Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Now ..Is the Time
S n n m
SB B7V Mm Km 19 VI
Don't Shiver Thos Cold Days!
We Will
Our Easy Terms of
SI a Week
will, enable you to keep
abreast of the ' latest
fashions and pay while
Our Prices are abso
lutely tha lowest of
any credit store in
the City.
Men's blue and b!ack Over
coats, well tailored and
. finished, velvet collars,
$10 values, Saturday
.2 . yfyr-"'"-"-
S)TR8 for RflEKl
v.. 1H
The Reliable Specialists
lighting effects of weakness
There are thousands or men whose minds are weak and ImpHlred and
Wham bodies are unbound and diseased. They suffer from the follies and ex
f eases of youth, which weaken their physical, mental and sexual powers.
They are weak, nervous, tired, dizzy, languid, despondent and absent-minded;
have weak,- tiding back, palpitation of the heart, capricious appetite, flight fill
sreama, a conalnnt fear of tmrcudlng danger, night losses and day drains,
which unfit theni .for work, study, business or marriage. Others are suffering
from private disease, such us u mnnhora, Gleet, Stricture, Varicocele, Ku
larged Prostate or Blood Poison (Syphilis).
Are you one or tesc men? Ale you staggering under the burden of a
Secret weakness, whk'li Is a slow but sure drain on your strength and vitality'.'
In your present condition are you Ut o hold a responsible position? Can any
body rely on you or cnn you tvly onvourself ? Is your body almost wrecked
and your brain In a whirl'.' It Is terrlole to lie In this condition, but it is still
Worse to allow the trouble to progress and become more aggravated, for It
may then nil your whole life with failure, misery and woe. There are thousands
of ruined and cheerless honvs. niled with discontent and unhapplnesn, lacking
in love and companionship, through the sexual weakness and physical Impair
ment of men whose years do not Justify such a condition. We have gladdened
the hearts of ihousnnds of young and middle-aged men who were plunging to
ward the grave, restoring them to specimens of physical manhood, full of vim,
vigor and vitality.
W cure safely and thoroughly.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emission, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
." Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, self-abuse, excesses
or the result of specific or private diseases.
Fru Consultation and Examination -ffs ft ?.VhVUun.&
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
1 c
Homcscckcr's Excursion
- -TO-
Many points in the South and South
east.; Tickets on sale the 1st and 3d
' Tuesday of October and November.
For. tickets, rates and detailed infor
mation call at City Ticket office, 1402
. Farnam St., or write,
S. PJORTH, Dist. Pass. Agt.
Jr ... 2
- plprA
Overcoat Specials
Men's high grade Over
coats in blue, black and
fancy colors, best wearing
fabrics, well tailored, $15
valuis, Saturday
vvu.vii v,nti in i vnjii
Improved Financial Condition Enables
Warrant to Bo Redeemed.
Kraabllraaa Point to Plural
a Kvldence of Kconnmy
Conduct of (onnlr
' ' Baslnrss.
A (fairs
For the first time in many yfar it will
be unnecessary for Pouglas county to reg
ister general fund warrants this (all. The
condition of county finances, according to
nn announcement made :y County Treas
urer Fink Friday, is such that all of tho
warrants allowed by the county board
from now on can be taken caro of out 01'
county funds.. This will mean a big sav
Ing to the taxpayers, as several thousands
of dollars a year in inreresl on regis
tered warrants has heretofore been paid.
Republicans are pointing with consid
erable pride to the feet that since the
county affairs passed into the hands of
republican commissioners and a republi
can treasurer registered warram.4 to th -amount
of over fc.T5.0OTi. left over from
tliof former administration, nave been paid
without the Issuance of bunds .ind the
county put on practically a cash hal.
with prospects that hereafter .ill bills
can be paid as fast us claims are filed.
This not only enables tlio county to buy
goods cheaper, but it also saves the inter
est on registered vvurrants.
