SPECIAL NOTICES 4ilTrtlirrmt for tlirw rnldiniia will Ikr eitill 12 m. for the eiewlaa; Union and aiaalil n ft. m. for th fMornlair and Sunday edition. Rates I 1 -2e irA Ural Insertion, 1o word thereafter. nthlns taken far less than ita? for the llrst lner. tlon. These advertisement mast tie raa oasecuHvrlr. Advertisers, by rrnnralini a nam ere 4 check, eaa have answer ad dressed to a nam He re at letter la rare of The Bee. Aianrra no addressed will be delivered on presentation of rUeek. MISCELLANEOUS FALL. TERM BOTLK9 BUSINESS COL1.EOB " 18 NOW OPEN. AY AND NIGHT. Student tire admitted any day. Htw Catalog Free. Tel. Douglas 1MI Address II. B. Doyles. President, Boyle Building-. Omtln, Nefc R 78 OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Hi So. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 681. u-Mm CMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a spe cialty of flra ?cape, abutters, duors and ales. Q. Audreen. prop., 102 0. iota St. K 16 Siatt PAIN TING-8. J2. Cola, 1302 Doug, SBT Kelly Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. K30. R 781 ( mi r IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 101 Farnain. ELSAS8ER ft BRICB. Machinists, 217 (south Utb Bt. Tel. 5827. it 'M HEFLIN-Locksmith. moved upstair eulrance, 1224 Farnam. TeL Doug. 2974. R fcU " WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit and shopping bugs. Old trunks In exchange. Repairing. FUELING ft STK1NLE 1 N. 16lh St. . Phoni- Douglas 4!j. It Mlon Nov. 1 BUSINESS CHANCES Do you Wish to Make a Change It you have a (ami, home, business or pmp erty tliat you want to aell or exchange write us. . GLUbK LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaliu, Neb.. Sioux City, la. . ' . , Y-M108 Nov. 1 I'OH SALE A flrst-olasa Job office with A-l newspaper plant la connection, pub. lishlng . tlirM papers in surrounding loiviih; Job type ill new; doing good business; excellent reasons for soiling, located st Hastings, Neb. Write now. or come,' as this snap will not laHt long Prices low. Address Bos 616, HasUriES, Neb. Y-etf FOR SALE Hardware business, com. . plete stock. Invoice $(,000; located ill southwestern Iowa: population 6,000. For particulars address Ed. Itothery's Information Bureau, 111 So. 14th St. Y 150 FOR SALE Mrat market, doing good business; building. fixtures, double cooler; everything -complete; a bargain If sold at-once. Address Market, N. Walnut St., Grand Island, Neb. Y-M20R 12x FOR SALE Furniture, utensils, etc., com plete. In good condition, for 12-room boarding house; near postofflce. Addres, T 15; care Be. Y 219 llx FOR SALE Complete stock of millinery, - In good Nebraska town, doing good busi ness. Address T 17, Bee. Y-M248 &x . "RESTAURANT on Douglas St.; good loca tion; flne trade; new fixtures; owner leaving town. N, P. Dodge ft Co.. 1714 Farnam. Y M396 9 JJKW millinery stock, invoices 1800 to $1,000, in lively town." Good paying business for .' someone.- Best reasons for selling. Ad dreas Box 117, Kaeson, Minn. .... , - - Y-M414 8x "TOR SALE CLUB CIGAR STORE; best stand m So. Omaha; have other busl- nras. - J. W. - Bouk, So. Omaha. I ' . .. . . T-M428 OWING to the fact that we are going in the ladles' cloak business on a large soal, we need our room, occupied now by our clothing department, and for this reason offer our stock of men's and boy's cloth ,lng (or sale, or would consider trade for clear South or North Dakota farm land. The Boston Store, Fort Dodge, la. Y-M462 8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MVST be sold by Wednesday, entire con tents of one of the most beautiful fur nished houses In Omaha. Goods pur chased lees thun 90 days ngo and finest that could be found. Two solid hiuid. carved mahogany parlor suits, leather library suit, library table, beautiful round pedestal dining table. leather-seated chutr sideboard and buffet In nunrter suwed oak; also china, brass beds, hair mattress. bi springs, mahogany and Loon a mahogany quarter-sawed oak dress ers und chiffoniers. Rlglnw rugs, 9x13, 8 2-12x106-12: odd leather pieces, fancy rockers, leather couches, pictures, cloekf., lace curtains, portieres, mirrors and a. tine upright piano; also other goods too nu. nierous to mention. The goods must ho seen to appreciate. Cull any time after Sunday from 9 a. m, to 9 p. m. 1231 Park Wilde Ave. Ilurney street car. Q-M401 St LETTER CABINET TWO Besley letter cabinets In good condl. i tlon, muds of walnut and have twe eiawsrs each- Call at Bee business office and get a bargain. Q 441 s SODA FOUNTAIN, any slse. mi Farnam. h1eRw7n-WILL1AMS CO., beat mixed llnt. Sherman c McCunneU Drug Co., Omana. . W HALL'S fafea, new, Id-hand. 121$ Farnam. FOR 8A4.E New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world la .beau uar Uxiurea; easy payments. Bruns-wck-Balka-CoUender. 4U7 aV 10th St. , . U Tii FOR BALK 8team house heating boiler; waa used to heat 8-room house; will be sold cheap. W, H. Bridges, euginaier Bee Bldg. Q-M439 BEND US your mall orders for drupe, freight paid on lis lota alyers-Dlirua Drug C.. Omaha. IQUAKE PIANO for sale cheap. Call Red Sj1 or tbl No. lHb oU W i-tx MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. tOO UNREDEEMED overcoats. 418 No. Utb. .... Q-Mi.'O O i4 XR SALE K3 tons Ice. Norfolk Ice Co., Norfolk. Neb. - W MU2 1 FOR SALE Detroit Jewel (us stove, even above; almost new; very cheap. 