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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
TjTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5, lnnrr. 3 4 f ( .1 r THE DISCOVERER S Lydla E. PlnkhanTs Vegetable Compound, the Qrcat VVbtTian's Remedy for Woman's 1115. IS " "linir IWIWM WIIIIHIWIIWIIII IllflSI 'SiT ' 1 ' 1 No other female) medicine In the world has received snch "widespread mud ; unqualified endorse meet. Mo other medicine haa such a record of cure of female troubles or such hoita of gratef ul friends aa haa Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable' Compound. It will entirely cure the worst forma of Female Complaints, Inflammation and Ulceration. Fallinfr and Displacement, and consequent .Spinal Weakness, .a and i peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache and Local Weaknesses than any other '( remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It ' dissolves and expels tumors in an early stages, of development. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Periods, 'Weakness of Ifce Htomrvch, , Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration. Headache, General Debility ' quickly yield to it. Deranged organs, causing pain, weight and backache, in atantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it ; invigorates the female system. . It quickly removes that bearing-down feeling, extreme latitude, ''don't -.' care " and ' want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous iness. dizziness, faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blues" . and headache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some de ' rangement of the organs, which this medicine surely cures. Chronic Kidney ' Complaints and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound cures. Those women who refuse to aocept anything else are rewarded a hundred ; thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggist everywhere, tteiuso au substitutes. v - j - NOMINATIONS FOR THE SENATE waders Naaned la the Twelfth Dlatrlet aad Harrlaoa la V . r; ; Seveateeoth. ', COLUMBUS, Nb.. Oct. 4.-(SpeciaJ.) The 'republican powers thfct, be in Colfax slid Platte counties have selected Judge T. A Saunders as their standard bearer for the senate for the Twelfth Mnatrolal district, comprising Platte and Colfax counties. The Judge haa not been In politics for a number of year, but Is not afraid to trtke out In a district whers three-fifths of the votes afs democrats; and goes In on the principle, tnVt hs who would be free, must Drat Strike tha blow. . . 6t. PAUU 'Nebi, Oct. 4. (Special.) The republican senatorial . convention of ' tha Seventeenth district comprising Hall and Howard, Was held at tha court house In this city this evening. The candidates being conceded to Hall county this year, that delegation proposed two candidates, ex fMnstor ' W. H. Harrison of Grand Island and John Schwyn of Doniphan, and out- of courtesy the Howard delegation refrained from voting, except on the ratifying ballot. The first , three ballots were a tie between the two candidates, but on the fourth the majority went to Harrison, and he was then nominated by a unanimous ballot. HASTINGS Neb., Oct. 4.-(8pcclal Tele g rem.) The democrats and populists of Adams county met this sfternoon and nominated J. N. Lyman, populist, for sen ator; Qeprge B. Loucks, democrat, for rep resentative,-and John Enlder, populist, for county .attorney. R. D. Sutherland, the fusion nominee ror congressman, ad dressed both conventions. ' SHELDO MAKES GOOD lUOWIJIO Addresses Voters at Albloa aad Cedar MA' - Rapids. ! I . ALBION. Neb.. Oct. 4.-necial.)-Hon. ty Ski t. atieMnn. remibllcait candidate for governor, spoks st the opera house yesterday afternoon to a very good sudi dlence., Tbls wss hl first visit to Albion, but during his short stay here he made many friends snd It la universally ad mitted thst hs will get one of the largest votes 4n JBoons- -county cast for any re publican for years. . s CEDAR RAPIDS, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special.) Hon. George L. Sheldon, candidate for governor; Hon. GeorgV C. Junkln, candi date for secretary, f state, snd Judge .a,lMala tnr NinrrMl frnm this district, were the principal speakers st s large and enthusiastic republican rally Oriental Rug Buyers . Should take , advantage of our 'R e;m o v a l S a 1 e,; Vas the' entire stock is to be ,- closed out rv all are beautiful . specimens of the weaver s