Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Dee
Entered at Omtht postofftce aa nwnl
class matter.
Dally Bee (without Sunday), ona yenr..HW
I aily Bee and Sunday, ona year '
Hundsy itee, ona year
neiuraay wee, one year i
Tlll t U L" D I'Tl XI V pi DUfVH i
Dally Bee onduding Sunday), per week.. lie
Daily iBawuhout Sunday). P' "'. v1.
Kvenlng Baa (without Bunoay, per wei'k lc
Kvenlng flee (with Sunday), per
"ddfcomiainu of VrrViuiariiiei'in'dS
livery to City Circulation Department.
t)tWaha The Baa building.
South Omaiia-Clly Hall building.
Council Bluffs 10 pearl street.
. Chicago 1640 Vntr, building. .
Kfw York 160S Home Life In, building.
.Washington frtl Fourteenth street,
i'ommunicatlons relating to news snd eil
torlal matter should be addressed: lurnha
He, Editorial 1 t-pxrtment.
Remit by draft, express or hkIuI orVr
payabln to The B-e FubitshiiiK omipi-ny.
July 2-cent stamps rncelvod bi pnyinent f
mall accounts. Personal check, except on
Omaha ar eastern exchiinge. not nccepffil.
Stat or Nebraska, Douglas rouuty. ssi
Charles C. Rosewater. general niannger of
The Bee Publishing company, being duly
worn, saya that the actual number of full
nd complete copies of The Dully. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee prtnieii dining
the month of September. 1SH, 's follows:
1 30.67O
J 30.6b0
. 30,t0
II T .
2k. .
. .
10.. i
Lets unsolti Copies
, .937,360
Net total aales 937,843
Dally average . . . . , SO,928
General jjanag"r.
Subscribed in my presence snd swor.t
to before me-this 1st day of October,
(Scat.) M. B. Hl'NOATK.
Notary Public.
Sabacrleers learlas the city tea
orarlly . sfcaala have The Bee
maUea to thesa.. Address" will be
City Comptroller Lobeck, and Ex
pert Accountant Gilchrist do not speak
when' they pass by.
Cuban insurgents seem to have fol
lowed the Indian custom of surrender
ing no. guns but those which are use
less. Secretary Tail's advice to Cubans
is' to forget nd forgive and It will
probably be Accepted as such advice
usually Is. - ,
If the "alienists"' are unrestrained,
.Harry Thaw will probably be able to
prove Insanity by the time the case is
called for trial.' ',
The exclusion of London Punch
from aeveral countries may be taken
to show that' tress censorship is not
'always' an unmixed evil. ' . '
In, spite of present feaia the new
galton sea may yet be Just what Cali
fornia and Mexico both need to make
ilia desert blossom as a rose.
- Newfoundland proves that irre
sponsible governments, like Irrespon
sible Individuals, are always to. be
counted upon to advance the' most
.radical Ideas. '
Emperor William's idea seems to be
that comments upon the reigning fam
ily should be made only by its own
members, and" then only when they
ara In good humor.
Should the Ohio antl-trusi law
stand the test of the courts success
fully, some legislators will be sur
prised to learn that they failed to pro
vide the necessary loopholes. -
No candidate for any office on the
republican ticket should allow himself
to get the idea that some one else Is
going to'pull him through. Every tub
on Its own bottom, this year.
In rejecting the assistance of Sena
tor Bailey in prosecuting the Waters
Plerca Oil company the attorney gen
eral of Texas seems desirous of know
ing the real reasons if hla case falls.
The discovery of a Dubuque demo
cratic editor that the democratic party
of that state la in the hands of rail
road lawyers will be surprising only
to those who have never Investigated.
Candidate Hitchcock's newspaper
cannot even picture a crook or thug
without putting a black skin on him.
This gives a cinch to the argument of
Mr. Hitchcock why colored men
should vote for him next month.
Mayor "Jim" evidently is ready to
. stand sponsor for the liberality of his
municipal government He promiaed
to-be liberal before he was elected
; and If he does not deliver the goods
The will be charged with having di-
vested himself of hla boasted back
) bone.
