A .Tlli: OMAHA SUNDAY ItKK: OCTM.KR 7. 90G. DID MhV DV Ti'X IDDft'iYTCll 1 I) 11V itlly. Allla Ul JAl I 171 I laU be I Frcaridr ? Fs-nlw o" 'EsuTano ytrifsrs. LtGSLAT.Of Jonfsreno r Not atiirictr. ON GOtS BY th: eoards J Heal Object of the 'Will.. U ot ' niaen.sed. bat TnmrA Otrr to Special Cunmltlr for Inter Action. 1 Ralph ft', Breckenrldge. chairman of th ln irance cotimlttee of the American Bar association, returned Friday from Wh irt-r P. C. where tils committee held s iram commissioners who were meeting j Iti 4'nventlon there. I am greatly disappointed In the re- Iff of the conference," said Mr. BrecV- ' Mre. "for the results were In fart noth ing. 4ff"he object of the conference was to dlafiiaa and ngree on reform Insurance leglslntlon. After talking all Hay Mondav and until i o'clock Tuesday morning, then vain all Tuesday forenoon, the meeting was culled to a clone and the whole matter i referred to a committee of fifteen to meet In Chicago Novemlier IS. and promul gate reform measures. The Insurance comrn'ltee of the American Bnr nssnclatlon w Invited to attend this meeting. ''Four out of the five members of my committee, were present. Robert Dunlap of Chiciigo, R. A. Mercer of Towanda. Pn.. AVIIIIam R. Vance of Washington. D. C. and myself. Hurtcn Smith of Atlanta. Oa., lone was absent. Many prominent lawyer of the east also, 'attended. Two Con in Ins Topics. "The entlr time, waa taken up with dis cussion aa to whether the use of riven standard life policy should be permissive or compulsory on the companies and with debate on proposed standard provision to be compiled with In the Issuance of such policy. The only action taken was to pass motion, after lone debate, advocating court review of the action of any Insurance commissioner In removing from tha field any Insurance company falling to comply with the forma of tha policy. This action waa annulled when the matter waa re ferred to the committee of fifteen. "Tha members of th bar wcr not given opportunity to talk on any germane sub ject until midnight, then we tried to per tudd th commissioner to cease dis cussing form of policy and gat to some thing whp-h demanded more Immediate reform. We asked of them to atop trying to make th burdens of th companies heavier for th policy holder paya the freight, as on Insurance man told me but to try to do something for th polloy holder. "Why don't you make It a penal offense for an Insurance commissioner to take muney from an Insurance company T Why tn't you cut down tha expense of super- !on. which Is now ten time the actual .(? These are some of the auestlons si asked them. "tat Porn of Polloy. "Again, they talked of having the states prescribe a form of policy which should be Incontestlble for fraud after a period of iaV Old "Dr. Goose" is a Great Friend of the Tailor By A. Taylor-Cutter epHB Flat-iron Is the "dope" of the clothing business. ' With the hot pressing; Iron a slack section of cloth can be SHRUNKEN In a minute, to any desired degree. Or a tight section may be stretched to any given degree in the same man ner, at a trifling cost as compared to the sincere hand-needle-work required to produce a similar result in a per manent manner. Now practically 80 per cent of all cloth hes are faked Into shape in the making, by Old Dr. Ooose, the hot Klat-lron. And any Garment that owes its shape to the Klat-lron will need the constant use of that same Flat-iron to keep it in shape. That's a big thing to remember. Header. We arc telling you about this vital point of Style-insurance, and Economy In shape-retention, because we are makers of the "Sincerity Clothes." And every "Sincerity" Oarruent is faithfully shaped to a finish by the needle Instead of by the faky Flat- iron. see Every defect in workmanship of "Sincerity Clothes" Is Investigated and, when found, is permanently cor r acted by Sincere hand-needle-work. Instead ef by the quick, easy and aeiy Flat-iron. 