Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 10

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Iiy A. Ta .Utr-Vvtt'er.
IT was a Cold Day for Thompson! '
He'd been In Tight Places before,
but this was the Limit,
Urn was Bound Neck, Arms and
Legs, by his clothes.
Old Dr. Goose had fixed him. 1
When he first put on that stilt In the
Clothing Store he was very much
Tickled with It.
But now, Instead of being "Tickled"
he found himself "pinched" by It.
You see the coat hed been sweated
Into shape by the Flat-iron, Instead
of -being patiently worked Into shape
with the Needle and Thread.
This sweating by Old Dr. Goose, had
shrunk up the cloth in places where It
was too loose and flabby.
It had also strentched out the cloth
where It was too tight and plnchy.
The fiat-Iron can do all this. In a
hurry, you know. It can throw a new
shape into the Coat "while you wait"
But that shape won't "stap put."
The first damp day Wilts out all the
And the first very dry warm day, or
a very warm dry room, shrinks up the
flat-iron stretching again.
Then, you're in a sort of straight
Jacket. .
Haven't you felt that tugglng-down
on the back of your neck, sometimes?
Haven't you noticed how the Coat
"binds" under the arms, and across
the shoulders after a week or two of
Haven't you seen the left lapel of
your Coat collar bunch up, and swell
out, from your vest collar?
And, perhaps you've noticed, too,
how the shoulders get sloping, and
drop down at the points when they
ought to stand up and look stylish?
Well all that gradual degeneration
Is the result of Klat-lron faking.
Because, a Coat that's properly
made and fully-shaped, by sincere
hand-needle-work can't lose Its shape
' from Wear or from Weather.
Such needle-work binds It forever
Into a given form.
And If that form fits you, and
pleases you, when you first put the
Coat on, you may rely upon that same
form remaining Jn the garment till it
ts worn out,
Not so with clothes shaped by the
Because these have been merely
shaped by heat and moisture, by "the
Tailor's Goose." Instead of by sincere
And, for this reason, the Heat and
Moisture of weather will unahape thtmi
' in the same way they were shaped.
Now 80 per cent of all Coats of
Overcoats are shaped and finished by
the faky Flat-Iron.
But you can't tell that tllT you wear
them a week or so.
There's only one sure way of avoid
ing the flat-iron-faked Garment..
That's to make sure, before you
buy, that the Coat or Overcoat bears
the label of the "Sincerity" Clothes
Makers. .
And, that label reads
made and guaranteed by
Kuh, Nathan a, Fischer Co.
Competent Judges pronounce
our line of Fall and Winter wool
ns the finest In the west.
We carry a very large and care
fully selected stock.
The pick of Omaha's tailoring
talent is at your service If you
patronise us.
Salts to Order 925 to 950.,
Perfect fit guaranteed.
Phone, Dqtfg .
Next door V
IMS. SM-JM 80. ltth Si
o Wabash Ticket Offlca.
Soanklug doea not curs children of bed
wetting. If It did there would be few chil
dren that would do It. There la a constitu
tional causa for this. Vrm. M. Bummers.
Bog C Notre Dame, Iod.. will aeod Mr
home treatment to any mother. She asks
no money. Writ her todsy If your children
trouble yu In thia way. Dont blame the
child. The chance are It can t help IL
BrfTH ! , w jrir uu
I s run
u4 444 MtUk k-a
any vm tnta a
t til r6ra.Tr u tMuuia.
aiaatotlt BMAsn rii a
tm' Ull M Sot, SafeM. IMS
auf-t. ball ter D. iftjM rankn
i inlaid iiiii
! fc
ia aua
. Ay
Coronsr's Jnrv Holds fsbaitian f eidlik
Wu Vict ra of Mnrdarar.
ColleetloM of ravin Tag oa Thirtieth
Street 'property Eajolned
Twraty-toarth l.lhrly
to follow.
The. coroner neld nn Inquest ovrr the
body of "Steve" or KAhnstlan Scldllk yester
day morning at a. m. After examining
the evidence In the case the Jury brought
j In a rdict of murder, declaring that the
i deceased rams to his death a the direct
result of a blow delivered at the hands of
James Perry while the two were together
In the employ of the Ctidahy Packing com
pany. The Implement of death was a meat
hook, rnich an la used for hanging carcasses
on. The date' of the sssault was Septem
ber 13.
