10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. OOTOREK 0, 1906. n M II M M 5 S,.r L J; I WiDOSTgof J Q I Tunneh mMMMRMMMMMMnBIRIII ' TUESDAY SPECIALS BIGGEST OF ALL IN OUR Grand Opening argain Sales TOMORROW AND EVERY DAY THIS WEEK WE WILL PROVE THAT BRANDEIS OFFERS THE BIGGEST BARGAINS IN AMERICA Visit Our Great New Store Every Day this Week .' and Take Advantage of These Wonderful Offers 1 1 H" 3 I 1 1 yiisiic I h n B Hoc Wool Novelty Dress Goods Cho many silk mixtures, also flannel In Ml colors Westend Aisle 4 - New More, yard 15 i I 50c SILK ClilllON Double width - all color ol the rain bow - d af silk aisle- 1 1 . New Store, yd Ill Pure Mlk Louisene Black and all colors Bargain square ai Main Doorway OQn New Store, yd J Trim Dfilnty feet should he properly fitted. If we were permitted to fit all the young girls and misses tn Omaha with shos there would not be so mauy ill fitted feet. Fitting shoes correctly Is an art. and few shoe salesmen ran do it as it should be done. We have made it a study for 20 years and employ none but. the best of salesmen, who know how to corrertly fit the foot. Misses' shoes, from &a rn $2.00 to Qii.OV Young women's shoes, from $2. SO to . We've a width and size for every foot In Omaha. $3.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1410 Farnam St. J BKaaOBBBBBV $1 Quality Black Mercerized Satis milled Flounce Petticoats Bargain Square, corner Q, Entrance - Old Store U J C 25c Qualify Silk Taffeta RIBBON in Blue, pink and all col ors aisle 2-New 1 O Store, yd i&C Choice of our $1.50 Misses and Children's Sailor Rats Trimmed with Silk and VeJ. C vet Ribbon aisle I new store D C SOLID GOLD RINGS I0k fancy Settings - worth (T f up to 16 -New Store 4I LACES and Insertings Fine Vals. and Torchon at Aisle 3, New Store CYd. Embroider ies and Insertings All new patterns, variety of uldlhs Aisle S, New Store, at 5C Yd Dress Trimmings All Kinds . Aisle 3, New Store, at J?C Yd. 2 Pickard's Hand Painted China Tha tecortlun of . this war Is notahlo for orlKl-' nnlltv nnd brnuty. v hav Jii: b en mat e Oman i ag nip for ti.tB line of beuu.llul ir.lflllrt wliitli conHlntH of .liigii and Vaea, as well as Plates. Buifars, ureairm, pic. It will give us pleasure to nhow the good. 1 xsnsnxLSvai0ima ! Drown Dorsheim 1 r! 222 South !625treet;0marA r w i for i.tvp vaniPju; x i r r IN WEST ARCADE new store, Forenoon o u 1 y, Comfort Ohal lies. The usual 7J2c kind, J at, yard Best grade of Comfort Calicoes. Usual price 8 Vic a yard. As long as live hundred pieces lasc a T 1 yard, at. . . y2c Lonsdale and Fruit of the IiOom remnants, 8 till 11 o'clock. Each piece marked Lonsdal or Fruit of the Loom, at, yard . . . , uacn nsdal Si 2ic Long Mill Remnants of Comforter ami Di apery Cret onnes, Art 'lickings and Denies UMirsal price 2oc yard, -at, yard... IN THE BASEMENT-oid stor. Regular 7fcc quality Outing Flannel in full pieces, as long as it lasts, yard.. . There's a big difference between hose with seams and the BUR.SON FASHIONED HOSE The only seamless hose that will hold its shape. Seams in hosiery are unsightly, they rub and callous the feet and they wear out more quickly. Bnrson's is the only hose knit to fit the foot without a seam. Demonstration every day in our new store at special bargain square. 