Had Conditions In MMU
In jyi4. whon Mr. Fink entered Hie
treasurer's office, the county board by Oc-
tober 9 liud exhausted the 85 acr tent of
the gct.cral fund levy against which they
were allowed to draw and were forced to
register S2iri.8S6.48 of gcnerul fund war
rants. By October, 195, the amount of
registered warrants had been reduced to
177, 852. 42 and this year the condition
of county finances baa Improved 30 that
not only will no warrants be registered,
but only 61 per cent of the S5 per cent of
the general fund levy has been drawii
against. County Treasurer Fink has In
vested $38,000, the balance in the sinking
fund, In general fund warrants, savlnu
the county the Interest.
Mr. Fink's ascribes this change In tli-j
county's condition to three thing: First,
greater ecoliomy and scrutiny of bills by
the county board; second, increased per
sonal tax collections, and, third, the in
creased revenues due to the scavenger tux
Mr. FJhk takea considerable pride In the
fnct that In the last two years he hag col
lected 98 per. cent of the personal tajtes of
the county. This is a record that has never
been equalled before. The collections for
the city have not been as lurge, amountnly
In 1906 to 87.27 per cent, in 1905 to 90.48 per
cent, 1904 to 92.17' per cent and 1903 to 72.77
per cent. The low collections for 1903 are
due to the fact the railroad terminals were
assessed by the city and the taxes are still
held up In court suits.
. Interest on Rank Deposits.
Another source of Increased revenue for
the county Is1 the Interest on current fundn
deposited In banks. County Treasurer
Fink has turned In for the first three quar
ters of the yeur 190ti JI.1S1.34. while for the
lour years his predecessor was In office
the Interest turned In amounted to only
11,782.49. In 1904 It amounted to $3,899.92 and
in 1905 to $4,530.43. This year it 1 estimated
It will run up to over $6,000.' The Increase
is due In part to the fact the county now
has more funds drawing Interest than It
had In previous years.
It 1b reported that .democratic politicians
are vtng as a campaign argument in the
fight against ComtnUwioner Kennard the
fnct that the board transferred money from
the bridge and road rund to the general
fund. The republicans meet this argument
by declaring it was done to pny up a deficit
In the general fund Inherited from the
.j .1 , ..,-., ...
ociuucruuc. HuminiHcrHiiun ana point to U10
Imoroved linncil Mnltlnn f h. ...
. 7
an Bviueuce oi me iconomy or ine repub-
Ilcan administration of affairs.
11 a a f C'onstraetlon Devised by e
braskan for Emperor of
Francis M. Price of Lincoln has devised
a new form of railroad track construction
which is to be submitted to the German
government for experimental use on one
of the fast line. Its object is to do away
with wooden ties, substituting concrete
Suffered for a Long Time Without
Relief Had Three Doctors and
Derived No Benefit One Doctor
Was Afraid to Touch Them
Soreness Disappeared and Hands
Now Smooth After Application of
"Tor a long time I suffered with
ores on the hands which were itching,
painful, and disagreeable. 1 had three
doctors and derived no benefit from
any of them. One doctor said he was
afraid to touch my hands, so you
must know how bad they were; an
other said I never could be cured; and
the third said the sores were caused
by the dipping of my hands in, water
in the dye-house where I work. I
saw in the papers about the wonderful
cures of the Cuticura Remedies and
procured some of the Cutioura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment. In three
daya after the application of the
Cuticura Ointment my hands began
to pael and were better. The ao ro
ll esa disappeared, and they are now
araooth and clean, and I am still
working in the dye-house.
"I strongly recommend Cuticura
,8oap and Cuticura Ointment to any
one with sore hands, and I hope that
this letter will be the means of help
ing other sufferers. Very truly youra,
Mrs. A. E. Maurer, 2340 St a to St.,
Chicago, 111., July 1, 1905."
To know that a warm bath with
Cuticura Soap and a single anointing
with Cuticura, the gceat Skin Cure, and
purest and sweetest of emollients, will
afford instant relief and refreshing sleep
to skin-tortured babies, and rest for
tired and worn-out mothers.