The enrly efforts to locate Perry were
fruitless aa he had gone from South Omaha
on the day of the awtault. The belief of
the police was that Perry had gone to
Kansaa City, and such was reported by
hla friends. The police relaxed their ef
forts later, because little of the seriousness
of the man's condition reached their ears.
It la reported to this department from
Kansas City that the authorities there
have located Perry and have a direct line
to his apprehension. Acting on this report
Detective 'P. H. Shields left Thursday night
Tor Kansas City. Me knows Perry and will
visit the packing houses and make the
arrest If If prtve correct that Perry Is
working there. .
The funer 1 arrangements have not been
made, awaiting the arrival of a brother
from Chicago. It has been learned that
Beidlik. who la a man ut middle age, has
a share In his fathers estHte In Poland.
Ills share amounts to 11.000. An adminis
trator hat not aa yet been appointed.
Rig Building Perm Ha.
Several largw building permits were taken
out yesterday by the Omaha Packing com
pany. The total valuutlun of the bui,dliis
under construction la about f),u00. '
buildings are already well under way. The
otlice, located at Hie north end of the 1114 n
building, U fixed at 118,000. A stoiagc
building la contemplated which will cost
.y,000, and a pumping house and its equip
ment of tanks will cunt 115.000. The pump
ing house Is located Just north of the ne
tack and conslsta of about three stcrl' of
frame building. Work on the plant has
been going on uninterruptedly, and the de
partment's essentials for, caring for the
beef products are almost at the point of
completion. One of these was the casing
department, which had not been anclis-d
at the time when killing began at the
PirtnU Tha men were obliged to work In
the open air and many of them caught
cold. Thin has been remedied now. The
hog killing and sheep slaughtering floors
have not been advanced far enough to pre
pare for Immediate uae. ';'' '
ravin-. Tax Enjoined.
The ever convenient Injunction has again
landed on the city treasurer. He Is now
enjoined from attempting to collect special
taxes to pay for the paving of Thirtieth
street. This pavement has been laid for
two years, but only a few dollars has ever
own cuuecieu to inniuum mc cnjr iui u.(
Issue of bonds. It Is understood that the
greater portion of the property along this
street from Q to Y is owned by the Jetler
Brewing company. Thursday seven or
eight property owners began an action be
fore the district court to prevent the col
lection of the special taxes. The grounds of
the action la that the petition for paving
was not legal and that many of the names
were' secured by fraud, either being at
tached by other than the property ownera
or without their knowledge of Its force. It
Is also asserted that some of the signers
claimed to have property along the atreet,
but in reality owned none. If the Injunc
tion holds It will put the cost of the paving
on the city at large.
It is likely that similar Injunction will
issue In the "case of the Twenty-fourth
street paving and that on South Twenty
fourth and Railroad avenue. The order of
the court la only temporary and the case
111 probably come to trial at an early
Registrars Pall to Qualify.
The city clerk complalna that the recently
appointed registrars hsve largely failed to
qualify for the autumn registrations. As
yet only eighteen have showed up and
eleven of that number have qualified.
There remain not many days until the
time of the first day of registration, which
la October la.
Case In Supreme Cont.
Ia C. Lamb, rt, representing the city of
South Omaha in three cases which have
been appealed to tho supreme court, stated
yesterday Hint he was ready for tne trials
which ar to come next week, beginning
Tuesday. The first case is that of Nichol
son agalnat the city In which Judgment was
rendered against the city for $M0. It is
g case of personal Injury. The second and
moat Important case of the three is the
case of the Commonwealth Realty com
pany against the city In which the court
decreed that the proprrty of this company
was outside of the corporate limits of Soutn
Omaha. The contention Is that the court
had not the right to make such a decree.
The case Involves a sum of money, but this
ts thought - to be the secondary consider
ation. The third case is that In which
Begear won Judgment against Westcott, one
of the licensed garbage haulers of the city.
