Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 17

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Autumn Footwear Fashions
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00
E take great pleasure in announcing that now have the Omaha agency for
the Famous Queen Quality Shoe. To the stylish woman the shoe is an
essential feature of proper dress and that perfection . in style and fit are
exemplified in the Queen Quality Shoe is attested by over two million
satisfied wearers. The completeness of variety in style? the unequaled attract
iveness and the general satisfactoriness of the Queen Quality line is causing an ever
increasing number of discriminating women to select it as their standard of shoe excel
lence. Then style originality, exceptional fitting and comfort giving qualities that they
have for years and still stand as leaders of all other women's shoes in the world. Still the
moderate prices enables you without extravagance to own special shoes for all services.
This Opening Exhibit of Correct Shoe Fashion will prove both interesting and in
structive to those desiring acquaintance with most becoming shoe style. A cordial
invitation is extended to all, whether you come to buy or not.
All Shapes $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 All Leathers
'West Ambler.
M. Faverty has Juit oomplsted painting
his barn.
Marie Carman of West Side ! the victim
of ease of diphtheria.
J. Jensen la building a fine new barn on
hla premises In East Ambler.
Paul Jensen purchased a new driving
horse from his uncle last week.
Mr. and Mr. J. E. Auglie are visiting
on their brother's farm at Wsner.
Thomas Moran arrived home from . his
claim In western Nebraska the first of the
Mr. Moran, who Urea on the Fcad place,
had a new telephone Installed In his home
this week.
Messrs. Ervln and Ernest Howland came
home for the winter from their farm near
Florence on Sunday.
Miss Lessle Favertjr has been assisting
her friend, Mrs. F. A. Potter, the past
two weeks during carnival time.
Mrs. M. Faverty and baby and friend,
Mis l.ydia Sorlck of Murdock. were guests
in South Omaha the first of the week.
Mrs. F. A. Kinsman has been entertain
ing her sister, Mrs. Warren Ryder, and
daughter, liaxcl, of Fall Held, la., the past
Frank A. Potter and wife have been en
tertaining fourteen relatives and friends
from Iowa and Ainsworth, Neb., during the
past week.
Mr. Abbott took charge of the new
Northwestern hotel on South Forty-second
and D streets this week and has a boujfe
lull of boarders. -
The Ladles' Aid society will meet all day
to sew at the church on Thursday. O. to
be r U. Let each bring lunch and come
prepared to stay all day.
8. T. Campbell, who haa resided at
Forty-third and Onter streets, . raising
Shetland ponies for sale, will remove to
liie western part of Nebraska thin week.
Rev. J. H. Hlller and wife are snugly
ensconced in their home at the parsonage
at Letter Memorial church. South Omaha,
and will All his regular appointments there
! and at Southwest church at Z.W p. in. each
Mr. John Vehrs la In Kennard visiting
her parent a
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rewey have gone to
Oman tor me winter.
Services aa usual at St. Bernard's today,
Father Morlarty In charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen are enter
taining Mr. Chrteilanson of Kio V lun, Cat,
Mr. and Mrs. Wleks of Pan bury. Neb.,
have taken tike Rewey cottage for the win
ter. The Baptist Missionary society will miet
at the home of Mrs. Morris, Friday, Octo
ber II.
Mr. and Mrs. Calkins entertained 9U
munil Landaberg of Omaha during the past
Mr. Thomas Hull entertained Mrs. Ma
son and Miss Bessie Baxter of Ipswich,
Lutheran Sunday school will he held In
day at t p. in. at town hall. No preaching
Pupil of the Benson schools have or-
fan I led a glee club to be known as the
enson Olee club. They have made their
first engagement to sing at the county
teachers meeting at Omaha November 10. 1
William Moore of Stella was a guest
during the wek at the home of William
At the regular meeting of the Degree of
Honor lodge last week one new member
wa initiated.
Mr. E. J. Hotellng. who has resided In
Beneon for some time, ha goae to Ben
nington to live.
Mr. and Mr. Furbuih have left for
their home in Iowa, after visiting their
on In Benson.
Mr. Dr. Nye and Mr. O. E. Engler of
Plalnview were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mr. Wedge last week.
Mr. and Mra. Ed Tlmperly, went of Ben
son, entertained about 200 friend at their
wedding anniversary celebration.
Miss Rose Jahnel, who has been visit
ing at Mr. McOulre'a home, suffered an
attack of appendicitis last week.