'S That'a nractlral Hhiiie.lnnrnrs J isn't HT And, a Coat so made, luspected, and ao revised (if neevssary) will hang well, look square shouldered without escesslve padding, and keep lu shape with one-third the "Pressing" that a Coat faked into shape by the Flat-iron would need. To men who would dress well on a moderate outlay this fart Is mighty Important. f ' ' Now, if Shape-Insurance, and Style retention are worth anything to you, Mr. Reader, look for the label of the "Sincerity Clothiers" on ,)u' net Coat or Overcoat. That label reads, as follows: RITV CLOTH CS DUUANANTCCO BV s rsj a nninMn aa v r WW CHICAGO V BlADCAN ' vears. argued thru this nU. riliirltiB n bremhim on fraud l Tli riumlnr, of federal supervision dH i not come up. ns it wm foreign to the ubwt in bund. "The cominleslonrs nrt n be credited with .in hon'-t purpose to promote re-fi-rm. hM liny are not mHkins iim of a gr.at opportunity. Thcr sp:er tn he nn- Informed a to the public neods s well ?" rr,rd 10 ,h of ,h mry nav under eons deration. TW measure which they propise give no j promise of more efficient supervision or a I decrease In the burden of the policy holder, j It has not been derided whether the. committee of which 1 am the (-!-. meet with the commissioners In Chicago." TOPICS FOR A DAT OF REST. 'I'ne following resolution of inspect w 1"MU by the members of the First Meth odist Episcopal churcii of Waterloo, la., wmch church ftev. lr. Loveland left to cinie to th First Mt-thodlst church of this city; We. the niembtrs of the official board of the Flrat Methodist F.piacopal churcii ot Water. oo, la., desire to hereby express our a;ppin mucin of the marked ability of our pastor, Kev. Frank Lafayette lxivcland, A. at., to extend our thaiiKs tor the able way uiwlitcn he haa filled uur puipil and other wise satrved this charge in trie past tare years. Mis departure w deeply regret. We feel u can be truthfully ald that tne three years of brother Loveland s ministry with us have been among the most progiea slve and most prosperous In the churcn s history, to say nothing of the great help tie nsa been to Waterloo, as a wnoie. through his management of the Waterloo Chautauqua and the prominent part lie hart taken in uiner local affairs. We congratulate bout Brother lxvelsnd i and the Omaha church, to which he goes. We lose him reluctantly, but we know a wider Held awaits him there, and our prayers and expectationa for his further and greater success follow him to his new neid or labor. May he and his family be abundantly prosperous. inesn resolutions shall be spread on tne minutes of the ofllcial board of the First Methodist F.Discnnal church and copy of the same handed to Hrother Loveland. OKOROE B. VAN AR8DOL, J. H. fHOKMAKER Committee. Colonel T. Bcott and Staff Captain Dale of the Salvation Army at Kansas City and Staff Captain Storey of Chicago will speak Sunday at 10 a. m. and t and I p. m. at the Salvation Army headquarters at 1711 Davenport atreet. On Monday evening Col onel Scott will lecture on "From Hell's Oate to th Golden Gate." The proceeds of the lecture will go for th local Salva tion Army building fund. Staff Captain Storey, who comes to Omaha to take Major Galley's place aa division officer of the Nebraska and South Dakota division. Is . an accomplished musician and singer. On Sun day evening Colonel Scott will Install Staff Captain Storey. Rev. Phlletu H. McDowell, pastor of Immanuel Baptist church. Twenty-fourth and Blnney streets, haa planned for a series of services for young men during October. Th meetings will b held Sun day evenings, beginning tomorrow even ing. The topics will be: October 7, "Abra hamThe CaJl of the Unknown :" October 14. 