Hence the city Is hoi don for the amount of
the damage. Westcott hauled garbage
over the east extension of Missouri avenue
for a year and was then sued by the plain
tiff for damage arlalng from this source. It
being cpntended that the extension was Il
legal and therefore not a public thorough
fare. The Local Liquor Dealers' Protective as
sociation held a meeting Thursday after
noon and appointed a committee to wait
on Governor Mickey to present the case of
the South Omaha saloon men. They wish
to Influence the governor to compel the
drug stores, which hold permits to sell
liquors, to clore up the same as the sa
loons. Also to. see to It that the Inmatea
of proscribed districts shall not be allowed
to sell to parties who may visit them. A
move Is also on foot for a sta'te conven
tion of all the liquor dealers of the stste.
This convention Is to be held In Omaha
October 11
Snnday ferric,
Tbs regular aervicea are announced for
lbs Preabyterlan congregations. At the
First Presbyterian churrh Prof. J. C Shad
dock of Omaha will render a violin solo at
the morning servtcts.
Tbs Baptlat church services will be con
ducted by Rev. George VanWInkle. His
topic la the morning Is 'Restlessness In
Modern Religion." In the evening his sub
ject will be. 'The Wsy Back."
Regular services Sunday at the Rngllsh
Iutberan church, corner Twenty-fifth and
K street. Rev. Ralph W. Livers, pastor.
Thame for morning sermon at It o'clock.
"Healing- In Israel." At the evening ser
vice the pastor will discus Nfh God.
Jeaus." being tit last of s series on the
Ufa ef the Christ. Tbs evening preaching
aarrlc will follow U meeting of the
Luther league, which convenes at 7 o'clock.!
tl aj, after Monday the general d'ilvery
Manie (itf Russia. I
Neva Nils wa sentenced to thirty days
for vagrancy, yesterday.
A. Pheffler was arrested on a larceny
charge. The complainant was Otto Leptela.
Miss Nettle Looml Is the gueat of Miss
Bertie Ferguson. Miss loomis comer from
Los Angeles, Cal.
William Whltaker of Council Bluffs was
Shaking hands with a number of his South
Oiraha friends yesterday.
Mies Mary Hpesrman of Orelna and Mrs.
B. 8. Burbiink of Cordova, are the guests
of Mrs. R. A. Johnson, their Muter.
For the benefli of the patrons of the South
Omaha poatofflce. the postmaster announces
windows will be open in the evening until
7 o'clock.
The Baptist church friends of A. L.
Perqulst and family gave him a house
warming last night. A large number par
ticipated. Testerday had the largest run of cattle
ever known on Friday. The reason for
the big receipts was the delayed trains
on many roads.
A young man of 18 would like position
In an office In South Omaha, can alo use
typewriter. Address 8, In care of Ilea
office South Omaha. ,
Frank Moulder and wife of Creston, la.,
are spending their honeymoon with their
friends in 8011th Omaha. Mrs. Moulder
was Mi's Jernie Madden of Creston.
E. M. Rohrhoiigh ye.erdny afternoon re
ceived the newa of the death of his uncle,
E. J. Rohrlmugh. In Omaha. The uncle
died at the Deione hospital. He was over
;0 years or age and qjlte wealthy.
The following births were reported yester
day: Frank Grace, MM North Twenty
111 1 ri street, a girl; Pntrlca ijenaghan.
Twenty-second and (J streets, a boy; John
Tresnack, Thirty-sixth and U streets, a
Members of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows coming to South Omaha next
week, are requested to take the South
Omaha cur at once and get off at the post
office building, where the entertaining com
mittee will take them In charge.
Milea K. Walsh has sold out hla business
at '1 wcnty-slxth and O atreets, to engage
actively in the mining business. He. with
twenty other South Omaha men have or
ganised a company, known as the Gold
King, which Is 10 operate at Goldfleld, Nev.
Father Sherman nisconraes on the
Uildenrra of the Divinity
of Ctrlst.
