tub OMAIIA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. OCTOBE1? 12. 1f0fi. 12 11 U 11 M ri u n 13 n n S1 S! MALF PRICE JJ ' Entire Bankrupt Stock of SHELLEY' (1511 DovUs The opportunity of a very luetic a I giauo ijvjwuo M regular prices. DON'T MISS A DAY OF THIS DIG SALE g EXTRA SPECIALS EVERY DAY. n ... ' M ii Cloaks and Suits IN All of Shelley's Suits that he sold for tl5, on sale pm mm gf second floor old I I store at -aVf All of Shelley 10 Cravenettea go $5 Shelley's 110 Skirts, on sale In old store, second floor, at , each S5 RIBBONS All of Shelley's 25c quality of pure Silk Ribbons, plain and fancy. Vs w .nU in nur PV ' utnrn. Aisle No. 2, ft "A" ' at n u PI Hair Goods p ' All of Shelley's Hair Goods, E Switches. Waves and Pompadours, 13 at exactly half price. New store. II Aisle No. 3. , ; ( U Silk Veilings Q All of Shelley's silk velvets J in blacks, reds, and all col li nrs. that he sold TIP to $2.50 n on sale in new 50c il store,, ati P n n MILLINERY 11 rMMrpn's and ladies' ready - to n RWIW sold ut to $5.00, on tl otni-o ir1a No. 1) at 1 1 All of Shellev's hieh priced pattern hats that were marked p N tm in two lots at $2.50 New store, aisle No. 1 ri ii (j All of Shelley's untrimmed : and wool, fur felt hats, J on sale in base- t(n Tl ment, at vU i.nnnacna ii LI OMAHA Big Friday Special Bar In Basement, Misses' 1 1-60 box calf and vici kid, all solid shoes, pair 8c Boys' ' satin calf 'all olid school shoes, ' pair. 93 c Men's box calf, satin calf and Tlci kid all 'solid shoes, pair, 'L59 j Remember, Saturday is Doll Day Every little girl accompanied by a grown person will get a pair of doll's stockings free on Saturday, if she will bring her dolly with her. ... ... See Oar Special Demonstration - famous Bl'RSCN FASHIONED HOSE The oalj seanless slocVlajj thai arc knit (0 til the loot wltlnal a seam 8tna In tock4nn hurt th fet,' - help the atockinf 'to jvear aut and ar unalgittly. Bur won' nt th only semlMM hosn that la KNIT ta St. It will nt Juat aa perfectly afur' washing aa JbefArs. J other seamlexs hoee will do this.- ' - Demoniftnktion Aisle S, Sew ptore. '- 8pcliU . Utdk will show this hofc lerf at special square. L3 H n n p M n n Pi n M H El H II n i St, Omaha.) n n lifetime to buy the M W1 o juji long, loose J2 Shelley's $10 Coats, coats and different styles, all bo at LI All of Shelley's $3 Waists, as- sg sorted colors. In various cloths. E2 on sale on second g P" g L2 floor, old store, Ae3 vf Shelley's 11.25 Sateen tT f f Petticoats, a splen- Ilyf M did barg iint for. P All of Shelley's pure silk one dol- r lar ltlopons. on aie m ucn store, Aisle No. 3, at, per yard, only Laces g All the fine Laces from this stock, ,j including Venise and black silk lacfn, hundrprt of gtylfg, hi worth up to 60o, on ale I 1 El on barKaln saunre, new J v E'i ' store, at, pr yard.... (J Veils and Veilings n Veilings and ready-to-wear J veils from Shelley's stock fcj up to 75c per yard, on sale in bargain square, C. h new store, at CI ra p - wear hats that m a sale (in new i " El and $5.00. 150 CT C H -" P All of Shelley's quills that sold up f j to 60c, on sale new store at All of Shelley's $1 and $1.50 r breasts, quills, wings and fancy Z-2 feathers, on sale in new e J," store (Aisle No. 1) at IUC E4 Shoe Sale Old Store Women's box calf and kangaroo calf all solid shoes, pair, 1.59 Women's leather and felt bouse slippers at 50c-59c Child's vici kid and box calf $1.25 shoes, pair, 89c of Ih: OMAHA AVKATHDK FORECAST Friday IP L,llll YOUR M3KET'S WORTH 01 TOUR M3.1ET BACK: Bargain. Friday ii Silks New One groat lot of fancy