Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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He t
I .7 J k
about SI
Our C. Kenyon Company
Guaranteed Raincoats cost
$15.00, $12.5fr
or: .. .. . ;. ;-.
An4 you don't UpmA anotbar cent
for raincoat. Thin If the whele eru
ront. Our C. Kenyon Company'
rainproof coat supply th place of
three garments mad a of matariaje.
that are guaranteed rainproof and y
do not reveal the tact that thry are
raincoats. Always dressy and hold
thfilr shape. Their Iromeme I"
tori anl systprn produce thesa conts
.' on a iral of production that control!
cloth inllla, eliminates sweatshop and
tie a -tin can to the tall of ertry
"yellow'dog raincoat" that haunt the
Call and See These Rain-
fir e rv-" a 9 4 aili mm
lrbbU DUWW J,WU Tm KAy. A Grawd Raincoat
"LtZERME" CXbERWBAK Douhle seat In drawers, double PA
back and front In ahlrta, nonsbrlnkable, garment, $2.50, $2. . J U
MENTOR UMON SUIT! A suit, $5.00, 4.00, $3.00, $2.00,
. $1.50 and
1 k garment; at. .
Empire 8tata Froaoanoed by Hit. Kelley
Wont Example is (art of Childrs.
DUtlncalnhral Waaaa. I Give Klma
Hrv -.irli.n by. the Pramlaaat
it ut the City mm
tifln-uiaiio'cHIaaa and official of Jse
break and Omaha not Mr Florence Kel
ley, aecretarr of the Consumers' league, at
a luncheon given In her honor at the First
Preabytartan- church Tuesday. Governor
Mickey; lieutenant Governor McGilton,
Mayor tmnlraan, George L. Sheldon, repub.
llcanndtdajte)aVut'fovrnov'and a miniber
of the district"1 Judge and candidal for
the JeglaUture- were' among those prevent.
After the luncheon Mr. Kelley waa Intro
duce by 3adg Howard Kennedy.
. vIt la cheering,' ah aald, "to come to a
wcsterai tat where the Industrial evil
that afflict the eastern state have nut yet
developed . and Ond th people foreneeliig
those avlla and guarding aaalnst them."
' She declared New York I tbe great hor
rible example of the .Western hemisphere
In the' oar of children and alt recounted
some of the evil juvenile workers are try
ing to overcome there. She said New York
spent M.000.000 on th dependent clashes and
that 15,000 children ar under lock and k y.
The Juvenile . court System there she de
clared I very . bad. .the court being In
churge of Judge Deuer, who galiud con
siderable' notoriety recently In connection
with the famous Town Topics ease.
Mr. Kelley deplored the una of public
Institution, for dependent children, llken-
Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh
Tried Different Physicians and
All Kinds of Ointments Could
Walk Only With Crutchei-Ohio
Man Says j "
"In the year 1800 tha aide of ray
right foot as cut off from the tittle
toe dowo to the hoel, and the physician
w bo had cuargu of tne
was trying to op
th aide of my foot,
but with no auoceaa. '
Whrn he found out
that wouldn't work,
he began trying to
heal the wound with
all kind ot ointment,
until at last my whole
foot and way up
above my calf was
nothing but proud
flesh. I Buffered un
told agon if for four year, and tried
different physicians and all kind of oint
ments. Ieould walk only with rrutchea.
It ia aixtera month ago since I began
uiiig Cuticura &oap and Ointment for
my limb, and foot, . The firrt two
month the Cuticura Rrmedite did not
era to work, but I kept on uaing them
xth. IntaoweekaafterwardaJ saw
change in my limb. Then I began using
Cutioura Soap and Ointment often dur
ing th day and kept it up for aeven
tuoatha, when my limb waa healed up
just the aame aa if 1 never had trouble.