"Christ Is either the 011 of God or He
Is a moral monstrosity," declared Father
Thomas E. Sherman In his lecture last
night at Crelghton college. Beforw a crowd
that completely filled the auditorium he
discussed the evidences of the divinity of
Christ. The lecture Is one of the series
that will continue nightly until Monday
"A host of people have been Insidiously
trying to take away the divine character of
i Christ," he said. "They say He wai a
hero, an ethical leader, a wise man but
not of God. Taking the historic Christ na
we have Him. I say He Is cither the God
He claims to be or He Is a moral absur
dity, a blasphemer."
Christ, he said, represented Himself to
His disciples aa the son of God and His
own works designated Him such. He saved
Himself from death as a blasphemer and
finally died for making the claim. If He
had been making false claims all His life,
said the speaker. He w-ould have told the
truth when It became a matter of life and
death with Him. The truth of His claims
Is also proved, said Father Sherman In
His wisdom. He was an unschooled car
penter, dropped Into a world of high cul
ture, yet He did not make mistakes and
did not hHve to take back what He said.
"The miracles alone." continued the
speaker, "would not proclaim Him the son
of God. Moses turned the river Nile Into
a river of blood. Ellas raised the dead.
But you must study the way In which the I
miracles were wrought. Tne miraculous
power flowed out from Him. Christ was
the source of miraculous power, as Js
shown by the miracles."
He also held the fact all the prophesies
of the Old Testament prophets Were ful
filled In Christ to be undisputable proof
of His divinity. Then, In addition, Christ
Himself was a prophet and His prophesies
came true.
At the close of the lecture Father Sher
man answered a number of questions re
garding the Catholic faith. . In reply to
one of these he said:
"The Catholics do not believe old relics
In themselves have any power. The bones
of the saints have no power, but they
show the saints our regard for them and
they grant us special favors."
He also defended the celibacy of the
clergy on the grounds an 'unmarried man
could devote hla entire life to the church
while a married man ought to devote the
best part of hla life to his wife snd chil
dren. Making? 3ew Appointments la West
ern States.
We went high-grade men with soms
knowledge of Irrigation In all of the west
ern states to act as state and npecial agents
to handle the Canadian Pacific. Railway
company's Irrigated lands. Their Irriga
tion block (the largest In the world) con
sists of three million acres, snd in price Is
the chespest on the American continent to
day. Write us st once, furnishing ample
reference Canadian Pacific Irrigation
Colonisation Company, Ltd., room 6. Cal
gary, Alberta,. Canada, le selling agehta
for the Canadian Pacific Railway Com
pany's Irrigated Lands.
Frank McNown, principal of the schools
at Arlington, Neb., was in Omaha Satur
day. Aldrich Jelen, clerk In the city clerk's of.
flee. Is 111 with a cold which settled on his
D. W. Dickinson, stenosrapher for United
States District Attorney Goss. Is home from
Lincoln over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Fredrlckson will
leave Sunday afternoon for a trip to Hono
lulu. They will return December 1.
Chief Clerk Scott of the Merchants has
gone on a short hunting trip to Chappelle
and will Incidentally take in the races
while up there.
luBiu-v ui mo k race v uiiuni Aisiaai leu
9 .... - .ww ,!,. , Dia. ...-... .
day evening, where he expects to attend tn unable to pay the cost of an umler
the wedding of an old friend. taker's services, snd the body still lay In
Kdgar Bedwell and Ralph Bedwell, sons
of C. K. Bed veil, have returned from B. lie
rourche. a. u.. where they have been
rusticating for several weeks.
John Kambach. Jr.. of Davenport. J. C
Weaterhnff of Alexandria, J. G. WesterhorT,
O. W. Bailey of Carleton and Harry 8.
Osgood of Tacoma are at the Henahaw.
United States District Clerk R. C. Hoyt
haa returned from Lincoln, where he has
been attending the avsalona of the federal
courts. He will return to Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. . H. McDonald of Tal
mas. E. E. Kester. J. A. Laughlin. H. A.
Kuse. J. L. McUrien of Unroln. H. & Cain
of York and J. K. Thompson of Pueblo ar
at the Millard.
C. M. Rathburn, formerly superintendent
of this division of the Missouri Pacific and
now president of the I'nlon Dt-pot com
pany at Atchison, Kan., left for his homo
Saturday after a abort visit In Omaha.