art ' a collection not to be sur passed by any dealer in the west and at prices that are only a fraction of their real worth. JVtiiler, Stewart & Beaton, 1315-17-19 Farnam Strtet. held here last evening. t. G. Brian, can didate for state treasurer, and several local candidates, were prestnt and made short addresses. A number of populists and democrats were present. The candi dates all left a good Impression with the people and the meeting will add to the re' publican majority In Boone county this fall. BOri LEO TORSI FROM ' HI1 BOD Hantholdt Schoolboy Loses Ltak Try laar to Moaat Movlaaj Wtgsi. HUMBOLDT. Neb,, Oct 4. (Special.) A moat -sickening accident occurred in this city when Master Irvln Kinney, the T-year old atepson of William Ward, a farmer northwest of town, attempted to climb Into a paaslng spring wagon for a ride, and In some manner caught his foot In the wheel, tearing the limb off st the hnee. The lad was attending the city schools, but during tha noon Intermission had gone several blocks up the street and was attempting to catch a ride back when the accident oc curred. Mr. Hlsky, owner of the wagon, was driving along at a rapid Jog, with two or threw' companions, and knew nothing of the lad's attempt to climb into the vehlc'a until he made an outcry, and they turned to see him clinging to the back of the rear seat, then falling to the road, where he lay helpless, with the amputated limb lying a short distance away. The boy made very little furo over the Injury, and waa r moved to a nearby hous. where the sur geons came and amputated the limb a short distance above tha knee. Unless some com plications ensue, the victim will likely re I cover from the effects or tne snocK. as d has ben proven of Vlecldedly nervy stock In the pat few years. Ha sustained broken Jaw and badly lacerated face about a year ago, when he was kicked In the face by a horse and compelled to wear a metal brace on the Jaw for many months Ha Is also the youngster who a few month prior to the. above accident handled thlrty-two-callber revolver and shot hi cousin. S-year-old Fmest Parker, In th abdomen, the latter being compelled to submit to repeated operations for relief. Laborer Killed by Tot. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special Tele gram.) -A man named FUnn, who. has been employed at the stone crusher at Wymore was struck by eastbound Burlington paseen ger No. 11 this afternoon and killed. The accident happened at the bridge about mite east of Wymore. Several flasks of wklik were fnund on his Hereon. f!oronep Reed has gone to wyiaore to noia an in i quest. BRYAN GIVEN COMPLIMENT fenator tveridePaTi a Tribute U Eigh ldali of Kebmkio. NO PATIENCE WITH HIS ASSAILANTS Valnanle Mia for Nation, bat Lacks Povrer to Adapt Ilia Ideal ta the Condition Which rraat Him and the People. LINCOLN, Oct. 4-tPpeclal.) Senator Reverldg? of Indian spoke here tonight. He enid in part: Today he only question the American peopie auk, when the solution ol any pio lem la proposed. In whether It Is right and wine and Just. The only thine the Ameri can people care nbout today la what i best. . . . This la the spirit In which I shall speak to vou tonight, and this the spirit thai In spires all 1 say of Mr. Bryan. I do not Intend to abuse him. He has his good points.- In the pulpit Mr. Bryan would have been a greater and nobler Beccher. In the pres ident's chair he would have been a mora ruthless and arbitrary Johnson. But. such heve never been nor ever ca" the statesmen of a people. There is In ham n murh nf . ruwtrv. SO mUCh OI fanaticism; there Is so much of the iirunur aa much of the martyr mat w hile they see splendid visions and dream rand dreams, they cannot make those ' visions realities or bring mose ors pass. The people, obeying that practical instinct mat icons 10 iiumt uhj and nightly rest beneath their rooftrees. have never mad such men their states- men. Voire of Protest Seeeasary. And yet these men are needed by hu manity. Always among the people intr should be the voice of protest; Mr. vyan Is superbly that. Always In free Institu tions there should be the critic and tho objector; Mr. Bryan Is supremely that. Always unresi snouia nave no v.... . Mr. Bryan Is grandly that. And ao. tonight, conceding, nay. gladly asserting the morality, courage and fidel ity to what he believes best tor the peo ple, I only question the soundness of Mr. Bryan a views, lie is rmiu-. right. In the minority he and his tnl lowers are