The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SECTION. Pages 1 to 10. ft Filthy eneatlone THE OMAHA DEE Best West VOL. XXXVI-NO. 17. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1906. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. fif)AI Capitol Coal Hottest, cleanest ana mort satisfactory vvrisae p,r ton. 96.39. Hamr.le Barks from (.tore. Sio. Bonansa Coal, for furnace and beating stove, a vary hot coal, Inmp, per ton, $3.60. One Hundred Oreen Trading; Stamps with each ton order Monday. Am axon Hut A wonderful va1u for the money, per ton, 94.80. One hundred Own Trndinr Stamp with ea'h ton order Monday. Coal Office. Main rioor. PATTERNS H,mdred p' women have tried to use certain J patterns and have been disgusted. They are now pronouncing Til INDUS' IOK1 JOURNAL PATTKRSTS IdoeJ In line, nt, style and slmpllrlty lOo and lBo each. October Style Book FIBI for the taking. Harney Satraaoe Mala Tloet r ) 5 5 GLOVES In our Kid. Glove section we are carrying the leading mates, under our wn brands, in all sizes, colors and lengths. All gloves bought of us fully guaranteed and fitted to ilie hand by expert fitters. t-Clasp German 4 AA Lambskin, pair t-Clasp Prime Italian OF Lambskin, pair. . . . ) f-Clasp Torino Real f FA Kid, pair r t-Clatp Success Suede, pair. . . 1.50 t-Clasp Mnggioni, finest p;!: 2.00 IS-Butt on Olace Mousque- JS; 3.00 le-Button Qlace Mousque- ST. 3.50 It-Button Suede Mousque- SiT: .3.00 We carry a complete line of Mocha lined and unlined gloves. Hav; us fit you to pair of gloves at once, and we are sure to make a customer of you. Main Floer. A Grand Salesday Assured in Ladies9 Cloak 3 Suit Section By far the handsomest values and greatest varieties in down-to-date ready-to-wear garments SecondFloor. Ladies' Three-Quarter Length Coats Prince Chap or box coat styles. In fancy mixtures, plaids and invisible checks, scores to choose from $15, 912.BO, H.93 and St. SO. Ladies' Thrct-Qmnrter Length Coots A charming line in black, loose ripple back, trimmed with pretty silk braid, scores to se lect from, 924.BO, $10.50, $15 and $12. Ladies' Three-Quarter Length Coats In plain colors, castors, browns, blues, greptis -jns mow Xssnd 'iCssojS 'jos Ispaj pu fares, very warm materials, loose and tight fitting styles $22.50, $19.60, $15 and $12.50. Big Lino Ladles' Cravenette Coat All shades of tans and grays, fine qualities, some with velvet or leather collars and silk trimmings, at $19.50, $15, $12.60 and $10. Hand-tome Line of ladles' Suits Tlght flttlng, pony or Prince Chap styles, in fancy plaids and stripes, your choice Monday from hundreds of suits. $15 and $12.60. Ladles' Suit, Latest Approved New York Styles The finest materials, in plain colors and checks, prettily trimmed with velvet or braid, tight-fitting, pony or Prince Chap, long and short coats, easily worth $28.50, your choice from the biggest display in Omaha, $22.50. llig Line Ladies' Sample Suit In plaids, Invisible checks and plain colors, nicely trimmed, latest styles, tight-fitting' pony or Prince Chan short coat, absolutely worth $25, your choice from $19.50. Indies' Tnree-Queirter length Loose Coats An Immense stock of them, Oxford frays la Terioas shades; velTftt collars, aoDoy styles, dowa-to-the-honr. Mo greater tat rain was ever offered this season than thlss acores of them to Ola Into; one price 6.50 Charming Line of Misses' tiults, ages 12, 11 and up, In plaids and plain colors. Prince Chap and novelty jacket style.; will make a lady of any young ruins prlce., 4 ) r A $19.50, $15 and lL,d) UNDERWEAR , We are doing- a hit Business la onr Xnlt Underwear Section. We carry a complete Una of the celebrated Forest Kills Under wear, Tests, Fants and Union Bolts i medium and heavy weight, cotton, wool and silk and wooL It will pay yon to see oar line. 'TRXPXJB OUEV TRADIWO STAMP IK UHDXBWEAJL SliO TIOH MOKDAT. HOSIERY i Xf yon haven't nonht Hosiery from as In onr mew Hosiery section you've missed something-. We carry the best line shown in Omaha, at yrloes that cannot be matched. Onr Hosiery Section Is the Talk of the city. OSES TRADING) fJTAMFS ZH HOS XERT SXOTIOH KOHBAY. . Grand Initial Display of Strictly New Silks Monday Plaids are in strong request. We anticipated this We can shoio you a prettier and newer line silk plaids than you can find anywhere else fact. Our prices you'll find are the lowest, ranging from $1. 