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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: WEDNESDAY. OCTOHEK 10. IMA. & SONS CO. 14th and Farnam Streets Largest and Most Complete Slock Omaha SURPRISINGLY Original Hot (t " ''" - ri i JiL S9Q-00 jl Cole's L iKMi't buy mii imitation Our prices up .from $ Demonstration, with hard nnd soft coal, f'Hduy and Saturday. aCEETl fOH CEltsRATEO Quick Meal and Malleable Steel STOVES and RANGES V I WENT-F1VE STATES IN IT wo Hundred DeltnaUs Alrnady Hsre to Erolberbood Convention. . .'HERS ARE COM.NG IN GRADUALLY . -etlnaa Will Be Meld at Crelahton Hall and Will Continue for Three Day from Wednesday. '.'he Millard hotel Is thronged wllh the ii '.-fince guard of delegates nnd officials to 1 fourth biennial session of the supreme . 'ieof the Modern Brotherhood of-Amer- 10, which irlll convene In business session adnewiay mornluu at Crelghton hall. Aioot 2 delegates are 'present nnd nev ii rivals arc conilns: In. Twenty-five slates ii j represented. The supreme officers now tin are: T. B. llanlay of Tipton, la., Ii sident; Thomas Lambert of Snbula, In., l president; E. L. Balr of Mason City, la., secretary; A. H. Gale of Mnion City. U.. treasurer. Board of directors: W. H. 11. iley of Kansas City," M. ecctt of N'or. folk, Neb.; C. A. Fountain of Clerks, 8. D.; J. H. Miller of Grand Forks." X. ft : P. 13. K ith of St Paul. Minn., nnd Albert Hass if Menominee, Mich. A preliminary meeting -of the board of Sectors was held Monday evening, and i' i a u., . iwAit ;on a.-a,- tv ricliH. t e - i rations of the several committees to out- j ll::e the preparatory work of tho session. I Meets at t relaliton Hnll. Vha convention will ussemble at Crelgh- ball at 10 a. 1,1. Wednesday and will continue in session until Frid ly. Mayor 1 hlman will deliver the address of wel- oi ne, which will bo responded to oy -resi- , Cut Hanley. The first order of business wl,l be the election of officers for the en- , suing: blannlum. Two sessions will be held daily. Wednesday evening the visitor wilt lie given an automobile ride about the city by the local committees and will visit the Li .linger art gallery. Weduesday evening i(u entertainment will be provided for the d legate under the auspices of the South ir.iaha lodge, which will consist of a prize ill ill between the degree teams of Mlnne- A FEW MOMENTS 6l ent at my office may be of priceless vi lue to you. Don't you believe I vuld advise and encourage you?' ' I surely can, for I have been doing t'ilw very same thing -for other for t liese many lung years; yes, all my pro visional life has been given up to the i-eatment of all diseases of men. You Have Made Tylistakes .Of course you have, and are you i.ever going to correct these mistakes? iet me tell you your mistakes and how o right them. Let P.le Do ; This Today ' ' Do not teU your ailments to your Irlends, 'who can do you no good or We you no relief, but tell them all to tue. either at njy orace or oy letter. It Is all Free and Confi dential. ''' - - -. : ' ' What Vetter can I offer? Dr.McGrew Office hours'are from S to i. Sun . 4y from ta 1!. Treatment . h.v mail. Call or write. box TUti. -Offlcvs, 215 SI Mill 3tvet, Omaha, fu. of Stoves and Ranges shown la at LOW PRICES: Radiant Home Base Burners This is the now that gives more heat uses less fuel and lasts longer than any other. Many hundred of these eold by. us now in use in Omaha proves this. Blasts Ranges SOLD ON PAYMENTS ipolls and Kansis City. Tho' program tor Thursday contemplates a visit to the Union stock yards at South Omaha and a tour through the packing houses and other Omaha Industries. Thursday evening a banquet will be erved the visitors by the j local committees at the Millard. The pro gram for Tuesday evening will