7ic VANITY IT'S rather expensive vanity to lraag I ine that because you paid f 15 to $18 for your last trousers at Mr. Kx rluMvc Credit Tuilors that NIcoM'b Trousers at $7 to $12 would not satisfy you. You'll find here all that's new in Trouser fabrics; not a few ordinary de signs but a variety that is generous ; and tempting. i Troussrs $5 to $12, Suits $20 to $50 Why Stove Putty Makes An Expensive Stove (iJT the joints dou't fit, daub a little X stove putty in 'era." That's the policy of meet stove msnnfactuters, because it costs then less. But it cohtso more. Every time a piece of this putty shrinks, and 4ropa out, there's a crack to tuck in air. ' Half of the beating power of soft coal and a great portion of hard coal, is gas. . These valuable giucs which should be burned, and a big part of the heat go op tjie chimney wanted. From f 100 to (300 lost in fuel during the life of the stove. To say nothing of the discomfort and tro&atibftcUry beating of the house. Here you can fcce how stoves are put together. nCOLC METHOD I TMC ORDINARY MCTHOO la the ordinary stove there is an open lng of about one-eighth inch between the top and sides. The seams arc filled with tore putty, and the ports are bolted to gether, r After a few months' use the putty dries op and fills out, leaving this one-eighth inch crack all around the top, which in an 1 8-inch stove means seven square inches qf leakage. The eight or ten other joints in the stove are fastened together in the same way. so the total air-leakage soon becomes very large. But by the Cole Method the sheet steel sides are "flared," and the smoothly ground edges of the cast iron top are forced to fit so closely nnder a screw press, that not a particle of stove putty is necessary to make a tight fitting top. The same airtight construc tion is used in fitting every joint. Thus, all the air is forced through the proper drafts, and the gases ana fuel held back until they are consumed by the patented top Hot Blast Draft The smoke-proof feed door in top does away with an air-leaking door frame on the side ; the patented steel collar connection joining the ash-door catting to the body, the patented com pound hinge for the ash door (which makes it water tight like a pump valve), the straight steel jacket and water tijht steel bottom all make the use of stove putty unnecessary in Cole's Hot Blast. Cole's Hot Blast burns Hard Coal, Soft Coal, Slack. Lignite or Wood. It holds fire so well that the fuel put in the night before will heat the rooms for a or 3 hours the next morning. Come in and see this wonderfully economical stove. TAILOR WILLIAM J ER REM 6' SONS. 209-11 Bo. I5th 8L MM lv-sl DR. JOSEPH ZEIS LEK of the Northwestern Universi ty of Chicago, says: "I fully believe that the moderate use of good beer at 'meal -times acts as a tonic, and is there fore useful to adult per sona" Stora Beer is the em bodiment of the doc tor's Idea of good beer. You order a case sent home today and drink it with your meals. It will not only add rest to the meal, but it will build you up. Try it. Stora Brewing Co Omaha, D4 Business Boosters Try the Want Ad Columns of The Bee. COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST STOVES SOLD BY For a&le by Milton Rosara Kons Co.. 14th and Farnkin; Urt Kurd & WUhlin t'arpot 1H-X-1S 3. Kth; John liiiimie Hardware -o . 