Inasmuch as farmers who kill their
) own animals are specifically excluded
t from the operation of the meat In
t suectlon law. that appeal of Chicago
commission men Indicates either that
f railroad agents are doing a little "con
". strulng" on their own account or that
farmers are not all that they seem.
Down at Lincoln tee people are
5. actively engaged in an effort to secure
' greater uniformity In their sidewalks
. as well as to enlarge the area of the
! permanent sidewalk district. It would
' not hurt Omaha to take up thla aame
t matter and make another supreme ef
: fort to rout out the wooden planks
' and cover the gaps where there ara
' do' sidewalks at alL
1 ..34.430
1 30,aeo
S 31.080
4 aasao
t 30,370
7 30,480
1 30.S40
14 30,880
11 30,340
II 30,430
It 30,3 M
14 30,600
II . . .30.800
rr.fTr.rt vs mmT.
The treacherous Williams, who
played Benedict Arnold In the repub
lican stata convention for a nomina
tion for railway commissioner, ought
by all means be defeated at the elec
tion. He Is neither qualified nor com
petent to fill the position creditably,
even though he were elected. He Is
utterly unprincipled, chronically ad
dicted to falsehood and thoroughly
dishonest in conduct. To entrust him
with the decision of ImporUnt ques-
.. ..
tlons between the people and the ratl-
roads Involving hundreds of thou-
sands, and iioaalbly millions, of dol
lars would be almost criminal. Yet
such is the advantage which this polit
ical sell-out enjoys by virtue of his
place on the ticket that decent repub
licans can head him off - and protect
the public only by centering upon one
of the three opposing candidates.
Careful Investigation has convinced
The Bee that the man for whom re
publicans should vote when they
scratch Williams is Oeorge Horst of
Polk county. Mr. Horst has served
in three sessions of the legislature,
making a record that distinguishes
him well above the average. What
ever exception might be taken to some
of the positions assumed by blm on
legislative measures, he proved him
self Independent of the corporation
lobby and In the main stood up and
was counted In favor of solid reform.
The fact thai Horst. Is on the ticket
.30,710 1 as a populist will not weigh against
iiae'o ' nIm witn fair-minded men when the
.3160 question of personal honesty and re
'.3b.coo liability is at stake, as it is here. We
nave no hesitation in saying that
Horst Is so superior to Williams In
every way as a candidate for the
lesponsible office of railroad commis
sioner that comparison would be
odious. Every republican who be
lieves in loyalty and honesty, and op
poses rewarding treachery, should
make up his mind and note it down
to place a cross mark opposite the
name of Horst in place of Williams,
when he comes to cast his ballot In
Complete national bank and treas
ury reports for September bring out
clearly the fact, to which adequate at-1
tentlon has not been given, that not j
speculative demand alone, but absorp
tion of cash in the hands of the peo
ple, hue caused the currency famine
so seriously felt in the eastern centers
of deposit and exchange. If the ordi
nary proportion of the' gain of $212,
000,000 to the money total in the
country within a year, of which
amount $45,000,000 was added dur
ing September alone, had gone Into
the banks there would have been no
occasion for the strain that has been
felt, assuming the same amount of
speculation. But instead of the usual
ratio of deposits to total currency an
unprecedented amount is held out
among the people.
This year the cash outside of the
banks reaches 65 per cent of the total
money In the country, or $20.80 per
capita, whereas two years ago it was
only 61 per cent, or $18.90 per cap
ita. At the same ratio as two years
ago there would this fall be at least
$125,000,000 more money held by the
national banks than there is, and this
amount would be ample as a basis of
accommodation for commercial and
crop movement demand, without seri
ous strain or danger to stability of
values. '
' Such absorption of cash in business
is plainly due to- the universal pros
perity, the number and rapidity of
whose exchanges in detail require a
larger amount for hand to hand pur
poses. On top of that, however, multi
tudes unnecessarily carry more money
In pocket or cash drawer than in less
plenteous times." A difference of a
dollar or two In the average pocket
may seem Inconsequential, but in the
aggregate it means from $70,000,000
to $140,000,000 out of the banka, and
that means the sheer loss to the com
munity of the economic power of from
one-third to one-half a billion dollars
of credit. In the autumn pinch of a
year like the present it also means a
depressing Influence on the value of
the Industrial product of . the whole
country whether from farm or factory,
and a restraint upon business plans
and enterprise.