"It it eight months now aince I
atopped uaing Cuticura Hemedire, the
beat on Uod earth. I am working
at the present day, after five yeara
of aufTering. The cost of Cuticura
Ointment .and Hoap. waa only 8;
but tbe doctor' bill were more like
600. You can publish my name and
refer any eoe to ,write to ma about
Cuticura Remedire. ; 1 will answer all
letter u postage ia enclosed,' John M.
Lloyd, 713 H. Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio,
June 27," 190..
l jtm iimmw wna Tin hi nr vrarr
FOR FOUR YEARS rwiw -' ' -7
ml Cwurni ho. Otnlw-a S
Mb m. i u ft umm rr tut m b ht it iNmira iiaitaaM
anSIU.14 Ins U sua a4 a.w a"
This it 0. Kenyon Company's Rain
coat styles. . Of course, they make
other clothing for men, including uni
forms for. the United States govern
ment. This is where we nail them for
their guarantee for quality.
They are responsible to the very last
button to the government, and they
are responsible to you for the Rain
coat and Overcoat. We are respon
sible for the price 10 00
$15.00, $12.50 and lU.VU
A death, certificate for fi.OOO Insurance If
you dla from exposure to the weather, coats
a yar.
ing them to large free boarding houses,
and aald the excessive use of them had
tended to make parent irresponsible. She
advocated placing parents who fail to
make proper provision for their children
under bonds to furnish support for their
She ascribed Nebraska's lax compulsory
education law to the Tact that the state
stands first In the literacy of children be
tween 10 and 14 years old and does not
need a strict law, and she asked for leg
islation amending the law permitting chil
dren of 10 years to work, provided they
have been- In school twenty weeks during
tb year, not because the legislation la
needed In this state, but for the moral
effect it would have on other states.. Ne
braska, ahe said, is the only northern state
standing with the extreme southern state
In the laxnes of child labor law. She
also asked support from Nebraska In se
curing national legialatlon.
Saperlntendeat af City Hall Takes
Comfort Is, the Sla of
Gaa Bills.
Superintendent David Rowden of the
city hall la taking- anndry grains ot com-
kfurt unto himself on the showing- of tha
monthly ra bills for eas consumed In the
city hall. Mr. Rowden believes that If he
were an issue In the presant campaign he
I would be able to make a hard race on his
gas record. As it is he la saving his am
munition for some opportune time. Th
record to which Rowdon point with pride.
and which he believe hi political oppo-
nents will view with alarm, la this: When
Kowdtm came into office July 1 lie looked
ever the gaa bills and shook his head. He
took counsel unto himself and said: "Too '
much gas in the city hall." At that tlm i
he had nut become acquainted with th '
council chamber. But Rowden felt that
retrenchment wa needed.
And fSowdea retrenched
The record show that th city hail gas
bill for tbe two month previous to Row
den's Induction into offlce were $10.90 and
115.40. while during the Rowden regime tha
monthly bills have been reduced until tha
last bill showed f!.U. Mr. Rowden thinks
it Is a far cry from 115.40 to $2.80, but he
said ha would make his battle cry, "From
nS.40 to or how I Jolted th gaa com
pany." Askad how ha accomplished auch results
Mr. Rowden said it was a case of vig
ils nee on his part.
round-up of late entries
Wllklas ta g. Laala fterare
H arses for tha Omaha
, Georne VV I Ik Ins, manager of the Omaha
I tlorra show, hss gone to St. Ixiuls tq round
up some brlsted entries. The grand fall
Irenit la noa- op. Ist week the horses
; wra at Loutivlllet this m-eck they are at
: lit. Txtuls. next week they will be at Kan
sas City, and then all aboard for Omaha.
W. A. Austin, superintendent -of the
areno. ha arrived and begun operations.
Mansgrr Gillan of the Auditorium has a
1 f-rce of men at work pulling out the eta
! and as soon as this is clerd away Mr..
Austin will . construct the arena that th
! local horsemen and horsewomen may soon j
iegln prsotke. Mr. Austin brouaht alt
I kinds of nws rom at. Louis. He ssy
j Crow A Murray will be sure to he her-.