Gertrude and Blanche Blaco of Kennard
and Bessie Cook of Liberty, Nwo., wero
guests last week of Mrs. H. O. WulfT.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rea had aa guest
last week J. A. Orlmes of Beatrice and
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rea of llolton, Kan.
Mis Marehnll, who has been visiting at
the Wiggins home, returned to her home
in Sioux City, accompanied by Mr. Wig
gins. The Methodist Ladles' Aid society will
meet at the church next Wednesday after
noon. They cleared KM at the rummage
Mrs. C. Jacobson entertained at dinner
last week In honor of Mrs. Chrlatlanson
of California. Covers were laid for five
The Benson Modern Woodmen cf
America camp will give a dancing party
at the Odd Fellows7 hall next Tuesday
Mis Margaret T. Wedge and William H.
Rodabaugh, both of Benson, who were
quietly married at Papilllon, Neb., will re
side in Benson.
Service will be held at the Methollst
church at 11 a, m. and 6:10 p. m.; Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; Epworlu league at i:Ju;
Junior ltague at 8 00.
Baptist services will be held at the tent
today at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 10. At
2:M p. m. a Harvest Home concert will b
given by the Sunday school.
Mrs. O. W. Bengstom returned to her
home in Mobile, Ala., after spending the
summer at the homo of her parents. She
wa accompanied by Rose Bloomburg.
The B. L. S. club gave an enjoyable en
tertainment and social at tho odd Fel
lows last Thursday evening. The boys
gymnasium class took part in tb pro-
Sirs. Tom Hull entertained a number of
ludy mends or Seward street church, at
her home last week. In honor of Mrs. Karr
of Columbus, Neb, a former member of
the church.
Mr. am. Mrs. Barnes entertained during
in wee a Mrs. negar ana son or Helens,
Mont.; Mrs. Lyons of Washington. Mrs.
Gasman of Omaha, and Miss Kelly of
Havelock. Neb.
Lut Friday morning i Are alarm wa
given, which called out the fire depart
ment to the home of Nels Winter, whose
house was burned to the ground. The fur
niture was saved.
June Grove entertained a number of
young people at her home last week, at
a farewell party for Winifred and Alice
Keny, wno leave Monday lor their new
nmre in Arkansas.
Mr. and Mrs. James Degan entertained
this week Margaret and Mis Martin of
I A lAnnndimh III ! W ill Martin KM Htivuil.
Is to love children, and no
honue can be completely
happy without them, yet tho
ordeal through which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
HrfhA FrInH. Viv irn rTitrottn(T anA ci-vfViiTi. TmrTia
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, ana
so prepares the system tor the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight ia gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
Hi. wJUmiiJ) KiaUTOB CO.. AtUU. t
Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Leonard.
Benson' new cash store will be opened
by Joseph L. Peska some time this week
in the new brick building.
Presbyterian services today at Odd Fel
lows' hall at 11:46 a. m. and p. m.; Sun
day school at 10:80 a. m. The Ladle' Aid
oclety will meet with Mrs. John Specdle
on Wednesday afternoon.
The water work main were tested last
week and proved all right. The pumps
are working and the standplpe I now seventy-five
feet high. The new 600 feet hose
Is now in the engine bouse.
Miss Hannah Cooper of Rapid City, S. D.,
and H. B. Sprague of Beatrice, Neb., were
married last week at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. F. 8. King of Benson.
A reception wa held after the wedding.
Mrs. T. H. Fonda was visiting in Chi
cago last week.
Mr. I. J. Barr I at present on a business
trip in Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters will leave this
week for a trip to Excelsior 8prlngs, Mo.
James W. Hamilton wa In St. Joseph,
Mo., on business during part of the week.
Mrs. Lyman Covey of Cripple Creek,
Colo., Is the guest of Mr. D. L. Johnson.
Miss Mabel Benson has gone to Lincoln,
where she will attend the State university
this year.
Mr. L. L. Barr of Chicago wa the guest
during part of last week of hla brother,
Mr. P. J. Barr.
The Dundee Woman' club will meet on
Wednesday of this week with the presi
dent. Mr. K. R. Hum.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyterian church met on Friday after
noon with Mrs. P. J. Barr.
The Ladle' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyterian church will sew at the Cbllda'
Saving institute on Friday of this week.
