Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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U'.XMKR-William. O-inlicr 11, V.t,
T '' years. II'" l fiirvlvril In
r..i. 1
iiighiei and two ne, who ni.ini u hu
.ieath. Mr William E Rolln. ,VI l' -ie
Jielmer. Mr. .1. Fret ;r.m nn.l i.
E. C. Hxlilv. residing n OrimliH and Will
Ism Hclmer r.nttli Crenk. Mich.,
Crank Hebner. Davenport, M.
7'inrrV and Interment pi l ate.
Office, 10 Pearl 81. Tel. 43.
HEPS SWOBfDA. 1416 Fat-nam.
I. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam."
Tlnitg I'J.'.a.
daughter are now frying to set urtilf. A
targe number nf wltn'MH have been sub
poenaed on both sides.
Frtsno Em fciiten kor Votes for Con-1
vfotion Thin DaUth.
VTAME WOODRUFF- Robe. Suit- 31'. I
I 14-3S-1S Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas M12
r -3 o.'i
I if, ii. in isrnuy or at heme
Mini Sturdy, WOt Davenport. Phon Hir
r.ey 7.!t
pr;COND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red 3fi
N-MIM2 13
furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and
shoes; pay the brat pi lees. Trl. Douglas
T:iertlnn of tiflirera rtt an the I aril,
nllb thanrea In I'atnr nt Hr
Klertlon nf oahl for
ANTED Five expert tiothlnr salesmen
ri oner. Apply Goodman & fiheer. js;,.
brasfca City. Nob. L MM3 14
WANTED-By young woman employed a
ni. me imi- iume 10 room and ikidm. a. I.
K-MS99 14x
Iress T M. Bee.
WETMORB detective service. 'Phone Rerf
is no 14, union Blk., l.ith '
7101. Rooms
and Farnaro.
M-842 Otl5
head work horses.
lHh and Nirholna St.
Inquire Ice
P-682 14
For a safe and profitable Investment.
The Union Paclllc- R. R. Co. la fast
closing out Ita landa In Weatern Ne
braska, Colorado and Wyoming at
3 to f 5 PER ACRE
This land consists of fine farm and
ranch lands For descriptions of landa
and full Information regarding special
excursions i ppiy to
Land Agency, U. I. R. R.
Dept. ,ai . lath St.,
The mi! , l nn.l.mal contention of
the Danish Urol heiiiiod oviiy In 11 will
It held In Fresno, Cal. The selection wis
made nt j-esterdny h r. moon's session, the
convention deriding in fvor ot the Cali
fornia town nv r Duluth, Minn., tlir
j other city In the field for the nvHIng. by
!xtc"n votes. I
I At the morning e-'iou estct(l:iy tlir con
j vrntlnn riimn'iir'i1 tii llr'l"floi) of th"
J priKl r.-vlsinn of the rltiiHl. after cotn-
plrtlng the revision of the Insnramr l:tr.
Thr rlrctlon of oiri' . rn l slat d for this
uftf-f noon' r.nn, althnuRh it I not un
. likrly that It will take pljce till morning
If the other huhln l out of tlir way. In
dications yrstrrdy worr thnt H. II. Vsi
of Darrnpnrt nould !; rr-tlrrtrd siipp-nv
prrniilent, althci s;U thrrr are two othr
candlditr all to lr In tho fi'ld. John
Mlcharlwn of Onmha app-ar crrtaln of rr
nlrrtlon u RUprrmt sorrnary and It N
tatrd that tlirrr Is a strong drsirr on tj
part of the dlrg:itr to rrtaln J. Ksklldst u
of Chicago a trrasurrr. Frul Prfrarn of
the local lodgr is a randldate for treasurer,
but the talk yrstrrday was thnt hr would
be given gome other supreme office Instead.
I,nt evening the visitors went to Omaha,
where another entertainment was given In
their honor by the member of that city.
The convention will close this afternoon
and In the evening thr visiting ilr-legates
will be entertnlred by a dramatic perform
ance In Danish hall, followed by e dance,
which" Will bring to a close thr rv. . . fes
tivities In honor of thr visitors.
