Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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i COaDff ' Foe mi
v t n
' . Li
(5 iw
Jzzi 1
t ...
Bargain Chance of a
Nothing is Reserved
You Pay Just One
half Shelley's Price
1511 Douglas St., OMAHA
' SJ
Don't Miss a Day of
this Wonderful S ale.
Buy there Up-to-Date
Serviceable Goods
Now at Just Half
Read These Grand IBargaios for Saturday
Ik ISettiooalts
Tlie entire stock of Shelley's, silk petticoats. Shelley
was known to have carried the finest in the city in plain
taffetas, plaids, checks, Dresden effects, made with full and e 5
pleated ruffles and silk under-drops, which were marked g
from $10 to $L'0. On sale second floor, old building at
98 .98
Sateen Petticoats, in black, worth up to $2.50
go on bargain square, mam floor of old store, l&l"
era cflk
Albatross, nun's veiling and French flannel waists, flEfl
in black, white and all colors, go on sale in bar- vU
gain square, main floor of old store, at u '"
all thid
Great burgains in all of Shelley's ribbons which he sold
from 25c up to $1.00, go in two lots, fP ffhtf
new 6tore, front bargain square, at, m M i!! ft
per yard UU Lmfji9
Big bargains in ladies' Turnover Collars, Stocks and Tabs,
almost 100 styles, at C . 4 f
at ,...OC and IOC
Choice of Shelley's $25 suits,
Cloak Dept., old store,
fall styles, on sale in
All of Shelley's $50 and $60 suits, cos
tumes and evening opera
coats, on sale
Choice of Shelley's $15 and
. $20 suits, on sale , "
at...... M f
Extra Special. All of Shel
ley's $10 and $12 suits on
sale in our basement, at.
Choice of all of Shelley's $10,
$12.50 and $15 water proof
cravenettes on sale at .... .
All of Shelley's long, loose-backed win
ter coats, that he sold from $10 to $20,
go in two lots S5"9 90
Children's Coats
Choice of 300 assorted children's coats,
ranging in sizes for children froih 4
to 14 years of age, all colors,
worth up to $4.98, go on sale
r - at 4 . .
All of Shelley $ Pattern JIuts that he sold at $10 C
and $1.1, in silk velvets, elaborately trimmed with fancy feathers,
ostrich tiii. plume, ribbon, ornament -made in all color; on
ilt in Millinery department, at
All of Shelley's $.r, Hats on sale at -$10; these
are all model hats, nerer before offered for lr than $:o; no
tiro alike (jo on rule for first time, in Millinery depart
ment, old store, at
All of Shelleis .7 Hats go at Si. these fl TP C
are actually the greatest, value trtr offered in Omaha in W
ready-to-wear and street hat, many if them made in velvet ' jl -
shape, very nobby; on sale in new store, Aisle iVo. . .
Street Hats, ready-to-wear hats
that are worth up to $5, go in
two lots,
Aisle So. 1 New Store
Children' Trimmed Sailor Hats
In wool and fur felt shapes, in
reds, blues and all
colors, at
Aisle No. 1 New Store
Voutlcrful Sale of Fancy FeatlJers
from $1 to $2.50 will be sold
for .,
All of Shelley's Unt rimmed Shapes
in wool and fur felts,
go on sale, at, each... .
Greatest bargain ever known In
Ostrich Feathers, extra long, that
were marked 110 M Q rn QC
go on le at, each l lfc.3U")u
Quills and Wings, worth up to 25c, in blacks and all colors, go on,
sale in our basement millinery department, at
The greatest assortment of Ready-to Wear Trimmed Hats, that
Shelley sold up to 2.60, on sale in our basement millinery
' department, at -
Shelley's Black Ostrich Plumes, Tips
and Feathers Almost Given Away
All Shelley's 50c Black Plumes, on sale at
each '
All Shelley's $1.50 Black Plumes, on sale at
All Shelley's 75c Black Plumes, on sale at -
each. , ,
Under wear
Boys' Vests,
all sizes, med-
Misses', Children's and
Pants and Drawers In
Ladies' Vests and Pants In many new
styles and nil weights fine and heavy
Ladies' Union Suits
plain, fin and heavy
ribbed silk crochet
and ribbon trimmed
at new eture....
