
B SSS 14s
WANTED Fifty gfrla to work In candy
factory; sood chance to earn money to
buy your Christmas presents with. The
Voegele & Dinning Co., Ill Jones St.
FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls
U or IS ye. irs old ror cupping tnreaas.
Bemis Omaha Bag Co. ' C MJ0
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted
at once. v. J. O Brlen Co., 12' Howard.
WANTED Competent nurse girl at WW 8.
32d Ave; must nave references. isl
Harney 3221. C M263
WANTED At once, machine operators.
girls, at M. E. Smith & Co. Factory llta
and Douglas Sts. C 470 14
Loomla Co., $18 Farnam
C M490
WANTED A competent girl for general
hotiseworx, smsu ramuy. Mrs. M. M.
McClanahan, U12 N. loth St. Tel. Har
ney 1402. C 493
GOOD opening for competent and up-to-
date dressmaker: gaal large rooms with
steam heat and closets. Write to 0rar
Roeser, Grand Island, Neb. C MS57 13
GIRLS WANTED Strong girls for turning
bags; small girls ror cupping threads;
exoerlence not necessary: good rav
steady work: pay while learning. Bemis
Omaha Bag Co. C M672
WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales
ladies for cloak and suit department;
high salary, ibu r arnam Bt. &ss 14
GIRL for general housework; no washing;
good wuges. zuuo m. aiary s Ave.
C-M604 17
WANTED Girl 15 or 16 years old for gen
eral housework. Jtiosenoerg A t o., 2303
Davenport St. C-MSSU 14
corset salesladies to go out or the city
to take charge of departments In large
stores; also several le.i experienced
salerladies for second positions In aamn
departments. Apply by letter only to
address below. Permanent positions with
splendid salaries for the right applicants.
When writing state fully, age, experience,
salary desired and other Information. All
correspondence confidential. Address, T
32, care The Bee. C M595 14
A GIRL wanted: southwest corner Slst and
U St., South Omaha. C 618 13
WANTED Olrl for
general hottsework;
Dewey Ave.
C 617 14
also nurse girl, 260!
WANTED A girl for general housework.
623 S. 26th Ave. C MG31 14x
WANTED Experienced butterlne demon
strator. Address T 43. Bee. u MS30 16
GIRL for general housework, $6 per week.
1248 lark wild Ave. c M!7 16
WANTED Experienced hands to sew
draperies. Miller, Stewart & Beaton, 1315-17-1&
Farnam St. . C M623 16z
MAN and wife, coachman and cook, for
farm. See A. Hospe, 1013 Douglas,
c .
M662 15
SEWERS Gingham aprons; make highest
wages; material sent to door rree of
charge. Stamped, addressed envelope for
particulars. L. P. Richards, 6002 Forrest
vllle Ave., Chicago. . C 769 llx
LADIES for shadow drawing: natural tal
ent unnecessary; 320 weekly easily earned
at nome. stamped envelope for particu
lars. Address Bureau of Commercial Art,
1817 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 766 14x
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework in a family or three, all grown
people; wages no object to com potent
party, a. seiigsonn, uia south zzd Bt.
C-M776 15x
LADIES We will make you a present of
1J6: give you a splendid Ladles' Suit evCrv
ninety days and pay you a salary of 160
per month and expenses to manage - our
business in your section: old reliable
firm. Johns Mfg. Co.. 310 W, Van Buren
St., Chicago. O-tm 14x
LADIES make big- money taking orders for
our tjnrlstmas specialties; work light; ex
perience nnd capital unnecessary. lllff A
Co., Chicago. O Siil 14X
LADIES, to make Sanitary Belts; material
an cut reany to sew. per doscn. Far
ticulars. stamped envelope. Lenox Co.,
uvvi. 111, i,mcago. c 120 MX
600 GIRLS wanted to work In shirt factory,
M. iB. Smith ft Co., 11th and Douglas.
C-732 14
LADIES' to work piece work; $3 per dozen
Materials furnished. No canvassing
steady work. Stamped envelope. Bi st
Manufacturing Co., Cnamplaln Bldg., Chi
cago. C 792 14x
WANTED Flrat -class skirt nnd waist fin
Ishers, errand girl and tfrls to learn
dressmaking with pay. Miss Inser. 546
Kamge Bldg. C-7V3 14x
WANTED Dining room girl, also chamber
maid; trood character necessary : ticket
furnished: country girl preferred. Per
kins Hotel. David City, Neb. C S01 14x
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook; gooa wages. Apply trunnay, 3-X
Harney Bt. C-671 14
WANTED A woman stenographer and
noon Keeper ror country nank in Ne
braska: must be a good stenographer.
but bank can. If necessary, teach the
bookkeeping; applications must be
filed In applicant's own handwriting by
Monday morning. Oct. 16, stating- ex
perience and naming references; salary
will be governed by experience and ef
ficiency. Address T 64, Bee.
