10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBET? 12, 1006. SPECIAL NOTICES nlll ! tnkra sjatll IS fa. for lb "tenia ritllloa anal mntll ft. fa. for tlis morulas; and l4r rltloa. Dtlri t l-2e m ward Mrat lmrtliii. 1 a erorel thereafter, etfclsig 1ik for Ira than VOr for the (rat Uift- Inn. Thrir advertisements mwat b mn rnnaectitl vely. Advertisers, by rraantlnc a nam lr4 rhrrk, fan harr iniirrri ad Iraiarl to n nambrrfl letter In rara f ThO Dfp, Aaanrri ao addressed Till be delivered on presentation of hark. MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL TERM BOY LEU BTJSLMSSS COLLE0B 13 NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. Rtmienta are admitted any day. New Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglas 1984. Address H. U. Boyles, President. toyls Uullalng. Omaha, Neb. Jt-627 WHERE TRI'NKS ARE WADK. Trunk, suit cases and shopping bugs. Old trunks In exchange. Repairing. FRELINO HTE1NLE. 10 N.'ltitu Si. Phone Douglas 4Wo. R-498 Oct3 (IAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL B URG ESS-G BAN DEN CO., 31.1 8. 15th St. Tel. Douglas tirfl. B M93 Omaha Safe and Iron Works make spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doora and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 6. 10th 8t. R-629 MON PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 30 TRY K"lly'a Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3530. IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1019 Karnara. R 632 HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs; en trance, 131:4 Famam. Tel. Doug. 2974. h R 635 WANT 700 yards dirt moved; scraper work, phone Douglu-5M4. R-M573 12k m WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Fifty girls to work In candy factory; good ehanoe to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. The Vuegele a Dinning Co., 1314 Jonea St. ' C -M793 FIFTY strong girls for turning baga; girls IS or 16 years old for clipping threads. Bertua Omaha Bag Co. C M106 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once. D. J. O'Brien Co., 12U2 Howard. C M285 WANTED Competent nurse girl at 191 8. 324 Ave; muat 'have references. Tel. Harney 3221- , C-M262 WANTED At once, machine operators, girls, at M. E. Smith Co. Factory lltn and Douglas Sts C 470 14 GIRLS WANTED. Loom la Co., 916 Farnam St. C M490 WANT ED A competent girl for general housework, small family. Mrs. H. M. McClanahan. 1312 N. 40th St. Tel. Har ney 1401 '-. C-4S8 COMPETENT GIRL; three In family; wages $6 to $8. . 116 N. 88th Ave. Phone .Harney 2733. C 496 11 HRL (or general housework. 1911 Chicago Bt. - O M512 12 WANTED At once, girl for general house work; no washing: family of three. See -Mrs. David A. Baum, 3808 Harney St. . C M517 12 WANTED At once, experienced cook, mut jiave references. Mrs. J. E. Buum, 3545 Harney St. C M516 12 WANTED A nurse girl. 2608 Dewev Ave. t j C-K8 13 SECOND COOK wanted at the Deilone hotP.1. -r " .. C M549 12 WAITRESS. . Apply to manager Deilone hotel. C M550 12 CHAMBERMAID, at Deilone hotel. ' Must be mat rlasa - ' C M551 12 GOOD opening for' competent and up-to- date dressmaker; good large rooms with steam heat and closet. Write to Oscar Roeser, Grand Islund, Neb. C M567 13 GIRLS WANTED-Strong girls for turning lwgs: 1 small girls for clipping threads; experience not necessary; good par, steady work; pay while learning. Bcmls Omaha Bug Co. C M572 WANTED First-class skirt and waist fin ishers, errand girl and girls to learn dressmaking with pay, Mies Imser. 316 Ramge Bldg. , C to7 llx WANTED BnleHlndies In 6c and 10c depart inent. Hayden Bros. C 580 12 WANTED Thoroughly experienced' sales ladies for cloak and suit department; high salary. 1M7 Farnam St. C 689 14 GIRIi for general housework; no washing; good Wugos. 2uc6 St. Mary's Ave. C Mm 1 WANTED-5lrl 15 or 16 years old for gen eral housework. Rosenberg & Co., 2303 Davenport St. C M591 14 CORSET SALESLADIES Five experienced corset salesladies to go out of the city to take charge of departments In large store: also several less experienced salesladies for second positions In same departments. Apply by letter only to address below. Permanent positions with splendid aslai'lea for the right applicants. When writing state fully, age. exoerteiice. alary desired and other information. All eorreeponuence connaeniiai. Auaress, x 32, cave The Bee. C M5.15 14 FOR Sale Lumber yard and coal busi ness: only one in town of 600 people; Ger man settlement; doing now a good bust vjiftss; thirty nillea Omaha. Phone or write Cadwell A Balyers, Malvern, la. '. , Y-M 14 WOULD you Invest $410 for half Interest in an established buaines that will convince you earning $18 to $30 per week? Call. M Windsor hotel. Y M610 13x FOR SALE FARMS CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. REjr INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of ill.