Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 15

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rWrertitrmemt far heae rnlaasaa
ke takes (! II am. ft the
'! edition an4 aatll H a. m. for
the anoralnar aad lni4ir edition.
Hates a wore Nrst saaerllna,
1a ward thereafter. ajothlns; fakea
far lees thaa 30e for the flrat laser
tloa. Theae advertisements nail ha
raa eoaiseeatlvely.
Advertisers, by reqneatlns; a aam
hered check, eaa have answers ad.
greased ta a aambered letter la pare
of The Bee. Aaawera adAreaaed
will he dellrered oa presentation at
813 bo. iith bU Tel. Douglas 631.
OMAHA Eafe and Iron Works make a pa.
claity of fire escapes, shutters, doois and
sates. U. Andreeu, prop., 102 g. loth St.
It 74
SIGH PAINTING-B. H. Cola. 1302 Douglas.
R 1
TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 350.
v H-7il
IOWA Sanllary Cleaning Co.. MA Far nam.
Machinists, ai7 South uth St. TeL 68J7.
HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstair
entrance, 1324 Farnam. TeL Doug. JS74.
R 941
Trunka, auit and uiaing Old
trunks In exchange. Repairing.
A M ... FREL1NG & 8TE1NLE.
41 N. Uth Bt. 'phone Douglas 4996.
R MiU Nov. 1
W A TC3 1 MAKING, engraving, optics
taught free; oldest erhool in Iwln Cities.
Board without cost; bent Instructors.
. Write fur catalogue. Minneapolis en
graving Watchmaking; School, Seventh
aud Hennepin, Minneapolis. R3il ix
WANTKD Five boys, good wages, per-
JUU. JS. kJt x. .O., . ill a. laSlO Dl.
ORUO STORES bought and sold: drug
wauiea. jr. v. tiniest, , I. i
si w
Toimn ui v B-rrrriv t.awi
Omaha School of Law; evening sessions
only. Further Information, address See.
letary, ol W. Y. Lata Bldg. Tel. Doug..
M7. B 9jH U
WANTED Three men and three boys.
Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. B-irt
CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to pre
pare. Bee Underhlll, XU N. 24th.
B-M774 029
wanted. SOUND YOUNG MEN. 18 to 85.
to prepare for n re men and brakemen on
- new ruada and for fall runh; experience
unnecessary : tire men $100 promoted to
engineers 1200; brakemen $75, promoted to
conductors 1160; positions now open. Na
tional Training association, 620 X Paxton
Blk., Omaha, Neb. B M128 Nov
SALESMEN $25 per week and traveling ex
penses paid salesmen to sell goods to
6rooery dealers; experience unnecessary,
'etlance Co., Parsons, Kun. U
WANTED Trustworthy man to manage
branch office and distributing depot for
large manufacturer. Salary to start with.
ll,60 for first year, payable monthly, and
extra commissions and expenses. Applicant
must have good references and $1,000
ahjaiash, capital secured. Experience un
iiecesaary. Address Manufacturer, P. O.
box 711, Chicago. 111. B
WANTED First-class coat maker: steady
employment; also vest maker. J. A.
Gough, Atlantic, la, B-333 7x
JN six weeks we educate you In salesman
ship, secure you. position as traveling
salesman with responsible Arm. Address
The Bnulstrsst 8tem, Rochester, N. Y.
. B-310 7x
PRINTER WANTED At once: permanent
position; also Simplex machine operator,
buily Leader, Madison, S. D.
B M33S Ox
MEN WANTED Good positions open for
men of ability; bookkeepers, office men,
salesmen, clerical and technical positions
In all line of business. Surety Broker
age Co., People's Bank Bids;., Seattle,
Wash. Bm 7x
MEN earn 150 to S150 weekly managing;
amusement enterprises; big demand; posi
tions secuied. New York Theatrical Edu
cational System, Schubert Bidg., M12
Broadway, New York. Valuable booklet
free. li3 7x
WANTED i! coat makers; steady work;
. sack coats, ld.60 and up. Lad the Tailor,
K Sioux Falls,' 8. D. B-M3& l&x
WE will make you a present' of $100, give
you a splendid suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture freo
and pay you a salary of $36 per month
and all traveling expenses to take orders
for the greatest and most reliable por
trait hotiE In the world. All this will
be guaranteed. Address R. D. Manel,
iepi. fcuu, Chicago, 111. B&)i 7x
great suientlnc gMe, lawful every where;
sut Itltute for forbidden slot machines.
Vtilu kplrh nli.LMU luinnloa fir nimrtr.
for drinks or cigars, f inish beauiuui,
like cash register. Rented or sold on
payments. 62.CWO now in use; sample
sent free. Proposition will please If an
opening In your section. United Sporting
Uoods Mfg. Co., Dept. 48, Chicago, In.
B 80 7x
WANTED By Chicago wholesale house,
experienced crockery packers; wages $12
to $15 per week, according to ability. Ad
dress U-62. care Lord I Tiiomas, Chi
cago. B 273 Tx
entino discoveries and inventiona make
farming, gard j ling, dairying and poultry
raising easy an 1 profitable. Send for our
free booklet. "Digging Nuggets of Gold."
Columbian Correspondence College, Wath
lugton, D. C. B SUJ 7x
WANTED Laborers for Indoor work at the
sugar factory. Sterling. Colo. ; wages
$J.h) and $-.4u per day; about four months'
work. B .27 T
SOMETHING NEW In health and accident
Insurance; a leading company, with large
Jroflts, to a good Omaha agent, and also
r outside agents.. Great Western Acci
snt, Ds Moiuea B
WANTED Experienced stova man, good
salary, steady employment. Apply Hart
man Furniture and Carpet Co., l'U Doug
las. B Ul 7
WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at
Albright car line; on Union Pacific rall-
,vv. "--, wammi nnuse ax
Plant. B -390 T
WANTED First-class shade maker and
hangar; none but experienced men ntd
apply: must start work at once. Orchard
A W 11 helm Carpet Co. B S7 1
ACTIVE lady to work at home; $3 paid
for 13 days' trial; promotion. Slate nu
tlohallty. rellgiou. KngwaU, 270 Lukasida
Bldg.rf Chicago. C 77 7x
WANTED Good man in each county to
represent and advertise hardware depart
ment, put out samplea, etc; oalarv 3l
weekly; exiene money advanced. Dept.