Information is now coming through
reputable Cuban newspapers that
helps to clear up the mystery why the
property owning, industrial and busi
ness classes, although menaced by rev
olutionary outbreak, manifested indif
ference to their government. Its
abuses apparently were far greater
than had been believed In the United
Statea. One of the foremost Havana
papers, which stands high for ability
and veracity, and which has strongly
condemned the Insurrectionary move
ment, seriously Indicts the govern
ment, declaring that "the merchants
and manufacturers now pay heavier
tribute than under the Spanish regime,
heavier, too, than In any other coun
try In the world, and In thla country,
which Marti, dreamed was to be a re
public, a larger bureaucratic body Is
maintained than In any other coun
try with four times the number of in
habitants, and these receive higher
salaries than are paid In the flourish
ing nations of the earth." A scanda
lous state of affairs Is shown in detail
la Havana, where In the worst time
of Spanish domination the highest
number of employes of the city coun
cil waa ninety-four, whereas they now
number over 400, with much higher
salaries than were received under
Spain. And it la alleged, with citation
of specific proofs, that similar condi
tions exist, not only throughout all
the municipal and local aduinUtra-
, tlona la the Island, but also in the
postofnees. the custom house, the
' nubile works and all deuartinents of :
the general government, so that with I
extravagance and .waste and lncompe- J
tence there has been rolled up an Im
mense burden that bears mainly on
men of business, thrift and Industry.
Under such conditions, of which at
our distance not so much wa heard.
It Is easy to see why the substantial
classes, dissatisfied and disgusted by
the government, were indlsiosed to
rush enthusiastically, to Its support
agnlnst the restless and revolutionary
elements which revolted for entirely
different reason. It Is noteworthy
that the former, now that American
authority hits taken charge, are com
ing forward to point out abuses
like those specified by the Havana pa
per, and calling for the correction
whloh they regarded Impractical under
either the Palm a or the revolutionary
faction. It all brings out Into clearer
light the essential difficulty of the
problem, which is to set up a real
Cuban government that, American In
itiative and control being withdrawn,
will not again fall Into the same
slough of Inefficiency, abuse and re
The Bee has taken It upon itself to
secure the co-operation of tea public
spirited c4tlsens of Omaha to offer a
reward of $500 for evidence leading
to the arrest and conviction of the
person or persons who murdered
Josephine Rummelhart In the city of
Omaha last Saturday night.
The victim of this terrible outrage
happens to be a poor working womau,
without rich or influential friends In
a position to bestir themselves to
hunt down her assailant, and if the
offer of this reward will serve to
stimulate those who are working to
bring this miscreant to Justice, it will
serve the desired purpose.
There Is no Intimation whatever that
the police authorities are not doing
all that they can In the regular per
formance of their duty,, but the pros
pect of a reward may enlist the vigi
lance of others who would not ordi
narily be sharply. on the lookout.
The alacrity with which all
responded who were asked to Join in
the offer of this reward proves that
the lowly station of the victim and
the restricted circumstances of her
friends in no way lessens the deelre to
have the law promptly vindicated by
the punishment of the murderer.
While it has not been the desire of
our people that the postal service
should be a source of net revenue,
It never waa intended, nor is It sound
policy, that the service should be con
ducted at an annual loss of from
$9,000,000 to $14,000,000. Yet there
is no difficulty in discovering the class
of mall which, paying for postage only
a amall fraction of the cost of serv
Ice, causes most of -the deficit.