I aa well aa the big stable uf p.prr ft Co.
I He also saw the Irrepressible rr. r n
' Oarmo Oray at Pt. Josoph. where he was
manager of th horse shorn-.
(harles Ikokau Saea Wife fair aerajr
la Hla a Haahaad laser
False Preteasrs.
Utting a husband Under faW pretenses
is substantially the charge made by
Charles Skokan againvt Llllie Skokan in
a divorce suit filed In district court Tuc
j day morning. He declares when he mar-
rled her in Loiumoua, teo.. eeptembr 19,
1906, she already had a Irgil husband.
He says she icpresauted to him st.e waa
unmarried and that her "name waa Lillte
Chrlstensoa. while In fact she was tne
wife of A. C Aaford, who at th time
ws living In Michigan. 8h deserted him
In February. 19U, and then, he says, he
fvund out tha true atate of affaira.
He asks for a divorce and owing to tha
tact -the marriage was .Illegal, (.hat she be
decreed Dot to have any do-ety interest
in his property.
i 3
1.00 I
69c 8
All Clati Wsrk a Wall ai Money
pain Keinmsd.
Refnr Soon 'oar Haadred Unllara
Move Rfn I'osred . iutn th
Firheqner and
Women Take foama.
Tueodar ns an eventful day In Young
I Women Chrlstlsn association circle, for on
I that day the grncrnl cla!s wotk of tha
fall and winter term was begun, the gym
nasium was opened for the fall and tha
campaign for the raising of funda- for th
new building- reopened.
A strenuous efort was made last srrlnf
to raise the ncisary money and every
thing was running smoothly when the new
of the earthquake at San Francisco shook
tha whole continent and put th work of
raising further funds out of the question.
On the day after'the earthquake the cam
paign was declared closed and the hooka
laid aside until anme future data when an
other effort would be made.
That time Is now at hand and every ef
fort will be mnde by the young women to
raise sufficient funds to build thrtr new
homo free from debt. During the last cam
paign f.'.OOO was raised, but tlZ.OOO la
needi'd, and to ralee the difference Is th
task now set before tha hustling committee.
The work last spring was carried on by
team, with a prize for the team which
did the best work. Thl tlma the young
women will work In pair to see what pair
can band In the most subscriptions. Al
though tha books were only reopened Tues
day morning there were report by noon
from three team with a total of $400. Mra.
Tllden Is chairman of the hustling commit
tee and the young women will report to
her and work under her directions.
Membership Lsrsent Ever.
The membership of the local association
Is 2,015, the Inrgest It has ever been, even
after the hard hustle for members lat
spring. No special headquarter will be es
tablished this fall, but the offices of tha
Young Women's Christian association In
the Pax ton block will be used Instead. All
are now working together to a common end
and all have a confidence which bids well
for succesa.
The architect, Thomas R. Kimball, haa
completed his plans and Is now asking for
bids for the new building. Since tha plana
were first drawn many changes were made.
but these have not been tampered with
since June 15. The bids call for the work
to be begun at once and the director of
tha Young Women' Christian association
ntlclpate 'considerable work will be done
thl fall.
The schedule of the classes which opened
this week Is given below:
Monday 4:15. gymnasium, ladles' class:
6:15, gymnasium, young ladles' first year
class. Open night for social.-, taas, recep
tions, lectures, etc.
Tuesday 4;15, gymnasium, young girls'
class; 6:15, gymnasium, second year class;
7:15, gymnasium, first year class; 7:15,
Bible, the parables of Jesua ond vocal
music; 7:30, millinery and shirt waist class;
a lo. gymnasium, mixed class, and current
Wednesday All classes closed.
