Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 15

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Tux Omaha' Sunday Bee.
EMered at Omaha postofnce a second
class matter.
r'ally. Bee (without Sunday), one year. .M OO
HUlr bee and Sunday, ona year Ji u9
Sunday Bee, ona year '. IM
Bat urdu j- Brr. one year li
lally Bee (Including Sunday), per week.. 150
Dally ilea (without Butiuay), per
Evening Be (without Sunriay. per week o
Evening I!ee (with Sunday), per
Sandfly Uce, per ropy..., J
Address complaint of irregularities in de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee building.
South Omaha City Hall building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl streeJL
Chicago-) (MO;- building.
New York-IMS Home Ute Inn. building.
Washington 61 Fourteenth street,
' Comrnunlcatlona relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
lies, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing eompeny.
Only J-cent stamps received s payment. of
timll accounts, Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as:
Charles C. Konrwater. general manager of
The Bee Publishing company, being duly
worn, eays that the actual number of full
fid complete coplea of The Dally. Morning
Kvening and Sunday Bee print ei'. during
the month of September, 11M6, was as fol.
1 84,430 18 .30,670
I ..0,30 IT 30,680
I ....31.080 II 30,710
4....... ..10,880 13 30,890
I.. 30,370 20 30.0B0
30,730 11 30,060
t .30,480 22.... 31,140
30,940 . 2t 30,410
30,470 24 30,710
10..., 30,080 21 30,890
11 ....30,340 24 30,40
It 30,430 27 3S150
II...; 30,360 21 04,670
14 30,600 it 35,600
II.. 30,860 10 30,600
Toti.1 .837,350
Less unsold coplea ,80
Net total sales 807.843
Daily. average 30,930
General lanagor.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before roe this 1st day of October,
(Seat) M. B. HUNQATE,
Notary Public
fceerlbers leaving- the city trm
perarlly ahe14 hare The Bee
saalled to them. Address will be
changed aa oftea as requested.
Ooyernor Mickey will pray today to
fortify himself for bis bout with his
Ouraha Fire and Police commlasloners
this week.
Former Mayor Van Wyck must have
lost considerable prestige in New York
since even Mr. Hearst can afford to
decline his support.
Scientists who ruth to the defense
of Mont Pelee should remember that
It doesn't do to stand responsible for
volcanoes nor politicians.
' That Hudson river collision was
brought off Just in time to show those
Interested in Missouri river traffic that
accidents are not confined to railroads.
Count VUte'B determination to re
tire from Russian politics would have
been more startling had he not waited
until Russian politics retired from
Kentucky feudists who exchanged
sixty shots without hitting a man may
find the game too expensive if they are
not run from homo for disgracing the
. A peonage prosecution in Arkansas
has been postponed until the alleged
"peons" can prosecute a suit for dam
ages. The "peons" can have nu vote
la that district.
Mayor Jim's far-famed backbono
must be in danger of eclipse. He de
clares himself irrevocably against a
second telephone system, but sign the
franchise just the same.-. -
If the French are right in asserting
that Emperor William threw Russia
Into their arms thfcre . Is probable
grounds for a case, of malicious as
sault before The Hague tribunal.
It would appear to the layman that
the use of words like "Neufchatel" and
"Champagne" ion American goods is
not misleading, providing therv,piace
of their manufacture Is plainly stated.
With Mr. Hughes and Mr. Hearst
both declaring that they do not -desire
to be considered partisan candidates,
the resurrected mugwump should have
the time of his life in the Empire state.
. Secretary Root' admits having re
ceived' gold plate from naval officers
-of Pefu4 but t will regulre future de
velopments to discover how many
"gold bricks' be received during his
Pacific coast training la reflected in
Hearst's denunciation of the' Chinese,
but, seriously, residents of the land of
Confucius areu worthy, of bettor- com
ment than "men of low intellect and
still lower morals." Let Americans
b. Just, even It ungenerous.