Contrary to a 'common Impression-,
the loss is not Incurred in carrying
the newspapers, although the postal
legulatlons as to them contain die
criminations and ambiguities, the cor
rectlon of which would contribute ma
terially to revenue. 'But the bulk of
newspaper mail Is carried only a short
average distance, according to careful
estimates not over 150 miles, whereas
there would be profit at 1 cent a
pound for an average distance of 300
miles. Express companies actually real
ize a profit in carrying packages of
newspapers and similar articles such
distances at that rate. But newspa
pers, thus paying at least approxl
mately cost of service, comprise only
70,000 of the .330,000 tons annual
I second-class mall, paying 1 cent a
pound postage, on which the depart
ment insists that service cost Is $30,
000,000 more than aggregate postage
Obviously the loss is due to maga
zines and periodicals, other than legit
imate newspapers, of which the aver
age carriage distance is many times
as great and the conditions of hand
ling and delivery different. More
over, advantage Is taken of express
rates where the rate la lower for short
distance than the postal rate for auch
periodicals, which consequently are
thrust upon the' government only over
distances that cause It loss. There Is,
too, the greater Inequity In the cities
where a magazine, though weighing a
pound or a pound and a half, is de
livered free after it has been carried
1,000 or 3.000 miles In the mails. Yet
the Postofflce department calculates
that the bare cost of carrying and de
livering such mail is 4 cents a pound,
though It pays only 1 cent.
In 1874 the rate for newspapers was
fixed at 2 cents and for magazines at
3 cents a pound, later for both 2
cents, and in 1885 1 cent. But the an
nual sales of monthly publications of
all kinds, which in 1876 were only
5.000,000 copies, now exceed the
enormous total of 350,000,000. It Is
therefore a groaa discrimination to
charge the postal deficit against the
newspapers which, except those of
county circulation only and those of
universal circulation, pay cost of serv
ice. While It Is not difficult to point out
the abusea of postal privileges, it has
been found exceedingly difficult to
remedy them. The railroads which
carry the malls, on which the govern
ment pays excessive rates, are Inter
ested in teenage, and Jeln hands with
the powerful Interests that supply the
underpaid mall to prevent remedial
th it
The Senior Yellow intimate
attempt, have beeu made to tamper
With members of the democratic city
council in connection with pending
franchise ordinances and that the
i.egotlatlons may be taken before the
grand Jury. Inasmuch as the grand
Jury Is In session rUht now. It would
not be n bad Idea to trace the ugly
rumor down at once before it travels
any farther and find out whether It
Is founded on fact or merely a yellow
Stale Senator Thomas Is talking
about amending the voting machine
law so as to remove the straight
ticket lever and force every voter to
indicate his preference separately for
each office to be filled, the Idea being
to discourage straight ballots and
compel Independent voting. This
might be all right if It were accom
panied by the removal of Ue party
circle at the top of the ballots used
In counties where the voting machine
has not yet been introduced. If all the
voter throughout the atate were put
on the same level there would be no
complaint, but so long as the voting
machines are used In Douglas county
only and the old-fashioned ballots re
main in all ttr, other counties of the
state, the voter In Douglas county
should have the same facilities to cast
a straight ballot that the voter else
where enjoys.
George L. Sheldon has placed him
self squarely on record in favor of
taxation of railway terminals for
municipal purposes, the same as other
property which enjoys the benefits of
municipal government. That alone
ought to bring him the votes of every
taxpaylng citizen, not only In Omaha,
but in every city and town in the state
where the railroads are evading their
Just share pt the burden of local gov
ernment. The final voluntary retirement of
Dr. Alden from the superintendency
of the Norfolk insane asylum opens
the way for completely clearing up
the complications with which this In
stitution seems to have been beset
for some time past. There Is no rea
son why the state insane asylum at
Norfolk should Lot run Just as
smoothly and efficiently as the asy
lums at Lincoln and Hastings.
The intimation sent from Washing
ton that cement makers are combining
does not tend to Increase the belief
that the cement block house will re
lieve builders from the exactions of so-
called "trusts;" but they may have a
choice of trust strong boxes to which
they may contribute.
Governor Mickey himself commis
sioned every member of Omaha's
present Board of Fire and Police Com
missioners, and he knew all about
them and what, they would do at the
time of the appointment. It is fjretty
late In the day . for him to go back
of the returns.
John D. Rockefeller is in luck
again, as his lawyers have an oppor
tunity to try.Jiia corporation before he
faces the cqjrr personally so he may
have plenty .of. .light to decide as to
his own gullt'orr tnnocence.
