I The Omaha Daily Your Money's Worth THE OMAHA DEC HEWS SECTION. Pages 1 to 8. r Best In ths West VOL. XXXVI-XO. 101. OMAHA, SATUKDAY MORNING, OCTOliKK 13, lWti-SIXTEEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE I'KNTS. Bee. J r -NOT READY TO 0U1T United States. Control of Cuba Will Con tiaue for the Present. TAFT TALKS TO COMMITTEE OF LI3ERALS Amerioans Vast Eemaia Until Fair and iatisfactorj Elections Are Assured. QUESTION PUT SQUARELY UP TO CUBANS Ibey Can Hasten Withdrawal by Conduct that Promotes Stable Conditions. ULTIMATUM TO PEOPLE OF ISLE OF PiNES ' Island la an Integral Part of the Republic and Its Separation Torn Coin Cannot Re ('nrildcred. HAVANA. Oct. 12.-Thr Inlted States, j through Its peace commissioners. Is not ready to announce when It will withdraw from the Island of Tuba nnd surrender I the reins of Rovernment to the Oulwns. but this action cannot be taken until the time arrive, wher. fair ele.-tif.ns are assured. I I'll statenien was matin hy Governor i Taft today um a sort of valedictory address to the revolutionist committee which the American commissioners dealt with In Ret tln tho rebels to reams hostilities and ne Yutla.1 peace. The cf.mmittee had a con ference lastlnK fin hour with Governor Taft. ASHisiant Secretary of State Bacon tfi.fl C'burles V.. Maitooii, who Ir to succeed Mr. Thft as provisional srovernnr, and at Its conclusion expressed satisfaction with th" pf.sltlon taken by the provisional gov ernment. Headed by Alfredo Zayus. the committee visited Governor Taft for the avowed pur posc of requestlnsT him to declare the jmllcy of tha L'nited States toward Cuba and the policy of the provisional governor concern- j In- appointment to office. j Taft Heplles to Committee. ! The Americans listened carefully to all of the committee and then Governor Taft replied pointedly that he could not outline the policy of the L'nlted States more clearly than wua done in his proclamation establishing a provisional government for the Island. He added that aa the represen tative of the United Slates he was Just as anxious to surrender governmental affair to Cubans as the Cubans were to regain them, but the peace eommlelsoners were under the responsibility- to- build up condi tions which would make the Cuban gov ernment a stable one. Governor Taft would not predict when such a satlafactory condition would be reached, but he said the Cubans themselves could hasten thnt time if they were dli - posed to do ao. A fair and honest election on the results of which the Cuban people were willing to abide; Governor Taft, de- chrrea, was not necessary oerore tno to Join the colors, but they nope to aug Vnlted States -would feel Justified In with- ment the disorders In the Interior and seni) drawing from the island. Scnor Zayas, Carlos Garcia and' Jose' Mig uel Gomel hastened to assure Governor Taft that It waa not their personal am bition to obtain public office. They de clared, however, that the Interests of their party demanded that' the government should not be continued In the form against which they -had revohfd.' Assurances were given the committee-by -Mr.-Taft-that Mr. Magnon would- eonslder complaints against any official; Investigate them and remove persons found unfit to hold positions of responsibility or trust, but that capable men with good records would be retained. The j committee Informed Governor Taft that It Intended to d'" 1 once. j Thanks erlcaa llesldents. j This eve -committee representing many Amf An Culm prmented Messrs. Taft and with an nd Iress expressing appreciate ,or the' great services they had done for all residents of the island. The address said: The results ou have accomplished arc greater than could reasonably have been hoped for. Nearly thirty thousand armed men. moved by Intense liltl.-r passions, .were arrayed ga..nst the government and a conflict whs Imminent In which enormous loss'of life and properly seemed Inevitable. It scarcely seemed possible that pace could be brought out of such elements nf discord ami strife without bringing Into active service the military power at your command, but within less than a month your wise and sagacious mt-thoda and the adroitness with which you have h.ndled your dlfneult task brought peace mid quiet l) Cuba. ' Nut the least satisfactory of the present considerations Is the fact that in I he set tlemtnt of the turbulent conditions yon have caused little Irritation or resentment and have secured from Cubans Increased respect and regard for the l ulled Slatts anil greater confidence and trust in the good will and Intentions of the American people for the welfare of Cuba. VVe do not believe so speedy or success ful an achievem. tit under conditions so dif ficult and dangerous has any parallel. The thanks and gratitude of the Cubans and the great people you represent are due you for these Inestimable services. Responding to this address, Governor Taft expressed his sincere thanks. He said the testimony of Americana and others who were on the ground had been of great as sistance at the outset of the peace commis sioner' work. The commissioners early felt the tremendous pressure of the respon sibility of being the agents to bring about a right solution of the vexed conditions. Dlnarniainent la Completed. The disarmament commissioners sent o Santa Clara province. He. nan.lei und Monteagudo. have returned here, and re- port to Governor Taft that they li rve dls- armed and disbanded all the forces in that 4r.. luir, More than S.VU i.icn have been diMianded and l.Ouu rifles surrendered to the provis ional government and have been brought Into Havana. Reports of trouble in va rious places are pouring in, but eioxerncr Taft says Investigation always shows them not to ho serious. Two battalions frour the Seventeenth and two from the Eighteenth Infantry and Company B of the hospital corps arrive! here today on the tin. import a Mooter y and Niagara and proceeded to Camp Columbia. Two nquadrousf of the Firteentli cavalry left Camp Columbia today for Santa Clara City. llllsaatusa to Isle of Pines. Secretary Taft today received President Stark of the Isle of Pines association, aid Informed hire positively tnat the provis ional government could rot consul-.'