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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1906)
THK OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATfUDAY OCTOBER 6. 1906, Telephone, Douglas lt. Saturday All Specials like these arc no! apt 5,000 yards of light outing flannels, regular 10c qual ity, on sole in remnants at 5c per yard. 10,000 yards of the best grades calicoes, in dark Hue, cadet blue and gray, in remnants, at 3Vc. a yard. . Women's Union Suits. STERLING MAKE. There l a best lu everything. Sterling stands for the best In the world abso lutely the highest standard of Underwear urellences best In quality, nt and llnleh. Womn't Finn 'Wool Union Suits, "Ster ling make," medium weight, high neck, ; lung elcvn. ankle length, open across chest or down front, colors cream, blue ' ar.d natural a beautiful garment at 13.50 a suit. Wenvn'i Fine Silk .and Wool Union' Pults, "Sterling make," high neck, long cieeveo, ankle lungth, opei across chest or down front, colora blue, pink and white on of our prettiest and best gar-ment-t 14.00 a Kult. Ask to e the two numbers Malm Floor. Saturday Specialties in Our Cloak Department. Little Children' Coats, Girls' Coals and Misses Coats, pretty little White Hoar kin Coats, from 1 to 4 years, at USA and S.(m each. Qlrls' Coals, from S to 14 year. In all tlm pretty new plaid ftnetfl. . Ladles' Coata, hundreds of the prettiest designs. Every Coat made exclusively for Thompson, Belden A. Co. New Walsta In lace and fancy silk plaid. 8PECIAL Wa have about fifteen Sep arate Skins In brown and white check. These Skirts are regularly worth 17.60; un sale Saturday at gl 46 each. Mna Fur Neckwear Great bargains In Fine Neck Furs, such as Ermine, Mink, Marten and other desirable Furs. Silk Petticoats, In all the new and choice colors, at 15.00 earn. White Uwn Waistsa few In 40, 42 and 41; closing price 49o each Second Floor. Redfern Corsets are modeled on lines harmonizing with the fashions promoted by the eouturleres of the Rue d le Palx, Parl. where fash Ions are born, and ar therefore correct In every line and curve. THE SMALLISH WAIST suited to the Princess and Empire adap tations from the Louis XV model gives It eomfortably-DAINTY AS THE DAIN TIEST LINGERIE, x The special corsetlere now In attendance at our Corset Department will advise you correctly, fitting you so well that you will ssy, "It seems mad for ma." gorgeous American beauty roses, they made a cloture worthy to greet th eyas of th qbeen as sh entered tb hall. The neal The Qaeeat A flutter of excitement moved over th assemblage as th door opened and the beautiful quean of Ak-8ar-Bn stepped majestically out Into view. Preceding her th maids of honor marched to the front of th stag and Just In front of th Board of Governors. 8U little flower girls, Helena Chase, Dorothy Darlow, Katheryn Breckenrtdga, Dorothy Judson, Margaret Parmer Mathews and Esther May Smith, dressed In filmy white over blu walked In front of her and strewed flowers from baskets In the royal path way. Little Esther Wilhelm, bearing the queen's crown, followed the flower girls. Two Pagea, Masters Martin Rolston and Hurdetta Klrkendall, acted as train bear ers. The coronation gown was regal In it richness. It was of Ivory whit satin, made princess with squar neck and full court train. A shimmering net panel em broidered in gold thread In marguerite de signs and edged with gold lac, extended from th neck to th foot of the akli, tapering at the waist and flaring again at the foot,.wher It ended In a medallon woven In the pattern. Two similar panels extended up th sides of th skirt and over the shoulders, tapering to th waist In the back, wher they war held with rhlneston buckles. Th sleeves were short puffs of th satin Inset down th center, with a puffing of flimsy malln crossed with bands of gold lac and fin ished at the cuff with a graduated ruffla of gold lac j . Sh . wor a necklace of pearls and diamonds. Th oostum was completed by the coronation rob of llgnt blu velvet edged with ermine, which hung from th shoulders to the end of th court train. Slowly and with regal tread they marched down th ceflter of th hall to th diss, wher she waa to meet her royal consort. Applause and exclamation of wonder Young Men's Fashionable Clothes Those "Sarupeck" and "North rup 4k Curry" model