Oood Steve pipe, per Joint. I"c: elimw. fc:
fre shnvel. 3c: coal hod. 19c; d:impers. Je;
E-S Hnr polish, 7c; stove r!Pr collnr. 3c;
stove pine wire. B.-; oil cloth rug. Cc; all
sis-K woisl llnrd stove board, up from We;
redactor lamps, complete. ?(; ftsited bed
room lamps, XW: l;trnr tabic lumps, Vc.
Our hnrdwiirr depintmrnt Is full ot money
saving values on all your winter goods. J.
Zoller Merchandise f'n., t'0102-1' Broad
way. Both 'phone s;o.
Have rou heerd the good news? Our UJ
wall poner patterns are coming In and you
will be right In It If you let us do your In
terior decorating; snd when it comes to
painting, we do not allow anybody to beat
us in furnishing good materials and gao.1
woi'lc Now 1 the best time to paint, the
Insects are all gone and the weather nicely
('tiled. Let us figure with you. Jens, n
ft Nicholson, 23S Broadway.
proprr facilities "for handling such stock
would. It I believed, prove an Incentive ,
to farmer ef this section to breed better I
stock of sll kinds. I
We are headquarters for tine plsnoe.
No matter whst may be your need we rsn
supply It. We offer you a line of piano
lhat are fully tested and we guarantee you
satisfaction In the purvhsse of an Instru
ment from. us. Call on us. Your money
will go farther here than anywhere else.
Easy terms If desired. Hwanson Music
Co., 47 West Broadway.
met 'cataurant, 630 Broadway.
For Imported wines, liquor snd Bud
welerr beer go to L. Rosenfcld. wholesale
liquor dealer. M! South Main street.
N. V. Plumbing Co. Tel. S. Night. W.
There Is no getting sround !t. when
you buy anytl.ttic of John Olson. 73ft and
741 West Broadway, you get Just what
you order, whether you order over the
'phone or lcne thr order nt the store.
He doe not handle anything but first
class groceries ntid sells them at the
most reasonable prices possible.
When you get the choicest of the season's
productions In 115 broadcloth suits for
$?7.5rt you may know that great suiting
bargains are being offered at Hunter's big
tl5C,(tiu sale.
Omaha, Nebraska, October 10, 1906. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, will be received
here and by quartermasters at the posts
named herein, until 10 a. m., central stan
ds rd time, November 10, 1M6, for furnish
ing shelled corn during the fiscal year end
ing June 30, 1907, at Omaha Q. M. depot.
Forts Crook, Omaha, and Robinson, Ne
braska ; Jefferson Barracks, Missouri; Forts
Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D.
A. Russell, Mackensle and Washakie.
Wyoming; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and
Fort Meade, South Dakota. Proposals for
delivery at other places will be enters
tned. V. a. reserves right to reject or
ccent any or all proposals or anv Dart
thereof. Information furnished on applica
tion here, or to quartermasters at the sta
tions named.- Envelopes containing propos
als should be marked "Proposals for.Corn,"
and addressed to Major M. Gray Zalinskl,
C. Q. M. . OetlO-H-l.'-t3Nov8-9
Saturday Kneclal.
Ginger snaps, per lb., Be; saner kraut,
per qt.. 10p; None Such mince meat, per
pkg.. 7c; bromangclon, per pkg., 7c; new
maple sugar, per lb.. 15c; pure m;ipl
syrup, per qt., 3Sc;,2-lb. can Paxton ft
Oallsger's gas roasted coffee, per can, 3e;
Takoma biscuit, S pkgs. for 10c: sour pick
les, per doi., 6c; also Tokay grapes, pears,
peaches, apples, bananas, etc., etc. Leave
your order for meats with us. Beef, pork,
veal, mutton, fish, game and poultry. We
cut only the best money and experience
can buy. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 100-102-KM1
Broadway. Both 'phones 820.
The opportunity Is yours of getting your
blankets, comforts, sheets, pillows, every
thing you need for winter, at a sacrifice
prloe at Hunter's big $150,000 sale now on.
CENTRAL FLOUR-r"l-U- Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24.
' Pictures for wedding gifts,
ander, 333 Broadway.
C. E. Alex-
' s ..
Try tr Want
Columns of Tta
Daughters t'oatrat Will.
In the district court yesterday Judge
Macy and a Jury had before them the trial
of what Is known as the Casson will case.
