Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Brandcis is
an Ideal Store
for Men
Dr&ndeis Sells
Hand-Tailored Clothes
for the Dest Dressed
Men in Omaha
- - - - . - .
MMWM o MMblM mmmmmmm aMSBSaBesaaaSBBaaBaaoasoaowa.
cjs? . """"
Hl (rally Mte mi vereositis
Clothes of all kinds and makes conform to the correct style after a fashion, but .hire is a smir:, w:ll tailored appear
ance about the clothing at Brandeis that comtnrnds it to mtn of good taste. -
Brandeis can fit you perfectly in Suits or Overcoats at a variety of prices. Every garmmtis reliable and a good value.
New Men's Suits for Fall, 1906, in
single or double breasted, just the
sort you would expect to pay $15
for the Overcoats are very swell
made right up to date and bound
to give splendid S
service, at
eiuits are more becoming and more comfortable
thnn erer. Long tack coats with long coat lapel.
A greater variety of fancy pattern than ever.
Boys' Little Nuits and Overcoats
All thai newest styles, colors and fabrics that are most ad
mired good service In these all wool ) An
ftarments, at &JJ
Rogers-Peet Overcoats and Suits
Refined clothes that are built to
appeal to thetastes- of men who
know what good tailoring
means. Your custom tailor
might make your winter Over
coat and Suit just as well, but
he couldn't make it a bit better,
and he would charge about
twice what we O I
ask V
$29 Down to
Hoys' Combination Suits
Brock's Union Clothes
A complete line of clothes made
In the famous factory of Brock, of
Buffalo, N. Y.. and every garment
bearing the union label. "Bran,
deis never sold clothing with so
many good points to recommend
it. Tomorrow ybu can buy the
best Suit or l rvTvufl C A
Overcoat that
ever sold
Combination Suits for Boys at .
This up-to-date offer includes one coat, one pair of regular. Boys' Suit with extra pair of Knickerbocker trousers
knee pants and one pair of Knickerbocker pants T A CI as good as two suits for the boy splendid
a score of pretty patterns, at, per outfit .T'JI woolen fabrics special, for outfit
af rS--JF
'-V y
I " i I v' f i!f" 1
I I ' v"V if c
1 . I :t 1
f i i I " S
" u
" u V
Overcoats are long and roomy; a grace
fnl flare to the tails and thoroughly
tailored; gray mixtures are favorites.
Brandeis carries the best grades of men's
winter underwear. We mention below a
list of very special prices in warm under
wear for Saturday.
Agents for Mu using Union t Ef a M CA
Suits, each I.jU tO Tr.Dl)
Cooper's Derby Ribbed Wool fl Pfl 1 Cft
Underwear, at l.0)'.3J
Ribbed Wool Underwear, shirts and draw- r
ers, regular l.50 values, special at 4)1
Wright's Health Fleece Underwear, a q
Lambsdown Fleece Underwear, pure
lamb's vrool fleece. $1.25 values, at JC
Men '8 and boys Negligee Shirts, worth 73c,
cm KymW 1 1 tv
2 : n
The Best Quality of .
Shoes that are made by the best . shoemakers
the land correctly fitted by experienced salesmen
in Brandeis enlarged shoe department.
Men's High Shoes "With good solid oak leather soles just
the weight you want for fall and winter and every correct
last. All these shoes are made of the best selected leather.
Blucher and regular cut two specials,
in wz&j a
The Famous Florsheim Shoes The best, the most com
fortable and certainly the m?st stylish shoe a
man can buy plain and patent leather
most styles are
a 1 a. . t jfcuii ... jj
,Tini " I
A Specie.! Sale of
Men's Sample Hats
Worlh Up to $3.00 at 98c
We have secured the entire sample lines of two
large eastern hat manufacturers at less than
one-third their actual value
all this season's goods.
Stiff and soft hats, worth
up to $3.00, on sale Satur
day, as long as they last, at
We have the Stetson soft and derby
hats, in all the latest styles,
Brandeis Special soft and derby hats,
in all the latest styles,
Boys' and children's school caps,
at , .. .
'Faderi Ituit Pay tbs Tarcers Employed
V. in Pints CommenointToday.
rrond-Han4 Iloalrr Haa Hvi A r
rraivd C'bara wl Hlrallaa
lousier Wlr ! Thvftn
Aaoiil to fom of Copper.
