Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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i, il ft i.'r.lnf It
fltrt Hi. Ieter'a rt-iiw-'h Interment llnlv
uleher. fr..i j itv( lhrr Sons snil
n dsnahtrr i-ir .1 . FUmarri P.. Wll-
' J-Jl'i.J.Pj. ItHdVet V. 1 nellr.
WANTKIVUvf expert clothing salesmen.
at onr.e . Atpty (JoaJmuu A flh"'i. Ne
st once. Aipiy (
L-M IS 14
WETMORB oelsctlve strvlce. Th-me R-1
Tin Room 13 aud 14 .Union Mk.. 1Mb
1 nrniim M S4J OtlS
trio on first moWrn, residence property.
Will Py per cent; no mnr. 'Phone
lamey v Mwo nx
Macrafland. N.,V. 1: BUI. Tel.
- g. tVA. . , -624 Nov
The frrton Prflc Railroad Co. I" aell
Inr land In Western Nebraska, Colo
ran and Wyoming at
$3 to' $5 an Acre
It would be-'hard tor flinl a. safer In
vestment.. Buy now ha opportunity
will on be gone. For Information
regarding, land and recursion rales
apply." -.. W. . .'. .... .
' '- ; Mpt. B. tot -. lh Stnv,
-... -. - OMAHA. '
Omaha, Xib;kapctober 10, liSM. Sealed
proposals, , In . fipllcate, will be received
htre antj 'Vy-quarter masters .at the posia
named Mrrui, uiiUI ht a., m., central stan
dard time, November 10. for furnish
itig shelled corn during tho fiscal year end
ing Juno -W, at Otnatia 14. M. depot.
Forts Crook, Omahar a4- Robinson, Ne
braska; Jetierson barracks, MiKSonrl; Forts
IytaveuworUt and U.ley.Kansaa; Forts D.
A. hueU, ' Alackansle . and . Washakie,
tl'yomlngi 'Fart Das Moines,. Iowa, and
IVrt Meade, South Dakota. Proposals for
dytTvary at other places will be enter
tainad. V'4 -S. reserves light to. reject or
accept, any or ail proposals or any part
thereof. Information furnished on applica
tion here; -or to oiartermasters at the sta
tion named. .Envelope containing propos
al ahould be-marked proposals lor Corn,"
and addiesacd to Major M. Gray Zallnski,
Ci Q..M. . ' OCtlO-ll-i:-13Nov8-
master, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Oct
t, lit. Sealed proposals. In triplicate,
II -too . raceivad here ..until 11 a. ni..
tral Alma, November K 1W. and then
EM.-, tor - constructing tna lonnwing
llngv Including plumbing ond electric
na; .. Two stablns, one double stable
KUara ouiuiing, eignr aouuie seis non
commlBsloncd staff officer' quarters, one
cnglnaer workshop, two pontoon sheds, at
Fort Laavenworth, Kansas. Full Informa
tion ood blank form of Dropoail furnished
on application to this office, whore plans
and apecl fie t Ions may be seen. United
State rtseivss th right to accept or re
luct aaji or- all- proposal or any part
i hereof, Envelopes to be Indorsed "Pro
posals for-Public. Buildings," and addressed
to CaptQltr -Peter Murray. Quortermastcr.
. . .. - Oct-I0-l)-l2Nov0-T
FORT AltJADE, S. t., Sept. 14, 1003.
Sealed proposal In triplicate for construc
tion, plumbing, heating, electric lighting
coMflny barrack wUl be receive hero until
U p.m., October la, iso,, information fur
nished upon application. ' Plans and Specl
nca.Uona may 10 seen at quartermaster offices.-
Ornsha and Denver, at thla office.
ITnltei State reserve rlKht to accept or
reject any r all jwoposala or any part
thereef. Envelope containing proposals
should hi marked "Proposals for barrack.
Park l5t:, ftu JR.," and..a tblreraed .Major
R. -BjTwraer. constructing quartermaster.
. 8J4-ft-I7-W3ct-U-U
I aloa Pael--
Leave. Arrive.
Crrertarid limited 40 am a I.U pra
rha rhlna and Jaoan
Fast Mall 4:18 pm I'M pm
Colo. Calif. Ex- -:! P" "
California- Or. Ex.. 4;26 pm a 5:10 pm
Los Angalea Umlted ...all 30 am al0:48 pm
v.u. Mail ..a 1:66 Dm a I JO pm
Colorado Special j. a 7:46 am a 7:14 am
North Platte Local. ....a 1:19 am a 4 60 pm
Bestrtt Local b 1:15 pm b J:00 pm
Cbkcaaa Wort-waatar--.
sQedar Raplda Pas.....a 7:06 am a i:Cj pm
Y.I win City iiJipra.,. 7:50 am al0;00 pm
ttnlcago iwyiigui ..., wsm iii.u n
c :hle.ttO laical
a!l:Su am a 1:44 pin
Sioux City Local....
Carroll Local .......
loux City Local...,
Chicago Exprea ...
fast Ma ...........
Fast Mail ............
Twin City Umlted..
Overland Limited ..
Chicago Limited ...
Mnrfnllc.'Boneateel ..