7o down to 69c. Fine printed chiffons for even ing wear and party gowns, swell bordered effects. Silk organdies in the new stylish floral effects most of these novelties are exclusive only one dress pattern of its kind. TAFFETA 38c 27IN worth $1 yard Nona y A fine luster Taffeta, blue and black, red and black, green and black and all shades of brown. See this raging bargain In window. Printed chiffon taffetas, pompadour effects, for elegant dresses or waists in beautiful color combinations; these silks also come in satin print'd grounds the most exquisite designs which are now being recognized as the favorites in silks, a yard $5 down to 95c.' Main floor. Initial Shovying of New Fall Dress Goods Monday. Beautiful new dress goods, new creations and newest styles in cloth or plaid serge ideas genuine favor ites in latest fashions. We offer you the handsomest new collection of foreign . goods in this vicinity at bargain prices. The favorite shades brown, wine, gray, navy, green. 4G-inch cloth plaid effects in the newest all color combinations navy blue, wine or green grounds with overplaid of con trasting colorings or embroidered effects, which gives this suiting the swell style. We'll be pleased to show these to you. 46-inch serge plaids or stripe effects, in great demand for suits, come in the new shades of browns with various color combinations in overplaids, or blue and green combinations, widths 46 to 54 inches, per yard, $1.50. Plain broadcloths are favorites. Our line of broadcloths Is one of the strongest features in our new dress goods section. We han dle the fine French and German cloth in every conceivable shade. We particularly call your attention to theso wlues, browns, greens, grays prices, a yard, from $5 to $1. Main Floor. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL SILKS. DRESS GOODS AiD WASH GOODS MONDAY, MILLINERY Monday ymong the Best Jdillmery in the Whole West. Dont buy Hill you see our Peerless Display and Incomparable. Values. :: :: Grand Showing of fforse SJlOW Modes a. &Zm litem w w The loveliest line for horse shoiv ever shown in Omaha. A variety of styles y that will tale . absolute leadership at the start. Picture hats ui thxpillow plumes, aiyrettcs,novelty ostrich, in all the newest shades, authentic' Paris styles and novelty trim ming, with a smartness and ) dash that nake them last-'. ,r ingly stunning Everything strictly n'o and beautiful. A yjH Three leading prices I ! Twenty Dollars l . J 1 hirty JJouars 2 here are others at prices lower, prices higher and prices betwixt, but these are the queens in this matchless ensemble. end Floor Special Inducement in Linen Section Morvdcvy TRIFLE OKEEH TRADING STAMPS I2x2 yards Square l'atteru Cloths, .best value In Omaha, at !24-in. Nankins to Match, dozen i 2x2V yards square Pattern Cloths, best value In the city, at Full Bias Hemmed Bed Spreads, upoclal good value.. And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. 3.50 3.75 4.25 ....91.00 Fall Sise Frlng-ed Bed Spreads, lor And Forty-flve Oreen Trading Btamps. plln or cut corners, boat 'In' city i . .SI.60 AMERICAN BEAUTY - CORSETS .. v Cohifriand the Attention of the FnciMlmn WnmRn - ' '. . The particular features of exceilfnce that Btamp this Coreet the peer of all othwrs are: Absolute Comfort Stylish Contour Symmetrical Appearance . . . ' Every Pair Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction From $1.00 to $5.00 IS. A Great Picture S: le Pictures for the Heme at Specia.1 Rccvctions 92.00 Cupid Awake and Asleep Pictures la oval brown frames, quartered oak, Monday special price si. 01 $2.75 Hand Colored Photogravures, fine assortment of subjects, Landscapes, Figures, Game, etc., framed in goia irames, wnite mats, size zox24, Monday special price $1.89 $3.00 Original Pastels, la elaborately finished gold frames, elegant landscapes, including marine views, Monday special price $2.23 $4 .SO Carbon Pictures, framed la rich browa mouldings, selected subjects, Mon day special price $2.75 Many Other Beautiful Pictures, from f 100 down to 10c M A Week 01 Green Trading Stamps IN-vCRQCKERY SECTION Five Times Green Trading Stamps on every purchase Fifty Green Trading Stfiups on every sale oi $1.