Thursday 4:15, gymnasium; :13. gym
nasium; 7:15, Mandolin and Stringed In
strument club, and Young Women' Fel
lowxhlp club; 8:16, gymnasium and book
keeping. Friday 4:1, gymnasium; 6:1a, gym
nasium; 7:15, gymnasium, ''Bible. the
Makers of Hebrew History," F.ngllsh to
fnrelen sDrak'na alrls: 7:30, dressmaking
8:15. Bible, Sunday school losson. home
nursing, litem ture, Robert Browning.
Paturday :30, gymnasium.
Sunday 4:30. gospel meeting, all women
welcome; 5:30. social hour, tea served.
'Birth aid Deaths. ,,.,' .
. The following- births and deaths were
reported to the Board of Health during
the twenty-four hours ending Tuesday
Births Thomaa M. Swift, 215 South
Bracer tonic and cordial.
Delicious at all hours. An
"Elixir of Life." Invigorates,
strengthens, enlivens but does
not intoxicate. Gives an ap-
i petite, and good health.
At all tanuli, clubs, ruuurants, wis
mrcbaats, rorrt. ets.
Bottli onlr bj
KhlDtrt, Oiraisny,
Bine IM
Oen,n Asatt.
K York.
100TH TALK NO. 70
I can till and crown sensitive teth
palnlf fvly. Sounds like an ordinary
dental advertisement, dopan t it? And
you, no doubt, think it auch. But it
la not really.
If your teeth are aeuaitive and
you're been hurt in the dental chair,
1 want you to come to me tnd let me
show you how easily and simply I can
do your work. I give you my word
I've practically eliminated pain from
my practice.
DR. nC Kfcs; DEMIST, 8:18 Bee Hldg.
Phone, Douglas 5S7.
W Mm i 1 M m
Thirteenth, boy; W. T. Whclan. 1331
Konlh Twentv-fonrth. r'rl: Hubert C.
Preuesdow, 10 8outh Thirty-first, boy; 1
Mike Feeney, 1702 Webster, girl; Charles ;
I. Mclaughlin. Thirty-eighth and rtewey,
girl; W. I Oulnotte. ino Hamilton, bov.
Noah Koeherlln. Kt North Twenty-eighth.
girl; Josrjih Anns. 27 1 fi Fouth Twenty- '
fifth, girl; Nels Chrlsttanson. S Miami. !
girl; 1. J. Crsven. 2o0g North Tlilrtv- i
third, bov; R. J". Towor, 3320 Murt. girl, i
Ixiila Schroeder. Ill North Twenty- .
ninth, girl. t I
Deaths James Smith. 1M1 North Elgh- I
teenth. !; Annie Msrkovlts. Thirty-third
and Burt. 40; Mrs. F. K. 7,ych. Twenty
seventh and J. flouth Omaha, !fl; John V.
Baker, til North Fortv-seventh avntt
47; Baby Carter. S779 South Thirteenth
Frederlrk W. Omhe, 114 4 North Klxteenth.
Zd; Mrs. Msry H. Gillespie. J912 North
Twenty-eighth avenue, ii Edward Nel
son. 2608 Parker, 82.
Caafeaerate la War "
Jules O. Uumbard,. for many yeara
resident of Omaha, but now of Chicago, I
in th city visiting old-tlm friends.
"I don't know when I have been so
happy as I am to get back among my old
Omaha friends again," said Mr. Lumbard.
"There la no place Just like Omiha. Chi
cago la so flat, noisy and dirty that t do
not know whether 1 can stand it much
longer to live there. There is something
in the very air of Omaha that make a
man feel young again. Though my health
haa been good and I have been good while
in Chicago, I have a yearning to get back
to old Omaha again. It la the best city
on earth."