It Pay a to AdvertUe.
Washington Post.
If Sir Thomaa Upton's repeated trials
for the cup prove anything, they prove
that in the tea business that kind of ad
vertising pays.
' In a Talking; Mood.
Baltimore American.
Mr. Rockefeller haa been aoloquacloua of
late .that his appearance In an Ohio court
this' week aa a witness In a suit against
the Oil trust will be doubly interesting.
Rafegcaardlnsi tbc Future.
St. Louts Globe-Democrat.
Vncle Bam has noted the Increased value
of coal lands and will probably withdraw
his remaining poaaesslona of that kind
.... .:........... "-"'- " -
from ordinary entry. They may come in
v j i j ii ih h. r-,,.1 m.r
handy in dealing with the Coal trust.
Saddled the Riant Horse.
Baltimore News.
The republican party of New Vork
clapped the saddle on the right liorsa when
It nominated Mr. Hughes. He is showing
himself a brilliant campaigner, strong In
his appeal to public reason, keen in
his analysis of the Issues before the
More geared Than Hnrt.
Chicago Chronicle.
As the truth gradually leaks out It is
seen, as we all along suspected, that Senor
Tomas Estrada Palma was more sea rod
than hurt when he appealed for American
Intervention. He was In a blue funk from
first to last. If he had hAd a little eourago
and resolution he could have put down thn
opera bouffe "Insurrection" within a week
without aid from anybody. The fact that
he did not do so confirms the original esti
mate of him as a "weak sister" who had
the disposition, but lacked the bravery to
be a bulldoser. '
Slgniarant Treatment of the Peerless
by Happy Hoollaan.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican (Ind.).
That Hearst is making his New York
governorship campaign merely a stepping
stone to the presidency of the I'nlted
States his own newspaper clearly Indicate.
The New York American's account of the
Massachusetts democratic convention makes
Its readers suppose that Hearst waa tho
great feature and that Bryan waa only an
Incident. It starts off by quoting the plat
form reference to Hearst. Then It gives
the ticket nominated; then a few of the
other platform planks; and finally "the
platform also endorsed William J. Pryan
as a man whose moral leadership," etc.
That Is to say, the convention was for
Hearst, but Brjsn "also rsn." Not a word
about U' uproar over the Hearst resolution
and the narrowness of Its escape from being
expunged from the platform; and not a
word about the adoption of a resolution en
dorsing Bryan for the 1908 nomination.
This Is the way the Hearst newspapers
give the news when related in any way to
the towering political ambitions of the ed
itor. The intense jealousy of Bryan thus
revealed shows clearly enough to satisfy
any one that Hearst Is seeking the New
Tork governorship set so roach to help tho
people against corporate plundering aa to
help htmaelf to the democratic presidential
nomination of 1908. But dees It never occur
to him how offensive such exhibitions of
j Insatiable egotism must be to the avers go
I . ...! til. v. Vrk
; wn d.wre-"h.
: liutu about the Massachusetts convention.
XS 11 mil, I1HA1 1 1 a i m l ll l r niril
sought to rush him, a trlrte preniAturely
and somewhat out of order of time and
place. Into a position of national party
Nallrwaa Mekalera aad Saaar Traat
a Trial.
The Hist trials ever held In Nw York
City for violation of the Elklns anti-rebate
law begins today In the fnlted Slates
dlHtrlct court for that district. The de
fendant are the New York Central rail
road company, Nathan Uullford. one of
the vice presidents of the road; Frederlrk
L. Pomrroy, It general traffic mannger:
the American Pugar Refining company, and
C. Ooodloe Edgar and Edwin Earle, De
troit sugar merchants, supposed to be
connected with the trust. yUtogether there
sre six Indictments against the defendants
and n maximum aggregate of two.ono In
penalties may be Inflicted In caae the
prosecution Is successful In proving every
count of every Indictment
The investigation into the crimes alleged
to have been committed, relates the New
York Bun, was begun by I'nlted States
District Attorney Henry I Btlmson last
winter. A portion of the evidence has
been laid before Attorney General Moody
in Washington, having been procured, It
la understood, largely through the agency
of a man who was formerly the chief
traffic manager of the Sugar Trust, but
lost his position on account of a disagree
ment with President Havemeyer. His tes
timony was- laid before the authorities In
January, and with this as a starter As
sistant United States District Attorney
Wise, who has confined himself exclusively
to the caaea haa got together a mass of
testimony which It will take two months
to present to the Jury.