SoM HuaasfcMt tfca waiitf. Oiawni os. 3te- cMat.
mtal, Kto.. l(MtRt.ttc ta Hrm of CKoooAts 0at
ri a.ato.sar rial ). fWa (Ma a Cfcam. Cm., So
I-r.p. , B-M. kaaa.
M-Malla 1 1 1 f I IT nasi' " t ll I tlisl
Ua tkla, IK!. Hut, Hal Wan
p,,r mn ,o krp tn ra,B itl
,,r))Pr ,ltltail.(, Binr, The rit is double.
the lower part Is to lemaln permanently
Imbedded In the piers, while the upper part
or wearing surface ran be renewed a often
as necessary. The device Is net patented.
ns the cost Is mormon, and It will be t.-oine
time before its Keneraf use will be taken
lrs, I,.. It. Ippermas Takes i arbolle
Acid and Una Harrow Kscne
of Death.
Mrs. Xi. H. Opperman. who has been tem
porarily residing at VIS Harney street,
came as nearly wearing a pair of wings
Friday morning as she probably will ever
get. She attempted to leave the troubles of
this terrestrial world via the carbolic acid
route, and for several hours the attending
physicians thought her efforts would be a
howling success. In fact some excited per
son telephoned the coroner and the polio
at the city Jail that she was dead. The
coroner made preparations1 for removing
the body to his office und the police had
prepared their report of the accident fur
Chief Iinahu, when another telephone
mcssske was received containing the In
formation that the .woman had suddenly
revived, due to the strenuous efforts of
lVillee Surgeon Harris.
Mr?. Opporman, who has bci n going un
der the name of Ornce Williams at the
Harney street house. Imbibed too freely
Friday night and instead of becoming
hilarious, the stimulant had an opposite
tffect. She was married to Mr. Opperman
In 19m, but recently they agreed to disagree
and Kcpuiatrd, and despondency over her
marital affairs, coupled with loo many In
jections. of alcoholic libations, were the
reason." assigned lor her deed. She ob
tained two o'lnces of carbolic arid and
drank the potion about Friday morn-
in the presence of her friends at the Vfr
:icy street house, who Immediately oa' ad
Police Puigcon Harris. The doctor Ww.-etnd
with her until 9 a. m., when fche was stiffl-
lcntly recovered to enable her removal
to St. Joseph's hospital, where fhe now lies
hi a very precurlous condition, although It
is believed she will eventually recover con
siderably the worse for wear.
Homo time ago she threatened to commit
suicide In the wine manner, but was de
terred owini? to the lachrymose attentions
of her friends. She Is about 24 years of
age and has a mother and father living
in Florence.
Comptroller Is the Object of Criticism
by Expert Acconutant
Comes again! one John M. Gilchrist, ex
pert accountant, with a reply to Comp
troller Lobeck's reply to Gilchrist's
charges against the conduct of the comp
troller's office. Mr. Gilchrist now raiscb
six points. He says:
OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 9, 1906. Hon. Mayor
and Council, City of Umulia. Gentlemen
In commenting on my report, Mr. Lobeck
Is quoted as saying that a special ac
countant of the American Bonding com
pany stated that the accounting system In
connection with the city treasurer's office
was the best in the country. 1 happen to
know of this exaailnation, which con
sumed something less than a day. 1 agree
with this accountant and Mr. Lobock and
so state in my report using the term "ex
cellent system." Mr. Lobeck. however,
ignores my point. I do not criticise the
system: I criticise his failure to maintain
and carry out the system. I raise six
points in my report. The council can eas
ily determine the facts by briclly pro
pounding six questions:
First Do the tax ledgers he Keeps show
the balance of uncollected taxes as per
the tax lists In the treasurer's,
and. If not, are the accounts properly au
dited? Second Have the tax lists been com
pared since January last, and. It not,' t an
he tell whether any false credits are on
the treasurer's tax lists, and are ail tli.j
entries proper and correct?