Charles Casson, a fanner living near Mace
donia, Pottawattamie county, left an estate
valued at 120,000. Under the terms of his
will two daughters, Mrs. Anna Aukland
and Mrs. Charlotte Bridal, did not fare
very well and they brought suit to set
the will aside, alleging undue Influence.
They allege that their mother and their
brother John turned their father against
them by asserting that their husbands were
spendthrifts and would waste such patri
mony as might be left to their wives. .Tho
plaintiffs were only left a life Interest In
their share of the estate, the principal to
go to their children upon their attaining
their majority. Casson was 77 years of
age when he made the will whlch his
PET Dllli A litltin Bl IK. I. A It ALARM
Wakens Its Mistress, Who Promptly
Keren m for Help.
A Sir, tienrge I.. Smith, residing at 519
Mynster etreet, was about to enter her
bedroom on the second floor Thursday
night her attention wan attracted by the
frantic twrking of her little pet fox terrier.
Turning to iisxt rtaln the cause of the dog's
excitement she discovered a man standing
in tTie shadow of the hall downatalrs.
"Throw up your hands and be quick about
It." ordered the fellow with an oath, but
Mrs. Smith instead of complying with the
command gave vent to a piercing scream,
which was plainly heard by the occupants
of adjoining house. The scream did Its
work and the fellow made a rush for tho
back dtor. the key of which was In the
lock, unlocked the door, slamming It to with
such force after him as to shatter the
glass panel to pieces. Mrs. Smith, as the
Intruder left the back door, rushed out
of the front door, snd her screams soon
brought several of the neighbors hurrying
to her asslstunce. Several started In pur
suit of the fellow, but he had evidently
made his way across Indian creek and es
caped In the darkness.
Officers Wilson and Jrnsrii were soon on
the scene anT Investigation showed that
the fellow bad entered the hour through a
cellar window, which he hud forced open.
Mrs. Smith was able to give a very fair
description of the intruder, who was a
white man, and said she would be able to
recognise him If she ssw him again.
At the residence of Attorney R. J. Organ,
on Harrison, a burglar gained entrance to
the cellar, but his movements aroused Mr.
Organ, who arose and turned on the
lights. This evidently frightened the fel
low, as he was heard to make a hastly exit
through the cellar window by which he
had entered.
Kilnln II. Wallers Dead.
Edwin II. Walter, senior member of thr
Mini of Walter ft Wadswotnh of thl city,
died yesterday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at
his residence, .111 Willow avenue., after an
Illness of eight weeks. His wife urvlvcs
Mr. Walter had ' been a resident of
Council Bluffs for twenty-three years and
for a number cf year had been promi
nently Identlflrd with nil movemrnt for
the betterment of thr city. Tie was a lead
ing member of the Commercial club and
wa exalted ruler of the Council Bluffs
lodge of Elk, of which he w:i 11 charter
member. He was a public spirited cltlaen
and never failed to respond when called
upon to assist In any movement that was
for the interests of the community. He ws
the son of Rev. I M. Wulters. a former
pastor of the Broadway Methodist tdnirch,
now a resident of Los Angeles, Cal. Ttev.
Mr. Walters was called here a short while
bark by the serious Illness of hi son, hut
returned to Los Angeles recently, when it
sppeared ns If Mr. Walters had passed the
critical stage and was on the road to re
covery. That hr was again critically 111 was un
known to Mr. Walters' friends and busi
ness acquaintances, and the new of his
death yesterday afternoon came us s great
shock to them. He was 45 year of nge
and for the last fourteen ycard hud been
ssnoclated with J. CI. Wadsworth In the
farm loan and investment business.
While arrangements have a yet not
been completed for the funeral. It will
probably be held Sunday nftrrnoon. The
Council Bluffs lodge of Elk will have
charge of the services at the cemetery.
Xerr Saar Kraut Has Arrived.
We hare Just opened a new barrel. It Is
very nice; 10c per quart. Muple sugar has
arrived; 16c per pound. We have a salted
cracker In 1-lb. box, 10c, or three for 25o.
Bartel ft Miller. Telephone 353.
Brown's Purity Candy Kitchen, 546 West
8ee the fine assortment of SIS ladle' suits
at Hunter's at 7.48, S.4S, JS.98 and f! 48.