,.b :b0 pm a tm am
..a i:Z1 pm a 50 am
... b 8; 46 pm
..a 5:50 pm a 7:30 am
..a 8:23 pm a:30am
a i:u0 tm
..a 1:25 pm a 7:05 am
..a 1:88 pm a :15 am
,.all:00 pm all:16 am
..a 7:40 am 10:35 am
. .b 7:40 am b!0:S6 am
..a S:00 pm a 1:06 pm
..a 8:00 pm a 6 06 pm
-..b 8:00 pm b 6:06 pm
..b f .oa pm bI2.40 pm
l.incolB-Long Pin..
awood-L.tncoin .
soer-snonanini ...
istlngt-Superlor ..
emont-Alblon . ....
iiissrl Pactle-
SL Louis Express .a s :no am : pm
K. C Bt, L-JEprs.,ll;15 pm a 5:00 pm
1 h lea a a, Jlllwaa-aa St. Paal
Chi. and Colo. Special.. a 7:66 am a 7:0 am
California 4k Or. Ex. ..a 46 pm . a 8:10 pm
Overland Limited . ..... a 8-6 pin a :20 am
Marlon A Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am bll:00 pm
t Louis Express....... :80 pm a 1:40 am
6t. Louta Locat.jlfroru.i . . .
Council Bluffa '. A....a 1:15 am 10:80 pm
Btanberry Local (from - -
Council Bluffat .,.....h i00 pm bll:80am
Cbioaco, Moo Islaad PaelS '
'--I ' 'eaT-'-" " "
CTiicago tirolteil!... : a 7:W am
lawaLocal ..:.,. A 7:00 am a 40 pm
Chicago Mail V.. m P
Iowa Locak ...oI2 10 pm b 8:6k pin
Chicago tEaatern Ex.).a 4:( pm a 16 pm
Chicago (Iowa Lintlt'd a 4 to pm U:u) pm
- - jy - . - -
Rocky Mountain Urn., a 6 pni a 8:16 pm
Colo. h. Cal. Express... 8 (m pm 8:M pm
Okl. Texas Express.. 4:40 pm al8:ul pre
Oiorado fast Mall aW li pm a 7 n
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
rtleaa Great wt.urs-
St Paul Minneapolis. 8:89 pm
t. Paul MinoeasoUk. i;o am
Chicago Umlted :4u pm
Chicago Express 1:46 am
l 1 Vinrail ....... .10 Bm
' 7:1 am
11 :M r m
: Ira
11:60 pm
8:30 pm
a 8:66 pn.
a Je aiu
wVUlue-aw - . -
ctut Caaira-
Xru-t Kx press 8:00 am
' lia4 - -.a ui cm
01K1-MQTOX if AIIO.N-lOlh Jt Maaaa
Barlla1-f7' . .
' - Leave. Arrive.
Denver California.. ..a 4 Ml pm a 8 80 pm
Black MHU v; ;,a MX "" 'So P
Northwest Special a 4 :10 pin a 106 m
Northwrt-KPra all:lt pm a 4 .30 pm
Nebraska Exp am a 7:40 pm
Nebraska Local . 8:00 am
I lncoln Lo' ..' g 1:06 .".m
I Incoln ra M.ll.. ,....b W pm 12:30 pm
rt Crook Platum h..b 0 pra bl0:86 km . platutu b..a 0 am a.Mam
Denver HmH4 ......... 7:10 am
i. i. wa. June. ..a 8:80 am a I am
Bellini Pa - f " m a 1 M pm Special v.-"" 1 a 7: am
cal t a 111 am a'.Q:al p,n
k i .... Eiort
ss a o pm au:su am
Jo....al0:45 pm a 6:46 am
i;-:.vrr cuy-St. jo
Kansas Clty-St. Jo ... am a 4:10 pre
kanaa CitybW ;o.v. w m
Pa a I. Mlaaeaselts A
Oiaaha ' .
I are.
.Twm City" Passenger... am 1 11 pm
Viou City Paj.eenger... Pm ali ao am
Tnn tocl - :.8.'4Sain e 6 W pra
Vi sM"M Pe .
I r. ,,), .k' LoeaL via ' '
- r wa-uv mm ki, . -
VVOcplng aw ,...-.,v k". p-H
f 9 rany scpj quaosy. m tony
Saturday, c Sunday voir. Dally
Office, 10 Pearl
Ninn mention.
Davis, drug.
Clark's, soda.
Ptockert sells carpels.
Fin engravings at Lefferts. .
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beei.
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby- Son.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone W7.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 839.
Bee Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fir
clay, newer pipe, fitting and garden bose.
T. J. Jones, trainmaster for the Wabash
read, with headquarter t Brunswick. Mo.,
is in the city.
Do you want It done right? If you do lt
Berwick, 211 8. Main, do your papering,
painting and Interior decorating.
Rev. R. H. Fnrrter of Central City,
Colo.. Is the guest of Rev. James O'lU),
pastor of Broadway Methodist church.
Star- chapter. Hoynl Arch Masons, will
meet In specion convocation this evening
for work in the murk masters' degree.
I pay 12 per ton fof cast Iron; mixed SM; )
slove, te; rags, l'Ac per lb.; ruboer, 7c; '
copper. Ho per lb. J. Kttelnian. t'i Main,
botn 'phones 60.
An enterprising thief stole twenty-four
quart Jars of preserves fiorn the ceilar of
mo restaurant of Mrs. Marie Coaard, 1
Fleming avenue.
The members of the Klkhorn Valley
Hunting club of thta cltv. will leave Tuee-
ilny for their annual hunting trip to Cherry
Wi have tho finest line of sample monu
ments to select from In th west. Sheeley
e Lane Marble and Granite -vorks, 217
fc'ast Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
A. L. Martin of Denvor, Colo., was the
guest yextt'iday of his cousin, Oeorge L.
Martin cf tnta city while enroute to his.
foitmr botne at Leon, la. It was their first
meeting In thirty years.
Snail we frame that rjli'ture? we can do
It to suit ym:, we make a specialty of fram
ing piciuie. Let us do it, we know tlie
work and price will be satisfactory, coun
cil Bluffs I'alnt, OH and Glass Co., Merrlum
Under peculiar circumstances we make
the following prices; Carpets, per yard, 2c
and up; tlnoieum. tier vara, owe ana up; oil
cloth, ioc and up; stove pattern. 7bc and
up; sum boards, wood lined, 76c and up. D.