- Buy direct. No agents. No heavy communions. Finest, all-prairie, hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Kasy term. Others ask fifteen and more. We aave you money. Write us quick. F. A. PARKER & CO.. Spencer. Ia. H-2U7 018 THREE farm bargains. Write J. T Camp ball. Litchfield. Nab. .11-103 Nov. I DAIRY, stock, fruit and poultry farms In the Osarks; mild climate, pure water and tniud health; bargains ill farms J. F. Kmdrlrk. Seymour. Mo. H M33 Bx A CHEAP- FARM 100 acres, four miles If rout abool. ao acree In cultivation, close to tohool and churches, 2-room house and ' V.iri), 61 bearing apple trees, peach, pea,r and plum; price, $to0. Other bargains .In as good in Texas county, Missouri., the land of the big red apple; fruit, dairy iad stock farming are the principal ln dustriea and ttiere la no healthier climate on the face of the globe; write tuday for our list of farm. South Missouri Exchange, Cabool, Mo. H-M507 ltix PATENTS F. J. I-ARSON 4V CO., patent lawvera; patent book tree. - Bee Bldg., Omaha, N -b. . J -62 8HARPE MACHINE wTJTrKS "pTtlmts pro.-ured, inventions developed drawing, patterns, castings, machine work. 6o4-4i 8. lth St. 33 PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'L Investment Co.. Douglas Blk., 16th and 1'odRe M 41) Nov. DANCING i ll AMBER8. Uii Farnam. now open. Adult Ix-giiuiers Mondays aud Wednesday; hildien Wednesdays and 8lurd.is. Jnveaile advanced Saturdays and private lvsous; terms reasonable, commensurate with advantages and benefit de'ived in our aUvutd. Ttleplionp Dwuajia U7i WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKI Five bovs; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th ft. B--637 Dnt'O HTORE8 bought and sold; drug I clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 621 N. Y. L. CIVIL SERVICE Wsnt young men to pre- I pare, bee Underbill. ta20 N. 24th. Ii-M;T4 02 I WANTED By a large western mercantile establishment, young men of ability and Ptltarlpni'i. urn flnnr walkrra! State eXP'-ri- enre and salary expected. Address T 29, care Bte. B M556 U WANTED. SOI ND YOUNG MEN, 1 to 36, to prepare fur firemen and brnkemcn on new roads and for fall rush; experience unnecessary; firemen tl pmnmted to engineers $;"; brakemen '. promoted to conductors IliVO; positions now open. Na tional Tniliilng association, 620 X Paxton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. B M13S Nov2 WANTED 2 coat makers; steady work; sack coatr, tN.&O and up. Lad the Tailor, Sioux Falls, 8. D. B-MSWlSx HUSTLERS out t.f employment can do well to call on us; pny weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard. B-M1S9 Nov! MECHANICAL draughtsman wanted; state experierfce and salary. Address T li Bee. B 2-s 11 WANTED Boy for delivery. In a m-t market. 2623 Sherman Ave. B M4S1 WANTED By n large western mercantile establishment, a young man of experi ence and ability as window trimmer; give experience and salary expected. Address T . care Bee. B M666 13 If competent to All any of the following, see us without delay, or write. 3 bookkeepers, $. 7B. 4 rtall clerks. I6. io. Several traveling salesmen, different lines. 11.200. 3 bookkeepers, young men, $4n, o5. 5 stenographers, 140. $'j6. WESTERN REP. & BOND ASS N., (INC.). Dcul. B, 80-41-43 N. Y. Life BUlg. B-571 11 WANTED Furnace repairer. Omaha Stove Repair Works. B M519 12 WANTED Bookkeeper; state experience and salary expected; good position to right party; references required. Address K, South Omaha Bee, 417 North Twenty fifth street. B 623 12 WANTED At once, mechanical electrician, one handy at mechanical electrical nov elties. Apply Mr. W. R. Bennett, main floor. Tim Bennett Co. B 637 12 IF EVERY g'wd union man would only say a lew good words for union labeled Cet-Pep-Ko nerve bracer, what would be the result? Ask the bartender. B 631 llx GOOD barkeepers keep union labeled nerve bracer, Cel-Pap-Ko, on sale; 15 cents straight. B-6S2 llx PORTER, at Deilone hotel. Must be com petent. B M662 12 I HAVE fortv-six men who are clearing Annually J5.000 to 7,000, and handle "their own money. . So can you, if you are clean and no booxer or ca'd shark. Call or address. Win. A Scholl. 10 South llth St, N. P. iandsen's Jewelry store. 13 MMS 13 Toothache? Free treatment at Creighton Dental college. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Creighton Dental college except for ma terial. B Mo 12 Novll WANTED Laborers for Indoor work at the sugar factory, Sterling. Colo.: wages $2.10 and 32.40 per day; about four mouths' work. ' B-560 11 WANT to let contract to lay 600 feet arater pipe. 'Phone Douglas-5544. B M574 12x WANTED A boy. Moyer Stationery Co., 220 8. 