8 THE OMAHA PAHA RKK: TIT.SDAY. ("XTOREIJ 0." 1006. CLARKE ENTERS A PROTEST Hst tt Kfe'inr end Disapproves Resolu Medium and Heavy Weight Under- The tion Surrendering to Ysiier. . 4. V Great Difference In Life Insurance Companies , ii not revea)4 by their names nor their claims. The day before the San Francis, o , dia;ter, all Tire Insurance Comnanies nrrmed aliVc to the thoughtless: there was d ' treat difference nevertheless, ant) when the test cme, tome quibbled, tome defaulted, wMW others drew an the reserve fundi which they had ready for such a contingency, paid the larfe amounts due, and went rifht on. It U because for years the money it has received from its policyholders has been invested with n ssroal skill and care always safe, always growing, always ready for the hour of need that Tike Mtmtaal Ofe Imsiiaraimce Ctoinnipainiy is the strongest and staunchest Life Insurance Company in the world. Read these figures as to the Mutual reserve, f At the close of IMS, the Mortgage Loans amounted to HM.71l.IIJ.lt, on which more than four and one naif millions have been received in interest during the year, and less than fifteen thousand dollars of interest , was overdue at its close. Most of this trifling amount was paid in within a few days. The sum of zs.iss.ZJS.si was loaned on the Company's policies, and lll,lia.vo.M was loaned on other collateral, no interest whatever being overdue on either item. Bonds and Stocks costing Slls,tSa,?Oz.M and having market value on December II, IMS, of l2tl4l,M7JI were held by the Company, and on this enormous amount not one dollar of interest was overdue and unpaid, and but one stock failed to pay a good dividend in. IMS, this stock being that of a new company, subsequently sold at prout over cost When it Is borne in mind that no sucn aggregation 01 purely investment securities has ever been brought together elsewhere, the absolutely clean and indeed perfect quality of these immense investments ticites praise and wonder, felt and cipressed most strongly by those who know most as financiers of the dangers and pitfalls attend ing the car of large Investments. This remarkable showing also appeals to the plain people whose money comes slowly, who value safety and who under stand that security like the above makes Insurance insurance indeed. J If you would like Id know for yourself the latest phases of Life Insurance, or wish information concerning any form of policy, consult our nearest agent or write direct to Thai Jiwtaal Ltr Insarancc Cotnpny Mew Tork, K. T. LUBECR'S SYSTEM FLAW Comptroller' Methods Fronouacsd Farcical by Expert Aooooatant Oilohriit. SAYS DEPARlMcNT NUDS REORGANIZING Declares it Deceptive at Preseal, Assuming to Do BaaaetMnsi Whfch It Does Stt Perform. J. M. Ullchrlst, engaged a expert ac countant to' check over the city treasurer's accounts and other departments ot the city government, mado a report Monday morning to the mayor and council, on hie Incomplete check of the books of the late city treasurer, A. II. llennlugs. Mr. Gil christ report IK general rt its terms, con taining no figures, as he stated he was stopped In his work before finished. The accountant casts reflections on the work of the comptroller's department,' stating that if the accounts of the late treasurer are found to be correct it' would be no fault of the "farcical ' auditing of accounts as now employed by the comptroller. M.800 but for the examination and the hon esty of the county treasurer, who made good his clerk's defalcation. Ledgers Only Fit for Jaak Pile. I now advise you that the tax ledgers In the comptroller's office are absolutely Incorrect and practically useless and only fit for the junk pile. There is no claim by the comptroller's office force that they rep resent anything and no attempt Is blng made to verify the correctness of the treas urer's balance. It may or It may not be correct. If it is correct no credit Is due the comptroller; if incorrect it cannot be too moon known, and the cause thereof. Beeond I'nder the auditing system pre viously mentioned duplicate tax lists are made, one for the treasurer's office and the other for the comptroller's office. The taxes are marked paid by the treasurer on his list from the original receipt and by the comptroller from the duplicate, tl.u object being as described by the author of the system to compare the lints not less than once in three months to detect fraud and Inaccuracies. 