Candidate "phaJienborger, is indulg
ing in all kinds of reckicsa statements,
but he .has not yet denied the charge
that after having promised when seek
ing votes for congress to accept no
passes he afterwards rode to Wash
ington on free transportation and then
collected mileago from the govern
ment. It there were any idea behind those
who prompted tho Douglas county dec
laration of Independence from the
state convention nomination of 'sena
tor that aa overpowering public senti
ment would Immediately develop here
In favor of a last ditch fight for a
Douglas county man regardless of a
breach - of faith. ' these expectations
hav been- sadly .disappointed.-
I . , .V HOXOll DOVltD. . -
No matter what double-meaning
resolutions or confusing pronuncla
mentos they may have been inveigled
Into making, the republican legislative
candidates in Douglas county and for
that matter in all counties are in
honor bound when elected to vote fop
Norris Brown for United States sen
ator. By virtue of being the choice
of the republicans of Nebraska repre
sented in state convention,, Norris
Brown as the party nominee has the
same claim upon their support that
they have upon the votes of other re
publicans upon whose ballots their
own election or defeat at the polls will
depend. Every time the party lever
is pulled down on the voting machine)
or a cross placed in a top circle
for a straight republican ticket it will
record a preference for Norris Brown
as the regularly nominated republican
candidate for United States senator
Just the same as for the republican
candidates for legislative places. Every
such vote will also constitute an in
struction upon the legislative candi
dates to see to It that this expressed
preference is given vitality and force in
the joint session in which the commis
sion to represent Nebraska in the
United States senate for six years will
be Issued next winter.
It is not to be doubted that the
people of Douglas county would like
to retain the senatorship nor that they
can present many good reasons to
justify and support such a demand.
This question, however, was settled in
the nominating conventions of the two
political parties, one of which pledged
Its following to Norris Brown of Kear
ney and the other to W. H. Thompson
of Grand Island. To contend now that
these conventions, in which Douglas
county took active part, had no right
to express themselves on the senator
ship or to bind legislative candidates
to their qhoice la too much like plead
ing the baby act. Had a Douglas
county man been the nominee for sen
ator, our people would have expected
legislative members of the same party
allegiance all over the state to abide
by that selection and would not have
been slow to characterize truly any
manifested disposition to refuse recog
nition to the successful convention
nominee because he came from Doug
las county or upon any similar pre
tense. It Is a poor rule that does not work
both ways. Every candidate who al
lowed his name to be voted for in the
state convention for United States sen
ator is in honor bound 'to yield the
field to the winner, if his victory was
fairly won, and every legislative can
didate who accepts a place on the same
ticket Is in honor bound to see him
through. We believe every republican
legislative candidate In Douglas county
will take this view of his party obliga
tion before the time arrives to vote for
United States senator.
Rarely, If ever, has there been ap
auspicious a showing of any industry
as the bureau of statistics makes of
agricultural prosperity in every part of
the country. The result of the Inves
tigation is the more satisfactory be-
cause it compares the total values of
farms, including buildings, In 1900
and 1905, separating them Into ten
classes according asj the farms are de
voted to cotton, rice, sugar, hay and
grain, live stock, dairying, tobacco,
fruit, vegetables and general farming.
Thus the total value of the farm plant,
in round numbers, increased from
tie. 600,000,000 in 1900 to $24,700,
000,000 in 1905, an astonishing incre
ment In half a decade of $8,100,000,
000, or over 50 per cent. The contrast
of these totals would be incredible if
the inquiry out of which they arise had
been less detailed and thorough, but
even if large deduction be arbitrarily
made from the 1905 figures the in
crease of value during the five-year
period is without parallel In all his
tory. The causes assigned are manifold,
and. although in some localities land
values are reported to be speculative,
they appear In the main reflective of
genuine present and prospective uses.