KpglnnliiK yHierday inorninir all the
South Omaiia packers were inquired to
fiirnlph men to do the labeling- which was
formerly done by the government employes.
The label are placed on the carcava in
the Drat place after the rtauft-hter and just
Ivforc the rtreaaed meat goea Into the cool
er. The labels are fumlehe by the gov-
inuient, and there are fourteen to be
placed on each ca-eaas of beef. Two each
nrp placed on other animals Tills will
inenn that there must be from one to
two mnrJfmen employed In each depart
ment. The government men thaa relieved
111 be pi need on other duty about the
plant. The fore ha been short hereto
fore, but now there are men enough, within
one man at leant, to fill all the require
ment contemplated by the department.
The ante-mortem Inspection which takea
place In the pens and chute and alley
f each pncklng houae after the atock haa
h en purchased, at which time all anhuala
which from eKternal appearances would j
not pass the Inspection are separated from
th reot of the drove, ha occasioned some
Intel illsmtlafaction among the packera,
and It la practically the only strong ob
lation. The examination Is made after the
purchuKe of the stock from the shippers.
An att-mp. has been mad to throw the
Inspection farther back, that Is. to have
i lie tnr-pcrllou tnadi a,t the time of the
purchase, so mm the loss of unfit animals
hal! fall on the shirper lntad of on the
packer. An interpretation o the law has
jiermlttrd the lneictlon to be made In
the yards; but only In pens used by pock
era and after the purchase haa been oon
vimmated. This leaves the matter tha
eme us before. The packers must receive
and slacB'iter all the animals which are
condemned. The , law on the ubet Is
plain, and U la likely that little relief can
be secured. But the law does not Comjel
the packer to purchase all cattle, and there
la where the buyer must exercise great
care to he aure before the purchase that
r.o unfit animals pass Into tha packers
044 Fellows Faoetlosi.
Elaborate arrangements are being made
hy the Odd Fellows of Omaha and South
Omaha for the bestowal of the degree of
chivalry on a number of candidates of
Ktra MUUrd canton No. 1, Patriarch Mil
itant, at South Omaha Monday evening
next. The conferring of the degree Is one
of the most Imposing and Impressive In tha
Odd Fellows order. It Is expected that a
number of distinguished Odd Fellows from
different ptirts of the state will be present
at the f miction. :.
Bora rharanl tilth Theft.
Isaac Levy caused the arrest of three
small boys yesterday afternoon for com
mitting a burglary at his second-hand
store at Twenty-sixth and N streets. The
boys were caught In the act of carrying
away some insulated wire, having gained
an entrance through a rear window. They
were Chnrles Brock. Walter Riop and
Jlmmle Girard. Two of the three were able
to get away at first, but were later ar
rested. Ivy claims to have lost a ton of
copper wire and three fire extinguishers
through these small pllferings. The boys
are being held for the Juvenile officers, to
whom they will be turned over today.
Leetare at High School.
The lecture on radium, liquid air and
wireless telegraphy at the high school
auditorium last night was attended by an
appreciative audience, though the crowd
was not large. Prof. Putty's demonstra
tions were apt and often spiced with
humor. One of the atriklng things was
when he froze his own hand stiff irt liquid
air and afterward allowed it to thaw out
with no apparent distress. He made a
hammer out of frozen mercury and froze
a rubber lull until it shivered like frail
glass. The radiur. experiments were con
ducted In darkness and contrary to ex
pectations were not spectacular. Only
minute quantities were exhibited, but It
was coiuidcntly claimed to be the largest
amount on exhibition In the country.
Maaie City Uoaalp.
Mrs. Leonard Davie .will entertain an
afternoon whist party today.
Harry Tavender la aboui to construct a
I3.OU0 building at 2419 N street.
Chattel and ralary loans, 2421 N St. All
business confidential.
Jetter's (Sold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. I.
Kd Brooks waa given fifteen days by
Judee King for misdemeanor and drunk
enness. John Kfevrit. Jr.. la building a reaidence
between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth on
A Street.
Julius Qrlmm will soon be occupying a
reeidenre he has under construction al
Thirty-first and V streets.