3111 Pa- cltio SL . Q-M3W 8 FOR SALE Cheap, flne piano player: no .reasonable pffer refused. 1819 Davenport. Q M324 9x FINE Mpright piano st a bargain; party leaving city. 1.V4 8. 0th. y M325 9 RESTAURANT on ltotiglas St.; good loca tion; tine trade; new fixtures; owntr leaving town. N. P. Dodge ft Co.. 17H Farnam. i W MJ9S ALMOST new Sicinway upright piano for ale. Address T 21. Bee office. i ,9'-4!UL.' WANTED SITUATION Tol'NG colored man. good references, would like position as builer or valet. Ad draw '1 Bee. . . A Sol 8x 8EM1-TKA1XED nurse s.-eks position. In valid . OJ' cnnAitcmeni esses; iood refer- aNk Add! sol X M, ;iw Bee office. - A.-M44J W'ANT D MALE HELP WANTt:i- Five boys, food wage, p? tnanent job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th ?t ' H-M-i I'KLO eTcRtCS bought and sold; drutf cirk wanted. F. V. Knlrst. k-4 N. T L. WANTKD Three men and three boys. Omaha Eox Co., East Omaha. P 2 CIVIL rip:nirK Want join men topi, pare. See Undcihill, S3.0 -4i It. B-Mul OJ3 WANTED. HOUND TOl'Ml'vEN. 1 to pn pare for firemen and lirnk nu !i n new roads and for frll r'lh; experience unnecf s!aty : Jln rne n, f lm pronv tetl to engineers f'?: brskemen J.r,. promoted to conductors W: pntions m-w opn Na tional Tialnlntf asKOclatlon. ICT X Paxton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. B-M1GK Nov2 PRINTER WANTED At once; permanent position; also Simplex machine operator. Dally Leader, Madison,. S. D. B-M335 x WANTED: coit makers: steady work; sack coat-1, $x.M and up. Lud tlie Tailor, Sioux Falls. S. D. U-Mf2 lx llt'STLKRH otit of emplovmenf can do well to tall on us; pay weekly. C. K. Adams Co.. Iil9 Howard. R-M1S9 No' - I". S. NAVY cnllt; for four ye.irs young men of goixl character and sound physical condition. 17 to & years, us iipprentic seiiMien, and men nualtliel for special ratings. 21 to H5 veins; the rxv H good, expenses moderate, food wholesome mid sufficient, anil life beneficial physically and otherwise. Young men who arc skilled mechanic, possessing soiiie knowledge of electricity or students of electricity, who show aptitude for the naval service, may be enlisted n ('landsmen for electrMans and given the training at the naval elec trical school; all such men must have a food education. Offices at Lincoln and fastings. Neb., and Dee Molnea apd Sioux City, la. Address Navy Recruiting r,"),r. P. O. Bldg., Omaha. B-M180 JEWELER wanted; none but steady man need apply. Address ioorne-imBrr Drug Co.. Casper. Wyo. B M 102 t WANTED Labcrers for Indoor work at the sugar factory, Sterling, Colo.; Wag-1 12.10 and $2.40 per day; about four months' work. B Mill 11 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 10 positions for every graduate; top wages paid. Few weeks completes. Course In cludes tools and diplomas; can nearly earn expenses. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnain St. B M24I llx MECHANICAL draughtsman wanted; state experience and salary. Address T 12, lice. B-2-1 It BRIGHT, active young man to learn drug business. W. A. Plel, 18th and Farnain. B-M249 8x STEADY work, with good wages, for the winter, for two large boys or young men at the bowling alleys. 1313 Ilurney St. Apply at once. B M26t WANTED Experienced shoe cutters for men's and women's work. Steady employ ment at standard wage. Apply In por son or by letter. The Hulskump l-".ios., Keokuk, la. B M-W 10 WANTED Young man. neat appearing, be tween the ages of 18 and 21. who is wil ling to work hard and devote all of his time to buslnesf! during working hours. Salary In only $35 to start, but the future is very good for the right person. Oult-ldj work. Address T 18, care Bee. b-m:o 8x WANTED Eight good mandolin agent V for out of the city. Transportation paid. Call at Murray hotel between 9 and 10 Monday, morning. Ask for Partlett. B-M428 8x AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS, repair men. chauffeurs and others wanted all over the country; 60.0H) machines built this year In the United States, affording great opportunltlos for our students; six ef-nts a day will qualify you for good wages In this growing field; employment secured for our graduates. For full particulars and one free lesson. Including dictionary of motoring terms, address The Corres pondence School for Automobile Engi neering, Suite 609, Flatlron Building. New York. B MHU 8x ANY person willing to distribute our samples; $20.00 waekly. "Empire." X LuSalle St., . Chicago. III. Steady posi tion; iiocairvamdngJ B M4t3 8x WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRD for general housework; 3 adults; i salary $6 per week. 1024 N. 33d St. I r. M11U 9 COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing. Apply at 3611 Harney. C-M41S8 WANTED Salespeople ln our 5c and 10c department. Hayden Bros. C M42-1 9 WANTED A cook, high wages, small family. Mrs. T. J. Rogers. 1120 Parlt Ave. C M434 9 WANTED Woman oook. $36 per month; must furnish recommends, Clone. Address L 7, Bee. C Mt8 WANTED Fifty glrU to work In candy factory. Good chance to earn money to buy your Christmas presents witb. The Voegela Dinning Co., 1U Jones St. . C M7!3 FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls IS or 16 years old for clipping threads. Bemla Omaha Bag Co. C M108 . i . EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted at once, D. J. O'Brien Co., 12u2 Howard. C M28i WANTED Five laundry girls. M. K. Smith & Co., factory 11th and Douglas Sts. C-MUi 8 COOK wanted in private family, good wages. .2225 Farnam St. C M1S2 WANTED Competent nurse girl at 1916 8. 