are going fast. They're Just what the young fellows up to 20 demand. Young men's suits of strictly proper style, the correct length of coat, the proper width of the shoulder, the right curve to the lapel ults that are cheap at $20.00, $18.00. $16.50, $15.00, $12.50 Young men's overcoats, the new "Colonial" gnus fit at collar, good shoulders, aeml-form fitting, rather full skirts, a swagger young men's style, exceeding values at $22.50. $20.00, $17.50, $15.09. $13.50. $12.50 Style hook for the asking. . Write for, Illustrated catalogue. BENSON &TH0RNE3 li l AFTER SUPPER SPECIALS Another offering of specials for our After Supper Sale that should ( Interest many. The foods ara here Just as we advertise them. Sale commences promptly at 7:30 P. M. Be here on time If you will share In the following economies: Extraordinary Value Saturday Evening Only. $1.50 Black Silk and Wool Pointllla Poplin 39c a Yard Seldom indeed at any season are such values to be had in good clean, crisp dress goods. Remember, not a large quantity In the lot, Just closing the last of them; beautiful luster, soft and clinging, part silk. As long as they last at 69c a yard. 12VgC and 15c Percales 5c a Yard. Saturday evening we place on special sale dark and light ground 36-inch wide percales, . pur regular 12 He and lie qualities, by the yard or piece. In the After-Supper Sale at 5c per yard. Veilings at One-Half Price. Saturday evening will be the great buying time. An early fall business in this department ha resulted in the accumulation of a great many short lengths. Lengths from one to one and three-eighths yards lengths, in black, navy, brown, myrtle, reseda, Alice blue, scarlet, maroon, lavender and pink, in a great profusion of styles. These will be massed In one lot and sold in the great ' After Supper Hale at One Half Trice. Special Sale of Women's Fancy Hosiery. Black lisle hose, band embroidered, all new fall styles and a large variety to select from; regular 50c quality, In the After Sapper Bale 80c a Pair. Saturday morning will be your last op. portunlty to be fitted, as Miss . MeCauley leavea here Saturday afternoon Second Floo. Dress Trimimngs. Many new lines received for Saturday's soiling. Read about them. Bom pretty narrow Persian Trimmings have Just been received to sell at Uo a yard. Wider Persian Trimmings up to $1.59 per yard. Our line of Braid Trimming 1 very complete; the prices range from So to 12.50 a yard. Ask to see our Baby Irish Allovers. with bands and edgings to match, from .60 to 8.50 a yard. Pretty Lace Allovers, In white or cream, from $1.00 to $1160 a yard. All sorts of pretty novelties shown her. Open Saturday Evenings. Howard Street, burst from th spectators as they recog nised th queen and beheld her beauty. Taking her plae by the side of, her king, sh received th crown from the hands of one of the bishops. Innovation la Ceremony. Then a surprise cam and an Innovation waa Introduced Into tb Ceremony. On the arm of Gurdon W. Wattles, Mayor DaJil man marched down the oenter of ,tb hall with a large gold key to th bttivd city held aloft Before the throne h stopped and with suitabl remarks gave th kef into th possession of his majesty and by th act extended a fitting welcom to th royal pair. Th ceremony over, th special maids of honor, th governors and all of th royal retinue thronged th stag to offer personal pledge of fealty ts the king. "Why, It's Gould Diets, the first bache lor to grace th throne of Qulvera, and his queen I Miss Wood and ' But th rest waa lost In the buss of conversation that filled the hall when the strained attention of th crowd was re leased. Then from behind the screens came the music of th first dance and th people gav vent to their Joy In tha maiy twostep. Attendants nt tha Court. Samson and his colleagues have had their heads busy for months selecting th long Hat of knights and ladies and maidens who composed that 'large contingent that at tended th king and quen at th coronation and In the lists, her given you have the result of their labors; Maids of honor (Omaha): Bessie Brady. Louisa McPhcrson. Sarah Burke. Kllsabeth MeConnell. Janet Chambers. Ruth Moorehead. Elisabeth Congdon. Mary Morgan. Marlon Connell. Kathryn McClana Viola Cahn. nan. Helen Da via. Cert rude Moorehead. Ruth Dahlmsn. Catherine O Donahue lsabelle French. Mildred Merrtajn. Bessie Fry. Gladys Peters. Gladys Graham. Alice Rogers. Julia Higginson, Hasel Rodger. Lucil Hbyden. Phoebe Smith. Mary Hayden. Alice Swttsler. 