Include a theater party at the Burwood to be given the visitors by the local committees. ' Already there is a lively content on for the next biennial meeting of the order, with Detroit and Milwaukee as the principal contestants. Tho local committee of arrangements tin ier the chairmanship of Mrs. Jennie Hicks ma left nothing undone for the comfort nd entertainment of the visitors. HARXESS KAllU AT LK1GTO Vesta Dor Wlna the Johnson Ktnke in tHralftht Heats. LEXINGTON, Kj .. Oct. 9. Despite the cold, raw western wind, which made the day disagreeable, one of the larg?nt crowds of the meeting was present at tiie Kn tuekv Trottina Hdrse Kiedrrn' rniirin this afte.noon. The main event -on the I program was the Wllaon Hlake and the fa mouse walnut Hall cup.. Tho atjike on by Vepla Boy, but only one heat n trotted In the cup nice. , Nui. Boy won ,hls heat easily. . . . . W. J.-Lewis won the il:0S tlot nd Baron l.attan won the 2:3 pace, both races he- tug iciv over irora yeHteruayj 'wummary: i t.'lass 1:18, pacing;-purse. U.OUO thiee' hi ' n-e: . . . . Ruby Lacey. b. m. by Gam bron. dam by Blue. Vih (Tal- Robm Kernan, b. g. (Doug 'a"i h i 8 Moore, ft. g. (Murphy) 1 jj, If lnlon, bk. g. (Real).. 7 Besle Karl. ch. m. (Gerrst., 2 6 Cdr 7dr 4dr Sdr Hilr '4 U 10 3 3 4 i x'e iii-i urn, in. rii. iDuucnnrL.ij I (iranil Kller (Hend Irks) ....It 7 6 Stonewall, h. g. (Mclotidld I. .10 10 7 8 Deceiver, br. g. Bowermnn 11 II T tl hk.-ni. (Doflfre) 8 C 9 ills I mac t'atchen. bk. g. (Ho gn) 9 8dis ouie w.. .- m. ini-raaon..n ia ta uis g", ;- fyJV.A Ml?' Time: 2.10U. s:lOVi. ':0!Vb. 2:lll. 2:13'i. 1:16. Clans a, trotting: nurse. 11.200. two in .nroe: W. J. Lewis, b. g., by Norval, dam Dunlora (L, Murphy) S Van .aniit, b. m. (De ereaux). . 4 The President, b. h. (Loomis) 1 John Taylor, gr. g. (Ames) 2 Turley. br. g. (Gcers) 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 8dr 4dr Sdr 7dr Tuna, ti. m. (Curryf t John Caldwell, .br. g. (Thompson). Time: 2:07,. :':07Vi. 2:fHi. 2:0.Stt. Class' 2:06. pacing; puis. $1,200; two in thrue: barun Gratlan. b. a..' bv Orntra.n. dam Mary Gamuleon (Geera) 1 Alfalfa, ch. m. (Pendtr) S . r. Nervola, b. h (Dean) Schtrmerhorn, b. g. (Meeks) Kudora, blk. m. (Valient ne) Time: 2:0t4, Z:074. 2M. Wilson ' stake. 2:12 pacing: purse, $2,000; three in five: Vesta Boy, ch. g., by Motte Vesta ' (Mu pliyi Prince Hal. b. g. (Snow) Italia, b. m. (Nuchols)... Cuater. ch. g. (Hnll) Owalssa, br. m. (Titer) v.... Spill, b. ' g. idarrity) Bonnie Btonway. ch. h. -(Curry) ('nylon E., b. g. (Estes) 8 .. 5 .. I .. 4 .. 7 f 6 1 a Karina. ch. m- (siiedecker) Director Joe, blk. h. (Demareat)....10 die Time: 3:074. r:iH. Class 2:14. pacing; purse $1,000; three' In five: (unfinished): Conroy.- b. h.. by Ashland . Wllkea. (.sw.-ar'.ngen) 1 Klolse. b. in. (Clementi ( Queen ct -Clubs, b. m. (Hopkins) 2 Fred Miller, ro. g. (Htoun s Jlmmle O., br. g. (Mcpherson) 4 Jenny Wren. ro. m. (Price) 6 Time: 2:12. 2:10Vt- Walnut -Hall Farm cUp. class 2:15, trot ting: purse I3,un; three in five; (uiitin- It hid): Nut Boy, b. ni.. by Nutplue (Mclienry) 1 2 Al le Jay. b. in. (Uirrncy).... Totora. b. m. (Titer) . .. a .. 4 .. i .. i 7 .. 8 ,. ..10 ..a ..13 .da Dr Chase, ch. g. (Nucnols) Jiowcatcher. b. g. (McCarty)...- lmpe.lal Allerton, h. h. (Snow) Pulsus. O- h. Kreers) t pmo h. g. (Murphy) v Belle Isle, br. m. iReahy) K...,lna, b. r. (J.imlxoni Admiral Srblcy b. g. (Shaffer). Kaesona (Snedeiker) Horace W. Wllaou. ch. g. (Dryder) Time: 2:12. Women at Golf. WEST NEWTON. Masa.. Oct. .