Don't Forget Today
Is the big day In silks, dress goods and
linings In Hunter's big $150,ouo sale. Thu
crowds which have been going through all
the week is the best evidence of the great
bargains to be had.
If you want a good position, finish a
course at the Western Iowa college. Day
and evening school. Enroll at any tima.
'Phone for information.
entcal Grocery
and ElQeat -Market
600-602 W. BROADWAY.
Fancy Cookies, 1 AA
per lb IUS
Jonathan Apples, lilt
per perk IUv
Couutry Butler, 00i
per lb sCs&v
Ci eumery Butter, Tltk
per lb fcVW
Strictly Fresh Eggs. 9
per dozen aCUG
per pkg. .
Fancy Spring Chicken,
per lb
Breakfast Bacon Strips, IQM
per lb IOC
Gool Lard.
3 lbs. for ,
Picnic llama,
per lb. . . : :
. 9c
Solid Bulk Oysters. Qf
per quart -OUC
Lamb Legs,
per lb. . .
Try our Central Flour, every sack warranted, I f C
per suck J
Woman Searching; for Son.
Mrs. Augusta Olson arrived yesterday
from Morganvllle. Kan., to visit her son,
Elmer G. Olson, whom, she said, lived not
more than a mile from the Rock Island
depot and had a truck farm. The son,
she mid, came to Council Bluffs about a
year ago from Sioux City, and she had
corresponded regularly with him since. He
was not at the depot, however, to moot
her as she had expected he would be and
she was unable to locate his residence.
Mrs. Olson finally sought the court house
and asked for assistance there in locating
her son. The directory failed to give the
address of the son and efforts on the part
of the sheriff's force failed to give any
trace of him. Pending the continued search
for her son Mrs. Olson is being taken care
of by Mrs. Gallup, wife of tha county
A Great Excitement.
We are making the lowest possible prices
on wall paper. The latest patterns. We
will make you the lowest figures if you will
let us do the work. Guaranteed to be first
class. Council Bluffs Paint, OH and Glass
Co., Merrlam block.
Real F.atate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
October 13 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
A. D. Annls and wife to II. F. Johns,
e4 nw 6-77-44; warranty deed I5,i0
Guardiun of Dally Longtureet to
Henry M. Toller, lot 12, in block 7.
In Jackson's addition to Council
Bluffs, la.; guardian's deed
Wlilard E. Walton and wlf to Wil
liam' Arnd, two-third interest in
lota 1 to 28, In block 28. and lots 8.
4 and o. In block 36, In Central sub
division In Council Bluffs, la.; war
ranty deed
James E. Galloway to Wlilard E.
Walton, lots 1, i, 3, 4, 5, . 7.. 15, 16,
17, 18. IK, 20 and 21. In block 28, In
Central subdivision In Council
Bluffs, la.; warranty deed l.kio
C. O. Greenwood and wife to Willard
E. Walton, lots 8. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
22, 23. 24. 25, 26. 27 and 28. in block 28.
In Central subdivision In Council
Bluffs. Ia.; warranty deed
W. A. Potter and wife to Anna M.
Davis, east 14t feet of lot 15 and all
' of lots M and 17. In block 7, in Oak
land, la.; warranty deed
Christian Kberhart and wife to John
M. Jut gens and Augusta Jurgetis.
! lot 8, in block 12, In Beer's subdi
vision. In Council Bluffs, la.; war
ranty deed s
The Tootle estate to Henry M. Tol
ler, part of out lot 8. In Jackson's
addition to Council Bluffs, la.; war
ranty deed
George F. Keso and wife, to Charles
C. Haw. lot 1., in block' 3. In Fish-
I er's first addition to Underwood, la.;
I warranty deed ..." ;o '
! Nine transfers, total ,..16,3(0
j D. I.. W. Berantoa.
This phrase, when applied to hard,
means the txst coal mined. We handle
all tho different slses. OUR WEIGHT IS
OUR WORD. Iowa and Missouri ouk wood
In stock at all times. Hridensteln ft Smith,
14th eve. and 6th st. 'Phone 1K.
For Sale.
$1,500 A MONTH. WILL INVOICE $6,000.
1.3 0
Green's Troubles are Many.
