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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1906)
TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1906. r CRUX AND PRODUCE MARKET ) Wheat Opaaa Titm and AdTtncet TLrourh E;i:oo. LOCAL CASH DEMAND IS MUCH FIRMER .Export Hoslaesa Reported Very Llgfct, Taaagh Liverpool options Art Rlgber Practically So Trade la Local Cora. Mark. OMAHA. Oct. . 1M. J Wheat did well today, owning Arm and M advancing ,e. Trade la atlll very light si.d the range of price arnall. Liverimol 1 eras atronir, but aa that market yeateiday F failed to respond to American cable, thia had little effect. Caah demand locally ki better and the price a lead y. Export bual- nw waa Blow, V1; tutu cc ruber. i. unlet; October, nominal; i'Vl; January, 4a I'ad. i-:w wink i,i:v.Hti. mrkkt Hontatluna larleo of the l' Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. t. FIM'R-Hecdpla. T.9.n bhi ; export. .I17 bbl.; sOe, 860 pkg. Market dull and about steady; Mm rveaota patents, fl.l.Vrit 4"; Minnesota baker. Ho3tt; winter patent. I3.75fi4.10; lntr straight.; winter extra. f2.8Ji: winter low grsdee, $2. 7fi4f 3 El. Rye flour, firm: fair In wn. 13lfi3n: choice to fancy. t3.sT.tj4.10. Buckwheat flour, steady. ti tofi?4 spot and to arrive. f 'ORNMEAL Steady : fine, white and yel low 1 ?rv,l.a; coarse, fl.ldVI.12; kiln dried. I2.75T2M. , . RYE Firm ; No. 2 etem. 4r. c. I. I. New York. . , R ARLEY-Steadv: feeding. 41c. c 1. f. Buffalo: mnltln. 4ni 5e. e. 1. f. BiilTiln. WHEAT Receipt. 'U.ScJl bu.: eXHrt. 1R.948 bu.: aalea. l,4Vfioo bt.; future 4.n') bti. Spot market. Arm; No. 2 red, TK'.c. elevator; No. 5 red. TSc. f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern Tlliltlth SfiUc". f. O. h. aflont; No. a hard winter. 81c, f. o. b. afloat. The NEW YORK STUCKSANDBONDS ' aaaBBaaaaaam ' " ' ' Iftrkct Faili to Btipoad to Laaderahip of a Taw ctranr Ismea. ' HEAVY TONE PRLVtLt THROUGHOUT Pennsylvania la tke Only Railroad Issue that Iktni Aay Large Mobility or Activity Ron da Arc Flraa. Tha corn market waa Inactive and prlcea -,,.. market had nod hull support all were unchanged. Receipts arc moderate n(1 ln 0 a rtow outside trade and the demand fair. Weather waa good for maturing the crop and mat generally la bearish. Primary wheat receipt were 1.2O3.000 bu. and ehlpmenta 890.000 ba., against receipt laat year of 1,136,000 bu. and shipment of 6O4.O0U bu. Corn receipt were bjO.Ooj bu. and ehlpmenta 104.000 bu., against receipt laat year of 431.000 bu. and ehlpmenta of 481.0m bu. Clearance were 894.WU0 bu. of wheat. 271.000 bu. of corn and flour and wheat equal to 411,000 bu. Liverpool cloeed VuHd higher on wheat and unchanged to So higher on com. Mlnneapolla wired: "Movement of wheat In country la very light. The Minnesota crop a going to be very disappointing: in first place it waa not aa large aa estimated and r In have damaged it seriously since harvest. There will be very little If any contract." Local range ot option: Artlclee.l Open.) Hlgb. Low. Close. Yey. Deo.... May... Corn Deo.... Data May... Deo..,. May... 74 r4 fcTH 67 71 71 71 '1 7 38 an a e 31' 82 71 58 2 Omaba Cak galea. WH EAT No. t hard. car. 67Hc: 1 ear, 7o; No. t hard, 1 car, 6c; 2 ears, fcSc: 1 car, ASo. CORN No. 1. 1 ear, 40c; No. 4. 1 car, tfsjc; Mo. 1 yellow, 1 car. 4Ac. . , Omaba Caah Prteee. k WHEAT No. I hard. 6747o; No. I bard, 637c; No. 4 hard, SlVic; No. S apiing, 83'S6Hc. CORN No. a, 40c; No. S yellow, 40-8-40 V4c: No. white, 41Vic. OATS No. f mixed, SOVWISOc: No. I White, 8l431c; No. 4 white. 81-6 HC RYE No. 2, 6c; No. a. 64HC. Carlot Reeetpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata, Chicago ..... Kanaaa City Mlnneapolla Omaha Puluth St. Lou la ... ai 2K.1 667 118 47 6S is 64 loa CHICAGO ' GRAIN AND PROVISIONS reatwrea ot tho Trad I a a: an Cloalaa; , Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. . A Blight advance ln the price of wheat In Liverpool and the Im proved caah and export demand cauaed a. firm tone today In the local wheat mar. get. At the cloe wheat for December waa up Ko. Corn waa Ve higher. Oata were up a ehade and provision were hxd 12Ua to 1&917HO higher. The wheat market waa firm all day. At the opening there waa aome covering; by ahorta, who were Influenced by an ad vance In curb price at Mlnneapolla and ' by higher prlcea at Liverpool. Commission bouaea were moderate buyer. Through out the day offering came largely from bears, who Bold for short account, there . being little long wheat for aale. Report from the Pacific coast Indicated a more active demand for export and this strength ,ened the local market. Another bullish factor wag the Improved demand for caah wheal at the principal grain centers, ac companied by an advance at Kanaaa City of lo a bushel The total volume of busi ness ws not large. The market cloatd firm with prlcea at the highest point of the day. December opened H'Jc higher, at 74374.c, aold off to 74H74fio and then advanced to 74i?74To. Final quota- tionav wer a f 44.C; Clearance of wheat and . flour were equal to 418,609 buahela. The world' visible aupply, according to , Bradatreet'a, Increased 1,600.000 buahela ' Primary receipt - were l.arO.OOO buahela, compared with 1.136,000 bushel for the oorrvapondtng day laat year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1,046 car, against 1.181 cars laat week and S60 car on year ago. Trading in the corn pit was only mod erately active and price ruled steady. ' Karly In the day sentiment was Inclined to be bearish, because of the selling of the May delivery by a leading commission bouse. Local receipts -today were some what under the estimated amount and to. morrow's arrivals are placed at only 167 . car. Thl had a steadying effect on the market and the firmness of wheat was also an Influence. The market closed steady. December opened a ahade lower at 42t 42Hc sold oft to 42o and then advanced to 424o. The close waa at 4!Hc Iocnl receipts were S4S cars, with 230 cars of con- . tract grade. Oata showed considerable firmness, al though prices made only a slight advance. Notwithstanding favorable weather In the . northwest for the movement of the crop, reoelpts at Minneapolis today were only ' U cars, against 90 cars for the same day last year. This fact had considerable ff 1 feet upon the market. Pit traders and commission house were the principal buy ers, while the selling waa mostly by caah houses. December opened He lower at t4ttc, -old between S4Hft04Sc and closed at ' 14Hti'34Hc. Local receipt were ItiS care. The feature of' trading ln provision was buying of October lard and rlba by ahorta. There was also fair buying of the January products by investors. Selling was mainly by local longs. Tho market waa Arm for the greater part of the day. At the cloae January pork waa up 1Mi17Vo at US 72V 13.75. Lard waa up lOGUVrC at f8.07tf;.10. Rlba were lObrntjC higher ut I7.42H. Bat I mated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. I cars; com, 167 cars; oata, .12 cars; hog ; 2M00 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: was firm, closing partly ie nei nianer. Higher cables and the strength of north west markets contributed to the bullish feeling In connection with liberal clear ances. Bales Included: No. i red, May. i4S,c: closed at Mc; December. l'4t' KUkc: closed at Kr. CORN Receipt . 