A, The Columbia House, Chicago.
B-810 7X
tfjILLS for competent men, in all lines
fof high grade positions far exceed the
supply. We give below a partial list of
Traveliug salesmen, general merchandise,
Stenographer and clerk, $720.
Collector, city. $Su0.
Flral-class grocery clerk. $600.
Kxperlenced ahoe salesman, $1,500.
Three experienced general merchandise
Clerks, $00.
Call at one or write for complete list
ef VMO&nHea.
lk Dept. B -l-l N. Y. Ute Bldg.
NTKD Good saddle maker; steady
employ atent; line shop facilities: plenty
of work. Address, Jake Scheinel. Fore
man Saddle Dept., Los Angeles Saddlery
at riaOing Co., Los Acgelca, Oil.
About Where to Obtain Your
Business Education
want you to take yourself over In
corner by yoursWf and ask yourself If It
would be possible for us to have built rp
the record-breaking sise of enrollment
among all the business colleges of this
action of the country If It would have
been possible for us to have acquired a
patronage ao large that we of all t lie busi
ness colleges of this section of the coun
try now occupy wholly and solely the
most complete and most costly iiuiinen
college building west of Chicago, If It
would have been possible for us to have
bulit up for our graduates a reputation
for thoroughgoing, never-failing compe
tency among the business men of Omahn,
unless we did and do givo our pupils the
full benefit of infinitely superior courses.
Instructors and discipline.
We do enjoy the largest patronage of
anv business college in Omaha.
We have the best and lsrgest business
college building in this section.
Our graduates do enjoy an enviable and
a position-paying reputation that com-s
to them first because they are graduates of
Boyles College
and Is always later earned by the con
spicuous and unmistakable competency of
the graduate.
Why not see us tomorrow? Or, at leastr
write for catalogue.
H. B. BOYLES, President
Boyles' Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
U. P. NAVY enlists for four years young
men of good character and sound physical
condition, 17 to 1(6 years, as apprentice
sen men, and men qualified for special
ratings, 21 to 35 years; the pay Is good,
expenses modetate, food wholesome una
sufficient, nnd life beneficial physically
and otherwise. Young men who are skilled
mechanics, posttessinp some knowledge of
electricity or students of electricity, who
show aptitude for the naval service, may
be enlisted as "landsmen for electricians"
and given the training at the naval elec
trical school; nil such men must have a
food education. OfHces at Lincoln and
Instlngs, Neb., and IX t Moines nnd Sioux
City. Ia. Address Navy Recruiting Ottloe,
P. O. Bldg., Omaha. B M180
WANTED A first-class printer for coun
try Job office. Address F. P. Healy.
Bedford, la. B MUM 7x
JEWELER wanted; none but steady man
need apply. Addrr- Osborne-Rogers
Drug Co., Casper. Wyo. B M1M
W ANTED At once, two strong boys, with
wheels; steady position for bright, honest
feHows. See Mr. Williams, order depart
ment, basement. The Bennett Co.
B-M17S 6
WANTED An outside repair man for fur
niture store, steady employment. Apply
lUrtman Furniture and Carpet Co., iuO
Douglas SL B Ml 69 S
YOUNG man for teas and coffees. State
age, experience, etc. Apply by letter.
T 16. Bee office. B Mlt i
HUSTLERS out of emplovment can do wrll
to call on us; pay weekly. C. F. Adams
Co., lUf Howard. B M139 Nov2
BRIGHT, energetic messenger boy. Ref
erences required. Sunderland Brothers
Co. B-M164 6
WANTED Boy about 15 for general work.
Rex, S. lGth. B 11170 rix
WANTED Good all round printer; steady
work and good wages. Address Repub
lican, Auburn, Neb. B 192
A POSITION FOR YOU No trouble, nor
worry and little expense. Call or write
stating your experience.
Dept. 810-1-2, N. Y. Life Bldg.
WANTED Laborers for Indoor work at
the sugar factory. Sterling, Colo.;
wages 12.10 and $2.40 jper day; about four
months' work. B M2U 11
WANTED S of 4 Food clothing salesmen
for a special sale at Nebraska City. Will
pay railroad fare and good wages. Ask
for me at Paxton hotel, Monday, Oct. 7,
at t p. m. Sam Goldberg. B M218 7
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 10
positions for every graduate; top wages
paid. Few weeks completes. Course In
cludes tools and diplomas; can nearly
earn expenses. Call or write, Moler
Barber College, 1116 Farnam SI.
B M244 llx
WANTED Young man for general work
and to do city delivering; references.
Inquire M. Wullstein & Co., 814 So. loth
St. . B 224 7
MECHANICAL draughtsman wanted; state
experience and salary. Address T li, Bee.
B-2C3 11
BRIGHT, active young man to learn drug
business. W. A. Plel. 18th and Farnam.
B M249 Sx
STEADY work, with good wages, for the
winter, for two large boys or young men
at the bowling alleys, 1313 Harnev St,
Apply at once. , B M25i
WANTED Experienced ahoe cutters for
men's and women's work. Steady employ
ment at standard wages. Apply In per
son or by letter. The Huiskamp Bros.,
Keokuk, la. B M2m w
WANTED Young man, neat appearing, be
tween the agea cf 18 and 21. who is wil
ling to work hard and devote all of his
time to business during working houra
Salary Is only $35 to start, but tha futura
is very good for the right person. Ouulda
work. Address -T 18, car Bee.
B M-60 8x
WANTEDrTno well dressed young men to
travel; all expenses advanced. Graham,
81 N. 18th. B M2bo x
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora-tlon-
manufacturing household necessity
desires Nebraska manager; demonstra
tion In leading department store; oiflcs
furnished; three years' contract; salary
$1,800 and commissions; good opening for
man of character and ability. Addreae
Manager, 826 Ontario Bldg., Toledo, O.