1 desire to point out that It is nearly a year since any such comparison was made. There is ample room for fraud and inaccuracy ocourlng In such a lapse of time and the original in tention of frequent comparisons should b maintained. Third The charter provides, suction Li: "He (comptroller) shall carei'ully examine ana cnecK an me reports or the cllv treas urer and county treasurer as ex-othYlo city treasurer and communicate to the city council as soon thereafter as practicable the result of such examination. Referring more particularly to the words, "check all the reports of the county treasurer as ex. olflclo city treasurer," I desire to call your Mavor Dahtman said Mondav mornlne- he .attention to the fact that of the thousands lid not phm tn hm htmslf nt this 1 ot dollars collected by the county for the .. ?!! 1 P?V, .! IL u,lB ! city through the operations of the sraven- tlme on the report of Mr. Gilchrist, pre- I er law no effort has been innde by the fprrlnsj t await the action of the council comptroller's office to determine whether . Tuesday venlng The Gilchrist report will 'M, ,.; b received by the council Tuesday even- amounts due .the city. The entries re noioaw jrrwth mayor will bring up -the mut-' enormous and ot large amount and It would oe ainiosi a miracio it round correct with' out a proper audit. copy of the report, so we oould not check them. "If Mr. Gilchrist has any suggestion as to methods of bookkeeping that are valu able we will be glad to adopt them, but un til I am convinced they are better than present methods present methods will be used. Both the representative of the cen bus bureau and the special accountant of the American Bonding company, who re cently made an examination of the treas urer's accounts, reported we have the best system In the country." N. P. DODGE iXriAiNS HS POSITION ft Data Me reels til Republicans ' tre Is Honor Hnnnd tn Klde . Artion nf state tosvrslliin. The commotion created by the publication of a resolution said to have ben adopted by all the republican candidates for the legislature in this county, except Senator Gibson, evidently hss not been allnycd. It turns out that another member of the dele gation wag absent from the meeting mid does not propose to., stand for Its action. This member is Henry T. Clarke, Jr., who Is not satisfied with being represented as Joining In the surrender to Telser and has ' called upon Mr. Dodge, who acted as chair man of the meeting and wrote out the reso lution, to set Mm right before ho public. The correspondence la Interesting, giving, as It does, a littlo more of the Inside of the transaction and is as follows: OMAHA. Oct. . K".. iron. X. F. Dodge. Jr.. Omaha, Neb.: Dear fllr 1 notice In Raturday morning's Bee an Item which I hereto attach purporting to be a copy of a resolution adopted by the republican legis lative candidates! of Douglas courty st a meeting held st your office snd signed by yourself ss chairman, at which meeting I am credited aa being present and concur ring In the action of the d h-gutton. 1 be lieve the action of the delegation was Ill advised and taken without sufficient consid eration. I desire that yon publicly correct this mistake for the following reasons: First I was not present. Second-1 do not concur in the action ot the delegation. The title of the various legislative candi dates nominated at the' last primary elec tion was questioned by Mr. John O. Yelrcr, a defeated candidate who brought legal proceedings to test the some. That Mr. Yelser should use thse proceed'ngs as a club and extort the above resolution from those present at the meeting ns a condition precedent to his dismissing his proceeding does not reflect credit on himself, ror add strength to the merit of his pretended con test. I do not propose to accept any nomina tion the title of which Is clouded or vh'ch Is clesred t the expense of acceding to the demands of a defeat'd contestant VV Cili IVal lWAVrJLl UIIU VVU1I1U. A tock that represents thi most comvhte assortment that we hatv had in many a tea yon. The lowest pries underwear here i dependable, and that cannot he said of a great in am arade of low priced underwear. We will not tell an undergarment that tee cannot stand bach of. hrom among our different line the following should receive the attention f careful buyer: Men's Underwear 40c; 75c Men's extra heavy eenlUry fleeced underwear, In silver jrray and xea- ger colore. Best valuee ever anown, 0c each garment. Meu's fine quality natural gray and caruel'a hair wool underwear, aelt and Bilk finished front shirt; rein forced drawers 7&c. Men's extra heavy natural gray wool underwear, heavy double breasted and double back, and double