'Jacob The Trickster Tripped Up;" Oc tober 21, "Joseph From Pit to Premier ship;" October 28, "Moses With Back on the Royal Court." Rev. Mr. McDowell urgea the young men of North Omaha to turn out and hear something which may benefit them. A unique series of services has been ar ranged for the choral vespers at the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church on "The Cry of the Modern Spirit." The topic Is drawn from a ahort poem by som well known author and la answered by a brief sermon on some scripture text. The series opens Sunday at 4:M. Th poem used la Sill's "Dar You?" Th sermon Is on "Th Lonely Spirit. "The Scientific. Spirit," "The Overworked Spirit," "The Secular Spirit," etc., follow on future dates, suggested by poems from Tennyson, Phillips, Kipling and others. Appropriate music is arranged, under direction of Thomas J. Kelly. Rev. T. V. Moore of Weamlnster Pres byterian church, wtth his wife and son. have Just returned from a four months' tour of Europe. Mr. Moore will be In charge of the service at the church Bun day morning. During their absence they visited several of th countries of Europe and return greatly refreshed. Music at Kounts Memorial Lutheran. Twenty-sixth and Far nam: MORNING, Processional Holy, Holy, Holy Dykes Common service in full. Duet In the Cross of Christ Howe Messrs. Heldloo and Shank. Hymn Sing Pralaes to God Luther Offertorv The Sacrifice of God Layrls Solo Sins. My Boui. Hla Wondrous Blory Gilder Master Earl Prahl Recessional All Hall the Power. ...Holden EVENING. Processional Love Divine Zundel Solo Like as a Hart Alletson William Hetdloff. Hvmn Jeaua. the Very Thousht of Thee Emerson Solo O. Jeaus. Thou Art Standing... Gelbel J. W. Shank. SoloIf with All Your Hearts.. Mendelssohn U. A. cover. forage wit; ; M.r.r...i::.v.v:shi nw... M",er Ert PrahU 1-noru" The' Choir Quartet-Nearer My God to Thee. .. .Parka Messrs. Blakealee. Shank. Hetdloff and Cover. Recessional Jerusalem the Golden.. F.wlng Prof. Charles O. Blakeeles, Organist and Choirmaster. Frank Throw of the Presbyterian Th?o loglcal seminary will speak Sunday evening to th member of the Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor at the Castel lar Street Presbyterian church. Music at Trinity cathedral. Sunday, Oc tober 7: MORNING. Processional Hymn Hark, the Sound of Holy oicea Kyile-From ' hllljeh' -i.k M.nH.i..nKn Gloria Tlbi Pl..- Hymn Tne King of Ixve Dykta Anthem God So Loved the World 8talr.r Sursum Curda. Sia.ner Sanctua In A major Btain-r Communion Hymn And Now, O Father .Monk Gloria In Kxeelsis Plain Chant Hallelujah Chorus Harden Olorla Uansd in . Nunc PluilHls 1-ansdon Hvmn Softly Now th Light of Day.... ' f Weber Srrmun Anthem Art Thou Weary , Chdwlck i-ancaon Mr. wuains ana ine enmr Aria for Contralto.. Mlsa Higgins. Mendelssohn A Meditation for Violin Hint gaans Miss Shadduck. Aria for Soprano Mndelsaohn Mrs. Stanley. Anthems-How lajvely Are the Men- ger Mendl'aihn To-Fold Amen g'alner Rereestonal Hymn Stand Up. Stard Co for Jeaus Webb Ren Stonlev. oraimlst snd cho'rmas'fr: Mls Ixiule Ehsddur'i astlstant: Mrs. Ren Stanley. MIfs Jllggln and Mr. Wilkin, so loist. Prof. Charle Ov'' Blakealee ha been engaged to look after the music at the Knuntse Memorial Lutheran church. Mr. Rlakesps rame here from South Bend. Ind . and was well recommended. With him 1n Ihe aork li.. will be W. W. Held loft, baritone; J. Walter Shank, baaao; v . . . . n m it . Ha rri- n iiu ut mi Biuiin. i"m ior Aiurnini swrviu RbVna. HymnO MotherVbeaV jT- hy Are Nof In ,,,c k "at T'ii: rusalein - Ward I J..n A grayer meeting at 7:tf on We.ln.sd.y even- Organ Pre-luU March and Fugue . suits." j Mark-, Knalish Iuf-ian 'i'wentv- Oullniant Knst Church of C Mist. Scientist, Twentv- -J.1,' nnM Hiirdet te Hev I (J'ih prtor- Procesaicnal Hymn-Ulortou, Things of filth and Farnam. Chambers' building - Vf" ." vice at 10 46 ' top, ' Ul. of .Thee-Are Spoken Haydn : Sundux ach.x.l al i a. m.; regulur r- 1 !. . V - K-,t !'en A. Cover, t-nor; Master Karl Ftahl. boy soprano Master Prehl Is VI years of e voir of rr iwwlni It Is Prof. Rlnkesles purpose to maintain a boys' choir at the Knuntse church. Music at Fltst Presbyterian church: MORNING Sentence How Down Thine Far Pease Te l euin Kotschi.iar Solo G'd. Be Merciful to Me Perclppe Mr KU'.s. EVENING. - "Sweet Hour of Pteyer" Pesse "O. Psviour of the World" Goes Sentence Bow Down Thine Bar pens "I I -y My Sin on Jesus'' Hawley At Trinity Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-first and Blnney streets. Miss Mabel Csrr of Chicago will sing at 'the I morning service "I Know That My Re deemer Liveth," from Handel's "Messlnh." At the evening service the regular monthly musical service will be given. Music at the First Congregational church. Nineteenth and Davenport: MORNING. Prelude Prayer In F Gullniant Anthem O. Come Let Us Worship Hauptniann Quintet and Chorus. Offertory Melody In G Uullmant Communion Hymn Jesus. Thou Joy of Loving Hearts Clairvaux-Schuniann Chotr. Postlude Choeur In F Salome EVENING. Special "Theme Service." Prelude Chanson de Nult .. Edward Elgar Anthem Let Not Your Heart He Troub led Trembath Offertory Twilight Picture Shelley Quartet-Thou Wilt Keep Him In Per fect Peace Buck Postlude West Martin W. Bush, organist: Ira B. Pennl- man director. Charl-s F. Robel will have charge of the music at the Second Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. MORNING FIRST METHODIST. Prr lude VlSiPn Rheinberger Quarter 81ns Mlelula Forth Buck Offertory Reverie Thorne Kespo.ise All Things Come of Thee:... Solo O, Redeemer, Divine Gounod Mrs. Jennlson. Postlude Salome EVENING. Prelude Melody West Quartet My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord Marks Offertory Ave Maris Verdi Duo Day Is Dying In the West Nevin Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Kratx. Postlude Clark Mrs. Anna B. Andrews, organist; Lee G. Kratz, choirmaster. Music at First Raptlat church, under di rection of Miss Margaret Boulter, organist; MORNING. 10:30. Organ Prelude Gullmant Anthem O Savior of the World Oose Quartet. Organ Offertory Flagler Bolo That Sweet Story of Old .J. A. West Mrs. F. Welt v. contralto. Postlude Salome EVENING 7:30. Organ Prelude . Hamptman .. Woodward Mendelssohn Anthem The Radiant Morn . Quartet Organ Offertory Anthem uod is i.ove Shelley Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, soprano; Mrs, F. Welty, contralto; Mr. John Me Creary, tenor; Mr. O. W. Man chester, bass. Postlude Rlnk The congregation of the North Side Christian church will worship In Its build ing at Twenty-second and Locust streets Sunday morning and the Bible school will meet at noon. Owing to the fact that there are no tights In the building yet there will be no evening service. V. W. C. A. Notes. Monday evening. October S, at I o'clock the opening receptioi will occur. The various committees of the association will be out In full force and will be able to answer ail questions In regsrd to the win ter's work. Registration may be made In Bible study and educational classes. The finance committee will receive In the west corner room and the completed plans for the new building will be on exhibition. The following program wilt be rendered In the assembly room: Vocal solo Mrs. Joe Hardin Violin solo Miss lyoulse Shadduck Reading Misa Bemlce Rose Vocal solo , Mrs. Hardin Address Union of the Two National Organisations of Young Women's Christian Association Mrs. W. P. Harford Our president. Mrs. W. P. Harford, will speak at the gnsrnl meeting Sunday after noon at 4:S0. Her subject Is "The Paren thesis of Jesus." There will be special music. The attendance last Sunday was nlnety-slx. Let