16th St. B-690 llx WANTED Bright young man to assist photographer. Apply 18( Harney. B 579 12X WANTED Toung man to work In store: one who Is willing to sweep and make himself generally useful: references re quired. Address T 31, Bee office. B-681 12 WANTED Boy ulwut 16 for errands nnd office work. Call, with good references, 2t Paxton block. B 685 llx WANTED Clerk In railroad office; good salary to the light man. Address T 36, Omaha Bee. ' B M5K8 lSx Hotel clerk, young man. $50. Experienced shoe clerk, $tio. Experienced shoe clerk, $-45. Experienced bookkeeper and steno., H5. Offlce clerk, young mon typewriter, $60. We are receiving calls continually for nun to fill responsible positions In all lines and would suggest that you call and see us at once or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. (INC.)j Dept. B, 840-1-2, N. Y. Life Bldg. v B-4i03 12 A GOOD hat-newsmaker: steady work; wanted by P. Hampel, Talmage. Neb. &-M593 17x WANTED Four men. about 20 years of are; neat appearance; for city work. Ap ply 612 N. 18th St., between 8 and 9 a. m. B MHOS 12x WANTED SITUATIONS ADVERTISING MAN who writes forcl Hble htiHiiirss. bringing copy, wants posi tion; department or retail clothing. Ad dress T 30, care Bee. A M5!7 17x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Hardware business, com plete slock, invoice $6,000; located in outhwostern Iowa; population 6,000. -For particulars address Ed. Hotheiy s Information Bureau, til So. 14th St. Y 160 FOR HALE Meat market, doing good busineas; building, fixtures, double cooler; everything complete; ' a bargain If sold at- once. Address Market. N. Walnut bi Grand Island. Neb. Y-MJut 12x i i FOR SALE-CLUB CIGAR STORE; best stand In So. Omaha; have other busi ness. J. W. Bouk, So. Omaha. Y M426 FOR 8 ALE Well equipped newspaper, in best one-paper town In northeat Ne braska Price and term right. Address T 25. Bee. Y-M4S3 14x FOR SALE Small notion- stock of about li"0 and building and lot at $900; total, $!.. Building Is 16x44 and has four rooms for housekeeping. Good location. Best business town In . Nebraska. Kx- - minne map for size of territory. ' Only stock of ' kind in town. Owner Is a widower 75 yeara old and wants to re tire. Christmas goods not bought yet. Must be sold by November 1 or will be withdrawn. Just the- place for good mechanic where family can look after store. $400 can be left on real estate at low Interest. This Is a fine chance for party having tl.OCO to Invest. No trades considered. WUUs McBrlde, Elgin, Neb. Y-M609 li Do You Wish to -Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property' that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-103 Nl FOR SALE Furniture complete for a 1- room house, in good condition, including rvuaing uiunajia, eic. oil norm lgtn Bt. Y-626 12X No charge for treatment at Creighton Dental college. Wanted Patients, at Dental college. Treatment free. Y M541 Novll , FOR SALE Doctor's residence and offlce for price of property; want to retire. Ad' dress T 37. care Bee. Y MSuO 23x ONB of Denver's swellvst and best fitted rial and furnishing stores: lKth St. loca tlon; good trade; good lease; up to date fixtures; new stock; good reason for sell ing: take about 317.UUO; splendid chance for up-to-date man. George D. Marsh, 1371 Brondway, Denver, Colo. Y 596 12x WANTED TO RENT TWO gentlemen, father and son. one an Invalid, desire two well heated rooms on bath rooSn floor and first class board, where they may have the (sinforts of a quiet, refined home. Addnsa T-27, Ben. K 603 llx WANTED By young woman employed a home like plac to room and board. Ad Urea T It, Bee. i-M9 llx A $28,000 deal was closed a few days ago and a Bee Want Ad inserted more than a month ago was the direct cause. Are want ads good investments? FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. L 639 Doug. 611 O.M.E.U.aul Trunk i . E 640 EXCELLENT modern furnished front room with alcove and bay window for two. 'Phone in house. 2674 Harney Bt. & K2J PLEASANT room, modern, private fam ily. 624 So. 26th Ave. E 349 2Sx CAPITOL HOTEL, lth and Capitol Ave.: American or European; steam heat and modern conveniences. H 473 TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; reasonable. 416 N. 23d. . E634 12x THREE or four furnished rooms, modern; gas range; adults only; no other roomers; references equlred. 2701 Woolworth Ave, E M5t4 14X VERY desirable room, new flat, walking distance. 4t So. 24th St. E M666 13x WILL have large front room, alcove; mod ern, steam heat, by October 25; furnished or unfurnished; also two single rnonis, furnished. 122 8. 26th St. 'Phone Doug las 6309. E-M576 13x FURNISHED front room for young gen tleman; references required. Tel. Har ney 21 K MS05 Vi FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunk- F 643 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 644 527 PARK AYE. Commodious, warm, south room, for two, with board; private and homelike. F 603 llx THE R08E. 2020 Harney St.; pleasant. warm rooms; good boaril F4xo a;x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR or live large pleasant rooms, main floor, furnace heat, 2214 N. 19th. U-M553 12 FOR RENT HOUSES WD DO expert piano movlng at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-4546 ITOTTRFS 'n all parte of the city. R. ilUUOHiO c Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D-647 ?TnTTSPS In all parts of the city. The D 648 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. D 649 OMAHA Van A- Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 is. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1539. D 860 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age uo. Tel. Doug. 14;. omce. ma w co ster Bt. D-661 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cme,wejt. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D 652 FOR RENT "-room house, all modern: fur nace; $26. C. M. Bacnmann, o r-axion Blk.- Tm PIANOS and household goods moved: boxes for sale. Cole c uunneii, iw rurouiu. Tel Doug. 070. .. D M774 OlS CTflP A fll? TO LET Merchandise. DlUlVAlirj furniture. Tel. Doug. 976. 1215 Harney Bt D--M827 014 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room house. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldr. - , D M24. FOR RENT Two first floor and one second floor fiat, corner iin ana ui XJ. Land and Investment Co., Tatterson Bldg. CJTVYD A m? Houaehofd goods, mer OlUKAtiri handlse. etc.. Fred Bush Transfer l-ine, jwo-d rarnam f,1- APARTMENT Applications will be received for renting the up-to-date apartments of five and six rooms each in new building, J6th Ave. and Half Howard Sts.; will be ready for occu pancy about October 15; rent $46 and $40 per month. GEORGE & CO., Tel. Douglas 766. 1601 Farnam. D-629 14 FOR RENT At 1611 South th St. New brick house. 7 rooms and large reception hall. Modern In every particular. Lo cated in the best part of the city. Will be ready for occupancy, about October to. Inquire of the owner. J. R. Camp hell. Bee omce, or 1341 South 27th St. Tel. Douglas 6440. D-76I COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO., storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1529-31-33 N. 16th St. TeL Douglas-4619. D 117 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, bath, closets, city water, sewer, gas, cistern snd good barn. 3912 N. 20th fit. Rents, $2. Tel. Red 6521. D-M263 MODERN 6-room. cottage, good barn; one year's lease given: also furniture for .sale. 4015 Hamilton St. 'Phone Harney ttW4. D-639 1U FOR RENT Large modern heuse. It rooms besides laundry, coal, vegetable and furnace rooms; good barn nnd car riage house: permanent walka and drive way; paved street, near high school. 2519 Chicago St, D 547 1U HOUSE 4 rooms, modern, with furnace. Henry F. Wyman, 1003 N. Y. Life Bldg. D 544 11 FOR RENT Eight-room house, modern except furnace: desirable location, one block from 24th street car. Telephone Douglas 4387. D M543 14x FOR RENT 6-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, 2713 Decatur St. $20. New modern 6-room dwelling. 2710 Decatur St. D MS64 13 X A NICE 8-roorn cottage, modern except furnace; $27. Tel. Douglas 630H. D M575 12x FURNISHED cottage. 3016 Jackson St.; references. D-M594 14 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. I 134 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 14th and Vinton ts.. $30. C. M. Bauh mann. 486 Paxton Blk. 1 M621 THE two store rooms, with basements, at 703-705 8. 16th street; tSO per month for both. Inquire R. C. PETERS CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I-M1H4 PPINTINC LTNGSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendar. . S- E- corner th tL and ft .TORVE. capltol Ave. 7 WE HAVE a new press no Job too large or too small. Central Printing Co. U7.4 013 COMPIJSTE line of 1907 calendars. Snell Printing Co., tiJ 8. Uth St. '157 Nov JOB printing and binding. Springer Print ing Co., 2u6 No. ATlu. Tel. Doug. 2071. a-M6o Nov. W- FOR SALE REAL ES7A7E Saturday, October 13. SALE OF ACRES Half Acres, Quarter Acres and City Lots. Military Addition, Adjoining Krug Park. In order to close out this entire addition we will offer this de sirable property, only three blocks north of the Country Club and car line, as follows: city lots, 50x133 feet. $100 to $126 each. 4 half acres, 120x136 feet. $260 to $300 each. Terms $10 cash, $5 a month. Terms $16 cash. $7.50 a month. S quarter acres, xl36 feet, $150. 1 acre lots, 126x306 feet. $450 to $S0 each. Terms $10 cssh. $5 a month. Terms, $26 cash, $10 a month. This property, located so convenient to car line, makes it very desirable for anyone wishing to work in town and at the same time have a fine large plat of ground for fruit and chickens. Salesmen on the ground Saturday from 1 to 5:30 with plats. Come early and get first choice. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 Farnam Street, or GARVIN BROS v " 1604 Farnam Street. 4424 Parker St., large comer lot. 7 rooms, good barn, $1,800. 8 rooms, neat home, full lot, per manent walks, mod. except heat,, Clifton Hill. $2,100; easy terms. 9-r., full mod., oak finish, Z lots, corner, paved street, good neighbor hood; will take smaller house in part exchange. - - '8-r. house and .lot 60xlG0, facing 15th and 19th 8t., close in, near St. Mary's Ave. Room for flats, facing . 