!' uny movement la the direction of I he fepara tion' of the isle from Cuban sovereignty. Mr. Taft added that the matter of the In ternal government of the- Isle of tna iiad been referred to Charles K. Msgoon. whj svtVJs air. TiiTl as provisional governor of'tfalb. . . In a formal statement Mr. Tuft docl.-i4 that "it Is absolutely Impossible for tue provisional government of Cuba to rcu-g-iils for a moment that the Isle, of Pines U not oomdetely under the jeri -xlvti -n of (SvaSmued eu Second FsgeJ BERTHA KRUPP TO BE MARRIED lnfp of UrfitrM Armor Factory la WnrM to Rrriiwf Brldf of trmr niltrr. RrJltLIX. (HI. 12. Miss Bertha Kr.ipp. wno in io re main-it on .Morany u. i-.e-o- tenant Gustsv von Bohl.n und H.ilbieV hK possessions- valued somewhere bey tlfri.Mvi.fi4 and a position Germany I morn than that of tlif richest r The Institution rlrc ovn Is alne ? , purtn: nt uf government. snj.pl- ' .s -" I dun the artillery for the Go ,,' '. nil tho nrnif.r and guns- for, and tne of the ships. The rnil r agents- of Krtirps are m r sons of iim. .ance In i Constantinople and In the Balkan capitals. The German diplomacy support them. In talligence of most movements In military land nual affairs In any -part of the world j r..,h th. Krupp malnaenient and thence I j the K irral staffs of the army and navy, j In time of war the government would j endorsing William J. Ilryan for the presl probably lake over the control of the i , rncy w hleh war adopted by the demo work. I cratle statr convention. ) The government has kept a solicitous! jwatrh upon the Krupp net of enterprises, i which Include besid. s the steel rfnd Run I works nt F.-sen. ship yards at Kiel. '! armor works at Magdeburg and " njinwr ni corn and iron mines, me cm- i P-s nBRreKaie , '" w!c Inheritor of these undertakings ! "n fl'nth of her f.ither In 1!2 was i Mcrna Krupp. Mrs. Krupp una miro-ira, h" "'CJh1 duughtci -. received Investments 'M,i and stocky. Berths was i"i last Mu'clt Of. Vor. Bohlen, as he Is generally known ' wns :rt secretary of the legation which I Prussia maintains at the Vatican, dls- II net from the German embassy at the j Qulrinal. Ho was born IT. years ago at The j Hague, where his fath r. Dr. Gustav Bolilet uml ilalbach, was minister ror the gratia ; du.l of Bfiilcu In the diys before the! empire took over the representation of the German states. TROUBLE BREWS FOR R13SIA Social Democrats Mart ew Campaign Amnaa- the Soldiers of the Csnr. . S T. PF.TKR8BURG. Oct. 12. The social democrats have assumed the direction of th? organized movement for the refusal to ptrform military service, which the con stitutional democrats at their convention j at Helslngfors decided to avoid. At a largely attended meeting of the cen tral committee of the social democrats at St. Petersburg yesterday It was decided to begin the work Immediately among the conscripts of lSmi, who todity were notified to appear for erirollmert and endeavor to Induce them to refuse to Join the colors. Tho' press of the revolutionists Is printing thousands of the so-called democratic proc- , Lunations and on organized effort will be j made; to reach every mun on this year s j lists of conscripts. The organlicrs of the ; movement have little expectation of ac tually preventing the enlistment of recruits and are nware that the conscripts have no adequate means to back up their refusal already disaffected contingents to the army. ' - ' " - YAROSLAV. Russia, Oct. 12,-Dnlly en counters are taking place between reac tionary and reyolutlonary workmen. The revolutionists have notified the man ufacturers that they must discharge all re actlonlfita or take the consequences. ' MONT PELEE AGAIN ACTIVE West Indian Air Filled with Ashes When the Volcano Is Disturbed. HASSK TBRRE. Island of Guadeloupe, Oct. 12. A violent eruption yesterday of tho M int Pelee volcano. Island of Martini que, caused a rain of ashes over the south east pu t of Guadeloupe. The Bouth Friers volcano on this Island shows no signs of activity. ST. THOMAS. V. W. I., Oct. 12-From October to October 10 the atmosphere here was thickly charged with flnr volcanic ashes, equaling In density any observed during the wirst eruptions of Mont Pelee, which apparently Is strongly disturbed. PALERMO, Oct. 12.