Intensive farming and the general in
troduction of scientific methods,
growth of urban population and bet
ter communication between town and
farm, irrigation and dry farming are
cited among the conditions which
have enabled the farmers to respond to
the demand for their produce. The
contemporaneous activity in all me
chanical and commercial employments
has gone far toward establishing an
equilibrium in exchange of agricul
tural and industrial commodities on an
enlarged scale, in which, of course, ex
pandlng sales of the latten In foreign
markets is a potential factor.
There is substantial reason to be
lieve that the growth of farm values
Is for the most part legitimate and
abiding. Large allowance must, in
deed be made for the vicissitudes of
the seasons and also tor the equally
Inevitable industrial reactions which
affect the farms. Nevertheless, the
fact remains that the main causes of
the uplift marked by the farm totals of
1890 and 1905 are permanent. No
forecast can ignore the continued
growth of the uonfarmlng population,
massed in cities and towns, both In
our own and in the other great in
dustrial countries. On the other hand,
the possibility of greater farm produc
tion through improved methods and
cultivation of yet unoccupied land Is
growing rapidly in the light of science
and discovery.
Reassuring and Inspiring as the
outlook Is tor agriculture in general,
no section, has firmer ground for con
fidence and hope, as this report strik
ingly demonstrates, than the great in
terior valley region which is adapted
to general farming, and la no part of
this section more than the younger
states of Neb rn ska, Kansas and the
It is certainly amazing that in this
era of enlightenment a Judge on the
bench should find it Incumbent upon
him to protest publicly against the re
peated declarations of jurors that they
could not render impartial verdicts
based upon the law and the evidence
before them because of bias created by
thlr corporate employment. Assum
ing that these Jurors have been truth
ful In their answers, It Is Incomprehen
sible how any free-born American citiJ
ten, when called to perform duties of
citizenship upon a jury, can consider
himself in any way obligated, to as
sume the point of view of his em
ployers as If they, Instead of he, were
passing upon the case.
The Bee maintains, as it has always
maintained, that if the laborer is
worthy of his hire the employe who
does his work faithfully and conscien
tiously and receives payment at the
agreed rate owes his employer nothing
further. The employer has no more
right to dictate or demand that his em
ploye shall vote the same ticket at the
polls that he votes than he has to re
quire him to worship God In the same
church In which he worships. The
employer has no more right to expect
subserviency to his interests In a Jury
box than he has to require an employe
to enlist for him. in the army or to
serve for him In the navy. After the
employe has finished the task for
which he is paid he still has responsi
bilities of citizenship to discharge
which may or may not be identical
with the desires of his employer, but
as a citizen 'he must be guided by his
own conscientious convictions rather
than by what he thinks his employer
would like to hate him do.
The limits of employment may be
hazy and ill-defined, but they stop far
short of the ballot box and the jury
room. An employe would be ungrate
ful who sought willfully to injure his
employer, but should it become a
choice for him between patriotic citi
zenship and subservient employment,
patriotism must always be paramount.
3. 3. Hill of the Great Northern has
transferred to the United States Steel
company lands supposed to contain
about 600,000,000 tons of iron ore.
The accepted estimate of the entire
realizable ore deposits of the country
is 2,600,000.000 tons. As the steel
company already controlled 1,000,
000,000 tons before the Hill transfer,
it is now master of three-fifths of our
total iron ore resources, an economic
fact which, since iron ore is a basic
clement in Industry, will bear very
serious pondering.
The Iron ore lands embraced In the
Hill transfer, it is safe to assume, were
acquired at a trifling original cost, the
title for. the most. part coming either
through railroad land grants or
through private entries under the na
tional land laws by methods now
pretty well though not favorably
known. At any rate these tracts, con
taining a fifth of the country's work
able iron ore deposits passed from the
government, the trustee of the people,
for a mere song. Under the contract,
however, the Great Northern is to re
ceive a minimum price of 85 cents a
ton for the ore, which is to be cumu
latively Increased 3.4 cents per ton
per year, so that in a period of fifty
years the total price Is estimated at
about $850,090,000. In addition the
road is to get 80 cents a ton for haul
ing the ore to the docks at Duluth,
netting another handsome profit.
