to 1 s EXTRAORDINARY S EXTRA SPECIALS IN SALE OF FINE I E DRESS GffiW wafpaasaaaassaja pw fl W "JWBflaWat aWfauwsass" nniMnn MHZ B I I I ! OMAHA S8 $1 Silks at 39c a Yard $ A Xew York manufacturer of fine dress $ taffetas, going out of business, closes out to ' Brandeis 3(10 pieces of mostly 27 inch & full RtanHard all' silk ' tnffetn. mudn v. l pressively for manufacturer's units, skirts, 3 petticoats and waists. They consist of f plain and glace effects. jjjj In our elaborate Ifith street window in tlu? P new building, we have shown the new p jjS browns, leather browns, russet browns & new Pans brown, Havanna brown, etc. r Thousands have asked. How can Bran- deis sell such wonderful silks for .'We? $ hvery yard in the lot is positively worth $1.00, and wjll go on sale in main silk de triment, new store, Lnd section, Monday, at, yard BLACK SILKS FOR ENTIRE BANKRUPT STOCK uur line sm ..i r ana Sr-'.w dress goods, silk x and wool crepes, eoliennea ami poplins; lor street and party wear also plain and seeded chameleons; go at, yard a 69c 5 t TL 1611 3 3 1 Y5 59c 8 rxoe I 59 Pieces of Genuine C. J. Bonnet H Co. LI I.Tnni Frin KTcry ladr knows these black Bilks. We are the only dlrort Importer of Bonnet allkg. Insuring yon & fresh goods. Iook for the home anxi jockey trade mark on every oieee. Old shop worn black silks never wear well. We carry V J. Bonnet & Co. Ladies9 Suits, Skirts, Waists and Petticoats All of Shelley's finest $-20.00 and $25.00 Tailor Made uits will go at All of Shelley's fashionable $30.00 and $3o.00 Tailor made Suits will go at All of SheUev's elegant $50 and $00 Tailored Suits and Costumes will go at All of Shelley's $7.50 and $8.00 Silk IVt icoats, best silk petticoat value ever offered by Brandeis 3 98 All Shelley's $5.00 and . $6.00 Wool -Waists, in one great lot, at, Cfl mmIi tfJ9 All of Shelley's finest $10 Walk ing Skirts go in one lot at. . . . All of Shellev's $17.50 and $20.00 Silk $1.50 and $2.00 Silks at 59c Yd. i Lined VoiI skirt8 hl one k,t ai , $25 10c 25c full line of black Bilks, anJ .l 1 V. I . k. u turn uirui W1LU UIX A absolate guarantee, Q for Monday only, we offer 50 pieces of n black Bonnet taffe- V ta, fn main silk jrd 55 i ; I1.B0 and 12.00 45-ln. chiffon Kauir, 45-ln. printed Mtvr- a, nutsltto, 4(Vln. silk vofli'K. 45-ln. prlntPd Kadlum bilks. v Odd iiatterns: a (treat many exclusive designs, v S bought specially for the opening. KSt d S v i ne enure ioi ror qutcK Beiunft, 9 Monday, main silk department ard $5 0 Silk $10 DOUGLAS STREET, O MOST WONDERFUL BARGAINS in Ostrich Plumes ; lips All of Shelley's 50c real ostrich tips, in black only, on sale in our mil linery department, at, each All of Shelley's 75c real ostrich tips, very long, on sale at, each All of Shelley's $1.50 extra long m A heavy ostrich plumes, in black 6 M O only, on sale at H-r All of Shelley's $5 alid $10 ostrich plumes, black, white and all colors, go 50 fl C on sale in two lots, at, each -mpJ Trimmed Hats Choice of any of Shelley's $10 and $15 trimmed hats, both wool, felt and velvet hats, trimmed elaborately with ostrich vp JU plumes, fancy feathers and orna- ti 32C-5c-15c s islve designs, .59c 1 Shelley's Silk Velvets Li AfW hlllnment of Silk Plaids Sinn nlnir Pronch plaids, Batin barred plaids, in the newest combl- $ jfe nationa and color ef S fecta, for Monday, fe yard , u Silk linings and Satin linings :: R Special for Monday 36-lnch Sandow lining An W satins, will wear for 2 yewrs, yard tfdC V 5 SC-Inch genuine Skinner satins, 25 differ- f or it ent shades, yard luo ?5 3 9-lnch Cleopatra satins, all colors, E yard.'