-Mtlder weather and a much lighter breeze than prevailed yesterday greeted the thirty-two survivors of the preliminary round ot the woman s nsii'mai s"ii i-uiiiiuiigi!ip uiur- nament when they came out on the links of the Brae Burn Country club today for the first round of match play. Fatal Powder Explosion. TAMAQITAT. Pa.. Oct. . Four men were killed today by an explosion, at the Dupunt Powder company s plant. The Simple Life is best To live naturally; work during the day, keep your temper, eat three meals and take a Beech rnn'i Pill . regularly, as required. There is no medicine (or the sim ple life, or the rtrcnuous, like Beecham's Pills atoid L'vsrywhunr- la buses lc. ud &c .Jm-- tJu&k. I 1 .limini msmisssisi1 UNION PACIFIC HOSES DEAL VioFreiidt ICohlor Officially Announce! Parch us ef Headquarter! Sits. ENOUGH GROUND 10 ERECT BUILDING Trsrt Covers Hundred and Muet Eight Feet on Dodge and llaadred and Twenty on Fifteenth gtreet. "Tue I niun Pacific Railroad company luul arranged by purchase for sufficient prop erty at the northeast corner of Fifteenth snd Dodge strsets to provide for Its gen eral hearquarters building. This may be considered" This, statement was given out by Vice President Mohler of the Union Faclflc yes terday afternoon. The ground bought to date Is 19s feel on Doilgc street by la) foet on Fifteenth and there Is still mn;o to be acquired. How much more 'Mr. Mn.iler doe not Buy. Ne gotiations aie ttndtr ay for a strip of ground to the ncrth of that already bought, but how wide till strip is. neither the t'nlon Faclflc ne-r its real estate agents have stated. ' It" looks to the real estate men us though. the company were bent on acquir ing the entire block, ievlth .the exception of the two lots whose length runs along Fourteenth street and on which stands the Dellone hotel, the Ancient Order of' United Workmen building and the Odd Fellows' building. The remainder of the Mock would make a building site 1! by 240 feet, facing on Dodge and Ffteenth streets and Capitol' avenue. ' Merely a Conjecture. . Thai the company will buy all this Is merely a conjecture. t is based on the fact that the Boston G found Rent Trust owns a strip sixty-six feet wide, extend ing north and south through the entire block; that the: I'nlon Faclflc has bought the south half of this and can buy the north half. The other two lots in ques tion, comprising the northwest quarter of the block, belong to the John G. Jacobs estate nnd nre said to bo for sale. The lots whose put chase Mr. Mohler lias announced are 5, 6 and 7. They comprise the Frank Keitnard property, -forty-four feet wide, with ' a three-story brick build lug, known as Labor Temple: twenty-two feet which belonged to the Brown estate. Providence. R. I., with a three-story build ing: forty-four feet, which belonged to Martha Ish and on which is a one-story residence; twenty-two feet which belonged t0 the Xorlhwestem'Mutiial Life Insurance company and on which the Willis block stands, and sixty-six f 5et . which the Bos ton Ground Rent Trust owned. Old Government Corral. i The old aovernment corral formerly te- I cnpled a part of this ground. On one lot also was the first school in Omaha, a private Institution, known as the Benle school and taught by Prof. Bcals. who aft erwards became principal of the Omaha High school. Actively engaged as agents for th Union Pacific in the transactions was the McCague Investment company. Thomas McCngue returned Tuesday from. Boston ami other eastern points, where he sue. ceeded in closing tht deul o:i pnrl of tli3 property concerned. . . Vice President Mohler has not announced the slse of the building the company wilt erect- One anywhere from six to twelve stories In height has been discussed by the company's officials. It will be fireproof. WHITE-SOX WIN FIRST (Continued from First Page.) . advanced to the. plate a great cheer went r.p. The cub lend hit a twlft bounder to Donoliue and was out by Donoliue, unas sisted. Steinfeldt dumped a roller to right and was put out by Altrock as he ran down the baso I'ne. Tinker sent a fly. to liahn. No runs. . - Third Inning, Americans Sullivan shot a hot bounder to Kvers, who l.andl d it neitlv and threw It to (.'nance in plenty' of llme.j Tannelilll wan the fourth member of the, American league team to strike out. Ait. i j rock made tho Hfth victim of Brown's de , ceptlve curves when he finned. No runs. Third Innln.'