eeated drawers, regular $1.60 quality; 100 each garment. iiiru o ratio n- 1.00 L50 1 Men's best quality Australian wool and fine fash ioned French Merino, medium and heavy weights, In natural gray and chocolate colors, worth 2.00 11.50 each garment. Women's Underwear 50c Ladies' fine quality Egyptian cotton vesta and pants, in white, ecru and silver gray, French neck and sateen faed pants 73c value, 50c. Ladies' Medium weight Egyptian cotton and derby ribbed Merino Combination Combination Suits in ecru and silver grey, Vest and Pints LOO Salts 50c Bays Combi nation Suits -$1.00. Boys' fine quality derby ribbed sil ver grey combination suits best fitting and best wearing suits made for boys and girls. Sites up to 14 years old 50c. a(Sfotl3mqD. I of no reason vhy this resolution puts Mr. Brown without the pale, and I made no ob jection to ther esolution, as Mr. Yelser's contest was disturbing to some numbers of the delegation, and It was represented by older heads tnat it wouiu injure inf. or republican success, i chances of republican success. I never Whii. t cm nr,nn.d In the nomlnitlon of I took Mr. Yelser's contest seriously beyond T'nlted States senator In a state convention the possibility of throwing out a very until such time an the constitution can be suspicious looking precinct. I agree w It a changed snd the people siven a cbnnce to Mr. Clarke, that we should have eonsld vot on the men snd liu dlrctlv. and i ered morels refully before passing a reso- i v'i ter vol . having Mr. Gilchrist' completo lils check on th' treasury department and i .books of ' I,ee Orler, former clerk of the police court. , The mayor has a report from t)ptity. .Comptroller Cosbtov. who checked up the police court accounts for three years. Gilchrist 'Talks Out l.uuU. The counc!; auspensed with the services of yiichrlst HopterhW 3 without referring the matter to the mayor. Now the mayor rontf nd he has the right to have the ex pert r accountant complete the work for which ho originally was engagod. in submitting his report to the mayor. and council Mr. dllchria offered this state ment; .. for many reasons the filing of this report Is a disagreeable ditty. I believe, however, the condition of affairs Is Indefensible and should not be allowed to continue. - I do not blame the council for Its action: It whs simply deceived and lll-advlsed. I do resent the hiddeu motive behind the ac tion, and that was to suppress the facts, a3 shown In my report. Pwrsonally, so far tis I am concerned, it la nut at all nvcessar' that the no unci! should have my services: It certainly never wus necessary thnt I should have the work snd It Is eqnnlly trae today; t dlsnlac-d other business to take up the work; 1 should have to do the same aguln. -Tart Harnett for I.obecW. In the course pf bis report to the iimyr and council Mr. Gilchrist says: Some years ago, after - an unfortunate condition of ufraire had been discovered In the city treasurer's office, a very Excellent system of accounting w.s established in connection with the treasurer's office. I regret to suy, however, that Insofar as the comptroller office is concerned, that sys rein has practically ceaed to exlat and If the accounts of the treasurer are found to b correct it Is because a' the Jioroty and cnrefulne of the treasurer and his em pov4 and not because of the farcical auditing of accounts as row employed by ihc comptroller. In order that this general statement may be clearly .t forth I de alre to distinctly specify certain potr.te. which can Im readily verified by your hon-' uorablo body. first Section S of the rew charter pro ldes "ho i canipt roller) shall nlso keep a rrgular and accurate account of the dblt and credit with the cl i yr treasurer, charg ing said treasurer with the amount of taxes levied on the assessment roll snd giving liim -relil for H duplicate receipts f'lr nlslil with Ills statements." The oblect of this provision Is to lw ubl at any tlma to determine from the comoi roller s tax ledirer whether the debit uniount agrees with the total unpaid taxev, us shown on ihs tax lifts, snd niiinlv to gnard against any false credits Ivlng marked In the , lists, by t.x being rollertol without a . corresponding duplicate receipt. That the latter conomon sometimes nas occurred '.will be genwally remembered in the case of the city of-Chlcago. when a clerk In the treasurer's office, for a monetary consider ation, marked the taxes paid on the Ma sonic temple building, thereby defrauding the city of Chicago of the whole tax od the building. Two year ago. In l-tnraster