useful; In the majority he and his followers. Intending to worn out good, would work out ruin. The true statesman has the divine gir. of achievement, the noble art of getting things done. Ps trick Henry was the orator f Inde pendence; Thomas Payne me P""ot"v'r of liberty; both voiced the spirit of th'j people. But It took a W ashlngton ''- Ranlze victory, ana wnn his Franklins, his Wilsons and WH Jer- fersons to make this republic a S?" concern. Calhoun ana """"' "r" splendid theorists, tne one rn m other wrong: but assert nationality and. In that .formative period, to crystanie tne dtodio actual administration. Wendell rhllllpa and llaeola. William Lloyd Garrison with his im mortal. "I will not retract, i wiii ni treat a slnyle Inch and I will be heard, and Wendell Phillips with his words of fire aroused the nation; duih iw -coin with soul equally lofty, but with a knowledge that he must work V th hu man be ngs; It took a um i '"T "House divided against Itself cannot stand." but also his "I will union without slavery If 1 J wl?" slavery if I must but I wl 1 save the union;" It- took a Lincoln with his pa tient courage, with his conservative radicalism; It took a Wn,n,w,,ih ".'f wisdom and practical righteousness to conduct a people through blood to na tionhood and through the valley of ths shadow of death Into tne srern and beside the still waters of universal freedom. Bryaa and Roosevelt. And so today our radical Bryans and our reactionary Parkers are useful, but It takes a man who dreams even more loftily than the one but who dreams prac tically; who la even more conservative than the other but with the Profresslve conservatism of common "" ,anJ,.n9; the bourbon conservatism of retreat, u takes a man who knows that he must deal with men as they are and not . with men as he would have them; with condi tions as they exist In order that he may make those conditions what . they should, be; it takes a man with the Practical genius of Washington, the Iron band or Jackson, the political craft of Lincoln and the human quality of them all It such a man to get thone things done that ths people want done, to realisa American Ideals and write Into workablo laws needed reforms, to build Into real structures the peoples thoughts, to se cure bv something more than words an I preachments the peoole'a rights. And such a man is he who in five Jl'"" has got more things done for the peopl a good than even Mr. Bryan's fertile brain ever thought of; who has accomplished more reforms than were ever wrought In the same time In our history: who Is th'j moment In the midst of the mighty work the people have given him to do. and who today with strength. Justice und right eousness Is leading the American peo ple onward to a fuller practical realisa tion of their hopes, the president of the American people of all the American people Theodore Roosevelt. Why Roosevelt Does Thtnrs. Theodore Roosevelt lias been able to do what ha haa done because, like Mr. Bryan, he Is an idealist, but. unlike Mr. Bryan, he Is a man of affairs; because he ha courage as high as Nebraska's gieat radi cal, a conscience as sensitive, but a skill ami experience with men that enables him to use for the people's good the qualltiea of human nature aa he finds them; and a wisdom which compounds for the wel fare of the people not only the strength, but also the defects of those with whom he works. . Mr. Bryan Is never satisfied with tha stones that he finds on the river's bank he insists that they shall be perfectly cut and rollhed for his sling. Thevdore Roosevelt takes the stones he finds on the river's banks, fits them to his sling and Slavs his Goliath. Mr. Bryan Insists that the stones shall be made for his sling: Mr. Roosevelt knows that his sling waa made for the stones. So one Is al ways hunting ammunition; the other is always using It. It is Just the differences between the dreamer and the achiever. Both are nec essary, both pure, both devoted to the re public. But one Is the administrator; the other Is the objector. Government Ownership). Addressing himself to the subject of government ownership. Senator Beverldgi said: Government ownership is wrong be cause it Is not a principle which can be applied to all Industry, which, like the railways, affect all ihe peoplo; govern ment supervision is right because it does apply to all industries, which, like the railways, ir so great that they affect all the people. Government ownership Is wrong beeauv It