Dr. T. K. Hunter was In Lincoln during
part of the week attending the synod of
the Presbyterian church being held there.
Mrs. Mary . Bault and son are moving
into the cottage on Underwood avenue,
near Forty-ninth street, recently occupied
by Mr. Funk and family.
On Monday afternoon Mr. W. L, Selby
entertained the local chapter of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution at their
Orst meeting for the season.
John W. Baker died at hi home, 111
North Forty-seventh avenue, Sunday aft
ernoon after a brief illness. The remain
were taken to Alton, 111., for burial.
Henry Lampe, who ha a church In
Ponca, Nob., wae at home on a visit dur
ing the week, and also at Lincoln, attend
ing the synod ot ins f resoyterian cnurcn.
The first meeting of the season of the
Round Doxen club was held Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mra. K. V. Hea-
ford. Mrs. Heaford and Mrs. J. M. Alklu
acting as hostesses. The next occasion will
be a luncheon given by Mesdamea 8. R.
Rush and William R. Lighten at the home
of Mrs. Rush.
and treasurer, respectively, of the new en
campment. W. A. Wilson, who was injured last week
by being thrown from his buggy on Twenty
fourth street, Omaha, Is able to be up and
Bert Alrhart and wife of David City
Neb., spent two days here the early part
of the week the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
D. V. Shipley.
Mayor John Simpson wa a delegate to
Fremont Tuesday, in the interest of the
local lodge of Redmen. He returned home
Tuesday night.
Dr. H. C. Smith, a former practicing
physician in Florence, hut now of Ains
worth, Neb., spent the week here visiting
friends and looking after business Interests.
Emit Weber and daughter, Hattle, of
Wayne, spent two days here visiting Mr.
Weber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber,
sr. Mis Weber will attend a music
academy at Indianoia, la., this winter,
Bert K. Crouch spent the past week in
St. Paul, Minn., where he went as a repre
sentative of the Nebraska division of the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha
railway Order of Railway Telegraphers, he
being local secretary.
The Florence canning factory hn finished
its pack of tomatoes. A small pack of
apples wa made, as much for an experi
ment as anything else. The season's pack
has been satisfactory, much better than
expected, considering that contract for
produce were not taken until June 1.
Mr. and Mr. R. H. Olmated visited
friends in Omaha Tuesday evening.
Mr. Amelia Darling and Alice Kern of
Stanton, visited friend here this ween.
Hon Jacob Craft of Stewart, was a guest
of Mr. and Mr. R. H. Olmstead this week.
Walter Weber and wife of Wayne, spent
two Cays hers, visaing Mr. Weber s patents.
Miss Burrltt of Ainsworth, spent Sunday
here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. w. u.
W. O. Wltte and wife of Carroll. Ia.,
visited the family of Joseph Roth this
F. H. Perks of Oakland. Ia., visited the
family of W. . Ferry last Saturday and
The B. T. O. club gave a social dance at
Wall' hall Wednesday night with a large
W. E. Ferry has started a dray line In
Florence and makes trips between Florence
and Omaha.
Frank Taylor and wife of Tekamah, are
visiting Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mra.
F. U. Leach.
Mr. Allison has moved Into his new house,
Just finished on Wlllet street, near the high
school building.
L. A. Purcell and wife of Woodbine, Ia.,
visited several days her with Charles
Purcell and family.
Dr. Adams has moved Into J. 8. Paul'
house on Main street, Mr. Paul moving into
bis residence on Slate street.
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Benson left Saturday
for North Loup, where they will spend th
winter with Mx. Beasoa'a mother.
John Warner of Hancock, la., accom
panied by hla daughter, visited Mrs Ellen
Purcell, a sister, during th week.
John Grant will soon have the new walk
completed. He is mixing the concrete with
a machine, which makes fast work of It.
Twelve members of Jonathan lodge of
Odd Fellows took membership in th new
encampment organised at Benson Thursday
nlstt. W. R- wail and John Simpson f
Jonathan lodge wets steeled cblef Patriarch,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
The annual meeting of the grand lodge
of Nebraska Odd Fellows will be held at
South Omaha during the present week.
The gathering promises to bring together
about 2.000 members of the oruer iml n
auxiliary order, the Daughters of Rebokah.
which will also hold its annual assembly
at the same time In South Omaha.