3C SHOES SHOES Correct styles for growing feet and leathers of greatest durability at lowest possible prices are the key-note to the aucceaa of this de partment. Let us fit out the boys and girla in our special foot form shoes, they will wear longer than two ordinary pair of shoes and cost but little more. We have them in several grades. Every foot correctly fitted. Toung laldes' sizes, with heels or spring heels $4.00. 53.50, $3.00 and $2.50 Boys' slgea $3.00. $2.50. $2.00 and $1.75 Girls' sixes' $3.00. $2.50. $2.00 and $1.75 Children's sixes $2.50. $2.00. $1.50 and $1.00 ' Kxclualv bo fitters for th young. Day Specials to occur again very soon. 3,000 yards of dark fleece lined flannelettes, fast col ored, regular 10c quality, on sale in remnants at oc yard, nfiH x-n t1 e rf fina Iraou rri n trt o ma torrii o i 11 1 .-- I yard, remnants at 61ic per Laces and Embroideries. Two extra specials at our Basement Department-one lot of three-inch Cambric and Nainsook Embroidery and one lot of Torchon Lace, from to 34 Inches wide- EXTRA SPECIAL' AT BC A YARD. Ask to see the white, pink and blue Out ing Flannel Embroidery shown at this counter for o and 10c a yard. Women's Hosiery. Here are two special good numbers in hosiery that we know will give universal satisfaction: Women's Black Cotton Hose', made from fine sea island cotton, full-fashioned, have double soles and high spliced heels. XC PER PAIR. OR THREE PAIRS FOR $1.00. Women's Black Lisle Hose, Indestructible quality, double soles, heels -nnd toes, 50C PER PAIR. Main floor. Corner Sixteenth, Marion Hughes. Marlon Johnson. Mona Kloka. Florence Lewis. Mildred Lomax. Mlna Meyer. Blanche Sorenson. Ethel Tukev. Fay Twamley. Gwendolyn White. Margaret Wood. Francis Weaveix. Marie Monier. f lora Webster. Mary Lee McShane. U....I. at, Nathalie Merrlam. Maysle Yctes. Laura Montgomery. Maids of nonor (out of town): Miss Alfreda Powell, South Omaha. Mies Violence Puiman, Lincoln. Miss Jjot Combe, Mecumseh, Neb. Miss Uila Bartenbacn, Grand Island, reb. Mis Regna McDonald. Lincoln. Miss Klam Hanneman. Amherst. Neb. MlsS Pearle Ayer, Amherst, Neb. Miss Mary Thomsen, Ctaar Bluits, Neb. Miss Horience baua, South Omaha. Miss Laur4 Well bridge, Fremont, Neb. Miss Anna Helchardi, Oxford, Neb. Miss Giauys uawson, Lin wood, Neb. Miss Ptarlle tiuruham Jeweit, Broken Bow, Neb. Miss L. R. J tin re, Osmond. Nth. Miss Marcella Fiory. Ueueva, Neb. Miss Agnes Langevin, Lincoln. Miss Kii Coie, iexington, Neb. Miss Agnes Rademacher, Crtte, Neb. Miss Anna C. Hoefer. Aurora, Neb Miss Minnie Chitwood, Franklin, Neb. Mis Stella Fuiler, McCook, Neb. Mia bernice Kridelbougn, Alliance, Neb. Miss Laura PerrenoiTu, Sliver CittK. Nb. Miss Gretchen HulfT. Norfolk, Neb. Miss Stella Story, Butte, Neb. Miss Kmlly Foote, Farnam, Neb. Miss Nellie Mullen, Albion. Neb. Miss Pearl Fillister, Chicago, III. Miss Ne.lie Becker, Giund island. Neb. Miss Elisabeth Dovey. Platlsinouth, Neb. Miss Sarah Martin, South Omaha. Miss Louis Diets, Lincoln, Miss Breta Bills, Lincoln. Miss Maud Pierce, Lincoln. Miss Raiherlne Wootis, Bchuyler, Neb Miss Mamie E. Riley. Dawson, Neb. Miss Marion Kleth, Des Moines, la. Miss Catherine Bush, Ceresco, Neb MIbs Jessie L. Halstead. Ponca. Neb. Mlsa Winnie McMahon. Columbus, Neb Miss Esther Hamot. Heatings, Neb. Miss Helen Welch. Lincoln. Miss Grace Klockner, Auburn, Neb. Miss Edna Tower. Sutton, Neb. Miss Myrtle Elllngson, Center. Neb. Miss Maggie Powers, Hampton, Neb. Miss Lena McKnlghl, ' Lung Pine. Neb. Miss Mlttle Foley, Ulair, Neb. Miss Chsrlotte Smith, Beatrice. Nab Miss Belle Wills, Holdrege. Neb. Miss Madge Harding, Deudwood. g. u Miss Hasel Franders. Deadwood, S. D. Mms Lucille Adams, Deadwood, S. D. Miss Emma Cook, Wausa, Neb. Miss Nellie Hawthorne, Kearney, Neb Miss Myrnie A utile, Ord, Neb. Miss Grace Borland. Falrbury. Neb Miss Gertrude Alexander, Lincoln. Ladles of the court (Omuha): Mrs. Edgar Allen. r,8, L H Kortv Mrs. Guy C. Barton. Mr,. v. J C KeiiVon ?"' ' Jr""- M,- H. iveiiy. Mrs. R. B. Busch. i,,,. K V Mrs. A. G. Beeson. C... j u ' Mrs. Geo. F. bill well. rr,. K, V Lomax. Mrs. ueo. r. eiunteu. 1 r, K. L Lu Mra.1 N. Baldwin. ,;rr;; SVhi Mrs. h,. A. Benson. 