-The earthquake shocks in Sicily continue and are causing serious damage to dwellings and churches, some of which have fallen. Caccamo sus tained particularly heavy damages, and the condition of the people of that town. Ter mini and Trabia Is particularly distressing. I They have been camped In the open air for weeks past. Itr th last five days more than lfv shocks have been felt at Trabia. PHONETIC SPELLING FAVORED Prlnrloal of Kt. Andrew's tnlveralty i.lkes Mew Idea and Announces til ft frosn Carnegie. ST. ANDREWS, Scotland. Oct. It At the opening of the winter season of St. Andrew's university today, the principal. Dr. James Donaldson, showed himself to be an ardent supporter of spelling reform. Dr. Donaldson said that he cordially fa vored phonetic spelling, as children and Illiterates could learn through a phonetic alphabet In a quarter or a third of the time required under the present system and us millions of children were learning to read phonrtle spelling It would save millions of hours of wasted labor 'ami irritating vexation. It would also heln greatly In governing the colonies and de- i pendencies, as li was of the utmost im - I nortarr. - that . very cillten of the British j empire, whatever his nctive tongue, should learn Kiilo The irr,lril ohitm tn learning Englirh would be removed when the words wtre spelled phonetically. Dr. Donaldson, at the conclusion of his address, annout.ced that Andrew C.me.ie had donated loO.OOtr to build an addition to the library of the university. ARAB nrnn miaai-mmpih RRRRI AT . linPtCC till HlBiysB nnW WWWWWWI Wis t Bwllllns) Turkish Conscripts Fall to I Make Uood In Fight In j semen. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 12. The re- bclllon against Turkish rule Ju t'j pro - vlnce of Yemen, Arabia, shows. no sign of subsiding and whenever a pitched bat- tie la fought the rebellious Arubs seem to be victorious over the unwilling Turk- lsh conscripts sent to subdue them. sevrre iismiug- n-pui iru 111 mr uis trlct of Arir between governui-iit troops and tire trios of Uerrt.lilr. in which the Turks were routed with the loss of 100 men killed find sixty wounded. The cas ualties of the Arabs are estimated at 100. Airship Training; In 1'ranre. PARIS, tat. li The Lelajudy airship has been sent ft Chalals, Department of Chareute. where it will be employe,! as a sehool balloon tu train crews for France's aerial war flotilla. MORAN REPUDIATES LEADERS Fijanism and Hearstiftn to Be Eliminated from Bay State Contest .-VATIC CANDID i t WRITES LETTER ". - , Arri- to Arrest Nomina. jN .... to Be Along Stale Liar Only. BOSTON. Ma.. Oct. 12. District Attor- ney John H. Moran late tonight formally announced Ms acceptance of the nomina tion for governor tend'-red him by Jhe dem ocratic state convention. For several days there had been considerable doubt as to hcihcr Mr. Moran would remain In the field, lie has not accepted tho tesoliitlon He says th"it "Bryiinlsni and Ileaist'sm" ,n br eliminated from the contest. Mr. Ml)r,,n mH(I(. h, announcement In a letter of aceentance addres.-d to John P. Frenv. ,.hu(rnian of the democratic state conveli- lon ind t(j tJip ,,,,lP(tntM to tnt body. ,n ,)la tnfJ. Mr Mori)n r.ly,: . ..,,, , ... , ..r,...,. i. Hrynn or Mr. Hearst. Mr. MeFnrland and Mr. Williams know that I vetoed the sus- Kestion that Mr. Brvan speiik fov ine in Hi ston. Mr. McFarland anil Mr. Kddy know that I vetoed the suggestion that Mr. Hearst speak for me In Hoeion. This Is to be a mate fight, not a national fine. U.,.n.... I II 1 , must K oMtnl. 1 ';" ' ' HFRAI I fl TAI kfv (IF FAII IIRF .-ve Days After Agent Leaves Havana Letter to Friend la Pub lished. XKW YORK. Oct. 12. For the first time since the announcement of the failure. Juan M. Celmllos. senior member of the llrm of J. M. Ceballos ft Co., broke his silence re garding Silverla and the failure. Of Silverla he said: "All he was In the world I made lilm. I trusted him and he betrayed my confidence." Mr. Ceballos denied the stories circu lated that this firm had bought warrants for claims In the last Cuban war for from 6 to 10 cents on the dollar. He said that all he had purchased from Silverla he bad paid So. fa ur.d ?." cents on the dollar Cor. Mr. Ceballos aave as his opinion that Sll verla was In Venezuela or on hl way to j that country. 1 . . ... 1 The first intimation of the trouble wnirn led to an Investigation and the conse quent assignment of J. M. Ceballos & Co. came through a letter which Silverla wrote I to his friends In the Cuban capital, accord- n8 to information given out lif-.-e' today it i8 ,h1(j guveria left the letter with frienas of his In Havana, saying frankly tnat lie dd ot )ntend to come to New Tork. This letter was not madn public until October B, five days aftei Silverla and his family had sailed from Havana on the steamer Carmellna.y It was two days later. It Is said, when a cablegram containing tho news came from Havana to the office -'t CebaIlos' gt.turpcy here and auotltcK day elapsm) before the ojiblcgram was trans lated. In N"W York the news was closely gtiurded until after the Stock exchange bad closed and then tho announcement was made In a formal statement. TRADE WITH ORIENT SMALLER China, nnd Japan Are Bnylnst Less from tailed states Than Formerly. WASHINGTON, Oct.' 12.