82d Ave; must have references. Tel. Harney 3221. C-MX2 A GOOD girl for general housework: three In family. Phone Red 32M. 702 S. 26th Ave. C M2D4 8X WANTED Girl for feeder on copper plate press. Mawhltiney & Ryan Co. C M238 8 WANTED A good laundress at The Creche. 19th and Harney. C-M236 9 WANTED Experienced salesladies and salesmen in the drapery department. Ap ply to A. D. Brandeis at 10 a. tn. J. 1. Urandels it Sons. C M259 j WANTED At once, experienced co ik. I must have references. Mrs. J. E. Uaum 8640 Ilurney SI. C M2u2 YOUNG lady to travel with physician; all expenses; good hotels and salary. Ad dress J. P. Sinclair. Omaha. Neb.. G. D. C -UUti Ox WANTED At once, at Hotel Dellone. an experienced waitress. C M458 8 WANTED Immediately. a competent chambermaid at Hotel Dellone, C M459 8 WANTED AGENTS ORIENTAL WAISTS AND SUITS. Agents wanted every where. Ladies and gentlemen are making $26 to $60 per week selling embroidery goods direct to the la dies. Good sellers iu cities or counliy. No exuerience or capital reuuired. Call at olllco or write to U. S. Emoroldery Work-, luww and 1UH So- I3'" a . Omaha, Neb. J-M.82 OU WANTED Salesman to Introduce and avll the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large money to hustlers. Gallup Mfg. Co., Room 1 Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb.. J-M620 AGENTS to sell our line of Sales Check Books, upon either a salary of commission basis. Merchants Sales Book company, litt) S. Chicago Ave., Chicago, III. J-M136 9 AGENTS Don't accept any agency until you I'.ear from u-i; quii-kest seller on earth; 2.000,000 sold: $?) per diy; samples treat. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. ' J-M245 Jx SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN ' to handle our Sales Check Books as a side line. Merchant .Sales Book company, Jf40 8. Cliicago Ave., Chi cago. 111. i. Mill FLORISTS HE8S ft aWOBODA.. 1418 Far nans. IM L HE.NDi.R60N, lil$ rsruauv Tet aVoug, I2u TMK OMAHA if" H '1 found a pocketbook lull o! valuables, watched, but Why didn't you take FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS I DEWET European notet, I3th and Farnam. E 4M Doug. 611 O. M. E. Hani Trunks E-804 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave., south front; rooms with or without board. E 805 EXCELLENT modern furnished front room with alcove and buy window for two.. 'Phone In house. 26,4 Harney St. E-227 PLEASANT room, modern, private'family. i24 So. tti Ave. K 3iS I2x VERY large front room, modern, rlne lo cution. 614 N. 23d ft. K-MIIH9 LARGE, modern, well furnished southeast front room with alcove; private family. Telephone Harney 22V,. K Sx GENTLEMAN ROOMMATE wan led at l4 N. ?3d Sf. E-ICSSX FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F 80 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F-10 WANTED Young lady to room and bosrd In private family. 673 S. IStli St. Phono Harney 2024. F M33o 9 LARGE, south, comfortable room with board, for two; refined neighborhood. 627 Park Ave. F M 4 ,1 2 Jt FOR RLNT HOUSES APART MENTS Applications will be re ceived for renting the up-to-date apartments of five and six rooms each in new build ing, 25th Ave. and Half How ard St. Will be ready for occupancy about Oct. 15th. Rent $45 and $40 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. Tel. Douglas-756. D 200 8 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas VLi. So'imoller ,'i Mueller Piano Co., 12U-U13 Farnain. D 811 UVJUOliO Peters & Co.. Bee Bide. HOUSES ,n "u t0'1" ot tn citj. The D 13 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker BIX D M4 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack. move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-14 N. 16th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156 D-S15 WE MOVK pianos. Mnggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1494. Otllce, 1713 Web ster St. D 1$ SEE us when shipping household goods te large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY . CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196, D-817 FOR RENT 4-room house, all modern: furnace. $25. C. M. Bachiuann. 436 Paxtpn BUs. . P 833 PIANOS and household good moved; box! for sale. Cole ft Gunnell- 1600 Farnam. Tel. Doug;.' 670. D MT74 O 12 STGEfurnIf1Ire. Telephone Douglaa 976. 1215 Harney St D MSJ7 014 FOR RENT A new modern f.-room house. Globe Land and investment Co., Patterson Bldg. D M247 FOR RENT Two firat floor and one aec ond floor ljt. corner 29th and Douglas. Globe Land & Investment Co., Patterson Bldg. , D M51S FOR RENT At 1511 South 29th St. New brlcl, house, 7 rooms and large reception hnll. Modern ln every particular. Lo cated ln the best part of the city. Will be ready for occupancy, ubout October 10. Inquire of the owner. J. R. Camp bell. Bee oftlce, or 1341 South 27th St. Tel. Douglas 5440. D-762 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house in the city. Immediate utlentlin given. 