. Nationals Evers grounded to -Altrock, who reached for it In the air and threw Evers out at first. Kllng wus expected to start the hit column for the Nationals, but he went out, . Tannelilll to Doiiohue. Brown struck out, the first Na tional to fall. No runs. Cubs 0. Sox o. Fourth Inning. Americans This Inning started ut the top of the batting list for each side. Hahn went out. Evers t) Chance. Jones drove a gruundi-r straight at Brown - and was au easy out at first. Isbell popped a high fly which Chance pulled In. No runs,' Fourth Inning. Nationals Hoffman struck out. Sheckard out on grounder to Dono hue to Altrock. Sehulte chopped a high grounder over Altrock. got to first and stole second when. Isbell dropped tho ball. Chance went out on a bounder. Altrock to Donohuc. No runs. First Rnn In Game. Flftl Inning.-Americans Rohe hit down past third and Sheckard kicked It over into tne vacant oencn in lelt. Kohe reaching third. Donohuo struck out. Dougherty bunted and Rohe was safe when Kllng failed to hold Brown's toss. Doughertv went to second on a passed ball. Sullivan and Tannelilll both out. Tinker to Chance. One run. 8core: Americans 1. Nationals 0. Fifth Inning, Nationals Steinfeldt out. Roho to Donohue. Tinker popped a. foul which 8ullivan gathered in near the play, urs' bench. Evers struck out. No runs. Sixth Iiiilng. Americans Altrock walked Hahn sacrificed, Steinfeldt to Chance. Jones singled to center. Altrock was put out at the plate, Hoffman to Kllng. Jones went to second and moved to third on a Sassed hall. Isbell singled to left and ones ' scored from third. Isbell stole second. Rohe out. Brown to Chance. One run. . . Sixth Inning, Nationals Kllng passed to first. Brown sent the ball past second for a hit. Hoffman sacrificed. Altrock to Donohue. Kling came hame on a wild pitch. Brown moved to third. Schul'... was out, Rohe to Donohue. , One run. Score: Nationals. 1; Americana, i. Seventh Inning, . Americans Donohue singled to Brown, tho ball bouncing off nis root 10 .rigni, ana went 10 se-ona on a wild pltcli. Douglinrty nit to Brown and Donohue waa run down between second and third. .Brown to telnfldt to Tinker, Dougherty stole second. Sullivan filed to Seheckard. Tannehilb. out. Tinker to rlmnpA. Tinker inaklna a ereat itnn hunk- or sreona. o runs. Seventh Inning. Nationals Chance shot a line drive to left but Dougherty held it. Steinfeldt seat another liner to left but Rohe speared the ball in his left hand. Tinker fouled to Sullivan. No runs. Eighth Inning. Americans Altrock sin gled down -pact third. Hahn tried to sac rifice but forced Altrock, Brown to Tinker. Hahn was out stealing, Kllng to Evers. Evers being spiked, but continued to play, Jones nut on a grounder to Chance, un assisted. No runs. Eighth Inning, Nationals Evers went out, Isbell to Donohue. Evers was lame from the effects of the spiking by Hahn. Kllng smashed a single past Altrock to center. Brown sacrificed, Sullivan to Donohue. Hoffman lifted a high fly to Junes. No russ. Ninth Inning. Americans Evers threw Isbell out at first. Rohe went out on a fly to Sehulte. Donohue fanned. No runs. Ninth Inning. Nationals Morgan went to bat for 8heckard and filed out to Jones. Sehulte owl on a grounder. Tennehlll to Donohue. C nance. SMigld to center, i Steinfeldt filed to Jones. No mm. Final ; score: Americans. 2; Nationals. 