Third Has the proportion of the city
tax collected and paid under the scavenger
law ever been audited; if not. is this part
of the city attorney's business, 4 stated
I I. a, M Tjihuolrf
. Fourth lias the city's part of the I
I docket fee been paid since January?
Fifth In ordering the unoxneeted hal.
nnees turned into the sinking fund, wbluh
tigures were used, 90 per cent of the levy
or the amount collected? Which ia cor
rect? Sixth Has any interest on tax been re
bated without authority of the council?
These questions are simply put and can
be easily answered.
Workers Meet at First '.Methodist
C'tanrch and Are Addressed
by Nevr Pastor.
Sunday school teachers and others Inter
ested In the work met Thursday evening
In the parlors of the First Methodist
church for a social and Intellectual hour.
The chief object of the meeting was a re
kindling of Interest In Sunday school work
and to exchange Ideas which are being pro
mulgated rrom time to time. After re
freshments were served by a committee of
women T. H. Welrlch. toastmrutter. Intro
duced G. G. Wallace, superintendent of the
Central United Presbyterian Sunday school.
Mr. Walluce gave a helpful talk on "The
Teacher's I'art In the Government of the
Sunday School." The speaker contended
that child study should not be lost sight of
In Sunday school work.
Rev. F. L. Loveland. P. D., pastor of
the church, apoko on "The Teacher's Op
portunities." He urged the conversion of
boys and girls in the Sunday school. Mr.
Scranton spoke on "Looking Forward."
Musical selections wer offered by Kstelle
lirown, Elmore Unstead, Miss Haael Love
land and Dr. Loveland.
Another C'lianee for People with Mmall
t Amounts to Invest ia
Real Estate.
Active interest In suburban real estate Is
revived aguin after a few quiet days dur
ing the Ak-Sar-Bcn festivities, and Hust
ings & Heyden, together with Garvin
Bros., are to put on the market the real
of the tract known as Military addition.
This property was named "Military ad
dition." because of its proximity to Mili
tary avenue, that beautiful paved atreet
along which the car Hue runs to Benson.
The lots In this addition are practically all
on high ground, commanding a wide view
of the surrounding country, and, when
coupled with the prices and terms asked,
will undoubtedly make some quick sales
for the firms handling them. The sale
bejius October 13.
Two Children Afflicted C'aaso Ejection
of Mother and Family by
the Officials.
On aucount of the lack or an emergency
hospital it became necessary to use the
matrons' department at the city jail aa a
temporary detention camp Thursday after
noon. An Italian woman, Mrs. Gulseppo
Ferrar, was on her way to Rock Springs,
Wyo., where her husband works la a coal
mine and shortly before her arrival in
Omaha it was discovered tbat her two
small children were suffering with measles
and the party was ejected from the train
in this city and the railroad officials then
refused to transport her children when suf
fering with a contagious disease.; Dr.. Jen
sea ud Lr. Cotipell of the olty bsaith da-
On Account of the Tremendous Demand Lt Saturday for
,. ..
u j 1 ne are like net as
added a spoonholder. They go
J Piece Tea
Set Only
Thee Tea Sets are of our Importation, an exr-hislve pntt'rn ith
these sets In the many cities that our Mores' are located. 'r w
Rocker aw
Exactly like cut shown. Large
roll arm, massive, gentle
man's size, selected reeds,
closely woven, comfortable
and extra well made, new, ex
clusive design, easily worth
$4.50; special at Hartman's.
Spectal Kitchen Q25
Cabinet. Maple 0
Exactly as shown. Made of white
maple, giving a cleim, sanitary ap
pearance, convenient top, largo
size base. sUe L'6x4ti Inches, 2 largo
Hour bins, i drawers 'and 2 boards,
extra well made. You can see at a
glance that Its actual worth is $U'.
