TOT, OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, OCTOBER S, li0G. - . - CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA 5 COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 Pearl St Tel. 43. MINOR MKJTIU. Darin, drug. Clark's, soda. Btochert sells carpets. Fin engraving at LenVrt's. Ed Roger' Tony Vaunt beer. Got those new photo at Bchmtdt a Plumbing and heating, Blsby Y too. lwla Cutler, funeral director, 'phone WT, Woodrlng Undertaking company, Tel. 888. Born to Sheriff and Mm. Ed. Canning, yesterday, a son. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. The regular monthly umiIoii of the II lirary , board in elated for tnts evening. Superfluous hairs removed permanently by electrolyses at Graves, 105 pearl street. Sea Stephen Bros, for firs brick and rite clay, sewer pipe, fitting and garden bos. Mr. C, A. Tlbblta 1 home front a four aeeka' visit, in St. .ouls . and Illinois points. Judge Srtitl' Hill mslie nn Assignment of rases today 'for tlw October term of the superior court. , i Morgan- Cutler left last evening for Chi cago -To- resume his studies In tlio Hahne nisnn' Medical college. ; t yon want It don Tight? If you do let Borarfrk, Zll ' 8. Mb In; do- your papering, painting snd Interior decorating. 1 pay 412 per too for caat Iron; mixed 819; stove. J; rags, lVo per lb.; rubber, 7Vc; copper, 14c per Tb. J. Katelman, 808 Main, both 'phones S50. ' Friends In thh rky-hsv received word tlfat Mrs. Ida, Wet Heybort. formerly of Council Bluffs, km seriously 111 at her home in Des Moines. The city council is scheduled to meet m adjourned , regular session , this evening. As fur as is known, there Is nothing of ImporlRrte to come up. We hv the flnest lin of sampla monu ments to select from in the west. Shecley t Lane Marble and Granite works, 117 Kast Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. The congngatlon of the First Presby terian ehurch of this city will celebrat ih neml-oentennlsl annlversnry of Its or ganisation, commencing Friday evening of this week. - la a. blue rock shooting contest yester day at, Pony Creek between a team from the Council Bluffs Gun club and the Iewls township team, the Bluffs shooters won by a score of 100 to s oue of a possible US. Shall w frame thai picture? We can do It to suit you, w make a specialty of fram ing pictures. Let us do it, we know the work and jrlc will be satisfactory. Coun cil Bluffs Paint, Oil and Olasa Co., Merriam block. Under peculiar circumstance we make tha following prices: Carpets, per yard, 3c and up; linoleum, per yard, 60c and up; oil cloth, 25c and up; stove pattern. Toe and up; sink board, wood lined, 7frc and up. 1. W. Keller, 103 South Main street. A chance for a bargain, do you want It? TVs hav a Urge stock of carpet and mat ting remnauts; must get rid of them; will hJ at most any prio. Stov oil cloth from 25c to 40a a square yard; cocoa floor mat. 60c to l&SO. Stockert Carpet CO. ' Htnry' Knapp, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stlllwell on Olen avenue, will leave today for Goldneuti, Nev., where ha is Interested in mines in the Bullfrog district with several Ne braska people. Including Former Secretary of War Meiklejohn. EVtKI HOU8KWIFE WANTS GOOD, 7TRKSH AND - CL.BAN GROCERIES AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. 741 WEST BROADWAY, FULFILLS ALL THESE REQUIREMENTS TO A LETTER AND ALL DELIVERIES ARE EXCEED INGLY PROMPT. Mid-week sorvlren will be held Wednes day evening at 7:8 o'clock at St. John's English Lutheran church. Th Ladle' Aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. N. J. Rwanson. 63 Franklin ravenue. The chorus choir will meet for rehearsal Wednesday even ing sfter the service and Friday evening. John Melhop. secretary of the Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale Grocers' association, 'Who accompanied John,. . .gcrtoentgen to lrioohoiet;r4-ishtwbeT,tliaJatter ,under i event an operation for his throat af , fllctlon. has returned. He states that tli operation was entirely successful and that Mr. - Bchoentgen, It la expected, will be able to return home In about two weeks. '.- CUPS OK CHEER THESE, hot lemon ;ad 10c. hot chocolate 10u and hot malt ed milk. SERVED WITH WHIPPED CKEAM AND HALTED BISCUIT, hot beef tea 10c, hot clam boulllan, 10c, and hot: tomato, bouillon. Wc. Tasty, NOUR . 