ounty, Nebraska, .1 txreonallr found somewhat similar coudrtton of affairs, which, would huve.coat Lancaster coun(y AwBoanrements of the Theaters. The April Fool, the Welsh Rarebit and the Man in the Moon are having a good time at the Boyd theater this week. "The Land of Nod" will remain until after Wednesday evening, with a matinee on Wednesday afternoon. Clay Clement's new play, 'Sain Houston," is based on life Incidents of the famous Texas patriot and statesman. It tells a historical story In a popular way and Is said to be very strong as a drama. The setting of the piece is described as costly and elaborate, Mr. Clement having been at great pains to make it historically ac curate. The engagement at the Boyd be gins on Thursday evening and lasts the rest of the week, with a matinee on Sat urday. This afternoon at the Burwood theater the regular professional matinee will be given; and all sojourning actor folks will be welcomes" "The Wife" Is br-Intr pre sented by the Woodward Stock company. fees Xot Accouated For. Fourth Section 106M of Cobbey's Anno tated statutes of Nebraska, provides "that the county treasurer shall also pay to each city lu the county the sum of 25 cents from the docket fee or) each tract of land in such city." So accounting of theso fees : .. ....... a .... ka i ...i I..-' . . i ltm BTrn iiiauv iyi uurr I uriai I i tnent since January 1, 190U. notwithstanding. Noted Woman Will Lecture Here Tonight. KaUierine M. If. Blackford, M. D., L. V., of the Boston Hchool of Vttomphy will bo- gin a series of free lectures on "Character Analysis and Health Culture" at the Lyric theater.' Her subject tonight will bs "Churucter Analysis," Introducing a new while I am greatly chagrined at the fnl'ure of a Douglas countv man to secure te re nuhllcan nomination for the United S'aes enatori"hlp. yet T regnrd It as poor rKil't leal morals for this county and dIeratlon to go back on the actlcn of the stste con vention after having entered Into the con tent. Moreover, setting asMe the nhstr.iet que? tlon of rlaht and wrong, pnlltlcillv. It Is n M. A A! ..I.... , - feV. t ..!.. I. .. 1.. J. trvtmr for v"a T tT secure tne enactmcVt. 'o Omaha more good than any United o?ir;oyon;of rLWJtl'nU! road terminals for municipal purposes nite y "i " .rA- ni ' ,u. r.rrtv flurh a in w would compel ' both Of those much needed reforms, and ?h. 'JhSl ya 5 elr fT. share of i they are the loudest in demanding an ,h ri"ro"a, A0...Ve. i'ir.. Omaha man for United States senator, foi mininpKi tmr uin.u.i. u a. r ,!,. r,.rnl n,wt wnere tnev now es- "V." i, "Ai. " t-"" ! llinn civic luywuj. r. -'vivix, i. lution that gives the general public th" impression that we are to vote for an Omaha man when I at least have no such Intention, but. on the other hand, believe we are In honor bound to Join with the state In can ng out the declaration of the convention. Omaha has far more Important things at stnke In the other planks of our Plat form than United States senator. A direct primary law end terminal taxation wiir iiarliciilarlv In Omthii cape the pavment of 150,000 to J'.ki.O'ai Uxe.3 annuallv. which In fairness they ought t.t pav. The republican party, in Its lust convention, has made the enactment of such a law a part of its platform. If en acted Into a law. It wilt Increase the mu nicipal tx of the railroads In this stti from tKHOCO to $i0.000 a year without fak ing away taxes from . any county cl?v. town, township or school district that th"V now receive, and which taxes the railroad now evade. - - If the republican nominees for the legis lature In Douglas county go buck on tin The statement published In a local paper that Senator Gibson, who was not at the meeting, had since concurred In Its action. Is not borne out by the facts. Indignation at York. YORK. Neb., Oct . (Special.) The re ported resolution adopted by republican nominees on the legislative. ticket for Doug las county, wherein they expect to not voto for Norrls Brown because lie is not an notion of the convsntloit, Vo far nn It re-. jinu)ia man. 4s not received here with good establish a good preced.nt for the c.'.untrv "race. A leading republican In an Inter members to evade the terminal tax plank. view stated: "The republicans of Nebraska I am not sufficiently inrormen as to wno f(1UKiit out the issues and the republican Is responsible for. thla; action.