19th St. $5,600. ' ' 3815 Charles St., 7-r., mod., paved street, $2,750. Neat 6-r. cottage, Z good lots, 1.. 4-r. cottage, corner, per. walks, $850. - ' C. R. GLOVER & SON, Douglas 133. N. Y. Life Bldg. v ' RE M486 12 FOR SALE, QUICK. $2,1001312 8. 28th St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace; roofhs large and well ar ranged; mantle .and grate In parlor; hot and cold water in kitchen, good basement, permanent walk-v pavtd street, good neigh borhood; close to Hanscom park car line. This Is a bargain Tot a home or Investment. $3,2602809 Po'ppleVo'n Ave., 9-room, thor oughly modern 'hrfmse, rooms large and well arranged; front - and back -parlor, dining room, kitchen, bed room and bath on first floor, four bedrooms and closet and basin upstairs, all In good repair; on paved street; good neighborhood; close to Hanscom park car line. $3,600602 35th Ave. (corner 35th Ave. and Jackson St.), new 7-room house, thoroughly modern, parlor, dining room, hall and kitchen first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, gas and electric lights, front and back stairs, rooms large, permanent walks; house sets well up on terrace; good neigh borhood, near Farnam and Leavenworth car line; rents $30 per month. Let us show you this. $1,2002902 Charles St., nice 6-room cottage and summer kitchen, all In good repair; permanent walks, full lot, on corner; good for home or Investment. Close In for In vestment. .... $2,600730 N. 18th St., 9-room house, parlor, dining room, kitchen, bed room and closet downstairs; parlor, dining room, 2 bed rooms upstairs; city water, house, piped throughout for gas; nicely arranged to two families; close In; Is a bagaln for home or Investment. Let us show you this. $7,000-609-11 No. 18th St., with 4-room cottsge In the rear. Rentals $72.50 per month. 608-11 are two 8-room thor oughly modern houses. Parlor, sitting room, dining room and kitchen below; 4 bedrooms and hath upstairs; full base ment, all In good repair. Apply to W. B. MEIKLE. 205 Ramge Bldg. i RES67 11 Parkland Place Beautiful level lots. Just north of Fort street and west of 24th. Why go a mile farther away when we can sell you theto lots, only one block from car, at lower prices and easy terms? $10 down, $5 TEH MONTH. Take 24th St. car and walk north front Fort street one block. Our salesman will be on the ground every afternoon from I to 6 p. m.. and Saturday afternoon. Only ten lota left. Others have all been sold, and buvers have built homes. See these lots today and start your payments at once. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. RE 635 12 DON'T MISS THIS Eastern owner wants us to sell his double front lot on Lake and Franklin Sts., near 26th. before he has to pay the taxes. The lot is 60x136, with north end a little below grade. Room for two nice homes or four cottages to rent.- This lot is surely worth $7W or pm, and we belfcve the owner will lake $uo0. on easy terms, v Don't miss this. N. P. D JDGE Si CO., 1714 FARNAM ST. RE-636 12 BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE Cottage and two lots. 5123 No. 17th St, easy Urma; owner here for a few days only; must sell. See owner at Garvin Bros., 16U4 Farnam St., for three days only. RE-MS04 12 FOR BALK Two brick modern houses, two blocks north of Hanscom park, oa paved street, east front; rented for $t a month; easy terms. I want an offer. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Building. RE M75 $10 0" down and $10 00 per month buys a l'JOO.00 corner lot at S4th and Sprugue; no int.rMt TMenbonM lioufflaa tel. Owner. Y RE-663 14 TOWNSEND Realty Co.. Fremout. Neb., buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erty and merchandise; try us for deal. RE-M241 Nov.bx BARGAIN Modern residence. In Kountxe Place; 76 feet front, large barn; hot water heat; cement cellar, laundry; slate roof, must be sold at ince. See owner. im Wirt Bt. RE Mitt OWNERS I have 14 customers for homes of 6 to rooms; sell now while price Is right. H. H. Stringer, M Nevllla Blk. . 7661 AE-24 FOR SALE REAL ES7ATE RE 678-11. GOOD HOME CHEAP ON CALIB'ORNIA STREET. $2,700 for 3124 California St., well built ' 6-room 2-story house, all mod ern except heat, piped for fur nace, nearly new. In first-class condition throughout, corner lot; special reduction price for quick sale; place worth more money: Investigate. GEORGE A CO., 1H01 Farnam. RE-628 11 12 Per Cent InvestnVt Three 7-room houses at northeast corner 26th and Patrick Ave., renting for $63 per month. Two are new; all are strictly modern, except furnace. Lot 60x120, perma nent sidewalks. Owner wants $6,000, but might take less. First Floor N. Y.,Llfe Bldg. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M546 13 TO INVESTORS WE OFFER THIS WEEK , The biggest bargain on Farnam street. Two lots tit the northwest corner of Far nam and 8Sth street. 