49.713 bu bu. ; sales. 24.0"O bu. spot. Spot market steady: No. 2. B4'.c. elevator, and Mc f. o. b. aflont; No. 2 yellow, 6"4r. ungraded mixed; No. 2 white. Wc. Option market wa without transactions, closine: net tin changed. jHntiary closed at 4f4c: May closed at 4fSc: December closed at BH&c. FKET-Flrm; spring bran, f3n W. October shipment; mlddllnva. f?l.!tr, October ship ment; city. f:o.5ofl 55.6". HAT Firm: shlooln. firm: good to choice. f! OtVTifl.RR. HOPB Steoilv: common to choice. 2l1f I4e; lanfi. irfl7c: Piclfle coast. lMilc. HIDKS Rteady: Oalveston. 20 to 'X lb., and California. II to 25 lbs.. 21c: Texas, dry. 24 to ) lbs.. 19c. LFATMFVR Bteadv; acid. WHfl27c. PHOVISIONR Beef, nteadv; family, 211.60 ffl?00: mesa, beef hams, f21.l"'u! 22.50; packet. fin.00ff1V6n; cltv extra India mess. aifl.0O43r16.6O. Cut meals, quiet; pick led bellies. 110 2Mi12-60; pickled shoulders nominal; pickled ham. f11WV-.fl 2.00. Ird. firm: western prime. f! 2019.30; refined, firm: continent. tf5S4: Bouth America, 1 10.25: compound. f9.r-WrT.7S. Pork, nteadv; family. tl swift no; short clear. tl6.6O4ilS.50; mess. fl8.2Mi16.75. TALLOW fiteadv. cltv (2 per pkg). 6ie: country (pkgs. freeV 6(,fiW. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3H Cr;v4c; Japan, nominal. BtlTTKR Firm: extra creamerv. 2l4r. Official prices: Creamery, common to ex tra. 1947 26c; held, seconds to- extra, 214i !6e; state dairy, common to fancy, IS iff) 25c; renovated, common to extra, 1622c: western factory, common to firsts, 16 Hi 19Hc; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 20c. CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, small fancy, ll'fcc; state, fair to good, 12412Hc; state, large fancy. 13V.c; atate, fair to good, 12 ?4 013c; atate. In terior. 104 C 11 lie. ETMT8 Easy; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white. 12a3c; stste. cnoice. ji!jhic: state, mixei fancy, zxc western first. 25c; official price, 24'825e; aecona. tZtaiv;. POULTRY I.Jve, weak: spring chicken". iz"c; rowis ana turkeys. 14c. uressen. nrm western spring chickens, ll915c; spring tur- eys, iwqwk; rowis, utpi&o, NliW YOHlv. Oct. . Stocks failed tj resHn1 10 1 ue leaoersulp of a few issuo showed strentiili t...Uy ana the co.i O.tiou 01 tne niarKt-t oecau e ktnnigic dur ing ihu Utter prt ot the day. 1 ne grounu for the neglect into wnlch tne uuii.t'i K'il wa nut civar. but tne way in which stock wa aiippued on any au Vance and Hie absence 01 large iranaac t.ons fi;rced the iinpieaslun inai the con trolling powe.a in thu markxi desired a pernio 01 speculative quirt. Traders pro fessed to !; in some ot the selling a cnaracter that intimidated them from any attempts to cnui tne inulncrence thvis signalised. 1 here wa no pressure at my time and tn movement at one or two points in the list where advance oc- to be lor sustaining export. 130.H11 curred were bcl.eved Bf. I.nnla General Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. . WHEAT Firm track. No. a red, cash. TH?77c; No. 2 hard, ztiic; uecemner, (kc; May, niriio. CORN Unchanged; track, No. 2 caah. 4(yn'4tVjc; i.ecemoer, ttic; way, 41 wc; no, 2 white. 46e4tMo. OATS Firm; track. No. i cash, 3434Ho; December, 14Hc; May, 15Hc; No. t while, 15c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, f3.l5 93.40; extra fancy and straight, 12. Si 'a 3.16; clear, iz. awx id. SEEDS-Tlmothy, ateady, t3.754.00. CORNMEAL Steady. t2.60. ' BRAN Bteady; sacked east track, ft ft lie HAT Steady; timothy, tl2.0O3'l.V00; prai rie, a.U08ru.w. IRON COTTON TIES 1. 02. BAOaiNO He. HEMP TWINE fc PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing fl6.60. Lard, steady: prime steamed ta.66. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra: ahorta, I9 60; clear rlba, 19.62 H hort clear, t9.76. Bacon, ateady: boxe! extra short, flO.25: clear libs, fiO.tTH Short clear, fl0.62H. POULTRY Steady; chicken. 10c springs, 10o: turkeys, 13c; ducks, c; geese, be. BUTTER Stronger; creamery, S3027HC dairy, 1622o. p-.d(i I9r easo aount. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 10.000 1,001 Wheat, bu. ...68.000 42.000 Com, bu ,,000 62,000 Oats, bu 4,00O . 61,000 Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. . FLOUR First patents. t4.30(ff4.30: second patents, t4.lCW 4.1b; tint clear,, scuoiiu ciesu, (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Mlnneapolla ana irucago aeuvery;. 1 ne range of prlcea. as reported by F. D. Day Co., 110-111 uoara or Trade, wast Artlcle. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Ye y. Articles. I Open. High. LW. Clone. Wheat Dec... May... July... Flax Oct.... Nov... j Dec... May... 78.! 1 12Vi 1 U 1 ltH 1 14 74 78 78H 1 13 1 12H 1 lot 1 14 T3H 77 76! 1 12 1 lz 1 10H 1 14H 73T, 77", 1 124 1 12. 1 ion 1 u Ouotatlona low: C. s. rf fc. do eoueoa . . . r. i rt flo revpo V n! 4 re.. flo cmipo r. . new , re.. flo roupo Am. Tobaoco 4s flo Ms AtrMnon ten. it ... 4o til. it Atlantic C L. 4s... Mil A Ohio 4 do B R. T. c. font ml at O. ta... dn 1st Ine flo Id Ine do Id Ine Cites. a nhlo 4S. entente a A. ! r . b. J n it. C. R. I. P. 4a. fln eol. 4 mobility. ineiv . crv w l. (. 4 peraiions in umi 1 coin. tnd. trerve, snows; Available rash bnlance, t:2,977.h; aottl coin and bullion. tlll.4-1.--'7; gold certiflcatea, f48.10a.tMi. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. MONEY On call, firm. aHitv per cent; ruling rats. 4 per rent; closing bid, H per cent: offered at 4 per cent. Time leans, easy; sixty days, 5WU per cent: ninety days. fluH ler cent; six months. 5H1i tr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-ff7 per C8TER1.INQ F.XCHANOTS Strong, with actual business in bankers' bills at t4 64Mi 4 4 for ilemand and at f4.weft4 t for slxty-dav bills; posted rates, $4.R11M 81H and f4 M4 4: commercial bills. t4 H4.'V S1LVFR Bar, 4Pic: Mexican dollars, 63c BciNDS Ooverninent, steady; railroad, Arm on bonfls today were as rci- lUMAUA LIVE STOCi MARKET Lartra lc!pU of Oatilt, Generally ltady with Prici T0.40 n.w Il0 1.400 1WI '. " ioo . l.voe .100. too . l.tno . 4.100 . T.JOO . t wo 100 . lt.600 ! 'ilioi . 1.400 10 .. l.soo too too . ,70 4.400 lt.100 too 1,100 llt4 44 13' 17 4 'tin ti 116 4"4) 102 Va J4ia t4 'rii, 0Vi 1I1H 11414 1T7 a IM , joa, ion, m 'ivi i MS 15IS 1.10H 143S 101 H 12S', "iiii n4 134 4 41 V 1 Wheat Ie.... May... Corn Oct.... leo... May... Oata Ik-c... May... July... Iaxd Ott.... Nov... Jan.... Ribs Oct.... Jan.... tSfi1 46"4 4241 844 34 13 67H a t a uo t 424 45H 42Si ,! I 34SI v 74H 42i i 74( 74, 7 79StiT 42SI 34:34:'iiV 30 84 46' 4-4 4J 34H 13 75 on I o7H! t 65 42W ia 66 t 90 f 60 a 00 a 4iV l JU 3ii35HlH 11 75 j ton ' t 674 a 10 a 55 7 13 55 8 60 f 7 a u 7 32, J r No. 1 1 Cash iuotatlons were a follows: FLOUH 6tedy; winter pntenta, tXttxr a.4tt; 'lnter siralghu, 13.103.25: spring pat eats, fa strangiits, 13.30lu'j.0; bakera, fi.stKhiw. WHEAT No. 2 vnrlng.' 