- and my friendship for Mr. .Yelser . win not permit GORDON FURS '"PHE name "Gordon" on a fur garment insures its worth as absolutely as the signature of the government guarantees the value of its bonds. You may get satisfactory furs when you buy others; when you buy Gordon Furs you are sure. Gordon Fur Neckwear : Gordon Furs are made into neckwear of many styles styles that are so distinctive and characteristic that the name "Gordon" has come to mean as much in (urs as "Worth" has long meant in women's dress. t One of the deservedly popular designs is the Blanche, which can be had in various furs to suit individual tastes, at prices rang ing from $15 to $50. Blanche Jtsk your dtaUr for convention selected their candidates, and me to otiestlon his sincerity, but. frankly I think If you pursue the "eonrse ns set Douglas county at this time. The state J forth in the .resolution sou, win Piny into , . . . , . . ri.lrorls. Tliev ilnnt. . . - .....j his specific duty to make monthly reports system of character utudy. ' Tomorrow night to tne city .council. As the number of ,h .,n ... .. ... t. docket feci paid lu has been Quite large, . the subject will be "Work; Its Importance the total due the city will amount to a j In Mental and Physical Development." and good many hundred dollar. Thursday night she will speak' on F Ifth Hectlon lul of the new charter pro- t4 r.K.Ui ... ,..,, .. vldes "that any balance remuinlng In any Heallh: How 10 Obtain and Maintain It. specific fund after all obligations created i These lectures are free and the oppor agalnst and payable out o such fund have . tunlty to hear the doctor should not be ben paid, redeemed or cancelled shall be ,iu.. transferred to the sinking fund bv tliu I """seu. comptroller without further direction of the I " council." The amount so certified by the" Northern PaelSle Railway Specials. comptroller to the treasurer Is Incorrect, , As an inducement to general laborers being bused upon a false assumption. The amount to he transferred should be the tllffureuce between the amount collected and the total amount of the obligations treated. Aa a consequence the balances in the vari ous funds us now shown are Incorrect. Hlxth There are numerous cases where the comptroller has ordered Interest on and settlers moving to the Pacific north went, special rates have been put in. The Northern Pacific railway will sell dally un til October 31, 1, colonist tickets as follows: St, Paul to Billings, Mont.. 1; Helena, isxes ienaie.1. an assumption or the power Butte and Anaconda. Mont., $20; Bpolcane, conferred upon the council. While rea-i ...... ... ... T ' ' T,.K sons may be advanced whv this was done. M"" Walla, Wash., and Lewlaton. Idaho, I dem It a dangerous pflvlleg for any ,121.30; Seattle, Tacotua, Wash., and Port- one ptnciai to assum. it may result m t land. Ore.. r.'5. Similar reductions to other msmtli suT TaVrnin:! Points. Apply for further Information to ten tlon. A. ii. Cleland. General Passenger Agent, iou win unuerstanu. or course, that xne i t. Paul. Minn.; K. D. Hockwell, District eAisiiiiimtiuii maun uy inv was incuinpiem because of the action taken bv tliu eoun ell; whether any further errors Or omis sions would evolve, I am unable to say. Insofar as the police court tangle is con cerned. I have never been allowed to makg any Investigation and no report has been tiled that I could examine since she mut ter was first agitated over three months ago. Regarding other departments I have no knowledge, but If the checking is on a par with the police court and the treas urer's office, then the auditing in connec tion with the city Is In a woeful ct.iv. tlon. The department Is tn need of a general reorganisation, aa under the pres ent conditions It la deceptive, assuming tn do something which It does not per form and is therefore a misplaced expen diture. All of which Is respectfully submitted. JOHN M. GILCHRIST. ' Accountant. Statement as I. o !--. Passenger Agent, Dea Moines, la. WATCHKP Kremter. 1&th and Dodge Sta Very i.otr Itatvk Tneadar. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, ths Chicago Great Western railroad will sell bomeseekers' tickets to Minnesota, Norm Dakota and Canadian northwest at about kalf rate: to other territory, first and third Tuesdays. Write H. H. Churchill, a. a. I&13 Fsrnam street, state number in party and when- going. Marrlaa I.leensea. The following marriage licenses been Issued: Name and Addrens. Columbus l-yn I.yon, Julian, Neb.... l.ela Mlunlg. Julian, Neb George Butierworth. Omaha Mary I.ocklo. Oniahs Krank Wollen. Tremont, Neb Lulu Boehme, Atkinson, Nrb James A. Cook. Omaha Minnie Lux. Julian, Neb hsve After reading the statement Mr. IoUeck ', said: i "This Is a criticism solely on our system ' of bookkeeping snd methods cf Checking. I am glad to know he has found nothing Joaeph A. Hilbert, Omaha abort In the treasurer's funds, which must Louli,e Plelaa. Omaha be gratifying to the taxpayers of the city, and specially to the family of August H. Hennlngs. as well aa myself. As to th matter of methods of bookkeeping, we will report on that to the council. "The legl deitartment - took ths matter of t)ie scavenger collections . out of our hands, and we were not favored with a the bands of the rallroiiils. Tlicy don't want municipal taxation of termlnuls: tln.y don't want Norrls Brown elected senator. If, bv your action, ymt-allriip strife with he other state legislators, who feel bound bv the action of the stiite convention, and l am sure you will, you mnv defetit Norrls Brown, but you certainly will not elect a Douglas county man, and you. eertalnlv will not secure the enactment or a ter mlnaf tax law. In any event Omaha loses and the railroads win. . . . Th:itiKln you for nn earlv reniv. yours tespectfully. HENRY T. Cl..nw.. JTt. Uoage bipisiui nimsrii. This Is Mr. Dodge's reply: y There seems to be considerable misun derstanding in itgard- to the resolution passed by me repuoiican legislative nomi nees, and I have heard so much criticism of our action that 1 rind It necessary In publishing Mr. Clarke's letter to state my own position In thla matter. Mr. Clarke was not prtsent mi me meeting ana i should have so stated. As I was leaving the state and had to tile my name before the state convention, I made a statement as to where I stood oti certain maturs of at t legislation. I also stated I would vote for the convention nominee for I'nlted, States senator. 1 naa nopea it wntua ne an Omaha man, but although Omaha was unsuccessful in the contest, I feel that all republicans are In honor bound to ahldu by the declaration of the convention first, aa mucti as they are to support every declaration of the aisle platform. Some politicians tell me Ii Is disloyal to Omali i to vote for Mr. Brown. I lunko no dluim to polltloal acumen utid merely claim, th.it I would ba dlshlnest to vote for anyone but the nominee of the state convention, according to my ante Convention declara tion. Mr. Yelser's resolution was to vote for sn "Omaha man or other men from dis tricts not antagonistic to Omaha." I know little light bctwen the state und Omnha, and something should be done at once to gracefully back down and out of a position that Is In bad taste with republicans out side of Douglas county at this time, who are not disposed to deprive Omaha of any of 1U rights, but will bitterly fight Douglas county if a nominee is sprung to beat Nor ris Brown. FHty Tear m Dlarl:Xiititk. Hixbuig, adjoining the famous Appomat tox, where the gallant Lee surrendered to the famous Grunt, Is the homo ot Samuel R. Worley, now IP years of age, and ac tively engaged In horaeshoeing, who often relates how he shod horses of unolnlsts and confederates from 1800 to 1SG5, making the shoes and fitting them. Mr. Worley says: "I havo been shoelr.g horses for more than fifty years, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm has given me great relief from lame back and rheumatism, which advanc ing years and hard work brought, and it Is the best liniment I ever used." When troubled with rheumatic pains "or soreness of the muscles give P:Un Balm a trial and you are certain to be pleased with ths prompt relief which It affords. tireeks Will Dine. The Omaha Pan-Hellenic club will have Its first dinner of the season Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock uL O'Brien cul'e. Two Important subjects to b c.-nsmerna at th meeting are the club's winter dancing schedule and the advisability of organiz ing a university club. Strength Robert 8. Whitehead. Fulton, Ky. Ella William, m. josepn, Mn John Juhaey, Omaha Klua Pupal. Omaha John T. Shepherd. Lincoln Caroline Wliiatruck. Omaha f 'V- And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of "M0t.li I Pnilt This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses 'Motacr'S Fritnl" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is - 1 11 A II crbod n ct Our book "Motho , jod," is worth its weight in gold to every woman, envelope by Cradfield DIAMOND'S -Lunuim ibih and Huosy i fci,'"ii n n pa ft , and will be senUree in plain rp n rp n n 17 addressing application to h H h Regulator to. Atlanta, oa. U U liU LiaLlUL- Sterling sSlvar rrensci. 