Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
T1IK OMAHA DAILY BKK: HI IDA Y, OCTOBEK 5. 1906. Closing out nearly 5Q slightly used upright N pianos. Every one must be sold by Satur day night at some price today they are on .sale as follows: ft few of the many . ... " .-v. a ine v I vers & Pun J. upright, mahogany case $85.00 rumnnu, upnglit, walnut case v $95.00 Arioti, upriglit, 'oak -ase .-. Kimball, upright, nihinet grand... linger, upright, mahogany case.. ('nickering & Sons, parlor upright $135.00 Smith & Barnes, upright, walnut case. $146.00 , ; AVe also carry a complete stock of Steinway & Sons, Steger & Sons, Emerson, A. B. Chase, Hardman, McPhail, Kurtzman, also Pianola Pianos. $105.00 $118.00 $132.00 Sctael!r OLDEST AND LARGEST PIANO HOUSE 1311-13 Farnam St. Omaha. fll Hi BANDIT CANNOT BUY LIBERTY BobW Cuieht at Crime (fftrt Uoosft. Captor fr Hi. Belai6. SHOOTS JOHN WIPf BEFORE CAPTURE Latter, with Hired Man, Haas Dawn Oatlaw, Bind and Takes Hint to Umlht I Police. While John Wipf, a gardener ''" Uvt. abuut acven miles west of Unmlia. on Leavenworth street, was marketing u load of vegetables Thursdny morning John Smith of South Omaha found the Wlf house without occupants for the time be ing and prolied.d to add to hla wealth, which tili-rcady of stupendous propor tions fur a burglar. Wlpf returned home about 11 n. m. and cmight Bnillh in the lu't of milking his escape from a window of the hou.e and called on him to slop. Smith drew his US-callbcr revolver ami started on a run, with Wlpf In hot pursuit, calling on his hired man for assistance. As soon ns Smith saw that his pursuers were gulnlng on him, he turned and fired at Wlpf, Inflicting a glancing blow on the stde of Wlpfs head, but this did not deter the pursuers, so Smith fired again, hitting In the right hnnd and breaking the finger. ?oth Wlpf and his hired man continued the chase and overpowered Smith, who was bound hand and foot, although he fought desperately to escape, as he is an exceedingly powerful man. Wipf, with an Injured hand, and the hired man succeeded in securing him and pre pared to bring him to the city. ..When Smith saw his moments of freedom becoming fewer he begged for his release, offering Wlpf tao cash if he would let him go. Wipf turned a deaf ear to his en treaties and the offers for liberty were gradually Increased to S1.O0, and it devel oped at the police station, when Smith was searched, that he was amply able to fulfill his offers if they had been accepted by Wlpf, as he had 11,494.64 on his person when searched. Police Surgeon Harris dressed the In jured man's hand, while Smith Is held on the charge of burglary and shooting with Intent to kill. Wipf and his hired man brought the prisoner to the police station bound with an abundance of straps, ropes and other materials of every description. and said no amount of money would have bought his release after the fight he Had with hi in. second rlHS. IVWa.K; Intnl. K.S.O-1.&.1. The tnlal sales f"r both cls-s of postage foi September. I!i6. were !?.I.TI. The In crease for September. 1J. being U."47 S SANITARY COW AT HOSPITAL Bavlae Tested with Tnfcerralla and Fnn4 ta Be f'ree from Taaerralosls. Health Commissioner Connell Installed a sanitary cow at the Kmetgency hosplul Thursday morning. Wednesday the bovfno was tested with tuberculin for tulierculosls and found In perfect health. Wednesday j afternoon an attendant was sent from the t hospital to the Rumaiclottl barn for the row. but apparently the cow was in such perfect health that she refused to give lh hospital man a hearing. Dr. Scott wns summoned to help, but the animal dis missed the doctor with one kick. The cow was taken to the hospital In a wagon. Thursday morning Dr. It. G. Strauss of the hospital telephoned Dr. Hamacclottl that the cow hnd nn evil mind and was disposed to tear down lather than build up. EXTRA' TABLES FOR BANQUET Mare Room eceasary at McKlnley ( Ilk Faaetloa Becaase of Ureal Demand. The demand for plates for the McKinley club dinner to be given Monday evening at O'Brien's Is so