1HHINO AND REFRESHING. Hot choc- rwt .Kn l&o. Hut malted milk and ' egg 15c and oyster cocktail lue. Oyster always fresh. Clark Drug Co. Word has been received nere of the mar llaga of Mrs. Deetken. widow of Dr. Deet ken. and Peter Bartel at Seattle, Waah. Both ar former residents of Council Bluffs, where Mrs. Bartel still has large froperty Interest. By the death of Dr. )ertken. his widow inherited an estate val ued at about $lo.OM. She wen to Seattle a few months ago to make her horn with her wd, Dr. Henry Deetken. Mr. Bsr tel was in the grocery business In till cliy for a number of year. A Great Kaettensent. W ar making tha lowest possible prtcea on wall paper. Th latest patterns. W will msks you tha lowest figures If you will let us do th work. Guaranteed to be first claam Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass Cc. Monrlam block. DANES TARING ME CITY asBVBMBtasaa ' Dtlecitta Anime for th OoaTtatiei of tfc Danish Brotherhood. MUCH BUSINESS C0MCS BEFORE BODY Order Whir si Had lis Origin la Oska Ha Had mm Interesting Rlstary aad Rapid (irnwth la the West. A large number of the. delegates to the twelfth national convention of the Danish Brotherhood, which opens In this city this mottling and lasts over' Smut-day, ' sr rlved yesterday. The convention Is com posed of 248 delegateeBd it" Is expecle.i that, ar fully tested and w guarantee you satlsfsnism in the purchsse of sn Instru ment from w. Call on os'. Tour money will go farther her Ihsn antwher els. Easy ' terms If desired.' Swanaon Muslo Co.,- Tf West Broadway.' nrMJKT RARF.I.Y Mia!F.l W M SI Sliat, RTldeatly Carelessly Flre-dU Passes Through Wladow. As Mrs. Crsndsll wss sitting reading In the front room of her home at 813 South Seventh street yesterday afternoon a bul let crushed through the window and Im bedded Itself In the wall opposite. The missile missed Mrs. Crandnll only a few Inches. The police were at once notified, but they were unable to locate the shooter. As the bullet was evidently' from a 2? callber rifle it was supposed, the shot was a stray one from loys . shooting In the neighborhood, but the officers were unab! to locate the marksman. Rsldents In Morningslde complained of boys shooting In that neighborhood, and Deputy Marshal Crum was sent to the place. Hf found a number of boys armed with small rifles and -shotguns and suc ceeded In spcurtng one rifle and on shot- that with possibly a few xceptlons all j Ifun, but several of th boys made their will be tere. The sessions twlll be held In Danish hall, at the corner of Broadway and Park avenue, where headquarters also will be established for the. delegates during their week' stay In the city. A the convention is only held every four 'years there Is consequently much work for It to do and a greater part of the week will be devoted strictly to busi ness, although proper arrangements have been made by the local committees for th entertainment of their guests. The first entertainment will be tomorrow evening when th visiting delegates will be guests of the local lodge at Its meeting, at which W. J. Leverett of this city will give n moving ' sterenptlcon picture show and light refreshments will be served during the social session., Wednesday evening the visitors will be tendered a banquet In Danish hall by the local members. Thursday afternoon the business session will be brought to a close at 4 o'clock and the visitors will be given a trolley ride around the city and likely to Lake Manawa, winding up at Washington hall In Omaha, where a banquet will be served. Friday will be devoted entirely to busi ness, as will Saturday forenoon and after noon, the convention closing at the fore noon session with the election of officers and the selection of the place of mretttijt In 1810. Saturday evening there will be a dramatic entertainment In Danish hall, followed by a dance and this will bring the gathering to an end. History of Orsraalsatloa. The history 'of the organisation of the Danish Brotherhood Is an Interesting one. It is the outgrowth of -an organisation formerly known a the "Danish Weapon society," formed In Omaba In the year 1878 or 187. The member were veter ans of the Danish wars