us make It over 100 this week. Refreshments will be served at B:30. for which all are Invited to remain. The rooms are open from S:tO to 7. The work of the association was presented Friday afternoon by Mrs. J. P. Bailey and Mlsa Agnes Ward, membership secretary, before the Ladles' Aid society of the First Baptist church. An opportunity waa given those present Xo Join the association. Miscellaneous Aaaosaeesienti. Ontario Chapel, Eighteenth and Ontario at I p. m. Park Forest Chapel. Twelfth and Domin ion at I p. m. Bethany Branch of First Baptist, JhtH I,eavenworth Meeting at I p. m. Cavalry Baptist Branch. Thirty-third and Seward Bible school Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Everybody Invited. Free Methodist. 1737 South Eleventh Sunday achool at 10 a. m. preaching by th puator. Rev. Amspoker, at 11 a. in. and 7:45 p. m. Grand View Baptist Sunday School, Fourth and Cedar, U. D. Maddlson Superin tendentMeets at 3:30 p. m. Church of the Living God. College Hall. Nineteenth ' and . Farnam. "Millennial Dawn," Bible study at 3 p. m. Unity, Seventeenth and Caaa, Rev. New ton Mann, Minister Service at 10:30, ser mon. "Christian Unity;" Sunday school at roon. German Free Evangelical, Twelfth and Dorcas, Rev. F. H. W. Bouechert. Pastor rn,n- -nd Every body Swedish Methodist. Nineteenth and Burt I Peter Munsen, Pastor Preaching at U a j "J, . ?'',"UJLTinV .T'- yun ? ople " " 'JL. '. P "V Parkvale Congreguttnnar. Thlrty-rlrst and Gold Sunday school at 3 p. m.; preaching, with communion and reoption of members, at 4 p. in.; Christian Endeavor at 6 p. nt. Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh and Pratt, Rev. K. T. Bell. Paator Ser vice a,t 10:80 and 7:10; ciadle roll and rally day exercises at the morning service. First Christian, Nineteenth ond Farnam. Rev. at A. Dutcher, Pastor. Bible school at :f; preaching hv the slor morning and evening; young people's meeting at 4a. People's Church. Rev. C. W. Savidge, Pastor. Morning. "Pray and Push"; even ing. "A Mighty Stone of Siumb.'.ng to thv Los '; Piof. Mertea has charge of t Ito music. ' Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-fifth and . Grant Rev. R. I Purdy. Pastor Preach ing services at lo:nu a. m and 8 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. St. Paul's Episcopal. Thirty-second and California, Rev. E. O. B. Browne. Priest In Charge Holy eucharlat. 3 a. m.; Sun day acbool. :4i a. m.; holy euchaiist and sermon, 11 a. m. : even song. :44 p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. vices at 11 a. in. ana p. m.; subject ..r lesaon sermon. Are ln. Death and DW- ease iteai.-- Plymouth Congregational, Twentieth anJ spencer, r reawrica v . i.cjvui, minister 'r,T,'h.'.S" ervlc at m.: .nion tonic. 'The Anient of Jov; Aunriav mH.m.i , ; , L al noon; Young People Society of thru- . tian Endeavor at ( p. m Church Of the Good Bheperd, Taenlleth and Ohio. There mill be special services on Sunday, October 7: at S a. m., corporate communion: at II a. m.; holy communion and sermon by Bishop Williams; evening prayer and sermon at 1:"'. Grace Baptist. Tenth and Arbor. Rev. B. F. Fell man. Paator Preaching services at 11:46 a. m by pastor, followed by the laird's aupner; 8urday school at noun; Junior union, I K p. m.; street meeting at tj:3n; evening servir at 7:45. Hillside Congregational. Thirtieth aiel Ohio. Herbert L. Mills, Pastor-Morning worship at 10:30; Sunday school at noon; evening services will be changed to a half hour earlier. Christian Endeavor being at t.ZO and preaching at 7 30. Church of St. Philip the Deacon, llil North Twenty-first. Rev. John Albert Wil liams. Rector Holy communion at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; evensong ai d sermon at I o'clock. I " n ... . . , . .. . Li. I .kuv ric.u)i.ii.ii, iiunmsis tu. viuu u ill 111 8il y !h,n9 Peoples 3 I JgSPm We Store Special Buffets I f '(M cp (Exactly like cut.) V&.'Jjfc Finished in the latest quartered oak I Tiyi? ' Vf5Jffi W ft?! effct. large mirror top, three smul '?iW';tVti5vp2 IV! drawers, one lined for sllverwenr. v'-i':'.'