In view of these facts it would be
vain to deny that, though tho philoso
phers failed In ages of search, we have
by corporation manipulation discov
ered an alembic in which base metal
is Infallibly transmuted into gold.
The sensational flight of Manuel
Silvelra from Havana with funds esti
mated from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000
belonging to New York firms incident
ally directs attention to the looting of
the Cuban treasury through alleged
Soldiers' clalni3 which bids fair to de
velop into a great scandal and which
is especially Interesting at this June
tore. The New York banks for which
Silvelra acted as an agent have been en
gaged since the island republic was
set up in business in extensive and Im
mensely profitable operations in claims
for arrearage pay on account of service
In "the army of liberation," the enor
mous aggregate of $57,500,000 having
so 'far been paid therefor out of the
Cuban treasury and $3,600,000 more
appropriated. By far the greater part
of these claims are well understood to
to have been utterly fraudulent, but
the financing of the gigantla system
of loot was mainly engineered from
New York, the pay warrants having
been bought up for as low as 5 per
cent ot their face and rarely higher
than 10 to 15 per cent. The American
speculators, while making large allow
ances to their Cuban agents and con
federates, still reaped for themselves
millions of profit. On their part the
latter organized popular clamor and
irresistible combines ot lobbyists to
put the bonding measures through,
whereupon the warrants long before
bought up for a trifle by powerful
American speculators were converted
into cash at par with Interest.
When It Is recalled that arrearage
pay claims of over 50,000 alleged In
surgent soldiers were formally ap
proved, whereas careful Inquiry by the
United Mates authorities tailed to dis
close rWe than 7,000 men in arms,
some jdea of the magnitude of the loot
can byj formed, but on top of that there
la tb'j fact that practically no authentic
original -records existed on which to
base the claims. They were allowed
on the unverified lists made out by
officers who, there Is reason to believe,
were often hand in hand with the
looters and who also dominated the
new government In spite of the pro
tests of the honest but weak President
It may well be donbted that the
tenth part of the $67,500,000 soldiers'
claims already paid was legitimate or
that anything like the tenth part of
tho money ever reached original claim
ants, whether honest or fraudulent.
The bulk of it was absorbed by specu
lators and plunderers who succeeded
In making the Cuban masses their
dupes and the Cuban government their
tool. Through It all Senor Silvelra Is
shown to have been a potential factor
and the treasure with which he has
now absconded to have been in his
hands in pursuance of these opera
tions. The disclosures already made
Imply more of the same character to
follow and pour a flood of light on
Borne peculiar phases of "Cuba Libre."
The compilation of public indebted
ness by the census bureau shows a re
markable decrease, so far as national
and state governments are concerned,
but a corresponding Increase In the
case of cities, villages and townships.
The per capita county indebtedness
has been nearly stationary $2.4 7 in
1880, $2.32 in J S90 and $2.50 In 1902.
But the per capita national Indebted
ness fell from $60.46 in 1870 to
$11.77 In 1902, having been $38.27 in
1880 and $14.22 in 1890. Likewise,
there was a decrease In state and terri
torial indebtedness from $9.15 in 1870
to $2.98 in 1902, the figures being
$5.48 in 1880 and $3.38 In 1890. On
the other hand,' the per capita in
debtedness of cities, vil.ages and town
ships increased from' $8.57 in 1870 to
$17.66 in 1902, having been $14.09 in
1880 and $11.89 in 1890.
It is evident that collective enter
prise under municipal and other
strictly local forms has'enormously In
creased. While the sphere of the na
tional government has expanded, the
local undertakings of the people for
public Improvements and services have
multiplied at an incomparably greater
rate. In the light of these facts the
dangers which tome Imagine from
centralization in the national govern
ment, usurping the functions of local
government, largely disappear.