A. W. Clarke of Papllllon. P. J. Landgon
and son of Gretna. V. A. Hefner of Cedar
Rapids. E. J, Kellihan of Butte,
of Butte, Moot.:
Thomas r.nder of Menry, Idaho; H. A.
Franka and a. White of wlaner ar at tb
Alexander Millar, secretary of th Union
Pacific, passed east through Omaha early
Saturday morning. He haa been at Salt
lke. where the annual meeting of th
stockholders of the I'nlon Pacific and Ore
gon Short Lin railroads waa held.
C. M. Reiser and Agnes RrUer of Badger,
Nick Clausarn and P. Claussen of Ligh
Y. A. Robinson of Ocorjo. J. J. Bonltts of
Tuckervllle, Mrs. M. H. Twltct-ell and Ed
ward Twltcheli of Los Ar.gelea snd A. E.
Reluy of Big Muddy, Wyo.. ar at th
J. K Oliver of Palisade, Colo.; F. C
Rosier of Rock River. Wro.; Mr. snd Mm.
W. H. Sulioenler of Denver. Geurge W
Mix of Lead, Dr. G. L. Pritchett of Fair
bury, E. D. Bangs of Portland. Mr. and
Mr. E. 1. Hobbs and Thomas R. Iimbard
of Seattle. J. A. loindeen and J. P. Msi
of Han Francisco, W. B. Rone and M. 8
Blair of Lincoln. R. G. Btrother f Colum
but. L. T. Thompson of Hoi a and Uorg
L. Rates of Urcgery. . l.. ax t th
Paatoa. .
ofcia. 1
T,.t:lJ) t-.-r-r-t-Svl.-. f
m r-lli IMtei.
lit! mm Mifep
a 'MnssMM.' -?ar,Wi virawsjcwss.
Money and the Ranks.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 12. (To the
Editor of The Bee.) Tour editorial,
"Money Held Out of Banks,' In The Bee
of. the 10th, strikes the keynote. I wrote
an article on the same subject for the
South Omaha Democrat, but they failed
to publish It, as I believe they were
afraid of stepping on someone's toes. At
least twenty-five foreigners recently
called on me and asked me to make them
belts In which to carry their money, but
In all cases I told the parties that If they
were afraid to deposit their money and
Insisted upon carrying It on their persons,
I hoped they would he knocked down and
robbed, aa they would be doing society
and themselves a great wrong by divert
ing money from tho regular channels of
I am a foreigner, but like to live like
a white man. There ars some foreigners
who only Intend to remain here long
enough to accumulate a little wealth and
then return to their native countries,
where they were unable to make a living.
The American depositories might be Im
proved by postal savings banka. but regu
lar bank depositories are better than car
rying money around on one'a person.
Police and Coroner Both Misled
Story Told Over the
Touched by the tale of sorrow snd ex
treme affliction of poverty and death sent
in by a woman who gave her name as
Mrs. Watklns, 138 Pincknev street. Desk
H'.-rgeant Havey at the police station de
tailed a man to Investigate an alleged caso
of destitution In a family named Beebc,
living on Grand avenue between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets, Friday evening.
Havey's informant told him over the
telephone a child died In the family thre
days ago from want and sickness, and that
of the poverty the family had
I the house uncared for. It was further
related mortification had set In and
case was one of unusual urgency.
Emergency Officer McCarthy hurried to j
the home of the Boebes, but round the
t.ile of destitution wholly untrue. A child
ud st- t o'clock Friday afternoon, but
already It lay In a pur white coffin ready
tor burial. McCarthy learned Coroner
Bratley had also been misled by' the story
of sn swtul condition of affairs, and Im
mediately hurried to the place with a
child's coffin, but wus turned back by the
family, which asserted Its entire capability
of caring for Its own snd resented any
offers of charity.
Aetaal Reaalta Disclosed by Chief
Danaha ta Satisfy Crlttea
f Department.
Sinister newspaper attack made upon
th nolle department relative to the stand
ard of efficiency Induced Chief of Police
Donahue to refer to his record for the tart
month Saturday mornlrg. Th chief pre
sented th record of arrests and cmvlc
tlons secured during the month from Sep
tember M. 19ft. to October 10 11. whlih.
he said, was s fslr TlKrlon of th actual
work of th police de-mrtment each month.