A confederate soldier, wounded on the
field of battle and partially allayed In his
suffering by the strains of that inspiring
song, "Rally 'Round tha Flag," as sung by
Julea Lumbard, who chanced to pas where
the aoldlsr was lying, was passing the Board
of Trade building In Chicago th other day
and suddenly stopped when upon hi ears
burst that aame sweet melody which had
revived him forty-four yeara ago. He en
tered th building. Hoary-beVded. but still
singing, stood that aame Julea Lumbard,
thrilling a large gathering of busy busi
ness men around the pit of cojnmerce,
amid the din of commercial war with
the beautiful strains of that same old
song, "Rally 'Round the Flag," that
charmed amid the turbulence of military
Thla excerpt I taken from one of th
Chicago Hearst papers:
The air surcharged with the atrains of
patriotic music, rendered hy that valiant
old veteran. Jules Kumbsri, yesterday re
called memories of forty-fojr years ago to
the mar.y veteran responding to the call
for a "grand rally" in tne visitor- room
at tha Board of Trade.
The "rally" was held to raise $15,000 with
which to defray the expenMes of an escort
to th dedication of the Illinois monument
at Vtcksburg this month.
An Impromptu program was given under
the direction of Captain Rumsey. Jules
Lumbard sang "Rally JHound the Flag"
and was accorded a trenl'ndous ovation.
Captain W. O. Patton of the Firm cav
alry of Arkansas, who resides in Spring
dale, Ark., was attracted by the music
while passing along outside the Board of
Trade and found his way in.
Patton, who Is crippled and unable to
walk without the use of crutches, hobbled
to tha improvised platform and In a loud
voice cried:
"Boys, I wouldn't have misxed this for
a thousand dollars. 1 m from the south.
but, thank God, I am spared to hear Jules
Lumbard sing again. I was wounded eight
times by the famous Seventy-second regl
ment of Illinois. When I was wounded I
lay on the battlefield at Vlckshurg and I
lost consciousness as Jules Lumbard came
along singing with all his might and main
and with tne voice of a thrush, 'Rally
'Round the Flag."
"I nevea-thought I would hear him again.
Yes, It was worth" a' thousand dollars."
And with that Patton grasped the hand
of Lumbard and the entire audience rose
as one and gave three cheers for th blue
and the gray. ... ,
Bolt In Coart Shows rOrlglnal Cost ret
Lake la'Teir rants
A sldeUeht on the original cost of ire,
which wa retailed to resident consumer
last summer at SO cent per 1)0 pound. Ik
given in a suit filed Tuesday afternoon by
George L. Miller against the Cudahy Park
ins: company. The suit la on a contract
whereby the defendant . harvested the cJ
from Seymour lake. Under tha agreemint
it paid 10 cents a ton for all the ice It
took from the lake. Mr.- Miller asserts lr
the petition the defendant has not made
an accounting with him and still owe liin
C000, which It refuses to pay. He asks
the court to require an accounting ar.r!
give him Judgment for the amount due him
A l ertaln Care ' for Croup teed for
Ten Years Wltnoa a Failure.
Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Tnd.. hard
ware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praiac
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His chtl.
dren have all been subject to croup and he
has used this remedy for the last ten years,
and though they much feared the croup, hit
wlf and he always felt safe upon retiring
when a bottle of Chamberlain' ' Cough
Remedy wa In the house. His oldest chili'
waa aubjeot to severe attacks of croup, but
this remedy never failed to effect a speed
cure. He haa recommended It to frlemU
and neighbors and all who have used it aa;.
that It la unequaled for croup and whoop
ing cough.
Satire Bamkrnpt Stock from Shelley's
1511 Doaglas St., Omaha,, oa
Sal Tbarsday, Oct. II.
Brandel bought this entire bankrupt
stock at a wonderful reduction. Shelley'i
stock waa known to contain only the high
est grade selected merchandise. On Thurs
day we place on sale at Brandeis the en
tire stock ot ladies' cloaks and suits,
waists, skirts, milliner)-, ribbons, hair
good, silks, lace, cblfTons, ma lines and
ladles' . furnishing goods at Jl'ST ONE
chance of a lifetime to buy those up-to-daK
high-clasa good at u;h extraordinary
bargains. Match for further particulars.
Bale ht-gln Thursday, October U.
Vary Law Rate ia tbe Wast.