vlolatea the American principle of In dividual management of business; govern ment supervision is right because It rec ognises that principle, but makes that in dividual management a public trust. Government ownership Is wrong be cause It is fatal to Individual Initiative government supervision Is right becauso it preserves Individual Initiative, but pro vents Individual abures. Government ownership is wrong be cause it Is antagonistic to the spirit of our race; government supervision la right because It Is harmonious with tha sp.iu of our race. Government ownership is wrong ani government supervision Is rlsrh' , one tsfces business out of th) hands of the textile and the other leaves uusine . In the nands of the people and yet pre vents methods hurtful to the people. Th'i Railways la Polities. Government ownership Is urged because It will take the railways out of politic. But so docs government supervision take them out of politics. The day ot railroad and corporate power In American . poli tics Is drawing to Its close. The con science of the millions Is ending rallroai and corporate interference In th np:o government. Any man who is nominated for any office from president down by railway or corporate Inlluema ought to be overwhelmingly defeated will be over whelmingly defeated. Laws are being placed on the statute books making railway and corporate In terference wlih free government a crime. I'nder Theodore lloosevelt those laws are being executed. More laws wilt be added until every railway and corporation cor ruptor of prlmariea, 'conventions, legisla tures and congresses who thus corrupt the people's government will find tnem aelvea behind the bare of the people prisons. And there is whers thoy . ought to be. There never was a time In the history of ths world when any leonle ralliod to ths protection of their Institutions V swiftly , as ths American yeopla are rallying to Uie protection of Ihelr free Institutions today. But government ownership Is i.ot an is sue, it will n"ver he an issue until gov ernment regulation shall fail. it will never ba an Issue, until the American peo ple themslves shall fall naver until they confess that they can no ainger msnage their business and shackle their criminals; never until history snail re cord Ihst the American people have be come drenerte; never until. Instead of being A merit sn. this people shall nave be come Latin and changed American Mal. of Industry to E,umiean Ideals of indus try. And that day will never dawn. it i BRYA STARTS TO I R OF JKBR ASKA Addresses Voters at neaeva on Isenee of Campaign. GENEVA, Nth.. Oct. 4-tRpecUI Tele gram.) W. J. Bryan spoke for a half hour In the park this afternoon. He was Intro duced by John Burke, during whose speech cries were made for Bryan. W. H. Thompaj.i, candidate for United States senator, also addresatd the people. Among other comments on the republicans Mr. Bryan said there wer no republicans In Nebraska, though we thought there were. There were, perhaps, WO Or frm voters present Mr. Bryan left for Hastings soon after the speechrnaklng. He discussed state Issues largely, to the exclusion of national politics, and made an especial pies for the election of Wil liam H. Thompson ws United States sena tor and Ashton C. Shallenbergtr as gov ernor. HASTINGS. Neb., 4. (Special Telegram.) w Th . r-.-,, - W. , J. Erjan, W. H. Thompson of G rami Island and R. P. Sutherland of Nelson tonight addressed a large audience hire Mr. Br an spoke for nearly, two hours, devoting most of his time to national is sues snd also appealing to the voters to elect all fusion candidates. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Sutherland spoke without engage ment, merely filling In the time until lh arrival of Mr. Bryan, whose train did not reach here until nearly 9 o'clock. Mr. Bryan talked concerning the trusts, gov ernment ownership of ralrways, the democ racy of Thomas Jefferson, the election of I'nlted States senators by direct vote and the ability of the Filipinos to govern them selves, but his speech contained no refer ence to the failure of the Cubans In their effort st self-government. All the gord i things the republicans have done, Mr. Mr. Bryan declared, were advocated by the democrat long before the republicans thought of them. Mr. Bryan criticised At torney General Norrls Brown for not pros ecuting the railroads under the maximum freight rate law. Th meeting was pre sided over by J. N. Lyman, populist state committeeman. ADOPT GRADED ASSESSMENT TLAM Decree f Dassr Supreme Lndare Com pletes Work of Session. HASTINGS. Neb., Oct. 4.