WANTED Reliable man as general agent
for eastern.and central Nebraska; salary
and expenses advanced; references. J.
E. McBrady & Co.. Chicago. B 28 7x
WANTED Men. everywhere; good pay:
to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland
Bank Bldg., Chicago. Ill B 2S0 7x
TWO high grade men for Nebraska. $150
to $176 monthly. No books, canvassing
or insurance. Permanent connection for
worker. References required. 1514 Man
hattan Bldg.. Chicago. . B 2fc$ Tx
REPRESENTATIVES and agents wanted
to handle a high class investment; men
that need permanent positions will find
It to their Intertst to investigate our
offer; commission and advance guaran
teed; the investment to be handled will
show at least 100 per cent profit within
one year. The Catas Vlrlaa Mining Co.,
Iron Block. Milwaukee, Wis. B 802 7x
WANTED EJirht good mandolin agents
for out of the city. Transportation paid.
Call at Murray hotel between .end 10
Monday morning. Ask for Bartlett.
B M428 8x
GIRL for general housework; I adults:
salary $ per week, 1024 8. 8d St.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
no waablng. Apply at 8611 Harney.
WANTED Salespeople ta our to and 10c
department- Uayden Bros. C MU4 I
WANTED Ladles and girls to , do deco
rative art work for us at their home;
experience unnecessary; permanent work
and good pay. Room XU Neville Blk,
C-423 7x
WANTED A cook, high wages, small
family. Mrs. T. J. Rogers. 1120 park
Ave. C Mill
LADIES for shadow drawing; natural tal
aot unnecessary: $20 weekly easily earned
at home Stamped envelope f r particu
lars. A1drasn Bureau of emmercial Art,
mi lcdiao Ave., Culcao. C'-W Jx
WANTED Woman eooa, $S par month,
must furnish recununeDdaUoaa, Address
L. J, Bee.
WANTED Fifty glrU to work In canJy
factory. Good ensncs to earn money te
buy your Christmas presents with. Tha
Voegele A Dinning Co., Ui( Jones St,
F1FTT strong girls for turning bags; girls
15 or 1 years old for clipping threads.
Bemls Omaha Bag Co. C Ml
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wsnted
at once. D. J. O Brian Co., U02 Howard.
WANTED A fairly competent girl for gen
eral housework. J801 Blnney. Mrs. G. C.
Baseett. C M8J8 6
WANTED-Five laundry girls. M. E. Smith
Co., factory 11th and Douglas Sts.
C-MiM 8
G1RL8 experienced In bindery work.
Loom la Co.. 816 Farnam. C Ml IB
WANTED Alteration help and salesladies
for Ladies' Cloak and Suit Depts.; high
salaries. 8. Fredrick Berger A Co., 1j17
Farnam. C-123 4
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. No washing. Wages, 16 per
wek. inquire 604 8. 36th. C--M132 7
WANTED Thursday a. m., 12 or 14 girls
to make artificial flowers. 8ee Mr. W. K.
Bennett, main floor. The Benntt Co.
C MlbJ 6
COOK wanted In private family, good
wages. 2225 Farnam St. C M1S2
WANTED Girl for general housework.
1811 Chicago St. C-868 7
A GIRL wanted for general housework;
three In family. Mrs. Robert Cowell. 216
Harney St. . C 221 7
WANTED Competent nurse girl at 1916 8.
32d Ave: must have references. Tel.
Harney 3221. C M262
A GOOD girl for general housework; three
In family. 'Phone Red 3281. 72 R 25th
Ave. C M264 Sx
WANTED Girl for feeder on copper plate
press. Mawhlnney & Ryan Co.
C M2.TS 8
WANTED Girls to operate machines at
Puritan Laundry, 2810 Farnam. C 1S1 6
COMPETENT girl for second work. 2416
Farnam. c 202
WANTED A good laundress at The
Creche, 19th and Harney. C M236 8
WANTED-Experienced salesladies and
salesmen In the drapery department. Ap
ply to A. D. Hrandt Is at 10 a, in. J. U
Brandels & Sons. C M259 8
WANTED A first-class family cook to
go to Butte, Mont.; no laundry; refer
ences; wages $40. Apply 1 So. 30th
Ave. C-M209 7x
A PERMINENT position nnd pood wages
for an experienced marker. Apply at the
EBgle Laundry, Council Bluffs.
C-M217 7
WANTED At once, experienced cook;
must have references. Mrs. J. E. Raum,
8515 Harney St. C M202 8
YOUNG lady to travel with phvslcian; nil
expenses; good hotels and salary. Ad
dress J. P. Sinclair, Omaha, Neb.. O. D.
C MS36 9x
FREE to ladles' handsome stick pin of ex
quisite and exclusive design. Also valu
able beauty secret. Send no money.
Simply address Kewance Novelty Co.,
Kewanee, Illinois. C 294 7x
LADIES to make sanitary belts. Material
all cut ready to sew $1.20 per doxen.
Particulars stamped envelope. Lenox
Co., Dept. 879, Chicago. C 293 7x
WANTED Young girl, 15 or 16, who wishes
a good home and to attend school, will
Ing to do housework mornings and even
ings; good home, board, etc. 1&4 Emmet
St. C-S94 7
WANTEDA girl desiring a good home
and willing to assist with housework and
rare of child; wages paid. Mrs. Talmnire.
'Phone Harney 2918. C 384 7x
LADIES to work piecework; $3 per doxen;
materials furnished; no canvassing;
steady work; stamped envelope. Best Bfg.
Co., Champlaln Bldg., Chicago.
C 378 7x
SEWERS Gingham Aprons; make highest
wages; material sent to door free of
charge. Stamped addressed envelope for
particulars. I P. Richards, 6002 Forrest
ville Ave., Chicago. C 319 7x
WANTED Experienced Rlrl for gereral
housework; family of three: good wages.