I weights line ana neavy s
c-3!c-4Sc H
es' and men's plain
All kinds of ladies
white and bor
dered initial
worth up to loo
at new store.
Ladies', men's and children's fast black
and tan hosiery A A ffh
on bargain nllfMl! Jr"0 fl
square ...llUU UuU
All the ladies' and men's imported lisle
hosiery from the Shelley . stock at
Only Pair of Twenty-Minute Effort! in
Northwest Fart of Iowa.
Brothers Who HaTr Br Separated
Klfteea Years Meet la Jail, One
la for latoslratloa and
Other aa a Vaa.
(From a Staff Carrewponilent.)
DKS MOINK8. C-t. 12. SpwhiD-TI'
extent of the campaigning- of W. J. Uryan
within the state of Iowa this year neens
likely to be limited to two twenty-minute
neeche. which he will make from the
tail end of a train while naMlng- through
the northwest corner of the state on Ilia
way from Madison. Wis., to Cnnton. 9. D.
The train will stop twice for twenty
minutes each at Emmet ubiu-g, Palo Alto
county, and at Sanborn, O'Brien county. It
was announced today at democratic head
quarters that Mr. Bryan would make
twenty-minute speeches at each stop. The
committee ha been endeavoring for some
time to ct Mr. Bryan to promise some
speeches tn this state. The announcement
was made, after tlis trip of C. W. Miller,
chairman of the state committee, to meet
Bryan In New York thut the Nebraskan
would speak here, but the exact dates
could not be tfven then. There I thru
weeks left of the campaign now and there
has been till today a very dubious air about
the state headquarters as to whether lie
could be secured at all or not.
t'nmintna at tDuncll HlulT
Oovernor Cummins will speak at Council
Bluffs on his return from making two
speeches tn Nebraska.' This has been prac
tically, though not definitely, settled by
he stat committee. It has also been
practically settled that Cummins will not
rpeak In Des Moines at any time during
the campaign, hut that he will speak In
Dubuque Uie Monday night before elec
tion day. Though the dates are not tie.
termlned upon, the governor will speak In
Sioux City, Davenport, Council Bluffs a-id
Dubugue. What other towns will secure
him Is not yet determined upon.
Secretary leslle M. Shaw, who had
promised the Iowa slate committee all
of the last week before the election, todoy
telegraphed Chairman Woods asking that
he be relieved Tor one day, which he de
sired to put In assisting Congressman Me
Clcary in Minnesota. He did not press tlio
matter, however, and said that the state
and congressional tickets In Iowa were his
first consideration.
Dickinson Helraard.
If. M. Dickinson, indicted for tho murder
of Irene Blydenburg, the Rldora telephone
girl, will be released soon from the county
juil on bond, according to expect'it'ons.
Dickinson' attorneys succeeded In induciux
Judge James A. Howe to reduce the bond
from 110.000 to ICOuO. The attorneys d
clarrd they could raise a bond of thut
Tar a In Bribery Cases.
A turn was taken In the bribery cases of
General Manager Hlppre of the Des Moin-s
Btreet railway and A H. Hadley, an em
ploye of theVompany, today, when Judrfc
Spurrier, . as attorney for the street' tar
men, was given a star chamber session be
fore the grand Jury. Both the county at
torney and the grand Jury stenographer
were excluded from the room. Aldcrmun
Hamery, who filed the charge of bribery
against' the two men In Justice court, later
asked for the same privilege of a star ses
sion and was refused.
Brothers Meet In Jail.
Kogir and Andrew Kelly, brothers, wiio
fifteen years ago; left home together in
Vermont, met today for the first time In
the Polk county Jail. One was released on
a thirty-day sentence for vagrancy and the
other from a three-day sentence for intoxi
cation. They met in the corridor of the
Juil as they were being released from cus
tody and the meeting was affecting. Before
leaving they promised themselves and the
jailer . that they would straighten up and So
to work and live honorably from this on.
Saaltarlaiu Is Bsskrayt.