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The Degree of Honor grand lodge adjourned Iste last night after deciding to hold Its next meeting in Lincoln the first Wednesday In October, two years hence. Invitations were received from Omaha, York and Lincoln, but Lincoln won by a liberal majority. The grand lodge adopted a graded assessment plan for the creation and maintenance of a reserve fund and limited the assessment for the general fund to $5 per 11,000 of In surance per year, the same for all ages. The compensstion of. a grand chief of honor was raised from Moo to tl.oon per year and that of ths receiver from ?M to 1300. Iowa Cnndldnte Dies. SIDNEY. Ia,, Oct. 4. (Special.) The funeral of A. T. Chambers, clerk of the courts for Fremont county, was held today at his home In Farragrut. The funeral was under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of this city. Mr. Chambers was a man who was liked by everybody snd very popular as an official. --. His ssi) death st the age of 15 is a matter of universal re gret. H. B. Hawley. has- been appointed by the county bftard of supervisors to fill the vacancy until the general election. Miss Maude Chambers was her brother's deputy, but according to the statute of Iowa a lady cannot hofd the office of clerk. Mr. Chambers was renominated for a second term at ths republican county con vention two days before his death, and another convention has been called for Saturday to fill the vacancy on ths ticket. Most Give Bond tor Franchise. BEATRICE, Neh., Oct. 4 (Special Tele gram.! At a special meeting of the city council' it wss decided that unlexa tha promoters of the Eaton Gas franchise file, a surety bond of 15,001), with the city clerk by Friday night the company will be denied s franchise. The time of the legal publi cation of the ordinance expires tomorrow and as yet the promoters have not signified their Intention of accepting the amended franchise. Baptists Close Meetlnar. FRIEND. Neb., Oct. ' 4. (Special Tele gram.) The Baptist association closed with this forenoon's session of the Sunday School board. Bible study was led by Dr. Price; Woman's Foreign Mission society snd record of this year by Mrs. J. H. Kerr of Ansley, Neb; "Echoes From Denver" by Mrs. J. W. Carpenter, Omaha, Neb. Brakeroan Killed by Cars. LOGAN, Is., Oct. 4 (Special Telegram.) W. T. Evers of Westslde, a brakeroan on a gravel train, aged 22, while flagging a train in the Logan yards of the North western, was struck by a train today and killed. He was taken to Mlsourl Vslley for a coroner's Inquest. , Jews of Nebraska. SEWARD Ths lecture course will -commence neut Tuesday. Six hundred mem bership tickets are Issued. BEATRICB-Severel loads of new corn were marketed here yesterday. The corn was of a good quality and brought 25 cents. BEATRICE Hose company No. 1 held a meeting last evening, which was followed by a banquet at Victor Lang's restaurant. COLUMBUS The registrar of vital sta tistics reports that for the month of Sep tember there have been twenty births and eight deaths. 8KWARU Mrs. Claus Wlllers, residing nine miles southwest of Seward, died at her home Sunday after a protracted Ill ness. She wts 64 years of age. FAIRUURT The city council last evening awarded the contract for constructing t,0is feet of sanitary sewers In district No. 1 to T. W. Roberts of Independence, Mo. OSCEOLA Six thousand bushels of wheat bursted the side of Peterson & Nelson s elevator snd scattered lite If upon the ground. Ths grsin will almost all l,t saved. L'Uiil'MBl'S-Two Platte county people have just been discharged from bank ruptcy by the federal court namtly, Carl Ji lin Almgren of Genoa and Garrett Hulst o; Columbus. YORK About 1100 damage occurred from the lighting of a gasoline stove In the residence of Mrs. Ferguson In kouth York. The daughter attempted to fill tho stove while lighted, with tha usual re sults. HUMBOLDT Congressman Pollard spoke to a cxd-slied crowd at the opera huufre on Tuesday evening and was lis tened to with Interest, as he eov-red atate and national issues briefly rrom a republi can standpoint. BEWAkl-The last game of base ball of the season will be played at the fair grounua, by the Seward and Staplehurst teams next Saturdsy. All of the tennis players sf tne county will also be here and play good games. BEATRICE Mrs. Barnry, whose hus