1629-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. DouglaB-4G19. STEAM, central, 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. D Ml 4 8 11-ROOM house, bath, electric lights, barn, yard, 8. W. corner llth and Pierce Sts. Keys at 1234 S. loth St. Mrs. J. M. Ml calf. D-159 9x FOR RENT Six-ro tn cottage, bath, closets, city water, sewer, gii. cistern and good barn. TJ12 N. 20th St. Renin, $. Tel. Red 6524. D M253 FOR RENT Neat modern cottage near Hunscom Park. Call at 2S12 Hickory St. D MW4 8x 210 S. 3oi h St.. nine rooms, modern con veniences. Price,, $W. Inquire next door. D-452 fx FOR RENT 6-room cottage. Ave. ::! n. 2Mh T M47 j MODERN cottage, with gest burn, $-'i. oilt ! South Ulli uenu.'. Inquiri piemis.a to ; day. 'D-M4USX ICR-all modern cottage. $.i. St. Particulars nt house. 6 So. '-Till D-.M4i fx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RLNT Lesa rom In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 2ith St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 114 A GOOD OPENING for a bakery, with a Ht elai-s bake oven, 1718 Nlohula St.; steam heat during winter. Leinis. Pax ton block. . I-M7U FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th und Vinton Sts., $30. C- M. Bach in.inn, 4J0 Paxton block. 1 M621 STORE for rent. Park Ave and Wool worth. Tel. Red 4.58. 1 Mil) 8x WANTED TO RENT WAXTEIV-Hy family of three careful j Kdult furnish d or unfurnished house to a'.ire for In owner's absence, or would pay small rent or buy a home at a Par gain. Give full particulars ia reply. An .Hess T 23. care B- e. N 155 !x FENCING WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest puces; free catalogue. - Omaha Wire and Iron Works, 923-66-37 No. 24th St. Tel. Douglas rroi M-soi ois ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing $0 per foot. 2ui N. 17tb bt. Tel. Red S'.l -Mw OU CHAMPION fences best. (11 8. lsth. Doug. UJu. PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesal prices. Save on every article. Only flrsu ilas goods handled. Prompt attention ta every order. Send for catalogue li. F. Kaxol. 226 Harrison St.. Chicago. 111. -M22 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON institute. l N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 164. -i DR. BOWSER, over 1600 Ftmim. TeL Doug. 2Hk At$S 02 DAILY HF.K: MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1000. did not see it advertised a Bee want ad and get MXM FOR SALE REAL ESTATE John Morrison7 Place Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard; rooms, big barn, fine trees, great outlook; di agonally across from Rome Miller s. Peremptory ordnre to rent or sell. Arfk us for par ticulars. Harrison & Morton 912-91.1 New York Life. Telephone Douglas-14. RE-.M3,? BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. ll.jHrt-R-room house, nice lot, isih St., near Vinton. $'.liio6-room house, modern except fur nace, on il St., near D St.. South Omaha. For Sale bi' MELCHIOR LKIS SON, 1943 S. 2ntli St.. Omaha. Phone Douglas 2666. RE M 402 FOR PALE Two brick modern houses, two block north of Hnnscom park, on . paved street, east front; rented for $70 it. month; easy terms. 1 want an offer. THOMAS BR EN NAN. Room 1. New York Life Building. RE M7W C. O. CARLBERG, real estate and insur ance. 911 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red-74!'J. P.E-M179 AM LEAVING the city and must sell my 8 room, modern house this week. H. H. Churchill, 3111 Pacific St. RE M.151 9 WHY pay high rent? I-et us sell you a farm. We have Improved farms In Iowa and elsewhere, of all kinds and siies, for sale on the easiest kind of terms and payments. Squires ft Annls, Council Bluffs, la. ' RBI $43 08 TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., buy, sell ttnd exchange lands, city prop erly and merchandise; try us for deal. RE M241 Nov.ix FOR SALE Fine 8-room and bath, modern home, splendid residence locality, large lot. in excellent repair; has been occupied by owner since erected; business changes necessitate leaving city; price. $4,8ni. In quire 1515 8. SZd Ave. RE M26 I BARGAIN Modem residence. In Kotintie Place; 76 feet front, large barn; hot water heat; cement cellar, laundry; slate roof, must be sold at once. See owner, 1921 Wirt St. RE M953 OWNERS I have 14 customers for homes of 6 to 9 rooms; sell now while price is right. H. R. Stringer, 227 Neville Blk. Dg. 7554. RE 229 FOR SALE 40 acres 1 miles N. W. Flor Mice, bearing fruit, some buildings; will sell half or all and give ternu. 11. E. Hubermann, 9 Continental Blk. RR 357 8x FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out its lands In western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From C OO to $6.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, ; the opportunity will soon be gone. ;- Special excursion rates to the landa Foi further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 818 South lith SC. Omaha. Neb. , v.'-.