The cases are not only the first In New
York City under the Elklns amendment,
but are also the first under the Interstate
commerce law as far as the courts of this
district are concerned. Prior to the Elklns
amendment the penalty for rebating was
both a fine and Imprisonment. Now a fine
alone can be Imposed, but the fine msy be
,0W) for every - offense, a much larger
amount than could have been Imposed
under the original act.
"As a matter of fact," said one of the
attorneys Interested In the cases, "the pen
alty for every act of rebating is at least
twice as large as It appears from a cursory
reading of the statute. In every offense
there must be a carrier who gtvea the re
bate and a shipper who accepts It. Each
is liable to the maximum penalty, so that
altogether the state may recover $40,000
for every offense.
"Thus In the cases about to be tried
there are six Indictment. For a rebate
of some $26,000 alleged to have been paid
by the New York Centr. l to the Pugar
"-ust on shipments. New York to! Cleve
nd. In 190Q, there Is an Indictment against
the railroad and another against the ship
per. Each entails a possible penslty of
$20,000. For shipments to Detroit in 1904
on which a rebate of about $500 was al
leged to have been paid there Is an in
dictment against the New York Central
and Nathan Guilford, one of the vice presi
dents of the road, as a result of which both
the company anl Mr. Guilford personally
may be forced to pay $20,000 each. And
on the same allegation of facts an In
dictment has been returned against the
sugar company, the shipper and Edgar A
Earle, Dftrolt sugar merchants, who were
the consignees and are alleged to have
been connected with the sugar eomoany
and parties to the rebating. Penalties of
$10000 may be exacted Uoth from the sugar
company and the Detroit merchants, so
that here for one offense penalties ag
gregating $XO,O0O are demanded.
"The most Important indictments ore
based on shipments from New York to
Detroit In 1907. There sre two Indictments
on this allegation of facts, and In each of
them there are seven counts charging the
payment of rebntes averaging $1,300 a month
for'eVery one of seven months. In one of
these Indictments the New York Centrnl.
Mr. Guilford and Frederick I Pomeroy.
general traffic manager of the Central, are
mnde liable to the Imposition of penalties
of $140,000 apiece; similar penultles In the
same amount are demanded In the other
Indictments from the American Sugar Re
fining company, the American Sugar Re
fining Company of New York, a subsidiary,
and Edgar ft Earle."
The amount of the penalties that may
thus be Inflicted for every act of rebating
Is considered by some of those particularly
interested In the prosecution as a refutation
of the charge that the railroads and bttr
shippers have nothing to fear from a law
which Imposes a fine without Imprisonment.
The aggregate of penalties permissible In
theso cases Is many times that which
would make an infraction of the law a
i matter of no financial loss.
In another way." said one of the
.,. , .
neys, "the system of fine without Imprison
ment furthers the ends of Justice. When
violators of the law could be Imprisoned
no one who had been a party to rebating
was willing to come forward and furnish
evidence on the Idea that putting another
man in prison Is going too far in business
rivalry. In the present prosecutions mon
who would never have thought of furnish
ing evidence to the people under the old
taw have done so willingly."
It Is understood in this connection that
some of the testimony on which the prose
cution relies is In the shape of letters from
railroad traffic officials to the shippers.
One of these letters. It is said, statea spe
cifically that a rebate of 2 cents a hundred
will be pnld on the presentation of vouchors
by the shippers.
When the Investigation was begun by tha
federal officials in this city there was evi
dence affecting moat of the lines In the
trunk line association. Charges were made
against both the standard lines and most of
tha differential lines. The fact that no In
dictments have been returned against any
except the New York Central should not be
taken as an Indication that the other
charges have been dropped.