1. I Seore: I AMERICANS. I AB. R. BH PO. 1 3 U 1 12 5 1 E. 1 i 0 ! a ; o i a ! Hahn. rf Jones, cf Isbell, 2b ..... Rohe. 3b , Donohue, lb ., Dougherty, if Sullivan, c Tannehlll. ks . Altrock. p Totals .'.'... ::::: 0 ' 0 it a 13 . NATION . W -IS. Ai.;. 3 i V l.ti I O I lfofT-..Ul cf dceckuid. 1: t 13 a 3 1 0 0 ("hener. lb Steinfeldt. 3h Tinker. ss ... Evers, 2b .... Kllng, c Frown, p Moran Totals .... ... i Batted for Bheek.ird In ninth. Americans 9 0 0 1i 1 1 ' 0 0-2 Nationals 0 0 0 V 0 1 0 (t 1 j Left on bases: Nationals. I; America:- j 8. Thrve-lmse hit: Rohe. Sacrifice hlls: Hnhn, Hoffman. Brown. Stolen ' Hohulte. Ishcll, Dotiftlierty. Struck cut: Bv Hrown. 7: by Altrock. 3. l"nsed bu!N: ; Kling. 8. Bases on balls: Off Brown. 1, off Altro. k, 1. Wild pitch: Altroc k. Time: l:lo i mplrts: Johnstone and O Lnughtui. TIMELY FOIST : ABOIT THE ' VI BS Little Farts Concerning Chlcnae" Great National Lesaae Team. Here are a few facta of lnteret,t about the C'hleaao Nationals: Jack Taylor is the oldest man on IhT team. He was born December 1J. 1R7J. Slaglo is next, being born July 11. 171. Kllng next. 1S7", and Mordecnl Brown, Patrick J. Moran and Htetnfeldt were bom In 1S7. , Thomas J. Walsh, born Vebruarv 28. lS8fl, Is the youngest. Manager Frank Chance was born September IS, 1S77, at Fresno, Cal.. i Orvllle Overall Is the giant of the team. : standing six feet two Inches and weigh- ! Ing 20S pounns. He is 25 years ot as; and a native son of the tolden rftan. Chance and Ruelbach Come next In sis--. Chance neighing too and standing even j ix feet, and Ruelharh weighing 185 and i standing six feet two Inches. rJvera the smallest man, weighing ISO and standing five feet eight inches. Hofmn ! only weighs ISO. but is six fet tall. Jach Pfeister ttps the beams at 171 and Brown at 172 and Jack, who Is five feet eleven and'one-holf Inches, Is one Inch taller than Mordeeai. Sehulte, Evers. Walsh, Moran, Overall. Hofman. and Oessler are unmsrrled. Jack Pfeister has one of the unique careers. He broke Into fast company when Muggsy McGraw took Mm on at Baltimore in 101. Rut he drifted back to j the minors, playing with Columbus in 190-03 and landing on the Psclrtc coast with Spokane and Han Francisco. Then Pittsburg got him In 1K03 and his re lease and pick-up by Omaha are well known facts J.o fans here. ile boVan.o the premier pitcher of the Western league and went to Chicago, where he lies more than made good. J Manuger Chance has had little experi ence oistslde of Chicago and his homo town of Fresno. He played for a little while with Washington university (Cali fornia and then, in 1S98. went directly from Fresno to Cap: Anson at Chicago. It was on Frank Seleo's suggestion that Chance quit catching and took first. In the piiehing department of the game. Brown. Omaha's old favorite, has made a record that outstrips thut even of the great Christy Mattv-wion. Brown won twenty-seven and lost six games during the season Just closed, giving him a rec ord of .818. against Mathawson's 1905 rec ord of thirty-one victories and nine de. feats, or a percentage of .773. Brown pitched two games in which his opponents made only one hit. one gsniu in which they made but two hits and Jive in which they got only throe -hits. Kight of Ills twenty-seven victories were hut-out That is the best reoord of the big league-. Pfeister scored Ave sbut-ouls and pitched one single hit game of ten Innings aad one game of only three hits. I GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP STAYS KAST j All Western ' Flayers Pnt Out of j Woman's Contest In First Rouud. i WEST NEWTON. Maas.. Oct. 9. The woman's national golf championship will remain in the east for anoiher year. All western aspirants for the title were put out today In the first round of match play at the Brae Burn club. The sixteen survivors