C 83 14
WANTED Cook and dining room srlrl;
small notei; gooa wages. Wallace
house, Vail. Ia. C 885 14x
WANTED Salesman to introduce nnd
sell tho Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large
money to Hustlers. uauup Mrg. Co,
Room 1 Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb,
J M620
AGENTS Don't accept any agency until
you hear from us; quickest . seller on
earth; 2.O,0C) sold; $20 per day; samples
free. Domestlo Mfg. Co., Minn'a-o.U,
Minn. J tt lax
WANTED A few first-class salesmen for
new first-class proposition. Man capable
of earning jU to iuu weemy preferred.
call to s a. m., or aner t p. m. 0. K
Earle, Paxton hotel. J 640
THE BIBLE In symbols Fastest selling
fall and holiday book on earth; one
scent averaged 110 dally last week: wa oav
I fru pr cent commission; write today for
xie umiifc. tt. 1. iiciiuia 10., . m per
Vlll, 111. J At' 1X
NEW sleeve protector for office snd house
work; samples free this week; other
novelties. Ladies Supply Co., SS3 Prairie
Ave., 0.. cnicago. j MSi6 Novl!x
hot biue. i4ftB-ryi noiei Dills; con
signed goods; pocket samples; prompt
comnnns on. American Chewing Gum
Co., bt. LOUis. J-749 14x
AGENTS Write now for free sample of
work ana terma, eiar narneas mender
pest 23c seller out; we make other qu!c
sdllng necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
VV., Dl. 1IVUI. J
AGENTS to sell clothing on easy terms
no reierence. no security; wear clothln
while you pay a small amount down; $1
per montn: samples rree. White Kin
Clothing Co.. 38 East 23d St, New York
J-753 Mx
AGENTS wanted to sell a newly patente
rapid stlling novelty, a necessity: til
money maker. Craven Mfr. Co.. 74 Cert
landt St., few lork. J-751 ltx
AGENTS wanted to handle English nor
elty; something new, just imported: sell
oulckly: bis: profits. Address Brown'
Patentees, 196 W. Broadway, New York.
J 760 J4
REPRESENTATIVE wanted tn every
county to handle our line; every huslneaa
man ""es'lt .sr D iSt. plHasant
UUL Ma. . J :s.t
SALARY and commission will be paid to
an old line life man of experience. Ad
dress Box 1155, IJfiooln, Neb.
J 773 Nor 1.1
WANTED A general agent for HnelHi nnd
Accident CO. to tk charge 01 i.incnin.
Nb., territory. Including ten crntls.
Fine contract to experienced man: bt
policy Issued. N. B. CampbtU, 9t e
Mgr.. Tope a, Kan. J 771 14x
AGENTS Everywhere; photo plllrw tops;
rast sellers': big pront. rtte iw samt'ie
and our prices. Luther Gordon : Co.. l"f
Washington 8t., Chicago. J 700 14x
AGENTS 33.000 cleared yearly selling oar
unsonne l.lgntln systems, im; oemon
rtratlng outfit free. Address Security
IJght Co., Chicago. J-M 14x
WT; START you selling diamonds. Don't
fall getting our liberal orrer; xr daily sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y.
Mention paper. J 690 14x
AGENTS everywhere: fxclustve territory;
big money made; high grade silverware,
books, hosiery, household and sporting
foods; write for particular. Agents
ttpply Co., 88 Walker St., New York
City. J 747 14t
where; patented; wg seller. Agenis
wanted. I'ocket Hitching Fost Co. M un
cle. Ind. J-727 14x
$7J WEEKLY easily rnadt fitting rye-
glasses: easy mail course, low fee. v rue
today for free catalogue. 6, National Op
tical College, 8t. Louis. J 724 I4x
PORTRAIT AGENTS Don't talk your
selves to death making deliveries. Send
In trial order. Delivery likeness abso
lutely guaranteed. H. L. Brown, 22 N.
Penn., Indianapolis, lnd. J 730 I4x
MANAGER wanted tn every city and
county to hnndle best paying business
known: legitimate, new, exclusive con
trol: no insurance or book canvassing.