An elaborate program of entertainment
has been prepared. On Monday evening
the bestowal of the degree of chivalry will
be observed In Odd Fellows' hall by the
Patriarchs Militant. This is one of the
most Impressive ceremonies observed by
the order.
On Tuesday evening. October 10, the en
campment degrees will be bestowed on a
number of candidates.
The grand lodge of Odd Fellows meets
Wednesday morning, October 17, and will
continue two days, during which the of
ficers for the ensuing year will be chosen.
A grand parade of the Cantonments and
Odd Fellows will be given Wednesday
afternoon, and In the evening the subor
dinate degrees will be administered to a
large class at workmen temple.
The department encampment of the Pa
triarch Militant will assemble Immediate!
after the parade Wednesday afternoon.
The annual meeting of the stale as
sembly of the Daughters of Rebekah will
convene Wednesday. A special program
has been prepared for the entertainment of
the visitors outside the business sessions.
I It Is expected that the Cantons from Fre
mont, Beatrice, Lincoln, Schuyler, Fair
bury and Tekamah will be present In large
Tribe of Ben Hnr.
Omaha Court No. 110 will meet in Ba
rtght's Society hall. Nineteenth and Far
nam streets, Tuesday evening, Octuber iti.
After the above date the court will meet
on Monday nights In the large society hall
In the same building, the Rohrbough block.
About October 2s an entertainment will be
given in this hall for the benefit of the
members and friends. C. F. Way. state
manager, was present at the last meeting
and urged that the members start out on a
vigorous campaign for new members this
Ladles of the Grand Army.'
Garfield Circle No. 11 held a largely at
tended meeting last Monday evening. Two
candidates were Initiated and several new
application received. The circle is in a
highly prosperous condition and its mem
bership is rapidly increasing, with renewed
Interest and enthusiasm at each succeeding
meeting. The nest meet. October 22, will
be an open meeting, at which refreshments
wlil be served and a good social time en
Joyed. Knlahts of Pythias.
Nebraska, lodge No. 1 will work the third
rank upon two candidates In the amplified
form at its next regular meeting at Myrtle
hall. Continental block. 'Refreshments will
also be served. All members of ths order
are cordially Invited to be present.
Ancient Order I'nlted Workmen.
North Omaha lodge No. 159 Initiated a
class of twenty-four candidates Wednes
day evening. Following the Initiatory cere
monies brief addresses wen made by the
new members and then came a smoker.
Next Wednesday evening the degree team
will give its Arst social dano of the sea
son, to which all friends are Invited. The
lode Is making extensive preparation for
the celebration of Its seventeenth anni
versary on November 11
Omaha lodge No. 18 will give a smoker
and card party at Workman hnll Monday
evening. October 16, to which all members
and friends are Invited.
Royal Neighbors of America.
Ivy camp No I will meet In Its new quar
ter In the Rohrbough block. Nineteenth
and Famam streets', Wednesday evening,
October 17, at 8:30 o'clock.
Ladles of Maeeabees.
Gate City hive No. will meet Thursday
evening In Patterson hall, Seventeenth and
Farnam streets. All members are re
quested to be present.
Royal Achates.
The formal opening of Barlght's society
hall will be celebrated Wednesday even
ing by a grand Initiation event, at which
100 new candidates will be taken Into the
Royal Achate order and of which number
Mayor J. C. Dahlman will be one. The
work will be exemplified by the degree
staffs of Omaha lodge No. 1 and Success
lodge No. 31 Both team will be on the
floor at the same time. A grand banquet
will be served after the Initiatory cere
monies, to be followed by dancing. The
entire third floor of ths Rohrbough build
ing, which has been thoroughly repaired
and redecorated eince the fire In August,
will be used for this occasion.
At the last meeting of Phoenix lodge
No. 203 fifty new application were bal
loted upon, and the lodge ha set Its mark
at 250 before the winter I far udvanced.
E. C. Fay ha been appointed deputy for
thl lodge and haa been Indefatigable In
securing a large class for the big initia
tion next Wednesday night. He expects
to equip the lodge with a degree staff of
experienced officers and cadets that will
in a few weeks be the equal of any degree
team In the city. Phoenix lodge I but
eighteen months old and U already one of
the liveliest lodges cf the order.
tatlon Is under the charge of Captain J. F.