are made up of nine from the Mas.aciiu setts district, four from New York and three frofn Philadelphia. Among the sur vivors are Mlns Pauline Mackay of Boston, the present champion, and Miss Georglannt Bishop of Bridgeport. Conn., and Miss Frances C. Orls.iom f Philadelphia, both former champions. Summary: Woman's . natiunol championship, first round: . ;,' i Miss Frances C.,"Gricom, Merlon. Phila delphia, defeated Mrs. M. , D. Paterson. Englewood. N. J..,4 up, 3 to play. Mlwt W. E. S. Pooler, Country club. Bos ton, defeated MWjt.E. ' Harry. Epglewood, 1 up (IS holes). , . r . ', Mis Mary Adairyi-M'ollaaton. Boston, de feated Mm G. C. plilton, Oakley, Boston, o tip'.'4'to play. ' ' Mix. S. F. fcefferts. JCnglewood. Tf. J., defeated M is." CVi Teb ' -F. Fox. Huntington Valley. Philadelphia 2 tip, 1 to play. Miss Julia Mix. Engiewood, defeated Miss Grace Semrle. St.' Louis. S up, to play. Mrs. R. R. Bailov. Merlon. Philadelphia, defeated Mrs. Edwin Read, Lexington, Bos ton, 4 up. 2 to play. Mr:F. W. BatV-helder. Oakley; Boston, defeated Miss MrTa Helmer. Midlothian. Chicago, by default. MI03 G. BlKhop. ' Brooklawn. Bridgeport, defeated Miss Mary C. Dutton, Oakley, Boston. 7 tin. 6 ty play. Mis Frances C. Osgood. Country c'ub, Boston, 'defeated Miss Grace Stullz. Oak ley. Boston. 4 up.' 2 to play. Miss Han-let R. Curtiw Country club. Boston, dented Mm (1. H. Rooper, Denver, 4 up, 2 to piny.' Mra W. Fellows Morgan, Baltusrol. N. J., defeated Mrs. F. W. Anderson. Hins dale. 5 no, 4 to nlfly. Miss Pauline Mack-y. Oakley. Boston de- i feat-.d Mrs- Altxander Mcuregor, vaaiuy. 4 11 n '1 to liliLV Miss Florence N. Jkyres Riverton. Phil srlelnl'ta. defeated Mlse F. O'G. Pheope. Hamilton. Ont., 4 un, 2 to play. Miss Catherine Charley. Fa'l River, de feated Miss Emily I.ckwood. Country club. Boston 5 un. 3 to.nlay. Mis'. nlta Ph'w. 8"rlnf1old. defeuted Miss Loplsa A. Wells. .Country club. Boston.- 1 un (at holes). , M'n-i Mari-irie w. Phelns. Brae Purn Boston,. rtfted Mrs. F. O. Fleer, Cora iiiotiwenlt.h Boston., o up, $ to play. . The drawlnvs fr the second round to morrow are as fol1o': Vlss rtriseom 8"H Miss Porr: MI- d nmn and Mrs. I vrta Miss M"x an-' M'S. pSri0- Mrs. )steh-liler and -B "Ison. Miss nsirooit ntl Miss i urns. wrs. "'oin sort Miss Maebav. Ml"" Avre and Miss Harley. Miss PH"s ard Miss Phelps. rOVR8IG COMMKM KS AT FRIEXH First Round nt Pi-nt Stakes Run on v . Owenlna: Day. FRIKND, Vh., .Oct. '.. SneclaI Te'e, rrnm ) The Fulorlty races taan tMs aft. rrnonn wih eiehty-two entries, and ton. seouentlv races were run off The nttendaiue ,wss good and. while hc wAtH.r was a little chilly, yet the inter est mi vood. In. the raipov stake. Bandit Ktnr be:it Bi.tsr C'r. Mr. Air be-t Hard Ifnnch. Yonn Filvurd bMt Winnie M'lln, Fun on the 'Hria t..t N1lie St. Pint". Black Joe beat Fits H'ednte. My Ronnie liea I ord Prinrlle. Rinmisrer best Pominerelal Hfov. Ronnie Pf 'C'1r best (mnt, Fhn nn het lord t'nton Washer. Oame Snort bent Blnrlt dale. CiinH- Arrow Vet White n(r t'iir-nfy heat Towe's Vs'en tlne. Favorite Fffort' beat Chanmn Oir:, P't R'Veo Iwat Ms,nnnis's Plim M. Rlltin-W- he-.t Rt'Vev St. Clair. Master Bob beat , unMSpHer. Beldame het H..sp) t. riair ' Hidian Kurcmer bet Meclrfe F., King Dod t heat -Rlbionwood Msmma's Bst eet ; Vi.rder Valenlne Elds Ren bent Win Sienal. Coronario St. C1b- beat Charlie Romm. Mvstje Max )es Pistol rndlvMd Huse IM.t wind's Hi"'rwnv Miv RoeVleT h,-at Rct MrDonsJd, Bonni" Bu'timn" Vms Finvd's l-i'rtv. Mv "en het Red Sietial. T.dv Wbitehat 1et pick-v Mornln " beat Flume's One, n. Sunshine- beat K1-n Bt. CNIr fonntrv Girl hat Anie-ic ""t. Van Pmtr,n le t Ooeen' of he Hi". Fine Vmhleni heat Mlrt Sect ion. m" Ronrltt lwt Vll"l,'ll V''nlne. Ms. ter Red Patch beat Farewell. Fighting Fire