- H M9T7 CANADA LAND. CANADA LAND. BEST INVESTMENT OF ALL. Buy of us. Buy direct. No agents. No heavy commissions. Finest, all-prairle, . hard wheat land. Nine and ten dollars. Easy terms. Others ask fifteen and more. We save you money. Write us quick. F. A. PAIUCER ft CO.. Spencer. In. H-367 OlS THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp bell, Litchfield. Neb. H 103 Nov. 1 FOR SAI'E 320 acres table land, black soil. Improved, in Howard and Boone counties. Neb. Address Joseph Slobodry, St. Paul, Neli. H-M3I2 llx DAIRY, stock, fruit and poultry fnrms In the Oiarks; mild climate, puve water and good health; bargains. In farm J. V. Kindrlck, Seymour. Mo. H M339 13x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Karnam, S and iH per ce.'it loans on real estate; no delay. W-848 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-8U WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-eit BUILDING loan on residence property; $ per cent. W. B. Melkl. Kamge Blk. W-il LOWEST RATES Bemla, Pax ton Block. , W 42 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. W-e6J $).oo0.00'.' TO LOAN on business and resi dence prcperty In Omaha; lowest rates; no oelay. Thomas Brennan, K. 1, N. Y. Life. W-Ait WANTED Cltv loana K. C Peters ft Co. W-4u Any ft farm loan C. F. Carson Co., N.Y. L. YJHl LOANS on improved city property. W. H. Xnumas. 606 First National Bank Bldg. y-.;. LOST AND FOUND LOST Small pui kage of abstracts cover I nig Nehratka farm lands. Finder will I be suitably rewarded for returning same to Wharton. Adams ft Morgan. 81N N. Y. I L. ISluB, Omaha. Tel. Douglas i O M.J93 8 ' LOST Gray pony, branded with two clr i cles on hind left leg. Return to K417 N. I 29th 6t. - Lost M122 x DANCING CHAMBERS, 2424 Fsrr.am, now open. Adult Ix-giiineis Mondays and Wednesday.; i loKli' ii I'dneMi J vs and Saturdays; Juveii'le sdaneed Saturdays and piivata lessor.: i-rios reasonable, commensurate Willi udiantage and beneflt derived In our school. Telephone Douulus 1S7! M sit PATENTS F. J- LARSON ft CO, patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg.. Oiuana, Neb. -Sit 8HARPE ' MACHINE WORKS-Patent n.ociireri. invantinna develooed. drawil.aa. I patterns, casting. ma:liine work. M-tit b. Ittn bl. if PATENTS pnx-iired and old. 1 fee. Nat'l. Investment Co., Douglas Blk., 16th und Dodge M 412 Nov. FOR EXCHANGE F YOU do not find what you want in '"Vs column, put an ad in and you will -i.i get it. z-m I WANTED to exchange stock of geneial merchandise In good town In Illinois for good western Isrin. Aouiess i uniana Bee Z-M:12 11 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETlatORE detective service. 'Phone Red Jul. . Rooms i and. U. t'uloa blk.. uto) and Faun sin. 'a for." it back. PERSONAL SEWING machines tented. Any make; TV per week or I2' per month. Second hand machine tor sale. $6 1 and up. Neb. Cycle Co.. lath and Harney. tT ML DR. ROY, Chiropody, Doug.-i97. lSOoFar. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1011 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3669. U $21 PLEATING Btt&g. 1 LLn I IMVJ Emm-olderlng, Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging und Shrink ing, only sv per yard. Send ror price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. . M0 Douglas Block. TeL Douglas 1A U 82 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264, . Ol 8. llth St. U 839 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-ofl clothing: in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114) N. llth St.. lor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. U 411 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College. 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment uir vlsed by college profesaora Phone Doug. 117. Calls answered day or nlgbt, U 129 HOLDER of ticket No. 4S6, call for Bos ton Terrier pup at 2416 Pierce St., or 'phone D. 3379. U M456 8x THE City Garbage Co.-Offlce. 11. and Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas U 2J SURVEYING. Blickenderfer. 212 Bee Bldg. U M OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Kamge Bldg. U 334 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. My era Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. U-826 CHRISTENSON, carpet cleaning. Tele phone Douglas 1669. U-M300 O 13 WE will find good, comfortable homes for babies whobe mothers cannot care for them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home, 408 Bancroft St. U 700 026 M AOJlVrTr! treatment and oath. Mine. U M836 Ol4x ACORN PRESS Tel. Douglas 8761, 1610 Howard. V M204 017 TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS We pay nlghest market price, charging no commission, for all kinds produce butter, eggs, etc, casn or mer chandise. Write for daily quotations. We'll s';nd prettv souvenir postal. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U-M303 Af A SsS A CIV. Swedish movement, 410 N. .unoOitUU it,th, Koom 2, 2d Floor. U M107 Nov. 1 WANTED By family of three csreful adults, a furnished or unfurnished house to care for In owner's absence, or would . pay small rent or buy a home at a bar- gain. Give full particulars ln reply. Ad dresa T 23. care Bee. U 464 9x ANY POOR GIRL tn need ot a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 2824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb U-M100 USB Blanchard's Eczema Lotion for akin dlseuae, at druggist. Asslstano given free by Prof. J. Blanchard, skin specialist, Minneapolis. U M671 O 10s TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Pftone Douglas 8620. U 826 PRIVATE ftoona during .nflnement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 Firt Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. TeL 774. ' U-222 DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. U-M9S0 031 NOTICE Max H. Carson will obtain im portant messages from Burma by writing to John N. Dryden. Kearney, Neb. U-M171 13 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Fiudinan ft Co., 1514 Cupltol Ave. U M1S3 Nov3 WANTED Information a to the address of Jacob Schoff. Address was Otoe county, Nebraska, about 1870, and Polk county, Iowa, about 185. Small recov ery can probably be made. Address Har vey Spalding ft Sons, .Washington. D. C. U M261 8x TYPEWRITERS rented"," $2.50 per mouth; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter ft Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St. U 358 Novo MME. NORD1CA, scientific palmist. Par lors lo So. 17th St. 