71'4A; No. 2, TV fee; No. J red, rJtdiVec. , CORN No. 2. 4h40: No. 2 yellow. 46c. OATS No. i. a'c; No. 2 white, iiHt S4ic: No J white, 32,i3:'e. HYlN 2. -fj'jlc. - BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 44jrrt2c. riEKL'S No. 1 tlax. tl.taj; No. 1 north wealern. ' fl.L'S. Prlnu- timothy, f 1.00. Clover, contract grade. I13.'W. PROVISIONS Short illia, aides (loosel. f4 70i8.sw. MfMS pork, per bbl., tl4.60. Laid, xtfT 0 lb , tf.fO. HI a) 11 clear alUea (boxod). is.bO.t'H-- : Kollowlng were the receipts and alilu- inents of flour ana grain: nweipi Minneapolis Cash Cloae wheat: No. hard. 7ti'.c; No. 1 northern, 7fHo; No. northern. 73kc: No. 1. 70S'mifcc: No. durum, 2Vi; No. t durum. 59e; to arrive, W,c. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 43V,c: No. 3, 44c. Oata: No. I white. S14c; No. 8. SS VWhic. Barley, 663740. Flax. 31.114. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Oct. . Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Bradstreets how the following changes in available supplies aa compared with pre vious account: Available supply, bushels: Wheat, United State and Canada, east of Rocklea, increased 4,187,000. Afloat for and ln Eu rope, Increased 4.400.000 bu. Total sup ply. Increased 8.587.000 bu. Corn. United State and Canada, east of Rockies, increased 629,000 bu. Oata, United Statea and Canada, eaat of Rocklea, decreased 278,000 bu. The leading Increase reported thl week are 8.711.000 bu. in Manitoba; 112.000 bu. In Lincoln, Neb., and vicinity; 72,000 bu. at Omaha; 60,000 bu. at Rochester ; 61.000 bu. at Dal la and 60.000 bu. at the Mln neapolla private elevator. The leading decrease are: 318,000 bu. at the Chicago private elevator; 150.000 bu. at Nashville and 60,000 bu. at Oood rtcti. Ont.' Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu. - Corn, bu. ... iats. bu. ... I Rye. bu .... t Harley. bu. .. 23.7m ... 4.ti . . . ! ...bJ'-.UV ... ...lMj.tioO Shipment. ao.floo li.ioo Kanaaa City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 9. WHEAT De cember, 6Sc; May, 724c; cah. No. 2 hard, titj7V3; N'- 67&70c; No. 2 red. 70a71c; No. 3. 74iSic. CORN-December. S74c; May, SS',c: caah. No. t mlxd, 42c; No. white. 4i'H434c. OATS No. 2 white. 33Vw4c; No. i mixed. smi3:c. HAY Steady; choice timothv. f 11. 750 12.00; choice prairie. I9.009.50. It YE Steady. 67Oc. KOUH Higher: extraa, 1 21 Ho; - firsts, cs Included, 204r; second. 194o. BUTTER Creamery, It; pack'ng. lie. J Receipt. Shipments. I Wheat, bu "9.000 174. 00 Corn, bu 20,000 14,000 1 Oat, bu S.000 10,000 ! Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. , Oct.. 9. BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery, cittclal prhe 2BHo; ttreet price. 17c; extra nenrby prints, 29c. KOO8 Firm, goini demand: nearby fresh and western fresh, 25c. at murk. CHEESE Firm demand; New York full cream, fancy. i;o4'oijc: ew York run New tork full tiled. I'he railroad list was conspicuously neg lected and Pennsylvania wa the emy lock of flmt rate Importance to show ny Urge activity or mobility. 1'heiv were sou e large buvlng o stock accompanied by rumor of an Inten- lon to raise the diviucna rate in 1 per cent at the next div.dend perioa. There was a rise of a point also in the ubSidiary Chesapeake a Ohio, but when b'Canie known that the direciora wno were expected to act on an Increased divl- end touuy had failed to ecure a quorum. he inoveinent ran out. A rumored dlvl- end Increase stimulated Amalgamatexl opper also In the early dealings. To moderate strength In Union I'acinc waa ue to the expectations of the early pun- Icatlon of the annual rfport In pamplilet form, which la expected to contain much o commend the atock to buyer, but 11 was announced that several WePKS WOUIO probably Intervene before the nport would go to stockholders. Oeneral Electric adr vanced on rumnri 01 un intennea iwa Issue with valuable aubacrlptlbn prlvl legea. It carried with it other atocks of companies in the same line of Industry, notably Weatinghouse Electric.' American Locomotive and Aius-unaitner. Ameri can Smelting also extendea us receiu large advance. Money In the local market conunuea to work easier and there wa a disposition to shade the per cent rate on time loans for the first time In .many week. Foreign markets had more Influence on money consideration than the domestic situation. There was some slight relax ation in tho London money market. The conviction la grneral that the Imperial Bank of Germany will raise its otscouni rate tomorrow. The foreign exchange market here was very strong snd rose st one time over a half cent pound ster ling. The heavy tone of the later msr ket persisted to the closing, except in Pennsylvania. Bonds were nrm. Total aies par f3,3rt2.(KH). United Statea bonds were un changed on call. The followins waa tne range 01 prices un the New York Stock exchange: ' . Balsa, min. ijow. Adaraa Eipreas Amalgamated loppor .... American C. A P Am. C. A F. pfd American Cbttnn Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Amarlran Kxpreea American H. L. pit... American Ire, aaru Titles. Am. Unwed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotlv 14.400 T74 7414 Am. Locomotive pfd Am. B. A R Am. a. A R. pfd Am. Buxar Raflnlnf Am. Tobacco pfd clfo... Anaconda Mining Co.... Atrhtaoa Atchison pfd Atlantic Coaat Lias Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Traaalt Canadian Pacific central of New Jersey. Cheaapaak A Ohio Chlcaao Oroat Western. . f'htcaiA AV N. W Chlcaao. at. A 8U P 4.700 174S4 174 f'hloaio T. A T.r. Chlcaio T. T. pfd C, C, O. A St. L Colorado P. A 1 Colorado A Bo Colorado A Bo. 1st pfd. Colorado A 80. Id pfd... Consolidated Oaa Cora Products , Cora Products pfd naiawar ac Huaaon.... Delasrars, L. A W Danrer A R. O D. A R. O. pfd Plrtlllers Securities .... Krl En let pfd EH id pfd lianaral Klectrlo Hocking Valley, offered. Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 80 at. O. Bo. pfd Loulseills A Naah Mexican Central Mlnneapolla A St. L :. M , Bt. P. 8. 8. M M . Bt. P. 4k 8. 8. M. pfd. Mlaaourt Pecllo M., K. A T M . K. A T. Dti National Lead N. R. R. ot M. pfd N. T. Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall ., Penueylvanla , People's Oaa .. p.. c, c. a at. l Pressed Bteel Car , Pressed, t C. pfd Pullman Palace Car.... Reading Heading let pfd Reading Id pld Republic Blevl Republic Bteel pfd.... Rock laland Co Hock laland Co. pfd.. Bt. L. A 8. P. id pfd Bt. Lou I, 8. W Bt. L 8. W. pfd Bo. Pad Be 14 100 H Bo. Pariac pfd So. Hallway Bo. Railway pfd Tsfineaaes C at I Texaa A Paclne T.. Bt. L. A W T . 81. L. A W. pfd tnlon Paclllo Vnlon PaelAe pfd U. 8. Expreaa V. 8. Realty I'. 8. Rubber t;. a. Rubber pfd 11. 8. Bteel ti. 8 Bteel pfd Va.