Mrs. L. Gibson and Mra. tloward
Meyera will entertain a parly of their
friends at the home of Mrs. Gibson Satur
day evening. '
Tha Nebraska camp No. 277, Anol.nt
Ordr Vnlted Workmen, gave a flue bull
laat night at the t-mple. The drill team
wera out in uniform.
Esra Meeker, the campaigner of the 'on,
waa on the plasa before tha exchange with
his ox leant, and canned much diversion
among the commission men, yesterday fore.
Fred Lush and Ulsa. flare. Ewltig ware
married Wednesday evening at the homu
of the groom's brother, James Luah, on
Twenty-third street. Dr. F. M.' Sisson per-
rormea me ceremony.
The South Omaha Country club has post
poned the minstrel exhibition which was
to have been given last night. The mln- j
streis will play later al the Ancient Order i
I'nlted Workmen temple. i
A l, .. . W - . I. . V. nn n I
ISth and Missouri Ave. a nearly near
house, east front, and neot cottage, south
front: two new lota Room for two more
house. Will sell on eaav terma. Price.
$2,750. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St.
The name of the man who died last
Wednesday nlyht at the South Omaha hos
pital as a result of a blow from a meat
nook in the hand of a colored man by the
name of Perry is Stephen 8eidlik, not I.ud
wig. The error aroe because the president
of the hospital association waa unable to
read readiy the strange writing of the
nurse who tegistcred his name.
ll AT TUP PIlYUMltFl ll
II " '. :
are the best remedy for a deranged ttomsch. They are a sale and
gentle laxative; a reliable cure for obstinate Constipation, Bilious
Attack i, Sick Headache and all disorders arising from a weak Di
gettion, sluggish Liver or clogged Bowels. Beecham's Pills
Give Quick Relief
and are a world-famous medicine for the cure of these prevalent
complaint. Their cost is a trine; their use a duty. For your
health's sake, insist on Beecham's Pills. They da more for your
body than any other remedy. Known and used ty hundreds of
thousands all over the globe.
Sold Kvorywhera la Doaaa,
ISe aad tSa.
Man Who Attempts to Separate
Relllaereata Cornea Off Third
The inevitable reward of the peacemaker
was handed to Frank McKee, Sixteenth
and Nicholas streets. In large, generous
bunches Thursday about 2 p. vet., when he
attempted to Interfere In a little difficulty
which ao auctioneer near Thirteenth and
Douglas streets was having with two un
identified strangers. The strangers claimed
to have liccn ftlmflunimed by the auctioneer
and started the lively doings, when Mc
Kee, who was carrying a heavy load of
nose paint, took up the cause of the auc
tioneer. The two strangers then turned
upon Mclvee and when they had finished
their Job McKee had tnough gore on his
person to male.' 111 in look like a cigar sign.
A hurry call was received at the police
station, but when the officers arrived they
found only M?Kt nursing his Injuries. Ills
assailants having made their escape
In police court Friday morning McKee
waa discharged, as It appeared that he was
not the agfrressor In the quarrel and that
his Interference waa only due to undue
solicitation on his part as to the safety of
the auctioneer.
Omaha Lodge Katertalu Delegates to
Grass Body Meetlasi at Coancll
Danixh Brotherhood. Omaha lodge, gave
a bnnquet last night at Washington hall tJ
the degafes attending the national meet
ing now in progress in Council Bluffa, and
covers wero laid for 540. , Tha hall waa dec
orated with American and Danish flags
and the music consisted of American and
Danish selection Sophus F. Neble was
toastmaster and the toast "Denmark" was
responded to by A. Vsage. while City Elec
trician Mlchaelsen responded to tha toast
"America." J. Bogt, national president,
talked of the "Brotherhood," while othr
speakers wera called upon promiscuously.
"Sam hosmou" st the lloyd.- .
A drama lit four acts by Clay Clement, In
collaboration wnn jonn Mcuovern n
Jesse Kdson.
Sam Houston Clay Clement
Felix Hutton. Albert C. Henderson
Oolooteka, chief of Cherokees, Gerald King
t-nief Jo v Georae Dillon
I'ncle Caesar William Vlssclier
David C. Burnett i"am C. Hunt
Tom Rusk A. 3. Byron
Mr. Clark R. B. Theodore
Lorenso de Zavala George Tracy
Secretary of Treasurer Norman Fish
Santa Anna Krnest C. Warde
Mrs. Eliza Houston Kathleen Kerrigan
Margaret Lee (afterwards the aecona
Mrs. Houston) Margaret Bvans
Madam George Bell Campbell. .