.......... S J!0 pieces all silk faced velvets I black only Cfl S W positively worth $1.00 yard, at, yard, 3UC !r aEra3KC-?i :' k - :t' x- . m An Extraordinary Sale of Exceptional bargains in silk velvets, blacks and all colors, many of them Shelley had marked up to $2.50 per is inthennewelt combih $ ar( ("uore on front ')ar- M f feathers, wings, breasts, entire birds, etc, thi A iyj'ssSsi i iain square, new store, at; IP I he h&d marked up to $2.50, J Ac OSC-M-l "I Ppr .var1 Join two lots, at each 1U -AO ments.'on sale in millinery,, dept., at. . . All of Shelley's $5 and $7.50 Made Hats, beautifully trimmed with ribbons, ornaments and plumes, J Cfi on sale at , . . .D) All of Shelley's stlRM In evening shades, also checks and plaids, worth $1 per yard, go on sale at v FANCY FEATHERS All of Shelley's fancy feathers, wings, breasts, entire birds, etc, that c 49c MAHA EMBROIDERIES Fine Embroideries in medium and cor set cover widths all fine new patterns on bnrgain square, newf C Ct store, at, yard .... IJC'AJv LACES Laces from the big purchase these are in' white, cream and ecru, edgings and insertings a variety of widths, on bar gain tables, in our new store, at HANDKERCHIEFS - These handker chiefs come in all linen, also in fancy border effects, many are initialed three specials for C ff 1 Saturday, each. , vJC-IUC-IC Ladies' Veils and Veiling, actually worth up to $1.00, many with silk and velvet dots at Ladies' Neckwear, in turn overs, tabs and stocks. . , Ladies' White Kid Gloves, in lfi-button lengths, also ladies' 8-button length kid gloves in black and white, Clft worth $.'i.00, at IfO Ladies' Long Silk Kayser Gloves, in black and white, at, f Cfl pair " THREE BIG SPECIALS All the "started bolts" in the hew $ Brandeis tore will be sold nt three special prices Monday. . 50c Wool Dross Goods, plaids, silk and S wool Buttings, mohairs, etc., at. ' Sf i J, 54-Inch Tailor Cloth, cream serges. Pan- ; It g mas, Taiior suiting, etc., wortn up VSwJf ) i it to $2.60 a yard,, at, yard. All our very best Black and Colored Goods, m -V plaids, chlflon Panamiis, tallofsultl(rs, fxgC etc.. worth up to $2.60 a yard. at. V V L--T V- We bought, in Paris and England thtt dale silk voiles, silk Marquisettes, plain and Titocfor a street and party gowns, also cloths for street and 9 tailored costumes in separate and excluslT pat terns". . .-S3 ntiett !4 A Broadcloths (In aisle 4) at, CI 1 C2 if 9 yard $1 10 pD k A $2.25 Black Chiffon Broadcloth, special ' - P f ? V Monday, at j ; . . S e Newest Plaids, special at, 2ff( $4 75c 39c to VI .peclal , n The Newest Plaids, special at $1.00 grade Silk and Wool Plaids, special Monday, at, yard Panama Suitings, specially priced at, yard ' $1.00 and $1.25 Check Panamas, tpeclal Monday , at,- yard 12Jc-25c-49c 5c-10c Blankets I 39c TOWELS Entire stock on hand of Linen and Huck Towels at about One-Half real value. The $ regular retail prices should be 15c to 50c eacn. xxra large ana exxra neavy no more than a d.ozen to a cus tomer, at . . each. 10c Lace Curtains Every possible advantage to customers is offered in our greatly enlarged curtain dept. in new store west end. Plenty of room and lots of daylight helps you in the selection from this up-to-date stock. Good strong Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, up Cfi to 60 inches wide, special at, pair J OK I.ace Curtains; dozens of pretty patterns, 3 Qfi yards long and all widths, at, pair i. 0 Fine lace curtains, in white or two-tned effects, pretty plain net curtains, and many other styles 1 n A unusual vaJues, pair. -JO Striped scrim curtains) with fringe at bottom, J r at, pair '. . . . . .rD