-A marked characteristic of tho export trade of the l'nlted States In recent months Is a re duction In the value of exports to China and Japan. The total value of the mer chandise exported to China In the eight months ending with August, imm. Is but tr.000,000, against 112.000,000 In the eorre- i-rnl n ar nifinrhi f lOriR aartrl f ft .Tfl no n I'l - ooc.ono. .gainst t3n.J.of0 in the same months of 19C6. while to AsHa as a whole the ex ports are but t58,0O),000. as against $Mo.O"",000 In the corresponding months of 1903. The cause of this startling reduction in China, the report gives as two abnormal conditions of demand, namely: The Russo Japanese war practically closing the north ern part of China to Importations, result ing In unusually large orders Immediately afterward, and the revocation of the order of the Chinese provisional government for copper for colruige. the I'rrltcd States be ing tiro largest copper producing country In tHm vnrtri - In Jiiliiin A return fo unllnurtf ....hi.i,.. iiu ... oh. . r.,. the reduction of exports to Japan. AMERICAN BOARD ADJOURNS Last Session of Meeting; of Missionary Society Is Held In Massa chusetts. NORTH AXAM8, Mass., Oct. U. The annual meeting of the American board of missionaries for foreign missions, which has been In session In this city and Wll liamstown since Tuesday, came to a close today. After a brief devotional service, led by the Rev. Dr. Jeon F. loba of Kvanston, 111., closing business was dis posed of and there were short addressee by several missionaries. Parting words then were spoken by the Rev. Francis T. Clavton of WilliamStown and the Rev lr. Theodore E. Busncld of North Ad.msJ The meeting has been one of great sue - I cess About l.BOO delegates have been i attendance and the speakers have In. l..de,l ' many prominent In religious and cduca - ; - - iinnul fl-lris One of the most .iimb announcements made during the meeting j was that the debt which has been hanging I over the board for several years has been J entirely wiped out. ; SLAVERY SAID TO FYIST i l U. k m . M fAmm I aHam.sk.. I " " s - v w a a s SB sts a Many Workmen Are Held la Florida WASHINGTON-. Oct. 13 -Fresh .llega - ' tions of the existence of slavery In south- ' ern Florida, below Tampa, have been made ! to the Department of Justice, snd It Is al-I I jegrj lhat hundreds of men In Ihe state,! j wh;te lua negroes, are held In vlrtuul ' sla,verv' i '4 lho8e responsible fer this! .condition of affairs are mostly northern men and companies engaged In the lurpen- r rul1 "aeiiang" louay trie transportation j various descriptions. The numDer or avail tine and lumber businees and In mining ! companies of the state received one-third ; able patrolmen Is so small that we really phosphate roek. It Is further allexed ilu. the sherrfT. In various counties In lne southern part of the tate are said to 1 part.es to the enslaving of negro,. ,. , . ... phosphate .nines, turpentine farms and lumber mills The department's Informant. who u a woman, is trf hav- an Interview with Attorney General Mo..dy. after which the department will decide upoo the euurse It will pursue. LOOKING INTO COAL RATES Thla Phase of Aliened Termlaal Monopoly in Louis la I ader bT. LOlIS, Mo.. Oct. 11 only a bri -t session of the hearing of the government ouster suit against the Terminal Railroad association was held today and adjourn ment was taken until lo a. tn. tomorrow to give counsel for the Terminal nss.ciaton opportunity to prepare a statennnt reli -tlve to the early history of the companies tiiat were eventually merged Into the Terminal aroclutlon. M. N. Watts, counsel for tin terminal, agreed to fum'.r-h the information to save the lime that would otherwise be consumed in developing It through the testimony of witnesses. The governn int direct vd its tuergics to day Into an Inquiry com-.rnlng the regula tion of freight rates n the Illinois coal fUlua by the St. Louis Coal Traffic bureau. The most Important testimony was given by John Fitzgerald, manxger of the St. Louis terminals of the Louisville Nash ville, who admitted thnt the coal traffic bureau ordered the rate cut from "6 cents to 16 cents a ton In May. Ii5, and In Juno of the same year ordcrrd the restoration of the original rate. He testified that rates were discussed at the meetings of the hunuu, and ar.y changes made by the dif ferent roads announced there. V. C. Stlth, manager of the Iron Moun tain and Missouri Pacific systems, Instilled tnat the Iron Mountain road had given the Big Muddy Coal company a rate of 35 cents from the CartervllU, 111., district to St. Louis, and that It had been met by the lllluo's Central. F.arller In the healing William K. Burr of tho Cartcrvlllc Coal company, testliied that the Iron Mountain made a rate to the Big Muddy company that nearly put him out of business. When the knowledge of this rate came to the attention of the otlirr roads, he said, the Iron Mountain was called before the coal traffic bureau and lorced to restore the rate. Henry Miller, vice president and general manager of the Wabash and vice president of the Missouri and Illinois Bridge and terminal company, was questioned con cerning the details of the purchase of the Alton, III., bridge. He said lie thoupht the transaction took place two years ago. but he did not know the price paid and has had nothing to do with the management. He knew that eleven proprietary lines owned equal ports of the stock. i William Grey, general freight agent of j the Burlington for the Missouri district, i said he had no knowledge of the sale of I ,np Alton bridge or the freight tariffs on j . . t It. nIJ II.. . I '" DurniiBiun im8iu ta riffs are published In Chicago, hut Pf.ii- here. CLASH AMONG SECRETARIES Cabinet Officers enable to Agree on Regulation for Knforrinic Pnre Food Lntv. WASHINGTON, Oct. K.