silks in popular weaves Louisienes or taffetas, neat designs; also plain or chang able taffetas in. various lengths all worth up to 75c on sale, bargain Friday per yard A very popular fabiic for dresses or street suits, very heavy, conies in all the new colorings green, abrown. wine, pink or blue Bargain Friday, at, per yard .. diamond or dot effects worth 7oc Bargain Fri day, per yard all colors, price, per Extra it Dress Goods Bargain Friday Large Lot of Panama Dress Goods 38 in. wide, in navy and tan only, fine for children's dresses on special sale Friday, per yard. Double Green Trading Stamps with h.very lard. Fine Fancy Mohairs In good colorings, as brown, red, green and black grounds, with . neat designs, for street dresses, waists, etc., worth up to 60c Bargain Friday, per yard J Double Green Trading Stamps with Every Yard. Black Satin Striped Challies About 20 pieces to sell at the low price, a yard ..i-.L Double Gteen Trading Stamps with Every Yard Domestics (or Bargain Friday 45-in. by 36-in. Pillow Cat, good hoavjr qualttlfv we have a laxve lot of these to (ell Bargain 2n Krlday each, at .t'k. Double Greon Tnidlngr Stamps With Every Purchase. 73 Piwen Heavy Outing Flannel will be plated on m! Friday in pretty colorinfrs, llftht and dark Ktylcs, some are worth UMo A a yard Bargain Friday, at....ww Double Ore-n Trading Stamps With Every Purchase. DARK COLORED OUTING FLAN NELS Bargain Friday. An a yard ; And Double Qreen Trading' Stamps. 27-in. Cbambray Ginghaius On Kale Bargain Friday, . Cf. a yard And Double Green Trading Stamp. HKAVY PRINTS In many col- Sf. oringy, per yard.. JV And Double Green Trading Stamp. Double Fold Percale On sale Bar gain Friday, e yard Ow Double Green Trading Stamps. VOl K MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Usui Specials for Bargain Friday in Linens Teneriffe .Lace, Fringed Damask and Scalloped Lin en Doilies, worth Drawn - Work Scarf, sizes 18x45, regular price 35c, to 100 earn, m Bargain Ffl- Sp Bargain Friday, day, each. Southeast Corner, Main Floor. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK MILLINERY for Friday and Saturday Only Two great days among Ready-to- Wear Hats The Vesta Tilly, the Caroline and the Evelyn, each' OQ easily worth $3, bargain Friday or Saturday, at I0 Street hats in black, best values we ever offered, worth $1.50, for , TRIMMED HATS You should see our magnificent $5 leader. There's nothing to compare with it at the price anywhere. FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY-8EC?ZSoii CLEANERS!! CLEANERS!! FROM THE DRUG SECTION. Electro Silicon rotlhhing Powder, regular 15c size, D. Bargain Friday, for OC Eakk-Ilright rollshing Paste, made by Brunswick-Balks- lAjs Collender Co., famous the world over, for r IUC lion Anil, the great modern cleanser for cleaning all surfaces, A. Bargain Friday, for Bar Keepers' Friend, for sine, brass, copper, etc., 1 lb. pkg. inA Bargain Friday, for IOC Pure liorax in 1 lb. tin, sprinkler top boxes, regular 20c values, m r or 1J)C PALMS FERNS 500 Live, Healthy Plants From The Wilcox Nurser ies of Council Bluffs on sale in shoe section, main floor,' Bargain Friday Prices up from 35 A Hplrudid Opportunity for Becut lng s Deautiful Plant. "-i ' , rarity nuiy. j J J FTTS ( Figured Faille Silks H P0 ' 48c Ten Green Trading Stamps with every yard." New Lot of Fancy Velveteens In brown, blue or black grounds with 59c 36-inch Skinner's Satin, in fl t at the special ( J? yard Green Trading Stamps with every yard. Your Money's Worth or Your Monev Back. Bargain Friday in Ribbons, Embroideries, Etc. RIBBONS. 