Marss Gaylord
Miss Kate Severe (Roaring Kate)....
Marie Taylor
And thirty-five other
"Gentlemen, my children, I am an old
man: broken In health, wounded In spirit.
You are wrong. But right or wrong, 1 am
for Texas and aa I go now to my rest,
the only rest 1 have ever taken, 1 am
content In the knowledge that I have
brought them two flags to my country."
On the arm of tin: loitering uij man
hung the Hag of the Lona Star state and
the Stars and Stripes, and It was alt be
cause he would not forsake thesa two
flags and swear allegiance to the Stars
and Bars that he was deposed as governor
of the state he had made, had wrested
from Mexico at fearful cost, created lirst
Into a primitive republic and then trans
formed Into a commonwealth of the
L'nlon. ,
Few mora picturesque characters than
that of Sam Houston adorn the pages if
American htstiyy. Mr. Clay Clement h.ts
called back to life this sturdy old aoldlrr-statesman-pioneer
with at least sufficient
certainty to give the greatest Interest and
Moasaoath Plow Cam pa my from 1 11 -aola
Tavw Cornea to This
Territory. -
And still Omaha keeps growing as a job- j
Ding reriier lor itrm impirnienia. n unam
C. Abbott, secretary of the Monmouth Plow
onmpan? of Monmouth, III., la In the city
and haa completed arrangements with the
Central Implement company to sell Mon
mouth plows In this territory. The agency
was formerly held by the l'nlon Transfer
company of Council Bluffs.
C realtors File Petltioa.
Tha creditors of W. H. Wlnterbotham, a
merchant of David City, have filed a peti
tion in tha I nlted States district cojrt
asking that be be declared an involuntary
bankrupt. Tha petitioning creditors and
their claims are: Waller U. Clark. Omaha
SM.H5; American Store compauv, St. Lauis'
j.; isiminncr au; Manufacturing coin-
pajiy. iM-ainue, Knap
onmpany, oioua
Furnace com pa i
shall Oil company. Uncoln, and (he
Bellvllle Stove company, Bellville. IU., $' Jo
Tha allegations In tha petition are that
Wlnterbotham committed an act of bank
ruptcy while "solvent by transferring his
property to ! Walters and othecs. with
a view to del idlng har creditors.
. " M,iigviunii coin
?'''. K."I'P Spencer
i my. Utte: L J. Mueller
ny, Milwaukee, ts.23; j,,ar.
1U fitter 4
C. a. ret, oaee
It Stands for the Finest
Cocoa In ttia World
Made by a scientific blending
of the bes Cocoa beans grown
in the tropic the result, of
1 26 years of successful en
An Highest Awards ia
tD Europe atid America.
A new and handseme4y lllusj
tratsxi Raoip Book aont fre-s.
pleasure to those fortunate enough to wit
neea his new drama. In Its presentation
for the first time at the Boyd last night
the audience, fair slsed, gave unmistakable
evidence of its approval of the author-star, ,
as to his conception, denouement and j
performance. Mr. Clement rises to height
of superb eloquence In- speech and manner i
at several Intervals and receives ovation I
r.fter ovation. His support Is excellent, I
and the play set off with becoming scenic
eneci, anoras an evening oi great enjny-
l ment. The drama has been before the pub
lic Just three weeks. It ought to become a
fixture. It has an air of substanttability
about it that should warrant to its author
the permanence of Its possession.
There are four acts. The first one pre
sents a scene of a room In the mansion of
the governor of Tennessee, Sam Houston.
This Is in 1829. In this very first act Sam
Houston assumes the role of warrior,
though not upon a field of buttle. It Is in
the recesses of hla own home, battling with
the perslMent wllfullness of a faithless
wife, trying to win her love. He fa'ls. She
cannot understand hla strong attachment
for Ills friends, the Cherokres. and snirns
tlnlr chiefs when they call upon the Big
Chief of Tennessee, nor !es he under
stand her affection for FeU Hutton. the
pretender to Houston's title, msrltal, state
1 and military, throughout his career, until
I he Is summarily dismissed aa a general In
' the army of Texas by the rugged preeldsnt
j of that young but precocious republic
I with his wife came to a crisis.
and. pressed for an hiimv.pi' to his Im
pervious Inquiry. "O" you love another?"
the woman's silence becomes the knife
that sever forever the bonds that bind h'r
to Sam Houston and Impels him to resign
as governor, going to "thm great wilder
ness. Sam Houston. In the second act. March 2.