Sehulte. rf I Good Clothes Men Our Men's Clothing is now shown in larger and greatly improved quarters on the main floor, old building. Brundeis is the more con venient as well as the most satisfactory store for men. The best fitting and best wearing clothes that arenade, at prices that mean a saving of one-third to one-half the money you expect to spend for clothing this fall ami winter. ' Our Special Clothing Offer Brandels shows at these special prices the best apparel that can possibly be made for a moderate figure Single or double breasted suits in new mixtures and reastea suns m IH0 plain Overcoats with new style features good . solid wear every overcoat or suit, at . . ( MEN'S HAND-TAILORED Overcoats and Suits Made by the best tailors to the trade up-to-date New York style new plaids and mix turesthe correct style features tailoring is perfect Special price Boys9 Our clothing for little fellows is now on our main floor and convenience for mothers. The stock is larger and more Boys Fall Suits Overcoats Combination Suit Includes one coat, one pair straight knee pants, one pair Z 9 C Knickerbocker pants all for. . . . BRANDOS best Beftonvale. BuMer Brown beat In quisitive Girl. Garry Owen Box bent Anna ( St. Clair. Bright Chiir heat Ullie Wood. Happy St. Clair beut Doon Boy, Best S;. : Clnir beat Mable St. Clair. I The seconds and thirds of today's races j will be run tomorrow. An excursion of the i Commercial club of St. Joseph.' Mo., bns I been announced to be present at tomorrow's I races. SEtOVD ROIAD 15 THE FITIRITV toarslna at Hot Springs Furnishes tood Vport. HOT SPRING8. 8. D.. Oct.' . (Speeial Telegram.) The second round of the Fu turity was finished toduy, with results as "ollows: Lo'd Buff beat Fine Kmpress. 11 to I; Wrong Idea leat After Me. 13 to 2; Wild-woi-d heat Comedian. 10 to 0; Butte's Bul let heat Fine Elf. 10 to 3; Oddsldes heat Favors Emln, 4 to 0; Consignor beat Bon nie Butte, 2i) to ('; Friends' Effort heat Golden Trail, i to 5: Tennis Ball beat Con signee. 17 to S; Rear Admiral btat Trap, S to 0; Fair Empress beat Lndv Weokuy. It. to 1, Fine Edge beat Miss Gratnbelt, 3 to 2: Ehlett Reee beat Ring Ividy. 14 to !l: Miss Fair beat Maiollca. U to 5; Lord Bel- ; ford beat Me First. 5 to 3: Russell Lady ' beat Cartimance. 6 to 2; Sir Patch beat I Canadian Express, R to 2; j The stake will be finished tomorrow. Thursday will see the commencement of the Texas stakes. The hares ran strong and the weather was fine. WITH THE HOWLKHs. The O. D. K.s and Ston Rlues did some great bowling at the association alleys last night. All six games were above and three were close to the 1,000 murk. The cigar men won two games -and were only fifteen pins away on the third. "Ted" Nealo was best man on totals, with -5, and a single game of 237. J Tonight there, will he n special matPh lie- j tween Huntington and OJ-rde against An- i dersuii and Frllsoher. Scores: I -. O. D. K s. 1st. Neale Chandler 14 Molyneaux 18!i 2d. 3d. Tot. 1!W 237 fi.",B lOli 147 1S7 L'2:t HliU 19S IHi bKl 225 , 174 tU2 !3 975 21 fi I. 2d. 3d. Tot. m m m: iw a; ffi w as I'M i:o o.Vi 16 . 17!l 677 tifil !)90 2.845 Glerde lwi Chandler Totals . 213 ..teti ILVH 8TORZ 1st. 15!) lt 17'.) 15:i 213 Fritscher Cochran . Francisco Weber .... Anderson Totals H"4 The Falstaffs got three games from the Armours, on the Metropolitan Hltevs. Klauck was high man on totals, with ftt!. Tomorrow night the Gold Tops against the El C'andillos. FALSTAFFS. 1st. La Vigne Ml Jay V,ii Jay 17ti Klauck ls7 Hunter 141 Herger 157 2d. 3d. Tot. 1 li KS 635 17 m; 4" 7 14 1HJ l7 1! 174 b0 152 175 MS m i7!t 135 4 85t J.SS4 2d. 3d. Tot. I 132 14K 4ft ! liB US Art V0 150 3s2 140 137 4.D 152 151 4.3 704 i.117 I Totals , :....S32 ARMOCRS. 