1 rl i u Mrs. J. B. BUiuhaid. K' Sr.. H. K. burkelt. fc. H. artin. airs. w. . ieiu.-iw anan. Mf' E- SUU."niY . A. McShane. M1.S But en eld. f,,, w H. Muntft-r. Mrs. J. C. Cowm M t M Mrs. tlmiH Ujase. ra 8. A. Mcwnorler Mr. Herman tuliu. u w WeBetuu. Mis. 3. V. Dfnhot- noma Miliur. Mrs. G. P- Dieis. ery Mra. C. N. Diets. :,li . ilorits Mmr, j.. 4ir a. I.. Moll er. Mrs. A. Darlow t.irs. 11. J. Penfold. lra C. 11. Pickens Mie. 3- O. Daulnian. Mra. V. H. Davis. . Mr: Al. Powell Mrs. inoiiiaa . rr. , r p u lra. J. J. r usmo j y Mrs. H. Glftord. ciottl Y;'- ,- U'Wl' A- Remington. Mrs. m. HfJ';r Mrs. A. C. Smith. rr rG'-wHtr", "r- Mrs A. B. earner.. ?.lrI- v MVlr.nm Mr- li- " Thuniuiel iT- J.' L",B B. F. Thomas. R. c' Have. Mr- A- J V.lrlln. ".' m" in? i!?.'.oic Mr. G. W. Waul.-. MTS. G. M. Illlclicock ,.M j j Welwtei Mrs. C. K. Johanne. "' f; lf Vv'lme Mrs. W. 8. Jardme. ' Mrs. G. A. Josln Mrl( Oe0 j,. Wuml Mrs C. E. Yost. - Mrs. C. M. Wllhelul. Urs. ' swiraendall Mrs. 11. Wi Yu-t Ladies of the court (out of town): Mrs. Dr. Hrg-iiK. Hut Springs. S V. Mrs. M. K. Franklin. Duadwood, S. D. . Mr. W. E. Hahu. Df id wood. 6. V Mrs. J. C F. Bush. Waboo, Neb. Mrs. J. A. Andreas. Hnldregc. Neb. Mr. D. ). Painter. Iloldree. Neb. Mm. William H. Fallen, ( rut Nelw Mrs. Dr. EcklU, York, Neb. Bee. October 5. j I yard. (Basement) Men's Underclothes. ThiM is the time of the year when you afe going to be either prudent or Impru dent In the matter of underwear between now and Thanksgiving. That Is your part of the business; ours is to tell you whet we have to offer. These prices should In terest men: Men's good qunllty Ribbed Cotton Under wear, shirts extra well made, drawers have double gusset, medium weights, col ors brown, blue and ecru, fast dye, nil sizes. . FINE VALUE AT WC EACH. Men's Fine ' Natural Wool Shirts nd Drawers, extra finish throughout, good, full slits, equal to a great many dollar gar ments. Buy these and you will save money. SPECIAL OOOD VALUE AT T5C EACH.f Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers,' shirts extra well mode, drawers have double gusset, with patent seams, fl pe winter weight, comes in pretty shade of brown also, nil sizes. GOOD VALUE AT $1.00 EACH. The picking of wool half hose has begun and will grow more rapid each day. Better buy now while assortments are complete. Main floor. Exceptional Bargain is Our $1.25 Lining Satin, 36-Inch, Now Being Sold at 98c Yard. Just what you will wnnt for lining th? new suit. Handsome qunllty, soft and lus trous, will wear two seasons, In a flne line of new autumn shades. Ask to see thrm. Our special price, 9Sc a yard. Main floor. Saturday Specials in Our Linen Department, Economy Base ment. SATURDAY SALE OF HUCK TOWLL8. 60 dozen 12V4c Huck Towels, Saturday's sale price, 6c each. IJmlt, one dozen to a customer. SATURDAY'S SALE OF DOILIES. 100 dozen 15c, ISc and 25c Linen Dotllas, Saturday's sale price, oc each. Limit, ono dozen to a customer. FRINGED NAPKINS. 500 dozen 8c and Se Fringed Napkins. Saturday's sale price, lc each. SCRUB CLOTHS. B0 dozen 10c Scrub Cloths, Saturday's sale 'price, 5c each. We check hand bnggnge and packages free of charge. Mrs. James McDowell. Tecumseh, Neb. M' A' Y- Bohlnson, Beotrlee. Neb. 5' ,L:McCre' Tanln Ro. Neb. Mrs. F. Wilcox, Hubbell, Neb. Mrs. F. A. Keller, Falls City, Neb. Mrs. J W. Johnson, Formosa, Kan. ' " T- Johnson, Pawnee Cltv, Neb. Mrs. S. 8. Weldner, Falrbury, Neb. Mrs. C. A. Lilt gen. Auburn, Neb. H. E. Patter. Clifton, Kan. Mr!' ?' T' ?.lckard'1 W"P'" Water, Neb. Mrs. A. L. Gale. Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. H. E. Grelse. Red Cloud. Neb. ?!r"' fOV- Kendall, Superior. Neb. Mrs. John Pirkins. Hastings, Neb. Mrs. M 8. Wolbach. Beatrice. Neb. Mrs. Thad. Qulnn, Fremont, Neb. Mra. C. D. aook, Oregon. Mo. vl' aZ'.1- Jfklns. Falrburv. Neb. ?' J' ?,"Yen,,on.-, Belleville, Kan. Mrs. John Hodges. Sidney. Neb. i. iiS- Thrp, Arveda. Colo. Neb"' harles A- Dunham, South Omaha, I"- B- w,ati!n. South Omaha. Neb. Mr!' b -n90?1 Inf'. Sol,,h Omha, Neh Mrs. S. B. Davis. Lincoln. Neb. Mrs. H. W. Orr. Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. O. D. Evans. Columbus. Neb Mrs. J. Laverty, South Omaha. Neb. J!"' A,' Mitchell. Lincoln. Neb. Mrs. H. E. Potter. Endlcott Neb Mrs. P. L. Gillespie, Wymore, Neb. M- ! Gofford. Wymore, Neb. Mrs. O. E. Enirler, Plalnvtew. Neb. f!' W'.,E- ,RePd- Bo,1,h Omaha. Neb. Mrs. 8. Hoxle Clnrk. St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Lawel, St. Louis. Mo. Ladles In waiting (Omahal: mII Ft ri nry""I1'. M.