4-Inch All-Silk Taffet Ribbon Embroidered 'with polka dots 25c values Bargain 19'f Friday, half price yard. .lfcizC EMBROIDERIES. Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries in edgings and insertions, 3 to 5 inches wlde-i-Values to 20c Bargain" Friday for, 9c TWO HTJNBRjfnj' DOfcEN IMITA TION SHE&l HAIR. PINS Crimped and plain worth 10c a dozen Bargain Friday 4p per dozen. FIFTY DOZEN READY-TO-EM-BROIDER PILLOW TOPS , 26c values1 ' 10l . Bargain Friday.' IvC yovr mone"s worth or your Money back. I Hemstitched and Bleached Turkish Towels, size 18x45, regular I2V2C val ue,, Bargain Fri 'Jft- day- f n ea. JF ach .... IUC 99c OMAHA'S LEADING GROCERY FINE DRINKING COFFEE FRIDAY SPECIAL Three Thou sand Two-Pound Cans Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, ' per can; 48c And Sixty Oreen Trading Stamps. "" ' BENNETT'S CAN 1)1 KH. CJIOCOLATB CREAMS fA ; Vanilla flavored pound... IUC Hit' i to lAjrt, a thing no 1irin: lkrriptinn uuilc' it tnit the lrn. ' Tit what wefetl, hit can not dtUnt; ,T'B what r lenw, W cannot exprc. 3 "VTinni Killer's Old Standard Wluskty Bt for homo use. Hottlrd tn bond under the supervision of the U. S. Government. Try It the next time you buy. frt,m We pre insiilnif a little bonk I ICG jpt rontHlnlnK 200 popular tosRtv. whlrh we would De pleavpil to mall or hand to you. They arc froe. Ask ua for one. Hillsr's Wnlikeys, Fun Qaarts, 80o, $1.00, $1.86. FrM II 1 1 1. 1.11 J Bttwrf 309 Farnam St., Cmaba TVe SHIP 4 Quarts Prepaid. ALL He Takes a Proud Step Who Wesra an ONIMOD SHOE It la sensible pride because the step is prudent, pleasant and profitable. The "Natty" Dresser should wear hand-built Onlmods. Thoy meet the severest exactions of fash ion and embody tvery element of v.Uue, 15.00 and W.OOl The Moderate Man should wear bench-made Onlruods, Thev look well and wear u. long time -44.00. . The eoononilcal fellows should wear $3.50 and $2.50 Onlmods give satis fiction best for the price. oent 2 os SHOE SJ5ST. Yarns This is the time of year one B thinks of knitting and crocheting, and we wish to announce that our Yarn stock is now complete for the winter. All plain and fancy Yarns are now in for the season, such as Eiderdown Wool, Pompa dour Wool, Ice Wool, Angora Wool, Scotch Knitting Yarn. Sax ony Zephyrs, Spanish, German Knitting. Shetland Wool and Floss and the new shades. The best of quality and prices as "cheap as the cheapest. We carry the most com plete line of Yarns in the west. We are also showing a new line of band-crocheted Bootees and Baby- Jackets. Pictorial Review Patterns for October - are now ready for de livery. Jos. F.Bilz 822 South loth Street. . OMAHA. NEB. Patent Medicines Remember we are headquar ters and agents for many of the big sellers. $1.00 Ilyomei, complete. .89i $1.00 Cooper's Remedies. .89 50c Cooper s Uemedies. . .45c 50c Syrup of Figs 45d $1.50 Fellow's Syrup Hy- phosphates $1.34 $1.75 Pond's Extract.. $1.56 $3.00 Psychim $2.G7 BEATOII DRUG CO., 15th and Farnam. Home of accuracy in compounding. Don't Miss This hr ? OoDortunity. s -. .. .j You ar lltted by arad- "4i3' uu.tes of Europe at the lowest poeaible cliarge to Introduce our work. Thtsa glasses win relieve ucieci nt vlalim which caunes liendache. nfcr- vousnes. red and inflamed lids, crossed eyes, blurring, etc. oausiacuon uan teed. Examination free. Zi N. T. Life Bids.. Omaha, Tel. 871 f3 Whar Ads Count THE OMAHA DEE Best AT. West FRIDAY IS REMNANT DRY Stvcral Very Special Bargains in Winter Underwear till 4V THE RELIABLK STARK More saving opportunities here than you'll find, in any other store. Examination