-4'arolina tuemtcl Va. -Carolina Cham. pfd. Wabaah Wabaah pfd MuO 44 Wella-Farso Expreee Weatinghouse Kleclria 000 Weetern L'nloa gim t Wheeling L. E 700 Wlbconein Central 7110 Wle. Central pld Hi Northern Puclflu 8. luO Central Leather ioo Central Leather pfd xoo Bloea-shifneld Bteel Oreat Northern p'd 3,700 Interhorough Metropolitan.. 4lN Int. Mctropolltaa pfd too ...1" J.pan 4e id eerie.. H ...ien da 4e rtfa " ...KHi do ' ctfa ...IMH do M series ...I- Via. r a 4 ...1, -Mee Central 4... ...U'P4 dn 1st Inr ...11 "4 Minn. A Bt. L 4s ... Tf M K A T. 4s... ...111H dno Se ...Itl-O K. R. R. of M. . 4s. f ... H N. T. C. . 'aa 't N. 1 r t lW't ...lei'tNo Parllc ts 10.14 ... do 3a Tt.1t, ... SJ4 'ft. A W. e. 4a fS .. .111-410. a. L efdg. 4s..... M ... It Penn. erne. IV lnt ... ttiReadlnt en. 4e. 00 ... 0'.'Rt. L. A 1 M. e. 5s..11tt 14i at. U A B T. fft. 4a. v. HOfiS SHOW CONSIDERABLE WEAKNESS Literal Reeelpls of Haeep and Lasnba, knt Set o ltrsjo as ll Week Prlees Continue snowing Utile Change. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. . ! Receipts were; i OOlclal Monday , Official TueMriay I Sl'4 f4 Cattle. Hogs. Sneeti. William Markej-.-. D. T teer. ... 9ot 3 25 13 cow 930 fan Mrs Anna 8. Cooper 8 D. 44 steers... 11M 8 s5 llnrrl hnilln 8. D. 47 steer. ...1 4 45 1 steers.. ..1161 f It It. Dee 4olo. 59 cows.:... jsM 3011 29 cows H78 ? HOll." Hogs sold anywhere from stemlv lo 6c lower tlila morning, according to the kind of bogs and the war they struck tli-; buyer. It wa the evident intention T buyers to bear the market a mm h a 5c. but recelpta were smell and II w haul work te get price down. The trade ws not verv active, but the hog kept ellltm and the bulk changed hands In tlr season. A noted yeatt-rday the hog aro elllii at a much lower range than ws the care a week or ten daya ago. Thla due to the fact that light bog are not command ing as much premium over h-avlem as tin y were. Representative sale: 9Ue- roetr !afv: sctttig 2.191 t.tnw 2S.116 4.ii L. 4a. Colorado Mid. 4a. Colo. AV 80. 4s... Cuba it T. A R. O. 04 St. L. 9 hilr4 A. 0S 1 Bo. PacIRe 4a ... tt I do let 4s ctfa.. KltH Bo. Railway (s. . . 74V4 Teiaa A P. la... 75s, ST.. Bt. LAW, M il'nlon Pscinc 4s. 1tHlt' 8 Bteel td as KW Wabaah la Planners' Bsc. Is.... r, in deb. g Erie p. I. 4e ion IWeeter Md. 4s. , do sen. 4s W. , L. B. 4s . Hocktnf Val. 44a....in7vt Wis. Central 4a.. U N anl. 4s 1I"H Japs 4s rtr.... Japsn 4s tTV Offered. Tt . M4, . MVS . ft .lti4 .11 . M4 .10 . HH .114 . . Il . StH . 7 . Si " Raits Stock and Bonds. BOSTON. Oct. 10 Call loans, 54CH pet cent; time loans. f1iK4 per cent. Official nuotationa on stocka nnd bond were Atrhlon adj. 4e t Amalgamated do 4s lOlujAtlantlc Mei. central 4s. 7t4lfilnKhani Two days this week... .13971 60,114 Same days laat week. .. .14.811 6 .!.,. i Sam two Weeae ago 14.147 8. 1'6 5.1, t. Hume three week ago...ll.U2 8. Til 2d. 79. 8ame four weeks ao... .13.704 9.762 a7,l6 . Same days last year 10,752 .o76 24,74 I in louowiiig tame sliow.-t tho receipts of rattle, nog and sheep at South oniana ior the year to date, compared with last year I1SSJ. Catt: 770.144 742.277 Hog 2.09.619 1.M2.771 Sheep I,6g,ii9 l.i.W.192 CATTLE QUOfAilUNo. pood t rholce corn-led steers.. Fair to good corn-fed steers Common to fair oorn-fed steers ood to choice range sierra Fair to good range steer Common to fair range steer... Good arrass mm ..a 1, I f n ra Fair lo arxvt eoava anrf belfara.. 1.4Utl3.00 f.'ommon to fair cows and heifers.. 1.6o2.4j good to choice tocker and fdrs.. J.txU4-6v Fair to good atockers and feeder.. 8.2vu4JO Common to fair Blocker J.75U3 20 Bull, tag, etc l.7f.a.f Veal calves 4XbA lbs following table shoe. the wveiage price of hoga at South Omaha for the laat aeveral days, with romp n sons: Nt- 1 11 tt .... H::::: ti I w l ! u IT 4.1 ,' ..140 ..) ..141 ..1U Atrhlenn flo efd nofltnn A Albany eRoeton A Main. Boston Kleeated .. rttrhburg pffl Mexican Central .. N. T.. N H A H epere Marqiiett .. t'nlon Paclfl" Am. Ante. CTtem. pfd ttS .Oaeeols Amir. Pneu. Tabs.. . .11. 'Parrot Amer. Busar 1344!Qofny cel. V Hecla.. tntennlal Franklin nranhy fat Rnrale .... Mas. Mining .. lit, s 1S34;Mnhawk la .Mont. C. A C. 174 ,ld Dominion too to 'io "ioi 'iioi lt.100 to 200 6.400 'i.'ioo 4.00U , zoo 8.400 KO lot ', "moo 30 . l.too 100 too 1.700 .. 1,500 MO .. It. 100 tr .. 1.400 4H0 lH .. " ioo IK ..110.700 'o :: lin .. too .. too .. 14.104 M14 HVs 4048. M 1M Va tiiii iii, '70a 44 17 ' 10 144 iitii 17 12 M M 1114 M M 40 ' 64 13t toy, . . . tzt 42H T0" 474 T7H 7014 140 iii" 17 124 4a 1 MM MS 40t4 HS 1474k 147 ti - 11 7SVt 34 tH 44 11 10 iW 140 4DV, H ;' 47 HJ', t jj" l. ttu !. M't WW 71 7BT. 41 4 lt 4 M' 'tzi, 17 141', t.k tt tto Ul i.000 to 14,400 400 mo 100 1.700 UO "ioe 400 ) 11,400 too 1.100 1,01X1 lO.tflO 7. WO 100 M'a ttl 49 24 4' N Ue 47 llk 2 DO 1 110 4' 104 41 100 IiiW )8 K 2 4 4 i '4 44 tt "ja 47 147 ! Ml . 110 44 107 4i lot 14 44 I6 . 4 14 17 47 J 34 111 74 134 St 4 74 Total aalea for the day. T74 000 ehare. 117 S4 27 17 314 J7 101 U) 14 K 1U 11S 46 10t 4 14 845 it 0i 14 te 14 Itl 140 114 134 tt 141 101 101 12t to 71 m t 41 11 107 171 It M 1 so 44 H isk 70 tts 4i0 42 t 70 TT 10 141 110 174 w 4 44 0 40 147 1 T 141 144 t 14 71 7t it 140 4 4 0 1 17 141 i a 44 ' H4 142 U tl 44 14 47 4t 41 4 114 14 14 14 17 4 17 03 190 74 40 110 44 107 4l 104 x 45 90 144 do pfd 114 Amer. T. A T 1st " Amer. Woolen m flo pfd lot 'Dominion I. A 8... n Edison Elee. Ilia tu Maaa. Rleetrle IN do pfd 44 Maao Oas 41 t nlted FYult ltrf Vnlted Shoe Mach.... 7 flo pfd 17. 8. Btsel do prd Adeentur Alloues Hid. -Asked.. rhannon Tamarack .... Trinity wolverine ... Vnlted Copper . t . B. Mining... r. a. on I tab iVIctorla North Putle .... Kntts Coalition . 1 'Nevada . 4N'ral. A Artiosa. .107!Teenmah , 7IArlaona Com ... . tl Greene Con .... llf4 ... 1 ... 14 ...t4" ... 24 ... 2 ... 14 ... tl ... t ... 17 ... 4 ... 1 ... M ... 24 ...104 ...104 ...lot ... 10 ...1S1 ... 4T ... 41 ... I" ... 48 ... 7 ...tii ... 41 ... tt ...117 ... It ... 40 ... : Inc. 27.8R7 lali'71 .ea.754J41.25 ,. B.2W6.7J .. 4.3ta u ,. 4 era 0 00. ,. 4.U04 M .. a 60114 04 Oat. j Ifuf. ;iM.ll.l02. 11901. ,1X0. Boston tmpper Market. Closing Quotations on floaton coooer mar ket, reported by Logan & Bryan, 2 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adeentur Alloues Atlsntlc blngham , Ble.'k Mountain ... Potto Consolidated Butt Coalition Calumet A Calumet A Hecla. ...4.14 totennlal Copper Rang Dally Weat Eaat Butt franklin Green Copper Oranby Helvetia lele Royal Maeearhusetts L. 8. A Ptttsbarg.. 7 Mlrhlcan IT 41 Mohawk 4 17 Nevada Ceeeolloeted.. n Sept. 29.. Sept. ft).. Oct. 1... oct. a... Oct. a..., Oct. 4... Oct. 6... Oct. ... Oct. 7... Oct. a... Oct. t... f lt t 65! 6 121 7 311 f 131 f 69 I 711 7 Mi t 69 1 18 i 10 f 0 6 04V 6 03! f n a 21 26 ii 6 3 6 29 aow 1 t 061 t oC 10 4"l T W S 4i " 4 30 I I S 64 6 191 7 88 34 15 08 1 1 os! 1 1 1 7 11 6 U I 03 I (tl 7 3D S 10 I 73; 6 6l 7 6 69' 6 111 6 74 7 311 6 i8 t 20 f 761 6 67 Ml 6 16 S 09j 5 56 7 i 6 11 Ae. .-2t .ISO ..111 .74 ..tit ..240 .119 .104 . 0 1 tot .171 . HI SHEEP 9k Pr. No. Ae Bh a iii n t ii Mil 44 fee 40 IIS 4 . 