band, O. O. Barney, recently dlsappeaied from Filley after aaau!tlng L. C. Caley with a billiard cue, left yesterday for To peka, Kau., to join Mr. Barney, who Is employed In s barber shop at that place. SEWARD The county board of super visors at their monthly meeting at the court house decided to buy a lot on the south side of the square and to locate the heating plant for the new court uou-e here Instead of on the court house square. ' BE W Ah D The St. JosefTi Commercisi club, representing the wholesale houses (Continued on Fourth Page.) Millinery Department 3d Floor Old Duildin Ladies' Millinery Tailored Wear I - Tailored Skirts, Ladies' Stylish Tailored Suits In all the favorite fall colors, handsomely made and up-to-date in every way, the best suit value ever offered 98 Ladies' Long Novelty Cloth Coat The smartest style for fall, 1906, very stunning plaids and checks, all coats are cut full A QR and roomy, a score of stylish mudels, all new, at Tse70 Ladies' Bladk Italian Cloth .iaaies' sateen ana ueavy Petticoats Made with fles and f ounce, the greatest petticoat bargain, QR for Friday, at, each OC Handkerchiefs Ladies' and men's handkerchiefs, some are all linen, some are in itialed, also plain white and fancy border effects at, each 3oC, 5c and 10c i CTXHTADC TA f A lX TlflTL'T JLiliUUlVj 1 VJ VlU Ull lllaLl Governor Include! Preference. Yote in Eii Call for State Election. . VERDICT FOR BIG DAMAGES IS SUSTAINED Supreme Conrt Says I nlon PnelSti Mnst Pay John T. Connolly, Wyo ming; Stockman, S2T,tWO for Loss of I, en. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 4. (Special.) The names of the candidates for United Statca senator j with a shipment of cattle. While walking must be printed on the official ballot this ; through the Union Pacific yards at night year. Governor Mickey has so Indicated in ; ho struck by a train backing over his election proclamation Issued today. Eec- j a crossing, knocked down and run over, retary of State Galusha has bo detcrmlnted The company was charged with negllg.'ii.v and Deputy Attorney General W. T. In not displaying a light on the rear end Thompson has so decided. The governor relies on section 3il. Wheeler's statute 1905, which sass the electors shall by ballot express their proference for United States senator. The con stitution of the state. In propositions separately submitted nud adopted, says that the lcg.slature.may provide that the electors "may by ballot exp.ress their preference for some person for United States senator." The legislature hue done this In tie section referred to. Another section of the election laws says the form of the ballot shall con form as nearly as possible to ths form printed in the election jaws. This printed form contains a place for candidates for the United States senate. So it Is thought that the secretary of state can be mandamused to place ' the names of the candidates on his certificate to county clerks. Norrls Brown, republican; W. H. Thompson, democrat; and J. P. Roe, socialUt; have been certified by th'ir respec tive state conventions as being recom mended as such candidates and their names Will go on the ballot. If the county clerks carry out ths wishes of the secretary of state. All parties concerned are willing to comply with the law. The state officers snd congressmen are enumerated in the proclamation, the sena tors snd representatives to the legislature and one Judge of the First Judicial district. In that district Judge John B. Raper of Pawnee waa appointed to succeed Judge Babcock, who died after having been appointed. Judge Raper has been nominated by the republicans and Captain Aahby of Beatrice by the democrats. Notice to State Superintendents. Land Commissioner Eaton, Treasurer Mortensen snd Secretary of State Galuha. who are members of the Btate Board of Public Lands and Buildings, expect to visit the Boys' Industrial school at Kear ney next week for the purpose of Inspect ing Its condition and needs. They may go on trips to other state institutions at a later time. Several have already been visited this year. Snprema Coart Glvea Blar Damages. Ths supreme court adjourned early today without giving any decisions In suits of public importance. There was no doclflon Moderate Price GalumoR ( Ba!ng S ) Powder f I. - $1 S3 III W slwa for nSte ioj abnas Isjurioas 10 i . toos la CalaMWJ ig Bargains Friday tlranriVIs milliner le I ,,u. all ropolitAn air. No hats ran he found in style and bonnty. For Carnival Week