Address Chas. HaJsteadr 34 West 2f.Ui St.,
n. y. j 7i ix
AGENTS Something extraordinary: self
generating gns burners fitting kerosene
lamps: brilliant white gis light: liberal
Inducement: exclusive territory: positive
monopoly: description free; established
reliable. Enstern Gas Light Co., SS0
Broadway, New York. J 714 14x
AGENTS everywhere to sell bus llirhters;
no electricity, nre or name: hold over gas,
It Ignites; everlasting; liberal salary,
Flreiesa Company, Indianapolis. Ind.
J-713 Hx
AGENTS General agents: house canvass'
ers, both sexes, sell Puvle Gas Jet Heater;
$10 dally. Suvie, 1070 11., Third Ave.
New York. J 718 14x
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, rarsons, Kan. . j
AGENTS WANTED We are sole manufac
turers or a large, new snd very saleable
line of household novelties and Christ
mas presents; exclusive territory to
hustling agents. Write now for terms
and catalogue. Special low prices to In-
Co., uurraio, n. r. j
AGENTS 60 per cent profits. $30 weekly
newest lo-cent nousenoid necessity: send
1o cents for samnle: particulars. On nnd
Off Co., 128 Charles St., New York. J
WANTED Agents; women and men who
are looking for permanent employment
to sell our goods to the family trade: wo
pay a cash commission; energetic people
can earn from $10 to $40 per woek: we
want ngents in communities from 1.009
to 16.000. Bodenhelmer Coffee and Tea
Co., St. Louis. Mo. J
WANTED Resident sales agent In ' every
town to establish permannt buslneiis
handling our goods. Staple line,. De
llghtful work for spare time, $.0 to $30
weeklv. Big opportunity for live aitent
Write today, Purox Co., 403 W. North
Ave., Chicago, 111. J 790 14x
AOTTNT wanted In every citv for latest
and best safety raxor; spienrna tide line
for- traveling salesmen; retails ror iz.iw
sample nnd outfit, express paid, for $1.25
xcludve territory to rieht men. Shave'
easy Safety Razor Co., Minneapolis. Minn
j ,i 14 x
PORTRAIT AGENT'S Interesting partlcit
Ian wltn rree catalogue ana souvenir ror
the asking: rree samples: -credit given
hustlers. Fidelity portrait co., 120
Paulina St.. Chicago. J-7S4 14X
AGENTS everywhere coin money selling
the famous "Star uivertea gas tanips;
somethlne new: immense demand: largo
profits: exclusive territory. Address Star
Light Co., 2a State St., Chicago.
J 787 llx
WANTED Five expert clothing- salesmen,
at once. Apply Goodman at sneer, ise
; sneer, li
L M613 14
braska City, Neb.
SALESMAN for Nebraska; - experienced
traveling man preferred; line siapie tor
general trade; position permanent; $26
weekly, advance, with commission. Saw
yer, Leslie c Co., Detroit, Mich.
L T16 14x
WANTED Side line salesmen to sell fruit
ciders to general stores, grooers and con
fectioners; neat pocket case free; large
commlsrton. Los Angeles Cider Co., ot.
Louis. Mo. l-7UO nx
SALESMEN WANTED To sell to grocers.
druggists and confectioners; 1100 p?r
month and expenses. California Cider ana
Extract Co., Su Louli Mo. L OS 14x
came to department stores, stationers
druggists, etc. THE BEST YET. Goes
like hot cakes wherever shown: big
money for you. Wrlte today. Holt, Fol
ger, Howard Company, 7719 Lowe Ave.,
Chicago. L-2 14
SALESMAN wanted, having established
dry goods trade among country mer
chants; small towns; complete lace-embroidery
line. Standard Lace Woiks 7S
Canal St., New York. L 687 14x
6ALESMEN The Economy Advertising
company or lowa c.iy, ia.. win employ
one salesman for North and South Da
kota; one competent saltsman can se
cure our complete trunk line of adver
tising novelties, bank books, leather
goods, etc.. etc.; exclusive territory; must
furnish best references and satisfactory
bond; commission contract. Address as
above. L 739 14x
A LIVE, aggressive salesman wanted to
sell hangers, calendars, etc., to large ad
vertisers; capable man with successful
experience In lithographic advertising
line. Address with full particulars In
oonfldtnee. Lithographer, 37i Broadway.