96 by 132 feet; south and east front, right In the center of the upper Farnam residence district. This is one of the finest locations In Omaha for a fine home or for an apartment house. Will command highest rentals In city. With the growing scarcity of desirable corners on West Farnam, this ground will soon be worth $100 tier foot. We can nf. J fer both lots this week for $4,750 cash; oniy sou per loot. HICKS, 439 Board Trade Bldg. RE 563 llx HOUSE FOR SALE Party leaving city offers elegant modern, 10-room residence near upper Farnam car line; can give quick possession. Ad dress T-33, Omaha Bee. RE 688 llx C. Q. CARLBERG, real estate and insur ance. 911 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red-747. RE-M179 Don't Read This Unless you have property to sell. We have six customers for homes at $1,500 to $4,00o; also a few who want farms. LiH your propeny witn us ror quicK sale. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 806 8. 16th Bt. RE-M607 12 FIVE brand new modem homes, with full lots, for quick sale; have your choice; first buyer gets a discount; see these be fore buying; terms if desired. H. R. Stringer, 227 Neville block.. Cor. 16th and Harney. 'Phone Doug. 7664. RE M602 16 PAY RENT AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME. We have a nice 6-room cot tage; oil finish, with bath' and toilet; house piped for gas; h.t 48x112; price reduced from $1,500 to $1,300; very small pay ment down and balance In monthly payments at 6 per x cent. Please call for further particulars. This Is a snap for someone. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor, N- Y. Life Bldg. . RE-601 13 TWO modern 8-room houses. 56 ft. front, very close to buslnesa center; bring 10 per cent net; price, $7,250. Address. Owner. . T 38. care The Bee. RE M592 14x Three Small Homes Vinton St., near 20th; 4-room cottage on paved afreet; 44ft. lot; very cheap at $LloO; easy terms. Franklin Bt.. three blocks from car; good 6-room house; city water; gas; per manent walks; barn: all In first-clasa con dition; fine home; only $1.3(0. Ames Ave. and 3XthSt.; brand new 6-room cottage; enamel bath; water: gas; large lot; fine view; nothing better for the money: easy terms: $1,350. Many more In all parts of the city at burgain prices. Ask us about rhean lots. We have them WRIGHT A LA8BCRY. 505 H. lrtih St. ; R E MS 6 1J FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices; free catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron Works. 933-35-37 N. 24lh St. Tel. Douglas- 370J. -M801 13 ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6" per foot. 25 N. 17th St. Tel. Red-614. -M802 13 CHAMPION fences best. 611 8. 16th. Itouglas-l.iW. 6-4 FLORISTS HESS SWOBODA'. 1415 Farnam. 94 L HENDERSON, 1119 Faroam. Tel. Doug. 1261. PERSONAL 8FWINO machines rented. Any make; "ho per week or $2.00 per month. Pecond ' hand machines for sale, 16.00 and up. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. DR. ROY. chiropody. Doug. 6497. IX Far. U 27 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs. Dr. King. 2IK N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. sW. U-JC'S PLEAT I NO Buttons. Ruch'lng. I LL,n I I11VJ Embroidering. Dyetnrf nnd cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO, 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Duuglns 1!W6- LAUNDRY CITY BTEAM. Tel. Doug. 264. 211 8. llth St. U wn THE SALVATION ARMY solicits casloff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need; we coll ct, repair and soil, at 111 N. llth St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U-611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton .Modlral college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by co!i.go professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U-129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. offlce 14th ani Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 13S7. U-K33 SURVEYING, BIlckensdcrfiT, 312 Bee BMg. U 633 OH A HA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Bldg. U-834 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut B rices; send for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. U-S.'G CHRI8TENSON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 16f9. U M800 octl3 W E will find good comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care tor them. Bee "Mother Lee. Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home, 403 Bancroft St. U 700 octtA MAnNETTn,r",rn"t and ath. Mme. U-M204 CCtl7 ACORN PRESS retBJ U M204 octl7 TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS: We pay highest market price charging no commission, for ail kinds of produce butter, eggs, etc.. cash or mer chandise. Write for daily quotations. We'll send pretty souvenir postnl. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U--M30. MASSAfiE Swedish movement, 410 N. DiAOOAUU 16th j,,,,,, M floor U M107 novl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 655. 