coming and stylish millinery Third Floor, Old Store. E Stylish Up-trDate Trimmed list &t $2.50 g Thfe hats nro made of velvets, silks ami felts, in the very latest eiiecis, every correct siiape, nil the smart fall eolors and trimmings, new models to select from, at. At $3.98 and $5, Trimmed HaJs, Dress Hats, Evening Hats Stunning large and small hats for stylish wear, dress or even ing, a fine, new assortment, very Freuchy in style, brought forward from our own work rooms, at Ready-to-Wcar Hats Wool and felt, trimmings of ribbon, breasts, vinps, etc., all colors, worth up to $2 now on display in our windowB, new store; prices. . :..50c$I Fall Suits, Novelty Coats, Etc J Ladies' Tailored Skirts Made in the circular and pleated ef fects, prettiest new novelty cloths, self-strapped, all sizes, a regular $3.50 skirt, C A Friday at -fiaCJU Waists In the new plaited ef ruf fects now so popular, actually worth as high as $2.50 each, special Friday at, QlQo each nOC Ladies' Underwear A big lot of ladles' medium and heavy fleece lined vests, pants and union suits in ecru and sliver gray all sizes, worth up to 65c, at 39c J. L. DRANDEIS a SONS, OMAHA ,,n the 8Ult of th 8tate inst The n- Ibraska Grain Dealers' Association. , What Is believed to be the largest verdict In a personal Injury damage case ever rendered by a Nebraska Jury and upheld in the supreme court Is the award ot l-T.-600 to John T. Connolly, which he received in . the district court of Douglas county against the Union Pacific railroad. , In the list of decisions announced by the supreme court today upon Its adjournment, this Judgment Is affirmed. The opinion sus taining it is unanimous among Commis sioners Albert, Jackson and Duffle. The damages were allowed Connolly for the loss of his legs under the wheels of a train at South Omaha In the month of August, U2. , Connolly Is a stockman, living In Wy oming, and had gonu to South OmaiTa of the twin, falling to give any otiier warning signal and having no watchman stationed at the crossing. The case wtr removed to federal court before trlnl. but afterward! remanded to the district court of Douglas county. The regularity of the verdict was at tacked by the Union Pacific for s pe culiar reason. This was that the verdlc. as first returned did not apply one way or the other as to Elmer E. Fair, en gineer of the train, who had been lnsd, a Joint defendant. The foreman of th Jury afterwards handed In a verdict in Fair's favor, but it Is rlnlmed this w.11 after the Jury had been discharged. Oi that account the Union Pacific maintained that the whole verdict waa Invalid. Or. this point the supreme court holds that the eiror, If sny, is waived. The court declares that a verdict of irr.WO for th loss, of both legs Is not excessive. This wss one of the hardest fought points in the whole rase. Liability for Salclde. In the case of John 6ebasta and otherb against the Supreme Court of Honor the question of payment on a policy of Insur ance wtiere the cause of desth was al leged to be suicide la Involved. The court holds against the lodge, reversing the Judgment from the district court of Cass county. - The ruling Is that to avoid pay ment of the policy" the fraternal society must prove that the policyholder com- mlrted suicide Intentionally. fiehAsta a r- complished his suicide by soaking mateh I heads in water and drinking ths fluid. tbeie was doubt of his sanity. Opinions of the Conrt. The following opinions were filed: Union Pacific railway against Connolly. Affirmed. Albeit, C Lincoln Traction company against prookover. Reversed and re wnded. Kpperson. C. Citizen Insurance company against Hsrpolsheimer. Affirmed. I'uttle. C. Phenix Insurance company a&uinst .'-lerpolshelinnr. Affirmed. Duffle, C. NorwW against Bank of Commerce. Affirmed. Oldham, V. Ames, C. Anderson against Union Stock Yards company. Re versed. Ames, C. Drlucoll against Modorn Brotherhiin'l of America. Reversed. Al bert, C. iiiinerar against Copass. Affirmed. Duftle, C. Harvey against Godding. Re versed and remanded with directions to enter decree In favor of plaintiff. Albert, C. Brockway against Reynolds. Reversed with Instructions. Epperson, C. Morrow against Laverty. Affirmed. Duffle, C. American Hanking company against Pul ver. Affirmed. Oldham, C. Keith against Bruder. Affirmed. Oldham. C. Keckler against Modern Brotherhood of America. Affirmed. Jackson. Merrill against Con roy. Affirmed. Epperson, C. C. Sebesta aKalnsl Supreme Court of