'Phone Douglas 6769. U 362 12 ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 18 Bee Bldg. U M216 Novi PENNKLL Millinery Co., 322 North 16th St. U-M268 Novi "NATURAL flesh." 'brilliant white." pink, brunet, are tints of Satin skin powder. U MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray" Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 832 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseasea weaknesses. discharge. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. WHhnell block, lull, and Harney, room 2. Oinaba, , -837 CLAIRVOYANTS i- MME. NELSON, the w orld-i enewned palmist, la here by special request. Madam offer assistance for troubled or unfortunate. If you are unhappy, have domestic or husin'-ss troubles you will be told how to overcome them. SHE TELIS YOU HOW TO WIN THE ONE YOU LOVE, fall and secure her never failing advice Fees within reach of all. Reduced rate, this week. 211 N. 18th St. Phone Douglas 3840. S Mill llx MADAME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST OF OMAHA. Eventful and truthful predictions glvec Call 113 S. 16th St , Opp. Boston Store. Et-MUJ PRINTINC LYNQSTAD Hifh Grade 1907 Calendar. V inni.r- & earner 48lh St. and at JORVE. Capitol Ave. -S WE HAVE a new press no Job too large or two small. Central Printing Co. M-iOs 012 COMPLETE line of 1907 calendars. Snell Priming Co.. 31J S. 12th St. -157 Nov? WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND clothes. Tel. Red -29 X IS M94 OU WANTED Ry family of threaj caiclU adults, a furnished or unfurnished bou.ae to care for In owner's absence, or would pav small rent or buy a home at a bni guin. Give full particulars ln reply. Ad dress T 23. care bee. N-465 x DRESSMAKING MADAME WOODRUFF Robe. Suit JU-14-16-16 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas $412. u-sua oota DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2606 Davenport. Phone Har ney 281J. 738 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES L CHATELAIN Sm4ioo1 of languages L'uy and evenlug classes, French, German, panlahi Xenclus. Davldge Bldg. L5 N4 aT aaaaaWtW' Mi iJ i II "i Baf BLSIXKXBBO I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET 'A loan on furniture, pianos. livestock er other chattels, left In your (Undipturbed Pofl8438sion) IF YOU NEED MONEY to pav vour grocer, landlord, or any other bills which msy be bothering you. Our plan the best as w give you a writ ten copv of the contract with a . GUARANTEED REBATE if paid before the contract expires. SALARY LOANS made to people steadily employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO (.Established" 1892) Tel. Doug. r6. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 3v 6o. lth Street. X-M522 REDUCTION In aalnrv and furniture loans from now until further notice. We are still offering to honest people our special $ loan for S3. Reliable Credit Co. Room ao7-s paxton Block. . Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sis. X-M343 31 The Union Loan Co. 810 BED BUILDING. Make loans to suit your convenience. X M109 It DR. PRIDBENOW S MONEY . loaned on furniture, salary, piano, bora, etc., ln any amount; lees than half rates; perfect privacy : Immediate attention; any term wanted. Payment suspended wbea sick or out ot work. 214 KarbacB Blk. $09 South 16th St. X 441 . Bowen, 703 N. Y. IifiTBldg., Advance private money en chattel or salary; easy to get; no red taps; you get money same day asked for at nill cost. Open evening till 7. X $42 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLM and other without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 68 principal citlea To! man. room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-848 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable aooom modating; all business confidential. . 1J01 Dougla. X-844 MONET loaned on piano furniture, Jew. elry. horses, cow, ate. C. F. Reed, 310 ft Uin. X-U FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana Duff Green Loaa Co., room 8, Barker block. . X-fctt CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loana Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam 8t X 849 CHATTEL and salary loana Phoenix Credit Co.. 632 Paxton block. X 847 LAW AND C0LLECTI0NS J. M. Macfarland. 209 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tet Dougla fi8r,8. M&93 Q8 2L BUY Union Pacific R. R. Co. land In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. Fine farm and ranch lands. IM to $5 per acup:. For Information regarding lands and special excursions apply to ' LAM) AGKMCY U. 1 R. K., Dept. D. 318 8. 