with Germany, known as the Schleswlg-Holsteln wars. Only those who had served In these wars were eligible to membership. Similar or ganisations were formed In Davenport, la., Neenah and Racine. Wis., and Mollne, 111. In 1881 these organisations were merged Into one body, known as the Danish Veterans, and a year later It was decided to extend the organization so as to admit all Danes and their descendants who spoke the ' Danish language. The reorganised society then became known the Danish Brotherhood and started with this nam with a membership of 16T. The Danish Veteran society was Incor porated In 1881 under the law of Nebraska and a convention was, held In that year In Omaha. The lodges belonging to the order then were Omaha, Neenah, Racine, Daven port and Mollne. On January t, 1882, at th convention In Omaha,, the name of the order wa changed to the Danish Brother hood and the membership extended to ad mit all Dane and their descendants. Since Its reorganization in 1882 the Danish Brotherhood haa grown steadily, as will be anen by th following figure: escape. William Capel, the son of Thotnns Capel. a gardener, living at 1170 East Pierce; John Senior, living at 134 Canning street, and R.'Barrett. living at 1 Baughn street, were the possessor of the weapons seised by Officer Crum, and they wer no tified to appear In police court this morn ing, when they will be charged with dis charging firearms within-the city limits. Residents in Mornlngslde complained that a gang of young lsds , frequented that neighborhood, armed with guns, and when lacking other sport, shot and killed their chickens. Major Richmond stated yester day that he was determined to put a stop to this promiscuous use of firearms by the boy about the city. "Alpine Horn," "Hungarian Rhapsody," "In Rank and File" and thousands of other copies of sheet ' music and popular, at 10c a copy, at Bourlclu's Piano House, 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs," la. B. L M. SCRANTON. This phrase when applied to hard coal means the coal mined. We have all the sizes. OUR WEIGHT IS OUR WORD. Iowa and. Missouri oak in stock st all times. Brldensteln & Smith. 'Phone 1S2, 14th Ave and 6th St. Pianos that are always sold at 122S to X) we sell at 1145. 8190 and 8210. Higher prlcid instruments ' In proportion: easy payments. A. Hoepe Co., . 26 South Main street. Co. Bluffs. Don't pound the life out of your fine Wilton or Axmlnster rug by cleaning It the old-fashioned way. There is a better way; cheaper In the long run. Our way will not Injure the finest fsbrlc. Our wagons will call. Tel. 516. The Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manufac turing company. Don't fall to 'see the Red Cross base burner. Let us show you the Eclipse grate, the only sto-e made with the Eclipse grate, fiwaine it Maurer, 336 and 338 Broadway. WHEN GOING TO RUILD. GO TO GEO. A. HOAOLAND. THE PIONEER LUM BER MAN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. 724 SOUTH .MAIN STREET. TEL. 245. Haw you heard th good nw? Our 1907 ' wall paper pattern ar coming In and you will be right In It If you lt u do your in terior decorating; and when It come to painting, we do not allow anybody to beat la furnishing good materials and good wortc Now la th but time tq paint, the Insects ar all gone and the weather nicely settled.' Let us figure with you. Jansvn Nicholeon. 138 Broadway. New Bit far AlfaJf Meal Coaaoaay. Although no official announcement ha been made by th Commercial club. It la aid that a lt for th proposed new plant of th Alfalfa Meal company has been se cured ,,4 that the company -will remain In Council Bluffs. Th alt said to have been 1 obtained covers a block between Broadway m First avenue and between Thirty second and Thirty-third streets. Part of th ground belonged to th Water Work company, and the latter recently pur chased swven. lots - from ' th . city In the am neighborhood to replace those re cjulrad for the plant of the Alfalfa Meal company. ' ,' t It I understood the company will make bo effort to build this year, but that next year it propose to expend about 170,400 on Its new nujuiniB. w i w uw company will remain at Tenth street and Eleventh avenue. Convention. 1S8-.' Omaha, Neb , 18s; Racine. Wis. 1HK4 Clinton, la lXKfH-ChU-ago. 111. , 187 Burlington, la. ... 