The case against Roy Green, charged with
the theft of $150 from the grocery store of
Fred Evers last Saturday evening, was dls-
j missed In Justice Gardiner's court yester-
day on motion of the assistant county at
! torney, for lack of evidence.
Green, however, was rearrested, together
with Grace Johnson, the young woman
with whom, It Is alleged, he had been liv
ing at Twenty-fifth street and Avenue D
since his return to Council Bluffs after his
crcape from the Grand hotel. The warrant
for the woman was served in the court
; room, she having arrived there ahead of
j Gieeu. She was iiermltted to go on her
j own recognizancr in the sum of $310, bue
; Green, in default of ball, was sent back to
j the county Jail to await hit hearing on the
' new charge, which Is set for Monday morn
! lug.
Published from fourteen cities simultaneously
this morning. Each issue the same everywhere,
X except tne local sections, and Dnmtui ot me
week's happenings flashed by wire from all parts
of the country. The big events of the week
featured in national editorials. ,
What Does Heanft Stand For?
Mr. Edward W. Townscnd, a member of our staff", answers
this question in this issue. Mr. Townsend writes from an
acquaintanceship of twenty years, during some of which he was
one of Mr. Hearst's chief aides in launching his first newspaper
venture. The article will include an interesting word picture of
Mr. Hearst's personal characteristics.
Packingtown Four Months After
We have said that, above everything else, Ridgway's will be
fair. With this thought we sent Mr. Chris Healy to Chicago to
et the facts, following the recent exposure at rackinetown.
U. Healy got them and has written an interesting account for
this number. It will be wholly unbiased, because Mr. Healy
comes here fresh from England, without any prejudices. He
is well known as author of " The Confessions of a Journalist."
The Week at Washington
Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Root have returned to Washington,
and Mr. Taft will be back in a week or more. Departments news
will be brisk from now on. Ridgway's will give you news and
information of national interest and importance that you cannot
find elsewhere. Martin Egan. with . his department editors con
tribute interesting reports and comments in our Washington Bureau
this week.
Humor, Fidtion and Illustrations
Gelett Burgess in his ' Department of Humor contributes
a lively sketch entitled The Ultra-Peach, which he has illustrated
himself. Other contributors are Wallace Irwin, C. A. Selden,
Carolyn Wells and Justin Sturgis. T. Jenkins Hains has
written an excellent sea story entitled "The Edge of theRon
cador." There is lots of go to this tale. If the plot doesn't
interest the most jaded reader, the illustration will. Joseph Conrad
contributes the second installment of his stirring serial, The Secret
Agent. Those who read the first article of the series Little
Tragedies of the Trusts, by Ralph D. Paine, in the first number
of Ridgway's will be ready for the second installment entitled
"The Rebellion of A. Hertz, Butcher." These informing articles
will cause a lot of comment. There is an excellent political car
toon by W. H. Walker.
This week's number will please the most exacting. There
are 4 pages on national topics of the week, 4 pages of national
editorials, 8 pages of local happenings in your district, 16 pages
illustrating current events, 8 pages from the Washington
Bureau, 4 pages of humor, 2 pages of The Week at a Glance,
with additional pages of general articles and sketches 64 pages
in all.
Buy Ridgway's
Get It Early
Ten Cents
The Ridgway Company
Union Square, New York City
Publishers of Everybody's Magazine
A. Metsgar Jt Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
61( Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty,
Visitors Welcome.
..Glen Avenue Grocery..
Violin strings, violin heads, viol'n roela
and a large assortment of violins always
on hand at the Bourkius riano House. 335
Broadway, Council Bluffs, where the organ
; stands upon the building.
"0 LBS. BEST CAXE 81 4.1 Alt . .$1.4)0
EXTKA FANCY lOTATOKS, per bushel S"ic
SWF.CT POTATOES, per peck 2tK- or per bushel 75c
j Don't fail to see tht Red Cross base
burner. Let us snow you the Eclipse
l grate, the only stove made with tho
I Eclipse grate. Swains A Maurer, 33 and
3?8 Broadway.
See the world famous Ijinsdown silk snd
wool dress fabrics in Hunter's great sale
at 98 cents per yard. Have it In all the
soft evening colors.