14 lie IS) 4 T a.' "4 40 11 4 M 44 127 ... ... Ill 74 2t ... 10 t It 41 11 ... 40 4 14 l S' 40 ... 4 17 74 Stl SO 120 4 17 S fat 40 ... 4 !7 74 141 . . . ... I ti tl ft ISO 40 4 te 40 137 140 4 4 41 Ill ... 4 to l'f I 4 ... 4 te 74 S 14 I tn 47 Its Soo 140 te Pr. 4 1" 4 t t II 4 tl 4 4 tt 4 17 4 W 4 ! 4 40 4 I t ! 4 t, 4 17 17 41 4 40 OA II A 1 Mill KMI.E ettltKF.T. Condition of Trade ana Oaetlntlaa on Staple and Inset Trodnre. EC.OS -rer d8 . i:c. LIVK I itt- H.'ttv 6tc; tin kt vs. py; tlnck t . .eke n-. i-. Itl TTER- I'm -king sleek. IV; choice t jfsiicy Umii. atiAtt;, ciesi'ei. v-lc IIAY-I ;i.. yunud b) Onmlia I com pany; I l.oic- t.plac.l. lJe.i; nieJi(itn. " Wj coarse, Ikwul 6 Rye stian, 60 5I ISA I1KAN-I er Ion, 115 '. VKfJETAItLF" stii:t roT.Tti :s-rr ii'.. f 1 O.uA I t'C.o- i itiu.e llunn, 11 . It'S . 403tH-. TLRNIIS. HEKT9 ANI CA RKO'I S-l'ef 1 bu.. 7i'.c. , l.l'Al' LETTUCE He thou. I'er I heeds. .41', CKI KR V-Tcr d 1 . ?;S4tV. CUCL'MREfiS- lloini; Kl'uWti. Ier Mi-. ONI(N8-lIomi' aronn. t-rx- p r Int.; leh, II. 10 r r criite. N A V It e.Al l""er ton.. II ?3: No. - tl 1.1 MA MKANH-T'i V.. fcV;C. O KEEN rtSPPEP.S-Per market basnet. 3.-.C. PAR3I.RY Kullinttsp, per 1 . Lurches. ?0c. CAHBAQK-Home trrown. per -t ft tlog dc , S).nn- .lb. Sunday. RANOB OF PTtlCES. Cattle. Hog. Omaha flft20 t6i6'r.4" ChlcaRO l.(f45l.26 6.7ifl.75 Kansas City 1.75$4.M 60U.f6 St. Ixiul tOtarY6.6d 6.0t6.iio Sioux aty 12Mj4.:o S-l-L.TO The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hoga.8hp.Hrs. C, M. A Bt. P 3 2 Missouri Pacific 4 3 Union Paclne 88 10 C. A. N. W. (east!.... 2 .1 C. At N. W. (wistl....lll 16 C. St. P.. M. A O.... 8 7 C, B. A Q. (east).... 8 8 C, H. A Q. (west). ...170 15 C, R. I. A P. (east).. 2 .1 C. R. I. A P. (west).. 2 t Illinois Central f Chi. Great Western .. S 3 49 L-6 pfd 14 North Butt t -Old Domini Oaeeola 11 Pnau. Barrio Pnett. Bereloe, Qulner Zt Shannon 11 Tamarack II Trinity It t-alted Prull 24 t nlted Btatea, eon 14 . t nlted States, pfd. 14 Vteb Consolidated. s 't'tah Copeer 11 Victoria Winona 87 Wslrerln ....111 ... 40 ...12 . 13 . fo .104 . 14 .110. . II .10T . 41 . 45 . 41 . 14 . 7 . II .111 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Oct. 9. Money waa ln quiet demand ln the market today and supplies were plentiful. Discounts were dull and somewhat nervous.. Trading on the Stock exchange waa dull.' but moderate Invest ment hardened consols. Otherwise tha business transacted was Insignificant, being confined to arranging the settlement. Rus sians further hardened. American opened irregular and' inactive. Prlcea moved around parity during the forenoon with steadiness ln. a few Instances. The market waa active lo the afternoon on and Canadian Pacific receiving good at New York advice. United BtAtes Steel tentlon. 16 Was the Total receipt ....397. 76 79 The disposition of the day' receipt follow, each buyer purchasing number of need Indicated : Cattle. Hogs Sheen. Omaha Packing Co... Swift anl Company.. Cudahy Packltg Co.... Armour A Co . Armour A Co., f'm Den Vanaant A Co Carey A Benton lobman A Co McCrearv A Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Hamilton A Rothschild L. F. Hubs Wolf J. H. Bulla Mike Haggerty J. B. Root A Co g. g, ,,, T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros. V. A. Brltton Ijehmar Brpa.i .14.. Wtaaath Other buyer 609 9h'2 .1.807 . 960 . 87 . 107 . 214 .. 281 . 133 . 224 . 246 . 107 . 312 . 2X9 168 .... 100 .... 6 .... 132 :::: .... 86 .... a 4M 1.161 1.501 1.437 Sod 975 1.7K3 1.188 ..1. -Hecelpts of sheep this morning were quite liberal, although smaller than a week ago by about torty cars. The re ceipts to date, aa will be noted from the table, ahnw a considerable falling oft 1 compared with the corresponding two day.i of laat week. At the time of closing yesterday re port the market looked rather aid and a reporta troni other aelling points wero not at all reassuring, prospects .enied to be verv good for tha inarkol at thia point rloslnaT lower. It did not turn out that way. While the trade waa at no time very active, buyere kept taking the of fering and at the clue there very little left, ln fact the barn was prac tically cleared, barring only a tw odiia and ends. While om sale looked a lilt it lower the general market was about steady, there being not enough change in any direction to quote. Thla morning tho market opened In about the same condition a yesterday. Tho bulk of the receipt consisted of feed ers and as there wa consineraoie iouimob around to he none as well as a good desl of aorting the trade opened out a llltl alow, still prieoa renmineu in in " same notches as yesterday, with desirable kinds of both 8lieeu anu lamna in bi demand. It would be hard work to imagine a more satisfactory shoep anu iamo niHrnet than ha exlstod at thia point right through the range season up to date. Al though receipts at times have necn exces sive, they have not at any tinio ex ceeded the demand, so that the market has betm In a good, healthy condition every day. uuntationa on killers: . Good to choice lambs, f4.7bfJ7.0o; fair to good lambs, fM fti.75; good to choice yearling to.5tiV5.i5; air to gooo yearlings, au.wiu.ou, iu choice wethera, f5.0uu6.1(i; good to choice ewea. ft. 50414. 76. Uuolatluna on feeders: Lambs. Vi.J'V t.50; yearling, 40; wether, t-4 "3f 5.00; ewca, f3.404i4.50; breeding ewe, 14.. J 1)5. . Representative aaies: No. Av. Sa8 Wyoming lamb feedera 64 603 Wyoming ewe feeders 2 17 Wyoming ewe reeacrs " 446 Utah ewe 106 561 Wyoming ewe feeders W 218 Wyoming ewe feeders 85 37 Wyoming ewe feeders 9v 94 Wyoming ewe reeaers J 199 Wyoming ewes 106 115 Utah ewes 1" 2MI Wyoming lamb cull feedera. 49 411 Wyoming lamb 619 Wyoming lamb feeder f6 Utah lamb feeders 6SS Wyoming ewe feeders G64 Wyoming lamb feeders .a.... 1.7 Wyoming lamo leeaers 734 L tali iambs 238 Wyoming lambs KS5 Wyoming laml) feeders ,. 1048 Wyoming lamb feeders 340 Wyoming lamb feeders VB) Wyoming lamb feedera 134 Wyoming ewe feeders 1Z v yoming ewe teeuers 211 Wyoming ewes am Wyoming ewe feeder 264 Idaho lambs 119 133 19,571 Bank of Germany aaesaent. BERLIN, Oct f. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows tho following changes: Cash In hand, increased 840,000 marks; treasury notes, decreased hi.. 000 marks: other securities, decressed au, 760.0UO marks; note la circulation, decreased a4,14O,0O0 marks. Bank Clearinga. OMAHA, Oct. 9 Bank clearings for to day were 31.915,673.69 and for the corre sponding dale last year tl.352,634.60. Wool Market. BO8TON. Oct. 9. WOOL The market holda ateady. This Is partly a result of the strength of the raw materlale markets throughout the world. Pulled wool are comparatively quiet. A few small lota of good and supers have been sold at 620t4c and white K a at 64U6uc. Both merino and crossbred Australian wool are In continued demand. The terltonea, three-eighths and halfblood are In steady call. Leading quo tations follow: Miaaourl. three-eighths blood 334i35c; combing quarter blood, 3j84c. Texaa (scoured basis), fine twelve months', 72rn73c; tine six to eight months', C&ese: flne fall, clean, 68jfiOc. California (sooured basis), northern, choice. WijWc; northern, good, $tt70c; middle counties, 66tic; fall free. 66io67c. Oregon (scoured basis), east ern No. 1 staple, 72g74c; e4utern No. 1 clothing, 7tjc; valley No. 1, 61472c. Ter Itcry, staple tscoured baata). fine, 73iiSf7tc; fine medium, 6847bc; medium, 66gftif.c. Ter ritory, ordinary (scoured baM), fine, 7la 7?c: fine medium, 672169c. Colorado and New Mexico, spring (ncoured), X, 6)'i87u(:; No. 1. M1iHc. Pulled wools (scoured hauls). extra. 