1st. 179 118 147 1S2 1-T5 , ....731 Collins ., Kohansky Manning ., Davis Lindrouth ToUls .. Lapels are the ear-marks of good Raincoats. Kexvvcv6,rv lapels and collars set right, the whole coat holds its shape through the rain and sun. Look around you and see how few garments stand this test after wear. Th Kscyod Psctartet. tbs grsstsst la the wot I a Slipesss with sweat sbop work ass methea Until that was o tueb per (set gsnneats wers Impesslbls. sbsrs this suMrlortiy. Latest style book frara tbs Sealer wbs sells KesrsifB Costs or fress GXY,0U Co. - NEW YORK wmm for new mixtures ami - 12 - JS H5 and Children's Now Shown on Oar Qreat flaln Floor and These is little Russian little box coats as well new and pretty colors, very latest style. ) p Boys' All Wool values, at Boys' Blue and Blouses worth GOOD CLOTHES DOCTORS for il3Exl The Reliable Specialists KT PAYING THE PENALTY Everything has to have a beginning, and one of the most prolific sources of the diseases and weakness so prevalent among men is the result of abuses. In early life or neglected or Improperly treated pelvic diseases, such as Gonorrrhoea., etc. While Gonorrhoea is considered one of the simplest con tagious diseases, yet throush neglect Is developed into Stricture ami Gleet, insidiously progressing and tenaciously fastening iteelf upon the system un til It hua invaded the kidney, bladder and prostatic region, rendering it so complicated as to be incurable in some eaten, perhaps the first symptom was a little discharge, which. If properly treated, could huve been cured In a few days. Rheumatism is another result of Improper treatment of this condi tion, producing not only excructat ng pain, but It. frequently warps and and twists one or more of the Joints of the body, producing horrible de formities, frequently depriving the individual of the ability to earn a living for himself, h aving him a helphai and tortured cripple for life. . Another deplor able result of this disease when Improperly treated, is swollen glands that are not only painful, but will finally destroy a man sexually and in many cises physically. When thla dl'eare. through neglect or Improper treatment. . bv its extension has caused a cystine invasion of the bladder, thence, by its exten sion up the ureters to the kidney, It there produces retulta that are iudeffd lamentable, Some ni'-n. through ignorance of the consequences which are sure to folio neglect or improper t estuc-nt. consider this a trlflllng ailment and . rely upon patent med Vines, drugpi-ts alii unskilled doctors in an effort to s-cu e relief for the cost of a bott'e of medicine, and by this procedure allow the disease, to make such eerlous inroads upon the sexual and nervrus system that it incapacitates them for the physical, mental and sexual duties of life, and the patient pays dearly for bis economy of the selection of incunictent at tendance. , We. cure safely snd thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, mid all tlis'"aHB and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, self-abusu, excesses or the result of spectfli! or pilvate diseases. - , Free Consultation and Examination -feffl ft Ton&nfc STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., OmahaNeb. Homcsceker's Excursion VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL -TO- Many points in the South and South east. Tickets on sale the 1st and 3d Tuesday of October and November. For tickets, rates and detailed infor mation call at City Ticket office. 1402 Farnam St., or write, S. NORTH, Dist. Pass. Agt. I.-1 :n. , Clothing where we offer every complete than t?ver. comfort effects and Knee Pants 75c and $1.00 39c 39c Grey Flannel Shirt Waist 7 fie, at Omaha ft I o l t- - . J. i . .1... FSsewn?es aa4sSn& s-sw RAILROAD mm -4 ' i ' 1 1 .j S -.s..- a .1 zizzgrz: ri -A n