2 lbs. best Country Butter
3 rapes, per basket i 17 4r
4 lbs. best Jaoan Rice 25r
lbs. Hand Picked Navy Deans 25c
C lb. box Dent Starch 25c
I cans Salmon 25c
4 cans UeBt Atlantic Corn . . . ,25c
i lbs. Best Soda Crackers. .. .25c
4 lbs. best Ginger Snaps . . . .25c
3 pkgs. Aunt Jemlna's Pancake
Flour 25c
3 pkgs. of Advo Pancake Flour
for c
10-lb. sack Cornmeal 15c
2 Combs Honey 25c
Sour Pickles, per dos 5c
Extra fine Japan Te per lb.. .25c
Best Cane Syrup, per gal . . . .;tOc
3 stalks Fancy Celery 10o
Extra fancy Brick Cheese, lb., 15c
Extra fine Grimes Golden Apples,
per perk 1 5c
Johnathan Apples, per peck . . 10c
J6c bottle Chow-Chow 15c
16c bottle Chow-Chow 7c
Borne Nice Hams, per lb. . . . .oixc
Davis, drugs.
Clurk's, sodas.
Stoc.kert sells carpels.
Fine engravings at Leftert's.
Kd Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating, Bixby A Son.
William Moore arrived home yesterday
ALL KINDS OP PATENT Fl)l It. per sack $1.0.1
Cold Kloraa Plant reded.
. .w v wmv ,.-' -.n .... i. iivt . t 1 1 1 rr ill, ri"
lug yewterday gfternoon railed to corn-tier
the proposition of erecting a cold storage
warehouse in tills city In connection with
the artificial Ice plant of the Bloomer com
pany. Some local commission men were
present and each expressed his willingness
to take stock In the concern, if started.
The need of such a warehouse was con
ceded by all present, but nothing definite
was decided upon at yesterday's meeting.
Another meeting will be held in the
Commercial club rooms today to consider
the proposition of establishing a live stock
sales psviiion lu this city. This Is aim
conceded to be much needed In Council
Bluffs, there being no proper facilities for
the exhibition and sale of blooded siok.
The sUb!Uhiiikiit ot a sales Lui:ku witn .
Brown s
C.O.D, Market
128 W. Broadway Both 'Phones 65
Specials for Saturday
CHICKEN, per pound I jW
per pounl.. lUfc
per pound
BOl'ND HTKAK, Iflr.'
per pound
KKKF, pound OC"UC
BEEF, pound C
per pound
Dost forget, asy and all Bsaf Pot
- Boasts, Sc to So.
Hons otsi Set ragalar pries, Be to
loo per poaad.
from a two weeks' sojourn at Hot Springs,
S. D.
LeAvis Culler, funeral director, 'phone 897.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 839
See Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fir
clay, sewer pipe, fitting and garden hose.
We loaded seventeen cars of lumber last
week to the farmers in Nebraska and
Iowa. C, Hiifer. Council Bluffs.
Do you want It done right? If you do let
Borwick. 211 8. Main, no your pupering,
painting and interior decorating.
Johannes M. Ham-en of this city and
Chrlstena Anderson of Honey Creek. Ia.,
were married yesterday by Rev. Henry De
Mrs. W. M. Boyles of Durungo, Mexico,
arrived yesterday on a visit to her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. C. Woodslde, and family, of
7.19 Mill street.
I pay !12 per ton for cast iron; mixed 110;
ktove, s: rags, ISc per lb.; rubber, lc;
copper, 14u per lb. J. Katclman, fcu2 Main.
both phones tu.
We have the finest line of sample monu
ments to select from in the west. Sbeeley
& Lane Marble and Granite vork. 'in
East Broadway, Couucil Bluffs, la.
Crosby's Best Is one of the best flours
that we carry In slock. The lady that
haltM nil nt inir limn, made hreftrl uses that
kind; II. 15 per sack. Bat tel Miller, tel. IX).
A. Hospe Co., M South Main street, Coun
I oil Blurts, handle the be.-t pianos mide. If
there were better ones they would hsve
them. A good piano for U4o.t, on t.i.OJ
Sliall we frame that picture? We can do
it to suit you. we make a specialty of fram
ing pictures. Let us do ii, we know the
work and pike will be satisfactory. Coun
cil Bluffs Tulnt, Oil and Glass Co.. Merrlam
The. annual banquet and smoker of the
Dodge .Light guards will be given this
evening at the armory. In addition to the
feast of substantial things, there will he
an excellent program or musical numbers,
vocal and instrumental.