and comparison will prove the super iority of our offerings. . . r Silks and Velvets, 29c and i9c Yd. Many hundreds of remnants of high grade 8llks and Vo)vots remaly from the past two weeks' phenomenal selling, togtftnrr wlthg great Joli secured from a well known manufacturer. " . . t' , t The largest and best assortment jet shown in Omaha worth . .ft up to $1.25 yard on bargain square larc 80 PIKCRS SVRAJ1 SILK. 24 inches wide, newest colorings. Just the silk for gowns and waists on sale main department at Twenty-flve pieces of 98c Guaranteed will be placed on sale Friday at, Wool Dress Goods Remnants We have about a carload of short lengths of fine broadcloths ranging In price from $1.00 to $2.98 yard, bought from Stevens Mills, Mass We will place them in four piles at, a yard, OOc, 5c, 40c, and 80c. Ten cases of short lengths of fine Mo hairs and Sicilians, in all colors and cream, priced from 75c to $1.25 yard all will go at one price yard 23c Seven cases of short lengths of Hen riettas, in grades from 39c to 59c 'a yard all will go on this sale at. yard 2.V Five CRses of genuine Danish Cloth. in short lengths, all colors and cream on sale at. a yard 8c High Grade Cotton Dress Goods Dept. Remnants of Percales, Toil du Nord Ginghams, Organdies, Linings and other Cotton Dress Goods that sold up to 25c yard, at lOc, 7 He and 5c yara. Curtains and Draperies 500 sample Curtains, all single, that sold at 50c to $5.00, some slightly soiled, but all perfect goods will close lot at, each 25c 100 pairs of odd Portiere. , from $5.0t) to $10.00 pair will close quick at 91.08 and $2.08 pair. In Our Great Percales and Prints, in long mill ends, worth 64o to 12 toe a yard, Oe per yard " Remnants of Wash Goods, worth up to 10c yard, Friday a yard all kinds, lc Fleece Back Flannelettes, Ions reninants, worth up to 18c yd., flic per yard u" Heavy - Unbleached Sheeting, slightly soiled, worth up to S0c yd., all iXn 2 yds. wide, on sale, yd tu 10c Press Ginghams, In 10 to 50-yard lengths, Friday, while thoy Alr last, a yard Great Weekly Notion Sale Staple Notions at One-Half to One-Fifth Staple Prices Our notion sales are the wonder of the city. Belciv mem tioned articles will be on sale Friday. 2 pkgs. Best Needles, e tnuay lor ,v 2 Aluminum Thimbles, Friday for lc 2 pkgs. Brass Pins, c Friday for i Spools Basting Cotton, c Friday for w 2 Bpools Sewing Silk, e Friday for "w Best Black Darning Cotton. 4 c Friday for ' w EOc Taffeta Ribbon, - iKr. Friday for icw No. 1700, all colors, 5 In. wide, tf-n Friday for SJk. Hayden's, the Great Universal Providers df Everything. Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Meats, Etc., Itc 10-lh. Kiu-ka fine buckwheat flour.... Sac 8 lba. bfst roiled breakfast oatmeal. 25a 26o t lbs. choice Japan rice 10 bars best brands laundry soao 10-lb. sacks best granulated cornmeaL. Uc Jello. Der package 1-lb. cans assorted soups H-lb. cans waiter Bakers cocoa -lb. cukes Walter Baker's chocolate, ra. A. Perrin's sauce. Der bottle ISO t0o Croasa & Blatkwell's jama, per jar, 1-lb. cans Van Mouien s cocoa dec t-lb. cans fancy wax or. string beans.. 