-Differences that way prove serious have developed In re spect to the adoption of the pure food regulations. The commission, consisting of Dr. W. II. Wiley of the Agricultural do-.; pnrtment,- Drr 8. N.' U. -'-North of tire -Department of Commerce and Labor and James L. Gerry of the Treasury depart ment, formulated the proposed regulations under which the pure food and drug act is to be administered. They reached a unanimous conclusion re cently, after many weeks of Investigation, discussion and consideration. As finally I agreed upon by the commission, the n gu- I intions were In the nature of a compromise on many points. The commission submitted ' the regulations to Secretaries Wilson, Shaw and Metealf, by whom, before they become effective, they have to lie approved. It Is known that some nf the regulations do not meet the entire approval of nil of the sec retaries and it probably will be necessary to modify them before a unanimous agree ment is reached. Under the regulations as they stand now It would not be legal, for Instance, to ! 1"b,l ' brand of wln" manufactured m this country as champagne, although It might be as pure as any wlno ever manu factured. No American-made chees" could bear the nam Ncufchatel, although It Is claimed by American makers that thut Is a distinctive name of a cheese made In many places of the world. American-made champagne would be called American wine, champagne type, or champagne blend. The cheese might be called cheese, Neufchut! style. Mr. Gerry went today to Marllrsbttrg, W. Vu,.. whore he will meet Secretary Shaw and submit the regulations to him. Th y Ihve not been approved yet by either Sec ttifuii oi nruiriHI Jtiei.'UJI, Ul- tliough both of these officials hove exam ined them. It Is not unlikely that the three secretaries may have a meeting In the near future to determine what uction they will take. SWITCHMEN WILL NOT STRIKE Grand Master Morrlssey of Trainmen Discusses Report of Prob able Walkout. CLEVELAND. Oct. 12. P. 11. Morrlssey. grand master of the Brotherhood of Rull road Trainmen, In discussing today pub lished reports from Chicago that a strike of switchmen from the Pacllic coast to Buffalo, N. Y., was contemplated, suld: opinion ims mined or sirrKe is At present the police have no one j of the switchmen in Chicago. 81. Louis, ! Kan.as city and other large switching ; -,"!'.T't.".!1o VliT m,.n aW'.l.,...""t.r2?.,'",:i , uiri: mil iiimii in-- nn iiriiiiirn union. ( i The swttcnri-.cn Hfflllated with the train- ni'-n brotherhood know that they have j thW'affaTran : nessiike way they have always done. Tha I Brotherhood of Hall ay Trainmen Includes j iUrM, 1 fourth of that irumlxT. ! Switchmen are entitled to more pay per . uj r " " l" J aye. ' hiitttp ainsi hirtetr work t tit? linvm anil I ln. nvf iiif wm - in-in. i 111- iri rnoou i . . . i T . i...,.n l.ai .1.1 i ui a it vi 1 1 jm-i jisiiiiii hub imu linn ai "1"' I sltlon for more pay and shorter hours for tne awiiciimen untier coiiHitreratton lor some linn-, and it Is going through the usual methodical channels. j FREIGHT ON CITRUS FRUITS ' ' Ts Million Hollars, r One-Third Vnlne of California Cray. Uoea to Curriers. IXiS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. 12.-Act ordir.g i tu approximate figures given out by the I 1 ,ne tmuauun oi hub ji-iri, i t l,fornia citrus f. u t coy a. freight , c1r'" ,? K ' 'OU"UDd l'r" c,trU8 ,n'.' "v " mhi M f ' state up to date and for all but a few of j ,e8e wa, w for fr(.lgllt alM, M Thl. ,nak a tota, 0 oboill .....au...A ior i ,e ,.OI.llno curriers. Of the U..f.wo paid 1 tu the orange shippers, only tT.5eo.fju. went j to the growers. Two and a half millions vr paid for labor end tuaterUJ, BLOODHOUNDS FOR BRUTES Chief Donahue Advocates Does and Auto for Such at Bumtnelhart C see. NO CLUE AS YET TO THE MURDERER Officers Believe Fiend hh Someone Familiar with Affairs In Neighborhood of the Crime. $1,700 REWARD This reward will be paid ior orldsnce , lsadlng to the arrest and coarlctloa of the person or persons who mur dered Josephine kummelnart In the elty of Omaba on the night of Sat urday, October 6, 1909. The fact that tha vtoUm of this brutal mnrisr was poor working1 woman without rich or Inflnantial friends hat prompted the offer of this reward, for wnich the following contributions are plsdged: lne Omaha lie $ 60.00 Omaha National Bank 50.00 first national Bank . . 0.00 3. St. Biandels a Hons 50.00 The Bennett Company 50.00 0. W. Wattlea 50.03 Thoruss ILilpatrIck It Co 60.00 Byrne-IXammer Dry Goods Co.. 60.00 1. ce-01ass-AJidresssn Co 60.00 M. B. Smith a Co 60.00 City of Omaha 500.00 County of Douglas 600.00 State of Nebraska 800.00 L.yiO ItcTvnr.1. FIts hundred dollars reward will be paid by the relatives of the late Her bert O. Burke for information lead ing to arrest and conviction of the parties who killed him at or near Florence Pumping Station, Sunday evening, October 7, 1900. Address George Burke Company, South Omaha, Web. This, with John Steel's S500 and the county's $500, make, f 1,600 reward offered for the murderer of Burke. We have absolutely bo clue to the murder of Josephine Xtunmelhart. There is nothing new tn the case at all. We are getting lots cf tips, but none of them pan out. We are doing all we can and expect to land the criminal sometime, but when no one knows. As there seems to have been no witnesses to the crime it is going to bs a most difficult matter to locate the criminal. Bo efforts, however, will bs spared and the work will not be re laxed Chief of Detectives garage. Another clue which the police believed would put them on the right track of the identity of the bruto who murdered Josephine Rummelhart has been exploded. Another man who wore bloody cioihes on the night the horrible crime was com mitted has established