Under peculiar circumstances we make
the following prices; Carpets, per yard, 27a
snd up; linoleum, per yard. 6oc and up; oil
cloth, 2c and up; stove patterns. 76u and
up; zing boards, wood lined, ,jc and up. U.
W, Keller, luj South Main street.
A chance for a bargain, do you want It?
We have a large slock of carpel and mat
ting remnants; must get rid of tbem; will
sell st most any prk-e. ttiove oil clulh
from k' to 4e a so Jure yard: cocoa Moor
mats, sue to t'.oo. Stockert Carpal Co.
Ernest Paeully, who has been doing edi
torial work on the Frele Preese of this
Wty, will have today for LaCrosee. Wis.,
where he mill assume the editorship of per
1 Abenstern. sir. Paeully. before coining to
; Council Bluffs, worked on the Tribune, the
1 Ceiiuuu 'up'i' in Omaha.
! 11. B. Thcarle of New York City gave an
; interesting lecture last right at th High
j fVhoul auditorium, on aul
air, fci .ui4 many xptrtnu:ui. u
greeted with a good sized audience, largely
made up of high school students. He also
gave sn explanation of wireless telegraphy.
Charles White, the Omaha meseengcr
boy who Could not resist the temptation of
stealing a pocketbook belonging to Mrs.
John Shinkle. which he spied Id the offli e
of Dr. Ericksou, in the Merrlam bkrk,
while delivering u package there, was
given thirty days by Judge Scott in police
court yesterday.
The West End Improvement club, at Its
meeting Thursday night, decided to sppeal
to the Interstate Commerce commission on
the alleged grounds that the street rail
way company was discriminating against
Council Bluffs In the matter of fares. The
cluh seeks a Oat 6-cent fare between this
city and Omahu.
Jacob Reese, member of a Milwaukee
grading gang at Weston, Ia., was lodged in
the county Jail here yesterday pending a
hearing on the charge of stealing 126 and a
ring from FTed Rott. a fellow workman In
the grading camp. Reese ia to have a hear
ing Monday before Justice E. D. Snyder of
Ilaiei Dell township.
County Superintendent of Schools O. J
McManus. is home from a trip to Canada.
Enroute home at Worthlngton. Minn..
people on the depot platform mistook him
for William Jennings Bryan and were yell
ii.. tor a speech when the train luckily
pulled out and relieved Prof. McManus of
further embarrassment.
Miss Hasel Moore, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Moore, will leave tomorrow
for Chicago, where she has been appointed
to teach vocal music In the Fine Art Insti
tute. Miss Moore studied for five years in
the Bryant Institute and is well known in
musical circles In Chicago, having sung In
several of the leading church choirs there.
Jamas Anderson, Janitor at the Masonic
Temple building, wss before Judge floott
In police court yestergay morning, charged
with violating the ordinance of the city, by
throwing waste paper and other i rubbish
In the alley at the rear of the building.
Andersen pleaded ignorance of the ordi
nance and on promising to be more careful
In the future, as to where he disposed of
the rubbish from the building, was dis
charged, after being read a lecture by the
Kttrs Vine Jonathan Apples.
We have a large supply In today, band
picked. We are satisfied that they will
keep. Toe per bushel. We also have a few
Grimes' Goldena. Bartel Miller. Tel. .
Orvis Market and Grocery
New Kraut, per quart
Orvis best Flour, I ft. ft
per sack IsUU
Navy Beans, OC
6 lbs (CuC
Bcat'Km-AU and Swift s
Pride Soap, 9 bars
Soda and Oyster Crackers,
per lb
Oood Butter,
per lb .'
per lb
per quart
Tea Dust.
J lbs
Good Coffee,
per lb
Round Steak.
per lb
Loin Steak.
per lb
Porterhouse Steak,
per lb
Fresh Side Pork.
per lb
Pork Sausage, link or
bulk, 3 lbs
Snare, Ribs.
3 lbs
Fresh Dressed Chickens, 0L
per lb &2 C
Pot Roaht.
per lb
Boiling Beef.
per lb
. 10c
Fresh Bupply of Emit and Vegetables Received Every Mornlna;.