New York. L 744 14x
WANTED Patent medicine salesman, one
making good in line at present tune In
this territory; exceptional opportunity to
right man: replies confidential. State age
and present line. Box 606, Chicago, III.
L-726 14
SALESMEN to handle our line In Nc
braska. we have men making over lico
per week, high commissions; permanent
position for capable salesman. McAllis
ter -Coma n Co., 8J6 Dearborn St.. Chicago.
L 723 llx
SALESMEN calling on dealers and manu
facturers to sen creo caroon Elastic
Paint on the aide: t-' to $75 per week
easily made; commissions promptly re
mitted, tile t son Oil and Paint Co.. Cleve
land, O. L 717 14
WE WILL pay you 35.000 If you can Inter
est 60 persons in one or the best propo
sitions ever offered. Absolute safety guar
anteed. Each one pays but $10 per month
and we can demonstrate conclusively that
the returns will be far In excess of any
Other Investment ever offered. This is
an exceptional offer, but it will be made
only 'o gentlemen of strong personality
w.o U business and do It uulck. and win
a? -eogTilie an opportunity when it 1
nreatnted. eacramento valley Imbrove-
r.uirt 'Jo.. 47-412 Victoria Bldg-. 8tli and
A-icbbt. St. Louis, Mo. L 70s Hx
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa; strong staple line; great Induce
ments to trade; high commissions; $30
weekly advance; permanent 10 right man.
r. r . cook, saiHS uept., Detroit, Mien
REPRESENTATIVES wanted to .ollclt
orders from saloons, drugglxis. hotels and
riuba for Woodlaud hlxkv. adopted Pv
U. 8. government for hospital purposes
easy seller; commission or salary. Write
for territory, prices, samples, etc. Wood.
land Distilling Co., 7 Scott St., Coving
ton. Ky. L
SALESMAN First-class all-round hustler
to cover unoccupied territory selling stn
le line to retail trade; technical knowl
edge unnecessary; permanent to right
man: 130 weekly, expenses advanced.
Bale Uanak'vr, Bo Ti Chicaso.
ALESMAN wanted to sell retail trade.
Your locality, $43 per month snd ex
penses to slart. Experience unneccsity.
Enclose utii nip for partlc tiliita. UKK.M
INUTON CIGAR CO., Toleiio. O. 1 X ft.
81. L 793 Hx
WANTED Experienced traveling man
for Iowa territory. Address T f3.
Omaha Bee. Li 8SS 14
ADVERTISINO MAN Who wr'tes forcl-
ahle biislniss, bringing copy, wants posi
tion: department or retail clothing. Ad
dress T 30. care Bee. A M3:)7 I7x
WANTED Situation by young lady as
stenographer. Remington machine. Varld
experience. Address T-47, in core nf Fl'e.
A 6H0 lax
STENOGRAPHER Experienced male st"n-
ocrapner desires po"lon in city, tin
furn:sh typewriter; good references. Ad
dress T-49. care Bee. A 7(3 14x
WANTED Position as Janitor; useful
man, understand steam heat and horses.
J. H. S harper son, 19:2 Cuming St.
A-M8I4 15x
POSITION as hmisekeeper. where there
are one or more servants, t'y refined, cap
able widow. Address, T 65 care Rec.
H-S4." lSx
WANTED Situation as book-keeper or
silesmun, A-l reference. Address T-52,
Bee. A-674 14x
WANTED A position as salesman on the
road wltn staple line, have six years ex
perience and can iflve gtiod ref'-renco.
Address T-39. Bee. A 734 14X
Drop-head machines, slightly used, but In
first-class condition. Complete with at
Wheeler A Wilson. $20.00 to $30.00.
Household, $18.00.
Domestic, $23.00.
Singer, $20.00 to ttO.OO.
Box top machines, any make, from $3.00
to $12.00.
We rant machines. 75c per week or $2.00
per month.
We repair and sell parts for all makes
of machines.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
15th & Harney Sts.
'Phone Doug. 1663
Q-682 14
TWO Besley letter cabinets in good condi
tion, made or walnut ana n.ive Iwj
drawers each. Call at Bee business of
fice und get a bargain. Q 441
SODA FOUNTAIN, any sise.
1813 Faruam.
paint, bherman tfc Mcconnen uru Co.,
Oinaha. W 9
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Fainam.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; we lead tne world in
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments.
HrunewlckyBalke-Collcndier, 407 S. luth
St- Q-78S
SEND us your mall orders for drugs:
freight puid on $10 lots. Myers-DUfon
Drug Co., umana. y i
6JL'ARE piano for sale cheap.