On the other hand It should he borne In
mind that six months of steady work has
been devoted to preparing the case against
the New York Central, and this, In view
of Its Importance as a test case, has been
Know What to Avoid
Kivow Where to Buy
That's the Secret of Piano Buying
That the largest variety of reliable pianoa in any store
in the west Is to be found right here in Omaha at
That prices are the lowest, by $50 to $150 on a piano,
right here at Hospe's.
That no baits are offered, no subterfuge in advertising
at Hospe's.
That each piano here is marked with ita one lowest,
unchanging price, that there Is no haggling or jockey- .
Ing and no misrepresentation. A child can buy here
as safely as an expert.
That we pay no commissions to any one for bringing or
sending cuBtoccars to our store, therefore no mtorepre
aentatlon and you get the commission yourself.
That your money is as good as any one's in our store,
that no one can buy a piano cheaper than you.
That the best pianos in the world are the Knabe, Kra
nlch & Bath, Hallet-Davls, Cable-Nelson, Krell, Mathu
ahek, Kimball, Bueh & Lane, Weaer Bros.. Hospe,
Whitney, Hinze, Burton, Irving, Cramer and others,
f 10 sends one home, 6 to $10 per month pays for it.
A. HOSPE CO., 1513
Absolutely Pur
A wholesome cream of tartar
baking powder. Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot
breads, cake and pastry.
Alum and alum-phosphate
powders are injurious. Do not
use them. Examine the labeU
a oval aAKm eowota co., hi von.
considered quite sufficient as ' far as the
procurement of Indictments la concerned.
With the New York Central cases disposed
of, the prosecuting authorities will proceed
on more than a dosen other cases. In all of
which a considerable portion of Important
testimony has already been secured.
In addition to the cases In charge of
Assistant United States District Attorney
Wise there are pending four Indictments
against subsidiaries and officers of the
American Tobacco company. These prose
cutions are conducted under the Sherman
anti-trust law by Henry W. Taft and Felix
II. Levy, who were appointed assistants to
the attorney general for this specific pur
pose. The Indictments charge the Mac Andrews
ft Forbes company of New Jersey and Its
president, Karl Jungbluth, and the J. 8.
Young company of Maine, with factories
In Baltimore, and its president, Howard E.
Young, with conspiring to control the bust,
ness of licorice paste In the whole country.
Demurrers were Interposed to these in
dictments and the cases are not yet sched
uled for trial, ft Is understood that the
case are by no means the only ones In
preparation against the Tobacco trust.
Evidence of Increasing; Cost of City
Philadelphia Ledger.
From a report just Issued by the census
bureau, it appears that while tha per
capita of the national debt la declining,
the per capita of the municipal debt la
rapidly increasing In the United States.
The investigation referred to the period
ending June 30, 1(03. The per capita na
tional debt was $11.77, the lowest ever
reached. The national exactions are In
direct, and for that reaaon are scarcely
felt by the Individual. In 1870 the total
local debt of the country, Including school
lndebtness with that of cities, towns and
minor civil divisions, was only $8.81 per
capita. The period from 1890 to 1902 showed
a great Increase In this kind of Indebted
ness, the aggregate outstanding In 1902
being more than four times aa great aa In
1870, with a per capita averaging . $18. 24.
or mora than twice that of 187. This debt
must be discharged by direct taxation.
The per capKa of state and territorial In
debtedness is only $19, also a minimum
record. The school debt haa been practi
cally stationary for some years. The sub
stantial Increase Is In the debt contracted
ror the government of cities and other
municipal divisions. - Local government Is
Increasingly costly, and It is at this point
that the weight of government rests heav
ily upon the taxpayer.
Upton Sinclair has now accepted
c'.allst nomination for congress In
i so
New Jersey.
Pennsylvania farmers are holding tur
keys for higher prices, but they want It
distinctly understood that this Is not a
trust nor a combine, but a community of I
interests. I
Sixteen New York lawyers are being sued
for lending their names to an enterprise
said not to be legitimate. Their will
ingness to lend names Instead of money
Is by no means uniaue.