Merry of Manchester, Ia. Members of kin
dred societies are cordially Invited to be
present, and the wives and daughters of
members, aa well as Invited guests, are en
titled to be present at the banquet. The
president of ths society is General Gren
vllle M. Dodge of Council Bluffs and New
York, and Colonel Cornelius Cadle, Cincin
nati, Is the recording secretary. The
membership of the society Is now about
0. and over 1,000 original members are
Royal Arcannm.
That ths future of the Royal Arcnnum In
Omaha Is very encouraging Is demonstrate!
by the fact that the efTort of the local
members, with the assistance of Supreme
Deputy A. W. Sldnell, to secure a cl.isi of
100 applicants to be Initiated on November
12 in this city bids fair to be accomplished,
but to run largely over that number.
Three-fourth of the necessary number
have been secured, and as there li a full
month yet In which to secure the balance
necessary it is not unlikely that double the
present number will be In attendance on
the evening selected.
A special feature on the program will be
the presence of Mr. E. A. Barbour of
Springfield, Mo. who Is a very able talker
and one of the bright stars In the supreme
council of the order. It will be a gala
event In Omaha, as several .hundred mem
bent from the surrounding cities will be In
attendance to witness the Initiation as ex
emplified by the decree team from South
Omaha, and an elaborate banquet and a
program of toast wilt close the services.
Grand Army of the Repnblle.
In general orders No. I, headquarters of
the Grand Army of the Republic. Commander-in-chief
R. B. Brown announces
the following appointments:
III. The commander-in-chief, the ad
jutant general, the quartermaster general,
and the following comrades will constitute
the executive committee of the National
Council of Administration: Frank M.
Pterrett, St. Louis, Mo.; Thomas W. Scott,
Fairfield. 111.; Phil Cheek, Baraboo. Wis.:
John W. Hersey, Springfield, Mass.; Wil
liam J. Patterson, Pittsburg. Pa.; A. A.
Taylor, Cambridge, O. ; A. J. Gahagan,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
They will meet at such times and places
as may be designated by the commander-in-chief.
IV. The following committees are an
nounced: Pensions A. O. Welssert, chairman,
Milwaukee, Wis.; David F. Pugh. Colum
bus, O.; Hnry M. Nevlus, Red Bunk, N.
J.; K F. Wsre. Topeka, Kan.; William A.
Ken horn, Indianapolis, Ind : J. H. Gould
Ing. Wilmington, Vt.; S. H. Harper, Ot
tumwa, la.
On Legislation for Veterans in the Pub
lic Service Ivory G. Kimball, chairman,
Washington, D. C.; Isaac F. Mack, Han
dusky, O ; Leo Rassleur, St, Louis, Mo.;
J. P. 8. Gobln. Lebanon, Pa.; R. M. Green,
Orroville. Cel.; J W. Burst. Sycamore, 111.;
John R. King. Baltimore, Md.
Frederirkrhurg Battlefield National Park
Jonn McElroy, chairman, Washington,
D. C; St. Clair A. Mulholland. Philadel
phia. Pa.; Waahlngton Gardner, Albion.
Mich.; Daniel R. Ballou. Providence. R. I.;
Albert E. bholes of Georgia (Flushing, N.
T.; Horatio C. King, Brooklyn. N. Y.; E.
C. MllHkln. Portland, Me.
On Erection of a Statue In Honor of
Benjamin Stephenson, Founder of the
Grand Army of the Republic Charles A.
Partridge, chairman, Chicago. 111.: Louis
Wagner, Philadelphia, Pa.; John McElroy,
Washington. I. C.; Thomas 8. Hopkins,
Washington, D. C.
On Fraternal Relations With the Bona of
Veteran. V. S. A. Jame Tanner, chad
man. Department of New York. Washing
ton, D. C; Robert B. Heath, Philadelphia,
Pa.; Ell Torrence, Minneapolis. Minn.;
William Warner. Kansas City. Mo.; Rob
ert Mann Woods, Chicago, III.; John E.
Gillman. Boston, Mass.; William James,
Jacksonville, Fla,
On Bull Run Battlefield Monuments
Louis Wagner, chairman. Philadelphia,
Pa ; N. Martin Curtis. New York; E. W.
Whtttaker, Washington, D. C; James Mc
Leer Brooklvn, N. Y.; C. A. E. Spamer,
Baltimore, Md.