Couch Covers, in stripes, extra heavy at this IOC price, worth $1.88, at ,D Window Shades, cloth, good rollers, ?"ir each JC I You Can Save Money on Your Carpets and Rugs The best nigs, the best carpets and the best linoleums in Omaha are to be found in our great daylight carpet section second floor, old building. You can buy the same fine rugs and carpets here for less money than in any other store in Omaha. The latest and most desirable patterns. i Extra heavy gray, white and and 12-4 size blankets, fancy colored, worth $1.75 a pair, at, pair. Sample wool blankets, gray. and plaid wool, 10-4, 11-4 , slightly soiled, but evenW double a pair, , f 98' at BED COMFOR iikoiine ana sateen covert filled with pure white cottorj Thev are all made extra h assortment to select from i arcade or QOrt basement.'.-; . .OC 1 f A 35c Best quality Tapestry Brussels Carpet, with or without border, floral and oriental "7Q designs, regular $1 goods at, yd I L Kegnlar 85c grade Brussels Carpet, new patterns, at, yard 69c imnnrMnrif .fntnniMniriS JgDAIMnPI Best 85c grade Standard all wool In- ttEn grain carpets, all new patterns, at yd. . D3C 9x12 Axmin8ter Rugs, floral and oriental de signs, a splendid line that reall.vn05Q.ffar should be seen to be appreciated, uu QuJ An Entire New Line of Ingrain Art Squares Finest line of colors we ever showed, beBt quality all wool filled 6 ft. x 9 ft., $3.98 7 ft. x 9 ft., $4.989 ft. x 9 ft., $5.98 9 ft. x 104 ft., 6.98 9 ft. x 12 ft., $7.98. Kxtra special for Monday are our 8-3x10-6 and 8-8x11 Brussels Rugs usually sell for $18.50, at $12.00. S. .1 AT WHITE GOODS COUNTER . Nw 8ter, Alale 7. Just received a line of the handsomest mercerized white waistings ever shown in Omaha, absolutely new and our own Importation, yard ;:545'; g NEXT TUESDAY, OCT. 16 i Children's Souvenir Day ft To every little boy or girl accompanied by a j grown person, we will give a large toy ballon. These balloons are novelties bought by us ex pressly in Paris and never before Been in this country. They are of immense sire' and there la a picture on each one. Great sales of children's wear will be beld on g Tuesday throughout our great atore. I HOW COAL PRICES, CO CP , Ecrtry of Exchange Says it Sailed Fchedules in Aueuit. . DENIES ARBITRARY ACTION, THOUGH Hrr Uitrom 8y Mat Uraltri " Fallaw rrlce List, bat Soat f TktM Depart froai It. Tha prtoAfi of antiiraclte and anml-aauhrs-dla were rawed m the result of a meeting ef the OinaJta Oul ejichange, held August It. aceortUiiar to the- tentiraony of Henry s Oatrom, aecretu y of the Hxc-hange, yester- .' Aajr tx Core Notary Charles A. l"ottr. The ayldence win b lifted in the cottl trust fcesxlivf; before Jude Troup and Is being t&ksit In the farm of deitoeltious. Mr. O Strom dented the( esi'luiiise arbi trarily increased l price of coal. lie aid the price list put out by the eichanae was made up by him from the prUV sched. ulea submitted by the differeut members, ! by taking the lowest price for each arsde of coal. Prior to the meeting of Augurt lti, the price of anthracite had been 110.25 on the printed price list put up by the ex. change. At that meeting new . schedules on hard coal were handed In by the mem bers. The lowetit price was 110.50, hence that price was placed on the new schedule that he got out. The list wan not ready for distribution until August 31, he said. "Did you notify the members of - the raise immediately?" adked County Attorney Blabaugh. - "No sir.' Some of the dealers would call up by telephone to find out what coal was selling at. I would tell them. I did not notify all the members until the