large the officers of the club have been forced to ask' for extra tables. Additional plates have been promised, hut It Is believed the demand will be larger than the places available. After the dinner a doxen or more local orators will be turned looso for two mlnuts speeches. The big meeting will be held at Crelghton hall at 8 o'clock, when George t,. Sheldon. candidate for governor and Congressman John L. Kennedy will make the addressee! This will he Mr. Kennedy's first speech of the campaign at a ' political meeting and will be Mr. Sheldon's first appearance en the platform in Omaha. All of the candi dates for office are expected to be present. WKEEN MOTORS ARE POPULAR Inn Service l.onr Enoifh to Have F.aahllhed Permanent Plnee for Themselves. The, Success of the McKeen motor cars Is J tleth; Lyman B. Tracht, 3319 South Twenty (ourlh, 4 months. MAXWELL IS LANDED EARLY Clever loafldeare Man Spotted and Jailed soon After His Arrival. tiow assured by actual service, for nine of them have been in operation for some time. I William Maxwell of Texae, a distln wlth as llttlo loss of time as Is the case of ! ulshd looking person, nearly whit, as -egular trains. No. 8 has been doing a ' t0 color' n1 known t0 ,hc Pc rhenomenal business between Lincoln sndfV" coun,r' clRV'r Pnnnce n. Beatrice and traveling men rut themselves propped Into Omaha Wednesday and, as out to make the trip on these cars. Mr. i hPP to most fellows of his Ilk. Is safely McKeen ha. so srranged the engine that no' beh,nld br of.,the cltjr JkU and win ,, , ... , ,w . remain In Umbo until the excitement of the and .moke is unknown and, of course, cin ders are lacking. With the circular windows, which give the passengers a perfect panorama of the scenery, and also perfect ventilation from ths latest Improved devices for ventilating tho cars, the trip Is surely a pleasure. Orders aro expected dally from Mr. Har liman to begin the immediate construction of many more of these cars, which have proven themselves the right thing In the right place. With the 200 horsepower en gine which was built at the Vnlon Pacific hops for No. 8 a trailer laden with mall and baggage la pulled with ease. Mr. McKeen Is away for a few weeks on his vacation and It Is thought the construc tion of new cars will start as soon as he returns. Tery Low Rates Vnesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, ths Chicago Great Western railroad will sell bomeseekers' tickets to Minnesota. North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rats; to other territory, first and third Tuesdays. Writs H. II. Churchill, O. l&ll Farnam street. State number In party nd when going. Sterling stiver Frenier. Uth & Dodge sta Margins . Co.. LETTER SPECIALISTS. Births and Deaths.. . The following births and deaths wre re ported to the Board of Health during the twentv-fnilr hours endlnor Thursdsv nnin V Birth Jamas 8tephenson, 211 Dewey avenue, girl; Lewis Lighlon, 4154 Cass, girl; y ' William Dewey, 2M North Seventeenth, i gin; tt. M. t on, avis i nn l ies, ooy. .. s v . Deaths John Von Hulaeltng, county hos- if pital, W; Baby Rothacker, 3318 South Twtn- carnlral subsldea Maxwell was unfortunate enough to fall under the gase of Detectives Ferris and Dunn and. although he protested to them that his presence In Omaha at this tims la purely accidental and has by no means anything to do with the Ak-Sar-Bcn fes tivities, they denied him his freedom to ue tha sights. As the-end of the festal period arpronchei the police hope to keep tip the record of former years In the way of losses from criminals during that time. In order that visitors and residents may be safe, how over. It Is necessary to strain the vigilance Of the force to the utmost, and such men as Maxwell are not allowed at large. Ak-Sar-Uea .toavealrs. The Ak-Sar-Ben program, which was distributed this year. Is particularly hand some. It Is illustrated with half-tone pic tures of the Board of Governors and illus trations of each float. Each alternate page Is filled with advertising. . The advertising composition, from