16th Dodge sta afargura Co.. LUTT'EK M'k.ClALlST ttt Member la taa Pirn. The Nevada Standard Oold Mining ifd Milling eompanv has taken a new member into the firm. The new member Is not nil experienced mining man, but entries of i family the head of which has dug and sold gold mines fc-r forty years, more or lew, and his Influence is expected to giv weight and dignity, If nor to tit, whole Hnn. at Wast to one niefiiber of It. Robert Young is president of the Nevada company, srhosw headquarters are in Omaha, and Itoliert Christian Iruefdow Is secretaiy, snd the new member is Robert Christian )ruec dow. Jr.. who arrived In Omahi Sunday . night. He is residing at Druenedow home ' stead, South Thirty-first strevt. Crops aad Soil la Wyontina. : The crrip and Soil report of the Burling ' ton for the Wyoming district for the week I ending Oc.loK.-r g sboas the threshing of wheat is progressing nicely and a large ' acreage of winter wheat has been sown. On ths Hterhng division spring wheat aver, aged twenty-oue bushels to the acre and ft 1 1 wheal twenty bushels. Corn has ma tured nicely and was not damaged by the frosts. The yield of oats on the Sterling division will be from forty to eisty bushels to the acre. The potato crop Is light, while the beet crop la line and exceeds last year. with prospects foi a taigsr acreage nest and Health Revived at 73 Mr. J. M. Hampton, of Wilming ton, Delaware, pays tribute to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, the world renowned family medicine, and says it has re newed his youth, although 73 years of age. 1 am 73 years of age. About two years ago I began to feel myself breaking away front life. Hid a tired languid feeling, could not rent at night, and was Just as tit i d In the morning as when I went to bed. h it since Uhlng Duffy's Pure Mult Wh'skey I can truly say I have Ixen greatly bene fited from the use of the same. Por per sons who are advanced In years there Is nothing betrer.-J. M. HAMPTON. 1W Pennsylvania Ave., Wilmington, Del.. June SI Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is an absolutely pure, gentle and invignrsting stimulant and tonic; it builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, glvt-a power to tne iirain. sirengtn ami niiriiy i" me Low Rate to Chicago and Return 4 On October 8th, 9th, 10th, tickets from Omaha to . Chicago and return, will be sold at one and on third fare by the . Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway On account of the base ball championship games, (rood to return October loth. Three trains daily, leave Omaha: 7:)3 a. in., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. For further information,' apply 1524 Farnam Street Tslsphon. DoNglsa 284. Age. cwHssa,.-';i ::: S ...iff V, yi'f :::S .. AW J. M. HAMPTON. I I 17 One-Way To Many Poluts la California. Oregon, Washington $22.50! car. muscles, and richness to the Mood. It brings makes digestion p rfect snd enables you t i got from the food you est all the nourish ment it contains. It Is Invaluable for over worked men. dflhate women and sickly children, as it is a food already digcsie.1. It strengthens and sustains the rnst.'tu. is a promoter of good health and longevity, mskes the old young and keeps the young strong. Duffy's is the only whUkey thai Is recognired as a medicine, and Is guaran teed absolutely free from fusel oil. lEWlal af daagsreus Unitatloas aad sabstitatss. Tbsy are pesltWsly Una. foi aad are sold for proas oaly by ns serapuions dealsrs. Look (or the trade mark, tae OU Chemist," oa tne Ussl, aad a oertala the seal over the cork Is aakrokea. All druggists aad grocers, or dirset 91.00 a aettls. Doctor's advice aad medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Walsksy Ce. Koekeater, atsw Tork. action all tne vital rorccs; i OMAHA UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY TO OCT. 81, 100. fl r) tx? Ogden and Salt Lake City. QUsUU ) to Butte, Anaconda aud. Helena. i to Pendleton and Walla Walla. to Spokane and Wsnatchee, Wash. to San Francisco, Log Angeles, San Dingo ( and many other California points. (Haasw nf.to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van wZwaUU couv,r- Victoria and Astoria. to Ashland, RoseburK, Eugene, Alban and Salem, via Portland. Vto Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle. tNP TO MANY OTHIg POINTS. lnnulre at Ticket OW 1324 Faraam St. 'Phone Douglas ttl City Ooos Into tho Homo THE OMAHA DEE Best trT. West MtnAllOWUMEII' iNtV J V Bif U tor Dk.ftturJ Sl ditrbargM.iiiflaniiuttiia, ef MUCgBI iB DHDl. rr sAiMioeos. SwM kg torwggtals, or ssst m vlais wrasses, st sisr. srrs?4. ir si as. ot i bat tin I j.; J. Cirealar ssat rojiios . klkl. nuatahan,o f '