2407 Cumins; K. I. Jones Oo., 270 l.f v-nureb . tl. V Bravura, :4-4: N. Ml St., Soutb Omaha; Heyrit-Q Ac Bro., Brion. N6,; I'&dduck llanact.y Hard war Co., 41 6. Mailt ii; , Council Ulufta.'la. Every Woman w unenmii ana mould Xn.rw uiovri ,'"' lal "1AKVLL Vi nirlllMI Swaw - Wjiay M (Mi P.in .... Im73 lamrfrwUkrlL I' cmiiiui tuptl7 iba MtPltt:!.. Acc.ni na tH(K-r , hut cnt unin log lull iru.Mil.r. and .ii-Mim i... aa a uaa - ,7. . IUERUAM atoCONNKU. iRCO U ana uoda Bta. UltHS-IJlLUN UHUvJ CO C B. Cor. Ittb ana raram Sta Ross & Walker's S""Dwpsh curt lurw all Monuth and towel troublva, dynpep!, tudltfSttUl, (UtukUv ) , Kei VUtlSlltaf), rODtil(dlla. cAtarra of lb aiuiuA d d4 Ui, dlrrooat UAa ti. jtv. ll ttlmuUiM U vttU. furtliM lb blouJ, rKuUi svizd tunita up ib aUr ytaKM. TU (onauU U tif production ul th must BtluuC )IA!IA WK.tTIIKIt KOHKCAST Tih-m1.iv I air nrl 4 Vm.I.t V) El I 4J mill j CREEN TRADI5JG STAMPS EVERT HUE Triple Stamps. Triple Stamps. Tuesday in Silks, Dress Goods, Domes tics and Wash Goods Departments on main floor, we will give 3 times green trading stamps with all purchases. Values and varivties are such as are not dupli cated by any other store in the city, and the three times green trading stamps is thrown in just to show you how much we appreciate the fine business we have been having in these sec tions. Tuesday gagtl! Tuesday Omaha's Leading Grocery Headquarters for the Freshest Roasted Coffees, Always Good Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, vf Q 2-lb. can TOC And thirty green trading stamps. BENNETTS Rtttr ast urn PPiFQCTIOn BIB lUSOta avoaajrta? vuwtiarr ; fte aovMPViaW mvz, -or tbai mo Golden Santos Coffee, lb And thirty green trading stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea, lb. . . . And thirty green trading stamps. Ground Black Pepper, pure, can And ten green trading stamps. Pickling Spices, whole, lb.... And ten green trading stamps. Japan Rice, good, 2 lbs v And twenty green trading stamps. 26 38d mm I Bennett's Capitol Pancake, pkg And (Ive green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkg. And Jive green trading stumps. Special Prices on CANNED GOODS. New York full cream Cheese, lb.. ....... And ten green trading stamps. Virginia Swiss Cheese, lb And ten green trading stamps. Bennett 's Bargain Soap, 10 bars And ten green trading stamps. Diamond S-Salmon, lb. can And Ten Green Trading Stamps. .Corn, can Peas, can , .. Shrimps, can , Pepper Sauce, bottle 12 25 .11? 10 i .20 25 25t .22? . . . .6c ... 8c ,9r ,6c 1 I IIIIIHMIIIIIIalW .lH.JJSgll t as a m u 3 l 1 " iw$ I f f l)IX ft Js II W fr4 mm $26.75 to Buffalo and Return Tickets on sale October 10, 11, 12. Extreme re turn limit October 29th, via. ! . Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three daily trains to Chicago leave Omaha, Union. Station, 7:53 a. in., 5:45 p. m. and 8:55 p. m. For folders and information call at City Ticket 01'- - I fice, 1524 Farnam Street, or write to F.A.NASH. GENERAL WESTERN AQENT, OMAHA.NEB. NO MATTER u s"v I T II E BEE '.VIIAT .y" WANT monoy ir you YOU WANT vviiiuHo.... ADS Omaha Agents for Queen Quality Shoes pflii THE RELIABLE STORK Omaha Agents in Queen Quaint Shoe In Our Cloak Department The tremendous business in this department since the open ing of the season has compelled our bin'er to take another trip to New York, the seventh this season. During his absence, excel tional bargains in high grade goods will be offered. LADIES' COATS GREATLY UNDERPRICtD. iJ Styllh Coats In three-quarter and . even -eighty J length handsome fancy mixed materials. 200 f tncnts from whlih to seleet regular QP $10 values, at 0JD $15.00 Coats In fine kerseys, frleses and hand- C f A some English mixtures, at ...s4IU (nnlne Alaska Soal Coat Fully guaran- ffPA teed, great bargains, at .