William A. Benadon, proprietor of a sani
tarium of that name in this city, has filed
a petition in voluntary bankruptcy, belnif
forced to do so by a $10,000 damage Judg
ment. His liabilities are IU39? and his as
sets .
nea for t1O.K0.
In the federal court here J, B.
lias brought suit for 150,000 damages re
ceived in a coal mine In Carteville. Mo.
The suit Is against J. G. Berryhlll. D. W.
Smouse and some others of this city.
F.leetrte l.lne from Omaha.
The American Electric Railway company
today filed articles of Incornoratlon with
County Recorder Dodnon here, the object
of the company being to build nn oWtric
road from Omaha to Chicago and to pass
through AVInterset and Drh Moines on the
way. The cnpltal utock is $,000. C. VV. I
Baker is proHlrtent. J. D. Pollard vice presi
dent, and Charles' K. Custleman, secretary.
The officers are Illinois people. The road
Is to paws through Greenfield and Council
Bluffs on the way west and through
Davenport and Muscatine on the way to
Osage Girl Robbed.
Miss Clara Slubbins of Osnge, la., who is
attending Highland Park college in this
city, was robbed of a purse containing J.'2,
while wnillng for a car at the Mreet tar
waiting room, last night.
Off for Nebraska Game.
Coach Pell of Drake university foot bill
squad, left this morning for Lincoln, Neb.,
where they meet the cornhunkers tomor
row. The Drake boys are not over confi
dent of winning the game and would have
been content to meet the Nebraska lum
later in the season.
When past middle age, there i'omen
a noticeable weakening of the organs
of the body, and the danger of quick
decline. It Is quite necsttary to give
prompt help to any part that first
shows signs of wear.
Healthy kidneys mean a hale old
age. Weak kidneys bring constant
backache, lame back, stitches and
twings of . pain, annoying urinary
troubles, and the danger of diabetes
or Brlght's disease. There Is likely to
be a loss of albumen and a gain of uric
sold-and. other, poisons, with loss of
flesh, vigor and nervous force.
npoan's Kidney Pills bring: quick
hlp to sick kidneys, and are entirely
free, from poisonous drugs; f is a
remedy that can be taken by young or
otd. weak or strong, and tn every case
with- prompt benefit.
It you have .backache, lame or weak
back, quick pains when stooping or
lifting; If you .ace tired and nervous,
have headache, dirty spells, watery
swellings tinder the eyea or around the
ankles, rheumatic or neuralgic pain,
gravel, awarding urine, too frequent
pas&agea. aandy or stringy aedlineat in
ithe.iqiine,-scjtnty or discolored urine,
or passages at night, be sure your
kidneys need attention. '
g1 (7 Picture
Ikian's Kidney Pills is the best
medicine to use. It haw cured thou
sands and will cure you.
Mrs. C. G. Wiklund of 819 South
Twenty-fourth street, Omaha, Neb.,
says: "Mr. Wiklund has as great faith
in Doan's Kidney Pills today as he had
when he gave a statement touching
on his experience with an opinion of
this remedy for publication in our
Omaha papers in the spring of 1899.
Kor a number of months he was
troubled with pain in the small of his
back. At first, he gave the annoyance
little thought, but it gradually grew
worse and more persistent, the nature
of his work being In the heat of an
engine room during the day and the
sudden change when he went out
nights adding to, if not bringing on
the complaint. He found that relief
if possible, mut be bad. Just at this
time his attention was called to Doan's
Kidney Pills. Procuring and using
them, the trouble was quickly ban
ished and much to his gratification,
the cure haa been a lasting one. The
merits of Doan's Kidney Pills were
proven beyond a doubt in this case."
Fatal Disease Anions; Cattle.
FORT DODGE, la., Oct. U'. (Special.)
Cerebrospinal meningitis, one of tho most
deadly cattle diseases known, has broken
out in a most malignant form in herds of
farmers near here. Already over a hun
dred cattle have died, twenty-four of them
being of one herd of blooded stock belong
ing to George Ambrose. The state veteri
narian has been called and tins ordered
quarantined all cattle afflicted. The dlsrs
starts with an ltohlng In the nose. The
animal suffers great pnin and rubs its nose
constantly nn the ground, Anally dying In
great agony.
r'remont Hemnrrats nmlnate,
EIDNKY, la., Oct. K'.-iSperll -T"c
democrats of Fremonf county held n con
vention yesterday fin- the purpose of com
pleting their lickft. Chris Huston of Ran
dolph was nominated for supervisor, to fill
the place made vacant by the withdrawal
of William Otte. and F.x-Sherlff Ike Plxon
was nominated for clerk of the courts, t i
fill the -vacancy CHUxed by the death of
A. T. Chambers. Mr. Dixon Is als" the
nominee for the full term.