- A,' v- Klnsler. Mrs. A. D. Brnndels. Mrs. J. c. Klnsler Vft "w B;zt?- Wjx; Me'. S?"- "J- A' Ken- S' b ?Jnldln Mr- Jo"" A. Kuhn. 'rs. W. J. Burgess. Mrs. H. V. Ijuie irs. A. J. Beaton. Mrs. J. McVann Irs Vf C Rirtnn Mr. TP I 7.ti in. w a:: ,""- xi:z- v.a ney. ...... ... ... ivim. V.IIHI nieij. Mrs. a F. Brallev. Mrs. Fred Met Mrs. R. Breckinridge. Mrs. P. n. Myers Mrs. C. B. Bogus. Jr. Mrs. Arthur Metx' Mrs. H. H. Baldria". Mrs. Chns. M;irh' I Mns. F. I Campbell. Mra. J. R. McDonnlcl Mrs. Albert Cahn. Mrs. G. p. Moore Mrs. B. B. Caldwell. Mrs. Louis C. Nash Mrs. E. K. Crane. Mrs. Ella Nash. Mrs. Charles Cliipp Mrs. Lenoni Nelson Mrs. H. T. CUrke, Jr. Mrs. D. J. o'TJHen Mrs. J. C. Coil. Mrs. A. 8. I'lnto. Sirs. B. W. Cotton. Mrs. Jus. L. Pax ton. Mrs. W. H. Clarke. Mrs. Geo. H. Palmer. Mrs. R. W. Connell. Mrs. M. C. Peters Mrs. E. Duvul. Mrs. Guy II. Pratt. CAN'T BTOP TALKIXG. Farmer Talk Grape-Anta to All Ills Frleatl. The avtruge farmer is nobody's fool, it takes a pretty level head to run a farm, and the more carefully he thinks the more successful he Is. A Missouri farmer writes: "I want to say something about Grape Nuts as a food, but a 1 am just a common old farmer, I can't put it as strong as I would like to. "But I would love for all the world to know (that don't already know) about th merit of Grape-Nut food. It ba done me and my family more good In the way of bringing about good health, adjusting our syvtems. purifying our blood and keeping out stomachs In good order than all th medicines we have ever taken. "My Uttle boy wa pale and slim, did not have much appetite until w began th use of Orape-Nuta about a year ago. Nuw he is robust and hearty, eats Grape-Nuts every day and enjoys perfect health. "1 have prevailed upon my neighbors to try Grape-Nuts and it is astonishing, the results. I would not be without if U I hud to pay $1.00 a package. "A year ago I read about It and had my grocer order some. I bought most-of it and soon saw the beaenta from it and then begun to talk Grape-Nuts to every one. Now I don't know how many pack ages the grocer sells each week, but he keeps nearly everybody around here sup plied. "Now j ou cau publish this If you wunt to or do as you please, but you can't keep me from talking about Orape-Nuta. for there la no tqusl to It anywhere." Name given by Poclum Co., Battle Creek, Mkh Read the book. "The Ruad lu Wellvllle," In pkga. ' "Tbr's a reaaou Mra B. B. DiivK Mrs. TC. K Potter Mrs. O. Dunn Mrs. Chei les N. Rob. Mrs. A. Eiholm. Itison. Mra. M. F. Funk-Mrs. Alice rtorglioff. houser. Mrs. Curl Reiter. Mrs. Jny D. Fester, ff. Fred Runner. Jr. .lr. G. H. CilleNpie. Mrs J. R. Scohle. Mrs. J. M. O.illd Mrs. K. H. 8prn;iie. Mrs. H. I. Ounnett. Mrs. K. T. Swohe. Mrs. w. L. Graham. Mrs. Bron Smith. Mk. M. L. Giirkrt. Mrs. A. H. Smith. Mrs. Ben Gallagher. Mrs. K. C. Twnnilcy. Mrs. A. P. Otiiou. Mrs. N. H. I pdike. Mrs. M. A. Hall. Mrs. P. H. I pdike. Mrs. R. C. Howe Mrs. R. C. Wagner. Mrs. C. J. Inkwersrn. Mrs. Victor White. Mrs. O. N. Johnson. Mrs. H. L. Weller. Mrs. II. G. Jot linn Mrs. H. F. Wvman. Mrs. F. W. Judson. Mrs. Oscar Williams. Mrs. Chas. Karhu. h. Mrs. E. 8. WestbronK Mrs. R. K Kljillnaer. Mrs. W. U Vetter. Mrs. Albert Krug. Mrs. H. M. Rogi rs. Indies in waiting (out of tnw-n: Mrs. K. J. Andrews, Shenmicloali, lu. Mrs. Ous Detderlrh, Avne a. la. Mrs. A. Bsrtiett, McCook. N'b Mrs. F.d MoComaa. Broken How. Neb. Mr. Rebas WhlUnck. Nebraska City, Neb. Mrs. Get Lamb Clinton, la. Mrs. C. T. Ladd, Lincoln, Neh. Mrs. Olive l-atta Watson. Friend. Neb. Mrs. O. F. Beavers, South Omaha, Neb. Rereptfbn committee: Chsrlet, E. Ady. J. D. Foster. Allen. Thomas A. Frv. Joseph Barker. H. K. Burket. B. L. Baldwin. John N. Baldwin. A. J. Beaton. K. C. Barton. E. A. Benson. C. E. Black. Guy C. Barton. Dan B. Fuller. T. J. Fltsniorrlst M. F. Funkhouser. H. I. Gannett. W. L. Graham. C. C. George. Wm. M. Glass. J. M. Guild. J. E. Georae. W. R. Bennett. G. H. Gillespie. George F. Bldwell. Dr. H. GlfTord jonn . brany. -n. r. (iuiou. F. A. Brogan. F. T. Hnmlltnn. E. E. Bnice. E. L. Huntley. Thomas C. Byrne. Matthew