Vs. Kener. lull South Main street.
A chance for a baraain. do you want it:
,V y r "'.",
ting remnants; must get rid of them; will
ecu at most any pnoe. Stove oil cloth
iftc to 40c a square yard; cocoa floor
. 60C to 8J.W. StOC-kert Carpet Co.
One thousand pounds borne mad candy-
ni,,!.!!,. i.f.M. mt- puntv
Candy kitcnen. Homemane candy luc a
pound, butterscotch, 10c a pound. t'ea
nut brittle loc a pound. Angel tood tany,
luc a pound. Die Brown, manufacturer,
H Broadway,
Charles White, an Omaha messenger boy
Is under arrest at the city Jail, charged
with the theft of a Docket book belonging
to Mrs. John Sklnkle, while delivering a
pacaage Wednesday at the office of Dr.
rvrlckaon. Tno pocketnook contained a
small sum of money. Yesterday the boy
showed th police where he had thrown
me dook ana it wa recovered witn an tn
paper Intact. He will have a hearing In
police court thi morning.
Complaint wa made to the police yester
day that a woman collector fur an Omaha
tlrm forced herseir into th residence of
John Wldle, 217 Twelfth avenue yesterday
quarantined as one of the children la uf-
fering from a severe case of diphtheria
Member of the family called the woman
attention to the quarantine notice, but de
spite their protests she forced herself in.
ttovereign vanilla is tne 1 best in the
world. Union Pacific Tea company.
It will pay you to look over my atock
of phonograph, bicycle and sewing ma
chine before you buy. I have som espe
cial bargain In bicycle. I rent sewing
machine. S. M. Williamson, 17 So Main St.
Carte r Blocks (ha Scheme.
The action of the public library true
lies .In deciding at the suggestion of
Superintendent Clifford of tha city school
to keep the children's room tn the publio
library open until o'clock at night will
likely have to be rescinded. Chief of
Police Richmond announce that it will
conflict with the provision of the curfew
ordinance, which require all children
under the age of 16 year to be at homo
at 8 o'clock between September 1 and
the laat day of February, and prohibit
them from being on the streets or In any
public place after that hour unless ' ac
companied by parent or guardian. The
ordinance. Major Richmond stated, would
be enforced and the permission granted
by th Board, of Library Trustee for
the children to remain at the library until
p. m. would not be permitted to interfere-
with It enforcement.
If you want a good position, finish a
course at the Western Iowa college. - Day
and evening school. Enroll at any time.
'Phone for Information.
Pictures for wedding glfta.
ander, 83 Broadway.
C. E. Alx-
- Barhart Olves Himself I p.
ft. ,8. Earhart, manager of the Car hart
Investment company of Denver, Colo.,
to secure whose arrest Deputy Sheriff
McCaffery recently spent two weeks In
Colorado without success, arrived in
Council Bluffs yesterday and surrendered
himself to the authorltte after making j
arrangements to secure hi release on
bond In the aggregate amount of 11,000.
Three "lndictmenta were returned by the
last district court grand Jury against
Earhart, on complaint of O. P. McKesson,
former resident of thla city and now liv
ing in California, and Dr. F. Earl Bellinger
of thla city..
Two Indictment relate to one transac
tion. In one Earhart ia charged with
forgery and in th other with uttering a
forged Instrument.
In th third Indictment Earhart 1
charged with embexsllng 81,800 belonging
to McKesson and Dr. Bellinger.
CENTRAL Evry sack
warranted. Central Orocery and Meat Market.-
Both 'phones 14.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. X0- Night, 488.
Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers wer reported to Th Bee
October 11 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluff:
Ellen N. Lively and huahand to An-'
aera N. Anuersen, nw1. w nev.
neU 04 and pu t ". nw'4 84-74 41
w. d 8l0,0tO
Emma - K. Mauer to A. L. Preston,
lots and 7 and sl7 feet of lot 6.
block K Avoca. w. d S.4)
Ellsa Jan Brewer and Beatrict A.
T.ndy and husband to Sophia Lie
bold. allVk feel lot 6, block S. Grinds
add., w. d 750 '
A. O. Wyland and wife to John J.
Anderson, lot acre in wt, ev u .
7-4i. w. d m
Mark L. William et al to Wallace
Benjamin, lot 1, McGee' subdlv. of
lots 8. 8 and 4. pioca jtugncs at
Doniphan's add. w, d
Five transfers, total...
There is a world of bargains In Hunter's
b srment. Sheeting, muslins, prints, tick-
Ins, denim, gingham, outing flannel,
towels, hats, caps, blankets and comforts.
etc. Every article being sold at a serine
You will find the beat piano for the least'
money on eary term at A. Hoape Co., tai
South Mala street. Council Bluff. I
fit. Tel. 43.
Promised 8tre. Bailw.v t fchool for
Deaf Haa Sot Materialised.
. -, . j
Remind Him thai It Mas Held tint
aa Indacement ta frrirr Appro-
Rirsta Strnetare.
It Is now up lo the cltlauns of CojikII
Bluffs and ita Commercial club to fur
nish street car facilities between the Iowa
School for the Deaf and the city. At l-asi
Ihlft la the rmaltlAn t-ban V, C.,(ul
Board of Control In a communication ad
dressed to the mayor and rl'y council re
ceived here yesterday.
Tha Board of Control, while njt saying
so In actual words, mnkes a good strong
hint that the institution would have been
removed from Council Bluffs but for the
promises made by the cltlters In general
and the delegation from the Commercial
club that an electric line would be built In
the near future between the. city and
ine school
school from this city was before the
Thirtieth general assembly, objections wbs
made to the present site, because It vat
at a great distance from' the railway
depots. , business houses, churches and
places of amusement of the city, and that
then were no means of transportation to
or from the city except by expensive con
veyance, this condition, It being asserted,
worked a great hardship on the officers,
employes and students of the Institution as
well a on others who had occasion to
visit the school.