714) 74c; fln X. 6ix9c; A supers. 6043 B4c; tl suiters, bmitioc. , ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8. WOOL-Steady; me dium grade, combing and clothing, ?3it 274c; light fine, lKfoSlc; heavy fine, 14917c; tub washed. X!3sc. London Closing atocks. LONDON. Oct. 10.-Cloalng ouot.tion. . Metal Market. NKW TORK. Oct. 9 METALS Th -4 London tin market waa 5a lower at AUieS 15s for spot tin and unchanged at sUM 10a for futures. Locally tin was steady, with Quotations ranging from 142 60 to 842. 00. Copper was higher again ln London, with apot closing at it 15a and futurea at !i pie. Locally the market was very sunns with lake quoted at f.1.0ii 00; electro lytic and casting at tJU.O0i&':l.0O. Lead was unchanged locally and at 'aMI (-.. t ., ,1 n Sn.ll.1 waa hl.h.. at c-n VI ! Tn .1 In l,nlnn licallv Ihll mirkat avua JPidiill at ft.15h!0i The English Iron mar M ket was higher, with Standard foundiy 214 ' quoted at bos oil ana Cleveland warranta t ooa i. icajo tiic-ie au no cninii No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at t.1 ( 4(22.00; No. 2 foundry northern at r-t604i 22.00; No. 1 foundry southern at til.Olrft L'l bo; no. z tounary souinern at tJO.a 21.00. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9. M ETALH Lead, lower at oi; spelter, nominal at 84. lev 17i lut 75 132 44 76 the Stock exchange were Conaola. mlnay S4 M., g. 4V T do account ...... M t-ll N. Y. Central.: Anaconda 14 Norfolk 4t W . AUhlion 104 do pfd do pfd let Ontario A W: oainjiiurat ax ,,niw loaaj renaiilvanla ... y.M.l'-l : creams, choice, llc: e.aj.waj creams, fair to good. Ill, 13c. Mllvrnokee 4; rain Uarkel On the Produce exchange today the but-I MILWAUKEE.Oct. 9. WHKAT Sleeuiy; lOfiaoc; ue- , ter market d.Unee. l.H'' was I case-S inciuueu, iwiw, flrsta. il4o; extraa. 26c. I1- flrmi trvanirle. 19ljJ6c; ! No. 1 northern. 7iie; Kligs, steady; at mark, , ccmher, 74c asked. No. flrsta. He; prime Chetae, firm; UA No. 3 ye. no grutltf. ' I'eorln tarkrl. PFOR1A. Oct. 9 CORN Firm; low Hnd HO. X 464c; Ne 4. 44 a; 'OATS-Steady ; No. white, 34c; No. a wiilio SSV; No. 4 whit. 32tj3:sc. H V K Unchanged ; No. 2. hooc. VHlSKY-n the basis of fl.29. Liverpool lirn Harkr4. , I.IVFRPOOa Oct.: f.-kWHEAT-Spot, tlrin; No- 2 red western winter, fie; futures, Sie.idy: !'' her. r 4Ad, 51ari-h. 6s 'I COltN 4y44 Auieflcuu luixel, 4 ; ample. 444nc 39 De- RYU Firm: No. 1, eiiiGtVje. .... ,-V .3-1 . V- o .- riAlkL.r. i rum, au. , wi j54c. CORN Stead : No. 3 caah, cember, l&t'tii'Jie. . Dnlnik Grain Market. PlIA'TH. Minn.. Oct. 9,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, on track. T7c. to arrive; No. 1 northern, 7ic: No. 2 northern, 74Sc; (Jcto. o-.T. 75Hc; December 74Bc; May, 7fSc OATS To arrive. &.f37c. Canadlaa Paclllo Chi a. A Ohio.. Chicago Ot w ('.. M. A 81. P DeHeera D A R. O do pfd Erie , do lat pfd... do Id pld... Illlnoii Central Lnulaellle Na liw Hand Mine eo needing eisuutheru Railway ...141 do pfd ... 14 Souther Par 1 4c ... 44 t'nlon Pacific ... ... a do pfd ... 41 f. . gu. ... eu do pfd ... 72W Wabaah ...171', do pfd 112 tlMnt.k Am 8ILV ER Bar. quiet. Slvd per ounce MONEY 24 per cent. The rate of iiiscum In the open market for ahort bill is 4,4t, per cent; for three per cent. ... 14 ...144 ...100 ... 4 ... It ... 71 ... 4 ... 7t ... 17 ...101 ... . ...ltJ ... 7 ... 40 .-.111 ... ll 4 t months' bills Ken )rk Mlnlnir lneke NEW YORK. Oct, I0.-Oosing quotations on mining stocaa were Toledo Peed ularket. TOLEImD, O.. Ot. a. SEED Cah clover. tllT'A: October. f47S, lxcem ; 4t. Timothy, tl Alsike, :---'u. Adam tea j Alice 1.... Breec Brunewtrk too .... CoeasnM'k Tuusel .. cen. Cel. A V.... Ham 81IW Iron Silver Leadiili Cob J .444 . M .400 . I Little Chief ... Ontari Ophlr I Potoel ifarag Bleers. Neeevda iBtaadard Kasali Hopes .. ... I ...too ... II ...J14 ... tt ...13 ... Treasury Statenaoat. WA8HINCTTON, Oct. 9 Today's state mint ol the treasury balance In the gen. luui. vxviuelve of tbe l50,O90,uuo gold Cotton Market NEW YORK, Oct. f.-COTTON-Spot c Iosco quiet; a point aovance; mitlitling upiana. lu.noc; miauung guir, ti.ioc; aale none. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9 -COTTON Steady; mltlJiiiig. ioc; saie. g Dales; receipts, none: shipments, 19 bates: stock. 10.181 bales. NEW ORJ.EANS. Oct. a-COTTON-Spot closed steady; sales. 10.800 bales; low or dinary,' T 6-lSc, nominal; ordinary, 7 13-16c, nominal; good ordinary, VSc; low middling, 9 6-hsc; middling. 9 6.16c: good middling, 10 15-16c; middling fslr. 11 6-lf. nominal; fair. 11 15-16.-; receipt. 9.607 bales; stock, 94.112 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. f-CCTTON-Spot. quiet: prices. 4 points lower; American middling fair. 6.67d; good middling. t.34d: middling, 4T-M; low middling. I.kd; g k1 ordinary, f.6id: ordinary, 6 lid; aalea, 6.0uO bales, of whlrh Sou baiea were for speculae tion and export and Included 6.1' bait of American; receipt! IS OX) bales. Including 14.4U) bales or Americana. Total 7.690 4.907 24.004 CATTLE Receipts"" this morning were quit liberal, but still somewhat smaller than week ago. The receipt for the two week ahow a falling off or aim.iat B.otni head aa compared with the two days of last week. The smaller receipts nave put the market Into a good strong position. Beef steers this morning opened a Utile slow, as buyers were Inclined to wait for late trains before taking bold vory freely. Still the market was lust about svrarty and by midday pretty much everything In eight that was at all desirable was dis posed of. The market for the Iwo day' this week has been tn very good conn' tton considering the fact that there hAit been an easier tendency at other sellintf points. Buyers had an Idea that they could gut their cow stuff a little lower this morning and first bids were made In accordance with that belief. A little later aa it be. came apparent that the demand waa goal the trade became fully ateady on all de airable kinds at least. There were quite a good many stocker and feeders carried over tn the hands of speculators yesterday and most regular buyers stsrted out this morning bidding easier prices, as wa ine caae, However, with some other kinds of cattle it did not seem an eaay matter to get prices down and desirable feeders so I In practically the same notches as yesterday. Common and undeslrsble kinds were slow and rather hard to move, but that la the case almost every day. Representative sales: BEEF STESRS. 