his Innocence. Friday morning a telephone message was recoived from Albright that a bloody j nolle of Creek In- slilrt had been found In a lumber yard at i . that place. Oftleer Shepherd at once went d,"n Trlhe. to Albright and brought the shirt back to i the Omaha police station, where it was i MV8KOGEE. I. T., Oct. 12 W. T. Mur dlscovcrcd to be the discarded garment j tin, Jr., a former employe of the Dawes , of tin employe of a packing house. I The man with the bloody clothes who was seen on a South Omaha motor car after the murder Saturday night and who later appeared In a drug store of thai city, now turns out to bo Harry llolsley, a dope fiend. Tho blood upon his person and clothing canre from a hemorrhago of the nose. He Is now serving a thirty-day sentence In the county Jail, having been sent up Monday morning on a charge of vagrancy. After His Cocaine. Holsley went to the drug store and told the drug clerk he was sick and Hnally tried to buy some cocaine. This was refused him and lia wan driven from the atore. The po lice Investigated him thoroughly ami h arned he could not possibly have had any thing to do with the murder. This leaves the police as much In the dark as ever Insofar as the Identity of the ' murderer Is concerned. The plain clothes men are still covering the city and are keeping a pharp lookout among the large number of colored men employed at the Virion Pacific cut-off. There are about 2,o00 people at work on this new road. At the same time the impression is grow ing among the officers that the mun who committed the crime Is one who is familiar with the neighborhood and probably he had laid In wait for his victim for some time, having carefully planned his work. This Is the belief of Chief Donahue, and while the outskirts are being watched carefully and the suspicious- characters are being rounded up. the Immediate neighborhood Is not being overlooked. The chief figures the brute must have known no dog was IlkelyJ to bark at him in the alley Into which he carried his victim. He must have carefully selected Ills place and lie must have known the tiublts of the persons who use the barn nejr the scrtre of the crime. Furthermore tho chief reasons, the man may have been cIojs to his own place of abode and at dnce changed his clothes and made away with the bloody ones. Reasoning along these lines the chief has a theory that It may not have been Imported talent, but home talent that committed the act. Supply of Suspects. The supply of suspects In the Rummel hart murder case is gradually diminishing and the pollne say they have absolutely no good clue at present. It Is evident from the prevulont gloom around police circles J that the authorities are becoming much dircour aged, us tho chances of making an Important arresi ovcume more remote eacu ! held for Investigation, aa Charles Davis of Atlanta, Ga., and Joseph Wilson, who were I arrested Thursday on suspicion, were re- j leased by Judge Crawford In jKilice court Friday mornrng, cucu man navrng proved his innocence of any complicity In the crime. The detectives are still busy running dowu clues, however, but they say none of the information which they now have gives promise of Important developments. Chief of Detectives Savage said he believed almost every cltlacn of Omaha had seen a suspicious acting negro some time since the murder. It is the opinion of a number of the officers that the murder was not com mitted by a negro snd that the work along that- line has all been for naught and a pure waste of time. Bloodhounds Are .Needed. Friday morning Chief Donahue said: "What we need Is a good pair of blood hounds and I have hopes that we will be able to obtain them soon. The salutary effect of the ownership of the dogs would no doubt act ns a preventive of crimes of nMa tne oogs ana win lmmeni.ueiy get Into correspondence with owners of kennels In various cities, where they have been used with great success. 1 would like to have an automobile for the 'purpose of taking the dogs Immediately to the scene of a crime, as we could reach any part of the city within ten minutes. 1 have broached this matter to several of our rep- ICouuuued eu Second Page.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and folder Wnlnrday. "nnday Falri Colder In F.nst Portion. Temperature at Omaha rerdi Moor. Ilea. . . Hi . . 44 . . IT . . HI . . .15 . . AN . . HI , . tut llonr. I p. i I'. r p. i 4 p. P. Ilea. . . . . Til . . Tn . . T . . 1H . . 73 . . Tl .. Tl . . Tt I a. nt . i n. tn . T a. na . S) a. tn. ftn.m. to n. nt . 11 cm. 12 m.. . . p. 7pm. N p. m . II p. ni . NEGRO CONVICTS ESCAPE Fifteen Arkansas , Prisoners Over- j power t.nnrds and Flee Into Indian Territory. M.U TH M AL1STF.U. I. T.. Oct. l.'.-Lo-cal officers were notlllej today of tin escape of fifteen negroes. Inmates of the Arkan sas stut' penl'cntiary from a camp In the Boston mountains ycsieY.lay. The con victs arf thought to be headed for the. southwest. Pp. clul deputies will be stvorii In ami the authorities of all cities in the south and eastern part of Indian Terri tory will co-operate In capturing the fugi tives. The niiirccs were working In a gang, ami on a preconcerted signal overpowered their guards and set out In the convicts' burg. Several numbers of the bund are 'thought to lie armed. Nearly nil the men have rough wen pons of some sort. A McAllster officer declared today thai there ar between fifty and sixty negro convicts from the Arkansas pt json at lnrg" In the territory. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Xaniber of II lira I Carriers Appointed for Nrl.rnska and Mouth llnkota Routes. (From a" Staff Corres-iondenO WASHINGTON. Oct. 12 Rural curriers appointed: Nebraska Geneva. route II, Robert M. Carson, carrier; Talmndge Shel don, substitute. Iowa Alden. route 3. Wesley L. Ielser, carrier: Irle R. Lel-er. substitute. Drwltt. route 5. Riley E. Bird, carrier; Francis E. Fenlcn, substitute. Florin, route a, Isaac N. Davis, carrier; Rosa F. Davis, substitute. New Prov'dence, route 1, Everett H. Moon, carrier; Ernest V. Moon, substitute. South Dakota Euan, route I. James M. Dixon, carrier: Kate Dixon, substitute. Mitchell, route 1. l'tit Brennun, carrier; Luther Pletner. substi tute. Civil service examination will be l-eld No vember 15 at Keairi'-y, Nell., for clerk and carrier In the postefflce service. INDICTMENTS IN TERRITORY i Tno Men Formally Accnseil of "teal- J commissi in, and M. F. Dunleavy, o proml- nent real estate man, were Indicted today by the federal grand Jury here, chnrged . with the theft over a year ago of tho Creek j Indlnn rolls. They were released on bonds i of II.OoO each. The maximum penalty Is n fine of $2,X or Imprisonment for three years at bard labor, The rolls were stolen from the govern ment offices. The present low.i which was ; Introduced by Representative Murphy of Missouri nt the lart session of congress. makes It a felony to hnve In one's poises aion a copy of any lndii.n roll. ALLEGED DEAD BOY ALIVE Wheeling; Family Excited Over He tnrn of fon After Funeral Was Held. COH M BUS, O.. Oct. U'.-A telegram to the Dispatch from Wheeling, W. Va.. says: Harry Bishop, a Wheeling boy, who wa , supposed to have been murdered on the wharf a week ago, returned home today and his father fainted nway when he ap peared. A body said to have been Bishop's was found In tho water and buried Irr tire family tomb after the coroner bad returned a verdict of murder and after the insur ance company had paid the Insurance on Bishop's irfe. Bishop says he was at Kittantng. Pa., when the supposed murder occurrred. RAILROAD AUDITOR ARRESTED Alton Official May He Punished for Contempt aa Records (re Destroyed. CHICAGO, Oct. U-Chnrles H. Davis, general auditor of the Chicago Alton railroad, was today served with an attach ment asking why he should not he punished for contempt of court. Davis recently admitted on the witness stand during the hearing of a cane brought against the Alton road by an auditing com pany, that all of the important freight bills by which the auditing company hoped to prove that the Alton road had granted illegal rebates to many shippers had been destroyed. EASTERN COLD WAVE PERSISTS Another Exists In Mountain Keglona, hut Moderate Weather Prevails In Central Valleys. WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. Cold wave per sisting in the east; another cold wave in the Rocky mountain region, in Idaho and Montana; moderating In the south and con siderably warmer in the central valleys la the weather situation in u nutshell, as an nounced tonight by the weather bureau. It is warming up In the west generally, reaching over sixty degrees In the vicinity of Chicago and the Mississippi valley and over seventy went of there. . TWENTY INDUCTED FOR RIOT Atlanta Urand Jury Is Investigating Itr cent Dlstarbaaers In that City. ATLANTA. Ga., Oft. 12. The Fulton county gland Jury today returned lrruict nients against twtnly white men, charging them with rioting in Atlcntu on September 22. The names of those indicted have not been made public. Previously two white men have b.en Indicted ott the same charg", and indictments found against ix!y ne groes, charging them with complicity .11 the murder uf County Pollremuur Hi :.rd. Hi ptemlicr 24. Teacher Kills Son. CHICAGO, Oct. 12 Vln.t'Si) Kavminrdl. a teiie'ier of languages, t'lflay fatally shot bis ll-.eur-old on 1111.I then committed sui cide. A.ct.rdiig to his wife, ifavieuiidi had the Idea he was being followed bv I lie "Black Hand' society. His mind is b Uevsd to have tHn uiibalanotiL CUBS TIE THE RACE Natienals Win Fourth Game, Making the Striei Stand Two and Two. BROWN'S WORK IN BOX IS MAGNIFICENT Ee Holds White 8oz to Two Hits and Does Coma Bemsrkable lieldise. CHANCE SCORES ONLY ' RUN IN GAME Ifanacer Einelei, Advances on Baonfics aid Comes Ecme cn tingie by Eters. LAST IN WHICH PLAYERS SHARE PROFITS There Is Over Forty Thousand Dollars to Re Divided on Basin of To and aft (;nod Weather Increases Attendance. Standing; of the Teams. Plaved. Won. Lost. I'd. Nationals 4 2 II .3"n Americans 1 2 tt ."l0 CHICAGO. Oct. 12. The world cham pionship base ball series Is again even, the local National league team tislay defeating the Atnerlcun leaguers, 1 to 0, Each shin tins now won two gan es. Curiously enoutli both National victories have been on the American grounds, while the White Stock ings have earned success on thelv rivals' field. A It roek for the Americans and Frown for the Nationals, the pitchers who opposed each other In' the. opening game, which was won by Altreitk's team, again con tested for supremacy today. Brown was nt his best. He showed nerve, apeed, con trol and Intelligence In serving the hats men the kind of curves they liked the least. He gave only two passe and al lowed only two bits. lie held the Amer icans hit less until the sixth Inning, when, with two out. Halm hit cleanly to center. Jones, however, promptly ended the inning