- 'C-w Jfr'JRA 11 large lower compartment, are tasteA I--vtYlwVF? A fullv carved and are mi relM 1 Iff Guar- prV". . WW! Mr Pay 4-lJ s ihVv r-x.. XSr .SET Box Seat Diners ' (Exactly like cut.) l) I Made of solid oak, highly polished, have genuine LEATHER C g fm 5 SEATS, usually retail for A Ht J 34.00, our special price la.., mm,v Jjjl The PeoolesM ;j Store Special Morris Chir Morris Chair (Exactly like cut.) The f mines are of solid oak and are highly polished, heavy maiiivs carved heads on arms, and maciiv claw fot. The coverings are of selected ve lours upholstered over aoft and comfortable springs K"1. 9.50 Terms I II cash EOo per week. M. V, lligbee. Pastor-Morning worship at 10 SO. sermon thenv. ' On I s Conditions;" evening service at 7:30. theme. "A Rich Disciple;" Rahbath school at noon; prayer meeting at 7Ui0 every Wednesday. Flrat I'nlted KvanKellcul. Kranklln and Twenlv-fourth. Uev. U. A. Deck. I'astor Worship at U a. in. and 7 p. m.; nioriiiog theme. "A Memorial;" evening theme, "A Blessed Hereafter; Sunday school ut 10 a. ni.: C'hrlBtlun Endeavor al 6:3o p. m. Weatmmlnster Presbyterian. I'w nly- invited; comniui.lon .inn reciptim l men. nlnth and Mason. Kev. T. V. Moore, pa- i lu rs at morning servUe. tor Preaching by the pavtor Huuday nioi n- j First I'resb'y tei lau. Seventeenth and ; h Hllmiin UgM but God's Sp'.rlt"; Fun- . a.vi . 5,Kin: voung ue n!- meetlr.g ;7'... ; , ' ...rnu4, Presbvtei ian. Fortieth and j Ki,.hnlns Kev A C Clrtf. e i l ; putr,')iornli service at It:3-." subj-ct. : . . T. ...,-.- .. i : I' i r or AL' linnv 1 nirn : , .-t-uiii ti - , vk.r g rjbject, "Ichabod"; Sunday nhoi at noon; Men a brotherhmKl Monday even ing at 8. Grace Lutheran. South Twfnty-sixth Street and Poppleton, Kev. M. L. Melick. Pastor Church services at 10:411 a. in. und 7:fc p. m ; Kund achnol at 12:16: i.uther league at : p."i.; subject. "Confession and Abaoluilon;" prayer meeting Wednes day night. Castellar street Presbyterian. Slxteepth and Castrllar, Rev. Walter H. Reynolds. Paator. The sacrament of the Lord's upper will be observed at h 30 a ni.; Sun. dav school, with orchestra, at noon; even ing service at 7:30: young people's m-"t-tng at SO. First Uaptlst, Twenty-ninth Avenue and Harney Street, Rev. J. W. Cunley, D. D.. Pastor Morning sermon at 10. jr. subject, 'Prayer and Revival;" evening at T:3i. sub ject. "The Real Situation of the Sinner;" Sunday school at noon; young people's meeting at (:30 p. m '1'hUd I'recb lenan, TotletU and Lav- 16.50 Terras.U.50 cash; 50c pe r week Peoples Store Specfal Velour Couches (Kxactly like cut.) The frame are solid of selected vlonrs over smooth or tufted topa Tsrma, Carpels, Rugs, Draperies, Bedding All wool Ingrain carpets, our regular 75c grade; special Rale . f" Q price 97C Tiger Brussels rugs, 9x12, large assort ment, special designs and f "9f? patterns; sale price JLO. i O Terms: 9 l.SO (lash, .Vk- Per Week. Nottingham Laco Curtains 60 Inches wide, 3 yards long, excellent quality, J3.00 values; special.. Cotton blanket, extra heavy $4.00 values; speslal price Comforts, good size, 11.50 values; special price Hit our new Farnim Stf ear 16ia A FARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. The Peoples Furniture & Carpet Co. Established 1887. enworin, rtcv. j. r.. -'"-'. i "1 nomas ijrmu win ounuay .., ..,.. . I at w. on the subject of temperance; the pastor will preacn In the evening ut i .W; J Uunday schocl at 3 p. in.; young peoples 1 m etlng at .30 p. in. i Klrst Corigregatlonal. Nineteenth anil Davenport. Kov. Hubert C. Herilng, D. l . pastor. Services at J0:30 a. m. and ":",0 . ,,. ,, ; Sun.i;iy s, huol ul 1J; Cniistui.i l-.u i deavor at i P- nt.; strangers especially w.jcve. i.e . r.awui jiii jrnKi. u. u. pastof Moi nirg service, lu:c. mo e I. 1 lie Pre-eiiitnmce or (.mis;; et'cning wr- , Wt'i;l.uge of Life; YouiiK PfOiilt s society i.i c...!."