137. is head of the army In Texas, at the
town of Old Washington, on the Hraxos
river. His followers are In convention with
him drafting a constitution for the repub
lic In process of formation, while their
wives, sinters and daughters are making
the flag. Again before Houston rises the
black shadow of Mutton's Jealous rivalry,
and no small vtilor and determination at
times are necessary to prevent the crowd
from being swayed from the Houston moor
ings to the less stable anchorage of Hut
ton. While Huttrn Is criticising Horston for his
slow moderation, upbraiding him for not
rushing Into Mexico and saving St. Al4mo,
Housron. upon the other hand, .la counsel
ing the completion of the republic.
"Let us slan the constitution so we will
have a country to fight for and then if 1
d) not do my duty deprive me of my
sword." Is the utterance with which Hous-
Iion 1'iom.f ins grrni pf-ri-n ill rpiy IO
Hutton. and the army chers and swings
back to him. The constitution Is signed,
the flag Is finished, the battle cry Is given,
'and with Sam Houston leading on. tlu
troops march to the martial airs of that
I Ihrtlllng-
I Hurrah, hurrah, for the
Hurrah, for the bonnie fla
the lone star.
The Interior of the rapltol of the Republic
, of Texas, the scene of the third art In the
winter of 1827 presents the Interior of a
typical log building, whose raftera-ruof la
bung characteristically with various sorts
of vegetable and animal life, giving evi
dence of the Industry of peace no less than
that of war In this rural, primeval forest of
diplomacy. Here In thla rude rapitol ait the
dignltled prealdent of thla bold republic,
recognised, aa Houston says, "by the In
dians and by France, or at least France
did recognise It until Dave Burnett's dogs
eat up Jones'ea pigs." Here, around a rough,
old table, alt tha rhlef magistrate and his
cabinet and plan the affairs of state. It Is
a scene of Irresistible fascination. Its
very rudeness, its prlmltlvenesi, make you
wish that everybody might have been a
pioneer In the making of hla country aad
that peace had never dawned.
The result at the Alamo, as It Is brought
to the cspltol. Is thrilling, but when San
Jacinto falls and tha great Mexican leader.
Santa Anna, becomes Houston's prisoner of
authern right
that carries
war, is brought captive Into the executive I
chamber, then It Is that the drama comes j
to a sensational climax that Is worth while. I
The final act is profoundly Impressive, j
showing, as It does, In 1861. Houston's un-
alterable refusal to yield to the entreaties
of his former followers, supplemented by
threatened removal from office as governor
of the state of Texas, to sigu the document
of secesrtoD and go with his state Into the
Confederacy and thla threat Is carried out
wHh pathetic emphasis. Though against
his wishes his son, wearing the f-ithcr's
sword of San Jacinto, which the old man
places upon him. goes to Join the army of
the south. Sam Houston crying, "Texas,
Texas, my beloved Texas. I have lost you,"
yields never. ' "
The love thread running through tin;
play Is very enjoyable. Miss Kathleen
Kerrigan, the original Mrs. Houston, and
Miss Margaret Evans, the later Mrs.
Houston, nee Miss Margaret Lee, piny
their parts well. Miss Marie Taylor coms
In for more than ordinary notice as Rear
ing Kate, and Gerald King and Oeorg.
Pillon. representing the two Cherokee
ohlefs, Oolooteka and Jolly, Albert C.
Henderson as Hutton and Krneat C. Ward?
as Santa Anna are actors cf uncommon
poVers. bringing cut the attractive e'e
n.ents of their parts lo the great delight
of all. The entire company of fifty is
strong. The play is given tonight and to
morrow night with a matinee Saturday.
The Sam Houston company proposes to
make a record of traveling and getting
"set" again when it finishes at the lloyd
Saturday night. With Its train of four
cars It will get out of Omaha about 1
o'clock Sunday morning over the North
western for Chicago. A few hours lay.
over at Chicago and then It will be off
over the Grand Trunk to Buffalo, where It
will take the Lehigh Valley into New
York. And it will begin a four weeks'
engagement at the Garden theater In New
York Tuesday night.