1K3 Leavenworth. U M486 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at -8824 N. 2Uh St.. Omaha. Neb. U Mluo DIFFERENT from others In action and effect; Satin skin cream Is worth trying. V TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3520. U-82H PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 7:'8 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 322 HAVE Mr. Lovejoy clean and repair your sewing machine. All work warranted one year. 16i.li and Clark. Telephone Douglas 3936. U-467 14x DR8. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine - merit. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. U M9S0 031 NOTICE Max H. Carson will obtain im portant messages from Burma by writing to John N. Dryden, Kearney, Neb. U-M171 13 FOR anything in the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. U-M183 Nov3 TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month: all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 1622 Farnam St. U-369 Novi MME. NORDICA, scientific. palmlst.pttr lors 109 Bo. 17th St. 'Phone Douglas 67ii9. U-362 li . ARCHITECT O. L. Broil ne, 618 Bee Bldg. U-M246 Novo PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North 16th St. L'-M258 Jun5 Rl.PTCRE Cl'RED-No. knife, no pain, r.o detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QL'K'K CURE RUP TCRE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. , U 494 Creighton Dental college. Patients free. Free treatment at Creighton Dental col lege. U M540 Novll IF LUCKY you get your picture enlurgd to life sue in genuine crayon free In our drawing contest, every day. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m., guaranteed worth $5. Wallace , Bristol & Co., Artists, 521) N. 16th St U-M570 NovlO C. J. PALMQUIST Custom shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St., and 107 S. loth St. I' M566 Nov. 10 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omalru. 666 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weakneraes. discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Wlthnell block, 15th and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Famam, 5 and ii per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-6H7 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. . W 60S WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING loans on residence property; 5 per cent. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. W-70 LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Paxton Block. L W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. WeadTTwi Doug W-672 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business aiid'resT dence pfciperry in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. l. N. Y Life. W-73 WANTED City loans. R. c. Peters & ('a W-4174 City at farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.TnY.L. W-675 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. W 678 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In -and you will soon get it.. . 2932 GOOD horse for vacant lot or small cot tae; will . pay difference In cash; aim two buggies. South Ointiha lot and two cottages for Omaha property. Box 293 Omalia P. O. Z 526 llx TO BELL OR EXCHANGE Our stork of harness, a two-story brick store and n dwelling, located In u good r unty seat In a black prairie country; sell taethei or separate; trade for Improved tirni !n Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa or Wyoming. Ad'lresa A. Wucherpfennlg at Co.. Tus cola, 111. Z-S5f- llx CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST tF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions given. Call 113 Ho. Uth St., Opp. Boston Store. H H'ji OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON Institute, 416 N. Y. U Tel. Doug. 1664. 699 DR. BOWSER, over liOO Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6370 . MS86O MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A loan on furnltnrs. pianos, livestock r other chattels, left In jrou' , f (Undisturbed Possession), " IF YOU NEED MONEY to pay your grocer, landlord, or any othef bills which may be bothering yon. Our plan the best as we give you a writ ten copv of the contract with a GUARANTEED REBATE If paid befors the contract expires. SALARY LOANS made to people steadily employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COl (Established 1801 ) Tel. Doug. C96. U9 Hoard of Trade Bldg. v jao. 16th street. X-M6C REDUCTION V? ... . t In salary and furniture loans from until further notice. We are still oflV to honest people our special $30 losn fo. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms Jt'7-308 Paxton Block. ' Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts. - X-M243 a The Union Loan Co. 310 BED BUILDING. Make loans to suit your convenience. XM109 1 DR. PRIBBENOW 3 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; anf terms wanted. Payments suspended wheg sick or out of work. 114 Karbach Bilk $09 South 15th St. X 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels er salary; easy to get, no red tape; you gel money same day aeked (or at small oust. Open evenings till 7. X-H4J MONEY IXDANED SALARIED PhAJPLJI snd others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tol tu&a, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X aU EAGLE! LOAN OFFICE; reliable accom modating; all business -confidential. 1091 Douglas. a X 44 MONEY loaned on planes, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, a to. C. Reed, $16 A lain. X-A44 hihmiturk. live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker block. - X-4i CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans, Foley Ioan Co.. 1604 Farnam BL X (40 CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Cretin i.o.. t-saiQTi moc .. i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Ttvn U..T.U lAttne Asbtnets In nnA rin il I tlon, maae oi -wbiuui- a.uu iito tv, drawers eacn. t-an at xee Diisineas lice and get a bargain. Q 441 SODA FOUNTAIN, any else. 1813 Famam. - - V( I.V SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. J 796 HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Far nam. Q 197 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. lirutkswicic-tsaiKe-uoueiKi , ui - d. J"iu 8t. Q 79s SEND us your null orders for ' drup; fre Bht na d on $10 lots. Myers-iiii' Drug Co., Omaha. - .' Q &1 SQUARE piano for sale cheap. Call Red S851 or 2527 No. Uth St. - - Q 2:6 X MILK cows, easy terms, 13d and Center. Q M623 600 UNREDEEMED Overcoats. 418 Ne. 16th. U M6A O 24 ALMOST MOST new Stelnway upright piano for le. Address T 21, Bee office. Be y M4H M FOR SALE Automobile. Rambler . touring car, 1906 model, cape top, full equipment toou and extras. 32x4 Inch wheels; bet ter than new. Owner leaving city. Ad dress T 3, Bee. - Q-M514 FOR SALE The entire contents of the most beautiful and elaborately furnished house ever offered at private sale; every thing must be sold a. uuy price; mahog any parlor 6-plece suite. mahogany and leather library suite, bru.su bed, Uaii mat tress, library suite, leather chairs, dt esses and chiffoniers in mahogany l.oona mahogany and quarter-sawed oak in mahogany. Axmlnster rugs, dining tab lib; and chair, side board ard buffet in quarter-sawed oak, lace curtains, pic tures and draperies and china; don't miss this opportunity of getting the very finest up-to-date furnlnhlngs, ax good as new, at your own price; remomlier, this week only; old separate or lot; call at once fer choice selections. 1J31 Park Wilde Ave. Take Harney car. Q M5J2 13x FOR BALE Furniture complete for a 12 room house, in good condition. Including cooking utensils, etc. 611 North 18th St. Q-27 12x HOUSEHOLD furnitur. for sale. :23 N. 24th St. -M7Sl 12x SEVERAL carloads best winter apples. 1 cent per pound In car lots f. o. b. riroekj also fio-RHllon barrel cider. $7. C. B. Parker. IHrock. Neb. Q M559 14x STEAM-HEATED flat for rstfe. 402 N. 16lh. Q-6'6 13X WANTED Tq sell one first-class ticket to Jackson. Mich., via Chlca-go. Apply to F. R. Nihol. Millard hotel. Q-Mtill l-'x WANTED AGENTS ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted everywhere. Ladies ana gentlemen are making $26 to $5u per week selling embroidery goods direct to the la dles. Gkh sellers In cities or country. No experience or capital required. Call at offlce or write "to U. 8. Embroidery Works. 109 and lllVa So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. J M7$2 OH WANTED Salesman to Introduce and sell the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. -Large money to hustlers. Gallup Mfg. C , Room 1 Patterson Bldg., umaha. Neb. J M620 AOENT8---UulrkeBt seller on earth: WJn.n) sold; ler day; $1 pocket sample fre.-. Hersfeldt, Windsor hotel; associates wanted. J 630 llx WANTED A few first-class salesmen for new first-class proposlilkn. Ven canape of earning f-0 to $100 wVgly iferL c'all s to '" V '.. ir i u aw i r n m. O. K Ear's. Pax ton li til. - J -E40 WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND rlothes. Tel. Red 89S. N Mil 12 13 WANTED -TO BUY. SECOND-HAND furniture, stoves, carpets, : clothing and slices; pay the best prices. Tel. Dougl 3971. NW.04 Novll HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FAMILY carriage horse, 6 yrsrs old; will sell on account of party leaving city. ;15 so. I6tn. r1 Moll 1- KIGHT her.d work horses. Inquire tee barns, l'th and Nicholas Sts. P o3 14 DRESSMAKING MADAME WOODRUFF-Robee. Suite 312-14-lo-16 Neville Blk. Tel. D.mglas M12 -340 OJ2 DRESSMAKING in family or at home. Ml as Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. Phone'Hrr. ney tslt 738 PLUMBING BUY plumbing suppllrs direct. Wht.leaHI, prb-es. fcvv on every ar.lrle. Only ft rati class gools handled. Prompt attention ti every order. Send for catalogue B. je Karul, 236 Hurriauo t., Ctilcugo, III. 71 1U1 ;wi if oi- ff y