The city met these objections at the lime
by the assurance ttmt street car facilities
would be furnished shortly to the school.
This assurance was alven. as at the time It
waa understood that the Council Bluffs,
, . , .
Tabor A Southern Electric railway Intended
building and Its tine would furnish the
Jalrd transportation facilities for th. in.
-,.,. i th. ..,- ,
stltutlon. This assurance: wa made In
iwu 1-1111, "uv an wru inju, mn ininir promise to d or gTear inrereBt. At 4 p. m
line ha not yet been built, although the there will be a vesper service conducted by
promoter from time to time give assur- ( Drs. Cleland and Phelps and the pastor,
ance that It will be. ; Rev. Marou P. McClure.
The Board of Control, In Ita communica- The session of the churrli will meet after
tlon received yesterday, contends that these the service this evening .'and at 2:30 p. m.
representation on behalf of Council Bluffs Sunday to receive .new. membera. While
were relied upon by the general asesmbly no personal Invitations have been sent out,
In making the large appropriations it did all Interested In the church and the occa
for the rebuilding purposes and .further- slon are cordially Invltea to attend. The
more hints that the appropriations would committee In charge desires that all the
not have been made but for these promises, pastors of the city and their congrega-
That the people of Council Bluffs "are Hon understand that this Invitation In
In honor bound, to see that the mean of eludes them especially,
communication Included In the representa-1 , - ,
Hons to the general aasembly and the legls-
committee which visited the site
......... ....
nerore ine nnai action wa taaen ny tne
general aasembly, or others as good are
furnished to the school In the near future"
Is the position taken by the board.
While the communication will not come
before the city council ns a body until its
meeting on October 23. it la understood that
Mayor Macrae, on" receiving It yesterday,
at one decided to refer the matter to the
Commercial club.
. - j I u i-.
Before you buy anywhere else go to
Huntertf. You will find tha am thing
there, apd the great closing sale prices
Do not overlook th mighty prlcer reduc- I
tlon being made at Hunter's In th latest
up-to-date creations In ladles' suits, cloaks
and skirts. :
Few Cents Less thai Fifteen Dollar
The safe in the office of the 6hugart A
Ouren Seed company's building at the cor
ner of Tenth avenue and Sixth street was
blown at an early hour yesterday morn
ing by cracksmen. Not only was the safe
completely wrecked, but the office furni
ture waa badly damaged and every win
dow In that portion of the building shat
tered by the fore of the explosion. The
cracksmen secured 8 cents less than 115
In cash for their trouble, although they
carried away a number of valuable pa
pers, which, however, have been recovered.
Nitroglycerin was used by the cracks
men, and the sound of the explosion was
deadened by stacking a number of sacks
of bran.v seeds and salt around and on
top of the safe. The safe, a practically
new one. wa completely wrecked. A portion-of
the door was blown against the
celling, making a hoi two feet In diameter,
while the concrete lining and bottom sheet
were driven Into the floor. The safe Itself
wa forced back Into the wall, making a
dent several inches deep. Portions of the
door and the aacka of bran end salt uaed
to Oraden the sound of the explosion were
scattered alt over the room, making tha
office look aa If it had been struck by a
The cash bos taken from the safe, rifled
of the inqney. but etill containing the In
surance pollutes and other valuable pa
pers of th firm, was found during the
afternoon, by the officers working on the
rase near that Drooge elevator, three blocks
west from, the Shugart-Ouren building. It
had been forcd open with a piece of Iron
found lying .near it.
Th Great Western freight house 1 but
ahort distance from the Shugart-Ouren
building, yet none of the night force em
ployed there heard the explosion. The
watchman in the MeCormlck Harvester
company's warehouse heard an explosion
about 1 o'clock, .but paid no particular at
tention to it, believing it waa one of th
periodical "blow-offs'' at the gaa works.
Examination by the police officers re
vealed clearly the tracks of three persona
near the building. The police feel con
fident the safe waa blown by the same
men who blew th safe in the Morteasen
saloon on Sixteenth avenue in this city
recently, the Benson postoffice safe and
that In Ihe Omaha anibstatlon. two nights
age. The work at each place, they say,
was identical. Th local police ar also
of the opinion that th gang of cracksmen
make their headquarters In Omaha.
Take a look at Hunter's Pearl street win-
i dowa Tbey will give you an outline of
th beautiful fabric and other drea
good being offered in Hunter's big 8150.000
sale. Every piece In the lot on sale at a
aicriflc price. .
A great Bale of ailka and dress goods at
Hunter's this week received a fresh Im
petus by the arrival direct from the mills
of a large shipment of cholc new silks,
bought especially for thi fall's trade. Be
tha beautiful effect
in the pew plaids.
Every piece in the lot goes on sale at a
I sacrifice price
I Tnn Many Candidates.
Th republican township convention et
Kane township outside - of th city of
Council Bluff, placed in nonrUiatlen thre
i ndld;ttes for trustees, whereas. lould
1 have named but two. the term of Trustee
i Smith not expiring for anot her rmr. The
' error has teen rectified by CamlVlat O.
P. Kmp withdrawing his name from the
tlvkct.-. Icavlnc Ji-ihn Halle and John. C
; Butler as the two candidates" The dvmo-
crats discovered the error made by tho
republicans and at their convention Ton-
tented themselves with making only two
Hello, Central, give me ever bdy on the
wires. Tell them of our big candy sale
next Saturday. Honie-ni:-de candy, loc a
lb. Purity Cindr. Kitchen. SIS Broadway.
Opvru House block.