Stoves and
tlmn three times this price, complete set Saturday only, from 1 p. ,"? jo p? at . . . "...! . Jr j K
-fT,:w!7$-?." Tour ..I'sj an
Reed 145 .'JismMiw&Wir ixr&y:
Special Oak 95
Heaters J
Exactly like cut shown; guaranteed
make, elaborately nickeled trimmed
as shown; made in Ave sixes, up
from only $3.95. Heaviest cast
ings, most ornamental, best made.
Most rellablo and cheapest oak
heater sold in Omaha; nowheri
near its duplicate could be bought
for less than $6 elsewhere.
Ureoit Terms:
925 Worth,
$2.10 Cash;
$2.0U a Month.
$50 Worth,
$A.OO Cash;
t.OO a Month.
partment attended the woman and her chil
dren at the station and then hud them
removed to the city Jail until a place could
be found to house them during the illness
of the children. Dr. Connell said tliut he.
and lila aseiblanta had been up all night,
but had not succeeded in finding a place
for their detention. He particularly em
phasized the need of a detention hospital
as there are numerous cases like the
present dilemma which they are facing
and that no matter how much money they
had at their disposal it Is next to Impossible
to find shelter for a patient suffering with
a contagious disease,
Openlna; of Mew Hall.
Iruld Camp No. "i. Woodmen of the
World, celebrated the opening of lis new
hall at Twenty-fourth and Lake streets
Thursday evening with program of inueli:,
Hpeechmaklng and refreshments. Tne af
fair brought together about at) Woodmen
and their friends and a gooa time was had.
The quartet from the sovereign- clerks
office furnished some of the music. Geoige
Greene gave a xylophone solo, Carl Reitcr
did a monologue stunt and -addresses were
delivered by A. H. Helmle, J. T. Yats.
R. W. Jewell, pr. A. P. Cloyrl, and a tenut
solo was sang by William Host.
lu Ml iik lor w SIX It VSA by alil.Llo.N
f MUXUtUi lor tkrlr C.H1UDRXN WHILS TtiH.
NU. lilH rBKKk.CT tllcksS. IT pooThk tk
CHILD. EOh-lK.NS ths Otas. ALLAY all FAiJI;
rt'RES W1NO cuui:. ana 1 U hart raau Smt
DIAkHHUgA. kult kr ini(iM4 is vut
Jba orid fia aura and sak tmw
at Mats a koto
, K t H M.I M.X.N H I IIHt UH It
that is designed to suit your Individual needs
IHtTcicnt people- have difTc t-
term ami tnt llxoil not f rnlrs i-nn never nitt't the ittnilrrmriitM tf nil
people. Anil yet Hart man's is the only liiMlttttlcin In Oinnlm ttttlny th;tt
has a O-etlit plan, hronil enough ami liberal enough lo meet the re
quirements of ull. We MtTantEe mr terms to suit the Ineoino anil
pleasure of the- euslonier, then whenever he fiml It Ineonvenlent to
meet the terms, lie In excused. We'll irlve yon help whenever tievtlwl,
treat jon eneiouly meel yonr requirement.
another lot. shipped bv fast freight from
ahown--only, Instead of teapot, which niont people ubWled to. we have,
at the low price, l'lentv for uM coiners.
ll .1 1 f
Wa Ball
Ko Matter
How Low
the Frloa
May Be's New Special Q75
Columbia Steel Range sJ
Kxactly like Illustration. Klegantly nickeled
trimmed, largo size, new improvements, com
plete, with high close; t, as shown, 6 holes,
large oven and fire box, pouch feed, duplex
.grate. This Range is easily a $45 valB" a.nd
you'd be arked that for onu not as good in
any other store in Omaha,
Credit Terms, 3.04) Cah; 73c Weekly.
Oak or Mahogany f 35
Ce ter Table. Sp'l 1
Kxaetly like illustration. Made of quar
tered oak. hand rubbed and llnlshed, or
In highly polished mahogany llnish. sizn
of top 21xl'4. heavy turned legs; and fancy
shelf, shaped top, easily a I2.M) value, and
sold for that elsewhere. Special.