3851 or 2627 No. luth St.
Call lied
Q 216
MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center.
VJ Ma23
(00 UNREDEEMED overcoats, 418 No. 16th.
U-MiJ0 O 24
ALMOST new Btelnway upright piano for
sale. Address i u. tste omce.
Q-M417 13
FOR SALE Automobile. Rambler touring
car, 19u6 model, cape top, full equipment
tools and extras, 3ix4 inch wheels; bet
ter than new. Owner leaving city. Ad
dress T 3, Bee. Q-M514
FOR SALE The entire contents of the
most beautiful and elaborately furnished
house ever offered at piivate sale; every
thing must be sold at any price; mahog
any parlor 6-pIece suite, mahogany and
leather library suite, Drass bed, hair mat-
trtss, library suite, leutber chairs.
dresses and chiffoniers In mahogany
Loona mahogany and quarter-sawed oak
In 'mahogany, Axminster rues, dinlnir tab-
ble and chair, side board and buffet In
ouarter-sawed oak. lace curtains, nlc
tures and draperies and china; don't miss
this opportunity of getting the very finest
up-to-date furnishings, as good as new,
at your own price; remember, this week
only: sold separate or lot; call at once
for choice selections. 1231 Park Wilde
Ave. Take Harney car. Q M522 13x
FOR SALE This week only, the most
beautiful furnished home ever ottered at
private sale, must positively be sold at
any price, everything the very best; used
only a little while without a scratch or
mar: mahogany parlor suit, leather couch
chairs and rockers, mahogany dressers
and chiflonlers, dreteer and chliTonlere in
quarter sawed oak, brass bed, hair mat
tresses, box springs, quarter sawed dining
suit. Inlaid mahogany and rook wood
center table. In fact everything pretaining
to a complete and comfortable home of
the highest quality: sold separate this Is
a chance of a lifetime. Don't miss It. 1231
Parke Wild Ave., take Harney csr.
Q M675 20
SEVERAL carloads best winter apples, 1
cent pet" pound in car lots f. o. b. Brock;
also ou-gaiion nnrrei cmer, 91. c. a.
Parker. Brock. Neb. Q M55J 14x
STEAM-HEATED flat for sale. 403 N. 16th.
W 0."B MX
DOCTORS 1 McDannoll chair, cost $50.
price J6. 1 iruax .-Nenuiiii-r. coat 1.6.
price $:5. Both nearly new and p-rf. ct.
306 N. Y. Life. Q-toi lix
MONEY to be made easy by buying a fine
merry-go-round at a good orgain. Ad
dress Mrs. Anna Stroud, David City. Neb.
Q 741 14X
STERING, upright piano. $150. 415
N. 2od.
Q M767 16x
umns. pound in reo morocco leatner;
nearly new; will sell for $f; coat $19. Ad-
drees P. u. cox cnicago, 111.
Q-608 14
FOLDING BSD and mattress, compara
tively little used, inquire ZiW liavwiiurt
St. y-TB 14x
Th's week:
New Now O Underwood. 376.U0.
New No. 3 Oliver. 50 1.
F1no No. S S-nlth-Premler. 5O.00
Fine No. ( Remlnffton, $35 00.
Bllckensderfer, leather case, $40 00.
Remlnirton No. 3, $27.00.
All kinds for rent. $2. up.
16'H Iavenworth. Phone Red 0-J9.
Q 665 14
THOROUGHBRED Barred Plymouth
Hocks. I-Htliam. Bradley tiros, and "King
let" strains. Also a few birds nf above
strains slightly off color, at $6 per
dosen. Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. (Jut. 14X
FOR SALE CHEAP One ft. oak pre
scription case, complete, with working
counter; one 1ft ft. oak counter. Imiuire
at Del G. Morgun, 142 Broadwny, rvu"i-l
UlurT-. 8I Hx
WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices;
free catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron
Works, 933-3-37 N. 24lb St. Tel. Douglas
J7U2. -Msul 13
ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing
5c per foot. 235 N. 17th bt. Tel. Red-814.
Douglas 1590.
LesL Ul
8. !' h.
SFWIXG machines rented. Any mike;
73c r-er week or $J.0O per inorth. Second
hand, machines fur saic, $p i and up.
Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney.
U -MI-6
DR. ROY. chiropody.
Doug. 6497. Fr.
Dr. King, an! N. list St. Tel. Doug.