A. Hall. Ralph Breckenrldge. Geo. L. Hammer. Arthur U. branueis. K. c. Hayes A. G. Beeson. O. M. Hitchcock. C. B. llorton. Henry Hardy. R. C. Howe. f. L. Haller. Dr. W. o. Henry. C. W. Hull. B. A. Hnndrlchs. G. J. Ingersen. C. K. Johannes. Harry C. Jordon. F. W. Judson. J. A. Joeelyn. J. -A. C. Kennedy. J. L. Kennedy. O. D. Klplinger. John A. Kuhn. W. J. C. Kenyon. Thos. Kllpatrlrk. F. P. Klrkendall. James (. Kelly. Albert Krug. George Kelly. W. Scott King. E. F. Bralley. W. J. Burgess. F. W. Bacon. J. B. B'.anchard. O. F. Beavers. B. W. Cotton. H. T. Clarke, Jr. W. II. Clark. Jas. K. Chamber. Albert Cahn. Frank Colpetser. F. L. Campbell. C. E. Clapp. J. C. Cowln. J. A. Crelghton. H. Colin. O. W. Dunn. Eugene Duval. A. Darlow. Judge O. A. Day. C. N. Diets. Luther Drake. K. H. Davis. Chas. A. Dunham. T. F. Kennedy. James C. Dahlmsn. H. Vsnce Lance. Henry Khrenpiort. v.. v. lwla. Dr. j. P. Lord. Arthur Remington. Dr. A. W. Riley. Carl Reitcr. J. C. Root. M. F. Rohrer. V. B. Reed. E. H. Sprartie. Chas. L. Saunders. Ed. T. Swobr. Dr. A. H. Burners. A. B. Smith. W. A. Smith. Arthur C. Smith. N. A Splrsberger. Tee Ppratlen. H. A. Tukey. J. W. Thomas. B. F. Thomas. Mel fill. Nelson B. t'pdlke. Holmea I'pdlke. A. J Velrling. W. E. Wood. John L. Webster. Ray C. Wagner. G. W. Wattles. J. D. Weaver. John R. Wehster. George F. West. Ben T. White. C. M. Wlllielm. R. 8. Wilcox. W. S. Wright. Henry F. Wyman. F. W'alters. Gen. T. J. Wlnt. J. B. Watklns. H. W. Yates. H. B. Zimman. L. L. Kountse. Lee McShane. H. J. Penfold. George Prliohett. Philip Reed. O. C. Redlck. C. N. Robinson. W. Farnam Smith. C. E. Spens. H. A. Tukey. Robert fpdike. Victor White. Frank Wilhelm. Walter E. Wood. H. W. Yates, jr. W. L. Yetter. H. 8. Weller. Arthur Lewis. L. E. Lucas. George H. Iee. E. R. Lomax. Jay Laverty. Dr. H. M. McCluna- han. C. F. MoGrew. T. J. Ma honey. Charles Marsh. Arthur Mets. J. F. Mawhlnney. Rome Miller. P. B. Myers. C. S. Montgomery. Charles Mets. Fred Mets. Morlts Meyer. Dr. R. C. Moore. E. M. Morsmsn. Wm. H. Munger. J. G. Martin. 8. F. Miller. F. A. Nash. D .J. O Brlen. Geo. H. Palmeri J. L. Paxton. E. P. Peck. Fred Paffenrath. M. C. Peters. Dr. A. 8. Pinto. W. S. Poppleton. Chas. H. Pickens. Al. Powell. George Powell. Guy Pratt. J. B. Rahm. Dr. H. L. Ramac ciottl. Floor committee: A. J. Love, Chm. John W. Battln. J. M. Baldrlg. H. 8. Byrne. C. D. Beaton. E. E. Bryson. Elmer A. Cope. J. Clark Colt. E. A. Cudahy, Jr. Clement Chase. E. I. Cudahy. . V. B. Caldwell. Charles Courtney. Gould Diets. T. L. Davla. Frank Haskell. Fred Hamilton. E. E. Klplinger. Frank Keogn. i Soma Who Were There. Following were among those present at the coronation ball last evening: A. MRS. H. T. ADAMS-White net over pink M8i-rt APGAR-Decolette gown, of pink peau de sol shading Into rose, ''boraicly trimmed with ribbons and ruchlngs of liberty Bilk. Be MRS HOWARD H. BALDR1DOE A white lingerie gown, wltn wnlie lace MRSmnFKtD Q. BALY-A gown of em broldered mousseline with trimming or MBS ELLA BARTENBACH. Grand Island Cream lace gown over cream silk, witn pearl ornaments. MRS. J. E. BA CM Black lace gown. MK. A. J. BaAluN-A princes awn or cream renaissance lace over pink and. white chiffon, trimmed with pink satin roses and touches of black! diamonds. MISS NETTIE BECKER, Grand Island White Swiss gown, with elaborate trim mings of Valenciennes lace. MRS. OLIE BERG Robe of black hand run Cliantllly lace over black Maffeta; MlthrUMYRA BRECKENRIDGE While opera batiste trimmed with lace. MH. R. W. BKECKEN KIDGlfi Light graV. voile over gray silk, trimmed wilh w hite lace and applique. MRS. C. B. B L AC K Prince? a gown or aray eilk poplin with bodice and aklrt panels of Irish lace: necklace of Jsde. MRS. WARREN BLACKWELL-W hlte silk tulle over silk, trimmed with ruffles of lace; diamonds, .,.,,,.. MADAME MARTHA BLACK WELL Block lace over white satin, with insor tlmia of lace; diamonds. MHa. G. L. BKAult,t-FlgUMl silk mull over pink taffeta. , MRU. W. D. BLACK WELL Lavender crepe do chene over taflela, with trliu- nilngs of point lace; diamonds. MISS PEAhL BLACK WELL White silk messallne with point lace berlha; uia- MRdndj' BBNCHARD-Black Spanish lace robe over white chiffon and whit Milk with white lace yok; diamonds. MRS. ARTHl'R D. of gray crepe de chene with real lace trim- MISs'k'ltTH BRANDE1S Princess gown of pink liberty eilk with smocking trimming. MRS E. T. BR Al LEY Amethyst p.