$dmD U (Jennlne 1ondon Dyed Seal CoaIs Very spe- C C A rial values Thursday, at I!U rt-nuine HiberUn Squirrel Coats Handsomely C CO lined, remarkable values, at $DJ Genuine Beaver Coat $ 9 0.00 values else- CQ where shown Tuesday, nt $OJ pgant Evening downs Bought to sell at $75.00 Will be placed on sale 50 garments to 4T X C select from, at $45.00 and $JD Faultless Suit All colors, elegant in design twenty-two fifty value everywhere our CI C special price Xew Walking Skirt Panamas, serges, chev- J Afi lots, etc. regular $8.00 values, at J Special Linen Sale In Our Xew Linen Dept From 10 Till II A. M Mercerized Napkins, $1 quality, only OMfQA dozen to a customer, at, dot. OJC From 2:30 T1U 8:90 P. M. Mercer ized Table Linen, best quality, 68 inch wide all perfect goods Q by the yard, at JOC Special DressGoodsSale From 3 Till 4 P. M. We will sell Jamestown dress goods in plain and fancies, the best wearing dresi goods in America, regular 69c qn lties 100 pieces from which to sej lect, limit of one dress pat ' tern to a customer, at, yard; Jy In Our New Bargain Room cannot afford to miss. Many 26 great bargain square. Morning hour specials you other bargains displayed on our From 8 Till 0 A. M. We will place on sale 160 pieces of dress Challies dark patterns, limit of ten yards to a customer, at, per $ yard . .' atC From O Till 10 A. M. German Blue Calicoes extra heavy and wlde 12 c quality limit of ten yards to a (Customer, at, per JJ OM . yard 5c From 10 Till It A. M. Amoskeaff Apron Check Gingham Great as sortment of colors and checks limit of ten yards to a cus tomer, at, per yard ........ From 11 A. M. Till 13 M. Shadow Plaid Dress . Fabrics splendid tins of colors, regular 8 Vic. quality limit of 10 yards to a custo- M T4C Hayd mer, at, per yard en's the Great Universal Pro - viderof Everything. Big Green Tomatoes and Pear Sale Tuesday. Fancy Pears for Canning Six basket crates fancy Keifer Pears for can ning nothing finer, per crate f 1.10 Single basket, each 10c Fancy Grten Tomatoes for Pickles. One-third bushel basket, fancy green tomatoes for pickles, per basket 15c Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Prices: 6 bunches fresh Radishes, for ...,5c 4 heads fresh Lettuce for 5c Fancy fresh beets, turnips, carrots or parsnips, per pound lc Fancy fresh Wax or String Beans, 3 pounds for 10c Fancy.f resh Spinach, per peck . . . 10c Fancy New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, .. per pound 1 Vio Fancy Cape Cod . Cranberries, per quart 7Hc One-third bushel basket fancy White Onions, for pickling SOc Fancy Mixed pickling Spices, lb.. .2th Fancy Jonathan Apples, per peck 25c Fancy Green Apples, per peck ...15c New Honey, per rack ........ 12 He New Hubbard Squash, each ...... .V Half pound package fancy California Fig i -V Fancy Quinces, per dozen 2ov 2 measures fresh roasted Peanuts. .5c y Home Visitors9 Excursions Via ROCK ISLAND LINES To certain points In Dlinolo, Indi ana, Ohio, Kentucky, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Onta rio. Tickets on sale October 19. Return limit thirty days. Kat one and one-third fare for round trip. For further information call or vrite J. P. Rutherford, D. P. fl. 1323 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. The Bride Appreciates ihe rifts f rreli' when they come from our stora for li known Ihe myle la correct, and tb qual.ty la nured. We have a lraut:ful Una of cut slaaa, staling lvr. hand painted china, t-locka. and Jewelry. Upend a few mluutea in our more. Look for the name, . W. LINDSVY, JEWELER. 1510 Douglas Street. , IF VOl R N O V a cool, delirious. sattHfying snioks one tbat will banish your rare and maks life worth liviug. he fcure and call for tho old reliable ( 'C ir'. It. fUc Uenautlle Cigar Co.. MmiJinlaioi, bu Ijoiilts