Dyeing and clearlnc. sporgina and shrink
ing; enly ?e per yard. Send fur price list
and sample.
Douglas Block. Tel. Doug'ss 1M6.
11 w
THE SALVATION ARMY snllcits casloff
clothing: in fuct, anythlns you d not
need; we col-vt. repair and sell, at 114
N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 anJ
wagon will call. U 611
FREE n-iedlca! snd surgical treatment at
crelghton .Medical college, 14th ano iav
enpnrt gts.; serial attention paid to
conflnemmt cases; all tre.itment super
vised by co';.'go professors. 'Phone
uoug. iiui. caiis answered uay or nism.
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 14th anl
leaven worth tts. Tel. Douslas !..
SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer. 312 Bee Blils
, u
Stamtnerers' Institute,
SYRINGES, ruhher mods, by mall; cut
Prices: send fnr fr- catalogue. Myers-
iiiion Drug Co., Omaha. u
cleaning. Tele-U-MSOO
phone Douglas 1669.
WE will find good comfortable homes for
Dames wriosc mothers cannot care tor
the;n. See "Mother Lee. Supt." Tlnley
WM-ue Home, 403 Bancroft St.
U (W OCl-tt
Xf An"MT,TTf''treatment and bath. Mme,
I ...iiiiv, Smith. US N. li. -.1 floor.
APriTW PTJTT'SQ! Tel. Douslas 3762.
"vv"" ilJ-JJ jr,10 1 u, word
U M204 octn
viivm, 10. e pay nisuepi uiainn
cnarging no commission, ror an sinus 01
produce butter, eggs, etc., cash or mer
chmirilq. Writ fur riullv mintntlnriK.
We'll e"iid pretty souvenir Dostal. THE
MASSAGE ?Wdl? Tl flo.S
U M107 novl
CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 6S&. 1K3
iveaver.wortn. t-Mtw isovs
ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the
Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 21th
St., Omaha. Neb. U Miuo
TRY KELLY'S Laundry.
'Phone Dou'las
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Good baniaritan San
itarium, 7ix Flrat Ave., council mum,
Ia, Tel. 774. U 332
HAVE Mr. Lovejoy clean and repair your
eewlna- machine. All work warranted
one year, liith an Clark. Teiepnone
Douglas 3936. U-407 14x
DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women
and tor ladies nefore snd during comma
ment. 2319 8. 13th 8L, Omaha. Neb.
U-M950 031
NOTICE Mbx H. Carson will obtain Im
rxirtaui messages irom uurma oy writing
to John N. Dryden, Kearney, Net).
U-M171 13
FOR anything In the sewing machine line
go to y. 1. Flodmsn St Co., 1514 Capitol
Ave. u-uixi Nova
TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.50 per month
an maxes: satisfaction guaranteed, i-ox
Typewriter & Supply Co., lb Farnam St.
u Jia mov4
ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 618 Bee Bldg.
PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North Kth
St. u-MJM jana
RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no
detention from uuslness. call or writ
for booklet, etc. UU1CK CURE RUP
TURK CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg.
Omaha. , c 94
Crelghton Dental college. Patients free,
Free treatment at Crelghton uental col
lege. L 11640 NOVl
IF LUCKY yen get your picture enlarged
to life sise in genuine cruyon tree in our
drawing contest, every day, 10 a. m. to
6 p. in., guaranteed worth $j. Wallace
Bristol & Co., Artists, 620 N. ICth St.
U-M07O NovlO
C. J. PALMUUI8T Custom shoa maker.
4124 Hamilton til., and lUi a. lotn St.
I U-MM5 Nov. 10
GENTLEMAN of some means would Ilk
to meet widow, aa to 4, or laoy or soru
means matrimonially iucKned. Brunette
preferred; no agent need answer. Address
T 46, Bee. U M664 14x
"THE HATCHET' every month for
year. Is a cents. "The cse and Need of
the LIFE of Carry A. Nation, a book
written by herself, illustrated, postpaid,
60 cents. The Hatcliet r ree Tor on
year with evtry book. Address. F. w
Ward. Agent, iol E. 2nd St.. Oklihom
City, Okl. U-M654 14X
CATHOLIC Introduction Club; lias the ao
proval of nonoraiilfl catholic gentlemen,
including wen Known memoers 01 in
clergy. For particulars send 2-een
st'imned envelope to C. I. C. Glenmon
Ohio. U 754 Hx
A JOLLY old sea captain, retired, wealthy
wanta a good, companionable wife. Ad
dress F. L. Rich, 235 Washington St.. Bos
ton, Mass. u 766 ltx
FREE Your fortune to'd hy the world
famous p.strologer.i What he tells comes
rue. Send birth date and 4o In stamp
pror. uoruon. liox imv, Boston, s'ass.