Chambers Held for Murder.
GCTHRIK CENTER. I.H.. Oct. lj. -(Special.
I Ed Chambers, charged wilh the
murder of his neighbor. Charles Neal, wns
held to th grand Jury following the pre
liminary hearing, which e.nrled here today.
Chambers was refused bail by the court
I and was taken by Blieriff Brown to the
.county Jail, where he Is being; held.
The case will probably come to trail at
. the next term of court. Another effort
I will be made to get bond for Chambers.
was shot and killed by another man, whose
name is not given In the dispatch.
BEATRICE A gang of laborers reached
Beau-ice last evening from Omaha, en
route to Marysvllle, Kan., to work on the
Marysville-Topeka cutoff of the I'nlon Pa
clltc. Tne party, which- numbered abou.
twenty-five, proceeded south this morning
BEATRICE Word has been received hen'
of the marriage of Miss Qussle, u
former Beatrice young woman and daugh
ter of Dr. und Mrs. William F. Lee, lo
Mr. Ralph Mesnard, which occurred re
cently at the bride's home at Humboldt.
ALBURN Mrs. C. B. Thompson died at
her home in this city Friday morning, after
an illness of but a few weeks. She. wus
the wife of C. B. Thompson, of the firm of
Thompson & Peerv of this city, and was
about. years of age at the time of her,
BEATRICE Chias Zluimei mini, a wealthy
German farmer living twelve, miles north
east of Beatrice, hied his first naturaliza
tion papers yesterday at the district clerk's
office. Mr. Zimmerman is the first person
lo make application under the new naturali
zation law.
YORK At a meeting of the Brotherhood
of Andrew and Phillip the following ofilcerx
were elected for the new year President,
Albert Johnson; vice president. Warren
Hull: secrary, Roy Chittlck; treasure.-,
Frank Peterson. Gu'tnes were played and
refreshments served.
TEC L" M I0H M r. M. A. Fonti and Miss
Emma B. Parker, both of this community,
were married at the home of the bride
last evening. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. P. C. Johnson. In the presence
of a small company of relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Fonti will reside on a farm.
CH A DRON William Mann. aged i
years, is dead. He is thought to hae mad:
the nrst filing on land west of the saini
hills in northwest Nebraska. He leaves
two sons. J. A. of Cody and Jnbe of this
place; also' one brother, Charles. Both
brothers have been leaders In all agricul
tural exhibits for this county.
1 1 I'M lkJLDT The body of John W.
Johnson, at one time a resident of this sec
ti'Mi, was brought down from Billings,
Mont., anil Interred at the Prospect ceme
tery, east of the city. The deceased came
to his death by reason of a gunshot wound
received accidentally while lie Was work
ing about the sluughter house.
HUMBOLDT A-double wedding took
place Wednesday at the country home of
J. E. Wiasler and wife, when their two
daughters were united in marriage to
Messrs. Henry J. and Louis F. Hunseker,
young farmers of that section.
COULMBl'S Columbus has a Business
men's club again. Most of the business
men met at the council chamber last
evening and organized the Columbus
Commercial Men's association, with Mayor
W. C. Phillips as its president and Fred
erick H. Abbott secretary, and with their
well known push and ability It Is sure to
be a grand success and a great benefit to
Columbus and the surrounding country.
CHADnON-For two nights now Jack
Frost has made his first reul appearance
for the season. He was seen, but faintly,
on the night of the 4th, but he left no sign
on vegetation. Owing to his late coming
corn has matured here equal to any in
Iowa or Missouri. If this keeps up as It
bus for the past several years we will con
sider ourselves in the corn belt. Alfalfa's
third cutting is all stacked and now grow
ing for winter pasture.