Call evening. 4106 Cuming St. C 814 7x
WANTED Cook and dining room plrl;
small hotel; good wages. Wallace house,
Vail, Ia. C 451 7x
WANTED Young girl for office work;
high school graduate preferred. People's
Store. C 430 7
Agents wanted everywhere. Ladies and
gentlemen are making $25 to $50 per wean
sailing embroidery goods direct to the la
dles. Good sellers In cities or country. No
experience or capital required. Call at
office or write to V. 8. Embroidery Works,
luttft and 111 Bo. l&th St., Omaha. Neb.
J-M782 OU
WANTED Salesman to Introduce and sell
the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large money
to hustlers. Gallup Mfg. Co., Room 1
Patterson Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
J M6J0
AGENTS to sell our line of Sales Check
Books, upon either a salary of commission
basis. Merchants Bales Book company,
7440 8. Chicago Ave., Chicago, III.
J-M136 t
AGENTS Don't accept any agency until
you hear from uh; quickest seller on
earth: 2,000.0(0 sold; $20 per day; samples
free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minneapolis,
Minn. , J M2 $x
HOT SIDE LINE Pays hotel bills. Con
signed goods; pocket samples; prompt
commission. American Chewing Gum Co..
St. Ixuis. J
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, Kan. J
AGENT8 WANTED Ws are sole manufac
turers of a large, new and very saleable
line of household novelties and Christ
mas presents: exclusive territory tn
hustling agents. Write now for terms
Snd catalogue. Special low prices to In
troduce the line. Agents' Novelty Mfg.
Co., Buffalo. N. Y. J
AGE1NTS 60 per cent profits. $20 weekly:
newest 10-cent household necessity; send
10 cents for sample; particulars. On snd
Off Ce.. 128 Charles St.. New York. J
WANTED Bright agents to sell the rapid
fire burglar alarm: practical device; sella
at sight: high profits; write for particu
lars to Burg. Alarm Manufacturing Co..
171 Main St., Penn Yan, N. Y. J-S37 7x
AGENTS everywhere coin money selling
the fimous "Star" Inverted gas lamps;
something new; Immense demand; large
Eroflts; exclusive territory. Address Star
lght Co., 28 State St,, Chicago. III.
J-872 7x
AGENTS $3,900 cleared yearly felling our
gasoline lighting systems. $25; demon
strating outfit free. Address Security
Light Co., Chicago. J 289 'x
WANTED Traveling and local representa
tives, either sex, to present new, attrac
tive advertising offer of flrst-claas estab
lished music school; permanent work and
advancement: salary for traveling $1,020
first year and expenses paid weekly.
Joseph Moore, 121 Plymouth, Chicago.
J-2S2 7x
MANAGER wanted In every city and
county, handle best paying business
known, legitimate, new. exclusive con
trol; no insurance or book canvassing.
Address Chas. Halatead, 34 West 26h St.,
New York. - J-809 7x
ATTENTION Agents; hitch anywhere; pa
tented; big seller; stamp. Pocket Hltch
tngpost Co., M uncle. Ind. J 8t4 7x
$78 WEEKLY and upwards easily made
fitting glasses; oar eye book free; tells
you Tiow. Write National Optical Col
lege, fit. Louis, Mo. J 308 7x
AGENTS General agents, house csnvasa
era, both sexes, sell Puvle gas Jet heater;
110 daily. 8uvle. 1070 B. Sd Ave.. New
York. j-iot 7,
WANTED Men or women, local or travel
ing; liberal pay; exclusive territory; ea
tabllHhed trade. Tt will pay you to cor
respond. Brown Bros'. Nurseries. R eha
Ur, X. X. J-2U7x
the omatia Sunday bee: October 7, 1906.
AGENT to sell shoe fastener; bows csnnot
corns untied; sgents. send loo for sam
ples and terms; something new. Arco
Mfg. Co., Box 48, Babylon, N Y.
'j-300 7x
AGENTS WANTED New and big moroy
making article; photographs r-produced
on pillow tops by electricity. Electric Art
CO., Dept X, 112 Clsrk St., Chicago.
J-J79 7x
AGENTS ftomethlng extraordinary. Self
Generating Gas Burners, fitting kerosene
lamps; brilliant, white gas light. Liberal
Inducements, exclusive territory, positive
monopoly; description free; established,
reliable. Eastern Gas Light Co., 2M
Broadway, New York. J 876 7x
AOENTS Writs today for territory on the
Cardul Wall Calendar and Farmers'
Guide; I.OtO.000 sold annually; easy, profit,
able proposition. Address Cardul Calen
dar, Chattanooga, Tenn. J 270 7x .
OUR agents keep all money collected. A
first-class proposition we wish to push In
every part of U. 8.; good, ea-y money for
your spare momenta. This ad mean lust
what It says. Address Logan Ran'ol h,
Colorado Springs, Colo. J 315 7x
SALFSMEN to handle our Sales Check
Books as a side line. Merchants Sales
Book company, 7440 8. Chicago Ave., Chl
cago. III. L M135 8
WANTED We have a very atractlva con
tract to offer to a young man In tha uir
of Nebraska. Travelers Insurance Co., 220
Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. L 128
SALESMEN Side line; easy seller; pocket
samplea; liberal commissions. Manufac
turer, 1704 Railway Exchange, Chicago.
L M247 7x
WANTED Experienced Irug specialty
salesman to sell proprietary medicines to
retail drug trade; want only man with
ability and experience; salary and ex
penses; give full report of your experi
ence; we have a good offer for the right
man. Dr. Shoop Family Medicine Co..
Racine, Wis. L
REPRESENTATIVES wanted to solicit
orders from saloons druggists, hotels and
clubs for Woodland Whimsy, adoptwi by
U. S. government for hospital purposes;
easy seller; commission or salary. Write
for territory, prices, samples, etc. Wo- d.
land Distilling Co., 79 Scott St., Coving
ton, Ky. Lf
TRAVEl.iNG salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa witli a full line of soaps, perfumes
and flavoring extracts; furnishing the $2
for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $.'
weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept.,
Detroit. Mich. L
WANTED Salesmen, experienced, to han
dle nonrust tinware In unoccupied ter
ritory; liberal commission; rapid seller.