U 761 14
RETIRED merchant, middle aged, lonely
kind ana uoerai, very wraimy, wisnes to
correspond with lady; ooject matrimony
Box 42f, St. Joseph. Mien. u 7t 14x
WE SEEK -wives for widower 50, wor
$9ft.0iio; bachelor 29. worth f'S.Ortn, and
many others of means. Inclose 10c fo
matrimonial paper. Box 261. Seattl
U 702 14
NO .POWER on earth can grow hair bi
the Mood. Send for booklet. Dlnsmot
$4 Adams, Chicago. U 693 llx
SUPERFLUOUS hair quickly removid by
using sonata nair remover once week!
nonpolsonons. wonderf"' results; prl
list free. M. Hach, 3l EaTTTIth St
rsew 1 ora. i ,:i hi
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wsrts snd mol
permanently removed Pv electricity; i
sultatlon free and confidential ; all wr
guaranteed. Ulu Allender. 423 N
Life. U-
MORTHINE, opium, laudanum, cr. aln
habit; myself cured; will Inform i of
harmless, iiermaneii, home cure. Mary
ttaiuwin, riox 1212, cnicago.
OMAHA Stenm Paste Co. manufactures
pure flour paste. Z210 Cuming. Telephi
I'liuglas 4321. . U
A "JUST RIGHT" article: Satin sk
powder is made tn 4 alluring tints.
Bs'ST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerv
r od fills l oox. postpaia. biieirnan
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 663
DR. PItlr.B, specialist, women s dlxei: s,
weakness s. olitchi:rices, irtefu a-hles,
cured palnlenly and safely. Withnell
block, loth and Harney, Room 2, Omul a.
DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of womss
and children. Office. 22u5 Cuuiln?;. I'lione
1 n.i'plas .V7. '
MADAME WOODRUFF-Robes. Suite 312-Hni-W
Neville Blk.. Tel. Douglas 54ir
-469 OJ:
DRESSMAKING In family or at boms.
Miss R'urdy, iM Davaopur PUons Hr.
nev " iiU. -7i
DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam,
Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunk!
furnished front
buy window foe
2i74 Harney St.
room Kith t1cve and
wo. 'Phone In house.
PLEASANT rHnv modern, private fam-
ly. 54 So. 2tith Ave. L JI9 28X
AP1TOL HO'i'K!. 18th and Capitol Ave J
American or Kuroix-an: steam heat ana
modern conveniences.
Mil deslraole room, ne
w flat, walking;
distance. 4t 80. 24th St,
E M366 13x
CELY furnished room; all modern, wltav
team heat. 12 8. 26th St. $10.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms; reasonable.
15 :s. ;.,d. is Mtuo nx
FOUR desirable morns, modern, with hont.
rurnished fcr light housekeeping. - a.
l.Mh. E M622 19x
FOR RENT Well furnished southeast
room, with alcove; private family. 701
8. 2th St. E M626 IS
PLEASANT room, with heat, suitable
for one or two gentlemen. 211 S. 29tl
Ave. B 756 It
FURNISHED or imruinlsl-ert desirable
reoin; private family: v.-alkinir dUtance;
new, modern house. Phone 7,i3T.
h. sis i
FURNISHED rtioin for gentleman, prlvatei
family, iis N. 1Mb St. IRK
ICELY furnished silting room and bed
room suitable ror two trentlemen;
bath, gas and use of 'phone. 2,10 Cum
Ing St. '1'hone Douglas 7558.
E 834 14x
FOR RENT One furnished room; $4 per
month. 2708 reward. fc, MSil 16
Doug. 611 0. M.E. Haul Trunk,
F 643
private dining rooms,
F 644
XCELLENT modern rooms, steam
heated, gas and hot and cold baths, wit It
good board: close in. The Boatrn, 10
South 17th St. F M778 15
SOUTH, sunshiny worn, with best of home
board; two refined young men or ladles.
627 Park. Ave. F M823 16x
ARGE pleasant room, and Imard, for two
in privato family; Kountte Place; atrlctly
first-class. Tel. Douglus-4621. 2129 Wirt
St. F-29 Hx
THE ROSE. 23 Harney
F480 26X
warm rooms; good board
FOUR or 5 clean, pleasant housekeeping;
rooms, main floor.
lth St.