a typographical stand point, is decidedly creditable to the printer, A. I. Root, who Is responsible for the print ing and press work. WOMAN RUN INTO BY AUTO Mrs. Albert Bailey Is Knocked Several Different Ways by Fast Speeding; Machine. Mrs. Albert Bailey. Seventh and Burt streets, was the victim In an automobile accident Thursday morning, but fortunately escaped with only slight Injuries. While crossing the strset toward the cast at Six teenth and Dodge streets a large automo bile which was being driven northward at a high rate of speed struck Mrs. Bulley, throwing her on the machine and carry ing her for a diMance of about 'twenty yards before the machine could be stopped. She was struck - squarely in front of the automobile and witnesses said If she had been ' standing a distance of six inches either way she must surely -Jiave be,n thrown beneath the wheels. As It was the force of the impact threw her directly on Full Dress Ak-Sar-Ben Ball 7 HIS bij store tamh tmhantli real to fill your needs in all theewsntitl Jrsiiaowwiei. Whether it bf a full drew 9'iii or at of' t nvswtry far' nihings, our men's department tinJ at your service with, the largest aisortmint in thi city tn cVms f rout. Quality of ths highest character an I pricn very m'tch. under what y m'd have to pay if you nijlectsd to pur chase here. Tm Ak-Sar-Ben Specials in Full Dress Suits: Full Dress Suits, '27.SO A V fine hand-tailored, English worsted, full dresg snlt; lined throughout with pure dyed silk: every seam Bilk sewed. They cannot be duplicated by any other house O"750 at leys than f 33 . ... Full Drews Suits, $32.30 The finest Imported French crepa cloth, full dress suit; lined with the costliest Imported silk. Impossible to produce better tailoring stitching Is entirely of silk. Tailors charge 175 for 1150 Full dress Waist Coats.. $2.50 Full dress Watch Fob 1 to $3 Pearl Link Cuff Buttons.. SOc such garments ACCESSORIES Full dress Collars, 12 for . .S.V Full dress Cuffs, pslr 25c Dress Shirts without cuffs. .1 Full dress Shirt Protector, satin and Barathea silk, tor 1 to 3 FARNAM PAVING PUT OFF Wot to Be I'ndertaken This Year, bat Early '(est Sprlnsr Is the Plan. Special, opera hats worth $8 $5.90 Dress Shirts, with attached cuffs $1 snd l.ftO Full dress Silk Sttspen- . ders .... fl "hlte Pearl Studs. set...25o Full dress white 1-awn Bows 15 tfud U3C rat Silk hats, f hats for $3.90 heard Thursday morning. The Jury gave Electa M. Pomeroy !v0 damages against the Pavne Investment company and Ada E Hubbard. She asserted the defendants had so placed the spouting on a house next to her hone that It caused an overflow of water on her property and washed mud all over her lawn and into her cellar. FAIL IN Indications He la Sot the Ma Wanted for Chaslaa Girls Sear Rlvervlew. INNOCENT VICTIM IS SHOT Fellow Gets Ballet In Fnslllade at Two Colored t'ltlsens. from Rivers Mackey and John Pearl colored, celebrated the festival season Thursday afternoon at Twelfth and Dodge streets by exchanging revolver shots directed toward each other. The nolsa of the fusillade at tracted tho police, who managed to catch Mackey. Pearl wanted to see the automo bile parade, so hs ran away and Is still sf fugitive. Neither of the duelists was at lras North inrwTicYiUirc unQ .1.- !. it. it rnIL 111 IUk.ll ii iiiw mwww not probable the repavlng of Farnnm street from Thirteenth to Eighteenth will be ac complished this year, but will be one of the first Improvement next spring. City Engineer Rosewater said there Is a bare pnsBiDuiiy me wont win ne done th.s ea- The tQris of residents In the neigh '"i1, borhood of Thirteenth street snd the An ordinance changing the character of nilll,varH tn M,ntrfv James Moss, colored, hurt. Mackey resides the pavement mentioned from Sioux Falls . ,rpMt.d Tucsdav as the negro who chased Twenty-first street. granite to sheet asphaltum has been before . , ,h ..