The Chicago Great Western railway will
sell ticket to points In Alberta, British Co
lumbla, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wash
ington at about one-halt the uxual fait
Ticket on sale dully August 17 to Oct obi
at, inclusive. Get full Information from II
H. Churchill. General Agent, 151 Farna
Bt., Omaha, Neb.
far 4 af Tha a fee.
We wmh to expreas our heartfelt
to our many friends and neighbors f.i
their kindness and help during the lour
Illness ana a-sin or our oeiovea wlf a no
mother and for th many floral tributes.
I'T.OO Chicago and return. 117.00.
Oct. th and 10th.
Good 'till Oct. 15th.
Via the Northwestern Line.
The only double track route.
ltul-1402 Farnam 8L
DIAMONDS Frenser. Uth and Dodg ta
Hall4lar Parmlla.
Tbe follr-wlng building permit have
bean issued: S. O. Mercer company, HOC
The Promised
The Greatest and
Most Complete
Assortment in
This City at
RAIN COATS don't allow of much description, but ours are cut full,
with handsome shoulders. YoiJll find them chock ful of style and
service. ,
St. Louis People IatetTiswsd ot the
Intereitioe Eubjeot
It 1 Claimed by Cooper that Monster
Worm Cause Fttty Per Cent
of All So-Culled tom
ach Troable.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 9. Nothing lias done so
much to arouse the people in St. Louie a
the immense number of parasite or tape
worms that are Doing removed from indi
viduals by a preparation known as Cooper's
New Discovery-
This preparation is being introduced In
thla city for the first time by L. T. Cooper,
the young philanthropist, who has made
and Is making a fortune by It sale. Th
medicine la prepared at Dayton, O., and is
sold for various forma of stomach trouble.
It I now being o!d In St Louis in such
enormous quantities as to have caused a
general discussion by physicians through
out the city.
Cooper claims that much suffering is the
result of -tapeworms and stated early dur
ing his visit that tha creature were re
sponsible for 50 per cent of alt stomach
trouble. This claim seems to be vrlnd,
as fully one-half of the Individual who
have taken thl preparation huv been re
lieved of one ot these creatures.
A reporter, 'who ' spent ' an hour at
Cooper's headquarters, secured statements
from a number of people who brought one
f tbe creatures to the young man yester
day. The following are some of these
statements and are similar to all the rest:
Mr. Charles 11. Muets. living at 4031
Easton avenue, who brought with him a
tapeworm about fifty feet In length, when
urstioned said: "I have been In poor
health for eight years.' I have attributed
It to my stomach, although I waa not cer
tain Just what waa the matter with me. I
VU dull most ot the time and the least
exertion tired m. I had a very Irregular
ippetite and always had a coated tongue.
i waa troubled with shortness of breath.
headaches, dlssincss, sleeplessness and
A-ould aee specks before my eyes If I
ttooped over and raised up quickly.
'My worst trouble was that I seemed to
ack all ambition and It waa difficult to at.
tend to my business, a I always felt tired
ven after a night's sleep. My mind seemed
lull and sluggish most of the time and I
lad difficulty In remembering. I have
'iad headache a groat deal and have done
everything possible, but could get no re
lef. "I heard so much of this man Cooper 1
hat last Wednesday X bought a bottle of
Us preparation. 1 did not use it until yes
erday, when I took two doses of it, and
ihout two hours ago a paraslts left my
-.yetem. I know now what made me feel
o badly all them yeara. I consider this
he most remarkable preparation I ever
leard Of. It has made life worth living
'or ma onca more and I am very thankful."
The statement of Mr. William Bracken
if T30 Morgan Street waa as follows: "I
iad suffered with stomach trouble for
three years. I was not sick enough to be ;
n bed. but' just felt bad alt the time. My;
greatest trouble wa that I always felt
Ired, would get up in the morning feeling
is tired aa when I went to bed."