Chief Donahue ss'd:
It seoms to be the opinion of our crrrlcs
thst the polh- sr sitting around idle, but
I will present a few figure that have be-n
taken from the actual reevirda of the de
partment, which will apeak for themselves.
sgd the public Is then free to draw Its own
conclusions aa to Lis Inefficiency of the
An Unrivaled Display
force. Prom September 10, 1908. to Octo
ber 10, 19M. inclusive, the police arrested
1.0H9 persons, which la not such a bad rec
ord. I think. Of tho persons arrested, ISO
were convicted In court and sentenced or
lined snd 539 were given a limited number
of hours to get out of the city: sixteen
were fugitives from Justice and were de
livered to officers of other Jurisdictions
and twenty-five were bound over to await
the action of the district court for offenses
such aa burglary, rotbery or grand lar
ceny. Of the twenty-five who were bound
over to the district court, three pleaded
guilty last week and were sentenced to five
years In the penitentiary, while we believe
we have sufficient evidence sgalnst the
others to warrant convictions.
"In addition to this work the police re
covered over 12,000 worth of stolen prop
erty. I think with the force we have this
record Is a pretty creditable showing."
Plan So Successful l.aat
Adopted AkbIii by Horse
Popular prices will prevail at the Horse
show, which opens Its doors Monday, Octo
ber 22. This scheme -was tried last yar
and proved such a succrss the directors of
the Horn Show association will try the
plan again this year. Thla means that
inowt of the seats In the balcony will be
aold for T5 cents, with the three top rows
50 cents. Thla will give thousands of cheap
1 seats from which about as good view of
the ring may be had as from the Mgher
priced seats downstairs.
A large force of men haa been engaged
at the Auditorium sll week, with the result
the ring will be ready for practice driving
and riding Monday evening. The decora
tions also are being put In place earlier
this year than last snd the entire bul'd'ng
will be made s bower of beauty. Some of
the decorations have been extended, to tha
roof and the effect will he most beau'iful.
The entries for the potato race have been
so numerous the management of the Horse
Show has been compelled to divide th con
testants Into two classes, only ten riders
being permitted to participate each even
ing. This is a distinct feature of the
Omaha Horse Show snd Is one of the de
cided hlti of the week. Other western
shows have taken up the potato race and
it is a great card wherever It Is put on.
V. A. Nash has -a new speed wagon to
which to drive his mare In the roadster
Humphreys' Seyenty
Scyen Cures Grip and
Checked circulation of the blood is
the cause; lassitude, a gone, let down
feeling of weakness, the first sign of
taking Cold a dose of "fleventy
geven" before the sneezing begins,
starts the blood coursing through the
veins and so breaks up the Cold.
"Seventy-seven" cures a Cold in
more advanced stages but it takes
a little longer.
"Seventy-seven" Is put up In a Small
Vial of pleasant pellets that fits the
vest pocket.
At Druggists, :5 rents or mailed.
Doctor's Book mailed free
Humphrey's Homes. Medlctn Co., Cor.
; William and John Strata. Kw Vork.
Attire for the Horse Show
JTE consider our display a distinct achievement and
triumph, surpassing any previous effort it beauty
comprehensiveness of assortments and representation of the
smartest styles.
Our third floor Women' Department is the authoritative and leading
school of style. JU lessons in the "Art of Dress" for the Horse Show mil
be given by practical illustrations, guided by the most expert taste to be found
in any metropolitan city. It trill have little to do with fads, and ths fool
ishness in dress, but it trill have EVERYTHING to do with novelty,
originality, r,ood taste, good judgment, and all the fac'.ors that go to malce
vp "that eacquisite thing called style." Its lessons, besides being interesting
and enjoyable, are FREE. It costs you nothing to look and learn,
and if you buy you save money. All of the prescribed styles for the
best dressed women are now being featured.