-au-de. cygne, with point lace trimmings: amc thvsts and diamonds. , , MISS OLOA BRAILEY White opera lu- MVss'feESsiB BRADY Ugh t bluo mi-teor sutln, mad princess, with trimmings of MHaVsl'BRADY-Blaik lace robe. MRS. J. H. BL'TLKK Black chiffon and black lace; dmnioiios. .... . ., MRS. W. J. BC KG ESS Beautiful iml nrlncess gown of pink embroidered chlflon bver silk, trimmed with luce: dlamondr VKS. W. M. BL'RG ESS White chiffon over pink silk. , MISS LILLIAN BC8HMAN A costume of blu Persian biooade, with trimming of real lace. 1'. MIH8 VIOLA CAHN A niesrallne gown with yoke and trimmings of princes mrs.'' Element chase ugi't m.m crepe, the skirt Inset with luce aod bodlc adorned with a bertha of light blue mom- MRS.nHd Vc'lARKE. JR-B1uh silk with silver lace trimmings and puttings uf MRS' CHARLES E. CLAPP-Wlilte voile over white silk with trimming of gold iUue and Uce; topas. MRS. E. E. CHAN E Light gray crepe Ar chena trimmed In shell pink ehtffon and cream lace, with black velvet rlbuo.i; diamonds. ,, MISS ELLA COLE. Ixingtoil-Grav silk crp over gray eilk; Am.-rlcan Beauty mVT' MAI DE COLLINS. Waco. Tex. iGuest of Mr. J. M. Ro-OP-raJatift " (Continued on Fifth Page.) , Ta Car a raid la Oac Day. Tak Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablet. ' Druggist refund money if it tail to cur, j . w, Orov s signature is ou each bos. jic filler I6jfcAN HOWARD v j We've Made a Great Hit In Our New Quarters Our store has been crowded every minute The first 6 days since our birth has been Crowned with success We are grateful for your patronage BUT SATURDAY, the MoBlng day of the Ak-Sar-Ben. we want to make a record breaker. Not only for us, but for you. Especially out-of-town visitors should never think of leaving for home until they look over the great values e offer for SATURDAY READY MADE FACE VEILS Big Table full of 1 4 yards long Chiffon Veils, in plain and dotted ef fects, pink, light blue, white, navy, brown and black, worth up to $1. Saturday, each 0r Imported Chantilly Lace Veils, in white, cream, navy and brown, two yarda long, each 2.BO and 2.75 GREAT KALE OK LAIMES' AECKWEAR 1,000 Collar and Cuff Sets and Fancy Stocks, some white and some fancv colors, beautiful hemstitch and embroidery effects, Saturday they go in three lots 25c, noc awl 75c These goods are worth tip to 11.25 each. RIO SALE HEAVY COTTON IlLAXKETS 25 dozen big U-4 full size Bed Blankets, In white, gray and tan, worth every cent of 11.60, Saturday, each $1.19 OUR NEW GLOVE DEPT. To those who appreciate the pleasure of splendid qualities, fit and attention, we particularly deelre to attract to this thorough department. LADIES' SHORT KID GLOVES Real Chevrette Gloves, two-button lengths, made of heavy French kid. In gun metal, the new tans and white, a pair $2.tM) ENGLISH KID WALKING GLOVES Two-button lengths, in black, tan and red, only, a pair $1.50 Celebrated Virginia French Kid Gloves, two-button lengths, a full line of desirable shades, a pair 91.AO Boys' and girls' French Kid Gloves, two-button lengths, black, tan, modes, brown and gray, our special, a pair f I.S5 BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY. ENTICING MILLINERY BARGAIN'S Saturday we will offer 300 Model, Hats we purchased from an eastern manaufacturer at a ridiculously" low price. They are made of the very best materials and the styles are right up to the minute. These hats will have their first showing Saturday, at $5.00, 13.98 and 2.49 $2.50 HAND MADE STREET HATS, 60c Handsome silk, velvet, chenille and shirred silk hats, every one made on a wire or buckram frame, trimmed with beautiful wings, aigrettes and large, fancy quills Just to create a stir amongst the women folks we offer them Saturday for. each 60c See Window on Howard St. 50c PEARL HAT PINS, 10c Genuine Mississippi Boroque Pearl Hat Pins, on plated gold mount ings, sell the world over at 50c, sale price Saturday, each, 19c $lJtO SHADED QUILLS, 40c 60 dozen extra large Pelican Quills, in all the most elaborate and fancy shadings known to any artist they sell at all the stores for $1.50 a special for Saturday 40c 50o HAT ORNAMENTS, 7c Jet steel, gilt and smoked pearl ornaments, worth 60e Saturday 7C 25c AIGR1TTES, Oc 50 doz. Aigrettes, in all the new colors, at. . . .6c FANCY FEATHER BARGAINS . 