There Is no getting around ti, when
you buy anything of John Olson. 3 and
741 West BroadwaA you get Just what
you order, whether ytn order over the
'phone or leave the order at the store.
He does not handle anything but first
class groceries and sellsf tlieni at th
most reasonable prices possible.
Three nt the Orlalnal
Members IM
Reside Here.
Tlic celfhratlon of the llftioih annivcr-
1sary of the organization of the First Pies-
byterlan' church of this city will cam
this evening with services at T;Sl t ( hick.
The church was org.-iniaed October I--.
IKW, with thirteen members, of whom three
Mrs. Elisabeth M. OfflVer, Mr. Sarah E.
Pusey and Mrs. Hannah L. Warren ie
living today, and arc still resident of thn j Iwlilnd l-use and the officer, seeing hi
city. Intention, started round the building tho
The Woman's Aid society will have ' otl,Pr '' and nabbed him. Jailer Gallup
charge of the rereptkn to be given In ihe! not m"rh of a sprinter and consequently
church parlors Saturday evening at 7:0 1 aa Rreatly . relieved when he noticed tho
o'clock. The reception' committee will ba ' man n Wa" a"'"r n,d'' hn tmce. Ap
tnade up of the members of the church , lrat'h'n Hie fence with extreme caution
twenty-five in number, Jio ' united with I aWup mmlnt" " sl' rri and ebvered
the chureb nrlnr tn .fi i-r. ictii . ,. i Bishop with his revolver. The fellow at
with tho officer of the church and their
wives. These are the officers: Judge J. K.
Reed. Charles D. Parmelee. F. B. Warner,
Dr. 8. B. Snyder, Frank E. Clark, J. r.
Hess. Dr. E. I. Woodbury. J. O. Wad
worth. Dr. A. C. Brown, Ohio Knox. L. C.
Ernpkli . A. J. Brown, Frank H. Keys. F. J.
Day. W. S. Cooper. Fred H. Hill." Robert
W. Wallace. H. G. McQe. K. L. EmpMe
and C. W. Coker.
On Sunday there will be three services.
Tn h mnmin rw tk t, .
pastor of the church from August, 1WW, to
June. 1SS2 will preach, and In the erenlng
Dr. Stephen Phctpa, pastor of the ehu ch
from February, I8S7 to July, SS. will
preach. The sermons will be historical, and
"ve ou heard the good news? Our ,1907
P per patterns are coming In and you
w-n k .1 u- " . w, ,, . ,
-- w" uo yuur in-
tenor : aecorating; and when It cornea to
painting, we do not allow anybody to beat
us in furnishing good materials snd good
work. Now Is tha beat lima to paint, the
Insects are ill gone and the weather nicely
settled. Let v figure-WilUi you. -Jensen
A Klehnlann 9H Tl i . . ,4. . - . . . I . '
. a : i in' f ;r'.-,r-
A Great Ex.i'ttem'e.ui'. ' '
Waare making the loaieet possible pricea
on wall paper. The latest patterns. .We
. , . 4-;'i JL, ' ,. wi
. ... a k t, w
, etaUg. Counrll BIuffe' PaiVtt; CHI and Glass
Co.. Merrtan). block.;
Danish Brotherhood ( lo Stick ' to
Present System.
Th) Danish Brotherhood convention
yesterday turned down . by a close' Vote
the proposition to have a supreme physician
to pass on all applications for Insurance,
As It now is each local lodge haa Its medi
cal examiner and the applications axe
finally passed upon by the supreme secre
tary. A proposition to have, an official
newspaper, owned and used by the society
as its official organ, waa likewise turned
At th suggestion of .Supreme President
Vog t wa voted to employ expert ac
countants to audit the (rcasurer's acoounta
and reports, before each, general conven
tion. Heretofore thia auditing ha been
done by the trustees. .
M. Larsen of Racine, Wi.. and CCarlsen
of Wllllamantic, Conn., are said to be can
didates for supreme president. Mr. Vogt
la also said to be a . candidate for re
election. .
At the close of the afternoon aeaslon 'the
delegates were taken Jn -four open motora
for a ride about the city, winding up at
Washington hall In Omaha, where they
were guests of honor at, a banquet tendered
them by the Omaha lodges.
B. 1 and W.
This phrase, when applied, means the
best coal mined. We .handle all. the dif
ferent alses.
and Missouri , oak wood .In stock at. all
time. Bridenstein & Smith. 'Phone 12
14th Ave and th St. -'' "' -
For sal.
81,600 A MONTH. WILL, INVOICE 86,000.
Some City Fand Short.
The report of the city's finances for the
first six months of the, fiscal year, com
pleted yesterday by Auditor McAneney,
shows that some of the funds are In a de
pleted condition. For instance, Ihe streets
and alleya con. miner, 'of (which Councilman
Wallace Is chairman, has already expended
ts.0?7.13 of the 8IO.U1O appropriated for this1
department, leaving .but 872.87 for the re
maining half year. - Of the 82,0iO appro
priated for the fire and police telegraph
fund there remains but 8547.27 with which
to maintain thla department for the next
aix months.
Up to date there haa been expended on
the evening and deepening of,-Indian creek
816.9J4.7S. From the general Improvement
fund no less than 114.533.72 haa beeri paid
out during the first six months of th fiscal
year, leaving thi fund In a badly depleted
The rport showing the oonditlon of th
general fund follows:
Ami. Appro- Un-
Purpose. Used.' prlaKon. used.
Salaries, exec. dept. .8 S.Swi.20 810.710 8 4.S68 80
Pol'ce and marshal's
department 10.4W. n.S5? 10.8. 4
Btret-t snd alleys.... .ir7 IS 10rt 7? S7
Fre department 11,82651 2S.0 11.664.43
rr ana police leie-
araph l.s71.