Elbow Length Gloves
Values of Unu.utJ Interest
f 0X0 Kid and Silk Glove utn never more in tht height of fathion't faror
Ihe pievailiny mode in Woman $ Outer Garment, i a fartor mntt
largely reponible or the great demand for long glore: We are exclufir Belling
agent for tht ctkbraled "Cnttnu.ri"' Women' Glore, tht. acknotcledul "test"
kid yUne nutde. We alo ffer an vnual dilay oj Silk GlovtB at very pop
ular prire.
KID GLO VES in tlbme length are S V 0. $.1.60 and $3.90.
SILK GLOVES in efooio length are $1.00, $1.50 and $1.75.
We also carry the regulation length t and 3 Ciap at $1.00, $J.B0, $1.00 and
$..60. tbQn fj0M arc shown h Opera Shades Alio Black and Whit.
15th and Farnam Streets
class which la worth the price to see. It
Is the Identical wsgon to which Lou Dillon
was driven when she estsbl:hed the war d's
record to a speed wagon and weighs only
thirty-five pounds. Ordinary wagons of
this clas weigh about ninety pounds.
The beautiful posters for the Horse Show
are out and may be seen In most of th
large windows of the principal thorough
fares of the city. These are In various
colors snd the demand for them la Urge,
Towns from all over ths state are writing
for them until the demand will soon be ex
hausted. From all Indications th number
of people attending the show from out of
the city will be unprecedented In th snnals
of the Omaha Horse Show. Inquiries for
scats are numerous) snd It begins to look
ss If the low rates of the railroads, to
gether with the Increased entries for ths
Hone Show, would bring In many strang
Pish Caught at tot-Off Lak by
H. J. Meyer Whll
TaklnaT Sap.
H. J. Meyer, th patrrarch whos mine
cellar and restaurant at 207 South Thir
teenth street are the headquarters for good
fish stories, Is made the hero of a thrilling
fishirg episode occurring Friday night. Mr.
Meyer In company with a friend, George
K. Light of St. Louis, went up to Cut-Oft
lake to to beguile the finny denisens from
their haunts with different varieties of
bait. The fish were a little wary st
Mr. Light used th favorite St. Iiouls bait,
limberger cheese, as the fish seducer, but
Cut-Off lake Hah do not take to the Mis
souri habit. Colonel Meyer had baited his
hook with a frog and 'waited so long for a
bite that he fell sleep. II was violently
aroused from his slumbers by something at
the other end of the line pulling hia fishing
pole and tackle from hla hands snd start
ing toward th Ice house with th outfit.
Th life boat was Immediately requisitioned
and the fleeing tackle was recovered. Thi n
came a fight royal and after a while a big
five-pound and seven ounces black bass was
This Is believed to be the biggest bass
catch of the sesson snd the affslr will b
appropriately celebrated by a big fish dinner
8undsy, In which the bass will b th guest
of honor. Only a few choice friends will
be Invited to participate In ths piscatorial
Bertha Fisher, 41 Pacific street, who waa
arrested Friday evening on th chars of
stealing a skirt from a woman living at
th Lang hotel, was fined 126 snd costs
in polio court Saturday morning.
An Indictment haa been returned by the
grand Jury against Mickey Vaughn, who Is
charged with aaaaultlng John Roberts with
Intent to do great bodily injury. Th al
leged assault occurred October t.
Asumlng the tltl of graduat veterinary
surgeon without receiving a llcena from
the State Board of Veterinary Medicln I
th offence named in a complaint filed in
county court Saturday against i. Turner.
Th complainant ia Dr. H. L. Ranticiotll.
The ofhee of city prosecutor was torn
porarlly filled Saturday morning by John
A. Rine. assistant city attorney, owing to
the abaenc from the city of Herbert fl
Daniel, th present Inoumbwnt, who ha
gone to Lincoln to attend th meeting of
th democratic atut committee.
Mrs Julia Ro wss granted a decree of
divorce from Richard Roe In Judge Ken
nedy's court Saturday morning. Thev were,
married In Douglas county June 4, IX.
Less than a year later he deserted her and
has not supported her since. She also
charged him with cruel conduct before
their separation, gh was given th cus
tody of their child.