Rochester Nonrust Tinware Co.. Roches
ter, N. Y. L 338 7x.
LARGE) wholesale house will pay $75 a
week to plain every day salesman to sell
dealers staple line; no hot air or blue sky
salesman need apply; state age and ex
perience fully. Address Box 786, St,
Louis, Mo. L 371 7x
WANTED Side line salesmen to se-ll fruit
elder to general stores, grocers and con
fectioners; neat pocket case free; largo
commission. Los Angeles Cider Co., St,
Louis, Mo. L 587 7x
SALESMAN for Nebraska: experienced
traveling man preferred: line staple for
general trade; position permanent; $25.00
weekly advnnce with commission. Saw
yer, Leslie & Co.. Detroit. Mich.
L 283 7X
WANTED Salesmen who have sold life
insurance, advertising or contract propo
sition. Position worth not less than $100
per week for the rirht man. McAllister
Coman Co., 356 Dearborn, Chicago.
L 296 7x
SALESMAN wanted to sell retail trade.
Your locality, $05.00 per month and ex
penses to start. Experience unnecessary.
Enclose stamp for particulars. Herming
sen Cigar Co., Toledo, Ohio. Dept. 27.
L 282 7x
SALESMAN Side line for banks; pocket
samples; quickly sold; liberal commls-
i stnns.. Economy Advertising Co., Iowa
City, la. L 380 7x
SALESMEN and agents in our employ earn
from $25 to $10 weekly: we have the best
money making propositions: better try us.
Tha Security Co., St. Joseph, Mo.
L-377 7r
SALESMAN First-class all-round hustler,
to cover unoccupied terrltorv, selling sta
ple line to retail trade; technical knowl
edge unnecessary; permanent to rfgrht
man; $30 weekly, expenses advanced. Snlos
Manager, Box 725. Chicago. L 374 Tx
SALESMEN wanted to sell to grocers,
druggists and confectioners; $100 per
month and expenses. California Cider
and Extract Co., St. Louis, Mo.
L 275 7x
TRAVELING salesmen to sell to retail
stores our own makes of Spring Dress
Goods. Shirtings. White Goods, on com
mission; good side line. South Philadel
phia Woolen Co., Box 1341, Phldadelphia.
Pa- L 274 7x
for the best accident and health insur
ance In the world; stock company: cash
capital and Insurance; deposit of $250 000;
$1,000 policy costs $3 a year; $100 emer
gency benefit accidents of any and all
kinds; handsome, black, seal-grain pocket
case given free with each policy. Good
salesmen are making $100 per week. If
you want to get on write today for ex
clusive renewal contract with liberal
commission. German Registry Co., 211 N
Seventh 8t., St, Louis, Mo. L 269 7x
OWNER will rent nicely furnished 8-room
modern house for months. Inquire pi6
No-th 23d street. So. Omsha. 'Phone
. B 445. L 14-; 7x
Yor NO colored man, good references,
would like position as butler or vale d
dress T-?0. Bee. A-SC1 8x
480 acres of fine, level grass
land, north of Atkinson, Neb.;
all clear; to exchange for .
Omaha property.
To exchange for merchan
dise, an entire addition to Jef
ferson City, Mo., consisting of
26 lots; very iinidt location;
only two blocks from the court
house, four blocks from state
house; valued at $15, wu. Tha
valu will stand closest Inves
tigation. Clean stock of general mer
chandise in good N E. Neb.
town, Invoicing about $16,010.
Will exchange for good Iowa
or Nebraska farm.
Stock of general merchandise
and two-story brick sloro
building at $o,0u0 to exchange
for farm land. Write for full
Neville Block, Omaha.
FINE Improved farm to exchange for
Omaha residence or merchandibe.
Douglas Block, 16tu and Dodge.
a-ssn 7
han's Exchange Realty Co.. 17u6 Ci.ampi
St., Denver, Colo., disposes of your prop
erty, bufcinesa and minea T. J. Miyna
han. Mgr. Z-Zli 7x
F YOU do not find what you want hi '
column, put aa ad la and you will ia
get it, z-m
WANTED to exchange stock of general
merchandlae In good town in Illinois for
good western farm. Address T 9. Omaha
Bee Z M32 11
F. J. LARSON A CO. patent lawyers;
patent book free. Be Bldg., Omaha, Nab.
p.-ocured. Inventiona developed, drawings,
patterns, castings, machine work. taM-ui
6. lota 6t -fci
PATENTS procured and sold. 1 f. Nat I
Investment Co.. Douglas Blk.. ISih A
Dodge. U 196 O
PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'l.
Investmeul Co., Douglas Blk., 16th and
Mav M 1U Kiv.s
Do you Wish to Make a Change
If you have a farm, home, business or prop
erty that you want to sell or exchange
write us.
Omaha, Neb., Sioux City, la.
Y-M108 Nov. 1
FOR SALE A first-class job office with
A-1 newspaper plant In connection, pub
lishing thiee papers In aurruiu,dlng
towns; Job type ill new; doing go
business; excellent reasons fwr selling,
located at Hastings, Neb Write now.
or come, as this snap will rot last long
Prices law. Address Box (16, Hastii ga,
Neb. Y-823
FOR SALE Hardware business, com
plete stock. Invoice $6,000; located in
southwestern Iowa; population 6,000.
For particulars address Ed. RothTy's
Information Bureau, 111 So. 14tli St.
Y 160
FOR SALE Up-to-date grocery and meat
market In one of the best locations In
Omaha; fine established trade, doing bus
iness of $J0,M annually. Address T-L
Bee. X-116 7x
FOR 8AT.E Restaurant, doing a splendid
business; 40 regular boarders; selling on
. account of sickness. J. H. I'arrotte, tnx
ton block. Y-M177 7
FOR SALE A $10,t Mock of general mer
chandise. Smith Center, Kan.; will take
patt good farm land er city rental prop
erty. This Is a good, cleaa. up-to-date
stock. Investigate. Call on or write E.