184 Wyoming ewes 120 Wyoming ewe 139 Wyoming wether feeders.... 167 Wyoming Wether feeder.... 2f.f Wyoming wether feeders.... 860 Wyoming lamb feeders....... 419 Wyoming lamb feeders 549 Idaho lamb feeders.... 155 Idaho lambs 146 Idaho lambs 937 Wyoming lamb feeders 275 Wyoming wether feeders .... 279 Wyoming yearling 913 Wyoming lamb feeders 233 Wyoming yearling feeders... 748 Wyoming ewes, feeder 272 Wyoming ewes 240 native ewea 810 Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 1047 Wyoming lamba. feeders.... 383 Montana lambs, feeder 469 Montana lambs, feeders 421 Montsna lamba, feedera 457 Wyoming lamba 68 69 tu 91 62 ,61 oj 66 44 69 60 61) 99 94 101 91 MS 106 108 108 106 102 63 63 69 66 66 67 111 86 i 84 95 108 101) 49 til 61 62 CO 71 Pr. 4 00 4 In 6 25 4 26 4 i6 4 25 4 4 bt 4 60 4 60 6 25 o. f 16 6 15 4 15 6 25 25 6 65 6 75 5 25 6 0t 6 00 t 06 4 30 4 46 4 60 4 43 4 65 4 60 4 6) 4 80 4 86 4 86 a 10 10 20 f 65 a 65 a 00 4 85 I SO 6 25 5 26 4 30 4 65 4 06 a 40 30 a to to 40 6 60 EO( I'l , NT- per b et POTATOES Per Int.,-"erttrc. THOIMCAL FHi:iTS. ORANiiRS-ValitKuia. accor.llng to alio. 14 il.'.i (. : LF.MnVS-t.l-onle'e r' f"ev t"' 1 el, JT : Vtf .lie. t,r.tiifP: :1'0 ? a tvNfl 9.V0: other brmuls $1 '. BANANAS.-- t er 1 i; i-nued bunch. fl.T.ifi'-' ?il Jltmbo. f".jtri;V,(U. DATES Per lb., iu:e. , FRUITS. PEACHES Colorado, . NOr'uM.!"; Unll- fornla Etnlwaya. per hor. PI .t'Mrv 1 .leaoc It. ili,.c 1 1 u" ft 10 PE.Rfl-D, Anno, per box. fS.ot); K.lfcr f1."f:: IV APPLES lien Davis, p-r bio.. :.("'; ion atlian. :til; Crime' Golden. S;.7Y OR API'.S-'l.'in itii.. vk- -'' 'i1' 17c: Tokay, pel crute. tl ": New York Con cords, per !askct. iV. CRANPEhi i) Per bbl . I-136.V CUT MEAT PRICES. No. 1 rlb.. lie: No, I ribs, 8e! No. I rib. 6H": No. 1 loins. 16c r No. 2 loins. 13c; No. 3 loin. Ric: No. 1 chucks, T.c; No. 1 checks, 4c; No. 3 chuck, 3c No. 1 rounds 8c; Nc 2 rounds. 7c; No. 3 rounds, c; No I plate, to; No. 2 plate. tv: No. S plate, 20. MISt'Ki.LANLOl S. SUUAli Urbiiuialcd cane, in sacks. 35.41; airanuiaied im el, in aucKs. lo.Jl. CHuKili--bUiiw, n, luc; WIcon:n brua, no; 4 i.xcons.ii iiinbui'ger, Uci twins, 14'tc; young AiuerlcMiis, 15c. COFFliSi Kousted, No. -Ho, JeVo per lb: No. M, -t Sc pet lb.; .No. -o, lvo per lb.; No i, ladjc p.r lb.; No. U. Lv per lb. aiKL'f in bbls.. 'J.c per gin.; in cjses, flu-lb. etna, 41 '.V; cases, 11 5-lu. ciiu, il.!s; cases, . i'x-lb. cans, tl.5. HuNlvV Pel- 24 I rallies, 53.60. CANNfcD GOOIiS CtKn. Blaudsrd r.-f em, wiifuuc; Malnu, loinaloe. 3-lb. tens, ta.uw; J-lb., ITi'ji Ufl.Oo. I'tneappU. gialed, lu., f2.h42 e; sliced, - kl.9uiii .t); gallon appien, fancy, fj 61; ('ahforbla aprl tuts. ll.Sajti i . poms, fl.75'U2.6o; pescnee, lancy, l.ioa2.40; H. C. peaches, tJ0uv:60. AlasKa salmon, red. ki.'i; lanoy Chinook, r, 4i.lo, lancy soekcye, F tl.95; sat dines, oil. f).i6; niustaid. li.oo. bwect pota to, 11 lirnl.-o; aaueiKiaut,; pump km. hOc'ttll.tiu; wax beans. 2-lb., tabtiboc; lima beau. 2-lb., iocljti eTi; spinach. 41. ii; cbtap peaa, 3-Ib.. 0c; extra. 7oyc; fancy, l.Juill.o. CURED FISH Family tvhltcflsh. per quarter bbl., W lbs., fl.Oti: Norway muck tral. No. 1, t-'K.OO; No. 2, f:i.00; No. 3. fJO.Oi; Irish, No. 2, I16.U0; herring, in bbls.. 200 lb each, Norway. 4k, fl2.00; Norway. 3k. tl3.e: Holiund, mixed, fll.00; Holland herring, I14 kru, milker, 80c: kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Buffalo, large dressed, kc; trout, med.tim or Inrge, dressed, l-o: pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, fine stock, 11c. cattlnli. dressed l.'c; bulllieads, dressed snd skinned, lc, white perch, dressed. 6c; criipple. large. l.'c: sunnsn, pan site, tic: white bus, extra choice, lc; pickerel. 9c; salmon, Chinook, tic; white fish (froxen). 12c: Triiokrrel (Spanish). Ko; Native, per Ash, lV.i.'Jc; cotlfleh, freeh. froien. I'.e; flound.r. iresli. frozen. 11c; bluetlsh. fiesh fronen, lie; haddock, frfh froxen, lot", red nuppef. dressed, 15c; smell. No. 1, per lb., l.'c, lobster (boiled), -per lb., 40c; green. t7c; eel, per lb., lhc; frog legs, per dos.. 25c: roe shad, tl each; shad roe, pair. -fie. H. B. Davis of Sterling, Colo., W. A NUTS Pecan, large, pel In., lie; ininll, per lb.. 11c. Almond, soft shells, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb.. 15'iiHc. Cocoa nuts, ft. 00 sr sack of 100. HIDES A YD TA '.LOW r-en ai'teil No. 1, 13iic: No. I, 12ic: bull bides, 9"fl lOHc; green hides, No. 1. 10c; No. I. 9c; horse. tl.Kiei9.76: eheen nit, 0cjtl.2D. Tsl low, No. 1, 4e; No. 2, 3e. WOOL-Per lb.. 183'Joc. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MAHKKT HEAL K8T4TE THAMaKKHS. Mary F. Rose snd husband lo Min nie C. Hodgln, lot 6. block 16, Wal nut ICill t Lt!5( Henry W. Pennock and wife to Ellen E. Cnnnnn, purt sublot 4, tuxlot 3, sec. 6-ltt-IS 1 71 Debbie D. Benedict to Mnthlu Peter son, lots 32, Xi, 31, Sturgi 1'luee aC Abbie Wiilnnciy to Har.y A. Foster, lot 20, block 1. Orcliurd Hill 63 Edward C. Gates to lna E. Uatea. a art Iota 11 and 12, block 24, South ma ha 4.000 John C. Blutick to Josfphlne Wclden- feller, lot 20, Luke and Templeton's. ' 1 Joseoii ne vVeldenfellcr to Emll.e I'J.auck. Ramo ...' 1 He. I... 14... t..J I... 4... I... 1... I... . A, er. X. Ae. Pr. 1211 8 40 17 444 4 SO 150 I U 14 U14 I 51 COW 3. , too 1 to ti toot a to 173 f M 1 1130 I 00 tlO I 10 8 104 I 74 , 1011 a ft ' HEIFERS. 437 ! 44 1 1010 I IS BULLS. 117 It . 1 MM I Tl to 1 S'lOCK CALVES. 40 I BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS 47 t tt 8 1004 I 81 114 t 44 It HI I 84 144 t to It 714 I 44 13 t 4 3 1O00 I 46 711 I 00 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 1 agar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. f.-SUGAR-FUw. quiet; fair refining. 3V; centrifugal, 14 test, 4c Moiasaea sugar. tc; rellncd, steady: No. i. 45oc: No. 7, 4 46c; No. 8, 4 4-; No. 9, 4 36c; No. 10, J6o; No. 11. 4 20c; No. 12. 4 15c; No. 13. 4.1uc; No. 14, 4 05c; confectioners' A. 4aoc; mould A. f.Sbc: cut loaf, f 70c; crushed, f.70c; powdered, flue; granulated, f.uuc; cubes, 5.26c, NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 9 8UGAR Steady: centrifugal, yellow, 4J4 !-lc; see- on da, 2Vtru3c 4 CTWS 975 2 26 26 cow 10U3 22 feeder.. 837 65 19 cows..'... isM 3 bulls 1275 I 70 a oows 923 17 feeder.. 800 t 45 16 cows 1H6 23 cowa 853 t 80 i feedera.. 845 56 feeder.. 84t 8 66 f feeders.. 9H4 44 feeders.. 994 I 70 19 rows 1(126 P. Wnts Neb. 16 feeders.. 106R t 66 30 feeder.. 9H4 t cow M 185 18 cow 91!) H. Franklin Neb. 11 feeders.. 809 1 86 149 cowa. ... 997 17 cow 947 1 20 145 cow 4a 9 row 1(47 1 00 6 feeders.. 478 f feeders.. 6.4 t 40 Rounfelt A Nard Neb. 18 feeder. .1108 4 10 17 feeder.. 97 19 feeder. .1098 4 Of F. H. King-Neb. 17 cows 953 - 80 52 feeders.. 997 WYOMING. 24 feeder.. 109 8 92 13 feeders.. 913 Irwin Bros Wyo. 34 feeders.. 1158 8 00 22 feeders.. 104 8 steers.. ..1038 1 40 I steers.. ..1013 c. i. Lane wyo. 1 steers.. ..1068 4 00 4 rows 1010 8 40 H. TurplnWyo. 32 feeders,. 1068 4 00 A. Cheney Wyo. 82 feeders.. 