!! in Kndeuvor, t.i; fruudsy ci ol, n.. .u. St Mary's Avenue Con.. -..uiniiHl- Movn- .'., , , i, ,., . ., ..... lng wor ip. v.Uu om ..... ........ anu sermon iy me p.isi.K- .ui, ju.h j wo Neeii.'." ut io:H) o clock; Bible study ai noon, choral veepers at 4:3u p. in., I ,plc, "The Lonely Suirit;" Young People's cieiy of Christian Endeavor al 6 p. m. Trinity Cathedral. Capitol avenue j.cl Eighteenth, the Very Kev. uri A Betdirr, Dean Holy communion at k a. m.; uo.i'U.il aervicea at a. in., Oj..j.i.. i...bool and Biole class ut 8:4. a. m ; Jiolv coininumon and termon at 11 a. in., evening prayar and sermon at 7:3o p. in. Westminster Presby lertan Masin and Geirla Avenue, Rev. T. V. Moore, i'astor dund.iy ben-.ies. 1j.3o a. in.. "Life;" 7: p. n:. cunimunln of tne I.u.d s supper; Sju day school at noon; Young Peop.es Ho.-ieiy Christian Endeavor, t.M p. m. The pastor halng letuined from Euroie, mill occupy tne pulpit at both nv-iti. Central L'nlted Presbyterlun. Twenty fourttl and Dodge. Rev. R. H. A. McHrlde, D. I. Pastor Morning worship at 10:3u; evening worship at 7:3o; Habbuth school at noon; young iople's prater meeting at ( 3d p. m. ; subject of pastor's morning er .....n. ' iXved.ence. the Manifestation of Love;" evening sermon. "Making Light of t e Gospel." Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Hamil ton, Rev. lu. R. Curry, t'astur-bvrviccs at Ample Quantities of ! Every thing We Advertise mmmm " axesxexexeaxexsxexexexexeaex HATEVER U-.ib house advertises will alA ways ba found here in ample quantities. We advertise nothing for tlu sake of mere eifect. Adverusina co?ts money, and the money is ill spent unless the effect be legitimate and iFS'irg. C ur ssic: n.en are never obliged to y "w e're just out ol ihe article" or "h'ere is something t as good." We do not countenance misrepresentation "tricks" any more than you do and our splendid sys- m of crsdit in splendid because ii n living problem" and helps. all deserving people to ablish homes without shouldering burdens. W treat you as we should wa u vou to treat us and all our ct rv.racts t.re baed on Just such a plauoi m. All this 1 subject to oonflrmatlon whenever you wish. 1 hi store is ope. aied Oy th . owners who are elway on hand ready lo meet you and remedy auv complaint. : : our Credit is Good t the PEOPLES STORE Iron Leds i Exactly like cul. A new hed mude in fancy scroll as sign, full lenf posts o sea.-nlss tubing, and very htavy eoiU work; la e i. i r cnnis nr lis Ken wn.ie enani -i snJ can .e had In full or ,i,art,-r si-.-, special price 3.S0 Our F2sy Credit Terms: On a bill if fiZX $2.uO cash mid 92 rr month. On a hill of $.' 95 cash mil $4 prr month. On a bill of 7 97JM rash and $0 'r month. On a bill of 9101) 10 t-ash and $H per month. Larger bills in proportion. See our three roim culllis Iarnishr4 tem p.ete lor $74.50 TERMS: S7.SH UUi. $S per ssonlh. nak. highly polished, the coverings are 8.50 g.ia rantewi springs, can he had I special price gl.00 essa, eoo per week. 1.89 Farlcr Chairs (Exactly like cul) weight. Mahogany finished frames, upliolalered In selected vo looi of cliolce dnatgns. 1.98 make a most useful ornamental piece for 89c parlor our special price 4.50 Entrance direct to Cloak and C!a:h:n Departments 10 SO a. m., and 7:30 p. m. ; lord's supper and hand uf fellowship to new members at the cloau of morning sermon; Hibl school at noon; Met) a liaiaca class at noon; yojng people's meeting at :J p. in.; Weduiday at p. m., mid-week prayei and praise service. German E ang llcul Lutheran St. Paul's. Twenty-elgMU und Parker, H-v. it. Ilo.iw. Pastor The congregation win relehrnie It annuul mlnFlou festival; piuiuiua seivice I 10 o'clock: preaching by Key. (lehike from Belli. ll. glnn. N b. Alle.nov'.l s.'Hicc at 3 o'clock, Rev. I.liidemeyer from Coun cil B. lifts will de.lver tne aadicse. .'