Fne-'neer's dept 2.7 ""O
Printing and sup.... W4
ntv-Dound ' BWion
Contingencies 8.4. GO
. 617 7
Total, gen. fund... 'T 877.000' til. S3
Haefner Get Rn Damages.
lu the district court yesterday mornJug
Judge. Macy overruled the motion of th de
fense In the Sit. 000 personal injury damage
auit- of Edward Haefner against ' Charles
and Al Huber to tak th caaa from th
jury. The Jury, however, after" two hours'
deliberation decided tln.t Haefnor was not
entitled to any damages for the loss f
piirt cf his r'.ght hand in a sausage mill
while In the employ of the defendants and
relumed a. vei-JIct for the Hubrr. T;hU
as the 'second trial 'of the suit. At the
former trial .the Jury failed to reach an
P la a os.
W are headquarters for fine pianos
Na matter what may be your need we can (
supply It. We offer you a line of pianos
that are fully tested and we guarantee you (
satisfaction In the purchsse of an Instru- .
rnent from us. Call on us. Your money I
will go farther here than anywhere else. I
Msy terms ir desired. Bwanson Music
Co., 4ii? West Broadway.
Prisoners Break for Liberty.
Ueorge Bishop and Jov 3ennett, alius
Bert Swisher, two prisoners In the county
Jiiil, who havo been permitted to exercise
their muscle bv sawing wood for th
tumty, made a dash for liberty yesterlav
while Jailer Gallup left them for a moment i
to attend to some other matter. Jailer
Oullup and D puty Sheriff Cronewea. who clm,lt authorise or approve the payment
has the nputatlon of being quite a sprlnttr. I0f lM b,ll!" ,rom ,b" '""" tn the ifaie
wer.? soon In hot pursu't. The men. on : treasuiy though there Is aloiit tl.aoo there
teaching Eighth street, separated and teal- ; ,r"m ,ch Th"" nglo hII came about
lup took after Bishop, w hile l'epuly tironr- ' he recent enactment of the law re
weg continued the chase after Bennett. ! nulrlng that nil fce oC every Mud be
Groneweg had a long chase after his mm
and fired two shots over ' his head to
frightr-i him, but 1t made the fellow run
all the faster. The fellow finally dodged
once convnted to return tn Jail without
any further parleying.
Bishop is serving thirty days for tho
theft of ijn from the residence of Miss
Avery, by whom he was employed, and
Bennett Is serving sixty daya for the thftt
of 1 bicycle belonging to Baxter Green.
A. Metsaar A Co.
New Location of 'Wholesale Bakery.
51S Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made' Bread a Specialty,
Visitors Welcome.
Don't fail to see tht Red Cross base
burner. Let ua show you Ihe Eclipse
grate, the only stove made' with the
Eclipse grate. Swalne A Maurer, and
838 Broadway.
Stndents on a Strike.
CRE8TON. Ia.. Oct. U.-(Speelal.)-Lte
yesterday afternoon there was a gathering
of many of the pupils of the high school,
the crowd being composed of about half of
the senior class and pupils from each of the
other classes In the high school, who se
cured a' bass drum and paraded the streets.
Indicating their protest at the manner In
which this grade of tho srh'nol has been
conducted. These pupils refused to attend
school today, having been induced to adopt
this method by an sgltation which has
been In progress for several weeks.
Tes, w do sell sheet music; two cata
logues of thousands of copies at 10 cents
each; also do we sell pianos, at very rea
sonable prices, considering the quality.
Bourlclus Piano House. S35 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. 'where the organ stands
upon the building.
iwo uooa inneeior.
I SIDNEY, la., Oct. 11. (Special Telegram.)
-Deputy Sheriff Wilson left-for Red Oak
ln, evening to take, in George W. Nells,
who was arrested today in the-latter cltv,
NVlla In a AchrtA mn1nv nf th rmtn.
, c Bluff Nonpareil and was through this
section a few daya ago making collection.
He had the regular printed Nonpareil re.
eelnt book .and signed . the receipts F. C.
Mills. Ha waa a hustler and collected con
siderable money.
C. Hafer. Council Bluffs, la.. Is presi
dent and his son is manager of larse saw-
j mills In Oregon. W.hen you buy from
him. you save the middleman's profit.
"ewer Tax nlt nt Clinton.
CLINTON. Ia., Oct. ll.-CSpeclal Tele
gram.) Sidney D. Robb filed notice of suit
for the November term of court against
the city of Clinton. County Treasurer
Charles Arlen or his successors. City
Treasurer L. U Rles or his successors and
the People's Construction company, asking
that the contract for a new sewer In Clin
ton be cancelled and taxes be declared void.
met restaurant, 630 Broadway.
Prohibition Convention.
LOGAN. Ia., Oct. 11. (Sperlnl.) The
annual convention of the prohibitionist of
Harrison county will be held at Woodbine
on Monday; October 13; convening at 2:80
o'clock. The call Is Issued by Rev. C. P. W.
Wlmberly, chairman; and Rev. B. Franklin
Hall, aecretary, both of Woodbine.
For Imported wines, liquors and Bud
welser beer go to L. Rnsenfeld. Wholesale
liquor dealer. Sip South Main street.
. Isw New Xolee.
DUBUQUE The shooting at the Grand
opera house on Saturday night may be a
murder. Alex Carleson, ' the victim, had
been getting along very well until yener.
day morning, when lockjaw t in. end the
suffer r Is in a very precarious condition.
PRESTON After forty years of untiring
effort Mrs. Fletcher of Preston has located
her son, George . B. Carter, through the
pension bureau. Forty-five years ago,
when the civil war broke out. tieorge Car
ter enlisted in an Illinois regiment, and
from that day she hud heard nothing
him. until laat week, assisted by Congress
man A. F. Dawfon, he was located In Res
eommon. Ark. - Mra Fletcher, will now
spend the remaining few years of her life
lth her long lost s n.