G M759 15
UNFURNISHED fronts for housekeeping".
Z57S Harney Bt 1-46 16x
One of our modern well located oftlces, sin- '
gle or en suite, rignt In center of the
banking and business district. A good
oiHce Is an Investment, pot an expense.
U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. 1201 Farnam St. '
j I U6 14
FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office.
city hall building, 41 1 n. zoin St., soinn
Omaha, Apply to manager. i 134
FOR RENT Large corner store room.
16th and vinion bis., iju. c ju. Bacu
mann, 436 Paxton Blk. 1 M621
THE two store rooms, ' with basements.
at 703-7U6 s. ltitn street; sw per monta
for both.
Inquire R. C. PETERS ft CO.,
Ground Floor, Bee Bldg.
I-M4S4 '
19u6 N. 24TH ST.. new brick, $26.
1-780 14
ACCOMMODATIONS furnished In small
private family to a oompnnlonable school
teacher, reasonable. Address T 41, Bee.
H M632 19
near 16th and Locust. Address L. R.
Vorck, Western Chemical Reduction Co..
East Omaha. K M&5 Hx
WANTED By young woman employed a
nome line piace 10 room ana Doard. Ad
dress T 34, Bee. K M599 14x
WANTED First-class board and room
for two gentlemen; se-perata rooms,
within a few blocks of postotHce. Ap
ply by letter. Bee office. K MK41 18
LOST Gray silk scarf, Friday afternoon..
Reward for return to 1921 Chicago St.
Lost 634 IS
LOST Gray leather handbag, In Boston,
store: reword offered if returned to 6u0
8. 34th St. Lost M661 14
LOST Friday, amethyst brooch on 27th.
between l'lnkncy and Mandcrson, return
3ul4. North 27ili St., and receive rewurd.
Lost 661 14X
LOST Pslr of eye glasses on the North,
z-iui street car. neiurn to Miller, Stewart
& Beaton office, 'phone 6724.
Lost 664 Hx
LOST Golden Scotch collie, return to 2634
Charles St. and receive $5 reward.
Lost-u7 15 '
,L08T-Liidien gold
watch. - Return to
for reward.
Lost Sol Hx
iavrnwonn sc-nooi.
LOST Pocketbook containing money and
Diamond siun; iiDurai reward on re
turn to Bennett's hardware depart menu
Loat feii6 14
STOLEN From In front of Rus-ell s hnrtta-
stioeing snop, a Shetland pony lu-y;
four wheels; naturnl wood; upholstered
In corduroy. Any lnformatlrn leive at
Russell's shop. Lost MdlS ldx
FOR SALE or exchange, good Council
Bluffs residence, valued at $2,500, well
located, rents for $13 per month; will
exchange clear for good wheat land In
southern Alberta, Washington oc Oregou.
Address T 44, care Bee. Z M624 14
IF YOU do not find what you want In this
column, put an ad In and you will soon
gel It. 933
Mnynahan's Exchange Rulty Co., 1703
Champa St., Denver, Crlo., disposes of
your property, business and mines J". J.
Moyniihan. Mgr Z 731 ltx
CHAMBERS, 3U4 Farnam, now open. Adult
L-giniitiM Mondays and Wedncadayj;
children Wednesdays and Saiuids;
Juven'le advanced Saturdays and piivate
le.'sunj; terms reasonable-, commensurate
with advantages and benefit tierlved In our
school. Teleptione Duuulus lk) il til
MR. AND MRS Morund's classes In danc
ing and phyaical culture fur children are
now open, 210 f-.outh Kb;hteentb bt. Be
Kiriierk Wednesday. 4:l.j p. 111., udvanee
Batuidiy, 2.00 nr S:3o p. Hi. Tel. Doug
las 1M'). t Nov. 13
LTNGSTADHigh Grade 1907 Calendars,
r lAuiro S- corner 16th bU and
tc tfCtE Capitol Avt. 691
COMPLETE lino of l'.i07 calendars. Sncll
Printing Co.. 310 8. 12th St. -157 Nov3
JOB prliitini,- and binding. Springer Print
ing Co., UuS No. lltli. Tel. Ding. 2071.
MJo9 Nov. 10
CENTRAL PRINTING CO.; fine Job work;
typewrltttn letter'. 110 8. 17th St, 114
blocks north Bee Bid-. Mu4 NovU
-. t