(rlnltv on several oc- I Meanwhile W. Shields, a waller In a caslons, proved unsuccessful Wednesday, restaurant rear the seat of war, reported when a few persons called at the city Jail . to ths police that a bullet from the artillery to look at Moss. penetrated a window and also his leg. One description of the man says he Is ,n rather light, snd although Moss is quite BAND PLAYS FOR THE SICK dark he conforms In every other way, and i he was therefore held. The efforts to find the right man are still In progress unabated, while the people at the scene of the fel low's operations go about armed and look ing for sneaking colored men. Chief of Detectives Savage Is satlsned the council for first and second reading snd was referred to the paving committee. It Is believed the ordinance, will be In shape for pasage next Tuesday night. Then Mie city engineer will be ordered to prepare contract with the Harber company and tjke steps to cause work to be done. WHO DONE BROKE DAT LOCK? dnestlon that Is Just Sow Agltatlac Members of the Omaha Grain Exchange. "Who broke de lock on de chicken house do'?" Instead of chicken house nut exchange the center of the machine, and she suffered j room an(j you htLytl tha 0CBtnn tnat ls only a few bruises. The driver of the auto helng asked about ths Grain exchange. In Sehraska City Mnalelana serenade ft. Joseph's, with Special Trihnte to Cont Crelghtoa. The Merchants' band of twenty-two pieces from Nebraska City visited 8t .h.t v.. I. not the hadlv wanted mulatto Joseph's hospital Thursday morning and and In court Thursday morning Moss was serenaded patients snd attendants. The released. Moss said It had been an exciting occasion partook of something more than few davs for him. as ho did not know what a mere serenade, as refreshments wars the officers were trying to do to him or served and a special visit made to Count .i,o i,o wanted for. ss he had Just John A. Crelghton, who is making his srrived from Minneapolis on a side door home at the hospital while his residence at was surely Tweniietn ana v.nicri mreni m-ins; re- - . .. - . ... " i Pni man wnen arresiea ana KM irremfa, jinng ni numc w, : tne orK our O Wtln(wla nlfhl nornp. 1 " " ... ... .. v. I j-ti Th. ennnt entnved lh must w i n r hiira ti or n r narn mn BsiMin mm nn , iiiwmiu. " .- - - - and gavo bail for his appearance in court , one forced open tha, big double doors of in the sura of $.6, but It is not thought j the exchange room and broke the lock, likely he will appear for trial. Officer Waa Jt some Ak-Sap-Bcn visitor who was Crowe, who made the arrest, said, the ma- unabie t0 flno . piacs.p sleep tn the hotels? chine probably was going at the rate of ( w lt ,omo grain .man In the Board of thirty miles an hour through the crowds . rraae building who was shy on chairs and on Sixteenth street at the time, and that poug.nt to replenish his office furniture? several other pedestralns had narrow es- Tnes two explanations are given, but no capes on the crossings. one knows save the guilty person. Of this The arresting omcer torgoi sucn utile ne- a)I are satisfied. If. the culprit wanted i tails as getting the name or the automomie chair he was disappointed, for the chairs could sight a choo-choo. HARDWARE FAIR - IN OMAHA thoroughly and thanked those who re membered him and the hospital. P. C. Heafey, M. II. Collins and Alfred Thomas escorted the band to the hospital. owner and number of the machine. So the police are now guessing who "John Doe" may be. RIOT OF NAMES IN COURT Only Loss In a Ua. Mrs. George H. Hawkins, a visitor In the city from Uncoln. lost her handbag Wednesday afternoon containing S15 In cash and a check made payable to herself for 11". The loss oi-curred on the carnival grounds, and this is the only loss of any description reported to the police during the last twenty-four hours. LOCAL BREVItTeS. A. E. Baker, who said his name was Jim Dahlman when arrested on the charge of vagrancy Tuesday night, was fined to and costs In police court Thursday morning. Tetters INDIA AND CEYLON Tea The iiairM (Joneph Teller & Co.) on every package of Telle;' Tea in sures every buyer against impurity. The only way to get acquainted with its tlellciousness Is ly trying it. McCORD-BRADY CO., .Wholesale Agents, Omaha. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE CURED TO STAT CURED IN FIVE DAYS NO CUTTING. NO PAIN. NO CURE NO PAY. Varicocele: Under our treatment this Inaldiout disease disappears. Pain ceases almost instantly. The stagnant blood Is driven from tho dtUtud veins and all, soreness and swelling subside. I'.vht indication of Varicocele vanish--.!, and in stead comes tbe pleasure of perfect health. Many vulintnta are. reflex, originating from othei oU . For instance, Innumerable blood and nerv ous dlseaivea result from poisonous iaints in tha system. Varicocele and Hydrocele, if neulxct d, will undermine ths physic! strength, depress lii'. mental tuuiiltlos. derange the nervous syMetit, and produce, uomplicated rvaults. In our treatment l always c-.nre Hie effect as well as the ca-ik. verv person attilcted with thrae diseases should tall t,n us to learn our methods of cure, which are safe and permanent. Consultation is free, and our thari-s for a perfect cure are uo more than you will i able and willing to pay for the b.miits Certainty of cur Is what you want. We guarantee to cure you. THB 1HX.TOI18 WHO Cl'RE NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE ae 1 Jawbreakers Famished by Trial Japanese on Chars of Shooting. of were locked in the secretary's office. T. P. A. ROOM AT HOSPITAL Woman's Auxiliary of Post A Starts Pins for that Par-pose. For the purpose of endowing a room In iti-i a fl m Vi a tinanlfnl fnp that 1 1 a A nf IrBV. The trial of Hyakutsu Ishald. a Japanese ( m ft t0 rall,M by ,., laborer in one of the packing houses, for ( Woman., Auxlllary of Po(,t A, Travelers shooting with Intent to kill was begun be- , Protectlve agBOCaton. The auxlllary will fore Judge Sutton Thursday morning and Is , mfift 0ctobpr at a vensington at the causing the court officials all kinds of grief of Mf( WortnlnKton m22 Knrnain First F.xpoaltlon of Kind Her Will Be Held Next Febraarr at the Auditorium. A hardware exposition, the first thing , of its kind In Omaha, will be held In the ! Auditorium February 4. 5, and 7. Manu- facturers from New York to San Fran- ' Cisco will exhibit their product. The exhibit will be given by the Ne braska Retail Hardware Dealers' associa tion, which will hold Its annual conven tion In Omaha February 4 to 7. While the association has never undertaken any. thing on such a large scale. Its officers rather expect to have trouble In finding enough space In the Auditorium for ex hibitors, instead of having difficulty In se curing exhibits. The secretary has opened a correspondence with hundreds of manu facturers. I owing to the Jaw-breaking names of wit- I street, to perfect arrangements for an en- MRS. KELLY HERE TUESDAY Child Labor Authority Will Deliver Address fnder A aspires of Consamers I.eagae. Mrs. Florence Kelly of the Consumers' league, who will address the Women's club Monday afternoon, will be the guest at a luncheon tendered by the Bocial Service club at the First Presbyterlsn church at 11:11 Tuesday. Mrs. Kelly is a lesdlng au thority on child labor and ls an author of note. She will discuss questions relating to tha child labor problem. OoveTnor Mickey has promised to be present Mrs. Kelly afternoon at the First Congregational church on the subject "The Child Worker and the Shopper." GOVERNOR PEHFOLD Is Ak-tsar-Ben's baslest Knight, and well docs be betar his honors. We are Omaha's busiest tailors. We are the busiest and the big gest, too; because we make high class clothing at popular prices. There is satisfaction and profit, too. In dealing with ft big house. We carry the largest and best assorted stock of wooleng in the city. We employ two expert cut ters, two expert salesmen, sixty expert, tailors. We are big enough competent enough, conscientious enough to give every order indi vidual attention. Suits and Ovvrcoats to order $25 to $50 Tell us your tailor trouble. M.cCARTHY.WILSON TAILORING CO. Phone. Doug. 1Mb. 104-IW So. lth Bt. Next door to Wsbaah Ticket Offlc. MACFARLANE OWNS THE TRUNK Aetor Wires that Property Stole