ATLANTIC Sixteen damase suits com
menced through Attorney kioirnian again. t
the Rock Island road lor detaytd shipment
of stock, overflowed farming lands, er
jonai Injuries and other causes have been
settled out of court and the cases stricken
from the docket. The suit of Mrs. Whined
for 825,000 damages for the loss of both
legs of her Mn. who was crlDDled while
crawling under a freight train, was sett.ed
lor 17U). The case of K. L. Campbell of
alley Junction, who was Injured while
working In an Ice house, was also settled.
Peters against Campbell, suit for Id.ujo fur
alleged malpractice In the setting of a
broken leg, that has been In progress for
ten days, went to the Jury thia afternoon.
A LB I A Rev. C. 8. Cooper of thia cltv.
who is superintendent of the anti-saloon
forcta for the Sioux Falls dUtrict, was
placed under arrest yesterday upon an In
dictment that had been returned by the
grand Jury hurt Saturday. The indictment
charges criminal llb4 and aeta forth that
Mr. Cooper was th author of a ilnaJ
article in the Dial of Progress, the official
paper of the Anti-saloon league for t. Is
state, and which paper was freely circu
lated among Albia people. The subject
matter of the article, It is claimed, was
libelous In regard to County Attorney A.
C. Parry and Attorney W. E. Glltner.
4ulel In San Doming. -
; WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. Cable advices
received her from San Domingo (tat
that an agreement haa been reached by th
government and insurgent forces in the
neighborhood of Mont Cbrlsti whereby th
Insurgents will surrender to the govern
ment tomorrow, and General Llmardu, who.
conducted, th campaign for President
Cacarea, will become governor cf Mont
reel of Board Covered into Irrttnr aaJ
F Way to Fa? Expeate.
loan Man n Indies ed 4 untie
4lal of Tkelr Home by raylnai
Them nltk Warthle.a
Fi,.iu a Stuff Curre-ponuf tu )
ij;g MOINES, Oct. 11. (Special .) L'ntll
th.. leginlature meets to etralghten out a
tan-te the i.vmn nf nhn,,t tvio in kliu
contracted by the St ite Board of Health
n the examination of embnlmcrs and I
undertakers must go unpaid. The board '
has been examining candidates for license
as embalir.era for the last live yeais aivl
collecting In eu h cow a lev . of j un.l
another fee a hen the license Is renewed.
Attomey Uuneral Mullen has now ruled
that the board has no legHl authority to
I make such examinations and collect fees
for It. The executive council consequently
turned Into the state tronaury and -Is-
burscd from there Instead of only 'the
balance being turned In after the ,-xpersos
were raid.
Examination Papers l.oal.
Examination papers on two subject front
twenty-one students who took the examina
tion before the State Board of Medical
examiners last week have been lost or
stolen and until they are found the board
Is in a dilemma and tho twenty-one students
are also. Following the examination of the
twenty-one would-be doctors the papers
were sent to the various member of the
state board for examination. Two sets of
papers, those on materia medlca and medi
cal practice, were sent lo Dr. Connlff of
Sioux City. When the papers failed to be
returned promptly Dr. Kennedy, secretary
of the board, communicated with Dr. Con
nlff and received a reply that the papers
hod never been recolvfd there. Dr. Ken
nedy has the express company's receipt for
the papers and a tracer has tieen sent
after them. It Is the first time such a
thing has happened In the history of the
department and there is no precedent by
which to be guided should the papers fail
to turn up.
Bnrkett'a Dates Fixed.
It waj definitely arranged today for Sena
tor Burkett of Nebraska to speak In Iowa
on two dates. One Is arranged for Sioux
City for October 23, and the other at Shen
andoah for October 27. It was at first
Intended td have him the Uh and 27th. but
It was desired to have one of the speeches
delivered at Sioux City and a ball could
not be vecured for any other date th(n
the 13d.
Keoknk Swindler Here.
The youth who swindled an aged Keokuk
couple out of toOO worked the ame scheme
In thia city yesterday nd secured 8400 from
Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie of 811 Fif
teenth street. He bought their residence
for 82.000. giving a check on the Des Moines
Savings bank, where he had never deposited
n, dollar. With the deed and abstract he
went to the Century hank and borrowed
1400, giving a mortgage on the property.
When the aged couple presented their
check the next day they were told It was
worthless. The young man who worked I
the scheme gave his name as Sam James. '
The property stands In his name and
gainst it is the mortgag. which legally is
valid, and which the aged couple must pay.
Selecting Hoapltal Site.
After being busied for month attending
to other duties and visiting sites the State
Board of Control settled down today to the
work of selecting a site for the tuberculosis
hospital for which th legislature appro
priated 850,000 at the last session. The task
Is a difficult one. There were about fifty
sites offered and none of them exactly come
up to the Idea as determined by the board.
The board will be In session for some days
at th offices In the atatehouse and will
likely also before parting make the op
polntment of a warden at the A nam of a
penitentiary to succeed Warden W. A.
Hunter. A score of applications are in their
hands for the position, but almost all are
from ex-sherlff or sheriffs now In office.
Earlhnm Couple Married.
Clarence Hodges and Clara Bechtel of
Earlham, Ia., were quietly married yester
day by Judge James A. Howe st the court
house In thla city.
Strikebreakers Gone. -
The fifty strike breakers have been sent
back to Chicago and the street car trouble
is at an end. Yesterday afternoon the
officers of the employes' union met tho
oonfeerred. Certainty of cure Is what you want, wa guarantee to eur you.
' X. W. Cor. 18th and Far-am St., Omaha, Neb.