(0 Many Special Bargains offered, : : : : : : : : Extra Green Trading Stamps See the Dinnerware Specials Cut Glass Specials Fancy China Specials The Lamp Specials Bargains on Every Side and Extra Green Trading Stamps with . Every Purchase 'IS' iai mm mm mm IEmI! i 111 In the Hard ware stoves r STOVES STOVES Fenlnsnla Range Special 824.50 Peninsular Race Rnrner Special. .024.50 Fenlnsnlax Oak Keater Special . . . S6.60 Wush Uoilers, up trom tttc And 40 Oreen Trading Stamps. Galvanized Wash Tuba, Tie, 64c und..66o And 30 Oreen Trading Stainpe. Coal Shovel, heavy, 16c and 10O And 10 Oreen Tracing Stamps.' Stove Brushes, up from 12o And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Coal Hods, up from 95o And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. Mouse Traps, Monday only, 2 for So Stove Pokers at lOe And 10 Oreen Trading Stumps. Clothes Lines at SOo And 20 Oreen Trading Stamps. Good Heavy Cash Boxes, up from 400 And 20 Urtsen Trading Stamps. Best Bread Buxes, each, 51.60 u.n.1 .. .81.25 And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Best Flour Cans at 11.60 and 81.35 And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Zinc Oilcloth Binding lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Padlocks at S6c, 15c and lOo And 10 Green Trading Btamps. Heavy Wrapping Cord, per hall 160 And 10 Green Trading Btamps. SUB THE SPECIAL SDK. OVSTRATIOIT Olf UXI VERSAX, SPBCUX TIXS. 'Bread Mixers, up lrom.f3.00 Universal Coffee Percolator, up from $8.60 Universal Food Chopper, up from 84o 4 Green Trading Stamps With Kacn. . It'jaffis OmoLha's Leading Grocery Monday' List tor the Mdney Saving Purchaser. Guaranlee with every article. v Bennett's Capitol Coffee, 1-lb. pks. 88o And 80 Green Trading Stamps. V. Basket Fired Japan Tea. 38e Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking- powder, lb. can 84o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Imported Olive Oil, Extra Green Trading Stamps. Diamond 8 Preserves, lb. jars t8o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract., bottle. .. .ISO And 20 Green Trading Stamps. CHEESE Swiss Virginia Cheese, lb SOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. N. Y. Full Cream Cheese, lb BOO And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Fresh Country Batter, pound BOo Chinese Sacred Lilies, 4 bulbs BSo Bennett's Capitol Pancake Flour, pkg.lOo And 10 Green Trading btamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkg lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Shredded Codfish, 8 pkgs BSo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Hand Picked Navy Beans, 8 lbs 850 Diamond C Soap, 10 bars BOo Honey, pure, pint Mason jar 850 And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Chocolate Menler, lb 45 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S CANDIES Stick Candy, fresh made, assorted flavors. 6 sticks for lo 2S sticks for Bo Pound for lOo A Great Book Sale $1.50 Copyright Fiction - 49c "That Printer of Udell's." by Harold Wright. "Rose of the World," by Agnes and Egerton Castle. "Infellce," by Augusta Evana Wilson. "The Lane that Has No Turning," by Gilbert Parker. . The Circle." by Katharine Cecil Thurston (author of "The Maaquerader," "The Gamb ler.") "Bob. Son of Battle." by Alfred Olllvant "The Deliverance," by Ellen Olasgow. "The President," by Alfred Henry Lewis. "When I Was Ciar," by Arthur W. Marchmont. 1 "None But the Brave," by Hamblen Bears. "The Pool in the Desert." by Mrs. Edward Cotes. "The Pioneer." by Geraldlne Bonner. "The Crimson Blind." by Fred M. White. "The Infidel." by M. E. Braddon. "The Vintage of Hide and Seek," by Bingham ' T. Wilson. ."Racer of Illinois," by Henry Somerville. "The Prlncefs of the Purple Palace," by William Murry Graydon. "Up the Witch Brook Road.