The response to the great enlarge
ment this year of night school facilities
in Cleveland; O., which has been fore
most in developing this species of edu
cational opportunity, is reported to be
surprising to the school authorities.
1 he night schools hve heretofore
been overcrowded, but the abrupt
doubling of the supply; instead ot ac
commodating the demand, as was
confidently expected, has only stimu
lated it and raises at once the ques
tion of further extension. The effect
of the night schools In cities where
the experiment has been most thor
oughly tried has invariably been bene
ficial in marked degree and has found
a large and growing element to which
they are an inestimable blessing.
The very fact that such numbers of
youth who labor during the ordinary
school hours deny themselves rest and
pleasure in order to attend these
schools at night is proof positive that
the system meets a real want. Such
zeal, too often lacking In the more
fortunate attendants in the public
schools, also assures that public money
so Invested will not be wasted, and. In
deed, that It yields the best returns In
all school expenditures. Such an in
terest manifested not only by youth,
but also by adults, In some cases per
sons of foreign birth and in many
others working men who in youth were
deprived of educational advantage, de
serves profound sympathy and from
every point of view Is worthy of more
practical consideration than it has yet
generally received.
Senator Whyte of Maryland calls
upon southern democrats to cut away
from Bryan and Hearst and stand for
"traditional democracy." As the sena
tor has been an active, voting demo
crat for more than sixty years he is
qualified to speak of "traditions" and
might collaborate with Henry Gasso
way Davis on an Interesting volume of
democratic history.
Richmond P. Hobson says that
Japan could take Hawaii and the Phil
ippines tomorrow, because the United
States navy Is so small and impotent,
but reports of conditions on those
Islands indicate that Japan would be
willing to give them back the very
next day.
Candidate Moran ot Massachusetts
seems to be chiefly interested In show
ing the voters that he is not connected
with either the New York or the Ne
braska presidential aspirants, but until
he announces his attitude toward
George Fred Williams, Bay state voters
may stand aloof.
That minister who confessed to de
serting from the navy after the statute
ot limitations had barred prosecution
doubtless secured the desired publicity
without paying advertising rates and
his conscience la of the kind which
knows how to sting at the right time.
Though not couched in exactly the
same language, Cubans and Filipinos
may draw similar inferences from the
remarks of Secretary Taft on the sub
ject of American occupation and resi
dents of both territories should begin
to practice self-control.
Now that Uncle Sam's experts have
told prospective settler how to treat
land under Irrigation, the men who
have been farming In arid districts for
years have an opportunity to learn
how little they know of the subject.
Aa Overworked Fapalty.
Baltimore American.
Although man Is born unto trouble he
has a great faculty for Increasing his
natural store.
Cleveland Leader.
Perhaps certain events of lost summer
will cause the people to keep a little closer
tab on the Ice crop this winter.
A .tnyoas Bast I s,
Kansas City Times.
What reconciles everybody with news
that the Bridge trust in Ohio has been
forced to go out of business Is the number
of tin bridges It has turned out.
Mlltentnni Apnronrhlnar.
Washington Post.
Secretary Wilson assures us that we will
have pure food after the new law goes into
effect on January 1. Still, most of us will
hardly care to restrain our appetites that
Knocker Lands a Job.
St. Paul Pioneer Press.
The latest from Cuba Is that the defeated
candidate who starts a revolution must bo
given a government Job. This Is a new
and brilliant addition Jo the old spoils
Schools for Railroad Men.
St. Louis Republic.
ITarrlman Is to found a school for the
employes of Ms railroads. Tt Is to be hoped
that he will have a special course to teach
brakemen how to pronounce the names of
stations Intelligibly.
Same Old ftp ramble.
Cleveland Leader.
Spectators who expect that tinder the
new rule, the foot ball games thev witness
this fall will look' like pinochle are doomed
to disappointment. Even now It cannot be
played In evening clothes.