A. Hampton, ol N. 41st Ave, Omaha.
FOR SALE A good brick hotel located In
a good business town and county seat In
eastern Nebraska and being the only $2 a
day house in the town. Will take as part
payment Improved land not exceeding 80
acres. For particulars address R 6, car
Omaha Bee. Y M239 7x
FOR SALE Meat market, doing good
business; building, fixtures, double
cooler; everything complete; a bargain
If sold at once. Address Market, N.
Walnut St., Grand Island, Neb.
FOR SALE A well established abstract
business and abstract records covering a
whole county In northeastern Nebraska.
For further particulars address R 7. care
Omaha Bee. Y M240 7x
FOR SALE Furniture, utensils, etc., com
plete. In good condition, for 12-room
boarding houso; near postoffice. Address,
T 15, care Bee. Y 219 llx
FOR SALE CASH Hotel furniture and
fixtures, with forty rooms; doing a good
business; three years' lease; in town of
8.U00; southeastern Nebraska; only $1.23
day house In the town; good proposition.
Address, T 13, care Omaha Bee.
Y-M242 T
FOR 8LE Complete stock of millinery,
in good iNenrasKa town, doing goon busi
ness. Address i 17. Bee. r a
-M24S Sx
Patents Secured or Fee Returned.
Send model or sketch for free opinion as to
patentability. Send for Illustrated Guide
Bock. Contains 100 mechanical move
ents advertised free In World's Progross.
Reg. Attorneys,
188 F St. Washington. T. C.
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
deis & Son. Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Sts. Assets over $400,000. Y
NO bank customer can afford to be with
out the Depositors' Hand Book: valuable
Information; useful tables and forms: $1
delivered. Address Waring Bank Agency,
Washington, D. C. Y 334 7x
FREE How to start and conduct success
fully a mall order business by oldest mall
order supply house. Address Eureka
Trick and Novelty Co., 87 Warrep ' Vw
York. Y-331 7x
STATE MANAGERS wanted bv old estab
lished manufacturers; ll.iOO upwards
yearly; position permanent; Investment
$2.oi)0 upwards reoulred to cover goods
handled. P. O. Box 613, New York.
Y 329 7x
DO YOU heed capital to extend or start
business? If so, write me before arrang
ing elsewhere; exceptional fucllltlss plac
ing stocks, bonds quickly. Everett Du
four. Attorney, Washington, D. C.
Y-2S6 7x
START a mall order business; we furnish
everything necessary; only few dollars
required; new plan, success certain; costs
nothing to Investigate. Mllburn-Hlcks,
368 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 285 7x
ROOMING HOUSE for sain; valuable
lease, central, long established, thor
oughly equipped, yielding fine revenue.
P. O. Box 393, Kansas City, Mo.
' Y-284 7x
BEND for "Successful Method" of trading
in grain with small capital. Booklet and
market letter sent free. References.
Comstock & Co., Commerce Bldg.. Chi
cago. Y 296 7x
WHEAT $1150 btljs five ups snd five
downs, good for one week. 2-cent ad-
vance or decline from price gives $100
profit. Write for particulars. Commerce
Grain Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago.
Y-291 Tx
RESTAURANT on Douglas St.; good loca
tion; fine trade; new fixtures; owntr
leaving town. N. P, Dodge Co.. 1714
Farnam. Y M396 9
BONDS bought and sold; money furnished
enterprises of merit; money loaned. L.
D. Moore & Co., 1004 Colonial Sec Bldg.,
St. Louis, Mo. Y-381 Tx
HARDWARE stock, $10,000; sales. $30,000;
county seat town, 7,000; paving, sewerage,
electric light and gas: best section cen
tral Nebraska; established 23 years. Box
474, Omaha, Neb. ' Y 375 7x
FOR BALE New, well located steel range
anj stove plant; brick buildings, modern
machinery, electric power; established
trade and new patterns; ninety different
styles and sites. Address Lock Box 95,
Greenville, O. Y 37$ 7x
WE WISH to dispose of psylng hotel prop
osition in one of the best towns In Ne
braska; good reasons fur selling. Write
us. Address T-ll, care Bee, Y 278 7
WANTED L4 rge, well established manu
facturing company, making staple line
of goods, widely known, wants satisfac
tory man with $0,000 cash to establish
and carry on branch business; $ao per
month salary and all expenses, with
share of profits extra; unusually safe In
vestment, permanent engagement and
high-cla8 business, good for $0,000 per
yir or better. With big future Increase.
For particulars furnlph references and
address O. East burn, 67 Wabash Ave.,
Chicago. Y 278 Tx
A SAFE yearly Income of $400 to $tiu on a
real estate Investment; title of lands In
sured In title and guaranty company, and
only small monthly payment required on
total Investment of $tW; full particulars
upon request. C. M. Buntoo, 407 Vlo
toria Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y 271 7x
NEW millinery stock. Invoices 8S0O to $1,000.
in lively town. Oosd paying business for
someone. Best reasons for selling. Ad
dreiaj Box 117, Kasson, Minn.
Y-M114 8x
stand In So. Omaha; have other busi
ness. J. W. Bouk, Bo. Omaha.
T M426
JEWELRY stock, amounting to $2,u, lo
cated in drug store, in one of the best
towns in central Iowa; good openlng-from
every standpoint. Address T "i. bee.
Y-M445 7
MR. AND MRS. MORAND 8 classes In
dancing and physical culture for culldraa
will reopen Saturday, October 4. (New
location. 210 Bo. 18th Bt.) B glnnera, 10
a. m. Advance. 2 p. m. Matinee class,
$.30 p. m. Particulars, bookie ta Tele-
fihont Doutlas 104L Parenta are cordially
nvlted to examine our ckaaea. You will
find it to your advantage to do so.