- by Kate Upson Clark. "How Tyson Came Home," by William H. Rlde nlg. . , Book Stall. Main Floor. $1.50, $1.25. 75c Books - 19c 1,800 Copyright Books, all handsomely bound In cloth and printed in large, clear type, written by the most popular authors of today. Some of these books are in their original $1.50 and $1.2.1 bindings. A FEW OP THE TITLES: "The Vialts of Elizabeth," by Elinor Gynn. "A Furnace of Earth," by Hallle Erminie Rives. "A Fair Barbarian," by Francis Hodgson Bur- by Charles E. Merrlman. "The Heart of Toll," by Octave Thanet "The Herb Moon," by John Oliver Hobbes. "With the Best Intentions," by Marlon Harland. "The Uncalled," by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. "Active Service," byStephan Crane. "Across the Chasm," by Julia Magruder. "Helen's Babies," by John Haberton. "Minna." by Wilhelmina Wtttigschlager. "Cecilia." by E. Marion Crawford, "letters From a 8on to His Self-Made Father," by Charles E. Merrlman. "Hans Brlnker." or "The Silver Skates," by Mary Mapea Dodge. See Window Show. n V Furniture" Ho.ll Furniture Cheap for Cash KAU, TRtRS Solid narteT-sawe oak, pollsaeA rreaca plate glass. i'rice.. M..S, !lt0. til. Ilk 60. Sll.bA, ltf.4i), $.75 and. 7. ...... mm ausvii moua aoairer-sawea eax, pouaheo. rreaca plate class. 'A en Prices. ia. 111.28. 1 18. ft. 8.. T.6. KsStft and. . tTTT?.:". , ,.77 4.50 HAXXj BSTTXZ 5.15 Olid BflUt.MM MAto ka! t V A YWI ..a we Ilf..5. 118.2k. 114H&. ai7 111 lllti 111 iniftHK o- -wh T.lR Ja reoclved, a alee Una of lataies' Beaks and Mniie Cabinet' U 'aa tie fancy woods (m lUastraUoa.) rmxss noos. JF OUR present showing of die new "Dorothy Dodd" Boots should interest every woman interested b her style and personal appearance. To say they are smart but half expresses the at tractiveness of this really elegant footwear. The new toe shapes are so varied and are shown in such profusion in the various weights and leathers that they practically afford a "Custom Made" shoe for every individual taste and re quirement Priced at $3.00, 53.50 and $4.00. The Bennett Company 3rd Floor CARPETS :49c 2.25 2.50 2.75 All Wool Smyrna Rugs, 16x34, at Mouquette Rugs, 27xG0, at Sanford Beau Vais Rugs, ' 27x60, at Eigelow Axminster Rugs, 24x43, at Seamless Sanford Beau Q AA Vais Rugs, 4-6x6-6, at .JeYJu Palisade Brussels Rugs, t yf PA 8-3x10-6. at It.JU Palisade Brussels Rugs, ' 9x12, at Body Brussels Rugs, PA 9x12, at ...sC $ eDVJ Sanford Beau Vais Rugs, PA 9x12, at aUt eDV Sanford Velvet Rugs, PA 9x12, at t.eDJ Axminster Rugs, 'IQ AA 10-6x13-6, at tJt)3 15.98 New Fall Stock of Rugs in all sizes All Wool Smyrna Rugs, 30x60, at Moquette Rugs, 36x72, at Sanford Beau Vais Rugs, 36x72, at Smith Wilton Rugs, 27x54, at Seamless Sanford Beau to AA Vais Rugs, 6x9, at ...10.UU Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6, at Roxbury Brussels Rugs, 9x12, at Axminster Rugs, 9x12, at Seamless Velvet Rugs, 9x12, at Lowell Wilton Rugs, 9x12, at Body Brussels Rugs, 10-6x12, at 3rd Floor 1.69 .3.98 4;50 2.98 21.75 22.00 19.98 26.50 35.00 39.00 Wall Paper Selling Ont Oar Ulffh Urads Vspars tOc, 76c and SOo quality govs at, roll, 30c, i&o and lOo. Bargains yon oan't afford to lose Also papers as low as iwr roll, ma ay How. T&lrJ floor 3rd Floor Bargains ii Drapery Section 3fdFIow Hottlas-nam x,aeo Curtains, in full sise, fib yards long and as wide as til im-hes. an new patterns, worth up tj 25. Monday, a (air at 1.49 Hottlngaani Cable Vet and Cluny Cur taluo, all new patlerua. In vury expan sive eft ects, worth up to 11.75, Monday at 83.88 Ooocn Covers Big assortment of Meavy Tapestry Couch Covers, with extra long lattice fringe on all sides, both 60 and t)-iu-h widths, sell up lo IJ.75, in on lot Monday 9X48 Xrlsb Point Curtains, 1,000 pairs, all new patterns, bought of manufacturer at i luutiig out prices, curtains worth up to IT.6U pair. In one lot at, a pair 94.78 Rial Lw Door Panels, In full sise, 10'j differenl patterns, worth up to IJ.00, In one lot, ea h 48o fereerlsed Tap. .try rortl.r.e, fult stae. some plain with long lattice Xrlnge on top and bottom, others have heavy corded side and bottom, while others have heavy tapestry borders, worth up to t. in one lot Monday, at IH-M,