A Chicago Train for Omaha People'
Walts for bo etknr train. Loavoa Omaha Ualea
Statioa promptly at 0i4O arary avaal-4, rrivaa
Cblcarfo il5 tha -axt morals.. EUctrio!
throarfboat. faUmaa Drawiaf ftooaa SlaapiaJ
Cars, Fraa lacllala. Chair Cars. Obasrrattoa End
farlor Car llh Dlala. Room, arvla Dlaaor aacl
ZVraaklast a la cart.
Tlckmti at 1312
into DoliGrs
Many a Man Has Failed Bo
cause His Face Was a
Picture of Calamity.
It taker runslilne to product- A rose, 4
perfect rose. And so inun, to be sucieSM
ful. must have sunshine Inside. Tho life
l which has It not. which l..s no lies It U and
no happiness. Is snur. tuily, pessimistic,
j and a failurv. The world alreaJy has too
many that bremlio Ul-wlil
j and strife. The world wants Joy. comfort,
I sunshine and will cling to the man wl o
has it, who iadlnt..-e g'adnesa and triumph
wherever he is and uuuVr all circum
stances. Some people hae s genius for seeking
out the disagreeable, the n-ooked. Mm bad
nnd the ugly. These are ih destroyer;
ihsy travel in schowis. thy licrd togethei.
for they love theli kind, mid the i-hcc-rf'-l
part of tlie world v. ill h,tve uoihiuu to lv
with tlirm. '
And why is It thnt so many nemlle dis
aster, knowing at liie same I'.lu. tliat if
they do, their lives will b mined? (itne
people cannot h"lp it. for p-ssinilsm e i
: ally comes from bodily dlsord'is. ami lbi
cannot always be prevvjved. TIk1 ,loiu
I uch, for instaiici . Is l,e :nosi ..tmno.1
I caune of illseoLtcm, sour InC't, "e-!!fs--I
Iiess. disgust anVi lack of embl'.K.n. V lw:'l
c.mucii uicro is the s-orer 01 many .1
fallu,-'- . ar. '.wve a g.-o.J ,.;otii
1 "l'h '" 'trong stoma. I., a stomach that eau
i lak,; l-rc w' ny'blng and everything tii
is put itiTo n, no matter wnvmer it l a
-ery bad stonmeh now o, not. '-'ten It.-.-
not have 11?
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet UV this n i
thing. One Ingredient of these illlle trio
lets dlaests 3,(W grain." of foods, in I n ,
matter how bud Is oui djspepsla or indi
gestion, these tablet will digest cver
thlng lit your stomach thurntiKhl. so-1
completely, and better and quleui than
healthy stomach ran du the ,nn tiling.
Stuart's Dyhpepsla Tablets '"111 .".ire
qulc.kly liss of -ippetlte. l.rash. In (tailor.,
burning sensation, jausea,. h"artbirn.
eructations. . loss o v im anil, still It. bud
memory, and dyspepsia and . .ixligestto:i
In their very worst forms.
No other Utile tablet in tho world can
do so much. You j-hould carry Stuart'
Dyspepsia Tablets around with you where
ever you go and take them after raoale.
Then only will you resllxe whut It 1 to
enjoy a meal, and what perfect digestion
means. Your whole body and your 'mint!
will feel tho effects; your - vim will In
crease, you will be more satisfied with
what the world does, you will think hap
pier and be happier and your face will be
one of upreme contentment. That will
bring you success and then more sroces5
Your face will bring you dollars. Try it.
It will cost you Just 60c for a package ef
these wonderful Stuart's 'Dyspepsia Tsl
lets. at any -Irug store on earth.
rllw Ike Fl"
Buffalo. N. T.,'Oct. 16. li. it
New Orleans.' La,.. Oc,t. 11, 11.
U, 14...,.......... 23.60
CbatUnoo.a,, Tenn., Oct. 14, IB,
16.... 38.00
Memphis.. Tenn., Oct. 15, 16, 17,
II lt).80
Atlanta, Ga Oct I, 82.10
All information cheerfully U.ven at
1M1 raraa-l St. 'koa Deng. Ut
Or address UB1T B. MOO BS,
CI. - T. WalAII M. ,
Fnnrl f At .Weak and nervous men
rUUU IUI who find their power to
N A I VAC work and youthful vigor
HO I WOO Kon aa a rsult of ex
cesses or Indiscretion should take GRAY'S
NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make
you eat and sleep and be a mnn again.
1 Box! 3 Boss S9.B0 by Mall.
Sherman NcConnell Drug Co
officers of the company and all terms were
agreed to. At 1:90 thla morning, after all
the men were off duty, they met In Ihe
Tradea and Labor assembly hall and ratified
tha action of their offlcera, the meeting
lasting till 8 o'clock hls morntn., The
agreement recognizes the "open shop"' and
the company recognixe the union. The
wage acale which the men ns Individual
signed up In August for eighteen month
will be recognised by the union and be
cornea binding between the union and the
company. -
Varleooele: Under our treatment tht Insidious -.
disease disappear, pain ceaaea almost Instantly.
The stagnant blood ia driven from tha dilated
vein and all aoreness and swelling subside.
Every Indication of Vsrleocele vanishes, and in
stead comes the pleasure of perfect health. Many
ailments ar reflex, originating from othet oi
eaaes For lnatance. Innumerable blood and nerv
ous diseases result from poisonous taints tn th
system. Varicocele and Hydrocele, If neglect -d,
will undermine the physical strength, depress th'.
mental faculties, derange the nervous system, and
produce complicated results. In our treatment we
alwaya oure the effect as well as the cause. Every -person
afflicted with these diseases should call on
us to learn our methods of cure, which are safe
and permanent. Consultation Is free, and our
charges for a perfect cure are no more than you
will be able and willing to pay for the benefits
Famam St., Omaha
escept Mt-uW