"I had a very irregular appetite aud was
troubled with diizy spells. If I stood for '
iny length of time I would have a dull
4in In the lower part of my back. I was
lorvoux and felt all the time as though'
lomethlng terrible was going to happen.
My memory has been getting bad during
re last year and my eyesight la not as
een as It was. I have tried many kinds
f medicines, but nothing ewr helped me.
"I had about given up all hop of ever
clng In good health again, when I heard
o much of Cooper and decided to try hl
tiediclncs. I bought one bottle of his New
Discovery, as It is called, t took Just three
iosea of the medicine and thla tapeworm,
which Is over seventy feet In length, left
ny system. I never suspected that I had
this thing. I feel better already and be
'leve I will get bark some of th flesh I
had lost during the last few years. 1
nuld not have that thing in me again for
v thousand dollars."
These statements and others like them
jo far toward accounting for Cociper'a Im-
nensa succesa here and elsewhere. Bo far
every claim mads by the young mn seems
to have been verified.
'xard. 11.000 dwelling; Mra C. T. Kountse.
S23 Dewey avenue, H.600 dwelling: A. M.
Vols nd. Twenty-seventh end Pratt, S3, 600
dwelling: Tom Brennan, repairs to Thurs
ton hotsl, S4.600.
Sterling silver Frenser. Ibth Dodg sta
Marrla- LW-eaaea.
The following marrlag licenses
been Issued:
Name and Address.
Howsrd 1. Barnard, Bassett, Neb...
Maud A- Perry, Omaha
Chester W. Stem, Omaha
Cecil K. Ellett, Omaha
Alfred Ganhats. Omaha
Mrs. Anna Dohse. Omaha...
.... 21
.... 1
.... a
.... s
LlAilONCS Kanojm, loth and Hajasy
Cold Snap Came Yesterday
Form-Fitting Ovcrcorts
Tlu new form-fitting overcoat wo arc show
ing this season is the aristocrat among over
coats. It cannot be imitated in inferior garments
because the most skilled workmanship is needed
to bring out their dressy lines. Our band tail
ored form-fitting overcoats are ultra handsome
Men's Long Overceats
The plain Ipng coat, full and ample, with
broad shoulders, so well tailored that it always
hajigs gracefully a feature for those who do
not like extreme styles.
l it. nwt&rs
The "Friedman Shoe Maker"
After cutting out and joining the dozen or more Parts of
each Shoe and selecting the proper Last the Shoe is ready for
the "Laster." Most of this Work on the "ATLANTIC,,
Shoe is done by Hand assisted by a Machine that grips the
Vamp (lining and all) and pulls it "tightly" over the Last,
after which it is temporarly tacked until the Sole is ready to
be attached. Not a wrinkle in the Lining, not a wrinkle
across the Foot, not a wrinkle under the Arch that's the
result of the conscientious Work done by my Men and the
modern Machines and Methods in use.
! yonr next Shea Ezyarteao b with th "ATLAHTIO"
ta ST product of th CtB ATS8T shoe market on earth.'
$26.75 to
Buffalo and Return
'., . . v . -i
Tickets on sale October 10, 11, 12. Extreme re- ,
turn limit October 29th, via.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St.;
Paul Railway
Three daily trains to Chicago leave Omaha, '
Union Station, 7:55 a. m. 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m.
For folders and information call at City Ticket Of
fice, 1524 Faraam Street, or write to " ,:
To St. Paul and Minneapolis. Two Trains
Each Way Dally
THE LIMITED, leaving' Omaha Ualoa Statioa at 8:30
avery avaalBg. arrlvio St. feat 7i20, Mlaaeapo. .
Us 81OO tha meat saoralag. Is ih flaast equipped traia
out of Omaha. Electric Lighted Throughout, full ma a
Drawing Boom Slaeplatf Cars. Free Heclialng Chair'
Cars aad that celebrated Clab Car most comfort
able car Voa wheels. Tha porters ara polite.
rickati at IS2
Tday I
farnam St., Omaha
i i
. 1
i i
t 1
J t