Wattrrson Sticks to Bryan.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
And bo, we shall continue tn Biinii mi
on Bryan. He may not be aa smooth aa
Roosevelt, nor as rich as Hearst, but he
has worn very well, all things considered.
In spite of a rent or Iva In htm .,.t n.i.A.A
may be mended In time for 1!8. and In any
ecnt, aa me monkey said when he pointed
the cat tall with a brhsh made out of
the eagle s wing, "What's the good of hav
ing a cat that ain't -ky-blue?"
A Cheerful Taker,
Philadelphia Record.
Mr. Rockefeller bemoans his Innhllltv to
so distribute his riches to nersons anllrltoila
of his charity as to be sure that he will
noi 0.0 more harm thnn good. As a conse
quence he has turned over the bulk of his
almsgiving to a syndicate, reserving to
mmseir the pleasure of left-handed nrt
unasked-for benevolence. But It mny bo
doubted whether Mr. Rockefeller hna
thrown his soul Into the task of distributing
his wealth as he did Into the task of gather
ing tt In. As a cheerful elver ho h on-
quired some deserved reputation, but as a
cheerful taker he is simply magnificent.
Trend of the Times' Decidedly for a
Square Deal.
North American Review.
That advertLHfns nava I ta
erally recognized, but it Is still an open
question whether truthful advertisements
proauce results equal to those of an
nouncements which. If not oulta deceitful
are nevertheless obvious exaggerations.
ine nrst exponent of paid-for publicity on
a large scale was a famous mn na
circuses to whom was accredited the cynical
observation that "the American people love
to oe numDugged." It la a significant fact,
however, that the practice of that able
showman did not conform to his preoept,
ana mat tno continuance of his success
waa really due to the excellent r hia re
ductions. Doubtless, he was as well aware
or mis truth aa anybody else, and merely
chuckled over the additional advertising
obtained at no cost, th much A wlvrv nh.
servatlon that could not fail to appeal to
me American sense of humor. Second only
to the showman in usinar what aoemeit tn v.
a daring innovation was the nuhiiahAe n
a story paper, who, also, always gave more
man ne promised.
Not a few ambitious emulators of tha
pioneers mistook the true cause of their
successes and endeavored to achieve similar
benefits by mere pronouncements, xvithmir
regard to accuracy, to discover that lasting
gum couia not be obtained In thl manner,
and year by year they have become more
heedful of the Injunction that, irrespective
of Us inherent merit, honeety Is the best
New York World: The Rev. Richard
Smith, a British harvest festival preacher,
has attained world fame by a phrase.
"Man," says he, "make more noise driv
ing one motor car through the streets of
earth than the Creator makes driving His
whole army of stars through the streets
of heaven." Fine, but based on an as
sumption. How does the Rev. Richard
presume to measure the sound of that
harmony of the spheres which not even
the most advanced science has as yet been
able to detect?
Cleveland Plain Dealer: If we may ac
cept the expert opinion of the famous son
of a famous father pulpit eloquence has
suffered a decline. According to Rev.
Thomas Spurgeon, son of the late Rev.
C. It. Spurgeon, the sermon of today is
no longer the power it was. It is possible
the modern sermon may be couched In
equally forcible language, but Its Influence
can not be compared with that wielded
by the exhortations of a generation or
more ago. The pastor today faoas a very
different audience, an audience that is
at once critical and largely unimpres
sionable. It doesn't ask for rhapsodies.
tt Is Impervious to warning lessons, It
refuses to have its feelings harrowed up.
This was not the congregation the old
time giants of the pulpit faces. They
were not handicapped by such considera
tions aa temper the eloquent (light of
the preacher of today.
Brooklyn Eagle: A clergyman of Ot
tawa has frightened his town and his
people by advocating the confessional as
an adjunct of the Presbyterian church.
Yet there need be no occasion for alarm.