100 dozen Fancy Feathers, every kind imaginable, worth up to $1.60, on sale Saturday o- BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES M -1 1 TTV at V f ' v AW a- at J UK. tal roa miJ '(Ml! y s 'r BOVS I II Ladle8' 8hoes' ,a Ptent colt. i MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Here you will find pretty much everything a man wears. One merit of this department is that it is very complete. Another merit Is that the prices are a whole lot less than the exclusive furnishers. Here Is what you can do in a saving way SATi RDAi : Shirts Colored fancy soft bottom, cuffs attached and de tached; a splendid value at 75c Saturday. . . MONARCH AND CLUETT SHIRTS. Soft and stiff bosoms, colored and fancy, cuffa attached or de tached, coat shirts, if you like $1.50 and NECKWEAR. In this line particularly we are especially strong. Nowhere can you find such an array of dainty colorings and effects. Hundreds of beautiful patterns that are worth 75c of any one's money CfiV Saturday JUC FANCY HOSIERY. Several lines of fancy hosiery, the for OUR SPECIAL. "Rinrk and tan. fine seamless hose that are fully worth 3 5c for Sat urday, pair UNION UNDERWEAR. Union suits, in heavy fall weights, qualities that are worth $1.60 will be sold Saturday for, a suit $1.00 Merino and Sanitary underwear, $1.60 qualities, for a garment, . ,$1.0O Men's night shirts, plain and fancy. 50c and $1.00 SATURDAY BARGAINS IN LADIES' WARE. ' LADIES' NEW FALL SUITS AT $0.00. Newest full styles, in black and colored jacket, full satin lined, trim med or plain, skirts pleated or circular, suits that regularly ft QH gold at $12.60 and $H,50 special Saturday, at J,J3 LADIES' COATS. We are showing the awellest Una of coats in Omaha. Plain colors, plaids and novelties, in the latest color combinations. Made up in itylea that put them In a class by themselves. Special showing at 08;I Overcast plaid on check, in good range of colors, self strapped, In laid velvet collar and cuffs, side button trimming, full lined body a, reg ular $9.90 value; Saturday, at $5.0.1 fcABIEB' WAXXXirO tXXBT. Pretty Hue of Skirts, tn black, blue, brown and plaid, check and novelty mixtures tn very full ptrataa effects. In all the latest modal 6 kins bought to sell at $ and IT. 60. special Saturday at 4.S Csn.saE'l WOOI. SBZBBSI. Novelty worsteds. In chcka and plaids. yoke and belt, ruffles over ahoulder. th lalda, T.aniEB' LOHD riXSCZD XXsfOHOB AT M.00. Prettv Persian patterns. In medium .rn hJck. worth 1.7. apeclal T.apra- Two-rxacra novum sunn. Combination 6uft. Dressing tacque and Bklrt, to tail tb plae af th wrap n.r tin percales, In gray.' blue and black and white, neatly mad a. beltod sacaues very full skirt with wide hem special for Baturday.. gl.60 fXSSBS' w. Nurses' Gingham, in all styles and stripes, prettily piped in white, flne tailored garments, bought o sell at 1.5. apeclaj Saturday at 91.60 BELTS AJTS We are showing the most comilet line of new, up-to-date Belt. Jill new rood tn the most desirable plaids. Roman atrlpes. 811k Belts. Plain Colored Kilk Girdles, Beaded Klaatlc Melts, al vary low prices, from 17.60 df n lo v , as X.aale Band Bag. Carriage Bag, Band Purses In all th latest styles, at ...r.ul.lf tirU es. "N ladles' ana Ml' 0ndrwa Misses' heavy fleece lined Fhlrts and Prsw . i T. x m a vears. ood valu at 45c, special, each as, t.ji... rieeo Uatd Vsioa ult Shaped garment, gray and craam. apeolal . gull 60c Ladle' Plata aad Taney Best Man Cotton So aad Tleeo X.la4 Black Boss l-air ravas vvvvui hi. IN THE SHOE DEPT. Our new shoe department is certainly one of the best in Omaha. Great attractions are offered dally to bring this de partment before you, that you may soon get acquainted and , know its true worth and money I saving methods. THREE SHOE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY. turns, worth $5, Saturday and Monday $.1.50 Ail $3 Valnea go at $2.00 Made In all leathers. School Shoes for boys, worth $1.50, Saturday and Mon day, pair OHc See the celebrated Buster Brown Shoes for girls and boys. They are the kind that never wear out everlasting. 50c 1.00 60c kind Saturday, your choice .25c .25c in red. blue. Drown and gTCeiw fanrv In red. bl regular 11.50 dresses, at. .1.00 and dark shades, In oriental colors, full : 1.00 D1MUI. FVBSSS. II