1 5 til St., OMAHA. ' RAILWAY TIME CARD " UMO gTATlOls TtiJSTH AND MAftCY t'alos) Pacl8c Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a $-.18 pm The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 8:10 pin Colo, ft Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:8o uni California ft Ore. Ex. .a 4:26 pm a 5:10 pm Los Angele Limited.... all :W am alO:45 pm Fast Mall a 1:65 pm a 2:80 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:14 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a4:Mpm Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm b 2:00 pm Chicago, Rock. Island ft Paelgo -EAST. Chicago Limited .'..a 3:25 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:20 pm Chicago Mall a 8:15 am al0:lo pm Iowa Local bl2:10 pm b 9:5b pm f htcaaro (Eastern Ex.). a 4:08 pin a 1:46 pm Chicago (Iowa Limit d). a 6:36 pin a 12: 10 pro i WEST. Rocky Mountain Urn. ..a 6:35 pin a 3:15 pm Colo, ft Cal. Express. ..a 2:01 pm a 3:56 pm Okl. ft Tex us Express.. a 4:40 pm 12:06 pm Colorado Fast Mall alO.lo pm a 7:3& am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. Chicago Ureal Western K Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 nm 7:10 sin St. Paul ft Minuoaooltk- 7:46 am 11:50 m I Chicago Limited o:40 pm : am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Express ':30 urn 3:30 pm W aba ah . St. Louis bxprefcs a (:30 pm a 8:40 um bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs, a 9:15 am a 10:30 pm Slanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll :30 am Missouri Pacific St. Louis Express a 9:00 am n6:30 pm K. C. ft St. L. Express. all :15 pm a 6:00 pm Chicago ft Northwesters Cedar Rapids Pass a 7:05 am a 6 .04 pin Twin City l-.xpresa a 7:0 um al0:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am al):16pi Clilcugo Local all:3oam a 3:46 pen 111,,,,, T'ltv licsl Ik K:mI aim m 9:.t& ,n.i Carroll Local a 4:32 pm a 9:60 am I Sioux City locol b 3:45 p.u i Chicago Lxprcsa a s.w pm ai:uain Fust Mail a 8:2$ pm a 8:30 am Fust Mull i a 2:00 pm Twin City limited..!. ..a 6:25 pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited ...w..a 8:38 pm a 9:15 am Chicago Limited all:l pm all :16 am Norfolk-Bonesteel ...... a 7:40 -m al0:35 am Lincoln-Long Plnc.-.-b 7:40 am blO Jo am tieuilwood-Lincoln a 3:00 nm a 6:4 nm t:asper-Shonshlni a 2:00 pm a 6:06 pin i Hastings-Superior o pm o w.i pin Freniont-Albson b 8:02 pm bl2:40 pm rblcago, Mllwaos.ee ft St. Pa a I . Chi. and Colo. Special.. a 7:5 am a 7:20 am California ft Ore. Ex. .-a 6:4 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited 8:36 pm a :20 am Marlon ft Cedar It. I.oc.b (:4a ant bll.txi pin llllnola Central Chicago Express ... Chicago Limited .... .a 1:00 am a 3:66 pin .a t oo pm a 7:Sd am DIRLISGTOX STATIOX lOtk ft Masoa rtarllagtou Ieave. Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pin HUck Hills a 4:10 pm Noithwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ,.,..all:10 pm Nebraska Express a 9:10 am Nebraska IxksI a 8:04 am Lincoln Ixical Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:0 ptn Ft. Cruok ft Pluttsm'h..b 2:50 pm Kellevue ft Platlsm'h..a r;60 am lieiive,- Limited ' Bellevue ft Pac. June. ..a 3:30 am Bvllevue ft Pac. June. ..a 1:10 am Chicago Special a i.25 am Chicago Expiess a 3:4 pi.. Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm luwa Iyical a 9 16 am Ft. txmls Express a 4:46 pm Kansas City-Hl. Joe... .a10:4i pm Kansas Ciiy-Sl. Joe. ...a 9:15 am Kansas Cily-St. Joe. ...a 4:16 pm A::iv.. a 3 30 p:n a (.30 pm a 9 i am a (:30 pm a 7:40 pm a 9 a 1 2:3) bl0:26 8:80 a Mo a vao a 160 a 7:26 a 3 iS a 7:26 10:63 al:oO a ( .45 a 4 10 in pm am am am fern pm um pm a-n pm am s m pm WEBSTER ITATIO-IS:b ft WEBSTER a-'hlraa. t. Paal, Miaaeaaoli ft (liuilis- f.eave. Arrlv. Twin City Passenger... b (: am b 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... 1:00 pin al):80am Emerson Iesl b ( 20 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local c 8 45 am c 6:.V) pm Missouri PaolJ Nebraska I.oca", via Weeping Water b 8:60 pm b!2:30 p'n a Dullv. b Daily except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only. Daily except MaotUf, GOVERNMENT NOTjCES CHIEF WUARTERMA8TF.R8 oVfICE Oniaha, Nebrska. September 1.. 1J (lesled proposals. In Irlpflcaite. will he I clved here and by aitjr(ernwiter at thA post named herein, nottl .i. ni., a-ntral-iiandard time, October 9. I1., fo- furnish ing oats and hay during the (lrrsl v.ar ending June , 19"7. at Fort D. A. Pus sHI. Wvoming. ITopossls (r deW?y at other places will be entertained. I . 3. reserve right to reect or accept any ..r all propo! or any part thereof. Inioiros Mon furnished on application here, or 'o ' quartermaster at the station named. Hi . t elope containing proposal should he marked "ITepoeaiB "or roreae, nm -o-rtressed to Major M. GRAY HA I J N r K t. C. Q. M P18-1I -30-21 Cs.