Lincoln Memorial John 8. Kount. To
ledo, O.j Thomss J. Stewart, Harrlshurg,
Pa.: William M. Olln; Boston. Mass ; Mrk
B. Taylor. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dana W. King.
Nashua, N. IL
Army of th Tennessee.
The thirty-sixth reunion of the Society of
the Army of the Tenneewee will he he'd at
Council Bluffs. Ia., Thursday and Friday,
November I and . 19os. The annual ai
rframe will be delivered by General Smith
D. Atkins. The arrangements for the re
union are under the charge of Capta'a
George Um Richmond, while the trans por-
' The meetings of the literary societies at
the High school Friday wero the first ones
under the direction of the . new society
teachers. According to the present plan
every society has three teachers who see
that the programs are carried out without
a hitch and that credit for the work goes
to the proper members. Many of the
former teacher over one society have been
moved to other rival societies.
The Prlscllla A Men, n prominent girls'
society. Joined with the Ciceronian De
bating, one of the boys' societies. In a pro
gram. The Idea Is fairly new and toi
well taken by the member of both so
cieties. The following program was ren
dered: Debate Resolved, That a classical educa
tion Is of more benefit In after life thnn
s scientific one. Aflirmatlve: Harris
Vance, Helen Wright. Negative: Sid
ney Smith, Ruth Best.
Question Box
Oration Marc Antony's Speech
... Ralph DowA
Violin Duet
Grace McBride. Jennie Underland
Original Story Hawthorns Daniel
Anecdote Verna Hayes
polo Sam Reynolds
le Puritan Chronicle Louis Northrup
After the program the girls gave tho
boys a fudge party.
The Pleiades society gave tho following
pros ram;
Original Story Nellie Hunt
Hook Review Jean McMaster
Declamation Irene Kessler
Reading.... Ora Russell
Current Topic.. Helen Riepen
Debate Resolved, That fraternities are a
detriment to a school or College. Bea
trice Cole, Grace Schaffer.
The Hawthorne society departed soms
whnt from the usual routine program and
bed u drill in parliamentary law, led by
Miss Toime.
The Uninger Travel club's program was
as follows:
Mandolin Solo Selected Bessie Davis
Paper Carnivals In Foreign Lands
Katherlne O'Leary
Recitation Florence Becker
Original Theme Samantha at Ak-Bar-
Ben Carnival
........... Esther Devalon, Pearl "janney
Recitation-Selection from Lady Jane..
Blanche r leaver.
Recitation Lochlnvur Julia Oaryion
M"d,,lrn Giants" Mabel Huntley
Cr.on,c'e V.;;.V profr'"n Committee
The Frances Wlllard society gave ths
following excellent program:
Recitation The Dutchman s Telephone..
-u- Edith Jacobson
fielectlon-The Bell of Atrl Bmlly Jelen
Short Recltatlon-When Pa Says Grace .
r... ' Y"i i,:. -v - o.?" oro
viigiinu oiury Anionio epeagettl s First
Day at High School Violet Cnrlson
Reading of the Crescent Clara Nelson
Humorous Recitation The Ruasvllle
u';lu" Course .....Bessie Allen
"The Current Events of the Weeks of the
Carnival'' Mamie Meek
The Browning society: The subject for
the program was "Greater Omaha," mu
sic: burleaquette.
The Margaret Fullers, wishing the ser
vices of a piano for their program, ad
journed to the house of Mrs. Atkinson, a
cln.j teacher.
The Demnsthcnlnan Debating society
gave the following program:
Current Events" Donald Atchison
Talk on Parliamentary Law". Mr. Bracelea
Debate Resolved. That Cuba shou' I
be annexed to the I'nlted Statea. Af
firmative: A. Hayum, A. MarowlU.
Negative: J. Bowrn, O. Davidson.
The society teachers were the Judges.
The verdict was two to one for the t f
rlrmatlve. Sketch George Sugam in
J Bee Want Ads. Produes Result.
lytall's Candies.
It you are a connoisseur of confection you will appreciate
the supreme goodness of DybaU's chocolates and candles.
Dyball's chocolates are tho daintiest, the purest and most de
lightful of all confections.
All our candles are made In our own confectionery under
our personal supervision, and we guarantee their absolute
purity and wholesomeness. Get DybaU's the quality Is right
the prices are right.
" t; find H the new and popular drlnka In our menu.
Tour choice will be served to you In that dainty way which
all appreciate.
Try one of our hot chocolates. They are the best ever.
p Douglas