Rl'LO Many farmers are' through dig
ging potatoes here. The crop is a very
satisfactory one and farmers are well
pleased with the result. Early Ohio and
Rural New Yorker No. 2 are very large
and smooth. A. K. Hwaln dug fifty
bushels of the latter trom less than
one-fifth acre of ground. Hweet potatoe
are a large crop and sell at from 75c to
II per bushel. Home are so large that
they resemble small pumpkins mors than
sweet potatoes.
TBCI7MBEH Thomas McClure, a well
known pioneer citizen of Johnson county,
died at Ills home near Elk Creek last even
lug. He had been in falling health (tr
borne time, and his final sickness was of
eleven weeks' duration. Mr. M.-Clure was
a native of Ohio, and had li- lived until
November l be would have been 7l years
of age. He lived in Johnson county for
forty-live years. The funeral will be held
at the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
conducted by Rev. Mr. Lmdenmever, lis
ter of the Falls City Christian church.
The Masonic lodge of Tecumseh, of which
the deceased waa a member, will have
charge of the burial service. Interment
will be made In the Elk Creek cemetery.
TECUMSEH President of the City Coun
cil W. Webb In an address before the
Teeumseh Commercial club last evening,
stated It would be possible for the city
council to pay off the $4,4oO electric light
ing bonds now hanging over the city by
tlie first of next January. He also said
this city could then vots lighting bonds
In the sum of US.UuO, and that the present
city council would favor such a movement.
The councllmen have been opposed to call
ing a special election to vote on any sort
of a bonding proposition with the old bond
In force. Tr-e club members are enthus
iastic, and it begins to look as thougli
this city Is going to have what it has long
needed an adequate electric lighting plant.
PLATTSMOrTH The residence of Jesse
Himer, an old veteran of the civil war, wa
entered during the night by removing the
screen and prying open the pantry window.
The Intruder theni went Into the bedroom
where Mr. Hlner was sleeping and secur
ing his trousers took I hem Into the kitchen
and abstracted from ths pocket the sum of
1:4.60. the balance of the pension he had re
ceived the previous day, with which he In
tended to pay his house rent, as that wsa
all the money he had. The only other oc
cupant of the house was his aged mother,
who Is In a feeble and almost helpless c n
dition. A friend has loaned the old soldier
sufficient money to pay his house rent, so
that he and hla mother will not be turned
out of home.
Fatal Fire In Missouri.
MARSHALL. Mo.. Oct. 12 In the de
struction by lire here today of the home of
F. W. Miles, a grocer, Bentl Krwtn. aged
18, wns crushed to death while attempting
to save the lumutes. and Oscar Page, an
other boy, barely escaped death.
Wounded Husband May Recover.
SMITHVILLE. Mo.. Oct. 12Jesse B.
Webb, who yesterday was shot by his wife,
who then killed herself In carrying out a.
suicide pact entered into by tlie young
couple, was much improved this morning
end may recover.
U rrrV Ul
1 . 1
oor mj ail saiers. mas e cent. rorrut-MiLaua Co, pufTale. K.Y., Proprietor.
Fairbanks starts for Waterloo.
1NDIANPOLIS. Ind.. Oct. 12. Vice Presi
dent Charles W. Fairbanks left here today
for Chicago, on his way to Waterloo, Ig.,
where he will speak tomorrow aftei-nonni
(Continued from Third Page.)
stalks and corn is drying rapldlv. It will
soon do to husk now and evidences are
In favor of a very strong yield of all
kinds of corn.
YORK The loss by Are In the little town
of Stockham. southwest of York, Just over
the line in Hamilton county, la more than
llrsl reported, and. the loss of five busines
houses nearly wipes out every busmen
houM In the town.
Hl'MBOLDT News was received here
yesterday of the death of Tom Frets, for
many years a familiar character of this
city, but who lias for five or six yiars
been in Omaha and later traveling wilh
Campbell brothers' Ireus.i Frets was with
Ui company at Foil Worth. Tex, when he
J Th
invested in a package of
teaches you many truths:
at soda crackers are the best of all food made from flour.
That Uneeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Uneeda Biscuit are always fresh, always crisp, always