714 7x
CHAMBERS, 2424 Farnam, now open. Adult
beginners Mondays and Wednesday;
cliilarea Wednefdxya and 8u.uidis;
Juven'le advanced Saturdays and private
lessons; terms reasonable, commensurate
with advantages and benefit derived In our
school. Telephone Douglas UTL M all
CHATELAIN School of Languages L'uy
and evening classes, French, German,
bfanlah; fencing. David BJUg. ITS Hi
Monday and
Below will be found a list of
slightly used Sewing Machines
which will be on sale:
They have bern overhauled and
put In tlrst-clsss ehupe.
iVfw Hume niacnuie (or 12.00
White machine for 12. U)
New Royal Automatic Drop
Mead, gocd as new, for 16.00
Household, good aa new, for 21.00
White, l. 11.. shop worn, for i2.00
Second-hand box top machines
front fci.OO to $0.00. An compie.e,
with attachments and guaran
teed; voile they have been used,
yet are In condition to give first
class service.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
'Phone Douglas 16V.3.
Corner loth and Harn.y.
834 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
U-344 7
SEWING machines rented. Any make;
7oc per week or $2.00 rer month. Becend
hand machines for sale, $5.00 and -up.
Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney.
DR. ROY, Chiropody, Doug.-6497. 1505 Far.
U 827
PRIVATE confinement home Mrs. Dr.
King. 2018 N. 21st 8t. Tel. Doug. 3558.
U 618
1 l.UC I 1HVJ Embroidering,
Dyeing and Cleunina. Sponging and Shrink
ing, only 6 per yard. Bend ror pries Usl
and sample.
00 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1831
U 829
Tel. Doug. 254,
211 8. 11th St.
V) w
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off
clothing: In fact, anything you do not
Reed. We collect repair and sell, at 114
f. 11th St.. for coat of collecting to the
worthy poor. Call fnons Doug. 4136 and
wagon will call. U-U
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Cre'.ghton Medical College, lith - snd
Davenport dta. Special attention paid t
confinement cases. All treatment uper
vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug.
U67. Culls answered day or night.
U 128
THE City Garbage Co.-Offlre. lit. an
Leavenworth Bts. TeL Douglas '-7.
SURVEYING, BllckensderferTtll BeJ
9 MA HA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Bldg
U W4
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
rices. Snd for free catalogue. Myers
II ion Drug Co.. Omaha. U-836
CHR18TENSON, carpet cleaning. "Tele
p ho ne Douglas 1658. U MaOO O 13
WE will find good, comfortable homes for
babies whose mothers cannot care for
them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tlnley
Rescue Home, 4U8 Bancroft St.
U-700 Q26
Xf AflNFITTf! treatment and oath. Mine.
OLO.VJ.PI.llX BraUh, LU N. 16, 2d tloor.
U MS 014X
Tel. Douglas 3761
1610 Howard.
CHANTS We pay nighest market price,
charging no commission, for all Kinds
produce butter, eggs, etc., cosn or mer
chandise. Write for dally quotations.
We ll nnd pretty souvenir postal. THB
MA SS A CiK Swedish movement, 410 N.
loth. Room 2. 2d Floor.
U-M1U7 Nov. 1
WANTED By family of threo careful
adults, a furnished or unfurnished house
to care for In owner's absence, or would
pay amall rent or buy a home at a bar
gain. Give full particulars In reply. Ad
drtssT 23, care Bee. L 464 9x
iNT POOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or write to tho matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3t2t N. 24tn
Bt., Omaha, Neb U-M100
USB Blanchard's Eczema Lotion for skin
dlseuses, at druggists. Asshitanca given
free by Prof. J. Bianchard. skin specialist.
Minneapolis. U M671 O 1B
TRY KELLY'S Laundry.' 'Fftons Douglas
8620. U-fiSJ
PRIVATE ftoine during jnflnement; ba
bies adopted. The Qoou Samaritan San
itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs,
la, TeL 771 U-822
DTI 8. VOGEL private hospital for women
and for ladles before and during confine
ment. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb.
U-M9S0 oa
NOTICE Max H. Carson will obtain Im
portant messages from Burma by writing
to John N. Diyden, Kearney, Neb.
U-M171 13
FOR anything in the sewing machine lino
go to P. E. Fiodnian & Co., 1:.H Capitol
Ave. U M183 Nov$
SWEET scented s'tln, smooth as satin,
made by Satin skin cream and powder.
26c. u-
WANTED Information as to the address
of Jacob Schoff. Address was Otoe
county, Nebraska, about liTO, and Polk
county, Iowa, about 1865. Small recov
ery can probably be made. Address Har
vey Bpaidlng & Sons. Washington. D. C.
U-M261 8x
TYPEWRITERS rented, $2.50 per month;
all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox
Typewriter & Supply Co.. 1S12 Farnam St.
U-io9 Nov5
MME. NORDICA, scientific palmist. Par
lors lot Bo. 17th Bt. 'Phone Douglas 6769.
0363 li
FORTUNE TOLD FREE Send birth date
with 8c stamp and America s most suc
cessful astrologer will send a reading that
vill astonish ou. Prof. J. Verne, Box
$464. Boston, Mass. U 8o8 7x
ARCHITECT O. L. Brolins, 618 Bee Bldg.
V M246 Nova
FOR RENT P ano, $3; rt ference. 8212 EnT
mst St. U Mi 4 I
OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures
pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone
Douglas 452L U
WORTH a dollar a box Satin skin face
powder costs but 25c Are you using it?
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wsrts snd moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
Iuaranteed. Miss Allenoer, 422 N. Y.
ife. U
porated) of New York has on exhibition
at 1621 1 jnmet St.. Omaha, Its celebrated
simple electrical devices for persons hard
of hearing. All Interested are invited to
call or phone or writs for further Infor
mation A. W. Jnyneet, Representative,
1621 Emmet St. Phone Douglas x22
U 403 7x
WIDOW (36), college bred. Independently
situated, accustomed to tine surroundings,
would correspond with view of matri
mony, si 7 N. Broad. Philadelphia.
U-3U 7x
ClfHONIC diseases cured; write your
symptoms; send $1.' I will outline treat
ment and send rrrscr'ption to cure you.