Ml GootlN Marked In
Hartman's New Special Q75
Solid Oak Couches O
Kxaetly like cut. Full spring construction, deeply tufted, massive solid
oak frumes, ornamented with pretty carvings; heavy foot, covered in
finest imported French velours, neat patterns, or in plain striped corduroys.
Hart ma ri Hot C75
Blast Heaters J
New special heater, made in five
sizes, up from $.i.7S. exactly as il
lustration shows. New hot blast
principle, which
smoko and gases, f ront fuel door,
finely trimmed in nickel,' burns
the cheapest fuel with the same
results as the best. No dust; no
dirt; no soot or clinkers.
1 f 1 I H V X
10c Cigars for 5c
10c- Bamiuet Invlncibles, 60; or 92.60
per box of 60.
10c Uauquet Bismark, 6o; or $3.60 per
box of 50.
10c Hazel Kirk Relna Perrectos, 6e; or
93.60 per box of 60.
10c Imperial Crest Bouquet, 6c I or
per box of 60c.
lOo Imperial Crest Invlncibles, 6c J or
1.35 pel box of 25.
10c. Imperial Crest Perfectos, 60 or I
83.60 per box of 50.
luc Queen Victoria, 6c; or 93.50 per !
. 0 !. A 1
10c Virginia Rufus, 60; or 93.60 per
box of 60.
lOo LaTonlca, 6c j or 93.60 per box of
10c La Rosa Purltanos (clear Havana),
6c I or 93.60 per box of 60c.
10c LaKosa Conchas Especlals, 6c; or
$2.50 per box of 6u.
Myers-Dillon Drug Go.
Cm But a for rnaatarkl
ki I ia t aa,. I diac kkmas,iaBAOiaikiiiik,
OaaMlM4 jm irrilki,ottk r uloaiktloaa
m ia auwiara. m of last oak kaambrkoa.
y-raala faalialia. S a i lu, mud b at . n .
IrsettUlCHUtiCaLG. nnl r oiaoaoas.
l.tJ aWlal k7 OrnggteU.
J aValal hy OrnggteU.
I 11 aBt is klalD vrappar,
I kf aiaraM. praid. tat
r'J at 0. or bouiaa l:;i
m liniiai Ml sa asaaast.
S.S. A.
i; 14M4MlBtlllla1"
ut ncel one p.tMIM.iI mintliil"
"ipso snocial sots.
Wo have net tired
This Set
Only On .Sale
From I p.
m. to 10
p. m., Only
All CJoodM
K.vuelly l.iKe
Cuts I'setl.
The celebrated W a v e r 1 y,
simply constructed and eas
iest running. This machine
will last a life time; will
always wash clean and will
not tear even the daintiest
garments. Guaranteed.
Massive Solid C75
Oak Sideboard ID
These sideboards are made to order
for the Hartman chain of sloren
and every effort has been given to
the detail of workmanship and
finish. They have extra, large
French beveled mirrors, are elabo
rately carved.
Plain FrguivK.
consumes all the u
Credit Terms;
$100 Worth,
SIO.OO Cash;
$H.OO a Month.
Larger Amounts,
City. tiLnw,, niMeiu-l
mmZl! Will la
-m u. a m
LVilr U tu t
Wul rooms aiu U iocatad at Uth aud
McOe stracu In tbs aaopplng district.
Blrtt. Thayar try goods store; near ail
the tbaaUrs.
109 rrlTate aatha.
Vetovkaasa ta AH Booms. Set aa
OoU Baaalag Water U Uvsry ln(.m.
Vaaaoallea Oafs. Pkrfkct OuXstas. Oi ta
Braakfaata aa Table B'Kota Xtcueik
Harvea ta Oaura. Baaea 91 a Siv
II IU lil IMIHtlP II flltrm a.
m g
b 1
I'ta'paM ' W
UrrJ'fcwFJv IT
Dywaxa. . f
naawTMIoia may b nutda J tala
raph at our aspanse.
avraph at oar aspanse
r. A. BBaTMMT, Vaaaa