by flying out to Sdinlte. The Nationals looked dangerous as early as the second Inning, when Stelnfeldt hit to e-enter and reached third on the sacri fice of Tinker and Evcrs' out. Kling. always a formidable batsman, wo tip anil Altroek delilierately attempted to pass him with the hope that Brown, the next batter, would go out easily after the fashion of most pitchers. Kltug, however, reached for one of tho wide ones and lifted a mighty fly to right, field. Halm, however, rae-ed back und saved the day. at least tempeirarlly. by making a magnificent cutch while bending back' over the wire cable used to hold back the crowd. . The Americans made the- only real bid for the game when Rohe reached first on Stelnfeldt's bad throw and reached third on a micrltlce and an out. Brown, however, showed his nerve by striking out Davis, who was again back In the game at short. Nationals Earn at Ran. The Nationals earned the run which won the game. Chance sent a single' to short right field nnd reached third on sacrifices by Stelnfeldt and Tinker. K-vers placed h pretty single over third baau and Chance scored. in the ninth ' McFurland batted for Alt rock and went out, Stelnfeldt to Chnnce. Ilahn .flew out to Tinker. Then Jones raised tho fluttering hopes of his support ers by waiting for four balls and going In second when a ball got past Kling and hit the umpire. I'nder the rules Jones was entitled to a base. A good hit would have tied the" game st this point, and with the massive Ishell at but the hopes of the Americans were high. The big second base man swung viciously nt a waist-high ball and i-onnected squarely. It went dike u cannon shot right ut Brown's face. Brown had barely time to get his hands on the ball and the forue of the blow laid hint flat on his back. For a moment It looked aa If he had been dusrd by the fall, but he recovered nnd threw out the runner, ending the game. Brown had pitched a masterly game and the usual crowd of enthusiasts swarmed orrto tho field and fought for a chance to put him on the back. He had fairly to fight to get out of the grounds. Huffman, who had made a magnificent running catch In right center of Halm's long, low fly, Evers, who had turned apparent hits Into putouts and Captain Chance also came In for their share of approbation. The weather was by far the most nleas- I ant of the series and, ulthough the ma jority rf spectators wore heavy wraps, they really were not needed. The ott-iidnno reflected the Improved weather, the of ficial count showing 18.3 paid admissions. This was the last game In which tho play ers share tho gate money. Total receipts for the four games wero J61.K56. of which 70 per cent goes to the players. Of this sum 75 er cent will go to the team winning the series and the remainder to the losers. Story by tunings. First Inning. Nationals Hoffman went out on a grounder, which Kobe threw to first. Sheckard walked. Schulte filed to Dougherty. Sheckard was caught napping off first, Sullivan to lionotiue, but. Shecsard kept on to second and was safe when lefarll failed to cover the bag. Chance grounded to Kohe and Slie.-kard wus run dow n, Kohe to Davis to Altroek. No runs. First Inning, Americans liahir grounded out, Tinker to Chance. Jones popped up a fly In front of the plate, which Kling held. Isbeil went out on the siunc fly as Jiinn.. I No runs. Score: Nationals, 0; Amerlcani.. Second Inning. Nationals Stelnfeldt sln- gled neatly over pecon.l base. Tinker sacri ficed. Atti'.XK to Oouonuf. Evers grounded nut, Davis to fioiioliue. Kling was next up, and Altroek looked .is If he Intended to pas him, but Kling leaned ugain.it one of his wine onis and sent a long hy to Hahu, w ho bad to hack against I lie i-.ijh-s to hold the ball. No runs. bi i 0111I IiinirR, 111erl1-Hi1s Rohe went oul. Tinker to Chance. Innohue waited for ; pass. Donoruc wan out stealing, Kling tu Kvers. uorigni'ity strucK out. ,u runs. Third Inula. Na llonuls Brown struck out. Hoffman went edit 00 a grounder, Isbeil to Donohue. Sheckard out. Rohe to Donn hue. No runs. Third Inning. Americans DavU was cheered when he came to bat and went out, Evers to Chance. Sullivan struck out. Altroek went out on a slow roller, Chance to Brown no runs. Score: - Nationals, u; Americans. 0. Fourth Inning. Nationals Da vis fumbled Schulte's grounder and the runner was safe at first. Chance popped out to Air to. k Irr an attempt -to bunt. Hehulte whs caught napping off first, A 11 rock to Dono hue, Isbeil to lH.ne.hue. Stelnfeldt filed tu Dougherty no runs. Fourth Inning, Americans Hoffman caught Halin s fly In center after a htilllaiit run. Jones grounded e.ut, Tinker to Chance. Isbeil snot a hot grounder to Brown, who knoi ked If down to K its, and Isbeil was out at tint. No runs. ITifih Inning. Nationals Tinker out. I Doi-ahuc-i to Altroek e.u a close play. Kveis Mas uii easy out, A I re.. K to uonanue. Kllug fllei to IhvIh. N nine. Fifth InidiiK, Ainerl. ai:s Rohe grounded to Sieliifeldt and was safe on his hUu t In r. w tl first. It'inohiie sncrlfleed, Brown ; 10 Clii.iii-v. Dtcgl f-riy sent n swift Itoundor 110 Even, who Ihrew Dougherty oi.t Hi. iru. Dud fanned. Nationals, u; Atneri. 1 en. '. I 1 roxih lining, f.'utl. mi. ils Brown faj.n.."!. tl. ..... - Llnul.. ..u..- ......I She. kanl f ir f-ii Hi ffrr.sn at second. Altro. k iu l.ifvir. iv-hulie filed to Duds, but Ruhe was after It and they collided, but Davis held on. No runs. Sixth Inotna Americans Sullivan dio'w I - n ess. g ,-rv. n