1M9 Chicago, I1L 1891 Davenport. la. ... 198 Omaha. Neb 1S9 Minneapolis, Minn. WW Des Moines, la lltt Racine. Wis WO Council Bluffs, la. Lodges. Members. IS a zx 22 82 ....... 61 Kl 14 .......145 .254 14 831 tZ 846 1. Unu 94 1,473 2, K2t 4.0t: OLD TIME TELEGRAPHERS MEET Twenty-Sixth Annaal Session to Be yield I atloaal VplL -,' "WASHINGTON." Oct. 7.-Convenlng to morrow and lasting for three days the Old Time Telegrapher and Historical so ciety and the Society of the Military Tele graph corps will meet In twenty-sixth an nual session at the Arlington hotel In this city. The local committee has provided an elaborate program of entertainment for the visitors. Including a reception at the White House by President Roosevelt. Both- organisations number among their j membership many men prominent In publiu life, who In their earlier years were tele graphers. Andrew Carnegie, Thomas E. Edison, General Thomas T. Eckert, Clar ence H. Mackay and George J. Gould are among the members. The visitors are coming from all parts of the United States- 6,t I and Canada and a large attendance is cx 4. 847 16,4X Blags Has a Candidate. P. H. Johnson, who was mainly instru mental In reorganizing the ' Danish Vet erans into' .the Danish Brotherhood, Is su preme past president of the order and a resident of Omaha. J. Mlchaelaen, the su preme secretary, Is also a resident of Omaha. The Council Bluffs lodge I known aa Havnena lodge No. 10 and was organised Ffty lean m Blacksmith. Hixburg, adjoining the famous Appomat tox, where the gallant Lee surrendered to the famous Grant, Is the home of Samuel R. Worley. now 83 years of age. and ac tively engaged In horseshoeing, who often relates how h shod horses of uaeinlsts and confederates from 18U0 to J&t, making the. shoes and fitting them. Mr. Worley ays: "I havo been shoeing horses for August 2. 1883. with thirty-three members. ' mr u,"n flftX nd Chamberlain' r,.H it. m.mkonhin hB. r.r.i,i th. isa , p'n BaJn has given in great relief from mark, with many of th prominent and I , u"l - .umaum. wmcn aavanc, j wui k orougni, ana it ia the best llnlmont I ever used." When troubled with rheumatic pain or soreness of th muscles give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. "Wall Paper For th next twe week I wtU sell wall paper at Sn par eent off. Our , big .line of new wall paper must be re 6acd, A . good opportunity t d cerate year hen In good style for Uttl money. W. ; 8k Heweteoa. Broadway and Fourth at' Council Bluff. To xnak th horn complete you anust It a Lexington steel rang and a Radt mnt Hon hard coal burner. W ar aell Inff worm than ever. . Remember,, taea ate) will eat your coal bill In half. Sol agetrb PUron A Bohoaulng C. . rir City Cbaaspteaakl. Tu first game of th city championship rle between th local ball team wer placed yesterday afternoon at th South Sid park. Tb Peterson A Scboenlng team defeated th Neuma rr by a score of 4 to g, after a rattling good gam. Th Hustler defeated th Transfers by a score of It to T. MALONSr CIGAR CO., M PEARL ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1A, DISTRIBUTORS FOR TUB ROBERT BURNS' Mo CIGAR AND JJTTTJO . BOBBIE. OLD TIMES AND ERR18 tc CI J ARK. If you waat a geod paettiea. flniaU a ir at the Westers law eel leas. Day mmA eenlg school. EaraU successful business men of the city among It member. The local lodge I much Interested In this convention, as Its dele gate to the meeting. Fred Petersen, I candidate for the office of supreme treas urer. The local lodge, although one of the oldest In the order, ha never been repre sented In the supreme lodge officials and It member feel that th. y ar entitled to such representation and every effort will b mad by there to elect Mr. Petersen. At the opening session this morning J. C. Jensen, president of the local lodge. will make the address of welcome on be half of the Council Bluff members, while Mayor Macrae will perform a similar duty on behalf of th city. H. H. Vogt of Dav enport. Ia.. supreme president, will re spond to the two addresses. CENTRAL FLOUR 81-1. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Ileal Mar ket. Both 'phone 84. For Imparted win, liquors and Bud welser beer go t L. Roeenfeld. wholasele liquor dealer. II South Main street. -n Picture for wedding gift. C EL Alex ander, 838 Broadway. Owaer Hoed Msey. Most sell elegant lot on Glen avenue; also good dwellings on Seventh street, near Bloomer school.. TeL 81. Chaa. T. Officer, 41 Broadway. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Moaday and Teeeday, with Cooler Taesday, U Ike Prospect. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-Forecast : For Nebraska and Kansaa-Falr Monday anu t ueaflay; cooler Tuesday. For Illinois Fair and somewhat warmer Monday; Tuesday, fair; fresh south winds. For Missouri Fair Monday and Tues day. ' . For South Dakota Showers ,,! cooler Monday; Tuesday, fair. For Wyoming-Fair Monday, except showers and cooler In northwest portion; Tuesday, fair. For Colorado-Fair Monday and Tuea day. Laosl Meeord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA. Oct. T.-OfflclaJ record ature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: . " ' ! 16. 1904. 1Su8. Maximum temperature m 84 ia Minimum temperature.... 62 63 62 ) Mean temperature K ;t Precipitation on .On T T Temperature and precipitation departures u nurniaii ki umana slnoe March 1, I I I 8 s J 8 t M K 1 ii r i.i S s i ) It's Made Right of the Right Materials You owe it to yourself to ask for " LUXUS " whenever you want beer. It's a little better than necessary, perhaps, but that' a good fault. If your palate doesn't appreciate that Extra Quality, your stomach will it will do you good, there's no question about that. We can't give you all the reasons here. v There are so many reasons why you should drink "LUXUS" that we had to put them in book form. ....... Let us send you a " LUXUS " book. But if you'll take our word as a starter and try " LUXUS," you won't have to have the reasons explained. And don't forget that " The Family " will appreciate such a treat as " LUXUS," too. Order a case sent home if you can't get it nearby, let us know. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. OMAHA. NED. EXPONENTS OF THE FINE ART OF BREWING ..ji,WmL, MANY WANT HUNTER'S PLACE All Applicants Up to the Present Are Sheriff or Ex-Sheriff8. ' BOARD MAY GO OUTSIDE STATE FOR MAN Idea Is that Warden Should Be Some one Who Has Adranced Ideas and Ha Made tadr of C'risnlnloa-y.' Per ftala, A GOOD PATTNO SHOE STORE. DOTNO tl.EC A MONTH. WILL, INVOICS 88.000. ,na comparison with the last twe years BPLKNDID OPENING. DUNCAN DEAN. S MAIN ST.. COUNCIL BLUW - A. Metaarsv A C.t New Loeatlon of Whlal Bakery. 818 Mynater Street.' Co. Bluffs, la. Home-made Bread a 8elalt. V latter Welcome. N.T. Ptnraelnf c. Tel. fj. Klfht. Mai urraai temperature ., jg Bxcees for the day , Total excess sine March 1, 1W io Normal precipitation .) ncn Ieficiency for th day (Winch Total rainfall since March 1 tZM inches Deficiency since March 1. ftcfflriency for cor.-period 1M6... S.74 inches Deficiency for cor. period 1904 . 3.51 Inches (Prom a Staff Correspondent. DBS MOINES. 'Oct. 7. (Special.) With the filing- of the-application of Sheriff A. W. Mltterer of Hardin county for appoint ment to the poslMott'Of warden of the state penitentiary at, Anahiosa the contest has become quite spirited. All applicants are sheriffs and ex-sheriffs. Those who have filed applications HYtr -Sheriff C. W. Jack son of Woodbury county and Sheriff A. W. Mitterer.ot Hardltt county. Th other tentative applicant?. Mayor George Mut tern of this city,' ei-sherlff of Polk county. It is quite likely that there will be other candidates for the position, and there is Do surety whatever- that the candidate m lected will be cither a sheriff or an ex sheriff. The law under which the Suite Board of Control - in working takes the board entirely out of politics. The Ana niosa penitentiary is a sort of pet InHtltn Uon with the Board of Control. Both, Judge Robinson and' Mr. Cownie have fa vored mnkinK the Anamona penitentiary n reformatory for prisoners from 18 to 30 years old. Mr. Hamilton hug recently come to the board and is rot known to have expressed un opinion, but the old board has all along; Introduced all the refoiins they could at Anatuosu. They have tried to make It a model prjson In every way, and for this reason they may require that the new. warden know something move about prisoners and methods of