. j Serv ie In the ovenln. fie. oiid Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth, and . Nlc. oi . r.r. Newm.iii lirfll Hurdli 1, i-n.io.. t-reai niiig si i I nc? sjbject. 'I'alieu to t IO Jii and 7:Jc; nnvri- i-'" luW, eventn t ' : ' ",R "Mu " . n e ting of the se.lon at 3 p. in : cj.iitn-.iii.ic. . ,,.," . ... ,' .,,,,., ..a.tr,,. i - , i i.. .. ... 7 . by Rev. It. B. A. McBitou ol tin (.en.tal I ntd I'rf by.er:an cnui-ct'. Dundee Presbyterian, llllicth and Cnder , , i.e.. i nomas iv. ...inter. Pastor M . nil.fc' wore! ip and sacramilit of tne I .oid s suv per a. m.; in tne evening at 7:5' TiM'iiui Da na'.l of Liicoln w.li Hpeak on tamperante; Sunday sehool at n..ur, joliiik peoi,.e a meeting ut 1:30 p. in.; Wedr.csnay eveu.ng si o'clock Ihe Torrey t.-ee'ii us will be spoken of. Lcmanuel Paptist, Twenty-fourth and Blnney. hev. Pnlletua H. Ml Doweil. pus ;or Service at lu.'o s. in. and 7: 30 p. m ; niorn.iig topic, "Ail That I ('ait, the L ust J'tit 1 Ought;" lairds supper will be oli- rsngavBiasEssasBansBCTS LEMAIRE PARIS Opera, and Field Classes THE BEST IN THE WORLD UJ m lbs bs-ud SbM. Ansy u.i rises simplifies the "Amer- The Peoples Store Pede stalExtensionTable ( Exactly Like Cut.) Made of solid oak with a highly polished flnlsli, the tops are 4 5 Inches and hare a qaurtrr-rawpd rlni of a selected grsln. The base or pedestal are octagon shaped and very tuafvulve and have hand carved P;rcte.8.p.e.c.la, 16.50 Trnrm: f lJiO Cash and BOc Per V-ek. Alt rjoods advertised exactly like cuta. Base Burners We are sole agents for the Famous UarUind Btovea and Kansas, we are agents also for Hlar Kstste Pteel Range. Estate Oak Heaters, Home Curat Ha.-f uni ners. and many cither standard lines. During (hla ireck ne offer Charter Oak Baseburner, heavily Blcxel trimmed ivlth a large rnacasteed Are pot Q4 i i at Ihe special .S 1 i 1 1 price of avAeVV Terms i 93 catht 93 pr month. Dinner Bell Steel Ranges) ami the Made of cold roll steel, asbestos lined, heavily nickel trimmed, a $45.00 rang at th f m gg of .P.r.' u4.5U Ttrmsi 93.60 cash) 93 pr month Number Cook Stove, guaranteed BDeclal orlce . . . g.5o Gas Heaters TV's purchased th entire stock of gat heatera from the Independent Mfg. Co.. of Cleveland, Ohio, There are 4 75 atovea In th lot and we will close them out at less than wholesale price. Just til thing for cold Autumn days, or to heat a bath room or any on room. Regular M 60 values, speda 1.33.00 Regular St values, special 92.TS Regular 17 values, apodal . ,93-M served In th morning, with hand of fellow ship for new members; evening subject, "AbrahamThe Call of ihe Unknown, B'ble school at noon, young peoples meet ing at :Si; Wednesday evening prayer meeting at X p. tit. ; M .m Ines E. fiudds, aoprami sir-.ger of Hamburg, la., will sing i: both regular etvlies. If you have anything to trad a J vert Is it in the For Kxchang column of Th Be Want Ad pan. CCAL TRUST STILL SILENT Attorneys for Combine Fall to Dls rlus liiteatlons oa Appoint f.irnl of Referee. I'p to noon Sirurdii;- the attorneys for the Coal exchange li.id not notlled Countjr Attorney Slnhiufh whether or not they wouM agree ti th appointment of a referee, to take testimony In the (rust Injunction case. Jud Blabaugli gav them th re me.indrr bf tr. day to mnk their decllon. H annour.red unices he had tholr consent to the m poln'nienl of a referee hy Sstur rtay nlfht he would serve nolle on thetn Monday thut he would begin taking deposi tions Wtduesday or Thursday morning.