In the nrst place, the Presbyterian or
ganization lacks the temporal authority
of the Roman hierarchy, so that no com
municant would feel compelled to own
up to Ms pastor; but, In the next place,
there are doubtless thousands enrolled in
the Protestant denominations, or unen
rolled In any, to whom confession of sins
would be not a duty, but a joy.. Many
men and more women long for the privi
lege of unburdening minds made heavy
with conscience and seeking advice, or
even Inviting reproof and penalty. Haw
thorne's Miriam, the New England Pur
itan, seeking the confessional In Rome
as .an ease to her soul, is no unnatural
picture of what many would choose to
be and do were the confessional provided
In the other churches, as it la in those of
the Cathollo faith. In some of the Church
of England establishments that perpetu
ate a "high" ritual the coufesslon is not
dlseeuragod. It cannot be claimed aa a
right by the Protestant clergy, but It
might be claimed aa a privilege by the
members el the Protestant congregation.
will give you the pleasure of owning a beautiful, rich diamond, a good watch
or any other article in the jewelry line. Open a charge account with me now.
The best American mouuicnt. A great
value; one that has made Mandolberg's
"The Watch Store."
are arriving dally; each express brings many new novelties suitable for gifts.
It would not be a bad stunt to have something layed away for you now. It's
not too early. Pay a small amount earh week and by Christmas you can give
a present worth while. 1IDJX IT OTEB.
The cure for our own cares Is care for
There Is nothing heroic In a homemade
Only a dead creed can be embalmed to
The secret of being a saint Is being a
saint In secret.
You cannot lift up the people on whom
you look down.
No man loses any of his own light by
kindling It in others.
A man's sensitiveness usually Is In In
verse ratio to his service.
They seldom transgress any law who
follows where love leads.
It's no use looking like a lemon when
you talk of loving your neighbor.
The people who are praying to be nothing
are answered before they begin.
The only way to make sure tt a clean
heart la to watch against the little amuts.
Most of 11s would rather do a lot of regu
lation abroad than practice a little) right
eousness at home. ..
Many think they are defending faith
when they axe only .fighting against the
necessity of thinking." - ;:-
It's a wise old world that waits for the
indorsement of every -day honesty On the
checks of extraordinary holiness.
It's no use spending Sunday praying the
Lord to enter your heart, when you are
spending the week barricading it with bad
business. Chicago Tribune.
Almost 200 white girls are married to
Chinamen in Chicago. Doubtless they did
the best they could.
Educational circles In Indiana are worry
ing over the question, "Can a school
teacher play poker1?" Just watch 'em.
The Sox and the Cubs may jangle as they
will, but the Jingle of the money In the till
proves that it pays to play winning ball.
The aomlo opera government of the I e
of Pines keeps Its preBs agent in good
humor with the proceeds ot weekly ice
cream socials.
Merely as a foreword the statement la
made that the turkey crop Is all right and
cranberries are tinted to match the gob
bler's comb.
The whirligig of the season brings amus
ing changes. Here la the ice man, so
roundly berated a few weeks ago, chortling
Joyfully as the coal man steps on the
"Let us help thoe who have not as much
as we have," said young Rockefeller to his
Sunday school class; ' Then he cautioned
the members to bring their own lunches to
a plcnlo he had arranged.
In spite of the pure food law, Philadel
phia hams prarved in boric acid have
been discovered. .Whatever the faults of
boric acid may be. If it preserved Philadel
phia hums it must be mighty good stuff.
A Chicago man who left a will for his
children to contest also left a distinct im
pression of his wonderful thirst. Hia valet
testified that he "took to Ms room nightly
Ave or six bottles of beer, a' quart of
whisky, a bottle of buttermilk and two
bottles of mineral water. These were usu
ally empty In the morning," be added,
without cracking a smile.
Let Us Put Our
Over Your
Which One Ought Yon to Buy?
How Much Should it Cost?
Of Whom Will You Buy It?
If you know wbat It means to buy a piano tbat Is reliable and
that you can depend upon you will appreciate the benefits of the
Hospe one price, lowest price, no commission plan.