"The Moouahluer'a Daoahter" at the
'ie southern mountaineers long-drawn,
laiy drawl and hla quick temper and
quicker trigger-finger, mixed together In
combinations made up under the title of
"The Moonshiner's Daughter," was pre.
sented at the Krug theater Thursday night
and was nthuslastically. not to say up.
roariously, received by a ciowd-d house.
It Is the same old play with its Intense
love, duty and I'onor sltuttlons. ferocious
acting and strain-relieving specialty acts
that haa always "made good."
Moonshiners, as is well known, shoot
quick and to kill, but heve a code of horor
which they expect to apply to all. There
fore when Uie villain chose a mountain
community for his scene of action he
stirred up a warm proposition. It is necur.
sary to stop the play occasionally to rweep
away the bullets and mop up the gore, and
meanwhile some people come out end quiet
the tense nerves of the audience with some
singing, dancing and dialogue. Old Mammy
Cindy and her husband, I'ncle ' Pete real
darkles, mind you lay aside the strenuous
life of the play and sing and dance as only
old southern negroes can. Uncle Ptu-,
aged and bent, sings "Old Black Joe" in a
way to make the tears run.
Mlns Mary Carew, as the moonshiner's
daughter, is all the heroine should be, and
does a most entertaining turn with Jason
Thcojiotls Dork 1 1 a, the comical tramp.
"The Moonshiner's Daughter"' will stoy
the rest or the week In Omaha with the
usual matinee.
Express Bus and Possenaer on Sitaae
Hossil for Hound Monslsl",
ev Mobbed.
TONOi'AII, New, Oct. li-Word has bien
received here that the stage betwern Man
hattan and Round Mountain was held uc
by a lone bandit In broad daylight at it
o'clock thla morning, at a point two miles
from Round Mountain. The bandit secured
the express box and all the money t!i
driver and one iwssenger had. It Is stated
at Manhattan that the express box con
ulned the i ac.-oil f .r.ds of the W. snn I licet
and other mining properties at Round
Mountain. t..iiu in all. it Is also stated
that there was but I7A in the box and f.j
on the men. The bandit waa walking un
the road In front of the stage. He whirled
around when It rame up, polntod two
pistols and forced the driver to throw out
the box. The driver and passenger wtie
unarmed. Poiises are now out from Round
Mountain and Manhattan. v
Head of As.ocla.loo Conanlte Presi
dent Alinal Pate of Xeatt
WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 12. Charles
E. Hunter, of Oklahoma City. Ok!., presi
dent of the Roosevelt Rough Riders' as
sociation, talked with the president today
about the date for the next annual reunion
of this organization. Ti ls meeting will be
held at Irescott, Aris., .when t is alu
expected that a statue of Captain O'Neill
of troop A, of the Rough Riders, will be
unveiled. If it can be cnmpleted In time,
The president has attended the reunions
of hia former comrades in arms and it
anxious to go to Freacott next year. Ni
date haa leen fixed for the coming merlin
and it will be a matter for further cou
(deration between Mr. Roosevelt and tot
officers of the rough riders.
A tight, racking cough forecasts tha early development of consump
tion or bronchitis, and early death unless cured promptly with tha famous
and genuine) doctor'a prescription, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
1 sufferei from s bad oold foe soma that, kad g rtty ao
turring sod racking; eotiph. I made up rny mind to try Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup axd after having Ufcca two bottles, sot
cough sud ootd were cured sod I ted as Weil as erec. I
wrM not be without
to my borne sad recrxnmsnd H cfiserfufly to all toy irlends.
My boy, ku Tears okJ,wu also cured of a err ere sore throat
by tias great tttatdf T. Karrin, Point, S. D.
os aarlsg It, Mario m
VvuahBruv, lis, VuU
Sample sent freo to all readers.
We want roe to have absolute onofldeooe la Dr. BulTs
Cough rly-up and. to that eud. will send you f enmrle free.
address i. C. idDCHK 4 UJ JJsJtimorw. Ll
" " " 1 11 11 ' mm
VBSTITVTw-Ak for Dr. Bull's Cough flyrup at
mind, there la no rvuiedr "better or just aa c"d as L
I'slstbeUst, At til 4i US-gut, tries, ate uo. sad km.
nd fauriaS
l ,