Honor. Re versed. Duffie. C. First National Bank, Plattsmouth against Estate of Frederick D. Lehnhoff, deceased. Reversed and cause remanded. Jackson, C. Hile against Troupe. Reversed. Ames. C. Topping against Cohn. Affirmed. Jackson, C. Fryer against , Columbia National Bank. Affirmed. Albert. C. Lear against County of Brown. Armed. Epperson, C, Alleged Horsethlcf Taken. SEWARD. Neb., Oct 4. (Speclal.) Charles Sancerman, a young man about 2C years old,' - waa arrested Monday, at Osceola, "Neb., by Sheriff Glllan and brought to Seward, Tuesday, on ths charge ot horse stealing, Young Sancerman, who Ladies' Cloaks and Suits 2d Floor Old Building it nriif tha wnat tn tte riMnir- met- Omaha that ran approach tlicm in wo offer splendid bargains in bo- W - 2.50 a hundred 3.98-$5 Choice of Large Birds, Breasts, . Pompoms, Feathers and Wings Bargain square, new ' f store-worth f 1 at, J f each WaJ uoun Children's Underwear . Misses', children's and boys' fine ribbed and heavy fleeced vests, pants and drawers, in all sites up to 34 go at, each 15c and 25c DOCTORS IN CONTROVERSY Different OpinioBi Given ea , loopari Semarkabli Eaeows. , 3T. LOUIS PHYSICIANS DISCUSS HIM Statements by Well Known Medlcnl Men Some Are Inclined ro Slve ' Him Credit, Others Call His Work a, Fas. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 4.-The astonishing salt ot Cooper's preparations In this city hat now reached such Immense figures that tht medical fraternity at large have becomt torced Into open discussion of ths man and Lis preparations. The physicians, as a whole, seem to be divided with regard to the young man's success In St. Louis some bwlng willing tt credit him for what he has accomplished, wiille others ansert that the Interest he hat aroused Is but a passing fad which cannot ,ast and which will die out as. quickly as It has sprung up. The opinion of these two factions Is very well voiced In the statement made recently by two of a number or physicians who were Interviewed on the subject. ' 11 ' ' Dr. J. E. Carass, when questioned about the matter, said: "I have not been a be liever In proprietary preparations herelo fore, nor can I say that I believe In them it present. But I mnst admit that soma of the facts recently brought to my notice concerning this man Cooper have gone far towards removing the prejudice I had formed against him when ths unheard of demand for the preparations first sprang up in this city. "Numbers of my pstlents whom I have treated for chronic live:, kidney and stomach troubles have met me after tak ing Cooper's remedies and have stated positively that hs has accomplished wonder ful results for them. I notice particularly In case of stomsch trouble that the man haa relieved several cases that were of years' standing snd proved very obstinate. In treatment. "I am the last man on earth to stsnd In the way of anything that may prove ror tha public good simply through pro. fessional prejudice snd I sm Inclined to give Cooper and his preparations credit as d-ervln to '" -nl the popular ?nrura; that has been accorded them jin una cuy. .Anoiner wen snown pnysician wno wai seen took the opposite view of the "Cooper mania," as he called It, which now hoi this city In Its grip. Ha said: "I can only J ljken the present stste of affairs to a cer tain kind of hallucination. For- want of a better name I might call it 'Cooper-mania.' Ths people of St. Louis seem t ba firm In the belief that this man Cooper has health corked up In a bottle. "80ms of them Imagine thst he has com pletely cured them of various Ills Judging from their statements. It Is beyond ro to say why the city has gone crasy over ths man. It may be safely put down. I think, to one of the passing fads thst s often attack the American public. ' "Sooner or later tha people are bouno. to regain their senses, and will then realise that' a reputable physician Is ths one to whom their health had bast be entrusted." In the meantime Cooper meets several thousand people dally, and only smiles when statements of ths sbovs character are quoted to hlrn. His charitable work still continues to be very extensive. Uvea near Utlca, had taken a horse to break for Jacob Vogt, and In May ha left, the county taking the horse with blm. .The horse waa found at Osceola la his posses sion. Hs had his preliminary bearing, this sfternoon and was bound over ts the dls- -trtet court. DIAMONDS) rrtaasr. 11 a and Dodge sta Mm f V ! ! i s ! I r I Pi t.l n i! 15 1! I K t' c 1