handling: them than merely how to make an arrest nul lock a pair of handcuffs. The fact Is, the methods of running the Anamosa peniton ti:iry are along the latest scleutltlc lines. One abreast of the movement In the sci ence of criminology will likely be required to fill the position made vacant - by the' death of Warden Hunter, and as the state law that created the Board of Control has put them In a position where no amount of political pressure hss any effect, and the more political pressure Is brought the morn prejudiced the board Is likely to be against the applicant, it looks much as though the board would have Its, own way, whatever way that Is. The board has not hesitated In all the Insane InHtitutions to go out side of the state for a superintendent when it was a question of gettins; a good man. It may be . that it will deeid to go out side in this esse. The board has !k-ii ab sent during most of the past week and hus not discussed the sufftysian as yet. Sen. ator Saunders of Council Bluffs recently said in this city that he would again, t the next session of the legislature, intro duce his bill for an Indeterminate sentence law. That bill provided fr.r turning Ann mow into a reformatory, and as a reform atory a thorough knowledge of criminology will be a greater requisite than as a peni tentiary. A smill war Is likely soon to be on over the placing of fire escapes on the new half million dollar Polk county court houKe In this city. The building, though abso lutely fire proof, with not a stick of wood In it except the duor and window frames and the floors, Is three stories high and thus comes within the law requiring flru escapes. The building stands In the mid dle of a block just notlh of the Union depot In ths city. The chief of the fire depart ment hus ordered fire escapes. The su pervisors of the county declare that they will fight to the bitter end In the courts the placing of fire escapes on the building on the ground that they would ruin the appearance of the building and further more claim that being Isolated from other buildings and absolutely fire proof tho building couldn't burn if every block around It was to burn down. Their chief objection Is the unsightly appearance of fire escapes on a halt million dollar court house and declare that the fire chief must recede from his stand. What Cities Will Think. Officials of tho Iowa Ieiigtie of Munici palities are watching with some Interest for the .effect on the city governments of Iowa of the publication of the results of tho Investigations by the state auditor's office. The new law requires tha,t the re ports of thj Inf-pectnrs when filed with the state, auditor shall also be filed with the mayor and clerk. of the city concerned and that they shall -then (bca nubile property, hls specific . provision Is for , the purpose of making the reports open -for- the re porters and newspapers, the object being to thus Inform the people of the cities how their affairs are being governed. ! Creston and Marshalltown are . the only cities thus far examined. Marshalltown's condition was shown to be quite flattering, there being but one criticism and that was that bonds were paid without specific or der from the council under seal of mayor and clerk, but In the case of Creston there was quite severe criticism. Follow ing the publication of this report the city council of Creston met and dlscusspd the report of the InHpector and he was severely criticised. The results of the Inspections are wanted -for report to the legislature l i getting some other laws along the same Want Woman's It eforniatory. Tlie Inst act of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion convention held here last week was the adoption of a reeolu tion In favor of a woman's reformatory and the appointment of a committee to draft a bill and work for Its paKsage at the (text session of the legislature. It was claimed at the nuetlng that Governor Cummins had pledged his support to the measure. ' The ofilclul magazine of the state waa changed from the "Champion" to the "W. C. T. V. Champion." The of ficers elected for the ensuing year other than the president are: Corresponding sec retary, Ida B. Wine; recordlngsecretary, Mrs. Mary Williams; treasurer, Mrs. H. S. Nichols; editor