The Loomls family has been holding Its
fourth annual reunion In Windsor, Conn.,
and drew attendance from all parts of
the country, it being estimated that 3T0
persons were present. The homestead
which was built by Joseph Loomls soon
after he came from England In 1(139 was
located not far from Windsor. Part of
the original building still stands.
Mark Twain has always been conspicu
ously laty in fact, rather prides himself
on his pronounced Indisposition to physical
effort When at school in Hannibal. Mo.,
he and his classmates were Instructed to
write a composition on "The Effects of
Laslness." Young Clemens at the end of
half an hour's dtllheratlon handed In as
his , contribution a blank slate.
Edward B. Wesley, long known as "the
grand old man" of Wall street, died last
week at the advanced age of 16, leaving
a fortune estimated at $3,000,000. Mr. Wes
ley never smoked, drank or went to the
theater and always attributed his success,
like Russr'U Sage, to the fact that he be
gan to save from his first start In life,
when he sold birch beer and cakes to a
crowd of people In a little New England
village and made a profit of $3 a day.
Douglas St., Omaha j
Knlcker Was he mentally competent U
maka a will?
Rocker No; he had seventeen poor re
latives. New York Sun.
"Did you ever think whst you'd do It you
had Rockefeller's Income T
"Yes, and I've Often wondered what he'd
do If he had mine." Philadelphia Ledger.
He frowned at his chauffeur terribly.
"How was It." he demanded, "that I saw
you and two young women out in the pars
last night In my automobile?"
"I don't know, sir," the chauffeur fal
tered, "for I was gtire I f n you tska th
evenln train for the Country club." t.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Dentist Little girl, which is the tooth
that aches?
Boston Child I have no tooth that aches),
sir, but there Is an exceedingly sensltM"
nerve In the upper right bicuspid, which 1;
shall have to ask you to treat. Chk-n!
Tribune. "f
"Nobody la valued at his real worth In
this world," said the discontented man.
"That's right." answered Farmer Corn
tossel. "If thla country was to develop an
out-an-out genius, some breakfnst food or
another would come along an' claim all the
credit for It." Washington Star.
'I think you'd like this hsll room," said
Mrs. Starvem. - "Of course, there Isn't
much room here, but"
"No," replied me prospective ooercier.
but I m errata i d nno room ror com
plaint. Show me something else, please.
Philadelphia press.
"That man Insists on trying to be bigger
tbsn his party."
"Wetl." answered Senator Sorghum. "If
he keep on trying he will probably suc
ceed In at least being bigger than what Is
left or it." Washington star.
New York Times.
They met in the world's square.
in tne piaee wnere people meet.
Where the far roads merge and split an
There are trails of a million feet.
i -
Each msn wore a different dress
Or a different shspe of hat;
An unheard-of creed or god had this,
An unknown tongue had that.
Each swallowed a different food.
Each uttered a different grace.
Each spoke of all his own aa good,
. And of earth as a varied place.
They storied from dusk tlll:;dawn,
Each teller amaslng the other.
Till each his neighbor fell upon
Like whelps of a different mother.
Then the sage of the world's square
Who had lived where peoples meet.
Who had seen the wanderers meeting there
From the trails of a million feet.
Arose with a smile and said:
"This youth hath a different hat;
This man bath a different shape of head
And a different faith hath that.
'His land hath the camel and date;
Thy land hath the motor and pine;
Hla sun shines hot.- though the year be
While a frosen land Is thine.
"But. answer me, colora and creeds.
Is the end not eamely human.
Does each not toll for his mouth needs.
And give the rest to a woman?"
Confounded, the arguers gaped
And stared at the sage In affright.
Until from the Hps of one escaped:
"I'll be hanged if he Isn't right!"
"if Juive a proper priU in my fig
re," $aid Jkau Jirummel, not
natural thai I $hould be properly at
tirtd?" THE
COAT. There is no doubt that the
form-fitting Overcoat is the
season '8 ehoice.
We have an assortment of
Top Coats that includes the
several .weight's and lengths
and shades from black to
gray mai r asmon ucerees.
A light-weight to starr
with, if you like, and trim-
med as you like, and peady
to wear when you like.
m. WILCOX. Manager.