6W 1-lb. cans fancy sweat sugar corn So J-lb. cans golden pumpkin, hominy or baked wans Fine fruit jelly, per glass 4c Fancy 3 -crown raisins, per lb So Fancy Mulr peaches, per lb VWtO Fancy English cleaned currants, per lb. 860 f ancy cooKing mi, per 10 i -; Fancy Italian prunes, per lb TVo Fancy New York dried apples, per lb.. 10c Fancy seedless ralittns, per lb Vn Th. heat soda or oyster crackers, lb.. c 4 packages L'needa biscuits Uc Butler and Cheese Sate Fancy separator creamery butter, re- tauea every wnera iot suo id., our price per lb 25c pn il 9m tdeS FRENCH 1 V WAY J THE WATCH YOU BUY of us ! guaranteed to keep time no matter what, prto vou pay. We won't sell a watch that will not keep perfect time., For gentlemen, the ttiin model 12 or Ui r - mu IS tne waii-u TV Tl no to no. C) si I T 1 113.60 to 10. I ft 11 I For the N me. - Stall Merchandise at Great Saving mm at, yard .. ' ii , , v GUARANTEED SWISS TAFFETA. Pure dye, 36 inchM wide, handsome for suits and wrape--fron8 a. ni. till 12 ra.. In matn depart- OQ ment. at. yard . 0C Black Taffeta, 27 Inches wide,' 40 yara r Remnant in High Grade Linen Dept. REMNANTS OF" TABLE LINEN Od lengths of all. our high grade linens, in both bleached and unbleached, sold up to $2.60 per yard, will he sold in three lots, at TOt, 50c and 40c yard. ODD LOT OF BLEACHElj NAPKINS 15x18 to-22x22. in all linen uud mercerised, sold . regularly up to $2.25 per dozen at;' dozen . .. ,89c ODD LOT OF CENTERPIECES AND DRESSER SCARFS All pure art linen all sizes up to 18i72 and 45 45 sold regularly up to 98c jo close at 1 1 fP-. -etrV REMNANTS OF TOWELING in hi linen and Unions, In lengths up -to IVt yards, in bleached and un bleached sold regularly up to 1 8c yard in three tots, at 8)1 c, OH and 4c yard, t 'BEDSPREADS- -Full size, both fringed and plain, slightly Boiled, worth up to 82 aniece at. niece.: CO" 1,000 yards of 12V4c and 16c fringes; will close quick at lc, 2 He and Sv yard. 100 pieces-of Sllkoline, yard wide, for draperies and comforters, at 5c, 7 He and 10c yard. " Bargain Room Standard Calicoes, regular (Vic value, Friday, yard . Cotton Bed Blankets, large "tie, greatly underprlcrd Friday at, pair S8o, A e 76o, 6o aud iOC Heavy All Wool Blankets, special - br. 6! ins Kriaay at, pair, -y (jo Si and , From 8 till 9 a. tu.. Fruit of th Loom and Lonsdale Muslins, Jr at. per yard From S till 10 a. Check Ginghams, at, per yard..... m.. Amoskeag Apron oc All sises Cotton Tape, 4 Friday for . All sixes Curling Irons. , Friday for In. Hat Pins, Friday, par dosen 3 ..2c 4ic ,4c Largest slss Pin Cubes, Friday for a. . ISO Horn Dressing Combs, Friday each tOO yds. Basting Cotton, rriaay at . . . r. . Fine Val. Laces and Inserting, special Friday 12 yds. for..... Ik. Fancy full cream" Wisconsin cheese, lb. U'S Fancy ful cream New York white cheese, per lb Fanoy full cream brick or Umburger ohee, per lb l-',r. Fancy full cream domestic Swiss chsess, per lb iiv Fancy full cream Imported Swiss cneese. per lb gap sago cheese, each.... Neufchatal cheese, aach. '4 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Largs heads Cabbage, sach Large Hubbard Squash, each. 4 beads Fresh Lettuce bunches Fresh' Radishes '. ... Fresh rlplnach, per peck Fancy Hweet Potato, per lb...,... . .41! ..5' . .60 ..6j .10c Itte VA.h VHk ml.. rui, ktm.h l. Fresh Turnips. Carrots or Beets, lb..lttc Fancy Cape cod Cranberries, qt....7 Fancy jonatnun Apples, peck.... Fancy Blue Plums, per basket.. Fancy California Figs, J-lb. pkg. .a L.I Large juicy ieinois. per aoaen W Large Pears, per basket,.... ,,.H-( t maaaures fresh roasted Peauuta fco ISrce Cal. Quinces, per dos.. ior. Fanoy Bwset Apples, per peck 2Us Cleaning and Dyeing PlumesL We make a specialty of cleaning and dyeing Plunl Our process insures the best results without Injury to ti' Plumes. We dye them all color. . . , FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS. Tel. Dou. 4172. I908 Parnsm Strsc. M ror iaaies , ramtitig iif price tium nd a few nduutes la our tore. , Look LINDSAY, JEWELER. a; ISIS DougUs ettveC , . . "