of the olficlal paper, Mrs. Kttu B. Hereford. The new slate certificate law. It is be lieved. rales the salaries of school teach ers a notch or two. The old law re quired a teacher to have a certificate In the county in which h or she sought to teach. Tills limited competition and forced teachers to remain In the county or get a new certifies te. ITnder the present law a teacher armed with a certificate Is prlvilged to teach lit any school In the state and can hunt for a school anywhere. It Is claimed salaries are already a little higher. R SPECIAL H0MESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Hyannis, Nebraska October 16, 1000, Leaving Omaha, 4:10 P. M. . To Lakeside, Nebraska November 6, 1906, leaving Omaha 4:10 p. m. . To Hyannis, Nebraska 4 November 20, 1906, leaving Omaha 4:10 p. m. I will personally conduct the above Homeseekers' ExcnP tons, at which times I will have with me township plaU howlng the homestead land in these localities. ' . SPECIAL OPPOrtTrNITlES Lands that are now being cancelled on reports of the Special Agents, of-the Government are generally desirable, homesteads. I keep-track of all of the cancelled lands for the benefit of the patrons of this bureau. HATKS AM) TICKETS Very low round trip Home seekers' Excursion rates will be in effect on above dates to these destinations, and to any other points in the homestead counties in Nebraska. Those holding excursion tickets deblrr ing to visit other points will be furnished township plats show ing the homestead land in any section they, desire to visit. , NEW r'OLUKK 'ltEH Write today for our new folder with map of Nebraska, telling all about the 640-acre free home steads, and how to acquire title. For further information call or write D. CLEM DEAVER, Agent, Homeseekers' Information Bureau', 100k Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska mm mm Mystery Merrounds Death. 8HKL,BYV1L,I.K. lnd.. Oct. 7 Mytry surrounds the death of Mrs I lira Avres, 50 years old. a well-known and active church worker of this place, who was found dead in bed this morning with a bullet In her bruin. A rigid investigation Is being made. Ibod Poison "Primary, Station and Stat of Weather. Bismarck elouHv I Cheyenne, clear ... THB MOST WP-TO-DATB , BE8TATJR- ' Chicago, clear ANT IN COUNCIL BLOTTO qooD RKR- Davenport, clear VICE AND HOME COOKING, Th Calu- tiT?, ', ,, Tmp. Max. Rain 7 p.m. Temp. fall. .) .so ,4W Boat restaurant, U Broadwajr. , Havre, pt. cloudy jieiena, clear Huron, tit. cloud v I repair talking machines, bicycles' and ' Kansas City, clear . nrtng machines. . 'M. Williamson, II , North Platte, clear ('Mlll. I War Bo. Mat net. Pleas. We t ' headquartere fer fine plane. We matter what mar ar need w eaa gajpstr tt. ' JTr xm m am mt tan Rapid City. Dt. cloudy St. Lout, clear Hi. Paul. pt. cloudy Salt Lak City, clear... Valentine, clear 70 8J , ,u T laaicaiea trace er precipitation. U A. WL80. LeuaJ rrvtr. Hi 62 & C4 74 6.' , CO , 68 Th , , 71 , Ml , 4 , to . 7 70 hit 70 M 74 ft 8-.' K K 7S 78 84 "4 .01 mj 1 .sol -u : .W ,0 ,t .( , 7 PAY V8 FOR CI RES. Secondary. Tertiary and Hereditary" . In combating the "King" of daagerous dl-ease-4io tlm should be lost, no experiment ing should be done. Our treatment for Specific Blood Poison is absolutely safe, rapid and permanent, and leaves no Injurious after . effect. Every external symptom soon disap pears, while the blood, the tissues, the nerve fibres and the system are cleansed, strength ened and restored to health and purity. By the latest and best methods we treat and cure to remain cured Nervo-Vital Debility, Main lisee. Sores, I' leer, Swollen Gland, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Nervous Decline, Pile, It up tare, Kiduejr and Bladder Disease and all diseases of men due to inheritance, ex haustion or the result of specific diseases. OunsultatioB tYee, Confidential and Invited. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , 5. W. Cor. 1SU mod. Farsan 8u4 ClouOta, Keb. mate I 'r IIRIIiTCI lvnirili - a Jt v" " " m w m " ". I'll It.''1! ' A 1 . ; T . 7 N3M mm un THE Purchasing Power behind the unsurpassed home circulation of , - , V , ' '' The Omaha Bee is what makes advertisers know that it pays to nse J. a,lia 1560 v6"18 column uberalix !