-8 HEROES WHO LOVED MULES I oterf t.ewerala W Mad a Sofl Srt for the Army Eqalne i Parados, The following stories are verified by Csptrkw n General Grant a li tain Reckwlth. who -was secret clphfr telegraph operator during tha civil war. Urckwlth was Known aa "Grant's Shade w." and was In constant communication wlih the leader from first to finish. After the surrtlirier of Ie, Grant re turned in lTteiiahurg, where his army and elaff were located. An Immense campflre was burning, about which were gathered the men, all anxiously awaiting the gen eral, and especially anxious to hear hi first words, which presumably would con cern the recent act which rang down th curtain of the great strife and spread th white cutaln of peace. Th general drew near, with head lint as though with the weight of heavy thought, the solemnity of affair and th future disposal of things. The men ap proached nearer. Every word which might fall from the great leadar' lips would b of Import, worth hearing, as well a worth treasuring for all time to come. Suddenly Grant turned to one of his men and asked In that low tone of voice, that tone which all who knew him well have kept In their mind for year: "Ingalls, remember that white mule w bad down In Texas?" "I do, perfectly well." "I wonder what has become - of that mule?" "I never heard, general," returned In "Neither did I." 1 And the great general walked away a In a deep and brown study. Those were the first words from Grant' lip addressed to hla comrades after the surrender if that other great general Lee. If a mule was In the mind of Grant, why naturally should It not be In the mind of that other great general who was avers to wearing the Insignia of bis high rank? A thin, erect man, seated upon a bony, rangy horse, drew near th mule quarter of tha great army. Hut uniform was seedy, his slouch hat wa battered out of shape and flapped low over hi brow, and deepv. set eyes. He looked like a cashiered sol dier run down at the heel and disreput able to say the least. Suddenly he reined his horse, "lifted his head and fastened hi eye - angrily, re provingly, upon a mule driver who was beating without mercy one of the long eared equine paradoxes. . The mounted man gritted his teeth and muttered a curse under his scraggy besrd. He was angry, angry away through to hi marrow. When thia particular general got angry things had to stir. "Stop that, you fool!" cam angr from bis lips. ' "Stop what?" returned the mule driver art the whip fell again. "Stop beating that mule "Umph! Who In thunder are you?" "General Sherman" ' "Umph! Half a doien other old bum have aald the me today."'- i There waa something glittering In the depths of the general' eyes that held the cruel- whip In air. ' The rude driver slowly dropped- the Instrument of torture and slunk away. The old, seedy soldier was not like the others, though lie looked as - dilapidated and , dlsreptttahle.-New York Press. . CARS UNDER THE RAILS Asaerleaa laveator's Form ef ; le va teal Road Differs from German System. lii Fitquent reference has been made these . columns to, the advantage of the suspension form of elevated railroad, as exemplified by the Barmen and Elberfeld road, in Germany, whtre the car are hung from a single, track above the bed of a river;. but It ha remained for an Ameri can Inventor to devise a system bf this kind embodying many novel features. All of these features are covered by recent patents. Instead of running on a single ov rail, ite American Inventor provide rails alinva Big car, which carry the w and above the wWls Is a guard ra that It Is Impossible fer the cat to leave the track, no matter how high the speed at which It is run. The motor is on top of the car, and a trolley pole of peculiar de sign draw th power from an electric wire protected by a hood from snow ami sleet. One of thf most Ingenious thing about this system Is the mean provided to en able cars to cross the track of a similar line at right angles to their own'. Wher ever such a crossing occur are placed gates, which are opined automatically hy the csr Itself as if approaches. These gstes carry with them the body of the track, which thus provides a way for the car. In passing a crossing of this nature the weight of the car does not fall upon the hinge of the gate, but is rigid by honks, which ste part of the gat, and which en gage the superstructure of the road. Another feature In which the American differs from the German yafm Is that In the Am'-ricun short turna In the road can be made with ease, owing to. the freedom with which the', trucks carrying the whrels move Independently of the car' Itself. A switch operated mechanically by elec tricity and controlled by tha . mntorrmv. from the car Is another novelty. The possibility, of making quick time is a feature which this system lias In common with the German Hue. but there ar other things In which it has the advantsge of the foreign rosd. Cheapness of construc tion Is claimed as one of Dies, as well us the double track before mentioned. According to' the American plan, the height of the tar entrance above the trel st th station Is about sixteen feet. Other elevsted railways have a height of twenty-eight or thirty feet of stairways. In the- system tinder discussion passengers may enter or leave ih nr.hy u nigjft luutic sieel-diop stairway at any point" along th line. ' Thl stairway, however, la J intended more for emergency than for gen eral use. It nuay be adjusted In s moment by a lever In the car. The tnley, loo. Is rigid, and controlled by a lever from the car. The use of tins many automatic dvtce makes the r"id cheaper, to operate than the usual variety. Although the system Just described has not yet received the test of operation. It appears, to embody, snany wnulMla-s wide) appear thoroughly practical. Phllsd-lrp Record. . If you hsv anything to trad advertise It In th For "Exchange cwlvuna af Th Be Want Ad bag. , 2 - i it erhenj yjw es two if n-heels, Vy J all. so