schedules were printed." .. Soath Omaha the Same. The same price on hard coal was made about the same time by the South Omaha exchange. It ttlso came out that there was a regula tion to the effect that no member should sell at leas than the schedule price reported by him to the exchange. If be did be wss subject to . a fins. It he wants to change the price he Is required to file a new schedule. The by-laws also provide a fine for solit'ltlng business similar to the provisions of the South Omaha exchange. The cash book, which was examined by County Attorney Slttbaugh, showed several Instances of Ones being paid by members Mr. Ostrom declared In all these cases the fines were for maintaining sub-agencies or soliciting business contrary to the constitu tion. . . t County Attorney SlabnusH linked him If P. C Heafey had not bfen fined tlOO for cutting prices, but he denied any such fine was evef exacted white he was secretary. He was. asked If it was not true that Peter Hansen wanted a railroad to build a spur for him. but had been refused be cause he did not belong to the Coal ex change. Mr. ORtrom said he had no knowl edge of any such case. The cash book failed to disclose apy break In the record after January, IMS. It was during 19t3, it was claimed, the ex change dixbanded, because of threatened prosecutions. The book snows the usual entries during that year. EXPELS FOUR-LEGGED SKUNKS, TOO Aalmale of til Kinds Are Hunted Pens by the Tollee. o BLOOD HUMORS Itching, disfiguring eruptions, rashes, boils, etc., as ' well as pimples, black-heads and rough, scaly Bkins. ahow the presence of some irritating humor in the blood. These acids and humors -with which the blood Is filled re bdng constantly thrown off. through the pores and glands, and the skin Is kept in a feverish, diseased and unsightly condition. Nothing applied externally can change the condition of the blood or prevent the outflow of poisons and acids ; only ponstitutional treatment can do this. The countless washes, salves, lotions, etc., that are used cannot reach the humor-laden Wood and are, therefore, useless, except for the temporary comfort and clean liness they afford. The acid poison in the blood, whith is the cause of the trouble, must be removed efore a cure can be effected. S. S. S. is a real blood purifier, jHxssessing all the requirements to neutralise and remove the hnwor. from the circulation. It completely eradicates every trace of the poison and restores this vital fluid to its natural state of purity S. S. S. cools the acid healed Mood so that instead of pouring out acrid matter on the skin itfeelsaiidu'Airishcsit with health-sustaining properties, and the eruptions ad diseases el the skin pass awav. Book on Skin Disease and medical 4vic tn. TH SYflfT SPCCITIG CO A TtAMTA, CA. "Human skunks are often limited by po lii'tMiim. but fuiir-lcjticed skunks seldom," iwlii Chief of Police lionnhue. "Yet the ex periences of the blue-coated nfllcera are so varied, more so because people Include strange things within the scope of his du ties that occasionally he does huve to hunt thse little iieants. "A woman called me up a few duys ago ami aitkeil, 'Chief, do you remember about five years ago you sent a niun to my hoiibe to slKot a skunk in my chicken coop?" " Ten,' I said. 