Dr. Edmonds, 4JJ Paxton Blk., Omaha,
Neb. U-827 7x
ONE of the sight of the city Hawver's
patented wall folding bed: built in flush
with the wall: saves anace, time, money,
lubor; you are Invited to Inspect It at
1C14 Emmet St., the home of the inventor.
U-323 7x
FREE Four fortune told, future and past
revealed, surprising, by America's emi
nent philosopher, atroiogijM, clairvoyant
St. John, 13 Sheldon Bt.. Chicago. Send
tilrio dais aud stamp. Know thyself.
t-aa 7
FFNNELL Millinery Co., 822 North I6tH
SL w U A1268 Novt
$100 FOR A BEDBl'G Any color or breed,
caught alive in a room where our Happy
Home Drops have been used; simple and
cheap; a bts? bottle cures bedroom and
furniture for ( months; 8100 to you it it
falls. Send today to the Bensola Cn
Saginaw, Mich. U 307 7x
LADIES You need them you should have
tbein; send 26c for trial order; sample,
lc. refunded on first order. Pox 2KS,
Pleasant Hill. Mo. U 306 Tx
MORPHINE and liquor addictions cured Ira
ten daya without pain; we give an uncon
ditional guarantee to cure or no charge;
write today. Cedarcroft Sanitarium, lepu
8, Lebanon, Tenn. v U 378 7x
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit; myself cured; will Irl'orm you of
harmless, permanent, home curs. Mary
Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. U
RETIRED merchant, middle aged, lonely,
kind and liberal, very wealthy, wishes to
cotreepond with lady; object matrimony.
Box 4-5. Bt, Joseph, Michigan. U 317 Tx
A JOLLY old sea captain, retired, wealthy,
wants a good companionable wife. Ad
drees F. L. RJcb, 235 Washington St., Bos.
r ton, Mas. U SU Jx
BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nsrro
Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman
MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha, 631
DR. PRIES, specialist, women's dta
wesknesaes, discharges. irregularities,
cured painlessly and safely. WlUinell
block. 16th and Harney, room 2, Omaha,
DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of wome
and children. Office, 22u6 Cuming, 'Pbono
lwuglas S667.
MRS. CARRIE SMITH. Marvelous Maa
netlc Healer cure guaranteed, Diseaaa
ailments and nil kinds of sickness)
treated. Have moved to 1018 N. 29th 8b
481 7x
Madame Buddha
Leading Palmist of
Parlors. No. 113 So. 16th St,
Opp Boston Store.
Sawing Wood
"'TIs well'to saw wood at the right tlrao,,
clearly defines and shows the path of Urns
when to remain "silent" and whan to be
"humorous" at the proper time.
Still On-
Palmistry and clalrvoyancy points out
the facts of the present and past, with re
markable accuracy, In detail.
Still Further On
Future predictions, which are most valu
able for future purposes, are dally atreti
to many Individuals, and who -reap bens
fits without doubt In general.
It behooves you to consult
Whose revelations and predictions are
paramount and who handles all business
strictly sacred and confidential to tha
point of business and domestlo affairs.
Complete satisfaction la assured.
Parlors lit 8. 16tlt St.. upstairs.
'Phone engagements made. Douglas 4694,
Call. , a-438 7
MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady,
queen of clairvoyants. My $1.00 reading
lor one week only, 260. Have moved to
1018 N. 29th St. S 41$ 7x
MME. NELSON. tho world-renowned,
palmist. Is here by special request.
Madam offers assistance for troubled or
unfortunate. If you are unhappy, hava
domestic or business troubles you will be
told how to overcome tbem. SHE TELLS
IXJVE. Call and secure her never falling
advice. Fees within reach of all. Reduced
rate this week, ill N. 18th St. 'Phono
Douglas 3840. 8 M411 llx
Eventful and truthful predictions given. .
Call 118 8. 16th fit , Opp. Boston Store.
4 Ml2
6ECOND-HAND clothes.
Tel. Red-SKS,
N-M943 Ul
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; par
the best prices. ' Tel. Douglas-3971.
N-M368 06
UNIMPROVED house and lot, cheap; bo -quick.
Also bicycle. Address T 10, Bee. '
N-M211 7x .
WANTED TO BUY The best bargain la .
Omaha on a six or seven-room house ana '
lot; give full particulars In detail, stating ,
price and terms. Address T 14. Bee.
N-22S 7x '
WANTED By family of three, careful i
, adults, a furnished or unfurnished houso
to care for In owner a absence, or would
pay small rem or ouy a1 nome at a oar
gain. Give full particulars In reply. Ad
dress T 23. cure Bee. N 466 I
i 9x
WIRE AND IRON fences; lowest prices;
free catalogue. Omaha Wire and Iron
Works. 833-35-37 No. 24lh St. Tel. Douglas
8702. M-fcGl OlS
md Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing
6c per foot.
205 N. 17th Bt.
l ei. ilea ,
Mou2 018
CHAMPION fences best sll S.
16th. Poug.
LTN03TAD High Grade 1807 Calendars,
a 1 . eonisr 16th St. an?
m. Capitol Ave.
WE HAVE a new press na fob too large
or two small. Central Printing Co.
M-766 Oil
COMPLETE line of 1907 calendars. , Snell
Printing Co., 8;J 8. 12th Bt. -157 Nov! .
14-16-16 Neville blk. Tel. Douglas 64J2.
. . M-r Oota
DRESSMAKING In family or at borne.
Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. Phone Mar.
ney 2812. 738 ;
FOR SALE 7-year-old bay, city broke;
fine driver, single, double and saddle;
phaeton and harness. tJi Hickory St.
P-184 6x
HORSE; easy terms. 43d and Center.
P 356 T '
JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. T. L. TL
Doug. lot. ,
DR. BOWSER, over lfrjO Farnam. TaL
Doug. 637a M 556 026
HESS aV BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 7M
L. HENDERBON, 1618 Farnam. TL loug.
1268 .
I. M. Macfarland, ICS N. T. U Bldg. TaL
Douglas- a -M-i C