Take care tbat some third party is not too much Interested in
ise of a commission which they are ashamed to take openly, which
they know Is wrong to take secretly and which they know Is taxed
against you when you buy under that system. -
Take care and do not buy at a store where they have a sliding
price. You never will know what your piano is
worth then, and you'll be almost certain to find
some one who bought one like It for less money.
The Responsibility extends no farther than
the buyer and seller. You can't buy pianos of
good character and quality as low as we sell them. We sell $200
pianos for $145, we sell $250 pianos for $190, and $300 pianos for
$210, etc. Payments $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 a month. Don't fail
to see US.
A. HoSpe
A Wi ek
tiwennoien now uo you likn the new
spelling, "klst?"
Eftmeralda It's too short. Four letters
don't besln to convey an lilea of the thrill
when you when you are that m
Chicago Tribune.
Mrs. Keene Have all the other women
ai rived? r
The Maid Yes'm you're the last one.
Mrs. Keene-Well, you'd better ntinouncs
me so that they can get throiiKh tnlking
about me before I go In. Cleveland Leader.
"I suppose, said the friend, the iluv after
the wedding, "It was rather hard to Iom
your daughter. " - '
"Wil, no," replied the hrlde's fatlmr.
"It did seem as If It was going to be luird
at one time, but she landed tlilB fellow
Just aa we were beginning to lose, all
hope." Baltimore American.
"That new bride la always eating fudge.
She says hur husband thinks It looks cut.'."
"He's a wise Johnny. He knows that
long as her mouth Is filled with fudge she
can t talk." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"For goodness sake!" exclaimed Mrs.
Skrapps, "what are you always complaining
fort You haven't anybody to blame for
your trouble but yourself."
"Oh, 1 admit I proposed to you. You
needn't be throwing that up to me," re
plied her husband, savagely. Philadelphia
"Yea, Indeed," said Mr. Staylate, bot
fully, 'I always 'a.v as I go"
"Really?" replied Miss Patience Oonne,
Stlflinc & yawn, "and do vnup crelli.r,.a
never complain about having to wait so
tongr rniiaaeipma catholic Standard.
To wed, or not to wed;
That Is the question.
Whether 'tis better
To remain single.
And disappoint a few women
For a time;
Or marry,
And disappoint ona woman
For life?
Llpplnoott's Magazine.
Charles Mackay.
Tell me, ye winged winds.
That round my pathway roar.
Do ye not know some Bpot
VV 1 1 1 r M mitrtul, U' . . n I... ...a w 1
Some lone and pleasant dell,
Some valley In the west.
Where, free from toll and pain.
The weary soul may rest?
The loud wind dwindled to a whisper low,
And sighed for pity aa It answered: "Nu.''
Tell me, though mighty deep,
Whose billows round me play,
Know'st thou some favored spot.
Some island far away.
Where weary man may find
The bliss for which he sighs
Where sorrow never lies.
And friendship never dies?
The loud waves, rolling in perpetual flow,
Stopped for awhile, and sighed to answeri
And thou, serenest moon,
That, with such lovely face.
Dost look upon the earth,
Asleep in night's embrace;
Tell me, In all thy round
Hast tnou not seen some spot
Where mlseruble man
May find a happier lot?
Behind a cloud the moon withdrew In woe.
And a voice, sweet but aad, responded:
Tell me, my secret soul,
O, tell me, Hope and Faith.
Is there no renting place I
From sorrow, sin and death?
Is there no happy spot
Where mortals may be blest,
Where grief may find a balm,
And weariness a ruet?
Faith, Hope and Love, best bonds to mor
tals given.
Waved their bright wings and whispered!
"Yea, In heaven!"
Heads Together
New Piano
If Price V
If $25.00
V. Per Week II
where and what you buy, because there's many a
person who doesn't like this store because we
don't pay commission. They are too clever to
tell you Just why they don't like us, but If the
truth were known you'd find that it's the prom
' D8 Street