aad Pawned Belonged to Htm. George MacFarlanc. one of the singer with the "Ulrl and Bandit" company, whlo'n rived In Omaha last week, has tele- - " - Ffty Yeara a' Blaeksmlth. Hixbuig. adjoining the famous Appomat tox, where the gallant Lee surrendered to the famous Grant. Is the home of Samuel nesses, who aro all Japs. Here ure some , rtalnment tne proceeds of which will be of the subjects of the mikado who have - n..t for ... tan Th. or. been summoned to testify: 8. Shlgemi, T. ; ganilaton has a membership of sixty. ! R worley. now 86 years of age. and Tcguchl T. Murakam'. I HIguchi T.', eh. yeIy tngtigei , hore,noelnK who Matsu Mukal. Supa Suikl, Ju Torao. U. HI- The Tn,vejpr,- Protective association s j relates how h shod horses of unoli ac l Name and Address. will speak at 3M Monday graphed from Kansas City that ths trunk Whlcn was louna a i?w wj ' j tectlves Mitchell and Bhepard In a lumber yard near Union station wss his property and contained theatrical clothes to ths value of 150. Nearly all the clothes havs been found In pawnshop by Detectives Dsvls snd will be returned to their owner, together with the trunk, which is in a sadly dilapidated condition. DIAMONDS Edholm. lth and Harney. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: names have been sdded St the booth to the membership of the organisation. tuka, Hideo Nakamura, H. Malsuada. None of them can speak English and the testi mony Is all taken through an interpreter. Iahaida is charged with pulling two guns on a number of his countrymen at the old Oood Shepherd home In South Omaha, I Very Iyow Rates to the West, which Is used as a dormitory for Japanese The Chicago Oreat Western railway will laborers. The crowd scattered, but before sell tickets to points In Alberta, British Co they could get awsy Ishaida punctured lumbla, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wash three or four of them with bullets. He , ington at about one-half the usual .are. often nenrew w. Mosher. Sarpy county... .. .1 v i i- IAtiwIaa fmm,u i relates now iiv wuu nm vi uiiuiuivi, uimib jyiuuu, u booth on the King's Highway is proving a and confederates from ISfiO to 1866, making Albert Pace, Mills county, la popular place for traveling men. Fifteen ' th shoes and fitting them. Mr., Worley . Florence K. Kadford. Mills county, la Age. .3 also was wounded. The trouble Is said to have been the result of a quarrel over a gambling game. STOTTS IN A NEW COMPANY Withdraws from On Signal Concern to Start Another t nder Arisen Laws. K. S. Stotts has withdrawn from active participation in the affairs of tbe Stotts Logsdon Signal ft Equipment company, though ha still retains his stock and hat organised the Stotts Signal company. This has been Incorporated under the laws of Arizona to do business In Chicago and the incorporators are Elsa B. Stotts of Omaha, A. H. Dindley of Chicago. Balrd Llndley of Dea Moines, Lester Dickey of Omaha and R. A. Streeter of Council Bluffs. The new company claims to have the best of others in that it has a patent on an in termediate block signal system, that is, one which allows two or more trains to go on a block at once, showing to each train th presence of the other and at the same time announcing the approach of a train from the opposite direction. The company has secured patents, has Its working plans drawn and expects to begin the manufac ture of signal equipment within three week a Tickets on sale dally August 27 to October 31, Inclusive. Get full Information from H. If. Churchill, General Agent, 1511 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. r. i says: "I have been snoeing norsei ror more than fifty years, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm has given me great relief from lame back and rheumatism, which advanc ing years and hard work brought, and it is tha best liniment I ever used." When troubled with rheumatic, pains or soreness of tha muscles give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be pleased with th prompt relief which it affords. WATCHES-Frenrer. 