9T7 3 75 26 feeders.. 871 f f eider.. 844 I 40 13 feeders., 777 H. Banner Wyo. 1 feeders.. 1132 4 20 24 cow 1015 tusttennurg uros. wyo. 40 feeder.. 896 4 00 J. M. MoFarland-Wyo. 53 feeders.. 1144 4 65 American L. S. A I. Co. 8. D. 23 steer.. ..1146 4 00 13 steers. ...12(41 4 la) 43 steers.. ..1167 3 80 A steers ...1253 3 30 Corbln Morse 8. D. It steers.. ..1217 8 TS 21 steers. ..1171 3 90 89 cows ill I rows pa a ' D. J. Dsinson B. D. W steers.. ..120T 4 15 31 steers. ...UIS 4 16 15 steer... W17 4 16 14 steers. . .1140 4 if 4 steers.. ..1313 4 15 9 steer. ...141 4 16 J. M. Flanlgan-8. D. 40 steers... .1168 4 20 Mallet I C. Co.-g. t 12 mixed ...1136 4 ' Matador Cattle Co.-S. D. Resteers. ...1Z 4 40 H D. Weare-S. IX I 44 steer.. .1V2 4 35 W. W. DrUkell-S. I). O steers... 1143 4 30 Petnberton A C S. D. 44 steers... li: 4 15 Western Haneheo 4L T 69 steers.. ..His) 4 f 90 S 70 1 25 f 65 1 110 a 00 a 1 a 65 75 2 9ft 2 90 S 40 a 60 a ao a so a 40 a au a 76 a 40 a as Cattle Strong- Hog Weak nnd I Hlnlihind Realty Co. to Dulsy'IJell Loveer. Carson, lot 7,' block 8. Urlggs' CHICAGO. Oct. 9-CATTLK-R.ce!pls. iinVil.V't.Vjn about 7.509 head. Demand atrong for good J01") - lxrV!,l" V if,e ior tock. but poor for common and medlu . ." If Vtol.l.l m ami wife to Far ia grades; fan.V. eers, ffi.26; common to go. d Ju''" rNN p,Ha ''" nJ 7Mn,,0"Kfe Kounlse steers, f7.46j8.00; cows, I2.7ixfj4.76; hellers, ,"": p',a,-' ,m '' ",otK "' ,voun,! 8.W: atockers and feederw 82.XC(I.60 . , . 5-ti-8 i.i.... HOGS-Rpceipts. abjiut J .500 head. Mir- jdainn E. DaveufMUt and wife to ket weak and gem.rslly 5-tfloe lower chclc.e wu,u n chupln. lot 6 ami ii. to prime 1 heavy fb.6Mi..5: medium to ro h! k 3 g,,un,lers & . lllmebaugh's heavy, t.40f&.fl0; butcher welshls. 6S M Mr Pbusanl f.75; good to choice mixed. tO.Siff 1.65; pack- j Johrl' R. KllM iervio Joseph WeinifurU inf. t.2OOMi.50: pigs, f5 6o.90. ner lot 16, C. E. R:ley sub SHEEP AND LA MR 8 Receipt, about I a ni.., 1. u:,vlirr nod wife to ilnrle 16.000 head. The demand for sheep w ia Vermcerech. south . 45 - feet lot 9, active and there wa an urgent call for hloek 4a. South Omaha 1 uckson una wire 10 es, lot -i, block 1, Hlmelmuxh's A Putte-son' sub Aaron P. Brady, el al.. to Eieonora Malowk. et al.. part lot 21,-Msl-oney's add.. South Omitlui Charlt H. Brcwn to Eieonora Mhh lowsky. lot 8. block 8, Jettcr's add.. South Omahu ; Charles P. Traver to Oent-ge Kecscr, lots J.4 and 46. block 6, Jerome I'nrk.. Htillna I'livcrsugt and busbund to Ann M. Cbt Istenseu, lot 28, Terrace addithui .i feeding stuff: lamb were strong to lo j Frederick ' N. TucV bleher; Sheen. U Jrva6.3o; yearlings, fu.(G49 neorse W. Nown m. 10; laiiiue, j.wiii.'. Kansas City I.lvr xtoek Market- KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 9 -CATTLE--Receipts. 24.000 head. Including 1.000 southerns: market steady; cows, weak to 10c lower; choice export and dreed bf ateera, f 5. 606 6.50; fair to good, t4.004jp 6.40; southern steers, tt. 606 6.26; stocker and feedera, f2.6044.76: southern ateer. f2. 4063.90; southern cows, 11.75 90; native rowa, tl. 754x 3 75: native he If era. f2. 6643; 5. 00; bulla, t2 26&S.25; calves, 13.00 6 50. HOGS Recelpta, 12.000 head: market t 10c lower; top, ft. 42 4; bulk of sales, f 6.a0(r 6.40; heavy, f6. 3096.40; packers. f t0e.424j; pig and light. f6.964 6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8.000 head; market ateady; lamba. ir. 7607.15; ewes and yearling, I4 60fr6 86; western yearling. 15.26 8 5 65; weatern sheep, I4.il0o.15; Blockers and feeders, I8 60 if 6.60. 12t 1 1,275 350 3,0dt i.ox Total f,15( 329.013 t. l-anla Live 8oek Market. ST. LOUIP. Mo., Oct. 9 CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head. Including 8,300 Texan; market ateady; native shipping and ex port steers, f4.630t.5O; dressed beef anl butcher steers, 14.0044 6.16; steers under 1.000 pounds, tl 600 4.60; stocker and feedera, 1 2. 0045 4.60; rowa and helfera, f3. 004 6.60; tanner. 1 1.004 2.20; bulla. 12 80&4.0O; ralvea. f 8.004l'7.50; Texaa and Indian ateer. 1 2 36 4 6. 1 If, cowa and helfera, f2 004t 60 . HCM1S Recelpta. 8.000 head: market 5o lower; pigs and Ilghta. ft. 0046. 56; pack era. f lOtt f.66; butchera and best heavy, ft 4649 65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 3.000 head; market steady; native muttons. 13 00 43 6 60: lamba. 14 00 7.50; culls and buck. Jl 0001.26; sUMkeis. ti.00w4.50. t. Josopk 1.1 ve atork Market., ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. 9. CATTLE RacelDta. 1 667 head: market ateady anl active; natlvea, t4.60ii4.23; tows and; heifers. 81.600 4.76; stockers and feedern. ! ta. oer4. to. ! HOGS Receipt. 7.940 head; market ! weak to 6c lower; light, 16 304,4.45; bulk of sales. i ;ui i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 3.397 head; market strong to 10c higher. alaas City Lite smck Market SIOl'X CITY. Oct. . (Speclsl Telegrm.) CATTLI--Kecclpts. 1.500 head: market steady; beeves, ti.suti 26; cow, bulls and mixed. t2.2.V((3.60; stuekers and feeder. t3.0u g)4.; calve and yearling-, f2 504)3.76. ItlKiH tteceipt. a. 'Asr tirto, iiiersf-t aeai to ne lower, selling si stt.; . ouia sales. fH.154V4.20. , Timber Land Loans We will mail on request. Ourtiplele Information aloiil etnt -twrlal first mortgage bond, secured by um ber land. 'I'll. 'He bond arc seeured (at lesa than 60 par cent of actual cavsa market value) by stituding Uinber; Issued by various larne well cstab llslied lumber companies of highoht credit and niwrcanlllf rating. We have made, a specialty, of tim ber loan and bonds for several year. No default has ever oovurnd. There Is 110 belter security, reHl or personal, than timber lands. Their market vaiua has Increased every year as timber becuim-s more siarce. We I; ive aold a great many Issues of tltnbjr timid, aggregating several million dollar, lo banks and private Investor. It may pay you to investigate '. 11U form of Investment.' Also InveAUtfatV us. The bonds are duo ftoni olio voar up to fifteen years; fl.000 ea.-h; yield per cent. No other bonds aa good pay f per cent. H. C. BARR0LL & CO., rati WATIOHAL EAsTK BLDO. CHICAGO. an4ffiii'i.u.'iff'iJti.''.sj inTt y.i'4f'aaeiaf?74gTai THE GREEN BOOK Oorrscted to October first, 1909. Zlg-o. and low prices. Stock lamed and other data of Interest to you cn tfsw Tork and Boston curbs. Alio actlvo atocks on, the f gaw Tork, Boston, Chicago, Fbiladclpbla I ana rmiburg ticiiuot. wmo or cau I for a oopy. It will be maJltd free. Tour eiders to uy or sell any or ta took In glgbt. Receipts of live stock st the six principal 1 stock men tit nod la thl book soiicltod. western markets yesler-"" "ere as follows Cattle. Hog. Sheep R' uth Omaha Floux City KaliaLH City ., St, Joaeph .... St. Louis Chlrago Tvtal. . l. .24(ai . a.flriT ,. 7.0f1 .. 7.5H) .61.173 4,6 U 24,0 S.0O9 12. ) 10 7 i.m: a 3. 01 7.51 lo.lOO 44,:7 J FREDERICK R. TIBBITS Ittvta'mont Securities rorjBTK nooB-Hcgia bldo. . 35 Congress St., Boston, Mass 4SW11 lllSIIl4rtl4MrtJseawe t