'Well, there's another skunk In that i hick"il coop." "I told her to call up the police station and tell the desk sergeant to send a man to kill the animal. The skunk was shot." PERMIT FOR NEW EXCHANGE .in Cent pa ay for Lake Mreet Ballallas:. Ctmi'tderable activity was noted Saturday morning In the building lnsrixctor's oftloc. The Nebraska Telephone company led off with a permit t 'erect a branch exchange at .'11 1-ake street, to be known as the "Iike exchange." Th permit wa( for I17.0O9 and the m.iteiiul ne Iflcd was hricK. Oihr permits i-ued were: Hush V Borschman. Nlnteenth and Izard, tl.0 office building; K. I. OurliK h. KHO Hamil ton, njQ daellaig, Ajima AlcCfy, W3 SouU Twenty-seventh, $2,000 dwelling; McCague Investment company. $1,500 Improvements at 2208-10-12 Clark; Reed Hros., 2704 Maple, Sl.OCiO dwelling; Charles Havllcek, 1343 South Fourteenth, $SOO dwelling. WOMAN IS STILL IN DANGER Mrs. L. H. Opierniaa, Who Takes Carbolic Arid, Hot Vet Folly Restored. The condition of Mrs. L. H. Oppermau, who attempted to end her earthly career early Friday nlbrning with a copious dose of carbolic acid, was reported to be con siderably Improved Saturday morning at St. Joseph's hospital, where she was sent by Police Burgeon Harris. It Is believed the woman will recover, although she Is still in a precarious condition. Charles H. Hubbell, the old soldier who waa sent to St. Joseph's hospital Friday morning suffering from a slight attack of paralysis, Is also reported to be somewhat Improved. He was on his way to Hoi so, Idaho, when his Illness while in this city necessitated his removal to the hospital. ft 17th and Douglas Streets Omaha MIDWINTER PIONEER RALLY rroposltloa to Hare Itennlou la DIs ' pussed by the Old Timers t Last Merttac At the recent meeting of the Douglas County Pioneer association ten new names were proposed for membership. The suc cess of the picnic held at Ilansxom park during the summer was such as to deter mine the association to nuke these nnnual i,'iithcriiit;s a regular feature. A proposi tion also was discussed looking to holding tl midwinter social guthulng about Janu ary 1. The plan was favorably ronnidered anil arrangements will be inude at u Inter meeting to formulate the plana of the January social. i TOO MUCH SLEEP MEDICINE ot Awake at t oaaeil Rlafs Hotel. . W. II. Bayless. a fanner living near Can tana, la., was found dead in his bed at the (inodilch hotel, Council IllulTs, Haturday inoriiing. I Ira III was -vldently caused from nn ovcrdoHe uf chloral which KayleMM was in the habit of using to Induce sir -p. lie had been In the city tao or three ilujs on a Uud del. lie retired Fliduy evening in his usual uvea faswllii. . , T You Can Reach Courtney's Through Brandeis' New Store West Arcade. Entrance Also on Douglas St. and 17th St. THE PURE FOOD CENTER OF OMAHA We extend a cordial invitation to all to visit this New Modern Down Town Grocery. A Model Grocery, Bakery and Meat Market. Better Things to Eat for Less Money. OUR MARKET AND DELECATESSEN DEPARTMENTS HAVE SCORED A WONDERFUL SUCCESS The last tvCo dayn have scon the biggest meat business in our history. Many Imve told ue we have saved them almost one-third on the coat of their meat. Not alone have prices created a sensation, hut the quality of the meat we M'll have been a revelation to the consumer. I Our Convenient Lunch Counter At our entranre to Bran del Wft A trade. I lu ii KundwichfMi, Coffee or (ilnMM of Milk, each. Ku trance from Courtney's or Krandcik' uevr store et tunnel. 5c Xever have tenderer, juicier or oweeter meats been , placed on any table. Everything about this neat store of our's is sanitary perfect, from the cutting, block to the cold etorage plant. Just ring up Douglag 647 and see what good result you will get. Monday our deler-atessen department opens up with an added line ' of Imported and German Sausages) to tempt the palate of the most fastidious. , (QOURTNEY (EL CO.