1Mb snd Dodg 8ta First Verdict of Terns. The first verdict returned tn district court since the opening of the October term was John M. Jurank, Patillne. Neb Rosa Novak, South Omaha AUguM Kempf, Omaha Clara M. Klug. Columbus, Neb Emll F. Bandhauer, Omaha Laura Vodlcjta, Omaha Stephen Wilcox, Caas county Minnie Shoemaker, Montrose, la , Robert L Wldener, Kennard, Neb...., Christina Sorenson, Kennard, Neb , I Clyde W. Turner, Coin, la , Lottl C. Herron, Ciarinda, la NEWS FOR THE ARMY. v- ISiah I n sf ftVtri hna Math ' Bnlldlas Penults. , J-m wa, 5ir,u.r, Neb The following building permits have been t win r- mm), i.vnna. Nb issuea: jamra luiiron, uric iriuie ouua- jvan Hoar, Lyons, Neb.. i'-'fv. V:..t"i;:,J,"tS.."..-""S,r,r7.:.V." Gale C. Lawyer. Friend. Neb I I tt aiifi imn tn mull hmiaj, ml I . ------ company Fourth a dwelling at Twenty-atxrh and Decatur. Fourth and Pierce; O. B. L. Berndea, 1,600 I Joseph C. I,angfellner, Omaha f lorenc w neeier, ummii Colonel John Van R. Hoff, chief surgeon of the Department of the Missouri, de- arted Wednesday evening for Washington, . C. Mrs. Hoff accompanied him. II Is thought at army headquarters that Brigadier General Wlnt and staff will re. turn to Omaha from Newport News, Vs,, . . ulntta ii f tha, nr. a. t t iiinnlh. . '?! The two battalions of the Thirtieth United States infantry arnvea vveanesaay at rori Crook from their long march from th maneuver camp at Fort Riley. The regi ment Is under command -of Colonel E. B. Pratt. The command consists of regimental headquarters, field staff and band of Com panies A, B. C. D, I. K. L and M. Tho other four companlea of the regiment. B, F, O and H, are stationed In the lepartment of Texas at Forts Logan H. Roots. Arkan snd Reno. Oklahoma. No part of this 24 regiment Is under orders to proceed to Cuba. .28 The battalions will garrison their respective .25 , posts during th winter. 2u ... ...It ...23 ...27 ..18 ..1 ..It .24 Figure What You Can Save On the Rug Sale now going on in our basement. Stock Rugs, made from remnants of finest carpets and borders $1.25 velvets for 75c yard, $1.10 Brussels for 6Sc yard. 173 of these beautiful rugs, but they won't last long. "We don't want them to; we need the room. confeerred. X. V. Cor. and Faxnam 8taM Omaha, Xeb. NO TRACE OF MAN'S FOLKS XolnlnaT let Known of Relatives of Juki Swaasaa, Killed at Free port. Kvrn after diligent effort on th part of the police for the last few days no trace of the relative of John Swanson. wh was killed at Frceport. III., has been found. A telegram was received requesting that bis relatives be notified of his death, but they are evidently sot residents of tb City as supposed. Sal of Pasta a Btantu. Th sale of postage stamps at the Omaha po-tottW fur the month of Sep tember. 1Mb. shows an Increase of I per Cent over that of the corresponding month of 1SU&. The sales in detail for September, IS, ai; t or llisi-clasa postage, W.Onj.t;; $21 $22 $20 $13 $11 $19 $17 $u; $22 .50 Body Brussels, 8x10-6, .$17.50 $22, Body Brusels, 8-3xl0-fi. . . .$16.00 $19 Axniinster, 8-3xl0-G $15.00 $J7, .50 Brussels, 6x12 $D.75 $21. .75 Brussels, 6-3x10-3 $9.00 $17. Brussels, 8-3x10-6 $15.00 $18 Mogee Velvet, 8-3x10-6 ...$14.50 $22 .50 Brussels, 8-3x9-2 $12.75 $16 Velvet, 8-3x10-6 $16.00 $35 ,50 Axminster, 8-3x11 $16.50 Brussels, 8-3x11 $13.00 ,50 Velvet, 8-3x10-9 .$14.50 75 Axminster, 8-3x11-9 . . . .$18.50 ,50 Brussels, 8-3x10-6 $14.50 Velvet, 8-3x10-6 $12.00 Axminster, 8-3x8-3 $16.25 Brussels, 9x12 $13.50 Body Brussels, 105x12. .. .$27.50 $20 $24 $30 $35 $29 $35 $30 $22, $30 $30 Velvet, 10-6x12 $16.00 Brusels, 10-6x1:2 $16.00 Wilton, 10-6x12 ...$24.50 Bodv Brussels, 10-6x12. .. .$27.50 Velvet, 10-6x12 $19.00 Axminster, 10-6x11-6 $27.50 Velvet, 10-6x11-6 $18.50 ,50 Velvet, 10-6x12 ..$18.00 Brussels- 10-6x11-3 $19.50 Axminster, 10-6x11-9 $18.50 Ingrain Samples One yard square, used by traveling men on the road. All Wool Ingrain that sells regularly for 75e yard. They make pretty rugs. Each, 15c. 414-41M1S South Uth. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. Telephone, Donglas III