Ilot ashea set fire to a refrigerator In
th rear yard of Pll North Twentieth
street Saturday morninc about 11 o'clock,
culling out th fir derrtinrt. The fir
of th lc box Ignited the fence of the
adjoining; property, which It turn set fire
to the hous of Csrl A. I j twin. KIs North
Twentieth street. Th several Are were
extinguished with only nominal los
Arthur Bremo, a awltchmnn employed by
th I'nlon Stock Yards company, hn be-
gun suit in district court ssainst that eor
Mratinn tr.w UK UA H . ...... - A. 1 n , .
ror ii&.wm aamag
raceiveo wnn worsing in the vaMs Ocio-
her 4. H
was climbing up the sid of a
rar. when th hand hold be was grssplng
broke, letting him fall to the irronni. He
cliani a W bsvs been permanently Injured,
of Women's
15th and Faraam Streets
Davenport, Iowa, Maa Choa Read
f the Danish Brothrhd ,
at Coaaell Blasts,
Th national convention of th Danish
Brotherhood, which lisa been In session at
Council Bluffs during th week, cloed Its
j work caturdsy morning by th election of
H. H. Vogt of Davenport, la., as suprein
president; M. Lars en of Racine, Wis., su
preme vie president. J. Mlchaelsen of
Omaha was unsnlmously, re-elected secre
tary and J. C. Eskelden of Chicago was
similarly rs-lected treasurer.
The convention sdjourned Saturday aft
ernoon, after finishing up some minor de
tail work.
Hit aa Head hy Salt Caa.
Because a suit esse fell down, from the
rack above her, striking her on the chost,
while she was a passenger on an Illinois
Central train'. Mrs. A in, a Ia Ritchie has
h-gun suit in district court sgalnst th
road for $?,0n0 damages. She and her hus.
bantl were on their way back from Minne
apolis, when, she says, s brakeman found
tier a seat and placed her suit case, which
vol heavily loaded. In th rack over her
hend. The motion of the train caused It
to become dislodged and It fell, fracturing
two of her ribs and rendering her uncon
scious. She ssks the damage for the pain,
insa of time and expense of medical treate
ment. ,
Cured Quickly and Painlessly :
No Risk, No Danger. ': "
A Free Trial Package to Convince Benl
by Mail to Ait Who Write.
Common sense Is just aa nacassary
(even more so) In medicine aa in busi
ness or ths affairs of every day life. po
pi ei re getting to know mor than they usd
to. Not so long sgo. It was th fashion to
maka all sorts of claims for a medicln.
and wind up by asking th reader to
to a drug stor snd buy a bottls. Peopl
won't stsnd tor that kind of thing now.
They wsnt proof tangible proof. They
want to try th remedy first, and If they
find It to b what is claimed they wUl b
glsd enough to go snd buy It.
That Is why ws say to every parson sui-..
ferlng from piles or sny form of rctsj
dlsesse. send us yo.ur nam and ,w will
gladly send you a free trial package. For
w know what th result will b. After
using the risl you will hurry to your
nearest druggist and get a tOe boa of
Pyramid Pll Cur, now admitted hv thu.
' sands to b one of th most wonderful
reliefs and cures for Piles ever known.
"Pleas excus my delay In writing , to
you sooner In regard to what your Pyra
mid Pile Cur has don for ius. I con
sider It one of ths finest medicines la th
world for nlle. f siiA7m.h i,n,i.t 1
- . - .... . inmrj
for four months when m v if. . a
- - - - " " w,w
m to send for a COc box. When It was
half gon I knew I was better and It
didn't take any begging to get m to send
for a second box. I think I am about well
now, but If I feel sny symptoms of a re
turn I will order st once. I order It from
th Pyramid Drug Co. to be sur of th
cure. Tell sll about this fine remedy for
"And If ther Is anything In thla letter
you want to use, do so. I received your
letter a few dsy sgo. Tours for a remedy
Ilk Pyrsmld PI Is Cur.
3. 3. McElw,
Honey Orov. Tea.. R. R. , Box r.
"P. I only used two boxes snd don't
think I ned sny mor. Piles of sven
month's standing.'
To get a fre trial package sand today.
; " " r',,,nl" .., ryram o eutld
tng. Marshall. Michigan. It will com by
-,, .
I T"vrn 1
j ll'Dt and sat'
sod th result will both 4.
lonista you